ihx british whig omilll inrkitiskr kor cayim wkt pr i nt r 1 fc puihisiiku semiweekly i r r tiiib a iiijiy iyedwar3 john barker m d at tub athexbttm jo basotsireet terms 1 fm pw shilukq rut aiy with miltomic9 fiwhhwf t i nopapor jufiwtfuifll nliunwifmjjflrtah up unlet hi ihu opium of the bouilhff advertisements six lines nd under hufimiiiwtvai anal ttjatrch aoustoucut i nvni six line tnlrn tines 3 id first insertion ind itideacli sahscqucnl iaawiion above ln and 40 line fuetltc firl inortiiii d and general advertiser for canada west vol- xvi kingston canada friday may 28 1847 no 43 kni i perlincforeachsuwmicnl insertion advertise ment without pecifie directions which on jm l be in writing rc iatrril aarthrln it am c urged accordingly of jew lr jim advertise- mmlstbcivcntoihc publisher or loft in writiiig t tit office th british will bcin i journal nf ihe lirnm canadian cucuulion no discount avitl bo allowed m advertisements on any pretext whatsoever onicrsfnrtho ffrum iwi will be received by ton of the rw mtslrrainlhe uniled province nd mnniea liavtow otlrtui will be credited naif v j lotlle i j all uthfl emttpt from agents o be poll adjoini ij j a mcdowall furrier hatte r crock stkekt kixcston furs made up to order on the shortest noticr furs of every description bought and sold- ross do 11 military tailor and ladies habit maker princess street tofourgjtxf journeymen tai wanted w noden tailor c orroiitf n william wilsons wellington street atl work in his line executed with nbw and dispatch matthew drummoxd tracer ff licit spirit flcrehint weiunhton nriininfis yi t ir if ipumiii f b kayletlt coach builders and carriage makers fjlixcels sthcct ximcstov itobert mccoitmick w1hs spirits teis csoccbics ic prtnckmh ntubet kingston to let possession given ilic isl liny of may next two new 2 storr stone dwelling situated corner of barrie anil wel lington street and ininieiliittmy ng queen college the houses are each of alike dimension well finished with paciou apartments arranged fur comfort and convenience the kitchens re in rear of each building with servant chambers on top distinct from the dwel ling in the interior h a well of choice spring water which furnishes an abundant supply throughout tlw dryesl season and noor ranged as lo accommodate e3ch tenement separately the outer buildings are of stone and furnish each dwelling with stabling for one pair of hurae carriage house hay lnfi etc c the yard to each id property enclosed a to form a distinct privilege terms made known on application to the proorietor james morton kindlon brewery and distillery mrd a 1647 j 34 queens college school mr- w a ross will reopen queens college school on monday 23rd mar and it is earnestly requeued that parents and guardian will looae no time in en rolling pupils in thu i nslitulion allttoogh qriginally founded chiefly fr ihe purpose of pre paring candidates for admission into iivii college intruiion ivill be given lo all who desire it in the usual branches of an engushcommerrialand mathemati cal ati well ai classical education a plans will he formed at the opening of the s6muh for the rudiments of the latin language tintin may be learned frnm the revd mr mncliar lrinripal of ihe college or from the revd prof komanea or the revd prof williamson bay of quinte 1847 i rrritcisr attomtys at jldic rvihui ivitw iwi john a matitnain alexannkk campmslxj james mcmillan teacher of music piano foutestuxkd thompson caiu5y general importingand commission wbrchants all b r n i itklsti nkw v11rk i a w a card camahian d it a w ii i k oriani0 waur commission merciunt and general agent h 106 wfttcr street new york owi3n vanuusen attorn e y at l a w s9l1c1t02 clfaxceqy ad bwkruprcr covevantxu ac aagot street f bet wtn british whig office end lamb ton ffoiw kingston 0und sctip houjht and sold macdonalos hotel late itonfijj opposite the city baths klntrcet toronto mr ross has been employed in the work of teaching for some year and omeofthe most distinguished btttdeni at queen college uwe lo him that previous training winch has enabled them to prose cute lhrir 4iudeai be university with tmch success boih from our knowledge rif his talents and scholarship and from the proof we have had of his eminent abilities as a teacher in the young men lohom he lui m tu shlrw we im enabled with the fullest confidence tore- commend him to such parents asilcvvo to retire the advantage of a iboroogh edu cation for their rhildrcn john machalt a m georoe romanes am j williamson a m kingston april iftih 18 fresh garden seeds fkiiji tne bocuester nuttsbrf and warranted good aop k t llean beets krocoli cauliflower early yoik and other oabbftnecarfot celery cress cucum imii ecg plant kail lattice melon of nil kind nasturtium onion pnrsley parsnip peas cayenne pepper pump kin radish ithubarbor pic plant sae caraway vegetable oyster spinach squash tobacco large red and lanc yellow tnmmo turnip c src wiili a variety of other seeds for sale by william j martin market square kingston april 187 3 sale of real property francis v carey md 2uhbe0v accoucheur c c iewjiunoh camiev e3t will dl auction jedffard s t a c e y from l0kdov merchant tailor opposite j d bricclr cos iking street kingston john blackiston sailmaker and rigger no 4 1 1 v i 1 1 v ontario s build street vgs u n t e a jv d l e r m t ii ship c h no 1 building kinptfln feb 5 1847 t walter clks painter glazier and paper hanger s i nc s to n rncomparable black japan ink hhpfacturto wholesale and retatl t the atheneum book store kingston canada wbjt- for sale lot no 4 1 in the 4th con town ship of kiogsion 160 acres on liberal lormv apply to it ingsmfj s9tb jouar stuart sold by public ontuesdavthe 0 1 1 1 day cf june next on the premise ihe following valuable water and building lots situate in the vil lage of portsmouth botongtm id the estate of the late john mcleod builder viz two water lots heing no ii 1 in the plan of the premises 0 f thee is a sub- stanlial wharf 140x 60 feet havina depth of water on three of its sides suffi cient fur inajingvesseuofa large draught the other whitzh points to the river con tains about an acre of ground and is well sotted fur any works requiring a superior water privilege sixteen village lots being no 15 17 192123 333841 42 44 45 49 52 53 57 ami 58 of ihe i- plan on two of the lots are lime kilns at all iltnes in pmfitable operation the olheitt contain the best limestone quarries in ihe province from whence snfv is taken and extensively shipped to all the upward ports the premises also abound in good tfpnngl of water the above properties are most eligibly situated bcing within about a mile of the city of kingston and command a fine view of the bay arid itiver the harbor ii known as the safe on the lakes and a large and increasing business is done in ihe village where several yards for ship building two marine railways a steam saw planing mill a brewery and other works are in successful operation a correct pln of the premises maybe een at ihe office of messrs kulkfataick fcbuarowes to whom reference can be made or tu either of the undersigned who will point out the premises and furnish intending purcb u other neccs- sary information terms published it the opening of the sale angus mclbod kingston 12th april 1847 the splknord and commodious steameh queen victoria c a pt john be rrv is now performing her daily rome between kingston and the head of the bay uf quint i up one diy anil returning the next i and leaves ihe wharves kingston upwards every tuesday thursday and satur day a 3 oclock a m precisely downwards will leave belleville for kingston and intermediatcplaces every monday wed nesday and friday at 7 oclock a m removal sadtiierj harness warehouse the proprietors desirous of offering to the public every accommndatirm within their power bee to inform the public generally that they will at the suggestion of the business men of the bay of quinte run their boat to owe- 7000 her arrival at kingston every fniday nirht saturday her regular trips so as she will return on not to inteifere with the above steamboat is fitted with excellent accommodation for passengers and every attention will be paid to the re ception and delivery of freight kingston april 30 1847 rowlands unique preparations he subscribers to leave to ctmti thinks to the inhabitant of kingston an its vicinity for the share of public tiitrnnage they have re ceiverf during ifitif residence in brock street and imtfl inform their friends of their itcmovil to princess street in the shop krh of wihiam martin grocery lately ctipied as a ttnshop where by strict ntteiiinm lo business they hope to reuive a outioiiauce of that support hirloi to awarded ihem english ftade saddles bridles mrrtinffth harness trunks valirs 4- will he constauty kept on hand any articles in the uovc buiiiess made to order with ueatiuss and despatch lewis lanfear x b carrage trimming mat- traftc nude to nder kingstim m l 1347 livbr burr printing ink news job and book nr the umie und try millt troy n troy february j et th abovf ink bk stnrc k im ifcb3 181 y 1847 fat fvr i at tha allicneum for sale 4 handsome bay mare perfectly sound anil in ooij condition fnr paf lico ur apply at thii office february 2d 147 remarks on the potatoeand thk plants proposed by ult gsnl1 for ltd substitute- ul obtained 2 f ihjhumr ihcfcfof biifbly nutnlivf and lhay hava baq proved to be very pitaublcaod vhmeawn t ili potalw he jf ii pnpil ah u jioatedand lot r d h i i ufcr n andaoprrrrjlavour i han m the wild iowpi horn wliicj ificprracnl itvw and cliltiraltd rani haic liccn ocrif cj tuo indiana aute thai aoma n ok t t mil m cultivated tu4gaian vbteh incrcjko in ail by a ainglc vrara puntlov tat llietraced walwayt ukcu fmm tbi wild tuben in lhcftn nnd tua ffm ihe tutiititfd mock nd tltcrcf- but jill wa gained by tbalr etpsti afntii rntnecfloirt rooim from the albion the tenml failure f lite youv cftp in eg- nor an j anirfiea fui with much euc ficttcd nlarni plant that hua fed miltio of ihe imman race and urtafrird ahundani surtcnaficc ux ihe do nelic animjli dormj n century and a lulf bat len atficked by a mot demritetive and incmnra henmhlc dia and in wtma dutncla the nt qnlfof effircia lis fclfowcd every cffiri to n imparl ni it wai by the aid of theae that the alive tribea wee mmd to proatcota their war afamat each he and tbs esrty white lajubiumiaf north amrrica and ettn dorro ihe winter they were du fiom he erid beneath theanowaand eaten wiui venian theirbeu hta been that ihe great spirit planted these in dian pttuioct every ver in feed hia peopte in rvcry tmagencj the tfvaftrvfe tcltyunui vtfgmicqy and saagaqban aptw tulmmr have been dterjbed by american naiorahtu and tlicy wilt be fund in the eau- i of b4aniatt thcpropcrncacr iheir tubcra nd their aimilaritr to wii n the kfrccml patkoium of jlcn majesty tue quten his r ii piince albfllt tiik itoyal family and knnttlty or great iiritaik af will at twi several soteretgss axd courts op europe amd unlvuftlatly pflepaftco ako esteemed rowlands macassar oil is celebrated throughout the orid fnr tta fenial nnd ithtiriahina qnltir fur the ffuwun fait it produrea tm t tares htir itp it from falling iplt or tvratog fffft reore grty hir fa itm firiffinat ctfaf frrea it fmm curf anri dtxrirfrvfi od rendrra it f utf eitri nnd jf fr piiflnaan il a fneriailv rrinn- mioyril a- hiinin tt um m a bkavnrm rli or lliii unj ffjirien if nh nocrnmb unnrrcatirtfv ffim 3 d a i i i ri if ti 4 aoihll 10a co and douue that aue 21a perbolllo to mcwfrowicird and son 50 uatton girden londoii i gitlvrv i rortidm tmtan imperative duly 0 atjile the rffieacy of your cxefttctil macacak on for the l fifictn ycara i hjve hern bald rw caaoncd bv a drcafiil mtt whital m tudi i i have ucd jlrnrvny mena to prn cure n htnd of luir azain but all my effifi aecined fruioea until aectdcntaur a friend adviw ihe use nf vur valuable 1 rctlrer can civc no better name and after un n 3 1 bottle crery avmptnn of a new head f hair begin tn ahnw itself tt the aurpnac both of mytelf and irti y i ikttlved on uvin- annlher mid v 6 a 7 butlli before the whole of which waa uad 1 had and hvc now aa ii nrlimc a head itf hjifat ever a man enjoyed and i earncatjv re- cominend thnt nil wh hve hoi t 1 thia mutt ezceflcot dl will nut fail lo do 1 am sirs your nviai obedient aerrant j walker mood whiltly lndffv near taunton on bi wrapper of each botoonfiheokiiinr article arcthew unrda in m linea all otlvrri are sptiriws imitation rowlands kalydor thia oriental balsamic preparation ii of unfjilinp efficacv in thoronchlr purifying tho skin from all ftlts mr rcoveaa ruotcnu faeckls ti and dicolojution healin susauam stohh or iiftcia and pmducinfa hf4juhyffetsies4ndtr4ipire4eyqfcmrukxirih and an admired rtnn and rfwceoey of the hand arm and neck price 4a 6d and 8 d- per butik rowlands odonto or pearl dentifrice a wiittc powoea fni tna tkktm undcd of the rhoiccat mull reeaereae ingredient the oriental herbal it eradicate tartar from tho teeth removes apita of incipient decay polnvhea and prcpciv um eaoaieiimparla the mntt purt and peartttke wkilcnae and eivea tweetne i andprrfumt to the breath pcico 2a 36 per bus jmportantinfoiimation unprincipled iiidifiduilt fnr the i he or gain- injr a mfic mire profit vend lh mot spuittous compounds unde ihe namraof macas sar oiu kalydor and ouonto aomc under the implied fianriioo of rojdtiy and the gorctnmcni uepartintnla with umilar mt- 7 iiacaieauand testimonial is and addresses for the reat nf ihcoriginiil prep f ration a it i ihetefore highly rtccenary to aeo that the word rowlands on the wrapper of each artitlc thcrconine artieleaare with rowlands fthimblo perfumery soaps flllush- es c ac impnrtcd only by mcra ros5in brothers 3t c toronto canada in caaea atiiubtc fir cnenurtt and perfumer on purehaainrelacwtkrc beware of fraudulent imi tations til soid retail by respectable cheroisu and per- fumen goveknkknt notice tenders vill lie received at the comfliisftftrirt otlice ktupton until noon on tuesday the i5it june enduing for lunpying the orilnancc de- pflrcmeni with 23s0 feet nf cedar timber in piece of a fmt srjnrr irul varying in length from ii to 20 feet hot none umlcr 10 fotfl i lr jrliveivj by the conlraclor at hu own expense vviihtn twenty day fron ihe accentance of hit tender lieing rnnle known loliim eiihcr at h m dock ifanlj or ot the ordnance yard at point htry a may berequirej and to lie stihjoit io inspection and ap proval security fnrihe pfrairnunce f ihe service will he required and a form of tender ntoind m ihb office xotb the above timher to be supplied in the rough so as to square not less than bitten inchoi commhvaltlatj kingston may 4ui 1347 chronicle and xcf notice he untterined forbid all ptcfqul crediting any ore on their account without written ordr signed by one f the firm or by mrjamks j i black h s jones kingston april 20h 1847 33 if whiskey itf barrels canadian tv whiskey will be sold low for cash only bv william j martin morkst squcro kingston 4th may 1s7 to be sold a strong serviceable lower cotihti v ioxeywrranted quiet to drive and would be generally useful on a farm for price and farther particulars apply at this office may gth 187 37tf an apprentice wanted an apprentice to the confec tionary and pastry cook dusinco wanted apply to th subscriber chrck ihe dcfiruetiin uf fid hapmved alntriivr and tho canaa of ihe might under mot rcrutinitin inline of acirnce hm nm hern difcivcrfd the cmvrtoncoi f ih not wf providence are already dtiplayed in the tariff nnd commerce of tho norihern hcumphm and trcin to operate upn lite riih at dihcrent ciuntriea but the mtttuef tht almml univcrttl cnlnjly b mtl pinfuly exhibited in ilc famine now etiatinf jn trrhnd and partvof ifeot land and which han calterl utf the moat active in terference nf ihtr government hnd the rrrntcu citeniion of private benevolence a mfc remote eflct af tho ordatne blight wlfj aoon be een in that 604 itf emrniun ii liich hat conaianlly flowed from the old lo ihe nce vrnrtd ndwhilrii haa increaaed tho neceaily of cmt- cratici from roiope ii hat diminished ihe mean nf aumaining it thmuhtkjt tho whoe nf north america notnnly imi there been an aurmin redoetitin in the qnniv of human foud bulatat he quality of bref pork and lle trna the polatue ha vr nmwiihatandii been orerloolied farmer nho arc dciirrja nf aubmiuin ihem lo cftpcfifnentul cuuurc arc adviaed lo 1mb to lh older indiana althonjh iliey have no alwayg boart fnuiitl willin tu impjrt inform m i or a plant ihej claim a their onond whieh from having re lieved them frnm the dingrr of aiaaaiitm m the wiljcmctt tirev in hawofme hold it ii be ariicte tf crcd a ccrp inlereat in thii propoaition to iuppfa a lutatilutc for the polatoc haa been ciciicd ia great britain and by no me rout individual in ame rica and havifitf an carncet drgtre that the abbf pjant sliallbe auhimtted to document in differ enl climate and avita dr geanvr hj made hie ohaervationi pobtie that all who feet any inlereat in ihe aubjet may furniah ihemaetvea witit ared ite 1 iii r eeaon should his etjbfia to sup ply a substitute for the potloo bo tjnaucraafulf ill i loat urihbe aubuined by the exruacfila and ahould they he uceosafui tho adraniafta that will follow need no coenmcot- neoutcktal eclrjverraswhat r1iata nifthtd cavalry regiment ia it that quartered mot a huodied mile from where we write haa wiihin the tatt week presented the acetic of many 1 miljlarj freak carried nn againtl a vunr officer who haa lately juined the rankt we are tpld that tbt quahly of uef pork and he amall mi offic nf hi regirnt by erne eonveniionalai whieh were fattened upon the dteuiof vegrtablej rmniiroicnt il would par entered in whoever oirecnon wc our by apreftrniiofi f no have hole upnn for lelief in future m kingilon march 3til h 1s17 du mble ir i 1847 1847 bay of iuinte w 1 to copy rowlands macassar oil 184 7 new summer gooi1s a- d shavv beg tn intimatmhat in advance oftheir uflua imponuton hy lite st liw- renco they have ttis day received their grt shipment of new goods fnrihis season itrnnricd per packet ship yorkshire to xtw york and hid doivn here under the new americon dravvlnck act comprising u large 3wrtiiicnl of biutis1i and french goods in dunstable tuscan fancy straw bonnets shawls dressesaibbons fuvertc kingioft 28th vpril isv7 the steamboat vj7sieica uc ill commence hrr regular tiipi on monday mav 10 hftween king- ton and the head of lb bay of quint upwards will leave browne wharf kingston every moivwttjftwdiyibdplirjljt 9 oclock a m touching at all the intetinediate perls on her va- up down war ds will hive nelleville cvry tueahay thurs- rlay and saturday at 7 oclock a m t fur ktnjlor touching at all the interniediate porti on her way down nhr will alto call in tl platts wiia rf hay bay every tuesday on her way down and every wednesday on her way up joseph plarrt sons may 1847 r e 11 oval kingston ware manufactory a ohown usdf1ctgrebs op tu sheet ims md copper tfaftes dealers in cookinsand other stoves leave moat respectfully to ret- b tempi at deception they cipy the inbets irfeer- suhftitnting fictitious john belanger egs leave vtspectfully to return his mast rauful thanks to hia nu- merrwa frientls qui cusiorners for the aunpnrt he has atcnived since his re establishment inflames and take this opportunity tnintorm them that ho has recently engagj at new york a confectioer pat1ssier jwr charles fsh from saxe coiurp who biar with litn the tniiat flattering testimonials fontmll in his pnitession from his late maatir the herr swanz of jiaxe weimer jwiih whom ho served ms apprenticeship j b therefore 113 now in a condition lo execuie ordma vir every kind of confectionary pyramids ice qteams fruit ices and w1b icksj roman punchy oinrlotte husc together wuiicv uthrr article in his line in general uy on the continent of europe ladiestea tables supplied with a vauioty ofowaod excellent tt camto every thiny ma4 j t best style and furtiin al the sltorlcst mi ico on reasonable terms may ith 1347 3- tin e eg be tornthankstothctriinmerouslown and country customers for past favors and inform thorn that ihey have removed their establihment w ihoso eligible premises in princess street zowjf in the oeeupation rf mr john benhett neatly opposite the vbcqtund hoxtse where tlicy hope by steady attention to business to continue tuintsrit a share of public patronage and from the capa ciousness and many conveniences of their new premises fed confident of giving satisfaction tr those who may favor them with their ordeni e a chown keep conatautly on hand a full assortment of tin sheet itton conn wahkb cooking parlor and box stoves which they offer for sale t prices to suit the times and respectfully solicit an inspection of their atock before pur- chasinc ilsewhere 05 the highest price paid in cash or good for old brass copper pewter and lead regs taken in exchange princess street kiogaion may 1is47 lady huntingdons femal puxs are ealeemed ihe tmtq family medicine ever notice the public are infttrmej thai llie montreal and kingston mail line of steamers for 100000ik delivered in june next apply to william kingston iuh may j martin market square is47 to let the house at prsont occu pied by jhe subscriber posses aiun given on ihe firat day of may next thomas a- coftbett kingston march 1s 87 3tf u mjlfdotied acvcniv five uk a re well ihe public kmtttn hal thoy htt d duin h been in daily to rescued many ln9 wdjlaof m pern ilom m eir mni mwrimm4lcrute t lojjuirn ihhicofaray ono who oceamnaly l llod mafotfaa they will be fm10 effic eaacsuf gencrl daft pf kfa iti ereatin appetite by w xtm wpmnmma with fauinnc fxu ncfy ridhiwit p in lkr pecuhf bencfial in eaaoj of and short lead slc colic and lhorc r tho st paired dijttetione ftvin the moat pale and aiek fiftiili by atfengthenin and cetiftf im- 1 rely completion tu countenance and reato d that pecohar appear- cted jarmlitho constitu- in to ita natural n aocb ao iotimately c uunal wclfarauf the f from this mtil fgriher will commence plying dai purtto uickonsnns litjiog nuiice on mono a v he i9lh instant leaving kngln at 7 a- m office of the montreal snd kington f mail company commercial wharf 1 kiaxttokj 16th apritj im7- w one farm for sale ithin four milc of kikoc- ton on ihe macailamized koaj ilimdred acres of land r no 2 toll gi with a siooe cottage frame bam frame home orchard and carriage houset 40 or 50 acres cleared term onediird caah apply oo the preraimb to m pri20 lif wjf h0ss 5m dan heen arteetcd aue thii i we are niei no ordinary rhaucier aud which our impel can rct crofia- to amewtc the nndilinn at a larc porlian of ihe human family front whom a vaat quantity of nturiahmcnl hat been withdrawn n effort of acienceox akillhvi len ripnrcd and breadatutta have been intrwturcd into kumpc that were almost unknown there before tho preparation of lhw amclof rwt jua uo received altemiun and iheartsof dr danleti the editor nf ihe alhion have rionlrihuled freally t the iuo of indian meal m the old ecntry where tivo years j- thtt wholesome fonrf waa almntt unknown in order to opjjy ttw riefif imcy nf prnvictneit caused by the potatoc hihl the cultivation ef barley uala maixe hnkwtieal and the ruta bp are very oropriiy rorrnmenheil hul those grain ae already eultivnted in many plarea to a eonaidarauft eilem and ihe swnfiall turnip ia ut l- valablo and more expensive to raise in ibo mirtiero part of america than tho poutoe which ftxmcily iuppicd a filler ijontity a njuiioeot than any other plant ycl afcttlvhd- it ia crrnico h loanppoff that tho dieaaeof the pot ii toe appeared imddcnly opo ihe earth in 185- a early us 836 ihi ut wihl mildew 6ry rol and olhrr kind of deciy pretiuly uoknown beaniokeoliaerred and from 1840 io itf is a de cay of ihe tubcra in the fieldi and cllara waa oh aeivcd io b on the increase io llie northeio 8tic and thu bntttli trovineca in 1645 sad j3i6 more than me t lf nf the pttatna oropt were dea tlie pfpect of ancei in the future cultivation of this plant nj therefore hvoomems favturahle unleaa a remndy h a jino n the ayitm of culuvotion or by art ihould bo diacov ated much hsa been wuiten on fj history n the and ita urj intmtiln tirtn irii cct spkimall puiatoe a convtalmlut tconwltutu balvttft a a native or llie kat and w4i early coluvaled jfie ouuttoel pnidlte ittla num ittbetottfut iisn amrrican umoi and nrobi- my il ttaa firj nlce by cluiuf a gctmm tinnjt in i5k3 wit reeeived taro iitbra caw klaoder the hrm knludi wriier w la deicrihed it in a herbal wit grrard who reeeiccd ownc nits from vkcini and ti mtcd them m a garden near fmim n i57 it hnauo bco stated 1t sir vvallrf rateih inirndurerl the polatoc into ireland when hi returned tnun his lil voyage lo america in 1am vet mr campbell doea not admit thai hip fioiatoe wje known oierc prevmna la ihe tmf iblo there was a jrcal antipathy at first famst ihe use of the puni and it waa nearly ikirlyjmri afier it m planted bv gerard before it ilunivi- ptupciliea were understood since ih t period it las hrn crmtly muhiphed in kind and univerally cultivated in cwy climate lhal vp sulrciently cot and noiat fi its pruluelion ilieoujl all toe chanjra and vried eoqditiooa intowhicliithei been loioed by culture it has retained w chsracier derived frm its native warm cltmaie and wherever it liaa hecn plant cd il falls before the e1ijhlctl decree of froal tlie notatoe jik endured every kind of cuttiva lion it haalieen forredby arttlieut heat in the steaming beds f hothouaea it haa been reared in fields rf iho richest soil loaded with fermentiof animaunanuiea and carlrduftby ihe farmer as if it formed a pnrt of ihe earth itsoif it haa been planted in tho hipcili aoit of the forest and been called upon to bfuif folh when buried in the sterdcaand nndon the rocky oust where it is pnnklod by the oceans spray it hoi been inii- ud lo row beneath a tropical mn and amidst perpetual atows crupa have been demanccd by thccaretcm the idkartd theignoranl yet amidst all iheac vicisatude it haa nobly supplied its hn c affordrntj a luiury to the rich and the staff nf life to the poor it hat fed ita million and bid defiance io famine wherever it haa been planted i hul yielding to the riivstermua iowa of nature this plant hat begun to decline it haa had its rite and pnbumy the day of us meridian splendour ha pawed away for ever ilnw far thia latter result lias been hsstened by execaaive culti vation il uimpomibfc to determine it hut never- thrlc becnobfoved ihit hn potatoo is scarcely aftccud by the niht when it is planted tn poor land withiiut manore or in other nurds when ita cultivation ia broulit bsck towards tho aitnptc condition or the plant in ita native state a substitute or the pntatuchj been recommend ed bv dr inner of nova scotia and the roots he has prcpised with an account of ihem for that object havr been sent lo europe and widely cir culated hisiftofuirtei were first directed to the discoveiyof thofc plants from which the aborigines of north america derived a part of iheir sobnl enee before the continent waa visited by european lly tho aid of the indiana he has obtained those sjssjrtfi snd two of them are recommended for nisi by euli- vhi nrj they are called by llie mic- mac tribe watfsuiaee and soagaavii tho mttxrtuotrtf vlutftonia vtrgitrica is found ihrouchnot tho eastern stales and tho british frovincea it bfoaaooiain ma v and inc teed sod iho tuners are ripe in june live tatter cunuin alsrch and are very pautabte tlie class and order to which ihi plant brtoig arc tho same those of tho potntoe accoidinf to the linssan system but ihe tuber upon which or gcsncr seems to have the greatest rclisncc ia the fiaagoaban apios tuberosum this plant hss teen found iuthe briliah pmvinree and ooubileaj 2 row j in th ejistefn prt ofiho united iaics ihe tubers arc ticviiured bydutuesiic animals they aro only utand in retired places oo tho sea cosr bank of rivers and the small islands in lakes thi in- disnsslill use ihem for uod during their hunting excursions the oaoon is represented to be a leguminous plant that withstanda the eily frtt f autumn tic tubers maybe allowed to remain in the ground during the aintcr as liko tho parsnip and a fov other eutinsry vcgoiabtes they are nul injured by ihe frost when ihry are ei- eluded from the air the tops aflon excellent fodder for cattle thfttubcrs grow ihrca indues deep io the ground ihey arc of a rusty brown color and uinfr tojeiher itko vnou in a rope their ordinary otic is lhaluf robbw e j 0l some are found largo aihcna zp and even targor from six lo fiftreo tubers are auacbcdto a ainglo root dr ueaner statos ihoi a buahal dug by hua on tbs 28th day of aupm last are now porfeetly oun and froa fmm fltdivca frutn soma uf lbs best speciiaf na ho appearj enierm into among ihomselrcs havo determined that nooo but n ioij of sorrk arisloeratic houae ahall hold a ctjmmiaaroq in their crack nrps and accordingly brcapss m coined happened lo be the sun of a pro faiunal genlmsn every speciet ofinivaief and petty annoyance has been practised against hira- oo one ncrafam wa have heard rving first ia duecd him to join ihexq in a deep jibsiion lo tba 1011 ad thry pulled his bed out of bis quartet and kicked it about iho bafiackaquaro and v n they had atiacieolty amused tavawsjasaj with this moji gentlemanly sport tbay left it lhc and walked on tjul the annrranco did not and hare for having taken it into iheir heads to carry out uuir excellent military jriewa ihey determined on l occasion of a campsgoc supper which ba was to give them tu make him drink deep and ihea cut off hia mustaohiua and whiskers blacken hia i zr sad wbife in tbatatato ptforai sundry or iatocrajit freaks fortunately for the experienced young gcnlieruan tut confldcnlial aervanl got aocuc intu motioo of iho proceedings which were in cootcju phtion and having very properly placed his mastaf on hia guard hoovadid the conlsmpfaied annoy ancrobyutiog the wins placed before him very modomtely this so annoyed some of ihe excio aim uiax thoy immediately set to work throw a gcat quantity of bid furniture out of iho window and proceeded do cut up his obithce booie ana every article on which xhey could lay their hands in fact nothing was loo hot or t heavy f v n iisvmg dcitroytd his ctiihc and pruperty befra his face which insult fcom iho army regclationa he had no puwes to retool they i den went intotbo oarrsckyard and bartug broken jiio futhituro piled n up io a heap after which bey ran a uaio of pawdcr from the messroom to the quanecsox tho voting ofliccrj which they fired for tho pufpoao f filling the place wiih foma it is staled thsg their conduct was rrpniicd to tho proper qusrtor but the matter was auhsequcniu hmiiedup how v tv l s 4 siwh os s i 1 n i i sjsjsjsjfsj ncts wttich has m toc inauncca beeo c r d i i grct extent io the army and which io uns cassj wo have fell it our public duty to cxfae should bo put ao cod to cor 4 reporter the district council imiralrle heat form of overnmeni the moal in lite mrld and moat comfortable to the ioutsjato of the cicutijeand ihsnatioo noonocan ba present al their meetings without being struck with their usefulness eseli district has itsowrs peculiar want and an abundance of thiogo do peud oh icviiy tne parliament io deeply inlcr- csted in i- the rcpreseoialtves of traaat disor- ent corporal iooo seeing that each of ibetaiuio particular ohtervalions resutiing fmm its locouij ill- one wantstneasststanceof parliar to builda bridge another lo lender 0mig fiver another to impovo roads anouser to be hsiw and rj on thcsccouncils stc ties which attach iho people to ihoj whose especial duty it berorm general interest ths iruerest of in the municipal form facilitat taxes and renders corrupt iod welt nigh impossible besides i usetcts swarm of officials wr a burthen to the people iho people content and liab they have confidence io hmr rsssssjjbtjt placed su immediaul j within their power and corresponding faith in tho justice of thoir awards the strength of society lies in these well informed liburkiu councillors nothing can thereto ba better conceived or more wisely established ihaa municipal councils by which the paoplo wilt of themselves be tad into a fim and confidenco uf goodnessof that glorious coostilulion urrdor whiab ibey tire indeodjtheadtantageaofiha municipal govern menl aro so numerous that it wtvoompcvwtrfo to f numorate them jt gives a hiyhcr and more ao- li policy to the pmvroeial government it docsaway with knaves it bestows additrooal respect on men of worth it makes the ciiisen hiswn msstor giving him tiro atoix unbounded liberty it manages taxes in a direct ttov aa4 abovr all rsadees tho pcopre conlcul lastly municipsiilirs tsad tu tho perfect ofganixstioa of the stitc and enter iato an hamionioos combua- liun with monarchy which they tend lo keep in its legitimate aituction each bcalithatan in tcrpreler to ciptairj its wsnle and its it i mm ion i i is in them a concorrcncft and onion uf inlelligcnco which constit ufa true fptilka hy givinga predominance lo utility tho aboro thoughts paasod ihroogb our miocvi whila we sat watching the working of iho syatooi inooruwn council it were impossible wo think that any ooo should sea this work as wa havo wiilmut aokoowledging ihe justico of our remarks and joining us in the belief that it is ihe happirat ffrm of internal administration over struck nut hy the genius of the leglitalurc cfihoarg star a docroa or dmsttt ahd buiaruasniiq suvn- in a public address at cincinnati tho rot edwsrd smith weajsyan of pittsborgh gtsled that he had lived in sis states thirtylwo yearij and speaking of a certain 1- ev ot is acquaio taocc he adds i ho was a slaveholder and a severe ono loo and ofeo with bis own hands ho applied the oowhido to iho naked backs of bia stavea on ono occasion a wotmin that aerved io hut liouss committodon a sabbath morning an oflvnccof too great magnitude to go unpunished untd monday morning tho doctor took tbip woman into iho cellar and as is usual in suck ease stripped from ber waist up snd then applied the lash tho woman writhed and winched under ooah stroke and cried ft ob lord oh lord ob iiri t tho doctor alopped aad hia hands fe to hia sidos as though struck with palsy gsxed of the woman with avtoojabmerii and thus addresvstal her tho congregat must padoa mo for tepmuag ths words- hoah joai f wiu you uka tho oame of tho lord in vain oq ihajbbaib dayi when had ttefpod tha vromao leom tba goaaa profanity or crying to god on too sahharb etay he finished whipping bar aod than srtt sua evaed lo preach that gospel to bia ewsjsjnstias which proclaims liberty lo tha captive and rjpp opening of tho prison doors to thorn arhj sra- bound mr smith does not giro tha nac bat from various oircurrjalaooes which ha staasa i cauj bo little doubt it wta tha bar saxls d- d of virpo psrvjaf