British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), May 11, 1847, p. 6

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chalj canvass c for sale by tubslfhscdibeiu qq i bolts v csnwsi fiom no l i g ship srk tnr ami cvil tar imrfi oakum srifip keain- lwjn4 d 1u sail taiafc uk vmaiki hwiiintf ri me iaomctj rafta fttpntldne h ne copper imported mnilli nd tarred rope soft rprsfac c 12 mooring anchors from 12 to 40 cwt francis mdtmns jububtth n b- ordvntfft iih mc e buowi co kincstoa win b pantaauy aii4h u ooran hotel bytown- this ht el i now open for jgttqp- the rccepti ill travellers furniture ami bcillinc ml new good stabling for lawses c james doiun bytmrn january 12 is7 mibi roit sale a handsome bay mare perfectly sound ami in sooil condition for utticiur aiily il titiiolfic february 2j 1817 yrtnters ink the trade supplied with filtof rimh qoslitinitrotcl and the united stalet vthenetm toot start orc17 1s16 oregon saloon opposite the maktello towet a the subscriber respect fully lgt leave to return hi sincere trunk q hu friend and the public generally fir tlic support he his receivpd in kingston nd begs leave to infirm them thai he has lately kcmovej to the premises recently occupieo hy jhn moptwwm ear oppo- sne the martcllo tower oniario street where he lias fitted out and opened the oregon saloon fiir lunchesoyster supper nnduthcr tte- frcslyments od where he bopi lo he fur iher encouraged by the continued kind support of the public james elder kirtgslonjan22 1347 pbihting establishment pou sale t he subscriber nflfen for mia the establishment of the prince edward gazette now if uceiful nncrarjitn v the district town of ivlnn anj in tb centre n the rant inyal papulation i the proving the atronag of l he concern s offensive sal itifteamn 1 im material chh nf fare printing presses and nn cxleumve vniciy nf new typo auitablo for anv kind of bunk r jil work- to any gewleman dtfmrnus nf eotertnp into a lucrative bunes 1 inte renting neibbmhoud- this uflers a rare opportunity any information may he obtained hy addressing ihc subset iher in picton put paid j o dornan- tccicm pou 2 st7 j5 received this morning at the atuesevm book store locnlia by blwt domscy son no 4 hy dlckeitf nail cynne liy ainwoclh st hikt ami st james by d jcrrolj tortokui hy j s knowing diana nf mcrrmor hy tjm wmmh1 rfvan1 hy mr norton this mmbmit d4hjlrt by mj pickering the midnight bell by van m- actor an mjnf r hy f c wrmyw the funmed urile hy e l wild rujiert sinclair by hie author ot ten thou sand a year i he comic wandering jew n c phimipon the church almanac by lov gibon feb 9 is47 compound lectobali balsam of horehoundjnd honey jt fife tpttdti nd fffucrujitx rrmfh jo fl diiordcrt of ike chrst onrf tuygs jtthmxi tfltooping covfa coifj catarrh gdmumlioi itifiantza pninf in the cat difficulty af hrtathiny hvskincss awl tickting in the throct hqritmscc t by it r jiii nf ti moc rafaafc nmrdiv ror th abivr enmpljini tl opcrulet hy r i- finfjtcj muciunr phlegm in iuirni iiin b rrcc k pectoral ion and lirvinjr lit io obhbnatq coutia prepared ard sold hi roskrt barker h- t kington pritc is 6 and 1 3d fr batik mill creek cloth factory tlbe subscriber respectfully returns thanks to his fricnjs and the public generally for the support he has received since hi fulling mill and carding machine have been in operation and hes leave to inform them that encouraged hy the buaiuesh has transacted in the above line he now prepared to commence the manufacture of all kinds of country cloths svltinets blankets c ac and hops by the pin he intends ro take to ensure the coiuiiucd patronage of the public joshua booth twoolf purchased or taken in exchange for cloth mill creek january ii 157 4tfc to let a small fftame cot- i3l tagejn princes street with garden aiid outhouses apply to wi aim4tr0ko jitiriiqnttr king strttt kingston dec ij islu if for sale f ackgsrfland tasthalf xvvf lfaili in the ath con cession ktiubufgh 10 mticslmirn kin ton apply to jawes mccatu master liovincial pnitcn ianr fortsmoitthj feb 3 1s17 hit ritciihis r ate nt copying presses asuf rly ut alt u- jut mwitfil unn urt mjmiifctofvi ami uc titloit ihu atiic mtum doit stoac 101 bale by the subscriber jt pokk iprrir ijality and three bantu lkli milks frrocjson kingun ifiih antihrvj ihw if wantra pt wfeib tlxr- intt f wim fat jmia ashcaddiy the pfvmcfal prnjttj isx thomas kndryc valuable jtfd highly cultivated farm buildings for sale situated ftn the tunkt of the st lawrence tiho viluccol mftmand cjmd west in the nciilrmhid of brockvilk prcntt ofafnburh the farm crniti f pj acffs of whuh 140 acre- re htid mil in bcms tnryinr mm 7 to 12 ftod li aerc cuch enc ili slirn niii pitl from llr iniiimf 3 a c ft nee mttpflflad of excellent wood linri thr kcld4voall in cd conditwti hfin rerntihy vvtrked rl mnorh the crops of wuent u irily lyinin in itjr tf i ic tvi teuton f junliiy uridqmntitj cot1d not be exceeded oi the saoio cofnplcmeot f lod ther i slim tny pfoducttve arrl oaciunn kucheo tho stone dwelling house in hwffa nd uibtlintial hiin 3 loc ie it jt 46 feel ry 36 feet wide well finished end vi cvevycon vnencc uiiswe for ho rerdcoee wf a respectable fnmily there sre iim iwolrse jirn nd shed unjtjo fur the vftffcing men bewdfl stabvft coflch hiw and eceileol sprln w thi ncitfhlytrhond lit cftnomcd the nioit hejilihy ond the frm tor bsntv or kluation causot bcior- ped in csnuds w this pohety will be wd aoeh oi than il fatl ffiltau inird for imik snd noljr a pojtlon f the ourchase inory teiicd down also a bre slnck f cattte tclhcr wilh a threthinc wrhirie sod ivming impleincnu uf every dct- enplion a tiodispnted tjlu will uefjivfn for farther pejiicuurt mppty if by leiier prtl paid vm b wells esq stitttor ftt fe rreseoticaoda wei prfcnll mirevoth 1547 41 tf the mo iif rest gazette to copy one a week lill foftiid robert barker chemist druggist brock stilcet kings i os simmonds colonial magazine an j oreig mi8ct3lt- any f pabhcl moalhly trifc 2s gj fnoit dm ltlel d ncf adf iecs frn ery briinh culouy nd pcmstifi every iradio colonial nd ffei cwimpefi d pehmli el tmiq rill ovh of the world bein f j k rvceived and filed 1teeoaniinwnu1dcrriptireeeaerolan4a timijl ariieletreutin fj the cotunics m dieil of tire nm inttnt lil lufiirmatton in ech of our depends ci and a regitier of birth death anti nurrrje fornio an irdiipenib1e work if rfvrcneonlhetf4dc commeiee nd aieuiiurf potducttve rcfiocv popiilimfi i ij ii t in in ttt the brittah and forngn cjnit and an in due live and enictjiinin fjb- hratr lo be ent by twtrjuifne ffieodi to set- iters in the fatmtt cdjnies- orricct t ujre yw bjeklenbory london n otlce nn he public are i nolifiejtihat 1 am iho onl legally appntj pcrsrm tinciive o rute and asea- mcnttand other v lu lrlrt m1u- laucl diatrtetf anil hectnrs and uther ore cautioned agaitm paying the same to any other persoi as i am the only person wljo can gfr them a legal ac- quittance david john smith trefljwrer- midlnd dumef treasurer office milland district kingston 2nd jamary 1s47 j ah oily pipe will 0m tlc motive 81mm0nds colonial magazine fore1x miscellany 71 on iti y price 7cjd l be found to be ihe ooty roister snr w r d reanectfolty informa his clmef and ihp tohtic io eeftfinl irvt lo imm urnotko bxunuui storbm nkock strier in ine premise brflktff qobbpied ly mr mcvcan wbrre the rny dtnend opon besnj aiipplicd will genuine druaaad mcdieioe phyxicinn prescriptions and family jpeiprsxrrfulj prrpvrcrl horse and cattle medicines english and french fkkfumery books and stationery- kiflfpton match 1847 maoofacloretull kindt sod edon r printing ink neivs job and book nsr the globe sod tioy mills tfoy n y troy fbrwy i i47 3m btthesbotelnk for tab tl th alhencum bortk store kington feb 3 1847 city hall saloon ko 9 market buildings opposite the new battery by george gane refrcfhoiente snaeke 4e to be had uiorteit notice soyters at all 1iours kingston feb 1 1847 at ir hronicle if reni oeeurreneea in erihli nflh aoirrin the wfjt indir ciipe of tfmd hope nnd mnuriiiiii ne ifootli wales hiui nod wratern aottnlio vn dtetnaos lyind nets 2elaiid malta td gibraltar the et indies and cbblfl ft c ah per nnut rwndiafcfot4i or interevteft in the tiitish t filfnite nay wly upnn reeeivinif thrnoh eli tv mediuni ihc uiet find most uthen uc acciiiinls frvn eieh on itm 1 erery i iriee g battjb yjij bockltahurf liidon j1 eie t fs 6e ao in 10 rwaitfirs haif found 2i per volume invaluable family com- panicky oix lectures on the uses the lungs eu pfefcntion of orc f consumption asthma and dieaeof the hearton the laws of lonctit and mode of pre rvinj ule and female health symmetry and beauty evoosin cause and cure of thoe dease that produce con- iimption or shorten life as aflvctionj of the skin sntie stomach rowels kulnrys lwer sfilnih piles gravel ami female com plaint its title cay practical and pure form a guide to perfect health and ion life is efigrjvin32atafres 50 tents pomajje 91 cis by samuel sheldon f1tqr a m m- d at 707 bnwdway new york c any dtrtoh remitting filly cens free will receive one copy by mailto any prt the trade supplied 3m to the reading public of canada th adtwlbt is prepared to ttnpmil the m- irtwirjf valuable nd inltreslmg ftvik by miil m any pirt of upcr ot iwor canada at the niicf allitcd 9 cis viciraid reviews in american iivriture and fietiin ov siutmt the reie from ihe ftench mrtliekl wiuknseomjs f fwtm ilbifl artciillomt ctieinisirv cmslii plivrviy illustrated cuw h llnotlnb oniie wlrf cure cuildirihwiihoul ptn uytitrtrw lyiorfoa rf f brvtin iu sievl p1e doi nc beuod hyt d tjie uiafvaid pinlosopsjufmtin lifef gen taylor f4fnlpims mfiico tlh t for the people in cvhieli cterj thing is f practical to rvefv hndv a treatise no mileh cows whereby the qtjuly rd quantilv f milk wleh any aw wiu vise may ha aaagnrtdf aioc uicd numerous knfavnjs hteeon gmwin vtahju io the nioettnh century cebsciiiinufa uepiimie fiuhsix lectures nnfjcnuniptwn urderv for mny f the above hjk enclntltiz the cah aod ii pid nddrrssed to t o cm i icvt new york wdl be nwimptly i ma to ktfercite in kinsioi dr e j ujfkor no york fenfi 847 if history v t 0 50 of m n 371 0 so 0 ar j30 p 0 tjl 0 5 t ml 1 no 0 75 thorpe 0 50 iniac 0 50 0 2 0 25 fl i2j so 50 m 50 r distillery to let fobatermofyeafts and immediate possession given that well known establishment in tlm town hrrelofore cnird on by ho late fin of ga1nforo 6t mbnelllty it is wrooffhlby an engine of 12 horc power which grind tabshcs od pumps und is ephte of ran ninff g bothers iiy for convenience ills not purparscd by tny tublttlimenl of its she in live rvnci the bsjuiin z sre tl of atone except the hnfij pen which is r wcid nnd erected on wtcr hit beionfiinu atxlif premise the firan ry ps espoble of storitif 3tkj0 bosbeln of emin a10 a stone dwelling nn ihe aid iirriniv for the sinic prriod it would be pre cficdftir the dwcllinf house to be taken by the party renting the duiillery for terms ppty to lle sobseiibcr who is now the eilc nmorirtorj al l u jt i office c3ns- merewl whuff kii jtoft or to john holdes esq prchcolt wm meneilley- pfcscntu march 15 1847 wm armstrong jfutfioneej commscon merchant ind and gmtral azent king streer kingston espectfclly inltmales to the pwhlic that he has taktn the premises lately occupied byt moran co removed next lotrltfoor where has entered upon the above hi 1- and hoc hy pttnrtoality and auen- tion to merit a share of public siipuort the subscriber intends to devote particular attention to the purchase and sale of real estate and with this view he hu mtdc ar rangements with several influenliallear and commercial ueutlemtn in scotland and ernr land thruuh whom he vrill brin unrjer the notice of capitalist intending enigrants and the public generally improved farms wild laiiris household ml ottier rvl eitate prope ly in canada submitted to him for sale and through whom he will transact other l- gal tnd commercial btttincn in any tart of grcjit britain or irund viz- collecting claims taking nut lt iters of administration purchase and sale of prnuerly kc e wm- armstrong kinpton dee 29 1816 notice s hernbyclvtnthal the committee appointed by the oislrict council to re eeive the boni from s william ferovsoit the newly elected tiriurerhave this dy w- rd said bonil arnootithe rcords of tnr du- trict andlireted mr feruwm to open the treasurer o ecein tlr district clerks room in the court house nti tst january to whom alone all itsnns will he re after pay the dis trict role and with whonmllotter district business connected wsh the treasurer will be transuded swrfj j b marks wardtn district council office- kington uf 31sldfcemherlfil6 r papers tccopy tilt forbid fall imputations fresh gliogeries wholesale 1nd retail wm jmastul corner af kutg and brdck streets market square saph c w begs to return h mk b u friends and thepohue fnho7 hberntprneo tended tm him durin ptl tvm years iritd ivrtt rcpacifuily xhm lhal ll an j has superior japan ink powbsrs manufactured and sold by robert barker kingston canada west incomparable black japan hnk manufactured wiiolksal- asd retail a t thet treneum book store ringstom canada west- sir astley cooigus antibilioun lillsn for biu migstion skk llfodwnc and au dieasei oftheshmaeh and dtgtstiic organs til esc pills liivo m mlcare proved ip nik to every other medieitto in iho earn if ttimeh nd lin omijahtltii hw of opklue in digestion t kfhilwn of fiiinuia dlld prefptn uvt inuu riwtocflof iculh and n excellent relnrativc uficr ny exec l ihc tabic tt llicv enily elcnsc tnc bowso ircnihcn lue imidi and invitratc the mattlutm fcrytnofa pbllthnic libit wlvi are tohjeet tn lirni i t i i i it rr i dritri- nrt aitciidcd wuh bjhlil tvinpiuiiit ehuuld ukt oiem rorfkmuy rvpjrcd fn11 b rccpt by roikkt bmft djm flfa sif kineiion priec le 3jmiflj per uojt kincelon maieli 19 jftli commeucial mart- b v private sale ureivile coflluh no 1 wnt mackerel m half bjv cod nwitiil jnd tnjnei n rrii 6orc herring smokid hvrririk in dkti william wau ireb 10 keceived by the latest trrivili tvom nch yrk nnj tor sae by the sub hoflhwisl li lur in princess street the jtihiiwiitfr articles viz i siilea hpnih silo leather guftm rolieii buxcs ansarud teaa llo tii4cco d zen mati ji hroms d i parent pails ilo cunlii with uuaicroun other articles not mon- matthew rourttc kington doc- 18th i8t6 tf llrt receiteil ufe w tncjlf groceries wises and liquors comprising ftllotw htintvind sartiiv port mdeiwstierikt urct cltiiifine jnmjiei sntftti mrtellvcznie oufdv cojnac dx i pnlc urny getmsne s4eh whwy hitundegin schhr- penperimnt hum ftiwi wbmcy wj it weait 0ff tientinn t the tvire stmok nr wine w liw most nf djh iwi brium lie h efidnee in rerwrn u n lvin ivce fririi ndultetion ceockai t pauiva 6tejmvin n fotljf me by tiimelf in the new y bwi nnd mmtrcil mrlttt ttan be recnntd m bein thr beet quititie teas tbas1 kitm trnprrui ou y ywt ilysorj cunpowder twanv- fnttahnnf imperial iwe ftwi oufntj andnllicf 1 qfmi cwhitl hamd and orrmnd cffoe sinloif ri nd batowad treavla frujfs raising cufran ktherla fit- almond wcel and bitter cndkf onse lenn fl1 citron sperm olivr 4 j oiu sem erery lei pie mice rrtni verihieclh anetkee liquorice ftirdinm seented cititr anl bxvrn smtp search blue indigo itroint svihhirnj bnudtea poh s waahint bui puyinjr crdl piuea ouckinf ouck led fa o flair sea salmi fkfiik herrin nrth shwt herrinr d jby and liheck merrina white rlti nd 1 11 1 1 cioaafin princf w reri 3lmft pannrcu phntitinn steimsl woydfill la nartnc in l4 nd tsboiea tob4ccos caeendirfi nitln ilvy t ca hnney dew and anvnvic chwi plu nd ldir tit searftrlnlli anij cstiirr touuh nti tciiniii tohirena ivncenboy tipnce nnt se4eh snjt wfib a itcfnfjdf ioiee inn t miromat ut rtwjtinn- vljf which will be ald wmraoiatne retid at trie kivel rfinuierutn wieea hi mollo mag light profit aniauuk rfinrn tarcrn keeper lupeje good terms k- t deccmieilo4f 800 200 aso 00 20 100 100 40 1 the last suz3 by leoxaudo da vinci rrtom tffje ccrattatco rscaavic by raphael mohcheh this mamerpicce in its very ruin has been revived and mm destined to enjoy a wide post humous exist ik in the vrellknoivn admirable efmviut of ilnphael morhcn long after the wall unon which it waj iinted nan crumbled into dusi sir david hiikie a few copies of mr dicics hcauiiful knravin of the above celebrated pie litres jut received and for sale prite five dolljr edc ut 4le at the athutcum bwk store march 12 1317 n barkers black varnish tow that wtntor is et in the tint to ue this culohrutuil varnish fin ifejuts shoos ic irtcmno its tij pro vemaivot fulfil thereby irosorvitig built tlte health ond lc pocket baiji wlnilcmalo quj rotail at the iatjunkum bwit btuc btot stroot itinfttton no 9 a crd rcnhe suhscribern rcturninghislhankft to the traveling community fiirtbc patronage he has nceivj at tltcirlnods white ketftiptxhe bttisb american met begs leave to iniroiitce ariil rhomqwhl as his ritkfcflfaw mltjahcs pattcftson who if befotimi tnovcry respect worthy tif public support u jfseph hdaley m kinsslonaiuilmisas british airhigah late datffps hotel the susrlrerhesto iti- form ihe pibltc anl the travel ling ctfmmnuity w iftal liehasleed th above well komvh bfttmiahmtaii wj hopes by strict atiel lo the cowlwrt f htsgnesls to merit a eomtnttiliftn of the very liberal pmitgp whirh this hom hs receiveil the 1 fvc yeivs tinder the able mfianemeot flfuw former proprietor mrjhdjlf james pttettson tj patrneyrs bmptp convened to and front the utttfi f charge kininn jne l- important new bookfc jcst accaivatf vaon lnoo popes yefly jiqrnl of trade farlw en npfwmtj an itnnenr fund nf vthiblc infiarawtiba m tiai cchaimeeci nvi ttnn r with the new tnff anj a mp f- eworld draeojta prrrifc ut 1846 dlhrrttl bjrftnrtain doanteheynf lord ft ardme and ghich h smith dnrin the late war in iftdiv with m mt plant field kaereiae and cvvlutiont of the army with 3 iati gwileneyctpdiaof arehiteclor buinra enclfii f rami spnt ludfina enojrcloaidia nf fiitilening of affrienlmrt maculloel nntxtwrfi and the fondin- syslam macoftmhll pfincijdii f political knnnmy fc supplement seod edition in urv dictionary of an mine rivi i map of likesuperior the ahove mefier with nuoaeroui collection of other aimihr wv for s ie hy montreal sept 19 ilcchalmer wl nbrs arcanoni extrncte i1iiis mediciiiehas acqfiired an extended and country li 1 an sttihshedcflenfiiy thrnufhoutttie nhirh bai hen sasiaiied by its tplfittfef aloopas a remedy lor ulank deds foll sale atheneumjf ok store d uotvl tf bariiin an k with tlar nf dowet holgate pom wvt t r of d iwer kt 11 w llenmtnai with bt pwr ilo willing ihtif l alsvcoorl hf qjimafli biswfll and datrtci court nnd llvi0ll w fnw llanhstiait oiiavbbr 1 erlainin m ii ulawifuiefuund vi vol 12 an add maomyu vfcl i m m urp of l 2 vtov kditti2h joatnal vnu 1 tu rr ihe people u virfe 8t kjij j l 1 r jael ihf or modern aad ancicni for sale hy montreal oflksb o chalmers copal varnish- or daljk lhj alhennum took pmnrior copal va 1 1 1 ro 1 nish jit ptttuf nnd f by the limn or llnal country h ckftntnuppugdiwnroaaonablotennf kidgatouapkihaieifl scrofula nr kmi efil ulceitated sore throat un sanding rheumatic affetiortf dits 1 t t sk l white swlliu diiees of me hones all ulcerated calawi artriimf of ihe tiver dyspepsia cusnvenrss all chronic and pervious coiiputats ocrrrog td dehi- titatvt artd cathniccoltitrion5 deeaaied hy an impure slate of the blood the arcanum extract i a com plete antidote to the ferou rviu rrnduced ny ihe imndiciotta iiso ot mfrcury a a spring ttd fall purifier it can- lint be surpakl working ill way trfoh the ayilein with asitent aid etfeclive force clraningth blood remonil dyspeptic influences soothing th nerves removik infernal owrtiction tnd iiij that woqibi atfcrtraw cauje injory to he liver and lungs persona whole eonslitutinnt ate hroven own hv the enf mercury arsenic irquhne ami any one who are suffering fron diseased liver or iitjidieiu treatment of any nl the hof fiae vhanm nt the arcanum extract without delay in nitmerooi m1ancet alio whereulcera- lion had hid hare froth liment anil bone and where to allanpeuance no hmm mean int amputation eoumhavc javcltifc patients have hcnmuche uom fhe ut an 1 res tored to health the devouring iae hein completely eradicated by the uic of tfci tne- tiflmh extract tm prnprietors of the arcanum ex tract have had this medicine cd in am he jhore dilaiei with ihe mol mlifvin rfuua ii im mcticin- millwi hoat- te nor nleaije need be mteniifiltd re liirinonly iw nml relrml 01 molrrtion mdivct and i cqiilly appltcahte ami elfica- ctmrtt the infanta well aa ihc alnlt j4hpheu tti a ftrrpion foi h4llfci arcanum exriucru applica ne with onsflryatinf 01 lihenimc perpira linnanj a treiiie on d in hcfu 4ccomp4ny each ttotllfp aint are ujvh i with the above pamphlet for gtatuiiou ctr cuattoti price si per bottle prepared and sold hy on j tvinc htmi jnhn wmer si co inr tale at th a canada weft ami 81 miidrnlane rti rteniini rnk store n palan nl c hethv kingattt and by 1 1 the rei nada pertable drujgiali throughoir 125 ca- j winers pectoral jiyrap of uorebonnd and el ec am pan e 1lor the aeeity and efletil4 eote of cm4hcitahmasjiitti2ofulnud vhnnnmj cojh crooi or hives con- oiipt the tiirat aut llos pain anl inn sgreneaollht ilirast aut lilla bmuchiti a disease that aveepin- hti drtdl to a pre nataro wt under ihe fictittnns nama of cnnntimptioit can he etired hy this meiiietnc the qiual aymntomtof thii disease bron ehiiti are corh soene5s of he lang or throat hnminff difficulty of breathing alma hectic fever apitting up phlegm or matter and sometime blood it nothing more lhn an tntutnjtion of the fin akin wheh hna the itismt of ihe whnle of th wind tubes or air vessel which run ihrough etpry p tt t of the lung te peculiar virtues of ihis compound have for long im alttaclej the attention itf the medic i profession and public and a lively interest ha rvcntty been directed yi ihe develnpernent of theirctife powers and pnl noiark qualilie which the proprietors are now iml to ghtifvi nd pes nt thn medicine to the pmlic with lull confllne of iu neiog the oo4i aafa ajtid valuable remedy ever dis covered ant aapt3d to ill dsf4vs of ihe lu ig when ny of the function do nui nerfnnntleir nuural or hellhy aetinn it is universally believed ilut goi in hi providance hutiot affliced his children with pu and dlawe without at th sam lime fivin ihecn somettiing in tne girden of uaure mat will not oty medicate rwt in maty etf entirely relieve them witi lhce views stmniy in pressed on our mindt everyone should feel aral desite to investigate to th utmost of his powwj the irreal arna of uititreand to draw from lb it source hhinfitfofl which the wisdon of man that has l ho t ai in presnitihk ilitsarlifl o the pumicthr proprietois were inthiuced hv lic hpe that a mdcinc irepre with rtmch rare an- attitt rejrd itj tne chimecal properties of its everal inretiemhi 4veln- place t tnonsauds of fieiile nrtrum ot ihe day 1 llfc vhirh the euuiury is detofd ithc u of oio nitle nf the svrup will iw xmiiicinii to convince the coosl scepti cal nf it ftcftpfjci itlvci piepareil artd iiljtv j wuffi himiltnn cnda wct iiil jq n wioacr co si vlfmin li-n- y for sle at the a 1 1- neum lik stnre n paliiers and cheilhs kiagatm n y all rcpcctanle diujt uuimi mut cmada cuttfc foit woitms mseils caaolatf vermifuge tyarkan ted m all cite the best re- tt uieily qver yet discovered for worn it not 0 ly deatinya them nit invioratc ihe vhnle syterrimij cairieott ihe upt4hhn- lant slime nr mucus so prevalent in live ilomch and howels especially ol those in iad health it is harmuuin its effects nn the system ami the htalih or the patient is ilwayaiitipmving hy its ue even when no worn arc ducovcrcd the medicine brfftj mlaiai nn child will rclue to fake il tot oven the mosi delicate plain and prlt- icalohcrvaten vpoiidiaaea rcialtinctrom vorms accompany each hotlle prepaiil iihi aa 1 r hv j w hamilton an j wcat and john wimee h co ftt maiden liiv n y foraatcat ihe alheneum boek store n falintiacc haathakioga ton and by all tha reapectabla druffrila throughout cinidfc m6aa auction an o com mission market buildings tllesuhscriberieiccifnuyiiform the mercantile community anil public generally tliailto is predated co sell on cnmrnismtiii dry foods groceries furniture houses lands c on uioflltam rea days of sale every tuesday thurs day and saturday atlooclnck a m- each jay wm mcmuian auctioneer st appraiser n b cash advanced on gooj lefttdbe som without reserve impiioved 8aleuatus diiib subscriber would bejr leave tf announce lo w whi deal in the nilicleofdaeratusihat he isnuw rearlv to furnish orders 00 the shoricsi notice toie extent of jxkui- ilaily of achoice preparation low for cash or approved papers james morton vinjjatonbreweryand distillery lstb alirn 1845 t pl4yin3 and prrterv cards iust keeived at the athenctim bmk sure a large aaairltdent of cerra ineluding playinc tard cold bek and plain priiilera carda ot all aites and cvlorv and ladiea and gentlemens visiting cardj i surface eoamellcd by plan octnbersgth fou bilious complaints ainjaaeweafigivdineiearejj diet flatulency obstructions habitual confinement af the boioets dr d alt it ttlt9 laxative pills p the numerous diseases to which the human frame- u tuble there h scarcely one the symptoms of which are not senouslyaifgravated by a cynfined state uf the bowtaip and tutmis alone many owe their origin and coiitiiiuanct tho preserving the alimetitsry canal free from obstruction is a point of such primary importance that evety degrer ofnoglectis fnltuwed by more m- r of inconvenience ir sulferiug when hahitualcostivisriessprevailbthe cheerful ngorof health is somi imparedaome times by slow degrees and at otlioi tirriesmurv ropidly diseases make theii inroads on tho constitution and in ntiinberleasinaunces particularly whtn tlits habits are sedentaiyor wliajre fttus living is indulged permanent ill health iahe painful resijlt u must beobviou to the mist superficial obseivtr that when the fuiictiimj of nature now al- ludcd to aro not porfurmed with due re- ifnlarity assistance must be obtained friimart aperient medicines then b come iiidispeosalily necessary except wliure the use if fruits or a change in th mude of liviiip mny sullicu fur rc- qwringtllq ovil oml must be hud ro- course to until the necessity for such aid ceases ijuitt is a question of considerable im portance whttl laxative shall he em ployed the list of apeiieot medi kinesis numerous but their effects on the system vary cnnaideralil aomc ex ert their influetico chiefly ontliasexha luut vessels or nn some pait of the how els ouly whilst tlieactiou of others ex tends more or itjsato the whole of the iutestiiialcaual the latter claasnf pe rionta is evidently the best adapted to obviate the habitual confirremrtji nf the dowels as they apply that additional excitement which nature then require to assist herm the performance uf hei accoatumed functions inn precisely on thisuticr principle that thu pill ij1 offeree to the public ate formed and as their activity can be increased or lessened merely by taking a larger or smaller quantity they not only furnish an aperient medicine pro per for general use in a family but are also well calculated to answer most o the purposes for which purgative reme dies are necessary the pills are not mended as a specific for the cure all diseases aoch prepoatorousstate- ments are worse than ridicuhius and are only put forth for deception but they will prove a valuable krmedy for that cunfiiied state of the bowels which lys the fttundation of much surtering forthosqccasiotinl obstructions to which all are liable and fer all thoaetjiaorders which arise from an overloaded state ot the atornacji and alimentary cdiu con sequently decided benefit will be deriv ed from their us in uiddiuessmid pains in tho head accompanied with nausea or sickness i in all hnadaches where cnsliveness prevails in flatulencies ijilious attacks the commencement or choltc the early stages of jaundice jaud 10 promoting the expuuion of worms they require no confinement r change in tne fliet moderate exercise will w- sistthrtir operation and experience liar proved that aaan aperient tl ey are safe and e vicarious may bv taken in adults and children and also in ever stun of pregnancy to children itfbvf years of aje and upward ibatj may he readily gi t pulp of appo orange or jelly and thus disguised tluy are micli more easy nfi exhibitioiithmi pow ders or other disagreeable medicines nikectlons pijtt taking tuk tills- luca m bilious compwitsfoui stomaci kc three piluto betaken tit bedtime mid repeated nixi nihi if ttecessiry 1 1 endue he sickieno the stomach two pillsto be tavcen ainightond one in the moriiiup- obstinate coshveness three pill to betaken at any time needed and re- peaiedvry six hours until relief is ob tained the nsualdnftefornrdinary persons three pills but four pills may ho takoi hy a person ofntronghabil of body ant two pillamny bo given to delicate wo men and children pitfpanid and sold ftv dr barker atthe athenoum book itore kinnton sold in uoxos at7jd is 3d and 2 gl each 9auoc and pickles alaruc aaioftincnt of lonjoit pickhs and sirri for aals at lha laarwura book ston bagot straet however recom general agency and commission office 6 barge yard btirkleshury london near the mansion house to merchant conmcrcul newa rfwrta puwia lilraiim aricu1in i societies offictm of tha army anl navy pnnv- publishers of ntita pjpeia j colortiii cnerally- simmonoa ward general agents and commission merchant kbturn their craferul thanka tor patt favors to u rr kornfa nnd the colonial public a central and bee 1 ncquaint ihrm that they are ri ijy io execute orders for supplies or sny kind and quantity nf and tioods of svery dta cnplifin ttj nrtt rale qun lily at tha very kiweat market price uf ihe day and imniact buainraa opon the men liberal lerma provided ihey are pre vioutly frnhrd willi kunrja or draft at smlt ion f or unrt rtaira or a reference tr sofdc lonilvn nr ltvrpi ifaoan far fvinen simmon us i waudwiltottiveconsirf-i- roenia nf nj dernpimn of merchandize to be told i comin nion and accrpt bills at ninety daya avtsnulrirriaw the nmcont on re- cetpl of the bill of ldinir coni n troftcd li thrir ore will nket with vvrry poaaiblo dilpateh in ihcir dipoal and shw be fmlcqd willt ihe f nalcft attention to the inierrata of tha conaiffntr an rxtenaire knowudsroof general r i m riumfic nequired dorinr ton re nidenre in jmnaica and the otlvr west india lsi r- i f eiieneive roera of buat- nrra with all the borisa coloeics theeaptfienea of tereral year in lttndtm as ctuntat agents coupled with promptjiiide sttentiun and judgment wilt they iruhi vabnc ihrtrj to five aatiafactioa id ibqn ma honor ihem with their i ir iobservateur francais a french journal or rut rouncal coauacia arto aeiaarrm hzwa os thft wvkk of philosophy literature und central infer- mat un from france germany spain and ouothei ctrunfries each nftmber rontaina arliclea on eiljrh and french pjilica political newa from turioavtjtftcr cfimitrios judieial reporle a l tefarr dtpirlmrnl composed rvtaetel and original worlu a review of part a review of laamoai gsiptnsa and anerdotea of the fahttablv worla report of ihc weekly mertnaof tb french ndiher scientirl aciemie a c ancflhsj report a review of eof hah and frmcb theatre m r- n y o loaatfavattith faaacaia ia publiauvd wrtly ii i j iu subkiiii 26v per annum rrtofficr 67 si kinoarw dr barker fritiah whig offie november 46 new railway r bb sulwcrfoers would intimsto tt fitrwnrdors snj owncfi of propel barges c thai they nave leaded tho roilwrrytt portsmouth frnm the marine llnilfvay 0nipsny am are nnw readr fur hauling nut and repairing barges etc snil by mrjerato charges tnd strirl it lenttori tobiiainess hope to merit a share of public patmnngr- p r r beaupkg pflrtsmnulh u w may mlb ims eight hundred thousand aches of land in tna ilnron tract notice to oltettlers emi grants and others nphe canada cumpanvhav ajpttn thrown pen all their ltmle in the huiion tract for dispiasal- ly wtjvuf lease fnrten years- no money ueling required down the itent payable nn u 1st february in carh year is not much mora than the inierst ipnn tbe upset p ice nf he lam the right to par- fhtmthe fieehnldgt any time wiihin ihe ten yeara at a fixed price turned in rae is seciurd tn the settler who would thus save all further paymena of renin the huron district is vrmwn tn be rtne if tbe mm bahhhjand feitiletiacia nf i a ml in canada it has more than doubled its wpuailon within four yeari the homn lroct in the year imc tnincd 7101 souls in june last year the ilurnn distrirt numbered 14983 souls accrdint lbe official returns- tawtbim landftaiein blocks there fore affording fariliry for the undivided txtltnwui f farnilics of old seulera am ut- friends mftts printed particularsi and every mtlmlaj infirmalion upon the huron and rbe canada l omponys other lands in tbe province nil be furnish j pan ofcuilllhj by arplication if by letter fmhplvtd 1 he canada companya offiffs at toronto atul goderich and strsffird in thr hurtm district canada cohpka office fredrick st toronto u jany 1s47- j 6ca wincks celebrated medicines tllefuiwinmedtfcinra art krpl waajaihlj on sato at uie aucocoiii book store bcn flrrrt kirifvvin via wlnekb arcanum kxtkactr iho prcdr ait t m it anrol cure nf all diaaara amirtf irotn an iiipii artte of thr wd wneirsrec1xrlsyttupofhore ifooxua elegampanb ftrr thacpro o cms ht nlla aathma i7inutiipiim ore winkhs canahian vcrmifugr- ttir hrrl nsatrah eve m litcivrrrd for wr nr wineipstootn ache drops a ear tain ufr far ih if ttti ac tit wellstam eilokated nerve an1 bonk limment a omefa roro fr tha in h ihttnkvy chrtinte ll j wlneks family ointment w tbe aw nf rfuin a to svctjinpa imiiii m kinrwn cnrr urt r winettschelcalnlbointmfnt akitccdy slv aad cfivctovl itiucdy fur ik tiijrlticr with an ralvnvvt vaiirty of gtfioida cnlhmid amctkati ivii alcdicina nvg l46- london steel pens just received at the atheneum book store alajttsk ttsiortment of steel peas by varimik mskvrs inclutlin uillotk csto- hrald magauin doriuins tbo nsw york ladic pens and several other new iriiclas a liberal allowance to the tiada oictohvr 26- whiskey rn gallons sydeahan whsikry far m dkommonix aalu oy juna 5 184g tobaccos 2 roxesswpeuor aloiualuchwtt baccofor aslt hy m dhummund- jant 6 1846 camphine oil constantly on sale by s douitnia heptembarp ibm

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