emigration house of lords jen es earl gnrv said there was only one other jolnl on which he wished to say a word a il m within his own department he meant emigration in the itsi place after the most annu consideration lie had come lo ihe con clusion and her majestys govcrertcl had adopt- 1 his views that lo undertake sn the mil of the kwcntiva governmant lo provide flu- means lo carrv across the atlantic all who wished 10 emicraie m a uk utterly impos sible for any envcrnment lo do effectually and that instead of dome ood they would do evil the course of emigration from private sources was now cnnsidcraluv during the last ten year there had emitted to north america 6s7000 persons and during the last year iherc had emitted 110000 persons conning the united slates and the inorlh aijerictii toto- nie a val proportion of these fivemuh or siksevenlhs were irish by w the ffttt- er proportion weft laborer for out ot fctou wrn who had arrived in canada only 600 werceabin paeners these lahorers went nut at their own enl and though i ihey expe rienced eonriderable hardship since the re cent kl there was now seldom any consider able ahusv if there was it was in breach of the act and he was happy to say that in every ease thev had succeeded in inflicting punish ment- thy emigrated by assistance furnished try heir friends to a lare amount when they jivrd in the united slates or canada it was i offir rustnm to remit this hack and it waft calculated lhat those who went out from liver- iumi alone lat reason had temitted no less than x37oo0 he thought after the example of relief works ill ireland that the tendency of government undertaking such tasks was that individual ceael to do anything and he it in and actually suffered the tails and yards to he blown away talhvr then shorten sail the only order they wonld obey was to make tail and then they hoisted them just so far that they musl as they did soon blow away nor was this all for he new captain whose name captain luce conld not recall fnniid that they took advintae of his absence from thedeefcto alter the course of the vessel seeming determined to wreck her after this he never went below at all but kept the deck constantly snatching a feiv moments of sleep when and how he best could as they near- ed the land on the other side he crew made every effort and even used ihrcals lo compel he male to run her ashore on the coast nf ire land but he refused of course and determin ed to gel along a well as he conld when they arrived ottcork the crew intl- ed that he should go in there but having taken on board a pilot he made known to him the condition or things and at once offered lo take her to liverpool when the ship parsed tusker the wind commenced blowing again but the crew refused to shorten sail and a new foresail which had heen bent was blown away leaving the vessel with only her spencer and hay sails the crew made one more effort in compel the master lo run the ship ashore movement in mexico but aagacioo minda in that country view it aa ft mort important atop in the regeneration of tha republic hitherto no other tiiffiofl has been totcnlcd but that of the e ubhahed church the mciicnn pim copy largely tha irailomoa article which hvc lu published in tome of the american paofra mr uranja formerly mexican consul in tlii city baa united at mexico the avlhoriltctarc batty n crryinc tlw recent laiv ffa selling ihe church properly into execution the reptrmivdno contains lour cohjuinaof the articles for jis inanaement tho amount lo bo nusod ia fifteen miliums of dollars the following ia the distribution nr the sciiure of len millions of dot tart the remaining jive not having been m yet apportioned ancitpiatiofatc or mexico on tlic ehorrh property in hie federal atatr of mcxteo 1750000 qucrclaro s20u0m sin luis 10000 vflfft crnx 40000 bishopric nf kuehu pnebhi sod tlaxcab 81250000 vera crux s75tcflo buhophc of uundaujuni julian 67jm vshitii sftfooofl ajns caliente 25 000 san luis 50000 bttavpric of micbocan 100 000 tuioiool 100000 san lois lson00 bishopric of cnaca ssooow rishnnnoof durance 400003 tvl 10- 000000 in beau morris bay but and well backed by up finding passengers him resolute they gave it finally liverpool pilot was obtained and when the ship reached the lighthouse the steward was cnl to liverpool with a letter to messrs baring and capt cropper was im mediately despatched lo the ship with six policemen when the crew found how mat ters were rrin they threw overboard the articles which they had slolen from ihe cabin so that when the officers cjme on hoard there was nothing n be found excepl some article might firly asume that if the government j of hc casin f soon jw in the fore- provided a free passace for those emigrant cale- when capl llcc mu p0 0 correspondence of the terjr nature letter from the tiger tf the hyena as touch ing the metctdft monument while rather sank tbeir midt to riopca and by ihcir ftara express ilieir hpe later frfti mexico from the atknu journal ino york march 3 bv an arrival at ncworleans advices from tarripico to feb 3th lo the 16th and vera crux to the 2d insthas been received the iousiana volunteers who were wrecked on the ondiakia havetrrived safely at tam- pico except six who vcr supposed lo have perished general scott was hoirly expected at tarn- picn the sickness amonjhe soldiers at tampico has been exaggerated their health is gene rallv jmod the st catharine ms still at tampico with a portion nf ihe new vtk regiment gen- worth and staff were at the mouth of the rio grande awaitiu to embark the roads between gmarn and monterey are almost impassable account of robbers the ranchcros were berime from all quar ters they were daihexpecling an attackat matamoras- the news of the cae of mijor garland major gaines and cssius m- clay is con firmed al vrra crnt gen valencia has been re leased of the commanded his place has been supplied by gen vemurz the mexicans were wwilf employed in for- lifyinjrthe passes and toails lo the city of mexico nothing from san luis potosi or from santa anna who had not mean ifctf would iw very few who would have means sacrifices wonu iio longer be made the rtmittinees from america would cease anl the wholi burden would be thrown nin the government when ihe government umished ihe meai the ficcm- niodation required wonk he of a d liferent cit catle when capt luce left the police of ticers were slill on board bavinx the men under iheic charge but tt was said to h doutt- fnl whether anything could be done with them the next arrival will bring the result of their examination the highest praive is awarded to the mate of the lady falkland whose conduct throughout aftd independency of the expense of aity commanded the warm admiration of ihe pawn if the government provided ihe fond they under altlhe tryinc circumstance by roufd not ioitforitmhaiix4ahead v wa surrounded he evinced ihe hebrlicved k emirrants paid oneltrd te commendable courage coolness self- 1m halt a million oi monvy would be icrtjired am determination and succeeded beton moje would h coined out than actual- m spite ol all the effort ofa mutinousnd dis- ly went hulnl eour the ojijt wontdbe obedient crewin carrying ihe ship and ptv enters safely into port the owner of ihe to mate the tide of eltriiffatttu wtttr he was iicimed to think without any inltr- lvrerce ihe tide of vmiaration won set in ptfofittcr lhan heretofore and he should not itr snipfised if in the ptesenl year the number of emigrants to north auiirica swnld be doumed- these wre a pail of ihe reason wljy he eon- cutred with the noble lord lord sunlry who iiid preceded him in hw ciucc thitlhegt vvrmnenl could not safety ionviy emlmnu imt ihey could help ihem oti ihcir arrival they would not jiud them employment which he believed was unnecessary but ihey rotifj give then advee and ad in lic course nf a few day bo should he enabled to lay upon the tabto uf lb boos moat important pipvi fftaito irtlui milijeil and tho- wild eoariiieitisfv how ibal himiot the present ys- tun emiiaion lo tin xulh ameiicau coo liiubad procmdird nnl satisfactorily it wa tinnj 4 b bad lnjore mated that 32750 miiirants bad lunld in the l year tit ijii- inr hlid it watlfd b -tirvf- hy ihe renit d tie emira it artful 1mi 3fyub piiiitff khti inhs heltad ntid wr tsm wht iti tstintintt f4 llf -miii- i iyh basin lann se u uf the prm tm it wa liol llcuiht ndualde t avp any f lln ptoels which ih vjtttma reriirmidvd willi tb vivv aa aid- iff lir faisil j nniiation horn ibis mm- vessel should see lhal he u handsomely warded re rome watektowjmnd cape vin cent railroad ihi road will pleaso the stockholder in lake notice of the im the charter will expire bv it imitation nu the hih day nf may neat following fjcls own nmiiatiotk oi me iirn oav m vt tar un- h j imm r p apply cm sectiotu o i and 2 of said road be mihcrihd or ranfered a hoard of sjzmz loss of capt hathbong atro- c10cs outkagks ov the crew- onr readers savs the albany arm have already been mae acquainted with tlu hiss nf capt itathbone of the pjckclship coloxou together with hu iwomale and five iwaiihn hv ling wahcd overboaid during a rale of wind the courier and knairirer veas ena med ihrouh ihv obleness of cap ce of directors elected and an actual commence men made illy by one of the proviions nf the con- titulnn lately adopted by ihepeoplr of litis state a now charter cinnnl he granted 3dly a road it now in contemplation and in which the loek u taken up extending from the c ty of new york to albany this mad will create dfeplnterestln both ofilicse cities for tho rone and cipe vincent road m it will be ihe meanu of hrlniiv in them a une of tion nt hm jieat and incfetin buti- nevs of canada wct tind witbnul which it tnul nf nrcessily up thrown iipoti the oldens furch and hjmpbiin iml 4hly trwsferring ihe uhiiplinn here- lofore made lo ihe enire line of tins road m sections mo 1 and 2 of the same is a mailer ot necessity as it rcinires but lilf the anoitnt f mock in aulhoriu oranitton and by this means the lost ot llvs valuable charier can be prevented the cnnstturiion of the rnad will not be undertaken unless ihe mean to com- nlele il can 1 obtained in the opinion of ihe board of directors the most privet icutity 7b the hijwq at hi cfcn piatt dirmes my deloved hveva i am going to teli yon two pretty little stories quite lo the sami purport and then to conclude after the man ner of our school translations of top fa hie by drawing a salutary mora ihercfrom some forty year ago ii m s9lh com manded hy lord slant v were quiirtered in geneva barracks near waterford one day a coople of rather sinisterlooking individual waited on his lordship telling him that thry had a writ to arrest captain fort esc tie townsman of yours bythehye for debt and they requested his lordship to speak lo the men not to insult or abuse them being officer in the execution of their duty hi lordship could o course offer no ob jection to so reasonable a request and ordered th bugle to sound out ihe whole when the men were assembled in the ba track miuarc and formed in close toluum he thus addressed ihem a hecmoe him at n heredi tary legislator and an officer of his majexty service to warn them azaiuit ihe infractions of jaw of ihn land men do you see those two gentlemen there they arc officers nod they coinr under legal wttrrant to arrest captain forlevcue for debt now it is to be hoped that you will shew ihem ihe respect due lo civil officer but if nol if i catch any of you dracinjr them through horse ponds tossing them in blanket or ducking courtmarital hould hy- hem having daiv he hastily brltisi whig p fy oplffr per mm dieor i iqkgston tuesday march 9 is17 from ihe nonarrivapf he expected steam mail packet il is preimed lhat government ending 3lst janoary the extent of the did not yield to the wrhei of the merchants and others engaged ihe north american trade hy despatching steamer on the i9lh of february corimqiflly we shall have to wait a fortnight longe news from home this is vattly inconvrnl now that timesare so dull the days gettiig ni with nothing to do anil less lo talk wjtfl a mighty tllll itl in r thelinger- hts loan monthly ho frees himself absolutely from all liabilty it mut be understood that though ihe value of the hare is 100 that amount is not paid up bat bonuses and other profits arising from the disposal of the paid up monthly subscriptions conlribtile to make up the 100 wbich done the society i at an end and every member receives the full amount of bis share or shares in which con- sist ihe profits to be derived from investment in the society by persons who do not borrow from the society a vety handsome return it is too far exceeding the amount which our wry cist usury laws allow to he taken for the loan of money the shares being trans ferable a stockholder cart sell oot whenever he pleases to do so we in enabled to refer any of our fellow townsmen lo the office of messrs dimming and macdonell for any furlher information on ihe subject and losay that the project will be brought publicly before them immediately toronto building society from the toronto colonist march 5th the regular monthly merlin of the toronto building society was held on monday last theatlcndance was large and the father and chief promoter of the society the hon s- b harrison present occupied the chair the meeting wa for the purpose of receiving the monthly due loaning inoney hy sale on securities reccivingtbe report of the directors for the first si months or v duration of the society and the statement of accounts as re ported by the auditors and for the election of director for the ensuing year the subjoined statements exhibit the state of the funds as reported by the auditors for the six months sale of fund with the premium realized at this meeting and the members who bae been elected to fill the responsive office of directors for ihe ensuing year th accounts it will be observed are made up to the 311 january a horsepoml anil hen having imw a pump they were relired to his quarters hot such is llic per versity nf human nature lhat hi hack ww baidly turned when the unfortunate nlficer vvete seized nearly drowned in the proces of wa shine h rinsed ihem out ittssed like saucbn in blanket i suppose tu iry them inmowicn on them a ulficicnt quantum ni kicks and curt hi prevent their lakiit culd ih 1udship hy some chance it eonb never have befit hy pecpine through the blind during ibo pncev dineiivered whal on am i al he john k skiddv in lav before w rea- for ihe honest and fjilhful care of the interest dih the pailicularsof hat melancholy occur- renceloethee with an account of the ehaviour of ihe crew after the in of all the officer the vessel tva scudding in a very heavy iplf of wind ui on the morning of hie llli fi january about halfpast four capt hath- bone came on deck nj ww svalkini alt to wards the wheelhouse when a lremei sea boarded her so great was it violtnee lint the wheelhouse in which were four men and a hoy was carried away with u all jioortanchinnsjca far as ihemain-masi- capt rathbonc and hv iwo mates were wah- rd ovcrbaid with ihe men in ihe wheel bouse and the ship being no longer under f small subscriber is the fact lhat whatever fate awaits ihem attache itself to the urge ones the iare stockholders cannot by pos sibility injure the small ouc without matins ihemielveseqnal sufferer on each dollar of iheir stock the interests of all are are kwt effectually guarded hy the charter i have used all ihe means within mv reach to investigate this subject in all lis hearing on the inteicst nfthi country and particularly on the agricultural and also the probable business of hit road and value of hie stock hy a careful comparison with other roads al ready in use ils cost and earnings with the number of kiuarc miles of country whose busi nihiii duivn in iremeii tin mn with bis ilift ull iilil hi callitul 1 tng winter prevent ihi farmer from moving the exhausted stock o ln merchant prevents his realising much fro sales ihe banks are always ighlcverybhly s hard up rave and except ihe lumberman ihi is his buy month from absolute vaciify f any thing to prate about we uiru lo mev but here we are equally al fault evoi seems at a stand slill in the fighting lin- in lhal dtvoled coun try the americans ffw but little progress 1 you snd the mexicans are equally quiescent all eyes are noxv xcl ispr lre capture of vera cruz for which the m xtcnxive prepara- lion are aid to be ma cn scott is to be the yankee hftio on m occasion and should he succeed in taking this cily the most im porlant place in metf he capital the whole country must sd we never had hut one opinion as to l ohimate result of this unhapny war or micoand for the sake of humanity should irh losee a speedy end ptll to il the amerjs wn always goa head t other occasion ni lo be mighty slow in mexico willi ihe numbers wealth and 1 ftkilllcvotiir iry months ago st thai being the termination of the first six month of the duration of the society and ihe period was chosen for convenience by the directors in order that on each succeeding mcelnigin march a yearly account maybe hereafter exhibited at the lime of electing the directory the report submitted gave a full and fair statement of the transaction to the day of meeting which was unanimously approved of and ordered to be printed for ihe use of member the flooriahrnj- state of the society is almost beyond precedent the following is the account submitted funds realized insttlmcnla received on stock 2500 0 0 riktr raoriti eaimoec fees rcccivcdawls 10 0 les prrlirni nnry otctw- titrgunl ck- peiifc in correal 157 0 8 bl 0 4 mnnacrnfnt oml trans ferfita- les treaaor mu rvhllv ikgt 37 10 0 rwithca rtafiaed on thirty riaaiaa td 1037 ir 0 imerrtt iceivrd 24 7 7 fine 5 19 3 ic7 7 2j 120 17 01 building stvrieties we have been reqiie l0li thl endeavor is being tnadi fom a b ing society in this cily an ibeevenlyof the blow im ij a enterprise of oiirijj bl imld although from tke ccntrol of the wheel immediately broach- nt 53 would pw over litis rod and the charae- edto the crew who were below rushed j ter of the country as relates to it population on deck and having no one to omiutand j nrocucts and commerce and my mind ha went to work in their own way- their ftrt forced to the conclusion that the ihcresis act was very foolishly to cutaway the fore- j 0 fa country are mot deeply concerned in wn irmn imn fury mm etiiv on jhctuii higboariiif official in their blankets let them fall plump 011 the gravel and as our free and enlightened neighbours say ab squatulated with all speed- his lordship raised the prostrate martyrs and assured them that if ibcy would go with him to ihe harrackromus and point mil ihe delinquents he would punish them severely they ivplied that if he would see them sife mil of ihe barrackyale il would hr ihels wlu cne ol oll by the great only favor he conld shew ihem a thev had men in parliament who f aqet season iwtall apfietite for arresting any of ii m 89th regiment the second i alo an irih story but from a more civibxedpartof the maud ttiau water- ford or coik there is a tradition that the precincts of trinity college protects from arrest from desl whether this privilege cmes from an undts covered charter or like the common law of england fiotn immemorial ue the sludenl like true patriots take care that thir immuni ties shall nol go into desuetude from any laches on ihcir part a courageous bumbailiff pursued his game into the sacied tjuadrangle when he was in stantly seized upon and refreshed under the pump a fellow passing at the lime held up his hands with horrorandamazement and exclaimed oh gentlemen gentlemen 1011 1 a application of funds cadi inbinkof bfiliih north america 1 409 u 9 cadi in trcoaiircfa hands 4 2 10j ittvrmdon mnrli fiten on 20 sham oqoo 0 0 oonufe- on 10 shares fvr which cority i ac- erplcd but mofleee 33i 2 5 irlv thlt deeds nol finibcd and female schools in said section and pray ing lhat they be paid the rent due for same of school school section no 3 to the same effect both petitions referred to town super intendent of common schools of wm murray for leave todeposilbnild- ing materials granted of robert barclay for leave to deposit building materials no action liken council nol having power of c t lvnch for remuneration forcer- tain goods damaged to the extent of 5 by victoria fire company or others referred to fire and water committee of louder and kelly for leave to deposit building materials granted of v hennessey for leave to deposit build ing materials granted of a phillips for license for bowling alley granted of r hitchcock for leave to deposit mate rials for constructing wharf granted report of finance committee received of cily auditor respecting accounts of cily treasurer all right received of police committee on ihe potilion ofg h oliver and others recommending that a reprimand be given to mr shaw and that gentleman being present was called and the mayor reprimanded him accordingly the old question of the appointment of a stipendiary magistrate was brought up again an 4 as usual caused a lengthy discussion which question was finally referred to the police committee wednesday next at i oclock was fixed for the purpose of taking up the question of the contested elections a committee was appointed lo confer with sir richard bonnycastle about engine house mr brent gave notice that he would bring op a bill for the better prevention of fire dr robison brought in a bill to impose a rate of is 61 in the read a first time the council adjourned kingston bethel society at a public meeting of the kingston bethel society held in the free church city build ings on monday march s 1s47 john ii marks esq was ealled to the chair and mr waudby appointed secretary the chairman explained the objects of the meeting in a brief and pertinent address and aflersiuging by the choir prayer was offered by the rev e battered the repatl was then read by capt a c- russ and wa adopted by the meeting with a request that it be published in all ihe city papers and such others as are favorame to the bethel came it was then moved by ihe rev mr loiimer seconded by rev professor williamson of queens college 1 resolved that to christians the solemn question i now submitted shall this cause receive such a share of your sympathies and yonr prayers and of the riches oj your liber ality aa it justly deserves are you willing to divide this work with the christians of 1 other counlrics and having faithfully accoin- i plished your iwitt unite with them in thanks- 1 s ivlng togottfor coiiterjioo al lbc ibun- ance of the sea 7 it wa then moved by ihe rev e botterellj seconded by capt a ross 2 risolvtdj that the thought should he reiterated that seamen with their peculiar characteristics and facilities have an impor tant moral mission to fulfil for the world impressed with these thought the directors present their first annual report at a meeting beld in the city hall on the first mouday in march i n 1 bethel society was organised for the moral and spiritual im provement of seamen and their faatliea a constitution having been read and adopted officers were chosen for the ensumjyear at which time a liberal collection was taken amounting to 6 10s lid the attention of the managing committee was then directed towards procuring a suitable bouse for the contemplated enterprise which was at length obtained through ihe krndoessof mrscobell in renting one to thessociety for a nominal sum the preaching vraj kindly and promptly supplied by ministers of the town of different denominations a liberal sub scription wa raised by the citizeos of kings ton garden island and some friendly seamen and many useful and valuable donations were received towards preparing and furnishing the house for a bethel 3811 1 2 mention it deserves j 5 s rajrncula in advance lopmawt backstay and ihe consequence iva prilling this work to completion and that hat an outrage is hi to commit wibm the that the fcrcloptnast fnretopsail yard and i in its slock witi he both safe and i w of j gf iearn j foreyardwere carried away and una bow- j h produelive an agency for receiving n iv vf k 1 s transfers of stocks and new subscriptions is sprit fpnin they got tho thill ijgrfn liefore ihe wind ctlablisheil at the office nfw c ptcrreimi ud finding ihemselve witlmnt offieer the in ellsbur at s d lluiucifords banking cftw began load in the must lawless and in- room in the village of adams and at the of- iamoc manner they jrsuaded the cabin fice of cooper k woodruff 111 this village pasercrs even en all including one hdy i cannot diwa thissnhpect without ursine in like refuse in the npwr run on the plea the stockholder lr immediate action in this that there was imminent danger of the piop- matter and also all others who are owners of cabin bein- washed nveibord hut 110 snoner real eatte in the copntrj and have not here- had they descended than ihe crew fastened tofore subscribed to step forward and secure this invaluable inprovement william smith wattijtrowk march 11317 the scuttle down and commenced an eliminate plunder in the cabin they onen the deks and tiunk of captain inui broke rath- sone and the chiefmate from each of winch they obtained considerahje sums of money thry shipped the cabin furniture and corn- tiiitted every kind of excess the paengcr becoming alarmed at the uproar over hid hezed lo be lei cil which was acceded tc and they aeerded to the cabin the sailor mill persisted id asurin- ihem that the pop- cahin mihl he esccted t 50 any minute atd they pcrviadtd ihu lady i i and the stewardess tc take refuse in the forccat wheie they were o followed by he tot of the passenger icaviu the crew in tmdtt- turbcj possession of ue cabin passencr trunks were opened and lilled of their inns valuable oitenis the cabin wat raticked from one end to the oilwr and ihe elegant furniture or such a they enoe wa carried forward tatfe and bed itnrn silver oiti nd fori and suthuricle were allayed and stored in each chest on ihe morning of tle is1i1 the skp imy falkland hove in siihl and running elom uwji to thern bailed to know if toy hssutkitci was j 1 a their sitittion nf atiilfextf w evident the sailors with a hohl anwered n but oe cf the pacr wji bad uotttui cd some direcliiti rtpti rz by aiviee or ain oldailor who had tt taken put with the ret of the crew in their itnbijdi nation ihri rasener wrote on a board with rbalk lbit lie bip was tiht and staunch hut thai lii tu uax the capuiu and mates they uanlvd a rivijator tbe kiile f il- l internal condition ok mexico from the k v sta we ae in posses- n or private advice from ihe city of mexico to ihi uuev part of january by which we learn hut nr rejon jua bcvti re jp quoted mtnater of foreign uculions und that u- llni bud vvil ui inor acts tho lexioiin useir pobcy of war m oo pcacc the c fws lh l a ft edy ami cars lo the pnmp ynulh ts proverbially headstrong and notwithstanding ihe highly proper and prudent advice they received in less than rive minutes the ears of the unfor tunate catch pole were a firmly affiled to ihe hydraulic implement as a tenpenny could at tach them now for penvoy by which i shall htimhlr attempt to point a moral and adorn a tale lam nut to my sorrow a constant reader of the pilot whereby i have donbllejs lost much valuable instruction in politics and edi fication in religion indeed i can neither charge my memory nor my conscience with having ever rean a single number of it to an end hut a friend of mine whose official situation procures bla all the paper in the province and whose arduous duties at the jainc time preclude the possibility of his reading ihem sendi me a bile of them oc casionally and from one of these it was my ohfamc effected with in hl own hoal wbich mj ot once cam on lian wauhhd aift sideol ti- columbia but tlc cretv mangii to cliiib on board t ir ittmool tl lady aikfand then ir t n j it ibey wim emurst tit vesitl t itirf ehw lo vlicb ine msi gl vismnvm v srvviili tjut tin- 1 n- w fid t -v- jir iiavin prmni id in nn- iit bn in his atwity ttril bkowi biesi ji an 1 isjk lc irui rjjlh t crew te- tu vy liur h l fiiip inid 3il nil t v- 1 ajtf ab ram w j lit hiftm i ajivtfi4 itfky 1 to lh belief find bape wms hint a il ifjuatmciit of dilticollics ivoild be but very hlilcdcuy we rajto beltirc aniwtuncil sanfci anms de mand npun tvnrc fw iuoct f od tho prjrclcd oofaoilsoil uf church nurty the conrwaliin wa aoileuucd hy 411 ac f oatrcit pawed erly mjtimry fihnj ul carry it out the ministry cfiiicd gen rclmi wa caltctl lo llic hctd of hie caunct aud pledged liune to ai w tltc money f uic law were modified lie loimiilted a bill which w miii before omgreaa- il vltow sale uf ihe property ul a dltoounl of siaiy per cnt nit il apuraixed valui- auj lulf in fpivnoicnt rcurilie the utter arc ehtn l j pr cent s 1 1 anna wa contlanlty urinj omrcits to act more promptly hi tr0t arc reduced to tbc latt ealrcmityand by way of warning he miuuulc lhat ihev may cru 1111 hcj thfintflvf li iwiih tuuuc v und pro r t the churrli uothnuties urc paratyxed with nurrof t iho iitupwed uwiniiy doable nu geaucf is comiuf uim ttirm fir tlicir cftiri lu rrlamimli a mvrufcliy allbooh our bilicmt eociiksnt llic bcirinnuietf the wr utoy would nw give half their pmcftj or a afasrdy pcaee jlui tlicy arc pwirks tlkt nllcmpcdm revvju liirfi last hmoiii and mnally failed many uf tho prices klvfl publicly declared in favirnf prrr i rio waaatiud on llic lii7 of lli- capital jtrf it ikiil iiiji llic poipltr nd oublil- cmn uwin m hi tlje cnnlitiou of llw cjiurch in ise unilutl man it ripuir hy lln aocoonl in tlic pipri iimc ii prttijitljiirrij iho mcueitn lfn wihnnii mm utiui tint t air knflh aincrieaf tiv latter uv mid priucied iho church th former confaieahd iu property lie vui anesiod nnd juipuranjt wnfi ubout fvilv f bw fjlwer wv knk i u tuuif mr uwnuf ihwb vit stat 1 nu early tut tbn ivill l- a bdd was contained in the other jiapers was really a bilof gold among sand you there tell us that all the montreal world wa of your opinion viz that his lordship was both un just and blameworthy in not allowing you and your confreres to govern ihe province and lor him to remain quietly a a puppet in your hands and that you pathetically de precated the raising a monument to our late worthy governor general hecatiw you ihe g feared i eoulii only produce riot and bloodshed i quot from memory for i fear the paper which caiitaincd this mol vauuiile morceou has gone the way of all newspapers now allow me to render aid article into plain english telline how you like my version of it here i t is loafers of the canal loafer of finfftniown loafers of the suburbs they are going to raise a monument to ionl metcalfe gel ready therefore your bludgeons and your paving stones hehrave for your leader is brave indulge your icono clastic propensities hy breaking the statue a completely asthatin ncbuchadncaars vision and your rranioclastic peuchanla by doing ditto to the heads of her majesty lieges this is your meaning aint it now dainty ifyona and i am sure you tnut think inc a perfeot qjdipua fnr readinir your riddle and making it plain to the meanest eapaaity aeoept the assurnnco of my highust con sideration while i remain imy dear hyena your eror aflecliountc rifskii pcbniaryj ik 17 honored us with their prea hc pro h scarcely met with lb yet sufficient encourage bas been given to warrant the organiratitrt f an association of the kind the benefits to be dcrivq f ihese institu lions are so numerous ftfl manifest from ex perience we wonder lhai arsons deiiou of investing or of seeing euy prosper can be found lo hesitate in joifog them montreal resolved to profit hy tfrttih example and ex perience has had one in fur the last two years- the progress and prosperity of ihe monlrm building society induced the legislature p4w art by which all town in uppeicanada are enabled to form sotvrlics of the tike nature within themselves toronto haroton st catherines london and others have already done so in toronto the success issjq great that the shares arc at a premium nd a second is about being formed building societies affrd the most ready and profitable means of inviting saving and of acquiring real properly without the usually necessary capital by ihe act of the preincial parliament which authorises their establishment the utmost value of ihe share is fixed at 100 and the highest monthly pyment at l by these monthly payments be shares are lo be paid op wc unserve tbt in toronto lhy have been fiveil alien slangs and we think properly o for many of tnse classes of per sons lo whom these socicfes are calculated lo be most inefnl although tell able tosave 10s- from their monthly catnips cannot afford to lay aside double that soi even for profita ble investments upon th regularity of the monthly paymenlsevcry lingdepend from ihem tbc money is fftltttl which the society periodically lends evermember can from these loans or more pinprty speaking sales cf money proenro from thsociety an amounl nol exceeding the value ohis share orsharcs by pytg such a bonus ajie thinks it worth and giving security by lovtgage upon real clalc upon which moigagc he pays the interest monthly until theiundsoj the society fiom istinuses and ether ource have o in creased that the full valmof he shares sub scribed for i realised 4nd the society consequently selfextimiuitted thus without having opparcnlly ropthlho principle other wise limn by inonlhlypaynetila of interest al the dissolution of llic smhty which is calcu lated lo take place in abut ten years tbc borrower will bo entitled lihave his mortgage deed rancelled and ho wil find himself in the pom of a free uuiwimbered property which hie hind of thr sourly enabled him lo irupiovo rnntorially if nol n aciuire a member noswslfljl pnpfitv encumbered i rnalded tu prorum ihniity to relieve it vny ndvanlaeoify lufwljjl uvw socielics uy the meie payrurtil nf vat nlr accruing mi amtrunl paid on stock brought dwn i5s0 0 0 310 10 0 148 10 0 192 0 0 2772 0 0 six instalments folly pai on 4 siijfcs would be w scott burx thos champion w c ross srcretary qttti treaivrtr toronto 2tkh feb 1b47 the following is the statement of the sale of funds percent latsumofiooloxo202 at 40 2 100 78 40 a 100 292 42 4 100 78 40 5 100 t8 39 100 h7 36 7 100 78 354 e 100 6 35 0 100 1w 34 10 100 78 341 1000 376i premium 60 0 0 60 0 58 0 60 0 61 0 64 0 64 10 65 0 66 0 65 5 aviate 373 1000 0 0 the following are the- directors chosen for the current year the honorable s b harrison thomas w birchall charles bcrcry louis moffatt w l perrin jas mitchell and f white- more esquires at a meeting of the directors held ihe following day t he hon s b harrison was unanimously chosen president and t w birchall esq vice president for the current year it was ordered by tho board of directors that those members in rrear six months be notified 10 that effect with a statement of their arrearages and lhat unless paid up by the lolh march instant their stock to be declared forfeited city council monday march 8 present his worship the mayor messrs ford rotfssn meagbe- rourk bredcn counter flanagan hall baker brent lin- ion crawford chanohouc harvey aftglea allen wiley smilb patterson minnies of last mcclihg read petition of samuel d fowler praying thai he be allowed time for removing certain lim ber which he had been ordered to remove by be hijh bailiff no action not being in power of council of cornelius donoghne for use of cily hall for the purpose of holding a ball granted oti the usual conditions of philharmonic society for use of city hall or the purpose of holding a concert in aid of the fund for the relief of te distressed irish and scotch granted and ordered thai ihe proceeds of rental b added to the above fund of john crawford for leave to lay down board walk referred lo board of works of john boyd with reference to drain- referred to board of work of trustees of school section no atat- ijg thai ihey have liken rwmbn uf male sake j therefore for zions sake as well as their own ought not the efforts in thrir behalf lobe increased a hundred fold it was then moved by the rev mr lori mer seconded by mr waudby 3 rtaoitad that the tbanksof the socic ty are respectfully presented to ihe following persons to the ministers who supplied the pulpit during the season mr k proby for a handsome and suitable bethel flag and for ropes for stays for staff and for tilling it up messrs fowler and hood or a flagstaff mewr oliver massou for iron work to support the staff mr ferguson for halyards mr camp sackets harbor u s for a parcel of tracts captain osgood for one bible aparcel of tracts maga zines and various religious periodicals mr milo for painting the pulpit to ihe officers and managing committee for their services and mr stead for opening and cleansing the bethel moved by capt a c- ross seconded by the rev e botterell 4 jtoow that the thanks of this meet ing are mpectfulty lendeed to the committee of the free church for their kindness in grant ing this splendid hall gratuitously for the ptesent interesting occasion lo his worship the mayor for his liberality in granting the use of many useful appendages in fitting up the room to the ministry that have addressed the meeting to mr boyle and the choir for the highly delightful part they have per formed of this evening exercise to ihe editors of the different commercial paper in the city who have generously published for the redely and to all others who have in any way kindly assisted in gttting up this meeting on mention of capt a c ross the chair man vacated the chair which was taken mr waudby and a vote of thanks to j marks esq for his able services in ihe chair was proposed and carried by acclamation the meeting was then clod wilh prayer by the rev mr lorimer the choir led by mr wm boyle per formed several pieces of sacred mmic at in tervals during the meeting and gave the highest satisfaction with their services john waudby isecrcfary rrnst annual retort whal is the mission of ihe sailor and what is to be his destiny is he destined to be the mere agent of commerce the carrier of the worlds productions the telegraphic wire of international communication or has he a higher duty to perform 7 is be destined to be a slave to bis own passions or a prey to the un principled and vile a moial pestilence at home and a winced curse abroad or is he as the representative of christianity to execute a higher than a mercantile mission let every man abide in bis own calling the farmer at his plough the mechanic in bin shop thu merchant in his countingtoom and the seaman in his ship society uulaiiicdand every great work mut he achieved on ihe principle of division of inbor hut let it not he furgotlen that nomantieethtohimxtlf each has such responsibilities to sustain hat the business of earth shouli be prosecuted solely with reference lo noble enjoymenl above thai the sailor has a mission of salvation to his fellowmen to fulfil is ascertained from god word demonstrated by bis providence and infered from the known principle of hi government if il be so and it is nut deemed necessary here to submit tho proofs how im portant the work in which the kingston bethel society is engaged in the same month a public meeting et sbip owners masters and seamen was held in mr probys sail lof to consider ine subject of form ing a marine temperance society the meet ing was opened with prayer by mr jas doyle and the marine temperance society of rings- ton was organised capt thomas maxwell was elected president and mr anthony friel secretary at which time 55 members signed the pledge but from the dispersing of tbt officers and members of the soaiety that amount of good has not been accomplished lhal the friends of temperance could wish notwithstanding this complaint your com mittee may say that while all has not been done that should have been done yet ther have reason to hope that good has been effected during the past year through ihe instrumenta lity of this society and as we have more lime to devote to the improvement of our morals in winter than summer your committee al their laat meet ing appointed capt a c ross to open a cor respondence wilh persons favorable to the cause of temperance in all tjie iraportantportson ihe lakes to form branch socie ties to act tu noi- son wilh tbi3 youtgoairoijltee flatter them selves and have reason trhdpe that thb or ganization of itself wrilojjve a fresh impetus lo the cause there is in this city a provident and sav ing bank which might be a great messing to seamen the amount deposited by sailors the past year ts 222 18s id being a much lar ger sum than any previous year and large sums of money have been sent by others from here to friends and parents in those parts where destitution and privation if not starva tion stare the inhabitants in the face which must have been to many an essential and timely relief your committee have purchased twenty- five of ihe seamens hymn books which are used in the bethel at the lime of worships they have distributed awongseamen and their lamilies one bible a number of tracts sailors magazine and other religious publications the officers of this society arc a president two vice pfesidrnls a secretary a treasurer a odleeior and thirty directors the board of managers have met regularly throughout ihe year in discuss all mailers of interest per taining lo the welfare of the sociely to enact such regulations as were best calculated lo promote ihcir improvement and usefulness and to regulate the economical and financial con cerns of this infant institution in recalling the afflictions of ihe past yenr wc ought lo consider lhal ihey were thecbai- lofiini of him who never afflicts willingly and does it for our good and while nature may dwell on the dark circumstances which itlenu such rials lot us call to mind all iheir alia vialiont ii some nf those whom we valued and esteemed were lost let us be gratified lhat all ktnflf ijj nfirfjimnr come into the circle of our friends let w wr member the sickbeds blessing and the hope of the grave if our tears have flowed we have felt ihe hand of mercy wiping them away and if our hearts have sunk we have fell that there is no depression from wbich god cannot rau- 1 in looking back on the storm we remember ihe voice which said u is 1 be nol afraid and lhat power of christ whirh was put forth when vain was the help of man there have been instances of melancholy and sudden deaths which should have a place in the reminiscences of the last year most afflicting was the death of capt mcpbail who fell from the pier at port stanley and was drowned how afflicting was the death of capt jackson who was present last year at a similar meeting who went atry from his friends in perfect health and lively spirits but was killed instantaneously in ffle vtelland canal of william nickson who fell from the schooner rose in ibis port and was drown ed of who was knocked over board by the tilterof the propeller ireland and was drowned and of michael molt who fell between the brig brock in this port and the wharf as is supposed and was drowoed there was a large amount of loss of life on lake eric fifteen dead bodies having been picked up one morning most afflicting to the friends and relations and especially sotoaftv aged mother was the death of a young mr miner belonging to clayton u s who was drowned by the uruclting of a boat at the en trance of the wetland canal on lake erie and how heartrending will the account be to the parents of capt kirk who after he had finished the season for sailing had moored his vessel and was about stripping her for tbe t winter fell as is supposed from tbe rail through the newly made ice and was drowned may not the sailor emphatically say in ihe midsl of life we are in death it is due to the individuals who have per formed the duly of office bearers faithfully to ihese our almost friendless seafaring brothers lo express to the society generally ihe eotirc confidence and approbation which their efforts have merited tho combination of kindness and gentleness with firmness and wisdom bas won for them the respect and affection not only in this city but of all who have witnessed its effects and operations both on this side and our frontier friends on the other this association has acted on the principle lhat union isstrcngth we have attributed our success to this uncommon unanimity- many differing in opinion 00 other grotods have met here and on other similar occasions in singleness of heart and seen eye to eye the spirit of sectarianism has never entered the society tbeir sole aim has been ibe temporal and eternal good of seamen this undertaking is we trott tho beginning of a noble and permanent establishment it the history of the intemperate reclaimed and restored to his home and kindjed anits in- struinenlalily in the drawing awy of huni dreds of seamen from the influences which have destroyed multitudes or their brethren if the furnishing of them with advantages not only of a quiet abode but the means of intel lectual and moral improvement if the giving them ihe blessing of the family allar the read ing of the scriptures and prayer the social religious meeting and the public worship of god be duly considered who will dare to say that it is not in the highest possible sense bene volent in ils operations and will in time telievq the temporal and spiritual wants of seamen to the exit nt or its demands f for this end we look confidently to hose who have commenced and thus far supported it for a continuance of favors and patronage we recall ihcir former liberality and interest with gratitude and offer ihem hero the hoarlycxpresiiooof ourlhanks every donation in tnontiy furniture periodi cals or otherwise baa been faithfully regis tered and bus been remembered and m hereby grnlcfnlly acknowledged whether it ho tho generous donations of diilingiiijhfd individuali or tho smaller supplies which otopromoln the sumc end none iwwtvur limited thiirmt m will cast in ihcir mito hero uuprofltably thi