British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), June 18, 1847, p. 2

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dire calamities it was wrll known that there wu nothing in thft world to justify such re marks about oppression when they lalked of what hid happened in lower canada be fore the union and attempted to h on miniere the stain of prejudices and of etnts for which they were in no way responsible when they did so it was to be xpetd at tuif that they would furnish mmt faction wiich thy bsed their striclures j the hon gentleman concluded by remarking on the coarse and insulting lannae which he said wat employed too frequently by the other side of the house especitilly to mr tiger mr mr gowans speech gwai unid ho had 0ndc nm noiet nf the nocrh of the honwc nj itemed memher for nirflh ynrte mr- btldwro and thnt ha desired ih ad drr kfjmn totacrvntinns tiihe hon in reply to out uprech hntlkiitjerwailnijraohe wwldiead tr ihe inwimiivn of lha preneh canadian ccn- llennn wmoccupjnd iho nnpinn henchcavimc pamgarrrin thareiortnf tlie uteeaflnf due ham which rapori md iwn upobftn f in such tittdauny tenna by ihoir pililicaj friend fhwi ptter canadn and in lh nicmnrr of wlv rjis tioeuiabed tulhor i wa now proposed to piy o liigli a compliment here mr gwn trad arteral parsc from ihcrtporl of lyrd duhnm nf the nvi hostile nl buter chamcter izainil the french oanmliana in aomo of which tht en jiifh wrtr described a their supfrkit in every twrticuln m uthara they were dcscribeil s an unimproved inooltntunprojrewivc and wonhlest people opposed to thewclurcand ototructin the tuiprotomenl fit tbo country in othem aa not to be bcliocpd on lucjr oaths junr in qtlitfi a rewlmu and i never inhl becoming loyal flubjtcta to the hriliaji crown 5tc far if nticr boirin thok parages eenilemen u french 0 adian urifein ivcro ei to compliment iheir atithnr then all he mr onwani w wy was thai he muft bvirtw rlttctanlly believe that art ttcpnn of ihc nohle etl waa not m gnat a libel upon the character of the french canadian aa some of their writers hud teprecnled it 10 he her- hw the member for north ymk had represented ihc report aa the t chatcr of oi tialt canadian liberty but ho mr tiowao recol lected well the pcrivl when the don ehicmin had stated that his libcrtic a a btihth canadian wore not dependent upon wo fragile a ihrrid as a gotarnfrt rcpjt but wre original and inhccnt in him mi a briluh sohject and irnt ho 6nl kuc tieat roncewion of them by the rrprcacrttntiveof the cmrti was made by the late lurd sydenham haanrh hi responsible minitteta to the canadian fjfgtslattitc mr uoldwin here nodded acnto why ii it ihenthat the teamed ccn1cmnn ahan- dona lis origins ground why 50 buck to a lhcflical rcfttlnnj antecedent ond net made to the people wiii liberties it concerned t d nt 4he learnat gentleman intun to give op the rcanlu ttonanf 1b41nd tofnll btck upon irddurlunva ticport or doei he mean merely to eat ihe moltttinni in the rttade for the preneol in order thl a more protninent oliinidinc of ihc report iniy iftrd him an npporlonity of q altering anitw ncir noeetioo of its author whnwr star of dcatiny mif perchance at thi fpomcnl be in the aend- ant hear hear thc were question of whrrh othcramtchl jude but which lha learned cenile man hnuclf was atone competent to anwcn the learned tvnllcmanhad alluded to thoalnlc nf m a p rebellion in whieli many of the conser vative membcra ttod toward the mmirtwil and tie pnrticuurly namrd hit mr gowanv hn rienda the uienbcra fof ictcrburough and il4tt- ony ataled difaatiafaction pam mr browis i not reheilwin mrfsowa thanked the inanod jjfntlemm dniaatiafaetinn mutt llicn he the word did the km mfktoan derfni to allay flint dowitiafiilioo lausmcnl n trr nmhlv lr mr gnwaxnn the hon jntloman did not lfir to allay ilfor if ldd he ronld accomplili tho object in a very ebnrt limo and without much labor let the learned ccntlman lead the npn aithnand cmlmiie to avow thcprotporiire ilicy which directed iiia official career and he need not dread the eonmrrative dtwitiafaciion wll lend to tnimrtorial dtarumtnm lt him nq the other hand retire from pablie lifa and allow a more lileriil vavusa more joal pjicy to prevail and then indeed will ctmeralita rliaaatinractiorj jf any cftoaatw it ahould caiat break forth but baa wrvativas arc nnt m aclfiah po unpttrtntie as n act i tip their individual rr local gricvancea lo the injury of ihrcnontryand to the ailalion of the public mind by the restoration to power f a party wlioao raigo aa characteriacd hy a clfii narrow earlrd and proaeriptivo policy auch oa never did hefora and he hoped never would aain diffracc tho country loud cheer from the ministerial 1cnelifa he mr g whb anrpriw in hear lle ccnllerrten rely on llio conrcrvativn divlrion ho rvv the linn member pardon diasaturaefion wna uift word a bold and akilfnl eerveral lead inkafictoriooa army would bo aaharned to avow that hi own athsnetli and tho aucccw of hie forera conaiateii in the diaratiafaclion of his an- tajrontaa why will not tlie lion gentleman cmnc oat and ahow tho cnontry in what hit atrrngth eonaiatat a tnanatrnne in u10 justice of his own coac ought lo acorn to rely un ow wcakne he wtced pardon tho diasatiafaction of tlioac whom waacd rcrhear and cheers arc the pat liberal ledera at tength driven lothtnecea ty if making tt homiliatinji eonfcaino that wyhato on hold on the public mind that tiff tiavo nu to complain of mi that it j opon inrvatieoiaiatwfactionajane which they rely tlw ttnrord fenileraan taunted tho minirtcra urn tjw nodc in avaath tho kavemmetit had been con- dacierf not opr iho acig which tucy hl iione boi opon ilro moda of doing tbenu ho mr gl eecakeciicd aeiinilar charge imping bcon njadc by 1ho illuatrmoa wcllinlors against the adminislra- lonof earl grey tihrctcrcncc to their want nf faoldnesg and dcciaion to not rcallin ccrtnio pmceedinga in iwiland upon one occaainn the marquianf lanadown replied that a noble aolrfier like tho doac mijht prefer to meet a rtorrrt with ahe birj and rtetn front hich he waa long ccn inmerl and non belter qualified to lead but that lie ow marquii preferred anothc mode u arrive ntuic mmeeail hcciioec rattier to bead little and to uow tko aiorm toerbaaiat iuowo wenth he rnigjjt pun fewer uurcte than the noufc duke bathe woold sacri6ec fewer itvea h might je let rmm bat not lew efficacious the icaroed gen lleman had sneered at ua alluaion in the speech 10 hie inatitbhona of the country and he had been twrttcotarly severe and aarcaatie upon tha minis- tcra depute they had talked of rallying tht people rftind thrm inaiilutinnii vhat would i in hoo ecntleman accept aa a proof of the trnth of the assertion of ministers upon this head not to- yreaume tfie numerical majority in the uuaw nor thedeclamurms of gentlemen on cither aide of it he would eall m a judge upon this olnt of the learned gcntleraena arcument lo whoae decision mm uje learned gentleman himdf would biw c rncnt the naojie the clearly ascertained public iinion of the province aa uocrjui vocally expressed ihear haar j 5iincc the present parliament had commenced 17 elections have tken place mr chcavcau mnrothan that mr gowaawhete will the lion member name uiemr mr- atlwi5no go on and name them your- mrgowaji wmld name them ho had fl ob- yxtwu u enur inta detail and to give xll paxticq- lori m earh case ir gciuefocn ocaired it wr attwjploc fa mr cowan would bcm with the towns there awe the towns of cornwall lonj am nrce of the west there waa the noble city of toronto with it prineely merchant it numerous members of all the learned professions and its intelligent mechanics italy too which vraa the residence and he believed the birthnhice of the learned l opptariie the residence also of the infloenlil and wealthy mcm1c of hin family the ffefy locale of hi power the very focus and liwl qutirtcrauf the refnhn association of upper ca nada what docs this great and flourishing city nay 7 haa it responded t the appeals of the learned gentleman opposite hiit juiificd hia amcrtiona or yvlded him one bairn of comfort in his sorrows no an far from it that he mr gj was enabled to announce iht hia learned friend the atiurnfcytieiier nf upper canada would take his seat in thai house on friday ne a the froa and independent reprentalive of torontn uko his friend from kingston without a contest and by acclamation ijoud cheers passing trm hie judgment pronuuncud upon the ministers hy the towns and citiea of the province he would now tcr the mral districts and txaminethc verdicts thh m given he would begin with hiron here wna a very intelligent iinpiilation not in the mate in which lnnl durham described the inhabibints of lower canada h he every mnn is literate he can at lct read and write t the people arc almost exclusively of european kuth and arc chiefly aricuhuralista a gentleman sought their 5iiffragcti who ajntal a iionreidenl who was utterly unknown to them who had iw pergonal ehtims upon ihem hut wlm presented himself to them a the chon servant f rird mctcalo asa tninrtler aeleetcd hy hia lordship in discharge high and important functions and m ulal capacity he nuhl their auflrasa oppuaer to him wan a resident gentleman of much local influence and having many claim upon tne peo ple what wia the result of tho contest her majestys inspectorgeneral wis acnl to parlia ment aa the representative of the pcopc by a very large majiarily hear hear jcnr can it be sid that the people of the county were iffnorant of the nature tf the contest or the importance of itx resuli far even tho latent and induslry of tha member for xtnark wsa enlisted in the eattaa of the oppomiion and was voluntarily but ineffctn- nlly ijiven he wmld now proceed to the county of kent the rich the fertile tho extensive anil populous county of kent- who vcrc thcoppopiny candidates there t- on the one aide waa a gentle man who put forth no pretentions save attachment to hia principle and purity of motive on lhn other aide tood the goliah f the rcftno cause a ffenllemnn whom pckcls were lined with cold who in reputed lo tie one of the richest if indeed not the rihct man inuppt canada a gentleman innr dtatiniiishd by olheial station by prenl talent hy preat wtallh ami hy great family influ ence a cntlemaii who ha been deemed wofihv by the reform association of upper caivida n b chosen as iheir president what was the reult of thin content t the plod poopto nf kent ahsnlulelv cut off the imd of tho reform anociatin and hia hou friend on the right waa then in hia ptare one of tho atateliestp a well as one of the tirmest auppnrleraofthi aliniatcrs chccraund laughter he would now m to tho county of sintrio here the county had lcen tmee batcd at the irsl onaet the liata were entered by u irentlcrnan whom sunc are pirated lo designate asthefree of the irmed gcnlcnan tmposite a prnttemun whn is the rrrcat pun of the reform ahoiaiion he allodcd to mr hume itluke opposed to him waathctcm honesty of hia honorable diend the chief commissioner of iho brd of works what did the people nf this county ay they sent back htsl gv1 honorable iriend mr bnb- ioson to parliament bv a majority a ovcrwhclminc that when in a fcwmintha after itc had again to ttppcor before uiciri in ronrqurnco of llm aercpt- anee of another office no imc presumed to oppose him am he aa then in his place aa tho inde pendent representative of the extensive couniy uf simcoe by the unanimous voice of us ennstituincw mjiofhoatuii artnatlkaisilhsiiiae llin counties of ihimik farlcton dorcltcsier mis qitot princo ivkvard end lmslct of which wc rejjrei w uic uunblo to find room for our tiotea he had thus a cenilrftien acemeil to thaire it rone into the partieulcr of eadi ciseand what was thcaubslaor n the whole t thrre town elec tions two oitf election and ten county elections have taken place including iho me for tfiincoc since ihe rommenceineiitlkf ihe present pkirhnient in all fifteen elections or nearly our fifti part of thewhnle house nut of which tlirtvronly were cr ne1 hy ihcopposiiion and one of the three prince rdwaro in tho absence from the province of the ministerial cindidate and by a majority of ibnr votcft checra if minister havenot rallied the pcoplot as the learned gentleman nsaerled rhu the people roust have rallied themselves and if in the rally the e which to congratulate thfjrfrienrk he could only aay they were thankful for amall favour lnild laughter he could not quit this subject without directing at- lentioiitothe unpardonable lilierty uhen by the pilot newaiiaper with an houtahle entleman of another branch nf ihe legislature the honorable mr irving weptexumoin ptihlirhinrr a ihcaav 1n that honnrahle gentleman one of the c cat breaches of the privilege of parliament of winch he had ever heard hear hear and cries of read wo ho would not read but he would hand iho patter to the celeincn opposite that they niilit ad for thcmclvcs and after having 4naj m he had nq doubt iljey would in justice lo their owe friend relieve him from 0 serious and unp a position aa tte publislier had placet him in he would now proceed to answer that partnf th speech of the honorable gentleman w alluded to the cmspin ihioailtoii of lliose whom hr was pleased to deaieoatc aa th tory p in iwr canada and tf- the partiality nf tho present mini 2av ip n nnnebirt their own pirlizana for office thc house would collect that the state ment made hy the learned gcnilcman was in brief that not or 396 officers only 21 were iiberab or that the ratio of officeholders were in the pro portion of 18 conservative to i reformer when the learned gentleman made this slalcmncl lie mr fw rose in hia place and asked him if he would be eood enough to illustrate hisarzutitent by certain date from aornc particular districts the learned gentleniao immediately selected tlw eastern dis- irictforhisponyixc and read to the hmie hie name or 29 offiehtlrlee5 in that wstrict he had since furnished him mr gj with that p and newoold niw show to the house fio the i evidence furnished by the learned gentleman himsjcll that there waa not even m the shadow of a shade of founcvinn for the extravagant charge which he had advanced hore mr g readcaeh name and office a had been previously read by mr baldwin commeruinon each as h and utrcrly demolished the whole wept two out of lhe whole hst of so some were appointed before the unto f the province and whom thc prer mroiaicta found m office after mr- baldwin had retired from power often were made by mft i baldwin own friend and the zrea tet locil apuoniincnt with whieh ihagnvarmnn tlemeo opposite that prevented thc arraneement bein carried ool no the learned gentleman at old by his own party fairly cast overboard as he termed it and nothing but the demur on the at of the inioiater prevented the completion of lhe bargain it might pojeibly ho offensive if he calleil thin throwing overboard lie would there fore simply term it a gentle hint to the learned gentleman one which haa been again related within the hat three months but which he pcerns qoi too shall he say rjhuhe to understand t seein then the unenviable position in which the learned gentlmin himself atanda upn that head might havr hoco a little more eharituble to the members for ottawa and three river who at the very utmost are not in a worse pnsilton ihtn himself the honorable gentleman aple4 of crcat qnchlions hut in dning he really seemed to forgrt hin own history what were the groat question upon vrhieh he quarrelled with thc sue- ccaxive gnvermr of canada in england the ministerial dtvimnns originate in some reat ques ir fr extioplc as catholic emancipa tion pnrlijinentarv ivcform the repeal of thc test acts tha sugar duties municipal reform free trade otc- rot what were thc rcv question opon which tin learned gentleman split off from sir frmnuis heidtf ijovrmioentt from lrd sy deohao or fntin lonl metcalfev it wan nil pitojnagr u waa nnarvl pbout amc petty office tim governor wished to appoint a mihtia colonel without paw or perclianre a clerk of the pence with in aarv nf ome x75 vycar and ltcransc if excellency dared o commit s hig- mnt n act the honorable gentleman retires from tho council f hia ntuulry mart a reform ntilion lo veeawe the gnver and lend hif siitl like an ttinerarir tneunlthtiik to agitate the province from huron to the ottawa t where vaa the greet principle at atuke how wee the liber- any reproach nn this my adopcd countrygod forbid thvt i should that this i too good to c house was randy to reciprocate tho good feeling manifested by tho other and to have at laaot one i5t y bond of uniona good militia bui under which h wimld have to stood up as i ant confident all tic of hia coootnt endangered what jfcat meakurp was ho presented from carrying t mr ciutjvicvctlie secret societies bill mr 0m- tlft srret soaietica bill yea there waa the secret cmr hill he mr gj wondered the learned member was not reu1y ashamed to all nde in pnrla a measure i it was nn ant f pfinjflripthim a hill vrttich thc qitecu nja alliwed aiul which no heart hut a tyrants could conceive an act to ivclare 40003 of hefma jeatv atibjecta n nliena in fin empire of their li rili to artftafnh ami to hnit duvn hy legislative etaojmcnt ihtf hmveat said most worthy nf our ptniole lo rrenaut the poaal lawa nf ireland in iwida to tlvckire yonr fellow suhcta bccai5e hodcasrdto he an orangmnan odd fellow or a memher nf stmia other secret aocimy not to be tilmed in a jnrvhi iod only fit to commit petjury lffore god auo hivouoiv hamc aticr shame dan audi iiiliavfainca btii he was out without hope wlnn he aw vrt mr ocnnncll cotninar doivo in tin eieal aeiitton and congratulate tn irish nitnjj uhh ihv ici 1 1 1 1 1 the executive nn hnd heu remnvirl foon ucpctlrr and fmm oranfemeii alisw when ho w the qucea he prrseolit 1 v nit thronii hia secretary but with his own hand oltfmii lh cooicration of mr tvatmn the tr ltd m the county nf antrim arid ttf co clhhrr ihe grhjd muster ol the coun ty of armih hen heaw the mimt prominent and dilinuiidivd nf thc oraiitfo leaders invited to participate in the honour ami office of thc etn- pir when he wiiocmird such pruceedina he etmtd not not hon that the learned oentkmnn opposite would not he jtfhaincd to renounce his former eehimvc pdiy ind lo follow in thc fot strpi nf 1 iiessburouva russell ani a maculey- ictlesthia he had hope from another nmirec ii will be rrronveled that anvineat the prescriptive mills which distinguished the adniumtratinn nf the learned ecntloioen wu rjo v diafranchiac thc worthiest and purcft nod he4l of our fellow ciii xttt fi no nlhrr consc thnn that of their being miaainnariea nf the princoof pmlqn mr daiuwintlic cuusc woattot intojuccd hy me i me r in a hill passed hy the sanction of lii covoniincnt introduced hy one of its members and voted for hy them all- hut aa he stated vrivu hfc eaw that leancd fcnlkman in the last session euptt the pment oiniatrnj n reiicalina hiaow act- mr aviavi l did not vote fr il nlf ftiwa nu person charged the memhor tor quebec wiihdoin so hut when he w thc memher for north york do so he had yet hopes that ho wooldalao relar his proseriptivc fnliev in tto lit alrendy repeiitcil in part ha him now for the man ihyc a lur jo so fully hia repentance st eaion rco him of the words or moore in hie ttwl ltokh there fell a light more lovely far tlian ever caioc from sun or stnr um lhrttar tht warm and meek dewd that repintant sinner check mr gavran entered at very rieat icneib into a reply t- the sevl charges ndvtiriccd by mr baldwin against the ministers nod into a review of their feuding measures nincc tluiir eeoeaairhi to power and concluded a powerful and effective ftieech by denlantig haaopposithht to the amend mcnl and his determination to aupport minisjers ood measures he eoumeuted hut pcjce und trjtiquility they had given to he cmntrvl after some further remarks from both side of i the house mr merrill rose and proposed an ad journment which waa carried mr drapers speech i mr daaraa i will not now rfpeat tlie argu 1 mrnts which i have already urged hefuro the con mittteiicks at the election and before the re prcseiitativeof the people in the house i feel that 1 can afford to defend my act of inking office in 1842 on the fact that the majority both m the hustings and in parliament have declared tine- noivocally their opinions to favor of iii f course but i will m now thtit when i undertook the fr nation o the govemmcot i was fully sensible of the magnitude of the tak that waa before me nd waa tho more iinprcksed with this difficulty when i recollected the large majority in the house who pave their support lu the lion gentle mnnppoeitc it was no light thing for me pledged to the keaolutiona of 1341 and fully dc tcrmincd tlia 1 would shrc in no government not aupporicd by the majuriiy of tho rcpretenta iiveortho people chfrrs j it waa no hght thing i aay that i undcrt4k i ct that i should have tn dtt una tar two things that i must aithcr n the sense in which that wen iausuahy employ cd but yung in the arts and practice of ja4gor emment that oiere ahrndd bo miatokca many mistakes and many things done which with hinger experience and larger acquaintance with the pressure of the publie neccsvlice woow be avoided is a thing natural end obvious and yet it secm utterly un thought nf and oncared for t allude to it to show another difficulty with which he h4s to contend who undertakes the task which i undertook and which i hava auccecdcd in car ryin through with the confidence of the majority of the people i have heard much said since the opening of the session about the recent appoint ments to office which ere said not to have taken place according to english practice amongst lhe rcst e yesterday heard an attack on that of the solicitor jcnoial west for which x consider royeelf responsible and which i cheerfully atand here to defend if i had only to defend it on geounds relating to the fitness of tlie gentleman who now holds the office ifuiat were ail i would say thu when 1 6d honest of purpose ahlliiy and personal honor and not ooly thee hut profeaainiial learning ad talent united there conm he nothing to defend but wbo ia there in this house or nut of it darci to impugn 1 he pergonal or professional cbtrictcr oftfee solicilqr tsciieral the charge thru was not that i took a hihq as a mere job tmr one who1ikcaoinc scions of nobility clsewvre- waa thtowninto otrce withmit qualification nor in return voja received by friends or coaurxions in ore house my fault wa that this eerdeman was not in par- iiament and that i vototu go out of parlii ment in find a man who jpasbcji auch itbiwi lodged efficiency andhilw 1 will appealto facta and to kbtofy and will jiiufc apon the asser tion ihat aych a crfue stpt cmrtralj to british practice hul is one thai ban been adopted in kntland under circmslrma much ick pressing than mine 1 would ask hn gentlemen opposiie whether lntd kllenbomlg did not cona into parliament after he was tfrpointed attorney gen- era i and ilmtjor ihc first no i will take nn other example nf imcof im most eminent law yers jumtscmsul anft jtldgea pratt ljord camden did he ro into vlp commons and make a reputation wat he knrexi tor his diligent at tendance session after sc and hia adherence tn one ministry or hod iw acrjuired a contrary reputation for readitsstoacll himself to any man who could give him hia ntw no he did neiuver hut at that time theie wa soiieitr general the hrotber of earl harclwicko nd who had abated pitt to form his ministry yt pntt waa made atl general over the head o though he had never been in pnrlitrhent lnrd kooyon too laid never been in parliament he was made a laxv officer of the crown i have a list of names but perhaps uice nmy be shmighl too old 1 will eomo to one much later aincc the reform bill that of sir william pdlttt in 1838 who was even reieetel v the eleetoa- there may perhaps be another solicitor gcnrw unsuccessful in nlt- tuining a ant and my frfi y then take that an a precedent and i hnftfr r hey do they will think kindly of me when vy use it i ear mien ihen exists no rule in bra praetire 10 bind a ministry to choose their lienor cencrl from pcrionsin puhupcnt on therefore ihe case waa overruled ttr mitrttta when this appointment wakdidlo be contrary w reaponaibe govern ment- all these and mr than all these were mod casoainiminl if anvshtrb wanted i will mention wli waa solicitor general nt2t and lord adfncahi at 27 the appointment of lhe inspvclor general has alo keen rolled in question ih similar manner 1 ahull have oncanon preanmlv to revert loanrnc cir etimalnucea which imiile hl nrtico vacant in thc meantime i will remark uv ha been in tsfiue wmi vnmigh if know nnr ung lliat in iho slate inrrvrniinit ft nerry aa writ ilj tho public nccounle in n clear sod aaliafaetnry 1 1 have moie than nee mentioned to the would have ntoqd if tne occasion had required it for thdefencc of their common country- cheer it ia unnecessary to revive any feeling thai may have arisen from one of the appoint menu made nndet that bill i stand responsible to the house and the country for having recomendod you sir to that office and feeling that i had tha voico fjf a lar- majority of the country with me i felt aa ranch aasured of your acceptance of the office as i should havo dfinehad i had it in writing in my pocket the first intimation 1 had of dj difficulty was when yon sir told me that you could not accept the office but i felt then sir and do still feel that it was impossible on any principle of responsible gnvemmrnt far me lo throw off my shoulders the responsibility of advia ing the governor general to the person who should f that important office i felt bn sir to st such an officer appointed as i could anpmvc of and as 1 eoytd come to this house to defend ixnjd cheers fmm the opposition hon gentle men may cheer bat thia is not the first time i have eipretscd myself thus mr atlwin they arcfapprovmg cheer m daariea continued i etprcsed myaclf in this niinnrr tn you sir for i feh ihat i would not be doing my duty if i allowed so important on office is that of thc adjutant general to he con ferrcd without my advice i tnold not allow it sir if it had been so conferred i must hav resiimed renewed cheers that beinao and supposing there could be tw doubl of thc obvious necessity of siich a course i was not prepared as t then tnld yon sir u suppose that there coum have been anythinp in your proposition relative to thc deputy adjutant generalship that bora ihr shape or could savour of a condition pdr my- dh i can only fullowiuj the solicitor general declare that i do not mean in the slightest degree to question anything hat hat fallen fmm you but cannot help saying that i feel it would have been better flir thcaakc of cons lit olional government and hotter in reference in future event if the precedent bad not been adopted of cjueslinnine yon on a conversation between yourself and tlie re presentative of the sovereign which left lo your aclf you would i em sure never have chosen to repeat i do not approve nf the determination of thc house hut i ssk of itwnd i do so now without any personal motive and y that when conversations i care nut on wht auhjacls take place with the head of tho government thoy ought to he published with his permission nnly and m a written memorandum approved nf by him the hon member for bcllech5w knew untight principle and acted on it he applied fnr cf miaon to iny certain documents before the house and obtained permission before he laid then on thc tahlc of hit house is it possible that the head of the government can vindicate himself at any lime by pulling his own word in ppsitinn to that of another person could he descend into ihc arena of dinpulc upon thc mere question whether you would choose to believe a or 1 common ico l ions of that sort arc in rtiy opinion sacred unless reduced to writing and submitted fiist to hi excellency i em sure my hon friend who haa made ftritish precedent his study ctt recollect no pieeedont for auch a thine nn thii i rcerel that an oceaaion haa hcen inkfn to depart from british practice now i have jus tified mvsrif with respect to one poiniment ln ihc subject of another i may ey that there is net a man in ihc house who rould object in it it was almost reckonrd on bv tha other tode and ful ly concurred in hy ihi thc other lecntletnan named waa an old militia officer whn had seen much anf vice thchmihnrnf a nvii who died with the noble brock nn tho memorable field of qucenstnn such a man i ihiok had claims to such an office and if any nor cm impugn th appointment lei htm do il cheers what i hare said rfoea not imuly that t fion any fuult with nihroa i rcathlv hastjsw a twvt lsfw u r a r n y n w j manner i tlvn iresaw ai nave more houar ihe change tlsstt we should have to make in the ntsnasjemeni nf our finances and i was ansioua tn secure the aa jvnnecof one who was nrseticulty acquainted with lint branch or affairs if i went mil uf the house of assembly i did snout of no jirespccl to my friends within it hut because i felt it my duty to seek wherever i could find it the very beat assistance that cootd be procured now long before that time the talent uf iheho fcntlcman who fills tlie office of inspector general waa well known to a i felt confident that if i could prmuade him to fill the klmitiftn his conduct wnod vindicate my choice if ever i made in private a prophecy that amply fulfilled in public it was i may vcniitf to sy concerning that hon gentleman i c appeal to my friends round me if they have rv een the aecounu of the country brought down m better or more in tclhgiblc aliapc than they presenied by my hon friend the member for furon i now on my defence and itisi fnrihrmwjndjreofshoic appointments by lhe rcrj foieienrty of the men and by the dihtetitty ofutakinjr ippointments toolticeiu a country ao nw lc after the ejection hvd take plce and hon mem ber first met in this parlitvrw it happettn all todies of men who m tfca first lime it was not v eaay to secure v f ftcttn atfions ihcm you know very vr hat at the very outset of our parlirncntarx cnre them was a very mron efftrt made to ftt finvemnent intophlc of aoprinsing that h has myulin leave them without any alipjllt nr disrjipoct what tver but there is one point cimneeted with thi object thai i cannot pnm os it was i think thi hon mombcr for north york who pft wo had ffi rep iwnto of ftic r of ccrt otticcrr now if there bo any desire to introduce the smallest pvt of the practice of the neghbor- ina countrt i dont think that doaire rests with ns i dont think hon ccnllemcn on the other side ever heard moon admiration of american practice from those on this except wiih reference to certain eafea in which we arc fre to borrow what isexcel lent from all the vnrfld the hon ccmleman most remember however that there ia a sort of public opinion in loiull knots throughout tha province ihre ore in a few eornrrsa small number nf men wise desire to be republican and a certain hoot nf thc persons did rise in rebellion not for the sikc of but with the view of csthhfihin a republic there is therefore a liiile republican icnye email if you please as nmtrinciplod as you like but whom have this party supported ever since thry were allowed by the elemeoey of the british q iccn to resume iheir fa frjied rights under the briiih gnvrrnincnt to whomtocterthey have given it it haa at any rale nh been 10 our side of the house to whatever aille tht republican leaven is attached ir tlie teatinvmyis worth anything it will ho fount not very far from the hfn member for nnrth york- fuiisjhtw i folly acquit that hon gontlernan fnim any audi lendeociea i know he is no rf publican cheerswaud i trust lao believe mr aylwik afterwards moved for docu ments relative to the sale of the forces ot st maurice he said he had been recommended by a committee that the lands known 35 the forges of st maurice should be divided into two portions and sold to two individuals and the neighboring ground sold in small lots to a number of individuals instead of that the whole of the land had been sold in one lot to a single individual under certain extraordi nary conditions so tha it became the property of one person instead of being perhaps a large manufacturing city monday june 14 dr nclson presented a petition from wm henry complaining of the post master of that place who was mid to be in the habit of writing anonymous and libellous utters the house then waited on the governor general with he address mr solicitor general cam eaohrouffht in a bill to amend the law of libel the bill was read a first tinie on the motion of mr pathce 3n address wan ordered lo his excellency for correspon dence relative to the indian department on the motion of mr moris a bill was read a first time to removethe registry office of the connly of bellecjiasse in answer to a question from mr chahot mr cayley explained that when the hill was passed last session amthorising the ministry to borrow 100000 at 5 per cent u was sup posed that money could be obtained at that rale hut the state of the money market since tbm time had been such that canadian de- t mores at 5 per cent could be obtained at less than pat so that it was found impossible to borrow the money at that rate the mir- istry therefore proposed to introduce a bill giving them authority lo pay 6 per cent- and as the former bill ga authority to loan the money at 3 per cent- or ttvo per cent less than it was supposed it would cost so now they intended to atk for authority to make tb loan at 4 per cent thus preserving the same propor tioii as before in answer to an enquiry from mr pmnc respecting the civil list of last session mr caylev stated that no communication had iteen received regarding it from the colonial office four bill of mr christie relating to commutation and partition of lands in lower canada which stood on the orders of the day for a second reading were postponed until monday next at the request of several mem bers in order to allow them more time to peruse the bills mr dnumiionds bill to define and extend powers of the court of queens bench relative to usurpation in corporations c was also postponed until monday a bill of mr sherwood relative to assess- ment in broekville was referred to the com niiltec tt standing orders itl irlgular that whilst he paid the bigmfjfctoi- ble compliments 10 the inspector and solicitor generals he totally overlooked the new at torney and receiver this is fact anflafinck me at the time as exceedingly birange did mr draper not advise the appointment of theae gentlemen he certairiy must bavedomto nd yet although he was willing to take the full responsibility of calling in messrs- caytey and cameron he said not a word about being responsible for the acquisition of their col leagues i leave this matter for the twriow to reflect upon a philosopher like yeuilf can understand these things much betterftm a poor devil who scribbles because it bftabtt- ual with him and who thinks only wbettaomtr desperate circumstance causes hiuvto bwrewp his ideas for the effort the legislative council have doro notlfing yet except adopting the addreas whicfawillt them was a matter of small momeiitv tfce hon gentlemen appeared very attentivttoth debate in the assembly and probably tofk more interest in it than in anything tlftd- place in their own chamber business in the city is becoming fdftpjmjy brisk the hotels are full and the appear crowded the trade witfr upjsferc- nada however will fall far short or atmt flic last year it is gradually becormog u and beautifully less hnd i think it ftotunlikly that the complttion of the st lawrence canal will give the finishingblow to montreal u a great commercial city quebec and hamil ton will be the grand depots for mahoffccnirt from britain and produce from the fet wett aud i have strong douhts whether thr irrter- mediate places will profit at all by the immense- trzde tfhicb must necessarily flow itftoihr cities of the east and weat emigrants arearriving by hundreds and arc being sent upwards as fast as the tawff or transport will admit i regret to notice that ihe majority appear much debilitated amf many will never reach the el dorado for irfaich they have encounteted all the harilsbjps ot the ocean the mortality at grosae isto ha been enormous and in montreal it baa baen sufficient to cause alarm for the health of tbr- citjr i wotitd earnestly call upon ihe iuthctw ties both of kingston and eery port on thj route to adopt precautionary meesurta to pre vent the spread of disease among tlajdtabi taiit with the advance of summer the nilc after which the house adjourned about halfpast si p m british whig oplfsr par orbsm dlcor kingston friday june is 1347 m0ntheal correspondence will increase nnd i much fear that thsiynost strenuous efforts will fail in preventing tfnta- gion in this city every means possible i been resorted to and so far with socca provisions here are enormously high it it matter of perfect astonishment how wftb juch high prices as musi he jiaid for every article of consumption and so low a remuneration for labor thc lower etas manage to drag ftroitjlh an existence this is a secret wrjioh hs peo- pe of upper canada could tcorctly nndtr- tend anil it u mw 18 sgalslg irje more anon me in iho avenpt tn piece ynh in thcclmir and i my mnv ihcrcrtre tell m f near me not 10 bo to inunh diaciv their efforts in iheir mie psij bcv crownrrf at first with so much success as iffi cm 7- a i first setting out sir wo on planrd r in ihe chair by a maiorily f on rthjwell that is not m msicrinl ft section i was about to make which ia v thmi m fr nter derive satisfaetion fro jnembenng tkat oliinr ut with a verv smw j tiun in wliicli lite gnvernn felt r interest our judcmervt h bin vpsequeiiuy so moch ftdpmvcdibat this scwfc feentetn ihc mere legal question- nft wmnmn feeling of respcel has been exhihitvr fif dr from airlcs of the hnuv- eonlehd with 5 risers mr cornwall avlwiluughinecrnwl eye give up iho numipt 4 failure or tht i rnusl cjirsmve the farinmcnt then eaistinsr but alte inuehthuuxhl i hold mywtf hnumrto nak the utteniiit- i fell then hut with all iconld do to carry on the govcnuncnl nf tl0 cmjiitry upun old notions me utterly nut of ihc quosuoutlmt lhtdiy hul gone by when ministry could slmc lit in 1i1o hfttic uf asimhly with c minority in ms lasur nr when oihccri could hold their purcs mnleas willi tho approbatinn or the cqiio feel- jnt tlvit i felt tilo tint i had to deal with an oihcianrl hy imi mrrti my least dilhculty i pat were hnew ihat ihcrp wrn imny who were okficd in justice of mr- utwnn s ohnervatmne ujn til document mid mr maclvnoll sjii replieh ae wnfl ii- iiiuniionnii of oengnrry juid it cmlsined an nissuin tn which mr anti rather shaiply rcnlic a nmsiom in cva with no small to attempt lo reconcile men tlmoht ulike n great quea i imniuiie another on thoc tt i siy thiit among the coiirwra tenet which though dilliriiliy i hal wh thongh thej lions yr ilifloid hllswcramc lf jri l b im u jssssz mse r pimnelmn wnuu bo blc o jt mumu 1 riim au t mr- maedmwll sccmcil i bn m v authtcr m ihc hohm tlie learned hntb hu mid n cci del hbiut lie giieakeil cnr nnd abu ihc conduct r mlnuicrs inwiird ihul cenlknikn he mr uj oiiwiuo c froci alludinjr lo hie uhycx sn lm mr sycahet occupied ihc chfcjr mr gowwi wmild uk n obcivjliun became he fh he would not x iimtinv uut uf ihul leaned ijcdlcinn ihc lur bfcylic hdrhi i nipki the l u cr r 1 from korih york d not been vcr ehrf hi- bun- deaf to very nohlo iinpultv f l- hi don xl had not fw london and ibooh noi to rge mt you udwe mmbbiinu weniqolly independent wpjifll d 1ly inwhjfct i min mxl wofc i piuee of kin bn toronia aid what t bae tlhac riiie vrnnufiutd k wmi uuooriwclmlhoundmlwbiinuiiw m lb i had received tihchandruie cernmcol feelinc acutely fj til w flm upon iut enlc 4tuf41 a lemtd nlkmn a yihiici trimn of iho mrtnbr f nortli yok dmbcr of ihe rot pruiwon ptnicd itt jo lb fre what t mhfir nnn that ihrre wi not the j a ipcubo minrfiif wui4rwn and hw hit uomnm fff lsfl opplioi and by 4 jl wtniid tuxi piu- iiiivoi uicnucivra imy hcaiii of iriflmi iuom 10 make the w f him who atteinui i lead them v- whieli hid i kn vn il u well aa i now know i doiiht ivliiliicr 1 would vcrliaveoulored on i have lieii air t know and p nnfly know what ii itolivw imca molivro called in nurtlion kpermlhor rn aiupeeled whilo ouri- kiinin brill actuiiod by nolhiiij hnl u desire torri htuiy mnry while 1 h0 paved aiynnd uihu im i cill god lo wfuicm in llw inixknie inri lab iiiuflcndchviir lo do ennd bmiiy eunirv luvchul the mih of kiovrinr nnhth hw iiojynilv i was wronged iicmjf wbnhy macoaiblc of their desradtdon had launlnl ihrnun ihc biitcrct lorma fr not cm- me in 0 oropcr npin what ho called the uirowin- heidovirbiard by hi- ir calkatioca and llcadiknl how quibkly ho mrhaldwin would retire mf privlc life w re w political jrrcnda t ihr hin mrbwrd 1 hu learned gerucnan uld reueiu- hjr that fine nuhcni f on un thc kiveia were otii ivn ilial nii wfl aiioiher incmberntuic moaeaeqitally obluae f fud laajrbier eheem mm tho miuinorial aide 1 mr anwmthey arbiue tnllflfinm mr uow ptrfup but fiu lha member for yucba k 0ll0uk to a mat the di- orderhmnot eilended lo liie own ra cran to il y uudof a th honorallo and icirnaj kunuoinun rflnmnr iia canm mure- uj br fcnf ml msa wni j w lt luuwu imiiri by lh r i d whatotuo p ar ve placed uiu wjico 1 am and wlio on ti whole have rfhurded oioihrootii thtir evnlidnieej hud shinpiirt i cialif imrtjiy fail v rchji to lhee tirruinautticea and uoinr referred to them once t ujnuir my piiruom wa lo found a parly hi ii wjittt lut limn over ld been formed befooi i tried to do k for tho advantage aur common wuniry mid hoohijaa j believed tho prinaiiila of liic hoii vnllemun ojpmiuj were iin nalulued lo pnvntftr or kind f i it no i think an till and on tnt accmml i drm l extend brund and twlid fouiiduhona un which to utiietnre mi admmialratmn eoiilidonoo of tho iojity would be olfloitnt in worbtoc ihc machinery 6 gawamh it i v wh knaw hatoqcc i- ona iiaro 1 cbn appeal lo ibo hon goulioiiion oppo ajiem n nn to mv ihm tho gornpieot or the w lmcir ilmttir would by aur mlindwl with hi a p nyiyino the tomlidanenof the pwr iaiiitf viiieriuuetfuf ihodulloa i left you and wiljomotijni rnia wlrl oa it aitpf enjoying h intuer very difficult quest when i took office was always present tv nin ntean the qncilion of kings collcffc wih fcencc 10 that i wa and jni umt j obl which i d not uudcrrole p1 b at lllia moment i m epci of n hich das hitherto l id my hcndi m i to hon centkmon on thia aide of hje eye and to some on the oth ide jcthcr when that measure ww inlroducv- not pospc t of bcin oblo lo t j hclher i had nut every oawn to believe tl i io have lhe upprtnf thr creator crtij v pncal to iho hn membor for sand lf lh nul col ptincei complain ha dld no lo carry il mr dumvlt hci p a m i kin ooccrned iho l hcr conwqucncci limit aaj da melf unjni susticion when i allvl l cooolted my pmly and hud umicnt i l0 lhnk hal 1 hould i hide to carry t m x m not here lo assail qiimw y c douw p their iotives nor m mafi 9 b mwuj of cmbiticrnijc poliii l bnt i hml in ny friend aru n in that bill w a convicij v i ft flli it oa to be certain nf enirjiv no faottllk ine h one vr fin fault with ihoso who made u re thai i my nna to thi wlm of ibi maftiurrr held me up to a m who would yield to every princrr l ni and office in iho aecoof t moot under circumneea vp idofl me much roan lo fcr thit tho cov gcn night be jrlos and homes f common with the opinions of thon who muili sever ihw colony frm iho british empire r newod chcerine but x think ton that all these inlnija prove that hit coorae of policy ia not what we m conwrvatitos can approve i will aay if tht testimony of pubbe opinion be wwtfi anything il shows that rlio hon gentleman oiijht not to he in power arid that i waa right in lakioz ofi5ce lo beep him ont it wa with grnat sal i lion mr sneaker that 1 gave my firat voteon entering this hoae for an addrcm of con k tola i ion to lhe lie lord metcalfe sn i shall have the tjtmo gladj n rememrjpngg that the laat vote i cave affinncd thi- tame principle of monarchical go vern men i the qotrtion being- taken on mr baldw amendment it waa negatived by 38 vois to 36 mr debletiry and mr wood paired off wilh two gentlemen of the opposition in on efore house of assembly thursday june 10 from thc montreal herald an address con rat dialing iird e the arrival of the countess was laid ihp house and passed n answer to the question of mr christie mr pamnsad said it was in lhe eonflim- plation of lhe government to sell the seigniory of laozon he gave some explanation which we did not distinctly hear mr- christie then obtained a committee of nine to enquiry inio the management of the cqlloj oo to defend our be mviaion but if ucro m v t i fell proud of iho lilio lw mynatry u w when icomodowniv hoae aud found bnl oiiu ihunimoua voice j f he milii bw ulal khhil1 honlhient t of oak ktlnl defence offdrtiivo fl mahin hint milnumoio a oiycr 5 m ii waa iho dnt- iulion loaco il cqrriodl lo aco ii carried i invitcrf ft p of all par of ihr iioubp b rctiive11 mum confc lhit i wn aurpfiari f ir ncwufjo lo 1 ittieiird on ii ij of tho rc or thai purpose of im- ii jk h rofnrrodit in a oonnniltoe m hire when j was the sanap i awihuuld bormoi laolird as if h bcc el nd uf reapunaihiliiy why no reapvoii lily in fllqt for it wa1rjir n wllwh wluuvar wna wm v government imvob my in shuiv l m of the hia llouso wimlil iylu dosiiv wai said seigniory the hon gentleman remarking ihat the waternower on the seigniory was now worth 100000 and would of course soon be worth much more j during the course of the debate mr la- fontaine remarked that whatever thisseignio- ry was worth whether 50000 or morr- or less it would not be sold for more than 1000 if sold at present hut there was one way of obtaining the full value and that was by com muting the seigniorial due he thought too that the accident which had placed this pro pcriy at the disposition of the government should be taken advantage of tn make toe first application of the principle of commutation mr aviwfn said that no one knew anr- thinkofthe value of the seigniory of lauion the land opposite the city of quebec was worth an incalculable sum of money for at pointc levy there was a lot of land as large aa the whole area of quebec moie agreeably situated than that city for residence and mote convenient for ale he knew how it would be sold if it were sold like the purges of st haunce it would be given away for nothing as that wna to a young man of ihe name of stewart who wld one small part for the price of thc whole this would be another foul robbery of the people of lower canada like the jckuiu estates whose- college had been turned into a barrack the hon gentleman then drew a comparison between the fat ur harvard college and the jesuits college of which one had hunt out innumerable statesmen and icholars and the other waa tho residence of soldiers and their brats the motion then passed mohttuub june 13j iv 0far whig the debate oh the address in answer to the speech from the throne was brought to a close on friday evening the talking having continued four days and the greater portion of as many nights it appeared as if every person bad this session made up his mind to speak for himselfj so varied were the subjects of complaint and so different were certain proceedings viewed by opposing individuals i see by the last whig that you were pleased to express an opinion that it made little differ ence to the country whether the ministry were sustained or not and that you would quite as cheerfully witness a defeat as a triumph this time at all event i am happy to say you wul be disappointed the government are strong er than they were when they first met par liament at that time with a full house they could only elect the speaker by a major rity of three now with several supporters absent and a good deal of defection from be ranks they carried thtir address without alteration against a bittevaod most determined opposition whatever difficulties hae arisen during the recess among the conservative party the cause is now removed and the representatives are now willing to lend their utmost support to the present government col prince has abandoned the adramistratiou and spoke 5 vetely against them on thursday but his ammttt is too well known to cause either an noyance to his old friends or to command respect from his new ones mr gowan was a little independent on the first day of the session but he is now quite tractable rumor says again that he js about to receive the assistant commissionership of crown lands as soon as he can get on the wrong side of his constituents or immediately that the ses sion is over the appointment whenever made will give deep offence to a majority of the party and will assuredly tend to weaken the admistration in a moral point of view mr gowan is on the very best of terms with the receiver general but i know not pre cisely what that gentleman eanaingehanded do for him indeed the learned receiver general will be much more likely to bring him- 1 reme lne matter self down to the level of his supporter than to mr gow eft for brockvilus 6nftirdy moktrral i6ih jane lp7 since my last no business save of a routine nainre has been transacted in the assembly the members have evidently not yet recovered from the effects of their mighty effotfbfi ft address and the country mnsl await their pleasure v in the councils little hit of a flareup took place on friday caused by a motion made by the hon mr ferguson censuring thergovern- menl for appointing tbe chief officer of tha mammoth banking institution of the ctrtfntry to the speakership of the council with a seat in the cabinet it was contendeiibytha hon mover aqd one or two others ftat the position of the gentleman referred bgfjfij hon peter mcgili in the enecntiw cyonejk would give him an opportunity to qoainted with the financial operations of the- government and tqrn the information to ac count of the hank all also spoke on the question deprecated any personal allusinn and expressed their confidence that the speak er was incapable of aught of the kind but objected strongly to the precedent thatwould- thus be established the objections were however considered trifling to th connelly and by a majority of 10 to 4 the motion was then rejected the hon john neilson has introdriced into the council a string oftesotions ing that the french canadians are nottyftipftly represented in that house w r0 the adminis tration the object i cannot exactly bflder- stand mr neilson knows full weh that the ministry have made repeated attempts to secure the cooperation of the canadian leaders and that every effort had bee firet by a cold shoulder the idea of grabbling be cause certain men are not in powefiwken those men have publicly refused to accept office could only have origin ated tho crolchetly councillor from quebec tha resolutions will of course tendtovmltfrrtas the government bat unless they are sntfi- ciently obliging to go out of office thamselvej in order to oblige mr neilson they cannot place thc latter on an eminence with himself all this however is preliminary and may operate more as a warning than as a deliber ately expressed opinion on an unlikely result ten days of the session have now frittered away and nnt a solitary measure has been taken up u is to be hoped that the next week will be more profitable indeed 1 have been informed that the administration intend to inform the hoose on monday of the various measures which they intend to introduce and the probable duration of the session tills is ihe proper course it looks lik a willingness to transact business and will doubtless be satisfactory to those who wish to return to their homes at this important season with the least delay possible on last evening the cabinet ministers en tertained tbe hon mr draper at dinner the affair came off at daleya and was of course got up in tho first style nearly the whole of the supporters of tho administration were present and judging by the noise mode the m ps must have enjoyed themselves vastly at all events t could not get to sleep until they had taken their departure some where bordaring on midnight mr draper bss accepted t judgaihip nd depiirta for england today on lonv by ths way in speaking of this gantiemin is it not morning rumor says to pave the way for a reelection after the acceptance of oifice how much chance the gentleman has of beat- ing col kilborn you are as well sfcqoainted as any person but i halve po hesitation jrv stating that the whole influence of the govern- ment aided by the personal exertions of their nominee could not save them from a humilia ting defeat they will scarcely take warning from this however a government so famous for blundering requires but this act to mr- flow the cup the legitimntc tories are in a rage at the very thought of elevating so time- sending and unscrupulous a politician and if they do not break out into open warfare 1 know little of their character l2 a great many members are absent at tkair homes having paired off for the time the season is rery inennvenien for meeting and thc complaints aro uqiverssl at the delay in meeting parliament unmors nf chongss in the admtrrlstreliqn ore again rife although 1 plaea wryfthle dependence upon tho ihoinindtntfor ato nes afloat yet i em confidently of opinion that the ministry as at puiant ouuutatii will not weathir ih ssulon there ti umoh aiitagodiain in the cablnil end man of the mvmbsrs who compose it hive dona outer things olifirly rh rnnuutf aoetel pft

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