jbdhu canal and bkle route- jftfowst a m m p m- totr rattsoa mi perth capfux fesw1ck ttt tu pj ia in il j briwrtu kurrt upper sap a- w 9 1 s st s 5l immsml burrirts inf iaw n p m- an4ninlwa if wrfj 3er bviown rrsry rrhsay it lnof tu 1 beus landing brrvat miihs pis crery saturday i a- olivrvafnry i m uhenuw 9 vwyjms i p w upper btwm a a jmrr ui kngajoo nwj flcrd7 tt tbe tbm boat rene so cmmcltn erilh racolar e1j stos brterocn btv5 n j grei illc urd wotm1il ttrfdj lotvaeiera iravaucm lb ffraihi of psaseav hiviof aoneriorcsbio macrhtcsoff crane k int 8th june cnledoumspriiig the canada house tlhe subscriber io expressing hit g nwipfoo forth very fibers patron- rgj he received during tbe preceding mm it lg io inform the public ibai fhe canada house ia again ipexed ly him for the reception of rveltors sod c moat fcipocifwlljr solicits if continuance of their patronage he lourraiheoi that ho will spere no pain ajj io their comtosl health an j rc- ttinn ine th clnso of the lat season h house anj grounds have undergone many efdpofianl alteration an improve men if which h is hojfrcd will add to the coinutl and convenience rf visitors too dining room lus been considerably enlarged and the bur removed from be tboqte f the sohicriber i happy in state lhat murray whttfoatteniitn to visitors jl inowu u atill remain at tho ajona spjinga piyaent the hum of a variety of medicinal ncknoivlejgej by ibe mort emi- alt xarollj to t each ofthotf ivaued in iheir efficacy fur the diaaajov and invigorating qualiiiea satt and sulphur bath aro in full on from he u f which the mnt ajmybenefu have otfmtonwd irjeeveiq leave montreal every tiisdjidajjueepled endamveat np ijnbe evening 4fap ot the catuda hooaa will fcjlajjcur namoly djupfvpnfc iis 0 jii 7 h clifton u72sasas natanee tmateea of the mill re- ive at the village of napa xl otatrrcf are nnw prepared eptfialtotii tor leaing the rtewalho mill stts on rsury ronainjctcaon the pr stflfkbsiitwl not to exceed tmo yoaiat- the power to be ifty the cinal which ia 1100 rawtfe and to conuin i irvh eatinuaai equal tc thirty taiwitachea of water vialeaf4rto lac and sod it of fall from the river ia of ibe lota be- and aq river vrill oilgofeet tlte napance naviihilo from the bay of far rnaauta drawing aix feet ipiolho iuwer end of the canal bts the village from miioiis travelled over the amicod hmj io upper c a innawiualfobeteceived from piin to teaae the buitdioj of mill and stnre houe nnw jsot nf the canals and ryiiioery the baildioga ifht tuhstantiil descrtpiion the45 x 130 feet and 7 vetaeu can load their jngmo tbe storehnaao the ire to be finiahed by tho lath rnar ncx ready for tho ma- i ertr pnicolaia epply if by paid to the undoraigned at francis m hill- may 15 187 ainoston e manufactory- u archown andlbbsur liy sheet iim mb refpei nibef in coaktnnnd other sovcs vo m respectfully to re- itaui their nuneriiua town tioior f ir w favors yiihm they have removed s tuji to thoio eligiblo jccss btreet jcwpilfo f 1 m firnnrf jgfflwptfi by atoaly attention to jft oihhujo focnrrit a i ha roof itroavage and from thecpt t an4 nitmy convenience of ey premitott foci xiifident of rfachon to i hoe who jy their order iknkganas hotel 1mt i piie pthctav of thu ekabliaammr whld i f my xnw ba mid tia bftva o riral on thb continwri of auwriaa bfv te return io nil na mtrom ffien4i aiad aslaaaa bi nwft iinn ibcnkiffo iheiaapotl o fvneiorjavj kxovdfi i him vinca hit noiorai mm sl paal stftt to ibe prmat ej yfcrrmn in notatc damc atkcrtt tb neaaa fanaafry iba prartv of wa bie- uh gftn4 fbrwarea tha icartnl rcai- oaaee or it6m daaaum aad flraaaiauv dnnrvtamtyaarth whoiaof thl immslfse establishment hi kwi noipamad ia tha 6nt kvu of ikcora two and withoarv pfifla fa tae oomfivt or nore t fdblniture u v the moat euj d4ktptk aad the fronton t atun- daca of wacn a dcnpiim u mora to rtacrosu iho ainnnnianta in tha muron of i tsuaof rmnk nj ferlipr than taeio uaoaltj aet viibin bank tlie sit0atioc t amftajl end wkbln an oaar oratanca ettbe chump da mam tho catkodrf buhep chmch aod pauca tna 8ank tho gotammani office tha fdu hpuf o the different rrfimenla and offleof oavfeiffwent miliurv dearfnmnii tna giv flail coart hoom and other pubilo bnimioca- ith an aaobratvd aiu wkx abandancof air nd li rti and kaj rnua rta front a fplcndld viaar nnrta macvfioanl arpanao of the baifffcty st lroce arhiw tha aro ia ric cd hj tho crep oaua ad aroodod ahaow of tha headtifol dn6 di jmeva and tba diatant eaoeataima of the euatrre townthipav aoaoo lb omanidbc rill ho tinnd six bathing rooms ako a billiard roof tha tasle arin ha aeirpkcd with awry dob cacyomhe a and whu thaoroariotnr vill optra nu eananao to isra hiiifcikn tv atlwho in jy liooor birn with thoat pilrtnifl lh iflrc bornbtr hch tha aitant of hu eaubtiahipcot rn4ufa him to aeeoaeoaodata wir ailmitof hu cbjtgrj hcliif very rtaaoqabu carriages wiha alwavofn atlandaneo to eonvrv eartjca toaadnoi tna slaanboai wnarvea and tha up per caoad nd oaher siapo offic- and iba procntor ariuopara noeicrton to maiahiv new eaubhabinrfit oootlnoa vnrth of tha tihcril pattooca vbkh ho rccemd a ltaa of raoo j m don eg an a mantraal my 14 st7- new importatioxs teas groceries aobbbt allsn irock srrcct zixcaro f suhwjiher rnpcefohv beealeaveto infenn ba town amj country cotantn that br i nnw receiving hi spring otock of teas groceries wines spirits jw carofahy aalectat hy pononat intfptetion in the montreal and new york matlcft ilia prvrnt stock comptu amonj othen tba fouoffiflf arttclea teas cuneottdr ifrann yoynj ffjaon twankar hvaon- pakoo capri sicbvn bvvofeeflgf oocoo and bonra sugars mqacra sopfrtt mttat eaal looia do doubla raodcfdhcd moumo coffer green rjatd ano rjraid plantation hana and mnoha coco catjeouya beat sponuh plain do rfrpattd wines fw oraon oa aomc exmadwl pebsnarfypatoand 0foo ikptanarin llonla port and sborrr baotcailcs claret matfaoarior 0 port spiuit8 old janaea le latand cofnae bmndv boroaaiu brand hojundgla coronion gin canada wbiafcf y seofcii whiahev saheidam gia io i dor aaara chcrrj rvpperinint f mit m porter and pala ala in anarta siootnna eliiie- marachtqo eaa do vio sa dnttic caraeo and other leoaetv groceries cwarac plaua bar of qifin jeneraon lnolt dairy fraah boltrr fioo and saper6na floor aod oatmeal plain crakere pot and pearl barkf bai carolina rz pama atcvortaicerti haetroanswrv aroor ront patent baibv and kmf k moawtrx wii in 1 il and lb bohee durham m jara- sir wwdartr caatae whita and jrhw cafaaawoitipeeea wi wich oilaparoa and fine ohvca salt ooindarja liverpool fine and baakaf refined and paio lqorie brovn white aod eaat indi sofar candr faotra oranajtamnd lernnoa beat jordan aojl ahatvd hard avqad and bitter ata bwoewoi tvatji tv1et and haul nta mlip turaej vateneia and moakatel rmieiia real zniacoftmnia plump ben tott fit beat frcah plarna in jara paratareo farrrackma orange afld lemon pel at india gingee bottlco fatrrrax damaooa green p and fttchct prcalra iiad omioeo wauuta piccalilta iirkinirjtjmtowrrrrd cbtij coeurohtra llt peppea si or fa hoaheonm kelehop witnnt dn hirrrr uiaarl ksnf ondc tndia snj reading beetatepik eaaeneo aocnvirau salad oilcftpea olirea ancbovea mod cnrrte evadcr stntonm smroh blue gu chalki waiting lyqy and ptta buekinr twine wnfera wrappiaa and wminf pjpe shoo titraad niht tiehta bala brck tobacco and pipee cftafr oil 0 ejanrta and pqnu wiodnw claaa coeoaf piahma lnea beer and wine cot ka fla and oita bwmi invpnvovr rndifo copperat atom pllpeir enom and guober salle feim of ttta sulphor brimetono rope mate 1 a the sttherihet auurea the public that the orhole of the ibore article ate of the vary heat qaelity and wit be tofj ff caih lrompt py oo tbe lovet newiible termi robert allen kiniptoft may 147 etevbr burr mamifecuirta all kinda and ccjofa t f printing ink news job and book nr um gtobo lad tray milu tro n y t7tebnry 11847 3m ctthb abort ink lot nh b th albencinn book stoe kinchonfrf 2 1847- scmmer arrangement bay of qui n te 1847 ut crwdife ad coatmoeioea atcihtu queen victoria capt joh n berry is now performing her daily rout between hiogtton ond the head of mho bay of quinte gninj up one dny tnj nrtoming he next end lcavea tho wbarvea kinratoo upwards- every tueaday thuraday ami satur day at 9 oclock a m preciaely dowlttvards will leave btluvtitcfot kingaton and intermediate placet every monday wed nesday end friday at 7 oclock a m the proprimora deiiroua of bering tn the public every accmmodatton within their power bet to inform tho public gonorhy that they will at the aujceamin of tho buoincas men of th bay of quint ruq thv b to oawe- po on her arrival it kingston very tidair olght she will return on saturday s aa not to interfere with her regular trijia the above steamboat ia fitted with excellent accommodation for paaaengers and every attention will ho paid to the re ception an j delivery of freight kingaton april 30 1817 canada express for the trantportatian of specie bank notes and small package with care and deapalch and the tranxaclia of general buunraa running bttwer hostrtal kingston tofloittft hamilton and buffalo loving montreal every friday mob toronto every tuesoaf ninc and morning virgil ft co 1s3 sl paw struts sfmtn r- bkekman vafcen strut toronto w ware ontario strut y kiagitm che bsd q3t received and for sale by th cawftii 1847 jtl 1847 bay of unintca the steamboat will eommenca her repilar tiina on mono ay may 10 between kinga- ton and the heaj cf iht bay of qtiinte upwards will leave browne wharf kinguon every monday wednesday and ftiday soclock a- m touching at all the intermediate ports on her way up downwards will leave belleville evary tuesday thurs day ami saturday at 7 oclock a m for klajpeon touching at all the intermediate porta on her way down mia wilt also call in at platts wharf hay bay every tnesdiy on her way down and erery wednesday on ber way up joseph platta sons may 1w7 queens college school mr- w a- ros9 will rfc qphx ofna rtfri scaool on monday23rd may and it iaearncilly reriueaied that parent and guardians vl loose no time in en rolling pupils in this institution although originally tonnded chiefly for the purjioao of pre piling carvdidatee for adiniaaion into queen a college instruction will be given toad who deaireit in the usual branches of an engliih commercial and mathemati cal aa well as classical education a class will be formed at the opening of the seaaion for the rudiments of the latin language terms may be learned from the revd mr machar principal of the college or from tho revd prof romanes or the hevd prof williamaon a w subscribers a quantity of platc gekbratl imitation cieeje thomas hendry ft co mye 23 1847 forwarding for i8jfit4r the undersized hiving entered into co- partcenhp for tba putpoaeot carryiegoo the forwarding busings dstweev kingston dt mowtreau akp vice vaa via the ridettu canal and river st laicrtna willbe prepared on tha opening of tbe nari- gation tvith i new stock of steamers 4 barber capable of carrying 10 000 darrein or tloar pr nnth to send forward any property wbicb msy be consigned to tbem from their expnenca and knoivltdg rowlands unique preparations udrftte wreciat ratttomao or huatajcftt rue qocece ma it ff pincc aibftrt me hoyal wamv a so rinttttrt ot oicat drl tain as waxt aa t t r 5cvsvil wcbcto ad coosus ot guvopc iftddprrvcajatlt furatte avo zatceicu uowlavds macassar oil 15 catabnic4 lhrooeaet tka amrtd in ranial nrf nl riifji n p qaihlirt at the yfwyxn tfair f tt oodocea and reetorea hair atnpait twn rl li n t ar tvring gtwii raacare crtf hir la ut nriftnml eater nm it their the bniiness they trct and to he n- shlo to givv ccnerat satisfaction and solicit a share of public patronage tbe boviaess will ba carried on in montreal it the stores occupied last season by hit m4ro vyaum under the name and firm of smith gtatarono and at kingston under tho name and firm of gliroao smith james a glassford geohge smith kingston 8th march 1m7 20tf notice the ubecritcra hereby give notice that from and after this date they will rarryon the business of wauehouse- men apart from that of forwarders and will not receivo into their warehouse here any produce other than that already contracted for excepting in the former capacity for which the following ware house dues aba ii bo charged for every ten daye lhat such produce may remain here they further give notice that should the ntvncrsof such property bo deairoua of covering the same by insurance againat firo while warehoused here tho subscribers trill on their agen can be effected being rmiihtetl t renting cms tor audi nurnas iu net ff floor per baiel beef aod pork aaee greu mr ross has been employed in the work o teaching for aomo years and some of the most distinguished students at queens college owe to him that previous training which baa enabled them to prose cute their atudiesat tho university with such success both from our knowledge nf his talents and scholarship and from the proof we have haj of hie eminent abihuej as a teacher in the young men whom he has sent to coltege we ore enabled with the fullest confidence tore commend him to such parents asdeaire to secure tbe advantage of a thorough edu cation fur their children john machar a m george romanes am j williamson a m kingston apris iftih 187 for sale 100000 aauot delivered in june ooxt apply to william j martin markrt 5fuare- kingston 11th may lcu7 p r bajasjef purpose so far as h m if and ulher property in proporton hooker iiehdeosohco macpiibbson crantl james 4 yvauc8r clt co jits jnves i co kinfauw april 1847 xt thonowing nepers vtd pcasa enpy the above ihfeffmortha montreal gatrtte belloeittej inlettgencer cobore star toronto cotonptl ifa- otilloo juinat and etoreas lyndon timea fnvti acay and dfdsuff and rorvderv it mjuiuky carfy md im for naif it n ovaciatlv rer-om- coaarormincihobaetaora bficmrel ha0 ns hiia qdrnocrine ibaoraor the fioaoomb jurflhiv prioosa d 7a faosiy avausm roqoat to 4 amiill toa w- atfd double that aiia supar bottle to meestlfoetuad adsonttauon garden li d giirtlltrta conaidarit etaiat an imparmtive daty fa orate tba aeaeaey nf yeee aaouent mcaen orv for tba uat fifteen vasrelhava baveibass oocajoned bj adreafal for or trhibtin end i j hev oed alaanet ererj taeuns to pro core a bead of hvr again twrt ah mv effnrtj eetdad fnjitlea antit acctdenuhr a fneod adeiaaej the ate of yow vejeabls hair rretftfar t oaa erono batter naaaa and aer ovist s3a6d botila eev armpton of a new bead of hair began loenowkeir iatbaatnnaa eotb of mjteir oad froitf i reeolved oi heeio enolhe andnbfaie- ad a 7a beatla before tba wfcolo f whiok arte used i bad and bare now aa im rii a heed nf hairea aar a ataa anotad aed i aernaatly aa onenmand that all erho hare not triad tbia ejeej teat oil win ml fail todx lam 3ini rourovialobcdint rerrant j walker cotonol wnrtur lodja near taunton oo tbo wrepper of oaoh pnivr ivno otbof trwawrirt atielo i u leeis rif anath wneda inriaatinre s alt olbere ana evrtevs imitation rowlands kalydor m tbu oriental oalsamic frerratinn isflf unfitiajrmc4cj in tliornnehlj pyrifjina hho sum from ell p- a us sror haocae nlorenca faecalca ti xnd diacoaatiom haabef simstts snaoa oe imtcle and petdocinra and en ednired eefte and avicoey of the hutoevaswa sad necsc fri 6d and 8i 6d jr b4ttr rowlands odonto or pearl dentifrice a wane power roa rcra tekth ovmfrtuodc flhrdjfhrid jdk ftfkftxke ittditmu4f tht oriental iferoof it eradietet taltas from the teeth removes rpnta of incipient deeer pojeboa ent preeeiea iho effeiiefimparte rie bioer aere aoet jri uke uhiumi ud giro sfjawasjl anrf per fume to me fcvwa price sa j6 per bx important information unprincipled infiidjti ftrr lo redo nf gin me a ifirlorneprani rend the mni spurious compounds under tho nnmeeof macas sar oil- kalyoor and odonto eomo onder the tmptttd aanetin of roraflr nd the goeinsmem depanncru wth najtwat lempia at deeeptiio hrj enpr the ttorte n dcr ueetreleafld ttimmuu iiurrtititting jietitiiut name and addressee for the rflij tt tbe orwinal peep rat ione it m iiirrv niehtf neccaeareto eee that tho word kowland5 iavn tle wripprr m ee artee n llii ylh atwfc0nv kiahwiabujpkrfumcrysuapa dkustr frsevo eiportedeervbjlflaarir05itn ihtotiecrs dt tv toronto canad io imll uaara rtritabk fa cnsaiiett td perfomera on prcuaaineeucbcie ararare a fraudulent im ttor sold retail bj reapecuwa cnemieu and per- ramere important information c a uti o n chain canvass c for sale by the subscriber ma4bf plqx bolts wf canrewfron no t to 6 aoj os patent chains ea anelme fillip sptte pineandcoel tarptichoeknm soap reejn polished drlte sail twine deck vernieh h r i yl imadc to order raovsaiu sneathlnf aod d eif a copper imported manrlta end tar rod rope a rowland son sotfatlon car4ra tn jon eg iocauini the nob lir and gonlry aitit being misled by ibe atlrmpte of aoo vp eepes who ti compoonda of their owi mene- factaro feo tho titka of mscsssta olu r kltooa end oovytdome tinner tbo l ini n of rjeuy and lho jvm- ib rimeswitb nmiter aticrnr dmu rvpedte t u-s- eption wtiito lliej copj the lbou bills ad ftcttisemeaisi and toatisnnnists eowtiiutiiif juttitcjt nomri end addresece for the real of ibe kofinal prepteal innsw tho oefv grtuixr ma tsssa oic ksltdoa and ooosto ana -rowlands- end lho wrapper of saen sears lho namoof rowlands preceding i that vf tha ar tiete with their si enaiore at the fbo urtd 12 anchors from 12 to d fraxcis mooring cvrt mullins jftavfrtal montreal march u 1847 n b otwatiarfl wilh mceara e oaowxc co klnpton will as panctjsanf attended to ink a thua rowland ac hqx compound pectoral balsam of horehounojnd honey a soe speedy and tffinrmtt remtju fir ct diioritttoftht cnesf and lungs viz mthma whooping cough colls catarrh consumption infl unea pains in rfte chest dimcutty of rftuthingj uiawss onof tujding m fae thront h i v cvc or orncc orrriacrrv djatillfar kingston april 20 is17 the subscriber will for the future receive all orders and transact all busmen connected with tho distillery at hiaonejtdoortomrscanlcsiiotcl entering on mr brown wharf joiiv rose- n- d a pply of whisjcct always on hand and caah paid for ccarso grain during tlo entire acasoo j r tf siun to let the house at prwnnt occu- piod by the subsoribor po5so given on tho first day of may next thomas a corbttt njpton march is 18i7 s3 tf to let shop or office the shop the jtvamrv book store ttleiy oaepied ss a out store fob a next door to city hall saloon no 9 market suzdaiet emaonfe the net th v chowx hswp coasaamly fll asvmmemt of f hatzr rrn iiri ajilor and aun ttoveu t teef for sal at pricea to suit u raniprnfnll etlick so f if lbnr atoe swfora pur prt paid in caah ccrppt r p ur nil 9 jtforfcsf buumgi oppose bolter by aeorqe qane refreancaanis oaicaa cae to ba had ar anorteti notice oysters at all uotjrs kistanfcb 1 ttm- th- lotl w farm for sale ith1n fovn mitra of kikas- tom on lho macadamized road one hmhlrcti acres of land near xu 2 toll gain with a stono cottage frame barn frame iitiae orchard ami carriago house- 10 or 50 acres cloated cash- ppy on wm ross 3m terms ono third iliepromtamio april 20 187 to be solu a strong aervicaable lower coooiry poneyvrssrtantcd qujac to drive and would be generally mefaiona farm for price an4 furihar particulars sir astley coopers antililious pills for bitt indigtttiof suit headec and ail distasci oftht stomaeh and digestive organs tet pills have in all cases proved pc- lass to ee are oiber medicine mi tna ewaf i ii j ji if sreuopuints iass of appriiir in diteeioo vj seaaeiton of foitnean end op pefsrtoei efter ffoits ahoetneeaof breetb anj bel scattsnt rrataraiiva after anj aaeeae thr uble astbejfoily elseoee the bowels atrenthan ihc elniftcrft and inetarita iba conaiii jtvon ps ratnaot a uhldhoric hibil who ore subjrrl lobcarlseoe fnnm dtmnts of eieht ajhwrf aea ot tended eriih apoptetie srnsptoosv should take them rrr4wnttf prrparad frvn an oriemi reon i ae roarnr bsaaca droft drock sirori kinfiioo pries la 3d i od a 6d per bos kinfsteei marco ls iw thia dataam is corpoed of tho most valoab remedita fe the above conpuieti i eperaies b itevtvios tle cortekd mcui r phlsrn io t thoraj thereby causing a free eacciorolon ctiovinf the mpet ohsinie c- 1 i prepared and sold by roocar baaara owlnmsts kingston priuqs 6onstu 3rf per bottle k at tbu oar 6th ls7 37 tf notlcbe the drsdernatafd tafba nil credliinj eny winoui written onun pmon crediiing eny m their account ateafxl be one li f tberwavby mr lame j nsuci h fc jonei 0ptvh aprl 30th ajtf ula1nk 0keds pok sale at tilt atmcntumjiook store rbed3crf batfeirj ana sejalbrm ef iba sia- dm of batjtln and 91a with d cf dower mniai paa eiihoui bar af doner do do with bar or duw msawuta uh bar af dawer os wilhoul baa af dwr asascrarl af oaaens bsneh an4 diiinm clwthlvvssiencivin rank farm mirsn hhi mill creek cloth factory iiiesidiscribor respectfully return thanks to bis friend ond thr public generally for tbe support in hae received since hu fulling mill and carding muchioe llavn bcon in operation atul bozi loav to inform tbom tliat encouraged by th- btiainras he baa transacted in tho ftbovl line he s now prepared to enmmene die inanoc iciutv f all kinds of country cloths satt1nsts and hone by the pain to intends t lahr to enauro the continued patronac oftbo public- joshua booth kwoo i cfl purchased or taken in oxebango f cloth mill crook january h 13w 4rr lady huntingdon female pimss are eeiacmed tho ehcescai fornily madieine sv rl duine llt ue io sbmutcd tuf pamio pntrenafe ervtntv fie yera inal thoy here ate ore wem to wo to have aanalaaf yanr perwtcie from an entl erove ia7 never fahftirorinllr lrtnibrn lh life of ovtv nae who oeiaaiotiatv took irns h they wttl ba fiund pmticwufty ofiloanions roses ir oeneest drbhtr of iba l ff araaiiflf appeilo hy ueneiftenmg h ytrm ovfriif uiorlbtiapwiii relic tic ihec ron wlih mmbjt gi ncrvlnji fiduhrea pnhn m it heed ate and peculiarly ararrvitsl la enaee colts and ihorniftace 9reelh bf hp i h- thaoreoni nf the kniiiuh n1 rorrvoiinj uff pelfrd dietlnt jrivlnr n lielv aninpuimtn lisi moel pela nd pi a h ijr chiikniir snl mf- ruf tolwj m i u r standard ihi perfuluf flirrf srr rowlands m cass vr oil thesinzobr virloeenf this sucocaafiit inrcntinn for restoring improving and beautifying the muiui hair aro towcll known eod appreciilcd in need comment the veyj fetof its hvin stoad lho test ofneartr hfilf a cenlure f psnbshaars and obtsined the eepecul petroa tc of tier alejeslj the quean h- it il prince albert tbewtlef ihc i ljra lie nf great briuin and of evert court of the cmuied wnrtd and lho hifti eatceoi in which it ia nnivcrsalf herd together iriv nomerous testimnuts onfjntlj received of its ajfcaae affcd the best and surest pnofsif tie caerit paie 3ahjsod7a or fasailv botjtcs equal to 4 sraeji at 10 ms and duime that siaela cavvii on the wrap- 1 per of each brntle of tho rowlands oswsi ankle ore the macassou oil wurds in fieo linee j rowlands kalyhor an oriental balsa ttc phepara- tionof einntir affiomey i thnenoihir pueify ie the ssjw rmm nil rrfps t0ts blotches redness freckles 74mi discolorations pwteiafl o healthy frfhneu and truneprtny of com plexion andan admired fim and w eery ortu hands arms and neck it is ravslhsbe a rcrvatin and refreeriinr wash to traettuf and rendenta i wenn cliwuics and i case sonbarn zi or inecta laeideriul inflaavaiioa its virtoce have ton and ostenvirelr been aknnwledtd- la purifying and reffeehing propettiee obtained tho ezclusise ptrneceorihoquen the court and the royal family of great pntsm aa well as hoptincipst cuorts of europe and the net dftutzuirfted nobility and gentry of all civilized natyins ft retv spurious kalydors aasilainiaej mmfrel aattinccm utterly rmnnoati the cemf4e4m and which be their lepejlcot netion enjengcr healih gch hntilo of the etfieehathenrds rowlands kaly- uor on te wrapoer and a- rowland a son 20 iisttw gtanr ia arte enereved by desire of ik- ittn commieetoewa oo tho govern ment stamp aflwtd un esclv 4a- fid and ft 6j perbvttle rowlands odonto or pearl dentiftttce a wiiiti powder for the teeth emruneil if the ebniel d nvrt rethercht yrr n fe oriental jf tenet at ineslimo wo value r peueiag nd beuttjuing ihc tecrn d atrtngthening tbe gusta ire truly hncieniifirrsrnttlarknvttic prnpertic bavnh tiindirsaetevimbviheqijeev the court si royal family of grg at britain id iho sovereigns and noihllfy throughout elf rope n the mail damand et oneo nnoncea the favor in which it kaaivcreitly itetd price oew- par u paafsasve- tn prutrct the pvmic frren fraud the gwirnne slump leonihe k alylxrj a nfturd fmrh bos rowlan03 macassar oil knly dor of jonm ae r- their uh thh rerpumfky sotprf brume ae ac imparled eo of messrs roms in drotlieilh toronto cenrnta inmnll caasaataamsw auf labia for chemula and per- comer on ptuchistne elsewhere besfare af 0mntrfttto lessee i sale chemists end per robert sasker chemist oruffgafot 1 kocst ttltit kingston- r 0 rcapectfijllf informs his cuilomar 5u the pohtie sn teneral that ho has ftanovtd hn drug store to brock street 1 tho rvemrsee reerasrv aceuyed by he t meveaa where they may depend opoej bpof r wrth sjaouuss dmfaaad hedfcines phtjiiciav prescriptions and family recipes carefull prepared horse and cattle medicines ehgush and french perfumer- books and stationery igscstou marea 1817 fall importations fresh groceries wholesale ind retail corner of king and brack streets afarktt square jongtion c w begsto nrtarq hwlhsns to his friends and the public fee uw vory hbenit pstrutise ea- tcodod to him during ho past two fears and would um reepefctfulfy in rrm ihern that ho has uat reeeiead a large und verisd atoch of groceries wines and liquors comprising as follow tlonlvand sandimanv purt madeiras sherriea msrasflaa ci iicr chamassmo jnaoa spintf mertemvcnfnae beandy ourdt coruo do pete brandy genuine scotch whirstay hijundegin scheidm peppermint rom canadian wbivkay tv j m anlioila partknter atientfoft to the aborosloca of ftrnea and liquara moat f then navine bean imported direct frum britain ho he onnfidensa in ronommondlnp them as beme free fna adulteration tjo gaoeaaias t faerra ac havioj boon oaremly srtortoj by bimsetf in tbo now york bot and mnuat nvkci can bo recommontd aa bcinr of the baatquantiea teas teas i extra impckal old llyvtn youn hyon gunpowder twanvjj i a-v- imperial peke strcnon tifiij aa j ether teas corecaa green rated and ground coffee steaa loaf crashed and mgrwrado tieac fruits rsisjne currsnu filberts fs atmonev sweet and bitter cendicej oranei lomni and citron sperm olive and trd oils slices of crery desripiton picsks ssajeae maeej roni vornioelli anchiviee lieamea sardine scented caetite an4 omwn soop siaroh blur indigo beavne scrubbiu imi pjik sponec waehio sd ptsyine crdf piuea blacking black lead a eac pish scasjnvtn tbfuic jierrina north shor hcrrinj di 4fi6 lubeek llcrriore wjiitenvi andtdrlb ciuaaa fine principee flvanse rcj cheron pacsslstaa punulim 8lcaibst woadrnt la noawt ew la ll and tsbusea tobaccos cavendieh xeilnj tlnaaytow cot ll-iney- trr ann aromatic chewiij- pfus and ldev twist sesrfarleili and canaster tukieli and gomuu tibtocns maecabny rappro and scmch tnuff wih v iv nf the r hj t v n w all ui vhrcn win be aojj whotemateor retad at om inweet rermijnrratiff f fni oijtj brin r light profito and ici rfturne tavern kacpcrssuptiadnn jjood iorms kinf atari december 1846 eight hundred thousand- acres of land in tut huron tract notice to old settlers emi grants and others he canada company have again thrnwii open all their land hi the hukoia tract for tlispnsat hy wavof lease for ten y ears- no money being required down th kent payable on the 1st fiebruary io eaeh year ia not much morn tbtfl the interest upon the ttpset pi ice of the l iit n right to pur chase the frceholil at any time within the ten years at a fixoj prictj named in lease ia aecurvd co the settler who would thus save all further payments ol rent the huron district is known to bt one of the most hnallhy and itirtilo tracte nf lnntl in canada it has more that ilotililcd its papulation within four year- the huron tract tn the year l8t2 coir taiiiod7iot sou la- in june leaf year the huron diatriet numbered n souii according to tho official returns theebvn linds are in rlocki tbcrtj lsiss affsief ior facility fur the undivided settlement of pamities of 0d scttleis am their friend maps primed particulars onr every requisite information upon the huron and the canada company othrrlnud in the province willbe furnished face or etivnne hy application if hy letter pout paid to the canada company office at toronto and codcricli and strafford in the huron oistriet frederick st toronto t jany is47 6iti gen eral agenc y and commission office 6 barc yard buckleshurj london near the jierrttien houmt to tferelian commccsl plcws roomv pubhe libraries ajrjcuhural sicscrucr uli cr h nt uw aony arrj liavr pneiara pauuherae paport d cvlinodp generally ummovds ev ward general au and ca4toteri mertkanis retuoyfhcir thanks fotprtfatora to mr f ncifde aorj the cotanta fubtic fa rcticrai and utq to aonaaint them that they are ry to ojrawjlo order tor buprllesof any kind and odintilyof md goods of cr den t option er 6strata chastity at the vary wwert market prices 1 ho dj and tranaact boeiocas qpoo tbo caost libera ternia provicfsel ihtf arepro- viooary furnishoci srkb fnovr drafts at either tone ar short datca or a reference to aoioc lndun or lvepoot hoose lor payment sihmoxds 6t ward w receive coniirn- menta or any deacrip4ion of merchandize to bo sold oh consttasjon and accept blh at yinety days foe twothirds of tho amount on ro ccipt of tho bitt o lojuig cofwrjreanu en- l rusted to ihcir caro will meet wilo every poseime disoatch in their dupesat and sates ba oeted ill the greatest attention to tho intorrsls of tfie consiener a eztensise knovrkctre of oeaeral ci- minii business sccjuirco durinr a fr sdooca m jamaica and tho other west india tslinde anrf subsocfveeit catensfreroaravf bosi- ocas with all lho qeiiifh cotaoie thocspcrkocc of acvoral years in umdon aa c hmisl agents cnipsed wiln promptitado attention sod jtdffnienl will they trust enable them to pivo sattafacliori totliosc who iuy honor them with their eassst bssjbbm t londonstbel lcns tvst received at the atheneum book store 4 large assortment ef steel pens by virieus makers inchjjinsullet cele brated majrnum bnoms the new york ladies pei and several other new articles a lheral allowance to the trajc octoher q to the reading public of canada tho ail veil tser is premred totmiitmit tho f lowing valuable aast intercetiote ltersi by alst to any fmtt of uner or lacr cjujs at hie pricra atoiet views and reviews m american and fictm by laht fora ufa irr i i llifttety 8 anas ikis ae intlmaleh irretfar am mrnalrly senneataj m ifiie ol the fsrimla lea svjoni bs roeeat rmkmi iimai4 droeanifraixjaiiroiic w ftlmtrf af la 1t par ns fttiudutat sotd oetail by teioefe for sale ut no 41 in the 4th cen jehip ofkinqsron jgo as reason irbaral lerma aputyto c mtu art hntort jnftiiary im7 liters i m r snnii the peofle ami die french f al miehetet wilsane tenius r ftirens ibos ackotlaral chemsstry coinfct rbvscvtogy atostntej 30 4cmm it m m llanrirvkof lho w urr c jre chd4ofihuhui pain mystc eaf toelon d of tvflin w sreel pmca m ii the 0 icawtescta by t 0 tjwrpe tiie hatnv mania ote- life of gen trw fitrnhan mesice paeli toe tna tn which ery thine ieif pcncuoe to every uidy a trvatik n mitch twe wheiehy lha otsahtv fttd cuanjty of all k which iiy cow wit f e tmy ba aeciriuiy jaeat- tmva nairwsuus eojfrasingi fieen on cinhtin vitman i tho nintreenth contery abaaciwnefa repunio kteha81 totoresoricinifiipipua unlera far any of the nbovp bf ne tha cerh and nnel pun eeureaevd u osluevr new yik will bo nirrnsptle ml end refvronce n kfeton dr e j d o f now verk vabt iw7 cl 34 7fl si 00 75 5 jr 0 15j for bilious complaints pains m the head giddineim jattn- dice t obstructions habitual confinement of the lfomufc do barkers laxative pills eff the numerous jiseases to vvhifh v the hunan frame ie liable therets eearcelvouethesymptoms of which ato not serioualyaggravatej by a cunfinou statoof the bowels and totina atofk ntanyowo theit origin ami continuance the prosefvtng tho afimentary catiel freofrom obstrutton a point of such primary importance that ovory jfn of negloctia followed by more oriels of incotiveijienco or a u turing- vhe habitualcositveneaaproat lathe cheerful vigor of health ia onn iraparetleumo timea by alow degrees and at other times tnoro rapidly diseases make thou inroade on the coustituttoti and it nuinberioasiustanccajrarticularly whore the habits are sedentary or where fro living is indulged permanent ill health ia tho painful result it must bo obvious to tho most superficial observer that when tho function of nature now el i utl to are not performed with duo re- gnljrity a5sistonce muat be obtained fromart aperient meiltcinos then be co no indispensably nocossary excop whoro the tieo uf fruit or a chance tn tho rtiodo of living may sumco for rc- movingthe ovil and must bo had re course to until tho necessity for audi qid coasca t uultt isaquestiou ofconaiderableim- portftucci what laxative ahall bo efli ployed the list of aperionl mcji einoais numerous but their eflecta pn tho pysertfrsftts arlhtvesv ert their influence chiefly onthe exh- lent vessels or oft some pan of the ihmv el only wliital the act ion of others est- tenda more or icaato tho whole of the intestine icanel thelatterclaseof pe rienta is evidently the best adapted 0 obviate the habitual confinoment of the bowels os they apply that additional excitement which nitarothen require to assist her in the performance of her accustomed function itis precisely on thistetter principle that tho pill now offerer to the public aro formed nd theiractivity can be increased or lessened merely by talcing a larger or smaller quantity thoy not only furnish an aperient medicine pro per for ceoeral ueein a family but are alsowoll calculated to anawer moat o tlid purpose for which purgative reme dies are noceesary the piliro imh howcvei recom mended us s spescific for the cure of a l l diseoneo such preposterous state- merit aro worse than ridicuiou oij are only put forth for deception bth they will prove n valuable kemejy for that cntifinad atnte of the uowets which lay tho foundation of much suffering forthosooccaional obstruction to which ill aro liable ami for all thoae disorder which arise from an oyjirlnaded state o tlieatnmach nd ulimcntary canal cnti- sequcutly docitteil benefit will be derjv- edfrom t herir uao i u giddinea and pejlii io lho 1 load accompanied with nausea or sickness i in sill headaches where cottivoiics provaila in flatofericie ililiou att9ekstho commertcement os choticthctfarly stage 6f jaundice and in promoting the exputaion of worms they rcipiirono cnnfiurjrnrjm or change in tho diet moderate oxercito will ns- aistthoiropcialioh mtjampftrieqmhll pr wtd that asm aperient tl ey arc nfo and o leacioua may be taken by adults and children and alno tn every aiftcjonf proijnancy tochildteuof five year of aifc and upward thry nioy ho readily givrsn in pulp of npplu oratigu or juhy lhl llim diaquikrd thoy arc nvtch moreeay ofoxhihit ion than prw- der or other lishreoabtu medicine niassctiwll ror taking fltk rilt in cmc of bttious compfointfostt stomach vc throe pilleto betaken at dcdt imc and repoatc ftoki isihl if necessary henbtcht the stomach twopilhto be taxou atnightund oo in tho mortitng- qbstinfitecosttucncss throe pills to be taken tt any time needed and ro peoiodoveryaix hours until relief ob mined thu iisualdoeeforonlinaryporsonsis three pillabuj fourpids may bo token by a perdon olntrong habit of body and two pijlsnifiy bo gtvajn to dolicui o wo men and children rilkpartd and sold ry dr taiker at iho alhcneum uoitt scnssr kioeslojk sold in uoxo at7jdl sdartda rul ri fis last supper ity ikonardo da vinci r0t tllcchtmatto bwhiaviko rv raphael mormhbn winers arcshiam extrasttt th3mekine ecejolrtil an tturtard ano rttjjisnrdcereiily lhreketrfta ceantry svblefi free btrn aeiiafatd tf it virtue andenlrritcetavefttfat remedy et ocriofulaor kin el ulceuated hohc thrqat lcgstanilids rttsvaimalfc affeclion diseutbot tba 3 kin whiirrellai diseases of tbe uunefi ill vkswai cevfii aftectiorrsof the liver dyspepma costivenew all chkuuic anrt 5erti0us cepbtnts ocenmng in dtbi- litaicd and caiheiicensiiluhons diseases caflsed bf o laiydjie mate pi tbe blood the arcanom f xtkact is a rem rt antiilote tnsttre icnou kelts rrouce hy the injudicious je of mtrcury a a spring id fall porifick tt ran not be ttirpasel uotkinj its wy threab the system uitb a silent enilcueitive forcer clransinslh- blood remevinii dyspeptic nlijecll5r seetmag the nek vks rrmovins internal obslrueliont antj rtufaethal woum rthririecsve n tmy t he liver nd lungs perseus ttasom eemtitoiinna are hrektu osv he tha use o mercury arsekic nrqdilne any eafi uto ate snffennst treat diseased liver er aft irjmtro v treatment nf any et the rfhovehisax aahoum use the arcanum extfiact vritbcvrl jelay tn numerous iattsnecs nberealters tien bad lod hare botti trxamrui anj eenr and where to altanpesraace no hmsaatees hut amputst ien coum bavesaved life patirota hare be v mieheu from the rave snerea- tered tohestth trr devouring disease helaa cnrntiletely eradicated by the use of lfcii inri- timable extiact tne pmjifietorsof the arcanum ex tract have bail this mevidn used o h the abera diseases with ine meat siatifirg resells 1 utmthe mettclor neiiherboai- at9 nor pleasure nerd be interteptrd nv rjuirine only tln iuat restraint o moderxtieu intirt and is frjnally applicable and effict cieu to the infant as writ as the adult paeipmeli errvinf a drstrintion for what the arcanum extract ts sppuci- me wilhomrreaiiooso imenrisle perspjrt- tinnant a treatise eo diseases in merli accompany each bottle agents ire qrpiiej withthe sbof e pamphlets for guluiioea cir- euatrea price 1 per battle prepared arid aescty j winer hamilton canada westf ael john winereeueb3 maiden lane ny- fat sale at the athenum rooh storr w- palmer and c heaths kineton and py all the respectable drujisls throughout ca nada 125 grtu j winers pbctohal syrup of ilorehoaiaual a no elecam pane ipor the sprrrv arj effrclual fir of tihscoii amhma btocjd whooping cough croor nr hisee cl- somntion pleariy hosrirnna pains and orcneohrie breast mi luuki urontrlhlv a disease testis aweeping hu rtreds to pre- mslure grave andtr the rtctitlobs nsme of consumption can be eared by this meriiriae the owl symptoms of this ttseai bten- c hit is are coogb serens af the laoga ar throat bnarsenrs difseehy ef bitathiog atbraa heelie fever spilling up phleim er avatleiand taanemss aasvsd salas9meesssjt n ttsau an jnsaalvon oflh feevsstirv vhcb lines the inside ef the whole ef tba wind luhrs or air vessels tfhkh res tbtoogh every pait ef tbe- langs tec peculiar virtoea of thts eomponnd have for a long ime attracted the sureties of the mtdicsl profession and pobjir am a lively init test has re ce ally bean ahrveterjte theefevelopemcnl of iheiracire pawera and palmenarie cjoalities ithich the pravtielarasi now ame to gratify and present this readier to tbe pdmic withfnlj confljflee of ils being tbe most safe and velnable remely ever dis covered and adapted to all deasrs af the long when any of the function do not perioral their nataral or heshrry scttna it is anirersally believed that gorl is hi pros i jet ice hss not sfricted hts cbttdren wilh pain and disease wflhonl s the sane time rsvine them something in the gardra of naloie that will not only medicate hot ia sasny ctoe entirely relieve them with tbesa vies strongly impressed on onr anids every one should feel a great desire to inrrstrijale to the utmost of his power the great asrssa af uiturr snd to diaw ttom that scare that milruciion which ihc iidom of mon hss failrd to attain in presennag thrsarticle to lbs pemiejh proprieiars wsre tnfiuneed hy ibe bnj that a medicine prepare wit tncatar d strict regard to the chemical piaparhrs ol it several ingredieniishoold teke in r plscr cf thousands of irresponsible nosiiains of tba day with which thr rem try is deluged tt6e use of one battle of ib syrvp will be snjectrat ta convince lb most scepti cal ofits beneficial effect prrparadsftrf sola by j wuer hamilfbat canada west and jehu wimr h co 83 maiden lanrn y for le at the atka neumook store npalefind chflb kingslon and hy all respactabla druggisu hrrtnxhout carada cuitetou worms mnesvs canadian vermifuge warranted io allesse the hrst sa- medy tree yeldisroverrd forworira it not only destroys them hoi inviogrsl tba abrtrcsymrm od caitic elf the saperaaln- dant slime or mnroi so prevalent in tbe stomach and bowels especially et these in hd health it is harmless ia it eferton the systemand the fallfe of tha psjiftil i si nays improving by it oat ern when rfo norms aredtjrorrrefl tb cnedieinp bring i i viame no child will refuse io tab r ni oveifthe nost delicate plain and arae tiealobservations ariast 4irasa resullmglrom worm stcompiny rarh riejttp prepimt amtsntdhvj- wtor hsmillon canada w esi and john wimer h co 83 tfaiirn lsnen y feimleal ihr athrnerm book store n ton sc hr throughout canada palmrinc hraiuvk p all iherrsjectsble divccisis 55m hon 0 n o o ft superior japan m p0w0oi h ah p acttoatjd a ft d mlo uoi1ert baitkpsr ktnnit0m r4mpa wimrt ir u v thismasteririeee its very tain has been revived ond yemt destines tovnjey wide pnsthnnot exit lence m the wrltknewn nrlnlraue eograftn ef raphael merghen loirf sflrr th wall upon wheh it was ismtod hoscmnblsdinloddura9j ffawre a few copies of mr drcii haantiful enravingef lha above crltarstrd pin- turn received and for lata nrlsa fn dorlri aaoh fur 81 etforv marsh iaju- rei winek celebrated medicines tflk fejsotrng vjejieifs ere lept am ewe at the rajuaaja bbgat rlreet kkrtaon eisi wimtirtfarcanum extractrwiba sfkvdyaisdpiraniarat cueaai a dwovraarfsing from an vmaurs slats of ihe msj wineitietrixiitalsynuporiinri uounuaaeleuampanefor theawo v cniavcurda aidnm cinioiirinaie vvtheira canaijian vlrr riorv- ti beat rrmedy e yrl djsenrrrea foe war ma wihektoutii agijewup3 a see tain rorr fne the tenth aohe ivnpr novk liniment- a earraincirra r tha i flnti ii i mry he sl io arul cbenio hbarnalisass uincks kamlly olntmknt wtae careofsonifdia whtia elvatiia riiamaiksm kuiesrtm cancer lie b ae vlnkrtfcllalilcalpjlkajntmfcit 4ajaajy safe uud sttrstual usdjfsia piles ter tin hnv 1 1 1 c willi an ealr nose eai iely of gireiaa i ami ainetksn peient mtatfmt 6 iba ror isit he jt for luitb bt thb hhieuuis afl umsflh phi mb nkail zj pokk aiimritar vjtielliy tinea barjall la fid llllki rirfltlcatw inpn- ierhnunry mf 1 upbr