ill k luutisii wi1u1 buu3u vavariska mi ww tut ph i r iml fc ill til is km semhwtckly rcrr r u n r a r v i r by edward john barxcb m d ilu itaatt iiv smiwii ma jww hirowmjfl itiiwhwe iuinndvuiico upu 41 w irfhk i idvfihrwrmbnttf malum aaavtoi ai umi ihi tf 1 u irimcn 4l htch fllmmlt1al tnlthl liiimmmrliii formiu mrllmhrmfaiuhtflti tnonu without ajrwitflc rfi bom writing ifuiaariili eaauvnvivr- hf i tuhvthltee thoiminsii wans wn iwaw no ihmoljm wiupm ixtmd 01 riwrtiiwnwawi aj urcirxi whniaotfver order fur willharrecivrv by mutiof the p uimwliirtwunhw i i n ii- ll i 1 1 tu ulctll paid tnibo pumialicr all lmier ctrott fimii affturi p rw firmeh tuljig iner a en obtain a omln quantity fly fcftlpl varih f rdrt awaeueeax quarterns half an k4 ivnti vrta 1 r i1 i and general advertiser for canada west vol xvi kingston canada tuesday april 20 1847 no 32 1- il l aowthe svv rod with lha bta tj o ifkapsaoa i hay esrrutnaat whir h j fwi with n a cents- wtrt hj ih pill 1 lljt p- fnd a jf aoletilote rtfi ftal lracwrfet iftj fttity of mr pf liyr4 lhal feiejin utry rcitawij viubtj fir malted an ibernin w ll w ii4if rhdt me ji- arattffef 441 raahid l utwtimut imvir rikh ibtfhja wataefar 49 vtifrf li t llripfv if f ill hi 4 lietp for the i iiit in aiij ioiiuniiif luu n with a little rie aeeonul firm in thai il hoon u aoikcd n icocoktd ll 1 batter to the rkvdino iubliu of prions esta3lishmeht i i vi cv 1 iui xtflimh il m hi iiiwfthhi adwrti5 f lniii4 whili tiitiitiiti can ada nttflll m i cm ttoil pm iitcr wm rrcjucj nil j a- mcdowalu furri er hatter bkock rrbebt ktxcston furx made up to rjkr on it shortest notice furtol evrydcciiplion bought and smo the arlrrrllirr i prrrcl to owiitif viluik rntil inlctwtiiijr iti nny pin nf ujijkcr or licr cji i libinvniit the fl- ll jr mail pricie allucj virwunmd ttrvif w amcricon hihoty litrrttuo ni fivtioii bf w o- siinm tlr people from ihc french of n mklidei wiiivmi riiiit 4if flrti lihifl aticullhrnl chcmiitlry ftimv plivmliiitrx illrlcd nettin ilnnrln b of the wntff curc- riiilrjji ihwhmul pi mjmciif tymnvkt clf 0 50 30 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 do tl thr ditkwtiikhvt d thnrpc 0 ho hiivudpliikroplif f mania ac 0 37 j so 75 so 00 7 50 2 ross donn military tailor and ladigff abit maker pjiintkss stkkpt frvfonrjjtvf ourncibkn tuito wanfcj w nnulsn tailor c oprosite mr lum wluttnsj wbuisoton street ah woik i his line exccilcl with mttiwm and dispklcv milttiibw dltuoond firocer tnr spirit mcrchnnt ifcif intvuif 0 piunhawl buvk rrli hr ilin pnfjc in which cvry tiling of pftglical uo m vcy wly 0 12j a trctiio o mikli iiw whrrly ilto quility anrl qiwttlitr of milk which any oiw witl trivc inuy bo mrennttly atccr- luiftrd- xuoirnio gfief4viitt- 0 50 green in gimmntf 0 50 vvimiiii iit ihc niiicivnili ccoiniy 0 50 crbiniliinorn repiinic 0 50 ftlrhvsii lrcttlntnnticnnufrtinh 0 50 orri f any nf the nlovr bt cnclnwioif the cvh noj iit pitil ndijrrwcd i t c caiucutncw yiih willbiprtnp1lymttirfctlli rrfcrrncc ifl kindlon dre j 8rkcr nc yfffk feb 0 1847- lu for sale iik sohwtibtr hitt rt 1e ile etfablblfluilt llfttltf printt edwtd gtzttlt nirw in huctiftdul rncrnriiin ir die disiiict town uf iictnn tml in tlttt r umtr ihtf pi 1 tie mmt loyti pipuuitun ii ovincd tlio iiitidiianrj of the concent is vxictiivc intl iiicjriftailic tli matcrnl qaiuiuteoffldo printing prcssrx anil an extensive vnicly f now tvne siiitnlilo fr any ktrtil nf l3i or job work to any uumlimiian deainms iif flnfeiinp into a liirmiie buftjne in an inteiesitng iirililiiihodd thi odors a rare npnruiiiiy any infiirnniiuii may he omaiimul by i-it- the subscribers in pictod pmt jiaij j o dornak ridoii fvti 25 187 is i wbiaisgton u hjlfoiivf ci f b- kayler- o a c h bui asd carrfdgb ntotfch stuck r l d e r s makers xlmstchh ii r i a itolleut vmkkj tfuiwi tbwi tkocickhs ac j7mr7 mai l ifc avtbll flmtfcrs dthrutp at lw rnikcnt tritt kikstin john mononatn alrxndb camibuli jvmfvsnmtllan teacher of music piano p0ktbs tuxb0 thomifiion cakky general importingand commission mbrghantsf si nnoin ptrrsti nsw vrki law a card canadian n k a w n a c k oftbanlh waur commission mercflvt akd ugnerl agent no 105 wmer succi nrw york wa1 smith watch mkcr and repaihiik ithgtss itu ofphttk tii scotch ciiukcii pda fortes i accnlinti9 tanc 1 ftiid hipiiiioj kiantoh april 6lh 1s46- lm wm armstrong iuceotwer commission merchant tend and gentrat agent y klng street kingston respectfully inlimates to the public that he ha ukvit thr prcmbrs lately occupied hy t moran h ci npmocd next door where has catered upon the abort boiilkttj anl hopes iy pun- uality and atten tion lo merit a share if public support the sutwcnber intends lo devote particular attention to the pttrxhcst and sau of rtnl estate and with this view he has made ar- ntnaytnciita with several influential lal aad commercial gentlemen in scotland and en- lioil through whom lie will hnn under ihe nolicr o c- intending emirant and ht immic fccitf rally improved farms wild lantlfl houiehom and other ren i estate proje ty in canada uhmiltel to him tar sale and through whom he w transact other lr- aral and commercial bojtiei4 in any art of firiaf britain or inhac ttu colleclinx claims taking nut letters of administration purchase and sale of proiwrly ac stc- wm armstrong kindlon dec 29 1816 oregon saloon opposite the macijllo tower the subscriber mpcwtully leg leaw 10 retrti ins sincere thanks in lit fi icnih and ihc public generally for lltp wiinpnrt lie ho rvoivj in kinfilnn finillhm iravc mi infiii in ilum lhatjic lni llttcly itcmnvcd to ihc piomith recently iirrupuil by jultn mcphnn eq appu file iw mlrttfllil tower ontario street whern he hw fined outuinl npencii the oregon saloon lor luflollmtoyvw suppcoi ond utlmf ro- fiviluthoila anil where he hop tube fur her momragdl by llij continued kind minnon uf the public james elder kington joo22 vf mill creek c loth factory simm0nd3 colonial magazine and foreign miscellany publiej monthly price 6d purnihhet ow litcm d4inf advhci aw every brilml covny and p fcidin cnloninl and fnrcii ncwmper and pcrvxli i col frim nil fiouuf the wurld teing regularly received ajid filed nanrlhl doaei ipt vr ecncral and iu j colonic m tlct of iha panal iitirrum lopi lnnintwrn in rurii i tf iur dc aad n telnet f binh i drjlltf hnd inrfiic fftrniftjr nn jnditnile i work nf refenncc an th ti jrfc cihiimrvca nd affktqlifmr pmdueliro rrffrccf popnuiina ml nctutl coiiihiim nf ihc jiri rrrin cnvmic nd an in1tuctire and cniemtninf pub liraiin o he ma thy ilictr home fiicnda to set tler in ilit respective cliic orncr 6 bjrc v v- is london valuapvk j1xd ulisiily tltlvjtkd fary buildings roit flatfci ci pp itkdmiiw ritik- st jlirrflnr vatttic vmhevof mahta- t waalln the nrifhwhird nf jmru plfwhi ami urdnhwjftt tfc kar af of wihi 140 aianffbw ryia fmin 7 in aid 14 aofl wv nrlrd wahsinncnid u fni- rwrmlmna m anmanmuattdrxcrim wd lml tih- fiel4aaman in rxd swfid s vnlnj vmkvd nr ananaml t rf wfci- rarley ryekobierund hay rt feaami ft quality i qumtiiy n limn mictanu comkineni a vrr inrductivc arfm tjacimwn tustohc dweili llrtufieiaahfta ndaiihtlntilbtiljinjnsnxhiehrt cn liy 3sfri wija weu fiilbrjtj cfiey venncc uiriln lbrilamram n i hatilf tbwranahmtwah birnaml shed lfiui for hie walking an ntw stjltlm cuadi llmnv afldexatteni f walla thai neichaorhwid ia catfemd iw ort lictthy and th firm for hfniiy uf lilaflimi cunul teior- ped in cnida uvi ilia puktf wil w- tild nmeh bnv than ita ml vawii aafirdtnf i hi ay m potlioq of ihc ljjcu money reemd dmrfl alko- a urtrctnckfcillle torhirr with othfcfbioe larhinc and partrno i etcry dva- olipiatmkt suriciiltiiviiit the rotato will tiiid lite hhilivbif iflh hit iil in rxcee1d i linrl thnr ii 1 i oacimhu kiiciivii culture ok our wiyiiry iarf in reioird u the p4abp dirrtw and ihr eulirr ol ihftl nmt wi ji voituv nf nril4i it t etrnett in he hnpril thai una afnthti f friuinff will ki canted on nnly in u limit d rxrnl nniil tmte hi ill hfiw iiv t il may he rraonivd will uti ty tin in lmij urined of puniiat l kl h 111 nil ikhfj bl micrred imw imm vey eu hilly iiian ajcj ml iit die uudijlntiiii iu we aw nmioioml in nil cam njitio practicauci racw bod anakl teaekcied tans adrlataa mt april 8 1947 to tu editor of tie aflrwf j su itivtnt eciatiritfnr fmni a tale hum her nf ihe gwtf tf cutcmtu rlnjiivn koff innijj m uhiuh all prrwina e enutmaril ntuinl punlmf lattalnc cxvet cxnmrnlily i am miturid m take u my tc fr uic pui f wvinn phi fuiineta irii the rilmuive iilura- linn nf ttiivrarulen a it liaa vrniuc loi ririiny a i l llns aoine inn arlieiale il raorfiinciitiil culture an1 ilie htptiilmhi ul m rwrt rhae and iyienitiit imimy lain the ran natnrrpf and tneana nt tirfnniinti if any r ita tfftftnl dpraaati tlutn im buhertn kcn uurutcd in thi pmvinre before prrveditt itnltr any aiwaflaii lice at in mimi exwrmienl in the culiivalitn t ihe lnldtf in y b liicd willi a mmct of aiircra or a lo imi pjbfnia elu mid rjwff pnientily cnnc the nturttfh nf the nqnrtr mt the nriin ae if ll io diactitr i hll cy anntlter exitael frm the aiiue jaitmat contninin annc imp nanl av avrffatmaf un lha utler atibji8l tba edii 111 lilt pxt in the livt fujinalty ealh1 the drv rwl a rnnrr of hie vru i thought m mt tmliti hy tval the nvtujy ifhl hare been rnifei ly thr tnitiio f he vifti itv thf invr i wa 1pi in lwk tff ihre fpjfljti frin ihe mh4mttfs of tie leaf n1 fitn ihr irinrknttr trrvilrncr tforkiff trahaal iwnai lhrr ynt ut rjiux itinianf iiimthl r nollr w ltl fumnir oy icnlio ntaiamva irttt ainckfid with n d rie icremhiii in 4firaranee llie rilito nt fier thr frill had leiand allninrl ihc aire of a uixfttxg ill dee nine flower tvnnc cnvrrej wild ii jn 1 mnthrd jtj fmiiun ivhihnn rvinif rmly ilikn emrikit ftkurf inrdc dum iia with tin iinitv 4 hftiwn iliiy rrntc il 4 njineiiiintr anmnf ijrp immature veeifltt an1 aiir- nvaitkll tirjie cnrmnanrifmr at ihe rnl njtl to lir lliiwfi a riff pruiji ii i iv itm inwaiit ihe m waa inincd m aunbuie thin decay ui uto apvalea nf 1m fnnita htalfkf traversed the loe nf ihc afizn id 1hu t c drpohtcd n the inlirior f ihe fruit tli rhcory which altaanadi in eajtl on the pnla l riwie nv lhcallekof nraitietil foii up- n ihe ivnwr iwat uvrtanalaai f ihe aaamui uienu itiartja ri rim orrifrftwotftnnrjriif umeliatt and ihr aittir1a of the ndilrot llii biiirnal m hih to admit of ant dooht biii enlrrlaintd in ihr iccnrary nf thai which lua hm udvnncrd hy him ctt a fr i it then 1 enn reive to the fart of the tcm in whteti ihc hmwn datiy caiiiihaipcap thai wr attaai ahpebf det aw atteattuo dnrkaf the enfiuinj rufomer i wonld recmnind etery wieniifie fmrmer in rxniinc frnm tn a to imte lln portion of the dein in nme f jo ul mia breitunne to do ao in xilpan i wwd that the w i u d he carefully remnred foii o fro pjinla bywitnf ereiiment ai nn a tha lalter inav w ahlr t mjvwt an independent l hifhl turning aoj hat wtrr iwicc rafrtirfra newpjpir of ttatr edihta ivdia m ceruinl mtherejafftfribtrd for atthih iher aro 1 no fttejnfa bd ftiiuahtmu f nt yci ikey are vera in ferior in foitu ifiern a4t they rnarmm in flr ijieci ri i fmirwhat li ild durrnr lha kanjinf aeiuur atamya ewpei in our njf wiihn aittl whieb lua hccn and will i fear griin w daabty ml fnm ihe cxicnina failura t and coaaraaaeai fih pfiaa f aaajttn the mailed kiia wdl be tuod lobe an agreeable addilii j idd on my viwin nctfrrtnnf you haa uiyfajf of the catuitoiv of y r wide ttenafniwai lialieitl article rentmu i a undiapnrcd title will k siven f further bfwtinf a he matra an innnd ipm of lhwe eaulencc tieein il r rwabk tliat aoma peculiar panicuuu apply ifly irtlntaht imdli wit c w esq ivcutl cnudu wcl preacntt march din ls4 l if the atfrtfrriii oavefcc tnanpy one a week till frxbid simmonds colonial magazine aw poreicn miscellany zrnlttly price tii will be fouiri in be ihe mil renter ami chmnirlc of reecni ovcurrcnew in briliah nwih anafrrca the weal indies 0p nf lad nc jd maalfkltttti new 2rulli witca south and wevwq aumrjtia van dninjn land nctff zealand miha find gibraltar the itl nilbes nnd clufli alc ice alt p- ii i vri- friendv i i 1 or interested in ihe hrituh tnlnnie inny rety upno rcecivini lhnoih thia medium ihe latct und uwtt jutheii- tiaaowainli hatn aachaai iha lt tf cvrty mih fvmc 6 bjfjr yurd ouehh ralniry lnndvn a fim aambre ffafj ecu afnv e atfj hi f votuntb aflztobj torfrr raruoie super fit japan ink mwders m a x u k a t t u r r 11 3f 11 l d robert barker kingston canvda west by invaluabin family com panion six lkctures on the uses of the lunctsi eatwt prevention and cire pf cotisinnpiion alhmft nnd dicac nf the heart on the laws of longviiy minle of prerviit mile and frmale health symmetry mid brauiyj eafan c hints h cure nf n umawl llit nilurr vn innptinn nr shnrten lif aa atfrclton ol ihe skin s stmimch bowcla knlnrys livei scrofulif piles grovel and fnile com plaint iu rule lr ptacticaf and pure form a uide to eifcct hcaltli ami inn life qfi eiiieraviiiesu v w crnta pnuc cl by samuel sheldon pitch a mt m d nl 707 broadway n york tj any icron remilttng fitly ecn rce will receive une eopy by maii to anv part the trade minuticd 3m nuiciilvel this moitnlng at the atjeneuu book store lucrclia hy ouhver dornrwy sou na 4 by dickent ixcompakrle blick japan lsk uaktrfacrurko wholkm am kctap at the atheseum rook store kingston cainvha west sirau5y oot anti billohh ibsss for riie mtgetfim hh hcatludt cnltttt duasts tfthtstomiuh qhtvigtititw orguhj a in rhe cartac of ihr rttafiaat ami wi-lim- lo aatna liia own a welt ua the linh af hia readcia and enr rrpondfiila njn irv hnfc inieminn of rifit naef tmjc fitrii fnuir ant mere feutu lion ipon itic ubjccl me then pnerrtato jj the followin canca fur lha ducato have itjrridv btcn an joated l the oad aauai nf 1815 j attack nf pireailichl funei 3 inaecla wortna fhe idvat vf ll apeculalloni i 4 fnat c eahuuied vitality 7 hjd cdliealamb 8 imranotid nther minuoj s miaiaata ueh a pmrince cwera in man and nitirrjin m cattle m eipuinin nnkiaaard iwj niht inaiane la uvnntt himan pe n tintmown rauae bf an whose niorta if actton in the mt human nmetiiion mav taken nm the 1ji an tict rrfcceif ihennla fortl a altiie inipumc nf proof nnd mrntf of ihc rem nndrr w ahiu m npji in u in be nil miirnabli thescptllshive u rinr ii evcy atbrr m u rjaea attmred aiia- rinc m hie eiucof mii ami hvrr rmpl nat jn a oftahnv ita itieatam oif aruaataiti s ty m np jmtiin nflcr mriu alurtu f ealli amlaa nrxkca reataralitv altrt hi f nttm llx i i aa lory iniily ebanav hie i rcmjihcn ihe amuck ml mvioie hh rananaiulim fnana w wimrrt i in headache ifuuincca dtn asaihl drowia m tluyflftfiflt jph fcv t i ah irw l4kil1nfii lanllv nepatcil fiom an oninl v daaaaa llrujfaal rrk str vonat prc la 3imuv bj rr kmitatiax vfh ij ii7 v aiy ihat ihev vt o ihc aimaun f 14 wtich aeenid to ij nnd ai in my olhnra phnhrl anil i in hlimjf on the jjrjtinn r innf fln diclnnied aa a ma ftalm fr irrentiiiblo cvirivrtte ro llm onniraft aremnnlutrd diuin ihe wmrer in fant llnnry i the alnm dia ivillaatipfy he cnnhloiii nf ihe tfohlem tinleu i riitl tin llic fn unrueliil facta i ii u fir anraa yaana paal jren vlaleat in st hn 3 ll appeared in ihr yrar 15j5 ai frfta and hi and at irahamaiown in the cpr eitunir tsftvkittlv in balaln rmpa obtained f enghali wed and theirftre nf lle tfrjwtli of it ii 3 i aprirrjio ihe yvr lrt fi in tlfnmi dap in ur fiilda rratataif uiih pniite talalnrh fmift the united stan nnd not in ihoac which had lren emprpd with hnniil i nia kind nf dcay in thcm m may be concerned in th- produei barl f the dieaic i- oimr i hi with thai p1 nf lha awhjccu 1 mna rnenii thai dt avmrntr i puntml u in11 qoanliiy or vielicia marrowfat peaa nfter a very rmtfli icramc lp0 nf time a few rery airkly plant made thei upiearmce ati ff tjieae the premier purl anon rangmahed and dird upn examtfia- j linn i fiuml that the aectla winch had nil vtge r laud atalhhad indefic a brown decay and wee cuvered wilh a reiy ainal ataed while fnngui tlite whieh hd ticilld were parity artvetnl m ihe itne wav while the item under crmiitrj waa decavrd and lh mot attacued by the ftfltftk abul a mnnth lairr i agnin planted atme of ihr an me acd anil with clarify the a me reull therawia nolhinf to be rvtherd in ihe t appetrancc nf the ved before phniirg it locked perfceily paml and atjaal un eah necaain aaathtf varieirnf pea antn allhn aame iiine in the aim aiil and wthin four nr five fct f ihe futtthr lirnvc ll and projueed nhundjnilr rcveavtint lha aipefiawltal ftuhirarimai nf thr pflain il it been fuud in rnhinrl anil i in- 1 v vr la lht rotnrv a ian thit ptitiam the pntfuee of fftla lemainin m ihc tjnnmd all winler have rc iprrt uft rlianw at a itkrtinf f llao bitrfi acrieiilifiral ineieiy mr mit ihe chairmiin mated tlul lam ver ii adnped plan when uvinj in ihm cminty tftmclirare which hid auccrdrd lm i v when e mnk ap hi pot- ithvi he iaoi iti prlifiea and put them in j irrtuod hotving ihem ail iar reren inclna drp and in an dmj it mnk thaar labcn whirti wcto nftetinf hr the diarrc- in ihe innmli nf i i no hiv foliiv eey intt sonerlhir ho dug u a naal idiairaua eiep nf prohfie rajlnea the pbnip hloomed peifectid and did nnl feel ifio bhjhl ii ihe kiai and ihev were abmil iwn muntht inrirr lb in ttie ittheif he lid an eierllenl rsnp and whrir the ttinraploinl at ihr- uiral lime were nlmfa i or lailea in concilia tiefii i avoll ueireijuvdpilivrffie ihe purjao of i ik tj cxlenaive cultivjto i of ihcpmmn beeauia ihr ijm few year ihc ttiacaic ia been alatidilj incicaainjf in viknrc ami eatfait and we have fwrff reason to feiir ihni ihe cinmg neaun will hrinwiihit no ineutrliima ita viruh and i i l tiiv ptcjircaa hiinfmr under the bajllea nf your rttiilcrj tunc nf the fae atrcadv aarerlained iiiilahiotv an1 the dim rem lloriea ailvjixcd in enplaiiiition nf na origin and nature jud f iqvhiak the firmer v ihe rumiahmcnl of experiment in the future cottrttilam of uic potato winch may pnrnblj lead t the diacovcy nflbc euae of th peeaewt dueaac nd nf a remedy br il if my cifnmunicjiliun thtitld hiive theetfect ifindueinf unynf your reader to give their al ien i ion in ihc ruttjcol and in nbaefco ilh aa oijiacy ever patticuiarof uic diactt aaoccurioff in their ncjjjfbothoid or ff it uujd be tjm a i l nffnmh irrftiattpo lrtjdbi- to the botutnxi of iiim dtncult nenblem i ahaltceq idr thai it ha not been midc in vain i have ihc brawl in ramain sir yourvbadteni aervant w b nicol seasonable hint fao totil iwk to ynur plnuha and haaawa yaan mher if yo hata mr and if not ect one if they h ive been left in the field aa often done or drtwn op in bailie array in fiont id the houar taking up half th rod and wbe covered with now ctrmin a iof capital i rap fir brewkioj laraea jet 6vc etc- ujti efaminalio it will proluhly be funnd lhal the mohicca and joint bav grown very aceominndatinr and will come to piece itiat aa canity aaytm f 1 wiih if ymi have not a few orjicme tool of your own whieh every farmer wijhl to have take thceo iff- uae implcuicnta in your whectricht or btaekamiih and lei timely aid oe adminratered if they am loo far faf ftrdcrnew onaa and a wonl i- ih car lha very firaiidlc day drier off to uaa nanreal aawmill and bnnp hame lb caouih lo makea good idied hi i k ihal yhir waona akif htaj pbnith dtci arc kepi under it when not ip jo the thrifty farmer ia known bv hii attention to tha miirof poiuta by hi cart to save aa wall aa to ao quire m tvr who deairc ffood empc will not negreei ihiv important matter notwitliatand iar what ia iid b fpecific manure cv let the farmer caft hh enntenia of hi barnyard iolo ihc field or throw il up inlo a heap when it i i rake and acrap alt ha can find and mix it la eelbrr lnncaprifikledwcrila it i thrown up wid be of i- ii fhc hat iwimp niuck or ptat or sediment of mrt let him put that in reqotilian alw cauw nrr ihc wjiolc wih earth one or m feci ihik 10 prevent the ewrapc ofcramcaiff and nlher nmci and wncn it ia vrunied fur the acid ha will have what belter than nld owinctivka hru aa wcirimonr tlroaa aya the dtneriraa aaer who helcre that no land can be prerrrrrif in a cmliirn nf fertility uiihnot tint syalem aaaafl vedenibraeceavei with iniiaeennomy majcll tit tmimi- iayaj for trta fnr alork w advin alt who mtyharca wheal field if they have not done mi drcady 11 aw theretm npnn every acre 12 lo 16 of ood crov at aecrl ccnvaa frrroav all akktaf fitb which may not have been ao treated already ahiutd have aa i annn m oibto a baalattl nf ftaawf an oi caeh uch wirk hie subscribe respectfully returns km g hy an thinks tu lna rriajnda and ihcj st gilta ud st jame hy d jerrold macdonalds hotel late ttoiilj opposite the city baths francis v carey m i suflceqv acc3uch iur c c pjewburobi camubm bt edward stagey raom london merc ant bailor opposite z bryct sf coss king street kingston john blackiston fiailmaker ano rigger no4 ii a k d v s 6 v i l ii i x c s ontario street i lultlii genotally fur ihe u ims teceivct yinec i fulling mill and canlingr machine llnve liecn in operation and bee leave i tu inform ihem ihat encouraged by thr busiiimalie haa irancled in the ibnvf lint li a tinvr iiren3rcd to contmcnci ihe uiarmfaciuri iaf all kinds of country cloths sattinets blankets ce and hopes by the pains he intends to fake loeiiauro the continued patronage of the public joshua booth wooja purchased or taken in exedango cur cloih mill creek january 11 137 4tf pport belfohckttv j- i hijiii of meirid s- kiroils m t hun t e r ship chandler no i hard buiwings kinton feb 5 1847 z dorans hotel bytoww ja ur this hitef isnowopon the recupiiin of rruvollew furniture and fioddint all new good stabling fir horacs c jam kh iiouan bytown january 12 ii7 5 3m barkers black varnish trov that winter ia set in the time j to useihicelehratcd vainitlt fur ijchits shotja c- iaj cume its ne pre wuiwajt feet thereby preserving boih itio health anil the pocket sdd whiilamltj ami retail oi the athkncom book stouc baot street kinmon not 2 sleighs for sale 4 secondhand fanit sleigh for oe or two lmre ruimoneil a seeanmiaatt cu rikk in eooil order apply t the atheneuoi book n lore dec 18 iceceiveil bv tho latest arrival from new york and for sale by the sub- hcrilttr at hia ritore iu princesa street the fn nj articles viz 800 side spanish sole leather 200 bnffilo robes 20 boxes assorted teas tobacco n malta brooms patent pails curda with numerou other articles not men tioned matthew rourk kingaton dec 18th 1816 if the trade aitpnheil with ink of varloio abjalltl9aa srrttch and the united slate athentvm book store dec 17 1846- 50 d 20 di2 100 d 100 do 40 do for sale by the subscriber barrels piumu mb3s pork auperiur tjoality and three banels lako miles ferguson kingston iflth anoary 187 tf 45 merrtitor hy i nnas wouims rewiidj bv mnu norton the merehantv daughter by mi pickerine the midnight bell hy von hout acior an manager b f c wfmyw the rarwfned bride by e h wiltl rujirit sinclair by the author ol ten thon- aaiid a war the comic wandering jew hy c philjipon the church almanac by lovell gibon feb 9 1847 illtciiies r ate nt copying presses a supply all jit revived rm the maiiofaelorv and for sale at the atiic- iuji diwa sixne uei9ft compound pectoral balsam of horehound and honey a sofe sptt4t and tjfxtanovs remedy for all disorders of the chest end lugsviz asthma whooping coupa cotjs cotorrhy consumption intuneza pnins in the chest difficulty of breathing huskies and tickling in the threat ji c thla bnhim iaei paaajd oflh mfatt eahntile remediea f ihe above com pea mi a it neeraini by diaanlvin the emivcaleit mticua or ihlain in the thorx theretiy caiipinff a frer raieiofaimnani5 eli lh itu hiinte cniffh prepared and sold hi roathr baracn daucctt kington prire 2i fi and u 3u per bottle to let a small frame cot tage in princeas tiireet with garden and ooihoiiea apply to wmahmstronr flucfionrtr king street kingston dec 29 is16 if for sale iafvacrrisaflano basthilf fof lot 81 in the 4ili cull ceestof iinsliurgh 10 mii ki tun apply to james mccarthy master blackvmiih provincial peniten- iiirv purumnuth feb s 1817 i2tf for sale 4 handsome bay mare perfectly sound and in good condition for riatticuunapnly at thisofilee feeroirr 2d ib47 iffrlenltnral scir tug cm tuo nhovesixia for vretmumnt furrlihlio tii iiou12 tn travrl ui llu currency nr tiir- ht ftr acrictiltuial purpoip trast fnurdiiyin each l wllmn ulfig ohfalt rcirnum to count duiiti the ilciae cornjiclmie fnr h be cxhimicd at grafton ftttfl day in may aj noon v u meriia t cummittce will niitnl dcitv thom pa0b secretary co1org 5h march 7 81bw robert barker clicbiiigt iatisgns brock st kings i o- u t b retii fully inform a r l cilometa ad ihe piling in c il jf ivf hiallkut store lo bkik street m hie preniiae formerly aeaaaij v l leven where iheymny depenj aatirl aipr h enuinc drugaaml medictnc physician prcscriptttf- on family ktcipes carrfullii prepttrttl horse and cattiv medicixb english and frenoa fkrfumery hooks and stamonerv kingmun marcli 1847 lbvtr uj mnufaeturej alt kinda ahatafb printi li i n nivs jos at book 411 troy near the filobe and tf tioy february 11347 y 3n uthtahovelnk fur at ilia aliicieum braik stare kiagakia feh 3 1847 ivaxtke i ff bushels prialoes lawu 500hnheh hae for which the market tfiot will he paid in cadi on delivery al the pnvincia penittn- molt i nv illiillaaij die aiijiiti t ft krinnatutiiiilhi in n mler t lw sydiwr mvrniuc jaud mali 18 18k ii it lea liile known in iy r moka laud in is i j iititl n iw tna hiciken uul there willi aa itiuell i1e e a ilaewlarie 6 ili ncriaiimmer hy mi inereaarrl eicilt hilily f ih mnti lhi yritn nl nw 7 it iraj ifjy lieiia na 4 tirn iwat f ihe lark of llu pllo rtetii under ijroiiii imrl an inhi nr lw nlave ita iriin frmn llie itlil pe to iw we bat ntsrf ri h an eieepvamn all ihr mitli iin and mtlllf of learca are lnij palerir ti i in 8- ii haa bnkea aal iiiiliiaiiionirnt fatajt 2 i8jg in crtnittililairieitiin well ilmia i namanurel taail ffuio eia nnetrlcct fruiil nua llie ate and new irattatla rerry ine of uliich phtee hrjmiiril ii lc iifiimfeeteil i would winlr sir t ij mme tematlia if ihry will iil neenpy li mueli aae ii ymi eiluipina ii ihe ireeil i itierfrtlaioa nf tht eititoi if llie gdrrt catotriele in canada the r eooimeneed at tcat a fir back n ihe ycr ih jj or jtm2 nnd ainee that timr every aiiceectin raam lia wiirtexerl an iitercnae io it viotefncc ana an chantim f iia rariir t tocalitira io which it had not nreviriijvly mode iia appeuraaee- it fil herein ut ahiw itaelf m rrina miniied io llie i diatf rtttfhbttirad it the take h vm eim iniial rtirtaila aoil in llie btwenl and oral tlmwd itli if ihe field a crap io neh aitaalinai re aanaltff ihr firi to he wffvetetl liy froal il ntn tiimyiaed llial ihe injnrv li the plant liad lrn jni hy thi jcftf 1ul il era ni proved tlai ihee had treri any lnjt cer laine onl any anfriejrjnt loh tveeiuaril ieli effrei and ihe tuber after a loi lime were ftmnd to lie rolling whirli eww ntt hoveraen produced he fruci uflta iif autlirient imenailv u hie fnicn ihem 1rritr llie ptieiraitee of ihr deayiif tubers il was remarked did nl resemble ihe uaual ettecl of fnat iw diaeaac did nm attack everv kind nf pla eiiia1iy ihe eilta were at lal etempt fmn it ond indf ril up lo ihe present linje tltejr have 1 believe atiftviril ten than any of tiie iai her vaiiclie the iwatc nvn nnw aaaltea iia fint nppeaiaiee io allhoiiffh il dot mt ennfioe iirelf lo llie ttvrei and afattaal put ni ine poiaio firld hut prarlnahy apiead in lha higher and diier pnlinna la ia anil inl viriileni in the vietmly nf the i ike thftjih the lwraiiia m ont nar i imvp nol heanl that any peraon in tliii pmvine ha attributed ihe dikaae lo the prrtenre nf an unasnal nutitber of maecla nf any iftcrplion j nor aoi i aware thai aphides plant heel have lieen imiicert aa ivitn the phmls in mire than iikuhi alut ida tier if the aphit viialatul litia heeo a niiincrnii and aa active in cunarta as if i retire ruled hy mr siea tn hive been in rnghndit t i ii a i ihink earajted opei vlion i canrmt i btlieve that the depredaiionanf ihaaihfjaapaajajai l hiit llie insert ha been ntire numeroua nf late than il unally is have been ojnccrncd ii tn thr diaac- nn teoemau an plannri uf iff nnly fk llaat lite t- snt it ieil 6 inejiea fuld mj vecer- patsan tudtji live tmalfailtirrih dnled in ocmher laere such wirk ia hrat neffrmed ai a irvii ittqnmn a lwltytixs bffi wtthaemverjheeri lwl inn aervicable oi naar and mvorrd f earth i a aiiu iwwrtnr very mat landa and naiuo aihlmnciliolheirine and whm an i- imnwurlrr praarrltea liay wiuld remain in a mi planla aueh a ewy pararm acara u lenllbe wlrr and wnam lha my liemfillcdby ilaapplioaiitfn lie in rnola nf mt ire nut anlt r io itieir teet iiivi been rjien during te wioler aprii sinc m mir iriifeiu uterr 0naili irepti m t pwer fvi huvin inniha for ihe ran aa reinnend fcfiuw iht ii w lha in omc mraaiari twamv ran ur innenera i ne4 ihe cmpaaid t lcnil liera will be enabled lo tiatain theif d eoow to llie pail in ficaa prereni eaan 1 wmht fiitil of vrv earlr puntl he rewtad utli- apoaat that ihe ahaota will lie cut i it na vam a ihey mttcar above pronnd hv ilhcrptin- lou sntth in all polmhiliiy will be the r ae a duhl wvtlr the ilrttnietuia of ihe firal atuita ia puijueiiv nf rnjeli if any injury n the fninreernp provided the proper ateim tie nnioidiiiely tilten l eneiiuratjr a freah rrowikl are imii ihc fiial nana oorieu deatm in parnje parinf rt and are ifior otl usjaeied lo pall nltlmah nt inlrnli iil deatruenon io the naair nf euliiviioo ffdlwcd schlaiid and liil lo uc inereiftsl hy ntb fjflli lo eaviiieirec of ihe apparently meh ujf il ba received t i tve ahvny renuikrd in camda lhai llw earlier the phuitlbf i iba firoirr drier and beiler flivrcd it the pfohnee ily earfy planlioj we cnnld hardly expect in et a cropao far ndvnh na to he til fir ratherlaal before the rerindat whivli ihodieae nu illy beam in ahnw ilelf hut in lha ena of aoeaily crop mi flit not the noirine op frrffjm riem nn ihe iri aurrn a pretiee nriainalinc in france and udtn have lireei ftjlnwed theto wiih wkcrs ejveit if ihe ducaehave ilanrifin in ihc bark r the atnn il ia not unreasonable o aip pm lliat hit treat neu imalit preaerve lh ubrra iw ffranlli of the luwta mifhl he atopped but lha poeeaa of ripeoio might anil pureed laaawiwai aa intheaaj iotnnce of aaaaad loaaya pim i need by pi jnt in before veinler ihe acta cm ployed a pjimr n have been uneul we have ihe dciuciimi lhal in making lri nf thai meileid nnd film nf early rtwof b we hould mm ihe wlvile itihnraand am atapfaf muiftflm fnr all eaperi ment lei a perfect i v dry pieea of ground he ac lacled fr if there bo nolv a aooarc foil nf h wet there according in my ohterv1iua iha diaeaae will cntnutcoce and ihenre aprrad over the revt i rr rnbucrnptraia ma new nriatafi itom aecd fa ihe have been mftatyiw wbcrr i l lv ba lurfbatjaai ayj mpnjteotriti in pinduei my be eftectcd by oar rnwint ihe ffiattml a aom aa ihe iaoattofit andamior ibereuo a mixture compoaed in iff lil h la of jiahra and one of plater ii each acre if ihe alind nf graaa ahould be lhio would b wi1l to tow cat or five round oftinvjiy ared per acre tind harrow it in meadnw mar baiaa- lofcd t prkihiiiveoeaby eh rraoemerit witlu nut ioeurrinr the hbar and eapcnw of repluwint oa catr mua cowt a thec uaeful animata wilt now be brinin lirtli their ynun il will ba neeeaaary tn anaecaaa their provender io arfdkicaj to their iny fi1der nr airaw a the lima draam nifh rnr calving they ajmutd receive ttopa made of tine kind f meal hrn ur haiti bt r nt- taiy thomas rexdky co krnjton feb 9th 1847 ut i extending itelf by degreeai fieucnity adviaedm do whereby they mightma inac iheir lime and labor trnccil haa been aofrt ciintly weu aacertiinnd ihnt ihe neeai farirtra ro aa liatda in the dieaae aa llie oufeai wiih regard io ihe uo m manure it i nol impeajtible that if rithcr ihe thmry explaining lha dicc ly iiwatlaavtaaat ioaeeta nr lha which atlnhuiea it lo thoprraeneo nf paaitieal funei ba correct nr if cithernf toeae a genu he anywiae concerned in ihe pmdudinn nf the brown decaf of the at cm cnmiuvn aall may ba utwis t wiefii inaamuu aa it ia anid to hata been aheady ucd auecetr- fully nd aa it ia vtj chean and ita application caiy il ihc pmducji n 1 eettainly apfaata deaerviog of trial it ip periiapa j the only rnoouro ptlnwed throtetieal ground the badieaanf any par tientar aeason can hardly which can be ad vaniagenvily employed in canada have had any ahare in ciuin ihe diacate inat whether the diaeaae rma ever i- mj in potatnea murn aa we have experienced aeiwjn nf varum plnnicd rai rceenlly cteam land which had never abatwelcfl rt l made it fii apnejnre bnm a previmia mpnf any kind nr not ia pnint lightning acftreclv teuirc lo he imtieed a a i upon which i am not informed if aijert land be city hall saloon a 9 market buildmzs tpposiu the 2tw bottrrg by georgegane refreahiticnla cniek a be hid at ihe ahiriett noiia 80yters at all hours kingston feb i 1s47 lolf commercial tfx ut for sale iw new york lnirn m w ware kinjatoii llth dec lfr uppoed eaue it ihc diejte enotd have been r- i hy he agency erf lightning il certainty might nnl to have been new in ihta country the aamc may he aaid of bad cu1livalim which if il be eapfthte in ittetf nf engendering the diaeaae wnuld aufrly have poduced it kmg ere niw when ihe mode of cultivation ia o imiebaupetifir to thai winch ucd tn he ftdtnwed manurca inay al nr tim mmfrl i rauve nf the diaraae atciug lhal rlbaal attacked urnnanuicd aa welt a manured rhjpa i i 1 r fully r i 1 wiih the idea thai the diaeaae wa produced by paraiilical fimgi i waa led la adopt ihi view of il origin ataut two yaara ainee fnun cal nbaerva liafa in which i hnd found aa i thro imagined ihc lower amfaceof the leaf of the diaeaatd plant covered with fungi lha apornlea aeedaj of which i alao thnughi i had detected in lha descending np to which they might have gained admittance lhujh the t t aa i had alway fomd loe 6ml iaeaaof the dlartteat the ertrj of ipnci eiempt then unleaeoed aahe might be tried with a poapect f aueceax a a tuhaiiiote for ihe potato i would moat eamcallyadviaelhe farmrr incuflivarea few aere nf thi dwarf while kidneybean in canada ihi bean will grow with a little manure on nlottet any il but it prefrrej warm rich aandy toam wiih a outhern uapect ii iaeaaily eu1iivicd and leaven lie land in exc ilenl oundilion for a crop nf wlvcai nr barley aa ihe plant ia very canty injured by r ino eaity ftowing mual s avoided there it no vegeialije more agrecahe or nmro nulriltoo i run tin bean which ia uaed eilenaively on ihe coolioeniuf europe i r ib chief dih of lha labhjfin cun during fiii with proper uiilli- vaiinn the produca in ecd if very- ttx vvheo nncc ihnmuglv dried ibia bean will beep cir afrnoai any number of vear theneicahcnt at prtxeni i 10 lo lla per fcuhal of oounja aueh prieea eviutd nol be maiotainrd were lha bean cultivated toauyeitcni hulibey would alway be lejngnar ating i p jy ahaj redornmend fyeb uf our ur trength and vior rnaa oaevrjikoewrii aathiaua trying mooj wilb tlicar ihuy ahuuld he allowed each a gill of meal a day in addition lo their kmgfocd and ahuuld ba regularly aillid root ltanrv potaloea hive become a pr caryiu cropil would be well fr farmera to tura their attention lo ihe growth of rceu mange vvurticl carrri and paranipv aa a aubaulola j tnr ihe aali ttiecuhivationnf iheaa latter aaaaj i eif but vety little more than potatia mnd if pra- i perly nianarrd will yield much nro to uc acra uarrnta rvpecially nuy be raiaed in canada with i i adv4olage they are cnniderrd jo be wmlb twice at mueh aa lunip iv fodder in engfaqtl and in the eamern and wertcrn slates ihey atv exteativetv cuhivalcd they arc very falirivitf and bndd eiilterle boiled ur etoatneil a vav cnp i600 buabrlt ihnuh carl meaeharn eceded in ratting 1000 buheuf acre for aa yara he eatimated ihe ct at i per thabcatnetd kind are the white the long rod anal lha orange of utaaa the while t the mah protisc and valuable the cnrml will grow beat lantaaaf i i t y vandy loam aud requires lha hmdio ba ploughed tarv deep and manured and kept etear of weed the amount nf rated j flbout 4 or 5 pound the acre and ahiuld be ateeoad aaaa lime and auarn orly in drilui r inch doep arfd one foot opart it leaairflhcy tcava the land in an admirable alale for whaal oaciiaotheae diould be pruned uf all dead oraupcifluou limb cut inm ihc aound wood and make a arnooihaorfaea cover ihe womd with a cumpnpiiion nude of one part hrno and onopal freaheow dung made int toe evrtteoo of mortar ur injdc thurnni part ruain one part beewax and two pnria nrtch tn be well melltat logaiher- spread m rarn ona piece of moalio or cfarc paper and then apply iiti tlte wound young fruil ueeadioutd be tranapuntad early ihe nonrr the better in puittmg out a vcung orchard every care ahiajd be tjken tito boa ahiium be dug wide eoiuh to atuw the roots to he reread out and much deeprr than needed uia i j lr ii io j 6hrd to the draper ovpth with a raix lure of ajaajal hlttaat force monld and lha aoil taken oni then put in your tiea bavo il hrm atraighi fill up wiih a mniore of ancai rnocjd aa4 aurfaec ami whion muvt be tmdden aroond 0 tree aa ihe glhng up i gitcg on trie vouctg ut being planted a alake aual be driven down and iim tree lied to it aih a wirp nf straw then pour water on ihe newly filled in earlh to make it settle and fill tip even wiih the aurface ta maintain moiiiuro in the outth il wilt be well in place fime oog maiiura around the tree bat jahoutd the weather be wj dry ihe newly plant ed trees mut be watered et leext twice a week until ihey take mot and hegin grow it aruuld also be well to sow a mixture of eooal pvrtiocte of lime and ahea ir several feat around each ires in ptanliog nut a ymignrehard be ura to gat lha beat kindaef fruit and to buy from atasaeo ible conseieniiooa nujaery man fancea eaamsna jnr fsweee nd give ibean thorough rep iringeitd have the entrance to each f yourielda tppwi with a gand n of bw and gate