copartnership the undersigned have entered into copartnership for tlic purpose etrrjidgotithe forwarding busi- 13 5 on the river si lnwrence avo s ontario eria 0i umlcr the name ami style of coicleugu wmm montreal john h gueim co at kingston j and wm colcleuou co uhtmelbm john ft oreer wm colcleuuil hamilton march 2c 1s47 7 job lake forwa rding for 1847 with reference to the above an noun cement the undersigned will be prepared on the opening of the navigation tucarry vft the forwarding business bhweu montreal kingston toronto hamilton and uiher forts on lkc ostakio and also on imkb eiuk and vice versa cr iho transit of pro duce and merchandize their stock of firstclass jbrjjtt vo- vctlers steam freight boa and sckofa ner is soch as will enable them to do justice to mich parties a may confide buaimst to ther care produce cin store before the open ing of the machine canal to le at the risk of the owners thereof colcleughstgreerlww john h greer co kintm wwcolcleutih 0o- hamilton rlmnnks at montreal 28 im printin8 establishment for sale the subscriber offer for sale the establishment of the prince edward lazette now in sucreasful operation it the district town of picton and in the centre f the most loyal population in the province the patronage of the concern is extensive and increasing the material consists of two printbiq prtstes an1 an extensive variety of new t suitable for any kind of book or work to any gentleman desirous of entering into a lucrative business in an interesting neighborhood this offers a rare opportunity any information may be obtained by addressing the subscriber in picton post paid j o dornan jfniij picton feb 25 187 18 received this morning at the atheneum book store lnertlia by bulwer iomhy bon no 4 hy dickens dl gynne by ainsworth si- giles and st james hy d jcnold frtcscue hy j s knowes diana of merridor hy dumas wooinvs reward by mrs norton the merchant daughter by hlv piclrerin the midnight bell by von lionteio actor anil manager by f c- wtmvts the rapsamed bride by k ii wild hojrtinilair by the author of ten thou sand a year h comic wandering jew hyc phillipon the church almanac by lovcll gibson feb a 1s47 5 j managing 7gm kingston 5th april 1sj7 forwarding for 4 7 compound pectoral balsam of horeuound and honey a safe speedy and ejffcefwjs remedy for all disorders of the chest and lungs asthma whooping cough ccus catarrh consumption intuneza pains in the chest diffuulta of breathing huskincts ana tickling in the throat hoarseness r the undersigned bavin entered into co partnership far the impose ol carrying on the forwarding between kingston montreal ano vice yaltmg via the ridettu cutvd ami river st luwnmtt will he prepared mi the opening of the navi gation wni a new stock of steamers barges capable of carrying to 000 rrtrrrn of mmir pre lonib tond forward any properly which may he ttni balsam is c on posed nf llie mot valuable remedies for ilie stave cflinjitatnts ft uperates bv tlmajlving the converted mucus nr phlm in the ttwai thereby causing a free expectoration and ehrvme th nvnl ouiifistc cough prepared and sold by roust barker rlsinkssi dwcwt kingston price is 6 and is 3d pa hotttc valuable and highly cultivated farm buildings for sale situated on the banks of th st lawrence at tho village of maiiland canada wot in the neijfibortio of brncltviilo prtseott and ogrfm ur i tn farm consistent 175 acres of which 140 aerejrelaid out infield vatln from 7 to 12 and 14 aero eieh well cnclod wuhsianeand bwnl foect ihcremaintn 35 arefttre composed nf ciceltent wood land the t all in good cowltcwi bcinj reetilarly worked and minufid tho cropt of wheat barley rye oitj nd hay f the t season frr quality and qqintityi cutd not bo exceeded from the mime complement of ltnd ihefoisatfto a very productive a oftcmao kitehan garden fat tha stotfe dwellixg house iaa urge and tubstantial duijinr 3 tones hlh 4fi eet hj 36 feet wide well fiiiahcd and with everf tun veniencc mtami for hie fcidcce uf a respecuwe thcfotftatso lwotaree barns ami tfiied i fur hi- wnikin men bcdea slablr coaeh ktitise and ejieehent spring well ftm ncijhov rwd it tateemed ihe mort heallhy and ihc kntm fur biuiv wf aiiuition cannot ueaor pa0ed in canida wtm tint pmpcty will be snld much uwet than u ta1 vlur if applied fur toon and only a portion tif the ojchnc money required down also- a ut aioek ntcaule tafathai with a threhine maeliin and farmifif imptemenli of every dc criptton a uidisptiled title will tw pivn fr further frttcuur apply if by letter pl paid to wm- b wells ra- satrtlor tfe 4- prcscott canada wct precoti march 9th 1847 41 if the minimal qnzttu to epy oneo a woek till fofutd i robert barkkr chemist sc druggist brock street kingston r ii frtpccifully inform hii ctiilnma anj tho pumic in ceneral that he h ftanofen store to brock street m the prcmiae ftirwly oceopied by mr u mcvcan whffo they mf ilefiend 0ton beinj aupptiod wiu genuine drodid m edict nef physicians prescriptions and family recipes carrfulltf prepared horse and cattle medicines english and french fkrfumery books and stationer v kingtlun march 1817 nqtice onhe public are liereby notificjthtt i am ihn legally appointed person toreceie all ratc and assess mentanil otlicjr mniei duo to the mid land district v collector and others are cautioned aainat paying the same to any other peim a 1 am tlie only person wlio cath glvft them a legal ac- tulttaree- nwid john smith 7veo4r mtotatfo dmct tmasnrcrs office midland district kingston 2nd january 1847 ah eily papara witl copj lite abose notice is hereby given that the committee appointed hy im diltrict cooncil to re ceive he bond from mr william ferguson ihe nef ly electa treasure rhare this day lod ged said bondamontdlhercordsof the dis trict and rlirecled mr ferguson to open ihe treasurer office i the district clerks room in the court hou on 1st january to whom alone all persons will hereafter jay the dis trict rates and with whoro all other district butiiteis eonuecled with the treasurer will he transacted 3ijnej jb marks wardm district courieil office kington llf 31st december 1816 fity papers to copy till forbid mill creek oth factory and knowledge nf to he able to iv aolictl a lre of cnnsiqntd ti ihetn friin tlmr exierirnce the binlnhif tiry lrut nrral c4tafachtn and pjmi- palmar- jlie llaiicti will e carried on in montreal at the store nccupicj lm seoa by ihr- ruai c wauka under the iame and firm of sxmi bcuaairaaidi and at kington underthe naatc and firm of grassroiioo ski ih jamfs a rlassfordj geoktie smith kingston 8lh march isi7 20lf 1847 jjl 84r forw a 11 d i n g betwkkn montreal anii kingston asi vice veftsa tit ihe oiiawi river and kidraii fanal anrl lliver m v ii i theumleraignej mthanineteased stock of baugcs ami snumna at their command will transport wtln safety and despatch all property confided to their cave passing custom house entries of goods from england and scotland will bo promptly attended toi and free of charge thanking their customers for tlic pi tronage they have hitheito extended tr them they solicit a continuance of public support being determined to do busi ness at a reasonable rate as a others in the trade j s mccuaig co montreal p f mccuaig co kindlon kingston 6th april i47- slmf notice the subscriber hereby give notice that from and after this date ihey will carry on vlte imsiness otwarehouse- men apart from thai of forwarders and wdl not receive into their warehouses here any produce other than thai already contracted for excepting in the former capacity for which the following ware- hoiiie dues shall be charged for every len days thai such produce may remain here they further ive nnitce that almuld the owner of such properly be desirouft of covering the same by insurance ncatnst fire while warehoused herthe subscribers will on beinj requested in writing nu their ajcnts for such purpose ao far as it can be effected flou prr barrel 8et and ioifc a fifin fir bttihd ariliquwt prpf fly hi jrrfiftrtft houkrr lienllellsox matpinrsii nitaxe tmcs 4 walkrit fcc iirbsjnnks i co kmtti 2ij april lit 3tt ihc f jiiwioj pajrf wn obc ej tlic iwrfl unc infill mnol mhc lllknlec ntccaf r cohort st ivonu r4oiil lt 1iiumi joomit ftftd liprcm lvi4qrbtiftacf ci ihe subscriber re5pectfully returns tends s the mjpporl he thanks to his friends and tho jr co public generally for lias received since his fulmng mill and card in- machine hay beon iii operation and begs loave tii inform them that encnuroged by the husinehu has transacted in ihe above line lie i now prepare to rqftmcrp the inanufictmv nf all kinds of country cloths satt1nets blankets ac jec and hopes by the pins he intends tn take to ensure the continued patronage of the public joshua dooth purchased or taken in exchange fur cloth mill crock january 11 137 4tf wanted i iimiilmvoov 1 u vv 500 i p for which the mirfcet ricc will be pair in cash on delivery at the provincial peuiten- thomas hendry co kingston feb 9lh 1847 fc let for a term of ykars and immediate possession given that wtll kaatu embodiment in this town lirrl a fore carried nn hy the btc finn nf gainford i mbneilley ii t wrtiiht hy an enina of t2 hore powre vrhich crinrlf maahca nrf pump and if capnbta nf run- mnjf 6c bashca a diy fur cunvemenco it ia not purjuwed by any etumiahmcnt of lis size in ihc province- the bnilrtina are all of at0oc except the hnj pen which i of wood and erected on a water jot belonging tn the prcmite the crana rv hi capable of tojri 3 buishrl of rain ajjso a stono dwelling houao on the said flreimfc for the mm- period it would be nre errcdforlho dwellin hihe to be takco by the party renting the utaiillcry roe tetnia apply to lite subscriber who i now the fate proprietor at ihe steam boat office ctrn- mcreialwiiatfkiiilonortojohnholden em prcacott wm meneilley pceacott march 15 147 fall importations fresh groceries wholtlslle wd retail city hall saloon jvb 9 market bwudings opposite the new battery by george cane refrathmonta snacka r to ba had at the aliorrcat not tea 80ttebs at all hours kinptoo fob i 1847 totf th v book store blank deeds for sale ax atheneum dkews i fl will ind tfihtom hi ihtsm ttiie i deodvof uir mio jtort ile wtth him oowcr motipe dccda artthpol b4r of mcr do rlo with hif of dower mcilrial with mir of dower hi- wltbtlllt hi i rr aim r of ineeii i i and dietnet coin and ditikki court buuit for mi march 1847 to the reading public of canada tc arivertiter i prepared to transmit the fol lowing faluabfe aoj interesting rmka by mail to any ci l j prt of upper or lower canada at the trued american icttory and fiction by w frwn tlic freaeh of m 0 50 superior japan inx powders n i i i f it e o and sold robert barker kingston canada west chains canvass sir astley coopers intdbilions fills pov bilzi indigcxtton sick ifcadaene ond oil dieasts of the stomach and digestive orsans these pills hnte in all ca sea proved uc- fine to every other mekine in the eure ut ii tr and hver complain ta w of appetite in ficmton gkii aenjton of fulncta and op- ftttmti after milt ihnrtoeafof beatb and an vxerltent ttatoritm after any execaa ai theiable i tliey aaanirf eleanse lite boivelis atrcnethen the moiribch and invicorate thecnnalitutiofl ncmalof a pmcthonc habit wbo are fubiret 1iheadaelio m hmm of iht irf attended with apopletic aymptoma ihould lke tlicm freqikntly prepared fnun an original receipt by rocear ittukra druriim brock street kingetoo frtw lf9ihlav6d rwrbot kindlon march i i8j7 23 for sale by tttkslhsrfutter x b j lis if catmaivfnitn xnj tic j fli l m rimini mlirr fthijwa ilqr tiojfil t- imi litiiiu v item rwijtfh u lln sil ttm dck lironh uthutu tu marie lftt ln -i- samlhiid ftd cmxcicoiyc iiatrud minriu nd tirt j lj ii i rnm h commercial mart by private sale large table codfish julf bbtsnn 1 west mackerel cod sounds and tonucf north shore herrings smoked tlerrtn in roxeii william ware march 19 12 tvifi fitf auclivfi from 13 lei cwt fjiancih mjjlmns uoirt f mh il ifriji w 1- mia itai ta k j i t i ritchies patent copying presses a supply of all tle jtl rrrcivrd from the mnnfarlorv and fvr saloalthc ann mtvu uvoat siva i let 20- for sale bt the subscriber a pl uafulels phimfi mb33 pork ftnporior quality and three barrels la ki miles ferguson kingnton lmli january 1h7 if view aofl reviowa n literature siiitros tne people aiichtfet o 3i ivifanri geniufl if burnt 0 50 lbi- agricultural cheroitry 0 25 combo priyafotoy illustrated 32ft p octaeo 0 75 rlandrvxkoflhe water cure 0 5 cmdornhfrkboui pain 0 50 meerrf leftami i 00 dt orikrtifi 1u steel putet 0 75 doofrjicncktvftoikhjt riwrpe 0 5 the hrilorviojphiluaoplyof karfaw 0 so lite of ycntytur 0 35 fambama mexico 0 qj facts lor the people in whiclictor thing is of practical use lu ry body 0 13 a treatise on milch cows whereby the quality and quantity of rnilk which nny ciw wtu give may tie accurately ascer tained- numerous enraviajs 0 50 green on gamblin 0 50 7omsd in the nineteenth century 0 50 ccwcjiitnof republics 0 50 fiteirasia lectures on conunirlion ii 50 orders for nny of the above books cncloin the ah and pnt pjid addressed f t c uaixkbtf new york will be pomptjyattanded tu reference in kingston dr e j barker now york fob 6 17 f keceiveil y the latest arrivals from new york atjd tir sale by the sub scriber at his dlure io pnncesa street the blluwlfig article viz b 800 siimt i spanish sfde leather 200 iulllli klflp- sso boxes asanrutl teai 50 i tobacco 20 ditien mnlu 100 jo liroonis 100 do palnoi pails 40 do corja with uuincrou oilier article not men- iioneil matthew rourk kingston doc i8ih 186 if by the last supper leonardo da vinci from t i f i f irr i a ti zhgiilvlhg by raphael moruhen f masterpiece in its very ruin hu been revived tnd seems destined to enjoy a wide posthumous existence the wellknown admirable enrariug of raphael morlien long iftrr the wall upon which it was painted jus cnifnkled into dusti- sir david w8 corner of king an brock streets ilurfof s7uarr kingston c w beos to return li tlianka to hit frienda and the puwie fw uh verj fibernt atronateex tended to him doric the part tsvo rear and wild luim respectful mftwm hem that he has hh rcceised large and varied slock of groceries wines and liquors comprtns follow ilwvand safldimanv purt mjdciraslierrica maraetlaa i tret chimpacnc jmiiuiei spirits martcvcofrc bnndy otards cojiuo pile ftrandv genuiitosmch wluaey fmumlscm tfciiilam peppermint itur canadian wlmlter wj mi solieta particular attentwm to the abivestckont wfswsvmarttst ibem min been imprtetl direct frum brllain he has cftftftfafieo in renmz them aa bem rreo psm ttmttwtiajs the caocfaics ta favivf evevthtuff hmi1 rcfitljp selortej by himself in the no vfc rtn and nlrel mnrket aan bo recommenced as being of the bttstmlqllft tea i teas bifrv imperii hid lrw youfig llrsoo gufioowdrr twankaf fouejtonjj imperial leke s mchong cfijfqnj and other raa ctppvtsv- istren bwittsi ground cvffres trce le- frtjits raisins nm pilherta fifs almonds swret and hitter tfrnad oranges lemm and citron spot-in- olirc kn utd oils sparwiof every rlsarafrtioa kettles saoces maeea roni vermicelli lfjawarioa sardines srentod castile fid drown soap starch hlnc hidtfro hfomiti rruslii pau sponge vvnihtnr snajs puy carda pipe huckmp olaek is6slc see fish seaalmfn lyrctitne herring north sswt llertinjs digbj and xobcck herrings wliitefias and tidi cioas fine primipes ffavanas k chcfoo i r ptkinution steamboat wood ilfe la xorma e to k4 and 18 bolt toiaccos cavanditilt n hneyrfoar cot honej- ittsti and ammilic oiewjnu ptof nrvd ladies tarlvtfl scarforutti id canaster tukiah and gorman th4ccoa maccaboy tlappeo and sciteh snuff with fctriely of oihee unoits mo numerous tn mention ah of which will bo sold wmesdleor retail ihe in weal reimineratin- pticcs his motto bcin ugai profit pmfu kflaintav tatcrn keeper siipfiiednnood terms kingston doeernh i846i wm armstrong dwfioncer cawafrto merchant land and geo agat king stsbot kingston respectflii inlimalrs io ttic public thai he has life pm lately occupiej hytmonn co removed nexl door where has ontered upon ihe above busiue and hopr plonuiiliiy and atteo- lion io merit a slif public support the subscriber wends to devote particular attention to the prhast and sau of real ettalc and with he ar- lunnidu with ie nbuenlial legal aid commercial ieitklf n scotland and eng land thronh who mil bnn under the notice of cnitaliv emignntt nd the public nrillpj farm wim lands houebou hm1 fcitatt protieitt in canada 1 ted 1 him for tttt and through whom ip other u- n and cmnmercial in an ot kreat britain or f j clirg claims takingoit www of administrauon kingston dec 3ftl8 xe r o ihe subribc retorninghu thanks to ihe travc community for the patronage he at their hands while kecpingihe ff begs leave to inw anj wmmenl as his sncmhor m ptteisov who will be found v ever 9 rthy 0 hdaley kingston aprili british amerigah imnre 1 few copies of mr dick beutifill eiiravinj of ihe above uoi i- lure just received and for sale uricc five dollars c4i fur sale at uc alhauum bvok store march 12 1817 barkers black varnish tow that winter i wt in tlic tirno to use thm celebrated vtmiili fur hoots shoos stgu income its uo pro- vents wot foet thereby protferving both the healih and the pocket snld vhloiil0 tud retttl at the ajihmim bok srone badt street kittnlodi nov 3 the sucriberiiegsio in form uic aftj e tnvel am bs6 well k anj hlrtot att rt l comrort or t a continuation of the which this hotel buttoeivcl the l fve yean under the ble manaxment lhc fofn pwprielor mrjhdaley patters0m pounn esoft convened to hopes liy liir guels to met very liberal srtffj fr june copal varnish fs or irc oil p tfthc athenoum hook 8f copal vak- ul nish iti pint an qrn by the ilownor tfiiwln cllt m kiiigilmia important new booki j i hkcitvgu kom london popes ymhj jiwrna or trade for 1846 cqfnprin aft imnnw fon of valuable infannslion on trade commerce navitm lion c wttb the new tariff and map of no world dcbrctts peerajfe for 1846 dcbrehs gronsufc detpatchesor l- h hardiftgo and giojh and sir h smith during the late war in india with mpand plans field extcucand evulutionsof the army with 37 plates n s ljv i archucclofe b tails encycluosdia of rural saywta iiadon cocycvopcadia of gardenins of agriculture maciillock on tazatioli and the funding system msculfacir pnociples nf political econnmr tjppcmcnt stcond edition to ures dicttonary of arts muntifaciu- r i mines tiar fields map of iwe superior tba above iotfier with a naideraus collection of other aimilir fforbki forsicy montreal spu 19 r at c chalmers arcanum extract ihls medicine has acquire an extvmled and esltfl shc1 eel eerily throughoulthe country which has bern sustained by its virtue imtfitflcjf alonpas a remedy far crofulkor kini evil ulcerated ohe throat loggjiamliiig rheumatic iffcctiont diseasesof the skin white smlhnmj diieates of ihe hones all ulcerated case affeclionsof the liver dyspepsia costivewess all chronic and nervious complaints ocrurnng in debi litated and caihclitconsiitntions diieae caused by an impure slate of the blood the arcanum extract if a com plete antipole to the senou evils nroduced hy ihs injudicious nae ol mercury a a prinu and fall purifier it can not be rn working its way t the fystein wii asifent ditdeffectiveforce ceaningthe blood removing dyspeptic influences soothing the nerves reinovm internal obstructions and disa iht would ntherif ise cause unury to he liver and lungs persons who constitminns are broken town hv the use nf mercury arsenic nrquiine anl any nne who are sutferin from diseased liver or an injudicious treatment of any nf the aboveliseae should use ihe arcanum extract without delay in numerous iaiances also wherenkera- tion had liil hare hnth linment and hone and whereto alupperanee no human mens hut amputation could have saved life piticnli have ben n itched troin the k ftj lored to health the devouring ilaeaio being completely eradicated hy the use of this ines timable extract tue proprietors of the arcanum ex tract hav had ihis medicine used in all the above diseases with the most gratifying results it imingthe medicine neither busi ness nor pleasure need he interrupted re- nuiring only the nsu l restraint of inoifertion imliet and is irusuy applicable and efficj- sisbi is his mlaiit a well a ilig tii v pamphlets giving a description for what the arcanum extract u applica hie with ohervalinfiso insensiiile perspira- tinnanda treitie on dirases in general accompany each bottle agents are supplied with the above pamphlets for gratuitous cir culation price 1 per bottle prepared and sold by j winer hamiiton canada west and john winer st co si mtidenlane n y for sale at the athenoum rook store in palmerv and c hethv kingston and by all the respectable druggist throughout ca nada 1256m j winers pectoral syrup of llorehound and elecampane ithk the speedy and eltectual cure of cvuhscolds asthma spitting of rjlood whooping coush croop or hives con- cmpiion pleurisy hoarseness pains and sorenesof the breast aud lungs bronchitis a disease that is sweeping tui dreds to a pre mature grave underthe fictitious name of consumption can he cured by this medicine the alaiil symptoms of this disease bron chitis are cnuh soreness of the lungs or throat hoarseness difficulty of breathing vit hectic fever spitting up phlegm or matter and sometimes bloml it is nothing more than an inflamation of ihc line akin which lines the inside of the whole of the wind tubes or air vessels which run through every pari of the lungi tne peculiar virtues of this compound have for a long ime attracted the attention of the medical profession and publie anil a lively interest has recently been directed to the developemenlof theiractive powers and uulrnonarie qualities which the proprietors are now able to gratify and prtsnt this medrcine to the public with full confidence of its being the most safe anil valuable remedy ever dis covered ami adapted to all diseases of the lung when any of the functions do not perforin their natural or healthy action it is universally believed that god in his providence has not afflicted his children with pain and disease without at the same time giving them something in the garden nf natuie that wilt not only medicate hul in many cses entirely relieve them with these views strongly impressed on our minds everyone should feel a reat desire to investigate io the utmost of his power the great arena of uiture and to diaw from tful source that instruction which the wisdom of man has failed to atain ii presenting this article to the puhicthe propnelors were influenced by ihe hope that a medicine prepared with much care and strict regard to the chemical properties of its several ingredients should takethe place of thousands of irresponsible nostrums of the day with which the country is deluged the use of one bottle of the syrup will be sufficient to convince the mosl scepti cal of its beneficial effect prepared anil old by j witr hamilton canada wim- ami john wiener co 83 maiden lmen y fur sale at the aule- iieum book store n palmer and c heaths kingston and ny all respectable druggists hrouiout canada cutte foii worms myers canadian vermifuge warranted m all oases the bfsl re medy ever yetdiscovered for worms it not oitly destroys them but inviolate ihc hle system and entries off the superabun dant slime or mucus so prevalent in the itomach and howels specially ol those in nad health it is harmless in is e fleets on the system and the health of tho patient is always imptoving by its ue even when no worms are discovered the medicine being pajatahle no child will relume to lake it not even the most delicate plain and prac- tical observation upon diseases resulting irom worms accompany each bomfe prepared and sold hy j winer hamilton canada west and john wimer k co 83 maiden lmj n y for taloat the athaneum book store n parmersilc heathsking- tun and by all the resptclablt druasists throughnut canada ifibm simmonds colonial magazine amd foreign miscellany rihiisvi monthly price 3s6tl furnishes the latest dalesof advices ftiwi every british colony n6 poafon every leading coloaiat and foreign nenrrpaper nd periodic cat from all puts of the world bcidg regularly received and filed it contains impartial descriptive cntftal and sie risticat article rolatins to the colonics a digest of the moat importsni local infrrmaiioo meich of our dcpcndcnciee and a register of births deaths and marriages forming nn indispensable work nf reference on the trade commerce and agriculture productive resources population and actual cooditinn of the british nd foreign colonics end an instructive and entertsining pub lication to be entby their home fiictfd to set tlers in tho respective colonics or nee ti barge yard bucklerabury london simmonds colonial magazine foreign miscellany hoiuhl frn r 9i ttd ill be found to bo ihe unly register and w chronicle or recent occurrences in british north america the west indies cape if ud hope and mauritius new sooth wntet south nd western australia van dicmana land new zealand malta and gibraltar tbe east indies and china cvc- 6tc all prrsons having friends abroad or interested in the british colonies may rdy upon receiving through this medium the met and most authen tic accounts from each on the 1st of every month office 6 barge yard buckjersbufy london a feto cowpttte sets can titt be atrf in 10 vttttmt half bounds pr votvme for bilious complaints pttmsftaewearfjgivdinesssicjrricssjouri- dictyftatutencyy obstructions rtrnttd conflnemeiifome boucts dr barkers lax at ive pills f the numcrousdiscaaeo to which o the human frame i iibli there ia scarcely one the symptoms of which are not aeriouslyaggravatcd by n confined state of the btnvelsand tutims alowk iiiir y owe cheirorigin and cuttiitiuance the preserving the alimentary canal free from obstruction is a point of such primary importance that every degree of neglect ia followed by more or less of inconvenience or auffering when habitualcostiveneaopretfailathtf cheerful vigor of health is soon imparl some times by alow degrees and at other times more rapidly diseases make their inroads on the constitution and in numberlessi nstancea particularly where tle habits are aedentaryor where frue living is indulged permanent ill health is the painful result it must beobvtous to the most superficial observer that when tho functions of nature now al luded to are not performed with due re ularity assistance must be obtained mm art aperient medicine then be como indispensably necessary except where tho use of fruits or a change in hewrieqf liffflj may suffix ttinv- movingthe evil and must be had re course to until the necessity for such aid ceases uutit isaqueation ofconsidorableim- poriance what laxative shall bo em ployed the list of aperient medi cines is numerous but their effects on the system vary considerably eome ex ert their influence chiefly on the exfca- lant vessels or on some part of thelow- els only whilst the action of others ex tends more or leaato the whole of the intestinalcanal thelatter clnssofpe rienta is evidently the best adapted to obviate the habitual confinement of the bowelaas they apply that additional excitement which nature then requires to assist herin the performance of her accustomed functions itts precisely on thisl after principle that the pilla now offered en the public are formed and as their activity can be increased or lessened merely by taking a larger or smaller quantity they not only furnish nn aperient medicine pro per for general use in a family but are also well calculated to answer most o tho purposes for which purgative rente- dies are necessary the pills are not however rocom mended as a specific for the cure of a ll diseases auchpreposterousstate- ments are worse than ridiculous and are only put forth for deception but they will prove a valuable remedy for that confined state of the bowels which lays the foundation of much suffering forthoseoccasional obstructions to which all are liable and for all those disorders which arise from an overloaded state ot the stomach and alimentary caoel con sequentfy decided benefit will be deriv ed from their use in giddiness and pains in the head accompanied with nausea or sickness in all headaches where costiveness prevails in flatulencies bilious attacksi the commencement oi cholic the early srages of jaundice and in promoting the expulsion of worms they require no confinement or change in tho dietmoderate exercise will as- sisttheir operation and experiencehas provrd that asan aperient t ey are safe and efficacious may be taken by adults and children and also in every stage of pregnancy to children of five years of age and upwards they maybe readily given in pulp of apple orange or jelly and thus disguised ihey are much mnreeasy ofexhibition than pow ders or other disagreeable medicines ntftcctlorts for taking ttlk pills in cacof bilious complaint sfvut stomach c three pillsto betoken at bed time and repeated next right if necessary htadttche the stomach two pills to hv tanon at night nd one in the mnrninp obstinntecosttvtnessthre pills to be taken at any time needed and re pcatedevery six hours until relief is ob- ained the osuamosefororrlinaryptiraonsis throe pills but friurptlla may be taken by a person oftronghabit nf hody and two pillsmny bo given to dolicmo wo men and children phrtpaned and sold by dr barker atthe athaneum book store kinrzston sold tn boxes at 7jd la3d and s rd each general agency and commission office 6 barge yard bucklebury londod jfar the mansion house to terchanu commereial nesra rooms publie libraries agricultural societies officers af ht army anrf htfv pnnte publiahcra of naw- fjpers and agonists gencntly simmonds ward general agenu and commissum merchants d eturn their ermttm ihmh t for f xlco iher friends and the colonial pamie in general and beg u acquaint them that they r ready to eaecole orders for supplies of my kind and quantity of and goods of every des cription of firstrate quality at the very lowest market prices f the day n6 tra bostoes upon the most liberal terms provided they are pro tiousty furnished with funds or drafu st eilher lone or short dales or a reference to soim london or liverpool house for payment simmonds at ward srillreceivsoonaifini mcnia of any dsscnpiion of merchandize tone sold on eommtmiovi and accept bills at ninctj daya for twojhirdsuf the amount on re ceipt or the btlh of lndins conaifnments en trusted to their care will meet with every possible dispatch in their disposal and sales be conducted with ihe greatest attention to the intereataof tbs consigner an extensive fcnowfedfeof geoenl commission business acquired during a ions re sidence in jjmaica and the other west india isunda and subsequent ezterrsive rooneof busi ness with alt the ornish colonies the eaperiencs of several years in london aa oibtiial agents copied with prompiiiudebltenlionendjudjrmeol will they trust enable ihcm to iss satrsfacttoo to those who may honor them with their cam- bjaaraft lobservateur francais a french journal or tiik imttfoais cosmtacuu ajro aciaivrinar news or tus wires of philosophy literature and central infor mation from france germany swrtn and auothei countries each number articlea on englirh snd french pdilica political nesra fnsaa variousothet countries judicial reports a li tcrary dcptrimcnl composed of aeleel and original works a review bf perit a review of londoa ciiaipines and anecdote of the piahsonsbw world reports of the weekly meetings of tbs french and other scientific a etsu niiea a com- mereinl report a review of eoih and frtucb itsmltci a musi review muxefleniev ate lorsesvatktia facais is published weekly in londunsubsciiivtion pennnum iyuort office t7 slrtnd kixcstok dr barker british whir office november imc eight hundred thousand acres of land in tltc huron tract notice to old settlers emi grants and others nrhe canada company hm again thrown open all their lands in the hukon tract for disposal ly way of lease for ten years- no money being required down the kent payable on the 1st prebruary in each year is not much mora than ihe ititerest n thp h lm hi mb liridlk hgu lb fur- chase the freehold at any time within the ten years at a fixed price named in lease is secured to the settler who would thus save all further payments of rents the huron district is known lo be one of the most health v and fertile tracts of lund in canada it has more that doubled its population within four years the huron tract in the year 1842 oa- tained 7101 souls in june last year the huron district numbered 14983 aoala accordingto the official returns r lands are in blocks there fore affording facility for the undivided settlement uf families of 0d settlers and their friend maus printed particulars and every requisite information upon the huron and the canada companys other land in the province uiu be furnished rsc op dunce by application jif by letter pot paid to the canada companys offices t toronto and goderich and strafford in the hnron district capada compakysofrice frederick st toronto utjiny 847 m improved saleratus raihe subscriber would beg leave to a announce to thuse who deal in the article ofsaleratus that he isnw ready to furnish orders on the shortest notice totve extent of 2000 lba daily of achoice preparation jots for camor approved papers james morton fitnirslonroweryand distillery 12th august 1845 t winers celebrated medicines the fulluvrift medicines sre kept constanlj un sale at tlic auicncum book storsv bant btfttl kinffsto vis winery arcanum extract forts speedy sndpitlsineot curcrtf alldisesaesaruiof from an impure alntt of tho blood winchs pectoral syrupokkore hound elecampanefor the cor of coughs cttds aslhmst cnnsuinniin i winers canadian vermifugf the brt rvrncdy ever yet discovered for vvofoaa winers tooth ache drops a oa lain euro for the tooth ache winerscamphorated nerve anu bont liniment a ccnain cqre for the i o rlstfnialofyi sciatic and chronic rtiurnatism winers family ointment far tha ctjoofscrfub whin stllingf rhumalfsw ringworm caneer itch dee winurd chemical rllbointment aspccdy safe and ertcciyal remedv for th rile together with an extcnaivc variety of ganuina english and american paicot mcdicinas london steel pens just received at the atheneum book store a large assortment of steel penij by various makers including gillols cclei hracctl magnum bmms tne new york ladies peas and several other new articles a lihersl allowance lo the trade october 26 whiskey ff f cnhons sydenham whiikey fa m dkummond june 1846 tobaccos oa botes snpsnor aromatic chtwinf ta baccofor sale hy sauces and pickles alarqe assortment of london picklei nd sauces for site at ths athmnm book store bagot strtol bsccol june fi 1b40 hy mdrummundi camphine oil constantly un sau by s dournb soptombar ir46