thk british whig am kmutul ibtiirtiskit koh iimih west rftintkn nihlisiibu semiweekly bt edward john darker u ii 47 tub jitmbjfsffm tkkmv oik povvii kiv siiiuo rr mhi iih auallowaoceof kivc shilling jrpbidinadvence nn p4sr dirnhitiucd unliurrearaifes arc paid r i i i ihe option of the publisher aovertfsrmevts silinm and under ji l rii invcrtiwi and tt uhiuenl iniartion iinc ten linu3s4driet insertion and lud each aa imtflfmis ahnve ten tins 4dper1iuc far the firl jnrtertbfti d id per i mo far each ilfc t aimiaf iaisf timi advrrtic rnsnt without apecine directions which onehl tn bain writing inserted iintilfarhid end charged aeerdia1r order far diicflruinumg advritm mnutkf invent ho publiahtr or left in wrilinj- allha office thrnurnsri whig bcih jmmwiont limt canadian cncuiaiion no miscount willho tuweil on sdicliomcuta on any pretext order far the jjvitia tvaif will be received by ruottof the pim mnicc initio united pnwiwec and mnic hindcd l them will be credited a if paid lolfa iiijjir all letter cat from ajjcnit to be potflpsid ljt fflritisl tttytfl and general advertiser for canada west llis caron cofrrt pond nee um fht ilniw clot ly ai h gntlmen f french ftrixin wra wuiing l tan their upper ca nadian allies arid join the ministerial life of the i r- r f rt hiri wefc what they entered into a negotiation on i the haits of rcliuquihnx all mer party and i personal leeliiigs and it be t m vi that i lucic vol xvi lor j a- mcdowall furrier matte r brock street kingston fun mnce u lo order on the shortest notice fan of every dckriplion bought arj solii ross do dd military tai and ladies habit maker pkincess street fr four gocd juurncynvert jkbtifi teenfrd w noden tailor c oproiltk mr willum wilsossj wellington street all work ht bis line exceeded with neatness nd dispatch iniawi matthew drhmmoxd orotcr suefc splrulerthut weuincton iirildi htxt lo ilr if vj1bi f- b- kayler ach builder jvo carriage makers paisc inbcr mon c o robert mccormtck wtkx spirits tels urbttiries e phinckhs stuefil kfngstox education mr o s miller a m having ben appointrd i ier of tho bath grammar school beu to inform the public that he is pfe- pmed lo reeoive all chililren whom lafcn r1 guardians may i- posed lo rnrnoiit in liivcre aod training the cmtho of education adopted by mr milter if audi as if pursued in the acajemies ofgrat britain and upper canada college toronto and 6iqikh fail to give aaliafaciion even to the mol i- j it will embrace lat a ge neral english cmirac including algebra ami mensuration snrfly he laftguaeea i iivl ii hebrew combining at ihesame timeaconcommttant course of mathematics prcparvtorj to univer sity entraucc while at the aame tintcj every care and aucmion will be paid to the morals and reliejtoua training of his pupils without whiehur education how- iver general and solid can be productive of any good icsults p s term may be known by apply ing to mr- miller the trustee of the above clas sical academy having appointed mr miller to the mtftteraup of it feel that wc wtmld be guilty of a violation of our duty both to the public andmr miller dirt unj notcxime forward in support of l he above adverluement and we do so confident that we are ftble to present him worthy of support bo as a gen tleman of education and competent to tch- mr miller is a pupil or trinity col lege dublin and an a m of tlie unt vcrsity of glasgow qualifications in i w i sufficient to seevre public confidence he is auo of very consuler- able experience as a master not only in britain 1ml alin canada having been eogicjeil sin hi arrival in ihe country bs master of academies of distinction teter oavy iwaf irobert stewart trumttg ult may 13 1s47 1c12 w h aiexandrr begs respectfully to ifiinn ihelo- irjbltantn of icingiloa thai ht hi pre ikircj to ttipply fdnnlm every morning kingston canada friday june 18 1847 auction of tands no 49 new importations or teas groceries robert afckvsib drock street htncslox rihe sabkriber rsprctfnlly bfvs iravlu intorm his town and country qutosmf that he is now receiving bis ftinnir stock m ftcrrttftts ihorwyi uftaw fuvucu strfbt ikc5t0 h john a- macipnud atmandru f mprrlr teacher of music piano purtks tuned ionatiwm iimjah awrrimikini 41 it their own roueocaa mh l the qua alii given will be ffoui 1v to 20 lbs tliecharfofhcnsonvinticaixdollam teas groceries wines spirits- carefully selected hy rnonjil inspection in the montreal snd new york markets his present stock comprises among olhs the following articles teas gunpowder hynnn yunf mymn tteinksvt hi skm peko cntigchvog souchon l i and v sugars copper i rotsieh i mi ii punutioci liinftrib rtnii micii- coco cmocolat best spsnish puin ot prep- wines tv wooo os r t i r f j mhh l i do sheer pale and brod i p tensntte hunts port and starry bearcsrlo clirct msljs superior old port spirits om j r i mj inland oafsm brndr bordejrtx brandy hofland gin common gis csnads whbkey scotch wriisksv r gin in 1 1- csie cherry pepprrmint lnndon potter and palo ale in qnarts v nt elixir maracbino eao de vis da dsntsic caraco and other liqocors groceries cwk rsl bi of qiiime jefferson c nrij dsirffi keesh buer ftoe and soierfinc floor and oaimrsl pin in crackrra put and psarl barlcv i- i r vtmi rio pastss aic vcksi i mlcrnmart atoivt t patent barlce snri kinas mwraao wmtal lb and i lb brittle pi i- i tar- w r i r caatile white and ypltfw ciolc was psrm wax vvicfca uasslfa oila sperm and fno ohtes- salt oitjftdava lie fine and basket kenned and paste itrorn while anil eai india suar candj fmtr ornfes snd lctntma urh iofrfn aoti ahclletl urt thmw and birter almtida parcel ilrcl wjlnuiantl 1akt nuta mlaa turkey vauncta and mihkth riufia lirti zmu utmrtlsi phinfs uvai u fijr hcm frctji pltinta in jjrr paiiehvkii fiiutstitmn ornfc nnd litiwyi prcl kai inli tainr mbiagrie thk follnrtine valaahle piopfrl in tlir western district will tit offered for sk hy public aitclion l chatham canada west on saturday 2ca june township of romney van amburgh will exhibit hi immeiue collection of trailed asikam in kingstonon friday and saturduy june 25 nnd 26 admittaoce is 3d at napanee lot no 8 til ut con 200 act 12 it ii 900 do 13 u u 2h0 do 8 2nd 200 du hi 44 44 200 do j2 a tt 200 6 13 4 r 200 do 14 tt tt 200 do township of harwich lois no li acres- lots no 14 1316 itsc is in the 2nd con of do do- do 1000 acres thf above property is mostadrantageonly situated and well timbered the lois in proninrinl parliament debate on the ddrkssspeech of the solicitor geeral mf camsao aid tint ihr honorable jfrn- ienan far koiili york had invited altemion la the whole of in political life and had chillenrd the praie of consistency for the wholi of it he mr cameron wat pre patdlottkwwledjte in jenetal the consis tency wliich had distinguished the hurt sjfft- tleman but on sotnc ihins be could not ac cord him that virtue to its full extent mr cairirron hfc mentioned the enndnct ol the bon member fur north york on lbs primogeniture lav on the bill to prevent cler- ay men from voting and on the adminiilratlofi of justice and jemts estates billi he coniimiedthe hon membrr for south thompson caki5y ceneral importing and commission hkrchants s 1 dttrtx l ttttet naw vork camadia orl a card s n h a w v k i- a w ani ware commission wercimjvtt and ueneral agbwt a loa wstor sin new york ct owen vaxdoslis attormet at law sfllinvor h clltkerv am buubfrv goxvcvanctii i ffoimj alngtfon ctnd scrip bought nj glj macdonalds hotel tit itont opposite the klafaircei city baths tarcntot francis v carey m d sjjrceds accqugheur c c kewburqh camden east xpward stagey raoh condoko ffhtrchant tailor i opposite j d bryu fr co fcsing street kivuston john black1stox 3ailmaker and rigger o 1 haltdvs otildinos ontabio street t mrici punclaallity will be obcrcd in iltc doliffry order left at mr- rert mc- 1 k i 1 1 1- will meet with i t tflltitltitfli w ii a takes this opportunity to in- inrnt hi friends onil the jitihlic tjit he ll cnnttn ui- l is ctfrfilrfs- kil stotfghton bit l kt n hulea nl k 3d canh vui champagne bottled cioira m article always unhand nt bv 3jrcr ilnzen kinfiim 17ih may 187- lcf iliii alas aht4vh j k e ill ov a l kingston tin ware manufactory k a chown hlxiifli lsii- til sheet ir0x ab rn copper wjres and rejchr pickcesmiaed onioia wtua firkin riuliftonrr- itcd cjumjc cucimj llt prpe liar i tiivvimjl kitff irtr til itendine bstcalti bhwe salarl oilctpcff ojifve ai urrro tiwf1er suatmik trob bhsr chsf chalk witin i i i i i ij 1- mf 1 vifir uufet wfiinpin antl wminc pape- wi thtmi nict lijlt ffit h uurk ttcfiaad jitra i oil in m ih itattakl window jlasa cafsas fttm inca rmnd vihecoik il4ir ittaal ni llronmr ittktw4tr lassm cflpjirr- autw sallire kjnn iiiil ulauberlta irvjin f tnar suvlfi hiiibtotc rpe ula all sisra the snlneiiber aksurvs the public thai tho whole of the ahove artiele t 4r the vstj tiesl quality ami will i mill fur caiu ot iroinpt tkiv on the lowrl pmaihlr ltrm robert allen kinjvlon mav w7 the trustee of the mill re- 3ervb at the villa of napa- neo midlanl district are puny prepared tn receive applications for leastnij the rvi power and jho mill sitks on thecanal reunify eonstrueted on the rcaarveror any peritwl not to exceed twenty one years the ikwer to he afforded by the canal which is 1100 feet long 24 feet wide and to contain 4 feet water i estimated as equal tc thirty nins of stones or 1500 inches of water which will be divided into 1st and 2nd class privilege the height of fall from the surface of tho canal lo the river is 31 feet and the length of the lot he- twocn the canal arid the river will average ahout 150 feet the napam river is navigable from the bay of quinte for vessels drawinc six feet water up tothu lower end of the canal and the distance of llu village ftom kinstri2 mile is travelled over the best macadamized road in upper ca nada applications will also he received from nereijii willing in lease the building of the new mill and store house now drttduig at he fimt f the canal tlld put it iho mactiiitf i y the htiitdius ore 1 1 j the modt mihstantial descnptiio and arc together 4f x 130 feet and 7 stoncr high vessels can had their longsiile toe storehouse the u t i n mi 1ft 1st con f r iwlc had ehalleiytrd the ministry to llteir that ms atlemuywls aware that at the ktt icin lie members on his own tfile of tin house were returned as they then wtftj ami the members on the other side a hiey were knee that time many of the members on his own side had relumed to their tfonmi- t i l l fki e iiienl bin they were constantly sent baelc groves are derns ube sbotesof uke krie tf hor mfmhff for 7 haj trie utsijt harwich are on itht food att ulked rfhe bnr on w m cimf lain exte cloc to the go llafbw and rosd tm of c hmu 0 km cacluted to chatham the land isor ftainrtqoaht 0 i hqm on lllf fc tbe mtrn walmil maple c c stm milh ajahta a chtf ual eoydnol be sebstu- atiil lo be erected on or neaf th propcity lcd 4 u t f d of abuse nllerwl trrms liberal which will be made known on ljle m w romney on which there are very fin a p at tt- james wallis petetboro c w 31st may 1647 lands for sale aide many came from ihr i other why the silvers laueh of the hon imemher for quebec was m itself well calcu- laied to tuult his opponents more than any tbinirron the ministerial side of the hottsa t1he following lands situated irishiny and fertile west are offered for sale sreoti term london district township of yarmouth south lot 27 3d cnn 100 acres north uorchestgr lot 14 in ii coucfssion 12 13 in the most parts of canada on very advanta i could insult the other he could wish thai atl ihote personal obfervations should be sun- ej 15 14416 15 19 3d 31 4lh 6th ii u ic u h 1 lol lot 4l 22 3 n shll ii car tr litiilihiif are to be finished hy the loth rif september nexl ready for the ma- 1 chitury fr further pariiciilq apply if hv idles lst atd t the uidotalgncl ut kiucaton prancis m hill kingston mftv 5 sj7- valuable mill privilkgii neesf 41 14 ii steam w nni ill walter eallis painter qlazi and paper hanger x1bcao itiiit er ftcnon hncomparable black japan ink awdfactorkd whoicsarfi ahd retail jt the athene um book store kingston canada west- to let and immediate possession given m the shop and premises form bl tng one of the best stands for busi- jiesa tu kingston lately occupied by mr kry gillespie no x door o the houae for rjirxicuateapply to francis m hill- may 11 1847 38 ucaleis in cojkingand oilier stoves beg loave most respectfully lo re turn thanks tu their numerous town and country customer for past favora and iiifovm them that they have removed their establishment to those eligible premises in princess street j v in the occupation of mr john bennttt ueotiuopprtittlhc caeowertd fouie where they hope by steady attention to business to continue to merit a share of tuhlic patronage and from the capa iiotisness and many conveniences of their new premises feel confident of giving satisfaction to those who may fivor them with their orders e a chown keep constantly on hand a full assortment of tin httttf ftatt copper warrs cooking parlor and box stoves which they ortar for aple at prices to suit ihe times and respectfully solicit an inspection of their zdtock before pur chasing elsewhere 117 the highest price paid in cash or goods forold brass copperpewter and lead lings taken in exchange princess street kingston may 1 1347 s 100 low whiskey barrels canadian whisker will be sold for cub only hy william j martin uvu square kingston 4th may 187 office op the citv distillery kingston april 20 1847 the subscriber will fur the future receive all orders and transact nil business connected frith the distillery at hit office nexidoorio mrssaftles i i ni i entering on mr browna wharf john rose n b a supply or whiskey always nn hand and cash paid for coarse grain during 1k- entire season j r if to let for a shop or office the snap dsai door to the dthmum book store lately occupied drug store mayll bonkganas hotel 1 8j4 7 the pfofwclor of ilu etawahmni wbtci mav how bo vi4 r liars no rival oa ihc continent of america bca to return tohisrtu merroa and pjuos hi moat sincere lhanws for the soppon ftnciwah ftoeatsm iff him sifter his rtivvl from st paul street to lheprcscot eatawiihmcnti notre dame 5trect the bouse former ibe properly of wx j tiam eso and afterwards the vicereal rcsi dence nf iyvc dmush aoit svocxnav during lbs pal year tbo vhoteof this immense establishment hat been lotnplctod in the fim iiyle of decora liitn and with evert pmiinn fur hie eomlnrt of visitors- the furniture t of the nt cxiy deseriptitn snd the prorision for attea daoeeof soon a descripiiun s more lo resemble the arranc in tho mansion of a manor rank sod fortune than those usually met within hotels the situation is central and within an caiy distance or the champ de mars ho cathedral bithop church andpaltce the bank the gorermnont office the mesa hnuses of the different rtinienta and officr of thediffcrent military depigment ths ctlv halt court house and other public building it w oq an elevated srte with abundtrieeof air atfo saw mlll for sale 1lt he st1d at mr lintons auction room kingston oti saturday the lluhdayof june iiel i orevifiusly dtsrjused of at private j that viiluable haw mil 100 xx feet hia 0 very superior stettn engine of 30 horu jttfaaj and about thirteen anes of land at tached or which a dwflllng hnusbia erected being pert of ut no 5 in the lat concession of the tonshipof poit- land the engine ix in mccllent onler rvjll drive a gang of ea in saofuvi and a single saw m the ithr for alab hing and has surhctcrfl extra power rur one run nf stones fe a grist mill and for a carding machvie f required 1 umber is easily proeurel in the imme diate vicinity and the situation is mil 12 miles from the city kingston in welt settled part of thecountry a good title will be furnished and reasonable terms of sale offered the property offers stroncj nducement ssf tnvesiment to mcrchantsand napitalifts every information wil be given ftnd the premises sliown by wr awkench herchmcr on the prnnises partiru lors will also he fiirmshetlby fluvcli m hill eq itaitisier sale at 12 oclock mon may 19 ih7 3d 4ih 6th 9 kington talbot district windham 19 in 7lh coneesfion 7th 16 13th harw1ck j in 4th conerion waituick 13 in utcrn roarl 14 5th conn road niagara dtstrict cmsron lots 2001 am 22 in the 4th con gkantham tiit no 1 in the ui contffron colbornk distklct fknkion 1nh 13 i42i lit 4th c 13 lfl 1063 5ih 11 is 9li5ll26 ftb 17 li4c5m7th 13 112131 38th vkrulam lots i9 2fi 29 31 in 24 concc 31 l 4 31 29 14 douro lot 2 in ml concession hiokenul klibdo uummkr sws ehairut u whalfulls a town plot windsor townshtp or wntray hoik disrnicr pait of lot 8iit block 1 14 tfj lots710fiti2 3 lots 156910 13 16 ft 17 14 56 ii 17 for further particulars apply if by letter post paid to james wali1s imerhoto c w notice to rest for a term of years a farm of 200 acres of arable land v1th an island in the river st lawrence anil any reasona ble quantity of pressed for he felt that every tended to stamp any meenber public motives or prifllt dishonesty tended rrtslerially to lower the digtiiiy of the house deprive it of public respect he would there fore be as little inclined to throw back these reproaches as he and his friends would lie to lyranize overthr other ije ft somr gentlemen pretended thry did if both sides adopted a ipirit of forbetsnee it would raise up a bene should no ltfcl justice on both sides they required to be ftnltm to nominate four j memvjl o tlie governtnent out nf even iufact lename ihe party iiended torepre- sent the jiriiish interen ol lower canada he asked emiemen from lower canada on his own rid of thr hous whether they did t not frel that mintr woitlj have dooe them foutwfoiif if they had allowed the gentle men opposite to name the prrsons who should repreaent the british deputation seeh a union as hot members epposit propotcd had it ever beef accompliihed could only hav lasted for a very short time to end in ever tailing separation when however the hofl membrr for the nocth riding talked about beinir ihmwn overboarj and intimated how he should in ease he suspected any intention to dose o away and he no more seen when hejsid the hon metnher talked in that way he should consider wbejherthc time was n6t come fr him to do so and the reasons were pot in the itroneest crms in black and white in the correspondence laid on ihe table of the upper uppvr house nnlv tho day before the lion member for lincoln had given hs reasons for which he intended to oppose ibe iovernment one of these was ome complaint of the manner of dis posing of tb indian lands a thine which occurred years before the present minutry had power the next was the expenditure of 50000 between 1841 and 1sm aainst 6000 received in the crown land de partment that at any rate was arane complaint against the present ministry for it wa occasioned hy what ws done when the honorable member for north york was in power and what wai more at a time when they were always supported by the honorable member for north lincoln himself laugh ter that was jnsl like the figures of tb hen gentleman he never did anything without figure i and was so able witit tbcm that whether he made atythin come to- x 100000 or 1 it was all the ram thing lohiio differences of that kind he valued at very little a naught loo little in hij sums or a naught too tnncb he con sidered as oouiing aad this he btunderej on from one nought to another thi nt last v came to not at all laughter every oue kuew loo that the boo member poifsei some excellent ideas sbout canab and the administration of justice tbe fad was hat nothing came amiss lo him and rwwhing expression that would be quite right till he was made attorney r with corrupt gemiat chancellor of the exchequer pro vincial secretary and commissioner of lbs board works laughter be mr cameron was attounded that tbe boo mem ber for the north riding had not arailed biro- self of his valuable services he wondered whether that hon genlleman was prepared should he again come into power to adopt the reforms proposed by the boo raetnherfvr ftaal standing of deporlmnt before iheonblie narth lincoln was the hon member for j u i nohh york readvlo come down with full and particular sets of accounts at tbe first day of every session was be for preventing ihe government from expending one rennyof lbs public money or woirtd he approse of re- stncltng lbs discretion of minimers tn he time for the meeting of parliament and of fixing a certain lime for the meeting ereiy year with all the hon member for north lincoln had said about ihe manner which catiaovi retroaded he mr cameron linl ihe opinion of one of the crealest american statesmen no jess itian mr henry cby fur the amnion that lnper canada was going on more propcroisly and advancing mote rapidly than any ciher country with which he was acquainted on the face of tbe globe dut of course that was nothing lo tbe way thing would go on in if the hen member could carry out his conclusions and if the mehinjv nf ivivrrtmetr were wetkej a and there would he jess of that recrimination which wa now heard much nftpnerihap could be wished h confessed that he was young and inexperienced not so well acquainted perhaps s other gentlemen with the laws and practice of parliament tiul yet he knew fome pftvajce t history which would nut sus tain the coiime the bon eutcemen had lately taken m ihe irflwf of the spcskersliij ft ftesoed to hi idea that the mrlftepectof ihe hoiim wonld hivc heen best consulted i had believed that ihe eentlemon shm it had raided to the speakership would not have prostituted ihe dignity of parliament by seat in hi in m- if in hi chair unless he believed that he had a ritfhl to dn so he could 4pe al j t- the case nf mr adjhiglon the snktrof the iimte in 101 and pjtointed prime min ister bf the kmft it wj known that the nrotiilions wjts uoiu forward for weeks np ft ffn rnnipme rnt vflm hkt all adnm tuii whether tn prridm he wa jihng agiinst the ptivilr of the lloue f the memhers of ihul parl ihouchi their s0jki wouhl rememher his pnsittnn before the people hi duly to his cuisliluenu and and donhled not he would have at rvivue ccs of the hoshf t 9ih con i0tb lolh 4 iiif ill- baling ihe that bad he accepted offtc oner tld them i am your sneaker no tongir 1 have now no hgu lo phnie over yuur deliberations tncaue tbe kinc has seen fit tn pruinote me tn honor mr addimlou did do i lad hiviag sal five weeks longer at the rrquest nf ihr house received its thank for hi conduct in the chair would the lion member for nnflh york ell him that the course nf cnmsvfjta mining an hon gmtlcman in the way lie had crossexamined ihe speaker was i accordance with that britbh john dull practice of which he talked why if the sfvcr had given any answer hint could have convinced him nf sitting he would have rendered himself liable to a penal lv of 500 pel day fur ewty day he sat and a i w0 whun they put the speaker into the position of ansivering questions of which the amwers might suhjeel him to such penalties ax lhat was that in accordance with british practice he could understand how it was sfter that that ihe llone had private conver sation bandied about from one side to another after cuch ah example it was not surprising he could wtrk il vernment centred sole miruler nm aid about minister were ait lh ossm cf fi in bimvlf nnd were th in all that had imi hit linn of the house hey had been and liffhl snd has from its front a aplcndid r a xt i t w over the niaenitkenl expanse of the mifhly st can ada tapress lawrenre while the eye relieved by the dees detls and wooded shades of the beautiful ljand of st helens and tho distant mountains of the fvutcrn townships for notes wood land lathed tlio land is in r culivaiion and j the buimings in good order the farm joins ihe town f gnano- que aod is fcwtva as ihc gatianoque j cheeaa farm also for sale or to rent a farm of 260 acrbs op land hi iecle dahjc j situiled on ihe si lawrence one and summek arkasgembnt iat on that sida r told that one of theirown supporters bsd talked to a gemllemah on the other side about those r vagabonds on tbe treasury benches he ssjd then thai gentlemen on his side of the house imputed such conduct as he had just referred lo lo ihe course taken with respect to the hon spesker and this course was entirely un- expected was the answer to be riven to all that had been said about the minutry not beine os epircd iftbeycould have believed that hon gentlemen opposite could have aken such a step they would have been prepared to meet hem on it hon gentlemen too talked of corruption and yd messrs buchanan and dunn two ot their own friend had spent 4000 in one election after hat let hon irenilemen talk about their honesty when ihr gentlemen dipped their binds into their pockets to the tune of 000 a piece to buy up the people of uppvr canada he thought r their friends were not those who should talk of corruption hon gentlemen pretended that th elections did not show any toadrncc in aroonr tbe conveniences will be found six bathing room axo a billiard room the table will be supplied with every deli- tacyuf the team and while the proprietor will aparo nu einenss to cive sauvfaction in atl who may honor him with their ptroiaee number whkft the cstent of his ealabhthnknl enables him to acconimndate will admit of fail chares bean a wry reaonalue cargif asks will be always in attendance tocmvej parlies to and from the steamboat wharves and the up per csnada and slso oflicra and ihe proprietor wilt pare nn osction to make his new establishment continue worthy of the liberal patroospc which bo received as l of raoo and shaul packauefi vrilh care and despatch ant ihe tranclioit of general uiness finniiy between montreal kingston torosto hamilton andtuffalo leaving montreal every friday mohv ninq and morning toronto evrry tuesdav 1847 it doxegana- montreal msy 14 cheese just received and for sale by the subtferibers a quantity of plates cdebrcted imitation gfwhirtf caew thomas nmn fcc 1 virgil ft co 163 st pout street mmtrtd r bkekvtan rvabosi sfrarf tronfo w rvaftfe oarorio siren t kingston clcanil and in cukivatioh with good parm buildings possession of both given 1st march ims for further particulars apply if bv letter poat paid totfic subactiber on ihe snot j lrwis mcdonald gananoque may 2 is7 lm 4 the adioiuistrstinn on the part of the people of sbowcosddence he fl they were to look half mile east of gananoque 100 acres canada if that did not knew not what other si tor mr pmce no change in favor of ministry ministers did not want any chanjje they bafidermotypb prtraits upon large or smll plates riaken l all hour ot tl day which or x iceuraejrf mlimm aa beaul of t taken out nuiihj caunot be surpassed ftasnes lodttuae tog t- kingston gouery j sutton coma of princs end bogot t h btliemostappovej jpmj with iostreclioos turntshef upori ibt r two cable termf f- most notice subscriber having license as sn a actio nee v takes this method of informing hli friends and the public that he will be most happy to attend all calls in lhat line and they maybe assured of strict attention to all orders aod punctuality in handing over the proceeds of sales entrusted to birjj all orders left at the office cf mr hugh calder corner of ontario and bract street will be thankfully receirtdud punctually ejunded to john s clinr 4uttiontw ktogiioir isijuae 1847 tf were quite satisfied with ihe stale of opinion helore and did not desire any turning round in il flnt be askedwhere was the coundence out could he reposed in hon gentlemen op- posiuj where the commune wnciiturnainonpt them when it was well known that they were so ready to sacrifice the hon sertflcman for north york and his friends j wbta the house saw the difference between hon jen- mcmirr n memtkrfur north york had rot iven ih- fiovcrnmenl the ccedit be lhoawhl tliy de served for several important laws huh they hsrl pacd and which had iivea unvensat satisfaction in upper canada ihere were for example the bankrupt law and the insolvent laws ami thoc nther uirasurej which centle men on lhe other side hadpassva liut which rcquiied remndellin to lotkl lhea work the hon member fir quevc hart called for the production of the pills and canninj of that side of ihe houe he con fessed he lbouyht it would be difficult to find them hut there was another tak which inijht prove more cay it was to find the foes j j the other tide to come o the amendments however he recognued in he phirasmlogy of them that pirasanf man ner which was so common with his hooorablc friend in private intercourse he thoufibt he recognized that siril of pleasantry in tho penning of the jeatrnce- that grateful ftr the important part thus taken hy him tn pro curing us this act of constitutional jiutrce we caniio hut indulge ihe pleasing conndence that under one so nearly connected wish him and to whom his memorr must nscessanly be so dear we shott witness the prutisud an plication of this ureal principle c no doubt when the hoa gentleman wrote lha he must have had his eye fixed on the desk of the hon secreuryjostopposile lohim oo doubt it was with an eye to that that jbe en tertained the pleasing confidence and fch sure that he temttd witness tbe practical ap- ikation of this great principle whan he and is friend should once more get infco what were certainly their appropriate placeson ie right side of the house and tbe gcntuasrn whose maxims were o corrupt wets again tiansferred to ihe leo- he would ask lh hoti member for vojth york how he explained lhat sentence in the paragraph aboat the characteristics already alluded to by tho hon friend from huron in which it was hoped that in canada they would be prepaid to follow ihe proctu of tbe parent state if the hon igentlrfnan should once agsui set ovr to that mr camerons side ofihe home would he be prepared toxejudo-b-m- aflf from tbe cabinet yet that tfastiie practice of ihe parent state the principles were one thing aad tbe practice was aaotier and if it were desirable to follow tbe practice of great britaio the attorneargeaergl could have no place in the cabinet tho hon gentlemen had arraigned the ministry for all inry bad doue and amonest other things had accused the ministry of keeping the country for a whole year witboot tne asseouine of parliament old the hon member recollect the parliament uf 1b42 which closed on the 5th october snd did he ramembrr that it did not meet again until ths 38th of september and did he recollrtlhat he hon attorney- j general had no seat ft that maeling hi tlemenojilhe stihject of the jesuitsestates appeared then that with tu tkueoast o tbeir lawge majoiitywith m members of the go vernment wilb ihrircunititoemirf the hon menbcr for nonbyork bad th advantage of tbe present minisly by just aeven days there vaerethn soae psscadiloas on the other ride hon members then were not quite immaculate than sobth ba ientla man bad talked about holding mnm mectino aod conjured up horrid visions tat of by lie mixed clangor of dtaras and uuinprli if injards parading round the ciyafldhf people riling in their nvistbt to presaat bupgatsa usmco on that side of ths fimw sjpm s-trajf- sag and apprsasu lower venllsman mujtbaa bill and the admiuisirationoc justice bill must it not be convinced that ihere wssnocommoq bond of union between them he could ima gine for he was not present how the hon member turned rounrd tohis french cajiadian friends and said i must apologise tayou for gif ing my vote but i must give it and so left them will j i the advantages to be gaiued from his apology again be asked as far as principle was concerned what community of inlsrelt there was among them he con tendsombore was far more of what was com mon in feeling betweta tbe conservativts of upper canada an4 the fraococahadjans tbsn between the twnsoiionsof tbeliberajmlnori ty wfiat was their positjoa wilb respect to tfcrjiartta