British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), June 4, 1847, p. 2

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guerilla war on the rio grande from tht ff o picoyunt an ailefltiva w at fimmttkli elotid lo us the giltowmgrder issued by canaks it found up the alcalde of ftwietti u m ih time in cnmpenv with one nf canutes eaputna and in eonjinteun wilh him a wa mmhb1 lakint lsaleavoit carry it intoeitcci uojt brncayuiulsinajcompny tranters happened in cmt npn them arrested them both and brought them to cantarr kfnea ihit order it manifest lhat tkc flmfim mole of warfare ia to be enforced nil a tne vail of lhc rio grande it ts momifyirt l ivflret that a few disorderly nvn a fled from lhc fold of batik at borah vial and hid them aelea in the quarries before m rj have by uietrmardarogeondoct fiven color to iheeharic with which cansle eommencct and wd hn nedr nevertheless il almost certain thai ihe itrm would mil lav veen put in portice upon thcrmliraodr as it haa been in the utral states had rwl tloe outrage happenrd wmivrhmi full oicaur the gwrs of the arm tat should ihe wu pi eonlinuq any itih of lime il butrneiim wit be appalling the pcrpcratorsf aeu of violence hate he fen rmghl i palliate hvir guilt by pleading ihe iti allien nf ibctrcomiide aa an excuse for riiihiiin there hat lictn i no much f thi a r-i- t but what b the scenes f havoc antj h1nd when t m war without pjjr is the n cognised nap r battle on both tides the order if can let ia peremptory i com hum from england slto hrr love and confidence they will not bear to be inspected or to bo told oiry aro disloynl when they have given so mnnv proofs to the eonirarv if there srere a rrfadtan in i ppcr canada to irnffow and the country rtocscd a ffovernnr whn ctflfidd in the psile and knew how lodraw fih vir loyally the papulation e mvtf would rush hi armsand rave iheir count even without the aid of 4 single amdier aa was dona ft the former oecaaion let the queens name nnd the honor of england be tmtfim l iheir custody and thev wntild bo safe tho sae is equally luo as rs pceta nova semiu new flrortick anrj the nther rvnvinre why will not the french canadians itt usat the sinie nf llit how ltir wilt lliev vet cherish thcplmntim tvf eictosiee nationality why do thv iersitt in remaining withiithr liatcnf the british cil syitco and refuse the pijtered hand uf their british brethren destructive fire- at toronto one city was aspm tlie scene of si feaifnl cnflacralion jestcrjay morning the alarm itl fifil given at aboa halfpat 11 hy mr mitlholland of vongc street who discovered tenement in the tear of his promises in be m arc tvhich titk 5nfead to 1he nthrr fume twl hricw bowf forming the mock between hichmond and qneen streelt and ahnttinon yone sired but a short period had elncd before three frame houses on queen stire with lenemertl in hit ftii were entirely t so short indeed was the lime that the mandahia fidbwar m snare neither nor m tr0 jj tc c cimn bmawrieilifmdhte oppoitunly of escape nf mexieu whether rcdr ormrd must be many left half clortfot the mad ihrmj very put to ihe sword this bmemincm ibm freh4nd ihe minply of water liraeefitily lha guerilla peodat atin if sjltk cnnika is a scanty the names soon communicated with th free prefhvterian church on richmond mrt onportnnity tva afforded here nf clearing the ebutcb m all the fmins hut ere lonz ihl huildln wasntte mast of fire ami soon fell h prey to the element leaving butlheblackerio4 walls in the rear wh it becamo palpable that ihis building could not he aved the attention of ihr firl brigade wa directed to tome houses on yonjc it km i if sjlsk f i r j i li is a crnduaieof kahmttfawdy whool a rubber chief sprufemi m and 4 cut orcwt by nturc he iv jyt t man to thai over the imrbiriiiia of such a w4r that he will find excuse tu plunder hi own cnntrrrnen wa have wt dirvb we icaj t t tn k 1e wiilbo the tat to surtcr froo the tnodcuf rfre ho hsa adopted the defence of tho bio grande should be under eiecninstanrcmn object of prinry confides iioji that more tfnorrt tc needed there ia appa rent without tauine into rnnideraitnn lhc noceai- t4aof other ditiawnsof the invasion faotira baroae or gwmmfr camp in n aujoslin april 4 1617 i this dnv send to th aijntant iftfpoottff of the national goares the i v ioj instfuctttma hm with ihe create indipnalinn ihut lhc americans have committed a mit bntriul ibm re tit the raneho of lite guiimupr they msde pionera in their own lnhjtea and by the side of heir i nics iwenlyfito paa inesi anh i ht them tw rrpel this cla nf artre which is not war but atroeiiv in all ill firy there ia rv other durso left ua lhan retntia linn and in otdtf lo pir ir niethnd rendered iajptftttte by ihe uu rrreumsunceitfemrn tioaed you will ioimedi fleuri rmrlbllawi wiih the undvriandin that right daya nfier the pomieaiiun cf lite sam every individual nhn haa iottikrn iiparmshetncopliteorsii ijnin thall he eoosidered a trailof and instantly fmt mvrtiat uw bem in fce viarc stuod tnive no u afteff lu any asnoliom whm of may mrci or who may preaeni himaflf v yea even ihtolihe he without arma yon ore also directed to pumtsh this in l ihe ttwns in lbi state forcibly iirpretav ins them with the sererep thrt sliallbe tnflietcd f k the lim ooi nf h urdr we have arrived at that fitilr in which our smirr reqoirc the ctrfcst rnfiiccs- her sons fofv in nothing but in bcrnme armicrr m brave mexeins l fuet thr crisis tliticrtr iftlf army nf invasion coniinujt and our rxple remain in the town wlnh lej mntelrd iher c r r rv r aynraithy rinr alinnhl anv 4m evef cec to tnake war upon hem will aeod a tnfry ftf this tn eaeh or ymtr ubrhilinatri and hiy arc authncd in proceed oirlnst lhc fntfik lyoiwlmthl tf r chiefs of their squdruoa 4it nifl ihcif ebrcb or any other even af aini in frnov infractwi orthii orderlhc nly mode f aalvatim m lse enemy wacs war ainiust th and even araiist ihose peaeeawe citiiens whn hy improper impuuct desire to remain quiet in uicir aiisc even lleae they hbli without cuiiler ond this b the rreateat favor lliev mjy expect from them te only alternative bft us under theac eirmnn maoeesi b relalialion which is the tiron right n ihe offeijinfc aeainl the offendioc- to carry thit iotn effect atueh yilf m lhc auttositiea your failing to do una will be coo ideed crimt of iherjreateatmsenitude all the taceraof tho injnw are directed to ih yon in carrying out this orjer and it ia distinctly understood lhen shnll ho rui eaceptbna netlhrr the ebr jjy military eiuiens nnr other person rij njoylhopivlbsnr remainin- peaceably alwwf ikomca the wlvdo to the erpomton slioll i urn out with the ehiaens baviny aulely aa autlionty of the town one nf tho members who is ver the of siiiy years at lite aame lime if all of the enembers are eanah of hearin arms then rtono ahvillw excepted leavinc mact anmonnr vhob incapable f tniliury aervice yon ynnractfinm be an example m nlliers hy conforming t thui rnquisitiio and i send this to you fur publieation and charao you in bta exocuud in every partioti larandoommuntcateit also to the commanders nf ilia ssfoadroiia in yonr eily wo will aid you in carryior mw effect v iusiractiona end in utt laying down a hardwood rail similar to h somewhat larger ban those now in use in this city in the centre of the planked sheets the carriages have no flange on their wheeu to prevent their running on common roads they could be taken to any part nf the city or town for passengers or roouj ihetehy saving the loading arid unloading at tlie rail way station safely i another important feature of the invention as it would he nearly impossible that the train could gt off the rails should the roadway get coaled with ice aa it rnisht do in thi- country in a single ithlf it would only raise the drivin and zuide wheels so much hihcron the centre rail the hitc of the driving wheels not depend ing on ihe weichl of the locomotive atr en lines mihl hr found admirably adaoled tor lucomolives of ihis kind as ihey are fonml to he too light fur thoso now in use but if the horizontal driving wheels were attached to locomotives like the present the supporting wheels cnnld aho he connected with them to lake advantage of the weight another peat and irxtilahle advantage is that where a road rroueslhe tine of railway on the level it would only he necessary to dispense with the central rail for the width uf ihe road and have a perpendicular plait or rim of 2 or 2 inches in height laid alont on each side so that the supporting wheels of the locomntive cartiates pass along inside of fhem this would effectually prevent the train trom piin out of ill righl line while passinc the opening the pressure would he taken off the driving when when passing any spot is which the line was interceded and the momentum pre viously obtained woqld be more than ample to take the train over crossing on the level would only be neces- nnr where the und i very lal as wherr it is undulating the ruad ronld be jifftjpnl where necfthtji croin either above of bolovv the line of railway vvc just now alluded lo the fact that the street north of mr mnlhollndv such hold for cuui j sc a demomi the acuve honk and udder motivr will readily acnd an acclivity of 1 in comiianwnoncpmrnnced and the buldj nf ascent is only ttiie werr levrlled with the ground ikluj s ki l e l a meatime the shinles on the mof of mr ton as many htottifc m m othen with means loier abo towrii fr01l vlrioo motives some of the ttmo enough cnmmitexcewj ifdfin- from predisposi tion fall nek perhayf j cw dwelling or in impure incalnies and thna conlrihole lo the infection of a tmotmod nd a popula tion in every respec prepared for disease who cm compel a o tct em vttm has once landed 7 who him to preserve cleanly habits to rcfraj fm indulgence and to abandon resoru in w conviviality or old asociations furnisvan irresislable tempta tion this recommendati w have pleasure in statinr has heen eryyticallv opposed in written communication 0 the xtcutive and will be personally rewfej hy influential par lies now at the seitnf government to ours a plan we have fallfonj so weslcd there cannot we coneeivee an opposinir voice we know it to have fle approval of the me dieal superintendent ir grosse fsle and of number of medical mn in town we have the assurance of the respective steam boat arnts to sltc their wllirn to send down niais for ihe purple mentioned hy u the immigrants themselvee will be benefited tn pocket in cnmforl in morals in lime and in a variety of nther wayvand ilsees to us the bct imerests of all paries thereby satisfied one thine is cerlnn the vast number ol incomers at grosve ide musf he landed or re- lieved in some way r other they cannot r cared for properly nor can they be fed at grosse isle hut at a vast exjene to the pro vince besides the imiti object a regards the prevention of the disuse is to dispirit them and it is impossible toeflect that under present circumstance we feel pursudos that if our scheme be not carried out thext- will be much- to regret when it is loo late there arc noaheds in quebec for ihe accommodation of a large num ber of strangers thereis strictly speaking no hospital for me tjrfc the marine hospital funds have heen already poiched upon in favor of the emigrants anheven if entirely devoted atatedthatl was ready with that he rw- a miawdme i reaereinf my ffro i raeisted tho lieul cut to hand him anniher patol which he did after which we both fired his ball as miasms me on6 mine ossein throofh hu body above tho hip fflxjm his hip bono thus eridrd ilia matter with three time litre from the nrrn when he fell i delivered mytelr up to the civil authorities and stuod my trial when yes terday i was acquitted with burvtaof appbuveand shouts of aeclsmajion aflsr a trial of ut an hour i think hume is out of dancer at lcat he ys that ha will sjivensc another turn iendyou a copy of the huntavilto banker f ivinif the parti culart of the iffaj lamrenererly applauded rescrvrn my fi and jivinff him the second ctnnce british whig t ithe oplfsi par ortam dtcor fngston friday june 4 1s47 hamilton correspondence for tht british whig w i have thee not and yet i see thee mill jhvoela sir in accordance with a promise given to some fewfricedfl in kinpton on my departure for hamilton i shall oow with your permission note in detail a birds eye sketch of this place together with a ferf remarks on matters and thing in general aa i shall coruider will j j best suit their fancy when i arrived at toronto i had to remain for hours waitin for the arrival of the matt steamer edipse which arrives at toronto at up all thoughts of her business having com pelled him to visit this place he attended the theatre anej there beheld bis old charmer sealed in one of the boxesin close eonfab with a cily swell their eyes met ind whether from a relaxation of the nerves or a sense of guilt she fainted upon which the former suitor left the theatrelest she miht mention his name for his jove was turned to hate she recovered however and i understand has left for he has not heard anything of her since past off quietly without any person knowin the cause of her sudden swoon verily thete lovematches are dangerous things mulhotland house that adjoining and d burrtsidcv residennr all ignited and tvva with great difficulty and only hy ihe almost hy the superhuman activity of the firemen that they were rcsfrv ashed in lhc rear of mr- leads residence also took fire out mi quickly torn down hy ihe brigade mr lvak cofnef nf yone and queen streets does not urter beyond the demolition of hi shed on vunre street ahouseowned by mr leonard piinirr and occupied jointly by him and a mr wilkinson saddler wa entirely destroyed mr leonard was insured lo the extent of 100 on his slock and 100 on his properly adjoining thi was a honac occupied hy mr harris carpenter and mr raymond shoemaker conjointly the former owning the properly which wa totally des troyed we believe uu harris is tminurrd south of this a houe the properly of mm berry was also consumed this was also unin sured mr mnlhollandi brick building suffered severely as may he gathered from our previ ous remarks mr wfiffelj grocer occupied chc wing of the building he with llio already mentioned will suffer a ureal lou in the damage tlieir goods have suslainrd in removal i on kir inn ami stet the fevurnre nf df on richmond street the reidenee or 17 burnstde owned hy mr james wyf limited by ihe power of the engine the steepest gradient yii nvercnme hy prnr patent was 1 in 9 yielding therefore lo flem ings not less in ihi particular than in inap plicability tn a circuitous route while arenrding lo the old system a radius of onethird nf a mil must lie had for any circle in which a locomotive should turn at speed and the outer rail elevated this requires neither turning on the centre rail only three limes the length of the locomotive is required in which lo perform a perfect circle the mudel in operation will lie on view at the more of scobie and balfour from lvlve tonne ccwk today where an inspection it invited toronto cvtonist hr was much injured damage rmt ascertained the doctors los will probably i 150 hisfur- nitnre has been broken to no mean exlenl his horse burned added to which hi porcelain and delf is neatly all broken the worst is yet lo come some good samarilan dur ing ihe progress of the fire conveyed to him self in fec50 and all the plale yesterday morning one silver fnon was returned the neighbo and landlord of the doctor mr wylie suffered a total loss the house be ing burned lo ihe ground wo believe hn i insured in the mutual westward of mr wylies were the houses of mr carter and sickness at t1if quarantine station qucbbo from he qucbtc mrrcury the state of affairs at the quarantine ta lion imperatively demand some prompt action on the pad of ihe government if we would ipare human life and at the mine lime preserve ihe province and especially the larger cities anc lowwfrafl the spread of disease in the corning warm season which may extend ita ravages to a degree not lo be anticipated the latest accoimt from crosse me state that not ic than 13000 immigrants ore now femg tftel ftwjs i0 niloal the accommodaihon shore not sufficing even for the reception uf the sick of whom there arc neatly 1500 many of the vesvels con taining these unfortunate people have now been in quarantine for acomparalively length ened miod the ships stores and private stocks of those who were enabled to lay in their own provisions mini be and are becoming rapidly exhausted the consequence the lo llieir service won la riot accommodate more than 800 paiienls f thai number ihere were fast night ia hospital u8 but why ought the sailor tn pay lor tb emigrants and why should their building je converted into a fever hospital as it will be t caie he not taken t il will he proper nfi to sute that no cause for alarm at present exists we have been afforded every facility in obtaining the correct state of matters at koe isle and have been kindly permittee access to the official docu ments passing between ihe officers there and the commissioners at quebec and have also to thank the chief gent of emigration for a similar favor we stall not hesitate to inform our rraners uf all that may be worthy or their attention if in our power to obtain il and that ha been assured tn as in proper quarters at preent the previ iu fatal disease is dysen tery aud not as generally circulated lyphus fever at grosse isle mi doughs is indefatigable and indeed his ttk is one deserving of the sympathy of his friends and the puhltc two medical men went down today in addition to those already there hie great difficulty is in procuring nurses and subordinates they seem to be much rctluireu and scarcely lo be obtained at quebec mr itnchanan is also on thealerl he ha engaged the steamer st george a ferry boat to proceed to and from the me to aid in landing the sirk looking for supplies and in general to do what dr g dottgta may require he has sent down a supply of pro visions consisting nf bread pork c and for ihe care ofufcffcopww engaged the crvices of dr jackson who will viitl it morning and en- this building there was one death or sunday a young girl of consumption deputy commissary general laidw went lo rose isle this mornw n examine fnu the election is over and mr macdonald has gone below to attend to his ministerial as well as his partis mentary duties while the new member was before his constituents we did not choose to utter one word that could be said to allude to national origin or distinction lest it might interfere with the spontaneous expression of the electors of kingston but now that the election is over and mr mac donald has taken his scat we shall not refrain m one observation which is justly due to those who have xo nobly returned him at the recent contests for civic honors it wasanjostly eat in the teeth of the electors that none but an irishman had a chance of success wherea it was the alteinpt to pro scribe irishmen that created the temporary excitement mad they been let alone the effect would hare been like the uobiased choice of mr macdonald the election of the best men willing to serve irrespective of country or creed the truth of this assertion is clearly proved by the unanimous return of mr macdonald who were his warmest friends and most active canvassers irish men who would have sustained bim and by the way what has become of paul 12 oclock noo and leaves for hamilcn a p hu o 2 p m i look dk passage on lb lyse titi b to w cabifieation faeta for hamilton which is far heller than to pay double fare for a cabin do as yon will be the gainer of nothing save that of a scanty meal in the shape of a dinner and as the scenerythe whole of the way is beautiful i would advise those of my friends that intend to travel this route to keep iheir money and enjoy ihe pleasure of an afternoon sail on the great waters of lake ontarioj which in itself is a treat on my arrival at hamilton i was surprised to see such a number of omnibuses from the various hotel of the city some so or 30 but the wharf or landing being a mile from the town this occommodofton is accounted for thete aff ako an infinite number of waiters and runners or ralher luggage snatchers who keep up one incessant roar of ihe names of the different hotels and whose impudence and impertinence surpass ibat of any other part of the province having managed to get through these worthier i jumped into a large fourhorse omnihus and drove to weeks hotel amidst a continual cloud of dost which arises from the mads hot being macadamized and of a sandy nature weeks hotel is a splendid building and for accom modation civility attendance and table carried him through triumphantly had he been opposed irishmen and who will h0le lt cafu wipawd mcanad support him and return him again anr again j a pf lni w loopersonssitdown while he is deserving of their snp daily and i shall only say lei irishmen and why t because they know y ll0m whcn com to these him to bean honest independent nun and such a man they wish to represent them vt the theatre you am dmflctod tn dal1 and everything which soar pstrrolarti mav pminjit find and lihcrly aivtonlocanales neviuhle and fatal consequence will be that unless a change in the present system be made starvation or privation at leal will swell the list of tick and add lo the already alarming mortality lt is necessary that facts of this nature should not he concealed if a proper and effi- jcienl remedy and a prompt one is lobe insisted upon to land the healthy and the sick is now the law not applicable however to vessels on hoard which no sicklies ha declared itself on the passage but hnw to provide for their recepltun is thr question naturally presenting ilseir the sick as we have already staled cannot he landed for want of hospital accom modations and those in execs of the means ashore are now being treated on board their i to the preservalinn of ihe property of vessels the befl regulation m promote their comfort and to ire vent the spread of disease within the vessel have been adopted 1 1 will prove efficacious if want insufficient ciplc which since its months ao i canada prom tht a vor tfhm theearlof elfin m made amrtfg other ap- pnlmortta that of john a macdonuld lolhentrite nf receiver general n gentleman nf jiwal and britifh fcclineji asid in ntbar reoecla well qusll tied far the important trust confided to him le wcceedi the hon mr morris wa troat that theothcrvaeannea will he filled with ecjua i jtidgoicfifu in fad tho refusal of the opposition party tn take a share in the government of the country r v- v i x fxceheoey on the eon- aemtivo bodv for recroitinf his council if the freiteh canadtaoa cmpuin of thi they ehould veeolleet that thoy alone are t- blante ainc they have refuted every orenore mada to them they have miscrd a e3oriu nprlumiy foe eomiuc hoaombly iotn the rcrvieenf their cmnlry they were invited intake pan in ihv government and to asaore their legitimate prslwn by a governor whneame amone thern with the ptttfizf nf hi who contract and enlightened entiinen anc aucces in gnv mmcnteuehere- witt him they had no potneel dtfterencea and aainfct him ihev had no beronal ferluie and he mcl thetn rnnroiveron the thres hold of neonlin ith the mod liberal vei- lure sorely then if tbav are tiitlout of onjce il i a dilemma nf iheir own rkin- rot hl is now tlie duty nf the governor gene mi and the royal party t tmrejmlm we p-re- itend ia clesdy markctj nod well drfinrd it iavhc 4uty of one lo reek and ilwnitierto give us ajp- pnit to the government but the government o oppfrted mul be loyal to the crown nnd faithful to the potplc who ive that miiport theie onut 1 to ponder in tqicimaajnd libels loyal mb- yediea must mil be ihrist ut if tiltiee tn nuke rim tor lhttc thrit aicdinyj1 the jovcnnmnt riut know rt friends un ii- cneime jiid lear in hitntl that for one cm my bru nv iwnhienda wc td to py for him sir chil ijol witeuiitv of this drpliftblc flli utid iv contr mlt still have ken imhcskui rrdppoid iblv which he had ci it had nut a 1040 lke the laim ntcj id meicalf come in hii rer fur the hun- dn tji time let ta cofer fut roirsl atiul the in- sttalie iofa1mtin tlrycilolina are finly lobe lit id by ortrio nct ne i mdieit and idridefj the hulk nf uic cosimtr4s are flitneuily t it and fitfoy t iu tn 1 ri mnn x ut ond if their cn 04c vt n f 1 ihuii h v fritsaj ihe pola ar nf he m- 1 r fl ia il lnund it il becaur a wanl f vmftwu 11 likirm wrn firt man foled hy ihe jviiirfiil l lirfmnf b htobe sitly pfimeiiiajllfe ssrt ahl tn utn j tlc dfihsfl at ll- fhnl nitii- r thimn njnd ai4 m llim femtib iheu idn oti uh nu nut 2 thrpt lnej b- ttut 1 ni mi ulr w we ihj 114 t pli of ik c4onhare pc iiw hvi tnd liroly iind fjeelmunielv aluehrd tn lh- amf lnn llrir f ithern l iny pride lhuieelvta irfin an integral f ol thai 1 1 empire 1 thr n ncrtr aeta t dtluh fm llr earjifd youth mr m- ii- lliiinli llvmy nd tilfitniir vm y i ha fviai ijrimrajn tn die p iifnt in fioatieef lajal lfsiarus u wltir ft vmtr yenihss brtvrd t- imlik nl n-tr- jt f ihj alaim slsara of a lsrsannr invoke ita nl und ra4c uncr a tiity iaslaa s si fiorn tc- undheekrniie iser hbejliea tixtthtf sriu nvt kjim rit sway tut ihry mrs george which shared asimilar fale the inmates barely escnfun with their live the free or knoxs church of which only a few vestiges remain wa insured for 400 in the mutual sad as ts the task of narrating ch to ten it is more sad and grievous still to have lo confess thai tve believe this was a vile incen diary plot in more lhan one jl had the combustible material heen placed wilh the view we may mippoeof distracting the at tention of those of those whose lives are de- vol tboir fellowcitizem white the hre was rag iti and afler mr soady was gone to thr aid of his neighbors a fire was dixovered by mrs soadv in lire rear of their premises on yone street upnn examination it was found that a fire hat been kindled in the straw in one of ihe angles ol the building which had caught the weatbrrboardinjt and hut for its provi dential discovrry must have consumed this and other buildings in the same block which is next south if lhal in which the fire rnade uch fearful hv in other places similar attempts it is mfj were made httt fralratel from the nflttbtr of pcrons moving in the eijruborhnoi at il ttmt nuencontnms cin be too great for the exer tions of ihe fire body and ihe attention of the protectee for nor any condemnation too damning of the ay in which the city is supplied with water many who could ill i afford to loose the lilik they possessed were this morning left houseless and almost without raiment through the grvs neglect of those to supply the city with wa ter cofonisff necessities of the imntfgnnts and to report thereupon preparatory to immediate measures of relief on tuesday evening according to promise mr potter company of comedians made their first bow to a kinpton audience the company are numerous and apparently well selected consisting of about a docn men and half that number of ladies the former are careful good stock actors and the latter in addition tobeinfr very clever actresses are very charming women the pieces they opened with were the stranger and ft black eyed susan and admirably well both pieces were played mr jones sus tained the difficult part of the stranger and mrs potter personated mrs hailcr a mr browne a yourig bd highly jirtmntlrtg low comedian played peter and the manager himself filled the role of baron sleinforl mr jones evidently understands his business he possesses greal physical capabilities and excepting a slight tendency to rant in which all american acton indulge his playing of ihe part was very creditable it evidently gave much satisfaction to the audience and thats the argnmentum ad hominem mrs potters mr holkr was dlrtm hamilton has at present every indication of becoming ere long one of the capitals of cana da business of every description is transacted on a far larger scale iban lhat of kingston the stores are numerous and larger than those of kingston nd a greal many of ihe buildings which are nearly all built of brick surpass any of your kingston stone edifices the srmery in and around the city is beautiful and outrivals any place that i have seen in the province it forcibly brought in my mind the once hijipy land of my birth my boy- thc fodowmk letter dmuins the nviel cbeerinf evidence e have jt mat with of our capabilities nf acquiring and retaining 3 very beg s of j tho trunspott trade from the far acl we truat fully equal to mr jones stranger 9 and thats ih viiitrirmitwsriiflabi tajirtiod ttj bwh tt par f deserves which that such meatuses will rc adopted d the corniug sesin f the lristaiure aj will remove w w disagreeable for a lady to play as all tcttrieuoflnltolrausitorforeijrnbrfid stofls for an audience to listen to mr browne they and innutrious diet anxiety of mind ctc con tinue to exercise their predisposing influence no the evil will become aggravated and shortly reach a elima almost beyond control to detain the healthy in quarantine for a prescribed period of ten days is not only useless lo effect the object aimed at 1ml an injustice during this term of prescription fresh disease wilt unquestionably break out and thus the healthy gradually become victims to the detention and the interest of the drip owners unnecessarily aud most seriuusly jeopardise there is rvmedy within reach and one well calculated to meet the interests and wishes of all parties it is ihis a passenger ship upon arrival should be a all now arc at mtiec inspected and the sick and all who lo medical scrutiny may 4ccm tolterin on the verge of disease at once taken ashore and received into hospital the purification of the shipnughtin the mean thic lo be com menced and actively preserved with and the nnniufectedmadc lo cleanse themselves and kepi its ihe open air a couple of djs in all probability would suffice foclhe cnmplttionni ihese precautionary measures and during thai interval any fresh cases of disease inighl be landed the ship and healthy latstagm arc then entitled to pruceed on their destination hut here we mtiit proceed wlh the devel opment of other accesnrial arrangements without which neither ship nor inmates nnhl in common humanity to be suffered to quit the quarantine ground the emigrant agent nr hi dep ly nust be stationed on the island and ihvre lianxact all the necessary hutinc nf his dpartmrni con nected with the fofwirdiiilininignint a custom housv muster nlbcer mut auo ite j ationed here to clear ihem and lhs all lhat wvuld be required would be ihe awivjl of a through oor river and canel naviffalim r to tae baukr 0 tit afenfreel hnald siaaa you in common with all the inhabi tant of mnue arc ioierested in its trdf i nm sure you will a pteasarc in giving publicity to the fact lhat a the present time flour and other produce eari be ahipprd from cleveland ohio to new york vui montreal at t0 eeauar burttt chtaprr than by the canal eui buffalo aa ia proved hy tho fnllowrjg atatemcnu taken from actual transactions 1 freight from cleveland to buffalo burial t albanv albany lo nc york 8 i7sha 15c 50 10 45cil so flemings locomotivf some few weeks since we observed a para graph in the cfihurg star drawing atlention to a new form of propelling a loconolivr the invention of mr jandford a- fientng civil enpineer we have since had ano of inspecling a model constructed ou iris ptin- convtructiot ome hat heen examined by hveral scienlific gentlemen who acknowledge the inveiion lo he one of rreat merit and utility in ihe model we saw the diiving wheeu f the locomotive instead of revolvinon a hori zontal aik as in jhoe at present in use are placed horizontally on a perpendicular axis and pressed by 1ao springs alinsl tht mde of a centre rail this pressure being by a simple contrivance increased or dimished at pleasure tbitfj when the train is traversing severe mrcentslbe eniieer hy turning a crank emer to take them direct to montrea u can increase tho hile of the wheels so as lo their lirst prupr rcstmi place un the route to retapltiwhen defending anil prevent their tliirsvcral lioinls of dvsnuatioii ihesck unihd ihe lirallhy cleansed those who re- aiitance furnished wilh il and a riercland 10 kingston to mmtnrj montreal lo new york 813511 dirtevneeinieorif ihernute via mon treal w 40 cu such is ihe drrtereneral present 3 1 i the ease stnd when our em a la arc fnimedt tt i iinuoisible tn answer ihrquestioi now 14 it j one lie rndiint im ihe repeal tha dittircntial dutiea and such an aticatum n ihe navightiod laws as will leave tlie msrchanbuf canada frtt loimpirt ihe produce of auty couiwy in nnif butoirt whether ulilidiotfmen thliallvrerrquirc to enable he must surely have gol into lhc melancholies owing perhaps to ihe disappearance of bit better half whom i have seen here she tella me lhat unless paul comes for her she will not return it is generally thought by the kingstonese here that as the jood old town is now repre sented in the marble halt biddy casey geese brooch into notoriety by yourcorm- pondenl paul pry will likely be provided wilh a warm nesl in the ejin aviary the races come off here on the 15th june and i shall contrive to send the first account fearinp that you will be about to cry u la bagatelle i shall now conclude and wish yon alt succes imaginable until you hear again from may 30 osc op tut bboys the governor generals speech the montreal mail of ihis afternoon will fetch up the official copy of his excellency speech to the assembled parliament but at present it i douhtful wheherit will arrive in lime for this days whig fortunate there fore it is for as and our readers that owing to the kindness and consideration of our old friend and quondam correspondent the sotiritt of montreal we have received in advance of the mail an irregular but doubtless a genuine copy of lord elgins speech which without further pretiiee m hasten to lay before our impatient readers- opening of parliament this day i m portant spe of his excellency ec k played peter remarkably well he was not exhubrianl in his mirlh but kept it within the bounds of nature and probability mr poller as boron sttinfort displayed the careful well studied actor which b all the part admits of the other characters were respectably personated but are nol deserving of particular notice save that our old ac quaintance mrs archer now mrs- mehen the capital old toomonof dean forests company made her rcappearance as the count wintmttiiij and looked and played as well as ever in black eyed susan nearly the whole of ihe imj and gentlemen narned appeared again and in our humble opinion lo much greater advantage mr jones as william makes the best sailor the goocj people of kingston have beheld for many a long day he is in facfa capital sailor and should be seen to be properly appreciated mrs pot ters sim pleased the audience at least it iiio lav driwn inerclani of any kind as cheap pleased us a hundred limes better than her s jrswoiier it was pleasing artless and natural she is moreover a very pretty woman which always adds a grace to good acting the dotty mayflower of a lady we have not yet mentioned mrs jones was a charming personation this lady also possesses the ad vantage of extreme good looksaod her acting disparagement lo them mr browne as gnolorain exhibited much p fotnnlh hm but link up freight hence he ha tn make the downward height pay for hs invest maita bul let the aho iowa bo repealed and oar 11 0 tit itt uit iefl fae mct and nur trade wilh tpper cam will n return tn anil we shall begm hat a foreign inde another md to us is t late enaetinrnl in the united stiitc cnmpelhrr vessels in have a apac upcrfieial feet i every pisaenr hoods home j in fact a lower canadian would imagine himself transmigrated to another world were he lo visit this place but unfortunately i cannot apply tht attraction of the place or ihe people lo tnyself for wilh yirtbylaulb mmtfmfct still anavbi is an unaccuunlabte feeling in every kingstonian that comes here vegeta tion here of every description is far in advance of kingston fmit treci of all kinds are in full l lo r ond are already com mencing to shed their fruitful plumage to the westward of the town is a large mountain from the commencement of its rise to ihe top it is nearly 1 mile in height from its summit there is a beautiful view of the adjacent country and burlington beach and the country hence to niagara is all table land clnse to the town also is the famous burling ton heights where brother jonathan once met with rather a different reception than lhal which he is at present receiving ju mexico the inhabitants are chiefly composed ot irish and scotch ihe alter being the principal holders of property and busincssconduclors in the city who strange to say no matter in what country or climate they invariably fulfil the old adage birds of a feather will flock together or in other words feathered bi peds of the same plumage will live gregariously there are a goodly number of the btdcug gentry here and already is the town being initiated into all the vices attendant on a large city there are a good many kinfrstonese here among whom is your old friend mr smiley who publishes the spectator both he and his paper are well liked here and he is driving a smashing business the sptktntor not yet twelve months in existence is looked upon as the real conservative organ of upper canad and for independence aud sterling veracity cannnt be surpassed as a proof of which its list of subscribers at present far outnumbers any other paper in the city some of which have been ten times its age in existence it gentlemen of the how of asumblj i have seen in my day some rough speci men of the free and easy in the house or commons but confound me t i ever beheld such a inctley crew as have josl thrust them selves iitlo the viceregal presence what the devil j the use of my slate carriagtt aflat outriders guards of honor brilliant uniformly roaring cannons carriiijtj of big jonet dashing looking iroop whats the use more over of having such a hosiofnicelybonnited we1ihuslld and bustling women met here to do honor to my maiden speech trom tha runusliati tbrrmt if you spoil nil byjrsliiiaff such a tremendous hubhrjly treujnjp wnrtokh others heels and scrambling in as if escaping from a fire or a delude and in all sorts of indescribable 10 all this is what my new jtidhfe m transitu whoro i see among you would call infra dig the genwemen colour in my wealindia parliaments nevajr acted in this manner the lash had early taught them better manners and i hope that my lash may have the aame effect npon you true they smelt a little of the darkie wbetr- ever they were itshcred into my present hut lhat wa only a slight dash of bitter into the sweets arising from the facility with which ihey permitted me to govern ihftm ah i ihejr were a different people from yon i found tt the easiest matter in tho world id manage them whereasyou canadiansareasobstinalfc and elfwilled as the duch boors of the cape and then how shockingly dressed yem are some of you look and the thickskulled member for in particular as if your heads had never felt a comb and ha let me see how comes it that a houm composed of eightyfour member seems to me lo be double that number i do not usu ally see double particularly at this earl hour of the day but i have it now each member nf ii superficial teet t wrv paaacnjrrr in will force all enteral l i ihu continent through is certainly no the st lawrence aort tend to cheapen tf eight downwards and ts niyd comfort to the tim- braotihcrecauberocparirinfiiftertnrcanaia rjuiet humor he is of the figure and sire nf fiuiahd between lte iranashiamrnls tm keefr j and would seem to copy after that reat comedian a most excellent master inrr 1 slipping when goin up this can be dimin ished when not ntcrsary a for iumunce travelling a level part of ihe line while its irhfj would ha fnunrj advantageous in ulffitatt- i uioioui intfa train or when the rail is coaled with ice as in cullman system neilber the loco motive no ear 1 wheels have any rl l on their lite but aie made in run in a pre exrly similar manner lo hioe in ordintry nst and i he re lore perform iheir duly fre irnm utcrat pressure or irtction of the flangvl aiainsl the raiu while tliecaniattes are elfecl- ually preveiittd trom gcllin oft the track or steamer ready to take them 01t the vosscl then y cleaned and fumialcd could at once cotnc up tn quebec without any drten lion lieyond a period to which all passenger ihip niiht expect lo hesuhjecled it has been tnetrd lo send iij ihe paen- gery in uiir aliipi niter puriacaliiiii and we oveisetling tiy means of lorioutal guide wheels acting aainl lite sides of the centre null manv advantages are gtiiied hy tiny mode nf prfuniin tunnels enilmtikinenu and irip cutting wuold in r j t cases he nhviated vn thai any iadieut or rnrvu in ay bo 1 1 ilv surmounted iicomutivea inirit he made to tiavel uu eififiiig plank ro4di by indertand the hoard of irade yesterday lot- warded a recommcndalion to ihe exoxqurt to ihi elfrcl k such a proceeding be adopted upon the heads of ih puiinolei aud ahctlcrs be the penally of 90 monstrous so inconsiderate m unwise and unnecessary a proceeding arrive here lhc passengers would of course be landed all in need of aid have to pas the investigation of ihe kmimtll aut ami but few can pusihly he attended in by him in one day coiraenvnlly lhc town will he cmwded willi paiipci- lying iiiou utr wharfs imposed lo all incleinencies of weulher and ciavingour charity lo ave iticui frm latv4- ihkriclaoat to the ttcst m tishipnni icre ino a brc and erfnndinn rifi cattle nf rvitfimtchcr o lko muhig4n if asa whole ihis nautical drama was very well our on lihlpropeei before wcaicrrt oqetih ihbe hrtr l nntl rmtol name manvselle alheitine danced a pas de deiillthc haxiness leaislaa do the ly lua ap aij 4 applauded jnfeeioafmnriretvvehavea j lui tht incfcasc of between the pieces apretly little dancer by sl we o vrjiat vm can hnnr ihe irade iwreisr viall rcautctums dric it ibfltml may 75 4 kephyr and was encored cby w ridieoloua a stafcaiacr on wednesday night ben the boatswain and the lutnb fittte were the performances and last night the company played the icrfy an avfata o7 llnfaiwd learn by a t w j pteasant neighbor to very good paper piimihed at lluri ttiat an iflair r houses we have not leisusc to rriliciz these himrroraiaco n ih ih ulu iwcen col performances and can only observe that the mrdn4dvwdm n mclmn j if cornwall indacmiluem which th utter m of mr jones was a splendid piece fell aftrr the second fi wi 1 he fdbwaflj acting is encreasing every day and ere long i have no doubt will be on a par with the thousands of the -j- the tide of emigration has commented lo low already and not a day passes that there are not to be seen droves of these unfortunate may say people roving a pity it is that through the city what there is not a check put on this wholesale transportation of poor people from their easily made happy homes lo live or die in a cana dian forest at the doors of the landlords at home lies this crying evil who wish to re- more alt the destitute from before their eyes that they may forget the mifery they have crcaledwthcy re like ihe inirderers who would wish lo hide their victims lest their mutilated frames would rise up in judgment against them politirs here are in a stateof lethargy save the little excitement caused by the late f j pointments rmm a piivnte teller bruf aa pmaibto my dear a- wch cipums the matter aft honisville- texas aprml847 conservatism carries a majority td- of cion 0 hr pwt or grrgoriet and uwnorrorr kin richard iii andraisinp the wind without thosmallesl desire to overrate this company we cannot avoid observing that ihey deietve on the vnurfar nff dile tha pfl jfch mnmeni i co 0 mff a encouratftmenlfrom dket eanoyteroylol m iwfted it by tho aarao mail wrc n not lhat i the reauu or my il for rrc atiwercd raa anrieava iu girc y ajinntinctot hume tho eirromtaoeea wnnrled wit the ottay imhfldmvtrv fr dayasnec an election raineoltfrfrdnlnf ii hebimeni i and cnt homo werr minated cw i h hm lu none hi iheowrir t eireumstnce he lieeam hiaplnoaed ad 4lrwd me n mult i had ittv aiw rarna tiuitft t wnel nmr j drew nth pusis i warhell vi tn him md fmtlwl ihitiiiiattor 1 11 lmawloolhaainl ufe tha men wu ulenlcm v haiidmg luni one which he grovditji gritv tb4 hope ihey will receive it a moth cit fine early on rwurday morn ing the extensive flouring mill and woollen factory at weston ihe property of rowland burr esq were destroyed by tire the mill containing a htm quantity of wheat which wilh ihe wool lately received ia a tntal loss t is confidently helieved in have been the work of an incendiary wo are not informed whether mr ilurr if in sured toronto cofa ihe radicals who continue in their usual slate of drowsiness slumbering aroiwd lhc walls of h lihertyhall until finally down into one confined it shal mass o their tumble rubbish a romance in real life happened here not long since the particulars of which areas follows some 18 monhs since an intimate acquain tanceship was formed between 1 young man and woman at kingston where ihey then resided r damsel left kingston for tome place ud vowed eternal attach- ovcalriclten awain pro line fa in thia vicinity ment tothe duped mising to correspond to himiincft then he nuver heard from her and consequently ijavt appears to have a stranger an interloper coder his wing usher of the black rod turn them out let me see uninterrupted the facta of ihose alone of the mivvashed afhot voles must make or mar my destiny honorable gentlemen of the legislative cam ct and gentlemen of the house of a- snbty i the only difference 1 see between yon j in your swallowtails and froeks my lords rejoice in htue coats lined with white silk and bright brassbuttons nearly u large as warm insparyj my commons look common enough in all conscience like joseph hy the way draper has recently introdnced the demure joseph into my household ihey have coils of many colours and some are without linings or buttons at all gentlemen commoners x hope yen will consider these things in the ea- 4 timate of your parliamentary wages gentlemen of me haust of 4ssemba- i do not know that i hav any subject of greater consequence to bring before youfor my ministers have been so occupied with deciding upon who shall or who shall not draw their thousand pounds ayear fiam lb public purse that they have nol bad tim to think of anything else you of course will rrakc it a point immediately on retiring from this to discuss the subject ntw in all ill bearings i am perfectly aware of the en grossing nature of the topic particularly to the leading men among ynu whose pecuniary interests are more immediately effected by it and that there is little expectation of much else htnng entered into this session for tha public good retire therefore and biilinpa gate each other as much as yon please but i way you do not come to blows when tha storm is somewhat abated my secretary whom ha1l make it a point to send to watch your deliberations will report to me and i shall then be glad to see you all in turn at monklauds where i will do whal i canto conretiau vou four governorsgeneral ano half a one have tried without effect to win you over 10 their views the last never could have expected lj succeed as his penu rious habits caused him to be guilty of tht 1 great mistake of giving you when indeed lit entertained yon at all slnne oranges and sour wine i understand these things better ano have some of ihe bcsl brands and a cook inferior only in ude the way to tht heart is often through ihe atotnacb md ijwiu not be my fault if i not succeed in maimfmy self palatable in you but mark me i new throw away dinneftj or allenliona u who cannot yield me benefits in ralurri and now gentlemen you may retire mmmif if you can liko amor wild oltphnw il yoti must r- i 0j- a worroaarot wawm bnm nt tight veara of a0 complotwj saturday e at vushalmjia wondarful attempt thouaand nuartttf at a mm t lifcaaw riuarler bourn v

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