British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), June 18, 1847, p. 4

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oil vsr bwrr manufactorc all kinds and color el printing ink pews job and book km thi- glabc and triy mill troy y- trar february i i 3w it tha ebor ink for sale m ilia alhwwm bonk store kingston fab 2 184t- ki farm for sale within foun miuiol ton on the macadamized road one hundred acres of lmid near no- 2 toll gain with a stone cottage frame barn frame orchard and carriage house cleaitd house 40 or bay of quinte 1847 the sflcudld awd comhodlov ttxamh queen victoria c a pt john berry is now performing her daily routt between kingmn and the head nf the bav nfquinte going tip one day and returning the next and leave the wharves kingston upwards every tuesday thursday ami satur day a 9 oclock a m precisely dowhwaro will leave btluvilu for kingston ami intermediate place every monday w deadly and friday at 7 oclock a m the proprietors desirous of offering to the public every accommodation within ihcir power be to inform the public generally that they will at the taggestton of the business men of tli bay of quint run their boat to osw- ho hnr arrival at kingston eveiy fsidat night she saturday ao as not bev regular rips the above steamboat is fitted with oe1leat accommodation for passengers and evexy attention will he paid to the re- ceptboa and delivery of freight n april 30 18v- 30 acres term onoibird the premises to april 20 187 cash- apply on wm ross 3m will return mi tn interfere with forwarding for 18jffifc4v the undersigned having entered into co partnership for the purpose ot carrying on the forwarding business between kingston 6t montreal amd vice vihsai via the rituau canal and river st lauirtnce will be prepared on trie opening of the navi gation with a new stock of steamers sl 8arges capable of carrying 20000 barrels of flour per lomi to send forward any property which may be consigned to them from their experience and knowledge of the bnsinrss they irust to he able to give qtriptal satisfaction and solicit a share of public patronage the business will he carried on in montreal at the stores occupied last season by hil- m4hd walcks under the name and firm of smith ctasrod and at kingston under the name and firm of giaf0iid to smith james aglassford geokge smith kingston 8th match 1847 20lf important information c a ut ion a- rowland son 20 marion gurdont iroudon beg tocauiion the nobility aad gentry afcainat beirt miwcd by the aitemptn of shnp- keepera who in compound of ihcir own manu facture give the title of maciuak oil klvooa ind oovro tone under the implied aanctioa of royally and the rorern- meat departmente with aim attempts at de ception while they copy the labeta bills ad vertisetnems and tcsiinaonisu teubaiitalinc fictitious name and addresses for the real of the original prepa ratios the owa genuine ma- csa oil kalvdos and oconto are rowlands and the wrapper of each beam the namcof rowlands preceding thai vf ihe article with ibcir signature at the foot in red ink ihus a rowland it son rowlands unique rrt vspecial patronaoc op ft rowlands macasstfr oil 1847 jfes 1847 bay of quinte the steamboat wiu commence hrr repilar tii on monday may 10 between kinja- lat u4 lie head of the bay of quiatt upwards witt leive brownes wharf kinpfon every maailir wednesday and ptmay 9 oclock a- muochiog at all the intermediate port on iter way u odwnwakus will kae beltetille every tuesday tbffrt- jar ao4 saturday at 7 oclock a h for krur touching at all the mtermedute port ao ker way dwn cillafaeeajjinatplattswharf hay ilyvery tuesday on her way down and erery wedaetday on her way up- joseph platts0n miywi7 queers college school mr w a ross whl be open queers cotiigt scirxd on monday 23rd may aiad it i earnestly requested that parents afldguardiane unll looae no time in en rolling pupil in bin inaitulion allhmigh oripnally tfounded chiefly for the porpm of p paring candidates for admion inio qoccn college iitatructron will lc given to ill who desire it in the uual branches erfan english commercial and mathemati cal h well aa clascal education a rin will be formed at the opening of the seton fur the rudiments of the latin language terms may be learned from ihe revd mr htchar prinapal of the college or from the bevd prof komanes or the jfavd prof williamson 1847 1847 fokw ardinig between montreal and kingston and vice versa tin the oluwa river and rldcau canal and ritcr si livrcucc iheundersigncd with an increased stock of bnots and strikers at their command will transport v ltd aiiy and despatch all property confided to their care passing custom huise entries of goods from england and scotland vill bo promptly attended to and free of charge thanking their customers for the pa trtnagri ihriy havo hitherto extended to thorn they solicit j continuance of public upport iwing determined to do bail uessat as reasonable rates as any othera in the trade j s mccualc 8 ce montreal p p mccuatgco ktnitfn kingston 6th april jst 29tf under till lica majesty this qubcm his ft h phjnce albktt th royal family and nobility of it i t britain wtll am til several sovayreraws asd courts or europe atoumycllsalky phepa1ed avd xstceuko- mr boss has fen employed in ihe work of teaching for some yean and some of the most distinguished studenu ai queens college owe to him that previous raining which has enabled them to prose cute their studies at the university with such success both from our knowledge of his talents and scholarship and fmm the proof we have had of his eminent abilities as a teacher in the young men whom he ha rant to college we are enabled with the fullest confidence tore- commend him to such parents a3ilesre to secure the advante of a thorough eilu cation fur their children john machar a m tjeorge romanes a bl j williamson a kingston april lfrh 167 i m for sale ion ann feet saw tuvuu uimbsr to be daltnnd in juno next tppiy tn william j martin mark 1 1 stjuur kingston lltli may lb7 to the hoi piel let notic b the subscribers hereby give notice that from and after hi date ihev wilt orryon the imsinesaof wakehouse men apart from that of forwarders and will not receive into thctr warehouses here any produce other than that already contracted for excepting in the former capacity for which the fallowing ware- hmisedues hall be charge j for every ten days that such produce may remain here they further give notice that should the owners of such property be desiroo of covering the same by insurance against fire while warehoused here the subscribers will on bttftf requested in writing act as their agents for such purpose so far as it can be effected flour per barrel beef sod pock ashes m grim per hi the andolhcf proprrly jn prtitortito hooker miderson magprigreon crank jambs a walker it cg h s jones i cc- kingston 25d april lf47 jx ths faltnwing papers witl plrxse copy akire ihre nyinthi montreal gitrlte ulievilk intelligencer cobtue sur tnmm m mikoo jfmil ind ei i- i i r la oy hunting do ns female pills arc estormcj th choisctt family mehioinc ever ftubmilied for public pvtronic imi donng the rvcniylwt tears that llicy hr been in tity l- mrawcl known lo have rescoed manr thm nodi of yon persnai rrom ao earlf arrive snd never failed rnatcfiiltr tokntfthrn the jilcofererr one irim otmiinaty took this aledictnc- tiirv will be fioid particularly efficacious in rates oi enerdl dubjuj of ihe conatiiuiion in tkalinj pprtitc by auenglacnlnp the viem re ovreinkohfocliwa giving wiirf to those troubled mirt fainltnjf fiui nervous giddincaa pjin tn the hnmi otc nod pcctjitaity bcactial in rnacs of codic and shertiatli ol breath by strengthening tlktf organ of the stomach und correcting mm mirrd digca4on giving a lively eoinplrtnn u the moi pate and 4cfcty cnontcuanec and restn- img tn it nalual standard th4t pccoltar nppcar ant ao inlimatety connected wtiu the comttto- itonal leelfare of the femalu se sjdnnlybr robert dakker urogt rrock street kinato c w vn 0 aiw in 3d- per box rowlands mvcassar oil the ringotar virtocef thii ftcceaaful invention fnr rttrim imprmtnjr and offloftyia fae hvn air arc ton srsfl known an j appreciated t nid comment the very fact of ill having l i i of nrrlt half a centory if pmbitwn and suinrd the epccit patron i her majerty theqocen h it h ponce albert thftfjfaoamf die royal fjmilv f threat britain and of every couil the civilized wnrld and the high esteem in which il i univcntalty held together with niimerojft tetimnia1a cnoraiillj received of lis efficacy afford the boa nd surest pruofsnf ils meriu psjck 6dsnd 7a or family bules equal to 4 small at 10s cd and dojfctt that sir 21a- camion on the wrap per of eeh umtle of the chvjv article are thee wttldsi in lie lines rowlands kalydor an oriental balsamic prepara tion of uifiileiretritcy i ihomnghtv purify- in ihe sail foan am pimples spots blotches redness freckles tan nil discolor ations prluing 0 arafoy frfhue and rrajiirejiey o com plexion dn admired jiwr and mi crynriliehaniksaitmsand neck it is invlihiabfe as a kenvaunc and rrfreihmg wssh w trcvtlttrt and rtntftb in worm china lei wild in case nt tfantnsiai 5iogs of inweis or ll ii i i i i- ii- hsve long and rtrnwrlr liceti anknnwtitiged its purifying and irfrfjitnir prptfrt tiiaincd the neiuaivv pmenf ihrqufbn nie court andthe royal family nl ureal rhtain a well as lnriipal trouuts m europe and ihe mst dirtmgoited nopiltty and gentry of all eirthud naiktvia rr pe wi of spurious kalyoors cmtaming nnneral aatrincnla utterly ruinous i o the com jilei ton and which by their icpeltent action endjngcr health each hntllo of the gtmvith hafltaswda rowlands kaly- uoronlltcwrapirfld a- rowland cc slnm iiattuv unotx ia also engraved by jeaire tt rho mqtcqmfiitsioutron lbotinveri- rncnt stamp adind on eseh frke 4s 6d and ny 6d per buttle rowlands odonto or pearl dentifrice a white powder for the teeth compounded of llc ehnieckt and nivt trtbtthi i vwac jtc mmlkiia- ble value ir pecrag and orfiyfjr ihe j trctri and strfngiknih the gl jta iruly ejhcienl afd tra grant antrnatie prnpettict tiavcnh lninrr1slsac1ccii thr queen the court royal family of great britain iind the sovereigns and nobility throughout europe whil ihe general dtnund at once announces ihe favor in which it is nnivcraally held prtee 2e9d tt tya cutiot- tn protect ihe public from fraud the gnvernmetit stamp faxintho kalydor ts alrgfsl in each mgi rowlands macassar otl dor o0onjo ac are wilb thcr fashmn ihle perfumfry 5uaps brushes ac etc imputed ofy by mcasrs rossi n brothers octorontit canada inmatl caacsi oasrfed autlablo for chrminla and per fame oft porehasing elacwoore ariwc fftudttunt chnttrftit sold retail b icapceuwcchcoiiats and per hsaenti rowlands macassar oil 15 cefcbnirit lore the world for ita genial and nnuriihing aasjufiaa for the human hair ft produces i i i f ztif stop it froen fatling nff or corning frey rerrorr grey hw f- it original cof vr frees it from teurf anrl dinrlfvfft and rendera it j cmrtu sod lqitf for cmlonem u ia vapeeiatly reeom- mended a forming the buva of a baiurirot htali i haia and rendering ibcuso of the fineromb unnceeasary vv i v- family bnttlea fccoal to 4 small 10s 6d and double tbat size 21s per bottle to messrs rowland and son mulatto uarocn l gsntlikv 1 conrderitalmnst en imperative dm j to stair the efficacy of your eacrtent mca oil for the taat fifteen ytnn i have bneo bald occasioned by a dreaful fever whilst rn india i have ued almal r very rnoani to pro core a head of hair again but all my efforts seemed frulks antil acctdenuur a friend adrised the use of your vatoabla h hair rottcr fl can five no better name and after uainf a 3 gd boli is every svmptoft of a new head of hair begin tn ahow itself lu iho surprise bmh of myself and nmilf- i rraolved nn hnviof another and obtain ed a la bottle beoe the whole of which was uaed i bad and bateaotr aa handfrimta head of hair aa ever a roan enjoyed and i cjirnetfly re enmmond that all who have not tried this rooa excellent oil will not fail to da en i am sirs oor most obedient servant j walker cotoocl whitlly ledge nrr taunton on tlw wrapper of ch dotlleoflhouenrine an tele rowlands macassar oil notice npffe public are hereby notifiedthat lam the only legally appointed person toreceive all rate and assess merits and other mnnies due to the mid land district and collectors and other are cautioned against paying the same to my other person as i am the only person who can ftiv then a legal ac- ultcance- david john smith treejurar midland district treasurers office midland dittrkt kingston 2nd january 1847- atl city papers will enpy the above notice is hereby given that ihe committee appointed by the district council to re ceive the bond from mr- william pcaocio the newly electetl trc3turerhave this day lod rd said bond amonit ihe rcords of the dis ttict and directed mr feruson to open the treasurer office in the district clerks room in the court home on lt january to whom alone alt nersons will hereafter pay the dis trict rates and with whom all othr district business connected with the treasurer will be transacted signed jb marks warden district council office kingston ltf 31st december 1816- ity papers to copy tut forbid fall importations fresh groceries wholesale ind retail wm j mltbnj comer of king and brock strettsj markt sqwrty kingstm c w begs tn rrtnrn hi thanks lo hi priendl and the poblic- w the very liberal patrunaf t ex- ind has arc the irorda in rtfolinei t all others spurious imitations rowlands kalydor tha okibntal balsamic prefmratinn ssnf uofailinrriracy in tbotouehlj purifying ttie skifiornahpmrrlsrtrrs reoeat blotci faackuej tt and dtacoloaattom heating sustas stiffoa or hirxii and producing a aneliyaeawmrffrflmajmreneyocomrixxioh ond an admired ooftnto and dttieacy of the jun- aim- and naca- price 4s 6d and 8s 6d per buttle rowlands odonto or pearl dentifrice a whit powna roa tif teavn oaslaavsaayad of the ehiaccal and nsuat rcchertkt lagrtdttnto of ihe 0iiji fin i efadictea urur trom tho teeth remtvos pia of incipient deeay pcihahe aj prrvea the mawfimpairs mr jjjvvjl most part and pforttike vaiwavas and s7vc smtlntit aarfavr r totke mhm price 2t ud nae ihsji tended ui him during the pail two year wo jld mntl rcpectfuhy inrnrm them thai bo uat received a urve and varied atnek of groceries wines and liquors comprising u follows honlvand sandinunv prt m r i s r maraejiaa ruret champa ne jamaica spirit martetiv cnrnae brandv otardv cojnac do pale brands grmiinc seheh wlilvey elundv gin scheidam peppermint torn canadian whialtey w j snlictta pariieular lleeitrnn above stock of wintt and liuara tn navlni- been imported dircci lma britain cnnnovneo in rcesirnmcndtiijr then ree from adulteration the caocatie fauiva 6te itavin tn new votk mitkcta ean beatnmliitesv to the aftwtftl lie has hcins tts tarrfolly vlcetad by liietnu and m r- genera lag enc y and commission office 6 barge yard bucklcsbury london nior the mansion ft use to merchantv commercial news ronma poblic libraries agricultural socifties ufticers of the army and navy printer publishers vf news papers and c i- 1 generally s1mmonds cc ward general agtntt and commission merchants a 1 1 their grateful thanks tor paat favors to tliair frienda and the colonial public in eaoanl and beg to acquaint them that they arc ready lo execute orders fnr supplies of any kind and quantity of and goods of every ctos eriplion or firstrate quality at the rtrr lovrot market prices uf the day and transact business upon the moat liberal tcrma provided they are p s fonda or drafts at either rcfcrence some london viouvly formated with lone or short dates or nr liverpoot hoqsc or payment simmonds ward w receive consurn ments of any decnptioo of merchandize to be sold on cummsaion and accept bills at ninety days ortwolhirdsuf the amftonl on re ceipt of the silli or l i consipnmenia en trusted lo their care will meet with every potsible dijpateh in ibetr disposal and saka be conducted with the seaiest attention lo ihe iniereats of the consigner an extenaive knowledge of general commission business acquired d urine long re aidenoe in jamaica and the other west india islands and aubaequent extenaive sssjsi of buai new with all the britiah colocnca the experience of aeveval years ih lvmdon aa clmial aijent coupled with promptitude attention and judgment will they trust ename them to five a ui faction to iboie who oiaj honor them with lltcir com mands be recommendad aa mlfefarf the compound pectoral balsam of horehound and honey a soft speedy and efjuaewus remedy for all disorders of the cnest ond lungs whooping couj cotu catarrh consumption inflvneza paint in the chest difficulty of breathing husktness ond tickling in the throat hoarstotssifix important isfofo unlnopkd indmdik h mff a tnn mf prni venc inr i siwt tit till f compounds under the wa bar oil kalydoivd ndodonto aome under the mm tartol rf swa- wd the government tjeprtnenu ftfc iw tempi- at deccpjhin ihev nam mfu rimmeafs nana and addrrasra jnr ihe rcj xhe flf preparalkina it ii wcre6e y w nkcfmatfin r that the word uowl4s toss in wrapper of cacli article the ijennine anictea are wi rowlands fbiblererfumerycap bltusir rs4j c imported oay by tessra rosiln iirothkrs la roroni caaes suitable fr cnemiflsa q anfcjtasvnt elsewhere bettors a fromduteu iiat tat ions sss sold relail by repecubu tnemialf and por rsamtav this rtiltam ia conpoaed of ihe moat vatuiblc remedies fu ihe above cmnjilaints it icvatca by djasitvm thr r i mucua or phlegm in the thorax thereby caurin a free expectoration and itirvine law isvssi nbinjte coujhv prepared ond sold by rob tat barker dnucrt kington price 2s 6 ond 1 3d per bottle- i avathe house at nieswnt occu sfcaal pitd iy th snbscnlicr- p3c- aton given on the first day nf mav next thomas a corbett kingston march is ism 23 if city hall saloon so 9 market attimincrs onpoiirr the vrir fiofrrj by george gane jurrrahoacnle snaeka to be had at lh all or teat notice oystkrs at all hours kingston psjm 147 lhf chaixo canvass forsale by thesubscriber rtok bolts f canvais trom to be solo a sviy a rlfiaalffliavvicaiftlllal latlffttl fyjfi citimry ione ywi i qiiteji to diivt anil vill nl- creucrally uscfal on a farm i nov to a tatcm chains a anehnra slup 8pihea pinr and coal tar pitch oakum snap resin polipited bhis sail twine dock varniah dunlin flam rmade toordrr rafuaila shcatbiof and 0aiefacopoer imported manclu und tuired rope a holt hope cfcc 12 mooring anchors from 12 to 40 cwt francis mullins montrtal mimlreal march j4 leut n 1 orders ua tib moaara t- haowvir co- kinrtan wl b niincljolfy atlrndrd mill creek cloth factory ihe subscriber rvpectfally returns thanks to his friends and the public generally for the support he lias ioceivrd since his fulling mill and carding machine have hen in operation ant begs leave in inform them that encouraged by the busitieisn lie itus transacted in the above line he a now prepared to commence liter inaiiuftctnrv of all kinds of country cloths sattinets blankets e fee and hopes by the pains he intends to take u ensure the continued patronage uf the public joshua booth- xy vv o o l ct purchased or taken in exchange- for cloih mill craelt january u 1 4if superior japan ink powders u ait qfactp slso and sold bv robert barker kincstox canada west robert bakker chemist i uisi brack 8tfctet kings rmk ii u rrapectfaltj infomia u cestomera aot the pubc in eenerat hint he haa rwovm hisdrut storbto brupk strebt tn trie picmiaea furmerty oceipcchy mr i mcveaii where lucf maj depend utmnsemr stvpplicd tvitli genuine dmaand mcdteine- physicians prescripttrs and family recipes carefully prepared horse and cattle medicines english and frenci perfumery books and stationery kinstia march ifch7 to the reading public op canada the advertiser ia preparedtntranaenit the flb lftivirjj valuable and inlcreatn i v by mail to ny put of upper or lower canada at the prieeaatliacd nsi cfs extra imperiak old llyin ynj kyaon rziinnowdrr twankay loefvig imperial pcke sitrthone t ii i and other tcaa mtimi itoaated and grtaind coffees s- lo j crashed and muscovado treaeie- fruits rauins cmraota pitbevla fifa almonda awrcl and bitter candird oraiea lenn and citrun sfsm olive i i oita m every dcaerijrtion piekus saoet macca ront vcvinieelli anovviev liojriee sardine scented catile and brvwrt s starch iodlo tl-it- ii srjbb nr tvii ipi pails sponee wafhinx sd playias crdv l- buekine black lead fee ecc f i s 1 1 seasatinvk lnchnnc hcrrinji north snorr hernrifa digby sad lubeck llerrin wbitefits and otdfith cicaa pine pnncipea havana rcpatiaa hcrnnti paoatclas plantation steamboat woudvitte la nonnaa evc- in m and 18 boat tobaccos cavendiah nailmd loneyde cot honey dew and arrunatie chewinrr ptuf and ladiva twial scarf halt i and canaster torkiah and jennrtil ttbaccos maccaboy rappee artet variety of trtr goods loo allot wbtctifffll be m vcimaii tibaccos scotch srut with a niimtruu lo menliofi r reiad at the viivesi remuneratim initio being ugbt profits aitdavuk eta view and review in american hiitory fiction jv hi frcm the fcvch w f m 0 50 320 p he pnr a anl turtlicr v irlilaift i ly at this wlicc ylth hs7 37 if notick ihe ul4tfeieped fiflnd all raona fi any one on ilwrir arxtunt as aadatt atf itaatii rejera mtsjaajd by qwua tvkrmifliy mf jaiim j- habufik ji k k xlnrts blank deeds for sale at r ii knawwiltmi a ih7- xi it ath en eum bookstore dbrds of avftafr and saobrm of tho ota- toie 1846 uorda of fisri n su with oar of dover mortae i r witlmut bar of dost er lo do wi dar itf oovrer mrmorlaat with jtar of dower 1- 1 li n ixosm atifajn f qucenabennji and isstriet titnar i avivrjni jh koima marst i tr sir astley coopers an bilious i ill so for 8de indigestion sirk headacne and all dieases afthvstwnmh ctnddigatm organ tiiksk ptllsiwvo mi all easca proved aupc- rk in tcry otjirr medtcino in the cure of atomjeh and liver rhnpatnta tova of npolite in thfcalvm gout aenaattimi of fuhneaa and op- prcaiwin aftc metu atirtncasor bicath and an t eaccucnt rcatnrattvo alxer any exceaa at ihe table ai tkty geniiy cleanse tlio bowda atrnngthcn the atomaei and hvavtito theeonatilutin itrartnaol a 4imltoric babtt who are anbject liittclidaehi ijiddmcaa ohhti of eihl dmwar- lie- attended wuh apinleuc aymptomv alionld take them frequently trrpjrod fritin an fjncinal roooipl by kiibrst haaaiv i m urck street kinatmi irce la 3djdfrid per boa l i march 19 1847 t i 0 0 0 1 0 0 9 0 0 37 50 25 75 5 50 00 75 50 50 its 95 m literature simm tho people michelct wiuvxis genius of burns leibiga agricultural chcmimry com h a phmulogy iiruairausd uctavo pjai handntok of lh walercuro child l r li i- pain nfyilerira f london da of hin 1u steel plat donl the backwoods by f u thorpe tho history and philosophy off mania drc life of ticn taykir famhama mcaico facts for the people in whicheverj thing tv nf praeiical ties to every aody a treatise on mtkli cnwa whereby tbe quality and quantity of rmft which any eiw will cive may uo accaeatcly aacer- tatnad nomrrutit cnjrrattaat green on gainbjinif vvurnan in tho nineteenth hetttury cebaacttiicnofa hesinbtie fiteliasix lecture oi conamptiun ordora tor any of the ntve lhka the cath and post laid addressed clmcuv now york will be iomptiy attended in reference in kiiipeton lit t-i- barker new york fob 6 1847 if the last supper by leonardo da vinci pnon tlir ceikbftatai eiroaavlko dy raphael m o r g ii e n 0 50 0 50 0 50 0 so f 50 enclosing to t c ivattkpali prices hi tavern kerfbemaufiplihnn ood trms kantrm december 1846 eight hunoreo thousand aches of land in the huron tract for bilious complaints pain the headqiddiness jaw diet habitual confinement of the tfotwisvc dr barkers laxative pills aff ho numcrousdiseaaes to which thrj human frame is liable thereis scarcely one the symptoms of which are not seriously aggravated by a confined state of the bowels and to this alone iijany owe their origin und continuance the preserving the alimentary canal free from obstruction is a point of such primary importance that every degree of neglectia followed by more or less of inconvenience or suffering when babituelcostivenesapravailsthe cheerful vigor of health in soon imparetl some times by slow degrees and at other timca more rapidly diaoasesmafce their inroads on the constitution and in numberless instances particularly where tre habits are sedentary or where free living is indulged permanent ill health in the painful result it must beobvious to the mnat superficial observer that when the functions of nature nowul- luded to are not performed with dun re ulmiiy assistance must be obtained fromart aperient medicines then be wttltfktyknwutoms rttcewm faataj4l whore tho use jf fruits or a change in the mode of living may suffice for re- moviiigihe evil and must be had m coursoto until ihe necessity fur such aid ceaaea gut it isaquestiou ofconaiderableim- ponaticc what laxative shall be em ployed t th list of aperient medi cines is numerous but their effects on the system vary considerably some ex ert their influence chiefly on the exha lant vessels or on some part of the trow els only whilst tlieaction of others ex tends more or leamo the whole of the intestiualcanal the latter class nfnpe rtenu isevidently che best adapted to obviate the habitual confinement of the bowels as they apply that additional excitement which nature then require to assist herin the performance of her accustomed functions itis precisely on thislatter principle that the pills now offered to the public are formed and as their activity can be increased or lessened merely by taking a larper or smaller quantity they not otdv furnish an aperient medicine pro pnrorjmtamin a family fenura jsatmsm winers arcanum extract rthls medicine has acquired ao extended x and eitamished celebrity ihroathouutt country which has beert stutaiwd by tli virtue and efficacy alone aa a remedy fee scrofulaor kins evil ulcerated sore throat longstanding rueumatic affecions diseasesof the skin white swellinrs diseases of the bones all ulcerate cases arteellonsof the liver dyspepsia costivfiness all chronic artsl nervious complaints occurrins in dtm- liiarej and t diseases caused by an impure state ef the blood the arcanum extract is a com plete antidote to the senou evils prodaccct by ihe injudicious use ot mercury a i spring and fall purifier it can not be surpassed working its way thtmgb the aystam with a silent and effective force cleansittcthe blood removing dyspeptic influences soothing the nerves removing internal obstructions and diseam that wouhl atherwiae cause injury to he liver and lungs persons whose constitutions are hroke down by the use of mercury arsenic irqullnet awri any one who are sitfserinp from diseased liver or an injudicioa treatment of any ol the above disea i a iboold use the arcanum extract without delay in numerous in also where atce ra tion had laiil hare both tisamen and bone and where lo all appearance no human meana hut amputation couhl have saved life patients have hcn snatched from the grave and res tored to health he devouring disease being completely eradicated by the uie ofthis iaei- tunable extract the proprietor of ihe arcakum ex tract have had this medicine used in all the above disease with ihe most gratify of results in a ting the medicine iserthcr bvst jies nor pleasure need he inltnopled re- qtiiringonly the utual restraint of moderation in diet and is equally applicable and effica cious to the infartl as well aa the adult pamphtma civint a dektiplion for what the arcanum extract is applica ble with observations on insensible pcrspira tion and a treatise on diseases in general accompany each bottle agents are supplied with the above pamphlets for gratuitous cir culation price si per bet le prepared and soldby j winer hamilton canada west and john lviner co s3 maiiten lane n y for sale at the athennum rook store n palmer and c heaths kingaion and by all the respectable druggists throughout ca nada 1256m j winers pectoral yrnp of llorehound and elaecam pa nb boh the vo and clrclus rura of ckunlncoldsahmapihiiigocbloodr worrpg crtf opvie krua cfa umpiion pjenrtsy hoararoesa paint aud sorenesol the breasi aud lunga broachitis a disease that is sweeping tin ilrvds taaa ptc- matnre giare under ihe ficlrliotts name of consumption can he cured bj this medicine the usual symptoms of this drseaie bron chilis are cough soreness of the lnftga or thrnat haarseneas iliiirufiy of bteaibingr 5 tip phlegm it s nothing the fine skin whale of lbf t notice to old settlers mi- grants and others he canada company have again thrown ooon all their lands in the huron tract for disposal by way f lease for ten years i tbc atouucjri nooney being rqchrbd down tho kentpiyabl on the 1st frebruary in each year ia not much more than the interest upon the upset price of the land the right to por- chasethe freehold at any time within the ten years at a fixed price named in lease is secured to the settler who would thussave all further payments of rents the huron district ia known lo be nne oflhemost hwalthyand fertile tracts nf land in canada it has more than doubled its population within four years the huron tract in the year s2 con tained 7101 souls in june last year the huron district numbered 14983 souls accordtngto the official returns the above lands aic in blocks there- fore affording facility for the undivided settlement nf families of old settlers and their friends maps printed particulars and every requisite information upon the huron and the canada uompany other lands in the province will bo furiiiahed rnk also well calculated to answer moat u the purposes for which purgative teme- dien are necessary the pills are not however recom mended as a specific for the cure of all diseases uch preposterous state ments are wnrse than rtdiculou and are only put forth for deception but they will prove a valuable remedy fnr that confined state of the bowels which lays the foundation of much suffering forthoseoccasional obstructions to which athma hectic fever spi or matter anil sometime blootl mere than an wflarnation of which lines the i v of the wind ttihes or air vessels which run throdh every part of ihe lungs tne pecnliar virtues ef hia cot pan 1 have for a ions ime attracted the attention ef theme profession and public aid lively interest has recently been directed lo- tlie dcvvlopemeni of their active pear era and tolmonarit cjualtties which the proprietessara new able to stratifv anrl present this meelkrnc in the public withrnltcnnwnce of itabtioa the most and valuable remedy everttts covered ami adapted to all diseases of the li when sny of the fiinctions do no perform their nainial or heallhy action it ia universally hetieved thai goil ie ehjc providence hasnot afflicted hischililren with pain and disease without at the same tia ipvinir ihrm something in the garden of nature medicate h1 in many casta them willi these riewa sunnily impressed on oar nvinrt everyone should feel a xreal drsite to imvestiirale to the utmost of his power the great arena of u it ore and lo draw from that source that instruction which the wisdom of man has laiw to attain in presenting ihisarlide to the pehlietaie prnprietois were influenced by the hope thai a medtcine prepared with mecn care and siiict regard lo the chemical properties of ita several ingredients should tskelhe place of thousands of irresponsible nomrnms of the day with which ihe conntry is deluged alureliableandforellthoaediaorderal th 0f f one jsm h 53 which arise from an overloaded aut oi i j t itl bc no jcalf itsbtmfieui r fro nd blimeniary canal con- pfpind m j by etter for sal ot no 41 in the th con town- y ot ijahi thin masterpieces in lj ytry ruin has been revived and seem destined to enjoy a widf posthumous eximcncr in the wellknown adinitable rngravin of flfphael morghcn long after the wall ttmwfcich it was vainted has crumbled into dust- 8a david wilkie pofkingaton 100 acroa on itbui al terms apply to c stuart kingston 2dth jenuery 1347 a few copies of mr picas heautifol engraving of the alxvve celebrated pic- ttireajuit received and fat stc price five dollars each firrsalc at lte athsum booh march 1m7 sauces and pickles a l d lit hasoitment 1 londoa pickle aad sanaii for sate at the athmeum bonk start bmel nr cntfto by applicalinn postpaid lo the canada company office at toronto and gnderich and straftrd in the huron district cakaoa compysorpicfc frederick st toronto isljany 1847 6m london steel pens just received at the ath en eum book store 4 large jssrtment of ftteipflj by various makers including gillols cele brated magnum bnnum the new york ladies pens and several other new articles a liberal allowance to the trade october 96 or sale atthe athtrnr store copal vau j store superior nish in rima ant dozen or single bottti chsnti supplied on roi kin n i 3 h ook copal vait- quana by tho ctturitry mor acqtiently decided benefit will be dertv od from thoir use tn giddiuessand pains in the head accompanied with nauaea or sickness i tn all headachea where costtvenesa prevails in flatulencies bilious attacks tho commencement or cholic the early etageaof jaundkeand in promoting the expulsion of worms they require no confinement or change in the diet moderate exercise will aa- aiattheir operation and experiencehae proved that as an aperient tl ey are safe and efficacious may be taken by adults and children and also in every stagoof pregnancy tochildren offivr years of age and upwards thy may b readily given in pulp of apple orange or jolly and thus disguised they are much more easy of exhibit ion than pow- dera or other disagreeable medicines olrkctronb ton takino thk prllo in ca of bilious complaints foul stcmaea ice three pallet betaken at bedtime and repeated nexmiqht if necessary headache t the stomach two pillsto be takon atnightsnd one in the morning obstinate costivtnest three pilla to be taken at any time needed and re- peatedevery six hours until relief to ob tained the usualdosefnrnrdinary personal three pilla but four pills may he taket hy aptfrsonofuronghabimfhiidy and two pillnmny bogiren to delicate w men and children pflkpak t and srn by drbarkcr at tho atliuneum book stoie kinaton sold in boxes atjdls 3d and sa fid each c m nada iiden weil and john wider hamiltrn wimer k co 3 uen y for sale 1 the athe- for sale by the subscriber a barkers pltlme mess pork superior quality arfd three barrolalakd j milfifl ferguson neumbookstorcjk palmers and c heaths kingston and ny hroohnul canada all respectable droggrsu cure foit worms w winers canadian vermifuge arranted in all cases ihe best re medy ever yet discovered ftrworoi it not onlv destroys them hot inviojtrate the arhote system and catnes off ihe sgperabqn- dant slime or mueus so prevalent in the stomach and howeli especially of those in had heallh it it harmless in its effects asj the system and the htafrfc of the patient ia alnays improving by its ue even when do ivorms are discovered the medicine being nalatahtt no child will refuse to take ii not even the most delicate plain and prec ticalohservalions uponruasrs reivliinafto worms accompany each bottle prepared and sold hy j winer hamilton canada kelt n0 john wimer ft co 83 maiden laneny for saleattha atheneutt hook store n palme loni ant by all tht i l ii- i canada stc- healhskida- respeclabre drvxita 25i winers celebrated medicines tug folwinff medicines are kept cimataatlj un sale al the atbeoawm book stori baent sural kinkitoviti wineas arcanum extractfomae naodyahdporitiaaeol cure nl all diaeaar a ariaiof irnni an jmnuir atnto of tho w winers pectoralsykupofhom- iiounu elecampane pet the cure of intfhpicihlii aalliiim cnnattnplon 4a winkm canadian vkkmiucr- th tiaat rented v eer yd diaovarsd foe woims wavkrhtootd aciib datdfsv- a car lino rri tot 1 i l i k aflhs vvinkucanrhoratelnkrvbanu done liniment a aw cura 6ir iheln rlammauirvioistiaand ckmno khnmatiaev winbr rallyuintmentvwtha ctiainoronia whiu elaietliq kliumauaai llmifworm tvneafi ltelt 4tc k aapaadj aaa and eftviyal rasdf br l tirfatkat srlui aa aiurvrlva varttty f ftvt knti ij and amsvlaan isiastt mh assiis nov e in

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