the british whig ann flgmril advkrtkkft vor cauda west printki1 v published semiweekly c v r t i 1 1 i l 11 a friday jy edward john barker m d at the iturxeum in fagot strut rxt iir to tkf iinb ii ifaurr rn ije hjritisl tdljig and general advertiser for canada west fflfl hovc ten ill ml i 1- advert tbrm4k ihiu firn sihtww aflulwith umilluwanceof kivc shi if pridtntdrm- nnpinor nwmhinnrd nnlilarrraragesarcpuiu up ihonpuon of iho publihcr advgnriskmests si lines and under 9s gilfiliiiet1mi n1 tolla i- inasrtmn all lines ukw line 3t4hflfti wtiwi and iddoacti atmeqnnl inefttunj lino let flrtmc for the firrt nwrti per lino for each uwtptrut inrliort men t s wiihnnt specific jueciinn t winch nriiii lo carrying r ml be tn writing ate inserted iiniiuihilniiil chareco jj gjjjj nf according v omors fur ducmitinuinjr atfwrtw monta thc ivn to the publisher or toft ia writing ft tho office the british whig bdiii ajnnrnal nflhe uffctcaoinjiinciuiton no discount will be allowed on advertisements on any pretext whatsoever ordersforlhc brltul whi willbc retried by roost of the pi mtsietaiiitlic united prnvincc and monies handed lo thorn will be credited as if paid to the publisher am letters except fmm a cent to be postpaid vol- xvi kingston canada tuesday may 11 1847 no 88 thrthreeministbbiali education criminal form and sanitobv now legi irst j a- mcdowall furrier a hatter brock sthcet kicston furs made up to order on the tho noficr fun ol frery drmtiptioa bought and selil military tailor and ladies habit maker princess street- fr four good journeymen tailors wanted w noden tailor c opfosrrn hr- william whins wrlusuton street- ah work in his line executed with neatness and dispatch liti u 51 hon d croctf flint i spiril h c rcli am wellington nriratkobi tfext to mr w hisons f- b kaylkr coach builders 43td carriage makers nacccn itmct bsmimi copartnership the unrlerirtil have eniereil into co- partnerhip fur tho piirpnscnf jicfoitwarolnuhusi the river si lawrence lakes ontario eiiis c under the name ami style of colclcigii ifcttjtbsm montreal john h on ecu co at kington and wm colcleuom sc co at hamilton john h- grerr wit colcleugh- hamilton march 2f 1347 lake and river line forwarding for 1847 w robert mccormick noiraack a if ktail nun wisks snuits teas gkhcliuls ic phitft fi sthcet kingston in ffl4 p john a mafdllkai alkxanheh cam imll n i 11 eii jambs mcmillan teach er of music piano fortes tuned dihrt ra thompson cakky general importing and commission merchants si dron strtct niv york a card canadian dkwbok law orlando warr commissi ox merciuxt and ubnerai agent ho 105 water 8iroec sbw york owen vandusen atto rney at law ith reference to the above an nouncement the undersigned will be prepared cm the opening of the navigation to carry on the forwarding businea between montreal kingston toronto hamilton and other forts on lakk ontario and aim on lake okie and vice vcnij cr the transit of pro duce ontl merchandize their stock of finoclass barges pro- petttrs steam freight boat and scaoo ner is such u will enable them lo do justice tu i parties a may confide ijtisiiiess to heir care pnhliice cin store before ttie open ing of the lachine canal to be at the riaw of the owners thereof colcleijghgreerhonrredi john h glteer co kingston wm coixlriugh 0o hamilton ku innes managing jtgtnt at montreal kingston 5ih april 1847 s8jm forwarding for 1 8 jjjjfc 4 7 the undersinrd having entererf into co- lirircnhip for ihe purposed carrying on th rkwakdig itusinkss between kingston montreal and vict vekja via the ritleuu canal and river st lawrcitcer will ht pruteil on th opening of he nai- jatiou with a new stock of steamers barges capable of carrying 0000 rarrela of flour prr nomi to send forw anf any property winch maybe onijiif a to llivin from their experience and icnowledf- the rniinfm they lrut to be able to general satisfaction victoria saloon alexander clcolari in respecifully tendering hi thank to his ontonwra for the liberal fiupport they have hiiherto extenilcd to him begs to acquaint hem and others that he ha recently much improved his establishment no girrctti bumdltlfl markct squahs wherrj all liinrffsof pefreshment in sea- no pastry wines liqueurs jellies ice creams waier ire rinnan punch c arc tt will na usual lc provided and trusts by hi efforts to please to aecure a continuance of public patronage fjt lunches always ready a c being a practical workman is prepared to accommodate families with fadtrvit the hortest ftotice and on a reasonable terms as any others in the trade charlotte knsses meringues and other delicacies prepared to order kington 20th april 187 32im queens collegltscnoou mr w a ross wlil reopen queens college school on monday 23rd may and it ia earnestly requeued that parent n and guardians will loose no time in en rolling pupils in ilia institution although originally founded chiefly for tho purpose of pre paring candidates for admission into queen college instruction will be given to all ivhn desire it in the usual branches ofan commercial and mathemati cal a well as classical education a class will be formed at the opening of the session for the rudiments of the latin language terms may be learned from the revd mr machar principal of ihecollcgr or from the rcvd prof romanes or the k prof williamson tsoravltanil to oiwkiml ftf pro onhf tn oto demand for any pecntiae tfamal erc the gardev frum the canada farr fto nr wh ln ino crnlrol nf nonarr mad ot ground alisttm h without a rrf- i tnr wtwi are crif trij in tcdrntry itoiw phwwilii tlr cullivation nl small arovn htot ao agreeable healthful recreation antl it f n i nn ior niai tv eniy many lirtarics wichhit lh usual cjipeitac of auch enjvmroi th ranocr rlictler rich or poor fttiotild nrvrt be wiihout his kitchen tr den he will find it quite mprtiublc h any oiher part of hi 1ume rciarine an eqnat antouni of labor the cmen w can in mi esaes be performed by the female rrtemhrra f the family except perhaps the digging and manuring of iho snit which wc aiaure the udic we think they noghl not to be expeeicrf l da 0it we muk remind thrm at lite simr lime thai wo thus show our devotion to heir interest we ejpoie oonhvca tn uie empire flf verj high auoioritv namely that of tltc lady herself mrs ivhdon tho wife uf uie etcbraicd aicoltuial writn in itererccl leol ritllc wuek gardening for ldiea laya down very particular direction foe tle ovde of ttggif th anil prafauiai and apotyin the on per kind of manure moking iv i k- and ahe ifivrs drawine and jecriptim of the im- pfomenlathty muat otw nnd of to tittle harrnw which thcr are in fill up and trundle alon with hair own fair hand by the atay we must tvh forcetthat she allocs ijni li war n leather raonilct tn protect their deheale n from the rode tnqeh of the rabpf earth such a warden at almnat eorf farmer may ciil- tiirle without trenching upon the labors of the j fala may he made hi supply onearlh at leuat of the fd which i reciuirod for cviniumptiri of i hi flinty durine the nmmr h v nothing of tafctclj ilbivofln tii9 dwelling and the roy hue of haaiwl uc4 cm i puvmeni impnria to the voin uilir a matter if nowium moment loan vlfretionmte and indulgent father we say then u alt howeot multifarma thoohctadcvimndtngyouratlonliwndonot frjct your garden weeztraet theremuka helm ftm gardner dieiinnjiy they arc taken by jjm frnm an eneliah writer and refer chirrly b market gar- mtny of the hint lioweeer jlbo found and atvi to any pec cn tttottmei new ata may often u ordoce2 with dtao- ta hie raiinof any uk p t with rc care will often ffivr a mm a nwm0 makes jt advantaceou tohim tr comiie himself oumropfinciimyand raiaothemin tnclct korfreimn an infeitiout man will findou wliai it ntost for hi nvn idvantao nd from the i of plants which inny be cultivated for ornament or fr use a selection nuy be made which may be well uiled to tho situ toi of the ground and the cir cijinalaricea f the grower the practice of the market jfjiiderwa may be examined with adran- tajc and i experience with the test of jtrkfil will lay duwnbetlcrpraoticed rules than the must ptaoaihls thoories tjw apphoation of tho garden husbandry moat be in tho preparation of the soil by deep trenching and dirking carefully drilling rtr dibbling all the teedi in rowi stirring the anil between the grow- mg plants and keeping the ground clear of weed hy the hand and tho hoe these ust are ihe most eicential part of ihe cultivation by daily aten- tiiin to the prrreaa of the plants and entinual aaiutance at critical perioda sometimes thinning ouihndothertimcv trsntpfanlin n produce n rnunl crop and treating eecrv plant if it were a rare ptnnt in tho garden the ground mav bo made to produce more than double what the rnftst alien- tvo farmer could expect on a larger scale these abort rules msy be added fur garden col- tiralion 1 regulate the distribution of your plants with respoot tothcahado and son otdmary standard tree tttottld be on tho n hy paaiing the former through a fioc tieve and stnnng well into loo flour with the hand the 4t nrit be dissolved and ttdded to the arid i ii r wttndco rod beiag used to mix chcii ui wlvle sliould then be ihmarn together and kneoded as throuehty and speedily as possible- the douh thus mndo ihould be baked in jong tin hind is sufficient to make two losers about one hnlf an hur is required n baking tbi bcd it well tinted fighter and mre digestible han bread hiked with ycasf and is less iojuriooa tii cinnotbe question hut ihe unyesfted bread is rnore bo depended on for the sick chamber nr hs use ot the dyspeptic and mnt of course be more safe sm whulrsume fur the public at urge and west rida near uat ntto shade lou urna uiefnf fur nrdp lary cates- mr- ross ha been employed in the work of teaching for some years and nme of the most distinguished student at queen college owe to him tui previous irairdng wlitch has enabled them to prose- rule their studies at ibe university with v attvhittecw moth from our knowrd uirir em tho rhminution f it i til a r quantiv and oi vlii aurl ny vi nf ua lalenis and hu anu from i wwhtiick the pum- nnverw i he proof we have had nf ins eminent be n fad supplied to fjstttl of c derp irrnching in some rtcceo prevents that peculiar deterioration of the soil hi would he tlie consequent of llsc frrquenl rfftftftka of ami ur ptanta this ertrct is most per when the plants perfect oir scol whidi seldom or nertr allowed to tnke phe h nisket gardens hui great atttntnn it paid li the apt l hajfj whirh strecerd each other on thesu y principle which eiperienee und lli elalihhing is llitt of amojsng th reeurrrne f pbau which belong natural fimtlt tio inirdcm io comnirisno with tto dnep tn a farm cnihls that prinei acted npnn 1hoe gwrnrra hn and reeitedly sow or plant ihe eiabtes in iho sime ro and able solicit a share of ve of rtlmid patronage he business wilhc carried an in montreal msie a a t9tbtf u tv fwtf rwn whom he hw sent to collrge we arc enabled wilh the fullest confidence tore commend htm to such parents as desire to sertire the advantage of a ihoiough edu cation fur their children john macifar a m ueorce romanes a m j williamson a m- kingiton april iftih 187 th nt ihe stores occupied last season sy hrt uam walktfti under ihe name and firm of smith glassiohdi and at kington under the name and firm of giasfoud fit j smith james a glassford geohge smith kingston 8th march 147 20tf 1847 ufgsy 187 fokw arding between montreal and kingston fresh garden seeds i i n rucaester m seh and w a rr anted good aspargus fieana beet braeoll cauliflower earty yotk and other cabbage carrot celety cress cucttm ber eag flant kail ltiico melon of all kind nasturtium onion pursley parsnip peas cayenne pepper pump kin kiiv uhubatborpie plait sae caraway vegetable oynter spinach squashj tobacco lare red and larje the nineiptn tg ifbfii rated ia ibit or ferine abundant aunrdf or dun raamfsmiel watering t ecrted infra speiearf fl erp wuha ripidffy wh llioo feetihts which state in ihe least time a- mr and lhne aho for t demand at all time of tl dartt supply rr m inure j no fear of ei ha listing th rc pt rory unite in p ton frtuitenl to ihe sme ifomtervr l w rasnnuai v ito to be futly itmmk thirf into kind of qam axvra of pfndnec rnh n i j dieirs undatit my til the fti- lioiild be on the north or apfltnat the wll ue feke touch from the sun 2 alternate tho crops and oo ol plant varieties together iel the pollen should mx 3 1lsnt imiuedittele aflar preparing the soil i seeti and yoa plants require to bo kept iirj and oith lihil soil ubnut them 5 strrmv tho ground abnot weir vet plants ie one of the tam certain means of forwarding cjeta- bkax 6 trench thesoilover sitlevn or eihtecn in- ehe deep rcifuuilf every four or five rears taking a fiuh part annually the wriwinjc remarks from judije duel arc con cise nnd well adapted to fanners the month of mat is an important one in the opoattona of the garden if not already done no time should be lost in sowine tlte seed of onions 1 salads early cabbsfe pesv rndishci and in j planting early corn and potatiars the beet car rot parsnip and summer squash may aim be sown cabbage for winter use msy bs town in limo from the 20th tu the 33tb as sum aa the soil and the scnon are arm enooii t hiintj up corn which here m sjeoerally from the islh in the 2qlh plant oor nickma pumpkma and cucumbers ihuugii it will do equally welmn plsnt the falter for pickles in the cjfly mri of june lhc 15th wttlnrdtnarly d for lima wans which are the hefetnf the bean family soax the seed of thcae in warm wataf a few hours and cut or them slightly when punted mf pfjetico is iu save this emp tiir potato disease preauminjr ihe folate to ho intended for planting dry plaaa them thinly in s ehcdand water them well with a rose wsurpol let htm tie faf 24 hours then remove them to a dry fioor noarder them over with sulphur vivom turn them and repeat it have your trenches ready uie 6rst week in march place your potatoes or aetata your usual vray with oo trf manore level lha coil lleo surinlle over the iur with as much cornrnnn aolt as wiji haomble a iprinktiof of snotv and i 6nl l nrt jhl will neslautumu report progrw ijaavsri arot v ifarsrry liii kfr chttunhtm fee 1 l o 0 f frotn the qorose afrrnrry jbtey i on wednesday cfcninp last the diethran of the mercantile lode of odd fillows celebrated ihe oniversnry of ita ealabliahment the larpehallof f ihe parliarnerrt duildinfa wat obtained fur tho oe- cbston and fitted up with tho frcatest taato and pprvprtatenrsof display around tho watla the several ftas of old england from the hue en siftt to ihe smullcr uninn jack were hons inter apersed with banners be arms vaiinm devices and with drspciv of brilliant huea the three chairs ivcre cannuicd each canopy hearing the usual tnttoesf the orders omt of these chairs at tracted universal attention and the mysterious emblems surmounting it fatee gou gave f i it paramount attraction thia dread device had also tor suppnrirrs two m crooks the whole bearing opin the gorjppinjr story thst the occupant nf this seal iiipcrintcn hit dretd rdeal of goatridins which the unrmliated say he has to bo esaayed by every candidal for odd fellowship arhat part of the lurlurc the crooks enacted none nvuld c r l but oil tonkins upon the with wondennf eoriusity immediately aftcf the opening of the dour an immense crowd poured in until the building was completely oiled below stairs and hi lha fauvry rclwren gren and eiphl huttdrrd persona wero present dttiul or the evcllcnl arrangements made and atruily carrted into ciccutiun lha ultnost die cinifort must live toco capcrirneeii a- it was all were wtll cared for an iconfustoi prevaifid when all were sealed lha ov t jij from the t l bdh r and imposing a aot lrht rrom the ceolrunsmps fell iipon bright ransii irrs of tits chairs and lit up with a plcasin eftecl the 4 ot genua regalia ut the ucthren of the higher odes who wine cnsily aprons and oofurs of vel tit dicorjted with tfecp gittrn frrne and r a fur viclajf iie they ehurdcd a coil produeu when frost is spprrhrnikd the beam are jii picked the unripe ones rhclled out und dried and if j im with gulden yrnrs dispaymetonamnnc tftaked rh coking ate nearly seido when the ml tlaasmusga many a fcmnlt face of beauty fifhl gathered from the vines icunrnal products j bcamnr with eio pleasure and ciii rctrv wtiry mil cac flcr tlicy ae onee rlau- rjo ui w itme f fuii tv mwvv mni otunipi qinci mpr uiheewtcns sro cnluj wllt in analion- whom they wilt thnve iho ararj lotion b meow of enl cnt mnf jieanh fjut of fruits we would have noun wtant lijltiie nnd j t botg r i best are cheap as llm nnd a wliic smface is em ihrd nnd asm anecekds li ia truly rfatonijiirvj uirivo nt ii market alile ulwuva tlie nwtst nfit nieh ihcre uq eoutunt year with n abuiu ihc market cdcitefh ivc anl t nd clrfsuiiittr vu d solicitor uqumeit xd bhkuptcy tj ih ollawa rivrr bagvt street betmen british whig office qrd lambton house kingston frland scrip bought and sold and vice versa mid rideuti canal la 7rt ace jjqi macdonalos hotel latr stones opposite the city baths francis v carry m d sbhgeflm acgduchsur c ax new8lrotcamlgv g5t edward stack y r r o h lou b 0 j merchant tailor opposite d bryeeic coi king street kingston john black1st0n lmaker and rigger sai i hardy ontario s a a i l i i r c s i streft m t ii 0 n ter ship chandler no 1 hartlyt buildings kinplon feb 5 1847 z notice the pohiic are informed thai ihe montreal and kingston mail line of steamers will commence plying daily from this port lo dicensnttt landing until further notice on monday the i9ih instant jcaving kjflpfoh 31 7 m office of ihe montreal and kintfltal 51ail company commerciiil whkifa hi vr r m he und eraig lied with an increftaed stock of bahges and stcamkks at their command wtll transport nub safely and despatch all property confided toiheir rare parsing custom house entries vf goods from england and scotland will be promptly attended tu and free of charge thanking iheir customers for the pa- tronage they have hitherto extended to them they solicit a continuance of public support being determined to do bust ncss at as reasonable rate as anv others in the trade j s mccuaig co montreal p f mccuaig fcctj kingston kingston 6lh april 1847 29tf kinswn 16lh apfiu isi7 for sale lot no 41inthe4ih contnwn- hi oftiingsion 1g0 acrcaoii libnial lerma- apply to c stuart kidgbtobj9ihjpnaar 1347 notic k the subscrilew hereby give notice that from and after this date they will carry on the business of wak chouse mkn apart from lhatof forwarder and will not receive into iheir warehouses here any produce other than that already cintraf4ed for excepting in the former capacity for which the following ware house does shall be charged for every ten days that such produce may remain here they further give noiice that jthnuld he owners nf auch properly be desirou of covering the same by insurance against fire while warehoused here the subscribers will on being requested in writing act as their agents for such purpose so far as it can be effected ltl w 3d j rrlabtcs rnv row tattt v llc cruim trees htimjr frnit may paa1 in ruws rape- eially irvis a tht knil mid wstfer iheit ibss srimablea whtefa n nm p mucl mn be rafted to ajsan- lrwtt berries mt j c prcrtta are f untrd m mai between yellov tomato turnip fitc dec with a variety of other seeds for sale by william j kingston 14th april martin market square 187 31 corporation notice notice is hereby given that the following extiacts fiom the c act tc regulate tho sate fire wiod in the town of kingston will be rigidly put in force from and after the first day of may lut that each and every cord load or oilier quantiiy of fire wood sold or offered or exposed for sale in the aid per band j r lrnur beef ashes m grain yer btnhrl a i i jjprly in prurmrlitm hookrr iiexdersonracco mafpiikilson crane- jamks walker 6c co ii s jonbs co kinjpton 29et april 147 1 the ftitlowing papers wtll pleas copy lite above hirer moot ha miintieal gazette belksitlc intelligencer coborg star toronto colonial ha- miltoa journal and exprcuand london times ilwtrm thfsemws h ln lyf forl f prr ample moi flrf rw ant n ihie fitdrnb where ihe rv trtwro are raised and particularly in ihn wn sppfriated in hw fremiti of aecrj ni iw panmillrsl losnado the croiind even tlw hr f ttw kept low und cripppd xk rbc mfl ni ff shade nr harbor small b a sjrden ifeoou iwp m in wfiolar form wild narrow parair- them one or more re4 mificieni width to altftwaearttopaah elf facet ihesa- bdlaat nfm angles for the cnicnes of iteinsjina manure ud ikins af poce tho beds should nit bo arjnro six fc w 1ht p ri i v eaaily palj op wr or fiather stccublrs wilhil uxadinf upon iff tn0 wnajtmiwi taken from thepaihssctv the beds and in retentive ann may tf7 perfliinus walrr after sodden and wlenl him the wbolo around should have beea tnrbrd two spits drep or more and thi ircncks ahkild he freqnenllt trpcaled tn mil tho oft lh uw onder pail of lire im and distribute 1 1inrs3ed dun ilimv out the wliafo depth jv hi lime a rich black mould will be produced- which rvcry kind nf vceetablo will prow rapidly for early plania aud ifioie which are uwd in winfr and require in beprorccti fo fmnirnw tifdaaire madejyinc in a dtfffvi t and west nd glp- ini toward the nuih nl the north side raised tovrnorin the harbor thereof shall be hich sn that their surfrfiifm an ankof iwimy c0mpod of sticks not less than four feet m jex3 iht a t v 4 i 5 j l plantjapmteciin from ww north winds and ci- tn itngfftj from scarp to point andeach and every cord ao sold or offered or exposed for sale hull measure eight feet in length hy four feet in hcighth and partsof loral in proportion that any person or pereoiis or offeiing or exmsing fur iale any fire wood within the aaid town or harbor thereof unless the aame shall have i 1 j cut and split into pieces within thttsaidtown furimmndiate ue which shutl not measure f ou feer in length as uforesoidi shall be nned in such um as the mayor or any one of ihe alder men or councillors before him shall think proper jjy order of the council mflanagan cify ckrk kingen nor s3j i wot rfsj 0 sawy ellivatel an1 arn infinitnl nviir heatlliy and uicfiil tlese if well stclpd will cir h mirccraioii of fruit from june tn no tinbcr and in prcscrvim slaie during ihe yrir plonld tr lrxn with will fftfl frrom ihrfto in five disuvs tlwy maf ba muliijilierl by cntflinff bnoiliiiti fc the titeaostawbesv rraned as in ahano as lilllo at the griminda that arc in bn lilw half n dbaaffl ronls nf tlio picphnt rhnufhj will furnuji abumuml maloriau fnr pies and taria in no wiv jvinf la ii- imrvfr frnm april to jutvor until ihe jrulls u aiijrif ntty advanced in aupplv its ptacv hwsc hhtim tic planted two feci wpsrl innod mil a bed of fny hy three and a half feet will ippy uie table was deleckfinsasoataftoan part of aprit und thr wit tit of may and june if kept in good order for ihis lire mund nhoutd bo du deep arid nude rich tho annual produola which go toward aith anting a family mod which are seldom produced but ii thecarocn are nurnrrus as the onion hcet carrot par ni p cabbage prase beana potherbs sitads rdtfhci aqutish cucumber melon dtc some of these art in oc most of the season and most of fjicm afford vituabk winter alorco of ihslrnl heatoiri ttirir influence rijrjsnivr ltl i unoo so iniiwn wumf saj uio fnojii- n if iho avoa opekixc ode in a cause mnre dr ive asfcmbled hero poses ihe more lo iic tnfhienco of the son in very frosty wmi her lhrc bidara enverrd wilh mata 0 loatestraw we d ssji mention frame enter ed wilh llamas they felnf to a hther clasa of hurticultue but a n tf frntbed made of fresh dunp and covered with mala laid nvrrhnrtpoil cflown land depaatwcnt mnntrea 10h march 1846 notice i hereby jjiven by or der of his excellency the ad- minisiratorof the governtoeot in coun cil tu all perilous who have received locations of land in western canada since the istjatiuary 1832 and aloti parties located previous to that date whoae local ions were not included r he lioi of unpatented laiuk liable to frr- feituie published 4th of april 1s19 ihat unless the claimants or iheir legal representatives establish their claims and lake out their patents within two yean from this date the land will be resumed by the governmrnt to be disposed of by sale hiflfti i indispensable mr ihe rainof rarlv vortimes by itmsi mcansrsdnh and vriogs salads may be raised very rally in tb p ol and sometime in mild winters wiutout any inlerruption the whuu year an abundant upplv i manure if indispensable in a rnark gamtti and ibia ran pirnrally be nb labsarj in ut townaala iitin uprnsr the neichkorhimd of a inwn is ihrrefoc a nrceiry circumstance tvrahs the pntduetinn nf ut eip aa well as in sale it would he impossible to make i a aurfirif nt qnantilvof manure by mcnoa nf ibci tmrca which areemplovcd loearry c pfodiketo market and tho eatrnt nf und usually lid out in jarden rnnnd without taking up space whtah may bo more poifitably employed tl nnly animal which can be kept lo advantage hya gardener at a pfcr tfiia antmal will live well on uie oftal of vneiahlfs nnd tiro l nf cottstfcra cnuld not well be kept in a fertile stale if it were not foe the manure made by the pie thepionuof n garden nrr a tarjc city of iik ntnit nf 10 or v2 4rtt are as great as that nf a firm nf len limes iho catcnl cultivated in ihe best manner wiilmui the help of pufchatcd manure rut if manure can h obtained at m rcwinahl ralr as if often ibe ease in ereahrwnuffhfarc where manv horses aro kept tnf public convryancea allhoih there he no immediate dmand for retel able a gordeai may bo very profitably cultivated entirely ihe purpoa- ft naiaiflaj feeds the de mand tor acedtof all ihv moat ctanmon productiona of a garden and esprially of flowers ft very ijreau and the profii oi inine whft lhrm g small tpiinlites ia a jt h tbey can aflud a liberal puce if ihote w flrt0 wil p care an aa lo berp the varieties distinct many plana hvc be rfodoiwj f thodlstribu onn of ihe crops m a but none of ihom art suited to efcty atliorv much dependa on to lae edjfor s the ffeiacatsffs farmer ikluisianu afwil 20 1847 sin i wish in mako known m my broiher farmers through your columns my manner of gmwinz indian corn i tail roar took s pietonf meadow land broke up the fan preceding and manured at the rate of 30 triads per acrr iiar- mwed and cross ploughed it and then ndged ii always neeesaary in my opioion and planted ives corn together with aoinc white and yclow aorusa ihe ridsress leasing mom 4 plough rr tuctn the hlllt i rfave it a iij i bruh wilh tlie hoe when it wna about anelt hijrh and pnl a apoonfut of placer fn eeh hill it loa muul 50 pfunda of plaster tn ihe aero in autot ihiesj weeks time when the corn wjs about knee hirh i went through il with the plough and hoe again auiul the 1st of september the ear was nnd and i if course quite uninjured hy the ffuet it waa bir vested about tho middle of september but shwd have been done esilicr when i found full 45 bosherj to the acre tacit bushel by measure averaged 60 lbs by weight yours very truly wiluam mbawi nv 11 j consider com fodder other euarse fod indeed if cat ttfikca it il is ceual to inv- i am trying the tame experiment this year on the tame piece of land if it turns nut well i w ill ci you know all sbjui it in september next the net profit uf last years crop ia estimated hy me al 15 dollars superior to any betaio tle fruat my opinion is that if the plaster be sown before th corn bo up il will be rnoro rffeeiivc laatkvl weaj a dndlierlioorl but ulna feeble band now with fill raiiku wc uni iktkmg with heart and band tin y j rxid ii not fora proud display cumo up into to day an idle throne rr ho unmeaning rile xo porpoc vain and light wc woud nsjf power units to swell the song in thh in this noble strife throughout i i i i life cech hnur improve when i ii tn iceva ihiashriti witt a mrc pass and aign mavavcry brother join the lodge above opening address on the defence of ihe order of odd fcjbwt by br p sheppsrd d d u s in englumk address pefeoce of tho order of odd fellow in the french languags by br a scajlrtrra addrc inn tho origin and pmjreswof odd feiloe- ahip in enghib by br cbas uufl address on the principles and advantages of the order of i o of- by br real anger in the french langaagew closing ode stranger ws thank josj all for tins your friendly call on ua this night ivmg may ynu happy be in if utb sincerity honor and prosperity if good night and as i go bear hence and fully nhow stamped on yuur bresta the seal nf friendship pure and sve through life t endure and truth which ttiu seeuts willi horwr rest i from the london dto tfa tbt prsstat mrnurtry braaarenirac ht saahe promise its tnpple taskrftdeeto nai law ttforri and stnitory hpjrwsooai sj ready partially performed weeannot mmt rate one ef these dittief fromth otber they forrn a trinity of good workf intcrprftirfr andmuuiallv supportin each other ttare eon be no education without increased eemfort and cleanliness no good schoolinr witboaf ss jeceia home and boh school and home mail i t many be found only in the riien ths edurational measures of ihe cevernmenl far as they fall thurl of a complete scheme hare jet provoked serious and unsrupnthisoppoi- tion soiinscpjpnlotis indeed that mnch of the force which numbers and determination five it lost by the unfairncssand rtmrepresen talion of thevolttntaiy party- belipout policy lies at ihe bottom of this opposition it it nd b always been the mwt formidable ssajmbling hloei in lhr vay of the english reformer wbde he directs himself to the minds of men bill sato divider of fnends this sower of envy malice and all uncbaritaweoest has no place at all evetaujin a ssnilory question we may cleanse our streets and lay oursewer and veo- tilale nur huvrif without doing it under tha symbols of churxh or taheniacle ah sects repudiate nttb except the fakirs in this paramount question much has beers done more regains to be accomplished th government it performinr its ran the peuyle have theirs lo fulfil let us ser what th slale has been doing it has taken the first step towards a great practical reform in local legislation the mischiefs of ihs private bill system have received their first fatal blow hiiherto whatever was the ohjeetof itr rlncial capitalists whether ibe supplying of iheir town with gas or water the building of ilt markets be jstvina or drainage of iu streets the great aim was to secure by a pri vate bill ihe highest possible profit to the pro ecort wot but that the interests of tbe pay ing public wers sdvanced by these measures it was by consulting these that the projectors trusted to pay themselves but the non- paying poputitton of the town its masses were never thought of in the calculation it did not occur to the local projector that by dif fusing supply expense might be lowered sitd many small return swelled into an adequate profit it was ihe narrow and obvtois view of selfinterest to which ihew persons nene rally confined themselves to meet this tbf conditions of the private bill were varied in every instance the expense of men bills was enormous the real interests of consu mer were continually sacrificed to privata parliamentary influence purchased by jobbery and corruption tbe houses uf the rich were drained ventilated and watered j the street of wealthy diaticta sewered paved and light ed the houses and streets of the poor oo the cotilrarvj remained foul dark andnouom without drainage sowarage air light or wa ter shut out as far as mere life would bear il from the enjoyment of those elements which heaven lia made common toman as they a necessary to his existence but not only wrr ihc of rich and poor thus set in artificial array against vact otherr the interests of the different cspilsu bis were often at conflict here aain fishnets arrayed gas company against water company paving and lighting boards againt commissioners nf sewers in these slrugejea the most conflicting rights and powers were ocatowed on companies in the same town every place has its dozen boards of incsi functionaries under as many sets proceeding on plan alike inconsistent with each other t with ihe public good or convenienoe l4ii- eufcri i ir jjcj most a change must take place in thli rttpect from and after this seion of parliament- the principle of consolidation clauses acts introduced to facilitate the trinsaotioosof raiu way companies has been applied aod carrivs out in relation to all local measures lo what have been hitherto private bills there u rvcor- nised henceforth a public element which should pervade all and he provided for in general measure with which all special mea sure must be incorporated thus we have a waterworlc clauses bill a markets and fairs clanses bill a gasworks overriding and further con these a tovns improteotfol iresact were hstened to withtha utmost nd repeatedly applauded tbcy were el unfermented bread question often asked why bread bked in the ad attention hippy and succeasful e0tris and those which were in vindication nf the order swrepmrly dis proved the ohketjoos and idle accoaafjooa of its uppoosfltt- during the rvenint iho rand or the 93rd high landera pltyed somo ddicious pieces and the li- glish and canadian fjlrc clubs the irine under r air f ii andrewt whose excellent direction they i that there is no bread cmi to the belgian now j did ampte lustice losung aimc delighlful eynti- auppoaiug tire finur to be the tame in alt there can j position tri4i red cmst knight was char of the quahnea fittingly and effectively givenaod commanded a loud eneive the intellcciuat edinbuiph should be so much belter than tin don bread and the produce of tho french aupcrtor lo either utnrrewe have ireurd remark lxn ovena the natqfcof the soil fchtaw majr bo better suited bo no doubt that ihe difference munt be ascribed to the varmblo qualities of ihe yeast employed m the different countries but the circumstance has become a philosophical oursiioo and for ihe future it ia ihe fault of the inhabitants of tbe least yea at favored diatnct if they do n obtain qmte at at their neighbors thia tseaajy managed by not using y east at all but such of tho constituent readily procured from the neat chcniiicj on which itt feiinrating property depends and lhia applies tioo of science to dorner tie porpoaea win we beltfrc crc lonf beconre generally aoied upon the formula given it aa mlwa take nf floor three pounds avoirdupeot hiear bonato of soda powder four drachma hvdrochot- iviic or murauc acid five ftmd drachms water tnut twenty au fluid ounces common table tall four drachms bread mode in lbco proputttona contains nouiing but flour salt and water for urn proportions of soda and munatic acid used are those which chemically combined b make common nil the iogrcdtanis should to mixed well lo gcthetbe soda acd flour firtt which it beat done feast concluded ibe supper room was thrown open and here again the same excellent arrangementa for ihe romforlof tho com pany were visible and felt by all the refresh ment provided by br scott were in profusion and defied tho merciless attacks of the hungry and even uie pockets and appctttaa of some of the youngsters to clear them away that uninebria- i n i vi fellows particular aa we tup- i- wc must ttvla ismonado qonched the thiti of lbs jucflv and ei en promoted hihtrity althoush rninui the insrtdirml naoessfsry to convert it into punch the eveninea enurtaioeoenta on the srbejt went off well and to ihe saiasf action uf all and will doubtlets have the effect of muitiplyinf tht order clause bill ant sohdatin clauses bill these measures taken tojethe r when incor porated as they will he wilh every special set for each other enumerated will go far to remedy the mischiefs which have hithtrto beset local improvement legislation the towns improvement clauses bill in particular is an act of the utmost importance it comprises in one measure tbe provitiorw usually scattered over a host of paring draio ing cleansing lighting watching sod improve ing bills and ensures uniformity in the provi fjons for these several purposes while sit however various have one end in riewif make towns and populous district more heal ihy safe and habitable this bill involves most of the valuable enactments of lord lm- coins proposed measure which with tbe rar kof the health of tewm association upott diseised si some length ia ertttr arti cli wetraicbd to ae atto thatitafiw me rs have availed themselves largely of tinj report and tbe improvements it suggested anotbersnd tseo mora important mafflri yet remains to be introduced to the kgfsutvrst that which appoints the gencail raperm- tending power destined to preside over tw due execution of all ibesevis tbe creation of aucba power is the most important act ptf- haps that a government ear perform it rcla- lion lo the subject of sanitary tefonrj this much then bat beeo done by govern meni togive to ths country cleaner sweeter healthier and happiee homes hasthepoblic fukilled its part as fairly as tbe government 1 it is true that branch associations have beeo formed in coonexion wrh ihe london body itis true that scienct and benevolence hiv united ia tucb places as li verpool preston mi manchester to inform the solitary mind 00 sanitary questions and lake the initiative in sanitary reforms public opinion is awaking but not yet awake never was there a bet ler a purer a nobler call upon its energy tbap this for sanitory reform all cread may joti in it all classes suffer from tbe ocglecl of it all quarters 0 tbe united kingdom are jan jruishing under a daily drain of money and life k 1 ijm- it is still a err and not a fact if ever the voice of united britain has risen wllb irreftistable proiency from town and country from ball and hovel from tbe peasant popula tion of dorsetshire lo the smart artisan of bir miaharn or the pale manchester weaver of the sluuted and scrofulous skined labourer of london should so rise uow in demand of a change which policy not less than humanity our safety as a state not less than our doty as a christian people renders not ooiy ifuurv bent but imperative upon ut an indian ohief bams asked his opinion of a jag of jin u ii- ho thought it was ths juice of womens loouea and hunt bearlsfnf aflar drinking i i e coow talk forever and jibt ufa cjavit tw yucatam a latter dated mends march 31st says falladolid and trinidai have witnessed the most dreadful murdcrsa in the former city the whole wbite popolf lion males females and cbildrec were murder ed or buried ajive this wboltssle mcde jasud three days utha steamboat ambassador wm dei- irnyej by fire below piiuburgb on monday night loss 30000 part ssmaaai tbooss by lbs cbfto 6rt is ww etlimatad at t80y 000 toree lvgo porfcboasei ud savilo stores wen boned and large quantities ei wbett wd prrjdqee were dfrrityee