British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), April 16, 1847, p. 1

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ll ill k wliki am cexiiklh uivkrrtskil hill ilvim ttkxt pttlntkm im hi ism ku semiweekly strmty iurnr a trltlar byfidtvari john barker m d jt tub jltuexkum in qa6l suction t aw ttb ltuiblin if utr l amaum wfilh nk vovho livk sihflm wl un a how a nee u i rvo shium fpamiaafanca- no p ipor dinitiioon willi nrrraragc arc pat j liunle4aat win option nfthc publish r aovbrtwememts siilmcn nnd under 2 6il lint inaerlioti 1 ijdoarh auhalminiil j u- rt o ix1incltcn linoai4dliralinciiion and hli each abciiirnl inacrlion above len liaoodperhnc fnrthe final inwtion and m par lino faroachrfubqucnt insertion advcrliae tnonta without apccific direction bift n t b in writing ar inserted uoiii forbid urni riirvid accordingly order for discontinuing advertise mnnl tone given to lha publisher or kit in writing t the office the british willi bcin a jourm1 the largest canadian circulation mo discount wiubo allowed on advcrtiacuienia oh any prcvxt ordcrafnrlhe britith wkis will tic received by most of he pai m lilt in hie untied pnwtftw 1 md nioniea handed to them will be credited aa if finite and general advertiser for canada west jj omnnftder ha rvl 1 a ih4 caw ihe fm it m rrr ond lit m mirjrid b i ilnt of pivitij rfic battle the lltaiiaaintrn drawn r tin dark cdunnanf infa- ryuidrrah xndth vol xvi kingston canada frlpay april 16 1847 no 31 to tub reading public of i canada the advcrtiaef ia prepared in transmit the fd- lowing wlmi imf interesting ifcvika by mai to any put nf uipev or lower o l ihc pricta affixed of m ltd tothcluhhhcr all f- except fnim a gent a i vicwa nd review n american hiatnry literature and fiction dy w g simma i tim people from the french miehclct wilwnv gcniifa of burnt irfibig airimhlhtl chemialry cornua lliymuiogy iltualratcd octavo t innribnok of the water core in s eta 0 50 i i i n vi me i ro he paftt piid himuih withfil p j- j j- i ylcrkf ixviirf j a mcdowall fu rri e r hatte r brock street klncstoif furj mrfe w fo orrfer me shortest notice fur of every description bonit and sold 0 371 0 so i 0 95 320 p 0 75 0 so 0 50 1 oo 0 75 ivn 0 mi its otc 0 50 0 25 o 25 ross do i i military tailor ano ladies haiiit maker princess street rrvfourgd jtfnriteyjnn tailors tronttd wtnoden tailor sec orfoitk mil wiuroi wimostj wellington strgbt- all work in hi line executed with neatness and dispatch matthew dk u m m0 d broccr wine spirit merchant wpllinfiton biltllcgbi ntxl to mr ip ilihoitj f- b- kayleri coach builders and cahhiage mlkiis pkncsj jtccr ktnrtoy dv of bnrlia 10 steel pblm do ot the biekwod y t h tin llitrtrv aid pintirtvnl nf mania ccc fifenf ffrnrnrta- lfnh4ih mxio pcu cwtho pniple itiwhirhcrrfythlop i of prmlhktl to pey body 0 treaii an ffimi cfmi wlierrty tta quality and qgzinlily of milk wlticlt any aw wiilevcnaybflaccrimtoliracei- 12j lined- numcmtii engraving 0 0 0 0 a 50 50 50 50 50 vtinin in the nimetremh century bas tliixrn uf a rcpumic kitrlissix ltctore n contuntftion ordera fr any f lite libovt brok cncwin- tlie cftph and rtl pid ddreted t t c caiucut new yf k will lie prnmptly attrndcd lu reference in knffton dr b j- barker new york fcu 6 1847 tf koucrt mccoitmlck iio lu a iff a74uhkt4i1 u c l it vursi spirits tims giocbbts ic- knstun ni0r un uun ltn a iinrnuli allxukm 8trkct k i k fl s t 0 k john a mac1hiicald albxandek campbell vm armstrong fururneer commission merchant land and gcturrci agtnt king street kingston respectfully imimates to the pnhlic that he ha taken the premises lately occupied hy t moran co removed next door where has entered upon the above blmu and hopes by pnnrtuality and atten tion to merit a share of public support the subscriber intends to devote particnlar attention to the purchase and sau of rial i estate and with ihin view he has made ar- rarttfeinenls with several induential leal and commercial gentlemen in scotland and eng land through whom he will bring tinder ihe notice of capitalist inlendin emigrants and ihe public enefilly improved farms wild land household and other real estate prone ly in canada submitted to htm for sale and through whom be will transact oilier lc- ical and commercial business in any pari of t ireat britain or ireland collecting claims taking out letters of administration purcha5c and sale of property c- c wm armstrong kingston dec- 29 1846 jamfsmcmilian teacher of music piano f0iitks tuned a dfiaktl w m mmiiaa aucnokenn oregon saloon opposite te maktello tower p81mln8 estadiishmemt po ii saik hib surwrilmi tiffcr- ff lc he 1 kniaimimeii if tlic pritct hlhiird oizctle ntv in ril riperaiin u the disttict town nf iirtun nni in the ccrifrc n the nuit inynl opulotiriii in ihe prarlfictj the pi n-i- of ihe concern is extensive nnd incfomin the maierinl conisiit of two printing presses and on extensive viiiitv f kciv tvne suitable fr any kinj of book or job work- to any gentleman jenroos of entering into a lucrative birftines in an ioieiesting nililiirhood thin offers a iwj upportutitfy any iuforrnntiou may be ohtained by addressing the subscriber in picton tpot paiit j o dornan picton fok 25 is7 is vaulablr avo highly cbrwmthi fahm buildings for sair situated nn the hakf r t ibe st laurence athe vjlbiceof maitknrf tir hptt f n hie itfkufttatvd nf rikv pett ind uennhuffb- tjie fahm rir r5 acfe nf wlneli 145 acre arc laid mfiew varjmc tnm 7 in 14 and 14 acre well molrrf willi slim and dmn prnenj wnlmm arffcfiroqillbpiprjal ifwhtt fl fieldfare all in piod eooilftim bt worked nnd manarr4 jhr- crn barky krf0ilniir hftt quality rd qinntity euld from hie nimr cnnnlement if f a vrry prnfuclive artht macmaao tieslone dwelling house lam nnd ubstaniiat bqilitin 3 sfuflv lh dfi fcrl ly of wlienl ihe km teaon fnr rt be exceeded nd ihern i nl k umlti states aio fllcsico l simmonds colonial magazine and foreign miscellany published monlhlf trice 2 cd furnilica the lilrst datmttf advice fmfu evety iliiiitu cnlftty nnd jio4im0 ey iradin oftloniitl and foreign ncxvpirr und pcndi cal u m m pvt of tlic world being rcgiittifly received and filed it ccnlaina itnpirtial descriptive nqcfil and t litticil articles rctnlfncu the cnlonici liett nf ihe moat imphrunt eil infunnmion iu melt of iur ix-j- dijr if i i nnd f- mcr of birtfi daailfal and mnriaeev forming an indikpenate work nf reforenco iu the tmde cmnmcrccunrf agriculture pdiducioc rrwrce popuunn and nelaiil cone ih nf the krij ii anj forrien cntnmc and an tnttnicliri and enrftiitiung pub liriita to bo cnl uy their honic fiieudi tu set- ilea in lhccepcciitc cltnica office 6 birje yard 0ucklcribury londun simm0nds colonial magazine m foreign miscemany nnniiiivitk sawod wil i be found f be the imlr kei1ef and chronicle f rcrcul oecurrenec in drinl nnrth aneriea ihe weal ndica cipc uf tmd llopc nj mdiiiiiu new soutli wale snvlh nnd wriern niratia vnn uiniatra lnd new zcjland malt4 and iibrlir ihe eat indict and lurn c ace all pettmia imvinir fricndn ahrnaj or interested in ihe ekhmi cnhoies may rely upon rcrming ihniuli ihia mediurn tj isct and nvist tulhc tic nccikunia fmn ceti on ihe lt f rvvty month fic 6 bami yjrd buekwbury london a few tnptt stm ton stilt ac mad tit 10 ooifw tsiier volume 31 feel ttde eell lintitied ifili l every ein vcncnceulldefnflicrridr w rcpecilic fmily tnercareehotirntfffc bnrtinh shrd liiui fr the woikinc mem bcd statt cuch hhw andriccucnt smit well tina neighbor hnnd ui cticorxdthc healthy and the farm far imniy of uutlon cannot tieior paaaad in canada wet thi pmiljp will ha arid ttieh 1wrr httniia renl valve it applied for ni and only pottion of ihe purchtk money acquired dmvn also a lare ainek f cjiiic inihhf r with thrchm machine and farming implctncnta of every dea- crtptin a undisputed title aitl btglwa fir forlner particulars apply if by idler t paid in wm b wblls ea solicitor t e- atfc pictcot l canada wei prefcnlt march 9lh j847 41 if the montrrat oazttte to c oner a week till forbid super1ur japan ink powoers man 0 fact crcd and sold dv robert barker kingston canada west offtciai- dcspatchk ftenrutt wtffifu 8tn ctannndet amtrun fawwrt vtm cmt ffiw rc ft0ktgfr ufan tir fnllowinr dnptckca ttrc received at tin- wnf drfittmrat on sndy rvcninir iiiwivatira or tiik aav f camp waaliinfilnii before vrti cm hawch islh ji7 1 sr enlm of inc i stale were niuinplianlly punled atknrr in full view iif lint cilv and llaetlttlrt aod wlifff hc diatant fired lmili in llic aftermrn iif the 9th mitt brrj aliif idier cencrl wniltra biido nf rruur led the deacrni quickly flliwrd hy ihr- dtvtn m untlrd stale vhirtcer uow major cencml pailrfmin anil itiitradur iwwt a tuisftirmrve briandc nf rrqtam the ur ln no weaiv tindrd in txiy wvm uf umi c wl hoal enn dutrd by a mtvil officer and nwci hy mt fmm cnmnvirtofi cwin wlmv- lighter tcfrl hankrd llir hnnla m a l latl redy lu pirt- on by lhr riraw ft ft tw wsnta the alinec in fioe tlyle nnd wiihnm dirrei oppailinn fnn tbc bear 10 nutrient of iom driving the rnnoy froni the grminri i be occupied the ime of mvemineni acediai in general i order nn 4 ma partially uikcn up the we i nijht but htjaady len tinprtrd f by ov ii ihe uvl ealrnrdiyv dmenllnw i the i envitnn of ihe riii mii1 f llir fie nf ice gun nnd ihkcnf the eiftloi bfiikffl intft innnmrrn blr bilunf lrfwc rami from isvrnfy to lwlitindrrd and file fret in nim willi lmni tnpiahle f irrrt uf ehaparml tttwen nnd i of all ng nicnvonndirjirtfnnttitkin w7nirrrtrh rldfe ivimr nod rmitr eaprcird l jio u frnn tjaipiro nnd tle hriia wccu njo hot fiflcrti crt and abnni one hundred drnuf hi liwe luve ppii n at lop vjihin vca cm aeehnpnied wtik prwitetl itfv nufirdfior udli a well n for ilia emanikttf grimi iimim i prniaatlhrugh i l id iil himd lvam oithtff vf lite htltof lw i do not kvfw whirlltcr there be any oihci coniul in lul riiy if anylhtn tl nf iotrrrt rlftotitd ocror befonr rendin- f ihi ivaaibllfa i will add pnttrripi wuh hitjh rrprnt i hve the lienor tn remain mljr nnl rtullirnt avrvutt winficid scott hon wat l maacv secretary of war eucwkifc in the obovc letter liuiv u s- aiiv j cnii watliintini bcfxc vcm cruz i maldl 13 117 tfcunitcried f the united h ted ihe mil e ncjlintc t vera cru7 t eel the apen army rca i inefiiif if the nnnir had the lirtnr in receive the ntc d enmtjl tf scnor t afilm g rul l spuio repidinj in ihi eily aahhltf ihal lheaidrmy in sl operation agjmm the auid rity iniy reeei iho peranns if spamah tnhjreltand their property within llic rante ilie indrimmrd hit c p1eiore in neo luaitif ihe apajtaif amity which inppity ubaiit iketuero fim ever uucnt and ibdt of spain and the tiiflrqicil idtsitinna iniprind an ihe pakljr i i ihe fnrtner in their rvpetliona a the ptd city to repccl at car a any be prac tlcvupi spftimi nhjects and their property wiihin incline hit he hrjr to n to the consul of sp till thai ia carrying the city hrlhcr by bimtt biidirvnt anil cuif niad or atnnll or hend parttculirly in the nitit lime it will le ejrrcd- ifly dtlfiridl for the fifecn nf the united slater to pr revive the enular daa or lo dtfcriminat belwrcu the irnf and ihe properly nf fiicnda and tin in iis poipetty of ihccirny tim u can therefore only promise lo in all ihnt ricihuinee may pmajjaaj permit lo natav uh diaerlmmlm to bebacrved and in tt i jflvttiliiua mij hocinao tioir tmhow hia unxtrty to crmy out li tiiii memjly purpw he acrid jt toicrspimah la hiy c iivut r aiding in vetn crin a pointed pw arnct com invaluable family panion tiiebscnh s t u 0i a- lo thl ltui caue ftrvcntion anil thompson icakky general importingand commission merchants si nnon street mkw vouka a card canadian drawbtflkl orlanllo warr commission jhercujfjft and ugngral agent no i o j uutcr street nbw york x wm smith watch maker ani ntipaircr klncks at ofrosltf t piano fortes tuned and repaired kingston april 6ih te scotch ctlurchi inii accoidimid 1s4g h macdonalds hotel late stomt opposite the city baths h i n i- s i r i i 1orontot francis v carfy m p suflceon accduchiinil c c newdurgii cahuen est edward stacey raom lowof merchant tailor opposite j d bryceb co ijng street kingston john blackistox sailmaker and rigger 3 i i r j i ves street r ho 4 ra rdy ontario m t hunter ship chandler no 1 hardyn buildiogs kinpton feb 5 1847 z dorans hotel bytown this hotel ia now open for t ihp reception of travellers furniture and redding all new good stabling for horses c james uoran bytown january 12 1s47 53m barkers black varnish vow that winter is set in the time r to ose this celebrated vatnislifor boots shooa jcc id come its pre vemewot feet thereby preserving both the health and the pocket sold wholesale and rotau al tnc athcneuaf book stork baot street kingston jfot z leave to return his sincere thank hi friends and the public generally for the support he hos received in kingiton and bega lea re in infurin ihetn that he tins laieiy remove j to the promise recently iceupied hy jiihn mopuralan esq nppo site the martcllu tower ontario street where he has fined out and opened the oregon saloon fur lunctieoyter supper nnd other r ivcahments and where he hop u he fur iher encouraged hy the continued kind support of the public james elder kingstonjan22 187 mill creek cloth factory ihe subscriber respectfully returns iends and the the auppurt he thank l his friendsi and the 1 public mmi lias received nlly for jnc hu fulling mill and carding machine havo been in operation and begs leave to inform them that encouraged by the businesses ha transacted in the abuve line he s now prepared to commence the inanufactiirv of all kinds of country cloths sattinets blankets ac c and hopes by the pains ho intends to lake to ensure the continued patronage of the public joshua booth- iwooli purchased or taken in exchange for cloth mill crock january 111347 4of sleighs for sale a secondhand family sleigh for one or two horses cushioned a secondhand cutter in scod order apply i the atheneam book store dec 16 received by thu latest arrivals from new york and for sale by the sub scriber al hia store in princess street the following articles viz 800 side spanish sole leather 200 buffalo robes 20 boxes assorted teas 50 do tobacco 20 dobd malta 100 do 0rnoms 100 do patent pails 40 do corda with numerous other articles not men rioned matthew r0urk kingston dec 18th 1846 if printers ink the trade applied with inkofvarioiu qnatiiits smeh and the united statei atkenevm book store dec 17 1846 asaley the sdbsoriber a c barrels prime me6s xz porrct superior quality and three banels lard miles ferguson kingston 15th january 1847 tf cure uf constunulion asthfltl and diseases of he hcarton the laws of lonzevitv anj mode of pf serving male and i ail tale lleallh symmetry and beauty xpoatirj citltfi atirl cure of ihe diicases that tirodnce con- 1 ssmptlan rr sltotlpii uffj as affection of ihe skinspitiestrrnachhowelh kidur liver scrofula pilfra gravel and female com plaint lu tules f aty pnacticit and purr form a guide lo mffetl health and inn life j 28 engravinis 324 paxm 50 ecnk posujcc 9icts by samuel sheldon fitch a m m d at 707 broadway new york j any im retnilto fillv cents mil receive one ropy by mail to any j the trade flupplied 3m received this morni ig at the atheneum book store lucrutta by btilwer domhty sl son nn 4 hy dickens nell gy one hy ainsworlh st ciles and st jame hy d jcrrold forleseui hy j s kmuvle diana of aferridor by dumas woman reward hv mrs notion the met chants danliter by miss pickering the midnight bell bv von homein aciorantj manager by f-c- wrmvss the ransomed bride by e h wild ruprrt sinclair by the author ol ten thou sand a year the comic wandering jew by c phillipon the church almanae by lovell tc gibon feb 9 1847- wtchies ratent copying presses a supply of all ainsa faat rrreivrd from th incomparable blaick japan ik aiancfactuftaio whoucatx and rctail a t the a thexeum book store kingston canada west sir astleyco0l antibilious pihs for bitc indigestion sitk teadaehe end alt duoscs of the fffeawft and digestive organs rpliese pills lam m a e m i rtnriqrmjr other neu ia t ciw of llamaell and livcreainptainlf n npjiriitr in- ihn f f gru qp hine bfcalh anil aft irauvo after un ai ifccubk a oiev cenily ekaaao on w rtwacllii lhe tninncn mi j invignrate tw pcrtirjj ol nrerird l irliefc llas irpa in lakin ujintnf aiaffl dtftne lfe line rf hwftinfll laf rant llin five min aa ui rrarni flftf aatlf dvfwii i t nf ihe city- on the caaain r liar nrrwit rainf nouhor which alnwirt rlifleaihr raapa ivithtnl- twrrpi5 awayhilh and ffttiiriajmwiaflea 1 1 to rihrih a secnnrl frnl wih nf ihe city wltieji wtll pttnially relieve htr if ft wiajf itf iboarmr j r in extending ihe 1ie f ii vivtinrnl arntmd ilie cny hie tnvipt m three ifaya love prrftrmeft the im tiiis in rtllfteremliehiliulenltnp ihntngh the ininvenfig ffel al undrr llir diant fire tf the eil ami naile ami in ihe iiicahorii gnui arn it- after n i- cjiectlcm fra niirlat f many aharp rawmtatlm uith iho rniv in ihrc otktna we hve lal in kttlel an1 wmiiinvij aerrr rain jlila nflirer mi nrn arnnn lhehi i kave l tetil rrcvrl caps ahtnrii nf vic uutej 2ii infjiiliy umeli rliainnihed m ihe ktrito wr aurt natf rxeel kni iiflieer me fwi n thr lh uut ami iiientrimiit i r ii mfllltwoti nf flic snuih ctrn inn teifiienl wq4 haiv vrnindel in n hkimili the ay bffnrxv vara pi wale lvr been killed in llieaermriliina anit fur pa five whimkri a cl i have n nean a tn ni tin thcil njnira a alon a inn kijliiieiee nf ilw tru en be ifftlfvdi nmi liir iiiiin are well falabuaillra i liiill hv nn ntafift itilrinnl rnu erh tifj- gaits of rrftttafa nd rluiert li ctmi ifrtwh- menla wnli aopiu flrarlra fiil ifaehnllnf ukrvnir of ihe enemy g pinr aj i in ixnjr iticait li cunmic ihcriimlvca willun the hull of itf ifriiiid under hi m aar gcnrfl scotla aien matuhai ti piileet a far aa practicable tjc hmine nf lie skimii i ii mj i ami srmniati x i noil pmprrly nittim th- tame tube tinwit if ba city tunbm he c utard in till nffi er nnd anldiera nf the cnilcl siatea fircea wlm rmy apprnjrb iriohnnvc hhrjnf wdl nndcraliaift ilitit the ail aifrjimnl laaufely inlcmkd tu dfotwl sjkaoih tilt j rit mrf i heir himetv tlir iimlrrigncii whn ha nnl had the iiinnr it liearrlirceily from ijie rrvtuli cnitruf hefa that bke r iirii irtf iicrewith for liim may be deliver iiitl una tw ain n nmttialioaa pmhliorie hahl wha nrt uihcadadie gnfdmraa a of aishl jr hfaajf iluiidtd will auopkia llfce i i r rvaaarwl fnn anoriinl r roakar baaua drurm orocii slivfrj iiee i- 3 i i i kinjin marert 15 184 i have therefore rrnerl that hnl twfrvcnlha nf llie wtepr tram ami fiiiniiilsii hid fntcfuhl me tilt trmaimfrr i vel ihlbe inl nf we li ill cnn- aajrhfo undin ihe heavy trarlal na armn a the tnrm iiairfre nd nt 1iit he fircetffltml may im nj i unit llpvclu brine iveleal ed bv ihe spatlafll en the unrtwined ofirra lo the cniaol of her mtty hie qieen nf sjnin the nyjriiccnf ihe hih rtairect atid cnaideittmif thg icnlirxigned i ivxfem scott tft vtt ciaaaad aif sfkilfl at vcca crui enin u afil n rkiulrflei nntara aimilajv kiicr waa addrencd tn man a qtm pmneh cnl vita reqet that he aanaal jhiyer in the ituaaitfii c pi the tafi guard llierriejlh ewfcaaflal w the litter i wmvcr larinafmi in the armiea nf the uniicd hiile ruln d in fnein puita hi fntre a ai ahull anfllr deith aut articlcwf t war aatkoqaaa pf anlhnrlnf majir tjmitl r4l in ehirf nf ih- armiia rf the united 8wfav- tfct pofawi the family and the pmpny f the frcneh ujimil rraidint in vetm vut inaltiaumand iiaenn- tenl nrr pli i imifr the afcijfd of lite army of lie imlrd iitt tn nltr inty vinletieo n injury to ihem if ei- waplv ftihimen an ihe etitirarv it nrdered rl rvtrn i imcii rliafr nouihumb agricultural the cnn above socictt em hit my f ihe y rahtjr u mi iaum book oct 20 nufctory sroat arid fvt m- m compound pectoral balsam of horehoundjnd honey a saftt speedy and ejfkoexqus remedy for all dbordas of the chest and lungs vis asthma whooping covgh cous catarrh consumption influneza pains in ihe chest dsjfiiuttjf of breathing huskiest and lidding in the thraat hoarseness 4c thia balsam ia co npoaoal nf iha moat valuable ramedka fur the above it raatralctf hy ifiaa4vinjr the coicakd mucua r phlegm in he tlurtav thereby causing a tree expectoration and lirt inj the mil hfinae cnuglia prepared and sold by boiatt raakrr oauccrt kin prire 2a 6 and if 3d per bottle to lbt a small frame cot tage in princess street wiili garden ond outhouses apply to wm armstrong jluetianetr king street kingston dec 29 1816 tf for 5 a i c i f acresiif land koathnlf i lt2l iutho iih cm ceasvm iuraburgh 10 miles frmn kings hia apply to james mccakth maafer blackaniiih provincial poniicn- tiarv portamouth feb s 1847 i2tf for sale a handsome bay makf perreelly aound and ingcad condition for parliculan apply at luis office fbruarr 5d 1847 pwitmnioft currency fiiftha cn 1udhoilb for atjricultutttl purpoae tft ui past ftiurduya in each mn within the ouniy duritiv the taiswwg aeaann hcisea coropeimrr filt im i tinf hi era he cxhihired ai orafiontli- first wejtwt- day in may nt nionoii whw rneritn a committee will oucnj ludadcv thomas page ncfttfry cohttrg 5lh march 18i 216w robert bahker chemist di 5thm bro c k kings ion me inveti wmh nn ifnuhr ravlv anrrrnrleft lut for ihn fa that if ertipic hy in il wiuld iiniiitiliairly itf rwd tin hy ihe canle i ntn nnl allcrihcr wilhjl hnpr nc finding m- nit nf c i n l i in tuiiic cnniprnituve willi iho crymi ihlaaaalajarti sn tut the ntinritial hirmifhii ha fnllrn tn hielntaf hiijilicr ccnefrfl pillow and jlit- mna hrieadn b il ah and new ruliiatrefl lefimnha hayo emidurtrd thmirliia arfmimhlr i imwd ihe wlvlo aimy ra fnll nf aal and rmfi- drner ami cninn fait o acuiro ditiiirtii in tlic impinflin peiitia li fmnmidirc lnttitfft the nfhcer and alitor of hitaquadnm tltr amf i mdhtfcil ut firral and imiwiajljl najaatafrrf pompmf nnd frwrfumyj rendered tlirir raanawahaiaa wilic cimilunt lliemo ilude nnd iidnhimon a handaitmr detachment of mi tinea under cpitin rdvin nf thit enrpa landed with ihe firal line and ia dimiff duly with ihe mv marrh 13 iti enemy at inlertala ennlinnra the fierf heavy nrdnnnce frnni hie tily anile talle f 1 iiminnuf imenf invralmnnt ilhby day and niht lot villi lutlenr m efliei thr nnnher u ia eeaed wliieli h- renewed nur cimimncalin willi llir anfv altipa it tmclmr undrf s irnii- we aufl immediately eirtimrttrc landtf ordnnee atrra at hniid and ihi nn tn have ihe ncreatarjr draught mulra to lake them m ihrir m ciarid iirrai tannr at the iklnmlm f fir annv nf united sliiica ibh i3tli dirf uwji i7 wixfiklo scoit by commiij f miir isauirrajl sou ii i sco it a a a g nc incidbntduf run hattleofbuexa vidta fremlt v o daf tfml 27 ita jnil the pleaaattiiat n iidervicw vawday with alyi flw itf ihe army wlan imiqhl nver ivn taylnrm dinrli4a tju elhnl nflier aaaaf ibr diatiiigmafird uncial wln fnht hwarely nn lira pum nf tftimcte and in r ri laaata ijrn hh jakvm lir in the hlnody lluati nattvf hy i he ridonf tltr accd a ilie ad nf ava tay fichl t dtjrm vwa we arc grcailv indrmed in him fi i innny parljcnlefanf uiulmtdfnught hattlr ijen tntlr h il fulleti na love at fit aipht wth ihe pnpurhi al wuirh he finally mide liia plnaafl at iwna vim ilia intvuiuml inward aua nueva tm ataralv a rut drmv ihe enemy intn the fi fd whscli ho ud rclrcicd fn lira batileround aaaoa aa mclhanra men wlm were inrahubtc aa acttil informed him f santa annaaaripmnch j in ajjiii nneva gen tayla uii tly hnue tip lua i c4tni and avlf hack lr i- i vr ieo m v 3 j the few pterca f heavy ordnanec willi jtlt wailion waa idlhwauff daw ii wj at ihe umanf a mminlahiirf ilher ifjaj mouniatna i isiri lahtrh fdn the mail ihroiih a narrnw r b reaeetfully informa hia uatnmera and ihe puhtie in general ihjl hia itraiovtu inallruu store to brock street in he prcmite formerly oe en pied hi mavfan herc they my depend brj lic4 avith genuine druaand medicine physicians prescriptions- end family rrcipes carrfuih pftpand horse and cattle medicines engusii am french rerfumbril books and statvothbry kir march 1047 lsgr burr manufacture all kinds ana colma t printing ink news job and book near the globe nod tmy miik ttoy k tvo fcbiuary j l8j7 ctthftahotelnk for aala at hi alheneum bok store nnatlion anv furiher deliy in hie arrinl nf lltoic rthmfta f tranapotlalion will be anotrly fell in mir nifriiiiinaa i jiaffttlta hflnw if i sir willi fcapecl yeair moat tbedirnt fi winfield scott hon wat l maacf secrrury of war 3m swn wanted i non m 500bahbpea for which ihe market jirice aiill he nam in cafh delivrryjit llu prorneial peniten- llary thomas hexdry co rinfon feti 9th is47- city hall saloont no 9 market buildings optit the jvw battery by george gane refreahmenia snacka 6m to be had at the ahnrteal notice soyters at all hfjrso kingtlon fab i 1s47 10if co mmeiici al mart for sale 100 s pork i new york iniijeetio william w nnlnn uth dee 1846 vhey un hi itghl iherc w a dp rnvine wliieh pndected lint flnk nintn crivclimlly than half a hnicn aeimenta emild have done llie left nf gen tiyfrir hue rcated nn the baae of a naatntaliid tjteir in id in iho centre wit entrench- etl and defended by n 1ron battery in front hie ernund waa uneven brnken tnlnhiua and derp j nvinea xee cdipicd in lha imtjo of tihiin if u i t i s tt thr abhi m i tuiiod tn mr vnlmnvcra and by ita pecnliirittea camp watlnngwnt wfnre vera cam f aiipjilvintr the diadaanligc of a great inferiority haitb 14 ld4t f nttinlftra siai had boamaly deapritched my repnri nf on the 9 1 at iheenemy were deacwd appmaeh the ilh inatanl with lite pnalaertpt nf yeaterday inf nter tlc diaiani hilla al ihciriippcaranca ihe info anncworleanahvlheaevenuiremtea ewin mlinteeataiaeda rei annul and ve three ire he fort the northrr whiii had intennllled aomc mndua eheera their rninceia and officers hoiire lieflan tn wnw ori wi incremard rinlenee veett ven byiafl acr ihe field and drjizvt their we are of riira num oil nfl frnm all cnimmj- cmnon abrtii to pet them into pnaihon but the nienlim aviiti cnmmdre cttnneia aqundmn and nalnrenf ihegnmnd ddnm fnvor the nndertnkine air fieri nf vefaela anvhnrrd tmder the iland nf nnd il waa tn late in the day befufc the btg guna saeiificina hujipinjr ihe ewinf tn he detained heirn in open hr llieatiirm i add anm pirticnkn m the haps aft the enemy had wiili them thiftytwo cannon betting on board fcw irpnrl lu po with the on ni1y uf urge eaihrc their fire i ph kepi jut metit toned u w hilakly and oppaiemly well manned the enemy enntinue the fire if hi heavy jjnna did an itiilc execntim in nur ranka that it waa not nponnur linenf inveinieat hul nelly fiwmhjinetn conjdered nercaiiy in telurn iheir fire our time and withtml ettcrl ao far ha yet ijcen oafhanfl were thercfuc add thr lic of iho 2lat repined at thininmmlourattaekmfe prteaby ehmr ten killed and wounded were the eaienl btgidea aa ordrred ylrdae are enfajjed in of thoeaaojlitkaaitainrdhy ourarrnv onihe2ut driving in ihe erremva poaaannd akirrnudierv wm daring thedayanonverprnaehcl onrlincawnh lu clear the apace helween ih and the city and to a flag nf truce and requeued to bcalvwn logon enable nor reennnoiterinjr officeta tn note etl ihe taylor the laiavc old man waa lilting qtiielly inlervening ground thia oneratim may nm he on hia old white charger with hit ag orrr the completed befnrc lomnfiuw mnimnz a ai leaat i pommel nf ihe aaddle wjtching ihe mnvementanf ny nol learn ihe rctoll at an earlier hour f ihe tneiry when ihn mexican officer wa prcacnt another vcaact i iff iadcd with nrdnanee and ed in a very courleua and graceful manner iho mdnanea atnretwhich may giat ui about half the j nflicrr aiated hal jw had been aeni hy hia ei- amount nf each required- camejwy gen satita anna lo hia eaerlienny gen no waioina and team m he many hundred taylor lo inquire in the mnat rerpeetful manner which tnjght to be op ae known lo be at hind whni lie ien tayln waa witting fr from but it ik emifidcntly h td that the present norther j ihe ailenee of fencral tay toe barerjea and the will brimr ua aa nuny a our immediate m lei require- i could not poatpone ihe deaecnt oucccaafully made on the oili inatanl for the half of the aurf- hat brigadier lienor shiema brrgaile om vhinlem fmm tampien nr 1 wagnns and teama which were ihcn behind that general landed with llie army having a amall part of one nf hia nld regimeiitt fthrec cnmpanic of the 3d itlinoit foot andthcnvw york regiment of new vohmteeia the regular cavalry and the tenncrace folun- lcit eataliy are yet all behind llie former hnuly egpected fmm ihe bra to and the ullcr from tampten i am mnefi cnppled in my nfiritlona pnriicularlv in diatarh iceonniicring by the absence vf that poatinc he army and iheofii cera aaddle horaea ineliadiag my own ahiipcd ai ihe uiaaoa are ah behind j aenl in ihia rmrniri hy flig of truce my answer herewith to ihe couauta of franc and quiet manner in which he received sjnta annaa terrific cannonading ihe mexiean siipfioaed ho was aaking a very pertinent qucttiufl aj which hnwercrotd rough and ready gave ihe reey pet merit reply ihil he waa only wailing iur gen sania anna loanrrendrr the mexican returned hastily in hie line thia mege proved uiho a raw t- aaeenain where gen taylora piailion wa fr nfici the return of the mciiean officer to hia nwn ranka the whole mexican blterv seemed in open upon gen tay- bra ooaition and ihe bilk flew over and about him like hail- uue1y indiffcfrnl to ihe perila of hia aiiuitinn here tat the old chief n hia cn- pieuoua white horae peering thmujh hia py tataa at the imig hnea nf mexican ironpa ihnt could da seen al a great distance on ihe match the per- uaatoi nf hia aid could not induce i urn o abandon hu favoialree point foe obkrvation nvr give up hia old while horae to tho anggoplwo of hia alar lhat old whitey waa raihrr too ennaptcunua a ehirger fir ih ijd frliw ad tniaa account of are ferf ahoud hv hiaidnn- ih al unrie n ih km irffiin mriin ti in tniinerbe nmn try i xtcude at fit aa ll rtavalry riimd fieuvirtlk ulrtte vavw with that inlerminabk linea at iniervala between thai nllanuy and cavatry ihfif bi gtjnt aironffv pi leeted by a latge bltilkfy fce kcot ooan m- ei cant cnnttne ugainat u4t li a their fct wvie anon in ivion one anrlkiy wa throain ftjrwird it mei t ihera protected by tha vidunmer a igen- wtinl leal ihe imm body in perton and au arci everywhere fallviaj and encouraging the volunteer th two afmtoi wefe amn enaad ia hl conflict tiie hokn naf 9at of ihe found divided l hr lorre an ihil inatcid of una caoeral tnngemcnt the reimnta were compelled in great meaore lo fight rv their own bonk un nltieeta wcie itwiya in the advance tending their itjmhrnce ihe grcit mortal ly among ihem n uah peocfal mreeonc of ui mall reeimeota uf 4d men wttud 1ail keij by whirfio meat can bugjdc nf aeveral ih uitud thnlhe kentucky infantry wfit ahaekcd at ihe fot of u hill in adrep ravinehv an immenaa fce of the enemy a lre numlare of nfficera waa killed lien anting ihem waa col mekeo who fell badly woonded aod waa immediately drpsichrd by ihe enemv wh icrced him with mien ttajwlfff aa he y on llie grounds lieut colchyvna ojim ihnueli ui flfiaji and boing umlde ti walk waa tken up and carried acme diiuncfr hy anne nf hit men but owing lo tho leepnca f the hill ihe nvn finding il vcy diffi- rnlt in tarry him and the enemy in great numbera preaaing ujn ihem tlw gallant lulenanl cotirfiel bexsed them to leavn him and lake care of ihctiielv l i- to leave him on the field the ial that waaarcn of ihi nblo ynong officer he vent lyig on hia lnck fihrin with ina aword hctnomy wlv wee atahbing him wiili their hay- nttcu i be veteran cart wms willi of tho aame regiment al ihe head of hia company with three atlw nf ahi who furght at hia aide waa ii ji v wounded bat aiill omtinned in fir qsu he waa overcome with theiaa nf hlond in the meantime the indiana brigjde whn wtra drawn oui and nrdcicd tn charge the enemy wce acixed with a panic and diaphymgannve heaitatw aaviatani adjt gen lincoln ruahed to their frool and while upbraiding them for irrr enwardice aa ahnt tevcrl toll paain throuh ha body io joaiice i i j it be alalad that they aubarqucnilv rallied and folly redeemed ihoir reputation by lite m at gtluot and ctlvctiva fighting cat hardin led he i in- a very hand- mc aleleand tlieaiunlv akker foozht liko f i ijiir intniiid colonel wounded anj experienced the fate of col alckec and clay aod wja killed by the enemy mot however belire ha had killed one of ihe cwvarrtly miacrcanlt wiih a piatnl which he fired while laying on ihe gvotand col yell led tlie forcmitl man a ehara of ha i i r i- 1 1 a largo uidt of lanccta and waa kitwd hy n lance which entered hia dvwtb ami lata off one aid of hi faoe- tha miappiana the haroeaof oitantyatar dwng hard duly aa akirmatora were ordered into line n receive a clinrge of cavalry which lhay dad with tcir rihca dcivcon at the aime liaaaa nirtl detlructivc file among the crowded columna of cavalry the enemy wera e iy rapulaad thadiatiigumhed commandemf thiagllanlrea- mentciil j r r n davia waa hidly wormdrd nn eenpelte bj ii having entered hia ft and paaacd oiit of hia lc he waa however dnin wall when lat heard foon that chivalfeiii col mccloof waa prevented from loing hia fhare nf tha hrava decda of thia brilliant 6ghi by tho ajtevwwi wound receiver at ihe baitto of monterey tvhich aiill conrucahim hi hia bed and from which it ia feared hy hia heat friend will never rtoovvr col humphrey hanhaltd splendid regiment of kenhickvcnvjlry were iinpiticnl fanpint1iinity of asowing ihcir mettle and avenging the caplua of iheif brethren ihea in the land of tho caiaaay they wereaiam fjvnrcd with llc deaired opportu nity by the appmach of a furcc f more ihan 90f0 i mceea and hoifara whngatumly ehtrged theui the keniiiekianaaiood ihcirgnnmd with immova ide sreadineaa and reeeiving ihe enemy wtih a fire from their carabine charged m iho mi g1unt atylcthmuh ihcrmnmnun ihe right aatd wheding fell on their left hipeeing and killing a goit tn my of them a like clnraa froa made by cid may at iho head of a aqu luaua nf dragonna and nf arkanaaa cavnly againt a large body of tho enemy cavalry wiih like rcaulu during iho cogaemrl on ihe right sarda aamtvihnw taviitrarorewwlwqll prnlerlleal n the kfi hank ent a large fae of cxvahvamnnlihat aaalnl iidoflnkin taylor acceded io ihfnmug cofli men into hia taar ilni gert taylor immedialely inn capl bragg with hi artillery agatnal thia f ree wlhniucceeded m culling ihem off fmm ihe main body iu nillenden vta dapifehel with a fi ig of teuee ia demand the itnnvdmlc aurrnder of thia f4c tlic mexican ittteer pelendm nnl to gndr1and lh eh trieter of hia miaajati iniied lhal he ahould he btmdfldd acrnrdmif lo ihe rulei of war and thin load iho lwoicniul catvaeal tntn ihr camp of sanla anna inmrelf thia waa n tn get lima in extricate llw mexican cavalry from their dan gerniia pwilion and pfrding ihia truce they war drawn nil by a difivrrnl naad from that by whioh l hey had gained ihi poaain li ui crittenden waa cmdnelrd winrfi tn iha lent of the mexican frencral in chief which ha found a long dimsiiro from the trine of nctioa nd which he thnhi the afl plaee ik had been in during ihe whncday aahc apfamiicbed sota annnaicnl he wna greeted with a rrvm trrif duua fi loihh of iruiupet whirh miht have been heard a affile off but rojucd nn rj graai tenor in the mind nf ihe kentucki hi hhnd waa taken oftand he f und hiimclf in the prcacrio ct the famoua mexican chief aurronnded hy a briliaot aiattof hecitened gildid and nvmatached efflter santa aima apohited in the lifntennt for tho act nf jin officer in having him blindfolded oav- ing thai an far from having any deaire locnnoeal hia aitnation in wa dcairuoa of exhibit in- in gtn taylor the tiller folly nf reitiog ao powerful aa army aahcbul under hia eommtid to whioli the lieutenant replied that aimplc m 1 ava to demand hia santa annaa immcdiaicaurrartdcr ta ccn taylor when ihi cximnrdinnry demand waa tranalaterl to the mexican h raiacd ttia handa andeychmnain uher aatnnialimrni at tha temerity nd preanmpiion of ptanh a menace and replw lhat he would expect ceo taylor 10 aurrender in an hour or he would denrny all hiafurc lieut criltrndcns reply which webavcalnaady given gen teyfor nerer tfrreaavr the interview and the faalilc recommenoed aod waaeomitiad until oitht sanla anna lok three m ill piece of nqr avtir cry which under licoi obrien had been poatecl lym far in advance lo he covered by mte infantry al ihe gunnrr were ihoi dnwn and whon jha guna were eaptorcd t wa not a aoldier left to man them one of theac mace waa an nld tegan 6 poyndct which during ihe texai revnlvtmb had done good execution among the mexican rank aalo the fngi he boiunf hewing taken they are vevy probably mere enpftf edatkcr which were rlropped on ihe field and picked np by the valiant mexican a hia bxcelleoey of ih vtir depirtmcni to arhnm santa anna haa aentfheaa trnpliiea will no doubt be anrtlf diaapnoinred in the aixc texture and bcintv nf thaac alnndrda mexican pride r oaily r t f when tnch feebla incmentoea of tbeir pmweao ami vror a the conwa ihana for to iogluriooa a dctoax ah ihe officer on one aide in thia hard fooght battle diaiingoiahcd thcmaelvca tha detathi of the battle were confided to gen wont arhn nobly juatificj the confidenca of hi commandae aaih brother veteran hy the moat active xealua at5 cienl and gallanteondocl hiraaghoni taa whota action he wa ohitantly entafod in iho diapoai- lion of mir fnecea and in rallying them on o ihe nnaoh it waa a miracle thai ha caoaped tha ihick flying hnllalhat thinned the ranka he waa marahau ing there wax hot one complaint made xf aical him and that waa tht ha expoatd lirumlf fwo much brigadier gen lan alao ahowrfkhimoptf tu be a brve and capable nffieer although wounded early in the action ha kepi hia horv untit it cloacd and never for a moment left bif pat rhonjdgenrhin chief re mainad at hia ah- ginil and much expnaed pnaitiiwi ioparinerdvif the balilo and narrowly watching ita erenta an eacopelle hall naaaed through hianvercnat thvuy aame nld brown ao familiar to all th oscer axai men wii hava evar been uoder hji cnromandani which haa acea acvcral campaign in florida n texaa and in mexico on tltonight of ihc22d both armiay dajv fntm the field of battle our mi wim all ntf ril in brinffaf ia too wounded anj 1

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