British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), June 4, 1847, p. 3

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la kit pmom huaus vkha chu 0v juriiiuni i ww ir ihdlilulill sltudlly i m- lrtlrr in tin avie thlrun rjprw ilil rd wilnal sjwinsmayswrlvffliiitifl tlml iul ixminliaitn fi hod 1 iattorvidluvph of smtii lltftcjofu j1 wy brlwrrti stltiluand fliiliiialumi oy mrsifaib fitfw from hunni undor in rirto cot ivmiihin wa nviviitrj with hie los c seven men ami ill in- aitillery theft wm u arjulhri irpori ihit in ha found htfiirlf rwnpetlrd i return u cltibna- htia and it wi itopd lhat frm lhl rirrum jlanee had atirii then notl which wff mexi canof a dtatltunt ilffiul but ihric i im much evident icttitan to feai tliit tiir rurrl nil welcome f i port i nwwh tin tnitli ati engl mi snlkmafu who arrived at sal- tilfo oo tin i it- y col doniphan riart- ed fiom chihujhiia on the lt of april via san jte tlcl painilt and saltum pipir lliinb that his command mnl ho within a lew clays- march of lhil idaer oth cadivallader and staff col ranway major mown capfr par seyhcnft knller bernard riddle and other had mired hi palo alio gen cajwnlladcr forthwith proceeded with liis command except a dragoon to vera cm to reinforce ocn- srolt the conit of enquiry in the cacs of cen lane and col bowl fm dwi it report the conduct of the former i fully apjwfttm and the ntffonal courage hut not the capacity of the latler the latest monterey pionw lliinbt that an advance on san lois i deinrd hy n taylor at uniifual activity prevails in eray denartuipul ceo urrea hat issued proclamation for men andcoilrihniioiis left for thecilyol mv- ico sosaystiic matamoras flag uf ihc i5lh int vera cruz rlate to the rrenin of the 15th inst furnish nolhin ijw from ger scott the mexicans ni aken henecidi who fought at sacramento lo dtfmco a a prisoner charged wilh treason and being too fond of american gohl a nubie dovatiov the chairnun of the irith relief commit ire hit received the following letter cnclorin- utfl miuiiscrnl donation of which it meaks frurn the well known washington innvers whose name are appended to it trie ift is one which will he appreciated am fully rewarded wasoinctdx may 23 1847 dn stit we deeply rearet to hear from ireland that famine i still continuing there u work of drnih- rerlin it a duty to aid in alleviating this dreadfnl calamity w herein transmit fivt tttoitwnt dollars with which please purchase foo and shin for distiihuliou in the way to effect the sreaiet ood lshe greate5l numberof the sitftein poor vourj most respecifnlly coftcoxax ricrs to myndert van s hairfc eq chairman of the irish relief committee n y qohre may 39- 1 the mlwjjbg is a list of the vencti ihii were ai grotse ule yeslerdiy nmc john francis fineveranec afoei i geoffe rornit seotumj lafrtdnnu li sciltm ufania oioeiinnwo abelcn aafiuff 1w wolffillc 1iinkin arminfi bryan abh niniao ruilhimivihire uflff kim tnrmnn treafam h j jiktlh ilnltoil tat siirr hyiet njfth riqjli albino laihiteur iv- rkn trnil thriitiina atfo aj js leb it is mid thai tho number nf dealh whieh hive hkeurrciton hoant f the ahc mrnlvnrd rwb ta eary ntat but rrpnti r 1wyi much eaa- yeraldcofirareirf mtfw fj- uoimtcat axi tohoxtotkrfrnarn compavt this company which is now ae- lively enjaed in pnttim up ils wiie some time ao madea eery strinent enactment in regard to the stations alon the line they required that a sum of 200 should he raised by the inhabitant in each town toeslablili an office and that the comoanv should not bind themselves to sustain it for more than one yeai if it did not pay the folly and injustice of this measure was so evident that hie people of the towiv held meetings and petitioned against the charier of so illiberal a company hein passed in parliament and the cobur corporation refuted to allow the line to pas through their town this soon brought the company to iu sene and their able superin tendent mr wood has been travelling aliif the line to repair as much possible the effects of the blunder we understand that there will be stations in the following towns port hope cobr belleville kington piescoit brockvitle and probably cpmwill toronfo globe fram ptofteage ork 27 dublin 111 i-rtrfc- turcrwil 3j7 d 4x cofk 555 ttriearpu 986 1mf4 339 a4- 199 bellas 3m livev pool ill 4tt 43 crk 3t3 slo 3w jveijul stil t ib 112 limerick i da 25 li-j- w vwf jo riveriapd 510 rrk im livrrpoifu all cl w7 amlqo ln i n- iv-i- 97fi lalm iihi sfl orh iit she am pilbirf 311 sbflo m lndrndcne io lvcrft 93 do mm 2 own pour on tuenlay last the new steamer england enme into our port from be low with n large c r merchandize this is her first inp and she folly comes tin i all tkatsho wastvpecied toerform she is built ftsti regular imviifm tort and h capable of ramrinjs under rnvp thirlyfive hundred har- ejs of flmir this splendid vessel was built hv the spirited ant cnleiwkilltf firm of win rclenh 5c co am is intended to mn direcl inun 1hiswrtloucbine another of theime rlivs of steamers to be called the smttund will be ready in a shoit lime to run the same inute which will tnik ihe communicalion hriwceu this city and montreal complete the scotland is owned by the same iadefatifc- iitc proprietor to whom we wih a most hiitintiful letinn their storage lure is mosl rvctllent and of very txtatflitfl dimensions and altenlion wlh them is the order of the day already they have shipped from their wirehoties for ihe lower poru neatly forty ihtuisand imrreuof lour we are hppy t have it to slate that while ihe above firm is doing so e ten ivr a busines ihey are not iulcr wilh the other for warders of onr city who have been lev hm wll known to the pdnlk to require any lengthened remarks of ours jlatndtan gazette jactsani straps original au select cj- tim caupwu smixcs we learn from on indubitable source that these cele brated spring will again become a fashionable report this summer the countess of rlgin ill hough njiyel in ihe eonntry ban already ikenasnite of apartments in the canada llonse and her ladyships example is sure to be followed by alt who leave home for health or recreation during the heals of sum mer mr cliftons assumption of the duties of host at the canada house last year met with general approbation and as we observe from his advertisement that he has again leased this hotel we hope bis present reason will be as profitable to him as it will he useful to the public ctwe news by tke steamer we have detained the publication of our paper until after ihe arrival of the american boat in order to avail ourselves of the expected new by the steamer of ihe 19ih may now due 5 oclock p m the boat hasjusta- rived and she brings news that the hibtrnia has arrived but tie papers intelligence is nevertheless certain that flour has advanced it liverpool to fifty shillings sterling 12 per band with the expectation of a further rise by the mail of tonight we have new yort japers giving an account of the arrival of the romiow with four day later news of which the following items are the most important vi f imin had advanced cotton had declined there has been a terrible civil war in china oni nunoed and thirty thousand persons killed end uounded there had been food riots all over europe the accounts from the wheat markets of the french departments are again becoming eieh day more serious in almost every district a rise in prices had occurred arrival ai ihc briliili ameritan hotel jme nd s ninrih piclcd pliihp fufc lkultij maj lojeliir aflkhefrl latand 1 jn k ilt ivwitll 1itimebfii mmirml dl darne kohl handv h kni v lltfwitri vnnmi- ii rjlscr imivdva ml fiipan4hmehdv1ml3 ate -i- nitrr jm s fiis4ek an iv 1 ka mr tgrnbult llettrville h j irvid parfi iuflenehl lmia amu j w huncivrno mr null mh-a- amhelpt ihana 3rdy iter ralia imb mr alemlllan 11univ lin rflvmr aeitlvrny sotutid a giilei pae tcb jiiur walker amtlmj jirm- ilirin tsuttfiuv fcn- tilfany uaniilltm ikirid tntinpmn mmireil tlma pttfieiljamea i siiiiib tiuwta j lines roivhilt i u haley knhnd lire lln jtjm mrrtnium iananrrfjtic mr bud ilea redpaui uitreicharlrvliimiba hi j itunur neiv york ii cbapmn a qhlnmir tov mr lenchmno montret jin l m ji m itviiiiifprt it if kite hnnl- iu jcfiutiibbun iserieville jshlcrjun atmtrejl me- ciinrniiitf river trent mekacktc- m a l r 1 13 u 1 spei lrticit chriivtliiiiel bvloww imhvrheltvss nirrr b on ttteitay iljeo jamej qm kncr k-q- f ihc llnk of lpr uanada km t lyjn hnnjh mmqs daulltfleaf lvmaii lcimkqif uytjwo alcpe vinctftli n yj fiiur 58ih 01 by bo itev mr carlme mr j inir mtla lo miff margaret rwm daughltf f tit mm spruce utih of kmln oi iiic rnrnirijuf llir 2fr mavaisi jme cathedml tbrooibytha kcvhj graeti a u klwtrd rmwec k af kiojtfloi c w ti mart loybii viungt dutner of ihe lte rubt ruihciford rsq of tonmlo the presbyterian church ofcanada the following ate the arranemenls for sopplyin- the pulpits of kingston and netbhorint congregations on sabbath first the 6th int- c1ty buildings the kev juhn buchanan of both well depuly from the free church of scotland at 11 oclock a m trie rev mr- smelliest 2 oclock p m the rev vw c johtvln at halfpast six evening brock street church th rev mr rohb of hamilton at 11 ovirick a m th6 rev mr mcdonald at 2 oclock p m and the rev john buchanan at tialfpast six evening wilton and sinaiey coftkca the rev s c fraser- frkocaickiaoxcii aud bath the rev mr leihmau napakkc and nfwauachp the rev j corbet scott5 coascn axd ballvxahuicr the rev wm hamilton pictox the rev henry gordon long ivfam the kev mr sutherland oakamquav the rw mr longhead brocjcvrllc the rev mr mclean cobvacit the rev mr mcgilvray of glasgow srornrnoton the rev mr lake pkaijl the rev mr greipg n 8 a collection will he taken up at the services in the city buildings for the synod fund june 4 1847 auction sales rj- the trial of maybee and olhers for the burning of mr meyns properiv near the trent took place last week at belleville and resulted in their acqnittal kenneth mcken- zie e5q of this city was counsel for the prison w kingston herald sale of cider tomorrow morning saturday 5th june at eleven oclock will be sold at the roitded warehouse of messrs e browne co tweytysjx casks pure cider william ware june 4 van am burgh will imiilit eu collcioti f raisted aiials lkingst frhhn wul saturday jdiufif if 3j auction orlandst the mimtlni yfoj l h w est irn distv l t tfifciej for sle lv ivjic afclp al chatham canada west on suiurday township 6 ttomxgy c l i ic i it no s i 13 8 ii 12 13 11 id 1st it 2nd 4 arm iki a aw inn acre do n do do do ilo do o kingston buildixc society tiir flrat fiun meeting will take jibcc aitlic diatriri court hwt on mondny bvtrfififf 7th jatr i817 at ven rrvlnck pm when ihc ii- covkrnment salc itwtnra will proctfml w lend oradvancc n thursday the 10th june next at n q q tovlock will betotdhy fuhlic auction of the funds of the soriciy which will be put up to cmnpottuiia in sinc kumi ofijtoo and m manner ii be pruvidcd for by the diftctora tlie lbtrd iitnialmtnl being due on mat jdy ihe tknm will iwm aitendancc at 6 oclnckt i mm lo uw member- who arc unable to anond at hi office during the di topay up their suscriitiyna be ftrc the chair is taken by order george baxter seeninry ff treasurer kin 2wl may 1847 at napanee this sr at the otdnairte yird lvml henry piilivcly million t any reserve a lirrf luianlily of settlers tools consrhlinx a follows w carpenters load ae tmhelved m piteh frks do do do iss canlcn llont cm bnwh ilwks 7rt rrapiii do 5w caienter draw knives itw mallocks or pick axei atkl fiiidcn hakes iron fioli hand saws aw scythe with snead am ra stones x rnh do ft a sampl of each article can he seen at the cilys tie itanns market uuildin any time previous to the sjle james linton queens auctivne r may 2sih is7 spk1xc and summeit w dry qoqds t kfihrrnsm nre m wtltwiccllld vrlfui thnp by pnvaie sjle q towkshlporaivich lou nos 14 15 16 17 m coo e r line lake erie p aax j 1000 acres lots nos 14 15 16 17 ls m 2ml con of do do dp 100ft vck the above propcrtv is not advarh3oily j situated and well timvd the lou in romney on which lher verv line pme grove are borderin thehoreof lake kne tne lots in harwich y t road anw lake erieclose tolheohl llatboraml koid to chatham the land and timber very snperiov walnit maple iic b about to be erected on or oj the jiral quality coniifinvf ulick term liberal which n at sale eam mill are ar ihe property ii be made known jvmes vvallis peterboro c- w 3m my 1s17 landsforsale british lry goods jnii imparled fan livcrpovl jicr cttiir e lion lh aidgy fankemeia faner and tvmii urrlbi htfih lauitjrtvrltt doraoatiejt waria ijaaiaiw luitu hitim rttn sheet jtlnck wiiitc and cmucd ilkin navy and two uiuc frinu kaocv fitr t vie do cueeked airw faney tint btack satin vet- m und vci piitleriis brnjjl stfp blur ami madder bfiianmt udkv madder cftftlfl red ottcd onne and bloc spvn pykei do india silk corah fiuinmita nd uuek satia bmi albert and safin flh iinpfovrd l k thinli cot tun uvvted edje antloihrr brjcc slc oc with a lre nvrtmerit rt- mde trottsers asd vestixgs mhe followine lands flonriihing and feri west are offered for al ceous terms london district- township of yarmouth south lot 27 3d con 100 acres north dorciijthl s 1 lot j4 in 1st cocession itnated in the most c pru of canada on very advanta- aiso cimjofheil frnrii lndin direct ifuijt and jul arritcd here jj caam super vt velvet cjppvd paris and london ouphant i ktmmi may 31 134 per 1 jvlio notice to rest for a teknof years a farm of 200 acres of arable lav with an island in the riwi st laivrcncc and any rea -inna- be quaniiu of wood land at tached the lind ii in 1 cultivation and ihc bud ling in gond order the farm jina the town df ganano- que and is knuvn as the cananoquc chcebe farm also for sale or to rent a farm of 2go vrrcrs of land situated on the st lawrence one and a half miles eam of gananoquc 100 acres cleannl and in gaud cultivation with good farm buildings poeaaion of both given 1st alartlu iss fur further paniculars apply f bv lelter postpaidj tnthc aubscriuer on the h0t j lewis macoonald gamnoqm m 2i 187 lm hats watt u hi commercial salc rooms fjfmi- we regret lo learn that the lioiir ot mr daniel david cooper in the tnivnhipof kinmon burned down on monday the 17h nil ry the assis tance of the neighbor mr furniture and tool were saved hut he lost some pro- virion and clothing the fire originated frim a fpark of a brand which one of the family ru conveying into the fieldk f n t eoa ii navioatiov on the 2hh nil the three matted schooner new bnimiwjck anchored onuide cbicafo harbor loaded with 18000 hmhels of wheal with which he had cored for liverpool she iroehy the way of ihe welland canal and st lawrence thi the first clearance of ihe kind ever made from the inland waters of lherreat lakes for an european port and con- tfitutes a new era in the history of navigation 3anf real herald secner offtoti maoiei ta may isl his excelleoey the wchmw gecauias hecti pleased o muc the fallow iof appoinuneois vn john milliard cumernn etuirciobea member f her majeitya gieculue cooncil in ana for the prorincc of cunndt joseph andrf taehereu esquire bi tie s cicoii judge in and for the district of quebec srcetavs opfjce mmitreal 39th may j91t his eicclleney the govcmwr ticocral has been i to appoint henry shtmondi eoie a member nf her m ekrcuiive council in and for ihe pro- tioeef csqadn and tf be her jsiya alwoey ccnml in and for that part of the province firmer upper fann da in thupuce of the llonorabk willijin henry draper resigned a terrible fire has reduced lo ashes ihe city of rockmen in hanover not more mian thirty or forty houses were left standing within the wall of the city it spread with such frightful rapidity that the inhabitants were none of thorn able lo save their effects this place was principally noted for it hean- t if nl church of wat antiquity which wat huili in the l4lh century and which was destroyed the unfortunate inhabitant are reduced to an almost hopeless stale of desti tution and have been distributed about the neighboring towns os 7rw04f nv mir hw -tmw- fl on c oelukp if too suwiibtr willortcr at auction ihc ftrikwing lreh irvods 4 hods mucvv4d sur 10 ihrrcla iliuu dilti half cherfpjrrnuine teas old and youoy llrnn twiittkay snchung tnd uooou dtj gfen cjff uh fnn rmicd drtla it mine uunh rhisine 5 jfois and llf dnr ftne hrneyjw and cv tilrj f j q jim hataafaaf snurt riisei piineipe ind havana cigars tlnsee luodn sureh dot arioiied pickk and oyster and pepper sauce malls oitia lmx rotcd and ptah tombleta 200 kssmt wrapping paper different kinds and eisea 20 hf boietxl rjermsn sheet glsa i and cotton hajstua bud cords crn btotns allspice and sundry other articles ata rum gin and brcndtcs in hhds and qr caiks terms liberal omphant watt kingflon 4th june 1s47 45 isj 13 15 o- h16 j is 19 talbot lot if lot lot ft n o r 3 tj 10 5 140 10 20 is 40 itki a s3i r 3 3 i a a in 3 a jit the northern railway of ihe empe ror ferdinand was opened on the 7th april far as odrnburh in prussian sileci it complete the largest line of railway projected in germany and unite vienna 8erln and hamburg three of thv most important mercan tile towns in the germanic confederation r0- we understand that lieut sluddart and fifty men of the 934 highlander are un der orders for gmh ile lo leare on tuesday morning or- johnson has also proceeded thither and anolh medical man from above will shortly follow him orders have been received from the executive to land all pas- ftdjtf1 from ship on hoard which sickness ha appeared qiiefiec mercury tne aftuv- it r cmnderlly hated in military cirelretust thch regiment of dragenos which i ii cau vear 98 will be fotthwith rcembodicd and take its otd plam in ihcirmytai the regiment is to be equipped its light dragoons and will be raised in england o office t the cltrk f iht cmo in caffery mnir1 s7th ay l 17- his eieclency the governor gtncfal lias hecaj iteaed to call to the lefvajatm couocit of ihisj province hsmncupinbcr of ihe twnsip or marchi nd jatiies ferncr of the crly of lmlreal esquires stckctaavs orrrcr montreal sdth mayl8lrl hit eicejlency iho governor general has beta ploscdto m ike ihe following appointments vii david thorbun and anew p farrell enquire to be directors of lhe grand rvt naviealin otrnpzny frederick marcun of goelpb gentleman lo be ai noiarv public in that pait of the prormct for iut r upper canada arrivals al b a hills national doltl june il j htunilton rochester mr- g a uyn oaweeo j coleman u hid rocbelcr rriit rdifsynranon pticr h moore miehi- fin s slantry piusficd halt p sititt troym y e cumcroo altiany n y t chstttoaiti napinet isaac tm walersbury d comer matilda r wallace sackrlta harma 2nd st ocan allen rochelctj j jnrs new ykk c- b brutoi pliiladelphin a gonn lancaster allan lewis hios afm- iirnnc rtb auj mrr john 0 iiair to ronto dr moore picton large rooms to let for exhibirjon lecturci ba- sl ifi or any other purnnses the rooms are oppoaita stawart3 tavanu ontario street apply to walter bales kingston 4th june 1847 45lf sale of valuable household furniture and other effects at otc residence of dr macintosh rotal artillery head of queen street n tuesday 8th june at 11 oclock will be sold without reserve the whole of his household furniture and other effects consisting f black walnut dining centre and breakfast tables side bwrd sofas work tubles book case chest of drawer portable do high post and other bedsteads windsor chair wash stands dining and breakfast setts cut class ware elegant chimney ornaments lamps candle sticks picture frame knives and forks bool and shoe rack a superior double gun an english made rifle a fast trouin canadian poncy a wagott for double or single a culler sjrith a sell of doume or single buff harness a sett of black harness bridles saddles itc- a water spaniel do well trained as a retriever a spaniel do lrained for cocking a skiff fitted wilh slip keel a cooking siove complete with the usual variety of kilchen utenvils william wake kington ul june iso house to let to be let with immediate possession that handsome fami ly residence in queen street exrensivo garden and orchard macintosh k a wur now occupied by d 2d 21 2d oj u 3d 4th 6ih district wfndhaat 19 in7ih concession 2u 7th is isa hahwicat 18 in 4ih conceiaion warwick 13 in iftcms koad 14 5ih conn r siigu tiffemer cakfur lots m ami 22 in ihe 4th con qkanthav- lol no 4 in the hi concession colholtnk district fenelon ut 13 11 a 21 in 4th coneess 9 13 k 19 22 ftth b 11 18 21 25 a tf fith 17 19 94 26 ft 9871b 13 14 s4 31 a32kth vhrulam lots 192629 a 31111 fl coneess 81 3d ma 31 4ih 0 29 lh 22 dlh douro iot 2 in 9th concession broken lot 9 10th do dummer s w a s e naif lot 1 1 9lh con ivhalfulli 10ih 2s i0h town plot windsor township or wimat hokt distbict part of lot 6 in block u 14 tt 2 lou 7 10 a 12 3 lots 156 9 10 13 16 ft 17 b 4 14 5 i t5 5611 a17 6j pfrj for further particular apply i by letter post paid to james wallis felerhoro c w montreal herald to copy till m juty notic k the subscriber having laken out fl license ju auctioneer take this method of irwmint his friends and the public lhat he villhe most happy to attenhall call in lhat use and they may he i its tt red of strict attenthi in ill order and punctuality la handing 4mf the proceeds of salri entrusted to him ah oiders left at ihr oltiee of mr i1iih cahler corner of ontaio and itrock street will be lhanktully attended lo government notice renders will h received at om office until i oclock p mon monday next the 7th june v7 from persons willinj- to enter into contract amenably lo conditions which may be ren at this nrlice for fmnkh- inland snpilyin- the rovai eninerr de- parimenl a this station faring the workin boiw to the close of the navigation f ihe present year with 0n rflltr dared gunkerbuht spring importations first atuuvaiv krom or1ta1x at the glasgow warehouse pkincnss street corner of wellington street b with four oars ad a crew of four men the boat and crew lo he subject lo ihe aijpiovil of llif command in royal engineer a printed form ot jvnder will he given at lilt oiliec the rate per diem a tie slated in currency payment will he made monthly in specie at 5 id currency per dollar or in honk notes at the option of ihe oimmtewrial on the certificate of lhe coninan ilinc royal knineer sbewintr the number of days the hoit was employed during ihe inoiilh and thai the service was salimactoriiy performed sufficient security subject to approval wilt lie required comhumaiati kindlon 311 may 187 3 notice a ll penons indebted to the estate of ihe late archibald mcneil esq of xapatiet will please settle their accounts im- mediateiv either with one of the iindersirned ur mr michael mccabe of napanee and all those having claims aaino the estate will presrnt them with proper vouchers to the rarnc parlies or some one of them samuel clark thomas downey executors john a macdonald dated 23lh may 187 3m pw kerr wad0ell co eg to announce to tlieir customers nl the public tjunerally that they have just received per ctmifuti fnm glasgow and slndrew fiom london frlie first arrival a from sea part of their israim impohtatioxs comprising dun- aiaule tuscan am fancy bonnets bonnet ami ca ribbooi and flower silk ami cmithl parasols the tip west styles rich shawls gios de naples anl saijn turcs hoiiry glnvt ami laces striped alpaca ofleaiw courgs iadies mm tin and cbiljreit boots and sflotis k v co will continue to re- ccivu diily tlie remit ml er of thtir sping importatioii wliidi mi arrival will be found to be very omplte an inspection cf their aitkk is re- spicrfumv rejnemed when lliry nre timifii lbir nofli will lin fouml second tn none in thr trade tiilicr in atyles tjuality or lowness of trichp kington 15ili may 18w 411m the sutiwriher returns his thanks tothj pnblir for tho support he lias received in the ico trade and lr3 leavn ll infino the cititns of kinntoq that he will continuo t1e same business this season ami upun more liberal terms thao formerly robert spencer term for the season from two doll a ra to six according to qmntily xoctimia zlagof st kineaton may 20 is47 4 mill receded and punctmlly kinston lt june ji7 clute ut7ionrrr if j p governkss wanted rasted in a reapecuue english unity in the country a young lady to inslrurt and fake charge of four or five young children md to ass with the needle work repeclasle references will bn requirej apply to the editor of tlii paper for further particular may 2g 137 43if two hukdreal acres qf land for sale xeur port sarnia ijlor sale in the township of plynp ton western distritt two hundred acrea shore w acres of which are under a state of culti vation there is an excellent mill site on aid land and lieing well watered would dc a great inducement to any person wjiing in buy for further particulars apply at this office or to the subsrrilier on tlie premises george cairns piympton w d may is 187 the leoiish coltmia and irtflritm tim in ive the 4kvc three iosrrlwas anjchifpo hit office- daguerreotype portraits upon large or small plates riaken at all hours of the day which for jl accuracy of delineation and beauty of finish cannot be surpassed fraines lockets sic to order fv arnsfun goliera at dr suuonj cornv vpfintessand bagot streets ni b the mosl appioved apparatus sic with instructions lurnisheil upon the mosl reasonable terms fgcallrxder proprietor may 19 1847 40tf b trimrrh trlic mill he- rvb at hie vilao of napa- nuc midland tmtrict now preparea lo rrcfivi apl lection for leasing lhe vvatktt pciweit and n mlu situ in llin canal rvwatly nmatructeil on thff kcsurnfnr any pcriil not to exceed tweny one ywra the powor in he qtftnm by i ho canal which ia 1100 feet lonjr ia fet wiile and m contain 4 feet water is eatiniatcdat emial ic thirty runi of minc or i 00 inches of water which will ik divided into he and 2nd class privilege thr height offtu fr the surface of the canal lo the rivr is 31 feet nnd ihc length of the lots be tween tlio canal and the river will avenge bcmt iso feet the napanee rivrr is navigable from the bay of quinie for vossula drawinc nix feet water up toihe lower end ofthe canal and tire distance of tb6 village from kldgitoa 04- miesi travelled over the best macadiniiizcd rud in upper ca nada applications will aunbe leceivcd from persons willing lo leaae ibe building of the new mill and own house now erecting at the font of the canal and put ir the machinery the buildings arc of the moat substantial description and are together 46 x 130 feet and 7 gtorie high vessel con toad their cargoes alongside tne storebouse the buildings are to be rmulied by the lath of contemner ncxt ready for the ina chinery- for furtber particular apply if by iclter pot paid tr the undersigned at kingston francis m hill kingston may 15 1s47 valuable mill privilege and steam saw lll for sale ill he sold at mr lintons auction room kingston on saturday the 19th day of junetiext if not previously disputed of at private sale that valuable saw mill 100 x 36 fjset h a very mperwr suam ruiae of 30 horse and nbiut thirteen acres of land at tached or which a dwelling house is erected being pr it of lot no 5 in the 1st concession of the township of pott- lantl the engine i in excellent order will drive a gang of saws in one gate and a single saw in the other for tab bing and has sufficient extra power for ono run of stones for a grist mill j and for a carding machine if required lumber i easily procured in tbe imme diate vicioity and the situation is only 12 miles from the city of kingston in a well settled part of the country a good title will be furnished and reasonable terms of sale offered the property oilers strong inducements fur t investment to merchants and capitalist every information will be given find tin premises hown by mr lawrence hfkchmer nn the piemisei particu lars will also be furnished by francis xl hitu esq barrister kingston may 19 1817 goodfellows hotel kkt sq1iaue itobeitt goodfellow egs in inform the public uiat h has rented the comiiudious premises in the marfcct square iately occupied by mr julin midcalf where bv attemjonand goinl entertainment he trusts to secure a share of public patronage r g was for many year mesa man to ihe g6th regiment 8nl23rd royal welsh fttfuetrt breakfast lunches and dinoera fur nished at ihcshoitest notice the bar will be supplied with the best wines and liquors cta few respectable boardeaa eat be accommodated kingston may 3 lst7 371m b icke alexander inform w h begs respecifuhy to inform the in habitants of kingston that be is pre pared to supply families every morning at their own icsidencea wilh ice the quantity given will be from 14 to so lbs the charge for theseason will be six dollars strict punctuality will be observed in the delivrrv order left at mr robert me- of lind fronting on lhe lake bring lots not 23 2t 50 1 cuemicks princess street will meet with prompt attention to let and immediate possession gitex psj the shop and premises form- lliit tr5 one of tbe best elands for busi ness in kingston lately occupied by mr henry gillespie next door to tho lambton house for particulats apply to francis n kingston may 1i 1s47 hill- 38 also to be let that larje and commodious stone house in queen street near the new church lately occupied by the sub scriber apply to t a corbett kingston june 1647 ordnanci- notice sealed tender will be rereived until 12 oclock noo n tuesday lhe blh iostart addressed lthe resptcuvs olh- cerf at the ordnance 0v kintn from persons wishirs to ren t t stone house containing not ws than rnoms in a suitahle situation for an ollie al drawing room lor the royal engineer letrlnient kingston the premise to lie in pvrd repair orncc or oknarrc f kingston 1st june 16j7 j the herald and ar summeit arrangement virgil es canada express w h a takes ihra opportunity to in form his friends and the public lht nc siill continues lo manufacture his celebra ted stoughton bitters iu ootuea at 1 3d each a1 champagne bottled cider a superior article always onhand at 6s 3d per dozen kingiton 17th may 147 notice rfflhe undersigned begs to acqhaitit jl bis friends and the public ibat his brother mr john grundv was on the 13ih of april last admitted a partner rs lo copy wanted v young man as clerk to a retail grocery store unexceptionable references will be requ annly at this office mey 2s 187 for the transporiaiion ut specie bank lhe business carried on at sydenham notes and small packages nvttfs and that lhe said businoss will with care and despatch nd the transaction of general buf ines rtmrtiri between montreal kingston toronto hamilton and buffalo leaving montreal every friday mob ningi and morning- toronto every tuesday virgil co 1s3 st paul street montreal r befikman nelson strxr toronto w ware ontario street kingitoa be continued under the name and firm of j s gltunuv oc bkotiick j s grundy smurhah mmu mayl24m7 just received atthe atheneum book slvre flirtation bf lidy charbite bury trta dowerlesa by madame revbaud taneredbr b rrlaraeli the divorced by lady charlotte buj mv4th19f7 notice the annual muting of tb mem bera of the mutual frat insurance company if the midland district will be hold a the osice oi the company in tbe court house on monday the seventh day of june next at 11 oclock a m be the purpose of electing directora for the enduing year william ireland sccrtfary kingston gth may 1s47 37 removal mr george spangenberg begs leave to ioform the public that he has removed hie watch making and jewellery establishment from hie old stand in princess street ia king street directly opposite o bryct gos dry good store kingston ftoy 3 167 37 orncc or tiu city distilltaiw kinpton april 20 1847 the subfccrilwr will fur ihe future receive all orders and transact nil busnv connected with the dutillery at huofficanextdooriomrsearlbs hotel eoteringon mr broivna wharf john rose n b a attpply of whiseet alwaya en hand and cash paid for coarse grain during the entire season j r tc to let for a shop ob offjcetbe sbo next door to the jfaeneum book store i lately occupied as a drux storj u i liaua

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