British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), April 2, 1847, p. 4

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irfl 3711 hva mm to v hii eieellcner ihe pwfmf gol lvi hcen ptoemd 10 pttlw muwmc appnlmits william dif p rtf hmritewjft be jthjfic or ll slmimftw fwl n m fe the riei nf gre iho iuee fed hmd of the howribkmn wil alfred biiitownyif imvrj w gentleman 10 ft x llwl of the pomco formerly lpcf canada a cerhvn fhnsbe muo wa n horl lime timwm fccibiv owipw hmi iombm and beauiihil connie in ihe itlcchmc itfliwim in rckbitwa a poor woman se eded lhemnd solicit alms n n m1 pitiable torfwico the mr toftw rtflpwfligf thrust her hnnd intn her mtint hm hcinl -i- hud forfrtteti her ric my l jc m d pv five ihl piercthirc a luliium mr iipiime 1 he retained any thing obtic uf udrhip- bttilfwr ami why not 7 hve yuu h left you p t hn n ihaeemy pufk n my packet and u fullof eiljnd flfw tltcn why mmptrca trifla fa ihn oof marvm j vmfliifl ll tipnri christian principle ihat i object to comply with toot lady dci la4yt twee how fa i yu ne me m we are nrileted in dn unio othci i we would ltnl uey should d unto u s nd therefore ennil pmnbly f m beet aim u i should not like any one lo r me alms il i remarked of the oiflwe hncur that ultra i m awrd in il thju eipnrses the true idea of sn nd ihe only md h- eome nctr it it one tignifyin- breach pirfiienrss he ihat ii oui of debt hh liia wa bread iim little home know ttlhm i d ia wi eoo to nay lxt ujhl to unw that iw a medicinal uses of the wild ciiikkv etct itoce the klikment f america wild cherry has been kniwn lo p- cf tcrv imptnl nmdutml riaoe ev ikiv iinm iim bet but diisidr knew h traliai iiilul pfiueflc eery mother jiveawihl chry le t h elnl- dreo fcf www lor odd ld f ahirtovcry deaee and adolla tlimqimh vur coonuy are in the hu of makmi n tfnupmod or synip f wild cherry bark and othef imudieol be oa d mtiiioga nanndoieto cnnpuinta inciitift to uiaf chjnscfui pamm ll lwl ny eipei merit ihat the wid encrry p cei uf more impruni qiitltuen lliatt wj jnbed t il for the 6rn alagraof conunlii atfbmt natlbfl how loflf ndin 1oa uffcrcompuemattb it if proved to be tbtbim iiidemc known tonn vr wiurt battn f ild chury a h- miej eauacl combined wirji4awttlbruittlw which enhirtcaiu nlgo iloettw wwm n o t i c e midland distiuct to wit notice is hereby given thai tlio coutt of ihe midland district and iuitrrer sessions in and for urt said district will be holtien at the coutt hriusp in the city of kingston on tuesday the aixrh day of apt il next 11 the hour of ten oclock of the forenoon of which all coroners justices of the peace bailiff constables and all others in anywise concerned are requested to take notice t a corbett shrrijf md sheriff office kindlon march 22 184t bill an acttnrettfntrrhe public mar ket in the city of kingston whereas it is expedient lo alter and amend the act relating to the public market in the city of kingston be il therefore enacted by the city council of the city of kingston l that an act msffd the 4lli day of octo- heiflstl entitled an act to regulate the public market in tlie town of kington and an act pissed on the 6th jay of may 1812 entitled an act to amend the act relating to the public market and auo an act iaiseil on the 25th day of april 113 entitled an act to establish a mmkel for wood hay cattle c and for other pur- mxes and alio another act parsed on the 30th day of april 184 entitled an art to reflate the ac of butchers meat on the pumic market and the same are hertby repealed il that the public market rome ml market place now established within the airf city shall be the market house and market placr for said city iii that every tuesday thursday and saturday of each week be regular market day provided always that there shall he dothiftx to hinder the said market from beinc kept open on other davs of the week from 7 oclock a- m tooneocloek p m iv that on regular market days ihe said market shall he kept open from 7 oclock a m until 4 oclock pm from the middle o october until the 9th of april inclusive and lurin the remainder of the vear from s relating tct i oclock a m- until 7 oclock p m excrp ii y iicc n aultul rv ry t hc bra i phyicoekjld d rm ihuvi itilj itnithid laefcnlty andud ikanhoemifemi tlwt ttaiurti jjalmol wild chcrrv h rtilwpierviv- lofjfc jmknwn il hridi 1 koh poone ttarhhwj 1- flft lk vrvpcr itenkatlh aueawnbiwre kmpoo an j by arenuand ijugitu ajrlly ilitvll2 out caoadfi arntah ol ihe rrilth mirchothmrsir riichrv tt i yiv- s 7- mr vliitnej st montreal rih mr rrm4inin douaii new yik jii d u jti anuiettl ddtotillei mr c ilk d hvmrtua vv i 3limf hftttdlmft mr ij l ij mkml k- m wiflumivw md u4t i linriran llnltl itrucktrilirairt and rwa i l mr xtwl relvtihv mrjairte me it jiuuke mr iind mr a tw0 r utlfs4l mr v fcy do a tykr ribm tjiiw r rrt4htv mr win rjt jlm ll k on theisih ul mtt dductcr wh- lr miref inspectok generals office customs dtraarment 30fa mardij 1s47 ttotice is hereby ywn that hu jl excellency tmk cruvgitnqr gcncaal in councf has beti eimd u order that rm rtfis uf larger iimenmort thn twelve feci wide one hundred ami thirtyfive feet long and diavvin mine than five ffjet water hll bj turmiuol to pass through the vvcllnrt canal vim dunville to riiorold lim tburotd t port dalhousie rafr will bit permitted to pass down doubm that is to ay twnotyfuur feet in width by gofonmitdi wmcaylry inpfttm ttntrat in the court of baxkruitcy for the midland dlstkict in tkf mtxtttr of ufcmty george civ lespie c buubupu it is ordered thai a general mcitnt of the crtlitfif the above nim bankrupt f r the tttiwmica uf oi ficatebc held at tbujodifcn h at the cjjii houha city f k it ti imlf r tltiti ihu30th day of april m on friday noon by the court s rowlands cfo ktnton maceh 31 1s17 i7y cheap sale of english am french engraving v iithc iplis of tin pirst class b6c r tkej the wmmid ora vivos ftii ht lrnnrtjtfrllml rut m lii ii adrihil l- r ij mjir iviikk- il upon saturdays when the ail market shah not close until 10 oclock p v th4l the mrkrl square of the city shall he the only place within the said city for selling or exposing for sale in the open air any agficullwal produce corn grain llonr ncl brati or hort5 fmit veetable5 lixs hotter cheese lard pnuttry gjme latrn slock or olher animal whether live or lead shell or other fith hay fodder boards cantlinfr slaves sinr lath fuel or other modi ronl or lime when coiieeyed by land it aerj the ice in winter provided always ihat hay and wom in immer may be svld liom hiah or vesek conveying the samt vi that no pmon shall sell orexpose tor ale any tainted blown or mualy meal irotiltry na or provisiok that i in any degree iinwhowahlt or use any trick or artifice or make or induee nny lute representation to iflclvtm the weight or value of anything om ir expoel for sale on the said market stpure md it htll he lawful for tie clerk or person n rliarite of hi aid market to svic any nrh rat kiihry fih nr provision anil to catne v jij t r w i iiosc of it at itm discretion ol the city onncilor market commillce vii tat no person or pfrons shall ride or irive through the sij mailed square dtirm itiarket hoith faster than a wtk nor shall cause auyorrflroclion to ihe free passive thereof or the arrangement of vehicles theieon v he market clerk or other competent au thority vltl thai no butcher huckster carter or other person or persons shall thwart hinder molest or illtreat any officer of the market or their deputies white in the execution of their duties authorized by the cly council ix that any person bringing into the said city fr die any of the articles enumerated in the 4th clause of this act or exposing hem for sale upon the market square shall immediately upon his or her antval pay to ihe prwhl authorized l0 lceivc it by way ot rati or charge for the same the sum or sums mentioned in schedule a x tnl it shall he the duty of and the market collector or his deputy duly anointed lall give a certificate ot the gross weight of each had of hay and of the vehicle on which it i loaded to the person in charge of the same and shall he entitled to receive therefor the sum of before panting the certificate and it shall be the duty of the said collector or his deputy to add without further charge to the said certificate the net weight of hay after the vehicle on which the same was loaded shall have been weighed by him and any person who shall deceive by fraud or make weight in order to increase the weight of hay when being so weighed shall he lined in such penalty as may be imposed by this acl xi thai every article or thin except hay or meat sold irorn the stalls sold oi barkained for in the said market shall at the option of thehnyer be taken to the weigh- hoose and weighed by the market collector or his deputy and no olher scale shall he permitted to he used on the said mark el h it those of each butcher for hisown use or hi stall and those at ihe weighhonst the fee fr weighing by the maket collector shall be the sum mentioned in schedule b xii that ihe owner or master of every steamboat schooner scow or skiff or other rraft raft crib or dram hrirnjin into the harbour of tie said city any article or tiling iu the fourth clause i this act mentioned thai pay in ihe market collector or his de puty by way of standing stallage ground age shorace or loll the sum or sums men tioned in schedule c provided always that no charge- shall be imun on any steam boat employed in carrying paveners except where any mich aiticle or ihint is sold or marketed nif the said hoal or upon any vessel hden with a caro for the sole private use of ihe owner and not intended to be sold or upon a caro which shall he enmigned in hulk lo a ay hipping merchant with avtewtobein- lorlvartled out of the city and not sold or ii fd therein and provided further ihat in ease the cnra of sieh vessel he exposed i or sale partly on the said vessel and partly on ttie market square such aparionmcut of the proper rale as may seem proptr shall he made in case of dispute by the clerk of the itifkel and when lite whole canto is re moved to the market square no additional thaie hall h miilc for 1andin thereon hit no artirlr or 1iin ill be marketed or dd from otr any frry tat the clerk ol ihe market dtili alo avo jimvec to decide upon alt dilute reectiiiv the buithert or rwitcuti of ny vvsvtlf rft cribj or diam ijjm- to inarkei charite xlh taui iic bmteher meatball he sold yay mson foltnwinth- tradf of a hutcher is ffrrant or atiiilor any other to the clerk of the markrt xiv the duties of the clerk of the mar ket to be as follows he shall cause the gates of the market lo le open every market day at 5 oclock a m between ihe fttl day of may and the fivt day of noveitiwr ami at 7 otoek am duriny the rest of the year and to be shut every afternoon at 4 oclock except nn satur days when the market shall be kept open until 9oclock he shall attend in the market place every market dy dnrtng ihe hourt aforesaid and shall not absent himsclfor substitute a deputy without permission from the mayor or in his absence the senior alderman he shall overlook and inspect all meals fish and provisions that may be exposed for sale in the market and seize and destroy any meat or fish that may be tainted or otherwise unfit to eat he shall under the direction of the mayor inspeclthe weights measures and balance that shall or may be used in the market and seize and destroy such as are not according lo the established standard and shall determine all disputes that may arise in the market respecting welfhtf and measure he shall exercise a general superintendence over the alfairs of the market shall see that the stalls stands shambles market place jtenerallyare kept clean bythe market scaven ger that no person throw or deport any offal filth jarhasse or rubbish upon any part uf the markel place and shall report from time to time concerning all repairs necessary to be done in or about the market building he shall see that the make collector per forms his contract in a proper manner and that he does not exceed his authority and hall settle all disputes about market charges with a rijht of appeal to the mayor or sittiiu alderman he shall exert himself to preserve order and regularity in the market shall arrange and place all vehicles cornin i information wanted of thomas feampbell who when f fc a tavern kingston ij c aau tumj vineiiiecr glwgow scotland is anximu lr from bill addriis pat ick 12g grand street new york oftii new york 22uj march 1847 coontry paper ph to copy w notice hbrbasi by tlie articles of agreement made the sth day of september is46 between gconoc s ljruciof the city of kingston in the province of curiinja painter pf the first part and me the undersigned of thr same place of the aecond pait the said i4fttfit6 s- bioco for the consider lions therein mentioned bath areid to serve mc in the trade of painting glazing fioro the day aforesaid until thn firt day f july is17 i do there fofe hereby forbid all or any person or persons to employ the 1 george o lirucc during the term before mention ed or nthe wise i shall hold him or them i sponsible fir i dirg francis milo kiattnnsolh match is47 263i fok sale j gocnl farm of ltnd in the township ot sidney first con lot no 15 under good cultivation with dwelling houe bam and ether necearv outiildin terms cash apdicatiou lo he mad- to either of the under- anpied execalort to the will of ihe late x into the market george smith of the slmtowertip of sidney plate the stands of hucksters market pewon wishing to purchase are requested to gardners and other retailer and assign places make their offers witvn lhte months plttt switir j sidney 23rd jauarv 1847 264i for the sale and standing of hordes swine cows and other cattle he shall enquire inlo the conduct of all person exposing for tale or vending any pro vinous or olher articles or thinss in the market and of all butchers hucksters and carters attending lheameand whether they ur any of them are ttnilty of a breach of any of the laws of the city council and report all offenders against such to the city clerk tor prosecution- he shall collect all rates fee charges and tolh imposed with reference lo the market which arc lo be collected by trim and shall pay over the same with a faithful account thereof lo the city treasurer as often as the council shall direct he shall ata se that butchers hold the re ceipts of the tteasurer fur the stall rents and shall report lo him all delinquents and vacant stall he shall within ten days after his ap pointment enter inlo a bond with sufficient sureties to he approved of hy the council in the penally of 250 conditionary for the dtt performance of the duties of his office and the regular payment to the treasurer of all monies which may come into his hands relating to the market cjkctar xv that it shall be lawful for the city council annually o frm lime to time a oc casion may require and after public notice erven tu let or rent to any one person who will make the highest teuiler in money lor the name for a period not in exceed one year the rate charges imposts or tolls levied hy the authoritv of this or anv other act relative in h ihvvhv wf infs pitching stallage picae gromiddge storage or loll together with the fees and charges for weiifhinjj hay and other thtni on i the market scales and any person who shall i make ihe highest lender for the same andsinand execnte a lease rtrerment or other legal instrumenl lo be drawn bythe city treasurer and adopted by the city council and enter into such conditions and afford such snieties as shall be approved by them shall be entitled to receive all the said rates charges imposts or toll and the said fees and charges for weighing for ihe period lor which he shall lease or rent the same and shall also for the lime being be the market collector of the said city xvi that in case the person leasing he rate charts imports or tolls at aforesaid shall from any cause refuse or neglect to col lect the same or forfeit hi right to do so it shall be lawful for the city council from time lo time as occasion may require to authorize the clerk of the markel or other officer ap pointed by the council to collect the said rates charges imposts or tolls and account for ihe same lo the treasurer of the said ciiy xvii that it shall be lawful for the city council lo appoint from time to time a scaven ger and that he shall perform his duty under the direction of ihe clerk of the market who shall be responsible for ihe cleanliness of the premises xviii that no person shall deposit any nuisance upon the markel house or square or wilfully deposit any filth or rubttsh in or about the same xix that any person who shafl be guilty of any infraction of any of the provisions of this act shall upon conviction thereof before the mayor the police magistrate or any al derman be finen for each offence in such sum nut to exceed ave pounds nor less than five np besides the costs as an apprentice wanted a n apprentice to the confec- a tionary axp pastry cook bniaen vvante j apply h suwriber it dumble kindlon march 3 im7- to fbt fsfr from the w tf juy ujl houie ni pi oecned hy j vv burnt eq v dd ot oman scnat bnqnlifl fioreck donoghde fronts house ontario street morchig km 8a4j kingston boarding nprrge r f- pfnn ran be stc i rommklaied banl in a n vti family hy pv lo mb rtl nuxi tinrtv bamfiirjs h0i9i princaw sncci tcjdgiuld march 31ts 25tf igs sheriffs sale 1u bfl sotl at public aoclion on f t monday uie qih april in ihe stre of henry gilmufig prin cess street nnd known as ihe manchester warehouse th wltolx 07 lilt ectlnftivc ftack ot consisting s follows viz black blue ami bniiwi broad clotlja casinieres beavers tweeds dnekmn uumcim silk nno valencia vostio silk siocfcs prints saxony and coburg cloths hinlin df laines cassimeies silks persians tarcanets and a large assortment of ribbons of all descriptions furniliiro prints gren baize bombazines wbilo cottons children fc womens buou dhues umbrella crape and thibet handkercliief and shawls lace veils fcdgios quillincs with a large asjvrtment of gloves boisery hubrdashorjroil cloths sheetings dinper ginghams linens silk irfs plaid shawls belu suspenders carpet bogs silk and bcavrr hat wadding and ijisijj apron checks hidhnd e fcc anda larje qanilyof roomand hal- paper toother with lbe whalo of die shop fmnittire and a house harness and buggy conditions mnde known at sale sale each dav at tbn ovlock ta corbet i sheriff w d per james linton and wm mcmlllan auctioneers kinghton march 25 ls7 postponement he above sale eft pwtp ned unril wcdntsday 2st int wheiut will posiivilv tak place aril til 1347 loc py- soihee h cdon av1nc hen og h u e icili hy a number of c imtobi t hc ciiy of kinititni rtrbt hw acwm litlkiit ttiola wsw amvoanic vftal it wilt tkc iiace m ihv city hall on fatfr r s of april no exertions will j lft renler thf fiiltitainmcnt pkaan ao fallttllcs splemilh dvwbille b1sd will be in aticnrjance two policemen win pmetreoitkr ootme and see that no improjr persons arc admiltcd tickets six shillings and three pence per coujile to be ha at patterson hotel mr n painter athenrum book stfp mr james bakers w j martins grocery and at mr donogfcm own rcmifcnce in brock streh and also at the door on the evening of the soiree dancing to commence ats oclock frehmcni to he scrvej np at 12 knrrtoo march 3 1w7- bankrupt province of canada midland dittict tofflt chester hatch f thi city of kings ton in the mid midland district caair- makcr and tradtr commission butd by sraffml frederkk kirkfisuick emow jda of the district cuurl of the mid land district dated the olghtmnlh diy m match on thousand eight liundted and rnrtytevrr ftrjt mmiiig of credirors on mon day the fifth day of april next at chichanhersuf ihrt mid judee inibo cfhiri house in th- bttid city of kings- ion attwhlvn oclocltfinoti t a roltrettt shniff midland ubtritf shrifthoiriee l pnaiiok m- biku sduitor for petitioning creditors 2i commercial mart by private sale large table codfish hall bbu no x weil mackerel cod sounds and tongues north shore herrings smoked herrings in boxes william ware march 19 sir astley coopers antlbilions pills for ftfr indizcttion sirk hwtachr and nil dieoses cfthstomnth and imgtstivt orgcns thks be wanted to hire a young man hy the month on i farm who understand rotigb carpen- icrt work apply at ihk otbce kington march 30 is1t corporation notice notice is rmatbyfiiran that the following cxnacts nwn the m act ic regulate the sal ftro wood in the town of vinson will he rigidly nut in force ami after the lint day ofmriy isvf that each and ever cord load shillings besides ihr co as the aid mayor or other qoantltf of pirt wood sold oi police magistral or alderman shtl deem offered or qsqumoil p sale w the said proper which mt and cotts my btlaritd of town or in the halr iberef shall ae ihe oods and chattels of mich offender or omp0st 4 c sticks not lets than four fat and each the midland disinct criol not lo exceed i 9j f m m inirly days unlets ihe amuunl of auch fine and e pj lts hive n all c4k proved jk- inrvcty ihef mhirine in i ho nn f hmiiack ami ircrroinftfjritt n nf opctiir in- dicmnn oot tenwilna of rultnc ud p- prviin ficf nirjta hnmncof wnui mid nn rxeellcnt ietnrativ mfter nhy rxevy at ihe table a hr mllf rhmapc ihv lx nueftjitirn uw tatfrei nd injcrale h eonrit juil lvrnaf phwhtnc imliil who m puhtft toheadneht tfiddiaefl drmtv of ifhl drmviti- aep attended wuh apopcli ayoipivtiit ahthitd tke them frrqitcnllv rmfwiad ftma adorlftfaml r hy rott bjiuul dnifiirt bick sinr kiufflm frke li 3d and gu rcr bx kinptotti mare j9 ign t 1 and costs be paid schedule a vehicle awn h iwfl lkorea tantfof 0 kvtry of feet acid every cord so i fur sale hall w 4nim4lf for of a m irxcl gatdcacf mhy two ttfcf rp ll rt 1 ft i ifctir rxihvition javaa ainm at wn pitwimwumtt n hak and i n kvntf mn afc h i t u am rwyiafl a umn wdhw lliv i at ihe ifawb iejl frmn ik suits within thi r by 4 marlct him iiih muter mcli renla luth mmv llolll tltn ft lilfk l tlav hy tp ity council inivtjj 4lwiy iimi fioner r pfvmih nimxta faltcnouiiti mvnatoek jiiiy vrll thr aii- from llivif waom or vp- hicltt on ile rruikel sni4fci during market hoart in quantity not it than one qoaricr not otherwise pee diy ee erv vehicle excpt when dri pee 4ay every othaf vehicui aith j i ruunrf j per dy gvtty harroli tnkct or olher lory pur dpiy i for every liarcinirc or jrrldin maitd- hied tir ilc on iho nmfkel per jiy ewy hjdfhwfwdcallkierdy tcry ctt pcrhny cvcrv c4lf he4df alierp ot sivinu unless in vehicle per dny schedule r allahicw of thing for under 5 tha 5 lli and uidcr 2 28 r- 5 119 2 k 2u upwurd for evy weight srde ej on ihr hny cilc fiii 2 cwl and q h every oilier ewt bohboulr c for every slip fiohnoaef sow s i1 ui it oi irther cv fu if u w winch will ivl etriun mn than 30 cov4n4vffiinirjili r isiloh m fvrfatl ux of lumwr lor eocli arrival fvrcerys 0 4 0 0 0 l 0 0 1 caeji might t l j 0 i 0 o i 0 m 14 0 0 8 ii 1 3 0 0 ht wcijh- t 5l pir iho tlfpttiny ff or uftered or measure eiht enclh by puf fet ni heiyhth pans of cords proportion u that any ptfvd pwow selling or ooering or ex bw any fire wiod ttitliif lll town ot harbor thereof iil the aameahall have hcen ctit ur p into piecea wii hin the aid tow rnrimmridiitie use wtiri xhnll not mmimfourfttt in length as ttforewid ahall n flncd n h ai thn mayor or atly nlft he aid men or cnnuciilurj bcfurc j think proper- ifyoidorofthpcowil j m flanagan city curk kindlon nov 51s46 hall q 2 g k liur srow sail rvmt ovnttm craft euntiiik in iloiltrltal ainniiwnni furenth nval h patdtrry tou ski it h tnie iw 4mh ruvil for rmtrr ttirl ol trvwtil iiniothl m uaftarrlfa or riii cor every 1000 uprifieiil feetwflurn rouht 3 0 0 3 ii crow un pwwr momriiol j0i march 1816 otice i hfgf3t hy or- of llts flxcilency iho ad inisiiraiiiriif ihci i cottih lo ull im5hih w have received nt p lhmi nn nf laud v win tvrn canada notice dissolution of coparlversrip he partner 1 ip heretofore existing bruveen the tmdnrsiynd under ihe lirm of collins v powr as ship btiildera is ihis day diolved by mutual consent all persons indebted to ihe said firm are hereby requested 10 make imme diate payment to mil vvilmam powier wh- alime is authorized lo receive the wnej and grant acquittances thomas collins william power portsmouth lhh march 1347 to let the house upiffmqt occu pied by iho subscriber aton given on the finr dav of m thomas a corbett kingston march 13 1847 2mf pnse- iv nrxl valuadlk jmfd highly cultivated farm buildings for sale oituated nn the rjok of the bt lotvrenee jt the illajreor mjiitfafti qnaia west in the nri rf brockville preoit and ugderuburffju the fakm caiaf 15 acre of which 140 acrearobidmuiofiewe fro 7 to j2 and 14 acres each well rnclcif will scmand 9wi rvnert iha retaaiiiiitt 5 aim arc compwd rf eiedlenl wood linil th- teld ueil in nod candn hcin rcsuutly wnred and manurf-rf- the crop of wheat barter rve ha if thelaat mitaoa f fjualny and quantity cum ha be exceejrj irooi trie asokt camukmeni of l md therr- h nl a xrry koduclive rffm oacuauu kxchen the stone dwelling house hafaift and sotmtantial bifusar u storira high 1 feci by 3ticri wide well ri mtied and with emr- vcnienee suilohlo fr ihe naifae f impcelabrc foily thercaroalotourc bjrn iad siicd jlojse for the wiikin men brdc stable uoch hmm nn4eicehentmp u thi nejerhmdai c ihe oi heallhy and the rm f braarv of enuiiion cannot t-catii- ojcd in canada wo this pnjpcily will bo hld much tower llinn il ttl value il applrn par win and oaly a ponton niiice iho trt lamia an also to w ine pjrchao inuncy nmatt down pftrtin inentml prtv to data also ucmo uiiionjum not inched in msv m llflaeilal fotluftt puhliahod w april 18w a undisputed tilfo will be ci for further ihat unlom ilia rln nf ir legal ittt paid to roprtatiiliilivaeanh claims and wm- wbllabav inke nut thttir iaioot wilhw iw jrewj aslsrt fr 4f fom thin limn iho und will bo returned pmmk umh 9lh ijff by rha uovernmrnt lw diapoaerl of by tbo afaairl tfaserr to oneo a wk sala tjll forbid- forwarding 1847 the undordigned hereby gtvenolicei that on the opening of the navi gation they will forward the produce now in their stores at kingston subject to freight at la 6d per barrel flour and other property in proportion together with the usual charges for winter storage i nd marine insurance and that all other prpcrty forwarded dnwnwarda hv them will be subject lo such rates of freight as may be specially agreed upon or a may be hereafter advertised macphefson crane co hooker holtonco ii j- nksco montreal 20h march 1847- 253i fokwakoivg for 1847 the subscribers having entered into cipartnerthip for ilie pur- ptiae above mated under the name and style of hilmard walker at moxtrkal and james a wal ker co at kingston c w will be prepared on the opening nf tlm navigation lo give despatch to all husi n ess entrusted to their care- their stck i nearly all new and as efficient as any on the route- lonson hilliard james a walker montreal 10th jlarch 1847 23lm for sale three beautiful first class race uoats built last year in new yurtd eottftirilug f one six and iwn fuur oatcd biats in perfect urder and fully complete in oars genrin c the tbove betttf which will be sold cbeijh ere the property of ihe mormeal regatta club and are offered for sale in conseuiionce nf the numlier uf member pirtht coming year being mueh limited addcaa by letter potpaid the socretaty of the muntteal regatta cub montreal mnntieal march 17 1s47 344ilw distillery to let for a term of yrars and immediate prtfefnm given that well known eublihmnl in xm twn iirrrrioc tarried on hjr th lata firm ftf cmnfokd ac mrncillby il t r ii hy an eflil ot 12 rwr rvnvrr whieli etml mair mf pump nd ia eapnblo of run ninjf 6 tniuihi a day ftr cmvnnnoe it if not ijrpid by tif rrlamialimcnl nf tia aizo in thu p lle httiminfi oo all nf iont except lue ln pro wjiirii i nr wti and efted nit a vnaier m laiiimia n thn iwmhlsvb the ty i cgpnlur f irinj 3nflu huiu nf fmn aliso a slmir mwrlliiijr ifminr nn thn hid tiimtfiia s ifift sjamtl iteinli ft uftwiti p nrn- rrti t rlip ia liif linjc 10 be taken by the parly rcntm tlie dutillerv for term nplf l ihe subenbee srbth is now the trtle prrtv ior at ihe steam bl offire cm mercial wkvt kmi- or in john holdgn eq prevcflt wjt mcneilley preell march 15 147 city of kingston purmc notice is hereby given that the order respecting uogri i hereby rescinded and that after the explraitooof9 fortnight from this date nil dos or bitches found running at lartje without a cfdlar contrary to the prottatomnf hylawiu that hehalf an extract from which follows will be destroyed the occupier of every house or remise in which any dug or bitch ia epi shall have a collar with the name nf the owner irgibly engraved thereon constantly kept round ihe neck of every such animal tinder the penalty of ten shilling and it shall he lawful for the high bailiff or any constable of the said city to destniy any dog or bitch runniui at largo without such collar by order of the ciw council m flanagan ctfy cterk cily clerks office city hall march 23 17 chains canvass c for sale by the subscriber oox bolts uf caneaw from koltofi aarfofj 95 patent chins anchor ship snik pine and cn tar pitch oakum snap rctn pntihed sella sail tnne hrrk vrnih bunting fin imndc tn nrdcr rafts sail i- i ami bratera coooee imported mandta and tarred rope ball hvipeo 12 mooring anchors from 12 to 40 cwt francis kuiliks montreal monlreal march 14 1847 k borderaicft with tkmmm e baoim a co kinjfaton will be punctually attended in- blank deeds for sale at tm atheneum book store dbrdsbfainandsajoformofthesu tutc ifrlg deedtof birjiminand ste witlt bjr of dower morlgagfl deeds vrithnnt bar of dower do do with baf f dnwtr meniiif i witli i nf r do without bar of ditwer a l nf queens bcnrh and distrel court and division court blank forms march 9 1847 two notes found rwo promissory notes one dattd gananoque the other wcatville ndlcd up in h green purso wore peeltedupic the vtciniry of kingston tt tlmraday and left at the jlthcncum book store theownorcan have them hy pmving property and paying for ibis advettlemetit kiugatun mroh 12 1s47 for salet lot no 41 in the th con town ship of kingslnn 160 acro on lihujul terms apply to c stuart kingston 59th janyorj 1347 bay of qulntes 1847 c th r jsrn avo commodloet stfamta queen victoria captain edward harrison will at the opening of the nawit gation commence iter trips be tween the head of the uy of quintal and kiugaton leaving as follows downwards will leave betttrilu every monday wednesday and friday at seven oclock a m upwards will leave kingston every tueaday thuradavp and saturday at ociock a m tho proprietors assure the public that they will use every endeavor to provide fr the security and comfort of passengers and the safe transmission of freight entrusted to them and wil exert ibemselvcs lo provide for the re sidents on the bay of quinte ihat amount of steam boat accommodation to which they are justly entitled belleville march is 187 1847 wharfingers commission merchants gen agen c the subscribers beg to inform their fienda and the public that they have leased that commodious wharf and warehouse formerly occupied hy the pfoffua company and latterly by mt5rs im- v at jrn ond will bo prepared on the opening of navigation to receive and store or sell on conv miionanv property conigned tothem the government having made tho premises a bonded warfjiou they will be prepared to srore foreign goods in bond or pa them through the cumom house as desired from thir experience in the businetrs and unremitting attention they trust to merit public favor e browne co kingston march s47 tf forwarding foh 18jl47 the undersigned having entered into co partnership for the purnoieol earning on tba foilwaitdixg iiusikrss between kingston montreal 4kd vc vujtsa via ilic rithuu gttffll mul river xt imtmvitctt will he prepared an tlw epenins rfflw navi- jlton with a nw atqck0f atfamrs4aarfis capable of carrying 20000 bnrreta ol flour per ionia toend fonvard any property which may bt consigned to ihem prom their experience and knowledge of the business they trul to be able to give general satisfaction and solicit a share of public patronage the business will he carried on in montreal at ihe tore occupied tail season by hfl- liaiid waijcrii under the name and finn of smith sf glassroao and at kingston undethc name and firm of gtatsroi smith james aglassford geokge smith kingston sth march 1847 i ju8t received thisdcjfrprr exprtssifrom montreal forteseue 2d pan by j s knowet battlaef life br dkahp cioqmars by de visjnyt confewvontofa pretty woman v m jjr the adapted sn by van lennep isie bhck pruphrl by carlston peers and parvenus- be mr gore dnmbey a son no 5 by dickena faiher darcy by uw author f tro old hwi tales creiebton by w h aiaavrort boperi sindair by ihe author d ten thoo and a yer the uaaacanf soeicly by cf at dorsay the greatest pujtoc uf ute by a lady freemason cjuartcly reriew flwt jfo 146 acteof coittih by oumaa iictena by lliedeburg by jams marcocrite of valob by duma pubhc servicraof centlor the step mother sod pan by jamex atmckcom book stmc kinemon march 12 1847 ordnance sale will he cold hy public auction on saturday the 3rd of april next the undermentioned old buildings viz no i old barrack guard houae at point frederick in two lots 2 old cottage at stuart point kingston 3 old cottage at murrays point formerly murneya point 4 old guard house at do 5 lot p q- 1 frame houae iq rot24n wal aide of uoioo street formerly oocupied bf matthew ryan the materials to be entirely and cares- folly moved within ten days after thq day of sale sato at murrays pnirt at is ochicfc noon and at point frederick at 3 gcluck p m jame5mnton queens yjuc ioneer kingston march is47 superior japan ink powders manufactured a n d90ld robert barker kingston canada wbst incomparadle ninck japan ink tiahvractuiikd wii0liial1 hd ututf a t the a these lm book 9t0m kingston canada wffi

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