jortiaia strops orujuml oiil oclcct bv tim kiorim hiumnsu sfcmtisty- on mumky- jn i wi u vtxr shares trf ww tauihliwi h i rftflhtalmxtiif fa ibe kindlon rnlmhif twmy brim iv first nmnrv nl if ilir connany il tttstlw vrrv liltlo in ihti bfltwwf tfhjl honus in iiv ui this mb hmvnl4 ill hie pillclnwira or tai rower nay ihr ttltw for instance if wi prr cent bonus in given it will allow seven yean far lh sneimy 10 frxltf and if 23 m cenl the tenn will he rtffflim to ten jtm thewfiw if pwuar re ceive icfio jstviiif 3 hnnunf iopcrcrnl an 6 per annum faf hi loin in seven year he pay sk anil if lie boflqitf pibsuvfy tj the colonization plan of he jtfcu inland company finds n f with tlic huh roman ciitholie clrry who nok upon il n a bold mhoqm to relieve the irish land imdaorthe siippnri of the poor and a ihr satiui timr utnlerminr their church in irriau l the comtniuw have written in the it l iwwpnf dorrylr mtcinn for hi support li llic plan receive in answer a most indi naiil letter in which his lordship dcnouiin- ihr wliolv atrir we arc jrlad to announce incur readof lliiitirmiiiii ha ken broken at si hyacinth lif the cnmminemcnt of ihe st lawrrne and atlantic railway at that place tm eivrtl took puce on monday fart in ihe grounds immediately o1jninint- the college tl was hailed with many mamftmiij or j hen pay per annum for ins mnth ami i jy by llie inhabitant and ewtfiaqv by ihe 1 lujnl jvnfrcoi herald married in sjiojny bfsjriiitr 22nd inatbr ihe iuv- urttniffvli mr jmni ewh ytwhfn ijn i omuvi mr wji vftutta atftiialnv f ksrfcr iisjtt oi missday htnru ar iliird difi1tr boll of kmt tfiiifthila mr vyliv jljurrit hi inst by iw iw tr j ttotv m mi snail i tlwltiiti mr fruniv tf afitataf i w x60 and jiay 6 per cent for ven years ihe principal and inlciert will amnnnl in s 10 iheexpcnjmof ueel and rwft mntfln both imtances ihe ame and if he receive jc75at the rate of ispetttl- lionnand tlwn pay the sam rate of inlerct l ten yctftf 1 will pav 130 and t3 willi simple inienl for ten vears wll unmal precuely lo ihe me mm vix 1sl thui it maltcru not whal it the tale of bonit provided all alter pu- chae pay alike itat ihr dnnf lo lite bor rower bjloftlrt too lafc a boniis for h money lravinlornne careful men o pay ihe exact and nropervthie gy a paospvci np tiiitaical- t have some reason lo believe that kington will he tfoilfd next week by a company irf comedians from roclinfer imjei ui1 man- jpsw wjs w malwli su iffjr itf47 mi excellency te sfrrrfnmf general r filmd l make lh 4krifi nppornimrm jx jnhn a macdtalj eiifr tt be kceeiver lencal of tie tntvince f ctoidi in uw pucc r lhfiomtmme vn motfit reinei john ah mifidmiu emta ut he a utembc f the itinorauc kx rv cogncil gf the pmritm nt rnnnda jolirt jnp rtiirf lbcclvk f ll hfln fblc exttfin cnmril in isepbccof eticnne ivirmi kiire rfftrd riirnnc piml iml bdtjnd ahn mrcdilk inquire in be aiunl secfetbrie of ito pfo incc of cn tdi tho ibllowtn mcner ijupirc nf uicqnar- itino 8tattrti itic wjimtsverili mil mt lcre- eimnccwith 311 and julia bucjc with 435 pa mtllfctv tbq lo former nnj from dublin id hie jailer frnm limerick pafiftbxggrs gementof mr john c- twiter- lilrt nen- ueman is well knovn in the southern states as ihe proprietor of variont theatres j an tain now engage j in the iuihliii of a ncv theatre at rochekle ha a fortnights lime o his hamt- which he wi m fill pmtirably he therefore purposes tn vwl kimtiu htc to stay until the new thcltk i hly lor his reception hi company is mcrably iat9 with some muci well known in lltr theatrical world and hmim lie think proper in fulfil a promise buflly made lat saloiilay we irtttt his reception witn u will leave him no reatun to regret it p cautim- persons hnthl be extreme ly cautions in the use of wild vegetables a circumstance occurred oti indjy last which but for the prompt attention of ihe surgeon of the 46th relj would hate provird fiiil to nn ikis than twelve peison it appears that omc i i the men fesidin in tie ulock iloue with ihelr fanilic had gathered what lhy tup- pucd lo he wild wnitoje which proved to w ome poiwnuu weed and eookid ihe samr with jork for dinner and in abjuf an hour afterwards all who h d partaken of ihit weed were taken alarmingly ill rs jcjue i tuc inlhesiri nf ihi 4h li h by whje unremitting attention the pareic are now all doinz well com iriri emjranlsimnnd to mit pm wrt re fttm this dayoif fu chief agent or bmt gretion m sailed sliipt whcrtfrom pa april 17 tlil wtejford 17g dlknr shew 170 cofiftumimi do 165 weevil o- 3ir lke do 17q rrriikkt i 173 cii di dl9 a c btcltahi cljicf aenfp boillonml efltir niton orfieo 17 qocc may 30 id hxt of kingston l a chance i ttfk wtttllclu oo sunday riiht llhfplfl to rain and sulficlent ell that iiiiiit and the fniloivinsf fnomin- to he of ihe utmi wrvice la the parched land the fall wheat was dieadfnlly in want of rain and tnokfil uncmnmoidy sail before the in fell which il is 10 he hoped may revive it bbl flour macphcrion n 0 lhe tw rnmin lit recently inlnce nt the asie in this ivvn to he lianed on the 7lh instant have hail their lenience commuted in confinement for life in the pro vincial ivniteuliaty itfiukrilu flceotthr aatv may90 sefcft prince vklhrik 1150 bbla flur rami tor 1437 bbu floor jaia wker at co general wolfe 4073 bob vrh sundries sim bfilannin 1 is bolt 6w macpborswn crane 507 do qoeuc f co gwfe hbu flur afirajicrwiti j crane bfrtther s54 bbl flvor mephcrvo 6z cram emerald il7 crane knd pcieitck 620 bw flour mcphe crantt mrrdnit mnv 1400 hmt- er j a ivktttra v amctm 1060 hbti fimr ja a wlfttr i 14u di i i rwn i cmm eltfriliotb 100 bua fluur ja a walker at co 393 d- h s jone perry 990 libu flour sott butfa wheal h 4 sjfinef flifmnd chief 570 bbl flour macphonvn 4 cruc julia ann 11000 buh wheat aneu mc- duke nf wtttiafftmt 550 bbl flour 140 hi pwik lluuhcr rlnderaon a cu- tmfn1ar 7tybblsw ii as- jrtre adclin 05qbbu flur h sjnc shimrock 1257 bbl ftjr nmi sc wnlkcr uo 25tb qnren victoria 110 po limber calvin to a c d5 400 bbla flour uacpfctnofl crane 2wi ahjmi a watker cw40 doaifiei mcruui to city election- ontario ward very many nf mr mcdoxatdb friend astemlilrd mrianl ul a reolulinn ed atcomhelhiwuntlie i7thal mr mcn- nelln saloon in the mirkel ijumin on fu- div kveninc lb slminmi al 7 oclock iam williamin ei wju akinted cboirmau mr cthtttftttoim smyth secre tary aftei heoriti imports f the re1 urn- uemeu pnftnl of their iiccefi cantaa in favor of hr macdnnam an4 the txjhwtmi of their ofitnlurj that he woid bui be oi it was ujcmrl and nnimonily ilctotvcdy that thi committel dn iljoiun but to hr i themselves in readiness to meet at any time al th call of ihr chaumnn should he deem it advisable to make such acail jas wltuamsflx chtirman samuel smith secretary kingst0vutlluing society the firu i ii merlins will lake ihrnllh ihmrirt innnt llim oo jmottittif avvrii 7fa jwlit is 17 al npn ivhr lv when the di rectui will prueoc id luml ir uhruco 500 of llic plinth nf the smicly which will i pill 1 1 1 1 lr rrnntlitnui in hilio iuim ufxloo nntl in manner to bo provijetl pr uy the drcctr the tlnnl irsialinont winjjiluo on that ilay tli treasurer will lit tu attendance at ti ovliuki pm allow ntcmlkr whnnnr tin lileiontlimlal hi nfhroourin ihtt day to pt up their tjiincrinttoni be fori the chuir is laken by ortlcr ceorgf baxter xeccfnrvxv treasurer kinijitun 2rth miy 1817 auction sales commercial mart salti of mm papsh mamua cords groceries jtfi ie- y friday 2sth may a nne oclock willbesold without twiw 1000 pieces rom pner 50 doz manilla cords 3 bundles shop twine 30 wicker babels 100 gt matches g casks eom sallf 5 dox bitten chrome green vcllow 10 itor seitllil powdew 6 doz eau de cotojrne 50 ream wrapping paper 40 do com brooms with a variety of staple groceries a middtingsized skiff 452 bj iron pou and bike pans william ware kingston 25th may 1s47 extensive sale or spring nd summer new dry goods spring importations fir4t a1uuvaln from dritain at run glasgow warehouse princrsri sturirr corner of uvllluqifiit slcrcol s hotel to let m tc2 tgw belleville c w j e cfectrd three tite inirdfim trr nniice thai tlny wit ire nstdy or occnaiion by ihe 1 f july nevl a newly stoly stose edifice bmll rcly fitfifl hntu cfaiy hrdsand tisnildii with all the ne- s y- fh tmik the jamaica iwtktfaf atkinbly hat adivnvd nnf tililtinn winch aire tbohchl iu ihe kland hihlv imimrlatil fr the wellheinsf of thai important cnlmiv- it ha aholii the i i i hntie in favor of the mannficlnre of creat britain and il u hoped thai killpvlwt will nct year ue made i shooter quebec a free purl a st tfinma now i thi it auer lnndwo enund e wood thouht will pin luce a vrry coniderahle traffic with the unite slatrs a wftl a with france and cermany mmurd pdou c sir john ris ha written ti the royal js- i nica scily tfatinc that he had made proposal to ihe admiralty to attempt to teach tho north pnlc in oolcr in measure an i arc nf the meridian 3flla proposrs to winter at snttzhercn employing hi officeri and crew under ihe direction of the talented ton of ihe celebrated prnfsor schumacher at the proper ttraon it u sir johns intention to 11- r tempt lo reach the north pnlc on itlrrir drawn by swedish horse bcnii a modificauon ofthe plan proioed firl by fr storehy and of which that highly talented individual ha jlitcfl hi rnost nnqiialified approbation v va l amonxl the ksquimanx according tn sir john j svdcu rn5 the crime of murder wy rarely nrcmsj a mcfjui wammmi when il doe iho punishment cortil inj ajih ojx krccmnn beidjc banished f perpetual nhlni or to be ahynned by every irditidoal of his tribe in somuch tiiat even he iht of him i atomrd bj all who miv inadverie nlly meet hi in one heinj asked whv his life was not taken in re turn it was replied that this would he to make thcmselu- equally bad that the lorf hit life would not restore the other and that he who should commit such an act would be equally guilty arrivals at ihe british amrrtran uolrl mav 20iho a fell c lyre mantfaal mr chnpman pieton j luare m uatrcn il hawa lady and family dukilnc o bcinwn itjfcvijlo william howard trciu john tl rev m new uruns- wrk witiiam jtid rvllcvillc ut jhn jdi bctleviuc william hartafm i v i h rae hamilton j mr mhier kictuaj rev dr uavvi perth d i ou i- new york t p siawm rtlml s bull lltlleville jihn wdih whitby robert sanda v thirim rltijshca droekvilio ond donuld morn lonlrcl william llflttie england j j fitirald toronto b ferrr cborjf j brijr cmcao da lie alexander campbell napanec cpl il bell hvtnwii mrtombull bclbville mr walker muttlnal mr girno tmntoj wwian bfjd- bnryjunr momraals sheriff carall mr j li uirao mr uommmi widaioek mr e diekenaon vir 4t co eiprcaa monueal h l turner branttnrd 23rdjnlm liaifl sl cjtborin david smart port llie mr- holehmv new york yln mr w monk c w xi brckville j rcid bltevilie g leavltt do cw york a rilter- n pctna j ciokdn walter r- liton fimm clark sekn hurur b cibbo mofl- ircut mr t mcparine and lady montreal the leetfa mercury aythal an ep- rienced printer has discovered a mode of mik- vi lt printing ink rollers of the prepared and improved india rubber and which is more permanently elastic and will jal at lean m limes a lou a rollers nude in the usual way and of ihe ordinary material ct no xaczvik the n licenie tiar in the jslate f new ymk wt repealed duiin the laal rinurtof ibe tciii of thr legtnc by a voir cfutosiatkoseaatti atid c8 t3d inthcllon tic ti uewi wcy iv very dead but il will probably riw in muc hitr unpu wcllif iliwf it will not live after the popc hwc aokn m the auhject give ut nil he temperance ym please but let ua have omic of jnm luck jw law armils ul iu miiu naiiodal mt may itlhs brblol new york s b lee cimillc n y ssila martin p cole crocne ok n- y john hbtt il4inilthfc wj mr e o brnwo bdlevub wm stikno sir unicorn john sliirih radnrvillc b d- biltinfy wlbj mugrr aiburjli v b tatton picidn edward pnernn wiilamorh wm mccabe and lady nipanw gw simpion ire land comn rnvcl amckaabtirl m ti wood fl vi- i i vt belleville jneph knte pclerboro g w botierfield syracoso j ii wchapio daniville n y- 99imlj y mdtt bedford jamnjarnwaon piclmll cd mcdonald do g inpp hillier a cnftfci and udy uhlom h hawlev do lira hawbydo r awmi sandwich c wj jibn dock do geo sutherland si clair wm 1 bmltotnnio t 34th w 11 htja 0we x y j incraull frcdonck il it with fectn- of woi ir dtv ihif wc an poonco tho drath ttflha rev tlkwal fimka x ry at pcmflon fll who u we lamvf jiu learned from a carrriftdorl carnc to an ulinn nd by a mm1 apainc accident wliiul f- tcd with i wo men in rem ivi hi rai t article in thit nechvhool eiotiil lo eofomn fti nco a wcl n to thejiehre of dutv ia was bav lower o whnr il wotjd he jo a lore tecore vtaiitoti tby were drawn iiitii lite rtpid rret ike loat ii cetouud ner ihe fll all within it perilled al the ut accomaa b hvo nov ycl heen fnj vi fllictive rlik rumtion of divine provide w nolke hitrrlim been rem ivtl from n thi r viorol iife jfcwitca t ppar4 wer be fore um ur pidter had frtonr month been laboring on t dchiliutin elted of the ftvor f-ii- during t prtccdinc aumtner ami uutumn prcvaim m1 iq that rpmiier i and n teller had p j dcrpalcbd to him annonciorr a aiodprapoaalfmiillmivrd biflhop thotheihoold tniutnuoirifa 0 moa of kbicikea fee tc more complete covcry ofbiv health cairre a kingston market prices saturday may 22 1m7 prepared by afr ivafe cera e the market floor 4f i is ft wlieet noij baric none ic ye none uau bohel lido dal meal f hundred pmaintup iioabti iwfi hundred lo ft pork 4f hundred li 4t ft veal ay ft milium t lb buler in fdl cieecy 9 it ar doren turkey y coapic f vjf dfi ujchf none hay ay ton strawdo wood ycoid 15 5 0 0 2 3 15 3 22 0 27 0 i u 0 0 0 0 7 a 17 titt le 0 fi 4 so 5 4 t 6 a 5 ftf o 2 0 0 6 g 3 0 nu 0 tl 0 o a o 10 0 g 0 0 1 a 0 40 93 0 5 0 4 0 0 n 0 the subscriber will ku by auction a their sale room on friday and saturday the 38th and 29th imlant each day at ten oclock a large and welt selected assortment of british dry goods imported from liverpool prr caur u lion and now facing received coitfisung of drab and grey nankeencts fancy and tvrcc drill 30 in 36 in grey twist domestics while loom and regatta shirting cotton sheet black white and colored italian navy and two blur pnnu fftftcf nn tfta ilo brnal mripc checked asoilrd fancy and black salin vesting and vet faltprn5 bine and mariecr britannia handkerchief madder chintl hed spoiled orange and blue spun pocket diiln india silk corahs paramatta and black satin bowt albert and satin falls improve i j r chinti cotton worsted edgr and other brace c c with a jare assorlment of reedy afadi trowters and vests also a consignment from london direct per john bull and just arrived here 15 casessuper10r velvet napped paris and london hals terms of jale under 25 cash from 25 tox60 3 months credit th lioosr jfituledoiiihenmcrot bridge and piuiiade strec bein in the most eligi ble silnatinn for a rale hotel the nro- pretors having xa n into conidrralion the growing iinolanc of lhtivn have erected a hnihlin ihait vttl enable a rwrsnu un derstandm ue binnrss lo kvep a good a itotjte as can h wl in canada the build- in h convnodiom anl well arranged and then can be no oub1 that if well knl eclent htinev may he obtained belle ville has lon betn without a oml tavern and in no town in canada is there a jreatpr opening for a we kept hotel all hat is necrssaylo insuf surest u proper atten tion and a well lit lions letters aildrrsset to cither of the subscribers will mrt with prunpt attention the proprietnrs will make matters easy for ihe tenant so thai he will have every oppor tunity of succrerlit hut they will expect that a first rate hnuc shall be kept z da foe v dafoe belleville mavtith 1847 42tf kerr waddell co blvg to announce to their customnrs ami iho public jonrally that they have jus received prr cftmbrn from gtosiw tftid st jlndnio from london iho first arrivala from sea part of their spring importations comprising dun- flteblc tuscan and fancy bonnets bonnet and cap rthhona ami flowers silk nod cotton pnraams the newest tyte rich shawls gros do naples aridsnin torc3 htsicry gloves and lacca striped alpacvs oriearia coburgs ladies mauls nud children boots and 9iiors k w i c will continue to re- crive daily ilo remainder of thvir spid imporlaiionn whith on arrival will hi ftiinl to be very complete an inspection if thuir stock is to- spc hilly rcucslcil when ihftt nrc mtiftfjqrl their om will ho found sccontt 10 nine in iho trails cither in styles quality or towneff of pr1cm kindlon 15lli may 1s7 41 im new ikpqrtations or teas groceries robert alls5j 0uocat s3kget auxgstqn t0 to lioo ft ft iooto 150 5 150 and upwards purchasers furijhlnnotes to the satisfac faction of the sellers ol1phamt watt kingston 21st may 1857 summer arrangement vmmu 4 603 canada express elorthirtransporlaiton of specie bank notes and small packages with care and despatch ami the transaction of general bnines running betteetn montreal kingston toronto hamilton and buffalo lavinj montreal every friday mor ning and toronto every tuesday morning virgil co 183 91 paul stmt montreal r bkekman aviron slnet toronto w ware ontario avrcrf kingston in the courtof bankruptcy for the midland district in the matter of chester hatciia bankrupt it if of hat a gnf ra meeting of the creditorjof the said bankrupt for ihe allowance of a certigrai beheld at ihe judges chamber in the court hotttq j city of kingston on friday the eighieenilil day of jun next at the hour of twelve oclock noon by vhe court 3 rowlands ocrfc ringhon may 22 187 11 rihe subscriber respectfully bees leave to infnrm his tcvn and country cnslomers that he is now rccvift his sprin stock of teasgroceries wines spirits btc carefully selectctj h personal inspection in the montreal and s york market his present stnk comprises among others ihe following arties teas gunpowder hrn younf hyiontwankay hailskin pckcaprrstnichrig souchong cn bnha sugars muftivido sflfhrtui mnt en india do dimbu kafiomj nidwd mulaum coffer hiccn roasted a pnsmt rintation havana and muttiacocot ciiocutic ikn soaniaji plain prepared rix wuoh outttr hx uaavfifa i iasiltflty taloand drown i p tcinnflv llnnla prl find slurry ueneejrh clarrl mal old port him hits tkdjjitijiffi i wwml cnw brandy im- m i ifalkmoia ornimon uin caftan wkiakev sontah whiskey filindain gin in i dot cost cjierrr pippernvnl imdvn porter j pl alo in quarts stoiina eliiir nanchin rati d via do djnltie caracn and vlhcr liqueur groceries cmaamnilft ft of qie jerttffsvociiftly wjjf bnller fine and supen ftonr nd osiineal pi ill crackers ft nd pearl barky rl carolina r- pates slc vemcelli mocarrtnstp amur krfu pall batloj and iinfasa mvsrsan- wia 1 d 4 bolllea dufhim in jra soar wawraw clite white and yrllnw cot was sn wm wiak moulds on spcm and ifkm oliwes silt onandava leroot fine and basket refined and pw liquriee cmtrn white arj east india sugar candy faviooranesv0 l beit jordan wh shdlesl hard ihcllod and bilter ahnnt1aftcjnni braiil wavntlt and flaiffl nuts ng turkey valencia and mukntd rdiiik licit zmtecumnl plums best turkey fig frah ploms n jar pakhvo fatttirtnor4a leiim rva lfl ginpef borrlko fanrrs smsuns urecngage ad peaehta pickltm mixed anions witnul ficxalilla g iini rata red cabbago cueumbcr hmi peppcsv soc rinrtntl kiflhax wloul mareny umtcnoj kin owtei india sny rexdin plccfstnik eadiie ancnvies sahd oilcjfcv oliecs anchwiei and carrie powder soxdmicarclvrnf glo chalk whitinj lvrmd and patir buck twine wafer u fupjim and holing paper shoe thrrad night tihtt bati brck vubacoa aod piper carlnf oi in r nd pitita window glisi cordage pistiinf lnes jwrand winrirfkr llur and rn bromi inkpwder tidtn cpra alum sallprur rpvtii and uhuwr salts crm of tartar suiphnr brlmmiue rope mai all siacs- the suhscriber assures ihe public that the whole of the ahonj articles arc of the very hest quality ait will he sold fnr cash or prompt pav on lve lowest possible terms hubert allen- los t at or neergrwr whirf on sotur day bbt a small pocket hook containing ahnut thiiity on ftmrv dollars in five dollar bill any person leaving ihe aamem the wmf office or iysj ituch in firm i ion as will loud lo iho recovery of the same shall bo handsomely rewarded patrick mccumlsky kingston may 15 ls7 l-3i- t ice he subscriber returns his thank to the public for tho support he has received in the u trade nnd bes leave to inform the citizens of kingston that he will continue the same business ibis aeaon and upon more liberal terms than formerly robert spencer terms for the season from two dollars to six according to quantity loovsoiim bagot st kingston may 20 ir47 414in the assignees of scott shaw ta offer for sa b the at the utosl crodt ijndermer and at re nd goods duecd prices enlihandscmchdr iron rank bcl refined do do llnop and sheet iron charcoal do o bet itilcr head oral and hfround iron cal shear and german steel spring and ulister steel cut nud wroufht nailt anvil bellnw vicr and smiths tuou chains anil anchors iran pbiiehsand plnugh mounting pflash ketltesatid coders bkr pans and bellied poia sh vet spades and lannro forks ptck axes and miaera tisda trace jlalttrmid nhrr cirdstc blasting ft ff wf and cartmater cun- pnvder lriudfivp hdsoyth smiths fall and cmnoeete nr ted last yar aiyjrltitcikl hcvihts sickles bnatiili itwin wliiiinf fnt li niuy thfhther arith o of shelf cooda itn also a victoria prinline trraa h dargc cofpylltf pwmibj frinlera chaves aonteli curl a carters truck 2 i i h r i i unnnittied cutter a lot wheel borrows wm lyman k t renauo p- holland atsifnces of scati sliasr h co 100 st paul street montreal 5th april 1347 42 valuable mill privilege and steam saw mill for sale will ha snld at mr lintona auclinn rrom kingston on saturday the i9tli day of june next if not previously disposed of al private etlej that valuable haw mill 103 x 30 fflrtt with a very superior sfmi engine of 30 aor power and about thirteen acrea of land at- tactied ftt which o dwelling house is creciel being mvi of iot no 5 in the 1st concession f the township of pot- land the engine i in excellent order will drive a i f aawa in one 3l and asioclesaw in the other for alab- hiup and has sufficient extra power for one ion or stones for a grist mill and fora carding uuhifie if required- litimber to n attljr procured in the imme diate vicinity nod the sitmiinn is only 12 miles from the city nf kingston in a well settled pait of tlc country a good titlo will bo furnished and reasonable terms of sale offered thi property offbre airong induccrncnls for investment to mcrchanli nd capitalist every informatinn will be given and the premises shown by mr awkc1 herxiimgr on the premises particu lars will also lo furnished by fkakci h hill evcj ifarristar kingston may 19 i8i7 dqnkganvs hotel 1847 the rropietnr of this rwbliahmenr which niti mv bo tii hsre no rival n the conliitnt f america bes to return tohisna- rmrnch frieneta and patrons hi most sincere ihsnks for the b q genennsl sceorded f him inc hn rmovsl frvm 3l paul secl lo the present esiahluhmcnt in notre dame street thehiusc ffirmcrly the pmperiy of wm bfm- ium esq snd sfterwatds uis viccrefaj rcsi- denronf lrd ocsium antt srocnhau ijurn uie nsat vesr ilw wholoof this immense establishment hit been cofnpleted in ihr firsi siyk if decora- hi inj williertrr pmviion for the comfort of visitors- the furniture is of lh most cosily dascriptinn snd the protiskin for alien- in re ui aoch a dcacripun as mnrc in rcsemblr ihe srranrtrnenis in the mansion uf a man of tank snd fomone ihsn tbosc uvoallr met with in llotclr the situation is central snd within- sn cssy distance of the champ dc mar fc caihnlrjs bihops church and palace tho banks ihe government offices the mct homes the v l snd ofrcea of the different militarr departments tho city halt court ifuose snd mlwpumle building hit on an elevslcd iu with abundance of air and light and hsstrom lit front a splendid view orer ths manirkcnl expanse nf tho inishly bt lwicote while ihe eve is relirvcd by ihe deep ddls snd winded shades of ilia beaqlilul laland of st helens and the distant mountains of the eastern tivroships arninfr the conveniences wilt be f uind six bathing rooms ako a billiard room the table will b sup jted with errry dli cscyof the sttsnsi anil while ihe proprietor will rparo an cipcri in cvo aatjction fr allwhii may finr inns with ibctf piranars ths hrs nomtarr which iho cttrni of his eaiahlulirnetit enshlca him ti nc i n j tr wt rdmit of tut eh irjet bcinj very rsajroflsibici carriages wjllbft nlwayain hlteidano to csrlltvf parlic tnmd frnm llie stcatibot whirtcs and tho up- st imahsdil i htm mhflsj ottv- d list tmfnrttr will rpurc ivtexcrln to fnkvlilainm tlhlahltahrrent cinliniir worthy of iho jiltcral ptinritf pc which hg received aa i av nf rac j m dontiuaxa mootreat may 11 lb mexico tak e n ml oft iff uthtlt kjudi the chcqured hotel formerly kept fcy mi l phmp js stow n poisksstosr op tiios dokland who from liis long eipssrifince si llic buhiness ar 1 vij tkgn ihu i remises for a term of yer j penflg nopinsin repaiiing the house hmlj make ilmse who call on him cum fort able as regards the furnishing of his tails lie pcm only say that ho has engaged a grnl ctk and smart waiters- his wines tnl liquors he purchtsea from one nf the first houses in tora nnd these combined svith a first rate chamhermid an active tandady bar keeper who understands hi bosl- ness and every thing being done under his own inspection he need but say lhlt hie only way in which travellers can ascertain the above facts is to rival him a oil and jude for the nisei rets the proprietor willtake every pains to itlttl those who have aniclca for sale from the american side being well acquainted in kingston and ap ihe bay travellers stopping for two or ftireo days will be charged by the day and not by the meal a largo titono driving house ia shortly to be erected on the promiie ao that farm produce may be stored aafe from frost and without unloading good stabling and shed no sort of gambling allowed on the premise passengers by the long island ferry will find t ro their advantage to atop al the chequered hotel as the ferry boat leaves at the wharf immediately in rear of the premises pleasure boats will be kept for the accommodation of gentlemen hunting fishing tee t dorland kingston 11th may 1847 goodfellows hotel sfos of the dukc op york ktt square mab- i robekt gooufellow begs to inform the public that ho has rented the commodious premises in the market square lately occupied by mr john midcalf where by attention ud gnod entertainment he trusts to secure si shore of public patronage r g was fur many var mess man lo the g6ih regiment an 23rd royal wtla fui leers breakfast lunches and dinner fur- niihed ot the shortest notice the bar will be supplied wiifa iho btat wines and liquor it a few respectable boardsftfl casi le accoimidated kingston may 3 187 37lm to let and immediate possession given the shop and promises form ing mis of the best stands for busi ness in kihstston lately occupied by mr henry gillespie next door io thn lambton house fur particular apply io itrancis m- hill hfri mvylll 3s kington mar 1sj7 magnetic telegraph mr hum ph uev would respectful ly announce to the inhabitants of kingston that he will exhibit tho magnetic telegraph in the court house on tuesday and wednesday evening anj give a full explanation of its practical working as wrought in the stations with other amusingexpeiimenu in electricity kingston may 25 1847 stioniss colonial magazine far may nu ii priced fid smfllaiox prdrra of riny m central auatralia miirlklvs and l- mmii s rnv hxprditktnslifc tn ic ceylon jtsirtra loio anj otir tralr mi the wfrvrn utflkt of africa on the ciilliraiitiri sid yp rat iim if coffs in java an lipfrmtr ewiuoii on the nmth slnic rf ljiia supe irlmiiiitin mnd cxporttf grain in new smith ww- sssvuki whom nidation bftsropfl sydney gniantl princo bdwarit lalanrl ami ila rrtircc hy dr gcvnct tho bs4 lnhrin kjiuj and ita proatccts rawno palrnt sjrstssa sfaim pjmhinj sritfe llhis- trktms tho l4ruitgr act and domsrara editors nate lkljuu colonial intelligence ite lviuditn sinnnf j mq ward scd stl bonk- stloffl at napanee he trusteetf the mill re- serve at the village of napa- nee midland district are now prepared to receive application for leading the watch powcr and iho mill sites on tho canal rcemly constructed ou the reserve for any penml not to exceed twentyone yeara the power to he afforded by the canal which is 1100 foot lngt 24 feet wide tid tn contain i ftret water in estimated as equal icthiity runs of stones or 1500 inches of water which will bo divided into 1st and 2nd class privileges the height of fall from the aurface of the canal lo the iliver is 31 feet and the length of ihe lot be tween tho canal and the river will average about 150 feet the napanee river is navigable from the bay of qlinie fur vessels drawing six feet witor up to the lower end of the canal and the disttflm of ihe village from kingston mile travelled over the best macadaniiied r in upper ca nada applications will also be leceived from person willing lo lease ihe building of the new mill and stare house now erecting at the foot of ihe canal and pot it the machinery the buildings are of the most substantial description and are together 45 x 130 feel and 7 etorie high vawls can load their cargoes alongside toe storehouse the buildings are to be finished by tho lfrrv of scpiomocr nexl ready for thfl ma chinery for further particular apply if by inter iwslpaid to tho undersigned at icmcston francis m hill kingston may 15 187 daguerreotype portraits upon largr or tfmall plater 1aken at all hours nf the dv which for accuracy of delineation and beauty of futility cannot he surpassed frame lnekets e to order jfiisfon coucry at dr sutton cornet of prinrtft and bagot streets n b the most aov apparatus c with instruetion furnished upon the most reasonahle terms f g callender proprietor may i9 40tf 1cle w b- alexander begs rcspccifumy to inform the in- liabilanli of kingston that he is pre pared to supply families every morning at their own residences with ice the quantity given will be from 1 to 00 lbs the charge fortheseawm will be sixdollars strict punctuality will be observed in the delivery order left at mr rohert mc- cormickv princess street will meet with prontpt attention v b a lakes this opportunity to in form his friends and the public tht he still continue lo manufacture his celebra tedstoughton bitpeks inbottlea at is 3d each air champagne bottled cider a superior article alrrayson band at 6s 3d per dozen kingston 17th may 1847 inct black japan ink jjatforactulu wholesale and flctat a t the a thtseum book s tope kingston canada west to let shop or office the shop the v book store lately occupied as a drug store may 11 ilor a next door to just keceivbd at the atheneum book store flirtation b lidy cnsrlfita bury tho dosverteii hy madsno resbsud taocwlbt b iisrli tba ihvorcod by ldy charlotte bary may 4ih 1647 notice messrs colcleugh greer having leased that commodious store adjoining the red store at the canal wharf are now prepared to receive and for ward with despatch all kinds of goods merchandisejc r u 1nnes ajent montre may 7 j847 3i lost ibout easter ayeatltng bull calf lom the uo of the iff toll gate marked with a aiar in his face white spotted or pale red color whoever will return him to mr jamf3 lkvder near the toll gate will be duly rewarded may 15 1847 notice the undersigned begs to acquaint his friends and tho public that his brother mr john gnrjnov waaoniho 13th of april last admitted a partner in the business carried on at sydenham mills uml that the said business will bo continued under ihe naoio and firm of j s gftutfii sc brotiuk j s grundy smcnhah mills 1 may 12 1847 notice i 1 x annual meeting of the mem jl bers of tho mutual fire insurance company of the midland district will be held bt the office of ihe company in the court houae on monday the seventh day of dune next at ii oclock a m for the purpose of electing directora for the ensuing year william ireland secretary kingston gth may 1847 37 removal mr georgespangenberg begs leave to inform the public that he has removed his welch making and jewellery establishment fromhtsou stand in princess street lo king street directly opposite j3 bryce cos dry good store kingston may 3 187 37 brockville auction room the subscriber begamr fully to inform the iol grockville ard the public that by the advice of his fnr commenced business as auctioneer lnnd at the old stand of lately occupied by me next to dr hubberl the market place maiti hopes from his practical knowledge ob tainedin england by many years ex perience combined with that of ca6a da to receive a sharo of public patron age he is now ready to aitood sale in town or country or receive on cot signmeot furniture flour oattlt or merchandise of every deacriptior having excellent and fcommodiot storage fa for the aaraa farmers and others are informed that having a reguli correspondence with the old coutur be baa excellent facilities for tho di posal of farms or wild lands to ea grantsand capitalists paities deairo of buying selling or otherwise tradii in land can at any time free of charg examine tho lists at the iforesa rooms- s john tioy mtm street brockville may fl 1817 38 ofricc of thtcltt dlstlllm kingston april 201847 the subscriber will for tho ftho receive alt orders and transact business connected with the distillery huofficenextdoortomrsearlcshott enieringon mr browns wharf john rose n b a supply of whiket alwi on hand and cash paid for coirs grs duriog the eniirt season j- r