cofartnership the undersigned liavc entered io copartnership fot the jwrpovf carryiogunuio forwarding busi- b4d rtn the riter st lawrence akes ontario brie c under tho kneind style of golcluoh fccinftft montreal jons h flftvt- co at kington and wm clcixlok co at hamilton john h greer wm colcleugh hamilton march 8c 1947 important information caution lake and river line for w a rding 1847 for with reference to the above an nouncemeni the undersigned ivill be prepared on the opening of ibe navigation carry on the forwarding business between mobttoij kingston toronto hamilton and other ports on lake ojitahid and also on lam emr and vice verva for the transit of pro duce ami merchandize their stock of fimtcluf barge pro- vetlers steam freight fat ami schoo ners is such as will enable them to tin jusiice to uch parlies as inay confide uusinessto her care produce 0j in store before the open- in of the iachine canal to be at the hk of ihe owners thereof colcleughgreerlw john ii greer co kingston vitcqlclkugllkcohtmilton ru ixxes mannging gtnt at montreal kingston 5ih april 1847 88tm a rowland son co nation ttarden london l bo in caaiinn the namim and gentry against u bcinj misled hy the attempts of shop keepers who t compounds of thcat owo nwnu- faetore girc tbo lilies of macaw oil kalvim nod oooxru wne under the tmptttd sanction of royally and llc gtrrn- department with simitar attempt nl ije il i vji ivhtlt ihev copy iho labels bills aa- teriiseincnts and testimonial isubrtiluling firtittoos nantt and addresses for the real or the origins preparations the eatygentiinf m ma ctss oiu kaufdml ni ooosto re rowlands and ibe wrapper of each 1caiaihenamoof rowlands prtccdinv iii uf the article wiui their signature at the fool in red ihir a kowland son forwarding the un4enei having entered into cn- gurtlertjitp for the purpose ol carrjinon the forwarding bc8inbss between kingston ft montrkal aud vck vro via the ttitrttu canftt and itiver sl ftmentr vitlae peftrefi ft ihe opening of the natl rowlands macassar oil the stnxutar sirtgesnf this tfcecm invention j cir u r i of improving and oetutifyiac 0 i unaiff sir ere to well known and appreciated i t mud cooimrnl the very fsetof its having llondlhe ul i fiilv flttf i iliijr i ililloo ftndftuinedihocpecaj patronage of iter majesty ithqaom ii ic ii prince albert the vvhflw the ryal family of great britain end of every uoun of the ci til led world nod the nifti career in which it is universally held together with numerous testimonials conslintlj received of i cfticjcy nffrd the best and eurcc pptofs nf iu mfrits psicf 3s6d and 7 or ci cquxt to 4 eui4iliet los-gd- end dotfhe tht me 1 1 tauti mr iho wtlp irt of eaeh bottle of the tttinuixe article nrc thetc nwdsx in e tinee rowlands kalydor an oriental balsamic prepara tion of iioftilar efficscv i n il roujmf ponff ii3 the 8cu fmm nit limples spots filotches redness freckles 7mand discoloration prndime e afolfay fftihntss and tronrpartney cou- 6aoa and an adniircd qftnft and rfe raryofthc hands arms and neck il invtlusme as a rrntvatin ard refrcchioff wah to irtttttur and rrnffftu in warm chmatcf nd io cases of sunburn slinks of irueeta iikidcniai inrlamtion tu virtues hive lon afld extensivdy been ieknnwleiccd lis wrifwfrbt and rtfftthtttff nroorrhvs obtained tltc exclusive petmwffa the queen the court end lha rowlands uacassott oil valuabl jutb highly cultivated farm buildings for sale situated on the bsnkmf the st lawrence at the viluptof msitjand canada west io the ncigkborhorid of brocvvihe presfttt and ocdrnsburr the farm tsf 15 adwi of which 140 acre are uid not in fields varyin from 7 to 12 and 14 acre each well enclosed with stone and bwird fences ihe remaining 35 acreeareeompoeed of excellent wood land the fieldsareell in food condition beinp rci1art worked and manurod tlt eropn of wheat barter rye oats and hay f the it scon r usluy and cjusoiiry coutd not be exceeded from the aim complement f land there is also a very productive arrta oaciuao kitchen garden ate the stosr dwelling housewatarze andsnhsuniiillltifldiij 3 stories hiffli 4fi feet by 36 feel vjde vrvji tlaialred and with every con vcnienee mitahi for th nrijence of a respectable ii i r m v r- e barns and sheds hoibo far the wrtkinv men besides slabtes coach hothrandeacelleflt spring wciia tbra neighborhood hi estoetned the most healthy and uio farm for rviuir of silurtion cannot beaor- pnsed in cinidj wet this pnoofly will n snld much lower than it real vahici il apnted ftr skio and only portion if iho ourcjiisc money reinred down -also- a hrje stock f cnttlr oettrfr with a thresbint hahine nd farming iinnlenients of every dc riptimi a intiepitedtllo will u- given for further particulars apply if bv lllr post paid to ttu b wells e isswhatf 4 precott canada notice v h e public are j notl that i am ihe onl i appointed persin vreewn al rae an a menu anl oilier mnie duo to the mid land district and b others ilie same ihe only leg s them a lac arc cautioned agiii paying tanyorhur pmon m i am person who can quittance davfd john smith 7vc urer mldlamo dlftfuct treasurer office mijawl kattkt kmssiun2nd svm 1847 all city piper will copy the above royal family of great briiaio as well a the itiocipl courts of europe and the tt diatmahcd nobility and gentry of all civiliicd nattona ic beware of spufilovs kalydors con mining mineral aatrinenta tilterty rumoos in the complexion and which by their iepelmni sciimo endanger hcallh harh imile of i jrltffehaathc4da rowlands xaly imiirorittie wrapper and a rowland osso hattos gaaoe iaalso encraved hy ajiui with a new stock of steamers barges i i of carryin re oar- iarrfls ef hour pvr ioiih to nevd swirirvd av pioerty vvfiicti maybe cooiigiiefl tetnem f vara their vprenee and knowledge f the letiaee tbey uil io hr able to gjvfl iiu f iftitr and solicit a shdire of pubu pafrera tkeltamiev wih raried on in montreal al tit ktirr ejad last sevoii y lllf mitv k vauo t pr the nrn l firm ol sxira 4 savmaasiavi jiud at knton w4rtfc ua u firm if omriadfc jrlfi atllassford nl smith kuetem lv mrrr b 1847 20tf conmtitfaftrr r tlicoove-o- on estejt price and 1847e j 1847- forw ardiig between jiioxtteal and kingston an vcce versa til ibcffiuvi kltfc ii ii iran canal w muwfciwt aaj thetjirelcjfifiietkwitrianincrcasej loolcif bagch and steamkns btihoti cnrnmtii will transport th oafoty 4j rpticli all property confided totwcrat- pftaing custom hftse kntrrcb itf ifooda from england aitial scarjtnd wwi bo promptly attended ttf avfifl free if cfctrc- tfc ink i a their cctim6rs fnr the na- rongotliqy wie rrttireo extcnded to 4henfheykcsttooaitinuancc of public jip4tt betcg detet to do busi- tieiaat a rmnnire rjtt- aa akr others i to truo 4 s- mccuaic r monlreal p f- hccuatgstco kingston eagtualu aiml 1847 94 notice tre siiteioe hereby give notice thai from ani cter hia dote thev will carry em tke hvsiiie of vvahehouse ipirt from rtitof forwarders iltmieuf j he tfon men 3lami arfixc js 6d per boulc rowlands odonto or pearl dentifrice a white powder for the teeth cirniriuiided of the choicest an mutt rtfhrrchi irrrff elf o the otfttttl iitfirvt of tncstiiita me value fr pmrfriitg any hwnttjymg the ivrrrn and rrrm the gums lis truly etlicinl atd fracrjut amniiitr prnpcrliea havnh lainrtj ilt arkrtin hv thr queen it court a uoyal family of great britain mri the sovrreiuks and nfuiimty tmrouohout europe wulk thr r utunml al onec npoincca ilie favor in which it i itoitomuy hrld price 2n 91 jc f strrrorr t pruteet the pubtie fmru fnmrl the irrfnineutsrinip fmm ihe kalyihir il ulhefj on each lnt dntttwvit c afc ivit1 their fashion me pbrfomfky soaps brushes ftr svr impnrtcj ny hy mrsar kossin brothers fctx toronto canada in mil i ii i ji imj fir chrmttt anrf rr timers on nurcheini etseivhere beware e fraudulent cnnntfrfftu sold retail by respcetabte chemists and per furntrs compound pectoral balsam of h0reh0undjnd honey a safe spety and tfficaemm renijf for all disorfor0fthc chest and luxgsviz asthmtsy whooping coiga coui catarrh consumption inanra pains in the chest difficulty f of breathings husitiness and hdding n the throaty hoarseness lc thra balsam is envtpoeed oftlio most vatcahle remrdiea tor the above enmpuint it rrpemtes by diaatjvirtr the eonenlcd tnucus or phlrirm io thr thorax thereby causing a frrc expectoration and clivinr ill- bwh uhtimata concha prepared and sold htf rodcat raaxck dfttcorst kindlon prtre 25 6 ad is 3d ptr bottle mill creek cloth factory rjlhe subscriber respectfully returns a thanks to hi9 friends and lhe the support he public fcnnhy fur has received since hi fulling mill and carding machine have been in operation and begs leave tu inform them that en courage j by the menapirtfrnmrtmofforvvari i the above m1 veiil not receive iotu their warehouses he i now prepared to commence here ny fforjuce other than that already th fttnuficum- of contrtrted for excepting in the former in capicilt fr tvhvch ihe following ware house dues ahall he charged for f very ten day that aoch produce may remain here they farther give notice that ahoul j ihe owners of mch properly he desirous of covering the came by insurant against cre while warestoueil here the subscriber will em tieiup requested in writing act a their agents for such purpose a far as it can be elteccej ftoar per hsrrcl u beef and pork jjd ashee 3d grain per bushel ana other property in proportion hooker hendbrsbtftfec maphkrion crahbi jambs a walkrr sl ce il sjoxks co kinevn02j april 147 tt tuefnuwin papers will please eipe the abre the nvnlhe ahtntrrsl frazrtte bhcvitfe 1 h chjrf star toronto iolonil ia i i i j- i i i i i- i j i- i patron as ii kinds of country ciths sa1tinets blankets ca and hopes by the pains he inteiila to lake to ensure the coutinuej oftho public joshua booth t w o o l ci purchaecrj oruken in exchange fur cloth mill creek january 1 l 1347 4tf 1000 wanted bushels potatoes 500 bpthels pease for which the market riee wilt be mid in cajhondeiivpiyjat ihe provincial peniten tiary thomas hendry co kingston feb mi 1 847 chains canvass c for sale by thr subscriber 9qs- bosvissif canvma fnm nvltc j jb patent chains anthers khip spikm pin and cl tuf piuh oaktim hp hrvn ptsh fhek vmish hun iiiki svathtitf and h imxtrd larhad tarred rpt d mia kail twiftf niif r lpi rmade tn ordrf iff and llairn copfrr u r anchors i i li io i0 cm tttanmh ml ims mwunal hamasal uuh 14 jh47 if h oraate lttt ssrlh eama marrvtm superior japan ink powders manufactuacd axo so lp pv robert barker kingston canada west- sir astley coopers autibilious liis for riky indigestion sick headam t and tt dieascf of the stomath and digestive organ tiiik pills jiave in nil eases pntveil j ritat t fvery uihcr medieinr in the eitrr sfuimeli ir liver mm plan it inaa of appeliir in- ijicmvttj ffour aenntifta nf fitltneaa and np pron nftr nicila hnrlnraeof tmaath and smdlml reatorahvc after any excea nt use labia as iliry gently rleanac the hovrtla slrenthe4i the tirtich and invignratn uio eonslilulinn lv- i pill vr ij i im who are aubt vh4dache ciddinrr j m i iiht dravi ih lasssaaasl svuh apoplclic ayntploma t ukr iheflt frrqrjcmty irpand frwm an 1 itocaiptt by usat btuffchi llnitfiat brwrk htrh kinfiton jvtee i vmjj il r flt hwavjsssa mjf ly 1847 prrelt mirrli 9th but 41 if robert barker chemist or ass isl iotk s hereby give that the committee appoint by the ftiftriet council to re ceive the bond from mr vvlllram frguiw the newly elcclej trenrerhave this day lod ged said b ntdimo y ihe r or the dis trict and directed mr pergusifl to open the treasurers office in the district clerks room in the court hottse on 1st janiitry to whom atone all rton5 will fcereafter pay the dis trict rates and with whom all otier district hiikiness connected with the trfuurer will be transacted signed j h marks wankn district council office kingston itf 3lstdrceinhrr w i fti papers toenpy tilt forbid fresh groceries wholes ale wd retail brock sth r- it rrsprrirortv iufnrms hit ojstotnrr anil ihe iwdie ht aefrernl ht ho has rnvii hi- ihturi stork ii brock street in the premise flruieitylcr m- d mevea whrr thrv niiy ihpnd iitm bcinj supplied wut genuine draiid atedirme physician pretentions and fcnnihj hctpes cartfuflrf prepared iiorsr and cattfse kbdicixbs enullsrr ami kb9snch fkrfumerv- stbrim ind bookk and stationery- roji 1841 city hall saloon v0i 9 market bvdm opposite the new ratter by george gane iii snick r t be had at the nhorlr at notice baytbrs at all hours kinmton feb i 147 lolf rvfresl blank deeds for sale atheneum the book store d ekdrnf utxt and sale rorm ef ihe sta tut ifml tii j- ilt of llarin and s de with mirnf dower jda without knv of ikisvcr jn iit tvilh tir of ihiiver mrrnojiitu wilh inr nl drr i withiiit jlar of kiwor alwt jrt f qjieciia lli i and niatncl cvniend ihvisam aunttt if unk fucina job to the reading public of canada corner of king and brk streets squart kingston c jr begs torrnirn histhinks u hia friends the public fr the venr hbcrl pttrungeci tended t hiin during the pist twi years and woitd m kash t fu 11 y inform thcm that he has usl received a lare and varied stock of crocer1ks wines and liquors comprising follows ffiinlvaml sandiman port madciran sfwrriea aurselbs tlirvlt clnnipagnc j 4 mulct spirits atartclls cinne rrdy otnrdv cognac do p llrimlj gnninesrrth svuattsyt rtaandtoistfl chentim penpermin rum canadian wjmkev wj ut solicit rwriicilar atlcntior t the lhvc stfck of winft i si liowr mot f them i nnm brcn nnpnrlrd dirrutl frirtit rritam he has confidence in rceoiniitennmi them aa hem free frunt adutterathmii the caoctiaies taua favit ite hivin hfsvd carefully arleted by liimvell in tlic new yaft baatosi and mmtreal markets ean ta rocwiiwiended aa twin of the boat iuahtiea teas teas bltn fiwiari old lfo yhio tlyion tiinpnwdcr twankaf iviwmla imperial piie hinjpii cthitiru andntlier tta onpttmki tjrren uotatd and luuna cnaca siotaa irffcjf cissstsssd and muovado trcaole ritirnx raiins nrranls rsllirirtf kgt ainvmdn aivtit smdhittm tindreiv otr miion and uttrsmi ssf rut tllivn mahslaals oik surol rvvtf dtimfiitii it i- hails itte setnlcj cuiil and su n obkne rmilhf fi printing establishment for sale the subscriber offers for tale the establishment of the prince edward gazette now in successful operation in the oifttrict town of picton and in the centre o ihe most loyal population in the province the patronage of the concern is extensive and increasing the material consists ofjtpo printing presses and an extensive variety of new t suitable for any kind of book or work to any gentleman desirous of entering into a lucrative business in an interesting neighborhood this offers a rare opportunity any information may be obtained by addressing the subscriber in pictoo post paid j o dornan picton feb 25 187 is winers arcanum fxtracte r i li j mejieioe his acquired an extended and csumistied eelehfity thronhotie the country nhrch has been sosiiiined by its virtue andelficacy atoneas a remedy far scrofula or kine evil ulcerated sore throat long suadiiig rheumatic affections oifeaseiof the skin white swelling die4es at the bones all ulcerated cases arttclionsof the liver dyspepsia costtveness all chronic and nervious complsinta occurring in debt ittated nd cathelicconsutntions da caused by an impure state of the ulood the arcanum extract is a com plete aathfote to the senao evils ornduced ty the injudicious- use ii mercury al a spring and pall purifier it can not be surpassed worltin its way tnrnugh the system with aailent and effective force clran5inth blood remoems dyspeptic influences soothing thnerves removing internal obstructions ami tuatustt that would atheriviie cause injury to he liver and lungs persons whoe comtitnliftns are broken fom hv ih use nf mercury arsenic orqumne and any one who are snfferins diseased liver or an injudicious treatment of any ol the above jiss shntihl imi the arcanum extract without lelay in numerous inlances alo tvhereukera- lion had i iid hare hotn ligament and hone andwiiercio allapperance mi hurnan meana hut amputation could havered nfc patients have oen in itched irotn ihe rave and res- toted 10 health the devouring 4imamlstiaj cnmietely eradicated hy the use of this incs tumble extract too prnprlttors of hi arcanum ex tract have had ihis medicine tiseil in ill ihe mlwve disnses with thr rnot ralilvhig resttlta im nsmthe medieme neither bui simmonds colonial magazine amd foreign miscellany pabliihtd uodtbll prire 3s 61 ftrmiahes the latest dites of advices from rvarv h colony rtce liali advice brttrsh colony snd poaarasion evcry eadin colonial and foreign newspaperi and periodic cat from all parts of the world being regularly received and filed contains irnpartial descriptive general and el a- ical articles relating to the colonies a diievt of the most important local infurmauon in eech of hir dependencies and a register of births deaths and marriages formior an indispensable work of reference on the trade commerce and agriculture productive resurcee population and actual condition of the bfubh and foreien coromes and an instructive and entertaining pub lication to be sent bv thejr home friends to set- lleva in the respective colonies ofrjcc i yard bunkleraburv london simmonds colonial magazine as1 foreign tmonttil miscellany rp to be oft the il the adverlssr lowing valiraute r is prepared to lrnniil the u and interesting bodf by mail to any rurt of ujier or luiver c im j at lie 9 ct vieivsand rcv in american history literature and fiction by w g iiimnts a 0 ffi the reoj1c from the french of u- michekt wdvns genius f burns lbifj acricdhumi chemistry cotnhes ptivsroltty iuumraied 30 p iclavo flandrvkofthc vitcr cure chihltirthwttlwul pn mjicrie tidon m d nf berlin 1u steel plates doohhcbwoodbyt b tnorpc the hisioryand phtlusaphy of mania stc life of gcntlnr farnhaintf mexico a faets for the people in which every thinj is h practical e to every body 0 i5j a tretie oti mileh cows whereby the utility and nuantity of milk which any cnv wiil five may b accurately ascer tained ivoiriorous engravings 0 50 green tm gamvinv ft 5h wtioian io the nincech century 0 56 ocbiiciuienof republic 0 so fitehasix lectureson con an nipt inn ft 5t orrfera utt any of the above in enctorirr the csssls and pwt puid addressed ti t c- cirricuttxewvorkwdl be promptly attended to reference in kilon dr e j barker neiv york feb- 6 ic47 it 0 37j 0 m d 55 0 75 0 5l 0 50 1 00 0 75 0 50 d 30 0 a 0 is buck nv btaek lead pish awjba lerrlnfs north siwrn ibeck mii litcfis set salmon f r i t jro andodfih cictaa fine prinoi ftvv rmiim aatwsla paniitctas plmtalion steambl wolville la nonnaa ccc in m and 18 botes tobaccos- cavendiji nailtnl honcydew cut honey dew and aromnticchrwinf pinjj and ldiea tivist scarfarlstti nnd canaster turkish and german tobaccos maccaboy itapfiec arid scotch snutt with a variety of uicf gools too qihfstfoim la mcniiati ah of which wdl ho nld wjiolraate or retail at thr lowest remuoerati price his motto bciflj u light profits andvuick nvfttrw tavern keepers supplied on rood termf kingston dceemtier li ami ihir ijisue need u mterniit quiring only ihe nsuil restraint oi inoleratiofj mtlirt and is erjnilly appliaahla aii eitica- cions in the infant aa wen uf ihe adult limphtrls giving a disenpiion foi i what the ahcanum ex p auta applica- sh with nhtervaiionaaii luseimiiltf l tinn and a treatise on drsea in tnrl arinnpany 4cli inittle acam are iiiiihid nviw atepsbiiwemi gisihiirjm nu cuuiion price 1 pt bntlle pfpared and sold by j svsner himilton canada west and john lvinertco molta lane n y fnr aale at the aihennm bnolc slore n patmei and c heaths kington and hy all th icsp drugisti iroitghnnt ca nada i y i i i keceiyed bv the latent arrivals from new xtiifc nij fr sale by the sub- acriiicrat hiiumr in prittma street the rnhowing articles viz koo sulea sparihli dote leithor rilffllw bab dnxea awritfj teaa il tobacco dozen tatia hit brriorm el pawii paila t con la willi iljucna ulht articka not men- titmiml matthew rourk- ktntoit ihc istb 1846 tf 200 50 20 too 100 by the last supper leonardo da vinci kkom rtf 0 ecucswatcd fnraavij by r a i ii a k i morullgn this masterpiece in its very ruin has been revived atd eentdestitied to enjoy a widr iinihiimiii ii3leiin in the wellknovn admirahle lnuiviu nj raphael morghen ion aftvr ihe w4ll ujiuii which it was painted i- crumbled into tlint sir david wdhie 4 pew copies or mr dicks beautiful r rraviri of the above celebrated pie- lutes jtut receiveil and for sale price five ijollarseacs fur sale at the athtneum honk starr march 13 1317 lutciuirs ratent copying presses asuiply of all sites yist nwailasi from the manufactory and for saloai tuo anii- aaou uuiik stvaa tfelso for sale by the subscriber a pi barrbfs rtilmti mgtts 4rj pokk tuporior riuality and thron banvu laltl milks fkiujiimon kingston lvii jctjnii y hlr7 if vvm armstrong hkfioruvr commijsion errjtani lojirf ond general agtaty king street kingston respectfully intimates to the public that he has taken the premises lately occupied hy t moran ic co removed next door where has entered npon oe above btftoftt and hopes hy punctuality and atten tion to merit a share nf piwic support the subscriber intends to devote particular attention to the purrhase and sau of real estate and with tins vie he has made ar langemenlt with vewral influential legal andi moilm commercial gentleman in holland and en- land ihruiih whom iw will hrin under the nnliceof capttalisb ihlcndin emigranu and the public enerallv improved farmj wild lanj houtehold ad other real eiute property in canada snhmitted to him for sale ami thrash whom he will transact other lc- al and commercial imnew in any part of great britain or inland viz collecting claimsj lakinxoiit l of administration purchase and sale or properly c c vm armstrong kinstondecg l6 j winers pectoral yrup ot llorehoand a ni elecam paw e ijior the speedv and eflectrjal cure of uuhcoldamhmpintnnf blood whooping couh croop or hives con sumption plcnrify hoarnefs i k anl oreneolthe itteast aud bmtctt bronchitis a disease that is weeping u drida to a pre mature rtslvvi under ihe fictitious name of consumption can he cured by this meuicinc the tifual symptoms of vs disease bron chitis are cough soreness of the lnns or throat hojrsenea ilihtciily of hreatbin asthma hectic fever fa4ttog up phlegm or matter anil sometime hlond ttmfttfhiig mote than mo inflamatioi of the hue skin ivhch hues the inside nl the whole of the wind tubes or air vessels which run through every part of the lung tne peculiar virtues of his compound have for a long ime attracte 5 the attention the medical profession and public and a j a card ihe sutacribcrii returninghu thank to the travelling community furthc patrontt lc ha rfmiveil at their hand while keeping ihe british american hotel bega leave to tntrouik 3ni recommend aa his sncovwsf mnimm patterson who will be found iu every respect worthy ofpublic support jffseph h daley kingston april 004 1816 british amsric an late dalies hotel the subcrlberhegto in- form the prwc ant the travel community frl has leaded the above well known establishment and linpctt hy strict altcrr l0 the comfort of kuguevtui loiisssritmlinniioii of the very liberal pajfdnw which this hotel im received llic lo fiv years under the nblomrmjoinantof rhe former proprietor mrj ii daley 7 jaes patterson prv pawnfftr ari baggage conveyed to aw flm the hotels ft of charge kinjptoii june lt45 copal varni8 h7 for hals nrac athcneum itonk suire aunoriwr copal var nish in iiiu iid quarts hy the ilowjn or niiiiiii iwvule cnuntry mer- clmnia iiipplloil nil wonamrj term kiugat aprrl 31- rng ively interest kn recently been directed to tho deeelopernenlof theirctivc powers and uulmoriarrc qualities which the proprietors are i now ahle to gratify and pit5nt this medicine the puhlic with full confidence of its being valuable remedy aver dis covered and adapted to all diseases of ihe lungs when any of the functions do not perform their natural or healthy action it is universally believed that god in his providence has not affiicieil hi children with pain and disease without at the same lime givin ihem something in the garden of nature that will not only medicate but in many eases entirely relieve them with these views strongly impressed on our minds every one should feel a great desire to investigate lo th utmost of his power the great arena of mture and to draw from that source that instruction which the wisdom of man has tailed to attain in resenting this article to the public the proprietors were influenced hy the hope thai a medicine prepared with much care ami strict regard to the chemical properties ol its several ingredients should takelhe place of thousands of irresponsible nostrums of the day with which the country is deluged cthe use of one houte of the syrup will be siiificient to convince the most scepti cal of its beneficial effect prepared and sold by j wiier hamilton canada wct and john wirner co 83 maiden lane n y for rale at the alhe- neum book store n palmer and c deaths kingston and ny all respectable druggist hronhout carada cure for worms winers canadian vermifuge warran i ed in atlcases the best re medy ever yet discovered for worms il no only destroys them but inviorate the a hiii- system and carries off the superabun dant slime or mucus so prevalent in the stomach and especially ol those in had health it is harmlsin its e reels on the system and the health of the patient is always improving hy its ue even when no worms are discovered the medicine being palatable no child will rehire to take it not even the most delicate plain and prsc- ticalolmervations upon diseases resulting from worms accompany each bottle prepared and sold hy j winer hamilton canavla weal and john winter co 83 maiden lanen y forsaleatthe albenenm book store n p1mcrsfci healhs ktnga- lon and hy all iho renpectabls drojciitt 256m n a k will be found to be the only register and chronicle of recent occurrences in british nwth aneriea the wet indies cape of good hope and mauritius new south wales south and western australia van piemans land new zealand malta and gibraltar the east indies and china a c c all persons having friends abroad or interested in the british colooiea may rely upon receivine through this medium the latest and moat authen tic accounts from each on the 1st of every month offrmt 6 barge yard buchlvrabury i a ft complete sets can still u had in 10 votttmes kolfbouod lr per volume for bilious complaints piitna the head dice ftatutencyy obstructions habitual confinement of the boets dr barkers laxative pills f the numerousdiseasea to which human frame is liable thereia scarcelyouethcaymptoms of which are not seriouslyaggravated by a confined state of the boivelaand to this alone many owo theirorigirt ami continuance the preserving the alimentary canal freefrom obstruction ia a point of audi primary importance that every degree of neglect ta followed by more or leas of inconvenience or suffering when habituolcostiveneaupreailsthe cheerful vigorof health is soon impared some times by slow degrees andat othei time more rapidly dtseoaesmafce their inroads on the constitution and in numberlessinstonces particularly where tlit habttaare adentaryor whore free living is indulged permanent ill health ia the painful result it must beobvious to the moat superficial observer that when the functions of nature hnw al luded to aronut performed with duo re- yulanty ussintance must bo obtained froinaiu aperient medicinos then bu como indispensably necessary except whoro the uao of fruits or n change m the mode of living may 3uffitu for ru- movingtbe ovil and must bo had ru- cimraeto until tho uecussity fur audi aid ceaaus uttlit iaaqueationofconatdorahlcim- pnrtnncc what laxative oluill bo m- ployed tho list of aperioiit mrjdl- mmu humorous butthejr ellecls on the system vary considerablj some ex ert their influence chiefly on the exha- lant vessels- oron some part of the bow els only whilst theaction of others ex- tonds more or leaato the whole of the intestinalcanal thelatterclasanfape rienra tsevtdently the best adapted to obviate the habitual confinement of the bowels as choy apply that additional excitement which naturethen requires lo assist her tn the performance of her accustomed functions itis precisely on thislatter principle that the pills now offered to the public are formed and as their activity can bo increased or lessened merely by taking a larger or smaller quantity they nm only furnish no aperient medicine pro per for genera use in a family butarc also well calculated to answer moat o the purposes for which purgative reme dies are necessary the pill arc not howevci recom mended as a specific for the cure of all diseases such preposterous state ments are worse than ridiculous and mrefooly put forth for deception but they will prove a valuable remedy for that confined state of the bowels which lays the foundation of much suffering forthoseoccaaioual obstructions to which all are liable and for all those disorders which arise from an overloaded state o the stomach and alimentary cdiial- con sequently decided bonofh will be deriv ed from their use in giddiness and pains in the head accompanied with nausea or sickness in all headaches where costiveness prevails in flatulencies bilious attacks the commencement cholic the early stages of jaundice and in promoting tho expulsion of worms they require no confinement or change in the diet moderate exercise will as- sisttheir operation and experiencehas proved that asan aperient t ey are safe and elhcacious may be taken by adults and children and also in every atageof pregnancy tochildren offive years of age and upwards they may be readily given in pulp of apple orange or jelly and thus disguised they are much more easy of exhibit ion than row dors or other disagreeable medicines ntitectrorsa roit taking thk pills in case of bilious complaints foul stomachy ice three pillsto betaken at bed time and repeated next night if necessary headache to the stomach two pillsto be taxen atnightand one in the moriiirres obstinatemsttvtncss three pills to be taken at anytime needed and re peatede very six hours until relief is ob tained the usualdoseforordinary personals three pills but fourpius may be ttkor by a person ofstrong habit of body and two pillsmay be given to delicate wo menand children prftpaitttd and sold by dr barker ot tho atlteneum book store kingston sold in boxes at 7jd is 3d and 2a fid each general a genc y and commission office 6 barge yard bucklesbury london near the mansum house to merchants commercial news rooms publie libraries aprieultural societies officers of the armv sad navv printers publishers uf hswa- papers and cofonwtt fenfcrally simmonds ward cenerci agents and commission merchant d eturn their fratefuj ibsnks for paat favors i lo their frienda aod the colonial public io general and beg to acquaint then that tbey are ready to execute orders tor supplies caay kind snd quantity of and goods of every ow criptwn of firstrate quality al the very lowest market prices f thr day and transact boaineaa upon the nmt liberal terms provided uwyarcpnt- vhuly jurmahed with funds or drafts at ajthaj lone or short dales or a refrreneclo aoroe loodoa or liverpool house for payment simmonds ward il revive aif- roenta of anj descrioimn of merchandize to be sold on commission and accept bills at ninety day for iworbirdtuf the amoont oa re ceiptor the bill i of lading consunmenu en trusted to their tare wijl meet wilh every potisbu dispaich in their disposal sod sales be conducted with the greatest mention to ihe interests of tb consigner an titensivo fcnosrledfc of ceirap comrnisaion buiiness acquired donn a ions n sidenee in jamaica and the or her west india islands and subseqoent extensive eoarmeof boai- neaa with all the british colonies the esperieac of several ycara in london aa colonial areata ormtm with promptitude attention and judsissiit will they imil enable them to sivs salitfieiioa lo those who may honor ihcio with their eom mandv lobservateur francais a french journal or tut poutical coamaacut aai toiairttrta- rcatws or nit wc of philosophy literature end general infor- matumfrom france germany spam on auothet countries pach number rontains articles on enrlash and french pmilics political ntwa fnma various other countries judicial reports a li terary department composed of select and amin wof c world ks a review nf pari a review tf undon r iprsc and anecdotes nf the fashionable rtpott of the weekly merlinrsof tho french and other scientific rerfesntrr a com- mcial reort a review of english and franco theatre a musical review maseellaniev hut loiismvatstra ftarcaitia powisiied weakly in london subscription 26y per annum lo office 67 strand klnomtv dr barker britiab wfclr ostajft november 10 eight hundred thousand aches of land in tub huron tract r notice to old settlers 1mn grants and others he canada company have again thrown ripen nil their landa in the huron tract for disposil hv wnvcf ikam- fnrtkn years- no mqnky ueing required down tho rent payable on the 1st frebrtiary in oavh yertr is not much mmflihamho iiitartrst upon tho ual piicc f iho laoitclih right io pur ehsstw tho kireln ij at my utno within tho ion yoors ot a fixil prtcu iramrtl tn limso is soriirid tu the suttler who would thusfliivo all further paymonts of renin flm tfllruh uislhfcl ii miinvn to ft one ofthe modt hulthy and fertile tracta of tand in canada il has mor than ilnubled ils prfpulatlon within four yean the huron tract in the year 182 con tained 7t0 oulsin june last year ihe huron district numherad 14983 aoula bccordingt the official returns the above i3ndsarrin blockfli there fore aflbrdintacility for the ufislivideij settliment of families of old settlers aiic iheir friends maps printed particulars ari every requisite information upon the httroo and the canada company other lands in the province ivill be furnished trib op cimftok by application if by letter post- paid in rhe canada company office- at toronto and gwlericb and strafford in rim hortft district canada ow raxy dmcl frederick st t9ionto u jany i17 8m j improved saleratus the subscriber would beg leave t announce tr those who deal id the aricleorsaleratus ready to furnish orders ori theahorteet notice tote extent of 2000 lb daily of a choice preparation low for caiaor approved papers james morton ktnjfstontireweryand distillery 12th august 1s45 t winers celebrated medicines the following medicines aif kept eoaauntly on sale al tlic athenctfni book stars dc street j non vis winersarcanum extract for th ol i spedv andpermaorai cure of all dtaeiacaarisior from an impure slate of the uesaf win er3 pectoral sybupofhors- lim nisl elecampanefor the euro ot lnii ci arthmo coosu nipt ion 4 otc winers canadian vermifuge the best reined v cer yet diteovcrrd worfos winerstooth ache propsa esc lain cure for i 1 ache wtnercamphoratepnerveanln 80ne liniment a certain cure for the in- riu i i 1 wry scialt and chronic rhumitiani winers family ointment for tb care of scrofula white sweljirvis rbumatisnt ridgvnrm cancer itch jce winery chemical pileofntment a peedy tafe snd crtectuaj remedy for til lofclher with n extentira vamly of gsnoioa cnttisrt and american patent miciirtav knr6 leh6 ckles london pickles ibroiipboot csaatla sauces and p 4 large aotmcnt of snd ssacss i for sils at the atheneum book store bifot street londonsteel pens just received at the atheneum book store a braled magnum uinuins ladie pens and several other new tiddaa a libeial allowance o ihe tradii october 26 large asorment of bleelpem by rarioui makers including gillota celo- i the new york whiskey oqanlloni sydenham whiaksj as m drumwqnq june 5 1846 tobaccos baxvisunarior aroaallo chawiml m drummund jane a 1846 camphine oil ronstantly on 8tl by s bourn id uflptttnbar