prospectus of tub kingston building society incorporated dy act op parliament shares 100 each onih1rptntloarsh kntrauct re rsuu i e rangier e 2a6eu directors- henry cileersleeveeo pacsidckt john counter es francis m hill eac john mowat kfe thomas briucsj i john r forsyth eiq wepavjioiht henry smith f m p p gftorog akfx cumvusg e thomas kirkpatr1ck eaa secret and jhwvrcriqttinm baxter esq sotkitor arciiioajii joim macdonkil esq yr of greenfield itattkersr the bxk op unman north america a building society mav he sid to have twofold qualiie arh a objects tlue of a livings bank and of mutual trad and loan company a a string thrift it affords the most profitable means of jn vetting saving fcirp w small ihal m vtt been adopted in this or any other cuunlrv and a a muluil trust and lan company it gives ihc iwrrmver n longer period nr the return nf tne w mrrmvcd and easier terms for it repayment while il makes a more profitable return lo the lender than any association in existence nmonj us ii is enabled m do tins because the borrower is also a stockholder and constidnily a participator in the profin ot the society because his sinek proportionately with that of others benefits hv his oyvn and others borrowing the share arc fitcrl by the byuw at 100 each and are paid up by monthly subscriptions of 10 whn a sufficient sum is received frun tlicsc subscriptions it is put up at public sfte among the stockholder in lot or 100 each anil knocked down in him who gives the highest bonus in canada bonuses average about ibirtyfivepcr tt the borrower gives reoiriiy upon real estate already inhi possession w which he is to buy with funds obtained at the socictji sab and th oowfilfcn of jiis security is that ho will pay uphisonnthlyuucripiion and this interest upon the sun borrowed regularly every month with hu subscription the society i calculate i locomc to an end in about eight years if the bonus average thirty percent take the cascot a borrower of one share 100 at that bonu and amy for ih sake of round numbers that the society is wlfattlingilishcd in eight jrcln or ninetysix months ho gels 70 outnf thi 100 the iwnus being detained in the first place the rrnli that he pnys ninety six monthly siibcriptinw 4 ninety six month int at 0 percl pj monthly 48 management fees fcc 3 09 fl 4 upon which his mortgage is cancelled and his property freed from the society- incumbrance had he borrowed 70 from a private individual for the same lenth of time bcfidrs beini callod upon for th iviurn of the wivdc sum at one time he would have to piy ihv nd uf cijjhl years the principal imitowmi 70 interest for tjiyht year 0 pvr cent 33 12 103 12 hit the borrower from the society rrpi irt by easy instalments actually pay thi calculation rlnrly shew ijesides having ilv mlvaniagn a lein for hi loan ihan hi borrower fmi an individual itkkwv lender hut how maitv diirtuvis thw t in h wav tif pmrniring inine frrnji imnw persons even tor a vvrv short term capitalists can do better willi their money than lending it at legal interest on the security of real curtate ami inanv will have lo be applied to and many rebuff and refusals given and received before the loan seeker can succeed stockholders in a building society are in a different position thcv know that ot certain regular prnods there are sales of so nunv lots of mnt amon thcinlves at which all will have opportunities of complins and that the lots will be awarded toihn highest bidder every stockholder feels therefore that ho cwrcutly borrow the amount of hi stock by giving a certain bonus fur it and that he is con- eequcntlv in a creat measure independent of foreign assistance the borrower indirectly and the nonborrower directly benefits by the bonuses given which being deducted in the first place the society works upon and sells as well as its other funds should ihc bontlies average 40 per cent lb society must become seir- extinguished in a little less than seven yws sav even however and in that case the mnnththv pavinent on each share will amount tn 12 the dif ference between that amount and the 100 which thu investor receives at iheckpiralion nf the society constitutes his profits allowing him to save the trouble and ledimrmes ia long compound interest calculation interest t six per cent nl2 from the day on which he beqan lo make his monthly loi pavmentfi toward that amount ihc sum including entrance and management fees which he really pays for his share is c2 10s 3d and his profit is over and above leal interest no less than 37 10s these societies do jiot deprive a capitalist of the use of larg sums leaving them as they do free lo turn their principal as best they can in pur chase nl property or other investments and entitling them to the amount of stork which thev subscribe for by the mere pnympnt of interest at six per cent upon it jhe monthly subscriptions of 10s per share being just the monthly interest on that shares value but it is tot the capitalist whom these societies arc intended principally to benefit men with small incomes industrious tradesmen mechanics anrl laborers who arc desirous of savin monry and investing that money ae ihey save it more profitably than in a savings bank at the same time they enable thetftselves to take advantage of any good opportunity of purchasing freehold property of improving property already in their possession or of freeing it frum incumbrance by borrowing froi the society on the already explained easy terms are those who aro chicflv intended to reap the benefits arising from building societies and to their serious consideration these assoc iation particularly recommend themselves the facilities afforded by these soctelicsnf acquiring property and money must necessarily tend 0 the benefit and advantage of the city by the en couragement piven 10 ihc erection of houses of a better description and the permanent settlement of mechanics and tradesmen necessarily consecjunl on their becoming owners of property in il the shares bein transferable can be sold at any time the owner wishes upon payment nf the transfer fees the following taken from the prospectus of the quebec building society is a table showing the time which the society is calculated to last at the different rates uf bonus 40 ptrccnt m- 82 months 85 88 02 g j9 103 i0g 110 113 117 121 121 128 132 13 m 139 similar iixtiiutinus liavq butsn iftod by vpiy successful operation in enzutij iur lbs ui luvniyliw yiari and in many towns in canada sinccilic imsing il ih an auilxmuii llicir formalion at the last inculins in to- r11 ilte mmntnl rufflx 11 was i ih anl the avcrai premium paid was i7 nr ttni a nqiiisitim nrtnij lv several persons was mm in la the net thai lh rak aliii lv tin virtwvtr fixin a premium mi enrh rtiw shar hjtim nlrifam irl unrluia peruiiltod 10 sulritt tot new mliams wtllfdil paynrtm l pmniiiiift iiotll the fnt monday in may nei lil it rwivil i nan rin i h- society hul on the conlmry the jliftrs wir ntnhii- i inpa the rate of premium from ifilm to imii mlliey imit ilufil l j rirnu1hiccs awl primpcrily of ihu socity its tint iu a whorl time ihc rale of premium hdljs i i isnrv i 3 32j ao 27j is 33 20 17a lj 12j m 34 diijfidvd jrif i i r ii it i wilt in ull iirumuliivji ii- re tlrt kriwwi ui nl lliw- iniliin smutiv 1 r mfc i 11 if 14 the ilf rh t ilv wl iii auttwi i nil ml jit iinly far thu lircetor ol thf 1 kinjpton ceiw in ttuhiuitliri their lroevlu nt wiihii ulik the soclqty in ojm 03 notice he public are hereby ooufiej that i am the only legally appointed person t receive alt rates and assess ment and other monies due u ifia mid land district anj collectors anrl others are cautioned sigaint paying the same en any other person a i am the only person who can giv them a legal ac- ouuncc david john smith mintako dirncx trfutirrrs offit midland drtlric kiriirii i 2nd j iituty 18i7 att eily paper will tip lt tii- notice is hererv civkn that the cnmmitlfo appoiritcl hrlht district council la re- cive the bond frm mrwimjam fcncv50f the newly electa tiranrefhve ihfa day tod- said bond amount the rcotdi af the dis tficti and dlrtfted mr prum lo ope n llie treasurer ofbce in the dutrict clerics room in the coutt moomi m tt january to whom alone all ptfmn will hereafter pay the dis trict kate and with whom all otter dlftrict husine conupcted with the treasurer wilt be transacted signed jb marks district conncit ofice- kingston ltf 31st dicemhfr isl6 ciftf papcrj to opj tiufirlnd notice phesnmcrivh rfmoved hiiof jl act from the raiafiktctof iwrarla in brick buildfxu ai1y occ by thomas fiinti giq corner ol jtrock and qntariv strttts jinfctly onoile ihe pftmiwi of mr ftfchri scftiuki sen where he is tmjni to teive conifn ffirnuofauv leerrindt goods furniiuiv propuioatc wwcfc he wit dinpof of at hiuk r ypott iale as he may e tinrcie1and toiu bei jdvantagethat the maruttcan atlgrd hucii caldrk vintooj9th fl tslg l fall impoktatioxs fresh groceries wholes tle 1xd retail ww 4 martin afcrfcf corner of ffig ant brock strtrtfp rgtmt uic pfema rvflurn n uvitikt l itu ficndi oor r iji crj lhc r j ilri i o icclcii lu linn during tlur pjit iwo yttrt nm wu ml rripotfulu ioforoi theni ilial ha hu w received 4 urre anil varied iek of groceries wines and liquors comprising as folio vv liiotvnl m s4itrinii pn htmrat fiia mfdia utrfl oli4fnpttic jnmic spirit 11 aurtaav ft brndy ourdv cnsnm do 1te ftrnly genuine seieh vtiikey lfuffm srliricfoim pi nfpcmhmii jin wnmvr ie nut iliril pi 1 lie 41 ur alien linq bie stuok r wit iii lhri nki 1 t- iiccn inn direct nmt llitnin cnntlifeoc in fcwiiintrmliita ihctti a fre fnm jiluucutm the gnovair tuifiahf in ihc 3ft ntilttta r4n lie bcjtfqaaliiibii te rccjirtimiucd lo ihe flhrtn he h4 mm tit te by iil mmireil lem of lie is tft as klr itnpfml tlt llmm viiii ilyn tiifiuviwivr twittk it liewi i iiitfrtit prfc smiiitai r ftr rirnnij tt hrvf yn fhhiov fv s4fcbp lojf ciuuieil und mutcvdv tfcdcl pkuits luinflft cvrrani kitheru kiff avmono 1 t mid htltcr gndicj orne ieim und iuirtr spertti olive nl toj oil smcc of tvrry ocfryirtmii ptellet sdiiee mcet- rni virmieeth aitrwm lipjtrier sirdinr scefitcd cnd mil drtiwn ijp sirch ttie iinuo rkh nrfihltinj lnitr li if sjintfc lwnf5hii riiyinc crd rpea buchtiif t buck trd bw to fisil sea baliwm fyehoie datftnvi norih shrt ltrinc dlgby 41111 lubock f itt n wfiilefbfh ini4 tftfrh cicaft fine p ihfiimi rchiiju notice quebec fire assurance company the urijcftfnej having resigned tlic agemy tif ilio qtwffi five jsantnte ojfitr a tm place h tn mitify tli fjubut tli at t ho hnineaof the institution hire will hencrrth btf citiluctcl by iih sifccesjor thumbs itnigos junior fijmiire to whom ap plicatiunafor amirtuce or ottier hui- e conncclcd vith the ofhca will in future be adtlrcmfch ihomas greer ignptob l2thtcmer 1sic- j- with referenil tho above adver- tiivmeut ihtt slbriwr having c- cetoj ilw aemy of the quebec fir assurance cowwiyaitlua place is yiow f 1 j o rflcflhi etphejtiimii from panie tlcsiiritiia f trfq aurancc 4aii na or ilnrtaijc by fire it moder ate ratca ot pronurns at ui office princess stroot thma9 briggs juan agent qithttrre a company kktcmim lgth wb tlmf a card ihe sutmrilknia returning hn thanks tu the travelog oommuniiy firllitf palmna he haaneccwej nlilieir hnnj vauufkngxhe ititish jlmifican iioui bap itfave to imwtwe tnlltcmmimhl aa u mrttc4mr mujamgs patxcflsor who wilt lie ftiiiml fi every rmpect worthy ir public suppun t jjsepfl 13 1si6 h daley kingston ajili late dalsrs hotel auction and commission market buildings the suhacriberrespectfullyioforme the mercantile community and public generally thathe is prepared to sell on commission dry ooors groceries furniture on the moatreaonalilviorma days ofcialo every tutmiky thurs day auj snturjay at 10 oclock a m each day wm mrmujan auctioneer appiaiser n bcaeh advanced on goods left to be aom without reserve improved saleratus ihe subscriber would bej leave to simmonbii r io j i- who iteal in tnc l pfj low s the surscluber legato in- ftirin the afll the travel cuinnmuiiv hj be has teased the abnvc ivcl kapd bftabujunml and liopea by ntnlrl athiiien hi thenniori of maguem us mctft eontlnuattofl of the very liberal palrome whirh this hohl hi received the lad f ycara unaer the nhle nnnnmntfi ibe fiwincr prupricuir mrjll dabf jag9 patterson- tudftvm me ftimceocaargr irtifniim jetii ifi- blvmv dkeds for sale at t ft i atheneum book store important new books jtttt m re i- i m k 1 popes veftrty jurnl of trade tor ims c4nprljne immenie fond of flublc intvinnkiiun on tje comiocrce nmvio- liort ac with tho new v i ui a staf nf the world dalma peeruft for 1846 ubru curoortaie dcpmlchci c f lird tlardiff and govh and sir h smith during tho late war in lodi with aupand plana fiem kxfeic and evolution of tho army with stylaiea cvwilt kc jc iprf- j of arehtleeiore dlainei baqwmvlefi rmi spto viiif 0 ncretoi9ili of g m nf affrieutttin macumoehon andtfie fodin- eiratem mcoltftcha princi4of political roonoior supplcneot aumaf auhlaa li urea dictionary of ah manufacture and mine rjitfittde mipof lhosuperior the abore together with a numtroca collection of othef aimitir wurka for svile br fontreajsept r tc c chalmers wi mer8 arcanum extracta f i l letiiie ha acquire an extnited a and eunluhfdcelenrity throuheulihe eoiintry whirh has htrtt sniiaiied ny its virtue and rfficcy atone a a remedy tn scrofula or kine evil ulcerated sore tijkoat longftjndjmg kheuaiatic artctions diceaesof ine skin while swellins oiae of toe bones all ulcerated cae affeclioosof ihe liver dyspepsia cosmeriess aii chronic urn nervious cooiptainuceeuiruii indebi- titaicj and catheiicconstimionf deai caused hy an impuke slate of the blood the arcanum extract i a com- nletv anlitotc to the i- kviu r ny ih iejinlicsetiaiatal mercury as 4 spring anj fall pukiflcit it can- ml ih atp4ifji tvnrking iu way tnrruti tbe ytcm with adlaiit ndetfectiveforctj cleamingth- 0lood removmoyspkptjc influences nothing the nekverj remevin intkitnal ohsfrnctinn and dilate hl woghl othrrvise cuse injury to boltveuand lungs peraons whoa ronslitutlitni are hroken liewnhvuieastnr mekcukv arsenic l irr that evcty device orquitne and any one who aie suffering of neglect ia followed by more mleaa from diseased liver or an lajiihf iu of inconvenience or nurtcring when hialiitujakoativeiirasnrtfvailthecheeifiil general agency and commission office 6 barge yard bucklcsbury london ntar the jfonnon hoi to merchant c ntwt puwjo l4brarci acneuliural sodeiiea omceoiof tba army and jiw prinlar pobhahm of nwa fj y i aad won hi aoerally simmon0s i ward jl gtntrol agents and commission merdumii r 5th 12 rat fcv iv to their foenda and ihe colonial wt 10 general and be to cquaini them that bee are read execute order a supplies f anv kind and quaalit v of ard goods of m rr rfei aiwan of nratrata quality at too v r b maikel prices f tbe dar and tiansaet btoiow upon ihc mt liberal termt pr thrv are pfe vmsiy furotfhed i fundaor draft tat either aaarna of mj denoiion of merchandize mwwttattf bih at ready to fmrnih orders mi the ahortot notice to tc extent of 20001b ijlv of aciioicg preparstion for cosh or approved papers james morton kinatnnbreweryand distillery 12th auftuat js45 t playinb and printers cards st received at the atneocum bok htre a fj0 asanrlinnl of crrf inelitftri playih card gold tucks and plain ponleea card of nfl aiiet and cutora and j 1 in and dtnttemenf iv viaitin card j plain october 2h voir surface enamelled b foit bilious complaints pews tb headigiddincuknets dittymatulwyy obttrvctions habit vl confinement ojtht iiocels dr liaitkfhs laxative pills of the nurnerousdiacasrs to which che tiuman frame is ituhlt there ia scarcely one the symptoms or which are not5oriogly45gravatrd hy a confined state if the tftvilaund to tin alohi oiny owu choir origin and cuiuinuance the preserving ihe iilimciitary canal frolfrom olatructhii a point ofstich primary importance rtm4mavf the ccipt of the i- 1 of t h anoant on nt ffi 5 e sl be cooxw mill the kieat atlonion io the jniereataof the conzner an maaabi knledrrof central connaion bttrneaa acqtmed donq ln rc aidck in jamaica and uia other w iund and aubeqmnt etenaive t oct wilh all the dotjsh coloniaa u eirwo ofaerral jeara in london as glooral cifuolcd tth promptilude atteoti willtthey irust enable them to lo be who may hunox ih nad hem w afenla n and judgnenl auiafactiooi lb their music music music justreeeit ed si the atheoeum book slor or be following vij 60 popular airt or tht fql vialia price 3 9d a 4 f3orilegleefeonaihiogoftheroll uyattl van dunk bisbop the keilcrcakrufihilk i the wimls whistle cohl bihop f w vshpherdstelmpmjiiiohit i muxe imm ihe opera fnehantra ring dbrds shatajaia wouairiita hi la ncu ruontt in sltwaimalq nomut oc m 14 and ly bogc tobaccos njilr1 homeyjaal cut ifnney- lulti and c 1 aaaawi h and nrena maecttny rajjpre and ikiy of nihor gh cawahliwi deir an4 arntnilc chcr twial 3carf rrnmn t scotch sinff friih a vaiktv ot nihor gla to ntiteroiii lo moot- 1 ah uf arfitoh will be whuwtenr uetail ut the nvret rennfifrt tavern keener ftvfthaarfaa ffoud lermt kmttvn tkccmlkr 166 nf rreif 4a sjle tonlaflbl si laatoadf bataia linaw with llaro dower iwljfava uecda wtrnut bal of ower lo d wrtbliir nf 1owcf meniiiau with tttr power iki wli oaraf dower al cfljt nf tareita flwch and dvfltrici coioi and divinon coin blank karaite march 0 1817 lobservateer fbancais a frencfl journal or nttt mliticll cotmetfcul ad aiahtlmc stnt r out wci of phitqsoffr litcrtiurti and gentrct infor- tnutitja frotn frane cttolhet countries lithe finhina articles in rnetiti reftcji pmlnoa patilical ncwa from arioajaajtjicr cuiriejujcial raaarmi a li just received thisdfyprr allens eiprcss mntrtot pilcue 2d part ue j s knowca brittle of life w uickent cinq mara by te vifny cnfetnnfaprcttjwrtftnn hyalrfa jhe aahaiad sinhy van lcnnp r huek proprwl by carleton ler and parienm bv mm gnre wnbcf at son nn 5 by dclena paihee darev by the attllwr f twn old mevs tapca creihinn liy antawaet rupert sintuit by llio autbur if ten tlio-ti- ind a year the l society by o nl doraay pie greatisi plaue ut fnc by n lidy freemayntq1ncriyluviaw siotnot84c actoof corinth by duma ncrclia by bnlwcr iticdctbur by jtmca murffuerito of valoi hy dumf ptlmv service nf en tajlne tho sup matter sod patl by jamaat avucwrum book srnur k march i 117 geemany spain and countries each aa andfi m raaiaaaaafcaf ff f r s i jivorkaj a kovicwnf koas a renew of ivndi jiumnra and anermea rf the faahionabe wafus jvnn of the weekly meeiinfof tbe frencb and other sswho a com uievcili itcpavi a iuo of eoetiili md french ritfaire a hariaal rvie laaahajea ate iaoamlmtaaia fa lt pbtuvicd weekly in lyindon subkriulh 2ovpcr annunv ki drbarw b hifi haw nnit is4 mewmokg vst received atthe atheneum 1sdwin c ii own naxltfactttair op p til sheet irok ufl lhpper wares and dcajeh iff cookino asd other stoves princess street kinaxba apjaalta the mili tary hj 1 blugs in return thanks to tho in habitants of kinirn and it vicinity and tho public in general fr their very lilittral patinnae since ha faaa cmnmcncil buino arid rwplft hat hy onrtfiqlturig aara and iitqntiiin ti with tbosoriattof 0qqipalaiil ivurlimcii to accure a conttnuanco thereof e ca kcopst canntnntly on hand a general rfmttimqt o tih hare ant tin bw kvotfifat copper uml titi stow furniture flr marking plat es of nvkiy dccrijition oxecutod in the n rat 11 mini nor work nf wry kind in hi lino made to iinlprwilhimiticliidliir niv ii ikk 133tf m not ipataasat ocltelaganfr new wnrld mi vilujo stket teller lard cauicatc online mccklchy afm ireatmnt of av n ihe ahnve licaa htl sa the aucanum extract without ilc lay ii nrnne toua intanee auoj where ulcera iiou had utt nare liotn ligament and hoiir and where 10 11 rumtanct no human me4n bill n 1 l could havesavcd 1 le patienta havctjtun maichrl limn ihc x an w tared ta health the devnurin itiftasa tatimi completely eu4icatedhy hie hie of mi inv- tiin1ile extract tho pmpiietoca of the arcanum rx- tract liavfi ind lata mtieiaiiia uiedm aii the aovi iil witi i tn tnoal falitl ju rulta ii iramlv nia4iaka neilnvrlum ie nnt nlawairif h1 or ihlennjilil re- rj iir otity hm iillftr4tnt irf aaajefalian iniliel and 1 iniamv ainlieasre and effira- jimti i titiii at it 1m mltln faoiiislfu s ilrsenaiiaii for what the aucanum extract inoca- hie with oikervji fan inaefhima perspira tion and a treatise uo ds 10 general accomnany each nntile ayut are supplied with the aoave plnipuaia tor ralqiiou eir calatiaii price s par bailie prepared and sold hy j winer h million canada weal and john winer co 8 memt laae n y for xalv at the aiheinm linek store n palmer anl c heath kington and by all the reipeetabje dmisti uirouham ca nada 1356n vigor uf hiraltji is aoon tmjiarcdsma tiinis by alciw decrees and ot tliet tiinti mora roiiidly diseases moke their intmada urt tho constitution and in nuinlhrrloastristanceajiaittctilarly where ttehaoitsare aodeniaiyor where tie living indulged permanent ill health j winbrri pectoral yrap of horehoiind a nd elecam pane flor the speedy and rfvchul core of cv4ili aihiaff ulood whoopim couh croo or hivtlj con tuiiption pjeurity hoaraenes fi and soieneof ihe baraal aa4 luns kronehilit a diaeasc tbat ta tweepin hu drtda to a pre mature grave under ihe fietilioua name of conaurnnlioktf can he cured by ihia meuicmc the atual lymplorntof this diseaae bron chilis are couh sotenm of the luna or throat hnarseneh dilticully of hreaihinr asthma hectic fever spilling up 1- or matter and sometimes uukkl itisnuthinx mote than an inltamiiion of the line skin which lines the inside of ihe whale of ih wind luhef orairvenela which tun through every pcl of the lungi tne ptiiliif viitues of ehl compound hbvakwahimtlna aiuactej the atiemion of the medical p and public and a lively laleral aai raaeall been directejto the cleeelonementnf iheir ml1i cowers i the puinlul result it must bottlivuma to the rnit superficial observer that when ttiu fuiktiona nf nature uowjl- luded to aro not performed with duo ie- iffaliriiy assistance must bo obtained i from ail apeiicrnt modicinoa then bo cimuiudiaionsahly uecossaiy excejii whum liu iiaouf fruila or nehuooin 4ttmlolltfuj1 invflftfej kianuw tuj te- miivingtlic ovitj and must- bo had re course to until the iiecoaaity for such aid coaaes 1 i a 1 it isaquostion orconaiderableim portance what laxative shall bo em ployed 1 tho list of aperient medi cines is numerous but their cuvijs un tho system vary eonaiderabl svnmc ex art their influence chiefly on the exha lant vesaeuornnaome pa els nnly whilst the action nfothers ex- luuds more or leas to the whole of the intastinalcanal the latter classuf iie rionta is evidently tho best adapted to obviate the hahtujal confinement of titer uuvvela they apply that additional oxcitcment whicli nature then reiuiret tn assist herin the performance of her accustomed functions itis precisely on thistatter principle that tho tills now offered lo the public aio formed and as their activity can be increased or lessened me smaller o c lijfro soiijra sorix ot feliio songs set ef 1 r j aeoweciionei sacred mflodies6 nca 1 set of new quadrilles j 4 of lover snnjts selfiona from the opera eleonoro j gerpsfiom lnereiia lwjria 6 rviecei 1 eisht new and fashionabje pouas j andalso axreaivariftvnfsnnesandpiecea hy mioucnmpnatssi7aeeh may s3 1846 new railway ranhh sulmcrroers woutu intimate to al fynvarders and owners of propcl- ers barges 5tc that ihey have feoretl the raiwirat portsmouth f n maiiiaa railway company and arc now ready for hauling not and repairing barg sir- and by rnotlerata charges and airim at- tralioa in uiisittna hpcionerit a ahnre of public paironage i r- it i1eauphe pfiilaihairth c w may th 1846 hqht hunmtd thihi8in1 ackjis ok land i tiik llaronjrac notice to old settlers emi grants and otheks nphe canada comranrhtra a bjaiu ihrawn inn ail iii illie huiion thafitfur iimhimi 1 ofilp l 1 by wylbasb fr ten years- no money down tli frtfhmary in i 1 1 i i 1 i ttlh j w 4 kt tti ill 11 i nr ii diilttii wa il i full m p f oiilmgnirieoualllira which he nronrietowaie j lhfl undatiun nf much suffering now able ta aralifv ftd am at thi meilicina forthoaeoccaaionalobatiuetionitowhicli being beqimtted fciu payable mi the lac eh fhrll not much interest upon the tipaet puce of the land tho right lo pur chatethe fieehrdd at any time within the ten year at a fixed price named in lesr 1a aecuitd ta the settler whr would ihuasave all further paymeru or ramltf the huron dieirict ia known to bar one ofthe moat httalthy and fertile tiacia rely by liking f canada ii haa more than a larger or smaller quantity they not i cj l pplatloii within four yeara only furnish ati apjerient medieim- pm- tll hnirr tract in the year j8i2 per forreneral use in a fartilv ua in june laat rear the alto wall calculated answer moat o huron distriet numbered u m the purposes for which purgative reme 1 official reiurna die are necessary theabove lands are in stocks there- the pillaare nor however rerom fln0 ftliiy for tho undivided minded uvaspeclfic for the cure 0 familiee of old settle aijuiaeaitesuchpreristeroutstaie- r fnenda mautl ftri worse than ridiculous and 1 fl5 prticulara and every aro only put forth for deception u rcqiia informauoo upon the huroa they will prove a vuluabte remedy f jondjh canada companys other lands that confined state ofthe uuwcla whicl the llitnay nf the is t the liioiiquwirijllere the avcataajajiteff bayv- tlic nwafi liwtrti r the rmmhurch re blacknwe maa w an afnnvcni of sf u kincaliiiocmherul london stiwl just hkckivkd at atheneum book a lahtik ttsaflebarlll shtj tub store iitnflinriil nl lrl iviejt h var aultefa inrla4mailkiln lne ritetl mamim tumumia ihu ftrw vnli jflma tni anil wriat nlhfi nw ailj ihi a i tibial auawaaei 1 ihc tradv rjclnvt 2ti canada express leaves kintor fo montreal whe rafiaeie wshilm n vork and benlon 1 aves khvflala for montreal where i connecu with tesy erf every frily aavcj klimtan fai pronto hamilton and ifiito every tuesdax kbtptiii stpfci rf c c1hamiu aent lotf rrsmhevvnftrmnd hlerlalahit tra vo1 x a on 4itlvif vittal l- rjuaubkrav uev waialim 2 y 1 an 1 kfnt jaonaat vni to ji sliouhl fee a t t utmost 01 h lnr str by mnnlrrnl of i fnfnfr vola kilgci- jar 1 alua gaap if 1 for the people 2 i malcetf hy vanouaiub era and ancient r qik c- ciialmeitsf bv by the lasf supper unwuito da vixci tut rrlcp it a p ii a k m 0 r u ii e n 11 thia makfiprr iiern teviveil 11 ml r wiih paalitimhaxul aihniithh rurjiii4j hint iflrr tin wall uf iia 1 nmitiw iiihiiln a rkwturiks 1 ivin i ih uliri jtlt lawivanl miillut ijici fit siip- avorr- march h in da very nun hu iajtavmlnm to rnjwy a ike in the tvellkifiwii ui uhw morxhni fi whnrji ilwia vimmitnl xirttomi ikutit i mr jl vi liliiliful qrvvi cririrated iv ij lr ajr pntir kiv si ihe atktmuoi ttv lrahf v jiil tx nl thm meilicine lathe puttie willi lull cnnfljrnce at ttsrieinif ihe mot mfe ami valnatu remeily evcrilit covered ami attainted to all disease of the curt when any of ihe functions do not perform their niiaral nr healthy aciina tin timrersilly belivveil thai col in h providence has not afflicted hi children wiih iiain am diaec without at the same time ivinj iheca somethinr in the 4rjen nf nature mat will noi only medicate but in many cases entirely relieve thrm with tlce views atranly imorcssed on our mind everyone at desite to investigate io g power ihe great arena of utture and 10 draw irom lht tource that instrgciion which the wudom of man ha tailed ta attain in prrtrmniff ihisarlicle lo tht nnhlicjlhc proprietors were iiilttieneed by the hope thai a medicine orepared with much care ami iliict rexard tn tne chemical irnperliea ot its several ingredient atioull takethe place ol ihoiihsudi at ineafmiisilile noliums of the day with whirh ihe country it deluded t fne ae f oie haute of ih- syrup wrll be aiiihoctit to convince the mof seenti- cjt nf j seneociat trctt pmnifeil sid aul iy j wiicr kamillnn canada wnt aid john wiovr sc co 8 maiden lane n y for mia at the alhc neumttook store n palmer kmton and y alt tliroirniitil ciia04 in the prwince of citakgk hy poiliifd to the andtjleathn eincutde fruila guhb foit woltms wtsers gaha0wi vermifvce akhanihdm mleasaa the nest ra- uiifdy rvr yrl dicuvrfrd for vvinra lydfktrnya limn hat nviafeaiv iho ieh olf ihe anifeiabtin- w 1 1 not on vhnte sytteoi and cari dant lime or inuena o prevalent in tin ainnach and imwk apecraly ot those in had health il u hairnlsin u effect en the ayahnaml ih tiaalli of ihe palismifi ilnajaiiapiavlak hy iu ne evm when no worins ire ihicavf ntdi llir medicine being talaialr no child will retiin to take it pit even kir ml delicate ilaln ant nrac hcalowrvathiih ifaildhiwva renuuinflinm wnma accoaitttiiy iaeh ollk irnard nndialathyj wmn ainiln iratmda un ami jirhn wimer fit co i mailbtn lam n y lot akal list alheueum ikjik man jn inn i hy all ih ttioiiffhrni t canada lhhriatt jftall o reiieclavlo xktne- diueah all are liable 1 and for all lhiiedisurder which arise from an overloaded state ol the stomach and alimentary canal con sequently decided benefit will be deriv ed from their use in uiddiness and pains in tho head accompanied with nausea or sickness in all headaches where costiveness prevails in flatulencies tlilious attacks the commencement or chriethe early stages of jaundiceand in promoting the expulsion of worms they require no confinement or change in the diet moderate exercise will as- ataithnir operation and experience has proved that mid aperient tl ey are safe and elttcacious may be taken by adults and children and also in every stage nf pregnancy- to children of five years of age and upwards they may be readily given in pulp of apple orange or jelly and thus dixrjuited tbey are much more easy nfexhibicioiittian pmr dersorothcrdisareeable medicines imkkctioms pott taklnu tjih rjlls iii eae of uihous complaints foul stomachy ac three pillsto betaken at bedtime and repeated next night if necessary hetjnthe the stomach twoptllsto be taxon atnightand one in the monrinp- wstinntecsitveness threu pilla to bo taken at any time needed uml rc- pcaieilu very six hou ra until relief i a ob- aiued the usualilnaefomrdinary persons is throe pilla but four pill maybe taken by 11 peraon omronghabitnf bndy and two pilla miy itu qwctt to delicate wo men and children piitfpanrn ani sold hy dr btricotvat tho athoneum book store kingston sold iu lioxca at d i4i einh will be furnished ran pplication if by teller canada companys office at toronto and goderieli and strttrd in lie huron district canaua cnnraiysoftic frederick st to lit jsnj 1s4 j 6ra winers celebrated medicines thti fuilwint mciliemea art kept eoaatantly on sata at u10 atltcoenui book slora j 1 direct kinjratan vis win bkv arcanum extft actfer taa speedy sndjfuninf a euro of all dteeaeti arming nam n inptir matcomkc blr wlnrr pectoral syrupofhobe- h0unu3tlccampanefor tba can ef conjh cutdv ahhma conaurnp4on ac winers canadian vermifugf tle tkt remedy evrryel diaezvered foe wprme winers tooth ache drops a oee larn tfore toe ilia tunth acha uinkrvraaifhorated nerve an bonk linlmenta certain ears u tho i fanimniorvseialio aid chmnie rhaotettpol winery family ointment far the cur f scrofula while sydlinca rhomauani rin0 i i dte wjnetrscmemicalpile ointment afnceoj aafe and elfcetuil remedy for lb kles tiifelhex with an exienaiva variety of csnaiaa enchn bid articiean patent madjcina f pickles nf london ircwin sauces and 1 largk mtsetiavaal awl naures pnr c at lha rarneviii rk xtorrj mllluael rcj copal varnish or sale at the athoneum book store superior copal vah- nlsh in pint and quarts by the dozen or single bottle country mer chants supplied on reasonable tenna kingston april 13 is46 whiskey 200q wmik r m drumm0nd june a 1816 tobaccos of rove- superior al0luatlacbiwit navv baccofor sals by im dhummund- uoa5 1646 camphinc oil constantlv oh sale hy s b0urni scplernbtr mq