British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), April 20, 1847, p. 2

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unite statu an fllfiico impobtaint from mexico front rac am orimm wi p br the way of vera cruz aj tamnico we have received a he of ppml m city nf mexico lo the i7lh uf march nnr i date thence were down u tfic 7ili of feb ruary mitintemrfltic print to ftyrt with those or tgifraetg from late fnalish papers this place tipoii the terms of the ccomona- j details tbepspcrs are octtlrfesj wttll the miserable if the two factions bltfef city or mexico one under gome fafta the vice presided the other under gen penay llar- raan much blood has been shed but with out any decisive effect both parties were obstinate in their pvwe iht one of retaining power ihl other of gaining it account were sent off speedily 1o santa anna with details f the revolutionary attempt and a he fell hack from the north the combatant fell off in their violence and a kind of hollow ttuce was observed before the i7th of march further mention ii made of this huinet below we wish here o recur lu another vie lorv of the american arms 1 republicano of the 15h match an nounces that the americau arms have tri umphed in chihuahua thai the city of chihuahua the capital or the state has fallen the small forces which defended it ww the jtrputvcme were routed the same number of that paper and iht number of ihe 17th complain ttiat the government doe not pub lish the details ot the sjchtinjft drcurintthit mexican courage is not in he daimted by such reverses as we cannot then give the details of ihe action we may as well add the latest news of the position and number of the ring forces it mud be borne in mind that these account are mexican a letter from dnrangou pnmished dated march 4lh which say that jen garcia conde left chihuahua the i9ih fctintrry at the head of 800 cavalry i- meet the american invaders and had arrived qm lhf92d it the hacienda of encinilln whieh is about seventy mile north on the row to kl paso from encinilus conde pushed forward scout ing parties and on the i3rd february moved with his body o the boimilla del pastor which is about eighteen miles from the haeien da of carmen it was supposed bat the united states troops to the number of 900 were at catmen by the 23d having jusl marched thither from carrinl it was tion with this arf i renew to your excellency my attentive consul era i ion cod srnard your excellency c on aeconnl of lb icknes of the command- intf eeneral jose joak uk lakdlho major general scott the first set of propositions on which to sur render lie city and castle made hy the mexi cans as follows were rejected by gen scott except the 4th and parts of the 2d and 3d 1st tbe garrison will evacuate the place within a time to be agreed upon between the bcllirent parties retiring to the city of orizaba of jalapahy regular day marches according to the custom of armies on a march 2d the aforesaid garrison shall march out with all the honors of wai colors displayed drums beating stores belonging to the corps of which it is composed the allowance of field piece corresponding lo its force baggage and munitions of war 3d the mexican flag will remain display ed on the bastion of santiago until the retiring mexican garrison shall be out of sight of the eiiyandon hauling it down it shall be salul- ireland in the niirut of appalling scenes of destitu tion and death food is pouring into the country from all parts of the world jit without seem- i ing to arrest in the least degree the rapid strides of famine the cork repot ter says thai in three consecutive days no less than 45 vessel arrived in that harbor laden with grain the markets are well supplied with indian corn which has generally declined in price as well as other kinds of breadstufls there has not heen such a market of dtu and potatoes in bandon for many months as on saturday there were 17 loads of potatoes of very good quality and some of them or gtioil size average prire from 9d to is 6d the mainstreet was so choked up with cars of oats that it was with rfifrculty the police ed with twentyone guns fired ccnflvs intention from carrizal to await at boi i la the attack of the americans and he was to be joined there by the force of jen ilendia consisting of 600 infantry 800 dragoons and ten pieces of artillery the junction had not heen effected on the 23d gen- i ridia being then at the hacienda or torrejon which is bnt a few miles eight or ten we judge hy ihe maps from chibuahua whether the junction wi effected we do not know ccodes position is aid to have been excel lently chosen hot we find it sijiied that he had thrown up redoubts and heked up ihe roads in order lo hold the american in check and favor a retreat in case be were beaten we cannot nut inter from the manner in which the isvpuwirnno introduce the subject that chihuahua did not fall till after a battle gluii- oos to the american arms aineiiean trader had previously iulrndiccd large quantities of goods into chihuahua a letter dated thence the 21st february say that fortysi wagon load of hnen goods had already arrived and were in the course of distribution tor the interior the trade was partly concealed under the names of foreign tthmui the 7tvpvwono of the 17th of march reports thai certain indians or mvw mexico- fto chimayos to the number 0 3fa0 haie rqrfn mt tn ame neons m jmii rvwoj previously in insurrection official despatches of majoh general scott ii ha doa a tz or tik artmt vthacwr march 291847 5 the flag of the united stales of ameica lloau trinmphanlly over the walls ofthucity and the castle of san juan de ujtoa our troops have carrisoned both since 10 o it b ntf noon brigadier gen ivorih is in command of the two places articles of capitulation were signed and ex changed at a late bniir night before last i enclose a copy of the document i hare heretofore reported tbe principal in cedents of the siete tip to the s5lh inunt nothing of striking interest occurred till early in the morning of the next day when i re ceived overtures from geneial laudero on vlir general morales had devolved tbe principal command a terrible storm of wind and sand made it difficult to communicate with the cty and impossible in refer to com modore pmy i was oblige to entertain j the nropisition alone oi to continue the lire upon a place that had shown a disposition to i itirrender for the loss of a day or perharw several could not be permitted the etom- fianying papers w results yesterday after the nmlher had abated and the commissioners appointed by me early the morning before had again met those appoint ed by general landero commodore peny sent ahore his second in command capt- a i iicka eommimier on rhe part nf the navy j although not included in my specific arrange- men made with thr mexican commander 11 did not hciilate with proper courtesy to desire that captain anlick might he duly introduced and allowed to prlicipate in the dicuions and acts of ihe commissioners who hdd been recipjocally accredited hence the preamble to his signature the original american com oi were brevet brigadier general worth briidiercciiefnl pilloivaod colonel totlen four more able or judicious officer xould not have hppn desired i have to add but little more- the remain ing dtuib of the mcge the able cooperation of ihe united statrfl squadron successive under the command of commodores connor and perry j the admirable conduct of the whole army regulars and volunteer i should ftte happy to dwiril upon as they desetve but the steamer princeton with commodore con nor on board i under way and i have com menccd oranizing an advuec into the in- tennr i ins may be drlavvd a tew days waiting the arrival of additional means of transportation in the meantime a joint from the same bastion nthwhich lime the forces of the united slates shall not enter the place 4th the inhabitants of vera cruz shall continue to the free pneion of their movea ble properly in the enjoyment of which they shall never be disturbed at well as in the ex ercise of iheir religious faith- 5th the national guard of vera cfttt they find it convenient to relir peaceably their homes not to be molested on account their cemduct in bearing arms in defence the place 6lb the underfed desire to know ease the senorgeneial scott should have continue hostilities on account of not admit- tiiifr t i r propositions if he will permit the neutrals lo no out of the nlace as well as the women and children belonging to the mexican families artisut of capitulation of the ciftff vera cruz and the cnstu of san juan de utioa puckfc dr hoavos i without ihe walls or vera crux saturday murch i7 1817 terms of capitulation agreed upon by the commissioners vi general w jworth and g j pillow and col j g- totlen chief engineer on ihr part of mai general scott cntalinchief r ill many igijs mijtaterl can picture of the armie of the united stales and colonel joh gntierrez de villanueva lieut colonel of the engineers manuel llobles and cotstftel pelrode herrera commissioners appointed by genera of brigade don jotq juan iandero commanding in chief vera criir the cuw of san juan de uhoa and their dependencies for the surrender to the arms of the united states of the said forts with their armaments munitions of war gairisons and arms 1 the whole garrison or garrisons to be surrendered to the arms of ihe united stales as prisoners of war the 29th instant at 10 oclock a m ihe rjarrison lo be permitted to march out with all the honors of war and io lay dnwit their aims lo such officer as may he appointed hy the generatiuchief of the united states armies and at a point to b agreed man by ihe commissioner 2 mexican officers shall preserve iheir arms and private tried including horse and horse furniture and so be allowed regular and inctiular officers as also ihe rank and file five days lo retire lo lhnr renpectiff home on paiole as hereinafter prescribed 3 ftiiit vti1i mi- nwrtflee a s4 1 wr- uted in article i the mexican itagtrtf the various forts and station shall he struck an immr saluted by their own batteries p dialelv thereafter forts sanliao and con ception and the calle of san juan de ulloa occupied by the forces of tbe united slate 4- the rank and file of the regular portion of the prisoner to be disposed of after sur render and pa role p as their reneratinehief may desire and their irrepjtttaw lo be permitted r and cries of kept a pasae through itum left the markel unsold am the accounts agree that the distresses in ireland and suffering of ihc people are un- and surpass all that imagination and it is sd to learn that the spring sowing has hadlv bean in a majority of the raral districts no provision is there fore made for ihe ensuing year the cork examiner says from the melancholy accounts we receive day after day hum gentlemen of undoubted accuracy and inteilienqe ttf the general neglect of this propitious season for cultivation of tbe land of the extensive tracts of country that are mill untouched by the plough spade or harrow of tbe stupid apathy and sullen desfiairthat seem to han like a dark cloud over the minds of all clashes landlords mid dlemen and farmers we are reluctantly com pelled to believe that the present season of calamity but the precursor of one more ter rible more appalling more destructive to human lile the lide of emigration jt is also utd hy the liverpool mercury continues to flow with a rajiidity nally fearful when it is con sidered that ihc clavs of emigrants is altogether composed of the more sound and heaitby por tion of society the comfortable farmers the temperate industrious am naving the yrumc and ablebodied the possessors of a small capital these are the individuals who are flyinjr from their native country rw if it were plaeue smitten what will be the end of it all god only knows repeal movement the dtbrh rf the repcal association was collected to day march s in conciliation hall and a pretly bean it presented think ttf tom arkins the tailor playing first fiddle the rent however was itu m x18 lis si mr rjy rmd a letter from mr john ocminell on varioosnhjcts the following is an extract my father is jus on the point of departure for hastings to seek change of air but lor the hurry of leaving hmvn he would rate addressed the association ujton the present state of our affairs and would have had ihe pleasure personally to announce that john autfulut oneill will olttr himself for galtvay at tbe next general election and thm five the bonml reealeis there a second woith and liuehearted candidate in siiitor ii will imwever ive himstrfthal pleasure thij day week mr tom arkins spoke to the letter he denounced the thimblerijring gnveminrnt of lord john russell uu his peurral con duct towards irelaud and more particularly for his new poor law bill tom concluded a vehement oration by rallini upon ireland to rise titmaxt and demand the dismissal of urd jhn russrh anil liij afafratioti j veminnt lord george renlinek would succeed him for he believed eilher was mre honesl humane and jnt than lord john russell protracted cheers mr fitrpatriik followed in a similar bois terous strain the present gnrernment had caused the drains of millions of the irish people by ihe most heartless neglect cheers according lo a letter i- lhfj coiogne gazette prince mettermch has t n dissatis- raciinn at the policy of fi with rftpecl the constitution and u t his mind has heen lo induce m m makeovertures to rnssra for a clnra with inai power this h events m a i lo the sn- eerily a d ioivd faith of t king of prussia and shows that in auslr al x consti tution is regarded as realty a vienna journal fttauti that the total amount or ihe expendilure alrady incurred hy the austrian government fv railroads at 50000- 000 of florins about 1000000 of francs the sum apportioned for 1847 is iojooooqo of florin it is saij that the northern powers have addressed a joint note so the different italian overnments inviting tdem loescrcise a rigid surreilance over the pfs on account of the communist doctrines in such extensive circu lation by a parliamentary return published on monday morning last of the proposed amount of capital and of the om authorised lo be borrowed in the railwty bill deposited with ihe commissioners of luilways for the present session of parliament it appears that the amount of capital is 3553150 amount to he borrowed 4131 1159 nakiu a total of 123867409 at aale of rare hookswhich commenced in london yeterdav weeka very beautiful copy of the mazariu blhle which t attributed lo the press of gultenbcr at mentz and of which 14 copies only an known to he in exist ence was sold for 5rl to buyers tor the american museum at washington the prussian laiirenv gazette states from st petersburg 4lh instuial ihe russian army in the ciucamis has recmlly made jrrat pro- sresi orerthrowin all dblaclcs and defeating m evciy case the forces opposed to ihem it doe nol appear howtwi that any important battle has heen fought the liverpool hail of the 20ih says i was retried on jarie ship seen oi was the glenelg laden wilh hreailsturt from america and honnd for frrland whatever was the name of ihe vrsel she was burnt to the water rdg and alihand lost in relaimn lo the eirc of some english ves at oporto imjrt pretence of hiviflt violated the blockade wdeis the liverpool nod say ltrlasereatcd a re sensation amonrthc merchant jicre a nc palpable robbery was never committed x p was blockaded at a time when il was r lo leave ihe harbor and notice was ien that after the 20th all vessels which w not left the porl would be seized ihe htorkadin party know- in at the same time thai the weather and the bu would inevitably pfent their leavine in ihe mouse of comwhepeat cracow debate which lasted seul days waa con cluded by mrhumei withdrawing the motiun which hronhi the subj w 4 discussion of the house the sultan acting is said under the advice of ihe ambassador of he great powers hasivenlhe creek enel one mouth for compliance with his rcnands after which all diplomatic inlerconrw will oe broken off unless pioper concessit be made by tbe government of greece lellen from ihe pisa of the 7ih insl brine the intelligence that a optical movement took place in that city on ihr occasion of the ar rivilor the archduke ferdinand deste ne phew of the kmperor an been civil and military governor last yr oddfellows society important decisiok and olhtn r mbwtn eoi otker from rae prrth voraerit iwovr a very important qttcetion affecting the eonsli in i inn tv1 prcmanencf societies nnd ctpecit indeprndent oderor oddfcttowsof ihc mi ler unriy baa jotl been- decided in lb f friendly or l y of the s chante yesterday that ihe i fire inuv channel last week tria who had eoied caltcu tht of uallicia a pmard vras fiiiej mtrie jce and discharged oy u lo return lo iheir homes the officers m rrpeet to all arms and description or torce givin ihe usual parole lhat the said rank and file well as themselves shall not serve again until duly exchanged 5 all the malrritt of war all public pro petty of every description found in the cilv the castle of san juan do ullo and their dependencies to belong in the united stales but the armament of the same not injured or destroyed in the further prosecution of tbe acini war may be considertd as lilm lo be restored to mexico hy a definitive treaty of peace 6 the sick and wounded mexicans to be allowed to remain in ihe city with such medical officers ami attendants and officer of the army as may be necesxuy to their cure and treatment 7 absolute protection is solemnly gnar- w permitted the acom- fo w jf he imj ir0 iluhow the proceeding and j u e mim that no private building or propertv is lobe taken or used by ihe forces of lite united states without pre vious arrangement with ihc owners and fur a fair equivalent 8- absolute freedom of religious worship and ceremuiiies is solemnly guarantied signed in duplicate w j worth bncadiec general cll j pillow drif iltcr gcnerl jos g toltencajlenflchieiena jokgutiekrcz lr vtllanckva pedro manuel heitreua han vu roblba j h a r lick iptus n headquarters of the annv of ihe united slates ol america camp washington before vera cms march i7 1817 approved and accented winfirld scott m c perry commanderinchief u s n forces gulf of mexico vka ca malzdstj 1817 ayprobad arceptado jose juan de lander0- a true copy of ihe original article of capitu lation k p scammon tat ueut too inj i act ams dacawp diiwn with the lyhifpp watei will be made alvarado no lateral eiiedition how shall interfere with lheirahd nfovemenl ooeration hv laud am upon rer towards ihe eapilnl in consideration of tbe tjreai services of col totten in theeie that has jm terminal most successfully and tne importance of his prejeree at vabioton as the head of ihe engineer bureau i enliust thi rpatch 10 his personal cire ainl brg m commend hrn lo the eery facouvlc consideration 0 the depart- cient i have the honor to remain sir with hich respect jour nol obditnt servant winfteld scott hon w l mancv secv of war improvement fob the telegraph mr l swan of rucheslersays the ameri can of that city migrated several mouths ago n improvement in the manner of mam battery of comtnis fropoution fu the npjxnuttatnt siomrs 1 haethe honor f uatriiiiirt1i your ba- ellency the exiii wbicti has thi moment been made tome by t isenorei ccjlwiili of enjlanil franc- spain am pmuiu which tfiry solicit iimi hnstiutiej ny be vujtnded wlrie tbe inimcenl famiiir in this plac who are ir-iri- the ravamuf wxf te imam to leave the city wh tuprf i with the not hriiiated iieh aouriitide alalia mv and cmisiihriux jt in accordance ijctiia- of ajlhcled biitnaniiy bve i- iiiviu ynf eictlleirty to jtiier ihl an limveahls atotrjmdatmw with thejarrivin wbirb t y v ill 4rf milt flilw 4mhiiji m mij imri ml laimnjc the galvanic battery which will prove of no inconsiderable benefit to the tele graph companies inasmuch as it is a great avin of labor aod expense the improvement consists in furnishing an exciting liquid which produces an eleciric or calvanic current of uniform power and intensi ty without the rapid decomposition of the mcnls and acids heretofore supposed unavoid able the solution does not act chemically en the mercurial amalgam and with uch trilling action on the zinc as to be scarcely perceptible mr barnes the operator in the telegraph oilier in this city informs un that previous to adopting this improvement he wa obliged to amfllamatc the zinc cups of which the nai lery is composed with mercury every aiyi and to renew the acid twice a week since then he has used the battery constantly fm five or six uxks without lining either tbi improvement will doubtlesi attract the attention of telegraph companies throughout the country not only on account of the reduc tion of expense but also for ihc reason that it tumuii gicalcr uniformly m the action n the tuttery it haa now been iijficicntiv tested to remove all doubts in regard in efficacy- the dtcovcry i rlrfilinp- the attention of the acientific t it is undrrtlood lhat ome rtv principle are developed their great leader bad suffered deeply in his health from reflection on the tal of the country itta suppose he had made mis takes at such uproar and cries ofm no never mr tom steele rose in orderoconnell never made a milake cries of yes yes no no mr filzpatrick continued lie did not mean lo assail 0connel but he felt that in his absence intemperate and injudicious ian it age had heen ued which oconnell would not have permitted uproar mr clements this has nothing lo do with the question before the chstr n- no yes ye mr filzpatrick ihen went on to abuse the government and yonrj ireland into tbe hi gain if that parly continued to stay awy from the hall the british government would continue to treat ireland just il liked i conclude said he by moving tlmt we call upon every part of ireland to petition tlie queen to dismiss the present government the chairman rme to order but ihe cries of pul out the whiffs accompanied with groan and shouts prevented iis ocinheanl mr tom steele rose a iin to order and in a loud voice demanded to know whether any enemy to ireland was simple enough to think he could be bellowed down older having been tejlnred he mid the only question before ihe chair was tlie insertion of mr john ocnnnell letter an the minutes the motion then paised mr ray read a statistical table showin ihe religious and political opinions of all the magistracy of ireland of protectants there appered to he 2t32 nj catholic hut 419 all the protestants wens assumed to be tories while a large section of the romanists were designated orange papists mr ray mr dunn am mr clements descanted on the gross injustice of this virtual txtftujoil of catholic from the magisleiial bench in ireland il clause introduced into the poov law bill by the government for equalising the number of exofftrio with elected guardians would if carried into a law throw the whole administration of the act into the hands of the protestant and tory magistracy of ireland mr j reynolds said if that clause passed the new hoard would plunder and oppress tht irish people in an intolerable manner the rent was announced to 18 11 5d and the meeting separated mircbllnbous parliament duriig the week ending march 19th waa otenpied with a utlj discussion on ireland which terminated in permission being givm lo proceed with the government mea sures the discussion on cracow the ten hours- bill and after one division all the clauses of kmperor military htlouciw of icti in tne ia a irain hut focunalely no life was lost the circassians hae nearly exterminated ihe achene a native tribe in alliance with russia the aebehwa were at casaban where the circassians fell upon them and pul 5000 of the men wooru rl children to the sword it is reported that a conspiracy had jntbeen discovered m which hafiz pacha lately minister or julee and a great many influential pachas wre compromised nu merous arrests had been made but no particu lars had got wind cral incitement pervaded atl clashes a letter from algiers of the fith mentions thai one of the iarge tribes of morocco had made an attack upon th deira of amelk ader near sevra in which die emir lot about fifty men this is tncutioivd as one of the most important events whidl has occurred since the occupation of africa ly the french army accounts from irelunl state thatemirgration is rapidly increasing md along atl ihe lines which lead from ihe interior of the ports of embarkation a continued siream flows towards the west il is annoinced in the cork papers ttwl over two huudre i tenants of the duke of devonshire in the smlh of ireland many of them holding large firms and all of them in comfoumc circumstuices are about to emi grate and o irreat 4 he stream from the northweil or ireland thai the royal caaal cornmiiy have found i neceswry to pul on an additional pacfcelbcu for the exclusive ue of ernijerants from sir donegal leilrim longford and westnth- the mercantile ehr of dublin are now much depressed and nw tradesmen derpair- big of the countrv ill t0 tjmjrmte al a iiieerntf heldon hn peltiion was adopted lo the legislature sef8 their distress i the milt liml ber rnrricil uiumi- thtil ihe i3dp wil therefore divtlved na and dvin pu licra iutiittic state of lxrwh coav fx lrnte lisbeen vny fifoi english and tnm hoe only il iai fly thk i markets in maiti march 17 the lis rnoffiiftv for wheat n j which ihc rupptiea have j mo below ulofmt demand which cim i- iinmed b oillernd frr eaprl ition to f4ll altnoijjh higlier price- imtc vl been ftcirphcbomettlus bcei rt the mkm of l7- 7 refue ws ot um fndiur com of hieh hie artivla toff wt wuco tbe r wind uto kz m iherc beinr nnmeim wt l j tlnrmm wheroiho pnee m v j afts thrr theeatr tfidinn ctm at the p pfidnccd mny ififlneiir w h every ltvkkrooi o vvcdneji amtijoan rvur inw i france nd enwi rccly mel by hjdera were without ftttttjoi mjruerovv- fir o umn m ridnomiscrultp 40f hm fc- cro canal flour renli- ealcrrl of aite eineo l ntio bbta rtianco but more btinesi wn l of i t f in ti london avc ntrt market rhere ihc g c tw coax eis r march is uyondvrr jrcnncd ftf ajiiimcnt 1 fho ilrmatid h bern rnl the firieet of tueaiuy at our msrkel ihia moo- foderhe of bureia nod a m in ia r q i orr r jovtcr rog at ific decline the factory hill loo paper law it there it passed and an english moment in london three prete count de mmiieio lin aspirin to the of spain dan miguel aspiring to that are at lllb iders viz the crown of portugal and prince louis naolpon enier- lainini- hopes of yet wearing a revolutionary diadem in france the svriiirmfl german gazette announces that ptftastia has jnt concluded a treaty with america for the reciprocal exlradilton of cri- inmah a commission of russian physician arc at present occupied in eyptm investigations relative to the plague an account of the loans advanced aeenrity of the oor rate in ireland building of ihr workboutei obtaiuc on for the the of tlir workhouse obtnimd on a motion of sir j raham shows that a total itmouot of xi 1sftno i been s advanced of which nhv1iq remained unpaid on the ftib january 1mj7 pj oswroo hsi lowing statement eoa ive take the fol- thi harbor from the tiser at it is of impo- oswdaly alv mmt the oirur of lb- sfttiuvll km or whose i trip to o u s revenue steamer ilcolm and ran liberal aid the for k her pea owili of j tx and tiding han bm mag f c and rtirt our harbor they 13 feel nf water on lion of the east ni carried away ttf buoys on the bar in nidance of vrgsels on the bar lo he 1 than it was hint the east aide of ihr 1 1 and in of thm the spot where that por- itood whieh has heen jf have eslabiished three ihr easl channel for ihe imt ascertained the water feet which ia a foot more ilic huoya indicate imoucl ami vessels pass- ibrfl west i pin- i u- tha writ by tr eat channel must drav lflflfl irtji over 8 r benefit r the bchcv sheriff oort of perthihire tlw deciainn refers in the oueaihm whetlier one portpon of the membere can diasolve a iciciy aod divirlc ihe foods ao tonp aa another portioa of ihe member remain attached lo and aflbrif to obey iht coovtitutron under which they origins r farmed trveinaclvca tlie qgettioo has been brought oot and folly pled in certain oroceetjjrigi inttiluled at the in unc of cn ro campbell in perth and about silly other oiemheraof the i ciiy f perth lidje of oddrdluws afaiost xnnea meweo penh live noble vi tod olhcr office bee rem sod membera if tbe nm lode which was com poted of alnut 000 membera in nil the proceed ij firieinated in an i renalution to diaeutve the lodge paed al mcelinjr of the ld bv ihe diecnircnl member w happened lo compoae iht mtjonl f of lhat cueclimj ffltiwcd by nn np plicstwm in tlie imim for interdict against iba office be rcr- who had rhe emtodv and control of the fonda imu i to l v i k fmm prtine with any priiori lberel until each of the ruieioer eliould obtain tlo mcin of obtaioing injudicial farm n diviviim f the fonda the peliuon fo inlerdiet mm coaeqoe mkneed br an action f muhiptrr i i raited of ihe name panic though nominally al th inalance of the cuetndicm of uiftsmwlyafindf for the purpose of oblaininf a diatribulimi ihereof nioong tho membem bth actinnn were deiended by ihe members favorable toiho eonlinuance of i ldee nnd who were npjioed io nny diviaicin 0 the funds tlie aepa rate proccnc were ubeo conjoined and a very full record madeup of ihe rcapeelive alale ii and pfcai of psrlw j of preliminary niore hated lor ihe defender in bar of the action wero rqcllednd the eae wu decided on the inil vhieh cnbrecsj he foluwinj ahoil detract of the aintemeouon cither mov for ihe member pursuing iho interdict and di- iribnlinn it wat at ted i thcla oddrellow was uified for the rniiiseaof a friendly society and haa colteck funrf fa there pmpea but has never conformed to the provisions uf the rnlute relative lo friendly soeietie nnd i not entitled io the protect end benefits of the said mat ii ten 2 the rote of iho fvjriy are aueb an would not he neiiooed unj ri ttntuie relative to friendly nncielien the ratcaof cpntisuioo lothe rnnrl parable br member ere fr from brine in due projinriwi to ihc nu to which member are entitled m cac o sickoes nnd to the funeral nvnev pajabla on ibe death of member or jiii wire and live finance of the society were insum cienl toe it nihilities 3 the puraucreaiirf lithe meniwr- of tb society being of npinton lhat in these eirennxunee il nijhl lo he diwwvcl ttleinpsed in bring fifward e n- n t i r mnimer to ihal eflecl bui the defender a office bearer and oilier pre ihia refused ir permit inv meeting lo be r the cnnfleeeinin of tlw otyetl and uspended the mrmbcfi who intrnduced the ut jeei from being pcicot or voting al the iodge mcetinrr 4 a meeting of the lnclgl stli held on the dili day of may ittlti whteli wa ettended by ahoot fortyjoiir member when n mntinfi w produced lo the etteei lhat ihe lndge hsu he slitsolved trvtka finifl dwideitnnd ihip mot it in wa duly ceioled iwwaxact h cfiurd teenier 1am if put ibe motion ee nllv ii u he eoider- ed whrctpii ii r nc wu taken by enoihrr when thiny four member preenl voted for tho motion endn counter yle being reielrrl mmo wj piitmrd whesiiha prmimlern a the inoiioi decured lha muuty nnd eieeit fr ihe winding on of ita efleiti nnd d of if fiiorty ai iilfat fmcmepll un ile fallowing ptete i lhi m the cinijminnce nbovo ntnted the pursuer mre entitled lothe remedy nsighl in iht cifnjninej etiin- 2 th it i ij roluntiry society my bo disrned on ibe mem thecof a pnr lion of rhe nerobee especially tho lrger porlioo desiring it dissolution after tueh notice aa the circumstance of ihe ease may require 3 thnt no can by any rule which it may srfpt piw ii meinters htfpj the protect inn of ihe law ii on the other luad it was atnted for the defender that i trul the iorm city nf perth loov no 9330 independent order of oddfeh man- chester unilj was est4b1ihcd lo i hid under the lutes and regulation of the said order by wheh since its etnbhhnwnt il haa been governed these uwt can noly u ttered by annual movoabie i i of the order 3 carh member at hi entry nr tnitinlinn emker a eolcmn promwlobe faithfol lo the order to abide in nil pdmicularn hy il uw and lo d nothing inconirtcnt ita it eaisiencc nnd pros pcrlly 3 the object nf the society a declared in lb fittx of it laws i to npit every hntlhcr who may nppty ihmugh sicftnr distres or otherwise if he bo well attached to the queen and government and faithful lo the order snd ecncraltyv it ahjcci ure of a charitalho and twitpl niiuro while the regulalion ere eminently cilcuuled to dvsncc ihe cause of mornlity and food feeling mot i iho induim n claes of celyi and to upport the constiiutcd auihnritie in the i pores- on of vice and crime trade unione are dw couragel no member i allowed e trn veiling card for relief when oii nf woik end in scorch nf employment whnhn tost hi employment through n strike nr turnout ir wages nnd no won gtlflty of any crime nin4i ihe laws in permitted to renin in a memner of ihc smiciy rchgitun nnd politte1 questtons which lend lo create division and eoblter tie feeling of benevolence end friendahip are eapreuy excluded from ever being brought under discumou 4 tltt indepcodent order of the mauehestce uuily to which the idge belongs has ciiatcrl since 1812 nnd though it hna not been considered 1 visible tn ptsce it onder ibe sanction or ihe friendly society act it i fmlernitr which hs been achnowledgcd by officers of the government and eminent legal uuitioriiic not only as perfectly legal in its contitolim nnd ohjcels hot a a highly useful society in dipening a vest amount of charity to the tick arid dm row d nnd of cement ing those feeling of univcrsel cood will nnd active benevolence which so well promote the huppinrs and weltbeing both of individual nnd enunu- nitic il is compo of upwards of 4000 lodges and 300000 members divided into 4x districts all governed by the smc laws which are nlterabte and amenable by the annual movejhe cooi mittees of the order ti which each iodge may cnd n replsjtnntatftck the laws aro ndministered on pnncilc of fairnre nod eqoty and there is an ex pre right constituted in favor of nny party aggrieved hy the conduct of en off ee bearer or decision of lodge loapp lo tbe dutfiet com mittee nnd thence in the committee at mnche tcr where tle centr1 hwd ha il sent there arc a large number of m and dirtriel now in seoll md and o a certain client lite fund col lected ere in einnnon certain rifhi- being con ferred in regard in thtse fund upon member when removing frnrn one jutuict to another though not nnginal contributor 1 ihe lodf or district to wtnch under the dispensation of pmvidenre they may require to remove no tytfgeba it therefore in its power in dn anything lo prevent tr diminish lhe riehr nf meii p though not members of ibett own lodge 5 by the i5ih ia of the oder it is rnpeciatly eoyioed thnt on lorfge twf a tfnmtsi to dtetde ifi fund nor hll they have power to appropriate tho 4iro f nny purp se eieepl ere nf charity diairess icknew or death tho ncces- esry tt prne nf tho trte or district or lo mem ber for meritrpriosl convict or crvce rendered io a ikjc divukt motiktf arid i jl uw urther declare that n- lodge h1l he allowed to nit under ny um rut adopted hy tho order jn gencrnl or tycivs rnnuc in cocifurimty thrrcwjtb 6 by he 108th taw it is declared tfclil the n g nolde grand nr lrcc shall do all in his power to upprc slasftjrstnv in los iydce end shall not pot any motion lo tho vme which i contrary lo taw mntrooa nt hoo cttiipetenllv pni ttvjgji hy the nf i nnd ineinwr dioheienl u hiinrdcr nre io m m those on tbcothrr band whone disaiitjjned with hi conduct hsvo ihrir fttnr0y hy appeal lo commit nd mbar meeting lsiddwn io ihe gcnorl body of tiro uwof f r 7 the present rle of contribution went duly fired by tho jdce and wero appruved of and mdoptecf by large maiority of the members the onto of payment end benerth ia rounded on the returns of sickness derived from the best sources of stalistieal infonnatim n the subject they hare obtained tbe sanettoo nf some of the most eminent aetuarie in cogfjnd tho fund of the xodgc nd of the order have steadily progressed and ihe b of its financial pmrrity was never more necuro and undoubted thin el tbe present lime the fond nre et present nn the increase the order is in every rrepeet able aod ready to meet erery contingency and claim to which its foods are limbic 8 any member mat wiihdrnw from the order or lodge when ho pleotea and those dciircu of obtaining en a1lerrin of the toblee of rnte so as to render them in their opinion more conformable lo liska lo which tho funds are liable have m kgnl nnd regular mode of doing so under the nwt of ihc order the pretended -esnluii- r of the 9th mey founded on by the pursuers was an illegal resolution under the laws nf tbe order nod the ldge 9 therrvrmhersof ihc lodge nre nearly 200 in number end ibe pursuers fonn only nbout n fourth part of thnt oorober not only the dr fenders but also lite whole of the other office- bearers nnd a urge majority of the members nre opposed to nny disturbsnoe of ihe harmony which tins hitherto prevailed in the order end ore especially hottile to the composed dissolution and division of funds de sired by the purser fir which eren were il enmpetent end legal undoe the constitution they can ee no ground or rcaon whatcror the defender deduced from these statements the fnlk win- plena in law 1 1 tho pursuer- bein members nf a society governed by hws to which each of them have assented and become bound ipsa facto of mem bership are bnrrcd perwnoti extepricne from doing any net or deed eonlrare in said uw 2 as the laws of the lodge nnd order explicitly define the objrets of the fraternity lo be those of benevolence and charily nnd contain a specisl provision ngiinst eay arerron of tie funds of a lidgc excepting for these purposes nny pmpo- siisui made subversive of these prineiple landing lo tho rfivsolution of the body and division of the funds is contrary to sid laws 3 the order being formed uodern ecrteiq con- titution legal in ttsokjcel nnd tending t- the good of society at large every liodre rhcreof r entiilcd to tlie proleclionof the law in th same manner as anyoiher aociety inetitutesl toe cltaritnble nr religious objects nnd therefore nn section nf it membersa ner rren n jtftptrtv otettninrd majority can dissolve nnd divide the funds of ihc lodge so long as nny other portion rren o mi- noriv adhere tu its original principle and con stitution stsdi was the ease submitted to ihe cnoit for reriitn accompanied by a volnoinitfirs b of documentary evidence obt aired under a diligence nt ibe tottaneeof the defender which consisted of the general laws hyuwi minute book nnd vsrioun other paper bearing on ihe point nt nite the case in the firt instnnoe enme before f iticli bnrclsy i sheriff substiiole nf ihe county wh gve jodgment on the merits in ftze of tht deftndrto and the punoer mving appeuled for the opinion of rosert whighnm t advocate the shetilt f ihe coonly he affirmed the judg ment of mr flsrclay by which hie iimyoned nclins al tlie pursuers instance stand dismissrd with r tho mbneiof are ihe respeetive foerlocator of the sherirt- substitute and sheriff 1 s iwrr s rrir- j m r s fcrlh ihih veentier ifi lluving advised ttie cncd recmil repels the whole preliminary ptett oo ihe ror kind i lbil the pettlionef fir interdict end the netnil riier in the mnhiptrrtninjin to admit nnd iirir i resjfrctive jirlion and pirn reu noil re founded on the fjrl llial ihey ere liirmhersnf tlie sciety io y rth celled the loyal ciy if ivrlh 1wlfo f oddfellow which socirlv ftnme fr the office benrerw of the society tho shoriff ihintu tbsllherehasnot the diotolion of ihissociriy by tho mere vole or n msforrlf is excluded let by lhe nature of ih- soeiiy end its objects mmm 2nd by the evpeess condition in it eonstiotinsi tect 15 that th nirmoers ehatl not dhide tjur fundi amnj raemrees tneie in therefore iw cecemadeoot fa mtwdvat nnd iho process of multipteprondingrinniu proply dismissed or tbo nnminnl raisers hnve been nsmolxied feom its coo- elusioo which is the same thing in efleet initialed il w arenl for tbe pumoers wm grcig esq wriur perth agent for the defenders nnd tho lodge msjrisu jsmeson esq writer perth britis whig opifar pr orosoa olcor- kingston tuesday april 20 1347 oth littiii t6 hendrc nndt w tt moolmj j wrwpreacmt r hmniuand t a tantok to- piirpnses of a fneosmy nnmi ividi h- ihooih eiil society has not coiittrrmril iihll t and qualified under the vnretos iliite nutovtlni lhe ntrrfvc m hot t to he rcwotated hy terrminf streement cntereil into hy the members nnd tho tide nod rcgulaliuths uric mllf anj friiin time lo lime eoaelcd fr ihe fo vernment therenf so far nmucli are not repugnant to ihe eofninon inw of the land knru it jo mined aitiete 95 lhat pinied cptfe ol lhe roo n 25 of proeen were erculted mnmem the meoibcrv of ihc lrtdge and that lhe petitioners for inter dict nnrj nelail raiser in the multiplrrhndrne or at kal some of them rreeived 4 no 24ndl5of pncr after entering the sciciy and hvin nllcniively rxainincsi the sanl rule no 24 bein for lhe enerl rvernment nf ihc r i srf in tie empire and no beior bye law of the brunei anriilinn in pesih nf which lhe panic in these conjoined action ere or srere members- ptufa ihtl whatever pinon may eiulnsto tho nppticebilily or even absurdity of the nnmc nssomej ihc necessity nr poicynf orcrtl nswos r to ih nmdiv of iho rite or epilcvlatim ut contribution i nnd rctief or to the i r nod i f i i nnd msmvrhio there r t nn round whatever for hrddnif the assocm tiiprt in its erncrat tr hanch nperatioivs as incon- sistent with iho u w of ihelnod bnt on the eon tmry lite finil ohject thereof ore hifhly praise worthy and tlie rotes jcencralty wise d wholesnmo far food government t ond with prudent manage meol nnd rononrditmontiln extended nienher- ship calcnlnled in n ptltl decree loo confer much public benefit find lhalao lone n ihc ainnetnv tion adhere lo iho priiicipson srliieh it is foimhed nndatiplfesitfunosioiliepurposa intemtcd ie il not in tlie power of a majority of in nuvnbcf to dissolve lhe assoeulion nnd in seek n dislriho- tnm of the funds lor their own private one eonimry to tliejtfijrinat intenliori thereof and in violation of lhe npreemenl tinstrr winch iswjf became member nnd un the fnilli of the integrity of which others become members and whose rights and inerems sre ihns not liable in be disturbed and destroyed nt the will or ct price of iheir co- associate i who if repentant of becoming members oe dtsuiricd with the injnofcmeni msy quietly withdrw ihcmelves or veek lo obtain beller mnnatemeul in sny msnner which the rut of tho awcnttnn or the common law may titota them opportunity therefofe recnl the interim interdict nsomlties the defendem in the nrtinn of inferdirt mod ihc nomi nal raisers in the muuiplrpoindinr- fmrn the wliile concturionsof hith actions finds ihem entitled to cr pen ces from the other parties deducting the expense nttending the slntineof relimiiikry pla repelled allow an ceount thereof lo be lodged and remiu the mc to mr john fwckhart writer in perth tu audit end report and decern rsiened hocjh bnctr xot the ditsatisned members seek to nraimt- late the arsocintion in question t n common mcreantilo company or joint sloes nssneiation where individual gain i lhe sole ohject but though they wero correct in this ihey would not be strengthened in their plcn il is not in die pow or of a msjoeiiy of rhe parincr unless theomimei so provides to pot an end lutho merenotilc ainn- e 3 linn before the perrod nzreed on untesn on the eiiirnce of certnin event which the law hai held tn oprrntetiadissotniion the ess in hnnd hit slrnfcr envigy to the many cac of lrul for certain nnd special religious and chsriteblc numsco in such eases il is not in the power of lhe majofity inopposstinn loan adhering minoeity however small to put anendto tho trust nnd to divide or nppy the fund to other porposc than tbe original design il is quite nn em to swppnse that n ii v mot always bo in hie right can di no wrong snd are eu potent so longs ihey ere within the powers icgalty committed to the vote the majority of omrse must tule but so soon s they go n tep ievnd their limit ihey are power- less it is well ihot there i soeh i restraint as men are u much the ereotores of impulse lhat were it not for such sfcgonrd omo of tbe mot important sswielalinoi fir cood might be overium cd ii n moment of escitemenl ihe overthrow of which none might in lime oiore egret than thonc who were iristrumcnul in the suicidal act initialed ii 0 2 sn- if t joocmtkr perth 5th febmarv 1847 the sheriff snhaiitole nn adviaed hv lbs shctift who considered thonppenl no 114 and whole efnynned iiioecsse- dtmicd the nppoat nd uttirm the nilcrlnnmr rtituniltrd ur review signed jahm m pauihj sli- sub fiovr there nppenrs to benolhiogin the cn- stililrionof thisaseiuliin riiirinnl lo inn enm- oro law nnd u tho retminnry pica in defrnre- hove tiern konrrly reiellel the smglo nucslion feisict i w any ei hii been disrleved lo vinrrant ihe rwittngsnceof the interim interdict nnd thdinbuihreiof iho fund- under the proceeo f itialtiplcpoioding rslsad in tho names nf ihn thc legislature is summoned lo meet ob the 2nd of juoe and tbe offiial proclamatiori is issiied and will be found in another place there is something more than rumor in what our mootreal correspondent told us lait fndajr il would really appear to be the case that tb adminulralion have coaxed orer the quebco portion of the canadian leaders louke office and that the btf gentlemen have sacceeded in perstiadtti messrs mono and lafootabe one or both to take office with them thtso cbuckink overboard messrs baldwin sojiu van hinclcs and company ibe western canada bads this however the pooi denies but confesses that some negotiations oa the part of the government with messrs caron and black are in progress- thus wa go divide el impera whal canl be aeccnt plashed above boatd is often roanagedbj ia- trigue but while w can sneer at jheso queer doing vre cannot help acknow ledging that lhe administration ire emit risjlil to offer to divide the spoils of govern ment with iheir late opponents and tha latter are quite rifjt1 in accepting tbe lucrativ offer how long ihe oiondam friends sad enemies will agree together is another mitter paul prys resurrection angela end minister of grac defend uo j mr ocan whc yon will no doubt be utonished on rtceir inir this epiule to learn that your old frtens pant is still amonext the hrinjr not- withstandin dame rumors account nf bio premature death and burial the fact is my dear vfhtgt lo be brief in my preface i hiva been for some lime a member of lhe tet toul society and not being aide lo write or apeak except by the aid of ao old frirnd jqbn barleyeorn u fcrit silent long allhougli much aoinsl my natural diirea my time having expired i resolved to leave father mathew and join the young lis- landers and fbrlhwitli strolled lo my old fi vj vnilv ihji tirfjineil tfmp riji vlislf io learn it mi arbir of ortoo iho nd tim i here be- is immediately recog- i k lust possessed lhe uoperties tnorke a man f rjl ht srne on my entering ihe favorile old sanctum i was most agreeably aslnnhed to find my old friends barney ninnil u fore me by whom i wr nised after their usual greetings of welcome ihey became a little more composed and barney saidw troth mr pry im scarcely know ye tis so thin yer loofciri an its my self is aiihcr thinkin youd a looked as much like yerself iv y hid taken yer glass as you nsedlo tim anxio toive iiis opinion exetaimerl in his usual tone of oratory re japers bat tis myself was atlter rxpectin that mr pry had one to the states and maybe got kilt in oregon or meico is im toold divil an oold countryman ihey can get houij ov bul ihey massacre but its myself is glad lo see you me darltnt an maybe we woot have a spree on thai same trolh ive often been talking to barney about ye an said you wor ihe sowl of food company j but its dbry alkiog mr pry whatll ye dbrink it was useless to refuse as tim was obstinate so each of us having consigned a full glass of mortons stiflesi to its natural element barney proceed ed to inform me that judy had arrived in kingston last saison and was now at sarviee and that she was ashamed of her life when her mistress showed her the britain whig wid all her letthers in tt but what vexed her most of all was about the ball at the ind of tho bridge bad scran to these sogers said barney making his fingers move piano fa shion oo the bide of his head ye see mr pry theyre for iver givin parties in tht patricks here to the townspeople and id jest recummind ycii iv ye wanl a rale good spcte to get acquainted wid some ov ihim last night ihey gave a great letout intirely an axed all the kingston balelleloballboys exeipt one ah im tould hes is mad as ted dy mulligan cow that ale tbe horn off paddy mahonys anvil just out or spite bekase th couldnt jump the fence into the corn field tro1b ti yerseir thats mistaken there barney said tim for tis meself haa a right to know all about that same letout for biddys uncles wifes second couxin- norah delaney is married to dinnis bran- nigan one ov the officer sarrints and bo tould norah and she tould biddy no longer ago than this momin that divil a townsman i mane the hatchelorballboyf was thertat all at all an more bo token dioril said 4vil mane ov lhe sogers to not ax any ov thim aflher the way ihey have been thrated from hand to fist all winter blood and hinder tim said barney what dye mane at all at all t dont ya re- mimher iho balchelors ball n how they wouldnt ax any daeeol mechanic like yn self or me or any ov our families well yt see lhe officers tnk it into iheir heads nol to ax any ov the spalpeem in their ball bokaso ye see the most ov thim ame boys wor tradts- min themselfi who had got abova their work as mil martin bhechan used lo say when his mule wouldnt draw the manure out lor ma praties besides at ihejr own ball thty couldnt koop their behaviour its hut rami raisin rows aflher the fwhion ov paddy power barriti the murdher i iwd tis avaaalf dont blame m sogvn divil a bit far m

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