British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), May 25, 1847, p. 4

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copartnership the undersigned have colored into copartnership for the purpoo of carryingontho for warding husi- nes on the river si lawrence lakes crtario erie 5tc undr the cimemd style of colclcccii ufcur montreal johx h qfttcfl co at kington j and wu comtftttoh co at hamilton john h- grerr wm colcleugil hamilton march 25 1s47 lake an riv forwarding for 1847a printing establishment fo b sale the subscriber ilter fnr mu the establishment of the jvuiw edward cautte bow in sucrreaslul operation ir llie district town of picton and in the centre of the most loyal population in the province- the patronage of the concemis exteneiveand increasing the maerial conisisf ttco printing presses snl an extensive rmietyof new type suitable for any kind of book or job work to any gentleman desirous of entering into a iterative business in an interesting neighborhood this offers a rare opportunity any information ml be obtained by addressing the jubsciiber in picton pust paid picton feh 2 j o 187 dornan is with reference to the above an nouncement the undersigned i wtll be prepared on the opening of the navigation tn carry on the forwarding business between montreal kingston received this morning at the atheneum book store lucrctia by bulwer dornhr son no- 4 by dickens nell gynne by aimswoith st giles and sl jame hy d jerrold toronto hamilton and other ports on p j s knowles lake ontario and also on lake efiie merridor by dumas end vice versa for the transit of pro duce and merchandize their stock of firstclass barges pro peturs steal freight boats and sehoo nenr is such as will enable them to do justice tu such parties as may confide business to their care produce c in store before the open ing of the machine canal to be at he risk of the owners thereof colcleugh greer montreal john h greer co kingston whcolcleugh4scoh7ort ruinxes managing fecsi at montreal kinpton5th april 1817 2s1m forwarding for 18 4 7 the undersigned harin entered into co- partnership for ihc iurnot cl carrying on the forwardixg business between kingston montreal ad vcc versa via the ridcuu gawd and river l ltiicrcncci will be prepared on the opening of the nari- jjtion with a new stock of steamers barges capable of carrying eoonft ilttrrru of tiour tnr honill to tend forward any property which maybe coniigftetl l them from their experience and knowledft of the bottom llnry general tali fic ton pumi patronage the limine will he carried nri in montreal at the store occiih jt sv4 sy ii n- jjaap ac walkk umlei he name and finn of swim tavoan ami at kihfffiton under the name and firm of ciuf6ttq ft mmes agiassford ioii ijtil irum to h able to give ad solicit a share of womans reward by mrs norton the merchants dabbler- by mitt pickering the midnight bell bv von hohtein actor and manager by f c wemywj the ra r bride by h wild fiopert sinclair by the author ot ten thou sand a year i he comic wandering jew by c phillipon the church almanac by lorell gibson t feb 9 1847 compound pectoral balsam of horehoundjnd honey a snfe speedy and efficacious remedy for alt disorders of the chest end lungs viz asthma whooping cough colls catarrh consumption influneza pains vi th chest difficulty of breathing huskwes and lidding in the throaty hotrstneilfc thia dalum it ctfpoed of the moat vloblc remedies for the above compuinup ft uptuu bj- di4ulving the concealed mucus or phlegm in he tbotui thereby caomc a free expectoration and elirvin lli nm fihtnace coiihn prepared and sold hy rcieitr barker dnuccrr kington price 2j 6 and it 3d per bottle mill creek cloth factory ilhe subscriber respectfully returns thanks to hu friends and the public generally for the support he has received since lii fulling mill and carding machine hive been in opratinn anil begj leave l- inform them that encmirjgrj by the humiifs in iils i i in the uhove line holfftmvr jirpprired la commence lite maiiuficlhrv nf all fcintls of country rloths britttsetb blankets e- and hopes by he pains ho tntcntl to take ut enure ihc continued patronage oftho public j03hua booth- kinplon3ih maich isi1 1847 j 1847 fokw akuing between montreal axd kingston and vice versa via ihe ottawa birtf mid bidraa canal anil rivrr sl lawnan the undersigned with aninrteacft stock of baroth and stbaxhr attbeir command will irausport ith aafcty and despatch all property confided to their care parsing custom house entries of oood from england and scotland will bo promptly attended to and free of charge tlianktnc their customers fnr the pa tronage they have hitherto extend to them they solicit a continuance of public support being determined to d busi ness at as reasonable talcs as any others lit tba trado j s mccuaig co montreal p f mccuaig 4 co sington 6lh april is47 iotf kwoo l ci oriaken in oxcliange for purchawd cloth mill creek januarv 11 1s7 4lf notjc e he subscribers hereby give notice that from and after ihid date they will business of warehouse from lhatof forwarders j flflbiirrv i i ieir warehouses erfrwjr reduce other than that already nntracted for excepting in the former pvr vuch the following ware- ousetaas amh be charged for everv ten aya that such produce may remain here they farther give notice that should the lvneraof such property be deaifom of vering the same by insurance against while warehoused here the subscribers n on being requested in writing act as wanted- i aaa bushels pwatoes 1 uvu 500 bdriwll praie for which ihc market irice will be pah in cahon jtfiwyil the prorincial pcnilcn thomas hendry it co kingston feb 9th 117- distillery to let for a term of ykars and immediate iotsesion given that writ known evtibltrhmcnt in iliti tnwn hrlforeerrirdrtibylh lata firm of gainford meseilbey- ilia wnht hy an eifin of 12 librae power wltirh ma mnanea nd pump and is cp ibte of run mns 60 ntafedi a day vt cenrenicnee it ii not uroifed bj m ruwuncnl ot iia ito in lite protieafri the boildioc orc b of hoflti cicji tlie twr pen which iaof wood and ercled ou a wmerlot betonain t the ntmim the c ry capabla of hofinc tfioo biirtcki of rai auo a stent dwelling ifoiiac nn the taid premiaea for the mme period it would be pre errcdfortbe dwelling hotiie lo be taken be the partyrcntmllio dimlly- kortermaappty lothcsubaenberfwho ii now the aole prnerielno at uwftaui bfit office om- rucrciatwiiftrrkitifocoflojohnholden eat preacoll preacoll march 15 wftt 14t- meniillley eir agenta for such in be effected flour per banet purpose ao far as it id jid 3d i beef and aabea grain per botliel andolhcf pnjprrty in pmorlioo hooker hexder5qx ca macpiiersox dt crank james a walker 6c of ik is jones i 0 ktnrkmd apti iw7 tt tfiefolhwinj papers will plcofe enpv i wetlimonttu mooireal gicllc iletkville tajlmeer cobetf sur tceomo cobnut ha iton j fit rati and eiprcaiand ljo t i hainaj canvass c for sale by the subscriber ox bolts f cneam frrm no i to 6 v os patent chana anehira bip spike tine and goal tir pitch oakum vtp rcain poliihcd bhla sail twine jeck varauh it anting kufri matlc to order ik i m sncittnn nd b rvtera cupper mported mandlt anil tjircd rope bolt baft ac ik japan ink powders m anufactu bed and sold bv robert barker kingston canada west sir astley coopers bitibilious pibis for bik indigestion sick heodccne and at diecses of the stomach and digestive organs these pills htc in all caac proved aipe nut to every other medicine in the cure of atomach and liter com plain ta loaa ot appetite in vuiioa gool aenaahon of follneaa and op pcrion aftev ineaw ahortoeaaof breath and an eweiknt tetioraiite aftef any eaceaa at the table aa they plmlf eleani the bowel atttngibea the itornich and invienrata theeonaiitijiinn pinwatm i phlcthofic habit who are aubjeet to headache giddinc dimnraa of aihi druwrxi nea attended with apopleuc ijmptoma ahould tike them freenently prepared frm anqiicna1 receipt by ronat baitku lrui bwk crcwt kiogaion jltee 3d and 2s 6d per tiox kmcaiun march 19 is47 commercial mart by private sale large table ctulfih half bbls no i west mackerel cod soundaaod tooguea nonli shore herring smoked herrinipt in boxer william wake march 19 valuable jtfd highly cultivated farm buildings for sale situateoon the llankeof the st lawrcneo at the village of maitbnd canada wct in the neighborhood of twlivitlo pre- antf ogdenburirh tha farm cwiatanf 175 acret of which 140 acrci arc laid ot in fieldt varylne from 7 to 12 and 14 acea each well enctoaed with stone and kmi fncea ihe rem lining 35 acreaare composed nf excellent wnnd land the 1- i-ijr- r it ood condtion being rrlilj wiriied and manured tho empa ot wheat oahev ree oatand ii if the taat acaaon for oualiir and qaantitj eootd not be exceeded from the tame complement of land thcro ia alao a very productive arrle oacaao kitchen garden r thastorie dwelling kouseitaure andaubatamialbtldinr 3storiea hifh4s feet b y 36 feel wide well finubcd and wtth evety con venence auilama for the residence of a reappetabta family tlierearcalao tarohrce barna and sheds lottie fir tho wwkinr rnea heaidet stahtee coach i i aodctcfltent spring vi i thia neixhborhoad ia eatcemed the moat healthy and the farm for beauty of eiltiattofli cannot beur paaaed in canada wesl thia pmerty will be aotd much lower than ila real value if applied for aort and onty a portion of the purchaae money required down also- a larje atock if cattle lofdhar with a thrtfhing machine and farming implements of every dea- onption a undisputed titta will i yivr for further parttcutara apply it by letter port paid to wm b wells eq saficirer efe c pieacott canada wem preach match 9th 1847 41 if the juonteart gaxtttt lo eopy once a week till frtrtmj robert barker chemist drugist brock tret kingston r r rrapectfully informa hia cmlomera and tho pomic in general that he ha ttnainven- li drug store to brock street in the prembe formerly occupied by mr d mcvean where they my depend tton beinj supplied with genuina drugaand medicines physicians prescriptions and family recipes carefully prepared horse and cattle medicines english and french fkrfumery books and stationery kingston march 1s47- city hall saloon yo 9 market building opposite the jftip battery by george cane rcfreahmonta snacka cvc to bo had at the ahotlrat notice soyters at all hours kingston fob l 1847 tfrr blank deeds for sale atheneum deeds of flarain tolr 144 t it i book blt store sil rrm of thq s deffjicjf uariaandsla wtlli ft lrr mortgage lccda itlioii ttal ot oowc fro do with bar nf irmur meatorlat with rit of ower fki- wtthxit hjr of oowor aficoort tjoeena uanch and dislriet court and plf oaajfl bhuk forma maitdi91mti to tilli reading public of canada the adtctliatr ia prep red to transmit the fol- eowinj ealuible and inlcreacina booke by mail to any pirt of upper or lower canada at hie nriceaatfjted views and review in american lhmthra and fiction be history w g 5 ct from the frertch of m 3m 0 5ft jhorpc ritchies patent copying presses a supply of all just received from the manufactory rxv book stoec 12 mooring cwt anchors from vi to 40 francis awftsl march i 4 ti ofdffiuft mumjns aljntrtat aod fur sajcat the atvc- tor sale by the subscriber 4 k barrels prime meds i 7 pork ftuerior qualitj ni ujrcbarieulaltd- mlles ferguson lingotj 1s7 f si mm the pcofilc michetrl tvilvtn a uenua of borne fjtibi aerieutlnral cltcmitlry 4 comhea foyetoeofy illuatmtel b octavit -b- hanrttwvofihc water core childbirth wuhihil pairs myterreaif lnnrjoo m d of berlin 10 steel phtca do of ihe backwoods by t b the hiaiory nnd philosophy of mania c 0 cifcof tietitaylur m 0 famhartia mexico q facts for the people in frbich every thiny is of practical tc lo eviy bods 0 a treatise on mikh cos whereby tha qtiafity and qusntite of oitiv which any crw wiil eife may be accurately aaecr twined nomeroua enrainf cltren im gatnblia vumnn in tba ninctrenlh cftfltury cebt citii en of a republic fitejvasii ltciureaonconmirnptiorr urrtera for any of the above booka th cah and poet pid addreaaed oilhcttnwyrkwiubepmmptlyaucndedio reference in k r k s barker new vert feb 6 1847 374 75 50 00 75 50 25 i3j notice tihe public a hereby notified that i am the oijfy legally appointed person toraceiye 1 r assess- menu and other tfiniw due to the mid land uistrict and collector and others are cautioned against paying the aamo tany other person as 1 am the only poison who can thorn a legal ac- luettance dai2s john smith treasurer midland dhtrict treasurer office midland district kindlon 2nd january 1847 all iiy oaoea will ej the aboea- wotice js hereby given that the committee appointed by tne outrict cotincil to re ceivctbe bond from mr william ferguson the newly elected tiastirerharc this day lod ged tad bond arnofl the reord of the dis trict and directed mr ferguson to open the treasurer office in ue district clerk room in the court house in 1st january to whom atone all persnns ml hereafter pay the djs tricl rates and with wharo all other district business connected with he treasurer wui be transacted signed jb marks war din district council offiw kingston itf 31st december 1s16 r papers v eopu ml fvrbid fall importations fresh groceries whoieslu iffo retail wm maina corner of king an brock streets martctt square kntton c w begs to return hjaaakalot friend and the public tor th vetf liberal jaironafe ex- tended t him dorir tlte pail two yeara and arould moil rekpoetfgt inform litem that lie hi vrt receded a tatfa aid varwd atock of groceries wines and liquors comprising follows huntv and saajdraaftv pott kldearu sliorriea saraeltaa claret charopjf oo jamaica spirits jurtabv co brandy m otardj- cognac do fate ttrandy geuuinc seotet vwaey holland gia sebejaro peritkriiiint kiiri tanadian wbiakey wj m aoticita anicular attention to tue atvtve slock of tvrvaaoo linmt otwt of 0ted itavior been itaptfud direct from britain he in confidence in koiajfliiiie them a twine free fromadltefaiior the gaoccaiica teat firrt ac- tiatin been catcfolly arletcd by liimaetf in the new vai balon and montreal marlteta eaa be reeeunodad aa being of ihe blt 1 1 r- 1 teas tba8 extra impeml old hyaon yoonj ilyton gunpowder twanhay pooehony imperijl fvvoe siclrtof ii iij a fid other l caitttavv grceo itaied and ground coffee sioiaalioaf cttatfead and motcottido trejctc pruits riinn curnnia filberie fiji almood aueel and bitter cunrld ofane ltmn anr cilron sjienn olite and lard oili sevof every iwiioto pckle saucra macca nni vormieelli aoefviei uqoihee sar4naaa scentorl tailile aurl tln vap starch fltne illii2i llmvaaa hrf4sflflft flwiiw ks soe ivjajuusali piayiny- cafd pioea blacking black lead 4 fish sasilmor loehfix fferrloroj north shorn herman dgby and lg horrtngf whitcih and khivli cicafine princif llaranaa reajntiaa zkwai ivamtctw pianutirm stawmbut rtodtille la xonqaf fc 14 mo jq tobaccos carcndifb niitrod hooeydew cut jiwy dear and arornalie chawio trl j twiat seawbrlatti and cmafr tatrkwll and erman t mccbfly rappee and sciteh snus will a variety of nllier ttuite too ntjoieroua co mention- all of whrdi will bo eid vvhulejaltv retail at ihe to went remunerating priera hi motto beinjf light profits and quick rtttrn tavffm keeper atjppjeed on jood term kmaton december j46 important new book icbt aicari raox tvitoot popes yearly journal of trade for 1846 eompruin an immana fund of valuable informaltonon trade commerce nava- twn asn with iba new tariff and a map oftho world dolatotl a peeraeo for 1846 dflbretta baronetage deapatebeaof fnrd llardme and gooih and sir h smith durinf the lata wn in india with map and plana field bfeeeiae and eojutiona of the army with 37 pulea gwitraeneyclpaidiaof architecture blainwa eneyctpvdia of rural spona itjvnb encycloptadn ofgafdenin of aitoltur maeotlochootaialioh and the fonding syatem macollocva principle f poliical economy supplement seeoao edition l urea dtciiooary of ana mlnufuelurcaand mine davrieldi map of ltke superior the above lojelher wild a namcrouacoucction of other aimilir work for site by montreal sept 19 r cchalmers a it can- throujjh winers arcanum extract r medicine ha acquired an extnded and established celebrity ihroohoulbe country which has been ausuhed by its virtue andethcacy alone aa a remedy jar sckofuuor kiart evil ulcerated sore throat uataiaddi rheumatic affection diaeaaeaof the skin white swellings dueates of the bones all ulcerated cases affection of the lver dyspepsia costivewess all chronic and nervious conntaint ncctirrinj indebi- litated ami ealhclieosiitijiioii5 dimrjt caused by an impure state of the blood the arcanum extract is a com plete antidote to the aenou evil produced hy the tnjudiciou use nt mercury a spring and fall purifier 11 not be surpatted working its way the ryttem with a silent andeffectiveforce cleanunth blood removing dyspeptic influences soothing thenerves removing internal obstruction and ilrspar that would otbrwis cause injury to he liver and lungs person who constihttinns are broken down bv the use of mercury arsenic orquiine and anyma who are suffering few diseased liver or an injudicious treatment of any ot the abalirthniid w the arcanum extract without delay in numerous instances a1o where ttlcrra ion had laid hare botti ttamenl and hone and where 10 all appearance no human means ml amputation could have saved life patients havebcorwnmhed from the fffv and re- tared to health the devouring diseaae heina completely eradicated hy the use of this iocs- timabtt- extract tne pmprietnr of the arcanum ex tract have had this medicine used in all ihe above diseases with ihe mott sutafyiug results ii ihinlhe mcdicne neilhef bu ne nor pltattn med he iiiefruileij re- aiiirini only the bmtl retrant ot inoeraiion indiet and is equally applrcalde ittd etfica- eiariai to the infant a wejl a tbe adull pamnmn ajifiit description foi what the arcanum ex r act is apjilica- me willi ortrvatioiisom ikiwim pewpira- ttnn and a treatise on deaes in hberalg accompany each bottle anls are plpplied with hit aove pamphlet tor jratuiious ctr- euatin0 price m pf hotle prepared and old hy f vviu- ttnlhttii tatfftra vvett ml john wmcr co 81 maiden lane n y lor sale at the ahenum rook store n falmein and c herbs ktnjpttoa and hy 8imm0nds all the respectable nadi dtilfists throughnnt ca- 125 6n j winers pectorat syrup of ilorehonnd and elecampane the mealy and tatolml cure of i 0 59 0 w 0 50 0 50 t 0 50 cncfoiin u 1 c received by th latest arrival front new york and for sale by the sub scriber at hia store in princesa street the following articles viz 800 sides spanish sole leather 200 bdffalo robes sao boxes assorted teas 50 do tobacco 20 dozen malta 100 do brooms 100 do patent patla 40 do cords wiih numerous uilicr articles not men tioned matthew rourk- jgoghon dec- 18ib 1816 tf by the last suppeb leonardo da vinci raoat tntcr swm viseca by bapuael m0b6he n this masterpieec in its verj ruia has heen revived and seemsdestitied to enjoy a wide pmtburnoitt existence in the wellknown admirable engraving of raphael morgheni long alter the wall upon which it was painted has crumbled into dust sir itatei ikut a few copies of mr dicaa beautiful engraving of the above celebrated pie- turtsf just received and for aalc price five dollars eacb fur sale at the atheueutn itvck store march 13 1847 wm armstrong ucfionefi commission merchant land and general agent king street kingston respectfully intimates to the public that he his takefl iba premises lately occupied hy t moran co removed next door where has entered upon the above business and hopes by pinrluality and atten tion to merit a share of public snpport the subscriber intend to rjevntc particular attention to the pure sale of beat estate and with this view he has made ar rangements with severalinflttenlial legal and commercial gentlemen in scotland and eng land through whom h will bring under the rtftticeof capitalists inteadia emigrants and the public generally iroptoved farmswild lands t household and property in canada sub and through whom he trill transact other inland commercial bune in any part of great britain or ireland vix collecting claims lakin out letlrsof administration purchase and sale of property fcc c wm- armstrong kingston dec 29 1846 011 ctnighs colds asthma spittmof bloo it whooping couh crooji or utrtf con umptjon ptemy hnarness pains and soreness of the it east aud lns bronchitis a disease thalis sweepnhu irds in a pre- mature s unilei the fictitious name of consumption can he cured hy hill medicine the usual symptom of tttis disease bron chitis are cough soreness of the lungs or throat hoarmnes dircuy of hreathing atbrea hectic fever ifkltuag up phlegm or matterand sometime blottdi ittanolhin more than an inoamalion f 6 which lints lhiiftsijo of the whole of th wind tuhes n aic vessel which run through every part of the lungs peculiar virtues toe have for of the raeii a 10115 nieil other real estate iltetl to him for sate a card 1h e subscriber in returning his thank to the travelling cwmttnttf for the patronage he has received al their hands while keepingthe brittfi vjasertcfla hotel beg leave to introiiw wi recommenj as hia auccesscr miujavmci patrenson who will be found in e7 worthy public support joseph h daley kington april 20 uk n barkers black varnish tow that wintdria aei in the timo to use thii celebrated vatniah for boots shoes 4c iacome its ue pre vemawet teel thereby preserving bolli ihe health and he pocket sold wholesale and retail ot the athehrcu boor stoite bagot street kingston not j bhitish american late dale fs hotel the subscftberhegato in form the puhlc j the travel ling community tha he lias leased ihc above well known establishment and hopes hy strict attention ln comfort o bhtgumm to merit a caaion of hi very libera patronage which lhi hotel ha- received the last fi l the able manaeement of ihtf r proprietor mjho n pmutffl and ibv conveyed to and from ihe hotetjreefjmrge kingalon june 1846 c otatv arr mi8h for sale atthi athenftum liok store nupcirior icolal var nish in linw tnd qarl by the nzcn or ring bltli country mer- cliamotippliilomt terms kingotonaaphl3 of ihit compound civ attract i the attention prolusion anj public antl a lifcly interest lias recently hfen lirtfclcjto the developementof lieif active powers and uulmotianc qualities which tc proprietor are now ame to tlity anj pr p lhi medicine to the pume withtullconfljnceof ttsdein the raot afeanj valuable remedy everdii- coered aoil adapted to at diseases of the lung when any of the function do not perform their natural or healthy action it is universally believed im got in his providence has nolafflicied hi children wnh pain and disease without at the same time ajfrinrcimaj something in thefn nf iaturo trial will not only medicaie hutin many cws entirely relieve ihem wiift ihee views strongly impressed on our minds everyone should feel a ejrat desire to investigate to the almost of his power the rel arena of uture and lo draw from lht source hit inslruciioq which the wisdom of man has failed to attain in prestfnlm thisartictc to ihe pumitjthe proprietors were influenced oy the hnpe that a mejcine prepared with much care anl strict regard lo tfte cnemical properties ot its several ingredienl tfkfttm place of thousands of irresponnnle nomrums ol ihe day with which the country is deluged c- the iw of one bottle of syrup win he ttbtiwit 10 convince the most scepti cal of its heneacit elfecl- prepared and o1d hy j ivi rr hamilton canada west and john wiraer it co- si maiden unen y- fr sale at the athe neum book store n palmers and c heaths kingston and uy all respectable dcwftftn throcighnut crada cuiie foit worms colonial magazine and foreign miscellany fumulid monthly price n purnishrs tho lateit dates of advicea frcrni every british co lnrty and pqpaion otcry leading colonial and foreign ncwepaper and periodi cal from alt parts of the world bgiog rcjotary received and filed tt contains impsrtiaf dokiiptive general and ata i litiicalartietesreuinftothe colonics a rjigeat nf the rnrt impirtant local infnrmation in each of our depcndenciea and a rejruter of birttia de a lbs and marriagce forming an indiipcnsahle work of reference on the trade commerce and aeiaueiurc productive rcanorecv poputalm and actual condlittn of iht britiah end foeijrn colonies and an invtruetivc andenlcmaininf pub lication to be aenl by their home ft i en da lo set tlers in the respecuve coumiea oricv c 1 i r yard bucklcrsbury london simmonos colonial magazine foreign miscellany m 011th iv-pno- 2a4jd will be found lobe ihe only refistcr and chronicle of recent occurrence in brit north america the weal ladies cape of good hope nd maoritiua near sooih watca snjth and wcalcrn aoatralia van dicmana land near zealand malta and gibraltar the eaal indies and china c ecc all persons having friends abroad or iotereeted in the british colonies may rely upon receiving through this medium ihe inlcst and most rnthen- tio accouols from each on the 1st of every month oanoe 6 barge yard bucklerabury london a fete compute sets ean ttitt be hod in 10 foiuairs hoi f bound 12a volume for bilious complaints pains the head y sickness jaun dice obstructions habitual confinement of the oowk db ii ark erfl l axat1ve pills f the numerousdibesses to which the human frame is tiabl ocarcelyoneuie symptoms of which arc not serinuslyaggravaied by a confined state of the bowels and tutiiis a lone many owo their origin and cttilinuance the preserving tin alimentary canal frecfrom obstruction is a point of such primary importance that every degree ot neglect is folluwed by more or ies of inconvenience or buffering when habitualcostivenesspreeilsthe cheerful vigor of health ia soon impared some times by slow degrees andat otliei times more rapidly diacascamake their inroads on the constitution and in numberless instances particularly where the habits are sedentary or where free living is indulged permanent ill health is the poinful result it must be obvious co the most superficial observer thai when the functions of nature now al luded to are not performed with due re gularity assistance must be obtained from art aperient medicines then be come indispensably necessary except where the ue of fruits or q disuse in tho mode of living may suffice for re- moviiigihe evil and must ho had r coursn to until tho necessity fur such atd ceanes built isaquesiiou ofconsidorsbleim- portuuee wtrat laxative sholl bo onv ployed t tho list of aperient medi cines is numerous hut lhjr effects an tho system vary noividitihl ow ex ort their ttilluence chitly on the exha- lant vessels oron some part of the bow els only whilst theaction oforhers ex tends more or less to the whole of the i nlest inalcanal the latter classnf pe rieuts is evidently the best adapted to obviate the habitual confinement of the uowolsas they apply that adilitional excitement which naturethen requires lo assist her in the performance uf her accustomed functions itis precisely on thitlatter principle that tho imus now offered to the public are formed and as thoir activity can be increased or lessened merely by taking a larger or smaller quantity thoy not only furnish an aperient medicine pro per for general use in a family but are also well calculated to answer most o the purposes for which purgative reme dies are necessary the pills are riot however recom mended as a specific for the cure of a l l diseases such preposterousstate- ments are worse than ridiculous and are only put forth for deception itut gb neral agenci and commission office 6 barge yard bucklcsbury loindob near the mansion house to merchantf commercial nears roame pabh libraries agricultural soetelito oscra of tbe army n- nar printers publiriwxa of news papsft nnd cuhniata jtenerlly slmmond sl ward general agents and commission jmerclejrfa return ihair eratcful lhanka tor paat ratow to their friendi and the colonial pobtieiu general and bee acquaint thrm lhat ibey are readj 10 eaccolc orders for supplies rany hind and quant el nf und goods f averr dea- cripton of artrate qeiliiy at iht very hvesl market prtcra the day and transact bmrincab upon ihcmott libemermsftoftrfrdiheybrepra- viouily ftirniahed vrirh funds or dnifra at tit hit lone or ahmt dales or a reference lo some lcodoai or liverpool hooe for naymenl simmonus award will rceme cmwrn menta or any deaenprmn of merchandize lobe aold on commusron and aeceat btlla at ninety daya for twolhirdaof the amoom ea ra- ceiptof the bilh of lading coninmenta a truated in their care will meet wrlh ewy poeaible dispatch in their diapoaal aod sale be conducted with ihe freaieal atuntion to the interests of iba consigner an extent re knowledge of geneyal commiaiion boaioess aceoired dvrrnr s joftf aidence in jainaka and the othr weal india latand and aubeqocnl exicnaive cobras of buai ncaa with all the british colonies the eiperienea of tewal years in london aa o lunial aajetru enopled with promptitude atirntion and judnsitil will they iraal enakte ihcm to give aairactlcaw lo those who may honor them with their m iadt lobservateur francais a french journal or tks rolmcat covucaciau aciiinme klfjl of thtj wlf of philosophy uteratvre and gtnmtmfor matumfrom france germany speim and all othtt countries tach nuovber contains article on enrtirfc ld and french mitlfjil political newa from eartouaoihercountriea judicial report a li terary deprimen compoacd of actccr and orifihsl wcrfka a review nf paris s retiew of union giivipinp and anecdotes f the fnahiooaua world report of he weekly meetings vf the french and other scientific aeodemito a com mere ml report a review of enrliahand french tvairc a mueict review mieecllanica losscsvateoa faancaa ta pubtiahad wcaltj in london subscription 26a tier son uro ihdo offlrf 67 sirand kincwto dr barker brjuab whig offiea november is4rl m eight hundred thousand acres of land in the huron tract notice to old settlers wh- grants and others hphe canada company itm tgsin thrown npen oil tlieir lnd in the huron tract for rlispostl by wnviif lease fur ten years- no money being required down tlio hem payable on the 1st frebrunry in each yirar is not much mom than the interest upon thfj upset puce of tdo lquii the right to nur chase the freelmlt nt soy timo within the ten yesrs at a fixtd prictj usmej m fd tu the settler who all further piymarti of 0i s tun it known to b intl fertile tttctl leaso is would thut rents the huron district onpoflhemir imaltliyi itnublej its population within fuur yaart the huion tract in tho year 1842 cod tairiecj 7101 amils in june lasrvear th huron difitiict numbered h983 soula accordingto tho official returna the above land are in blocks there fore affording facility for the undivided acttlemenr of families of old settlaiv in their friends wtpe primed particuura ari avery ruuiaiia iaformtlion upon the huron and the canada companys mher lands in the province will be furnished mis dfgjraftflt by application if by letter postpaid to the canada companys officr at toronto and godcrich and straffird in the huron djutrict- cakada comramysornca frederick st toronto hljany 1847- j tm improved saleratus tlihe subacriber would beg leave ta announce to those who deal in the article ofsaleratus that he isnow ready to furnish orders ort the shortest lhat confined state of the bowels which f j approved papers james morton that confined state of the bowels which lays tbc foundation of much suffering winbrs canadian vermifuge vakiiln i k m hcfa hc nest re- ue1y ever ytt discovered for worms it not only dlcoy them tint nviorlr the hnle system ami carries ort trie superabun dant slime or mucus so prevalent in the stomach and bowel especially of these in had health it is harmless in its effects an the system ant the health of the patient is altvays jmptoving by ilsim ivrn when no worms are discovered the medicine brinjt pautamt no child will nfon to take it not even the most delicate plain anj prtc licalohaervationi upon lipase resulting from worms accompany each boilie frepareil and sold hy j wrnrr hamilton canafa weil anl john wimer co 83 maiden lanen y foraaleal the alheneum book sloren palmcrs heatbskinfts- ton an by all ihe respectable orujcjgh throufhnutcanaja 75am forthoseccasioiialrbst ructions to which all are liable and for all ihoscdisnrders which arise from an overloaded state ot the stomach and alimentary canal con sequently decided benefit will be deriv ed from their use in giddiness and pains in the head accompanied with nausea or sickness in all headaches where costiveness prevails in flatulencies bilious attack the commencement or chiilic the early stages of jaundiceand in promoting the expulsion of worms they require no confinement or change to the diet moderate exercise will as- sistthotr operation and experience has proved that asan aperient t ey are safe and dilicacious may be taken by adults and children and also in every stage of pregnancy to children of fivr years of age and upwards they may be readily given in pulp of apple orange or jelly and thus disguised they are much more easy ofexhibition than pow ders or other disagreeable medicines ntnecttonb por taking tbi pills in caeof bilious complaints foul stomachy c three piluto betaken at bod time and repented next niijht if necessary headnche the stomach twopillsto be taxen alnight3nd one in the morning- oisftnrrecosfrrjeiiew three pills to be taken at any time needed and re peat edu very six hours until relief iaob- aioed the usualdoseforonlinary persons is threo pills but four pills may he taker- hy u person oftrongltobii of body ami two pillsmny bo given to delicate wu- men and children prftpaiied and sold iy dr itarkcratthe atheneum book store kingston sold in boxes at 7jd is 3d and 2a fd each kingston rreweryand distillery 12th august 1s45 sauces and pickles 4 large assortment of london pickles anil sauces for sale at the athmevm book store bagol street winers celebrated medicines piimi uiur vr ie onntlantty j- on sale at tho atheneum book siora i 1 ir kiogaton via winery arcanum extbactfattu apecdaidptmancoi euro of ah diaeaara ariiicr from an impurralato of the blond winery pectoralsyrufof hore- bound ft elbcampanefur the cure 4 imxhvds aiutmt consunptiimi kcw winers canadian vermifuge iliv bcl remedy ever yc diacivrred rr warns winers tooth ache dropsa ear lain edre for ibefvili ache wtnerscamphorated nerve ahl bone liniment a certain euro frrtbelj martuiiatory scuiie and chrorue rhomatiim winers faa11ly ointment for euro ufsontfula white swetiifaa rhumaljia uicworni cancer itch fce winery cheillcalpileointment aapccdy aafe and cfieciaal remedy far tk pile tojeilicr with sn oxtemive variety of gvnrjjna bnvlrati imd american patent medicmea kov6 london steel pbn8 just received at the atheneum book store a large assortment of steel pens 07 various milkers including cillote cele brated magnum bnnuma j tne new york ladic pens and several other new ariiclei a liheral alrowsnce to the tr de october 26 whiskey oaaqgsuoni sydenham whiikey ft m drummond jane 6 ims tobaccos 20 noife5speroraroaialiocht1liai baceofor iale by m drummed- june 6 ims camphine oil constantly on bali by s bourni spelembtr 1m6-

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