a tract llhf tin wise lc ylm m ml hi ihfl ihwluluai f mm to ii itmatiiir niul if thiw wlio give i colli wfttrr only shall wmounvd in yins ly dtall llirir rtwanl wliilc we liy iwfoff lliiiuwciriy hit account if our jat aeew and prosperity it i net aty i rial umi we wisi t enlnrife hie or der and silrtmrlhrii the ttk f ttb tabnil aotiatuin ill iwmedial object pnwnlfd wore jflu jifw lively certainly tnosl dc- tiratijc that we obtain mmt miiumc mtftm a tmioiury cottle seamen in luc port of kind lon ganlin maml and frrtfiwatli llaibor to ftttattijll a lmpefante boarding iioikc for seamen on chrilian iriiicinlcf and a free achool for ihr education of seamen children we do not donlil tiat that ttiif benevolent community nil i meet and sustain as lliey have ever been ready and forward to do all raaflm- abtc and juit claim upon their charities their sympathies and prayers and we now look to the citixensot kindlon and canada for iu accomplishment with confidence that this ap- wal will not be made in vain 1 for the british whig havnt got cheek enough treasurers report ktcrtrrcu crftactim at public meeting lal year hon jmjm hfiiiult lite hon john kirby hooker heiidctwm itco macphtrpin crane j d bfyeo co p d caltw e john cnuntcf- em henry gildcrakivc em jfiocs walker aleiv gixpc mr capi iml ii h h hack oakm a huh b muir s booth martliall harris harrington abbey a c iw jrdmpohy thorn a murray hogh mcliran john me crude i john prcwac andrew byron aleivreddic i v i andrew urixo mr mv mr wjiudby jqiticv friht- capl jos penvaon wm donaldaon stephen gifcafl m t hunter rbert kent tvnolawton r w brady f lenatt r b young g ik oliver capu a chisliolm m aloir ruwtti 11 jcommmf a memdun 11 amwll centre tire j a mcdmmil cupt jclin mfcni chrittofhtf miller juuu jjurrwin ualaticc vtrcmirnrfti candler wood cleaning vc- at lie mcehag iji vcar piminx bill nod limk iiovk vfuiunr biht cwitilotiofi jtc ocxnini and filling p bcihel tno 6xen seamen hymn boki thirtyif sctteea kent of hctit ii u 10 10 10 10 0 5 0 10 10 10 10 llj 10 10 111 10 10 i i 2 0 10 im a gent of nbililca rore tid modcat am 1 to reveal it but twill aocmer or tutor appear so ilf uclci fur mo tn cxnceal it modcal men on their monunfo dumb boultfioavflba mofjl will apeak enough yoovo called upon me now to iinj but really 1 hnvnt got cheek enough of aftarking i uflenlimea uionhl i conaidcred it abaoluto bla to ho so quick to ihe huuae i did of a judy who curled intht with lobc 1 found her uf eurae to my mind soe waa dreaad very apiey ookd meek cnfjufli sya ijie m ellic were yoo ever in love i say i no mtas i novcf had check cnoujh one evening lo aeo irfr i wenu to delight her with fmo tender upccclica when wlo ahoold f twif but my dear with n green loukinjr chap in blue brecchea of impudence lome have too much of thing they know fought they will apeak i hope that will meet with none auch but 1 iuit that you all have got cheek enough aj- l kinraton march 5th 1847- 7 5 5 s 10 5 5 5 ft a a 2 n 2 6 7 10 s 9 13 iacls iv scraps original ant select 7 13 9 0 5 4 i is 37 13 9 senrtftr ovrtc mmtnal gih mtch j4 hit elcellraer the jovrmr prnrr bil heen fkua intuitu im ii 5av4vivnf- to tlfnmaj kovm tivuuwof iurt ifetftif tien tlmarii tla tnnjiiif waiter and seircher in her y l i x teuratt iv koiitk ff h cite of jntetitfii rvmirc be h pnhlic notary in lhjt pirl of the proviur fortonsv i jmk rfnniidit wiflum ltirthutiuiov vijimd of ft randy gcutleniin in bo a picvcntiio iljuccr in jlcr imajcalv olaflaajla jotinprttilifi inquire keiicniraf toe county of pritiee kjwnnt i be a ttuimtuumrr fr d- ininiloriit oithe a- i in ihe dialriet of prince edwurtl under thir statute 4 and 5 viet ek 7 and vii ch 107 with refer- cner tu a lieu imc frticr faauirr reitar of ibe coimtie of liuix iiml adjtiflon i be ditto ditlu in ue aid counticf c fnawxforn bridcc wc understand that abonl 90 feet of the cvottcof ibb bridge gave way on sunday iiiy which a njan nar rowly escacd drowning a lare amount of money hat already been paid on tin contract hut it is fortunate for the district that the work was dot received it was we are informed one of the worst pieces of works ever seen and never could have been expected tostand hiu we think shews the wise provision of the law prohibiting the cottncil to otnlcrlake works exceeding in estimate 300 had we had a s roper civil engineer for this frankford ridge the diiici would have saved by it bittcthu intftiigtnctr tcy mad dog mayors ofalptown have periodical fits of madness and when in this slate they are very apt to fancy others beasts as well as men to be as mad as themselves the mayor of kingston has issued a vey in convenient edict he lias ordered all the people to shut up their dogs on pain of being 1 shot at a tiling very easy to order but very q difficult to etcecutc how are folks to tie up 0 iheir eloji more uutictffarly farmers and jj others who live out of town whose dogs will glfiillowlhem and why has ibis edict been 0 issued because a dox was seen tn run down the street furiously and is said to have snap ped at a boy and therefore must be mad in extremhoi weather and in extreme cold ttr 1 cannot readily be pro- cureddop are apt to suffer much from tbtrst and become diseased this is admitted but the cure should be to provide them with water not to tie them up thereby increasing the chance of disease inslew of issuing edicts lo tie up dogs oidcrs should be given for alt owners to supply iheir dogs plentifully with water when they are unable to pro cure it of themselves of ihe rationale of th malady called dogmadness nobody knows any thing worth knowing its horrible effect alone are seen and fell but tieiug up dogs wont prevent it for more dogs have bitten their masters and feeders when so lied up than when at liberty it is of little use scold ing the mayor lor ignorance wherein all the world participates and therefore all we have tosay is that until the world knows some thing mure about this horrible disease let us keep our dogs healthy by giving them plenty of water and not cause them logo mad by fastening them tip c3- ruwons rumous every mail from montreal brings lots of rumors mr baldwin has been sent for by the governor general i iiv txawy cs to c kwt aluu afauwi it canada mr jlinck is to publish an official gazette for canada west mr lafontaine is n be chief justice no mr attorney general smith i o he that high and mihty functionary and mrlajoiulne uvtakemr 7ieys place- mr draper is to be vice cjimcellor c w in place of mr jameson who is to be pensioned off mr morin is to be speaker of the lower house and sir allan mcnab id to be by the bye we forget what the gallant knight is to be if he give np the speakersbip oh his seat i to be rjeclared vacant hy iis acceptance of the adjutant generalship rnd a new writ for hamilton issued anything else yes- mr papineau uvto ic presidtor of the executive council and mr joseph to be clerk of the legislative council haw vnaiy of these rumors will prove correct ii more than a horse can tell and he has a much longer head than the edi tor of a newspaper 1 n 9 6 0 u it wl have been requested by ibv fjcnerra father l nnnonnco tlau nrriyal in mooueal of gkmkaal ttfti imrtta hu hit tnbrn awaffa at tilt txchairi 1 1- ic n vrill 1 u ijpv i rttcrivo vwnan ibn kelwm ihe hour hikdi the mornin in vcnit tbra i nt wrr laajlev ihu cminpii widir ri punch bot i ovrt1iht a highly aamismfl imlc individuql mvntrtal llctuh forwarding ktht 4 7 ittlcvct ur lke ostaio at the md of 194s the i lakcofitrio vrn tvro feel be- lo ilini of tlw june preceding it fell tu meh more to ibe lii of february it then slowly roc to jem wlttn it waa utcon inrhe hither thm in the frbruiry before rd aoconlinurd inlojulf- the vmic ihrn alowly fell lo the end of the rear nt uniformly vnd rship icinl ml cjuyin- co- thc oa jnn lkc suiicr vr ihnn l ffmly but to nejirtv the ramo denlh a will w prepj nu ifliu 11m wateea at a lwer quite to afion few yeara f o by aotaf feet j the rcawin la to be found in the diachnre of iff water by i lie uvrr into theac lteat liue hue ht acr i ar rica n jj a ltncnal sovrjrktnv a letter from copenhagen state that in consequence of the dcarnesof provisions the king of denmark has published an oojer of the day giving tu eachsoldiei au aujcntntation of pay of four skillinx about i0 centime a day and an additional loaf every three day each sol dier married with the authorisation o go vernment and having three children or more is to receive a second additional loaf every three days galjgtonis messenger arrivals at the briiish meritjm hotel march 5lh fcflna clarke sarketx ffarhor john crmfctd umckville h h noadquehic george eaatou montreal a hnfm aneheac new york jnpli ward m on ire i dr fair- 5etd and lady bath mr thorp do mr farrow mnnueal tith alfred palriek monliol g french virpd cc co enrc do mr jne ttaottt p f maccuait kington mr hooker preicott mr crane do mr moody mintrcat mr cochrane toronto e stfifcauiaitd lady sackels ilvbor miavj bee v with do mr roace toronto 7lk f a hawlev watevtown 1 if hawav bnfialo mr field prescott jotm vnunjpert mr aitkin montreal c h irrijjht f t story wftteriown c km montreal j dove i j raid mr rchfiach brockville g vv hoyle montreal j bradford matilda mr rosin torontn f erialin2of enznd j miller tovwm uw pjhon wj mucdoncll kinnin mr f hcnderatn do a morw altidny j fw fludtnan urniforl mr uod y rochester r chipnnn eolind mr t a invin parllciship jj luflhiqwwo forwatuixg itusinkss between kingston jc montreal ho vlck vtrsa vut the rtlrun canal ami iliver si jjtwrmcc opening of the navi with a new st0c 0 steamers barges capable of carrying 20o0o brf ol p hn to send fonv ptopcrty which may be consigned tihem from thet experience and knowledge of the buinctti a uu i0 5 i0 p senera sati a solicit a share of public patrol- the buin- carried on in montreal at the stnre occupied last season sy hit uard cc vv tinder the name and firm of smith gtassrono and at kington uc aud firm of grassronr nor toim fure sale of vaumbve lilt l 1 1 r 4frt v t ii it h m in m ok xllkrwiuoililllly lioval u at puinl frederick on wednesday mmii march at ii ovlock will be sold without reserve tie whole of bin furniture sc effects consisting of centre dininc and other tables coiichrkj chairs chests of drawers wash stand mirrors rnheluand kidderminster carpeting bedstead maunissw pailleawie lriiett fenders ioc lions window blindf piclutes cooking and other stove with a variety of kitchen utensils and other articles william ware kingston 2nd march 1847 under the shu u rrj kingston james aglassford geokoe smith h matchs 117 20tf in thf rokt of bankruptcy for thguldlaxd district the twt thomas warren h hastiss bankrupt it ia pttrttvtlliat a general meelinp of he editors f tho above- bankrupt or llm ultrivvuu cite be iiei 8l lhe jk in the cou b w alftiiueitl mr boh man winacr scotland kingston market prices wy satuhdav 6th march 1847 prepared vy jtfr iyoife curk a f the matter a aw p flour ay ji 13 6 9 13 0 wheat f 4usjhi 5 000 barley do s rye do o oat itn tv i is o v a oat meat ay hundred 13 0 oo hay y ton- as 0 q30o rifflwi do 17 6aa o pitatueaay bnh t g n 3 o itcrf tp bun drill 17 g 20 0 do 4f lb 0 4 0 0 pk ay hundnd 25 n 27 6 un ft 0 t a o 4i velayft ft i ti s 4 ft 0 0 mutton ay ft 0 butter 10 ml 0 o o in do in lob 0 i 0 0 clienac 4dr a 5 q g etc dozen i 3 0 0 0 turkeys couple b 3 7 g fce each 1 fi 2 0 partridges t couple 9 o e 3 djcks do 2 0 fr 2 6 fiwh do 1 fi a o wood f cord 8 c f 0 n commercial mart sale of choice tbas tobaccos c wjj 13m march at onk oclock he sold without reserve i iackao vtriy cfmbi tmtiiq lwn 20 do do do twankay 15 do gun powder 12 do ponchong 30 hoxes hony dew tohacco 20 bas ilio coirrt locwt thkcd fish 100 boxes dhy herring j hamhro lines with a variety of staple groeerie william ware 9th vttrri 117 bla1nk deeds for sale a t atheneum the book store deeds o bargain undsafc form of ttc sta tote 1846 deed of i n jind sla with bar of dower mivrgalgc decda without bar of dower do- do with barofdower mem with liar of dower do vvtfjioot ber of dower aii court nf queena benoli and diatrict court and divition court blank forma march 91047 d nor a rokob it aierna to bo generally believed hy all partie that parliament will bo money ealtcd together early ia may t wast or accommodation for flour a gentleman of jreai experience in mercan tile atfairs has hromjht to ournntice the great want of good and commodious lore houses in kingston and ulreaiy to contain the flour sent down fromcanada wejl me a and indeed we know it from operienee that thou sands of barrels of jlour lie exoted for days at boththele hcesiriuch to the injury of the owners andto the character of oar mills we shall return to this subject next week coburg star note the slur may spare himself the trovible there is warehouse room now vacant in kingston and its immediate vicinity for 50000 barrels of flour faocnr moucv or ran caau tho re ccipt of the cambria last pjmfc arc neariy xsowo namely j04parnecra 400000 incofd ai j percent 380 tons freight at 7 small parcel farce and pascngcrj from hajifac flhcmaiu a- x464 2vj0 3110 awy 100 smo niagara qndvjrttfrch 1847 major general sir richard armstrong arrived here on ihe 23rd ult cn the follow ingday he inspected the royal canadian rifle regt iinderthc command of lt col newton ku h and expressed himself highlypleased at he clean and soldierlike appearaiceofijie men in ihe evening he dined with the- offi cers at their mess where all the heads of departments were invited to meet hint on the following day he proceeded lostcathci- rines and chippawa and inspected the com pany under the cornmand of capt munro and i eocpresed hts entire approbation not only atl the cleanness of the men under arms hut art i he good older he found everything in just received by express at tdeithbsecb book stobe an aaaortmcnt of new puuicationa including copies of acte of corinth by i ii luc ret is by bulwer lltcdelburi by jaroea mrjucriie of valois by duma public satviafi of gen taylor tho step mother 2nd part by james kingston march 9i847 not i c ht jusl claims ill persona nuving against tlio estate of tbe deceased 5 dubi a slip from the conist office states that a hostile meeting took place last week at queenston between two hartiltori gentlemen ht unorfunoiefy says the colonist lt neither shou took effect u avitheh rooaear lsi crcnmj the ore mises of georr sndcron e were entered bj the bat k difr by means of boring through it and gg fts j isg of h i slmcted lo plae lhe management of ihe colo- wines ant a cheat of lea laken therofrom d l l 7 lt t3 articles toother aridi a lci pfhkb w deputed ssi a m i the provincial in lle yatd bad a sbtfl lm previously been c sb he cpostoffice dsipahtment the qne- bee mercury reports that mr daly the everlasting secretary is to be the new deputy post master general of canada the montreal courier says that a like rumor is current in that city and it is also said tbit his excellency the goveroor general is in- peter cagey are rejcjnesiedta hand uiernin as soon as tho 1st of april and all that are indebted to tbe estate are requested to make immediate payment to johnston hackett kingston u t or patrick corriuan v i ivinstftn i timed if certifi- chambers ilnii5e lily nf kiiistotj on frid th nmrff f marca itisti al lie iwut ofi2 o dock noon bv the court srovf amds clerk kiogiion and march 1s47- inthemoturqf fe petition of fraxcjs willi at smi v w townttnp of auigjfon tac uutimd district gentle nton x otlrtv is hereby given thai staff nt r kkpatrick lisqnii judge of hie district court ir ami fr the mid land ihrwi acting in tl matter nf thin petition xm proceed in make a final order luerrin at acouit to be holder for tli u innoihc at tltc cuort house in llieciiyofiio4on oq saturday lie tivciiittlli day of march instant if 12i lockitnnri precisely unless ciaue be thei anlmlnxre shewn ti the totllry j a henderson attonctjtor said front is tvtn smith n ifkf matter of nut petition dated sit the city of k the 3rd dayofmanli 1847 3ankrlpt- province h canada midland district- trmt jqiix wcltftw of the citu of kingston in saii distrkly zvor ofa 4v commission iiied bv staffoiiu fitrutmck kirkiatuick kxqutre jidge uf jit- mtduiui district court dated tbe cn day nt march one thou sand ki kindred and puity seven- frst mtittt of crudituni on sa- tkrdavtlietillrtkknthuayuf mtkml ihtatifar ioajasrl tatihn mi tbuciiy afkiffh isiivliidi noon thomas acoriiktt sheriff m oflicv is17 ordnanc will hp snlil by public anction on friday the 2nd of apnl next the uiidermeiiliunod old buildings viz no i old bnrrack guard fioue at point ffederirk in txvo lots 2 old collate at stqirt point kingston m 3 old cutthgo at murrays point formerly murney point 4 old guard houti ai do 5 lot pr q 1 frame house in loi2j n west side of union srreet formerly occupied by matthew ryan tlit material to be entirely and care fully moved within len days after the dav of sale sata at murrays ptt at 12 oclock noon ami at point frederick at 3 rctocl p m jambs unton qtfecnitioirer kington march is47- kingston prliiarmomc socirtt rimip asorc soclcly iitlonii giving a public jt onccrljn lite cily hall on tltttrilstv hi ihu inoiaul f0rthebrnefitofthe distressed irish scotch subscribers card will admit wlf ami lajy and ticket of ajmiion tf noisumcrihis 2i gl each whtcli may he haj at th- athe- nedtn brvk slor armour itamtays j vv jtieot n palmer anu patterson v iiili5li american hotel sale op valuable real est atk situated in princess street willbasoldot auciion on wed ngimy lhe 10th march time valuable two story brick cot- t aor rough ciii and nr occupied by mil putk with grass pla- in front coach house stabling an1 garden in roar an excellent wall c water and every other convenience required for a qenteel dwelling the house may lie inspected the saturday previous us lhe sale between the houia of 12 and oclock possession givfin on the 1st april persons doiriuus of making g good ivestmunt will find this a mrrsl favorable opportunity odit will positive ly be wd without any recrve sale 01 noon conduinna at sale fur furtber parricuura apply to k codelt iresn or lo jamrsuntox kingftdhii feb 2g 1817 postpon em knt tliealioeesaleis postoned till friday the 2flrt avorrft intl kingston 9th march 1817 oissolutjom of copartnership i heretofore existing theparrnerar bcivrveu the cjubaciibetft by the name and firm uf mutttitv tccv- wifpk tfl iliit day disholved by mutual consent all persons indebted to the said firm either by note or bank ac count are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned michall mcciiniffc who is authorised to collect all debts due lu the said firm and any havioe claims against the said firm are requested to preuuh same lo him for payment dissolution op copabtiebshp rjihe copartnership hrn- it monirctl under ut and stylo of hilfiard ac walker mi at kidcmm c w iinilf tk name and tiylo of jones at walkek rarryina on buainw forwarders having expired by limiinlion is now dissolved the bnaineib at montreal will woundup by ronson huuaro and at kingston by james a walker lonson hilliard james a waiker by hii attorney lij4illard iflnnlreai 0th feby is4tv- s kings mil d m february 25tb murphy mecuniffe 1347 the boine will be continued by thesulmciibcr asohualat the catquerej stort princes street- thankful fur past pationaremi continuance of the same is respectfully solicited m mccuniffe ep sliciiita kingston marcb tii a camfnriii atty for petitioiihn creditor nw c lot 35 5th con kingston marcb 6 1s47 3i ed by the conom iuuc officer and placed there foe aifc keeping the articka taken fm ti mrabooaa appear tn have been bided or the leiaji and lhe wfmle ureinnuri none of the gd of mr sanderwn were intcriercj with it itevideol- ly the work of the perton or prraia twh whnrn the arttclet wore sctcd tbcf ahojld liovrever kah trwi in the eye of the law thu la aa mtieh a robbery a if they liad uken neli of mr sjodenora good broexvitte rtwdr courier tobelieve that this report ii cor rect cr tetcrrnrc zrluncxce on saturday we received infurtnatioa aa to wh4t turn ihe tele frapb cn wtfow forniah reour reports to the pnaa tor the sum it 12 a week if cvrry preaa oo tho lineeilirmnir tho qrranenirnt the eoat will be about 3 a week to each or i5 fnr trie year our inonry of ihe inter med in receiving early news a lo whether jte iaic of an eitia ry cou be lutumod waa at flrat coldly teecived butwo preurac it will be accoto uth4 g3tmrm journal ilt dcaj4itniifi caau the qoard of worfca knfjincer with bia aaaistant haa been enjaeej during tho pait week in awrveyior tho canal and hying out the propoaed work io aeetionf men jet thirlyono large sleamcra and 2363 n re employed or ore tinder ordrrn to gite imrae diato auiaiaoee to the poor of ireland and scotland in addition to tho there are bix sailinp ahipa and live deoot auipt wjrh iheir crewi xt a i 1 for tha erection of a new foper mill on an exlcuuve scale in this villafe was concluded a wcelc it is to be built neat the new foundry a boo in be oroctod in wcot main street mr t ballantyno ia the contractor and the works are expected to be io full operation preriotis tonsat harscst a lime the subscriber beg leave to inform hti customers and others that on and after monday the isth in3tle will have and continue to keep on band for the season the best roich linit- which he ivill mil at a fair price for caab or on abort credit angus mcleod portsmouth hat bo r march 5 1817 3i bankiiupl province of outwit midland diitricu to v it henry george gillespie of the city of kingston h me said dtrina fatetf trading there y in copartnership uith jurrtrs and richard ilutton merchants under the ww and firm of james and richard iwttovbr coaipta ommissios issued by stafford frederick kiroatrick baq jurlge of ihe midland astrict court dated the sixth day of march is47 first meetiro e creditors on the twentyfourth day of march 1s7 at the oltico f the jodc of the said district court at the court house in the said city of kingston 12 oclock noon taa corbet t sheriff m d sheriff a offiw kingston march i 187 ktltkpatrlcic c liurhowes solicitors for peaxioning crehtora sale of leasehold property in ha ttcrs ba y ill he sold hv anclion on thurs day i1 apml next on the pre- niiaes that valuable leasehold property situated in rhe tillage if portsrnouthhatler bay and known as shaws lm comprijin onefifth of an acre ilh two ftame i lo thereon suitable forarykinj of business the lease is for fir yearsand the roild- itip to be paid for at its epiration or a new lease era tiled for further particular apply to mr j- c garninkft halters by or to hllliam ware auctioneer sale at noon kingilon 11 march i17 pbockam m raaf 1st ovritcar li juo runche rak smifcgag ami fiin si v iihii sum wy tcily jno ih rr piuh iurhao tlicincdo cnnoda omi- ited crsi ktwlit- ifrivdrf v toy for mapt c autt6e a stm uaktl rxr 30 ovkctrn cblrtn4omasef ttljut m the iuen wlimtk c ttava my fiheuiidv kruvi ri ui tuuio where thsj vwow bhw sautr wllvtllirltkit- ivrrfiv ttithnp murttel ysjtfe king kingston 2nd march 1817 it km o v al wm smith piano forte tuner watchmaker r has removed ne rloor lo mcrs hshmt blackick prinrrts street nearly opposite the com mercialbank- kinjrtton 1st march 1817 mm wltolciit iron tubes for gas ano steam kalvyai- john russell co wedneshtiry siaflorrffhire aud 69 upper thames street london manufacturers of patent iron tube for jas steam and water and lapwelded tubes for locomotive anil marine boilers be- to state that they arc ready to ship lo order such quantities of their manufacture as may he required by forivaniint with the orders bills payable in enlantl or a reference in the said country they alrtsupoly gsomelers cwneteri and all ga requisiies the prices will he charged aecordms u those current at the lime iecei of the order in england tjie loa standing of lhe above named frmbeins the oldolin england is sufficient jiniiantee for the quality of their manufacture um equitable system ol dealing 17-3i- drug establishment for sale in the flooriams town of brockville c w to knarui ilesiroits of entering this i nc ofbitmit- the present vy favorable nppordiiiily term liberal address box m brockville pehraary22ndlst7 will be found 3 for mns so post office invaluable family com panion ix lectures on the uses of the lungs causes prevention and care of consumption asthma and diieaaesof lhe heart on the laws of lonelily ad mode of preserving malt and female hesjoil symmetry and beauty exuosiny causes awf cure of lhoe diease that produce coe- sumpiiou or shorten life aj affections of tbe skin suine stomach bowels kidneys liver scrofula piles gravel and pemale com- plaint its rule easy practual and pure form a guide to perfect health and long life 2s enpravius324 rages 50 ccnlj posusjt 9ici by samuel sheldon fjtch a m m d at 707 broadway new york 5 any jierson remilliug filly cenu free will receive one ropy by toailjjp any part- the trade supplied 3m received this morning at the atheneum book store lucrelia by buhver dombey sou no 4 by dickens nellgynue b st giles an forlescue by j s knowles fs diana of merrtdor by dumas womans reward by mrs norton i the merchants danghter by mias picktsing the midnight bebr vob houtein actor ant manager by f c wemyss tbe ransomed bride by eh wild rupert sinclair by the author of ten hfcoai sand a year the comic wandering jew by c phiilipon the church almanac by lorell it gibson feb 9 1w7 by at ns worth st james by d jerrold ma no fact urea all hhbbpauasj of printing4fnki news job and book near the globe and trn m ilia ttoy n y troy february 1 is7 3 o the aborr ink fur aab al tho albarua bok slore kincwnfeb9 1947- mill creek cloth factory ordnance contracts notio e is horalw iwnumi sealed tenilern in tripicatf will he re ceived nt thia oficf nmin of tuesday 1347 vv montreal telegraph company notice thr dircritni of tlio montreal taftvmapu cumpakv liavin5com- ir i- their onangeincnl5 for lhe con struciton of line of telegraph from momreal to turonio along tho main travelid route between ihese two cibrtf give nmicc ihftt thy arc williue t- re- ciito proposals for citations from the sevpral towns along the line thereof each proposal lo name lhe amount of stock which would be taken by the applicants at each town and rhe aid towards ihe expenses of ihe station which would be contributed bv order- frederick a willson won secretory montreal february 27 is47 is etthc cornwall observer brnckvitlo re- corovr kini4ri wine hcllcvillc intelneeocer and colore mr will pica ffivelhi notice m inaitrlions nod tend their accoanla txi lue isecretary of lhe company printing establishment for caution rqiljls is tu forbid any person or per- jl sona purchasing ihe centre of lot no 7 in the 2nd concession of piisr burgh containing 00 acresas a legal sale cannot at present bo made it being ttie property ofjoith rlcak who ia de prived of ins faculties major bleak pittsburgh 8th march 1s47 incomparable black japan ink hauufacturkd wioixsalr ani hxtail robert barker kingston canada west lime for sale fj1he suosciibcr has a few any uushcl orders hundred of superior lime for salp left at the slore of mr patkic kino mftrjcet square or wixh the subscriber will be immediately at tended to thomas kelly pittsburgh gort putsbur march 2 187 2i a notice ll hawog jusl claims against the estate of the j benjamin ol- cott are requested hand iheminas soon as the hrst of tyarch and all that ml in the e to make immediate are requested nayment to j collar p acting executor kingston f y 1 1847 i4im 1 gazette sale t ribnr offers for tnli llic he subscr establishment of the prince edward notv in successful operation ir- the district towo of picton and in the centre ol the most loyal poputaiiou in the province the patronage of the concern is extensive and increasing the material consist of two printing presses and in extensive variety of new type suitable for any kind of book or job work to any gentleman desirous of entering into a lucrative business in an inteieminjj neighborhood tiia offers a rare opportunity any information may be obtained by addressing tho subscriber in picton l post paid j o dornan picionfeb25 js47 is whig and goiwivf win copy the abore isl frbid for sale handsome bay mare perfectly pundand in good condition for particulars apply at thisoffice february 2d 1847 until 12 oclock the ifitti march for washing and repairing the following articles of burrark and hoav pital redding attd dresses for lhe ser vice of the i roops in this garrison for n period of three years from 1st april 181710 3161 march 1850 tuftruck uuudlg runnl towcb at rallibuei rolsiers rhnkrts sheets rllgka nt at nt at at uakkack mmfx palliasses bolsters- blanker sheets rugk palliaeecs bolsters blankets sheels ruirs cases i at at at at at hospital at at at at at at at bed maltrassat y plnxel gowns at waistcoats al trowsers at caps at also hr swbepinb chimneys the prices for washing aod repair- tng to he stated separately opposite each article of bedding and dress and the rate per flue of each chimney for sweeping in sterling dollars at 4s two resnnsible securities will be re quired for the due performance of tfce contract for further pauictijars apply at this office or at the office of the barrack master tetu de pont barracks the tenders lo be addressed to the respective olkcera of the ordnance kingston ordtiaiice office kingston cauada 24th february 1s47- ct thi adeertiaemaftt will not bopaio for if copied by iiny paocr without a written ordor from the ordnance office- a card pour or five rrspectable boardkrs eaiiot accommodated atthesubacribers on qttiths sirtet next door to mn cellars and opposite tbe late reairjerice of mj e- k boyd reference to da gcoaoc baicta mr faacis lestacc or ma h guttspjr john s cldte p s small families can also be accom- i moated with rooms and board 1 kinpten feb 12th 1s47 mlm the subscriber respectfully returns thanks to bin frienda and tho public generally for tbe tupport tw lias received since his fulling mill and carding machine have been in operation and beg into to inform them that encouragrd by the business he has transacted in u tihura line he s now prepared to commence the manufacture of all kinds of country cloths sattinets blankets ac c and hopes hy the pains he intends to of the public j05hua booth- j3woolcj purchased orlakn in excliaau for sj gloih millcroek jnoary lllsw uf wanted i ann i vyu soo buihell pwe lor which lhe njaiii iiiice will be pam la caih on deli vity al be pravincial praitao bmt thomas hendbyicn m kingston peb 9ih 1847 wantbu a young man as olerk ma fie tail grocery slore unexceptiona ble tefeiencea mil be required apply vj at ihia office kingston feb 9th 1s47 city hall saloon vo 9 market buddings opposite the jyn battery by george gan rrfreattmcnu soacka r to be had at the ahortcat oqiicc oysters at all hours kir 1 1847 lolf allen cos expfesfl messrs allen c6 toronto ra ran iiinf an expreaa between montreal i hamilton aod tice tnj ettt forinigiif cauiaf at all tlio inltrcncdiatt ptacca per mail direct parctlt left at mr- uajtiofm lambtoo hotaaa kiaealofit w mo q ajtcfllioe 1 aumntcq ki feb uu 184 for sale iot no 41 in the 4th gon town ship of kingalon 10 aowi- op liberal terras anplyto g stuart kingston 29th january 187 real estate for sale mhe subscriber offers tor sale thaf valuawe itvprtv situated ia prifis street oow occupied hymr5jflpe tht beautirol ac recently srtcie4 on thepn- 11 1 admtably adapted for a gtoteel prl vtln rtsidoace there ii attached coach house and stab lt apd ayry other cogvenitnc reqaired pf further paijularj apply to rscobelloisomt kingston jan 5 i 17 fob sale by the suwbmc barrels prime mea qzj porifc suporior quality as4 1 throo banela lard mllss perouson kington 15th january 1847 tf ritchies tatent copying presset asopply of all aiiai jurt iwmd fim tho manofaeioft and for sakal uja twk mi fiooa sroat oct20