will go alvijside flt utt mvglrt dock- ranh to dicbarre bw caro rite james town i named alter lh frt town where a colon v tva planted from the old world she anchored as slated the light hon on monday evening unfortunately ihe gevser end the avenger which had been impale tied with provisions and which ihe admiral impatiently expected in order to tow ber in did not return and hc had to wait nntil the sabrina was on far way to bristol on tuesday captain parker with the promptitude which ha alwavs distinguish- ed that able and excellent officer as soon as he saw her put it to the passengers whether they would prefer proceeding or con sent to the delay thai would he occasioned hy turnin back and taking the jamestown into core with muinimou enthusiasm ihct votea for the utter and captain parker took her in low and laid her alonjdc haul- bowline enrid the cheer of thousands who lined the hills and quay of cove and where he seen ifler enmmeneed dichtutin at parting she was saluted by thf cheers of the crew and pamngmof the sabrina cvhich were answered heartily and lustily from the jamestown and from the quay and the sa- brina proceeded on her patsac almost im mediately mr forbes wis waited on hy a de putation who presented hm with an address which lv promptly and handsomely acknow ledged the deputation requested htm to name a day on which he and his officer would honor them with their conjtmy to dinner end mr forbes rued a jay when at 6 oclock they are to have ihe picture of enlenainin him and his gallant officers who so generously volunteered their services lo ireland 11 e deputation consisted of the following person who had been named at a meeting held that morning the hon robert hare jr rev mr- nash rev mr- cailv kev sir- o regan r c c- ti french j p robert holmes j p- mr george scott edwaid mi1lcl j p- maurice power j p d scot mr phillip scott and mt v drew these gentlemen were sr retail introduced by mr v cummins of the firm of messrs n anj j cummins of this city who had started for core on the previous evening with despatches for mr- forbes and boarding the jamestown off the harbor accompanied itim to haulhowline the admiral sir huh pioi has been most active he has neglected nothing that could tend lo expedition or accommodation mr forbes he invited to and would have icea happy to receive at the admiralty while ihe eessel remains but that gentleman had previously promised himself to mr scott 3mpfrial parliament we cut ihe following from the london time on ihe subject of the proposed irish migration scheme we cannot help adverting to a remarkable document lately presented lo lord j russell hy some irish noblemen and gentlemen it it what ihey conceive to be a plan far systcma c irish colonization after a prolix preface in which they discuss ciiing means of colo nization they propose their own panacea for ihe ills of ireland and what will people imagine this lo bet why nothing but a wholesale emigration of ltth unman cathn- tics to some undefined part of biilh america these person many of them lon acquainted with ireland and accustomed to willlfis the influence of national character on national for tunes actually urnposp lo ptait large coiri munily of native eiih lrth the lot of all blended with saxon mond and the bast of all tinctured with saxon habit in ihe umulii vtl jvijj of id- xey v1 t home have for year with indifferent suc cess been endeavoring to eradicate or to cor rect the worst part of celtic ctiaraeter its inertness its dependence on othen iu repll- ion of whatever is clean comfortable amj eivilied whilst we have tried in some few cases with happy results lo indoctrinate them with the feeling and taste of englishmen these gentlemen come forward with a scheme for transplanting some thousand of the least educated the least energetic and the most helpless of the celtic population unmixed wilh any other class or caste but their own- uncontrolled by any authority but tha of their priett settling them in a district of onr amer ican colonies and raising up a large and popu lous state in the squalor the ignorance and he language of the most illfated provinces of ireland as if old ireland had dot of itself been a sufficient drag on the exertions of england but that we should burdfh ourselves wilh another ireland some four thousand miles off and complicate the ditfiitllics a fellic with the obstacles o colonial government to be sire there would be no small lamjbrdsin the new settlement that is something- the ww settlement would be free from the noxious ntorrtoanee of petty tyrants at once needy grasping and shortsighted so far there would he a great gain but it would not be free from ah she evils that must inevitably attach to e community nurtured in acquiescent poverty satisfied with mere subsistence and uninfluenced by superior intelligence to these would be added the more dangerous ob- etions of national and religious isolation ow fearful must be the malady of ireland when th friends surest as its best remedy the creation of a pauper and semiharharinus colony on the confines of a jealous rival and in the heart of an unsettled population canada tias little cause to think of them asgt britain to the one it would prove an irritating ulcer in ihe 3 i lcra new and cosily empiricism relandapiili tlie destitution of skihhereen and skull where we have been is dreadful i mako weekly reports now by ordcr i have seen them buryinnd 6 in a pit without coffins the pits are dug in readme in ease they might j be wanted- at skull the day was there they buried i belief 39 a small parish only the poor are du 15 in their hutslyine on the straw two or three at the time al skibbereen a donkeycait goes round with a coffin the end ol wfitcfa slides out it slops at 1 different hut to lake the deart out when it takes the bodies to the ready dup trenches where the slide is taken away arid the bodies neshot into the trench this is the way they economise coffins in skibbereen at skull a coffin of any shape is not thouihi of they are issuting seven thousand pints of soup daily from tfcc souphousc at skibbcteen a pint each person the or are afraid to visit cne another beeise the starring body will catch the infection immediately so that whole fami lies must die when thf once bein it s really dreadful t contemplate uk rftcfv destitution and mortality present in irelanj if this contiuuei twelve months ltris of ireland will lose one population and from inngct nine lutttlfuvf tfiv plaiaiurc 11 mus ibere not more than nelliid oi ihe und at the outride ttllrdand thu i done by the most ewnfor table farmed isitcd rrore or lehs by their janohrd i pray u find he may avert his wralh and icive hi a yer of plenty thr piic ftf poutoe rcd for ail aei of ground is now xz in einnnoii yeas of pwttv the wholcrop of au ac f nthhm ol potatoql can utougm for aut xld dm ilic price m teed now i enuaj l jioducc fcrmtily- thu 14 a sickly vuljeci in write yun wi but we talk mthinv else nor tliinhof acycliiri- else ow but the distress if this cdnhuy t swmnt foi a tcrlile free cir culation ha- fairly been giirn tu ijiqiinwi uwy hi cpbnvi flt meichn qmuk aw ajfttrtafl half dollars hav u cuoht tiutxalny we avii hipkepfrh unit n- 4jdall wh0ay be hitkv fxvh iti the ti lav bivr rroiy iutm u 1 jim tmwiiw 41 hiiiv cheated vy inevr limited enlistmcnt bill house op vnim amiu 3 mr fox m 1- having on lueiday moved the order of the day fur ihe cummittce on the army service bill sir howo ojitoli moved lint the bill be committed that day iix month rcpeiline several 0bjciionwhietvhe had exprct- cd in former debate ajwt tbo measure ilr mido some practical nieitrittp lhal miney sviuld m longer hapaidtutho soldier as biotii y bui given for th purchaac of in kit ilmt enlistment ilioutd uit tako placo en pubhc htmtcttkit in tho office of itio reeruii injuticer durin business hours lhat government should rcawtc tho old pcqsinn or is m day for lwcniyunc vcar aerrtee which tvould do rrvtre i the army than any other mcaiurc if these j lons wore not vdopted ha altould nvovo urnend menu to ihe rrw effcet in committee sir howard did that he had received kttcra from icvcrjt vttdier all of them complained or the smilliiecaof ihe peneiuns and some f them of ihe srrultncm of tho bountie srimo of them complained of the clothing in the infantry in pnrucultr as beinjf coarao but not a single mdi- ridoal complained of unlimited serrice he cn tendid thtil ihe army fra ucver in a ocller auto than il a now there is a strong dtmnritinti 1 promote improrement and vcre mnltbtwatl rc fdfsin inln disuse instance of orficers ruing fnfn th rariu multiply- oil theia ground he eontended tnngly avmt change 3ujor ltasono leei vijjofvusjy combaud sir llouard argument which ha thought weak and mconcluairc one fact shows the fearful ute of lhin in ihe armythat among the deaths in the cv xlryth suicide arc in the prvporlion of 1 in 20 he insisted that the measure pruptsed by grcrn mrnt would inirudueo it bettor cl of toen a tu sir howard experience htd ho ever com manded a regiment of the tine t had he icrved m india of in the weal indie t in point of fact men in huwarda atatton are placel where they cannui ee nor hcr what actually occurs among the men uf the army mr siovvy hcrscv apke at come length generally approving of toe bill but expreing doubts lie admitted the evils of the present ayjietnbul suspected that they were exaggerated lie doubt cd the policy of conferring military tubus on tho people uf the country in other countrie where that it the caac any itrcct row which might here be suppressed by 1nliccman 11211 found difficult tooeercomc forpoputar tuuvilif aic conducted by dikhared soldier ho doubted whether oo short a term of serricc as ten years might not be inconvenient but at all crcnts inducerocnl lu enter the army ought le bu propution jtcly in crered and he rather inclined to a former ug gettion of hi own fixing tho torn of service it l fourteen rear instead uf ten mr mule defended the measure the period of fourteen year would oc injurinu lo the ijmm a it would icrminata juit about thai period of hi life when com minding omccr would bo disinclined lo cnhl the ntcn ai to the danger uf manialixing ihe perpe he thought it wai dispcuved by the conduct of the old aotrhcra in this country and of the pemiooera during the canadian rebellion every nun of whom had pro ved loyal it wa lite recruits nh uio veteran who coniended at waterloo he quoted atalieltc of niurtatily 10 ahow that it is very drtirablo l keep the average ago nf ihe aoldrtr between twciitytivo and ihirtylwv tleadmittcd hut the mcasuro waa an experiment but so surrounded with proipccl thai he dhl nut heailaio lo undertake uxr rcapuusibdtty of augeaung it to par lament the measure was uppnrlcd by colonel wood rind sir tit ltcv evaxs ipucd by cofonel knu alttr mr mauled atatemcni sir llowtao m us declined to 01 vido iho houao the lluuac ivtnt mtm committer pre erui but iuinsoduie 1 j ir turned tli house went into committee on ihe bill on monday and in thoconsidcraiion of the teperatc claue a few amendments wcro pmpoed sir llotvtao douol4a moved to tobsuiuto fourteen lor ten as the term of otilnimcni ilui amend ment was negaiivrd by ui lo 27 colonel wooo moved an amendment lo enable the soldier to reongago during the last year of hia term before itsactualcxutry mr mauue thought it belter toalktw tho ajdirr ah opportunity of re turning for an iolerval lo his friends to lhat he might attract recruit the amendment was ne gatived wilfout a division major lxvxao moved a clause enaciing that any fcotdier already enjisted whoahall lure served len yearain the infaniry ir twelve in the cavalry and siiould ffive three calendar months notice 10 his commandingoffice shoulj be entitled to hit discharge mr maulc invited on iho daujrer uf carrying ttie experiment o for with ihr soldter atready eo listed before its working had been tried the enactment too iasupercmgatorya tlie tic government coutd apply the till by mval warrant lo persons already enlisted on that abowina the motion waa withdrawn the wholeof tho ebuses having been passed tle house resumed there waa a brief conversation on the subject in ihe house of irdui monday tho marqu of lniortaav asked whether iho bill had the tanetion of the commandcmn chief whether any opinion had beeo taken by any board uf general officer and whether it wa iho intention lo ieuc a warrant for tncreaing peaiaton to the scale of llt limited enliitmenl plan of le06 namely 1 idd a day to una commiasioocd oflioer and la lo private t eirl caur declined to answer any questions respecting confideniial communieativns to the crown though in the prevent instance he might do so with perfect safety it was not ihe intention of ihe government lu tijc such a warrant as lhat mentioned lirj larmdvnsaav then moved for eopiesnf all correspondent between guvtrnmcnt the cum nunutinehtef and other general omcera on the subject also a opy uf king george the thirds warrant of lefflg lie cited military authorities againat limited en hslmcnt general willtam nwpier ha id that it take three or four year to mako an infantry soldier and as a csvalry umccr iho marqui knew that it require five or six u muke a good cavalry soldier while it i still inro difficult fa train tin artilleryman the plan waa plausible but he thought peulous a an cxocritricni at iho eauic lime if iho duke of wellington wpjc ti ule his opinion such wa the grncml confidence in him that it would be submitted in bar gafiv declined t diacirsa m bill not hefne ihchium and protested against any inference be d 1 n frnm its silence heohjceted 10 the pro duction of the communications but not to iho copy of the warrant the bill var objected it by the earl of caaor rx among other reaon beeu it would tend to introduce military hnbilsanving the peripto the haje must recollect what occurred a few years since inncighboringcotjniryvhcreibeircpi of the then fctgnin sovereign were beaten by ihe probation of twchict md a ehungc of dynasty vai the conseqtcnee such an event eluld not have neeuircd inj this country how then did il hsppen mfrftntet becauve tiic vli prtpululionof tlut forrairy wia a military pftpulitkm practised in trfe use of ftrccrms mnl fjiiiliif wilh their aonnd the mirqui of b withdrew iho snttnei part uf his motion lifui uespatcii from general scott orncut aceocfit ovyhc aatrm or ccaaoooxdo vvmt tk union htabquaatirl or vtie aviv plan del rio 50 milea ftnm vera crui april 19 1847 sta the plan of attack sketched in general orders nn 1 1 1 hcrtwilh was fiutly executed by thisgalhn armyhefcte twoncloek p m yester day wo am nolle embarrassed with the results of victory pnsoncrs uf war heavy ordnance fiem butteries small am n accoutrements about 3000 men uid down ibeir arms with ihe usual proportion of field and company officer be atde five cenerals several nf them of great distine hon pinaon jarrem li vea nmega and obindo a mtti general vaaqoex wa kifvd in defending the haticy mwer in the rrar of ihe whole mexican army the capture of which gave us thoie glorious results our losslrviush commrjitively small in num berhubecicrifw brigadier general stiields a coromnnder nf activity teal and ufent is i fear if not head mortally wounded he is avdm five miles from me at ilia moment the field of operations covered mny miles broken by moun tains and deep c4suwq and i have not a rcpoit yet from any dteoxet hriade twiggs division followed by shield now cnl bike brigade ure nevff at or near xabtpe md wothsdiviion i in route thiihcr all pvjnni in with good reull a learn thnt prt of the mexican army perl or seven uound men who flrd before our right had carried tho tower and gannrsl lle xllapa mad pillows brigade alonr is ncv me at thi depot of wownded sick nnrl prisoners and i hsvo limr nnlvlo gve from him ihr names of firt lhut f d nlsi and scrnnd c c hill both ufihc3d tennessee font htsjtell retjiment anong una killed nnrf in the brigade 106 of all wnks killed or wounded general but not lhat no harm can come fti it with maja squadron of drains an ft ment he ha encamh 1 d wfc niitpringe apparently l m mor tn as when hi whole army ag m kim jw el fori and the 1st cititensare reluming a7 quiio o variety off ohio regiment is at the u keituckr in tho town british whig oplr pai oi6n diiar kingston tuesday may 18 1s47 new appointment mil they bvllftolh rrom ramu thc wtj eabltttaet iav bv a parly of american numbering among the isttcr the galbni urigidier himself hs a smart vrvund iu the arm lubled nd mapr r karouetun 2d tennessee captain il f htavnij 2d lieu the arm sabled nd miior r keroueti captain ei r hssn- o 1 y ft sdiher land it lieut vy p j i adjnuut all of the same regimeit acverelyand la udsa wi ym wood mortally wounded and i knnw fnwn peronnal obervatm rn the ground thl 1st lieut ewell of the rifles if not nuwdedstu mnrlilly wounded in entering sword in hand the en trenchments around the captured tower seeond lienit derby tnuugrapliicil engineem i also eaw at the m pibce severely wounded and captain patten 2d united states fnintrv lost his richi hand major summer 2d united state drnrfoon whs slifhtly witundid ih day before and capr johnaon topograph tea i engiikers long time dracftcd t rfsiknitfis i m i tuesday we told our readers a lot of k r i 0 j j i some 20 mile distant on locn cftm one of which we believed ourselves in and reported to geai tprt m of sjjtoday we have but one niece of news but it b- pmases this great advance over most other thinjsof the kind it happens u be true john a macdonald esq has accepted ihe office of receiver general in the place of mr morris who take the presidency bf ihe coun cil and as a matter of course appeals to his kingston conuitnenta for a renewal of their confidence as their representative in parlia ment and was dono in m the murder ed men were fimt made p n wb shot ihrotigh the h- the murder el said t t feton committed on tlw 23lh ult on that ajrhi m xfik of dd wagons evcorlcd by20l in about the atno number of hone tndcr tho command of mitchell of the la 0 regiment encamped at mftflft which laabnutiro mile from tha scene of the murder the muriort men were compned of u drigonv and texan ranzcra under the command uf cafitthn of the2o dr- goun suspicion tb unnm nn part of thift corpi though no elm ha as yrbcen found l dvcwftl the guilty tfco officer a coninand gcntlcmrn and discipiinarinn arousing every meana in their power in invest ig the mailer gen tay tor has got his sieam upi the subject and is de termined to hang every on who it cn be proved ha taken nart m the mudcr tlie town whrro these aan were killed i but h mr macdonald will not experience the smallest obstruction in obtaining a reelection lie i greatly beloved and esteemed in kings ton and persons of all classes creeds politics and count ties j crowd around bim and assure him cf their suport in case of opposition nothing of the kind will be attempted there e gentlemen in town who have claims upon the good will of the electors but none of them few miles from the puec ihcre the large train wa feel disposed to interfere wilh mr mcdonald captured and so many winner were massacred on the 22nd of february ome jo or 20 of tho wagoners who cocaied iren that rnasaaero came up in le iai tram ycl ihre i no evidence lhjt tncy were engaged in ibdlgalp4 murder latest fkoh till sevt of war- wt tlcgitnrro ivrrsiai new vok aiayt3th 8 oclock p m jslira araic23aoterpfcs has just arri ved from general wtiiih ha tottad peru yc- trrdoy mnrmn about i oclock found iho meifeancr mirl who wa charged with the but- wounoed acme days earlier whiro recnnnoitenng i musinulomilt aid thatcapt masnn and 2d lieut davis both or tho riflra were among the very severely wounded in storming tho same tower i estimate oortotal loea in killed and wounded may bo awiot 250 nod lhat of thf enemy 350 inihcporsuit toward xalapn 25 mile hence i learn we have added much to tho enemys lu in primmer killed and his retreating army henre iny haste to profit by evcnl m reouisitoean at his disposal hurried and imperfect report i must not py lrra crirr apritso an einrer i in this ming bringing inicll ccntfof the continued ad uf co to render of the plcc and iclhe arm and ammunt- linn of wjr generally ujm nf he large guns were spiked ampijia vith 3000 dsorginitcd lancer moved out jiisifar enough to avoid a conflict and then proccedd on wc understand that losfmation was received yesterday that general worth had thrown h mitpotts inwards puebh nd would march imme tt santa anna wa and intends remair ing until he can muster atjicknt force to make a aland the following is from be ntxican chronicu of 23th april by a person j l arrived fmm or- siba wo learn that hlo anna has arrived wilh 200 drvmoe and ioovediaiely commenced recruiting hvving now ttnwf hi command abooj sou men including uio nitrcs of ccrro gordo reclvction they look upon his station as a cabinet minister as one calculated to be of in finite service nol only to kingston but o the midland district and with praiseworthy con- sideriion refuse to mar his anticipated use fulness the new writ for kingston is expected to reach town towards the latter endof the week and the eleclion will be held within eight day aftcrwatds meetings were held in che several wards yesterday the result of which will be found mr fords bill for amending the harbor act wa read a firat time and ordered to be road a second time next monday mr angfen tendered his resignation as council lor for catarsqui ward which was not accepted the council adjourned q pfiilwarnumc socrerv the con- crt of this society which was announced to ome on thursday night is still further poned in cofisequrnce of the continued indisposition of mr ambrose we luvc been requested to stale that preparations are stilt being madvj and tha at a very early date it is hoped this concert will take place o histosiv or canada a very useful little book has lately issued from the press of messrs arroourfc ramsay montreal entitled a history of canada for the use of schools byjannet ray it is very carefully compiled from the best authorities extanl and is also vtrj creditably got up the fair author is a teacher in the western part of canada and has etperiencedlhe want of a bock that could give her scholars some idea of the history of their native or adopted country postoffice kingston closing and arkivalof the mails doftiko the summer seasoif leh7 com mericrm oh me litofmav closed daily at g much lothnenerny los to hc jfc- u hj ha been i winded in fnel 1 sornvnan b l mhoitu b meiico addrevsed hy us be nearly dnrmd and ft t j srcjon offering cerl follow man hour or twu lo oin 9m f hc wi1 lfirtr an early tnraee omtl lo say tbjt brigdtcr ganerjl twigsja in psssmg the mountain range beyond cerrn gordo crowned with the lower detached from his divi aion a i suggested tho djv hefore a strong foreo carry lhat height which commanded iho itn if car of itio xiuparoad at ihe ot and could ntt fail tied to cut off the whole nr any nan enemy force from n retreat in my direction a portion of tho lit artillery under ihenfrrn distinguished brcvcl colonel child- iho 3d in fanlry under cantain alesnnder tho 7lh infanl n nceol the continued adoi uoacral worth mmm diconnocicd mnors from tho city of j mexico j thn ritlteni nre ihrawog p wall of anrl i around uio place and eipt the snjdiera lo defend them thepuulic voice openly heard in eppo- silin tn tho lato mrsn demagogue sana a anna coward p uw with the trails l under licul col riymtn and il rilles under i 1n criti t ore honru iho c major ivrinir all unhvr the temporary command i of colu harney q dragoon during the enn- tttafric oh tllk vxlllaho cakau finrmmt to hi hod of ft re vet brig lirnrnl p f l onrinr the nrrtenlensni we earned in he en- 9nmlhi oot4iijuio uoomj ati slyaa vv tn bttiitsft tnu u i ibnnnn mm which i tad the pleasure to witness he canal which wt to jttjfis ttn most hrdliant and decisive ttniiiv nf nieviouilv diij nau an oppor the brieado ascended the long and difficult oflme5 t t topcnfcermoordn wilhmil rhhter and under t wit not he the iremendous fire of artillery and mttk the utmoat steadinc reached the breas h the 1st art flag mill firing finished the eoirjuea with the bayonet icisa most pleiingdulv tosav tlial ths hiehrvt i praise idue in harney child pimton lring 127 went alexander their gallant orricer a brilliant service independent of the gioal results which soon followed worths division nr regular coming up at this lime irt detached bv lieut cot c f smith with his light bttahor to support the assault but not in time the general rraehtog the lower few minute before m and observing a white flic displayed fioen the nennei portion nf towards the batterie below enlnul roloncta har ney andchiwftto hld a parley the surrender jullnwed in an hour or tx major general palfersnn irlr n iek bed to share in the dancer and fii of tho day and after ihe surrender weot rurard lo command the ad vanced forces toward xalaps brig gen pillow and hi mgade iwice as- aolted with great daring the enemy lino of hatteriea on our left end though willful success iliey contributed mieh to distract and dimay their immediate opponent president ssntn anna with generau canalim and almonte wfch aume sii or eight thousand men escaped tiw4rd xalaca jit before cerro gordo was carried kind before twig division reached ihe national road sbovc tnntty nf previously dtj mc government property gi rtwith sparrd in ms n for the list up to the aljavsahls dmve the enemy from thm planted the rotors of and afterward give u rcuril weekly it lillery3dand 7ih infaniry tlte enemy w the amounl direction flying and alter mo minutes sharp and articles of traffic from the opening of navigation to the last of apnl 185 vessels pi thrnugtuof tvhich 127 went up 81 froqoswego and 43 from nd men for ihe canadian purls of tlh jj m arherican ports 11 frn this place 14 to canadian port and 6 i st catharines and thorold there were downward to oswe go and 41 lo 18 beinjalw fmm canadian ports the cargnes fruri the other side are nearly all of grain ftnjplfaji side flour princi pally in the same titie 4 scows passed up or down carrying princely stone travel staves and hoops in hi 106 vessels passed through the first 17 d of navigation 160 this year st calharhs journal- ttuvitluko house in the list or scows passing along the can4 there appears one with a cargo described u slaves wood and a house which ctared from portltobin son for st catharines trissaid house we saw climbing the carta bank and traversing geneva street a week ago and wondered some little where il coild spring from pretty good journey for a huiliing of about 30 by 1 i wilh 14 feet posts movd on lo a scow then offilgor 10 miles downtheoanal up asleep bank i have determined m parole the prisone eeriand men i have not themcansof fedme h 0 about 100 feet aenxs a them here beyond tcday and cannot urtord in tl tovn deuch a bevy body of horse and foot will wt- jj s in i though not in mill 3 steep race and into jnd the litler jutt vc rv on saturday appeared the last number of ihe montreal ionomu having liniilied the year which its proprietor hud set before then a the length of their experiment the editors in their farewell address inform their readers thai the reception atfordod them hy the puhlic watritterinand that their sufoenber were steadily increasing in numbers never- theles they found thai al their low rale of charge their concern was a losing one- dur ing the year of its existence the economist ha frequently rendered good service lo the cltiftn of pmrrnthfl and has airorded some valn- i ahle statistical information if wo did not i fcitow that its editors had many other occupa tions more important ibin their u literary nje we should rerel discontinuance for thini sjfce as it it we regret it for our own lb firoiwmut made a decent ending having lortgivcn it enemies and hetged tho pardon of ill whom it bad oitendrd before lakmg it final dpjilnrt mwitrttd llatibl gons in accompany them to vera out our octfo train ihoufh increasing is not yet half large enough to give uq assured progress lo this army uevtdes a great number of prisoner would probably escape from the escort in iho inng and deep stndy rnd without subsistence len to one that we shall find again out or the mc budy cr men in the rank opposed to us not one of tho vera crnx prunncni ii helicved to have been in the linen or cerro gdn some six of the officer highest in rank refute lo give their parotcs except to to lo vera cruz and thence pcrhajv lo the lnitd stirre itie vmall arm and their aeeouiremenlm hein of no valuer to uur amy lere or al home i hate or ftrred them to be destroyed for wc have nt the anrtlksof iunpnnin ihenv i am atao aomo- whal cnvsrrnasvd wtlh the piece nf artillery all hromr which w imve enptorrj it would lake m brigade nd hnlf the mule of uur army to tranffrt ihein fin v notes a field brtr 1 hti take for aervieo with iho army hot the heivy metal must bo collected and left hem fr the present wo hnveour own atego train and the proper carriage wilh us ijinf much occupied with the prisoner and all ihe dtaif if a forward ntovrrnont hcdo ookmp ti the auplic whieh are to follow from vera crux i hive time in add no wore fntciidmf lo be at xaltpa early iomrnrty vc shall not probably k4m nnei with scvm oppsilton tin sidn of pe role ecu a inly not mile delayed by ihe wanl of uto rnen of irinportntinn i have the honor i remain sir wilh high res peel your mat obedient orrvt wlxtteu scott p s 1 invile attention lo iho aeenminyin k her of president santa anna taken h his car- rinm yciterdij atso lohis proclnmttfin isued on trcorjo that wo had catitured vera tvuz ac in which he siya if tho enemy ndvanre voe step more the national lndqcndenco w bjrtcd tn the juysiv of the trasl tlmltfep s i nuke o acond hotcript to iy that there i some boye 1 urn ipnsasjy tu tarn that own shield tusysuvivc his wound one of iho principal mmive for paroling iho prinnnera of war is to diminish ihe resistiiicei of other garrisons in our march w s hon wu l maacr secretary of war novelty the ride a gooisixed schoolhonse ia pelham was treated wld last winter a por tion of the inhabitants d an extensive school district in that townshi4eing dtssatisned with ihe location of ihe schio house and not able wc suppose to get sitffctent cogent turned out one fine moonlight night when vleighin- was excellent and by ibyiighl bad il landed on asiteahont two mirs from its old it where itsilll ivmaitu tt svtamboat aaaaokisiyr qoesec 1s1t montreal and quebec lw boal company montreul and queerr passse batgio mon treal st ctcoreeandcatftda tow boat eghl bargca peoples line john munn qocbre and rowland hill pasatfe bnat to monlreal prince victoria aid alliance tow dents six brge mr mckemie points levi lumber metehautj point e lev two lljrge meser gitmnur co north america tw boat tim uarjre messrs tait at co lndy culoorue i bnu mr j rvan clmrlewiit do mr ix torrnce sydeotinn do the fare between quebec and montreal we iinitcraland wilt be o fol intra jbin firit clsa baiia 3 niahf inetuded stcerafe 5 baa c iiweudeil iw second cu boat- cahm jos fid lt inea la included uernncls 0d hnei included tcn ig c of the boat will tend to promote tho coniort of iravcllr whi during ibe jute yearaof ruiihiua cumilhn wore vthyrud to every inoovrmence fmm the msny nhjtctrnrble ebnrsxttfa who avniled ibeanaelfte of hie low fare to crowd tin cabin ami who presence wtiaodcn nnylhmc but nccrpuhln to rpcihltt riyger we havn ulm henrd llit a firt ind seewnn cla luit will leavu thisrvcry evening vrrcury mo3ivbxv april 4h since the arrival nf rjcci fiylor here oil has remaintdquiol kr four week prior wo had at innsl one itnmpodo in every iwcniyfuwt hour- a11lhoimutandeeery insng of valuo wero re moved inlo tho citacjrl purt vtroni piobel jfuruits conoiaritly poaied and iho rvrt put in a oouiplclo lata of defence there seems lo to something in iho prenooce of tho ld urn that jnrc crery one with the kurf jj tnu pawl of ifarnifvi a flour mer chant ol ltlini wis iradi m h tujtf ly tltn new bfooht by the lluro4 tht viiionaof prmjtiv ptafllfl iuuitrd with a tlrioii at ho qtffclh nnuted a the dlukh ii the hmuy after th i r i j t f- character of nbhinary thinya bl whats lht juie nf nil earthly imppinfoa re n rntnnr an nniutnl unw m koruy itwekhnnj per barrel replied iho flvur dvahii gwtmfi in our advertrsin columns the new receiver general the appoinlment of john a macdonald esquire to the receivershipgencral of cana da with a seat in the executive council will take the country by surprise hut only those who do not know the man or have not watched his conduct mr macdonald is a young man scarcely patl hts thirtieth year and until wi thin the past three years wholly unknown to the political world nevertheless to ihe pos session of talents of no ordinary or mediocre qualily he adds the businesslike habits of a much older and more experienced genlleman and few men could be found who in them- svri more combine the qualification requi site in form a statesman during the second year of his early parliamentary career he became the right hanj man of mr draper it was to his indefatigable industry consum mate tact and management that ihe adminis tration owes the partial triumphant termina tion of ihe last session of parliament in des pite of obstacles innumerable and of pres sure both from within and without and if at thi conclusion uf his labors mr draper wished him lu share legitimately the pauiaand pleasures of office hy proffering to his accep tance the commissionersbipof crown lands il was only paying him the tribute due to his lalenlj and industry that mr macdonald did not then choose to accept office is a well known fact that he takes it now is another fad hut in attempting lo explain the why and the vrhcrefore of this seeming inconsistency we may be giving our own reasons and not those of the honorable gentleman al tbcclos of the last session of parlia ment there was evinced on the part of ihe government a strong desire aain lo conciliate ihe french party by sharing with their leaders the loaves and fishes the french parly wanted every thing their nwn way and the negotiation failed had it been sticeess- jul mr mardonald who had gained the per sonal good will of ihe french members would have taken office with them j but it failed and he declined acceptance on the ar rival of iiid elgio other attempts were made to conciliate the same party and it would ap pear that these attempts also failed the franeocanadians wanted the whole loaf whereas ihe government were willing only that they should have half it would seem that messrs draper j smith and daly ae the stumbling blocks in the way of a tef oncilialion now mr draper has virtually if not actually resigned the attorney generalship west and will in all probability fill the vacancy caused by ih death of judge hagcrman mr j smith is already provided for and there re mains only mr daly the everlasting mr daly mr henry sherwood the new at- torney general west is personally liked in lower canada sir allan mcnah now fully i reconciled to the administration is also popu- lar and mr mcdonald the new receiver general is as we said before a general favor ite it remains therefore be proved whether the francocanadians seeing their old oppo nents removed and men whom they like ap pointed to their places will not receive the hand of friendship and good fellowship still offered to them and consent to form lhat coali tion so much desired by every well wisher to the peace and prosperity of united canada that mr macdonald may aid in this praise worthy endeavor is we hrlteve the chief nay only reason hc accepts office and should the welfare of the province demand his resigna tion to make way for some older or abler man we are fully persuaded he will cheerfully re sign ti satisfied that whether he remain a minuter of the crown or return to his duty as a simple member his public conduct will ever gain the good opinion of the people of king ston city couxciv moor mav 17 lrrt hi avnrshtf tho mayor alrssr- 1111 ford diker knurk i nu titer hobivn lire den austen allen wi1iyctunnnbauci patter son inlon htifvrvt smyth minutes of nicnou meeting read petition iff joseph niiih and other praying tor removal of nuuanee in the shape of fifth c which had been deposited at the upper end of wellington tfutcl fuard or health lo appoint a r epos it- n the hi ri nf the city mr anrjlcn aid nvt a there vrould be a peai nutty emigrant arriving huro thi year and wlw were likely to bring ibe fever which waa raging at rfirno with ifctlffj there ought to bo aonio aliedi reeled out uf the cily siy on llifl 1uutt t sumo i llv udjaccul ulstids eastvrn mail oy sltamrr- a si delivered daily at 4 f st perth brlvwn ntc closed sunday tuesday and diursday ot 6 a m delirered sunday wedncday and friday at 4 k farmersviilc revcdey ncvrbki wfiport closed sunday and thursday iicah de livcrcd sunday and wednesday at 4 p wrjtsrx maiu coburg port hope petcrboro toronto and office writ of turunlo oy 5reomer etod daily sunday excepted at 4 r si delivered daily monday excepted un nfkening of tlicnrfiee wesrrrn mail 6y lri offices bclvrccn king ston and tvmnto cksfd daly t 1 r j cc livcrcd daily art pemng of the office jinee edward district closed daily saiutday excepted at 4 r si delivered daily monday executed on rpening of the nffiee mherst island closed tiksday ti and saiufdiy at 7 a a delivered tues day thursday and saturday on the opening uf the office camden cast nenburgh and wilton closed sundiy tuesday and friday ot 4 r jr do jirercd tuesday 1 uursday and sunday on the opening ol the nlbec loughbon nntr1taring1nnclisednn wednesday and saturdriy al 8 a at delivered wedoejay and saturday at 4 v si wolfe lauttd closed dtly sunday cxeeplcd at a h delivered daily sunday excepted at 5 r st united slates closed daily sunday excepted at 2 r si delivered daily sunduy excepted al 3 r at office hours during week day from c a u to 6 r m on sunday between tlie hour g and 9 a m and 4 and 5 r m robert deacon pl xt on saturday hisi or reynnmi nflhlll town aidutcdby dr scott nf prcscll perrmed an nperatinn upnn a aon of dunhnm joues en of aujusla whilr under tho mfluenco of the ethereal vfinor tho pntrent a lad of i4 waa nearly fivo minute under iho influence and at- though subjected in an narration nihefuiaof nn scedintty painful nature he sjipcjftj cuitc unencinut of anypiinot luffrring the fleshy tuhstanee nf the thieh was laid open for about four inches down tn the bone and in doing to it was necessary to dissect around kvcral vesael to avoid wounding ihenv the aufface of the bnne itself wat aeraped with an instrument but nol r est pain wa evinced the patient described the sensation at that nf a eunfused dream heid he fdt n numbneaaeitcnrting gradually from the toes upward and th numb sensation continued for half an hour after the operation the pupil of the eye waa dilated and fixed the breathing accelerated and the pulse tlightly nuicacned while under the influence and when he recovered the feeling and appearance wet rory wmitar to lhat or a half intoxicated person this effect continued fur several hours after tho operation the other was administered by mr blodgeo of ogdnburh from an apparatus partly of hit own contrivance and which appear in be well adapted for the purpose brocktiue recorder fon wednesday senight the 29th ou mrjames boyd and mr robert f burns students in divinity and calrchrsts wre ad mitted lo license as preachers of the gospel and probationers for the ministry by the presbytery of toronto bolh these renllemen had prosecuted their studies in the university of glasgow and mr burn had also been one session in the new college free church edinburgh they have been two full winter sessions in attendance on our seminary in toronto and we are persuaded they will be no discredit lo its teachers so far as the sanction of the synod went they might have been licenced last summer but they wisely i referred to pursue their studies in he cof- rge throughout the session which has just closed mr boyd has been earnestly solicited to consent to receive calls from several con gregations we believe it is likely that he will be called to mardham where he is well known and appreciated a laborious catechist- mr burns is in a sei engaged to the congregation of the civyjjuildinp kingston and we presume will anon be settled as heir pastor his father dr burns is at present on a tour in nova scour and his ynnihful but well accomplished son is to supply his pulpit for a few weeks torunto bonner moy 14 carvani faajctfaihs snvoaop the herald and pandora surveying vetsels now at panrns tre to proceed in the ourso of next munth tn the northward to endeavor to meet capt sir j frank lin wilh the erebus and tarrnr dicnery hint who may be expected about ibc end of the year it ie understood that captain sir e w parry and dr sir j richard have been to tho admiralty to afford all th information they can of the route and the probable lime they may be expected should they succeed in making iho voytgotoibe pacific with regret we find the most painfnl ac count of scarcity of food forcaltle and een for human subsistence continue to be received from ihe lower parishes at matane on the 3rd itistij winter still reigned and the larger proportion oflhc animals were dying of hunger both forage and grain had became exhausted ami it was feared that much difficulty would be experienced in putting in the necessary ex tent nf evmowim lo the want of seed grain and of cattle to aid in the requisite labours the inhabitants of maiaue feat that pressing want will visit incm this fall and in conse quence the eniuing season al carlclon uaic de chnlctir it i stated in a letter published in the journal de quebec the people arc menaced with famine arising from the lolal consumption of their stock of fodder which has compiled ihe use nf strain a the of the cattle neither hay nor straw could be lnl toadd to this mate of dilrean epidemic has carried ot num ber of the animals after the painful sacri fices made by their owners jo preserve them from dying of actual starvation quebec ivcrctiry tct lluvr llftrcict aasnsv tito awlra fir iho home li4ncl opctitrd un tuesday lt befuru uto uhm jsqttien thorn ure un tltn vil dnohct auul v10 inske aftrdinjt very jwd worth fnr a ntonth tho cninmal calendar altn hnavy oreaontin bofm twunly caans among which i hero two fur imndrr two for manaiauifbr and two for muaa7tf almost an affair of honor on tuesday the 20th nit one nf iboee farcical affairs a dora nfmorf took place in tin cily between gentlemen of cnurne men of honor it appears that a misnnder- standing occurred between two amateor play actors behind the scenes and after a good deal of bluster and so forth i challenge was given and declined succeeded by another which was accepted one of the seconds be coming principal having- made their wills 1 i i j taken the last look at their families and friends thrse heroes bent on blood and slaughter went forth to the field where blood was o wash out the stain lhat in sult had made upon their honor pistols for two and a snrgeon for one were ordered- the hotspur met the surgeon was in attend ance the friends were on ihe spot distance was measured preliminaries adjusted the word almost given wben as the story goes one of the parties not having confidence in ihe discntionot the seconds who rmht he thooght have really put bullets into both of the pistols advanced with the best grace pos sible and apologized to render himself still more ridiculoos one of the parlies placarded the city denouncing the version of the affair as it appeared in the ccnoduxn an unmiti gated lic and calling upon the editor to issue an extra immediately contradictingthe state ment he had made we are informed that the same party cotted upon the editor and de manded that he should forthwith do so or meet him however the canadian bad sufficient independence to refuse issuing the extra and sufficient moral courage lo refuse the challenge we are truly pleased that the day hasgone by when men of honor could bully editors into the performance of anything orererrthing ihey thought proper lo demand the editor of ihe consaftan should be supported by every editor in the province and commended fur not yielding up his right to the imperious demands of a man nf honor if the version given by our contemporary was inter reel he was in justice bound to publish a correction and wc doubt not would have done so had the inac curacy been pointed out but tube required lo publish in an extra mhat what wc had published was an unmitigated lie and that too on the mere ipse dixit of a b man of ho nor exceeds for cool elfronlery every thine we would expect from an one but from a man of honor it is fortunate indeed as duels must be continued lhat ihey are no longer the danger ous murderous alfairs they used to be and if men will make fools of themselves we hardly know that the public has much to do with them especially as there is no teal danger lo life or limb in these innocent affairs which es tablish mens honors and thanks lo ihe dis cretion of seconds do nol place their valiant personage in ihe least jeopardy unless sus picions be entertained of the discretion of se conds and even ihen produce no more serious results than a temporary fainting fit christian guardian 07 id and lady cathcarl lady elizabeth donefafci and ibootlim members of the family left for launirir en rouo to boston by tho prince albori at is oclock yesterday tho truop lined the way with ihe iiaual military parade ond a rousidrrablo rnncnurae ot p- npe ussimbkdi tho hon mr cgcrlnn j elgin a d caccom panied hit iswlahip the hon messrs mem djlev and cnylry went n far a lnprairio wiili his lordship nlj urure wa lo present un the wharf to take leave hi beery pnrsiblo mark of mihlaryhm civil respcel amended uio departure of his i lrjtliip from our aliure three pet ty airniig cheers saluted iho boat at tho inured from her nwl4 ffm 7 the intal amount of cath ce4ilnbnted tn the liiah relief fund in toronto p to the 13lhof may inclusive it 4203 1 7ct torvtio curtdieit sccattaav orvrec i afonrrrnf iv ta hit excellency the governor general ht itert pleated ti make the fiijonin oppointmenta vit uavtd i fairfield nf rtsnn baquim to be judev of the prince edward drri riot court rn the room nf archibald gilkinwui require resigned philip lyiw of ptctnn etejuire to bo clerk nf tho pfjioo fnr the prtnce edward district in the room of d 1 fairtidd eaqoirc rtmjrnofr robert ii f v- of bytown eteitre tn ba a pubho notary in that part nf the prorinm tz- merlv upper canada awwaxr oawtttvl ornce montrtal 2th jawy 1847 grveaal oatra hit llitt- the gnvernor general ta pleared to mke the fallowing apprinitusentt in the milui force of canada vi second battalion addifljfion to bo major capuin w h olark to be ct pi a i nt ltro tenant t james bell ed- mond siston edmond hrnch geerro clrk enaijrnt richard d finby cbrittnphcr bush ind thomaa price to be lieutenantt enaignt cephoj h miller and a ii i h g honper and joseph luct thomas mddin jonathan s- i iikt bell benjamin file and thomas baker gentlemen tokjp parker peter h rierk jacb amey robetl collins jrhiat bitcne aminat amey robert m y hntman robert prowlandd b iiekney gentlemen tu be mjutant entiovi joseph parker to bo quartcr31ater william short gen tleman to bo sorgeon francis v carey escjoirft- the telegraph when the montreal telceranh compeny wna firl established we thnujrhl lime ou ho anni htbied between ut and our jnira city dsit aus the dream ir peat 11 and wc are awake tn ihe awful reality lhat we are to bve nniihlniajv in cohere we thotild have tbnuhl that the company wild have found it to their tntertit tn make vuiiuni at the principal towns through which the wire patted bolh on account uf the direct pmrit likely to accrue lo them fur the use of the wires and the indirect in the way of protection aeaintt cutting 5cc forouraclve we care not one straw whether wo have a station or not because we believe wn can always bo sure nr celling the neve at soon by rucltctier at by telegraph the pre tt toronto and hamilton tjteak in anything bot flattering trmt of tho invention to fr at they are eamcereen the settled way of announcing newt being at fotlnwt l the slcamcr arrived at beaton at 3 p m the wires are cut- at to any town being sihr tnongh lo pay x250 for aetaliori for one yznr with no guaranty that it shall bo kept up the idea is prepotterou co burg star maryland snow hill february 21 1s4s mr selhw fowte sir pteaae send mens toon as povaime auv ther lot of witters bauam of wild cherry i have bed selling tint valuable mdkino in lb town matyyetr it lite proved tube highly useful in mtny cafes much hoa been tiid and written in commendation uf thie article jutly too i think fmm my observation of it effect upon others and my own experience in using it soma month since having a bad eouh i lost my appetite and tlrcnglh and my health w much impaired i mod ihis ujlstm to my aattsfactnn and joy when i htd tflkrn iwu botitea my couh was ra- imivcd toy irfeiile rcturncdi and niy ttrengiti and general health rcvtnred whenever i have any trmptomenl tho kind return i immediately re l tathia fueilteinct and find it to hare tho da- tirodoffeet i believe una iaononf tho beat medk cine in the world for cough and incipient con turiiplinn and that invalids in more advanced tlfljr niiv le roheytd bv using it- signed by irvin townsenn firm ut tuwfittfld end tiiaahnr v0 aiv iinninrigty ami willtunt blutft thlt modicmo h ranl be beat ilownroor eoua lorteiln none genuine unftt signed 1 duttfl on the wrapper for tnlo at ihp athmouoi ltok store and by druggittt ctnteally lbruoboul ianada