tub british whig affu b8mbu mtwttixkk kbr 81sah fas lklntkii a rn hlisiikit semiweekly ivm i ii i ii i v i bye37arti johm barker m d rin itttixiim le sritisl ttm and general advertiser for cap har t omtt8l harriett tt atlomtti u lav niatlll iti ihtoito john a maflusain aiexandkit campnklli j ames mcmillan teacher of music piano fotttes tuned ill mmiiuwl itfctionbt thompson tjarev oeneral importingand commission merchants si dhon sthkht niw york a card c a 3 a l i n dkawncktaw orlando watte commission mercimyt and itbneral agent ft 10 4 watlt 9irc new york owen vandusbn attorney at law solicitor 1scdhcmt in buiioptct cokvkvaek ac boffoj strett w twm briis4 wj ojr o- xamwon movie hingiton fland scrip honghl acid sold macdonalds hotel i atx stonfl opposite the city baths francis v carey m d sffflceds acd01ich2tjr c c news i iu oiubn kst edward s t a c e y frok iokdok merchant tailor opposite d flryrt coi king street kingston john blackistox sailmaker and rigger ho4 rialtdy t builimngs ontario street i m t h unter ship chandler no i hardy buildings rington feb 5 1847- notice the public are informed thai the montreal and kingston mail line of steamers will commence plying daily from ihis port o dickcnsmi landing until further notice on monday the 19th instant caving kingston at 7 a m offiee of the montreal and kinrton mail company commercial wharf j kingston 16th april 1847 for sale lot no 41 in the 4th con town ship of kingston 160 acres on liberal terms apply to c stuart kingston 39th january 137 rnrloki pmt fi stiimfcii- run i- anwmwitbm4hwiuim piycsihuiiic f pjijinadvrtfr- ptamifff tllvrtwljmiri intiurrcafnce are paid up ftofcltnt iliptptum nf tlie pathirf- pvgrtskmextssiatiiica ad under v il first uivriin anl tlea aubmiont i wttfaw unas ilitii llmsvmsfi lawman tnl hfcleacti anwiont innion ttr m lino- 41 rrlino for the tlm inwtiwii i parliort fracliitlhiicnlinrlkin aewoihse m willnil 4ocitic dimae hii mtfu w bs jn writing inrtrltl until fortm nd ii lifted ccitjm fly ortet for iiicmiiioine adttnw msul immivcuio the imbtisacrorlcfun wnln iiiiiu office the british willi bcifip a jrnrnnufihe until cjm cwttutjm no ihtfcouni wiuhenltfj onadvutcenu on any pretext whalsercr ofdmftrtfii biw twat wluwivrj by moitnf the pml m tf m thr untied 1mvtree nil mwiicshtnim lulhcnt will be credited it paij lollicliimislief all uutra cxrc from agents to be postpaid- a mcdowall furrier 4 hatter tjnock street kingston furs made up to order on the shortest notice fun of every desciiption bouh sold ross dodd military tailor and ladies habit maker princess street y four gjod journcyrjxen tafor tailor c orrositr mh willum wilson3 wbllwoton street am work in lm line executed with ncatn and ditpatch- matrilew drummond crocer wist k spirit merchant wmunotox nrtinincidt ntxt fo wr m htfson f- b- kaylrr coach builders ato cfc makers nokui itbsst kinciron robert mcco rmick wisbs spirits telscr0c8riese pk1xbs sthcet kingston vol- xvi kingston canada friday may 21 1847 victoria saloon alexander cicolari in respectfully tendering hie lhanka in hid customer for ihe liberal support tlunr hava hitherto extended to him lep loaequainllheni ami nihcr hat he ha rcrcnily much improed his elahluhment n a atj cftrretti huiulm marrct square where all kind of refreshment in sea- incn paatry wines liqueurs jellies ice cream water ice kmnan punch c j 4c c will ns itjtual be provided and uimll by hid efforts to plnvi to aecure a continuance of public patronage p iunclie always ready a c being a practical workman id prepared w accommodate families with pastry at the thorlett rdttce and on a reasonable terms u any other in the trade cliarlottc ui mr- inu h and other delicacies prepared to onler kingston 20th april 187 32lm queenscollege school mr w a ross wiil reopen queens cotttgt school on monday 23rd may and it is earnestly requested thai parents and guardians will looic no time in en rolling pupils in tin institution otthough originally bunded chiefly for the purpose of pre paring candidates for admission into queens college instruction will be given to all who desire it in lite usual branches of an english commercial and mathemati cal a well as classical education a olass will be formed at the opening of the session for the kudiinents of tho latin language terms may be learned from the revd mr machar principal of the college or ifomlhe itcvd prof romanes or the kevd j williamson bay of quimte 1847 ml the splendid aho commodlouv stamk queen victoria ftrv iy ile hcail of i dav arid mr ross has heen employed in the ivork of teaching for some yeans and tome of the most distinguished studcnta at queens college owe to him that previous training which ha enabled them to prose cute their studies at the uuirsily with xuch success both from our knowledge if his talents and scholarship and from the proof wc have had of his eminent ithtlitiej as a teacher in the young men hum he has sent to college we ore enabled with the fulleat confidence lore- commend him to such parents asdesro to aerure the advontngc of a thorough edu- eaiton for their children john machar a m- georgk romanes a m j williamson a m kingtlpn april loth 187 fresh garden seeds pftllll tub rochester sursert and w a rr anted good aspargus roans boeta bfwwlli cauliflower early york ad other cabbage carrot celery cress cucum ber egg punt kni letttco melon of all kinds nasturtium onion parsley ir fn peas cayormo popper pump kin radish rhubarb or pie plant sage caraway votjctable oyster spinach squash tobacco urge red and lare yellow tomato turnip c c villi a variety of other aeeds for sale hy william j martin market sfuort icingatnlitfcaprit 187 3k sale of heal property c a pt john be s now pprforminr- her di between kingston a the bay of quinto going up one returning ihe next and leaves ifo wharves kingston upwards every tuesday thursday fhd satur day a 8 oclock a m- precy downwards will leave belleville for kiflgton and intermediate places every hoitvvs w ncsdayand friday 7 oclock a m the proprietors desirous rjf offering to the public every accontmodaunu within their powpr betr to inform ihw public generally that they wh at the suggestion of the business nten of the bay of quinte run their boat w oswe co on her arrival at kingston every friday night she wilt reurn n saturday sons not to inlet fr with her regular trips the above sieamboatis fliied with excellent accommodation for pa5eitger and every altenlon will he paid tu ihe re ception and delivery of freight kingston april 30 1647 important information caution a rowland son 20 hauion garden l on jii beg toctttlian the nobility nd gsetry c bemg milled bv the etteoipti of voiie s-i-p- r- i who t compoundt or their own hi facturo iive ute title or vmimt oil kltfwa nd oaito ems unlcr hie imptitd uinctioa of ry and tho 5ivrn- dtptrimtat wilh einiitir uiaflbpts ill d- ccaiion white they copy the ljtati bill ad vertiiftrvenls and tcstimnninu tobtiluting tctuo9 name and addrrtte fbr the real of live original preoariiont the eniy gtnuine m cssti olt m klroi anj ooomto mrv rowlands nd ihe wrapper of ceh beifs the nimeftf rowlands preeedinjj thi of ihe article wilh ihcir sifnaiur at the fret in rrd ink thua a rowland ac bon lady huntingdo ns female pills are emormcd the choiett fumitr medicine ever aubniiitrii fr bduie p4trmpr jt4 during hv st venty fio year ihat they bavo bom in diily oat are well knwn in have reauiicd many lhio jriiu nf un pproiifc jron an early irjtr and ami fjikd trittcrially oknihn ihe tile of very wric irlii oecafiinoaly in k tin aludicinc- they will he hd rhitcifhrly chicacioua in eara r uencml i in of ile tnlititwin in oieaiioc appetite hy iiarivthffim the ayem re- nijvctucrtriiititfiit giving hef a ibafs irouwcd with finding ala hcrvmiis idhnrr palm in live liritdt r nnft peeuliiitv bcnrriial in eaacs iif coli end shiiea oi brenth by slrcnjjihfninj ihe offtta of the stnni4ch w corniine im puired dixcstii civinj a lively complexion tu the mut pile and aichty ctritenanee anil res to linf in ii natorjt mindird that peculiar appear ance so intirtiiitcty cmncutpj with tho ojnatittt- tkkilii we if m vt the female sex idonlyby kmln hfcii branm broev street kingston c w foce 2d and la3dpar ekr l to let i and possesion given ihe 1st r day of may next two nov2 slnry stone dwellings situated corner of barrie and wel lington streets and immediately adjoining queens college the houses are each of alike dimensions well finished with spacious apartments arranged fur comfort and convenience the kitchens are in rear of carji building with servants chambers on top distinct from the dwel lings in the ihieriorisa well of choice spring water which furnishes an abundant supply throughout the dryesl season and o ar ranged as to accommodate each tenement separately the outer buildings are of stone and furnish each dwelling with stabling for one pair of horjes carriage house hay loft 5tc c the vard to each is properly enclosed so as tu form a distinct privilege term made known on application to the proortetor james morton kingston brewery and distillery 23rd april 1847 31 1847 jl bay ofjtui the stramb0 w172w3 will rnmnipnep wr re- monday may 10 ton and the hrad uf the hty upward will learp browne wlmrf moinlaj wednesday hd kri a m touching at all the ii on lic way up downwai will leave nellerille et day and saturday at 7 fur kinfcttnc touching at at loits on her way down she willaljo call inalfl hay bay evrty tuesilay and every wednedsy on joseph p may 1817 k e 11 0 1847 row lan os macassor oil will br sold by public auction on tuesday the 15th day of june next on the premises the following valuable water and iiuuding lots situate in ihe vil lage of portsmouth belonging to the estate of the late john mcleod uuilder viz two water lots being noa- 11 l in the plan of the premises on one of these is a sub- ttantitl wharf 140x60 feet having a depth of water on three of its aides auffi- i i for lot jing vessels of a large draught the other which points to ihe river con tains ahntit an acre of ground and is well suited for any works requiring a superior water privilege sixteen village lots heingnns 15 17 192123 3338 41 12 44 45 49 52 53 57 and 56 of the said plan on iwo of tho lota are lime kilns at ill times in profitable operation th3 others contain the best limestone quarries in ihe province from whence stone is taken and extensively shipped d to all the upward ports the premises also lfah abound in good springs of water the above properties are most eligibly situated beng within about a mile of the city of kingston and command a find view or the bar and river the harbor ts known as the safest on the lakes and a large and increasing business is done in ihe village where several yards for ship building two marine railways a steam sow planing mill a brewery and other works are in successful operation a correct plan of me premises maybe cen at the office of messrs kiiikpataick buftnowes to whom reference can be made or to either of the undersigned whn will point out ihe premises and furnish intending purchasers wilh all other neces sary information terms published at the opening of the sale thos masson angus mcleod kingston j2lh april jm7 i joint mutor3 rowlands macassar oil tna sirtjfular virtues if this succraaful invention iw tutoring jfisrroijva aw btvfifftf tit human hair arc 10 well itflown and apitfetiakd li need cuminrnt tho very fact of its having load tho ict or ntarlv half a century of prnnatmn andntaamedthoeapctinl paironaeedf her majtjly ino queen ilich prince albert thcvhilpuf tho rnyal family t great britain and rvcrtf court of tho civ ilited world and tho hif h cssmvei in which it is nnirervtilly held together with numerous tevtiinwiati eaqataatls received of its sflkacy affifd tho heat and surrft pfaif its merits paics 3s6d and 7 or fatuity brutes equal to 4 small at 10 gd sad double thai srxe 9li ttjtii3f on the wrap per of rah battle of tho cavfuietcariicio arc these a i in liro line rowlands kalydor an oriental balsamic prepara tion f infuur efhchct in ussmiffjalf purify iflc tha sen frw all pimples spots blotches rbdyess freckles tanmnt dtscoloratioss pmhir a aeilay fmhntwz and trump fttty of com plexion and an admired soinmiand rfffi ey of the hands arms and neck it is n i ii ii iv at a rrnnvalir and refrevhmp waih to trettturg and rttnt in warm climates and in case nf sunburn stings of innects or inddeiual inllamation its irt ue hvo tone and fkteaitdy been arkrttwkogrd its purifying and rtftethinp friarn ubtaiaed the excttrsivc ptmnafor thequecn tlte court andthe royal family of great britain as well the principal courts of europe and the n difiincutshed noglltty and gentry of a ctviljxed r ii- ct bowarcof spurious kalydors conlainmr mineral asirinanls utterty rainnu in the compleirori and which by their rcpelleni acttnn endanger henlllr each hntilo of tho fittfiaehnatlmvrord rowlands kaly- dor no the wrapper and a- rowland son 20 hattox gasftatx is also engraved by diro if ihe hon comaiisttooem on ihe govern ment stamp affixed on each priee 4s d- and ss6d per bottle rowlands odonto or pearl dentifrice a white powder for the teeth eimnrijndcd f the chnjrett and mut rtchttthe tagrtditttu of the oriental hrbai inemtnit hie value fr prctervinf and btautijyinf the tflctn and st rt ngl h nittf tho guits fro truly rffcient and fragrant insmtk rrnreflics havenh tniord ils setetinn bv ih queen tlte cou rt royal fmily of great britain and ih sovereigns and nobility throughout europe whilo the matal demand atoneo announces the favor m which it i universally held piiec 29d per box cautrok tn protect the public rrnm fraud the govemnenl stamp as on the kalydor is fbied nn each tovt rowlands macassar oilkalyjj t oionto ac are with lhi faahin perfu1fry soaps brushes sc irnpiried only hy messrs ross in brothers dtcltoront canada inamallj cses aortd ssiublo for chrmtrls and per- i fumen on porchintr hsewhcro btuutre of ftoudvunt counterfeit sold retail by lespeetabjc chemists and per fa schooaner for sale the subscriber offer for sale the schooner mohawk chief capable of carrying 750 barrels of flour and well fur the lake or bay trade above vessel if not previously disposed of by private sale will be sold by auction on theqotb may next at portsmouth near kingston for further particulars apply to hosgrr fisher portsmouth thos downey fredericltsburih april 23 ib7 new summer goods a b shaw beg to intimatethat in advance of their usua importations by the si law- renco they have this day received their first shipment of new goods for ithis season imported per packot ship yorkshire to now york and laid down hertf under tho new american drawback ac cornprisinga large assortment of british and fhtncii goods in ittinsi mci tuscan fancy straw bonnets shawls dressesribbons plowersfic kingston 28lh april 187 john belanger begs leave respectfully to return his most grateful thanks to his mi merous friends and customers for ihe euftport he has roceived since his rv establishment in business and takes this opportunity to inform lliem that he has recently engsged at now york a confectioner patissier jtr charles fritz from soxc coburgj who boars with him the most flattering testimonials for skill in his profession from hie late master the htrrrswanz ofsaxe wcimerwith whom he served his apprenticeship j u therefore is now in ii condition to executo orders for every kind of con fecti o n a r y pyramids ice creams fruit ices and water ices roman punch chmmes russesfc together with every othnrarticio in ins line in general use on the continent of europe ladies tea tables supplied with a vatiety of new and excellent ta clatou every tiling made in the beat style and furnished at the shortest notice ii reasonable terms- may ml 1s17 3w spring of 1847 the albion hy far the most spa- imiu- and commodious ho lel u quebec is underpiingextensive reppiirs wilsj addillnn of much new furniture and will continue its rank among those of the firrfctas hoieu in british north america it management and general arntneemenls forthe pleasurable accornodatmn of its nc oupgnt are open to the tnspeclion of a discerning nuhlu i i undersigned in making this nn- nonft o hw patrons is not unmind ful of the distinguished and very liberal paifonuge extended to huu forthe past four y by travellers many uf these of tlte higlajst rank and reapectabjlily and wuuld uivn thoe who may continue tho same that every exertion of himself and those in wis employ will be devoted to their willis russell albion hotel oebec april i 187- 33lm to let mthe house at present occu pied by the subscriber posses given oq the first day ofmavnext thomas a- corbe7t jngstonmarcb 13 187 23tf kings tin ware maf e a t uasdp1ctlrers hp t copper dealer in coo sco beg leave mosi turn thanks tot and country cutm and itifoimthemth their establtshrae premises in p r i x e s lately in the oceupot nearly cppyaue t where they hope- busiuess to com pnhlic patronago cioitsiiess and n their now prom giving saiisfacii favor them with e a ct on hand a full ft iuov 4i coppbi cooking par which they ok the times i and inspection of chasing elsowl ir5thehif or ii ok for and lead rug taken princess kingston saddle w a the bv return of kinpjstoi i share of pub eeiveddurin street and of their lie prih in the shoj grocery iat whero by s j they hope ti that support english isrilles mor will le const articles in tho t order with nea n b- carri trasses made to oro kitistoti may 1 farm fo within fouit ton on the mt one htindted ac near no 2 toll gato cottage frame barn fi orchard and carriage h j 50 acres cleared terms oneihird cash the premises to wm it april 20 1847 government notice tenders will he receied at ihe commissariat office kington until noon on tuesday the 15th june enduing for supplying the ordnance de parmont with 2as0 fttt of cedar timber io pieces of afoot square and varying in length from 10 to 20 feet hut none under 10 feet to be delivered by the contractor at his own expense within twenty days from the acceptance of his tender being made known to him either at h m dock yard or at the ordnance yard at point henry as may be required j and to be subject to inspection and ap plwrata security forthe performance of the service will bo required and a form or tender obtained at this office jfotb tha abore timber to bs supplied in tha rough ioaf toaqoarji no leas than eleven inches commssavuit kingston may ih 1847 f throaicb sad nan la copy to sove of eajf otkiush u lbs ihmivs branch si tiaa jrainsi ti matjs by uioso mrnt to ur m tfrical facia lr sbo ottnrch of rome ka constsat enemy or prol a bio iuecf iho church ot fifty years iti prsuaaions over tlial church canon bis u acrtrcrs be sboolred land from ihcir allegiance to t name and tbe name of urcfory u oasr to this day io the broviancs ditrnieatd no fewer than a hundred their sees because tborrefueod to co eonootdat did the house forsjet wha had been doine in prance swilssrlanc iiohit evtaia enctsad at ihlt mot choreh of roroaie raising otaacjeo lv ti of eociarty by her eopositioo on uis enbjttt o ntsntagssv si robsrt osjisd oo lorf john sell to tabatnber tho dying esbortatiurt of bis i trisua nccjdr not le assiat lha profraa popery f and bo cooctoded bymoisqv iie b bin bo res i tbt uy six eonihar