the navigation laws huuse of commons tuesday feb 9- mr ricaiux moved for a lccl committee en the navigation laws if the anointment of this committee wu lo be oued he would show lhal there was so much injury and on- pre5sion to the manufacturing interest of the country and also lo its colonial interest in the operation at the navigation laws a to colonial mismanagement we have great confidence that the present noble secretary of the colonies earl grey and hit two able assistants mr hawcs d rr btiller will be ahle to rtmxut the colo nial office for hitherto amon the depart menu of the government it hat been about a conucumrt as the church of ireland h been amnn he institution of he empir for uol justify him in his motion it was obvious ihnl itiaininx he tfieat object of all institutions the cost of our prod tic lions when etortcd the security of the crown and the happiness was not the nricr which they cost upon lea of the people and for ever been a barrier inir the factory but tlic ct on their arrival in the way of these important ends beinother- at thr foreign market t was also ohvinut wise accomplished the colonial office has that for ever ton of foreign shipping which always been and stilt is besieged by colonists we drove from our ports we deprived the bri intriguing or class interests in tbtir particular tish manufacturer of a sale to the value of the eofovtief and many of these must be listened commodity which he produced and theilo allhouh the colonial minister all the revenue of the prcfit to he derived from the h lime knows perfectly well the dangerous na- sale of that commodity lie then urod upon ilure of their advice becouse they hart been the house the complaints of our colonies thai inroducedhu some bishop or other influential out navigation laws were upheld aaiusl tlitir pvlitkianm this country for instance in the lriiinn new pa per received yesterday we interests for the mere advantage of ibe mother country he showed that uch huva had lost newspaper received w see ihai me bishop of toronto has had an in- as the conduct of the miscreant nicholss of rui orowini il jews to cut off their beards the chinese habit of wrerinf ion tails is a kind of aupertlitiun and we hive no rifht lo interfere with their prejudices pooishoieiil when so ap plied bceonir parcculion were an infidel to broach mi doctrine io ihe pruraoeocbrmmv the intlcr would f tii him why insult our belief vruy vml d on pirt in which we an peculiarly acuulive and vulnerable v but the coluh fonciionarira infliet the wil orc chmeac fi u e f the riihn ivbad enough but thai infliction were infinitely preferable to the other tlw englh will not prove good cloiiil in china if llwy adopt these pocedinti and mr inwke will not ptarh a very popular under secretary for th colonic if be treat with levity matter which dr ftmrriajg jamod with no more importance ihn was due to it but lhal impor unee urm snd wc wrn ihe whif c wrmfieni companions to puisne hbwk that if ibey wili the bnutb him m be alike feared ntl rrtpccled by the native chinese auch mean w6 ditraccfn tyranny at tlii which we denounce mutt be altogether eschewed irazil to portugal and the united states to t ferneto with earl grey and inferiority our protection but our own carrying trade this is thedignitaty belter known by the title of the archdeacon of york who has for more than twenty yearsbeen the political bane of upper canada mkenzie the rebel had not the power lo create so many enemies lo british rule in america as dr strachan through his shot i sighted charch policy has done enforced a his views have been on the successive colo- ishop of to the ql ihls country and had left holland with no other foreign settlement than java and spain with no other than cuba and the philippine islands he insisted that no adequate politi cal advantage counterbalanced lvr mischief of the disadvantage which he had jioinied out but then it was said that the commercial navy was the nucleus of our defensive navy and tnat the navigation lam were necessary to uphold our commercial ny sow he dented that the way to encourage the commer cial navy wjfhy prohibition restriction oc pro lection for revlfielion meant scarcity scarcity meant pee it nothing anil deprived os of the carrying trade of other diiinlriesi commerce was the nursery of our commercial marine if you promoted com merce yon would promote that marine mr morr 5ecooded the motion mf m- gtttf observed that mr- rirardo bad brought under the notice of the houae t motion of much ihtefest he pointed nut ra nous anomalies in the working of that lav but he did nit call upon the luhwt to aru lo the means svhirb he though catcuuted to re move them hut merely to an etmjuirr into their existence u thru government gave its as- feiil losuch an enquiry it would only be act ing in accordance with thr recommendation contained in the resist of the committee ot 1si5 to which mr kicaid had relered he therefore thought that if the haie should aree to the proposition of mr ricirdo it counter in reforming political grievance hut would be but continuing a train of useful in- with all our disadvantages wc are not over- quiry which had been already commenced borne in thi way hy an uncontitutinnat pow- on the part of the government then he ac- ero that though we haveoflen to work long ceded to the motion mr- liponl ond not assent lo the ap- poiutment of the cvmtiee tne oijct f ihepjointtftrni of thr jt covmittev on ihi ubfccl wm ttry tfilfefcfit fiom ml nrw soiiillube atuirwl hvrie tonof iln committee require urut o obtained hy 2autia the committee at hie lime t the hon vame earjemaii then entered into numerous detail with a view of feiutin- the atateirents of sir itcaido a i the injurious elfrcts of the xaviition law alter which he prftcettm to uov from the in creae of forin itana which htd afcv9 plce in tilt put of hull durin- trw lat two or three year h extent to whicli lite tiiutw nial minister by his patron the exeter the dissenters would have been defeated hy dr strachan in which case the rebellion of 1s37 would certainly have been successful and severed canada from the mother country but for the noble stand against him made hy the established church of scotland which could not he honht off by a share of the loaves and rthe hut stood for a division among all christian bodies the question of reliiotre exclusion is not yet settkd in canada anl dr strachan is now home making a last etfort for his church f makrtva im and as we think against his country tried in the bilance of pumc opinion in tht colang dr strachan as a politician has been found warning but he has hitherto been able and thinks he is still able to overpower this by making influence with the colonial minister in london who is supposed to be the expres sion of english public opinion we know what arc the difficulties the mid dle and tower clatse even in the country en capture of a notorious outlaw from the foreign qrteiiy ecw mjiny of the escaped convict became pirates and banditti while other endeavored to deserve well of sociel by industriously raining their living in t ov way among the most notorious n the fqrmer ws unc michael howe tf tutntftia he at first t sss sstb r hr lha lhe rr- hts tndomttable courage nd facility of re sources soon gained him i preeminence amongst his companions put he does not seem to htvc been possessed of the true sala ni ambition he did not hnk it belter to reiftn in hell than serve in heaven m thourh ruthless himself the society cf other villains was distasteful to him and he separated from his companions to pursue his course atone twice diluted with his own mode of exist ence he surrendered on condition that his life should be spared but the lawless impulse was too strong wrthin him to be quieted and he eventually returned for good to the bush every settler heard wilh horror that michael dirtrtori howe was again abroad and their feaiswere but too often realised this singular being had furmrd a connexion wilh a native girt of some personal attractions she accompanied him in all his expeditions and seemed tore- turn ihe attachment she had inspired what wete the exact feelings with which he regard ed her re not known but lhal there ffit con siderable depth in his love may be inferred from the manner in which they parted one morning ihtry were sitting in their hut con cealed in the depths of the wood when the ever vigilant michael heard a significant cracking of the fallen hunches and instantly knew that his life or lihetty was threatened a body of colonists indeed which had long been on his track had surrounded his habita tion coicioit of hi at strength his agilily his knowledge of teiy path he felt confident of being able to escape but what would become of his partner should she be pilfered to fall mlo the hands of the colonists the desperate cttftfat oou decided the qnes- he shot her not because he imagined k3ccrllent vpjny beits most majesix tht ytnriat tf fk president tnd af tht gt wmttrn rati rosd c in tttt province of canada humbly sucwtmi thai rour metnrilin in commenl wiihyw majepiyt loyal suhjecu in cantd hnvt learned wilh oxrote aod dcmr the wlftriftgri and dvsti lutton of the utywiog por in ireland and scothod uul your mtmnrutim feel it m be heir dulv fltt only lockiirihnie their rereeive private fund toward rho immediate relief of that porliri ut their i- riftnie but ali if porime lo devife and suggeat for jour maiesiys grucmiltcoijwdera in thee mod more pcrmnrol imans of amo- nui hijowner wufd v ih hy ll frci avtd unrestricted crmrflitracilii aileji it wa urt ioexvm him- if hi- cfveamvni crafttej the comittehe wi ill ca i yn ih io4rin rmal 0 remote in the lit plic th numer ous rnstriciiwi with hku ihe hiprwnrrlm4 i it lo intend- h ti wum rn k m-i- a i relue thr crininullet iil llni t a far a powihle lo the current of free irate usic opinion at ust is always successful tht colonist on the other hand have nni cot luituiiojial liberty enough granted them if me cetonm office it o ewlttnw to merfitti or it hitherto hat dvne to uortwt the working of ihu machine of government and ihiu there coie the dnet that in mittf they rise ami break to pirce as did ihe old american cot mii et that which an uiicnulitnlional power in enund prevonu them beitij able to re medy fcv recommend to the notice of earl grey t folowinj from a letter to lord lugin from mr isaac uuchanan dated glasgow 26th oriober ust which we pnmihcd a few week a trom the anada newuiper rut the iviwer canada canadians french could never have djred to rebel except thai tie english settter of uneriud luvftr c- rudo now um fr frim douhte the numlei of lite french were disitmid ifmtl divided d aad why w2 uu t it wa became the ltlmi hatujit a ihe maign iiimm vy r t is f t s r uu nlality oi ine i i trachain w thruxtint the churrh of eng ft mr llvau commenced bv shewing ihar if lanil a an eimihmrni on the cojouv ihe british shipowner wa unable toiftmruuf tht wa what male the rfbvumkppmc with foreign vewls in the foreign trade of success pwije and if lhe population nt upper other nations it was ikcairm the fftpen of ctnada are uol sedtly put on equal fciniiti fwtthout tepect to sect m church and co shipbuilding from the dulie on limber and other disabilities under which he labored were fifty txr cent itaint him a compared with hi fnretgn rivals- tlie hearing of the question as regarded our colonies ww our of the mod important character and he was con viticcd that if we ptrvited in our present system it would be ditikult if not impim to retain some of our colonial possessions the time was now come when iuoiiiry should he made into this whole suhjict they had only to remove the duties upon timber and other duties pressing uton the eonstruction of ships and there would be no fear of their being over run with colonial hps or of being success fully competed with by the foreign hipowncr sir wiltei jaiij remarked that a all that was asked was a committee of investiga tion ihe request should not be refused- mr alderman tltoursoai opposed the ap cuntment of a committee- mrbftrcriraml jfd sasdox approved of it mr ltgovcnear regarded the subject now hefore the house as one which any independ ent member of he house could legitimately take up nor was thre any reason when it was so taken up why the government should interfere by taking upon itself the responsibili ty of the matter lord g rcntixcg concurred with lord iflriffcr revolution must soon ik the consequence even if there was no other cause for it t horatiog their unhappy condition and having turned their mithuoainiisdttentwn t this important and inlcrrmiiie subject rbuvj tiunhly leve i urzci lb fjluwrn teuu of their deliberations- yrur memorialirta hunlily conceive lhal the remnvil of a larc number of the lborinif pnor from frctirid and cjilland to this provincr and their employment on their arrival here upon works may wilh the efficient aid yur 4 imperil ivernmeol become a permanent benefit t the elhigrnntjand lo vir ion majestys north american colonies vu mcmviaht tberefnre hnmmy ihe mivm or rfrumzm tf emicralion frou irpni und and scotland wilh ihe mmtrmll of internal improvemima in lh pnwince and at there are atrieily apeakio no wo anv gcal extent now in nrntrrrai ir io ronlr mpla lion by the cvemt ooternmenta of ihcae oowe yxu menvirinlit would humbly aucet thai empviyment lo tho emifraoh upon the mnml line of ha roid oo charlered or incootem- plntinn in thcae colonies wild affird a wide field for the ptipocd nlin the itiliocuettn of a genera ayaten of rul wr here hria tr vmc time ml f treed itrlf uovn thv nitce of alt who rave a dep intcreal in lhe srnwtil and pro4ieritv thu ptttuua ut yoir majiy dominions bth from ila i ru in lia local rrtxta and 10 if nreeily in a national pont of vjc w hut the umoi of the reouirrd mount of cjntil haa hithro nrord an iourxntrunubk owacto to ilt renin liim yinjr air mtrjtttiria humbly hr lenre to reprecot thil ehariera for prreral uail wtiyo hwe ai warty hecu nhuinit cjtendii2 from hte iveairni ea- lnauntyof th province m iho ciry of maltreat from ii- rc it 1a nlenrjcd to be eonljuuco to ii lulifit of ihwiiac ihr urom wtften rail itnadian mot miktiuni porthei it rtmod forn the uiiy f hamilton at the meid of like onfario to ir town f rmdrii and fnrn iheriee hroihra inio uuv line the oc imd at vmdjr iptte iv- trhl snoitirr at foil srnia ot the frnu nf tke tlo tin a third ot godprich upi ltue llurmc ii aifh lut b in lhe niagara river j ila cpui urb ia xiuonno u can eiiiptny ioof laborinfj ntrn upon ilo cmt- bin uiliy beoil mrntt nr vh tinll f ih inrrr- u co- vtdioe reticf to the fulrtat eaienl y ur menmriau ia wmdd htimldy ujrat that lhe inlrmhd ltlmfrr aluold i aoteeted out of lhe wlxi u vr aioall faimliea hytvhieh mentw att emifrralton fj liita company uwe miihl he crciird totln exicet of 5u00i fcrfia if theaame acdo be applied to other railway rompiwa mr mmnfiam arc f iimm ilmt thia roiirjiiitri uuy ho inetted to from mexico new orinim march j5 1w7 messrs gales seaton i have but a few minutei for the waymail the city is fall of rumor said to be brought by vessels belovr and one which u generally credited that matomoras hns been actually taken i have asccttiined to my entire satisfaction that sueh is not the ease at leatt that no such ad- vice is now in the city as i have seen a gen tleman who left here on tbe 7th and there is nothing and can he nothing later he tells mc it wilt be rather a difficult task to take it he however farther informs me that a letter was received there on the 4th from camargo which states that pretty certain advices had been received of the capture of col morgans command and that gen urrea was between monterey and thr pas of riconada with 6000 cavalry who bad cut off gen taylor from retreating on monterey that there was no doubt there had been a severe battle and the belief was that gen t bad abandoned saltillo and fatten back on the pu nothing as you will see positive but the prosoects are by no means brighter for the gallant taylor the public property and stores on the rio grande at the brazos mata moras and ca- margo it it said amount to six or seven mil lions of dollars beside immense quantities of private merchandise and for the protection of this line there are probahly from fifteen to eighteen hundred men scattered in detach ments the strongest of which does not exceed 700 i have no time for comment the senate of this state have just unani mously passed resolution authorising the governor to raise any number of volunteers that may be called for tbe house will do doubt concur i havejulceucapt iiernewho left saltit io he thinks on the 23d and he expresses a belief that gen taylor is almost beyond a doubt cut off we hope for belter things she miht occasion delavi captain stokes w expression d in tasmania s others with more probability j believe becjiuie he could l brook the idea of 1 her falling into ruuxh an unkind hand leaving her wttlerin in her blood the did not die hut wa taken w hobart town muhar1 howe escaped continued for some lime lo lead his usua predatory life at one period he iwmeil ihe p of penetrating into tome unknown fstirs wbitber the fool of man woutd never foll him and of es- ubfrhirtjr himself there ft solitary colonist fur ibfi purpok he proet lhe seeds of a vatietv f flowers and r and en deavored lo persuade hi- w that he could uvt the remainder of hr w w peace en- med in the cultivation i bis rden but h conrience would not him to remain quieti the murders he hr committed rose up constantly before his miginmion fearful hp- h hinted ml fttlkv i m an da was tortured bv the reco tn of what he had done this is no iina picture drawn from the prevalent lata of jf criminals mnstsurtfr the man hi h mrif to escite from th terrors of k own mind by ana- tvsina and fuldvilm them jft k a sort of journol of h dream which parity y a few words mmflt tfil nvamnjr partly by mean of flnttfi aunt ueonlh sketches he british whig opker per orbem dicor kingston friday april 2 i84t mt tecorded every morning v hy niiil the nvfrtl irt ihil he had suffered seems to have maination wis today is good friday and lhe british whig is issued some boors in advance in or- der that all hands may lake due advantage of tbe holiday for want of aught better lo talk about we shall say a few worth about theflriftia whig on the first day of january 1816 this news paper was issued ihree times a week and so continued until late in the fall of lhe year this was doie in order to keep pace with the limes and under the impression that the in creased advertisement would more than cover ite increased expenditure this did not prove the case j and as we said jut now to wards the end of ihe year the brirsaiwriy was reduced to its former biweekly publication wilh a promise lhal on uuj first of may ensu- iz lhe iriweekly issue should be resumed pledges given by newspaper people are nol always redeemed and we regret to say that ours will not be redeemed to the letter but although not redeemed lo lhe letter we trust that our patrons will not complain if the spirit ot the promise be substituted in lieu a hiweekly paper in the midland district is in that so unexpected an eveni had ukco place or lo wish for ilssev r i indeed his liberal discourse of last sunday from every unpreju diced mind must repel such an idea and in connexion with this view may be mentioned fur the information of irishmen the gratify ing intelligence announced by him that a charity sermon will be preached on good friday for the relief of the distressed irish and scotch god has consecrated the day- may he pour his blcsunj upon lhe deed should we all live nnlil the next anniver sary of the national saint and no disunion be generated amongst lhe irish we would not he surprised to see the st pairicks society and a long line of followers both catholics and protestants walking in procession lo hear a sermon from lhe excellent minister of st georges church if mankind were lobe kepi for ever at va riance this indeed would be a wretched world nor can it he denied ibal lhe most effectual means of uniting tbetn in brotherly love as the creator intended they should be is by placing before them a good example and per suading them to give up useless contentions yours sincerely st patrick marcb 30 17 physiognoscospocraphy society 3b the editor of the british whig most worthy sir i beg to return you the sincere thanks of the brethren of lhe physiognoscosprxraphy society for the liberal space you have af forded them in your valuable journal for which however ere long they hope to be able lo convey to you a small mark of tbeir esteem as winter festivities of alt kinds are near being ended and the easter holidays close at band it has been hinted lo me hy some of our festive brethren that a meeting of the members of the society should be promptly called and adopt measures for lhe gelling up of a grand bat masque or dinner whereat tbey may have an opportunity of enjoying the fruits of the season as to them may serm meet any members of our honorable and distin guished order who may concur in the above wished for treat will do well to meet at the lodge koom on monday evening next and there decide on a winding up of the win ter festivals- by order samiianvm fcrxakdroo secretary kington april 2 1847 ilmrnninnfifymr mrnv rii1itf thracompanj j t vivid ivijv ewitt 00at he had idtaftce of the tunes lhe inhabitant unuaed on ii tori thai served to the thing will not advertise sujficieutlv to irueltretmrntoftribiiiixese uy the kngmsh t honkkong it ia the fatliiin tor enlih iwlticd mist ami hutmim lo viunt rheir nlitm a heie thecaicntf at il 90imj vjur menwiijwu thrrefire hr leave humhlv in ucvl to your myfy the propriety or your lictv rjverinocni nnting uch im clmpinie at wutd enu emigrants lo ihe a hurt extent wich tain to b lhe i at a in ralfj f iniefrt nd their repayment s lr his pillow the nirptttrihlfulirnaruheil aerots his main the faces of thoo he had killed their piry hair their deeply slaiuej garments every material adjunct ol murder thv hnrrnr too of tnc ty of judgment fited hts imiiiiation und ihe awful patnv ol the damned teemed revealed to him in this dread ful apacalypfe one single trail will evince ln nide mihliimty of his mind all this dreadful journal was written with his own blood as omajor general lhe hon charles gores numerous friends in canada will be much gratified to team that his name appeared in the general orders of yesterdays date as appointed to succeed major general sir james hope in the command of her majestys forces in canada east from the 1st proximo tht gallant generals eldest son lieut james gore 7it highlanders has been appointed aidedecamp to his father he is at present on leave of absence and until bis return we understand that lieot rich 71st high landers will act for him montreal herald march 30 cct it was confidently rumored in town yesterday thai major cimpbell unattached formerly of the 7h hunars and principal aiddecamp to lord sydenham has been ap pointed hy his excellency the governor ge neralj civil secretory in the room of capt hiinson the office is of course not a poli tical one and while we cordially coiipatnlale major campbell on his appointment we have every reason to believe that it will be atene- rally acceptable to all classes major camp bell has made a large investment of money ia uwer canada and since he came lo reside among us his shewn an anxious desire to ad vance tbe prosperity of his adopted country montreal herald go la revue canadienne says lhat the bishop of montreal took his departure from rome on the 20lh february for england in tending to visit ireland and embark for cana da in may we levn from the melange religienx thai the bishop of walla walla left montreal on tuesday morning last for his diocese in the oregon territory- he is ac companied by several elerpycnen hrs iwo neices who will instruct ihe indian girls in religion and in the habits of industry two mechanics to assist him in the erection of chuteh and a servant nan several clergy men of the order of oblals from france will join him in the united states a cover the very much increased labor and oullay even lhe public departments think hat one or two insertions per week ate sufficient for the notoriety oesired but al though not disposed to advertise like the good folks of large cities our numerous friends fully appreciate lhe advantages of a large newspaper capable of containing all the r motyalmrmlj any other liquor wontd have been polluted news of ibe day and therefore lo accommo nlnciiennf ilieai0h recofdtfir ihe diabolical thoughts that wa l jvi iheemrmymenoftt lhfrc i no evidence that the ai p determined on o bct filuniatt fr forwurs nf vitmfcii nnl tl ml hurnin ipftnnr nf znyt trd enririlcie in all iii wrtild to a ashlflefhle extent ihe boist i founded on iwawl i- bre ntil bra i r nf eiumpleat bot it tve mut tnxr the bijttemetlt ak j rule wc arn au hnnnrl tmlmil that il ts pmved by same awful eirqtrwm- ftf i the annrtana our tinted tm in fet its iinfftnfw i cutol iipffti ow line of earn c pany and upno crtjiimu ih it a prt of wejj itianto the ekeni nf onceighui pil thereof bo pphcfl tnirord rlc- thr ojt f i rit iri the emif rants and their famiticatu thia country and in order the niaae fully to carry ut and duc to lhe emirant ami tin country the benefit lu he dr rived fom llie prrvjin it pun vu mniir ii iirwv br arse an1 mtc unitvd stalejl htm inihprnrltnt niin when ijri simley trtrevadi the warnf iitdepondencrj tenvc tnnojtl lhateach otnrny rfim d he ie cretary frrtne coiinie in kh iree nod nioss figured in purchase fmm the lcal gvernmei pulhtttn i quantity of uc wotc latidvnf the crown and lay the tame ott into iuiivle m in be s1d in religion sentiments wer came lo his aid but we would f4in hope that all this ablation was not differed in vain or about the 1st of may lo continue the bi weekly publication as at present but to do so he was killed by these ion a much latger sheet viz on one as large men who had planned hiscaptoreafter seven the montrtal hcfdd and ohcr of years redcncc tn lhe bush j fay j notc iv a suvcnenitthe foregoing uoft wi depend upon the receipt of a supply narrvrvi w iwwfcwii omw timeagomibe rt r rr foreign quarterly luam the writer of of s m pp ol yet oidered norant of ihe manner of j in the year 1841 a no 5 hand press th iiri wax v 4tart he crqrtly deceived lhe cwllaia who each emtgrnl at a lw rate and the jhct tbrieff uin of l heir sandon in thinking that it was not jiklirume no prudence wj the rcnet and n ihe innjnaee in the government to allow a qneslion of lhis w fhmafeas eorrrnondeni ihk wederninj kind involving mailer of great national pn- j rt cm we wnder lht tm uftenvirda the wiih licytobesenlupmin to a committee aiierl mlnmimm wtfmil the doctrines of free trade propounded bv the mover and seconder on this occasion he would nol enter further into the question but would resist this inquiry altogether mr mttciiitli ohserved lhal there never ws a periodwhen inquiry could he granted into lhe navigation jaws with greater safety lo tbe shipping interest than at present for that interest been more prosper- well a the amiuol of hr tmnpiillrn hrre hr paid inr hy such emgrnnt out of his wapra 4nd in eatc f a remaining hahnce after ihe pe retf of fi employment reaanibe rime should he altriacd for tiie payment ol it upn intereueuch icrma to bo rrgulated in the purehcf the und hy tl mid ertnpnvc wilh the local 0vemnumil hy uii additional means fir meuinriuli hum- ed tiavaav and he reputed the cause he had bly believe thai all temptation on lhe pan of lhe tin taken in hand an indiinalinn lht knew emigrant to leave thwcounlry al the ejidriflu employment would be entirely removed aa fnnn the time of hi arrival he wmld be certain nf eon not etnptyrtiem n eoinfnrt ihlc usimence for himself and family and veniuuy hecome the cnl n ovpiulion to him tn com grievance and tmplrito rrdrea ilia lrdjiip mid at ihe liltilivc ftoeveil a ihe rl laf ail lhe ceils emnul lined nf in rth provtnrea thttitwaaa jnltrv and impotent screen fi the pfoteelian of at governor and iht he ahootd mfviae the candin pavtiment m t hie ip pliet tlits adviee he fve thcialy it w v never ha ous after a few remarks from captain itaicrtis apiinst and from ur wiwn in support of the motion sir r pert declared his intention of giving his support to the proportion of mr ricaedo itfttf anil lite manned tunadin were wlified aerns the atlantie si much fe england tritment of the tjmted states and nf oinada uwkirii toward the anuthem je ivhal do we hehd van uiemint land lately uivmj pot m eof heenniina vahiawendflottrnhm5 colony nddffdy inundated with convict allhiuh on lor viatratiari shrrs there wore plenty of sjmr nhalited by pcroft sceustnrned to tie rertee of ih cames aan whnl willhecneof nen- zealand t ot wnn will desend the awful mhnan enkiilnf grvrowr fittrny ine years ani ihce ee at cimplsoita antut rnhh runcilona r in ihe innun jaland and last year the inliabiun of malta were oiilricd amt ahorked hy a despotic interference wilh their carnival j fiiivttica riiutin america inthra lolhvn i here was ne reason why lhe house should not j ah m muerraneanvvcfindmroiieesecpi inquire whelher it was epedenl to modify or rik whttxh h ht u j bv pineal repeal lhe navttion uws or wuelher it win ecomnniata and jiialorian in inrti our condncl necesary to the mafatirne defenee of the en- imanot auaya been uth a i ennblcual con pire to maintain ihem tht inquiry was pro ireiiute without a blush idhvc and wiwen josed by an independent mcms of parlia- lluluija ihugm nore of wnhmii the cod ment and hai been aented to sy the fovorn i njumon of tlio merehanl rinccs of iradenhalh menlind he therefore inferred that the viwjtei ht aendtuj hrnvthipa full of mrmv hn of the government were not very dirtervul from those of the proposer lie shnijd rive his assent lo the taotiun ujm the iiodwlifttl inir that it was a ow fide icquirj lljvin shewn thai the rtbliorit mn in the navi gation laws in isis art h2 were nol fomiej nn theoretic notions tiul wvte lorecd on in fiv an overwhelming ticeiiy and having ahr f- ed that the tecent cliaue an our curnrnercul policy misht render it rqnilly neeejsary tn make a relaxation in thwe law rixv k con cluded by eipfesirt j hope that lhe commit- t would te ocoinjiotatorurethe ton- fidence of ihe public in the toulw of lb in quiries- mr- hcofis dlared his iulvntion ofvotin sainvt thi motion after 4 few wonh frm mr ili-rrinyn- porl of tl commille mr biiiairj rmjidh uw lwfe th il un vote which in w4 xa t tr olniauaj with hi fnrdjdc vt pa h vtfle in rair o ll mvijnattoit bwjj but votis jumt hviuiiy into then lai4jtlqxxtjpipfnrtt4lh muuun pn ft eowirnin utliuie kf lhuut that tins naviatip uwi wi- a hi vj tt einiulry alte a twt rariy f mr itjraxnn ilie fciuv divided ahen hie numtiu pp- r tltr fnath jm aaint it ll mynily in fav indrendent owner of a farm himirir the noiuiurr fif rrituh maonfacturra and proiiueer of uindit agricultural prutlucl white ihe w rlis iiwo which hew i i i v been employed will attud a ebewji nd ennvtant tranvit for both bi fre enajie in the dfcassfliy hriitnioa peculiar lo a now nmc in rlcariue up the forest he will hive been iuh- cienily rong io lhe country to hrenme acooainted with tnc mides of ar necessary in his new lvne wth the hafnts of the petple of lhe cobdlry and thg jiccutiiriiiernflheehmate lite colooicatvilt rcecive and retain en iovalnihle aceen if u hardy and ioduttrinu p n i r well ntled tnl r up and nuke productive the wild hind of the timntcy the cotoniea will have seemed a visi ytcmof railway neeenry to their rupd cmwih nod pcrminnii prosperity and yur majestys imperial givermnant will have convened a lorjr nuenhorof iissuhjectiwrvi now suvru urm it bounty ami up the ehitatile eonlribntion of hut pnrtlfin of yiur majestys uruet wio are hlened witu giciter abtnlanccmta hppy and pinsmrow pcidc viur mcnoiialtsts humbly bee leave lo repre sent in yor wyy lhat thiy te rcidy i cive if tmmg lhe esteni and veneialimi nf the enptjyuienl lo iukkj bbnrmj nkn upnti ibe fore n itive and nnw havme bullied chin on zntr ayatesri and tht thy hive applied m the 4remintoflho fipiuui ueainiti whieh k fiinitiar i cal cuvnviiem of rhia prvmee fr a right ol lofth ni rejovr tve in tr rule them with i uvcmption to a uanluy nf ihe crown lauds hi ndof inn tlrv ulaml nf ituikong i ecu- 011 desirable ilut ion incaicil alvtid pliawe lrllra britidi aetllemenl ruledby rritm fuwe- majestys impcrut givrrnmcnl tn rrmu tmanes die eaptm wweh seeurcd w in the jw mvuiirnlifl the required ru and lint ywt lentarsann of it rvcfe no diuht inol f nnrard memonahatshave fully uthnuvl the corrcspnnd mi st creditable fom marine and mittary f me cnmiiee of ihit cmpiny n ldn lo rhealw of the war eunnnt he men of with enter into the nccrsrv nenhamif njualpkawrej and wo are iire dmtijicd aiill r memonaha furutfr humbly beff leave in wtirn we rrceive the tlriiisft njctiwfim jiat inform your mnyaty ihit there are olbev pn- dlodcil to are inflwuinnn nnlive orwdrrt a mode rtcil rail tt my phftft and meadmiwd rrnd f pumtiiincnl elcuatdtorcnrernornmrdrtea thai piovmee which might im sultiurway tw nlilc in the whole chinese nation the jiiewrlmg h miv uueivril t the fiirpeof efniisiatliun jifjrtviitieni have been cnrendcicd by qncueui j n l improvement with cret ndvantajjv ji ctjwriu mii lai t manner howes capture ami death but some persons never rive credl where credit is due and least of all when due to an irishman corporal plight belonged to the light company of lhe 48th re staoned al lhe period referred in the colonv o he cape of good hope he was a notorious irishman mild unassum ing inoffensive possessed of reat bodify strenyjtli and of a daring spirit which no peril could subdue tmff rewards were paid by ffnvernmcnl fnr the capture of escaped con vict and the intirpid pujfti had earned a suffitiencv in this way to make him indepen dent for life i but wth the characteristic con tempt of a soldier for tuarjed pelf every shilling though nmd at the greatest per sonal kawrd it tn every instance a matter f life and acath was pitched on the barrack room tahlr and a general invitation addiessed to the cmj in the usual signi ficant terms cofl boy pull away white lhe money lasted as mrth and festivilv and when the last nny had followed in the loolsleji of lis prreeeors it became a mat ter of sjrtve cnntittioa with ihe undaunted largest of the kind made was manufactured for this office by mr james n walker of montreal but it was nol capable of doing good work and was only used for coarse jnbs last fall it was sent down to the maker to be made to do good work on and we are bappy to say lhat having recently received it back and having tried it we have full confidence lhat on ibis large press we shall be able to print the promised large sized british whig in future a letter from st patrick for the british whig dra whig how greal is lhe pily that exemplary clergymen who employ much of their time and means in visiting the poor and destitute and relieving their wants should through the fervor of human 2eal bt jed icto the egregious error of pieaching to an intelligent and well corporal what dlrf to face in search of amefid congregation aught but jena christ new adventure uniietntis calculating the prospect of replenithine his exhausted trea- tncd to the orderly root drtv in the 1 1 u t ft m rsvafhim llju rfvh h jajhm4 ia 1 4a ui ay rmj fivj ttvfxdrrl jtriiikfv ii wj wjm tlrt jilt whieli vt ii cinim ns to mr ii iwae- the under secretary mi vtt cdmiea a txftion of hlw minplion un iiua whether miv v rtatc bivn taken to mwe0 the uvllrettbiii of oupo4l puimhtup t iktherhy njiu- bifelinailmi t eutiwtr ntt ike t iif nf iliu ihinevci when thvy hive tieeii onabln t iiy peruni iry fine7 nlr liawue ifplied ihnl a retfe nticiled wtlh tvnimlerablo vtfdrime wii amvmpi al hykmif hy laffc wimhft uf prkfiia thjt th utrtri attempiina ho reiv were finally itiirrd cinvietitm mivmnjeascd lo a tincf five ldln nr to cnpr il puuittjiinent m the efftojlt f twmty npfsoi villi urmlltrut abrv lie nuatt touc io the toi i ifir itiu f ulnniiri wit rreeivnl with iud itiuhte in the now it it all xry fine lev tafnfftta gvulliiiicii loiuaho ihvmvlwa mttf al uic eipup irl tht tliinean hut we nf4i tidily and ny ih nowfr llt ditrud4lin mlorh 1101 nalivawrr miut d bv uhj ihiluji dutuofitieaj a a rnjiutfju tyranny it 1 a bid hrfixt aeeumy for any rtastotibte loan which uru ladmnced all of winch i rnnat inimmv nod diliujlly tub mih for voor mfelya gmeiouv cnidrmthit and a in duly bound your memor iahtt wiit ever ray siened allan mcnik prtii4rt 4tafe s tiffany vhatttnaa prtff carfol robert w rforris janir i hwnrt direttot jhn 0 ii tl henry mckintlry w in ut western wwmwwl ofliee city of ijmitiooc w mareltsw 1847 i7irpulftia inirserw fafouts i resrutii their tdup afiosfd mpnly in wrmw mw m t l u- iiirnl twlltenaitajuf ciduclur nunrduneqaioua will ta alrimatj lent before it aitualion be- cofuit a jiccve sii ry ne was snmm howe bad made hi appearance in the neigh horhoudj and pro litfm to viit a widow re- and him crucified the cup of life has enough of gall and wormwood without the addition of polemical asperities to augment its bitterness out the idiusome distant fl0m the fjarnon sun- in hlvw rrioly this woman applied ois advantage m dealing with sensible men to the commanding rt for ptoteetion and cnrtmral pujfh wa hirecteh toselect his parly but he preferird aplg anne and started for the widows hut uhich he had reached about lhe dusk of evening h he lay concealed beneaibasprinklini uftaw hit fire lock pointed lo tin open dnor and patiently awaited the arrival of hisfneid nor was the sujeneor long ilii f michael ever puncliiril on such icciens soon tood before him and vhu iui bly corered but no mischief dnnr tbe corpora missed fire springing iu- stanlty to hi feet h jwrwiej the outlaw who litistins tohissiiipmwf axility which in no in stance had ever iww him made for an idjniiuni ttivor n at one hound cleared the stream slipping hi fol on ihe nite hank he fell into the wa hut hefure he had time to iecover puh ws at his throat the work of destruction commenced one or the ol her mul die both drw their knives and noth ing but death w to end the contest in a few inomenlsthehrave wldier stuck his victim to the liearl piolnd lu ory head at the ordnrly ttrnn neet morning a the hot certi ficate of having jilijjcittiy dichaijjed lhe arduous duty assicd to him and obtained the kuvetumenl nard of xxi stetuilf this hravr trffusfian llwuht no more of ranint the liusb i search of an outlaw than would 4 porlman lo pass over a meadow in quest of a snipe tlhalaiuan rcctntly dird r tlic ntd chnp mad b hia ac jv ol a a kfttieji pap r iy in liu4a ai d len a trrllm lutuhv 11 century or ao thvi ahn ajutiww llurty yarau ae aliould retiiu ul irit ueluck and 1 prtir in lhe imffj- 11 niomuudr liuriy cpaulty il thy havi najt htlninnd thmi full kf4wflt bfjold retire at nine or emuor anil iie i fie j that if hurried into mistakes of which the world cannoi approve they are ever disposed of iheir own accord to apply some corrective remedy if the mag had been present at morning service in su georges church last sunday he would admit lhat intolerance ought nol be taken as the chief ingredient in estimat ing the character of its ministers an inilniclivr sermon was delivered by the her mr herchmer to which the most timid member of any church miht have listened with exquuite deli ht if he would nol be dis pleased lo hear benevolence and love forcibly urged as indispensable duties j one excluded from the hope we alt hav who adopt as the groundwork nf his religion ceiiaiii fundamental imlh which ever chris tian must betftve ii is a discourse like this that common people want and not lrclnrx5 on speculative theology whitll neither improve ihe morals nor correct the heart i don mean to insinuate lhal uch lectures have ever been delivered from the pulpit of st george chuichor of any other chajkj or church in kindlon my own ca- perience tells mc the reverse hut tus i ay generally lhat whefeswvci inlmduced cace ami happiness to the cummmtlly are at n end a union of irishmen eacepl fur miscliievnu ptirnes should he a mailer of griiltfitmiot and joy to every one who h passed years of hu life in kineston ami ijuilu certain am r lhat ihe ftcv gentleman above named would be one ol the last ptftmaf on cailh lo regret y caivaduk stock our attention as well as lhat of many other persons was at tracted on monday last by the patsing along kinstrect on their way to market of four splendid held of cattle the property of m r j- scntt butcher voneslreet two of them a fiveyear old bullock and a threeyear old heifer were particularly noticed and ihe owner was reoeatedly stopped and asked where such splendid cattle were raised were they not imported was the oftrepeated question to the no small annoyance of mr scott who stoutly eomhaltcd the too popolar idea that because ihincs are good they must necessarily be lhe growth of some other country than canada they were amonj the finest speci men of home rearing we have ever seen and did much credit to the cre arid enterprise of mr scott we understand that they are intended for easter and may be seen at tbe dmatrk residence on yongcslreel latts an strap original ant sdtcl tjtme quarter sessions the court of general quartet sessions and the district court for the midland district will be holden at the court house next tuesday april th e3 docs versus hoc if our city fa ihers would condescend to act upon the suedes- tinn of mt eorrcndnt jumih in the lam british whig and direct the slaughter of some halldozen pigs not at large in the streets of kingston against law and ond order they would not be doing a bad thing the filthy pip have no right lo be running at largelo the annoyance of every person possessed of com mon decency and their owners would he taught a wholesome lesson if a few of their pigs were destroyed bui we take the liberty of suggesting in addition to the destruction of these unclean animals lhat they be not poi soned or shot but caught and butchered in a proper manner lhat iheir flesh may be useful for food and thai il be given in the puhlic market place to such poor people who may choose to apply for it the owners of lhe pigs have trifled loo long wilh the town like the boy in the fable il is of no use pelting them with grass let the effect of a few stones be tried ejrthc wicattiwt the weather con tinues cold and bright wilh frosty nights the sleighing is all gone in town and towards the west but to the eastward it remains ex cellent and will so remain for some few days lo come the ice in the harbor is excellent never stronger at any period of the year this morning at 7 oclock fahrenheits ther mometer was down to 2tro with one ex ception in 1842 it has not been so low on the 1st of april for 20 years pot fjto cum smiths a fair tradesman of good character and conduct would do well to establish himself as a gun smith in kingston a gooooperiing now presents itself cmn bucham south it tsa matter of extreme gratification to be assured lhat no secondhand representative is lobeeii trusted with the negotiation of a peace with santa anna hut lhat as soon after the cap ture of vera cnil a the mexicans shall de- sue lhe secretary of slate in person pro- posses lo go down as ihe envoy extraoidinary to the capital of the montcaumas with three million for ihe settlement of a treaty p and il was expected that the summer vacation would be employed in this official journey a prospvct which defends materially rion ihe nens due from the seal of war this wilt make all wife and it will he far belter ban lonor almonte for they are not 0 be depend ed upon in so jong a journey a herald- it we learn from the new york commercial advertiser th it ilie montreal telegraph compay bawe appointed mr- o s wood of that city the ucnntendcnliirihllirkfmqicbeelotnr0nln jn making ihis appnimrneiit ava thai puirnal the company havehcnvnrcat ifoodaene and tagaci- ty aa mr wnnd ia ciniidrrfd with iuatice una of lhe unseal npcravvv in ronnection with any of lhe untied slate letcr he hat eon- durted tle daily operations nf tha newyork and buffalo line with a judge mm t uct sod knowledge if his bcirnees whieh are unturpntcd the line hat brim worked by him with regularity certainty and despitch and hia rrbano manners make him popular with all who have had occsioon lo transact bunncasat theoffirc here mr wood wifl enter opoo hiaduticsimmetiatclyqifrvec mercvry c3extnaoruiyabv fet- rowland hill stated at a meeting held in liverpool last week that the average amount of money re turned to tfaf dead letter office enclosed in leitm which were refused amounted to 400000 pcrannum j and many thousands of iounds were yearly found in letters which had absolutely no address upon them what ever muarjta a respectable inhabitant of the township of guelph wa murdered about a week ao the followinijare the particulars a we have ihem from one of ihe coroners jury the deceacd in company with iwo of his brothers and a nephew came into town gurlph on business dotlm the day the deceased had ome cunvewation with a eroii named cochrane and others which ended in an anvry dispute the parties had separated and in the evening oliver and his brothers jeft town when about a mile on their jour ney home they came lo a pail of the road from which the snow had drifted and oliver col out of the sleigh for lhe purpose of easing the horses he had walked bat a few yards when cochrane came running up and ordered him lo stop and on his turning round coch rane struck him with some sharp instrument which passing through a rib entered the heart and caused immediate death an inquest was held on the budy and a verdict nf u wilful murder lajrut charles cochrane rendered the murderer now 111 the district gaol al guelph awailiuhis trial toronto patriot 3 imporvaxt ft has been rumoured in town these few days back that the loop endin dispute between our townsman mr- parks and the ordnance department res- pectin lhe vacant ace of ground between j upper and lower town has at last been brought v a coc al award having been made in mr sparks favor of 20000 bytoum gazette it tnc phofw or cosufto ootxo mao wc hnpe that nor bnrd uf pohee will hunie an order ihut all do found running at jarfc for tba next thrrr wcev shill be dcsiroyed somethin mint be done to secure the petpta afainst the attacks u these multitudinous bruicw coburg star utt we areinfiwmed that in the old coontry all newspaper ps through the pol office free f eh irjvb in ihia cnunly wc think exeitangt pa pers should liave euchan iiiimonitv i tor lliireaon hat it would seem to be consilient with judicious pntiry t fneihtte i murh a potoibte ai rhangc of tlmught nd information ro mrmncivar acetoextljetter have been received i town vn the melancholy in telligence that 1 i formerly of lhe queen wli had ettmcou in the ijihcrnia lo botlnn mid w4nn hiwiy to qttehcc to command al tse ipc unjf of the 1 n uic now aleamar jua wtfee erntfcman a lady and the driver had rsm kiil1 by the uuaetting ft hestaeaj over a precipice ahtiut a mites fnrn burlington tfttbo ohcra have been acverely injured qatbtc mt re ttry c5 opening op navmsatiox it will be seen hy reference lo our advertising columns that three nt our rmhle lake steiimen the ellipse j- john cordon the admwat capt w rjoidon and the imtrira t apt 4 in kerr arc now ut the ameiica came in yvtetdiy from ltochvtcr hut nwint the quantity of ice in ihe hay could not jjel tielow ihe jueen whaif in u few day however we may ejcrl to ste the tay all ckai when the liuyil mail line will enmmviice their regular lsia ttuvnta pnirmu tt hun s i l tv mm nco ii lavi mliitliajltvtl fir eijjlrbvr doya mdy una winicr ihe annv juno llmwu hvmf mfltej frm kasvemii n 1u1 rrn huiiilnd kren if on iur 4liu dec litat and the a liaa havii nrrtved imi thr trd imiusi miii tirfnto fr kocherilrr niilwillmimdio lh atimt pamn of interrupted conuereo tho arrival of thv aicrva waa huilud with many airua of welcome t7tre bonranf ao animal aupprwedlo bean- i idc hi vian evidently of marine ririemhaa bern recently discovered in a clay pit bclnnriug to mr conve at ihe northeast end of tho mountain at a depth of ten fret frm ihe urfure by workmen whnwerc ernplyed hy mr peel m cxcavalini flay fnr mnkinc tirieaa the united joints of the vetlchrtp neaurc four feel cighl tnchea in imrtih and wrre nfftafileal in a atratnm f marl containing nunicmit ahrllt und peee of coral it ia now hi the pnwaton nf mr peel who we understand intends in nreteot il to tbo natural history svcicty 7frajrrrpr iff cnuraaarivk mnhvi iv nut aaw in 1 itnrvm ihllttlk wear ikiukh hie annual inne- j lalil afftvofl mw llm ind y tine ine undrr thirty veaf of ajpfi m tlreiit itniam fil tho ilimth imnmu nor hniia4iil etlliavi wlmivva n- tiimrd in tin wiudwnril mil lewatd lauiraara efjaftfanntiinihv t andm lhe jaiuniea ifarriann uie aajaiatrvw ajjad nrlniiflrrf dratl ih r thituaand hiniii illfi tlu hrt wdtlivt that have nenahed iry aieknea in tti wulwid ami leuard aww- niihid namrly ihtltntttira riihlad ae einep itlfnr iiw4fila f trti faaatfavjsl area waasa1 1 1 1 v uii 11 iiuu hiil iliriji tin aaino iorjriileeeeir is- i ittfaiif tiawi twaaty- trm tlhiiinil f elf hurmlmtnud i wiul nw 1 a- 1 wk halve die m die vrl imhea 1 ni ihit uioatly iihiiver if hriutn and nvr lirrtv ltara a agt 1 1 ilia dentin in tha itermula trarnanna arf no ine1ucj in the toe afmfriai timtt