British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), April 13, 1847, p. 2

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imperial flttfcwttnt ismancathoiic disabilities house of commons feb 25 mr watson mnv ij ttif sewnd mrflftje of the roman catholic relief bill h jf which was to repeal the act of elihctn which imied ihf several ptialtir of tmpn- nmrnl premunire and death for lh of fence of disputing the flf f sotercin an1 the acts which piohsled the introdiclioo of bulls which eiyniiwil iu- am- formity in reliioiw worship wj which pro hihitert religious cereinrtm lie called on he horn not to rest ulisfied will ihu au- menl that these acts were pmrlicrlly nholrie hnt lo insist upon expunging them lrm the tatutebonk sir r fl- ihoih moved as i amendment that the hill be read a secund lim that day dix months imhishll was pawd h sccprities givn to h pinltii c mrh tn this country by th act of 1829 d b lakm away nay inort- it would nuke th r- nan catholics a peculiarly favored and pfturttril body the lestrainls which mr waunn chiefly sought to reirmve were tv posihlioi of processions an i the restrictions oh tl tlement of jesirls in this coantry j anj sr r inrlis could not consent loan alleiation of th- present law however little put into opnrain one part nf the hill wnt to h ro- eessiods he considered this a principle and one man in this honse who could say that it would he jnstifinmc i rentiire to say tvre is not hear hear h-r- then have an enaclinrt which this bill proposes to re peal and of which i will viitti e to vu nnnnnl put a hvonthvlical caw in which you can nosiibly enforce it hear inar mr macaiilav ojtledto legalfe proees- ioik as they wnud pb iwy lead lo violations of dicency ami dfolnrhance of the jwiwic -ace- andjasreiidd nv mbts ofttlifiimis roniminiitieheia bfiitfh subjrtc he would ive theui five nenniion to reside in this cmtnfcy hut he thought lhy could make no complaint at being required to register their name- ldo uttsiftit ajnet or rnawe thin that an english roman cat olic subject for lei a franciscan bed the country catholic bfing disabled from appearing in his spanish marriage more safaclwr tlie robes of office in his own church marched causes which excite austria an t norlhern in nil- b the streets of onhlin in the robes of ml ics hi office and at the doors of his church the tace of thousands of rinnan catho was obliged in strip them off and cast them a do did ihey think thai was in favor of civil peace or likely to conciliate iiic roman catho lic 01 this enipire thit such a scene should courts are well known ani j m tlvevof tb avowed hostility of eiland dwise well known the atlr does not disguise her pre paration the government demands new supplies for the increase o marine her army and her artillery portion of the overuhis of the last budget hts been employed i beine a member of an ord ipriitsance hnuuiv hanis amf h return sftmm be hannd it rs erfchv r that such an enactment cannot he miftivj- everybody knows thai there r reanlar clergv of the church of rome- iu th country hut mill nnl a single human bein 1ares or will ever dare o put th law against fhtth in jecutin bntsir while i say thai t have no objection to that which many pmona think of importance i do not we why i system of regilruinn should lv oljsclina- me i ttannnt think thai the reiiiou ordrr f the church of rome could lajecl to that my oljecvoii i t endci a punishment naiist a tvu for linya franc hk it and he ohjected to it on principle- fie aid j j jwt to punish a mntothina franciscan that if in ireland ecclesiastic and mtmvn jtonblize him to tell the country ihat he bone of the etabtiched chuich were pfohihitcd ftm sir with rpect to the jesuits i am far from ke pa thne wre the practical erirv- in fiiliii out nw 5hik s- xyv of the anew which oucht to h remedied and by this new line are armd m mm and it i con- hill he hflievffl would he o tliii wmi to rniii force the jtlrejdy numerous the order of st francis wjsmkn of from fimt in th mcditpiranean hy iht shiiw ol that order a he hrliived the schoolmasters line is it for mere pfimtftb thm the whi of ireund were chiefly formed and to it h- cabinet is inultinlytvj its iknss during a longed father mathew who prha had no isch albrtin ctcp kit in view compeer in ireland for the good be had done in of an utopia lhtt lnrd john bueusaid during introducine principles of bohrirtv and mornlily tin itsilc ml the navy etioiatm that groat prenarof to mppt all con- avtonof concludef by na- liable lo b banished for the excrete ol hf9inaiihis what iirpnaratiouf france is making pnypr cailinz ad should he retiln frou j in d f nd rewflf from the tvealened attacks haninhmetif would he liahle to trnspnmatmtii j wba amamnt are preparf or what ships for life thns he thonht wtr practical j of war rifimci on the stcfe the cabinet ripvincffr that ouijht in he wndmn nltoducio principles of sohrietv and moralily lw irb4te mil th navv inoiit the people and yt father matthrw j britain ouslil to h prei limeir iiniltr the law now in evince r a j tiiuencie the nat ulile to h banished for the excrete of hiaimaniz what prpnarati sir r pwfii ennftwftted it course andnot inanenent of ih timj to continue isaitntdhv inture for replacing uch or smell a minister today m lacare laplajjne relink tomotrow he will ein such a existrtke of i the combinations which or reat politicians a most ti uvise with tie spirit walking in procession yon oiiaht not to give to tbewmbers of a hostile church a privilege which was denied to those of the established cburch mr wabon must t know tka in livinjrcrrdit o all the idle scandal that may be wanlerin oer england or france about them but i say that if a person who is a jesuit is fmind minhnx in society and di lhee mobewmm lc hwt v ib ciabat he so unch a person and hv wnnldk the mr andlearntffl gentle- man whether he was prepared for mch scenes ag would ceruinly arise if anch processtons vet permitted england was almost the ooly country in which the jesuits would h admitted without being under the control of the slate if there was any exception it was that country which no man in england would admit was a proper example for n to follow he meant belgium in france where there were what the hon and learned gentleman would call liberal institution no jesuit would be w admitted and if a proposition were made for removing thia restriction would not the nmsi liberal or the least liberal member of the chamber of deputies speak against the aboli tion of such a provision the lon and learned member had referred to an act the 9tfa and i0b of victoria which he sir r inglis regretted had passed to repeal the laws against the introduction of hi and rescripts and other articles of the church of home he regretted that those laws had seen repealed he happened to he absent from par- liament at that time and he was not cogni zant of the fact that such an act bad passed until he read it in his inqtmies respecting the present bill he expressed his unfeigned regret that those hy whom that act had been introduced should have felt themselves at liber ty to promote the repeal of the penalties for the introduction of bulls and rescripts from rome thre teas but one country in euorope in which the pope could issue his hulls with out the previous sanction of the efcctittve government whether the government was despotic or of a liberal form the pit vions sanction of the executive was necessary before a bull from rome could be introduced into a foreign country th hon and learned member whs a party to a measure by which he objected to tie withdrawal 01 u seciinly which other conn derived from the prior sanction of their own government to the intro- floction of papal hilll- there wire other securities which he recollected he hotu mem ber for winchester mr ij escolthad last ear called the securities of the dark ages- those securities the present hill proposed to remove he remembered tellio the hon membrr that when the act of 1829 was intro duced it was expressly stated that the remain- ins securities were retained for the protection of the protestant religion whether parlia- meni would after so bief an interval repeal dtl those securities the result of the division ihat day would show ho called upon the house to confirm it decision of last year and continue those securities to the piolestant church and the established n liioi of this country which were left in 1829 tendered as they were by tim advocates of hat measure aa securities and so accepted hy its opponent with these feeling he should move that the bill be read a second lime that d ly six month mr b ecotr maintained that the penal ities mr watson sought to repeal were both useless and injurious and he hoped that was tfwe last time an appeal would be nessary to be made to an eolith hutise of commons lo remove from the statutebook enactments which ought not to disgrace the law of eng land mr shaw said the leading characteristic of ttw bill was tiii it unsettled after a vey thort interval tlie settlement that had been natfe in would be a jnsl object or msptcion o j heads of families with whom he associates that he is there fr the imqwwsof converion therefore i think that it is deainble that there should b some system of registration uder wbichtt shall he known who are and who are not members of religions orders in this country that i think is perfectly com patible with religions liberty an i also neces sary for the security of society mrfiiect objected to allow in this country an impcrium in imperio which would render the government of england as difficult as the government of ireland and he reminded ih house of the great difference in the character of the protestant and romish churches j he would give the right of toleration to every other church in existence except the roman catholic church leu and laughter he would except them became they were opposed to the royal prerogative and opposed to the independence of every other church io existence and that w the reason whv he would make that distinction hear tit italian catholic church held itself out not only as the mother hnt as the mistress of every other church which no other church did and therefore he wonlh give a full measure of toleration lo every other church hut not to the roman catholic church if the roman catholic church thought this an intolerant pntpontinn he would beg to state iht they ought to allow a little free trade in religion a little reciprocity m hon centlemen only look lo what lately oc curred in madei a anil remember the details of the persecution of dr kalloy and his fol lowers here was no toleration there- lt hem also losk t sardinia austria spiin ave even to the length and breadth of statutes whics inflict d penalties that vfit re volting to the christian feelings even of thos who did net agree with the ronan catholics and which were d scrollable lo the statute- hook he was ready in support that pait of the hill which relieved roman catholic from peiaties tor maintaining the spiritual upre- miicy of the pope but he dissented from the second part of the bfll for removing the res traints on processions on the religions order and on the veariii of municipal robe o insignia n rmm catholic places of wor ship he would maintain these restriction s o recogiition of the moderate supremacy drmtntc y ih protestant church in thrse realms he wculd vote for the second read- ing of thbill with a view to its amendment in rotimittee mr law opposed and the earl of arcxofj supjwled the hill iwr co0ibuk as one nf the supporters of the bill of 1329 could not consent to the repeal of the securities enactej by rhe measure the home divided and the number were for the second reading 102 against it 99 majority in favor of the secood reading 3 imagioe to provide againtft the most difficult complications in which we hmo been engaged during l7yn ration from treund to america ftv the farjn gbroih mitch 5m e irish members in tflehoose ofcom- monsare demanding mrmsed facilities for the emigration of the pcoplpylhe irish journals art full of statginenuaf 9 mwually large numbers in wluchthe peofc are either emi gration or prpaiin to efirate lo north america we havo no doiw that the emi gration of the present yesrr will touch tf it does nu exceed the utmost limits within which nch a movement cwwed on by private and where ihry a pid ordinary meansean taklmacc with safety j do rhe emigration to aerwlfwl th united necessary to effct it but with so strong a disposition to emigrate amongst a class who have themselves the means of leaving tb nountry we think earl grey has done wisely iaftermining not to administer to it an arti- licinl stlrrrtiius- v irela6 v- ter ihe dratin mcitdiehj 841 jily rtfcipicniiof chttiiv eimnote nnmbora of y men arc offering themselves nt ck for cntifipcnl in the army th- yondir ireltnd ckirfrinrs are spradimr mpidly already iheir weekly rent ejtcdi lihi t ilcea dtomcuiatlifr halt the amnini declared at iheir metrting vcherday week wia2l 3 6d the in tost aeeountstahiti ihi tliefo io fewer deaths hj actunl einrvntiao in dublin oirk lim- rriftk and the lher urg lowna but the returns n t up to the c tstle and the micmenip received by the central relief cotuniptee repre- nttlse avarnge mortality am4ilu9 pot x frignniifty inercased since the bcpnnmg of the 010 itli wb le tli urge touoa ro bettor off lb sjffilni of the pernio in iho interior ate niure intense ihun ever hundrjs ure dytngevery dy itv sti dyenterand fevor the con 4qiettcc of inaotreienl ooor and all ihc nooratrin fron the districts romoie from ffrcaimar- ketsti9nciir in anticipaiiog even a worse stte of rirngs the suppti of corn in ihe ingardsor the firm ro npidy dispcirin nnl as some think it is irannfertcd totti gruid for seed hut cube used by hir families fit fond or sold to dis laint dittjr- thia s the subianct of about veiy communication bun th ivoithrrn and wctetn countries fmin parianf doocjal and antrim fnini lpgfrmj meaih nd leilrir the peat majrt tvf llir dceiilitare frum diseases brought on hy tfturvaliiht thedosim enrrcspondenl of tt dry jiw nys eihignitmn is cowing roirc active ou qonys tiro crowded villi multitude on of ihc pr but f die wll fed and comfortawe i hive acen veal rnjupsklnrtiri fr li vef peril hylhcsienmrm nd all appeared to be farmers iff a butor drrik lion if uwf fpcourabemcnl were held out hy the tondd pfoprtetnrtthe rurreni would be far stronger cooperate the im0rred aid battle was progressing hut no particulars were received at the first battle captain heard i y and seven men were killed and several wounded nothing had been heard of captain sonhlet or of his whereabouts passengers from the south last evening heanl h rumor questioning ttvl an express from tew orleans overtook the mail at m on turnery alabama with late news from vera cruz the reports that gen scott had been killed and gen worlh severely wounded were not crccied advice from wo to the 20th feb innrnnce that the arpumiun armies under rosas and oribe had obtained a succession of brilliant victories over rivera and driven him and his forces out of the argentine re public and the banda driqhtal to maldomava nerthe frontier of brazil the propeller delaware left buffalo harbor this momm sttkhot abead as far as we could follow hethy our eyend by one oclock she was out of sijght a kentlcman who came down the lake ouhe 6th instant informed us he saw fier on silver creek ami there was no doubt she would zet through the steamers itnifed states and new oruata were in erie on vveilnesday evening they may be expected here tomorrow afternauit doe not act u ao kffieientstimuuoi a large dowocfmr r s ttiinnessnl dithlinhaand- lep n leitr lo hi5 teifttils nn this subject- he ac with for greatvr tincfaliiy than most uf hi order and white he advie tle ioorer lenanls to offlrntc atotce he nleo ohs1i thrm hy a gift of 3 forcch member or the family the whole famiy goin together on arrival whether at n kindinitwus very reat i in 185 and in 1816 tit- ntinbcrsjnlhefrrnsr year biq- ouulefl m 90000 al n the first three qnar- trsof 1s16 lo 110000 pvrsnns about two- tiinuheinrrom ireland the mcrewe in 184b hem almost entirely trm ttom uif yrk qnebee or clscwlicro thr emizw orrount j which noio hack uno imprnba- will find inbnkei forciiplfnmhernrhisfiniiiy tfc that trtfandwu powohfif 200000 to mr gainncv cnneladtv with ihc nllowins pnren- 300 qq0nfhr people 18- we may hope iaud- i lvo but n- fanner advice to without faelihsr entire conreb that canada pn ya ih li4ievcr land yon so to you will and the united states will a tn ab i ii tn he bemmciii under vlnoh anil he uniieii aiaies wm v- h of paontry tins autu and wh j in with hpe enfidenit from tkc new york rtrold april 6- j ih urgent vear will od t god d merciful provi- gnsvrold arnerd oltihe hook erl or wed- nt slae wm 6 t gnat earner by the curreffset thither ft nit one of the cm- tlcd in im rftish conles british wlflg oplfer per ortem dicor klngstorvtctesday april 13 1347 two days later from europe arrival of packet ships n0rthuw3euan0 and columbia unswold arnvr1 on the hook early on wed- unupd sfaes m ucsday in oinin boe was immediately hoarded tft hy our special mesierijer and her news sent i the packet ship colnmh lias akfl arrived sle sa on hie 6tli ult fii jt i striking mnf a e resources of led from liwrpool ca tl 20000 p were added abunijaocrlbat awaits you in ainmcev tn tier popnlaiinn in one aar without east- the news by these packets is two days hffll rannwiiprv w- three- ht n kmris however of those v have our shores the pans press states that hie govern- 1 z republic ment of wmtemberx has contracted i loan w f o the social with the houe of kolhschims and gninelnw of frankfarloiiihemairie far ihe cninplhion of railroads thioui thai country the amount nf the loan is 12000000 florins nearly 1000000 sterling and will tear interest at the rale of 4 per cent expmr of corn to fncr a vess i nrived in ihe rieer at lh ctfinmenceident nf mil week fiom a port on the lincolnshire effect of this mnvenenl on m nuw we see a trnod leil to rere- we fear that it will imhi ver little to relh prmnre of mresin itehiml if it he with um muh prolubilitvi 1 emnnls nee chiefly from the elan df l j ml from ihe unfile nul ww ihe loiver heiiou9 of that t in thi mm the relation hetwre m ani1 uior will re- inuia we hftve reecived our dopatchet from rniobly thuy biing intefcslit them and when any imikentlemin hlketl hii mr finchv feeiiiiij a intolrrrit h wouhl only her to my that when the ronin catholics obuinetl autl krmited reliioue liberty in the papal lominiflns uien let them ulk of the want of religious liberty in this couuuylhear hear lletenniiteil on the construction of a line of rairoak to connect piedmont with termmvi nco rvizerlaid i the direction of lbe confits of 50000 ftmu contan- of condition which flow into ech oilier by mpercptihle shath the lowest stratum thought the bill did mr w s rbeikn oot go fr enough a the law oow mml the highest nod most distinguished menher of the har of in land lind been prevented fioin orttdinin the highest hiror of his imfatitii ecue h ws a roman calhiie the same applied to the office of lord lieutenant of ireland the duties of which tiwre was uo earthly reason to show why thev miht not he a efficiently perform bv a roman catholic as by a pro testant mr spnonrn a thr bill as another nroal on our protetnt cmtitution a an insertion of the small eml of ihe wecle which woubl be ilriveihome without scruple the hon mffmhr tn liiterick i veil now recommends that the lord chancellor khoutil bea catholic an i also th rpresntative of royally in ireland it wouhl be but a little htep farther to sav that they oitht to take avay all restrictions with reference to iie h eii 15 and monarch on the ihrme cheers he h d been accused of impi 1829 and he riil not think there was j t citholic reliiou anl he xvouhl tell them t w j 9 w i lvh hl impnnvd t it because it wa u bl bil it wouhl reconcile iftoie who were attached to j nul0 pot the reliiou of th the prolesuitit institutions ot this eomiiry to i connary to the region of the b ble the idea that the provisions uluch were iim th3 w hh opiiltoit and nothing shonhl pn posed hy thoe wholrouhl iu the inllnf 1323 vent him from exnressiiu it- the protests like of constance the furkcic mail stmbm prance appears about lo conuibule that share lo the xtenaon of steam navigation on the lare scale which her rank and position as a oiaralime ami commercial slate ilemaud the chambers ac serioiuly occupied with an ex tensive project for iotetsecting the atlantic with several lines of steamers of the first class connecting ihe chief ports of france in the mediterranean and on the western toat with ttu ieal centres of population and com tnerceof the leiv world the principal lile wilt communicate be tween havre anil nnv yok instead of paying a subvention in money uf the coin itny which vvill undertake this it is proposed that the snvpnrneitt shall give it the use of four powerful sleao ships which were huilt in accordance with the measures proposed in 1310 ihe company enaiu to keep hem in repair to and in i about tivo milling a s half of person of these about 33000 families hold no land except initial tempontv manner which is call ed ronncrc and whidi though appearing un der 2rcal differences if circumstance is gne- ftlly resolvable iitha payment of wacs in kmd th conaerenan has no holding he i iijj fco gowainglc crop for which h m ftof eihrr directly to the oc- cnpierlandn- indirectly hy working for a third parly when the crop is dug and paid for the tranacton is at n end the same laborer wanliur conacie in the follow- inryear ohtainsa diterent piece of land and perhap from a iliffrent farmer this sy- temlm enabled the laborer to turn his own labor and that of h- family to profit when ihey wiuild otherivie have been without em- ploymeni and it hasanswered ihe purpose of thvt nunerou cu of small farmers who with holding too use for a single family to cultivate have had money lo pay wages the conacru sytem has been said based upon the potato unless the potato shall re- or somo produive and easily managed mainuin the machinery insure them in return for this the mail service between france and new york is to be executed without the contract is made for ten years it is ex a peeled that this project will immediately pass c incliidinir peiapa million and a half the chambers without opposition and as the 0 person i without any ejectment or letal ships and machinery are all complete and process at once anavii uently severed frm ready for service the line will probably be in i ad i to hris class about 209000 practical operation in the course of the sprinr families of the mal holders that is lo say tli other lines contemplated hy the legis- persons win pay mvy rents and occupy the latnte are three directed severally upon the amn land from year yr urder landlords io ihn 1st of february intehigcnra the aftiira of lhore were goirg on lowly the governor general haviic rcvuutcd the ev- cnioifnt in ihttl cimntry and pheed cob lnvvrcore m- revidrnt and sir john lililcr nt ihe licad or ih- briiiith 1rnji left ihl ennul m ihe i hi nf jttnu uary and lo the proceeded skb state and t ripftied to mch ptfuceallah on the 1st of fw ru y ilic lahore army hs been ordered to be redn- eil mod corrindrbuhlioofi weic ordered lo he dibmdcd some f the ild sikh soldier weie uniriiling tn retire hut lb duour of which tri sinfh is one of the oot inhucoiid ueinlei beifjr iirrnicd hy the pritth iruprt it id enforced their dimial the lle of the frontier of artchnmun w precirjous hot rbtf r n ijfrn were on r ttltirl and oven the niim hf anltifi had repre- xrd mine innud of ihe btoirliee th- lurhuvni akmr khn h id proceeded t nefc ihe chiefs of ihe codtihar who were hiswn rcrilivrfl and acordinir io ihe llmerl pnm in a rombey paper on ihe v7th of jin- nry c antharity he lies succeeded alter nin severe fihiin in rptoring ihc chiefs and uvikin himself miller nf llindahar it is tid th it ihe persian monarch was lo be applied tn on belt i if of the itijpmwsed chiefs hut nmhiii positive is known on lh subject the proceeding of tlit unprincipled vitier whose name must he ever infainm fruo bin beini the promote of iho murdcrof sir w b mniiirhten are likely to ciue some commolion in central aia lrvkaeool coa maset stuoat march 6 contrary wind have kept out mtpphsof eain this week the business irmnsmctcd ims hren tn a i mnderhlelvfiiirejcientaud full priors have hero w0 heins villained fur wheat and flour oal barley bean and jicase have each met 4 slow onle at ihe quota- t ions of ust wepk t he dem md for imlian corn hipir ath r foil- n o nd th pice ibarelvruiain- ed ikaeir irtlh american lis 9 ll9d fviariiift lis us gd rye per 430 ih 5v 56 ftotr untied states per barrel 4 3 13 canndian 41s 6d 12 indian corn per 480 lb 70s we have dates a few days later from eng land per new york sailing packets hat no news of moment unless the continued rise in the puce of flour be so considered flour must continue to advance for a short lime longer for the supply is not equal to the de mand hut it remains to be seen vheu the spring shipments are made from the united states canada and the bajtic potts whether it will then maintain its present buoyancy in the market cruel as the iviah may seem to famishing europe we hope it may for hither to owing to the speculations in ihe hade ihe lateness of getting to market and other vexa tions causes the shippers of canadian produce have of late days been heavy losers ti an ill wind that mows nobody good j and canadamay perchance retrieve her fallen fortunes hy one seasons good business from montreal we hear little else than that colonel gugy has commenced an action against the herald for libel- nothing can justify this newspaper for its publications against decency hut surely the gallant col has no right to complain he first commenced the blackguard and abusive warfare what every man of rational mind foresaw has occurred the american forces have compelled ihe cily of vera cruz to capitulate afters very brief resistance men too often make the wish the parent of the thought the americans deserve to be well trounced for iheir unjustifiable invasion of a free coun try infinitely less powerful than their own hut it rarely hapjiens ihat nations or men get what they merit either for weal or for woe thesympathies of the canadians o and all are strongly ectted in behalf of ibe oppresej mexicans but our sympathies tooofleo warp our judgment hence the belief or rather the hope ihat in this most cruel and unnecessary warfare the mexicans would ultimately pre serve their country from slavery such a hope must now be banished nothing now remains for the unfortunates but their capital city and tlul the cruel spoilers cao take whenever they choose toadvance upon it it is somewhat surprising that weak as mexico confessedly is she should have had the teme rity to cope singlehanded with what must now be confessed though somewhat unwill ingly one of the most powerful nations in the vive charge to the stale j kicfin crn be foiintl replace it the system d and tin large class we have des- lie mean lo supiwt at atesu as regarded the repeal of the act of supremacy he was b ware that the old penallie had been repealed buttill la peison was liable to he prosecuted for a misdemeanor at common law who held or defended the doctrine that any foreign prince or ptelate had power in eigand and he thought it abunl to maintain a uw w uch was notoriously infringed by every roman catholic in the kingdom l does not every room catholic in this country believe and hold that some spiritual irisdiclion resides in the bishop of gome know that there have been rat contesuou that matter i know there were threat con tests upon it at the council of tenl i know that some jesuits have attributed to the bishop of rftme a mneli ratei decree of spiritual jurisdiction than the fialliciiin church nives iim i know that some writers have placed his spiritual authority far above that of gene ral councils that some have made hi n co ordinate whh general conn il hut take the whole range of roman catholic teachers and writers down m bonnet and you will find not one roman catholic writer but holds that rapbhtaot newmom mexico vera cruz captured- eight hun dred americans killed affltcleri lutiim he jlijrnent of almiltlv iol crip- of 0oli mr j 0conxbll tnumthe liome wnum remove itciuttiet ailsnttlvd lo be ulw d which were calculated lo keep u irriutinii ami jealousy fie was willinr ihat procession should hft prihibiied and uiii thre should he a svsmn of resist ration for the reli fioin intent m nrwdcatr said there was nothin tn heuw as they now tunr that preclude aiy roiiian cilholic from ihe open exercise of hi religion hut ihey j preclude the cully ami its result is more doubtful the porls of france fmm which these sou hern linos w settled start have not yet bven movements of the european powers from the poru nafiond march 2 the number of men p the public xvnrksinrlmd was 668000 nwit u evcej 1w1 whether oninalmnlred f he abletoemiirate the cost of ven reach- in no lh america d sel dnwn al lps thanx2 10 or j an ohnary family therefore x rp why the cocelmtiou of russian troojs on fifieei pounds for if me fot he frontier of idllicia what interest com- such families as ure ecnher anything like this snm mulhv ln sone mamls it hccmniilish hi what conquest has nicholas to on the side of austria after maliciously and for evil purposes designedly i having so well pacified poland what fear can setting nil of a foreign pot htale against the hd entertain ni existing event explains this overei jnty of this country cnnstiluied a it was of a protectant population oa that round he distinctly refused to pee his absent to a hill for the purpose of repealing those enactnens irl o brstinck had always been the consistent advocate of the removal of roman catholic disabilities and he had therefore no difficulty insupiortin mr walsnnv hill if the laws it was son bt to repeal hd become absolute there was no ue in retaining them cases small holders sent out by landlord h n have an interest hthorernr couacren i and if they were operative they onttit to be k5e jttnejiclion does reside in the repealed but he was of opinion that pracli- btfhop of rone there u no km cathfi- cal grievances did mm lie in this country hnt must consider himsell to be in communion of mfic sort or other with the bishop tif rome therefore i say that there i- no rinnan catholic in thi country ho under the law as it stands is not liable lo fine and imprisonment nw i wish to know whether there is any genlleinn iii this goue who thinks it riht or yl that every roman catholic vtjio teaches his ms the doctrines of the roman catholic faith and 4lu amongst others and ihat every hum in catholic priest whote4ehehiscoiingiiion ihii amonkolietsof the lundainental doctrines of hit creedshould be liable to fine and imiiria- onm5t for joinso suppose d wiseman was to preach aermnn on the text thou art pelervtetinit in the sens in which it 10 uoderitood by toe whole roman catholic phorcb i ilteriouly meant th i the attomev central should he obliged to prosecute dr yao for teaching and enforcing this doc trine and if r wiman were gent to wjatemirecbii llut ennon 10 their s recently a i8t7a cause was tried be fore ln ifilale in whirn a rentcharge iijino an estate at stone cnft in no thmnher- laiul eiijoyed by a roman catholic priest ami and cert tin roman cetbolic poor was decided o le contrary in the penal statutes and was ftifeiled to the cmvn hear hear that was a practical rivance hear heai and great was it thai he believed the lat gov- ernineiit of the rijbt hon baronet thought it their duly to recommend that a new grant unusual display of military force what can it mean we cat better comprehend the iirhaments of austria and the augumeihation of her troops austria is not an empire but rtn element of violence this conglomeration ithhy or foitv of pupulation of territory of various manners the mim thrifty fctrto nsan i ideas m i cmlradictory traditions of the cla which v j united by force under one sceptre requires a j hably lave ireland vj m tiieal compression nothing hold together at least doubtful wlf j hl wtieii rolhiiij is united the threads of this thalcnu try en feel austria vior from the reifiw iion net requires constant repairs feels the slraclc ot the movement in europe j she immediately draws her bayonets rein forces her garrisons and advances her stupid legions she can only maintain herself by producin- fear- for thai reason she hid in creased her spies in italy and she is emlea voriu lo excite disturbances hy establishing a orfnc d on the borders of tvssino and ohm menacing at the same time pedmont aid vitgerundt all the governments aie now con if acting loans frinsia is convoking her tatcgeneial in order lo contract a loan nnd to rccstahlish her lost credit england is oorrowin 2011000030 spam 90030000 may he landlord will sendini- out the mere in llis departure is nnl peccary to clear i x th h mo leailnie will remai wm ho not o mere i of i iauf head of families j and enterprising l wn seme means will pro- ear and it is svstem of a it is will derive of so much healthy iv- ai hould be made of the recentcharge but ulmitemoliu 25000000 don miguel is were there no other practical grievances was it not practical grievance that roman catholics could not he buried in churchyards or in the open ir and have performed over them the rile of christian hunal by clergy- men uflheirown chinch dressed in their own habits did thy recollect that within two years when the limi a id learned mernbar foi coik filled the office of lord jtlayu of dublin thiit scandal wm displayed to iho wmld that ifte hnii ami learned mmwr a- a rtioan gocidliu and he likewise would wish to raiae d iojii a for our pait if we escape uch a necessity this yar wc otust infallib have recourse lo a loan next year what 1 causing micb uneasiness throughout europe it must be admitted that it is becauu- nothing u found ed on a linn am solid basta uppoc the death of one man tomonov ojjtl thi tlislut- baucet which agiutef pwyident miutbi will be converted into ucta fbia evunt is not neceary in rtutict the jiliou cinwd hy th we cannot but rf jsfj m s we believe a mnc v were out 0 this class f f t s ch no dnnht to tempt ilwijrni i t the uited state enc 11 own nl iheir ruii at hoi lo the slaesman of cl nbtry perseverance evince hufaho klsssstf 1 those who e leave fjt 1 1 2 ehroa i hat secure h 5fs security gree em- ana iiml m cuiiiii p t thme tencr woubl ht more vn have tlejicrihtiil taiimlrvd in the misihippi if 1 0b w fl bor mnrkel fn ti s lhatithuumtrku r rroni dertitute elim even ibou do vol find on thf whicmhev woaiif and use with bb t rpetuity vntji b och m a we h i wottn more to thm than lito v re beyond the m k ivernmenl aid were from the british colonist albany wbdncsdav april 7- an express fiom philadelphia reached here this morning with the imortaut intelligence that vera ciuz is captured the news reached charleston as the boat was leaving and we have but few particulars and what we have are verbal the news reached charleston by a steamer direct from vera cruz and was believed lo be true a passenger aid that just as she was casting off her line an aeut came running down hallooing oat that vera cruz was talten he states that onr force had all landed hy the 18lh wiih all their ms and munitions of war and ihat the town and castle were immediately deserted and attacked on the 19b the naval force reached within gunshot of the town and castle and the batteries oo land commenced the work of death ihe whole heavens seemed illuminated with lire works and rockets scat tering conflagration on the falling city the um nf the americans is said to he about 800 the battle raged for several hours but aftei a desperate resistance the city surrendered and general scott and at my marched in with flying colours the halite was fought with ihe thermometer at 89 our irooias are now iu comfortable quaiters since iheir disem- barkation they have been sleeping on the ground without any shelter now orleans paper say that a revolution was progressing in mexico against gomez farias and there is now a coalition between santa anna and the priests from whom the former had received 2000000 to carry on the war later from santa fe we have advices from santa fe to 31st cvbi nary and from elpassothc 11th january col net doniphan was mill iu possession of el pdso wailing lo he reinforced hy the coming up of his expected artillery as soon as it arrived it was hi intention lo move directly upon chiahuahua nothing had fcen known of the change of general wools posi tion wri colonel doniphan was still under he impression thai they were cooperating the battle fought hy captain mooney look place twentyfive miles from santa fe at ihe firt ytlley discharged by our troops thirtynix mexicans were killed the rest were thrown into confuiion arid preciptately led to the mountains captain mooney fallowing up hi- advantage with decision pursued the enemy and devastated the valley of the memoro burning everything in his path the people terrified fled lo the mountains where death and jtaivutioo awaited them when mr caldwell who brought the express from santa fe to st louis left the former place he heard heavy report of artillery in the direction of emoro ami doubllcu another city council monday april 121817 present his worship the mayor messrs ford meagher hall flanagan breden rourk baker anglen wiley brent allen crawford harvey channonhouse smyth minutes of last meeting were read a communication was read from dr me lean superintendent of schools recommend ing that the petition of school trustees no 1 he grauted also one from a manahanesq relative to recommending him for stipendiary magistrate p etitfons of e proby for leave to erect posts for awning refused of f lestage and others praying that the law relating to hucksters may not be repealed the report of the board of works was read recommending that the petition of j- b hall and others relative to plank walks be granted and ihat all houses and lots in th city be numbered also that all vacant lots be fenced in in accordance with bylaw the two letst clauses of the report were adopted- mr crawford wished to reduce the salary of the harbor master and raise that of ihe clerk of the market and made a motion to that- effect the motion was put to vcte ana lost by a majority of 5 it was rfioved that ihe council recommend h w benson esq to the governor general for the office of stipendiary magistrate it was moved in amendment that james mc far- lane esq be recommended also another amendment that a manahan esq be re commended finally there was no recom mendation mr benson however having the majority jf votes the council are to meet this tuesday even ing at 7 oclock for taking into consideration the second reading of ihe market bill the council adjourned a letter from st patrick for the british whig dtarlt beiovrd whig from the first epistle of sl paul to the corinthians 3rd chapter and 15th verse and trom various other texts of scripture catholics prove to their own satisfaction that there is in the next world a place called purgatory through which the souls of the faithful must pass before they are admitted into heaven volumes have been written by men of great learning piety and virtue in favor of thi opinion and no good catholic ever disputes it by the words good catholic i am under stood lo mean one who subscribes to all that his church believes and teaches without pre suming to gainsay canvas examinecmtinise question or doubt whatsoever it teaches or dains or commands but in all matters that relate to the salvation of hie immortal spirit rests his faith and belief on the authority of his pastors receives their admonition without murmuring or complaint diligently acquits himself of the penalties they impose for his transgiessions and conscientiously submits to the prescribed discipline of his church such a person believes in he existence of a middle slate and no rational being can blame much less condemn his credulity since be only shows his submissiveness and humility and escapes the censures pronounced against those who refuse to hear ihe church protectant divines apply to all the portions of holy writ quoted by catholics in rapport of their opinions on this subject a contreiy interpretation and convince themselvea by means of arguments which to their own minds leave nothing unproved that the idea of a middle tale after death is a delusion and they require thrir fttftmm to mmit uti soul when released from its earthly tabernacle is borne hy angels lo abrahams bosom or turned over to a gloomier fate without under going any purgation cleansing or previous trial or refinement of any kind whatever protestants who conscientiously entertain this opinion are right ihey believe what their pastors leach and command them to believe and therefore escape in common with catho lics the penalty incurred by those who refuse to hear the church a question which has bn propounded and resolved proved and disposed affirmed and denied a million of times over aod over na turally occurs in this place which of these is the true church and notwithstanding all that has been said and written on the sub ject this question is involved in as much un certainly and doubt at the present hour as it was thrte hundred and fifty years ago bat instead of pretending to projoe a solution which ho layman if he be not a confirmed lonatic will attempt to do permit me to ask how far the wellbeing of mankind in any age of the world has been advanced by thia discussion has the enquiry in a single instance been conducted on either side with moderation decency or temper has it contributed to banish discord to subdue the animal passions of men to soothe excited feel ings has it reconciled two persons who before were not friends promoted love between neighbors or rescued one soul from the hidden of george strachan for payment of an account of 23 for that useless pump opposite f j tnm mlul ur ij d or auttifiir-l- we all dread and if it has not been attend- w h bensons referred to board of works of p- hug and others proprietors of bowling alleys praying that ihey may be allowed to keep open until 12 oclock no action of wm sands and others praying that a street may be opened leading from ordnance street near ihe residence of mr a mclean- no action of wm simpson for leave to lay down plank walk referred to board of works to report of t a corhett and other for same pri vilege referred to board of works to report of a b hawke and others committee of news room for reduction of the amount of rent now due and also that the yearly rent he reduced to a nominal rent say of about 15 shillings it was finally agreed chat they have the room for 15 a year and thai the amount due be reduced to x30 of vvm stewart for remnneration for making drain referred to board of works of patrick l murdock and others for reduction of rent of butcher sialls refer red to market committee to report of w denny for extra carters license- granted of a mcdonell and others against being assessed for carriages sec kept for hire no action of sidney scobell for payment of account for erection of lighthouse referred to com raittee on wharves and harbors of hugh cormier for leave to mike drain- granted of a smyth collector of market tolls praying for compensation for losses sustained in collecting said tolls referred lo market committee of james conlan praying for his old sitna- liou of overucr of public city worka no action ed with any of those desirable results what motive can there he for keeping op ihe con troversy a catholic exclaims mine is the only true church huilt on a rock the gates of hell shall not prevail against il the spirit of truth has promised me his presence even to the consummation of time and i have the keys of the kingdom of heaven a protectant replies your assumptions are false mine is the only ttue church all that you declare to be yours i actually possess and no one who believes more or less than i require shall ever see heaven a third party not accustomed to lay too much stress on speculative religion deeming it a more charitable duly to leave many of th question it involves lobe settled between man and his maker if appealed to for his decision might reasonably say u well gentlemen i see no occasion for this disturbance suppos ing carry a gold watch in my pocket what would you think of me if i were to stand dis puting with every fool who thought proper to fancy this watch in his own pocket not in mine shew me theee ifeys ipiut see them with the eyes of faith your meeknes and patience your forbearance and humility furnish full evidence of the possession and the title 7 i receivb this testimony there is usually the greater hope where these good qualities most abound hut yet woqja not take my oath that one of you is right and the other wrong i would not say that both are not right nor would declare that each may not labor under a trifling error if god has promised yon ills presence i think you are tolerably afe look at yonder sun behold the moon those millions of twinkling start the planets these havo been called into exit lence from absolute chaot by that almlghlj powur who yuu nay ii the guardian of jw church wrs he to withhold from ihtm ft one instant his directing influinct thejr woul

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