copartnership the undersigned have nlered iiiu copartnerahip fur the mf m6 nf caryingonthe forwarding busl ness rn ih river su lawrence rakei ontario eii c under iho rama and stylo of cnlcleucn scumm montreal jotrrr h gitee 8c ci ai klnnum and wm colcleuoh goj at hamilton john ii greer wm colcleugh hamilton march 2 1s47 lake and river line forwarding fr1847 with reference to the above an nouncement the undersigned will be prepared on the opening of the navigation to carry on the forwarding business wtw montreal kingston toronto hamilton and oilier pom on lmcc ontario and also on l y eric and vice versa tn iha transit of pro duce and merchandize their stock of firstclass barges pro pelters steam freight boats and schoo- turf is such as will enable them to do justice to uch parlies as may confide llosincss to iheir core produce in store liefore the open ing of th lnchinc canal to be at the risk ef the owners ihcreof colcleugh greek vonrw john h cheer fecfc kingston vmcolclgughcopliami7ion ru 1nne3 tfwytfing rfgtnt at mvnfrcal kingston 5ih april 1s47 sslm forwarding for the undersigned having entered into co partnership for the hir9ot carryine on itie forwarding lslm- between kingston montreal amd vice vciwa via the rilettu cannl und river st itfwwncct will be prepared on lli openinjof the natl- aucn with a new stock of steamers barges capable of carrying 70000 rarreu of rtour prr ilonili to erd forwaro any property winch may be cfmjjnl tj the in fwn their tfrmi an knnwtilf of tho uttiuetf khey utttt to iwfc ifr funeral satisfaclion and solicit a share of puhlio paltooe tbe business will he carried on in montreal at the stores occupied lai 5f4on by nil- iaad walrcw under the name and finn of smith glassroitd and at kingumi ander the name and firm of ursroho smith james aglassford ceokge smith kingston 8th match 117 20lf 1847 jggg 1847 fokw a it d i n g between montreal and kingston and vice versa tit ibc olultta itirtr and riiltau canal ami uni si lawrence the undersigned with an increased stock of uaiigcs bud stfcamem ssi their command will transport with aafcty and despatch all properly confided to their care passing cwtaiq uuo entries of gouiu from england rmd scotland will bo promptly attended to and frets of charge thaukintheir customers fur the pa- tronagc i i u y have hitherto extended to checn they solicit a continuance of public support bfcing determined to do busi ness st as reasonable rated as any others an the trade j s- mccuaig co montreal p f- mccualuco kinotnti kidjston 6th april 184 29tf notic e the subscribers hereby give notice that from and after this date they will carry on the business of vvahehouse- men apart from that of forwarders and will not receive into their warehouses here any produce other than that already contracted for excepting in the farmer capacity for which the following ware house due shall be charged for every irn days that such produce may remain here they further give noiice thai should the owners of such property be desirous of covering the ine by insurance against fire while warehoused here the subscribers will on btioj requeued it miiing act as their agents for such purpose u far as it can be effected flour per bwfll id beef and tk 14 aihes 3d glib pt boht1 j a td i- r property in privatum jlouker uksukrsonco mauraeksun rkane james a walkkii co tlfe sjongs co kiagator or2d april llt ct tht ffilluwio p will ptnc copy the awrtilot miiit mooircnl ustcuc llelliititie lniellijencfr csms nur ttow cvtott tla n1ionjtiuisi4fii ktrftauo ladntict printing establishment for sale ihe subscriber offer for sale the establishment of the print edionrd gtreffc now in successful operation ftf the disttict town of plqtod and in the cqntffini the most loyal population in tlic province the patronage of the cinremis extensive and incraainr the naierlal consist of wo printing presses and in extensive viriety of now type suitable for any kind of bonk or job work to any gentleman jeairoua of entering into a lucrative business in an interesting neighborhood this offers a rare opportunity any information may be obtained by addressing the subscriber in picton post paid j o dornan iiclon feb 25 1847 18 received this morning at the atheneum book st0r lucretia by bnlwer domhey a san no 4 hy dickons kelt gynne hy ainsworth st giles anj st jsmes hv d jenold portesctic hy j- s koowles diana of merridor hy dumas womsns reward by mrs norton the tvftrchants dahler by miss pickerinj the midnight bell bv von holttvin actor and mnacer oy f c wemyu the ransomed bride by e h wild rupert sinclair by the author oi ten tbou fand a year j he comic wanderin jtw by c pbillipon tliechorch alrnanacby loveh gibion feb 9 1847 compound pectoral balsam of horehoundjnd honey a snffy jjwfrfy and ejjuettout remedy for ell disorders of th chetl ond lungs viz mthma ifhuoping cough coui catarrh consumption fmmestff poiw in the chest difficulty of breathing huskmcsi and tidding in the throat hoqvunettj fc thi daham iiconpofedfthe mct vatoiblo rernedtt- firf ihe mbovc enmplnints it uporatei by hiulfifijj the conckd mucus nc phlegm in m twavi thereby cnnz a tw eikciofaiioaand elirvtnp ih mot isiinnte coucln prepared and sold by rocht baitken daugcivt kindlon price us 6 end if 3d rrr bottu mill crefck cloth factory the subscriber respectfully returns thanks to bis frlonds and the public generally fur the support he has received since his fuil1ng mill and carding illachane have been in operation and beg leave lojrifirm l1im that inrouraru lv the buaillottlm has transaeurj in mq uovo line he is mw prepared to commence ihc inaiiufactun f all kings of country cloths sattlnets blankets and hopes by the pains lie intends to take to ensure the continued patronage ufihe publio j05hu booth purchased or taken in exchange for cloth mill creek january lllw 4ie wanted- i a all bushels potatoes wv soobmhels pcae or which hit market price will be pud m casli on dcliveiy si the provincial peniten- thomas hendry co gnpton pcb 9th 1817 distlllliry to lbt for a term of vears and immediate possession given that w11 known eubkihfikfil ta jw 1wp hihofore earned tftibyihs 1te finn of gainford at meseilley- it mn wrochl by n engine of vz hor power whmk grind mhe nd pomr nd itcapibic o tun niriff gj bahet s djy fr convenience province i i not lone eiccpi y 4j1t crtbhvhmcnt nt lit tte building c all of i the h pen winch i of wood hnd mrtm on k water ubeloning to the femic tin tj is cftpabte of lofinb zfioo buriiels of ram also a sione uweilinu hoo on the ad premiw for the ine period it would be pte- crredforlho dwelling hoow lo be uken bj ihc party renting the dmiheiy fof terrn applj to iho subcriber who i nov tin sole pmpruio j at ihe stem bi ofliee owy merelwhf lojoukholdek wmmene1lley- prewatl march is 1647 superior japan ink powders manupactoiikd and sold robert barker kingston canada west chains canvass iki sir astley coolers antibilions pills for bue indigttum stek headacne and qlt ditasei ofthcstomaeh anddigestiue organs these pills hvo in nil cmaea proted tope rior to every oilier medieioe in the core of ilomach ind hvct com plain la loss of appetite in- digeatkun soul aenlioo ot fallncse and op- pmatoei ificr hhtli ihomnenor bicith nd n excellent ttarltve after any exccai at ihc tbc aa they gemiy cleoao the boweu ilreogilien ibc etomaeht and invienraia the conalilutiin peraintotaphtelhorjchmbit who are iubjeet tohcadachr piddiocat dmiov of aiht drwi rci allended with apopteno ayaaplonia ahootd lake them frcqttcnily prepared tfvrn au origin receipt by roacar batana unjt crock sirct kiofialon price la 3d and 2a 6d per 1 1 i kington hutch is 147 commercial mart b for sale by the subscriber oqk kultsof crt rum stt1 16 isar m intent chioai aueaum jbip rkea pn- nd tar imhitfjiium fevp rcaua puiahcd bella sail isvim beek firh hum in r viirdrr kfuai sttvuikii un umica cupper ii0frirtd mtnrfu nj farrco tope eltkpcdccoye from 12 uj40 13 mooring ancbora cwi rftanih xoirmnx ttirvaal hartb m jv47 n f 4w ufl anth jrffaara k iwow a at anil f jtiahaluao y private sale large table codftsh ha t bbla nol weat mckeielj cod sounds and tnguj north shore herring smoked herrings in boxet march 19 william ware ritchies ratent copying presses a supply of aim jt themnurctorf rnceurd ffow and fuc sateat ibo atua fdr saie by the sdbscrimb quality 4 c uarkel6 1k1mb mbs 4j pork lilptrsof qi1ur liur valuable and highly cultivated farm buildings for sale sttuvtednnine bnknfthe st limenre at the village or miiluad cjnuda west in lb neichtnritnnl nf bmckttlte piaanlu and ojdfnsboreh ti farm omiaunf i5 acrea of which mo aqwmltu wiiinfieldvaryini fin 7 to 12 and 14 acrea 04u vrrll encloard witlifitoncand bnrd feneca ihc rtmiininj s5 anrcaarecnmpraedof ciccllcnlwrvtl lanh tho ficldaareall in tod condition being retnlarlj worked anrf manured the cropa of wheat ililv kv 0 vi may f tho imi eaaon fnr ujliif and quantity could not be exceeded from the same complr i- l i lnd there ia also a very productiva am oacnaao kitchea the stoste dwglling house in a 1ar 4 fubstaniial building 3 sloriea hii 46 feet by 35 feet wide eil finished and wth eeery cnn ttflienceaoitahu fir the residence yf a reapectablc umily there arc alv iwotirc birn an4 sheds hnuse frf lha wukin men beme stabfea jch hntsc andrxcellent spring well thi ncitiliorhood iv eitccmed the most healthy and the pbffl fcl bulv uf ttiution cannut bcaur- psed in canada weil thrt tmertf will bo aold much uwer than its rut ealuo if appd for rno and iv1j a portion nf ilia ourchaao intiaey rcouircd down -also- a ure stock fcniile together with athreshine maeiiiue and farming iinptemems of cierjr des cription a uitii nrj litin will bj gifen tv further farliculara apply ifbj letter novt psid to wm- b wells ba s 1 f e if e preacott canada wfat rroscott march 9th im 41 tf the montreal omtttt lo copy unco a week till forbid robert barker chemist drugist shock street kings ron r b rrenectfoly inform hia customers ami iho public in general that he rue ranosao hishru- store lo itrock street in the premises fkmehyoecupiedhy mr l mevean wherr they mny deprnd dtam bon supplied will eoumo druad medicine physician prescriptions and family recipes carefully prepared horse and cattle medicines english and french perfumery books and stationery kinjrlun march ifrlt city hall saloon kb 9 market bvudings opposite the new battery by george cane refreamnenlv snicks to bo had at the shortest noiice soynska at all hours blank deeds for sale at tub art ericui oacu otorf deeds of bir4in and satororm of tho u tuie 181u deeds of car in and 5 lit witlj rar of duwer mortfagc dcrd without bit or dwer o do wtlh tlar of dfiwer memorial with rr of dowor do without carnf dower also cnun ftf qoeertf oenth and diairiel cout nd division court otanlt formi- march i817 t notice he poblicnra oreby notified that i am iho only legally appointed person toracflttj rate anj assess- mrntsand othce monies due lotlie mid land dutrictj and collectors and irthers are cautioned against ntj0 ho same tj any other persoti ail am the only person who can giv thena a legal irjittaocati david john smith treovkrer miolakd ditrct treasurers office midland district kington find january 1817 all city nii- war all enpj the aboso notice s hereby given that the cemmitttc appointed hy the district council to re- ceire the bond from mr william ffftou40 the newlyclectcil treasartrhate this day lod ged said bond arnono ihe rcord of the dis trict and directed mr fergusnn to open the treasurer office in the district clerks room in the court house na 1st january to whom alone all ersnns will hereafter pay the dia- trie rates and with whom all otser district brisines connecled with the treasurer will be transacted- signed jbmarks warden distnct council offi kingston llf 31st decemher 1816 j i papers to copy tiltfvbid ll to thi reaping public of canada the adsertiser i prepared innii the bst z vvlusblt and interevtinr i bs mail lo i v- part or upper u lvsvar canadi prteeaalfucd ihe eta views and reviews n ameriean ifislnfs literature and fietwn uf w uf stmrns 0 the people from the french vt m michelft 0 wilsons genius uf burns 0 leibf aeneliuural chemistrj 0 combes ehriwbgy illjiiruj 3i0 p ocum 0 handokof tlic water cure 0 chilabihli withuut pain 0 ljrieriratf inidon i di of llerlin 10 steel pbiea 0 doal iheockwodibyt lthorpe 0 tike history and philosophy of mania 6lc 0 tfeof gentvv 0 farfdivns mexico 0 fcs fnr ihe people in which evecy thinr isnf prvcticl ntc tu rscry bodj 0 a treatise on milch cowv whereby lha qmlily and fuantitr of milk which any cnw wjii eisf may baucciintlcwaaccr- luined numerous bngrasinrs 0 green n gambling 0 wmfnvn in the nineteenth century 0 oehscliienoft republic 0 fitrhasix letturesnacitnsunipiion 0 orders for any of the noose rks enclnsin ihe cnh and pnst pid adlrcrsed lo t- c calucot ncs york will be promptly attended to reference in kingston dr e j- darker new yofk ftv6 194t tf 50 37j so 23 75 5 so 00 75 su 50 25 25 12j 50 50 50 50 50 b keceiveil y thw latest arrivl from new york and for sav by the sub 9critr mtdlora in princess street the following articles viz 800 sides spanish solo leather 200 buffalo rnhes 250 boxea awrtvd teas 50 do tubacco 20 dozen malta 100 dn brooms 100 lo patent pails 40 do cords with iimueroux uthcr articles not men tioned matthew rourk- kin dec 18th 1816 tf aiiiiermr three barrels lard miles ferouson kiflgmon llh fudftrvi 187- tt the last supper by leonardo da vinci paom thc ccltsatcd a vixo bv raphael morgiien this m4slorpiecein ita very min hai been revive aod sveinsdfftiucd to enjoy a wide posthumous existence in the welhknown admirable enravin of rtphiel m- i- long after ttie wall open which it was jrauitcil has crumbled into dnst sir david wukits a few copies of mr dicks beautiful engraving ol llic above celebrated pit lures just received and for sale price fite dollars ej frsaleatthe athenewn buttle store march 12 187 barkers black varnish tow that winter i set io thetimi to tiaethta celonrnted vainiflu foi uoota slioea occ income ita ue pre vontawot tuet thereby preserving both tho htalth and the pocket snld whiloiftle and retail at the atiicifeuht book ttrorq dagot street kingatod nov 2 fall importations fresh groceries wholesale ind retail wm j mastm corner of king osd brock strteti market square fingston c w begs tn return hia thanks to ini fricnde and tbe powic fertile very liboml patfomgecx iqawtvmal durinf tho pwt tsr years and skuitdmtresoccir infnrm thern lhal im hai ast reeeed a lirge ad saried etock nf groceries wines and liquors comprising follows hofiiv and li sindiitianv p madeiras shames maracilai ci ircr gtaajmajp jmaic4 sptnta maftellv cognac drandy olafdv cojnse da pte orandjr genuine srites wniskcy llilhndvgin caandam panpamiinl rmn canadian wikes wj m anlicns particular i n to the ikofo stock ftf tpiffmanj aar satf nf iliern navin been imparieu direct fnjin llnuin lie hits cevofitkneo in reftnumendinp thoi as beinf free fruni aduhermtna the gaocitaias tesv fasirs d hnin an carefully stleclej by hlnaitlf in the new vwfc binton and montreal markas oan bo rc aa beinf of the boat quahiiea tea teas batff impastit llwl tyvnn ywjnj flysoo gunpowder ywankaj puclivng imperial teww rtnichea cufijenu aaidssthh rvnwnvrr rthaicfwnt cacos slos loaf creatiej ind mukosado tteacle fruik raissflti currania fil p- atnonds awtandbiiur candied ufuma lenn anh cfudo sperm olite an 14 qi spices of ecry desflnplrtn pickle sauce macca mm vermicelli anchisici lanuririee sardinr sfented castile and bvrt in slarch itloe indijro rrornna serubli b pails ftamjmi wttatiih- sd clavinje card piuea ulackii blvck lead v pish sa slmw yvehnk fferrmi north shor iterrinfs dighy and lut- heniop whitanih and tndfih cloaaa fin ir- u regalias 2hrmt panateb ptntatinn steamboat woodi1lela feln ev in t4 indlbosea tobaccos cutendirfi jl cut hiny dew and arimaiicchesrp pi and ladiea twivlt searfarltihi and inhaler turkish and german tbicce maouboy rapiee and scinch snmt with a varirrr of nthcr gooji to fliimcruus to mention ahof which will be m whfksalr nr rouil at hit loartal rrnnnerjltf prices his motto bcin vght profit andquieh relttfaal tafava keepmauoplienmgoolerma kinhon december 1 wm akmstrong auctioneer t cmmition ifercnon ondj and general ifcrenf ring street kingston respectfully inimates to the puhlic hat he has taken the premise lately occupied hy t monti 4 co removed next door where hai entrrcd upon the above business and hone by pwetttafluj and atten- tion to merit a thare nfthiblic support the suhcriber intenulo dmta particular attention to the purrhae ani sau of real estate ami willi thia vew lw has made ar rangements with averlinbttnlial legal and commercial gentlemen n scotland and eng- lana through whom hv will maf under tbe nnticnof cjnilaiisis intoidint emigrants and ihe public ctnarally inproved frms vvild lnds household am other real estate prope ty in canada snmitted lo him for sale ami through vhom he wh trarnacl other lc- xal and commercial biha any nil of fireal brilain or ireland vi colieclin claims taking out ufw administralion purchase and sale of prperlyftc e wm armstronq kinprtondce29 18 c a r o he subscriber in rslurninf ins llianks to tho tratfcllingcomrnuaiiy forihe patronage he haa reeled aiiheir hand while keeping the brittsh american hotel bee leave to inlrnhiurand recommen as his successor tfrjtmc pattchson who will be found in ey respect worthy s 1 0 support p joseph h daley- klaasmaaptllfloiw- bsitish aisric ah late dalevs hotel the subscklberlegto in- jp form the puwic d the travel ng community thrtj lias leaded lhe abiwe well known eaiatoihment nd hnpe hy strict atienhtvi to ihc comfort of hia guest to merit a tfontinualion of the very liberal nnlronne which this hnth ha receivoil the last live years under the able manafcinentorih former proprietor jamks patterson fv pmnn fotteaze conveyed to od from tht ihleirr of charge iion june ibiq c opal var ntsht tlr sait at tho athcnourn itoov t strife auptriur co im vait nlsh in pinu ond fnarta by the losxnor ainifl botll- cioniry mer chants aoppllorl on rnaaotiablo twini kingaion april 3i8i9 importaist new book j vst aioctran frosi londoh popes yearly jmrnal of tv for 1846 comprising an immense fund of vslotmo information on trade comneree nasica- lion au with tho new tariff and a map of tho world dewclva peerage for 14g ue1eua csronrtlaee dcp itehonr lard itardmge and gorh and sir ii smith c1jio the uta wvii in india with map and plana field exercise and evululions of tho army with 3 plates gisiu enoycloodl of architeelora duinea rneyclnpotdi of rural spona ludona encvelopdia of tivrdonin of arjriculturi macuuooh on taiatioh and iho funoing sjatom mnetillfteha princiulasi nf potrticol fcotviny supplement srtand edition to ure dictionary of arts mnnoftietureaanrf minei f3avncda map of labi superior the above together with a numerous collection of other aimiur wunva forsabf montrealseptl9 r a c chalme wtnfr s- arcanum extract r meiicie has acqoirco an extniled and estamishfil celenrity thronxboutlhe country which hat been susuiied by its virtue and efficacy alon a remedy lor scrofulot kins ril ulcerated sore throat longstanding rheumatic affictlona diseasesof the skin white swellings diieasea of tbe bones all ulcerated cifctff aflectionsof ihe uttr dyspepsia costiveness all chronic and nervious cornplaints oceurnng indebi- litateil an 1 cathelicconsiitiilions dafl caused by an impure slate of ihe blood the arcanum extract is a com plete antidote lo the serious evils nroduced by the injudicious nm ot mercury a a spring and fall purifier it can not be sorpam1 working ita way tiirnogh ihe ysiem wilh a silent and effaciive force cifningth- blood removing dyspeptic influences soothing ill nervt remosinji internal obstruelioni anil ilissars that would otherwise cause injury to lie liver and lungs persons whoe const itn linns are broken wi hv ihe u 0 mercury arsenic nrquunei and anyone tvho are suffering iron diseased liver or a injmheinus irealmenl nf any nt ihe ahovliaat ahonw use the arcanum extract without may- in numerous instance also whcreulccra- lion had laid hare hnlli ligament and bone and whereto all4ipe4ranee no human means rul amnotationcoumhaves4vellfe patient hatobeoniiiehed irom iht scrape and res- bred to health the desourinz iiee hems completely eratltcaledhy the me of iris ioea timable extract tnc prnpiietms or tha arcanum ex- tract hae had lhl medicine maej in all the ahos difaaea with the meal ratifying rpfults in umitie me1icine neither ban ict nor pleasure need he interrupted re liiritj only tho nutal restraint ot mo itrallon indial and i qithy applicahl and etfica tioaito tht mfiiiit aa wei iw pamphma tirrix a daripiion fo what ihe arcanum extract n applica- me withohservalionsot insenin1e petspira tinnana tieathe on dseasti in gnaral aecoinpanyeachhoule atenll are supplied with the above pamphlets tor gratuitous cir culation price 1 per bottle prepared and sold hy j wine himilton canada weil ami john winer jt co 83 mijenlane ny for sale at the ahenum rook store n- palmern and c hciih kmmon amljy all the respectable dru nada os throughout ca- i 0 j winers pectoral siyrup oi horehound and elecampane itior the speedy and effectual cure of cuughscoljs whooping couii uroop nr hse con sumption piemisy hoarseness pains and sorenesohhe quast aud lnns hronchilif 4 disease thatis weepm- hu lrrds to a pre mature grave under the fictitious name of consumption can he cured by this menicme rhe uuat symptoms of this disease bron chitis are cnuh soreness of the lungs or throat hoarsened ililecily of brearhing asthma hectit faser spitting up phlem or matter and sometime blond it 15 nothing more thanan inllamation of the fin skin whch lines the inside of the avtoll of th- wind tubes orir vessels which tun through every part of the lung tne peculiar virtues of this compound have for a long im attracted the attention of the medic profession and public and a hvety interest has recently been directed to ihedcvelopcmentof theiraclive power and yulnonanc qualities which the proprietor ara now aide to gratify and pies ni tbi medicine to the pumte vstfa fullconfljnce of ill seinx the most safe and valuable remedy ever dis covered and adapted to all diseases of the longs when amy of thv functions do not perfnrmlhcir natural or healthy action it is universally believed lhit gos ml providence ha not afflicted hit children with pain aud diteaa without at the same time i ring ihem something in the irdr of nature that will not only mejicaie hut in many cairns entirely relieve them with thee views strongly inpreised on onr minds everyone should feel a treat desire la inveatigate to the utmost of his power the great arena of uiture and to draw from tht source that instruction which the wisdom of man has tailed lo attain in yresefitiii thi article lo the pumiclhe proprietors were influenced by the hnpe that a mejicine prepare with much care anil strict regard to tne chemical properties ot its several ingredients should takethe place of thonsamls of inesnnsih1o nostrums of the day with which the country is deluged c3tne tf of one botile f ihe syrup will e sulbcientto convince the mosl scepti- calof iu beneficial mic prepared ami oid hy j wier uamillnn canada west and john wimer 8t co 83 maiden lnr n y fur shi at the athe- neum book store n palmer and c heath kingston anal fcjf all reipisctable druggist lhron2mul catrarja curb for worms v winers canadian vermifuge arkan ted m all casts the s re- uedyever yet discovered for worms it no only destroys them hut invioratc the sip ayatem and cairiesott ihe superabun dant slime or mucua o prrvalent in the stomach and bowels especially ol those in had health it is harmless in ill flee la on the sylem the health of the patient ia 4tway improving by its u even when no worms are discovered the medicine brio palatable no child will refimo to lake it not even the most delicate plain and prac licalohservations upon iliaaasi reaultingfrom worms accompany each lotiie prepared and eold by j wmr llamilloo canada wtat and john wimer co 81 maiilen l m h v f for sate at the aiheneitm book store n pa1meiflkc heaths kmsja ton and by all ihe fespaelable drujcaiu throujhnut canada m6rr simmonds colonial magazine and foreign miscellany published monlhltr trice k 6d puntthea tha lstest dattaof advices frnm every biilishcowiy and puasson ery leading colonial and foreign newspaper and pcfiodi cal fmm all pirl of the world bcioj rcjularly received and filed it contains impartial doaetiptivr ccnerat and sta tislicalariiclesrelmin to the colonics a digeat of the mst imirlam local information in each of twtt dependencies and a rejiater of births destto and mirnasea forming an indispensable ivork nf rcforenco on the trade commerce and agriculture productive rcanureea popnlathm and actual condilim nf lha british and foreign coioniea and an instructive and entertaining pub- lieajlim 10 bo rrm y their home ftsssvssl to set tlcts in llicrcapcctiec cvtunieav vj rricc 6 baro yard bocklersooty london simmonos colonial magazine and foreign miscellany il mill i j price j ii will be found 10 be the nnly hcistcr and chronicle of recent occurrences in british sunh america the west indies cape of good hope nd mauritim new south wales south ind wcsiern a r ir van 1 n land new zealand matu and gibraltkr the cast fodiei and china oc c all perama having friendsi abroid or interested in the tacsataal casalopas i rely upon receiving ihhogh thia mediuin the latest and most julhcn- tio accounts fmm each on the 1st of everv month orficbt 6 bare yard bocktrraburv london a few eompute sete can titt fte had in 10 koluaaes ktfbund t2aper vrtunte fok bilious complaints pains the head diceyptatuunc obstructions habitual confinement of tht bouets dr barkers laxative pills rff th numerousdiaeaae to which v the humaii frame id liable there ifl scarcely one the symptoms of which are not serioutily aggravated hy a confined state of the hotels and to tins alonc rr any owe their origin arid continuance the preserving the alimentary canal froefrom obstruction ia a point of such primary importance that eveiy degree of neglect ia followed by more or lea of inconvenience or suffering when hbitualcostivenessprevailsthe cheerful vigor of health ia soon impaired sumo limos by slow degrees and at otltei times moro rapidly diseasea make theii inroad on iho constitution and in nunbeflesstnstancea particularly where the habits are iwdentaryor where free living is indulgetl permonettt ill health ia the painful result it must beobvious iho most aijporficial observer thai when the functions of nattire now al luded to are not performed with due re ilularity assistance must he obtained from art aperient medicines then be comoindiapenaaldy necessary except where the use of fruits or a change in the mode of living may suffice for re- tniavhiajtm wlfi 4ml auvm m la iia- course to until tho necessity for such aid ceases liutit is aquestion t considerable i m porlance what laxative shall bo em ployed t thrs liat of aperient medi cines i numerous but their effctsion tho system vaey consirlcrobl eome ex ert their influence chiefly on the oxha- lant vessels oron some part of the bow- nls only whilflttheaction of others ex tends more or leas to the whole of the intoslinalcanal thelatterclassof iipo rients iaevidetiily the best adapted to iibviate the habitual confinment of the bowels as they apply that additional excitement which nature then require to assistherin tho performance of her accustomed functions itts precisely on thislatter principle that the luls now offered to the public aie formed aud as their activity can be increased or l3ened merely by taking ajarger or smaller quantity thoy not only furnish an aperient medicint pro per for general use in a family but are also well calculated to answer moat o die purposes for which purgative reme dies are neceasary the pill ftre not however recom mended us a specific for the cure of a l l diseases auch preposterous state- mollis aro wrse than ridiculous and are only put forth for deception uut they will prove a valuable remedy for that confined state of the bowels which lays the foundation of much suffering fur 1 hose occasional obstruction a to which all are liable and for all ilmse disorders which arise from an overloaded state ot the stomach and alimentary canal- con sequently decided benefit will be deriv ed from their use in gidditiias and pains in the head accompanied with nausea or sickness in all headaches where costiveness prevails in flatulencies bilious attacks the commencement 01 cholic the early stages of jaundice and in promoting the expulsion of worms they require no confinement or chance in t diet moderate exercise will as list their operation and expertencu ha proved that asan aperient t cy are safe and eihcacious may be taken by adults and children and olso in every stage of pregnancy to children of five years of age and upwards tlmy may be readily given in pulp of apple orange or jelly and thus disgtmed they are muchmoreeasy nfcxhihitionthan pow- ders or other disagreeable medicines nntectiona pon taking tiir pills in cae of bilious comphiutjfoul slomaca c three villsto betaken nt bedtime and repeated next niohtif necessary headache jsickeuo the stomach two pillsto be tsken atnighttind one in the morning obstinate costtvtness three puh lobe taken at any lime needed npd re peal ede very six hours until relief i sob- mined the nsuemoseforordinaryperaonsis throe pillahut fourpills may he taker by a persop ofntrongbabit of body and two pitlnmny bo given to delicate wo man and children prtppanrd and sold by dr barker etihe athenoum book gtore kinirston sold in boxes at 70 is 3d and 2i ail each general agency and commission ofplce 6 barge yard bucklesbury london near the manjum hause to merchant commercial nasra rrwma foblia lihrari afocuhfirul sociiifp officers cf iba army arnt navy prinlara pobliahrs of nawa- papars and dlnniji nerauy simmonds ward general agents atd commission fcrchaiur return their grateful thanks tor paat favors to ihctr friends and tlie colonel public io ftbrrvl and bqr ti ncqeamt thro that ihrf ar ready 10 execute orders fr supplies of any kind and ooantitj nf and goods of every dea copticn of rlrstrata quality at the very lowis market prices nf thrdaj and turuact buainwa open the m- liberal crmi provided iheyarepr riouaty turniihed with fonda or draft a at eilliar lorjf or 1 i dates or a reference to me london or liverpool hvuse for payment simmonds wattd srilirfevrconoim- mtnia nf any dasciipnn of mkrchandizrt i n he tou on commission nd accept bill at 1 hmely paja for twolhirrla wf the arnnent en ra ceipt of the bill a of ldins consi nments eo- trnsted to their care vrrll meel wlh evr ry potaibl diapaith in their disposal and sales be cundueual wilh the irrearesl attention to the iniereataof tbe trmsisjner an extensive knwwledue of general cckihiv c- businesv acquired dnrin a ions re sidence in jamaica and tiir oihr west india islands anit subccqoenl eilensive rurteof brjii- new with all ihc biiitsh cohniea the esperiee of several ycara in lnndon aa chnial aftou coupled with promptimde altenlron and judgment vrill ihey trost ename them to give tativfacliosv toihuse who mty honor ihem with tnair can- mpnds sauces and pickles large assortment of london plcklti and sauces r sslo at the athmtm book store bigot street j70bservateur francais a french journal o thi rouncal coamaactal abu ciasrttvia rvawa or rna watc of philosophy literature ond general infor- mativnfrom fronce germany swrm avuf allothe countries each nomber contains articte on enfrivh and french piirea politicail news froaa variouvother cvuntries judicial repoha a h- itrary department enmpoaed of aeteci and oeifiaal works a review of paris a review f lytndon nd anrrdolea iff tho fathionbolo world renorla of n- weekly mvetinfaof lb prrneh and other stientijic a- ii coao niercrn report a review of enfhsk and french thatrca a mnial review mitum aw lomtavataua faancaiaia pobliatiad weaklw in indon subachplion 26a per annum lcannaf office 67 slrand kinorroa dr barker firitiah whir offica november 184 eight hundred thousand acres of land in till huron tract notice to old settlers mi grants and others nnhe canada company h ogaui thrnwn open nil their linda in tho huron tilactfor rlupoeil hy wov f lease for ten years- no money being required- down tlio kent ptyibl on th lit fvfbruory in each ycor ia not mucli iiiitmi llim tho iriiercal npnri the uput pure nf u- iaiitl tlio right to pur- rlusc thai rjceinrfrf m mqr eiane w4aa the tn years at a fixed pricb tinmed in laisc ia secuifil to the settler who would chun save all further paymeru of renis tlie huron district ia known to b one of the mnst htralihy and frlie tricla of land in canada ii h more than ilnnblcd its poulaiton wiilnii four yari tlie huion tract in the year 1 842 cod inined 7101 souls in june lijtyenr 110 huron district numbered 1 4983 aouli according to the official return the above lindane in blocks theri- furaaftoidinvi facility for the undivided setilimnenr nf families of old seulera and ibeir prieiijii maps prioted particular end every requisite infurmation upon the huron and tlie canada company other lands in the province will be furnished mm orciisngg by appiirn n if by letter poirt paid to ihe canada company office at toronto and goderich and strafftird in tho huron district- canada coxraitysomrie frederick st toronto lstjan 1s47 0n improved saleuatus rihe subscriber would teg leave to announce to thuftl who deal in the anicleofsareltatusthatheianow ready to furnish orders on the shortest notice tot extent of 2000 lbs daily of a choice preparation lovr for cashor approved papers james morton ictngatonitreweryand dtatillery ith august 1s45 t winers celebrated medicines the following medicine ara ktpt conalanll vn sale ai i aftenecna aaook sotk baeftl slrrcl kiaston vii winery arcanum extract forth tprcdy andp imancnt cure nt all diaciacairiiins ttihtt in iinrtiiif mala of ihc blood winekpectoralsyrupofhore- i10und elecampanefwr tha eon oi cong h cnhbi asthma omu f in ar winbrs canadian vermtfugf tbi hhi mnccly tvtr yrl rfcvrrrri for worms winers tootii ache drnrs acer lam curr for the trth ache winerscamphoratedneryeanu rone lin1menta crnain euro fof th in jumuiaiory sciahc and chmnit rhnmatisn wineus family ointment for tb core ofscmfula whtte r 1 rhatoattasb rinjjwurm cantrr lieh ste- winers chemical p1leointment a speedy r and crttctual rtmdt for ih rika titihcr vriih an eitcnvivo vaikij or gsnausa enirlimi ond american potent mtdicinsah nov 6 1w6 london steel pens just received at the atheneum book store a large assortment of steel feni bj nrions makers inciudinrgillots cele brated magnum bnnums tno nnw york latlies pens and several other nw artidh a liberal allowance to ihe trade october 26 whiskey iaaa gallons sydenham wwikey fo 7 4 dhummo june 6 is46- to0acco3 oh bat superior aromatic chawiaf baccofor tali hy m dbummund- juno mwfl- camphine oil constantly vsswi spmtmbtr iw