pi mill l1i imiallt rrhehlirl tin- rrj hiiaf a putriil villas v ik- in quarterly ym pekiiuson lltllll l tlhvmllll 1 rit nan f hih surii ihi- ttrafiwltry mey linintaiiii n mlitii a fiiiimiiliiil rail luliv llsatirnrm ilw irl tutmty in tho mmillm laf miy ami ihshdw in rrhl year faihnl niiitiiiiilv- ii wnainnim hy mi mrliilyo by mr win tlnl iliv nil meeting h hn iwnwiow in lit i j il mr jim hmiiiulmm inu on llir sictiil tuesday in srnlemlvr nfffctl siinrd tub tiominfi wlibat crop yy ooi tf mfltl to r lbt flu accounta frm nnnv pert of upjier iod tif hs st i he kodl ftfwjlt ap vv ttllf ffl r j we wiall l i as much a pnsihic cviac twitiaj 10 y f itr- r i npofb w mallir wufc itvrl e- jaeiure iv indulged in but we are sure that thr emp f wheat barreled itifl nuavn in upper canada will very det cnl a dipwumbh ftart nf the fnt wwat ha been what i ehrd vmlcr kilm hgt riitevuatd nm hare rtoeted ihe market l any very fcii eaient i btii mt lii h ilia lt tow daja the hcatilll fly which has committed mfih dreadful mnpl in lower canada ami manv part nf ttc laned stale hiwfl iliwlf in ihe wheal wnh ihe mijl reault tle ulanir which iwure appearnt healthy anil vi ar fa twain yellow and in eonc ra faltina h lite grund in all parm of the cuiry wilt a few ntepfrfrts i he neeunl dree we have heard futu llac townships of tormoi nsrhhaail yh and other twntliipa n the nei hrwvhond of tiriii4 from tfimi- frnn nai f hk lwo tin- iih abetween tomnin and hpfmjtvi ffmn iir nethbirfhoodof pl hr fnxrtalbt londxi n4 fiiar aa uvatricla and ir n aome pari of he goro imct and all aew in rainr pmi there appear to be no particular qxlily uf urm affected irvwc ihanoibe if hi well anuvnvr rich aa well aa por arc ttmiurly aftcied wr liafc off aa vh hratd any epoilt from the back vmajfelm- tarenfo olfc c3 id fair fcu timri- th wealhcr luting iht pa1 forltiihl bu been extremely fivcablo for ihe growing cron more ptlti- ruljiily foi ihe qriag orain tnd lliy cu pioua nini fin wotm jay have difliutd a alowiiiic loov of henlch over the luckwoo1 tirldf atnl ifiradow artd alinwl gqmptnu4 nh he luminal ardors of ihe eain hay which threatened lo be cxlfemily scanty will he a full average crop and c pca and pjf aloes look uncommonly promiima wheat belli fall and spring town otmol be spoken of with w much confidence for fearful itorie are afloat or the teuible ravages of the fly hut we heartily hope that twothirds of these tale will prove ipurious aspenerally happens in times of flour peculation it is univer sally conceded that the liti and frrcsent rain have been a perfect godsend making a thoro revolution in the aspect of things t valoailb paopiintr oft thonday next mr ufowncs the architect properly now in the eupalion of qiieena colleget will he brought i the hammer by win ware we refer our monied leader to the advertisement of lh really valuable estate the houses were buth under the particular in petion of their owner and few houses can be found in the province participating in at their adrantagta the sale will take place al xoon precisely j we learn from montreal that mr murney is making every exertion lo have tbe road from this district to the madawaka im mediately laid out and there is al present every prospect of success healui urges upon the government the necessity of givrng one half of the land on aid road toxctual settlers so as lo facilitate the speedy settlement of tb val tract f waste land laying between in bicktowusbip an the madawatka btumtte inttuigautr commercial mart fcn monday x oclock wil sale of book debts n0te3 c ihe znh june at eleven be sold by order nt the assignee tfil tlit hook uebh notes it kc belonging in tht bankrupt folate of mrm unquhaiir mclv a schedule of wind can be een on of before the sale wilmam ware kingston 2ij jgne im7 on f ocl theikofs intiig united states tllkcnmiso wrk4t cwpt- we riolice affnod imtnv discrepant ettnirnta c njj the ionrlvrf ihe press sewlitfi v in appearance r ifio irhca j a fc wwwataaswwaww cmpia ihis tcmtory iiut m him ft fiaraal arrlinis ol lie firilub aracrktin lu wiaesaain is decerned ue ate peioidcd ihi jklrtc in story smitha falls jhn heyidd uf whotwill lmtr mr c ihm h all cr beiwruii thi and harvest l in jure the crp in illinois it hn heen atmed lu the cnp wtii ahrvai entirely culoft but it wnuld appear ftorn ihe autou itvcon kane co ttn n exifcfatwo within ihe iivt fcv wlia wheat in that rep in haa come fiwrd atnnioi- ingl j jnd many fjrmrs who u4fdhm their crops had been ahnott wholly amsoyc4 o- an- ticipata n averoqe ikld indeed lite beatifta lliiaka that twvj deil mrc whent lias been ro lerkjh kihvd than wmtei killed ifin m ujcn on thf vtvt nd fnwa on the west of urit e have rjnod ecuvnt- i the whiai cmp the rurplua exported from thw ter itovv do rine the laat ac4vn in w heji and fl or mm t nenr aa w can get at the figure 5500oo bu hela tiere ran he little doubt that thr eifrta of wheat arjil flmir mm wasfaiim for the ptrcnt vear will fji tnilltni nf buhrl this dnea not jnrlode hie amount sei rlnwn the mmiiyi ion iho western p fit ratal of th tennry mtlavktt strtirt few peopte are aware of the tnerravd maaaluy nf corn planted thia year tlic pnpreia tint in dian mel wil be inirodoccd a a comnwn article m fnnd m koiope ia njired fnmera tn plaal all the laed ihry could rpare fr llnl prfe cjuc farmer ie pcnnton who never in twaacr yora jdantednvct twelrc acrea im thr vr ptuird fortv aalhef i the tartte nrrhwhul haapui in loacrea orabiil fa limrshu usoal qotniitv we are totd that the aamc pmpvrn will hild fwd in varvnu ptjuof the country with a w4 dematd enrtt i a vey mwotb hlr crop hffvlav fire but htlleland eomprahvely apeahinj ha ben dovnled to its eolhviun tu wratrrn nrw york the demand im bioj alficirt l rndur aarieuhutimati plant laelj- udea there are n f reat many farmer who will rt plant ern for liatiuinh conrtatnlly thev have cihcr ne- smltd tt itnlher iff iaefimly rird aiiltieimi tit aitpply their own wanla al ary pee between 60ajk tocenla per buhil enn a a mure pcfil- nble crop than wheat t oned at if vi i n ji tmp taoe nkw ftu tha t sntilb carol mi a halrs thut tho crp have vbjuylrtv ihovcii ami tia ariawq hua cnlinord lammhle the wheal hiivrat u puhoaj rnoilly ltrhi thr ruaiiira and ao rity tn expect new llour in our market tho rtiem1 fmrrature of the weather m iho past weekhabeen minor cl firllirfii week in june altvmjh willimit trotm uv ihinp lt re iad iho tlfxd arid lieihhy nnvlli of vegetation our attvieai tmi the different purti are not aa fialterinjj ai ihey wcf ten dya ncn a msi rat thing in eomc jtorlinn nf lenawee hilldale cathnn jackaon oiiund 1iteonb anrt wah- tenaw eountin vie are inarmed hy petrife advieei h a ol lic lha erfp his been infested with the v that are injurm it ve much aafar aa we can learn however they uuty extend to fcltin neighbor iwtda and lawn e librae ine nnfr a ftoitll portion of the stme a n fleneral ihinf itho crop is every backward iwr the aenoe of the oar nod will of cmm crfytli harvest beyond it otual time but il iahcleved that with the exoeption of wliete the insect prevails an ttverage growth will be aiiamed detroit a rr junt l nip at it sinarxc a mcfatl wellinptnn john bmwn eniland mr mwund mr prince montreal r h- rae ham c- 1 arnsthal new york dmarthur bylown mr nnrd hemtcr tomnio mlkaat rv waw himfim l fnier gait j capt mailland montreal featus clarke geava sacker harbor r gerrard rriol mr aikin henry moyk knnrfnrd mr ileward toronto mr grange btuon mr kirkland cemtom j shuirr uatrtaaali mr hooker preacott ja a skinner lumflion mm akaaoder syracuse j c sunpano elmirm wm j sheldon new york thpkrrr and lady montreal mr rieaardmn mr and mrs c wcooprr tornntn capt bern r eja fir bylown j c frank ei gananoe slat mriiulmpiv i rj mr waddcll scotland henry frinkle wad tcckj mr fiahtf i thmnat junr toronto c ildl uniacke montreal mr dunbar gent ohoc d morriaih chathan c- w 3lr fitdfwayjreund john da- foceau mr boucher montreal j ricim roeheater w weher cnb4tfl tho dimkin cornwall mr ramaay pieion henry j hastrntv rocbcsier a bakrr new york j- i akrrman beaton charka smith f peugnel cape vincent jaa- cutoroiag f ii- is roac river trent tj iue mr riddd hamilton jaa oivcns montreal g b murfey ajd lady clevc landohin the key mr givine family and astfaal belleville ja rusacl family and aervant srrlltndt auction salk if not previously disposed ofby private sate on saturday 3rd july the whole of the stock of oxst5 axntb5 buggies cabs sleighs ace c belonging to mr a mcdonell con- sislinc of the following 4 horses 3 cabs 10 setts double and single harness 3 buvijies 3 double sleigh 4 single sieijjhs 3 double cullers 18 buffalo robe a quantity of hone clnlbinsc fitc alpjati excellent lumber wjjmfti sale at lonclock a m the sub scribers audion rnom market sriuare terms cash wm mcmillan auttixnutr kingston 22j june t17 important sale of free leasehold property in kwgston and ixt 24 fihday 35th june instant at one lock p st wit be sold by auction on the premises tbe followine nropfi 11 not previously disposed of thie extensive stone ani fireproof leasehold premises on ontario street opposite mr hotels now ocenpied by messrs jones walker- also on barrie street lot 24 thatpleaftanlty situated ooltagc leasehold and those two two siory roughcast cottages freehold ad joining st james church now rented and most beautifully nd pleasantly situate to m n j cooils will positirely be sold the above properly require oo recommen dation as all those who have been and are cwe observers of passing events must have noticed very clearly the ureal and favnrabl change thai has and is taking place in kings ton and will continue to do so and tittle doubt can exist but that property will bring 25 percent more withia twelve months than at ureaent terms made known at sale james linton kindlon m juoe 1847 information wanted of peter mcgbath who emigrated lo canada about last fall when last beard from he parted with hb comrade in the vici nity of the rideau caral any information from him will be thankfully received hy hi brother michael who ia now residing ia thh colonial life assuwanoe oompanny umea av ivjoaf lift iiapitvl- moooft htkitllwo tsraiiushcoroir tunrob ov mmmm assuranf hs on the lives of ctjom rrjv f wtqbt tpiotrrd to brit aw t ndtu ei scan j i ljmj jtacow moaraaal n icenrcesrreel 4 a j- uir t vincent pbef grcatst j r slices governor the it iionftthe eariofer in and kincardine goxxtjiordturt of canada nfuie company is x60u- diretl- -l- shareholders thscapit 000 all irv of the cmnrjanv r jfle uatrs have hern firnir rtl mchl corrert nbser oommeroial sale rooms rlhl alotiaiclockthe jt auction vvilhuil iilrictibim willaell reserviiiii fresh oro0erir5 other fiodds consisting ok m nscovado snajara vounsj hyson old hyson twankay souchnne and conanu teas green and roasted coffce bnnch raiaina hoieydew cavendish nailrod tobacco of all kinds maccaboy sntiir princijte and hiivsm ciirarsi loudon siarcb asorted pickles oyster and pepper sauce cassia afcpice wrapfiida paper hemp twits cotton do manilla bej coids corn brooo plain and prcvd fluted tumbler 7 k 9 glass matches ink be raim brandifagin and jamaica rum in hhds ckokge npangenberc jeweller silversmith kino sturtvf klncbtoxt ould reapcctfully tender hia and kingston c kineslon c v kli i june or michael fahey taylor 1817 imf xttinh il a june 17th mr he scaarraavj orricc montril jsth june 1s47 hia excellency tbo ioveiiw genrral has been plraaed totoaka lite sotiowiof appoint mania via dunham jnnea it lo be tho collector of coartrmi of tho put of mniund in thai pert of the province formerly upper cnnd robert kniht bullock frquii to beoilleelor of coiloina at the port of dicliinartn landing in the place of 1 1 macercor eaquire d flajajajsl m vinnii hotel mclxd mr j norton laiae truss rurhngton mr gonrcc schn- vcr frederickjiueh mr 15 snarl cleveland m ftrman il jaehaon if bellnnn pulaborch mr b l nm new v mr- jj mcntec prustargfel mr jamea scott mr john sch iliui mr mack glengarry mr k loach adjotown mr w waiann wajsssn hotel si johns mr crandel seneca fnlla mr burk vrrmneit s a baehua j auburn mr j keeeh and lady woateea n y l w pmwcii and lady fhihddpliia mr w sohivan mr mm milhhtpjtai hope mr j manefidd mr c l hana clayton m w sivermin utia mr jirifinnhfjiacam mr srua scott antwerp mm vvalaon st jw c e mr hooper cjnidan ftl w y church pictan lel mr elelharp st john mrjnhn rut anil and uh new york mr j v j sviram vl mr p v roeaelf mr jamca coone mr k j star miaa j emavi puluburp j jamcv wallace mieli mr kingston market prices stdadav june 19 1847 pftpmt h vr x nu cltrk the mtrktt av s i n rlmir ay 112 b ivbeadaa bushel ltarirr none rre pavbnah v- g i 0 as o i 0 i 0 1847 aojvtaxt gtagftif ornce montreal icih juna gfttl oaoea his rsccllencf the fiofernor general tn pfeavd to make the fottowina appomimenis in ihe militia jorca of canada via tn4 0raiopi lamx- to bo major captain george h dclhx to be captaina lieolcnnnia alexander camp belljamesdemeremjhn emocyjin mcgim orj r i chamberlain paul wright and donald mcpheraon- to be lieutenants enijnt john hawley frederick a oliver daniel me bride charle mcgreer e f dunham muray gini and gilbert d clapp david rowm henry c sloufhion and john si george dctlor gen wmav to be brstafoa gwrc lm achibam mc- stil john caico jamev mebride william tnnedy reuben oliver wtlhftin nbury itua dctfvr and daniel fraer gentlemen o bo adjutant lieutenant murray guun stcend battatwn aadntob to bo captains lieutenant cephua miller rice beah who has left the battalion divison to b lieutenaivi ensign joseph parker ate m froinaed to bo erstun joseph dowlinj etee pajker promoted- beeonot bakatwn pronttttac to be mayira archibald macdonoell eaqoire and captain albert me michael to bo qoarujmaaiar john oreni gentleman rj- tcaiubc eiilosto tsrttvnve lives lost fftedeatcksbottc june 16 r- mv the new orleans picayune aod dcfte extra issued at noon on the 19th inm we have particulars of a dreadful explosion svhich occurrad on board the steamer eda on the 4lh inst in the oucbila rive twenly- five persons wereillcd and eight wounded fj smrwacca akd lss op lipe prtjudclpilia june 16 the british ship coloojbian capt marshall ock by rbtninglast mnndayofl capo henry and aunk four of ihe crew were drowned the jccrniiider arrived at baltimore today oait v bushel peaada oil meal a hundred potatray uuabol beefaycwu m do v aa vk ay hundred li ft veal ylb mutton as at v butter ia nji these ay lb h et vrkwen turkeyaa couple fiwla do b ducko do hay ay ton u slf4rtdo h wodaycord 2 3 20 3 s3 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 1 2 40 17 10 6 0 0 8 6 6 5 4 8 6 8 c 8 8 8 8 6 o a 8 8 it 3 g 25 0 0 0 30 0 0 o 0 8 8 a o 0 23 0 s 8 n 7 8 7 8 8 0 8 o 0 kingston mam society the second loan mketixg wrxl take place at the district court house on monday the fifth day of july seven oclock p m when the directors wilt proceed to lean or advance 600 of the funds of ihcsoctely which will be pot up to competition in smjle sums of 100 and in manner provided for hy the directors tbe fourth instalment being due on that day ihe treasurer will le in attendance at 8 fivtath p mm in allow members who are unable lo attend at his office durinx he day to pay up their subscription before tnc chair is taken n b thoie member in arrear are hereby respectfully requested 10 pay up ihe instal rnenu due on or before the 1st day of july by order geonge baxter sec and trtomurtr kinplon june 21 1847 valiuna which cm ah 1h vjlllr of life tb f0ofits of hi cusnpanf ccrtainerl and divide 41 0rtjln iulak wheurah policy havint a rihl h 1itcrjmte in ihe profits will fhar in s fund in be allocated for dtvbmbwata asmtatal advantages amrnsrntheralls htm out by this companj towliiii ln atlentimi of the public is especially reqtlcd the following may be pariculiridt i the seeuhy of wjp gucranttrd capital j 3odr f v rrenttsim which may be paid yearly w halfyearly at ihe option of the party wk 111 the u onhlft fo me cusurrcf as regards rtknce and trntreltrujthe limiu beine peiwy v extensive and in paiiiealar th ccf ftmg t hbtriif t past bit steam vfymtetwbtm any north mm and any eurtpm fotfofoy firnc o fu year trrotf tttrn the assured need thus h under no appre hensions of loainglfct brnebu of their poltcies by the umisstonpefbaps inadvetlent on their part to tive tbe notice required by other companies of ibeir inleotioii to cross the atlantic ta ivthe prtrt dttynuh m bu disposal of fctssuws the boasd of drttclors at montreal being invested wuh full powtn to examine into and acce4 of proposals imllinx the company on the rife at once without com miimcatme with ihe parent board v the extnptwnfw ltamp put n- trance ft or amy other expvtst in effecting astuionettw vi the fact of the company beinff whmtf u tir jstrance office- uncoouected with either fire r marine huurancc copies of the companys prospectus- tab lea nf kate for wiranee with yao fits without piofits on nsjle lives- joint liees and survivorships fof the whole term of lilv or for a limited period together with every other information may be nb uined on appticafion at the offices of tbe company by order of lb directors a davidson parker manager for canada ant 4ft caks 10catks dxible claiificd vinear c the usual terms oliphantvvatt isih june 117 perio f dical salk w thinks in hra cusiomera anj lh iniiahitatiuof kingaion gonerally for tlio vcrylilerulflupport they have extended lo him inco hia commencement in ittni nesfi nn1 y- to rii ihii- that he ran juat reeciveit i addition to his former ex- lenaivc slock a large assortment of watches jeweilry and musi cal instruments topltier with a lorgo vnriely of fancy jjrlitlt to which ho tnvitca their attcn- lioti and all of which he offers to sell on reaaonamt term fhesh 0k0cerieh at thb city store ajbnehop king t peince88 otrkis kinohtuir wholesale and retail 1 imi tnt new yli tho m m 0 june 18 1847 9lm land for sale 400 mrymur o or ihe season or is 17 n wednesday 23rd june issfjut aches of land for sale in the township of ntwchllo district being lois nos 17 and 18 in the 9ih concession 40 acre of whirh a nr cleared ami has a large lett house and a frame barn io feet hy 30 outhouses c and well watered it will m one ufocsiorin lois to suit imrrhascr tevnis moderate for particulars ap nlyat this office nl hy letter postpaid j ii geaby branch in canada head office montreal nav 19 trfbtl jameaifetl city died yeatuday mr if in l i in artdl friendaand aeiainunees are reapecrfplly mvi ic6 to attend the fokral lo morruw afternoon at lhrce octocht frons hie ute reaidence market aqvare in ihia town veaterday gjn uasv mary etitabeih infant dajhlcr at m wm wrihl r- e d thsatrb royal second night o thk celebrated irish comedian mr z30nard who will appear in two of hia celebrated characters aod ain three favorite sone on tims evening juke 22 will be performed the new and original iriah comedy entitled born to good luck or the irishman w naples paudecn oraflerty mr leonard jo which ba will en tlrt hero of bjrinacraay s3oanr lamcvwcpflqeaw odnuajij madlle albe8tine the evenings entertainment will conclude with irwuughawa farce entitled the happy man or the magic shirt paddy morphy mr leonard fn whieh ha will arog i oama from the land of the pais tod faaija jid the birth of 6u paukk joaolm7 government notice the commissary kenbkal will receive- sealed ten ders at montreal until noon oti saturday rills at thirty days sight nn her majasiya treasury to the extent of 4500 sterling the proceeds to be placed to hia credit with any of iho charterod banks at the undermentioned placea viz toronto or rc kingston l bytown i000 the tenders to be made with re ference to the par nf 109j and marked on the envelope tender for bills coxmiwaiiiat camada manueal 19th june 1s47 chronicle and news to copy simmon oss colonial magazine foe june contains on ihe foeat tiers gf new by m fl perlry e life in lha ceylon jungle euie of sneiety in 2tcrra lonr frnvona and eiports of the bermodaa the manvfaeuire of suiar mcrhanicallr eoiuidervd- foreign arrraaon on oor newfmndland fish tri- on she vefetabte onin ol basaltic cl umas the jamaica assemblys repnrt of the suie ur that mm a visit lo the northern mi uf snolh auatralia the nnv suniia qoeation and emrkuon suiiatieaot van io man land for 1tcolonlxarionand cmrency or what raiehl be ilone with the fjaju tuidaof irelandtbr jcrawrortf eaq ioiportant dirv- vene in central aiaatralia cuba and jti ecpns jjtoe nnro t nk itot colonial loicll pence ac price ga sd- fndon simrowndaand ward pitctcm hofr peteii mgtll chairman david davfdsok ia alkxk sivlpson b llfclv hav kasa ciikistr ltlnkif eaq hitrmm advrsaa ceo campbell esq m- r- o ii c no a john hose esq matfagtia t alexn davidson parkgk eaq branch offirea with ltiarda f management have mho been caufclihcd at the j l- i placaa in rrhifti niklh avwcai yew brunswhic- head office sijvlma aecni oirac linaearaojr eaq- nova scotl a heart oifice aliux arrnl 1a blttufi ecjttwaat kso as a ii for west inwei at jamaica trinidad barbadtea rt tahgiaae for australjvln sydnny an4 adelaide for cape coiany in cape town for east inmbtf and ceyionin cakuit kadm bvinbay aod colvmbo juil6 1eh7 john patterson ontario street kingston an extensive assortment of fresh groceries now arriving and in store omprisinj in part sugars teas tobaccos jvints liquors otts tyc fyr sale at one oclock p- m terms liberal william ware awtunftr kingston 15th june 1m7 kingtittn june 16 187 4uwlf mbciianics institution all persons havinx rooks ia their potserom hejonging to the library of his fnatitulion ore requested to return them to the librarian forthwith bv order of the committee of manaeemeat peter la mono r srcjy kingston 17lh jmje 1817 riwafj tarjms kngar coffeeff frnllj liquors wines fe all if whirh are of ihia ftpnoj a imooataliw an4 on imaoeelion wlh be fovnd cquil ia i jower in p ice thai aor vet ntlerrd in lb m uarsiac tlfo folwjrijf eotnjjtiaee ot of iheir new good tii teas rh tanoua ovoctitiee to let auctiov sale of valuable rhal estate th e subscriber u been a uthori zed o olfer trie following valuable property al auctiorij on the premises briatsgiu lo c brown esq architect on thursday 24th janr at v2 oclock thj proerty consists of two elegant and substantial sffotfi udpata situated in the vicinity uf the new cathedral great attention has been paid to make thcai both comfortable and convenient tilted up with leaded rain and weil water cistern hydraulic pumps patent water closets office in rcar atl mne built witr celurs thr two story stone house in prince street op- hmie the scotch church knqutre on lha premise or to j bweakortdce enquire barrister kindlon june 15th 187 48lm for sale fresh teas sugars coffee tobacco fruit and other staple groceries liiftorsi qtanwi r 8fc efc ihe kubtcribers are receiyirtj and offer f they are al present college until may without ihcombraiice it it seldom so cood a rented to the q 1848- hie property i mild title inliijmtdbe n opportunity occurs of firchasing such comfortable housei cheap he houses will he sold separately with their respective premises alter winch will be offered the adjoining vacant lasts witruheriht to use the present gable adjoin ing hi cot is of the same dimensions as that on which thr hauaes are situated tbe terms and further particulars can be obtained on appliralion lo the subicribcr and at the safe william ware auctioneer kinploru8tb june 1si7 fur a je lilwl atiitcnvadu ir hj tavi it i mll rrned lf do iimi iraiiat mnlaaasa half rheaia i-i- j i r i lim and nssmarsf chem old llywm do hau ehfl wja twanky dp paewct uuck lea hiciuj ponclionf aod ctngn 21 uai rw cnrta iv hma iitfh rktedito lij m jjllmch lui t i r0 looboaea yoonpjlly go twankav 5 old itvaoo vcrv fcoe i0r do on 5 bote gunpowder do uaaamcsi ea6rh do do 5 clsraii 8i ic rum rood 0cddiea oolong souchonf 6rre flavoor sugars 10 hhds ichl porln rico 10 wrclartalcruahed 10 yellnw havaoah 4 hhda rrfined loaf coffees j5 hao i aqre 4 java 3 mocha tobaccos 0u boiea cavendish ica id honevdew 5a superior 10 do 5 4 5a chewinf t 30 doi cut honevdew preaaed foe c 20jr soprrior imaccabvy 8nut 2 kea scotch molasses n vij cuba liquors 3 hhda tnaa manellv 2 do ejiiv fi 2 do ojundj l kujpe fsewjoc iasl 2l bua smartv pt hop wtwkn 2 bhav runivport j aaca do do in boticv in botljai up prime john vanstone veterinary surgeon egsto inforn die inhabitants of kiog b ston and its wihborhood that he intends lo practice n kington and huvinu devoted a considerable portirn of his time lo tbe study of the pjofesioo at the veterinary college london he flatters himself that with bis usual care and atlcnlioptp business be wilt give tbe utmost salitaction to those who may favor him with tbeir conmands application loie rode at mr- bamford hotel princess sraet o auction sale ok valuable heal estate a i trent t o t- n saturdaythe 3n lh f jvtf mknrt will be sold a number of town lots situated on the principal biinoti street at tawrrfrssstj together with several valua ble water lots where warehoues am wharves might be ad vantat may luil one of the water lots has a warehouse and wharf already erected these lot are well worthy ihe attention of capitalists sale jiositivelv without reserve terms made known at time of sale por particulars sevious to sale apply to j v muahiav kq rent port or to the undersigned at belleville where a plan of the properly may be cen john ross belleville june 14 1m7 49 kingston june 14 1817 notice the subscriber begs to acquaint hts friend and the public that although he has disposed of hia blacksmith shop he hf not left kingsron nor doe he intend to leave but that all orders lett al tho blacksmith shop or at hia rest dene next door will be punctually al tended to as usual thomas paul fetrrinary surgeon kingston june 18 js47 49if canada am newydrk express t- allen co will despatch one of tho firm to new yurk every week making the trip between kingston find netv york as regularly aa circumstances will permit all parcoli coidmiaaiona and mewagea are to bo left with the subscriber at greers whart edward harvey agent kingston june 18 1847 93m to let the hou at present occupied by the subscriber possesion siven on i8lh instant kml to ihe 1st april 1843 22 10 enqumof e ckkssall grove inn or lo the subscriber w a ceddes- june ii 1847 if schobljooks- just received at the atheneum book store taru7to- school books boston academy music 0lneys genfiophy and atlas kickhatni cnrnmar do etiention walker diconary pirmocks cotfsfnitb eneand- rlo do rome da do greece june 8tb 1817 excursion to dbdensbqrgh or tire kingston volunteer hook ladder company vttdrk fu ratkoftagc ot tjik chief engineer or the ir c id e par intent on monday july tli the steamer cjenlhrcn nlaniu the l leave kinrtan for same evening 3 for particulars see bills kinttton june t8 1817 4910 watches clocks and jewellry ihe subseriber in returning nks fur the liberal encouragement lie lia received since his comnienrement tn business begs to inform the public that he has splendid assortment of golo and silver consisting nf leaver his frieuus ainl just received a watches leprnea tfc zrt luv for cafh mwiti 70 ura ttjbaaaa aasnsatfat hovytfnwt ca vrndmh af dt 16a aud vailrud ia jafj meeabtf nfl it m vt imii and mavatna t 4q aialis cam a 3 uee aap 13 dra jim r j piekica md ojaiin end perv pc fure 90 bties liawm avaiab u sttii cantfks 5u dot on l in t 9ll b se v r 9 u win an sbei tilaa 2uo dntrtol iue and ptt tiuwcra 4u hn4w jimn itik j hhte ni i ijroain avvtd eimditinw maatus hid twda cl1un twttaf llfatjaj tfrf 4 fjawir waviw tdf94 red and uu4 atrwf nrhrlc 20 cak- mil itlnsaf 3u ki tnita sjcfuj grjt hratitly jimiit huns and itomanda u be the hhd oe qgfler eak axo jj ima plaster mnnitri w jn oeasi l water lime onntun sti crttanily nn hind 500 dot kakca umphavt tc watt avchnn 4f cmmiui mtrehanu ii i jimr jl lexla 5 c 1 ukl taaloiv nfadeira 5 eaea do 2 prpea benecarlo wine- 3 hhde whiu wine i casoacuret sjulrau madoa fruit 100 boxes muscat d fbisuss 50 drum pig iwienrdr 50 fanes buife pninea i ufa filberts freah 5 do walfiou 6 do soft shrlj ahrmds sundries 4 turees rfee 10 tt barler 40 boas starch 0 do fif blue 1 caw xndtjro j cheat caaata boxes groond cinpanaacr bags pcpskoti flmtnto bua jamaica cipher bk c- i i do burs ifjyin strvp sarupkrina do m pepper sance 6 m pkrkks 4 baskrta sewd oi jammpatard 20 ixt com brwjmt i0 9 whisks 4 keca sajcratua 3 n r fancy soap rafiery of ahicles in tba crweera rnralion viiovias kindlon joiie ias7 s 4 2 9 15 2 with lov ntiioc rpva to- hat just ukckiveo duecr r i mm no new iori at the sign of the bear brock street two large consignments nf hats comprising itest njaverfursilk palm luoft and leghorn spring dfc summer hats ii very finest quality and fabrica which he is aiithorid to sell at very low price wholes ie and retail q7 country merchants are ivquetet to call and examinu tho articles now advertised jamcdowall- kinotap hth juoe hr 47lm n cdown laoo dfpartment motitra i0rh march 1816 otce is hereby given by or der of h excellency the ad miniatratorof thgovorrjtdent in coun cil to all person wnn nv received locations nf lauj western canada since tho wt january 1832 and also to parties located previous to that date whose localiona w not included in the list of unpatented laoda liable to for- reitoie publiahiij aj 0 april 1849 that unless the f laimanta or thoir legal repreaenutiyeaebiiahthrir crairos and take out their b jtonu sritbso two years rromthis date ii wl rwim by rhn governmrj l0 b diapowod of by which he o atso about 40 cases of american clocks which will be sold wholesale and retail a rich astnrtnient of jftwcllrj pjaicd goods arc of tho most modern naterns wm hurdle wanted an apprentice to the watch making busineas w h- kingston june i sih 1847 im blacksm1thin0 n all its branches the subscriber respectfully intimalea to his friends and the public gener ally that he has taken the premises lately occupied by thomas paul in princew street directly opposito h- sroith esq m p vrhere by atrial at tention to business hopeato enjoy a share of public patronage james hobbs kingston june 15 1847 isif goveknment notice sealed tenders will be received nt lhkoldei until 12 oclock noon on wednesday tho 23rd inst front persons wiking to contract for the repair of the st lawrence wharf ind building coal sbcd thereon plan and pectficattnns of the kepairs and building can ho aeeu at tbe naval yard aoy working day duringthe working hnuis two mitlicicn securities will be tt quired the signatures of whom will be requested to the tender when offered naval store keepers office dock yard june 8th 1847 fresh fruits rece iruction we big notice rts w mmfmmptte our forwardina fremiaes by tire we nr announce to onr noroerous correstndents that no interruption o our business wilt take place our craft are au m actree operation and ue have made such irrutfi ments id the port as wui enable to receive and give depalch to our down freight wr have already commenced theerectiori ofactoujbiocioffre proof building wiichwll be ready for the fall busmeai these with an increased number of first class auisn now mjildinjc when added to oor powerful tnj line will enable us to do buai- uess in a safe and expeditious manner tr a hureerfcca kingston 4th june 1847 1 up aod j u st ratsixa pfirnes- vn r- linear in rta fia cancued jemon i v eo bratil nula fuborta walnut paa nut and oraiujf whoksaloand retail bv william j martin market square kineauso 12thjljne 184 governess wanted itantid in a reapeciable english f f family in the country a young lady to instruct and lake charge of four or five young children and to assist with the needle work reepoctabfe references will be required apply to tho editor of this paper for further partieulara may 26 187 43lf notice tsfhereas my wife mary breonao baa left my bed and boird without any provocation whatsoever this is to forfcd any peraoofcaihormaortrostinr her oa ray account as i wtu not pay any debisof her contracting michael mbnnafl kiojston 10th una 1847 473 for sale or to let atargeframehousesiloaled in tbe vicinity of tbe town near tbe artiljery barracks ou the monlrtaj road the house is a very coovepient one rfluinin ei ucoms possesion rifen immediately apply at this office jar to mfis fiobnall ptaffisurtoa stmt imojston june 8 lft7 lf largerooms to let mfok exbibitioo lecturea ba zaars or any other purpoaea the rooms are opposite stewana tavern ontario street a n ply to walter eales kingston 4th june s47 46tf spring and summert new dry goods thesobacriberaareaetline bj prirsiasftts 9 well sticcted aaaortment of british dry goods just lanported from liverpool per cesar ate efal caoststineor drab and f nankeeneta focf and tarred drib 30 to36 in grey twist dosntaliea wbits loom ind itfau sbirtocs oatmjtesia black wbite and eounrod luliaraa navv and to blue fnnla fancgr hi- r atjle do checked aaaorted paaey ar4 black m v irn and vest palleroa bengal einpes boeandmaddetf brilanou hdktv madder ctou elad soeatad orajifs and flf span pookat do roausuivcaha paramatia and blik a ga pfsrs albert and satui fua trproved i h cbtnla tsja lassaeus aawf and e4hr braces i dtaa srrui a urft aaarasstu of usdyh4s browsers and vestus also a ooasrrnmanl ftxtn lvmow dir bull sad just arrived bsra is caaas aopeeior velvet naafjast paris and london hat8l oufaunt watt- s m m