c of them lle mrxirim j well pit uicir own thcr wi hoocvr but few uf nor men taad n he field aotlnmd ihcv ii ute santa a- vjuifcnnl wert in hi deinit1i head the cowafdly nncrnl havm lulled ever man whtmh ihnr nvrrilt hnuntvfl and hdplean lue field tvfch lkfl turfnihe and iraache they left thtwuwjl ifa rtltamd hiv wmnded nnrau d f mi hi rvw trtr vy by the latter wrr carried h fcml evro w a conn alt frmcr wn bwm fc uic a i- calde undc r pjwmfllfl irf en tajw a number nf iflwr were tkeai i inrrt iitj bncih4ryc wttici by wfcieb all wraien wwi tr ww i their hand wttetvlrated c al flay riy are uiidermoid op n be i the city of llrtite ai v ll killed and wollnwitl nf im mexi can nrethrre ccneraloirrrnrtufcty cnlauc pd cininandr nf himilifni jrii minttn it appear ha ih yet re ilifecl tie brilliant ier nf which lie cintidrrrd hit ciptutt f majur doiltnd cftrnr up wt lcre d hy svila anm hltfwll and ratry slli1t rliiun ihceuafeirintt l flum- vtii with ifiv ibjrrt h nvti demon j rat inn aja the irwb wiili vmq g ilfjt licui hnwi wni ny ram and iww pwwil piece of nrtillciy went out mintat the valiant bmnttli i tittonaww of hi gufln tent him and his large faffcotowi nhtubinil in dmible- enicv tunc n ronrluiun our ncccnrilr iinprrfccl sketch of the few ovuiw of thi brilliant dcda ol ameii- can vikir performed m dnmt vu de gathered frout h hasty gwvethino wwlim be atbiwed iottf viiiannn 10 finl ihsit ilie miiifilnwchavf 3cri0cwy a flrfhlc- n cxonrlff nf th hrnvrry n rlliirtiy ol ottf rjuntic ww nve ihi trid ft ihftltnh heretofore timtlrfiiir cirito ldif ilic tseoie f thcit llow irth rtjieitft le ptrfw hushed irtloiuoer hy th tinuiunf tried kilhtitry and gwy whieh hc ejor ttrd m aiocncto htvtofv the hluuily bailie hf docna vitta the pboplamation of tiik govbr- nor ok vera ruz- cowr truotfllflvine eo llir roemy il roo o liof rqmwa ciler lhitrt in eoojoiic- lin with tle tesrh cotitjirin itie irrcroiry trojv jcftiiutl l octiie hii this hrroic eir hi toe nmhfntl4 tfm tieoiiiioo eon- iacteolo of einhtry with valor uj tvhlty siuin her tiered tights conttauw my hctrt heat to a ovpwlwij rwituuetioo hi uk rteifw tint nuiro ite ui t wfft- ore oor aroit with the mvnlirf thy prtnt thcififcrlve thin mooimit io irtn foree hoi u wtl fcoi lliu jnfr wi r nrrr nmrriur io1ixihoc nor vilor ri hiih mlvi ujr yfi fee thf ttfmrv v fir fat otr heth ii dtfetie f vtf merei ol your f no jo urtt fi the inilrffiknce uul bhrriv f jntu cer eoiintry umfeil to tji it te ultieli ul u thr- will h iitbritmil iiicrnitn ift irirluiitc dt eiiar oirl covmt yoo mio 1nri tttatr unl tinftcf iojf ttlet i worthv o1ier of iii nliiinil mi iff thr lioor of rtubtl t neitr tbd oaittd of ti siatiii the int of amrnfn anisuion i mm our eum wiif snrlllirii pfptltc hi lb pit of llteivoc city whirl ihev jjrrtciid to tvi yt in fn wr all neriiois wr wtil tuftt in hvcvoil i rtlerily a uroo of tihir tid hnnor tlitk are tho vmi if wt compatflo nj frwi jl mouarubs vtrcei march zk 117 tin ttairnaor the veba cruzaxos f lie xvw offit dw4 ifrea 30 a utter pruliifri1 ti ile kfittvfntm of i3ih frhru ifv lt inl tliro atih it urifoi i ijnttie nhti it iiyt ih- i the m n iijmij1mi in v n m tlflo pint m ijnttrtf mni nl in n ihpmin h yhwftl with ioteri lipi i w litpr fcl t tltf irter thit lle freiiihiil 4i io hrilrn m i jrjrj i tiip jltuny jii jti il if ao dflhf rfe l hy the ncroioeit in e eclee inch ulinalufi il whdjfic lorn ojrnhtwid lh who woju tawa ppieh ofov whl11 he io n like danffff theolve xiiihiiimv of alorhiii hoordnnj nitjlhcicih that they lhreil- cvj ill 4ii ij trfir nilh violence hul g mnl m r mil the crrihi ebrd iht eotc oj diptrd wvenl ermi f pe jlc eoaij iliii ihem t- rciitc to tlf imun tttn croeiil i n ram of mticji tirrrcy etty ileihetl rt jiw rfttcmimtittnii mlhl hit lfl ctio- ficuct in lorn thai they etely d uic anoifio4t- itily of cifrat ttjc vimwfl 4 teiv tiic fflarpim if atnradtb oikh rhnho by the failure of ifcc ffovvliuiieot to tttii ihfii rciiifiieenk rit it in mill lbt genrr1 gwinfx i to sm lo rrli ve mrii mmletirtb innhof vcm c tw jeimfrrnmenl ciftn4 uojcmaotl the fitamon 4 of ihm- of ith wont j ol uf r ece onral j wlw it tpiirceuiid ml hmnvit hy the people sueh a change wiihl create iioivcrsjl ditiui thfoih the whlc of v ra ci- leidtror tiic wat the carnainvreajionrjciilol ihr iv o tje ffti attoic iiitreetio aiieiiletlt of tjiii tnit hoi manner the hiitlte at duna vutn dormif ihrtmlhv hiv ltom kiiliie1ty refimrflt of lotaolnr lrriiie choely niael with tlie i uneer- ffio thenvifirhchnin nurn- iiw ri hie laneer ihr runel eoiuideriiig hii aofiiiunt ht nil 1tjt h be n in nfecqi rf- patelietl hbarljtttirtliri tn tlor tiy tohiftt that hi reioent uaa coitiihirtv tirforjidri that fc waa tilnn hmj to t ihat in all prohihility ho vroom he tot illy anniolitcl ami to aakgen taltt whit ik air oil j fc gen taylor penmhy reined to the aojjum fvhoae eoiinteniaee w hi rvrferl ietnrc l fetpaio in the eoldrai nnnncr bititgnt iwe tu v mo gietl join 001 iha lie h r ihem juat where he wiou litem aod ni ih time to jive theoi ijmi he adtoiiit wheelcil hit bofiv cljfpei hit iflim to hioj inj i tilted op lo thc linle biad aal aliolfcal at ihe lip of tin roiee ryt general tayhf tav neve fgl ihri hitt whrvc we waril iheoi aof nowt ojf time lph then i h ip the ifeiiid htentuhiji caught the impuik hlic her iricn raided a liecr and with their nifcro hjiit in let limn pjim i ihc lcen velatinj il roiled theu com and drove thcot frin the field m akh1 koirpnat tovlnck m u d when santa anna tw thai hit nil dir uiid uon hi hreakt ge ti hrt line tod ih oem- niipt imltery of jt rvnjrideer wliieh l d been p uriti death and dctroelon ml hit rank alt tir he ordered one deapctate chirje of i t aind inftoiry iiiii the bttcry z w theoi itpoiichio t and farfui from the bvvrhhning noinbcrv that he tmghl iok im jtjiet juepjfcl to tjke fthothef ro kknaihk piition tiie ejfle cjc or the f allunt cptnin mjntm nf the koiinftr eorpt aw at a aunc that the fjlo oj the dty depended upon braf h4din hispovi y lie iiotocduuty lode itji m gi a- tvho who from tin ioiiion jioi ma oiofv the movement ex4incd tbc eieomijrir to hmi and then fjaitl i beaeeeh uf voo nr thl yl wiit oottllnv the bllry u more i no mr oo air dot it ah nil the gernh ivlt lion not to iflovc uac inch ut to vv ibcai cic and caniver f m while iwfg h layio leifl- rlfhl left nnt ceriue tauficfal tavw ajntly rd uo tochotd him wiiltuat brias nlierwih a n u imiaavbhip of vi- r i i little li- i j ai hautl thav fw wonu irt eointtily maord hon and hit oho that ihry fie with inpulied viior and the rctjtl ifov tiv vrtti of a loih moo raiic- thit a eomhinei movement ef scott and taylor gmm now reach tbti cipittlt l least reaonahly ceruin and stieh will he he ine t liable cniseikmire ofa fjithjc protfaclion by meicn of her prviil aimlrj and unue stririle before however any movement be made itnn the caphat a short lhn will he allowed lo whatever pmy may lor in poiverifi that country to reflect upon ihe recent defeat of their army in the hope that a calm and deliberate survey of the present condition of ihe country may induce the mexican go vernment to enter into negotiations if wis dom prevailed in their councils the result would he beyond a pioblcm but when we see arirerje factions tpilling each others uoorl in civil sliife in the street of he capital al time when our armies are marching npaq them and their undivided enercc are necessary lo the defence of their country no human fore sight can predict what sucn a people will do one ibirk if rertaiuif mexico will not enter into nervation we will he compelled even tually lo tike and hold her capital mean time we srull lake esiin of all the porta and at rapidly as poihe open a way into ihe interior for ihe transit of our imports and at ihe same lime secure ihe pasac across the fslhimisf from sea to sea in this way we shall open a commnnicaliou with our force in california and on the pacific station from new york to san francisco in california will not ne more than a four week voyage the mflst energetic comhined movements of our land and naval forces will be made for the purpose of nilljpog ihe war to a speedy con elusion the army a i have aid will strike for the canilah general taylor and general scoll hy different routes perhaps if found practicable or if not hy the same will seek the occupation of the city of mexico the navy released from the ardnoinand unpleasant duties of a blockade will he employed in mixing the other ott and harrastui the co5t generally within the next sixty days we shall prnbjbty btioiv whether we are to have an honorable peace o a protracted contest ftgricultsral wi well tuthentictted read a privnic teller man of the churvfuu k f hve been permitied to 1 which the writer a ctccy lmd rlttt with reeort that lite enrtc alluded llwioalit ihai hit reception mini be f h m vt jfat uacc atji wcdnc5 thc rtf- h 0 mietlion betwlra d iinpiuc chaplain the pot atoe disease frum the canada farmer gentlemen if yen think ihe following re marks ptiachl prove srrvichle to ttie readers of give them puhlictty in iiiveliialing the nature of a distase like that which hat destroyed the polatoe crop to a vergreat elent both in europe and america litinng the last few yeats we cannot he loo cautious in recommending any prevenlalive that we may hy elo observation have dis covered i say parlial preventative because we have no rcavon lo believe ibal an elteclual one has yet been found out though scientific ve99 men have devoted rnuch altentiofi to the sub- 1 cnoacii f llut- th r jrth garden m a whote rraieihlioi n hwcuracv of chrile chbmlulm- paorrar w fin rime time hack h it hnm received t rom m collmlic church tho rev alf new 1u1 a eurjio f chmirhurehslranc ht withdrawn front nuuitternl duty in lha etiwihed cliorej on eroiiod similar t thoin thieh led to the ivarfnav lion of hia enllcneoe iwdot m iffi important hbwsnuh mexico ataant saturday april 10 ay ffa from moarte to ostcomchv ject we are jtiflifterf in applying snpjwed antidote unless for tnere experiment nnly so far a hey alford us a reasonable prospect of ample remuneration fnr all additional labor ami expense that may thereby be incurred lai yar planted mr potates in new land something rather ttmrtftal in this part ol the country having cleared a few acres prin cipally fo ihe wood and determined not to leave it in ihe slovenly condition in which we find so many pjmics where firewood has been taken ot i thought it miht ire profitably planted with potato and turnip as it could be racily prcpaied in time for these though perhapi not varly ennuh for any other seed j heiles an opputunity was ortcred for n ex periment we commenced plauttiigaivont the 20h may and continued nnlit ihe 15th of jtire ihe work having been given jo one man who performed it with a common hoe the few weeds that made ihrir apiearanrc during the summer were carefully removed but no additional earth brought to the hills which had been made full lar when plants a circumsjance that will in part account fir the long lime occupied in planting two acres when th proper sesnn for ijiin atiived i was struck with the diifvience between lhue p r aoi n cia i freshet on the grand river itie bakinr up of the ice on our rive at all timet a scene of novelty not unmixed- with terror has this teason received an acces- sinn of horrid interest from the danger with which it is ace omp atued yesterday afternoon the water begn rapidly lo rise in ihe hand kiver and detached pieces of ice some nf them of real tile came lutfibliii and crtah- ing atonif on the vexed waters striking each other into fraaentt and rebounding from vtank ad wave with fearful force to- wwdl teveti oclock the water auddenly rosf nearly two feet went on inereasin in milk and vinlence for nearly two boons placing all the bjilding on the aaargin of the stream in imminent dinger te lower story of mr eveurs mill aid crniry was flooded and several houses had fnmi five to six feet of water on their floo that were previously deemed far beyond ta reach of iuch an un welcome visitation it si n be ame maoife that son milldam on the higher tvalersfcad given way and that the torrents hereby let loose hid carried on- j wards every thin in their on se timbers hot ft trtde thus enabling the till lt tea tctselt to enfije in the exportation of nor pmduett lo europe sqp thai at thit time the fleet upon oor likr eoutd be bfoveht lo iko ad of our at lanlic comioeree how preatlv would both the producer and triipper be benefitted ihereby re- docmiaa il would the rates of freight ihua in the ainc ratio enriching iho firmer by the incrcatod pneet or hit prodociinnt and alto the merchant bv faililalintr and entoring ptornptneaa in forwardini and ihe uiitoraaart nt alt which mihi ftnd coiptoyrncni in winter why thoud nal the ttemcrt anij pronellerj irave the ikea in s m at mat a ti ahtre of them to retch tlia mtttit tippi before the winter gale and be employed during the winter in ihe navieilim of the father of water a id ir tributary l belle rtvi6re p pcrliapa tho imter project misht not he pmntaue andpcrhtpebl canal will not let them om nevcrtlirksv we cunoot deny oortelvea one of thi pleauret imn gin lion in fancying that at flood lide few of the mtmmoth lake tteamera ae deheennv nod receiving freight at our landing hw woildt coitld oar bou which tc deouininatc aptendid alut ihen v london money market march 12 there are now nearly ten militant of bank note lett yctr i exmlcncc lhan there went 1hi lint tttt on tiie 5lh jy of march 1646 the dank hold government serurittct other seeuritica note gold and siuar coin f3n the 5th dayof march f7ovemment secnritic other securities note gold and silver coin i313iu40 3942035 6994485 760505 ast41334e5 1847 the bank held 11990076 15319148 016095 693114 to the editor of tfu toronto herald bftockvtmc qj april 1847 siri will indulge in no observation upon the tnttematy rpittuu which yon have thought fil to nttply to rae in your leading article nf the 29ih till but atanminjc w yoar reference lo tlte hamilton spectator in which i am directly named iitid from your own statement that ihe adventurous tcrib- hler found his way from krockville to mon treal that i nm ihe person upon whom ihe flood of yotir billingsgate ha been let loote i hev lo inrormyou thal i am not eilher the interested one the tnake in ihe trav ihe haneful inlntder the vicariou edilor tihe aiwnymott scribbler the newspaper vermin nor tiie tadpole nor the taper who had either hand aet or part in ihe writing or publication of the article which hat drawn from you such a mm of complimentary phraseology 1 matte this unequiviical disavowal of bein the author of ihe article in qttcslion and requiring to rirrno atitier were ire removed of thit fact i ghtvof the djm a ahedihem intojiiece thai wherever the ahe and a mountain of ice took their place and himly mixed with lheoil which wa stands tinnly fixed in that position to the pre- jj m l the greater wiition the luhew wrrv sent umd mlbm rejeardiiif tht umnul hut in the abenre of thutn- j a little ahr nine emock the river began hf follow fratitsr h b m l b l i l lb 4 v t t bl i limi l bh 11 bl bl bbl m kl m bi bit r lien by a letter in advance of the mail ml imiiorlant news ha been received from mexico vera crux city and cistle has hecn i tu r nearly it wa then alinweil liaeeof lh divarw lulm the whole mmnred that uridevl bridge was carried f f i bad very md crop ahoul one inbhel in off and that mr crnff mill was destroyed yj of fcrtbriaik unfit for honseuse were eagerly and this moniin ihe laws was confirmed sirahan in confn j the bridge wa itef wljf ahoul 9 oclock inatiou nf ihi mitemrnt i wny mention that yesterday mnrniosr d iti timher carried 1 neighbor planted itt new land iml in wn in about htlf a above gait where oirr of ho tamja wtowm hhneneev nrt i 1r llv lie omnwod 4lh l mofic x j his pohitoe crop was affected veiv mtteriallv and thmwands nf treftof all dimension pre o the mill tlif nl inuih bf i nrrf rr a j plophh ttvenil w uw b-iftlul- of wffcil orcetd taken by our forces the united slte war r zl 7 lp grcdiclmoro ll hvo-hid- of ihe nbmlto bumd ihrdmx imwti commoiore connor arrived at peuacola on i i i i n oj the llh inslaul htinin the news she left vera crux on the 29 h and kinp ihe floii- otn int ll truce of the reduction r vera cm i end lheciieofsn ju duhd iheir f si unconditional surrender lo our army ai nhcu o nd oufjed loli ivffitf of irii me hiihi uprti hit leceplimi ol lie minatnii w m itiio ami nt il tin- gamum at vila crui pmprvtmni ol rior aln it if tfnyiove titk sav ip il oiiod 4mt tiny 5mnmaiy of the disembarkation of march i3th the i onthe22d the cit he auth 11i7 may preae 1 have only few words more to add it s not improbable that he government of in the hwetwhl ofinfor- e result that would inevita bly follow from sir allan appointment to ihe council of which you may be ignorant his is a fully able to ih or the weakness which appointment would bfing lo his eovernment cither mrfieore anthony barbr or mr cowan and far my own part am entitle willing to leave the decision in hi lordship hand you pak of me a a telfintereslcd office seeking individual upon what fonn hree 68ponudert opened mi ihe morning of 7w yards 1 three inn 32iouihi 1 and hfltl paivhan tins of hut day at the diilane on the 25th another hat i cry of four 21- munderi and three imrlari opened their lire thit tutf the fmval naileries opened a hroach in hie walls ol the cilv- the fjte wm very ich crop 1 mfly a stir- destructive on ihe town on ihe sjth in the inoimuci the enerny ptnihised render corntnissiuner from ihe american were appointed consistin of general worth ami piutaii and col palton on ihe 39th the tiv k were coiriphted ami ihe city jfsvttl idirirkit iric auaxtf7il iirnniv marched ottt and laid down ihrir arm the ameiican lioops had taken posse vjinn of thr j city ihe lsaltennt and caalle al noon ihe american ensign was houled over the city and calle balttlcd hy nttr vcel a garrison of ahont iwk men hid down their arms as prisoner nf war and were scnl to iheir homca on parole men and mty snktior officers with 270 rtuhontinato were anion the prisoners iln total in of tlte ametican army from the 4y of landing stilivc killed and wounded all the wounded are doin avcii the commanding feneral scolt hetd the city while hi second in couimnnd held ifte collie the regular force of the mevican was about 30x1 and lliey hau ahoul ihe sme number of 11 regulars oultide of the city was general la vea with a force of from six lo seven thousand cavalry timesi a it hmial for t mayhejndjred from iht fact that rinetcnlhs nf ihe laud llitia planted has remained undis turbed to the pretent time the same rule sn far at my nwrvatiun- c rn ty he pracliavd to lreal advantage 111 ctillivatin tirntps potatoes planted very early generally tpeak- vut remit waltl hmr l length a heap of botti nearly as hih as ihe econd alary struck it willi overwhelming force and carried off neatly half iho buildwkt wilh much fjrain and puis of the machinery the ruin are frhlftil what may he utf u of the present nig are the hesl hut nolwtlhfndiu the dif ference a alcady noticed in the time in which mine wert planiiol nn perceptible ndvanlne thieateniiif atpeel of the ice il i impotmt to ay from the upvr curve of the dan at mr kwaitt mill to hove mr grofft ois in he ttmpfativrly new ll hw mm w r m well as other oislrlct of iwl immi iwlher which canmil pe amy till f m he dam itself break and cm off the water has forced a 4fao r iii iwiititi cftmprfir dan which is pi ce a could be olwrveri tmvfmhit of ill at western canada scarcely any lot hi heen fttkuinml lit th iofal i erip whito manv lanneioi lie jhii fivoa hive lo x in ttie hiih to xel a supply fnr table ujv the ahnve trserva lions are submitted with greater confidence on account of iii wnleis b ivin red tveral well aiilhenlicated stale- menls of the application of common allies in soik that had heen cropped for p with the tno signal success a caxidian ftrmcr matkham march 2s 1si7 we stroufly recu the shove to the attention of our reader we had written a few remark on the vct of salt in preventing the disease but were obliged 0 leave tlhftn out to make room for our correfumdent a friend in holland who live on the sea cat letter hit charge 1 hi itm am i self dation sir do you make what sin 14 manner or for interested in the result upon what do you ground your charge of my being an olhce seeker sir i utterly deny your kcum- lion and i defy yon or any man in canada to substantiate it will ynu prove your chance or confess that wilhiint the slightest foiuidatiou you have wantonly willttlly maliciously calumniated one who hat never done yog n injury and who subscribe himself your obedient and humme servant olk r g0wan dually carrying off ma thr jw anj if this process continues mfr bu should the boft acctnnnlatriip fl- side move off in a mats am f i weakened harriers of he dam w tremble for a deal of property m thai ih well a for the safety of the brnlg i ihi village and all others downward if injr theratinu oc curs we shall pohosh v jt editions one nclock the h httototo bvtloiaa socotv the seventh iyn meeting nf iitr soeiely wi- hatil on atondi tynnif bwt whm jj jut itf aitllw wadi iverv diprd of ht in average prrimum irf 3 per ccoi the oireioig p1 arrtolnlton ipproviag of ihe enurte adapted 7 ihe fbiard of director under tiie 30th rule namel adinittine new member up to ibe lift of may on payment of oflc and ahtf per ceni tvroato canadian ttte dfpretion of the fond ha been tery eon- iderablc durine the week tod it it perfectlj tamrnlthle to flmltenplau lh deprcoitlion of everv deteriplmn of pnpi the cauet re u10 granw likblentnf of mniey from the export of holltoo tnd the cnncqocnt cotaifmrr of the circulation tnd railway compnnie taking up money on dehcnttite at much hiehrr rate if interett lhan tu tund ptr which induce the insurance cntnpanict to wit iheir tock and kod it lo ihotc companier from whtl wc hear al ltt one million tnd a htir more bullion will herrquired for america and n targe amount for roait under turh cireom stance and with our present currency and banking tawe but little improvement can r the prrtcnt lie anticipated but thing have nearly teen their british whig 1 oplftr per orbem dlcor kingston friday april 16 1317 from our montreal correspondent j akwalrr of the pier nearest mammreel o lnew hride in this village iiaik wayond the timher of the dick inosc stood the tnjii- neii bit o way and the t d the pier of mr sl the cooperage both structures have n fannmjy the prineipae new youk uarkbrs nrw ytru sitnrdty april 10 1817 ftora asn atcl the sstridant account ore lo the i2ih ultimo fron liverpool the niaucl there for american fl ur which al noe time nbte- uuent 10 the hpartut of ihe ulaitntr minte1 ahifh a 12 43 m had declined ti40o 4 per barrel 4la sd q 43 iving the etirroie rate for bcl weilem indian 0rn wn lower at the chvsc yellow bcin nuotcd 70j and white cst per quntler in i mtikrt there hive heen tnntl alr western flour in bit d wnnteil for ejapuriimplinn at 87 50e rrfnewofeariaandldiaotis wj for mieltiirun nod s i3e f gviwvco to arive them ha aam hceo a good demand nd ftivher rule have heeo otnnind the iranaiie- tion pttieji boit 3sjnm itvt mmmi oi ihe tineninfnf the river at g50 q 7 fj n a letter juat received stale thai scarcely nty trace of he hicc wis cn in a nunhei of fields that had been ovei flown hy the tea danger appears lo he oier gaff reporter and from many nlher experimtnu we helteve i nl1 which cqiilaiii a larw portion f aodb on saturday a very ruunerous meeting of i wood ashes romped chiefly of nofwi ho h tne rar of montreal vns teld in ihe advo- j alkaline stthstinces afford the toil remedy tales library for thepurpnse of expressing lhal has been discovered we shall go more f tlur opinion on the preent slate of the bench fully into ihe consideration of ult at a pieven- the immediate cause f the attembly wat a ulivc of the disease and as a manure the me5ie received that waingffwl mr jus quantity time and mode ot application in our tce day liiit that iis health would not ncatnjuiber j allow him lo come dowi consequently there i was no court jnd the ay was totally lol frotn the cnwili partner all ihe leading memers of ihe har wilh messrs editor- 1 eonvenalion ivitb a ww any eacepliouavere present if we brotherfarmerrelalivetoanarticle whichap- receive copy of the riolons m time we pearedin your urnaxo 2 eopied trim wi an american paper on lite destruction of the d i0ict00yfl hy plough in the three or interesting intelligence fim washington am the yc york llercll wtihmtooj apiii 5 1817 tint vita or kftflub ovcuatioxs ih mrairo since the adjournment af cuute metfro ht again olinately lefnaed tu neocitte fto peace this tefu vl came from the a4rmiiu- tratiio of gome kniaupod lohave been much more favmtlliu l ihfr unit sutea than ihe chaicli ti ceotrl party had uumez kariat eoulmurd iii pwer tluutf wuutd have been hltle ptopetl trf a puaci- what would haw been the imerrniitalinii cf the thoreh and central partm feutain 10 be een ttiey entertain lor thai uiiiied suu th- tutnl hmei limtiliiy ami a cjiicttiuathm of the foix ul tolt arid tay w w mil mevicn rapihil inay jtx braawwi ivcerdiry befoi ba ilimtiuaiit iy cfmfil tj 11 27th intt 87 37 may- w wr- 8 1 junrnml jute g5 75c q qs a5c- and aucol 83 63cqsi- i a ml wlieat eootifiur in reoueat hut ihtre i at prevent but little nltcring i i sou bttah lnn itland s4d n term o i loametft mtd during ihe wiek o gence to arrive io may 81 ttc buffalo markets bvvviiyi saturday evening aixil i0 mtftitrr the dtaaad fut fivttr today wa fair te 400 barrr miehiyan in an at g3e lood barrel ohio lo arrive io twenty day after the openin nf the imviation at 3 2fc michifan the tarne 25m barrel ohio and lichijn at 8j l2jc c ili down wnvatw held at 1 e s 8e tnd 1 10c and ulc 10000 huleu taperwr cleveland in nrrive by the n of imv fin private urtnt coawc he ird nothing fhnojr on account f prchea not comro up lo the view ho der tlir demand however wa fir hi rrea wehari t lling qutto fmlt at 1 2jc- ml 4h7j ibx vhttse hrnujht 5c and 7c nicu wuta but in tie tloiars tale tt puk without euuiic grub and ctretoorjj jfruund usual and then p toller so as in prevent iheir worlcmjj surface he otwrved that ftorn pertonal an abont j practical experience he found hy suwinain lo call the immediale atention of the govern menl lolhe total faih1a1fjlice through thi ttm inchcs deeiier than completeness of the beneh andtorecotn- ftin it down will a heavy pw0 ihe immcihate 4pominent of a chief cnl iheir workiniciothe takirtrh to allow mr working the uttd with buckwheat cither for trniii ot manure will not only effectually des troy them biii at ihe same time leave the toil in an enriched and lh slate of cultivation one or two crop will be enouh to attain ihe desired result this remedy he considers much surer than peonhin and rolling and better adapted to ihe interett of th farmers of this countty than the american plan yours faithfully j j b tu phevenv flics attacjcivc meat alo to retire turn an oho which ihe slate o his heallh unfortuniteu preclude hlv efficient lyfillinjj- messrs hueltuan rosilafonlatie johnson lljrt mackiji taylor oartter and other gentlemen toov pit in the proceedings of ihe meeting over vch mr peltier pre sided tlte feeling wa very unanimous with one exception mr carrier ww of opinion that the lep was a bivmc in oint of time that ihe montreal cnnl fcad always been for many years incomplete inefficient that iu htinjc so n was in ri wise remarkable and he moved an amending declaratory of thai fact metsrs jnhnsoi taylor urged that tbai the fivernment thi day could not the hutehei of geneva have a singular model remedy the faulu of h goveininenls nor of preventing lies from attacking the meat in could the meetin pasj hodily their sliogts thev rnb the walls and hoards on or menial weakness ol deceased judges but which llie meat is placed wilh the essential there wa one i r vthmii conld do oil of laurel the smell of which keeps away namely to appoint ow vacancy and ano ther uainjc ii could mit gale lo retire on d il wa this troublesome inject judge sqvktatmo a laov hnu an american pa per il it lui jattly that we undtrtuod the trane cinltueliont that are scnctiinc pot upon a aqniite nf hand wnh onu it i entirely rinvjliil a declaration of love thi it vc aipriin indeed mutt we itke hold of udy hind like itot patatoeiafrmd of ivinj- il a ieie lest we tlnitild burn nnr tinker very titie truly now it hu been wif wetit gu tm mlkct every hand luit we pct in our etutchre cpcitly u f one is it not wonder that wr hivo never been inrd fr a hrcieh uf pttvotital wc vriuld not ijive a ruty mil for one of your mid form alukr if tbe kjod every pcn who etteud thte or two fioer fnr yur touch a if he were afraid of calchmjr emc eanlaoeon da troiper onfhl lo be kike l the ladie may ictl atiird that a m m who wdl not aqoreze their hand when ho gal hold uf it dar nt dorve to have a hund m jot noatition tnd ihul ho hu a heatl i bundled iiod ninetynme tunr am ilkr than a grain of umtjhld eed- muataurr i loavu the inint numhvr of dentin witch occurred in the mrtropohi duine a week mi kuuruary muned by ihr kegiairar citencrat wat lirill alfovoi an inrreaae iit the inrtihly aa continued uh loeprcvtou week end nltrihiilible no itaah lo ihr ettrrmc arvcrity wilh which the ftotl ha art m lle nombr of detiha in ftodon dnrtu tlw e irrjfr h nab r pcrviu we etleart frmn the oxford crm 0 itu the fotkiwinj- mrartife nnnunciient start loitj howevor aa it ia tjrc itnoihine in it dtlad oieoniateot with th beou- tencvneie of puej iain the eiiahhajnocot of jeuilioi in nvi pliae ihe construe i ioei of a religlou toeiity fraind for the p o no ion of eetac plan- which i mfhfag jjjj me coolevtvilly to le vetfed from tuhhr eye- clficenl jd l and wlhc influence re pmhthly to be directed lime only two and a itm bch jaugmer upon ihe whole pmteatant utly it ninety a natu- after a protracted di thcrner ral rkpmion in the nqi jiviopo uf the amendment was nefirw j it was agreed iutcyite ayttcm without further eianincnt wo that the rvsdution ih communicated ijjxve ho ptmrjphhojdinx and ull a it p- mi excellency the weired in our vlfhant eonicmjmrary j p secretar gazette t oiartftnttu contacr tuovo tiic clkhov l1ie itomaoinn eleryy in oiford and otht place have latrly addled h plan nf loiving jeo like rhurchct half an hour befoje each acrvice aod htlf an hour after ii for the purpart of r- eivinf eeaeian tliev nui conieuud ite ettoh toe ic lirilhit eewroe ahea firtt in the mctropdi and jtercanala tacarte- auerwrdin am i- totrna the internal pnliey e4 ihey refer prcaent of the sofutti or m rttft4 frm me eye htije lb tt are likely iht teortd to ptecrnt the ttnttcipttwn vnddfftttt cttwitwl a thtir pfcrao duo of the ovedieoi for cor- rupitnt the pilealtnl laity it to ho the ettablith menl m well eeleeietl lending hhuirict for cmn- lihr unit literary worht with judieiuil aifmil iu of lhotosjy and ceeleaiitnlicat pamphhi of a ctrtamtftrt disaentet nre 10 so addrctaoij willi mft worn mttij tf tanght hatnmtf until ihe prineiplea 4 the tnrity am aihijitrd to a audi cient oitent to put down what the utoiurctu term mtio ihacirdanl confotoi uf tongue ontlanwti lute the deep and welltoned haioeiiiy of iho seven bays later from edr0pe arrival of the packet ship washington irving at boston fall in cotton breqdstuffs firm and ocfrte p- i t saturday april 10 tlte thip ipoihington irving has just arrived at this pott she tailed from liverpool on the 2lst tritp and her advices are therefore seven day later than those previously received at ktw york the ten hours bill still dragged ifcalow length alcaut through ihe iinnenf comnons in ihe house of common mr ewart brophl forward his promised mutton for leave lo wing in a hill for the tolal abolition of the ptiniahmenl of dratl the official account of the foreign trade of the country tor the last yearhontd have come out hefore the ditnsion on the ten hours hill while nnr impots have very much exceeded those of 145 the exports of 1s4g show a startling deficiency as compared wilh thoe of the preceding year the declared value of exported good in 1s45 wat 53298026 in 1846 the value declared wx- 51279735 there ha been a destructive inundation in hungary the waters having risen highcrthan since 1809 all kind of cotton had declined jd per lb but at this reduction purchases in tpland which are placed at 6jd per lb cannot be made to any extent tolal sates of this week including 2600 for exportation have only been 16450 bales the london coin trade was very firm on the 20lh match for wheat english and f r- eign of which the supplies hve heen only small and much below the ijreal demand which exists for immediate useby the maltlers and for exportation to france although higher prices hava not been freely paid the bmi- ness has been at fully the prices of monday and sales have been generally refused unless at higher rate indian corn of which the arrivals have heen larger since the change of wind is to be obtained at tower rates there being numerous buyer al hand for the grainwhere prices show any tendency to decline the reports of tbeeitensive arrivals of flour and indian corn at the port of liverpool had not produced any influence in the london j market where the supplies were far below future tradb a the st law- ben v eopr ihe mbfm una cilhottc church koievared fore teamed the report that ihe rurate of nnwborn ntir- ihmiiberlud had reaiiod lii eharyo irepartory tueoitri- the rhuf- i t uonir app til iu be ihe duty of the bar fcitlimttlil the senou and instant imimrlanci of lh being done- vimnoriethe benfh now incomplete e had never known home and foreign hade the ooroa sands arrived at livcrixwl on the 18th the constitution capt britton arrived on the 20fh with damage 10 spirt c the sarah sand would return april i on tuesday and wednesday march 17ih and iflih several parcels of american flour were purchased al liverpool for shipment lo france and coastwise the demand was finely met by holders and the prices oj tuesday were without change- at our market on the morning of the i6ih there wa a fair attendance of buyers and a tolerably tood business wa transacted in wheat and flour at ihe full prices of tues day western canal flour realized 40s per bar rel and the extent of sales since tuesday i estimated i 30000 barrels indian eotn wa is to 2s per quarter lower more hutiness wa dnine at the decline on tuesday march 16th in confirmation of increased jrrivajs we have to note tor that day inaikt a liberal supply of most kinds of grain and produce coalwie and from abroad especially of indian cori and flour of which the impotutinnt are abundant and the export to ireland considerable transaction in every descriptinntof new wheat were upon a limit ed tale the future t awrerr from the ciocmnatu kmt for the letter lo a hol i 1 1 1 in 1 of the ie made in the coloojal liw and lfe dvanla lhao change will tver to ihr ufll icrcbanl and ahiijowner a f t fi we- had in onm phahed in the t level od herald ddfff v c the editor of that piper w fwf malhml owcmione in roavrd to commerce of the st laammt lb trde of h lanadaa tnd the tuuiiaijflol oor jkra me pnnmlnu lo i f during tiie wmier nvm atlantic and liulf trade a ut 1 t uh of iho moit aldf jj h- nrjeel for eeoioooy tt icaiily tfreallvaunehoik maml nd iht whole nation tlf lhc uiuiiewua larta uht eii lh j mv dua wiitr look for a change aboul these days as an aslrclogtcal friend of our would say in the compilation of his almanac for ihe wit- liairi to plain english sweet william the prince ot dodgers the pink ot political incon sistency and bunkum basal length according to what i conceive to be reliable authori ty achieved the crowning triumph of his career by consummating acotlition wilh that parly wilh whom he has for years hack been in a pntllion of onfogonum and mirabile dicta a reconstruction of the cabinet is the great fuel of the day mrviger for the remainder of his days will leisurely reflect upon the impracticability of his compatriots as well as their inralilud for a loig life faithfully devoted lo their ser vice and the promotion of iheir best interests mr papinean will in ihe quiet retreat of his seignory of petite nation teek rejiose from the care of hi beautifully managed depart menl and like many other equally eminent statesmen and public men devote the eveninc of his life lo the cultivation of cabbages and other esculents mr smith having during the short period of hit official probation ac quired a becoming degree of gravity and en urged hi knowledge of eonttilulional jaw advances to ihe dignity of the bench to be in alllimelo come a terror to evil doers while mrtsteherean in ihe evenl of no lillle sinecure falling temptingly in hit way will relurtt lo the bar as for the hitherto ever loaliuc autfttfftfm ilk iwyv fonv hrend will doubtless be provided for him inasmuch as he it lo guard ihe provincial chest a decided fixture so much for iheous and now for the ins mr taron assumes the presidency of the council mr black receives the bureau of the proeureur general as we say in these diggint mr driimmoud is lo devote all the time he can contrive to spare from the ex tensive contract in plank road making in which he ha embarked to the duties of ihe solicitor general mr lafontsine istomake himself at courteous and amiable as his nature will permit as provincial secretary and mr moiin will further hts own and the intercsls or ihe crown land department the western members of ihe cabinet remain as we mili tary men would say as you were this mr whig i believe will turn out to be the personnel of lord elgins cabinet with which he will prepare to meet parliament for my part i profess so i believe i sincerely fcjj sovereign contempt tor the political thimmerigging of the day but if this virtual nullification nf the union works well to the end i shall cry peccavi our commercial welfare has been during the patt week quite in a ferment by the proposal successfully iide of closing upon sundays of the reading rooms the result hs been the withdrawal of the leading merchants and other in my opinion everyway as conscienti ous as the satnfs and tbe esubltthmenl of another room which promises to be an im provement upon the old the warfare waged by the editors of lb- herald against col gugy results in an action for lifael hy the latter and although i am not an admirer of the colonel i mttsl say the attack upon him is one which hy all who know the animus which dictated it is viewed a generated in malice and carried out in a spirit discreditable to a journal which hat the modesty to claim the leadershipof the con servative press of the country however its n ill wind that blows nobody good and the genilemen of the long robe will nol be the sufterers by the wordy war the wealher still continues unseasonably cold at night and the ice still fast and pass able for vehicles the snow is gradually dis appearing during ihe melling moments when ihe full power of the sun is felt highway robberies are the distinguishing feature of ihe day although i hae heard of 110 instance where the lightfingered gentry have interfered with the gentlemen of the press upon the principle 1 suppose lhal lejeu ne vattt pas la chandelle at let them my sentiment your in haste rigdum funid0s april iu 181 tv we are informed that letters have been received by the chief agent of emigration a c buchanan esq informing him thai an exlenive emigration will take place thi spring from ihe poil of limerick chiefly of sioaii farmers of respectable class it is also said that the irish landlord fearing the effect of a new poor la w which will compel then lo aid or support their impoverished tenantry have in many instances oifcred to supply them with assimarce to reach this continent we hear ihul ihe hon mr wanderford whoso estates are near kilkenny lately offered a free parage to b00 nul which wa no sooner node known than 1400 applicant for the bounty precnled themselve qik6 mtreury a note of the rebellion of 1837-8- for fae britia ffa daa wlllo tbe writer happened to be present in the streets of montreal when the first blow of this unnatural movement was struck a club composed of french canadians held weekly theelingsin an enclosed yard off great st james street to which none but members of their body were allowed access early in the month of november on one of these oc casions a number of boys assembled as tuual tn the street flong tome missiles over the fence when the parly inside provoked at the insult tallied forth and attacked every person old and young of british appearance that chanced 10 come in their way tbe doric club organised in opposition held simultaneous meetin- not far off to watch the movcncnlj of the sons of liberty perceiving what wa going on they were quickly on the spot headed by their leader mr driseol an irish lawyer and oon made short work of johnny crapeau the military wert called out but not in lime to save the olbccof the vindicator one of ihe paper in the canadian interest the habitant is a slow untutored stupid animal without enterprize or taste for im provement contented with a little remirka blyconscienciotisand honest when tbe facul ties prevail but more commonly mean sel fish ungenerous crafty foolishly toperstitiou and socredulout ato believe any absurdity one of these performed a journey of some miles in the depth of winter to regulate bis walch by a chinese gong and as a proof of their valor it has been asserted that at one period of the last american war a battalion o french canadians refused to face ihe enemy until driven forward by a british regiment at the point of the bayonet no wonder if british soldiers unacquainted with defeat should undervalue the moral energies of such people 11 was a common opinion that a company of troops would be sufficient to scotir the densest county in lower canada this was not a vulgar error but one that extended itself lo the higher unksin the army and was very nearproviag fatal lo british dominion in canada sometime in the month of december a body of insur gents the canadian had now assumed that chiracler assembled at st denis a village on the riehlieu and colonel with a very inadequate force consisting of a few com panies and two field pieces undertook to dis perse them unequal as was this detachment tn accomplish ihe serrices assigned to it the arrangements requisite for its success were siill mure defective the troops embarked in a steamboat at montreal landed at wil liam henry in ihe evening and proceeded by night over half frcgen roads knee deep in mud they appeared before the enemy neat morn ing exhausted from fatigue and want of food their provisions which were forwarded by a different route nol having reached thrm finding that hii light artillery could make no impulsion un the well fortified stone buildings orrnpreil ijv tlf enontv ihe itflnw in enrn maml abandoned hu guns and lehuned to mon treal with a fair loss in killed and wounded thi partial defeat inspired the canadian wiui renewed courage thousands who before hesi tated now crowded lo their ranks tnd if it had nol been for a more successful attack conduct ed hy colonel wclherall against another bodj of the insurgent al the village of st charles vtry possibly you and i at our festive meet ift next week in honor of the national saint instead of ihe glorious and immortal memory in which some of us for reasons we refuse to understand would notconsettojoin might deem it prodent to unite in a tremendous shout lo ihe memory of washington in stead of cod save the queen would be compelled lo chaunl ood save joseph loui papmeau and instead of the union jack of old england decorating tbe end of our room we should have to feast our eyes on the figure of britannia in chains wearing the mockery ot ft liberty and pointing mournfully lo the degraded flag of her country your a britoin t a fuz ball be fuffcd ivto tin ctcs 07 toe whiq- bless your jolly old ing my dear whig tdnre say you have been in a perfect quindarj ihi last century to know what had become of yotir little jack the giant killer who once put a wondering indian to flight and frightened several live men of the comsondenf genius into a state of terror bordering on the hysterical- well here he is as natural a ever not coming in a sweeping mood armed with such weapon of destruction as thought that bret the nd word lhal born but arrayed in ihe garb of friendship and carrying wilh him the olivebranch of peace to hand over to such as may choose to doubt the sincerity of this his unexpected ap ptarance you will probably wonder what could have induced me lo ramble so far away from your quiet regions and take up my temporary abode amongst the cannibals of ihe north by whom i am surrounded having procured a pair of the magnetic slippers i am prepared lo outdo little puck the farrjr or eric which t and put a girdle round the earth in ftceny instead of orfy minute afd to transport ihe mails to any part of tbt provinces at halfprice until the new post- office system comes into operation in ono quarter of the lime in which they are now conveyed by the fourhorse lumberwagons running between this and lachine i had determined lo have written you a long letter on the state and condition of men and things in ihi metropolitan eden only i have a capital story to tell you that itajr pussibly anwer the tame purpose dwt you wih yon may get it nothing ii heard htt from morning till night except tha exciting hoot of liiilo bafaj who wonder if their mother know theyre out but far different noise occur between nifht and morning noise that would startlo an egyptian mummy upset the tiny alatiw of rhodes or that of the duke of walliogton about which sir punoh ha been fretting hi tilts giaxard for tome months past lot twenlyfour is not to bt compared to thfi place for propagating the human sptolaw little generations spring up hart uka wdi- roomt in the night i hut unlikt muihrom