tiik mutism wilki mmi iwwiktt wi him m rrintkm v ill iii isilkli semiweekly ltin riir byedward john barker m d it tiir uukafum in ijf ulim f tflt k- fk fn fvr f jinrilvinie 1 simp- hvliwj iilil riocca aiopnl 11 u 1 ll almplinsrmfnrslm nd vl mmt w v5 f jij le cfrttisl ttwjig and general advertiser for canada west vol xvi kingston canada tuesday june 29 1847 no 52 i no i n ist 11 hmmu iihil pw tf bslrl 3 order fnr uiiimttnc adwflthm t i liolliliec lurtim tfsil will- nein q jmirmlfhe irirfiii 9dhisspttsrq bn cdlcdr piiil lolhpamilic- iiuumeplfacmfmobepol jtz mcdowall f urri e r hatter brock street kincstojf fun arfc u o rrfr on the shortest notice tan of bttfj betosphflb bmsm an j sou donkganas hotel 1 84 7 the propeotor mm re be koss dooi military tailor aug fadfs abit maker princess street rt- fo-ii- wl iyib taiiori igoitfj v noden tailor c nrroiitk mil wnrim wilsons wellington street all work in bit km executed villi neatness and ilnplcli matthew duuooxd croeer viiek tiuh mirelunl wbmwoth nriidini8 o ur i 7m0 f- b- kayler coach builders asd caklttage makers pci fmti cxgiros robert mccormlck wises spirits te1s groceries it prince stheet kingston plor mdi a coirbiii prihokii strekt kints john a- acdinld alexnoe campbell teacher of music piano koktks tukbt thompson carbv general importing and commission mkrchants 51 ii ft o sturtr niw york a card cffadfn okwnck law or1anih ware commission mefictunt and irneral afisnt if toj uf si r nw york id to hr i lifllflo hh coniindhr alcric4 f v mlvf m irikifof hietojiok oepnpfj njfdcdm hiimi nnea i fcnwrtl fftm st pttl suect lo tic pretcnl embhmciil in notre dame treet yht hve fatmcrty the pfopir nf wii bino- doiewf ljdi dufthin na stocmaj dunn the pim ytaf tho mcif thtt immense establishment un sca mmpllv4 in th ftf w dcwft- lvn ftnd wilh e ffff prtiirtii fw lh comiort rf v the furniture ji f ihc fti fihl jltcripllp n ihe pfwv r alln- lmceof neb dtttriptitici to rrtrmmr the ofrnc uifnw in uw mhnmno w ronif ntflkud ivriuic ihni liymo ujiually mcl with in the situation icenlral nd wwwn i cay dkianc r ihc cmmpdemf hicchiimhimu buhcfti church nd pa1aec thf biftk ihe goofnicni otfic ii- mm hfrti f uie di ana rrginwiw and ufiol ih ditowl militwv depioai tbt 4tiy hallcouil hohoftndoibcrpumicboildmffc it m aft an drvalcd itlo wilh abuodjnet of air d1iinl and hat from ila fronit aptimlid ffte nvrrihe roanifieftl ezpanao of ihe michly st tiwiec while ihe eye la relieved by ihe deep demand wioded ahtdea of tte beiuliiul ivlnnd f ki hetena and tl dbunt mountam of the eastern towhp- amoaf ihe caaenince wll b oag six bathing boo m s billiard room tlie table will bo pajafad with e terr deli- of of ihe ttftafrii and while the pfopfietftf will pira no expente lo eiee mlisfaciion lo all who v hoqfte him with iheir pitoiace ihe urge uijinvr which ihe eilent at hit btummfmul iridblra hifti to nccattiuvidritc w admit or bit chjrgca being vtty nmwinliw carri ages will be always in bileadaaee omeee piriiw injnd fmm ihe sicambt wbtvmww ihe up- lf canada and rtbw slae office and the l wittapara nnejeuion to make hi new kmibhthmriil eiwiliaoc warihj f lha liberal ti v 0q4 s which ho received aa lceaar rcoa j- a donegana montreal mat 14 1847 new importations teas groceries robert alclese drocit 9tflt rinbtqv ice7 w h- alexander begs respectfirtly to iforoi ihe in- lubilants nf kingston lat he is pre pared to iipply familiea every morning m iheir own iewdencea with ice the piantiiy given will be frou- 1 to 20 lb the charge iwlhecann will be atx di siricl punctuality will ivery be obrved m uie left at mr robert mc tftfml will mt with owen vandusen attorn e v at la w souciroa 11 ruieiv ad luudfrcfi bueof stret t bttf britia 0 ojjl enrf oxnbion hovst kingtm jlaftd scrip pghl al suld macdonalds hotel latf tojec0 opposite thk city baths kiiiscelaromoi i cormick princess prompt attention w h a lakw this nppnrtunily lo in form histriendi and the public lht ho n r i rivtrtivtinifrfct rm icilstooghton bitlert inboiilea at la 3d eah ain champagne bottled cider o aupcrior article alwayaoaaand ui 6n 3d per dizen kingston 17th may 187 v k e 11 ov a fc kingston t tin ware manufactor v t e a ciiown imilfictubers ok tl sheet irw axu copper wrts dealers in cookinand other stoves bcg leave must respectfully lo rc- 1irntliitikt to i heir nimetou tpivn uful i ii ii i i ii nmers for past f4 ami infitim them ihat they have js- francis v carey m d s0hce1v agcouchtjr c c h bwftdjtoltf cam hw ritft edward stagey ritom lodow mercant tailor opposite flrycev coj king street kingston joiim blacki3ton sailmaker and rigger h o 4 1 iuhovs eurlutvq ontahjo street walter lialks painter glazier and paper hasger iupiiv i et kinc5tok iheir eatablibment to thoao ptemismtn princess street lad in the occupation of mr ofla gmnttty nwiu opposite the chequered house when ibey hope by steady attention biiaiuess to cixiiitiue to nteirit a share i uhko patronage and from the capa uiihi4tie and many conveniences of thnir new premises fee confident of i giving satisfaction to those who may favor them with their orders e a chown ktep constantly ntl hand a full assnnment of tin sheet inns corrca cooking parlor and box stoves which they offer for sale at prices to suit ihe times j and respectfully solicit an inspection of their stock before pur chasing elsewhere- irthe highest price paid in cash or good furold brass copper and lead ragt taken in bcltangt princess streets kingston may 11347 r sntwcriher respectfully oeisle infoicn hi town anj country customers that he is now receiving his suriar stock ol teas crckeries vtes spirits to cirefiilly selcctetl hy pergonal iotjiecton in the montreal arid new york market hit pwtfflt stock co mpr lies among others the following articles teas gunpeirder hyn young hyson twaavaj hvnnskin ptknc cpf suchooj souchong co0faa and bnh sugars ifaawitsda saaarw mtiat eaal indian j i i refined cnjbo mjae coffee green roahed nnrl rrmnd plantation ii- ij 1 ilin cnucottc beai spaniih plain piepfl- wines in wood ea aonxc e- j m adrira l p d shf oy pale aod bnwn l ftenenrtc huou pol afidsherjf beoecahu claret meza auperiar old port spi hits old jamaica ing ialand cnae brandy boiicjmt bjnd hothfxjgm common gin canada whiikrr scotch vvhiikey sheidam gin in i ooi caaea cherry peppermint lnndon pmict and pale ale in quarts stoutina eji air marachino eao de vic da i i caracot and other lqienm g roceries cmaaj plairabsv orqninle jefterwnckfinly dairy fah boiler fine and superfine floor nd ovimeaj pbin crackers pot and pear barley bt carolina ric paeea see veonicell macamni sam arrow rnot patent bailey anl iortafa m m i v c io 1 lb urti lb boitles durham in jar sotr winder caatife white and yelviw caoftie wax sperm wax wick mould- oilt sperrn and fne olieeav slt onmahfl liverpnnl fine and baivet reriocd and paie liqvrire brown white and eaal india sugar candy t i i oranea and lemtina baat jordan aoit aheleed hard ahetled and diner atnviv btrcefcm braid walnut and n it matap turkey valencia and mukatcl ttaiinav bryl znte cuf ants plum beat turkey ff heal frrah pluma in jar p i k faulty cilron orange and invm prel est india cinfcr borrten farra damaon grcengae and pochra piluaiivj onwoa walnul pleculi ckioarjimlflwcri cuaijmbem hii prppea stcca iit4iroifii kelchon walnut ri harrry unifcsal king on tic indtasny i rnifinwi rriihl ftna aiphma auil iki i i r- dim aficiwviea and currie wrier svoaiki staiaai bine qloa chijk whilinr liquid and paffta ruckimr iviiati walea wuppinf and wnhng pper sli tnrod nilit hfhu riih bock tiksiea and pipe citrf oil io qun and piohj window guaa corde fiatnr unea ftwf and hmaacorfca ijr and corn brna inkpiwdcf indue cipncra alum silipeirc epenand guulrsha rem uf trlar ijtphur drimlorr k hajs all aifes- thesnhicriher awnrre the public tht the whole of the awre artirles are of the ery best quality and witl he sold for cali or romjit jim on the vuwcl potcible term robert allen kinpton may 147 lands for sale r following land aitnated in ihe most florih- and fehilc narh of lanada west are offered for sah on very advjnta lonliov district towxsuip of yakmoutti south j lot 27 3j con 100 actc north dornnrstgft 1 lot i4 in i 1st cjiiron 12 2d it i 13 2d n 15 2il it 22 4j i 14 a 16 3d if 1 15 4th it 19 6th it talbot district wixoham lot 19 in 7ih comeeion 20 7ih h 18 13th it iiarwck lot 18 in 4th concreion warwick lot 13 in 1st con s road h 5th con n road niagara district caistor lols202jandminhe4lhcon grantham lot no 4 in the 11 cowession colborne district fenel0n lots 8 13 14 si 21 in 4is corces 913 ifi 19 22 5h 11 i82l2526 17 192425 28 th 13142431 328ih vbrulam uu 1926 29 st 31 i sconces 21 3d 2i31 4th 29 fith 22 9tb douro lot 2 in 9lh concession broken lot 9 10th if o dummer swse naif lai ll9lhcon 1y half lot 15 10ih w lolh i a 3 33 1 9 ii 1 s4 7 rioeau canal anq grenville route t uk low pressure itr amkh perth cappa1x fenwick wiltf ply diinnfr lltrtedton bftfhfrfl kiatwi i and bytuwn and eite vefia lulkivit downwards wilt lemre kingaton every tucadey kintsn mill i l jnaavfaui larhmia m oliera retry sraithni fallaflvry wcdneay 3 3 merrickvilk burrtira lcckeiti landnif m lnc lalaod and anivo in b town h upwards vhiaaa by loiro every friday lon ltarid bcckeut lauding burnr mcrnckvllr at 9 i h h a m p m at a p cc u ai j m rs f r 5 home distaicr town plot windsor fowsshir or wtnibi pjilofllsin block j 14 lois 7 10 12 3 16 k 17 b p9 low 1569 10 13 1 4 5 6 ii 17 4 s 6 for further particutarb abnlr if by letter postpaid to james waliis peierhoro c v notice rphe subscriber jtcn ml liceiiflc as an a uct smiths fiu every saturdy i a m oliver ferry 5 kihmira 9 j jajria flla m 1 p- m uppdf brcners 6 kantjami uatta 7 aittactiw tn kinainn every saturday at j the above boal run in connecimn vrilh regular daily jir brlweco liyliivn and irc i t and montreal and affirda io waaiern iravetrera the beal rnitfl to ihe caledonia sfrnnff fu freihi or paatnge vju anerior cabin aecuinniodalion apply to tie matter on lmaid lo macphkftson ft crane kint 8ih jan notice notwithstanding the partial des ruction of one forwarding premises by fire we btj to announce to nur numerous corrrskndeni that no interruption to our business will take place our cuf arc all in active operation and we have made jocb arrangements in ihe port as will enable iff to receive and give despatch lootir up and down freight w have already commenced the erection of a ftpacious block of fire proof lluiedin which will be leaily for the fall business- thrf within increased number of first class barges now huimin when added to om powerful tiiic une will enable us to do busi ness in a safe and expdifion manner john h jreer ico kindlon 4lli june js17 lm fresh groceries at the city store cobweb of king princess streets kin uhton wholesaleand retail thk snltterincff are now receiving from min trcal and new vurk tbeir tpng auppfy vt frejatl tca sogr coffees prall9 liquors ifjuftj 4 nil of which arc if thia spring i r-i- i s and an moectii wil be found equal in l v and biwvf hi prke ihi inv ei offered in tbi marker nc folowio r their new juodv vii- teas mkl vaea yjn rlytoo various qualities tjo twankay do s n od hvon veey fine jii caddie lj 6lh do do 5 luae gunpowder do heddiea 6ih do do a cfiraji sniichnng o0d so caddie ou1inr ssouchonp fine fivvour sugars lollids uct prtorico lostrrclaklcruihad io vduw havaoah 4 hllda rrfined lmpf coffees jva 3 hnoho tobaccos fln boaea catendiah lga 10 honcydvw 5a oprrior jo do 8e 5 ra jychewinff 50 dni col honevdew praved for eawinr 50 jara superior maccaboy snoft s kejascolch- molasses 141ihdac liquors 2 nbdavlt muriello 2 cti birde30x brandy 2 do htlnd de kuyper i do cirn ffi bbla sniailv pn hopa wbiajtey 0 hhd hwniv port s caara do do in bottle 1 hlid toylurv madeira 5 caea 6r do in bollfea a mpea rfntcait wmo a 1 o takes this method of io neer ynrtnififf hi frirmla mil v tf infmu tir ht wii 7 ivj jtl httcud all call in that line j may tic assured of strict attention to h order and punctuality in handing over l proceeds of sale entrusted to him all orders teft at ihe office cf mr llnth calder corner of oman and brock slreeu will he ihanklully leceivcd j punctually attended to loativ clrotbi avttionexr kington 1st june 1s47 summfak spkintt and summer new dry goods will hfvelcd bffmoianl f rrty v imj pxtx u siu at napanee tief i wen incomparable black japan ink namuracrunr wholesale asp rctari a t the a thescum boor store kjngsfon uanaua west to let and immediate possession gives ii hig one ftf tno lit3t atanila ftr blird naa in kington lately occupied by mr honry gtllpio ncx door lo ihe lambton houst for particolai apply to francis m hill- kingston may h 1647 38 j cheese ust received and for salo by the snlrtcriier a quantity of ftatts celebrated imitation cheshire cheese thomas hendry co mya 28187 office of thc city diarimxay kingston april io imj the sulcribcr will fi the future receive all orders and transact all lunecnnnectrd wilh ihn distillery at hiofficcnexidooftomrscarlesilotfcl entering un mr browns wharf johtf rose n b a aupply of whjsket afwijn nn hand and cash paid fof coars grain dunng the entire aeason j k if to let p0r a shop or office the shop next door to the athenfum book store lately occupied as a drug store may 11 trustees of the mill re rvb at the village of npa nee milanj disiricuare nw prepare in receive applications for leading th watkr piwcft and tho mill site n thacaualrrjreiiiiy constructed on the heservcany pcril not to exceed nv cm nsh the powlf to he rrmy canal which is 1 100 tel nel2lfl wide and to contain 4 ok ww tj ihirly runs vau or 1500 inches of water wtnciibj divided into 1st and 2nd privilauft the height of fall from the surface of the canal lo the kivr is 3 fuet and the length of the lot he twuen the canal and the river will average about iso feet the napnnce river is navigable from the bay of quintet for vessels drawing six feet water up to the lower end nf the canal and the distance of the viljace fmrn kingston 2 miesis travelled over the best macadanjizcd road in uuter ca nada applicatinnawill also be received from pensun willing to lease ihe building of the new mill and store house now erecting at the font of the ca1ialj and put in the machinery the buildings arc of the most substantial description and are together d5 x 130 feet aod 7 atones high vessel can hiad heir cargttes alongside tne storehouse the buildings are to be finished by the i of septomoor next ready for the rna- chinery for further particulars apply if by lelter post paid to the undersigned at kingston francis m hilt- kingston may 5 1347 v8e8l gos canada exprkss forlhc raixnottaiion rf specie bank notes anj smaif packages with cite mill despatch ami tin trruaclion of giif biirnts rvnnim bttietta montreal kingston toronto hamilton and buffalo lavinr montreal every iridav mob- toronto evey tuesday british dry goods jim inpnrtrd nrm liverpool per cr afaalafi ctnaialin nf drab biulgrry nartkerneta kuny tmil twecit pritla 30 btm i tjrry tim lotneati whik loum ami ucjiiu tihiriiiiga cmv sheets ihaeh wnte and ensured lujiaos nav nrl two hint pnnl fancy lincilyle do checked aaaneiri fnry arrj black salin v uirf and vct palterna tan t stripa hlue and madjer britannia idaf hatfawi cliinlz hd spotted 0anc and spon pocket do india stllcoraha kiramaiu and illicit salin dow aibcn nd satin ftla limverf i r chinta cmfm worried odeabef bnwaa cvc ao- wilh a lir aaavalmbi ttt htilymado trowsers asd testings 0 i fz hhdfc while wine 4 cavttcjarrl st julian v- fruit j00 hole muscatel rauine 50 drum p infineoidtrs 0 fwt hixva frunes 5 bajt rmlwrt irreah s i whnitm 5 do sn hii almond sundries a tierera rie 10 bm pet lijtky q bmreh 10 arv fie illue 1 cw indie i ritracam 5 frt i cinnamon j dan tlrr rinrnm sbu grnjer lti ointnon dr oocca kviiwn srip si ran pari hi d- m ivfualff 8ucc fwklrf it ashes oil 2ii jarajlasunl so una cram rawanbi 10 wlpiatu 4 kecslrraim 11 ttftca pntwy srp wiih m variry nf article in iii grocery lnr louaiincreja io iwntmn 7i1uma4 hfadey fit co kioon june i k 147 9 4 a l tj 4 cdc mni7 and morning t1kcii u co 183 s paui xrref vonfrcai fc r bkckman aaltois sree tornro w warr onfarro strttt kingston house to lkt to bo let vfith jmmedtate possession that handsome fami ly redencn in quron street with extensive garden and orchard nov occupied by d macintosh il a valuable rands for sale belonging tikhr eautt of the late aicutalu mcneill esquire lent no 40 and the eaat hnif of lot no 39 concession a ur hridten fnmt of the township of tyendirtaga in the victoria district comaiutnr 340 acres rf land the situation nf the above farm on which there is a larqc improve- mentis mist desirable and advantageous baling on the miin road leading fmm kiugiton in toronto on the shore of the hay of qutute miblfl a mile of the church on the alnhawk traci a few yards from the steamboat landing known as cujberlon wharf and j within six miles of itits flourishing vil lage of vaparie thrre is on the promises a valuable mill stte alio 70 acres of the west part of lot il in the nth cmceaion of hon- gerfnrd victoria district the weal half of lot nn2 in the 9ih cnncesitnn nf the tuwnajnpof ma doc victoria diirict thwuifliw 100 acrea the east half of lot no 7 in ihe 9th concessinn of the township of lobom in the midland district acre appv if bv liier pnstft samuelrlark thomas dovvnkyh executors john a macdonal 463m also a aeavanaaant fjyir ixnidnn direct per john hi r un im arrived hee x5 caae majimr velvet tapped paris amd london hats ouprlasi sl watt iineln may 31449 cnlcdoiiiii priiigs not1ck 4 ll nerrona intivhlcd r tne hilte rf1he late archira1 d mcnelc esq- of napanet will ileae settle iheir account im- mediateiv either ivilh one of the unileriijrned ur mr michael mccabe of napanee am all ihrxe liaiijr claims aaint the estate will presrnt them with proper vouchers tu the same parliea orone nnc of ihem samuel clark thomas dotvney j executors john a macdonatd dated iilih ttvft 1s17 3m containing 100 id to napanee june 7 is47 also to be let that tangeand cnmmodioua stne house in queen street oear the new uhurchp lately occupied by the sub scriber applyto t a corbett- kingston june 187 whiskey inn barrels canadian iuy whiskey wiu bo sold low fur caah nnlv by william k martin kinpton ih my is slwr the canada housli the subrribor in expressing hh obnjatinn for the very liberal pbtoa age he received during the preceding bum- mer llhi io infirrm the public thi the canada huivie ifoain opened by him for the reception nf iiri and he mnat respectfully uhcil- a continuance of their patronage he msofc4 lhen lhat he aviii pare no ptinaj to add lo their comfort health and re- creat- since the close of the last season the boue and grounds ifave undergone man important alterations an i impmvc mem which itits tinned will add lo ihe i enmfnri and conveniciice of vinilor the dining room hasbeen considerably enlarged and lite bar aremoved from the house the subsniber i happy in state lhai mtu murray whoeaiientinn io vuiiur is so well known will alillcmatii at ihe springs the caledonia springs present the reat advantage of a variety tf medicinal weur acknowlejgcd by tho mot emi nent of he faculty to he each of their kind unrivalled in their efnvacr fur ihe cure f dieaearj invigorating qualities the salt and sulphur baiha areinfuk jrt hi from ihe use of which the moai extraordinary benefits have been derived the stage wi ii leave montreal every morning sunday excepted and arrive at ihe springs in the evening the charges uf the canada house will be he aame as last year namely by the month x6 0 0 by the weak mmii 1 15 0 by the day 0 7 6 h clifton my 27 1847 altonr i ui filburia walnut pc vut school books just received at the atheneum book store tim ffitlutdititr school books boston academy music olneys civnsraphy and alias kirkhams grammar do elocution walker dictionary piiinncks coldirnith england do do rome do do greece june 8th i8tf frbsh fruits just received raiai4 pom i- j i prctfrveri cinder in pota fiji candied xwaw and orange vtkiealcandbeiil bv willfam j martin markat seuare kindlon llhjoo jt47 fou sale or to let a large frame house situated in the vicinity of the town near the artillery barracks on the montreal toad the house is a very convenient one containing eigh booms possession given immediately apply at this riffice or to mrs rornall wellington street kingston june 8 187 46tf govrrness wanted liinip in a respectable english it family in the country a young ludy to insiruet and take charge of four or five young children and to rtsaift with the needle work respectable refereaces will be reqoired apply to the etfitorof this paper for farther partsculara may 26 187 3tf mkimlm ft ill tmk army am n ora ittt r la fs4r f7vt ufahkaal ojrircat hea maaty ipavrnff tu tttj a t tinuimt ibo a nd afaltaj j i k rvd ijrtaajfviftiaaf bit nvfl arsratra mg manuajwpaj in j iso and nt t aivj that ona nffuid em rjaeiivtfaai w evrf erwr lu r f rint toldifnt thaanavf aho prracril trt anvuailiqui io oajlp hrtaearatc vhtchnivdauhad paen tuk byon maitd nf hat mayvtyi pvftl ptrtateata r4 had ivet ecfttntiultd ti tletfae i cr of hk rfwril frtikci atw ja f uajdm m- gei4 la tstttbafihttj wuh if lahtrwa ha a trite at hii tijie in ptee tenrral and atnai crlktre rinnmnivd osva and ejcr vli c naider thai ihey hve claima lo paaajw tt mark r ihcjr sorrit nrj jvracta recotkelion vf their eerncee and of ber dre io rtcnl ha mc areraeh to eppl to the 3wrhafy of i ooard of gefitra otfccra whitehall tnrm end to aend m wnon to lit offieef a hatrmrit of nlclat for what actryi at whal oerid raf tunr and itte rtjitsra of tho ncrrns or the tillca of ihe doennienta by which ihe claim can u uritc thvae chiinvare en t sect h gaahtfriosaari having loeh cliuia tlmujh ilkhandauf the com amnoit- nrchirr of the arm j nc slartortieera hiving arch claim rhrooh the urnrlil officer unrter wnom rhcy ear red il alive if ont aliiv ihrooh the adjutant general of the army officer rineomniirtirncd onra and anjdier nf the irjimtn eaiialirn and deathmnoi ihrouf h ihe command in oltetr of ihr rejiriknl hntutivn or dcuehmrnt at llc lime if mi alive thit wilt be koown tiy rnqalry at the agent of the regiment reaidtnt to flnow it auch crnj- mandnit frncc tjiould not b alive the apptica- itnti in wriiine must lo acnt thrwjjb ihe adjutant geecraluf ihe annv the bvard of general orfi- ia beroy by her majeatje comrminddifecird to lake into con- der- atiua lo invcalljate the fact alatcd in eaeh of theae eveal apphcationi and it report to th ciimmanderirtchief upon llrf mc fr the i- fnnnaiifln of her majeaiv and to enable lhoe commanded by her majesty to deliver lo tbcclaim ant the mednts r i jly the adjutant general and the military secre tary nf ibe cootmandrrinchuf will tranamit to ihe secretary of the board of general officer och ioformation aa ihey mav have been able to aecjuirc toauit in llto mveelgaiion whtcb tba burd will hare to mke the commanderinchief has been required to deaiie that ihe board of general officers u- il have alpabelical uta niada out of the runkaol lot claimant to one of three medli witb hip rank amie nam of the panicalar batik or ateaw fcr which he claim tu receive tpeaatn inacted ia the margin and at which the board of gerjeral oaha may onnatder that hi w present tle ii i hi foe which nedla have been granted by the tavwaflfft ara apectiicd balow foe general informatton and guidance aa al f e 73 of hc innji atnv lt by command of icfd afarahalt the duke u wellington commadrnchref john macdonatd autaot geaaral utafi dtcuabee and janoary matdalh july riiwia 17th auoat vimif r i lt auuaj sahatcn bencvcnlc un coruima lfith jartiry 1803 marnneque februaiy 1809- iuadaloiipe january and february uh0 buaaco 27th september lrid barrnaaa fife march 161 l fuentea dorw 5th may l81l alhucra loth r1ay43h java auemrt and september 1811 cindad rodetifo january jb12 it- i- 17th march and lfith april 1811 salamanca 22nd july 181 fort drtrrat america aujuit i8i2 vuinria 2lt june j8i3 pyreneert 2dtii july lo2nd aueut 18h si sebavfaan aofml and september 1813 crtaeuanav amcrka 2th october i81 nivilpe loih november si chryaller form america 1b11 nive i to 13th daeemher ortse j february 1814- twulouae l aw 1314 1 1th nifiembar 1813 aiviiiv ji j hrr mijevjy having heen c fo nrr ilia a jtfdil ttuithl nr rfc io rcrwi he rovirrauf liernvrta od aomra during the war ommeneirte m 11m aaj vndinaj in lefls utid ik it uia ahmild be cmfrrrrd evry irtrer nofieintmi raccr pcltf nncr anldier and arcman whn weprraenl in anyaeiw ntvat and miliiao to otmtiienioralc wwh mdit luve been mnrek hy m- i 0 her marlyi myat pre- jrcimitf and diainbutcd to iftcrra ac- rnnfi to the rule t ihe ariviec at thai time in foria all obrchr petty o4tteef and aeamerr frrw nnf rder utat they are entitled to receive thi mrk tf ihetr 8nvercira rraevon reoneeifin irf lhci rvirra and nf her do ire to rreoi uic name nra to aend in writing hk rtakmmt of tsfir dainv adcreaaed to lite secretary f ihe adimraliy whitehall lyvodon r for m and at w hil prrind of tunc lh ctim ia prerrod and ihr imme of the pemma or the titles of the 4ctjtticntt by whit it en bo catuviahcd a board of vfhccr wifl be pponted to take rarta oqtwiav tw beta atattd in tficaa riltn and to report upon th ame t the lteda cmimiavnerenf the admiralty and fcr the in rrmatitxi rf her makety o a to ewtav tq i i hy her il v i io deliver l4 he claim am ihe mrdjlaaecrdiifily tho name of at ilit who may apply fnr ihe naval medal will be ehaaaed ulpiabeticallv nd it each name will be appended tltc aetmna at i i ihe claimint mav have bree pteacnt proof of which mnei be given lo tfac cniiic aaliarctioo of he iird the occion for which mediu hva been granted hy ihe sovereign arc epeciscd below foe eenerai informatinn and guidance by command nf the tdt cornmiaaioecr of til adoiirally ii g ward gold medauto flarj offiferj and caauina vrere ieaned by the admiralty the action ur- dertnenttnocd latjone 174 lord howe victory over ihe french fleel 14th february 1797 lord st vincen t car r tho snanivf rlcat llth october 17v lord iraacaai over lha duuh fleci lit aueufl 1798 lotr4 tfeboa battle or tba nita 15lh october 19s cap sir edward hamil ton surprise fv ii i- rr hj r0 211 october 1695 lord nclaon battk of trafalgar 4th nnvembee 1905 sir it sirxbao frencrj cjuafrno taken 6th fehrimiy 1806 sir j jockarorrrj aalioa of st i s jl jarujary 1807 capt sriabruie antrioaa and lhrrxuticracjracna tajtro joth kuvember 1803 capi m sejmoor am thyat thefi capturerl 6th july itfis capl stawirt radere zaffor saltoae turkiih frite capiured 6th july 1809caot mogorcy fanaebonoo ci tiy en no c pi red 13ih march j81l captw- uoate amphioe and threw other aatinn ott laa 9th aurirat 1810 capl c cvle bonilr ntm camline taken 22nd february 1812 capt talbot rivali victor inn eiptured let juno 1313 capt broaocheapeake shan non captured 27ih march 1814 capt palmar lblnle hebms cantured 15lb jarxuary 1815 capt h hop praaidaat captured kt lrrtaatiao to bacnirnoaa an etejiert paper indulge in the following remark lav to certain nwnbera of the rretmrnand ihem to the eerk at old baehclora 44 a man who pajm throaih in inf i like a fair rnarwion left n unnnised tho half that ia compleaaaf rraaa to decay froei deflect or thome t beat taal a arrr tonemcot vrantin tuo addition pf that vrjiica makea ibo who rjaoful your bachalor ia only tha rnoatty of a taam a aort of farniah foe ax ah a peolofrja ta a ipov wiura7tliiai eeoi