British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), April 13, 1847, p. 3

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fcill- mh ftiwi ifce if nrfl inwls hplmilwl wild tmtntim i ymi i-riuvi- iliit iy in wtwal hill i imllvdl inlmr lliriit l llirir iiiniiltvi nf illicit fti if uw iwly oli r h win- m ll 1 lijcht nml llir wns lilif lie wlufimr irtt riunic4 uiilif and molion n miviiaik i worlns ifdling lei the ililwirmitf tn will njitfpflml liiirniny ihiirtifth -h- vt4 ml irf iiiiiiifumimmc jrv ha rmaulmm yrtur church sun phawtl 16 if main mill i1 or evir an yn imwiirliiicaft t imimci that he will not fcrrjt hi won- i sua ftil miwoacffnm rexatrliiif my waldi lirtattw i know it solo yi are mil rinally awil the b iutijli ynn bvtovi ilirm h in your own hion tincmiinty iny ilmiil if yonrrhnrch i ihr fmfctf iaj ilwilr44til- if reared bj hnmn lkiuhil nnu fll yonr xeal nu matter hnv rinily rvr lid mttim alter its dtmiriy ami yet me wnum hunk otherwise tall iht ttimtwaj warfare mini tabled on lmhilijoit wilhonilbrlhlrsr advantage lo elhr ynnw to ether il w not hv any potvtr or vitlwe nol conferm by jehovunhat the t mfl twaltowiml u i the serpent of the mi ici by lhr power of the drily not hy the sqimbulnj of llu creatures shall nil mankind if leasing hi will he gathered inla the om gim- there ae certain oblatory duties nol diffi cult to underhand which every living sno o adam if looking forward to a fulur- stale i bound diligently to fulfil sn far you ami the who human family are accountable hnl in dealing with clwittiao mysteries and tuifc which go far hey on j the jirvver of mans com prehension and belief futh li5 in to your aid and command you in receive ihem as nto the united kingdom burrsfonea awe i lauwimpan monday next the 1211ml cocoa all kiml of coin tf all kntiu en imllinri altll nnwhhlm mhau ahi in cnrii1 iuh k s i iirnttht mi mity in in lemtfil for any hind pf michiiiify nr mil fniihliii ennl4e of nil kind nllkindant raiii himnt kc hiiimi lliinr lish fij- lmnk ninl mi nil w fnmilnre that anr brtn artuollt in fflj hmp raw hidr iird itoirh ii llrifi i ri r v 1 1 n y m inure iflm nljui iatalrjex vil tints andean- viw mil fu skin mnlrrssd i iar rf the aiapli tall4w lar in penllna whale lin tw fn vrnrla fullv rivt win hi uw n ky mr shi f l r i lilt l jl ml hi ktlirt i i a i 18 fr f hi i his ir l i i ifdi il a rit i i nd satis mini riic u i im i ihnt 1331 j fcrl hriiftr li ahlmfler id i and y f it all rvajv fn fwoi he fir t lur akmritr k si juih k b1n hi com ijrtdnl hy cint jaiir the other i fof mevs rini anil alerilll o hi em mand ka jnnrlte c the wain in lie- llm lllw ncn1 illamhltl t h iifull mioveanil ijt s r avirli-ii- ifv w rriiiiir jltltl iii f liirfirii kit h plran ivtr i h luj a rlin i vr hi i 1 1 1 7 j i in i rtmeh r- in if- fci ilrd 10 i w i i imi- 1 kji i- vii ii a i lakevt tofatifk iv tllll lil tl ii i fit v nrd t0m4fi 4l h nut idiir- hl bill 1 tu viicr fatbf andhrme thrre frarm 4 ktolvil hint when any nf the british 12 ficl nvrril north american tfmtr hnll illov ihc rn heel j fonition limn nova senlia of aiticks the j for w4ttl gf silshnil rnwlh iiiiiic nr nijimltirtiire of nora scidid fier fimn dnly all nitidis i he growth priiiicf or inannfuctur of mich cnony uialt in innoflrd flfth mlfth onhmy into noa sen- ita fiee fion doiyand it shall lc lawful in rvny mjrli ease ff ihr fot7- uilh the iulvier of itrrit hy piochimntioi in the ltnvil jljcrlh in lv ifnoicdittu clfci td m act in ho fiassiil fm that mitilsc 5- revived tliil thv aevrtal duli im- joid uin licmsrh fur pnhtic lln m shoik for thf il nf l and on his hy iiriiiin in halifax ind ilivmihattl lh pro vjjice he continutd in ihr same mannrr aid at the fame rates a dining the t year 6 kelved thai the act concemio the utsofl and riilalmt of l hi hiues he cr tinned in force for the year endini the 31t march 1818 i hr toclis and cbmcr of 110 injtit hi i ii enm minced rti stance mr of fllt coovtv of llaxbt ivc observe thul m new mtiji ha t hsi been isied h tte toam- nf 1iui rumof ni mm i llfi dittnl 4 to bo thr nrw atifhv i7eif4l on tht l will v r virit r ic wo lunht thi liw nneaioniaa re bctie knwo nw tun hv w re wtirn mr tcnrre4r crpi into trchrier wc itrl ptc th l rvth tbe cnndirn will not fw tend ih it mr linvil mjot ihr roirweoc of ihe fie- crmtdl mjijr hft telitrciiiaeler- t bin h i amp fni fer tt tll grftllrflin w re4ctiinttl n dmblc mnjnnty m in cl he ennnnt have the dry dock ntd hefnc 111 may and ilemy of cnijivy naval lirurd tarit- n- 1 e imtiik jti limited fr waiilaf i ajditmi ihjnwriihm jtiiiir at ihu yirh in ml as rn my as thirty ivntim in jel willi con ihml eiiiioyi nti ar hii wa explained reaper li rely hy ihc minssursof your wi nil tii vivio roorrnd wiih n xrrmintr- ehurch but chri5lau faith ihtilntf not that l fkr mir ine lotit rnaichiin rat no wasp yon condemn a retlow creature whose belief i 0 wn mr aytwinnlld tne vlrlat f in such masters differs from you own- leave rrinaiin ii it remtltlile itallhnt mi one that loood live with your broiher in harmony jj iim llje 8uc gerit abanu obtain ilio potmoinn to whtrs oa fty btmm and ptace as one who for any ihin- you can nd cwatlvn utaf he i entitttd nmniwiih- tell may noisibly meet vog in iltaven for tunrltnr ihe eontempuitd limit to mr- tatrin in abstract religion as much as you suppose iinafflaol bar the uinwtry know ihaitlieycao hut there is one thin- in which i ftffffet ti kirk tsscbenimnd pnpinrag where thyplcir ar- i nc w tcel 1hit hire mo- submit lo vplwtltw tlfntmenl i fin lrn w- vhl i liave ihcm dit- like poof tomvm pkewlen infj cn be of no me ue tlic qxsiiffcyor 0ne4l once member ff one ntlhe i oti- observe you seem hi agree unftmir iioa on religious grounds lo one another which in many instaneos mke you to re semble not chiisiians but wnf thin i dread to name- xov gad requires th it ymeehni- this aboninable feelin- for lovr obey the divine mandate and 1 vnilme to pronounce your safely- reject il st bounds to the goodnesof providence continue to disunite and quarrel for the purpose of promoting hi glory and then implode haveni blestinf on thepions deed go on in this way yirld nothing upon either sid cut one another throats in imitation of your forrfaluers at a memorial to future aes thai pur is tfcis only tue chrcs built on a rock and iovemrd by the spirit of truth- do these thin hut if you ask my opinion as to the protiahle conte- quences to you hereafter mul reieclfu1ly beg leave to decline answering so delicate a question such would be the reply of me who know in ihe weakness of human nature and mis- pecling that a slight error mayexisl upon both sides laid no great stress on speculative religion now my mends of ihe irish nation ca tholic and protestant ihsmtgh mvelf a lioeat descendant of the leek imhued il ttjjhl hc with a fair sprinkiin of poprry you are itulv jeif o mj hrut lin i loijeet ihr thhvoltlefj had to rneountfr the piiimlinns to endure whrn laylni lh faandatino of nutornete in tinned canadi it now co i co4nms at on of ihe wv incnilerimc pm hi wruin cimhs rormfen bv urnwl wlio mnde him i lie if ttnl fur tbc moment tnc isauin- f hie writ iw ii4rt will nniurlly rjosesniihj rnquiryas to ihe pr-atstlrr- has ihr- speaker nrwm hern iiirdt in ie case or mr rbinon- sir atun mcnji wjrrnni mj i r metrfl on and mi- writ wi imcrd areomio 1 1 ihe uni prrsihcil in case of ifc icilli or nh- oro of n pralier il is understood ihil mr drapn t3izn tn opinion lh sir alun mekah u if vieilrd liw tesl- other lawyers ihink diff r cully tic piiyerninttm hwevef nr red n ihr u niiif4f of it ailorney generhl wc wonder by thr wy whether j une stoilvs wu ust n if 0 il ndil be cmiiiritj and in mr rohinwhia ease r ted sir allun as if lie had vacated bia fr sorne linc his kilir iets ttvppfj but lh liiinlileifeia elniied iheir nim un dn jmii and lvepud uplhf 0 luni koight whether will view nf tfteftjt him dtiwn or nt il r jtflicolt in wy one diy they ucmed him n s nod ihe next istey mfivlerl lhil he hurl vicied h r i i i prrhps the bmek- viltfi sljtcin m will cjlawm ice htilt amsmfk uatie on the nl of his f ivorite irlotftflnti tjic i iftfjiab hnc ar till oed op at any rule on- auhjtet ialiuj1j for thcni nl one timet tad ihe tfvtmiu wilhivr enough in di wilhllie minisfenal hgiiiwmt which we pmnitfj hin lie hill ml hoai ihe lusl of in o liurfy liht fiiflsasiij strips arijuul ai sdai c5 turn 0ixitj or rin natteatrox during ht vai few diy the season lus ad- vancvd prodiniivj tlie ice in the cbannrl rtftlin river has given way and ihe piqwels arc good for the harbor to he clear of ice by ihecfulof the present week lower down ihe st lawrence we hear of the ice hetn ftill firm and teams are yet patsin between brockville and presentt- the weather has not been very fjvorahle uly- froty nights and cod wiidy rjyi tiji the priwuccls ar roorl for a very early resumption of business- the nnw still lies on the tmi in many places and no attempt have yet been mad to commence ploizhin- i c arc 1 1 h hut vr erilmtty w if mm- ilkr kq seized yi titfd iy with in vft iihte in rfrile lh1 mr ii n iinrviii- ihntjfh rrrrl in iy ffth lifvrnim illnr iht i big friiiftf 4arsfll i i link an iw uucm on mn itff inrwliy luit i likk pliiiv vrre f p he w h i nrord fir ihe auction saix commercial mart in iii iv imh al hilo sa 1 1 ofpies toraocos ulliiisg dye stuffs ami ii vuiidy nf hi it aicu wjlliam ware kingtlhi ainil 0 ii ij7 iiwstcrs mid li iiii ssirat 184 184t p o i w a r b 1 1 cs dfitwken montui vi am kingston and vice vrrsa iia tie ulluvva kivrr anil ttijfju canal aad liver 4 ihe h 3 i lutjwloinl 1 jilwnitxtt lrtv h ivn eiitivl iiun kim wan od miia d- pilsbninntm ftr hie n l kij ilium rftartleft rttfliirilii ollno p t i i i h kingston mallkct pricks satcnimv w ajuil isi7 and bit l of chrisiiunity and hauiihin tti iniies in allien nil fro n ynur native kin 1 1 are yntt chnstlans ve and ihv he christians inn if ym avdd drsptrieti avhil question cnnnecled with rclin which ynu no more understand than lhat hure videi called oil man in the moon- iviwi dif ference can iimake to ynu fot instance whe ther there u a purgatory or ahelher there is not a prolrstmt who fihl away willi furious zeal on hie llttjpllve sidof litis ques tion will be careful to prepare himself for- heaven mteffag oial the shjdmv of sin will send him to hell a catholic who as stoutly maintains the affirmative is not more intensi ve to pain than his separated feltoiv chiitian he would not for vvoid put his finder in ihe fire and ktffl it there for ihe short space nf twenty minutes this man ton- will do his best to ecape punishment in the nel life and thus injy we ttf thai two men of upjiosite teneis taught from theii youth to quarrel upon this subject- were iherc no other nludc in the way might through the goodness of pro vidence be saved while the one believed and the olsirr conscientiously diswiicved the long disputed and l life creating doctrine of pur- galory may the holy virgin bless you dear whig so ions as you allow men to worship god as they please- st patrick april 12 187 e- inqucst il arain iieeomes our mel mcholy duty to record the death of a person hew iu higli fim in ih city on t jay ust mi- u i huflj coroner was called mi t indil an uqnesl on the hodv of mr maltha mckilfop wife of mr john mekillnp run fee i inner kin street- il appears in rvidenee that mts mck received a tall aboul sr gfbmz dar the usual pre paratiuns are being made to soiemnize thr annivtrpary of the tutelar saint of old en- iland in he mornine of friday 33rd insl the st georges sue irty will proceed lo st georges church where a ermon is to he preached hy the rev mr herchmer and in the evening the society with their guests will dine ogeiher at mr- hasiiiisp lamhion house hnlel where dorjmlm the ht of fare await ihem as is usual on this day the enliih nonmembers of the st grores society and their guests will dine with thai sterling englishman mr thomas bamfnrdat a dinger f a hnmhfer but certainty not less of a harmamtiusor hilarious description we have been assured by persons who bold hitfh nffice in ihe st georges society that there is nothing in ils constitution to pre vent english men nonmembers from dining wilh the society provided they do not go as guest consequently all peron can make choice of the dinner they may wish to dine at jp thesphivo asiizts the court of queens bench commence its silting lodjy his honor judjre jones presides in place of judge llagrrman oritfinhy apjiointcd lathis circuit but whose severe illncs prevents his attendance both the crand and petit juries arc t alien fom the town vr immediate ueigh boihood the civil business is nol heavy and the criminal calendar contain only lhoe cave laid over from the rhtdomt ml draper con duct he crown business ftmt 112ft wjtmlfr parid ftidry do tyc rf jl- ilo hit ale hundred ilrtjsy tvi poi4tirs if uuvnda oeef 4f hundred ik if tb pork hundred 1t lb veal ft moitiin ay ft buler in ji don in lub r rhc- ar b ef p 4f djmi turkeys y wipk- geese eac djcks do fwkdn kvoodgurd fi 3 1 1 3 m 0 9 3 uut u c 1 1 c 2j 3 3 0 2t 4iq 0 b ft x s 0 4 4 o tf 4 0 in 7 63 2 0 9 a oo s f a 9 6 2 p 13 27 17 2 p25 0 57 0 0 0 i a 0 0 0 0 i 6 s 8 3 id p i 0 ti 0 0 0 u 0 6 0 0 0 u 0 0 c 0 j 3 a 3 0 mi abtfjr geo- a gumming akcildjolix micdoneu kindlon 17th feb 117 296 boarding nli lib k e four ipritis can he oc b iniinm iu il with bunitl in a iu vutc luiriilvi hy ai1 u ll nuxt il nu tii mi tiiiottoui siivci marrh 0 kinktviii 41 yin4 11 mr llninoida 1317- mm- hutel mif kingston buimiss socisty society nphe mtmliera if tlii st georses day such of the snuof s qmtsmi as are desirous of cekbnilitig tin naial day of old grglaikt juy sainr by a n i spn t mil d hfuros hotel on friday thf ijrtt of april are requcvei to unl ilioir names at the unofmr if hotel piinces sheet on or before wlnctlay jlsr iust in order thai ample m6iiaraitorift may bfl nnde v tickeu ton suihnpmdlj wine inclutled arc er by ntitifitl that the first aliiiillily inntntmimif cih tli6 trick lias t eli ifcrlmed wybeoq itlndsy anrl u hrcly rriniircil lo bft paid to tin secretin at hi nffittft killff vrmw gbokob uaxtbr sttrttary tftusurtr kta4iib april isi7 2str caval wriaar montreal 22nd march 1817 the subscribers have this day admlted mr w- j mcdunrllof kinm and mr john fakrow of montreal as partnicrs in iheir forwarding and commission uus1ness h- s jokes co bmckville t lilutcqcf with no itict u4cil fieimlrirsw strtch f lltmi ii tlutir c ohhii will transport i vilely urnl ilirspatchj nil pmpeity unfiled tithrii cutis ivojinvj culom llimu bitriai of go d frutn kiglml nod cuiiphk will bn peonpty alieitded i and fe rf elituyr 1 luiikin- ihifir cnmunitis fr the pa- tnmagc lliuy lrvo hii rfeided ro tliti itjii bay of quinte- jbl 1847 jfi for srmrd airri csjomnus iteaju queen v1ct0uia captain nowahd lllualtlcuknii li h thy n liy niirlt a i uiceof pulilif hilt i ilio thruiinincil h d- isnsi nuns ut ai nhoiubi ile n anv ntliei ill lio tmde j s mccl mic co montreal p f mcflatf i co harhimjn f ihe xfcvi- minfiik wrfiimbfrr mend nf ihv fafnf ouinm i tkmkk niiij ftm itttving nsfoiluw- downwards- wdlleavt brfttvitu nvrr monday h udncsujy and friday ui aevcti mock upnarda ilmeave fttjt rvery tueaday- ihursdayi and vi njjy t oclock kiiikjiion 6ih april 1847 kintnn tf ii ii jones co isjoncsco treat kinsston in the court of bankruptcy for the midland district fn lite matipr of hknry gorok git lkspir a banfavpt totice all rmm indebted u 1 the alhivti hjnkrupt ew an nqiieedlo aettle thti reieitivr dehtfi wain ihr iiiileriirieik un or hefire llo jsoih ahiuf anafrrthn peiiid such iia miy remain oottandiiig will he pur in aim for colleclnin william craig kiuniin april 187 m ivhim reliiininjrftnm hershn iilmcis which was followed with in i her r very erimi ertfti urchuciti a mtrarriac mil censrnnlly jjreat dehility of hody while i vim in iiustaii ihe ervani inaltfnd- ance cmointnil ovintc her late quantities of irdenl prth wiilinnl the knowledge of her hihirnl who iernenl1y interrogated them on thrithjclaiid which facl they stonily denied one fifth set vjoit mry mcgnft even while nnher oath persisted in stating she knew inir tont the whiskey although as it subsequently appeared she jjave ihe money for it purchase and wa chief in jvint the deadly draught to the deceased she hnw- ever aubtiiefitly acknowledged hrin privy in one quail hcini used on sunday mis mck wasiieizrd with cnnvuuive jit ivhieh ronlinned with bnl little intermission until her death on monday night the jury bronchi in a veidict in accordance wilh the foreoiii facts stro- jy enmineuting on the improper con duct of the servants amtfon goxdlt april 8 apil 1847 gmil has appointment nova scotia duties finally agreed tn hy the house of assemhly in cnmmittei rn ways and mean friday i2th march 1847 1 resolved thai on from and after the 31st day of march instant iht colonial hn- mu duties now levied and raisrd hy virtue of the provincial act now in force shall continue to he levied collected and rjed a they are now nnlil the fifth day nf july now ensuing and thence until the 3ut day of march 184s or until the rnyd amt shall he given lo an acl tor renealiu ihe duties of customs imposed tijwm goorlf irnnrtrd inln stcnernrv urexc aliilro i otn his lllfcxcv tine govt- m i pliacd ij olnkc the lllownij via inrnel w piiwcll william salirmn dunem rttip iv ii m witno and charbi w oivcnltin rii i te a5scimi mtniv- n itic boant ut y li tnr super intending lb grttinuiar sctto in the divtrictnl talbot adjutant firiwai omct mnutreal 7tli april 1647 gttr4l ohdiek his exoriirct tne govrtrna rjeanal i pieman to uiuke ine f4uteinf hipoinidienis in hi militia force f canndu via ftrtt umi ii addington to be m aseuiine btquire tn l iplaiis maolnw curk hhahn amruunr oikmn itiimnl piicr unvy join miller j0in g sriticr henry comer samurl r ark ilenj4iniu seynviur and clurlva fract enufe ln twi lieuicianta bmjjmi aslfftmrth henry mrl smh d- purdy wilmm j fiifidil fd- i 1 fraver and tjmw 3 gortfi ufhilvftyevij tube bimns allen miller william clnsaj calvin w- miltrr jtingrdjnir uiac clark jejua birah naln uk tinioihv frasrr cy lemlllccownis weeon-fralu- late the lovers of 0ftl lliin ujion the return to town of our old fiiendand rvery bidvswld friend mr john retanff who in one of mr lvihotr new s ue bdluliigtj has oneued an estoliluhitiem ian ibiaaraleiir pail iilry conk iarl cnnfrrlcner part cafe and pnrl salon nnihf the name and aprrnirla1r dti nation of lcs miucs cobtnnts when wc tell the public that john btlttgfffj aided by his excellent betier half ha personally as turned the manijement of this addition to the creilure comforts of ti all we need nnl add that every thing will be round comtit ftuf the cakes ihe oylcc patties the bcifcfisls the lunches uitwiut the liqucurfand the thousanrl other things that john dlaner alone delihu to prejiare will nn longer be rerninis- encetheynreain betoire realities too sub stantial to be lightly prized when the sub ject of our euloiuin two yeais ao retired to his garden at st tarys to enjoy his ofium cum diailcttfht let hi inante fall upon wor thy shoulders hut however excellent his sue cesor may be still we cannot help helinrand expiesjin pleasure at the return to his original pumiii- of an old and valued caterer lo the public taste may he live a thousand years and may his shadow never be less csinirmctft or fwuft to oswrcno il i iatd currently that several vessels from canadian porls on lake ontario have been freighted wilh flour looweo thence bihssj thoujh the erie canal to new york or bot- ton we hdieve the report to be true bir cannot vonch for il should the practice secome general it will prove a bitter blow t kingston and the forwarders it has rver hff n hinted that these shipments have men made partly a experiment and partly with a view tn raise money on this subject the montreal htrati of the 10th siys wr know it to be a facr lhai merchant are now holding large parcels of produce at buffalo and other western port ipftm ore troit ing tne irfisioji of oulegtdoturcy vfieflur thttj go to montreal or m yvrk ttic whole thing now hinges on a trifle and we shad set in a mmithj whether mm treat is lo be the rival of n- v yoik or sink into insignificance les iflillcs colonnes john balancer begs miisi tesieitfilly tn acquaint his ui j ftnja nut i oulimcrs in well a tin public at lirye iliat he ha upirtiej the above bsttlijuioenf lbs muxes colonnes no 3 ttcmlhcln b ii 1 1 j id i 4 willinctori bfikut which he has fitted up vvirh teiir r every coiivcnieiice ac nuim anj com fuit mo will always liu with iht- vriy bent ktyrnkmemki pustty luncus wintsanduquturs urge an j small panics cen be ac irr at the iliurtcst niritc j b begn wwaf u acknowledge the kiiidiietw nf the j0r i f kint ton audita vicinitri who fttr swiirty- aix yeaia have isrtlm l uttlr pnirmi nxc and azures il llial iwlhiltg f ill his pan will be waiioy hi merii itacmi- tinuaiice ladie and ocnilemcn may he iu1ieil with bnwiuea hut hhiim plaitbi garden att fluwer seed in brett variety bnb i nltlkip cimintvr and l ba uiwom ut st mav which will be oned hi the public indue ser inj kt by mr joseph belangea s city of kingston emed tendeks will be re ceived al the orfire f ihe undersigned until monday ibe i9tli irwant si three nthrk p- m ivnm persons rleaimih nf leasing ihe property sitnaio on ntnrio mieet known aa the pieqwi llairarks pflilbrr partiulnri made known on ippliraiion m tliu offire uv order nf the city council m flanagan crfy curk ciiv tlrrka office city hall i kinmit april 6 isi7 s copartnership pitdtrtfgiied have mtfered urto jl ciipannvrlaj firihe pnrpo ef raryinjriimhefokwaltulng bu6i- nlisci on hi itivqt si lawrence lakes 0iiariw blit c under the name and style of cl levnn gnciit mnntreal john ii ifnesai co at itiqstou and wm clclccoh v co lluuiuuilt john h grecr ww colcleugh hamili march 2f ls7 tii rmpitelon assure ihe public ihal ihey will use rvury endeavur in prnvi in fribe secutitv and cninfn of lwioliqen- and ihe nans tiaiimisaion of freigbi vuirnafcdd in ihem and will exert uioinwhrs in prmidp fcr th r siilents rn the buy of quinto that tirtoiiit of sicam hat accimtxtodatiuo to which thry are j imly enriilod hellevilltf march is 187 lake and river line f o r w ar i i n g vov 1s4 w 1th i tciio nouriireineiil e prcpaied on to the abofi an- this undertjfiied e onenini of the tvi navightioi to catty on lite forwarding bosines bjuvceii montreal kingston toronrri hamilton iud other ports on like ovtam andalsnon lailk km nod vice veia for the transit uf pni duce and mcrcliandtzc tbeirstnek nf firstelan brgt pro pelttrs steam freight bittiis schoo- ner is anch a will enable them to d justice to attch pwilw as may confide homiie3 to iher uic pi ndtne b6 in sinre hiiose tle open ini- of the luchine canal lo he at ihe risk nf the owner iherjof ctjlclsuuhgrbbrionfretf john ii gkeeu co kingston wm colclkutili tcu limiton k u- innes tafriipgf ug ttgtiu at montreal king4on april 187 k8 1m 1847 wharfingens commission merchants oe agents c the iubjcrihers beg ro infntn thrir kimji and the pobltc thftt they have ieed that r dimis wharf and vvaichoiise formerly occupied by th pfonbftft compaxt and latterly by messrs jiiki wamcea nrd will be prepared on the opening of navigating to receive and srnre or sell on com- mi5innnriy property mnignerl tn thrm the government having made the premies a bonded vmmavwy they will be preparej lo store foreign tornls in mont or wh them through the custom hmis- as desired fnmihnir experience in the bosines iltd nnremiltinrr artentiou ihey truii to merit public favor e browne ft co- kingaron march 15 1s47 tf notice ratffi kii heubvgivnnoti it all pripeity coiisujiicd to ihem tin a ruoeo r them muni iheir april 121b 1647 30 1 m cheap knrr sh r sale of engl am french rifrv um1 of the first cuss c-rhm-mbk- lifw mrrth thry hirr einrnncril sklitl nt i off r en- ii 00 irn nil r rtf llnjir tlrnro cillt7cliir iuavivis nml iicr woicks or aim iheie bxillilltlon room hik toccjtsi j iiika sirril nt mrh itrc rocric a rapiil r nj ia ihr ibahll lltttl be cleared ul ly lrtq uith irf itadjaj innlh fiiiiitciiif piirchain irn irecaininettm iraaajhw witivmi mifj rerfriivr iutlues lnlni pree ic li be bill at llir ithini opn llily rmm 10 till 5 iiiiri1 al iicb if vulvck lots napanee t rcopeking of the lamhton house theiurcfrrepectfnllyh- r out m leave roacqiwin bis pitnjft and aulolii attwu ill c exerulra if the late john s c iitwiijjlit ejiq tire will sell by public aociou at nupjrice on tiatur duy ibe firil day of maynexc at 12 ovlock nomi thirty village lots between eat and quaiir ma riina and l ailwlihi atwu nod riiuate mi the ce travel iftf cummmiiy thntjij atrce j d main liide anil hns tbi4 day reopened the lamiitmn tliomw street thj lots htt all eliui itjse which it is intention to kep y tinted opposite the v7 j2evear and triniain abiut one tjntrter of an aero etch tiie npwt pi ice will vary fnims2s w so twrlot- tkumk one fou ill if ibe purehaai- nmnev to w paid at iho lime of sic mill ina remainder in ihrmi years one ii s in eacb year with interest pttralamil will hwi he ivqoired mrilhlu twyrar- li build rtft each lot a fa iqw not l4than lm4wfefi nor less tlinri of a story and a hair in imight fen further particulirs anplv lo nf customi illy it ihi pifttiiice hy the imjieriil act of 18158 awitt4tr umlft jne ifctniidty and u anrl 9 victnria cap 93 2 krsolved that all dntie impoi by ad imperial aeu i whnlij repealeri i n imprrit aci passed on the 29lh il4y of aufufll 1846 hy an acl of thi eislilure to lake elfrct from the 5th day of july bttw next or from mich lime thereafter as ihe royal assent dull he duly tinifird thereto 3 rol vr dthat fw from anrj after ihe fifth day of july next il the act for repealing such dntirs iball have lieen ireviously imiel to and proclamation ihr rmf made in the rnyaf gazette or niherwi from an i after the i1 when such pioclamatiun hll have oern duly rnadr there shall be levied raised and col lected the jrvcral and reieclivir colonial dntietsct opposite to the several article in ihe column of dlllltf to the folhwirt4 tahlr tifi ei payable in sterling money of great jjritaiu we give a brief jynopit of the mwt im portanl of ihem vii anchors ashei barilla and oda hooks not prohibited lo be imported ic f inc amiainie ucnilnncn tn be quaitcrmaater william d lnnn tv be flm n biiaf e firt riaik to he mijir capiau janxa mcfarfanc and ifoiy smiih juir et anoihci hisfhw ty rwcry tyrrnred nn thira- ky rnmi nj aaii shaarurtm swrci wia rj arna f uj nujf mr h- i lafttirr on nf lh trnnnl on tlic prla firm wia ilrlvme hum btertti fvwn iwt men at iri him and barm- ri aifnarn hitooatrmcktirer ha arm- an a to kvoi il irifia waialrrml vrlnloihcx rbed bim if 7it 1 intik k ff hi back and wjlkcd iff with il what a bleaxd example 4 rmliian 11 itfvrj ay ii nf whoatyjliahcdiherte p- ictlmtutel rrna 1 on thur4ay nrrrnin- alyinl halfpiit ne ivtoaka fire oeeurretai im reaidmee of mr t inst- jrict4eiei near guv sirvl tio tivaia imrm aod furnitora eaid lo b abnui 150 tha howo aaj mwrod hot not h tor nitar 6 c3f we understand lhj1 ihe contract for huildin the trlejraph line between iho city and port sjrnia hi brrtt taken hy mcrji livinton wrlu of biiitjio it is intended lo ue iron rods hnlrad of coper weight 330 lb to the mile and 25 uot tfie weight of thr copper wire used on the line from here to qaeen- 1 is 120 ihs to thr mile and 36 post hamilton cn adh xt we ire rry t iritn thai a aon of mr ixivirt f il 1 ill tifontt toavnaiiip came in 11 draih in n auiluvit ami inrl mkfealy 111 inriir il ilrr rbil lie y nni lok m iu 1 fr thr pur- it hvifiif a liawk and whrn in lw met r lirinf ir jg rxplidrd lie wa uurk in ihe eeahairt rmi iliu kl eomikrdy rrturrd ho na a quimamiimr ytv nun and hit drjui 1 inonii hy h- eirclr f fnenrt- pthiiet clt vurjjy hirer mama were tmnijli r-e- fre llie police maittrji rmrrd wilh a rubbery a uialrawmfif mr aiineafchamb4ulit4rct- keeper t ilie ewnor u si- miry and oiibtime tstrntf ft mib moo iimiiiite4f lo j and cifit ri of fu place of jn m 10 in ajtvtr uimj lh i ill noutt jhvrtrru herald iff hi and rnaiuiain as a first class hotel the purnirure ittoeaily all new tlc bebs and lcdding te nf the very ben description j autl huusu 1 135 lneu tlinrnuhly cleaned rlwh cellar ti gar ret ana made ieadj fcr the roreplion uf ihe rrnrt laslidinusf travellers during the perinil thin hnlvl tin ripen last eaain the sibwiilier did bia lllfuom to mirntain tiff fonatr high character mil ratters himself chat ho waa nn un- ticreaaful in hi eedovnyra to please eucouiasoil therefic hy the adid rtiftrlo fauiriihalion lie tbn rvceivud he wilt strive still more aiduously lo inetit a continued pauonnfe w w hasting wriages will be in at the steammai landiri kingmun 9h april 1s47 waavriil vt hastings umbton hotel a mkj waiter and two unufcr waiters to whou liberal wagea will he given apply to t w hastings lambton hotel kingston april 9 1i7 porlfirs and cunatirt atieinlance fllant is m mim ivinpslon mncii i3d isj7 an a1mmienpice wanted 4 n apprentice to the c0nfeo tionary uliiiics wanted nd pastry cook apply l ihe subscriber owen vindusin attorney at law sotlcftoh m ciihetit hd bixsecpiw tviimceltic dagot strut between british whig ojfict and lambton flu kingston kindlon mtch 30lh 11 dumbie is 17 if to let the house ar ftivmot sera i by li sulifciilier paea piei auii biwii 011 ihp firm rfnv i mav wxi thomas a corbett kiiigitmimuicli 13 137 2iif t for salk ot t- lime4rh con tnivn- hi nf kiitgi 150 acres on aial lefm any lungsiontliu jsw 10 6 oawum chains canvass c for sale by the subscriber qqx dolts uf caftftmi frn n stnp piara pinr and cimi tir pilch smi rvun pnutbrd b hi sil ivino eik vrnijh uufinn klr mde to order raft 5l r 1 1 1 1 and lir i f copper imporlcd sludh fid tarred rvpc bolt ripe ac t 2 mnnring ancliui5 from 2 to 40 cwl francis mullins monirtnl hoalrcal march 14 1847 n 0orden left ih hrrara e- baowt a co kinpln veih be punctually attended t t at iciuntiin fr realp will he rectum by them in ilui capacity of w alt bhoukmen ub jeel whiri ijlnftfj hi ihu frrjluvlng ii area i of stnrage viz ftmir nrr itjrrl m itcrrnnd purk ijrt alir tj grni per huticl j j a d olbcf articki in pruportiun tlmy farthur iv- nmictt that all pro riy rilorej hy them will li r the lisk tlio oivncra in reert of fiiti and f ullier acciileiitx licyiinl iheir conrril macpherson crane co hooker iiolton co h j0ns co miiriiival5rh aptil s7 29 3i sntiun sale w i li li- sim at public ucltnnon monday thri 5th aimui in ihtf store of hskftv gllilbplk prin- cesf sirce tnitl known as tim manchester waueh0use tllft wink nf jhs f ticx nf cii aiaimg follnvv viz r3ck blue ami brown broad tlotl m- ci4iherca heavers tweeds l miilckina silk aod valencia vcuogs silk storks prints snrcony and cuhuig cloths miialin ilc latntfh cassimciesp silk persians arcaneis and d large awrimem uf ribbons of all dacrijitiiinsi forniitiro piiuif grxen baim komlm5hiefaiiury white dotutm oiijhjivn ic womens boots shoos uuvirelli crtpe 31 thibet hrtiidkercliiffs and shawls lace vjila itliina quiuinipi with a large siortment of gl ivis iloicrr halnrdaaheryoil clot m wheeling diapers qlngliaim linens silk mrfe phw shawls bfll- sopeiideri carpet bags silk and braver hats wadding and bailing apron checks ilollaml lwftori and a irre qnaniiy of room and hall paper tigilicr with the whole of tle miip fniniinrc- and a house harness and buggy condiiinna mnile knwn l snip iij each day at ten vlk t a corbet t sheriff m d per james linton and wj mcmillan auctiomirt kingifnn mrch 25 187 forwarding fob lsjgp47 the undersinerj having entered into co partnership for the purpose of carrying co tba p01iwakdl0 iiljsps between klvgston tic mohtkaifc and vcc vr vitt the iiidtuu canttl aod aw st lnwrcticty will he prepared on the opening of the navi- gation with a new stock of steamers barges capable nf carrying 0 000 barret uf fimr pi aatk to rncl forwaru any properly which aiay ha consinerl to ihem from their experience and lrnotd of ihe biiirif5 they irul lo he able to give general mtiifaction and solicit a share of patronage thebniiness will be carried on in monlrrd at the slnre occupied latt season 6y hil- uaaa jk wf vlfiff the naipeand fitre hf- tskun ti tsiaunmt ana atkkwn unfertile name and firm of claiafoijifc sth james aglassforfx ceokge smith kindlon 8th march 1847- jgn postponement e nbove sale is pratlpcwj until th wednesday 814 titaf lively taki place ril lit 1847 hers id lo ivny arfaciit rl non a wanticd to h1re a young man hy the months on a farm who understands rough carpen ter wk apply at this office kingston march 30 1847 forwarding 18 4 7 h e nnileraigiied hereby ivo rmiic- that tn the ripening ijf the nati- jaliin they will forward the prj now in theirtnres at kinctston rukjecr to freight at ls6d per barrel fhur and oher property in proportion toiher wtilt the usual charges fr winter stnraernd marine insurance j mid that all other pr perty fnrw jtd fiiviiwjrds hy therrj will be suhject to such rales nf freight as may be specisllj atrieej upon or as may bo hereafcar advertised macphrrson crane ctw hooker holtonco h jonksco mmireal 80t march 1347 2s3i forwarding for is hi subscribers having eotoral into cn partnership for the nurj- pose above stated under ihe nanis bml srvleof hilmard walkevv at montitfal and james a wafc- ker co at ktncstow c w wiu be prepared on the opening of ibrw nvmui to give despatch to all bast ncsta en trusted uf their care their stock is nearly all new and as escteot as any on the route lonson killtard jmes a walker montreal 10th march 1847 2la mmmizkcul mart by private sale laree tablr codfish half bhls iga 1 west mackerel oil snumlsand tonnes north shore herrings smoked hening in boxes march 19 william ware just received thisdayi per allens express from mmtrtck firirkue 2tl yn bv j s knowxs rilllenr life l kr ni liitoaffib dn vif ny cinfcnsfs prcttywomsn vy mistpardna tlie adapted n by vnn lennp the llurk pphrtby caileton prers nd prvennt by him gora drtfllwfa son nn 5 hy dicker filrr dtcyby the aatlwc t two 014 mens tales crdfihtnn hy w ii airortl rupert sinruir by tho aotbor jf ts4 ifaaa aand s year the ussres seeiety by cr at dqarrjy the grcaier plapie f lile by a lly frcqarni qtwrtcrty reviaw slfrl ifo 10- acte of corinth by damaa leerrtia by bi rr iltedrburr by jtiws mrnrrite of vsloii by domas puhlic setsirri nf fian tsylv tba sirp mother nd part by ariifscix bocas stea kingston march ij 184t

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