British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), April 2, 1847, p. 3

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fall importations fresh groceries imolvsilk mp retail wm lmwriina cmtr of king itl brock atrfj ufarfat sqwtrc kingston c ll ij ega to rriiiftft hu itankt t fci friendi ani 5 l pirmie ftif th very uhernl muiitiagottt lendmifhin dunn iho mtt twi reara and tnnm mh retpstfrjiiy m litem inat lio hot iiel received a urge and varied alock of groceries wines and liquors comprising as follow hunt v and sjndnnany puft madeira sherries maraeiba ci trot chinp ieae jmnica spiilf mtrifliv ftipm brartdr otarjv cqjftm da pla flrnndy genuine eheh whikry holland gift seundnn t r- rijffi crtlvilivt wllive wj m ivkfirii ivmbnur aitmttnfl t tur above sliek rf lviurt an xveuvrs wvi flhri harm been imported dirccl fwn rnuin lie in crmfirivncc rertnriwnitim ihrm ua heme free frum adulteration tlh fimc- tttsi fsuirs 4tc having been earefylly by hunaelf in the new yrk b o and mmrcil marietta ciin be rce jiivncurtcd aa krmi of ini beatquiuiics teas tasi extra imjierial otj hyaftn tnan hyson gunpowder twiuika pujcjvmj imperial peke mchonj coigou and other teas correct green ratatrr and gruund cnfftes sicafti- loaf crushed tod muscovado treacle fruits ramna currants filbrrts fij almond sweet ad bitter candied 0ane leijin and citron sperm olive and lard 0ls spire of very description picalrs saiiee m vnei vermicelli ancluvicv liqivarice sardinia sceatcd castile and brown sap simch blue indigo rr4mi stirutjhiii brtiahrs fail spon vnvn s i j i p cjfdf p ps blacking black lead ate ate fish sra salmon tvselifirie herrinrt north shorr herring dcby nd lubcck herein- whitefish and iodfith cm fne pfincipea tlmou rcgihss cherou pan i it r i i sirimbtatt wcwdvilte la norm ate in 14 end 18 taxes tobaccos caveodtah nid hrvcylca cul hnrr daw and awnuiic chrwinj plu 4nd ladira twiit scarfathtti and cunster tukiii and i i- i tubiceft 1jeeaboy riptrct and scotch snuff wiisj a vancly of i4hef unfu ao tiincfnrt to meniun ah of which will be ij whvleamf nr reuit at lh uivei irnnintt ff sicej hn nrrtlo bem fc tjgki pijits tfarf qtttt tavern keepe ivppjiednn fiid tcrml kiniion december 1946 eight hundred thousand acres of land in tab huron tract notice to old settlers emi grants and others the canada company have again ilimwn ripen all their lunris in the hitron tract for diicpmnl hy wav of lease for ten years- no money being required down the rent payable tin the ut irehruary in ch vvar is not morh tinn niti i ii j l un ulfesvl pic of llift liml tin ripht lit mr- chao iho rrochdhl nc any time within the ten yoor at a fixoj pricu immuj hi laua la pecnml t the soitler who would thusavo all further paymoits nf renis tlie huron district is known in be eneefthemim hmhhyend fenilotracu of rntnl in canada il lias more than njlilit its pnpnlntlon within fmii yeict the huron tract in the year 180 con tained 7101 souh in june lor veer the huron difttiict numbered n9s3 anula according to the official returns theabovo fltdn are in rloclt9ihore- furft affording fioility for the undivided settlement iw fnmtlies of old settlers and their frindn maps printed particulars and every requisite iiiformatinn upon the huron and the canflja lomnnyi pthtrlafuli in the province ivt he ftirtibbftd rticc of ir m c hy apphqattnil if by filer poi piid t be canada companys office at toronto and grtdtfrieu and stfasifd la the huron district caxap cmfinl orncr frederick stjtotwito uljaaj 1s47 j 6m edwtn chown manvpacturer of fbi sheet mm iib rbffu wares asp 0cale 1m cooking and other stoves princess streel kindlon 0wie he mili tary hospiljl begs to return thanks to the in habitants of kingston and iu vicinity and the public in general fur their very liberal patronage since he has commenced business and bepea that by unremitting care and attention together with iheerviceaof compoicm workmen to secure a coniitiuaiir thereof e c keeps constantly on hand a general assortment of tin ware ant makes to ordr tin eaoe ttottzh copper and tin stovc furniture c marking plat es of every description executed in the neatest manner work of every kind in his line made to order with punctuality nov ii 1s6 133if the c3l0mial f3jhm ax3 msehai assurance company folt firlilifa anu marine ueutaata and imoiuutu vxok i fi vic cai cx capita jflqqflqq in 4oo0d harciofx2 each with a reserve for shareholder in he several colonies patrons sir howard douglas 8ai mf- sir allan mnabspnktr of ilohouaeof arnhr of panadt sir robert m srflomburgk k hg j p mavcrs ea- cojonial agt for henry b14ss effecitoau agatttforncv w bukisk esq q a cotenial ajcnl ur jaftuica hon f m f berkeley member for baml board of directors phut p blttiii eaq m luntim merchant blyihr ufttrm aailh frura witxui parcr en bait 4m mrrchint 1 manefei prlcr al ce ne bfmd street jacob m v ss v mercbaottmoor- k4ttisiittl0 jajh coftu e west india mercimfil ck 4d irtnilbnj a w rmxoi esq a rowlanj i son h iiltwi irdno thrii ntwt eq linbwiarid paris major dure h e lc s secretary bengal uiuaiiy fmj uomlikl aitchitlo cvvvijvgii4xc eaq colonial apnt for pl phllip tnoa cuyumc gnso etq ncwcaatle on tyoe p l ihmwa eq min ijjinj directori sim- rnd a ward with poar to add to their number auditors w holioa esq medical officers wftltct llaue wataiik eq l d phiieun in uitifiruiy olkfro llospiiaf and to ihehoa pilal for consumptinn and duewi of th crot 4i upper charlotte street fitnoj bcaoata f l gaos clmk etq 27 finabury place surgevn to sl trwrnnaa hapiul secretary cltjl t- c4mrdcll eaq bankers meaars paeseorr gaotc 0vc avi cva 62 thrcadncedfe street soltcitors feaara horr k botlt sun coen comhit temporary offioes6 bup yard offives6 c j k -miry- our rial and widely eatenbvd cnn i t ins daily beewnmj mre and nvire densely by p in r uii- are fif the taah pari shut htt fron the benefit of a5urane wtiere ttieh a fvoritin ii eaarntially rqjiaite for rheatfrtj nt ihe slock aadlheprtieciion ut bawbta frequently ifft tinprnvjderf fr in aitrnraljaj by the dejii uf fhnida cr retalifes the corniea hate mm lime it time enpyed the benefit 0f ranka ft r i opnnies flicur- jrited chirch stcieiies eniifritin ooftujn j steam navigation 4nd ether aamuted tvdiea but aa yet hare aajaaetafd in a very limited and iniperfeeldtfieeany providrni fnatilulionhdaptrd ti naurjnee ux fire and life ft cannot be de nicd thiitthe perid ha a now arrived miteiy iherr wealth extent and anratih imprtrtanee danaod ihat ihey hnutd poaseaa a apeeial metropntitan office for tiwi predion and henfil derated to inerwar duly apjueelated osjcel of a mum ft cc i itifi iti u1injj branches in an if peinipal srulernentji in the bar quartcra nt oie -at- ctrajm frw nf our rlrracttlrd ci4oiiea nra iheir lviqal aauancc oltiee enndncfej ttr the moat part m the mutual principle but frm their brinf rtbliahed a rery limited bat with circun- mfo tt new booki jvstrecel ved a t the a theneum mo wotftfltal hochelagaor enetand in the near world hon kurfl sykcaxeilr to lord catuarl valentine mccluicbv or the triaii arcnl 7 be rtifiryftf the b cattle the london quarterly rehear the weainiioater review the foreign quaitetly review the edinbufh review blackwooda ui c f i- an asaortment of new mosic kingston october hib is4tl salt baus stoked salt fer hit by hendry biacklock anbaulslbjal 100 penffief any t hi i i ammrfjai m ryij finu in un i olbee and fall heavily oi the maurera inoreover ha limbed ntturouf ihebiumrsa tranascted in ctrh ctuny demand haiti hichcr rata m premium should lo evieted iban the rik abvfuleljr requirea tocie irliieli would airily impair thn unitify and proa prrjiy ef many valuable fcal olrieea would hnvo lnlloertect on iho cthnui a hum at cmpny frrun the extent if itscautfil iho numnr of in sharohntdes and the cireomsunce of lis riaka behfaa vovrj spread one or iwi lyhidoii orfierv wiihamfl cipkals ind very lilue of ihat amount vubscnrtcd have re cent lyeatamlied n few azencch m cj ja india and australia but ihry hive founded iheir mire of premiuin ofal the relurnanf uyirtjlty tmwitr jiiftnthe bntiah and indinn trntipaon forego crvicea very unaaliafactory aourec if com tou litnaarcfarda civilians mnd caloatbpti eenerallr i and neroputiona jrr cotntintly dif ferent these ooicea reaorted foaihileas lu aueh imperfeei sd defective oarceaaf cutout i inn he cauae no olhera were within their reach but from a careful investigation at the cuuuisl office of v4tlumnou return of the pmreaof pipuljtian and others pnaiurcd with pjeat lahnr fcun loci vientf of the dealha in each tlony fr a aeries f years aa furnbhed b the parish reiietem by nonnltinf iho beat authorities to climnlc and uinkin hoc alliwanee for the pricreksive improve- men t effected hy drainage eilended cultivation uy a compteie and perfect analvais of eaaualitiea utft numerous official and exclusive reiurnaob t lined from the vriou licat clergy boards of health tables of moridhty havotocn framed fr each of fw deuendrneies aad the decreneni ol human life preciaely ascertained that much hwetf rates can bo taken with safety than have r been chareerf return from every colony of the 6rc thajt have t iktn placed a series of years live at yle f ou id na and tho local means for the prevention of rlre hjve been obtained from whiei more eqiubje rjtos have been coinputcd than have heretofore been adopted the etnwiafimentof a general aaaurancc of fice for ihe colonice in london on a broad and cwnprehenrhtc bavia with an amply eibcribed capiii wmltrtht hihineas manaerment of diree torslarojety identttird and thorouirhly conversant nli coionu artdtrs founded ouori approved and i l- ry data with rcviaed and much reduced mica of premium having moreover the advent go n an active influenlhj and efficient local bcmrd if management in each of nqr settleinenta abroad innat necesaarily result in benefit to the aaanrera uhnher in he branches of fire lie or marino the dtfrllinee warehjuea and buildings iuilly erected in the cotwiics are for the inot p ill cnatriictedoflejaubaunliaj materials than liirie tn older eountriea and the stores are l li anib vatuble ou and yet ni means f indemnifieaion area prceefitartonlcd tn owner of projietly of this kind atinat the rarafcanrfife thcpeesent dirrlcullv and expense f cfteemnf inauraiicc undnjbiedly deter man fmm availing lhcrnelvesofibc incanaof protection who would otherwise cladly do the advantajresof unli an institution aa ihe coavmi4 stiw it ts believed be fell and acknow cded by all bfinina it wjll do ihe benetila i fire and life aaaorance on the mmt eennomi e l and cqutlbtc principle home to the oyportj- niueaor this is a matter of eeriuu nnnnrnt and one which concerns to a fleeter or taw dffffia evtrj individual member of roeiety the many recent claniitotu fires in ttip colonics parlieulariy in new fooodlind new brooawick 1 r ii iiliu barbadov c most i call um ihose onprntectcd by invur nce to w alien ikon to ha opportunidea asbrdrd toirtdemnify ibcinaeuea aiost los tnecaprlsl of the company is one million which witj be continually aurmeciinf af k bvai neaa prfreaaes thus cmaiitutin a large pcrma fill brthehenefilaod securiijr of all parties nt created and affording the moat unexceptionable indemnification to those who nt4y trantact basi nets with the company tho number and influence of if directors nd propweiora at home and abroad place ilea a revel with the inort eligible offieoa in the kiijd nr with reapeel to ilia ad vantvgea offer ed to the pumic and afford a i i guarantee or its full in eomplrle sucecaa aawell as of the chractee and mpooaibilily of the inalittitim tie great local and general expo rice oei together with iba rtpauona ud laopceiabi lirv of tne qsa ncnnclinenn the lindnn and aascttl ikarda imj ltelatat nf ihi irtuu of till lh riihn utienifi great nmiinin aniriei m the okv orraardon the onlinxml which i ben taken idvanlaifc of v he folly plriviai4 hr all who invrtiite ihcaae fi it rdssnctvffwf una 0bm t npjriam ofljie rates niiptrd by hk com twy rt eaei f iony wilh ihoae of xilinf lo don nd cntmnil 0fira i sousitca tiie aatiwrd are wiiijt ii nd rcrpnibiulv whilver aam mntbitl offlcsa ejnvirewillbediuttedaad made pavaue either ft londoner the colonic at the option of the a toured thecompanv havin ihe advantiffj of resi dent dtrecttra in each corony will be enabled to diminuiah italf by its promptness in lb aettle- ifioni at filaibm m de ppufl il thsodonial rvurdawtll hire ml power to exminrand report upm ivuv and fire aur ancea and receive or rcfia lhn at once without co nnunicnn with the home baird the folio eint are among iheadvanusrjutred by ihe cftlvmt 1 theifimrantee of an vnple capital and 01 emptim of the aanrcd fmm l liasiliiy of paftorahlp the aurcj netfher having in depend on an uncertain fund rf bcm in any way accmntabtr for the payment nf claima 2 very mdcmic prrmiomv foiittded urrn the rnoai rcecai md luilknlie dits carefully cal culatcd by an aeinary 3 prompt seitlemest of claim 4 hie reapnmiibihly and confidence afforded by a lical uirectinnin eeh colony 5 residence in any part of tbu vrrld at pro portion a to rates 6 sinllcharge for management- apptieatwns arf aimments of shsre may n mido in the follow 1 0f form and nddreaaed to p l stvuotfos efrn mnacinx director at the ompaoya tempiwary orbces 6 baraje yarc ruklerbury london- form op appication for shares to the director of the colonial foreign and general aviounc company 6 barc yard buckleraburjr london tntlemcn i requeatyou will alfnt ma share of 33 each and 1 undarlakc in pay loa per share on allotment and in siga the deed of settlcmenlon delivery of tho atnek name important kw ihkoks address bosineasor profesiion- date nf application reference proteclue forma of jajbrallnaj for share nrfoe proooaatsof iniurantfe and overt informi lion may lie obtained at the companys tempi- rare orlicev between the hour of 10 and 4 agent for kinstoc chas stuart eq wivi- a thomsons rolijussioi 110 ivp02tisg mescqwt 51 drond street rtew tortc will contirnie toive attention to canajiaa imports coristned to him at new york for forwarding to canada nntl alao to the sliipmeiitor bale of sici ciinilian projucts as may ieek this port fnreitort rr 5qio merchant- who may ho pleased in nvail themselves of his servict5 in now york should in ordering their roml send his address to their wuroponn mp pera instructing tnemloynd a ihiplicdte invoice ami kill nf lading to him and it shmld bt- ibiervel that the invoices of goods intended for ch now york more ought mshow thflchurirosoi same until on shipbonrd t the oort of oxor- tatinn in invoice mfacaeihould bo added up separately and extended to the ouraide column the mixlne op in voices of the contents uf rnorc tai one pacltagethc packing of a whole invoiceindmcrimiiiafely nr of norfi thn one invnire in ihe sume casr aiuull points to he carefully avoided the rrent ehangea in the ojatom jusrf taieoirttatd suies wlilu re- tuinnfi new forms mve much amplified the sycm of reforwarding goods in canada no cash mlviqu is now re nuiird n hond of import and ejinst rrm the oiattignm battng tho nhti tute nor under the rlrlorem dutiei of the now tariff ww packages have to hn opened for measuring or weighing as formerly umlr the lifcifio duiie which chiraeteiizud tho tariff of 3ii to fhe improvemeiit in tho custom department may he added the -x- ponencoof the pat aoason as further insurance to cjuadian lmnorters that they may rely on tlisj sew york rmtc being one hywhirh they can hnroafter receive their goods withcertiin rapidity nd economy new york 23d nov r6 n otice quebec fire assurance company the undersized having rosigned the agncy of the qatbtc fin assurance office at this place berrs ti notify tho imnlic that the business of the institution here will henceforth b conducted by his auccessor thomas bricos junior esquire to whom ap plications for assurance or olher busi ness connected with the office will in future be addressed thomas greer kingston 12th october 13c with reference to tho above adver tisement the subscriber having ac cepted ihe agency of the quebec fire assurance company atthis place is now ready to receive application from panics desirous of effecting assurance against loss or damage by fire at moder ate rates of premiums at his office princess street thomas brtggs jm- agent qutbtc fire atsrajice company kingston 13th october 13j6 120tf fort of vtttlilav u 4 iiiinmereo navi a new tafilvand a imap itarr rikrviiii r vhmm poprs vrrl jmireiil of tfailfl bh rvnjmipfiaiea an o infor- xr tioo fcnv avillj ihe ofthr worm drhtsrveracrivlsil tlcpiih f latillifhtgf and lwifh anrj sir if smith ftfjrjfr ihs late war in india vriih mip ind plana field kxeeiae and evolutions of the army with 37 plates cwtlf riyevtrtredia of artanlmtaani niiin rneyrlopavli inf kiml spoms ixuron oevrourjdii if fattening rof altiearllliai maeomer on tn ittrii nl ho fooflinj system macotloeha pfineifitea nt political economy supplemrot sf4d efrfiaa i i j re diciionsry of arta tfannhdanajjuld mines rvrirhra map of he superior thealiovelorther anlhe numerous collection of other similir wurha a card 3 ubscrilwrlri atuniinghis ihank lolhe trnvflling nmuiuiiity fur the patronage he hu received eithlmr inmds while keepingtlie briliak jlmeriean hotel hja leave 10 inkwiitu and recuinuiend ns ilih lltceanr alu jamks pattckson who will be found in every mpeftt worlhy uf public support joseph h daley kingston april 30 1816 rc ciiauikrs forsoehy montreal sept 10 arcanum extrncte phls medicine has acquirer an evten vd and esrilisheclvnrity thrnhhonltli eountry urhieh his hcn sutahed hy it virine andelfixcy l1ltr a remedy sr scrofula nr ttw krii ulcehatko sore throat lnnstandine rhkumatic chons diiasesof ihskln while swellings dtieasts of hones all ulcerate- cases artectinnaof uie lir dyspepsia c0t7enes3p sail chronic nl n conplair awtjnj in debt- litairl aiil cxtheiicco tiltthons d- eaued by m i vjiure stale of the blood the arcanum fxtractjs a com plete antidote to the sioau eviu rrnrtaced ij ih tnjuucieiiaoeif mercury a i spring and fll purifier it can not 6- fmsfltl wnffcil its way thrruh the pysiem with asitrih injeifectivc force ch-aihigth- iilooib removing dyspep01c influekce5 simlhmgihanervgs remevtiff intern ml osauuclions anh lis a that woult nthvrwise ciuse injury 1 he liver ami lung persons tthote cornrviilinns ar hroken own hv the use of mttcury arsenic irquiine amianv wno axv suherin f diseased livxr or aninjiieirjtts irealmnt nf xnv a theabnve tiarsshonll ora the arcanum xx tract wilhou delay in nntimon inance auo where ulcers fioii bail laiil oare tintiihsratnenl and honrf andwirero allappirmce no hutian mean iul am luuiioiicoullhasaveitlifepalieni navebtfun sntiehtel from lie rave res tnteit loft4llh the danjrine lisse heinf tnmprtty eradicated ly the use of tbis iocs tirnbl gtltacl tnr pnpneloie of iw arcanum ex- trac t hav hail this neicuie used in ah ilic aliov dsse wit ihr most icnlifyiaaj nsota in swngftf viiem neither huai- ocv nor pleasbot ivd interrupted re- fluirinsonly ut aisttll rvtraint of inolertioi lidiel and is triiimy epptieshle anl elfica- cioua to the infant as w the aiull pamrthu wi n dscnpiion fo- whu ih arcanu 1 ftracts ipdictv life withnhaeivainihse iflseftihta persjura lmnanatreaiie on twt in nenl ircmniiny eaci itnme aatnts are supplied wilti tho jtiove paaupbk f gratuitous cir- catlatiaw pile si p hnttje penned and sold hy j wner himiltm j wrt tt palmrrs and c htf kinxaitm and hy allth rcspectjble dtrjei thronsjhimt ca natu dhiti3h a1ihkxcah late dalets hotel the subscriber hegs to in- form ihe public and the travel ling community hint he litis leaned the above well known eitshlhinent and hopes by sirict atieniion xo the comfort of hu guests to merit a continuation of ihe very liheral pairnnnge vhich this hotel ha received the lat five vears undrr the iihle management of the former proprietor mr j hdaley james patterson e pqismxt rs and jhagt conveyed to tad from the hotel free ofetarge kingston june 1846 the last supper by leonardo da vinci from tub celevbatcd esoravrxo by raphael morghen- this masterpiece in its very ruin has been revived and seem destined to enjoy a wije posthumous existence in the wellknown adrnirablc enrawinj of raphael morhcn long after the wall upon which it was painted has crumbled into dust- sir david witku few copies of mr dicks beautiful engraving of the above celebrated pir- lures jut received and tor sale price five dollars eacj far salts the i- book store march 12 1817 vircxll cos canada express leaves kingston for montreal where it connects with ihe new york and boston expresses evrry friday leaves kindlon for toronto hamilton and durtalo every tuesday office commercial marl ontariost william ware aent kington sept 1816- 109tf chambers mrscbllasynfllxefwiaal biterlainin tract vol j 3 an addi- n atipply of vota 1 to it chambers cpclpedia of literature 2 vim w i edinburgh jnrjrnal volt i to 5 1 inrormiln for ihe people 2 v8vo etlucjtionalcfturse variouiaub jeetfc atlas of modern and ancient geojrephj 125 6m j winers pectoral syrap ot liorchoand and elecampane i 011 the speely slj ffrelwil cute of chihs colm a siiiithaof bloodi whonpinx cous w ttr hites core u iiiun pleinisy itawnesa pains ami srrnenf the bieast ail lfc brnnchitts a disease thai is sweep 4 n d to a pre mature crave tinker th hdiii nw of cinsiir canheeih hy this medtcinc rheomial sympiomsof l ait- bron- chilis are cough sorel np la n 51 or tflffml hnirsens difficully of hreathinjr apma hectic feveti pining up phum or matter and ometine p it s nulhint mote than an inllamait tn fin akin wheh lins the msile m wind rii vessrh lobsekvatfallr fluncais a french journal or rut foufical coauaeacut aso acifnnc ttfata nr t wkxx of pmtosophgt literature and central infor- fnaunro fvortce gtrmmy spot and all othet countries each number remains articles n finjih and french politic political rfevri from variouvother countries judicial reports e li lerary deprtrrienl cornpoaed of selcet and ifriioal worka a review if paria a review of fndi gibipins arjd aneedotra of the fadiionbu world reuorti of ihe weekly meetings f uv french and olher scientific a it a horn tnri report a review of english and frcnel fheaires a muaical review mnroluntra e loaaeavaroa faacais is putriiajtcd weeklf in laidenubecripijon 26y per annum lyooji ofrce i7 sirand k or barker briiiah whig office november 1846 london steel pens just received at the atheneum soov store a large assnrtment of steel pens bj various makers including gillots cele brated magnum bonums the new yrk ladle pens and several other new articles a libeial ailowadca to the trade otubvr 26 the wnte of ihr which rqn tluough evert put of ihe luia tis peciihar virtue df hrs comyoufth bfc- fore ion tim- atlfaclej the altention tit themedicij profession ind puhlic anl a lively interest has rct drn directed m lliedevelipeineutof ihthfaaw powers and piilnoune qualities wk pop are joiv aide to ratifv ami n hi ed icifie to ihe public with full c of itsleme ihe mwl safe and vehiam remedy evei dis covered and aiiaptad id all diseases of the loti when any of the functions do nol perfnnn their nafursl or hlthy aelinn il 11 universally telief that go in hi providcnccf ha not aluieed his children ivilh pant and dueae wilhoul at the same tinte vin them somelhinx in ihe prrrlen nr nature that will noi only medical hut in many c srs entirely relieve them with lhee views sirflnily impressed on off minds every on should feel a t dtsiie to investigate the utmost of his power the jpreat arms oi mlurr and to draw from ihit source thai inittmcuon which the wisjom of man h fxihd to aiain in presmin this article to the puhlicthe proprietors were influenced by the hope thai a medicine prep red wilh much care an strict regard tn the chemical properties ol its several intedirnlsruijm uketrv place o thousands of irresponsible nostrums of thr day with which ihe country is deluged c the ue f oie boltli of ih syrup will be sulacient to ronvince the mosl scepti cal of its beneficial prfecl prapsred ami told by j whet hmiltnn canada weft and john wimer co 83 maiden lnn v fur sale ai the athe- ueum book store n palmers and c heathv ktotoo and by throustnut canada tl repfctane 0iuist cuite folt woitms winers caxauht vermifuge lttaftrakibointuwuet iht ii te- t ucly trrr ft i iliie ted for woms t no only ilsirnys hem hil invionte th ehote iftten nj caui 0 the wpetabun- laol ume ar murui o prevalent tn lh lomich anl howtb firieeilly of ihoh i 4l health 11 ii h4tml iu rftccls on he lystrman he helfr 0 ihe pilienl i ilmy imptoriog by iuh tfrn when no vorns are imcannd iprie medicine binx nuiille no child will re to ltkt i oi even lh mil dltej ki pf led omervatoni upon d rmu lom vorn accompany each hntile pepjted indioldhvjt wnr hfnillon for site by r c m nnuoal oe ot- chalmers playing and phi tr3 cards ilst received at the alhrneum bok stoo n large aaartmanl of ctrdt inludinij puym tarda uolrl flick and plain priolera cardan all aires and cvkira mod ladca and uentleoiens visilini card ivory surface enamelled by plain october 2glh g e s e it a i- a o b s c y vv f1f aj 0 barge yarri bitrkhhury london near the mansion house to merchant commercial new riyima pubtic lihrahes atjriculnirtl sinrfa ulnccrs of the arm and navy prmtee pubfihhnrs uf new- papers and citoniaia penerally simmonos cv ward general agents and commission merchants return their grateful thanks for pat uvm9 in lher rrwnda end the cotinial pohlic in oneralf and beg to ncquairt them thai they are rjady to executo orders for supplies of any kind nd qnantity of and goods of over dea criptinn of rirstrola qudity at the very loweat market price if the day and uinsict btieineaa iipjn the mot liberal terntv providrd they are pre- viuy ij willi fund or dr4flf at eithor lorn osiort dttetor referenco tosorne london or livcpnol house for payment sill won is ward will receive owtsifq menls nf any decnpion of ai ii i i 1 dize tu be anld oo commaoon and accept uilu at ninety day for iwolhihtuf the ti l rwi re ceiptor the bill 1 of lidine conaijfnmenta en irovtrd to their care will meet with trtry pwible dtapach in their disuoaal and sale be conducted with ihe create altcitinn in ihe inicrrataof the miinatr an extenaivo knowldo nf general co h niwton bitajnesa acquired during a knjf re- ldcneo m junica and the ellir west india lalanda and anbequent exteniave oorac f boi icta with all the 8 colonitv the eapenenee of several year in lyttxdn as c bmial amenta conplcii wilh prompt iiude attention and judgment wdl they tru4l enablo ihem lo itve ajtidctm rotlke who nny honor ihcin with lleir coin- manda fresh importations of oltoctikles at the stores op john carruthers a hhds sugar w 2j0 cheis rcaallcialities 5u bascortee do s tierce rice 200 ikxesroaceoi do 34 kejrs dn 2s k v nnts pilhehs walnatsbc 100 bks riminj 100 oams pip 50 boxs sods biscuits 150 do scsled hsrrings 10 caw sperm oil peprw ground and whole cinuimon5 and wiole pepper sauce- and stou itnn bitters slrawheriy rssphrrry sarsapiiilla and lemon sytus kingston may 8th 1846 new railway ihfi subscribers wittiiti intimate tr i firvanlers and owners of propel era birgesc thai they itave leased ihe rnilumjat portsmouth from the marine railway company dnd are now ready for v i out and repairing barges c wd by moderate charges and strict at tention to itiisiness hope to merit a share iif public patronage p r pnrtimouth w b beaupke may 23th ims canada vest vlanlen line n i ny john for tookioren palme ion and by all the te ii kj hou 1 canada wmer si coi fcw aleat the atheneum heaths kings druggists 256m ac ape ct able notice thesurwcriher has kemovrd his of- lire frrni the commercial ivharflo ihe bkick building lately nccipih hy tnntas ftncrft en corner of brack arid ontario streets ami directly opposite the urcmic of vlr ktchrd bktr sen vhere hi is prepared to receive consign- nnljnfanv lescriptm of goods furniture provi3ums which he will dispove of ai hluicj orhyprivale ssle as lie may he lirectcdj and tothe best advantage that the marketcan afford hugh calder 1ingxton19lh uar 184ft auction and commission a03lav market buildings- tl m stltafl ilwri npect fully iiiformi ihe mcrcunliltf cnnimunity and publir toiiirally tlim ho js prepared to sell in comrishiirn dry gtmfs grocrriex furniture llnttves lanrfs jc on th most reasonable terms days of sat evciy tuesday thurs day and saturday at 10 oclock a m each day wm mrmillan aucii apprsiser n b cash advanced on tioods left to be sdj wiilmtn reserve improved salekatus the subscriber would btw leave to mnoanc in diuai wlm deal in tin article ofsa t e it a tus that lie iftttriw ready to furnish afdsfi on the shortcsi notice iote extent nf tinrnll rlwly of acholccv preparationjow for cash or approved papers jambs morton kingston brewery and distillery lath august j345 t for sale a f bushels marrowfat seed thomas briggs jun kingston may 4 1s46 fok bimou8 complaints patnt itht headgiddincsickpesjaun- due 1 nat uiency obstructions habitual confinement of the itowtts5fc bit barkkr0 laxative pills p the numerouadiaeases to which the hit man frairitfiat iabco thejreia scarcely one the symptoms of which are not aeriotjbly aggravated by a confined state of the ifoivnla and tutihs alum many owe their origitr and cuniiouance the preserving the alimentary canal free from obstruction is a point of such primary importance that every degree of neglecr is followed hy mure or lea of inconvenience or suffering when liabituajcostiventaspreailthe cheerful 1 1 of health is soon impared some tiineia by slow degrees and at othei times mor rapidly diseases make their inroads un the constitution and in numberless instances particular j y where the habits are sedentatyor where free living is indulge permanent ill health is the painful result it must be obvious to the most superficial obseiver that when the functions of nature now al luded to are not performed with due re gularity assistance must be obtained from ait aperient medicines then be come indispensably necessary fexcepl where the use of frutta or achanoin the mode of living may suffice torre moving the evil and must be had re course to until the necessity fur such aitl ceaaes if ut i t is a question ofcnnaiderable im portance what laxative shall be em ployed tho list of aperient medi cines is numerous but their effects on thn system vary cnneidtrabl j some ex ert their influence chiflv on the exha- mlli wvi jm mlltf rtt llulv ww- els only whilst theacrinn ohithers ex tendi mure or lesato the whole of the tntestinalcanal thelatter clasuf pe rienta is evidently the best adopted to obviate the habitual confinement of the bowels as they apply that additional excitement which nature then requite to assist licrm the performance of her accustomed functions itis precisely on thialatter principle ihat the pills now offerer to the public are formed and as their activity can be increased or inssened merely by taking a larger or smaller quantity they not only furnish nu aperient medirine pro per for general use in a family bur are also well calculated to answer most o the purposes for which purgative reme dies are necessary tue pills are not however recom mended aa a specific for the cure of all diseases attofa pfeposteroueatata menta are worse than ridiculous and are only put forth for deception but they will prove a valuable kemedy fur that confined state of the bowels which lays the foundation of much suffering forthoseiccasional obstruction to which all are liable and for all those disorders which arise from an overloaded state oi the stomach and alimentary canal con- aequentlv decided benefit will he deriv ed froratheit useingijdineasand paina iu the head accompanied with nauaea or sickness in all hadaches where costiveness prevails in flatulencies ifilious aiiaclcsjthe enmmencement 01 cholic the early stages of jaundice and in promoting the expulsion of worms they require no confinement or change in v diet moderate exercise will as sist their operation and experience lias proved that asan aperient v ey are safe and eiricarious may be taken bv adults and children and also in every stage of pregnancy to children of five years of age and upwards thny may be readily given in pulp of apple orange or jelly and thus disguised they are much more easy ofexhihitionthan pow ders or other disagreeable medicines rilrtcrions for taking thfc pills in case of bilious complaints foul stomachy sec three pillsto betaken at bedtime and repeated next night if necessary headache sickle 40 the stomach two pillsto be taicen atnightand one in the morning obstinate costimhtss three pills to be taken at anytime needed and re- peaiedevery six hours until relief is ob- ained the usuamoseforordinary persons is three pills but four pilla may bo taket by a person ofatronghebit of body and two pillsmay be given to delicate wo men and children futparfcd atfd sold by dr barker atthe atheneum book dtore kingston sold in boxes at 7jdls3d and 2 fid each mills mandarin sauce fflilk proprietor from the repeated 1 iitns of liis frrends has been induced toortwtlo deictoua sauce to the notice nf the public ii is adapted for fish came poultry chops sieaks cold meats made dishes of every description and en riching gravies and soups the proprietor is confident ibtu the ie of one bottle of hie auce will cofl- zjnee the man of taste of its superiority to any hitherto offered to the public to be had wholesale of the proprietor cburg canada west prie 2s- currency per bottle h mills bunbury ooburg octnher 1546 253nt fer sale price 2 6d per fee tie at tbe atheneum cook slore at mr n palmers market square and by mr r mccinnick princes street sauces and pickles- larje assortment tt london pickle- and sauces for sale it tbc metfii i5ax stort ajtot street notice th b stock book of the coburg cop per munvfacturing comwnyi 2h t he ip purchased in phes he wole factory of s b m keclmie of cnhurg the advanages con ferred by the charier afford great zzc te o the stochnlders a zz desirou of embirkin their capiial manufatlunngwouhldo well to loofc al the charter and visit the site of ihe pr posel factory every information respeciing which boulton cockburn solicitors to the cmporw cohurg july 2 1346 j stovks stoves plough castings ac the subscriber respectfully inti mates to his friends and the pub lic generally thbt he couducls tbe busi ness a- urr jasff sass tfqnssjsuxm lit the gaols ropnuii headofpam casrbeeta few yards north of the macadamized rod where btj j- pre pdred tn cast every article in his lino the luscrjtei bs ieeanlly obtaiaetl iba rnstapprovt4f palternsfor premium cooking andothek stoves anr is enamadtn furnish wholesale nr rt iii a superior article f on rnorf iesrnarle larms man can be p ocurctj jrorn the jailed 5l3les the suhseriher eiw recommend ihr prbuwat cookio stoves above ill s4jft ss the recent improve- mnt in this siovereoleni it lelter attapteil for use in ctnut than jy other yet introduced j the melsf is slronjt mi urahte and the management sosioiple thai nj ptoo atsy ceokon il wilh economy amf rijpatth hot air stoves ua4f to rjldstj on the shortrst nolict nw dvelliu b banka ntores 4c per cent wlsinff tn pirrhsse thia arlirle fnr at si-ii- cjn stt stoves in rfsfion by ssll- mu on ihe hn rcniere mr jji icnd una a tlr fcah remedf ever jrt dwirvrtea for wrma wlnekstootfl ache dhopsr un eofr for the tmh ache honluaimenracenaineora a the lau vinefts family oiktmentfwi en evr scrita white sellin hhotnaiavju rinpvrnrm cancer itch dee winery chem1calpileoiwtmhit a apeeoy ae mad effectoal itaaedy far lh tvrether with an extensive varirij ef aaaxaxfcal ln l ii crjj american patco metlieuiaal not 6 i84 copal varnish for sale at the attvetreoia hook store superior copal var nish in pints and quarts by fba dozen or single bottle country bier- chants supplied on reasonable terau kingston april 3 is46 whiskey 2000 u whjskcj for june 5 1846 m- drum mo no tofiaccos- ofl b supenoraroauechewj xv haccofor sale by m drummund ju 6 1s46 music music music justrecewed at ihe atheneum book store a laree variety ol chesp piano fort- vocal filii- and violin music coasistiog or ihe ollnwint 60 popular airs for the flute or violin vrke 3s 9d 4lavoriteglecsconsistinofthefollowidf myneer van dunk bishop 1 the red cross knight cook i q the winds whistle cold kishop f m m vr shepherds lei msmezxingmi j music irom the opera oilhe enchaniresa bal6sonrs 1 19 son of erin3 songs 1 10 setnf pomilar waltzes x 10 a colleciion otsacrsjd melodies p pcs 1 10 set of new qusfltilles 1 0 4 of lover son 1 0 stlsctiois from ihe optra of leonoro 1 104 gerps ftom lucresiaj borxia 6 pieces 1 0 eigtit new and fashionable polkw 1 9 andauoagreatvarielyofsorigsaaalpiaaam by ysrioqs composers t 7 each may 23 18

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