British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), June 22, 1847, p. 2

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piootntial parliament the legislative council wednesday june 9 from tut montreal herald council met at 3 p m- when several petitions were laid p ne 4lc eidrraitonof the council the hoji ada fkroussow rose and after bavin wwd oe fctmiiw encomia upon the private worth and estimable qualitirs of lb newti appointed president of the council thc hon pctvr mecill he neverthcleis fell conrirntinulv bound to moi that hit e- ccllrncy lfctg0n0c general br preentrd will on address prayin that he may i in uncvd in reconsider the appointment of the afraid penlleman for he mr f could 6y no means reconcile himself to the fad that a prnjlerrari the proprietor of one of the largest tanking establishments in the province should h appointed preaidetit of the legislative council consideration postponed thursday june 10 the council me al 3 p- m wncn atl a dres to her majesty on the subject of tfrnnt- ine patent right to the inhabitants of lhts province lor uuy inventions in the mechani cal arts which utey may from time to time discover tea read and ordered to he engrossed the hon mr fttui moved that the re port and correspondence relative to the charges which were prerened by mr buchanan chief emigrant agent t quebee against mr alii ion of this city htf demanded fiom the govern ment hon mr feie in reference to the allien eaae slated thai in ma opinion if mr allioii had hern guilty of the charges preferred aeainst him by mr buchanan and others he should have been dismissed hut the fart of his hemp at present in the employment ot the government fully proves that the charge were unfounded and he rejoiced that after the iuvemigatioti which took place relative u his culpability or ioitoceflc mr a stood as high in his opinion il ever lie did and not only in hit own but in that of others in wwn he had been favorably known mr f there fore considered the motion unnecessary and jitrhed for at present hon w montu- answer tosome remnrks which had fallen ftoui the hon- mr pffjcw son stated that ihe charge of neglect of duty iu his having been alenl from the house on monday last which was preferred against him sy the hon mr- fcrivn he wftvfnf jus own sal start ion ad that of the house pre pared to refutr and if he were not present on the day alluded to he was cnard at the go vernment houfe in prepari executive meas ures of a vetv iinpoiiani nature much more so than the alia- atfair he imputed to the lion mr ferjjuvoo some unworthy mmiict uch as a desire to annov the government hon mr fcnca staled that he itot always upon a- occasions ready and willing to further the interests of hi erunuy and if indoiiiso he caine inlo cidimoft with the ovcrninriil if fault tvas not hi thai the hon liritl had nt a new li hi ujmn the iiestion ii kufld that ihe wrmlc eiuiraral epirtincni was not a provincial hut an imp lis affair it retted emifrly wilb hi feel lency the fivernr ijnrtk and the imperial ftvrrnmtiti under this view hefmr k refhted that arv iicumoti had hrisvir he hvievef rxirt in hajntv to fii hi tl his rienss t ihih j r ij a wnevhii if regular bad leif ty teinnve tverv iijr fr tttv rt va i alllmhh i iiil at rest the notsm foe he report and correspond ence was postponed for future eunside ration house or assembly weovrsoavjune 16 in anuver in a question from mr cnnisrie mr sricnwoa said the ministry wire nut nejpciating with any jorlion o tne opiosi- tion in answer to a question fom mr lafos- ttt mr cayi thai the caion corwnon- dence lid before the house wa complained of hy mr caron a mrproperly translated that it had therefore been sent to ihat gentle ma tacorreciion and had only jost been re- aurned ihat there was a portion in addition to that already published which mr caron de sired to have submitted before the house and thai the whole would be hriuighl down by the minister almost immediately oh mr ullmutrt moving to refer to petition tot select committee mi shcstwood caid that ihe complaint of this petition arot c lw of lail ses- sfoty which the board of works wm con stituted that ad imposed upon the gptchv ment the duly of determining when claims boy heuhmitted oarhitrators butitreslrict- edthemfor teferrinsclaim whenlhc account were settled this petitioners account was a ellled one and therefore government had no other course than the one il had adopt rd however he wa about to introduce a bilko amend ihat parlor the law ad would biinjc it down in two or three days it would inclnde such case as that of grieve and lard- ner a conversation ocenrrtd on the occasion of mr dmmmond movine to refer the petition of mr scoit to a ell committee tlie pcii- aioner prayed the house to pa an act to per mit 1iim to use the water of the river lurette for his mills mr avrwjs oppned the coniion he said ihalthe lorretle wa not a navigable river but a feeder ot the st charles and in that capacity of tret consequence to the city of quebec now mr scoli w asking for the wjter of this river a a jpfi and he mr aylwin did not think the house was the place where he tijsh to ask for one it ap peared lo him that the application ought first to hartc been made f the government if not itouejbiat least its a private hilt lo be sub mind to the proper committee mr dacmmond then wuidrew his xotiou for the presert mr aviasis then introduced two hilt the fiftt io ename process in real actions to he served on defendants jivin- tia f at limits of the district where ihe actn tvas brought the mhet to repeal the law jiatsed two years before foi the limitation of actions and 10 re- enact il in an efficient maimer the former rill bad ome verbal crwi which rendeied it nugatory mr avrwix tbn rrnved an adilstm to his fxcellency for lle paper relating to the managerrent of tte tjuaiantme station on fjrosse kle tie aid mat two tbousainl pec- ri had already dil t fiove lu and great r nplainu had hee made a to the rnanae of the oificer fltrc nu doubt honblr meaiirrt tun already heakometliin of that but ik cnum not be git rally aware ihouti thote y fjnebec wtlti of the neceiiy of pl umiu amtnuofl wi the vihjecl ill order in put ai ht hem complaints the jnvem mm libet riarjd with sny e- neclc lsoj fun her rd be tiped ihey in fcjt mvwviu nater and he tiped u hofil be atdt j i p charge readily fa be com wa wftjm the iiiernxneiil cihim ne to mmm at to pfntt wtirffit any ftuelri iti i preveu ir u rdtecsice f tfnpt evil or which tne bp uh fevfmi new vorksia wetf kitr u laidttial certain on re vjrc- h4 lt vth vefci in the ef uyyitfuikut thai hi i wily u very siall ounty 1 sjntiima hrf im t down a ftry iktftptntdi hf tbthlstf of oh fatnish- nf ttue vry day nived il waa eo the quartfiune had ueim a igraat sna- ftini 4er h wfl4m mi jrrpe ment instead of the provincial and in the hands of that bnoxioui officer the civil se cretary and this though the people of the province were quite ti much interested in the suhject as the people of england perhaps this misfit call attention to the office of civil secretary if at led to its abolition it would be nu excellent thin- ft wu unjust to the libe rality of the mother country that this estab lishment should he to managed as to afford almost nn relief at all to lbe poor emlm who came year after year to canada the jtrin of the poor emigrants row were wom than those which had been endured by ihe first settlers the representation of the nperintendenl al gmsse me almost amount ed to a cry jatroe oiri pettf mr camtoom solicitor general said that every thins that coufd be dooe had been done a it would appear from the paper when they came down lo relieve the distress he merely stated that to peeeent the ohervalitns of the hon- member for quebec from going un contradicted to the public dr nklvw knew there were scores and hundreds of the poor people lyin about ihe streets and under porches begging for food but it avc him jeat pleasure to be able to say that out of large numbers he bad seen ftm which had typhus fever though all were ready lo take it beins appointed health officer he hadaent many of these person to the hospital and some be had heen obliged lo send to that worst of place ihe emisiih sheds where any one most shudder to see the miery that they wrtered he lhut the go vernment was vttf much to blame and that il was catling down on itself the curses of heaven far remaining lijj the middle of jnnr without doing anything in this highly important mat ter mr- gjlhu said government had done what it could but quebec and montreal had stood by duing nothing in england it was the corporation of liveipool ruit government which cave relief mr cuaftot said it was known there would he a la rjp emitralinn ibis year it was then feared emigrant would hrinr to canada the seeds of the disease from which they bin suffered so innch in jrelaittl no one knew the extent of the misery on crosse isle for means had been ukm to conceal it thu on the 3rd f june tetter staiint that there was no danger that the people on the island had plenty of clothes and food and afewdjys after the superintendent wrote as if in desiir it was said too ihat no more than too had died in the hospitals wtiile there were lare numbers who were iui mentioned who died in other building and on hoard ihe ships no provisions had heen made fnf this emer cency until very lately for il w not till the riitl of june that a few artificers were sel down from quebec to build t few miser a hie heds what had been done at quebec the citizens there had established a board ot health and had sent a deputation to the to vrrnoi general and what answer had they kt thai government wcaild lake care oj everything without the city but that all within the city belonged to ihe corporation there was a marine huspilal at quebec which when it was built was situated at a ilmiance from the greater part of the popula- tioiiofihe city but which inee then had beea surrounded hy a denne m of hahitatot th if hospital miht contain perhaps 200 or l persom and ifial beinje lslll person were el to work to build shed aronnd the building the citizens naturally feared foe their health in contequencc of the disease brought into iseir neighborhood especially as il wai neces sary to ronduct the sick through the thickest pari of ihe cily hut what was ihe answer to v wi medical men which led tn the coucluion ihat thirc could he no danger thalibowever if the corporation thought there were they were at liberty lo build sheds any where ene by pay injt he dirterence in the cost he was satis fied thai tliere must he fault snm where and thought that some part of the blame fell on the cuoyeej on 0 ffboqi dr douglas bad written one day to say that lhre was no dan ger and on another that the whole of the emi grants were going to die at once me bonrnsok had uo doubt that the hon member for richelieu had seen everything he described but he was wronj in blaming the government as soon as be ministry he- came aware of the necessity they instructed him to erect buildings for lbe shelter of the emigrants and finding they cnnm not be col up with sufficient speed by contract he had emjloyed some of the most respeelable build ers in town wno had put up ashed 140 feet j long by 25 feet broad besides two core that were being constructed at that moment- a great number of people would not go tn the sheds on account of the disease which pre vailed there he did not believe there wasso great distress for want of shelter as the hon member fur richelieu appeared to think for he was there the night hefore and found that a ropewalk 100 feet long which had been fn by government and which was really very comfortable had very few people in l- hn orders were without any limit lo do whatever the emigrant agent required- the yvjent himself was a kndhearted excel lent man who although his salary was very small attended from fire o in the rmhq- injj tilt eight or nine at night and now slept there ml night he only spove of montreal and knew nothing of what might be going on at grosse isle or quebec mr drammoxo was willing to give the executive every credit for doing alt that could bef done after the thing was brought promi nently before them and he believed the hon- memher for simcoe had been most active but government required not only hearts but heads and should not only devise measures but foresee the necessity that would arise for them he wouldask whether minislerscould not have foreseen this emergency six months ago he conceived it to be one nf the greatest reproaches co ministers thai ihey had been so remiss as to neglect to all paihament together in order lo devise a large and liberal measure the lion member for huron had reproached the citietof montreal and quebec for their want of cooperation with the go- vemrnent but did he recollect how both these cities bad been already draiucd by josses in one and subscriptions in both il wa not he cities of montreal and quebec which induced emigrants to come it was the government and the ctifernment was bound to provide for ihem when tliey came formerly this very question ol emigration was made a warcry and because hi parly were opposed to emigra tion without provision or capita there was very liltle of that kind of argument used now when the country was threatened with pestilence and people died by scores in the street twenty people had died at thesheds ihe day before and seven hundred were in the bands of the medical officers after a few words from messrs ciiau veau caucio and chftrsne mr lafoxratnt said he waa not opposed lo emigration but he nevertheless wished the binsb government to know that the people now thrown upon the country were not those thai it was drsirahle to have 1icr he wanted to have accession of population who had some capita to support them till they could ullivate the laud and earn their livelihood not such as too ollen comechildren without parents widows without husbands- all this wat gwag to the aristocracy of england to tli tyrant of ireland who treated their pea santry watte than the slaves were treated in the united slates there were report that bnwcd in the most indubitable manner that ireland could support double hir wesenl popu lation yet it was from ireland in a ataremg reputation wsi thrown opoo candaa coun try herself men acajd with famine he thought tbf lha prosmeis government srugnt to rt- morrslrale stroocly witb the imperial govern ment for casting these people upon canada instead of taking care of them by reorgani sation of society mr mofpatt agreed in much 1m tod fallen from the hon member for tentbonne bat did not think it was the right time to say il nor did be think that the ban gentle mans former measures were calcnlated to in dnco an accession of such emigrants as be said he desired mr lapotftalvt asked if the hon gentle man could give any fact in support est that opinion 7 mr artwiy then said a few words in re ply lo mrcayleys remark about montreal and quebec and ihe motion passed mr alwit then postponed his motion for a committee on the same subject u answer to an enquiry of mr atdfih as to increasing the representative branch of the legislature mr attorney general hna wood said tbat i was not the mtention f the government to lake ony steps towards attain ing that object in answer to inquiry ol mr foamier mr papjncau said that it was not the intention of the minhry to introduce any measure relating to surveyors and land surveying in lower canada this session in answer to inquiry of mr dkuxmcxd if any and what measures had been taken for the relief of rich and destitute emigrants mr solicitor geieral cameaom replied that ihe government have ordered that in cities and owns inrorpnate in which fhards nf health are appointed that those boards shall have vwcr in make contracts for fur- nuhing bread und rnat lo destitute emigrants for a period of six days rn eicb case and also medicine and mdiral attendance and that the cmnmisart general has been autu british whig oplfcr psr orfr dlcor taftrrrikh sappiln of all kinds require for the sick and destitute emigrants reporting immediately in the government what he has imml upon the llnuse belflse about to proceed to know if the gov enrside ration ihe mr robinson for thenrder of ihr day mr lurdwps wtshl d n ernment had taken inln legality of ihe election of simeoe mr attorney general sirsawoon saidi the matter had not enifird ll- attention nf the govemmenl hut he would let the home know the nffininn of the ministry tipots be mbferi mmnirniv hi own opinion wa ibat mr robiihoti was leijy eleeted mr ratnwiv said that if the government did not let the limn know tomorrow their intention about ifee maitttr- he would move thai the clerk f ihe crown in chancery be directed to ifcsue a new writ the scrnnd rrailrn of the new city gas company f cor no ratio bill was fiostponed until lbe committee on standing orders had made fs report on the said gill after a hide routine business the home adjoumedaboul halfpasi seven p mo resolutions to br proposed bv mr krmatinger on kvdoesdoy rt ii7 i jlesofwd that this house view with apprehension the difficult situation in which the trade and commerce of this province will be placed by ihe policy of the imperial government in withdrawing from the produc tive labor of its inhabitants prospectively all protectiott thereby exposing our asrricnl- turisu to nn unequal comuetrtiori with ihr united states in ihr staple articles of our trade 2 rsorodthat this abandon rtfnt of the protechre rolicy of england towards her cotvr vaunnr iii the bnonof this house nnerale otheiwise than injuriously on ihe trade anj prosjerity thereof j affording at the sainr tfme no corresponding nent to our fellow subjects in great britain d resvtvtd thai the construction of the si lawience and other costly canals for which canada obtained a loan guaranteed by the british government of more inan xl500fxro sterling was undertaken in the confident expectation that we should continue to enjoy in the british markets a preference for our products over those of foreign nations 4 reotirdthat one great advantage ex pected to be derived from the laree expendi ture inrnrred ii constructing tbrse canals was lhnt the facilities thus artohed would enable us to acquire a great portion of the carrying trade of the western stales of america but that this advantage would be entirely surrendered to an enterprising rival nation by the adoption of sucb a change in the imperial navigation laws as would render the free navigation of the st law rence a matter of necessity 5 rrsojrcd that this province contains the elements for carrying on an extended and prosperous trade if based upon the in dustry uf its inhablans the fertility of its soil the immensity of its forests and lbe great extent of its inland navigation all con cur in pointing out canada as one of the most valuable appendees of the british crown susceptible of affording profitable employment to a very large portion of the reduudanl popu lation of he mother country of furnihtn the means of shipbuilding to an unlimited extent and of carrying on a valuable trade through its internal navigation hut that the extension of the principles of free trade would in the opinion of this house tend to divert ihe commerce of thin province to the united states and ultimately endanger its connexion with the british crown 8 viwtia this house duly ap preciates the act of the imperial govern ment 5th and 10th wtoria chapter 94 con ferring upon this colony with other british possessions the power lo reduce or repeal certain duties of customs but is neverlbe lesof opinion that it is the interest of every colony tn cultivate commercial intercourse with the parent state and that a total tipta fi xation of duties would be at variance with thi pnncinle 7 resotwd that this house heartily con curs in the expression contained in the j 1 paragraph of a protest made in the british house of peer on trie third reading of the bill for the repeal of the corn laws which repeal agitation is laid low and the hopes of the demagogues hare expired with him mr oconnell died at genoa on the 16th may no man of his age enjoyed so large a portion of i countrymens applause or enatd so large an amount of public attention as daniel oconnell he made a few friends but many enemies and although it must be admitted that he did some good in his day yet the greater part of his patriotism consisted of the 11 vox et praterea nihil his heart has been sent to home what a satire on the charac ter of the man in life his heart was never with ireland in death it will be in a far dis tant land i am sorry to state that disease and death multiply in the metropolis and suburbs to a great extent the diseases most revalent arc typhus and scurvy the former rougbt in a reat measure from ireland the after two superinduced by low diet and want of proper reliables especially potatoes which medical authorities stale contain an anti scorbutic of great efficacy a newspaper controversy has sprung up upon ihe merits or rather demerits of parties concerned in republishing literary works- messrs wiley st putman assert the riht of americans to reprint foreign books i so as there is no international copyright to res train them and denounce a number of our kingston tuesday june 22 1847 arrival of thtisttmsr cambria sixteen days later from europe prom our loxdox drrespondest loydoa june 3 1847 data wjo the parliamentary buvincss of the past fortnight sas not been of an important char acter the debate on the second reading of the poor law administration bill has occu pied the house of commons a considerable time but generally speaking it was a very dull and stupid affair and created little inte rest on the 19th ult there was do house owing to its being the derby day at the epson races a very insaifficicnt reason you will perhaps think for suspending ihe business of the legislature but no one living outof london can hare an adequate idea i swpccl i der a numt r k a v w i lcniion fuoiiricra by name as razjns of of the intenie irtlercsl wia which hor c- i umis for pumin simi ljc whh mg is regarded in the metropolis it is a pas sion which aflecti all clashes from the highest to the lowest and il reaches the climax on the derby day when if you have not bets de pending on the race or cianot be at epsom or still worse you have no desire io go you are looked upon as a ik object either of com passion or of contempt the winner of the derby wai mr pedlcyv cossack to return to parliamentary matters the ten hours factory bill h been read a third time in the house of lords and on the 1st instant lord lincoln in the common sub mitted a motion on the subject of emigration his lordship moved thai an address should be presented lo her majesiy praying that she should take into her consideration the means by which colonization mov rnade subsidiary to other measures for the improvement of the social condition of ireland and by which consistently with a full regard to the interests of the colonies ihemselve the comfort and prosperity of those who emigrate may be ef fectually promoted lof1 john russell con seuted lo adopt the addr on the express understanding that no tpecial commission should be appointed for object but that the subject ahould be lefl w bands of the executive government bo would gtfi it their fullest ami best cotw deration the course of ua speech the premier stated that 120000 had lefl ihe shot of ireland this yeai for the stales and cvi d that the number would probably h increased to 200- ouo in tho course of the yrw yon will see in the pap various conlliet- ing statement respeeiin- 10 probable period of the dissolution of parjincnt tv tnilh i i believe that ovcrnn will bo ciy much guided by circumtue in the matter l i j i snmwow importations of food jf tr md mmsf affairs should exhibit symp of i ment and if there should be a ptopf cl 0 a good harvest the election ukt pucf about the beginning of ncx mdfth w jf cthenvise it will of course b postponed until a mtich later period many or lht members are somewhat bdgtty in bc sea5 an m 0 them appear to be preparin themselves to render up an account of iheirj and to submit lo some catechisi1 flj ton stiluents not a few have j votes con trary to the feelings of a scclio 0 tftc p porters and whilst the whirf w be led an uncomfortable life by their former noncon formist supporters for their vote on the edu cational minute il does nut appear that the conservatives will escape much belter on the american hooks they add it can be deafly proved that the value of an english copyright is not affected one farthing by the question whether the work u or is not re printed in america the reprint market there is an entirely new one which does not stop the ae of a sinee copy of the english edi tion the english author receives from the publisher precisely the same sum whether ther is an american edition or not any publisher in london will i think admit this to be irue english authors then lose noth ing by american editions their gains are at any rate no less in consequence of a re print of their works i do not consider this trbe a sound argument surely an export of their works at a fair price to ihe united slate mut be beneficial and productive to the enlifth author mr bentley included in the paginal list ha published an indig nant reply and states that he has paid he- i woen 14000 and 15000 to three american writers atone for their copywright it is a pity that no just arrangement between the two countries has been concluded her majestys birthday was celebrated with ercat eclat last thursday a formal invita tion has been sent by tho queen lo mehemet ali who b said to intend paying a visit lo england next year lrd ahburtot has published a pamphlet on the financial condition of the country in which he declares his opinion thai the bank charter of 1844 has proved a failure ud thai it would be difficult to form any estimate of the mmense losses both of tht esehenjtier and of ndividuau which have emucd fom itsoyeralion major general sir h- ivalmm has been ap pointed lo the colonelcy of the 63rd foot vice dynl deceased ai the hull com market yosietday week a fffnlleman residing at barrow bought a quantity of wheal now growing in lincoln shire f be delivered in august at 3 per quarts at uxhridije market one of the lansrsi near hindon m thursday the price of wheat fell x3 per hud taking ihe average price which were obtained at tho previous market day iff hittrarf ifii wdi-fth- fi day mccai fclinimrp bir ladcy uimoi evfjovernor of van dicman land died at hobarttnwn the foreign news is unimportant in france ihe hill relative lo postal reform has been rejected by 167 lo 162 the appearance of the wheal crop b said to be magnificent the barley and oats are also good but not so fine as the wheal in portugal matters remain in a very unsettled state but england is going to interfere in order to put a stop to the civil war the news by the indian mail although not of great political importance is of interest to many particularly the intelli- sncoof a fearful hurricane which ravaged e coast of india from ceylon to kurrachee the extent of its ravages wire unknown al the time of the departure of the mail lahore and scinde are quiet lord hardinge re turns to england in october market after market since my last prices have given way in mark lane and the greatest reluctance is evinced lo pinch want n t i greatest rem protection question soettnordinary adivi- gnd daily want it appears to be univer sionof parties has riever before been witnessed i sally assumed that we shall have an unusually and if themalecontentson both sides carry jy j f w out their threats it b quite certain that the return of members will be extremely doubtful mr d israeli who bas long and ardently wished to represent buckinghamshire has issued his address to the electors c that coun ty to oppose him tho hon c- c caven dish has just announced himself on whig principles al cambridge it is supposed an alteration in the representation will take place mr ferrand gives up knaresborough and lord sandon and sir howard douglas retire from the representation of liverpool al balh lord ashley comes forwaid lo oppose thc lxiitt m i finn at monday market there was a short sup pty of english wheat with ready buyers at a reduction of about l2sporquarter under the currency of ihat day week barrel flour is 5s or fc lower indian corn offering 4 to 5s cheaper both floating and on thc spot baiiey beans nd peas meet with slow sale at a re duction of is 6d to 2s 6d per quarter at liverpool fine canadian wheat per 70 lb 12s to i3s fine do flour 42 to 43s per 280 b i auoerfine do do 43s to 44s canadian oatmeal 55s to 56 per 240 lbs indian com per 4s0 lbs 56s to 60s indian corn meat per 196 ll rii to 31 yellow 29s to 30sj american white beans so to 64s per quarter omega together with ihe its last session flour fotly embraces j views now entertained address of this h al the subject of vvhal and nd ably advocates ft by this houe on thii suhject because he removal of dif ferential duties in favor of canadian corn is at variance with the legislative en- 4i coumcinrnt held out to that colony by 41 parliament on the faith of which the cvtonints have laid out large sums on the irnprnveinen of their internal navigation and because ihe removal of protection will divert tbe irallic of the interior from tho 11 st lawrence and thc british port of mon treal and queoec to the fotcjjpi pfl of new york thus throwing out of employ- amenta large amount nf flriiih shipping u severing tbe commercial intereils of cew t4 lhrse of lbe parent conntry and conifctinu thos interests moil inituutely m with th united states of america 8 achifivd that thc substance of the foregoing resolution be embodied in an ad dress to her majesty t a chilo scatoco to dsatltton vvrunesdiy tail a child about 3 years of jv t son nf mr james ireen came to his dtfalh iii a nol shocking and hrartrendinp manner it appears that a threo legged kettle fufl ol boiling water was left standing on the floor wtfere the children were playing and ihis child very innocently sal down on the edge of the kettle wheo it upset and precipitated the contents over the chirdvbody ataldtng him to severely that he died shortly after- bfucvdu fnfrfrgertcev mr roebuck and urd duncan and sir g i tlwhrtrecejlewefti tbe queen of spain a m i k i and rrff ensort hd nrn in such a heif hi ibnl grty quits devoiporlo btflk wjth lh dolce p lfcplibf imwdllt0 m of northumberland influence in north nor- e secor divorce had been diacuved in tbe cabinet thumberlajid lord john russell himself wiu q chrtujj hd one to r uk her in be opposed in the city of london by alder- i from rfivofc lhm mcan xh man johnson a protectionist these are a succe of ihe dutches r montpcnief urd her few of the many chum already spoken of 1 s ul0lt tlw mnirao pfivteer wbtch captured the american btk carmetuais rjppnsed to bo no thin hut a spanish piate l war in pnrlu2l was ttillirr pivtrcw althelatrslrtecunttbe l9ih otl ifvuib actual hoariliirs hid txn fat icoi auendod the amy srire bill passed ln h commtt- tr lbe duke of wclunglun aain lending it bis fttsppaff the ball nf currndn liftibeeriappoenieil lord fjssttalmuhvt ircuitd in itieronol the latelofd bcltwih h iflid ihm mr liboiiehere will ucered liri clarendoo at the board of trade ind iht sir w soincrvitlc will tie tho new htth icreurr tret wcboin frtsn indie received hf lbe over land mad rrpretenl ihat tvjm enjojio jen arm bvauvuilu frvr cunlmtjra largely datructivo to lifo in irelkino ond hm hrcn ernmamcd in ho ene xjth sua poet lwn wnh equal uubly outrage uc on tbe inc rcove and before my nexl letter in all probability others of a more startling description will be announced the pffjee of lord lieutenant of ireland has been conferred upon lord clar endon the other noblemen to whom it was offered having declined to cehan5e the te of private life or their customary official du ties for such an oncrixta and responsible task the selection u felt on the whole lo be a judi- ciousonc for though neilhrr an irishman nor connected in any way with ireland which u necessarily a disadvantage for such an office lord clarendon u a person of good abilities of considerable tact and discretion of excel lent business habits and above all of a mild and conciliatory disposition and it is hoped those qualities will more thai counterbalance other defects his acceptance of ihe office of lord lieutenant of course necessitates a vacancy in the presidentship of the board of trade which will be conformed on mr la- boueherc who is weary of the toils of the irish secretaryship mr lafeouchere will be succeeded by sir w somertrjjje the present under secretary of stair several other minor change aic said to be contemplation in ihe mi nil ir rial offices but kbtfr routine has hot yet transpired they may probably be postponed ill after ih etectinui the deaths of lord rvthorouh and mr o conn ell within a fw hours of enchuther are marked event in lhe history of irelanirt and will so be considered by future annnittions you are i already aco ibo k- u of the lord iueutcnanl of frelrahd and r ihave now to in form you that u n otnhkrtji the libera- lor isnn more the great trihunapring of the o z coerally in suth promising and flattering urou ltl ua be thankful foreifri earlr pnutoea had been received and were selling at 3d per lb tin fooo qiiaariw tliotoomy ptotpclof impendinf fmirr and th actual tsirtence of impefidine famine phosss h4c been aasssuim by onthine llioflol tho diceel inletniliftnof phint preivdcjtee for week did tbe pnnf whrat and rstsor rite in all the rnsrkers in vain were vcvaeli cnt oot to foreign land in in did lbe weatihest merchants ae nth the alobc to bread entn the cry wis still tbsl toe aoplv waa ingfleint ihat thc enminc harvest in england wwld be a fnifure and twjtl brcod iurt woud bo defter neat michaelmaa than at the ptevni period jurt mi ibat erhw the eow ffuflfi which had conlinited throughout april ond onli tho fimt work in may dixippeared prnial showers saturated the earth catum forth its hidden fwn and envcrtna the land arilh a luauriiint gnse briiht suftphiny data succeeded chaning lbe bud ioiowo ihe btii ii into the fair appearance of fruit tv were thine ciwtrd with a rapidity tn which modern hivy rtera no paraltrl thc re pnrterl aeareity rnttedaynptorrisnf aetuat pienly- tbe bidden aiureabeean gradually fesuctanilr y1 wcrj tn corn forth al mafk une on mots daj last rwicee reduced 6a per quarter at mark une on wednesday fade was almost at a aland flill at bristol nd bitm mi thursday ihero vi nn enonnia decline in prices io iiti- don on fridaj iherr was a complete stagnation in ihetrado verv liltle buslnesa wai transacted and iha t at a dechne of 5a per quarter holders re rrlurtant ti nncedc and buyers lv1d nftcau lioorty but the sunshtoe tflomualy ihe refresh ing ajiowora have descended moat copiously i he whole world teems wiih ahondance and prices mural atll deelino but let all thia be bmne in mind dutintilywhen lookina back at ihe dark euva of the 04st nooih ihat there ha been no change in human circumstance or human appli ance to call fohh lb moat beneficial re action it is clearlv traceable lo the finger of an over rglioa providence tm chsat brtii since the fine wreihei hta set in pedestriana and equestrian by dozens ate time have tyn viaitijij ihie ship the r point of altraeiin bein lbe breakwater tlie sonne tide betrinnins on wednesday last tha labntcnailonjf thd bay were taken nn board the leviathan and it was sono known lbt the effect of the wrk which bad been coin on irsm with smitlia and carpenter was t be tned tle pumps were known in he wurhmf t the tide rse ty ihe alrramaof rater aeon iaiunc from tier in sevfral places at lire tide rvae itwai pertecily evident that the thip rowj etihtty nlas hot lbe lido was not j hijh one thunjay mornin however it roso much higher and the tame etttrli were re peeled j and at bifti water it waa qoio visible thai the vessel ra nearly upright and very hitlc bytlmlsead a lw wier il waa eviovnt that aha aloud out ol her old bed tarn or threofcel and an atimtnf quantity of larcc ami amah atonee wirr ihniwn ml tho hallow left from her riainc snie f lbe ubourcrsj who have been on her fiui the firrt are inletliccnt men and they atainl that she waa all in oitflion and quite oflit raerywlcro no eiritl waa mjide on friday it blew aenwjr and llspfc waa yery high tlie ship avemed li haveeitleit bark a ittle hut il lanjiloclonr those in authority furf lier in hnd ahhoocb the birc we ii siitl not iiub enough fr paiehinj avirry ttftfftpk may lb tre harvert poapecta are cod the reporfa frotn all pairsif irhand on tlto awo of lbe ae mi vatifactfry there is more than an jiviil broidih aown of wheal oah and rye and the plant prcaent n mfal tuiutianl and bcalihy appearce tire eta ten ten la f nrgketof lillace m ihe uvatem counties must have been cetly se itialr ii i w i find the ghiiwjiv nd may ihat if no m hi fall ukn lha ernpa ihr re will bo an abundant growth of food in oon nuhl up lo hid rf tnd of the sailing of iha ataamer tho olaiocs roiihcd ir 1 1 tl y the apparaneo of lbe crop in kojland no icaa rnkirefciriij the livcrpoul allwit of mml may aya 0r actnunte trom lbe bnculiiral diaincta are of the rnoet ehecrioir and cneim raging deenptm gmai wheat putalove ejtjm u precnt a nwl ptotniem ajipearaiicc tlie tihif ia aplendid wub occavnat ahiiwera ample and aulgcienl thutt at feonitratly fun em ploymnt and ihe wagca ore gmd hico tho cold ar ccjiaed lbe rropa havn mad audi pro f reaa tht if oounnjj occur throw tjkm back eo trly loataad ot late harvest may now be aniicif 1 ahoit we never rarqember to have beard tbo food pruspee4aof the country apoken of montreal correspondence movrnkal june 90 17 1 another vrck has passed and cone and the collective wisdom have made hut pre cions little use of ihe lime a few kill of a local nature and a fearful number of questions aked by tho opposition anil uimvorcd hy the fiivernmeot hvc made the sum total nf the imivinrvi liansarjd tlie ministry fin ve not 1 ih iui lucir measures n lueday ihey ttll come down with the civil list aod on ihe same day mr scott will move a vote of want of confidence so that the eomine week will probably pass and leave as little trace behind in tbe ksislativo way as any that has preceded it- tnc dullness of ibal exceedingly dull body the legislative council was retarded for day or two of the past week by the introduc tion of a series of resolutions condemnatory of the union and repudiating many other measures on the part of thc honorable and eccentric mr john neilion the debate commenced on thursday and was resumed on the following day at ihe close a portion of the resolutions amounting to nothing was carried hy a majority of one and another lot expressing a peal deal was rejected by the casting vote of tbe speaker the partial victory can be accounted for by the faol ihat one of ihe councillors no less a personage than the president of the reform association destfned his friends and shirked the question or rather he voted for tbe use less portion of ihe declaration and very quiet ly walked out of ihe house before the impor tant question was put the pdoty in ongralulaling his friends oo the close vote with a complacency which few could assume says dr widmer left the house for a few minutes and thu attempts o account for ihe triumph of lbe government the doctor certainly did reave the house for a few minutes and his limited absence has not yel expired for to my cerlair know ledge he has not been there since tlie fact was and it would have showed more candor had lbe pilot stated it dr widmer was en tirely opposed to i he resolutions and only voted for those which declared facts that were not disputed by any pdrty upon the resolutions which express a political opinion tho hon gentleman determined not to vole and there fore they were trad from tbe chair this is ihe faot of ihe matter the resolutions i have already sent although yon wiu be somewhat surprised at their oriinalion by mr neilson yet you cannot fail o b rqually astonished at the introduction of a matter of this important nature into a legilatie council a down right censure on the government was intended and but for unforeseen circumstances would hare been exprcsfed and hy whom b this vole of want of confidence in thc executive introduced t by ihe representatives of the people or men who are supposed to have a leaning toward the democratic branch of the legislature not a bit of ii the motion is iade by gentlemen who pones their seals by patenl from the crown who are placed as a controlling power over tbe commonsby men who pcosess not the eonfidenee 0 ihe people nor i might add of thc very power that called them into existence a minority of the legislative council of conada actine in conjunction with her mayeslys opposition in thc assembly have assuredly immorlalixed themselves hy their wish lo xnord the interesu of aclas which is much better qualified to lake care of ilself il to be hoped- how ever ihat the nejtl lime the gentlemen toko advantw of the absence of many of their fcliowcotincilloratoconiure the government they will play their cards better for the re verse when victory was io certain must be humriting enough there is nothing of much consequence 04 the ttfh in the city tbe english mail ar rived this morning and as hour is down at borne pretty considerably there were tome rather elongated countenance in the streets during the day i could read fiours down and pm bit in tbe faces df a goodly number of gentlemen who probably arose this morn ing in much better spirits vithlhemselvef and thc world emigrants continue to pur in upon us and as the means of transportation to upper cana da is very limited the sheds arc crowded the mortality bas not decreased indeed there appears a desire to suppress correct informa tion upon this bead which is not only repre hensible bin b calculated to have the wiy contrary effect on the citizens and at a dis tance from that intended the weallwr continues disagreeable yea terday it rained incessantly from morning till night and the fireside in front of a well filled grate was tie only place where a rrsoo could sit with any degree of comfort 1 fear the heavy ram would add much to the mise ries of the poor creature in the emigrant sheds the speaker gave bis fitft dinner last even ing al daleys hotel and splendid affair it was e a fublic meotm0 a public juectin waa called be the mayor yesterday al tretowo hafj to eonlrire ineeqfti tn relieve the of the indigent aod tutfrriog ennjfofiu the meeting was well bat not na- memaaly atteaced there wore few epeeche made hot a via deal uf dcuuorr conternrjorj loukpbee mhichoccupiedlhelirncofitie meetinf for upwards of two hours many peopoaitkeu were made and many rejrewd one gentlemen ptopoacd laying riotcnt hands rin molsnna wharf and nolcna wfeu approiatiof the aame lo tbo exclusive uc of the emigrants anmlier perron aozf cued the expediency nf sppyin to tho co vernmcnt for poaejaion of tbe dock vark and ite empty sheda ii waa rejected nn accooot of it apparent impracticability a hiird thought era mend should be proceed aomewbere aao anchored out in he harbor ftr the ernie rant to- be landed sl at last ii waa determined ahnost utianiinnualy ul a com rn ti toe of iwefttyono persona ahould e appointed exclusive of iho clcrfffiknanddliho medical men in town lo whom ahootd be left ihe deta- of all measures to beconfturjed fir ihe relief the eulfewf and to whom ahould belepuicd the ta vf corresponding with the gotftimene on all meltors conoecied wilhrhe kmirrsvn of the prraeni aeaaon br hclinirlhialhre ataal najrred lo lha meeting had beiino ainal b degrcaa and hoautifnny tcaa w lhu it waa wdi diitk i ihat ihe chtiranan the mayor an thosecreury mr cull eoele find vucea cnogh tu declare the reejvfatiow carried what itlowa is ofleal at a rniha meeting c by hia wnrehie tin mayor fnt ih ptirpnse ot taking ioto eonaider- taenlm bca4 mans of maaattet tho iv and ilraiiiute lvnitrls ihefvflowin- roaoloiiun waw uliuiimily hildked fimid linmitee bo farmed conaialing of ai himl twenty iionirmlier airen al wlmm aliall itssetf n i- aid ihrav tm rvriirvd in em dbdy v i- i w5vmw iftfnmm and mvsperaio with use tpnra- ihan bmrd nf hcdtii in refierinf aucb diatieae ae mntcme voder iltirrmice and thai uw aatd tnmitieeahallbapwer to obtain mr molaona wawfsor any uthe hh table place and to make efkiurica as io wtieher thc cmpuinia which have been made of the itvorvprr detenti of tho rroi grantain ibair paaeo pi mwmrr are welt fui n jf i aod if ao w report the aerae to the gov- ernmenl thut ihe clcrgiof all leiarioadojae be ta quested lo aftvd litir aaaaiarce in tuaa way ae ihey mav find to beovst dsncftcut and ihe medi cal gtritlemen of lb city be leepeeifollf rcoucfl ed to do ihe same oatettteft robert jackson il w benson s mockleaton j carrmheav v wilv w ferguson j nicbailo j mowal k omurhue s w btdy jas brown h gildenreeve jwsjltamwo joy lpirnlia j- nlacxurlanax p vi jmiq t askew t a cfatbetl j oreilly garmtcnsnrrtvd k j turker jea cull mrlconaho ths gentleman eet groat hcxiae last night thc theatre was nt only aa full ea it could hold but was very fashonbiy attended major general sir richard armalrog and mol of the offircra ioj garrison were amoir ihe crowd of mr leonard- acting wrf havsj no space to aay much but it we afj that the severest critio eoolddesire hisbrouemay nvtheso rici aatbt ffaomo other ve lebrred liab cxmediana but hia performance makea inmfn axmnde for thai defi ciency flis wzi remor and brc play are ad mirabte and lbe pludtu of iha audience were as bountiful aa the urn ambitious actor could desire the oiecos repreivnte saaji the irish aitomef and the irish tule both capital farces and eaprtatly well liter ere played for eeetag the enthnsiaatic rceepaorrof mr leonard alt the oilier actors and actresaea eve on ihf qui vivo and did their utmost m win anilea from the audience- al tho concluskin mr leonard was catfed before the curtain o receive lb ejpreaaion of feeling he had eo warnly cxiicd pittsburgh acriculturalsocirrty al an adjourned quarterly meeting of the directors of ihe pttsburgh branch agricul tural society held at mr james strachans inn on tuesday be 8th june 1847 pursu- ajil to notice th president in lbe chair directors prcsen messrs wm stark a mcadoo jas birninsham a mclntyre w cowan w chesnit alex mcariliur saml chesnut sen the treasurer lex logie esq nn behalf of the committee ippointed to audit the late treasurers accourts stated bal through tbe unavoidable absciue of the other member of the committee aprointcd lo act with him he was al present unible to rcpor on ihe subject but hoped to be atc so to do nf ihe next meet inc of the directors the members present haviris pid over to the treasurer doable the amount of their aub scriptions for tho preecnt yeor and with a view to irrcreesinr the fundi nf the society for the purpose of givintj larger premiumi at iheennuinr show il was resolved that the officers of the society use every ejteruof in iheir power in procuring subscription i so aa to have the list perfected by tho 11 of j cordiiiffto law end thai lbe secretary be reuctctl to solicit twcriplots personally from metnbere and olliera who may bo deaireaja of promoting lha obecuof tbosoeuty tho want of e public fair or marl for ao sal of live atock produce fte belnf tnt

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