m british whig auo omitii admrtliftr ibr omih wiu ruulisiiki skmmveekmt kferj uvjutmlif uil silurjir ontln it edward john barker m d at the atiientum 0af fltivtff j r a latobtw rvou tkiol oit wu iff ahm if pid n ad- a n ri devhiinued i til nrre imf na pitd up aulesa l th indim f the patmw aiienah 3i arid anef- 5 j- ftel hpmmb and i i earth iaji hiecrlei aa lew j 44 flat inorrima and j l aimto line jd p htftflf fi inmn and id ptt hc fa rh tjhvaoent inteai a ltortwtitl rihil mfcfe lii 1 whirtmim ta he in wiittnl am iwjrdeimir ndehwrednreirdintfly tho ijvnn wmw atfoajafoaaswiha urjr cv i ieol jntuit vot lieallurcd oa wutii it an anv oeuat fmlam al lmfcimlipiim i t7 and general advertiser for canada west ofifeh per orbbm dicor the athenaram book store m iivr wturrf iutw1t4ttlm a t ij wri bn caiuav- w r fcfi4t hm49f 4 av w f m a i isu vol xvi kingston canada saturday morning july 10 1817 no ua business directors j amcdowaui fuller hallt bck mjvui kiiigoii fiirj maile uptn orovr on the lnnei ni4r6 fur of evirr iwcfipitnri tungit and som w njdea lftilur ifciopimmic mr aiiijmi tvilaunsw wellington street am wwk in 1ii li o cxoctiivij will neat- met auj diapaivh jfluthew drumniond gmcur w44 6t prrt iijervtuul wdlinpon ijtiidin next to mr iv wtlttlia hin ain v f b kayler u u ti builder m tjatrtag- alatcre prince street jvlhftv robert mccormick wuuiiitu livta dener 111 whim siiirhfc teas un glucofktc pnace titfcjii kingston massrskiicioaaldcampbeli rrnhr bi atunnij i law 1riucca street knmn johv a macivixamt albxandbr camplrgur 1t133 mcmillan teacher wn ftws time ail finneer of thompson carey ficncrul innfiiui nl cninmiih icfhaol3 fl brd smvm nf w yifk a canadian cakd drawback law orlando ware commission m rthui nni general aeot jo 0j waicr strrtl new yoffc macdonald6 hotel late stone fippmdm hie oily buxhi king swvi tri nit francis v care v kcvv- barmi cawlea eatf- elwird stacey merciumi tai lor aeuiy iitmie tuc montreal btiik kir lrrtt kia waiter tales f miir ihizier r14jcau street ink ititrail incomparable blaoe japan mipwractvilcd wuwcmu a at til e cafl1k wstr i vil vnlnnhle lnuds for sale tlelonuinl loilir bwe w tlio 0 mte a- cnifttfab mcsiertl kmre n s3 c iccii a j wkeu iniit ot ihc towli f tftidii iti e tritiorb uiwic entmita 3i0 of ul tu nimitioi iff ihc tavc frmoft wlticli tfcriia urc imtm mtiij milrtnirtwiiiiil ilviiiftxemii b ini nn th ruin rhi tttilittft trini rinfibna bi iwini n tlie shonjij tli biy f lii qnilc of thr churrh rtc mihwk lict few jua fm tlie swumhutt lnmlnif ktvr n gttlbertw vbnrf jnihih i mil of lb b mfmliing bm f misiicrlirrc uuii tljo rcru 1 vtdnoiilc mill site 70 ac of hi lle mt of li lin ii mi tii iii 1 0wdfliumrtf hut- trurij victoria 0tkt- t wtjthliu x 2 in thc- 9ih conevmim f the fmnliii rf au dc vctrtitt dutnci cuuiaiiiug 100 tlur eii holf of ut n- 7 in the 9tli cmicotu of the nwiini 1 lull 40 uio alijutij dirtka cmmiing loo acrt ariuit rf 5 i p p 0 samoei tlark 1 thomas dowmw j exnutm john a mac90nald5 khimimv june 7 isv7 4- i w n alexander begs respectfully hi fiirm ilc in h iliiunt- f k5itn til lie i ire parel in nupc foiilwi evvre mumin nt ilieir own iciknte nruh ir the qii3nli4r iven will frn 1 1 l 20 ihn ttiee1itecrtiertn ill ite ix ir- itirl rtwiietuniitjr will i obewcj liie adlvetf orjer left pt mr rcrt ale caactf pri r r w nwt wil1 promt mtchtioti w h a taltfrs iliu pnunitjr to in- frmhijuieij ftwl pwmic lhl lie ftill rrtniinor niano aefiirc hi rcllm iclktooghton birie isiiihotllei awy- champagxr bottled cider wipcrinc rlivlealwjofanl tl3lperatzen ktel7th mae 18 17 at ths city sxoa cobnbsop ktnq ft prinxess strbtti wholesale ano retail ttl b 5urilipfii tf frvwf fmn ho- iftjl ott n yk ititir spftc 1 oh teas snn coffers frull air of tvlt a of this kpiaril lrthvlinii irnil ii i rfplv1 wll be mind ll m hlitv t ltiv th pc- ihm hit rt ftkt ih mthrt t iij5 ivwij hen jl f mtcjr mr uvmj r teas 00 fetifo vgt ii vto 0litiei ci twnkr to s o- tl n- vcrr fii 20vk ch j4 do 20 tt44in kt cli do do 5 fi sohftlitoff l sugars io vii ncu p t- r t yhvc hi4bnh 4 mid rfii l- coffees 05 i 1 im 4 jii 3 mthi tobaccos 20 brtjw natfedfch 16 10 feydr 5 upcrw 10 o r 5 m ito 5 chtll 50 d col nwyt rfa lt cnowing 20 s ip ihi mccwy snuff 2 kc iirli molasses liquors 2 1ihd cchc mttrfjv 2 d ji- od 2 os l4bfid dc leufptt 2 d c 20 11 smatiwt llopo wliitv 2 lhjr llftivpt 5 w do i iobottkt 1 hkf tyosv mejr 5 d do in lsnvi 2 pp btfh4o win 2 lilitl wbiu win frui r 100 hi wocmet riiift so iftlh ff frtfriewdtfj 50 fih dilmn sun ultl lis 4 trnm bit 10 ink ph ney 111 ihsh 10 dt f2 bm 1 cw i 1 i rci 2 httfiioiqjcinait 4 llc pvcr 2 rnnt 2 bt auiwi giufie it nvn ht 12 duo srup 2 sfmiiito do 6 pppr owwib g pbemrt 4 ruoktm svd ob sit jm 20 lt rtn ninit 10 m wkuki 4 ktp4ki 10 ttw fey sip willi o v1 lkcfc w geo hoe sfangenberg jeweller silversmith klwo stke6t n-jh7- jv oum rcieeimil1 lender liln thanks l 19 utomerj anj tn ihc lijiabtlant of kmctn nerilly fr mm vcrvliutil itijipii tbey invccxenttcd n liim ulnrt iim mnimenvciiieiil in ust uei and ik tn immnatc that ht in- jum metveil in adiliiin li jit filter ex inrtve siih k n jrge anrtfnenl f watches jeweflry and musi cal inspbuments tfihcr uiili a larc variety uf foncf rfttittt tnwliirli lie invite ihnr iiicii- tittn aij all of whicli 10 uffer to veil on l-hm- ifmnifl june lb 187 49 i m land for sale aff aches of land for kjj sale in tlie tiwnnliip of neyimmr nciveavilo district ifemg li n 47 and 18 in the 9ih ccmeeniiin 40 acre f which tuvctoml an i ha- a tirtrj 311 3 frame barn t 50 feet hy 30 outhniei c and ivoll wotered it will lie mw in out ulock ur in lirfv to auit pofchtiscm term ititklerate for particular ap ply t tma office if tiy leilvr pcan iiaij j tu guary kingonjuunc ic 1817 49awf j0sf uecklvbut direct from whwt ud xevtbri ie ijn e ft dear brock strut t woliiju tmiirntnta if halt crrpfiaia keul boaverforsilkl iajm lonf and lelurn spring summer hats f tho reiy finest quality ami fabrics uhidtlio i aotlmnizcd 11 jell at vcr low orice iviiolcsub and rfta1l mtrclitita m reqofhteil cn call ami cxarnino the article now litatfliavd jamvdowall kington 11th june 1s47 47 lm john vanstone t begs o ifon 11 cnhaitnu oi kic- ton and il ae klhothrnjdj that he intend to practice in knjctani m vijc drvoled a ankidembe portion f h tt to thf ttidy lf ihe piaaion at thr vrufinary ciex- ltmlon he flalier himself lhl eilh h uuji cjff nd aiwntivfi lnhines e will fciec th- utnxxt ji itcuoo to those kho may jvo him with ihrir camwndt information for emigrants luntiiitefy la reply to h1191 qution antiuein fvoai th4 toronto cmoaitf i ta v canvrllijnee or prr i hp eapee a to the manner in which ihe the facfa n inqniri- made to ihca- hll p luve finnm d cvnnany for iiilei nation upon uppr c- frorn nil ptrft f irrt bfitjo inlotil ei- tin niiang pri ol ih- daltrdl roe the 1mm sialw and ecah aminir hi pfchee much a joaji od rrtjm tin vaiiaet pr1 of kingdom and the united stntiu hy intrndine initcroit hre infeie crd the company to htvncf thi question and to piint ihio ia a oim far rneral circulation hhrrtir that a lir dia t fqmihrd hyiitirllim aad ei- eiiricrd tfeillmen who hjvr readily co froa i to ben mkj0i thn eutom to which he uiinlej bit for iheeoaniry qrrnr ne 5 prolittt croat bawljc yr v atft alkweiu- the flthluc cnfiofall crop vjriei much fmh ar ii mi ibmrmtmnerllw nf et in c iri to ihc lilt d mut i itr e tltnrll ik iwaj in a tuectnet form will ireful and iilrrcmii and at the ame torm n rcily mrarn joi th trntniwon of in rmjlron from sltw to their friend at home who my r anioiii tojn thtw iu it i howerer rne rally considered ihihv r1kiiii i firaeefaftof ten year wheat 25 niithrljt rurlry 30 bnuru o 40 bmhir rv 30 hjhij potalor 25 bo niy o aatoyj to jn thov lmwhrk per acrr swnlih timipa mnl qffkiif rvo i situation tbt compels wnitl and otrwroouof a imiur kind are fontiori 02 to oair wotagoolr rtot generally fiifflcicntly culiited to eiuble an arcrage yirhl tohr irieen j hot it may eery tafrjy beaid lht with aimiiarciftp cujture and attention the product will ml be lrj per acrr tbto in engund flax i jmhlittfl cut tieated nn a nal fcale for the sed bnt al though many rl of thr province are ee ci1ly well odjttrd for an ektentve and pioft- lahle production little of either flix or hemp yet grown afibnjjh there is little doubt ibai it willaoon uttraci auenuon avwca the corrianv have t evriy part of canada weal fatub rkrfrrvr laud in aim thoy consist of catieied lnt of 200 acre rach and of blocks the princpl block of j000 u thr himou 0iiuict mtaah ted n like huron with a lake fmntae oi hiny mile iniervrctrd by two crand iradint roadf oa which mote pain and labor ha er i brttowd thin any other rovdr of the ime earent and macnitude in lheproinct see acoiint of the huron dimttct ueen in ihesparte meinoundnm jpva ihat district and the comojnyn protnctot for thi year 1847 which maj he hid at thernfficea fhr othrr block- uf fr to 9000 acrrn he in the western ditrjct and are in moo ci wiihvn tt to eihl mite of nuricabl uater- the roidi in the western outrlel and are in mot cae within six or eight inilei of navigable water the roala in the wrtern difitct owimc lathe proximity of uaeiable watr9 not hitherto been av rlotrly altmded to w in many lher jart of iht province excllent dnkroad how rvctarein artufj prorrca the aeattarei lot contains from 80 to 200 acre each ami are to he met with h almost r townth u in ibe proeiocc and generally aarrojodid h etuementtfe i ciuptetno 2 trvtprr acrt tht coew pjnyj icndi a nw tn the picr of thr ofnpoy lavali vary coniderapy bat the follow it may he considered a near ihc a ae in ibcoeveral poriiooa of the province cooenrj rf a f f mumndttricl 12 wahrfo dialrict o undn uvck and talbot mtufrfc 20 ntfk ditiriel ii vetinai- dvuoet ii horn suwme oimela 0 midland i iv if d ikmiieu 9 laviavanah- dio iit 9 lakk superior fts outlet kee- wenaw point anl bay-sce- kekythe sautsltlp canal- odstkucteo by u s tboop navigation c from the k k twoime xacc soeiaioa june 13 1m7 once more on the watr and this time on the creat father of iak5 the tareal body of feh waler on onr ittohe wtirreon i have often wihed yet hardly hotted to be we lelt the siut m the pioprller ludapcnd- p o 0 3 3 j 3 9 t q 3ft 25 4 17 a 9 0 0 q 15 la tho grocaajr kw kn j io 1 thomas hen drv co abdication tn he rmdr hoiel pnncem stfrrt kinchin jonr 151317 at mtt bamfwu in blacksm1thing all its bltanciies rym lty spkhvn and summkb new dry goods- the snb- are ellmic by prieaia well aehvli artmnl f british dry goods oatilint nf dniuindgrrt nnnleenrn tamvnlvrrd ihflk 3 1 1 m v t- l domeaara wtc lmon nvf rthnrt oill o3k s 0laohwtiitennd wwraj luliaia xivy and ivro uloa punt mtavnd vet paitvma rraflalvltra fklor ad madder 0anna hdkfa maddrr chiiri red rntrtt ofanjc and semn piekc dn ndiotidiicraha paeamath and l sato dot vh i and saim kiva immemvrdt thit cnlu- worled ab btolfcwianlljw toossr xo vestltfgs a t 004 ovminmet rmn im dract par jao oland jnl mrcd hcte israaraavpofi weel n fed paris ano london hats uuphani t wait ieswlerilier rfxpeelfiflly intimate i hia fncuo and the puhlie f emr ate ihnt he ha- tnkon tlc prnnw luely oceonei by tiiomaa paut i ri lir snwt jieeeiy iptite h suttthx eq m pi whrrc hy airict ai ioiitin thoanes lniveato ciyiy a ahar- jf public patconage kioptnn j a mrs 7nn 16 i8v7 uobds 4s will a new dlun d ganaba and new yoile express t allbn co itpf h one f the fiem i york every wek mkuie trw inp lieltveeai kinjmnn and new vifk an rejliiuhy cirt iiuiaineea will p fvnli am tare cniiiaitina ami mrimgn or- to be left wiib the sulacnler atgreerv wharf e ward harvey 4mi kinoaton june 18 187 49 3u snme few lota in each outrici miy u lber in price thin the aaovc quatationf thtao una arr offered on thr mxi advaax- ateoiit aod beneficial terms ine meaw it fit wa of settle t a or every deciipiion tol of these la may he had by way eoe for fen jrfoafo atonay oeinf refiriim ovn thr penu tayamt m tobrnny f ach year htlng equal to about the inure ijn ihe kenl value of the land the k uliarily f the company leite lh i inmi i hr cfnrtny1anur heafenrc t him llir r i li rt rwiirfit tff bt ti ai- h nd increased valu of the lal a he h uarantrrd the rijeht of purchase of the land t a lixed price named in ihe lea at which e may at any time donnr ihe ten yron de and the deed for the prrrbold llui fo- xamplr hy pay in tho mndetate annual kent mf no more be aeeorea the use of tht land r trn yat and fan if he chooe he may iirclia at tht prico atated in ihe leaa or ject it altotyther a he may hod it to hi lea nt a tht vpiton txing cnfiri ly leta tht cewe tne comoany ajll hever makr liberal deduction upon the price if the sen in squire to purchafr iho land before enterinjc io tenth yar of hi lea and hy o doinfe wijj of course save all future payment of tmi atttlcas aaviito aavc xccooier in order to aitod every awune afl indu tiiou and provident ettlrra thr canada co- any wm receive aov amn no matter how n a i ll oa noont na bo f which t ivi lf5ee may not haw immediate want on rnce at 11 a m ypterday the fleamer julia paim followed at 5 p m ua dij beu fair and fine irith a tfcutle breeie from e s e fatorinv uu abote the saut we do not directly enter the lake proper for several miles but the strait ot outlet ajo1ly irre gularly widen from a mile to twenty and then tbiity until at lraa whitefish point is paed and lookiftic westward the deep blue water looms shoreless and on etch side and now we are inded on lake siptrior grand tlandinj pictured focus a hundred mile dtslantinlhe south west point iceewenaw and mamtou inland dirrctlf brfnie m in the iveaj beyond ihem the ratted mineral re gion on both shore of the lake though a amallrr aetd of copper and a wonderful wealth of lion have been discovered on the misnamed dead river not more than co or 90 mile suthwet of the sui aid a stilt narrower development on silver creek aouih of ruron ttooraiomajoe nowr ye nr of this canal which ha hitherto aettcally ihii the aperioe region attain rmirtilion and nelttamiqt now jcraillj rmbarrassn the defrloiteikt if vir mineral weallf of this roxjvai a t dnble li cot of tr nponatiot while it kreatly delaya and render irrexular all travel and tonfnuntciljon it munaud will he conmrueirlerejonc unless the federal government perii m the insane policy of which ihe harbor vetoc form a axle feature several yrars since the state of mich lean nuthonrd and commenced ihi canal a a st tr ivork the amencn ahore bema a part of ihf lniory thruvt upon heron her admi- mon into ihe union fortbwiih the v s soldier here in puiadance of an old ordr from washington ajiovt uatthe statea peace ful laborers at ihe point of the bayonet cruh- ipjjt in it muct thi mcl necessary work and esiecially neceatary for the very gofcm- nent whih arreted t a company hat jul hen chartered hy the sute to make lhi canal rut i understaud that the inelienl and ae ntlrn inly officer in command of the lot wiji feel coinirainril by hip ordc to reit any prosecution of the work by force if ne cessary his principal business as yet is that of pulling down ihe fences from time to time erected by the resident at the saul to enclose the several pattheof fund which they have cleared and wish to cultivate far though nature has decreed ihe eaistenc of a focus of trade ond industry itere the federal go vernment seems determined to thwart her if possible it refute cither to sell the lands not needed for military nirj1sfs or to adjust the claims of those assuming l bold them by a french title anterior io that of the u mates ihose who build or improve do so only on suf ferance and while a steamboat wharf above the fall is greatly reeded new can be built all vessrb must lie at anchor in the stream and their pattcncr and freht be ferried to hcn a distance of half a mile or so in row boat sueh is the rofton afforded io saul sic marie by the military force there sta tioned heaven gramme to see the day when internal improvements shall be eveywbefe and standing armies nuwhere i there are sonettiinf like fifty or sixty lwellinearaiiing from tolerable toeaectfwe caiteied about ou our side of the saul and arrhaps as many on the british side still mote scattered the wharves and ihe new hitd ns are all on our side i i presume moat of iht irade is ours tbonh the india and the fur trade i infer is chiefly with he british thero is little aariicullora on iht british side and still leu on ours which is partially explained by the facu already stated that no man is allowed to oen land or erect iwces the soil is cld rocky swampy in the nain bu strong and much or it very ood for potatoes oats graf and many veetable tlie cold spray and bevy dewscaasedbyihe fall an said to kill important jnoianitllifence st louis june is17 the war fever so prevalent for the iwt tear oetwo amoaf the white and thede rars of ifam cotnent cnni at lenath to bave r ere a- ded very ynerallyihereumij it hs become obemus ihlt no treatment short of a lutie bloomeltincaub- succesfully reaomed to l px takm advantage of the almost coastant travelj across tbe tlain of a tjaji partes of while men the wil j rove of the det have availed themselves of ibe oifioriiiiiiiy to commit depredations until the evil has brcumc cucb a crying one that gov ernment if it have a view to a central peace with the border tnbes can no longer ilclay in pnniinni- the aeereisorv thoae tribtt which continue frjendryor rather who haee not yet committed open i a gmaioii taunt their agents hy sayin are our brethren of the riaifw they haee plenty of white men eus aad saddtc and some of their calps and you do not potmh thvm but ti4 then preaenu wr f cl wtb lht whites and are poor ie ftc thus evincing that the salu- lary dread of the power oi ibe while nan la fast ifeiug away theteisaband of pawnees living on the sooih ude of the bi piatt called the grand pawnee who have always been onfrieodly to the whites last faji ibis haod attacked a tram of avernment gmi and robbrd it arter killing one man a mr doneherty ot pnuwb at that time tbrt drove oil one hundred and i v lv ring v m fnavi pjofvoi ivi v fhava r c- pr m t k4 peayar ar wat libina bka aiaatlrif imiajaisva ravnuev wh asaraa t tv cdnaaaa uard hvfca and 1 itvsd e and af4rrj wou 0 kilnlilnoaaruunocw aijritaliii fiiwt aeot f job pbiwtino li tennnvf jufl prirjccraa jl full aum allhr avwau n parlo z tusaatfat aiutonpiiraadwui raws ilandbdla frreqt- 5 m lvriaedldaa biaii riiaa blinheifllktoda funrialcard ac dia pritig vi c4a moti j ttuttd avlmoatatlatpeweqrenw mfvm pcooinriai parliament me tbrj drove off oar siaty bead of mules about w o major mcdroy theoverseer of the pawnee farms for these wretches are enjoy the patronage of ipveroment had a talk with the priacipal men of the band h re- ration to too restaritioa of the animals jfr was told by siracheriah the priacipai chief that if his father the president wauled ihe mnte he would haee to send a forceaiod take them bur added he tell your iather it he sends at all to send plenty of men and ma or othcrwiie wa will kill hia men ad take tbeir jeua abouuia treela ago a lance patty of re- an emigrants drivfae a namoer of cattfc left the north western extremity of miaooi and struck across on to the bead waters of the kaauaa river to fall into iht fnatsjrtgoo j trail a day or two after ibey lrfi a war party of the grund pawnees waa raised os teisiblyioaainsttheirenemiesthejauns amon thc wj a northern pavnve a friend lu tho whites the latter teiumed to the 80cy ar council bluffy a few days since and ave information that the party instead of kfioi against ihe jatans had uraued the emi- kraata and after extorting prtsanu trom them had killed about oxe half tbeir rook and brouht off a number of horses and mutes mr mcelroy above mentioned writes that aeeen of the horses had been bruoht in the reat wsl of keewvnaw point and bay our fortune thus far on this cake i nearly a repetition l what we experienced on huron our et wind mew rainstorm wheee- w th nifht clored and when mnmfnt broke not only were we crwelopej in foi but the nckle wind had chanxed and now mew from he west directly in our teeth thnuh not vety violent ii was a sore cross ktajt crafi drpendinjt iiaa xnod dejtrve no her saih betide beginning to rock br nnpleaanly for ilmo t we ran down into keewenaw day ioie 9 stood for the passage hrlween ihe point a manitny maad rtul to our iief th- k even those funis thai woold otherse brave jg which is prolific at mackinaw is barren at the saul the crape and ihe peacbarcof course a i and wavre were by this time 4 p m that to i boisterous that our captain decided ve them omlde would be a uaelem folly w ran hack behind the point and anchored now a few miles behiinj dw nlera epos and all j cei irarly underatnod that lereil aeciufdaliall iteteit at the rav of s ix u per annum for the same bat it is the lutl amrmnt with all time be at dis or si the julia palmer rtm attempted io hold on her way to cooper hbor only 2 miles distant hut after tookine fhfou h the mrail took the sober second thftwht came round and dropped anchor cl length fiom ok thus we both he aft p- m the wind blowior frch aad ih- u partly clouded thou xti the rain has ceased 3 the lake rolling smartly wen here ondrr bjfase1tei uf a wooded promomory io wind- hid nrt half a mile distant i suatse we itled here for the nht at all events lat 47 s north vetv k my lit no pick subscriber having the licence as an taken oul r for s1r 0i to ixt alahoefraufiiousk situated io the tkinliy ofib 1 own near ibr arfjllcrjf barrack ou ihe moatiral road- the hoaseiaa try aaiajnina eighl kdot- immediately- appsr it ibuoflirpi f converuent one if mas cobnall wioikgton stiul- 8 1 governess wanted erjranted in a roajiecablo ivnjlisli fanile in tlie cnunuy a young jdy to iiifitrimt ajj iakehirg nf four orflve vorrng children inj to noia ihneojfei wrk iirrtjla anctione takes this method of irtfofminvr his friends and the pnbhe that he will be mt happy la attend all call n that line and ttwy may bo amirel of strict aunlio 0 all omflt and hhiclna1ity in haadins over the iwccda of lentuhirdlohim ah otavll left at the office ef mr hajr camer corner of nuriu and brock sueets will he thankfully teceivedand punctually aucnthdio- jchnsclute i ii l ji t847 it whiskey- g rc bakrbls canadian fui1 will- key ill bo ol l cahiiy iy william j martin marktt sqaart efmrimisdihtfj 1817 watch bs clcks and jewel try wthe sulierilr in retiirninj thank- i fiieihe liberal cnourig mem 1 c im received ainvo ilia comnnement ii biaaeavi heg to infirm hi frieian the putilir hint ho hoa f received o 1 jlennji j aftwrtiorni of sdld ano silver watchis ronaiiime of eaveru lepitu c tvhkb ho itjra b fn cavh rala ahiit 40 caeaif aniftrirsn cicko vyh eh will l nl 1 w da1 ani reiail a riili aeslmenl f j mvellry plated gikiil fcuf iheinai nunlern imieraa wm hurdle wanted an ameomioe t- tli watrh uhitic buhiis w u kinfton june 5th i8t7 ln hdtice notwithstanding the partial des truction of our forwarding premises by erf we beg to announce io our numcroi cor resn dent that no interruption to oor haifaim will ulce nlace our caft ase all in active operative aid we have made auch arrancmenta in the port a aijl enable oa to receive and givo despatch to our up and down freijfhl w have already commenced the erection or a spacionahloch of fire pmof building which will he teady for the fall busmen trior wttian increased number of first elasa barnes now hndlog when added to oor powerful tot loe will enable n to d hus nevsinasafe andeapeiiitiois manner john rtgrebrco kinpton4th june 1m7 jok to let and immediate possession civbn the jihop hi pramiiicb fur will rfitodxa wil 5 ono f tlolvttirtanjfif bus me henry gilloaie next ow to th lambtiirj hnjsc- information wanted who emigrated when last head iuji- be panel uttb hs comrade in the viei- ur ihi kdeau coal any information from him trill bo thankfully received hy na who ia now residing ira of peter mcgratr locanadaahpiitlatf i bmtiet miehac viotfsloo u w or michael fehcy taylor aval ol the sttiter without notice foe ibis oritosc the comtaoy have onened an account vhich rs terrd sftilen provilent or saving bank aero mt thus aifoidio to tie prudrnt otr evey facility for accomo- ating uufficfeqt money to purchase the free hw of the land which he x6cs whenever ie choose to dn so within the term tr feo rearf but should had harvest or any other uiforveen mnfortune visit bim he ha auvaya he irrcnnlilejaiard with iterej accrued at is dipoal to meet them tlie advantajcvfiof his acennnt are confined io th company iclnal ltee sctup during ihe cootrmoaiicc j thvia leaaesa qocay no 37 price of irad lajtd aow cuortj astswcic the clearina of wild land i alwana to be on- terttood as elearing fencing and leavint eeady for av a i in fnacro field thr stomp and toot of the wt alone being left to eu- enmber the oraerations of the farmer the nrice varies cvaryaeeoedlngtocireiirristanc a hnlmay broiiinel jisiootx2 10- currency it moderately timbered land in old settlcmnu tnd iacrcaahitfarcordingtoreinjoeaorihe settlement to 3and even to q yrt cre the payment at thee price is alcay indetalftodlubemade in cjsexceittaecial oritten banraia io ihe comrar entered mm the plain lad being very thinly limhred costless fnr cleariwebut require a mot e pensive mm of tillage although pfoint faerner or thoe farraefi who iayaareyr ajoii that sywm generally get a return for then labour in a much lhonev time plaint enerally andy and yield regular avwacr and certain cropt without reference to th seasons it requirvs a larger capital t com meoce opeoiiorrt oo plains than on liobered land qoeat no 4- geneeol aofofisn of crooj rwd m4t pmig ra into me gotwi as wheal the hoat f canada succeeds hest on a new fallow newly deaied ond luirnt land he ng 0 c he it ia always the fi at erco farners with ctpiulcd tb fal w don orilh grae ftd wail fh- vaar hjt the farmer with limited mean buls be und into crop ibe nil year either with polaia for spring grain then fnltow wheat aain every alternate year nuifl he hat power to clear enough nrw land far hi wheat ciopeach year when the old lai d w uid lown in mcailoti and otherwise cfopjd without much altennon to the uial general rules f esa farming uatl the stumps mt uf ffcientty to admit of the free me of th- lo the hsl oglisb and scotch farmer adopt the ciaioroarv hree or four held tytem oe otherwise wheat and winler and 5tmmer fjlow aluraale year the first crow ia jllk ihftbaruua alvn igh irri w jv settled her this point is i rt and is covered eoainle with a rowth tf low evftjrteeas stunie cedia appatcutly boatload of the passeujrrsbafe hecn anhor aid gathered from the beach a peck or so of deluding some rather pretty abates jfoelana 0 kecwenaw bay stretcher itfjit 31i to 60 mile south of u on its wei cttfut a cluster of loc eahina are visible being ihose i believe of the clinton mining com- pd1yt almost if not quite the hrl settle- meul ft oor shore west nf the saul a dijtance by laud ot over 290 nles- aero the bay 4 miles s s w of a the inrontiderahte huron monaaana were viiwe while dy liat- tl copper harbor iiviblc ofcoune afme 8 miles w s w of u in a direct tin though 15 by water we hope to ee it early trtmorroa wind and weather permitting 0w uf the mn t fhitieeahie features of hr wtro world rm the mohawk to the mm- aismppi ja the aaaciice or scarcity of rhoun- tiins bth hilts of considerable elevatio are rarely seen fmm cltveland to the sw- n ihe rocky rvrriuu ol st maiy and the llorih eml of lake huron with their thoimuuv of island oan r5ing heer oul vt ihe navig able watetj the general uiifomiiy of tlevr tioo stems unnatural yt fitmlhesautd sle marie as from th htinlt of niagara an considerable eminence i visihje the ma g- niftcent basin of the creal cuuract a the itjld ony cham through which the riser runs fr seven mile mow redeem li spfc- lacle frum incipidiiy but tint wholly from in congruity to be ill perfect keeping the eternal nows of ihe ali or andes shoold lower in the jmaith- aud ihc roar of ihe mighty tornit should te fitfully echoed hy the eraash of falling glaciers but at tht saut awry element of sublimity i wantin- nei ther th lake abote nor thai below is visible o mountain arc seen j no chasm no cascade ren the lake aoe ha narrowra beyond the reavh of viian to a strait ihe strait be cones a rrver ahojt half as lirge as th niagara and the river becoming a rapid gaej hrawlnc chang n fretting over a al nflojeroimldenltnry rock or n space itf threeonarterv of a mile flli some 20 leel in all without dgntiy or beauty into nh snixnihcen basin beloteliencernningrapd lv in a wind nairow iorhio rocky channel ftrf am mil thonh t bed i usually id vned hy shallow to half a uile or more hie iid aeirry helnw is mauncent but the ul itself can nreer lie an object of peirad- vn intetrcji or admiraiioo the ease wherewith a shin canal may be vmtmincted am i the fall cannot well he tfictieed hy thor urfta haee nt examined rhe ground in the hrst pjaca a mdera wa immhrnothitmany year aincc hy tb u s laiiooed iwr mill now ro naore excaealjon wfal unknown lhrooh all thiareioa necessanly the food of the people is in good part flesh oe rather fih in which ihe lake and alrejrns abound and which are eaochl abundaoily at i e aut and elsewhere the indians are ex perl hhermen with the gill net coming up from the saut in the mild sun hine of yrilerday i was struck with a plea- aaut illusion which may be wolh mentioning where ihe strait baa acquired the wilih of hr nana two hundred feet at the distance of a aile from the water thia slope is timbered m pad part with ihe daik evergreens winch in this rccioii but at interval with ihe poplar white birth fee aw just in the jriicac litrht t j ie ear y uni a l -e- natked on the ilea of lake huron the contrail between these iwo knda of folia e ecu here at the proper disiirvce rare evidly tne appearance of an iiuermingltua of foevst rilh gloy glade and grain 6ems auch as ia exhibited i ihisoeaaon on the hmjob drla- varc or caaneciicut and i looted at first arnctly for the farm houses and barn whcn fioold dot this scene of rural industry i ieed not gay there were cone hl- williin aaiiy a weary mile and that i gazed but on the turfed scenery f a sterile and sulilaiy aioo uao iently softened hy tbe ajenue lj ib lardy induence of spring today baa been admirably adapted to great 4 conversed last evening with major j miller juvt arrived from council blutfs he is the indian agent for that rejpotaad what be nays can be relied on he intonsme that the aalc of affairs ia that region is becoming such io reader a military force nrccity hro he left the friendly indians and evei the white were in daiiy expectation of re- covng a hostile viit trom the siuc l seem that early inttttspein a party of yaoc- ion souv had a difficulty with ihc oloes and uihaa ttfo ifiheawbo he in the viemttr lu i7u3aoj a auce wcj knud vu either aide some of the scalp ukcnbj the oioca were brought to belleview a trading post and injudiciously atbibited by tbe trader trophies of bravery of tbeir friend the otoe ihi gave mortal offnce to the sou who have declared vengeance afaioit ua whites of the fronleir as well aa their red enemies when major miller lrfi prepara tions weft rnakine to meet an eapected attack oua hundred ydcton siug had taken op arms and eapected to bo joined by some tw hundred moo sioux from the vafioos bands odalfa same tsaour unoapas teton c thry were to leave ibe yanctoa villai on tbe loth june and al oce come down oa the unlucky council bluff people a itrnlirman who rrivid firre iat evea fsom the jfsafveoi hcrm tecislative assefbct farpat july j00 vt- avlwim gave nelice of hi iantio to iihquire f tbe miniry aa to wut nav were liken to proceed aaioat the bad ot uav fidler rady mr all gen ba deter iotrojoced a vj to amend the law of cementary elcaiioa in loxer canada rad a nrat time awe otderd for soond reading on tuesday neat mr pftixtc enquired of the mdity whether it intrnde to hriog io aoy measne during tlie present sion for alterinajtha coflstjtution of the court of chancery hy adding a lodge nr jo6fo ibmio or ouvie wwe ad if so bow otherwise and alea if d v and if so what oessore tor changiat the coiutuocmn or thr court of xnpealif and also if any meajoee fr ditiaiafrjfcajea practice and profecsion of barrister and ar lorneyatlaw aud solicitor in that partatf the province formerly constituting lpjai canada mr att- get- srtcrtood said it wi rash their intention to do anything tbi session mr- bcarsakd enquired whether au maore wilt be inirodtaced dorin the fivade sevvion to protect tbe timber and wood fa lor building purposes in rear of tho settlo meat in the county of rimoaki and fo secure the tcservatioo of the said timoe sc for ibe use of tbe inhalant and also ibe sole of it to them in small lots oa emay system conformably if ihe petition of ben jamin dioooe and other prewnud to j a hoae dating the trese 5i0n mr pafiaraao replied in an aadiua manrei a contrrsaconlbenoccorrod rejtvrtli tooce street rod toronto oo the moioi f mr friae fr an addre to his etellencv 5rayia for documents rla live io thr said fii t seemed to he admitted on all hands that th mad was a very bad one hat tberewa difference of opinion a to whrzht ibare w lauft arising from 11i ofatorasuuce aaw whetber if 0 it attached to ihc jlaajfj o work a sharp alscwon sfraaw outof las a to the management uf wc roads in upper canada before the esumiihment of the board but ii wa not conducted io suci a manner a to jerrirr j rctelligiblc except 1a peraons acaiuailedprevioijty with aereal number of detail to which the laryo coiaa of our reader mitat be ftiaajcei the jkddrcat wa granted ay mr dattt brougbt dowa tht estira fat 1847 a moiioo of me dwttt to ttrepeai lh order of ihe home with respect to a bill mr sotffwooo attorney genera ingj from v informs ma thai mr bar oat but for ibe wind which still hvliow ve ehould have a smart frost in tho morning ll wa aomelhinr afterb when tho nn went town m it is now midnight and deylftak but two hour off let thost who chose aark their shina iu cllmorng ibe wmib fole i t do not care ever to be a degree nearer it at irast ul thiconlinent ihe winter though clay l he conductor of a govamnieat train of j wagm who had jut arreted at fort lea j venivotlh report havioff lost one of hi mto an american oear tbe acene f mr thorp murder at walnut creek the american and a mexican wcie tidm in advance of the waon whan they were aald hy a large rody of ladiana tla rtit wa hot dead and th oher piered uith arroiv oh wn acalped and left for dead wtica tho navu least on this continent the winter tltoiigft came up ihe mexican wa found io be aliee ortg are cornfortatdy mild here on the point and in tbi condition mini hi scalp ha wa icarly uttoutd dby dveputifrveznx water uonhl in io fort leavenworth tnelneiii rut farther down aud hack from the lake rad the two k that the late winter waa even pciluuafy y acrou lern the zneicury remaining many deic ieow reru for week ri ndei in g outdoor labor jutot iuiaaibee here the soow lay long iud deep but ihe cold wa not etceive aiilli thcr t is a lima toe ah thin a id either or ibe clerk of the weather has raado a iifukc fur i intended to come here iu sum- net p s tujcsdat june is my hope waa iicvionly ditapointd we lay behind ioint keewcnaw 23 imurs during mot of winch tbe aeee ahead was jcaisuch aa a orth river aloop would hafe delighted to ai againu at lat about 6 last eveni ven this wind lulled and we weighed a- lroe but now our smoke pipe was choked hif en tvn r icjd rejin 4f thu bijig marked that it wa merely a copy of a b of last seion ttbich wa seat op loo late t pa the lriuti coancit and was tvre fore nrcrhiiy brnualt in i4in thai day it v ii recollected tht a iinr qj ponon had received eranl for pjblk lertire m tftc amrrcan warm upper canada fml that afef m eira a certain lime wa fited afier which ao further claim could prftt4 ta frmaeraalwrs fn hnl ojer which wa 4r4 rraumtj fix ihr lirnh vmr account at one jeiv j bad hen alreadv covrecud in lower ca and ihe preavat bh wa intectdvat t e same ibing ia uprr canada p- mr- alwia would volar eeairrrt the fei were it not lot the tiecesaity ot diasi imw to bclh pari of ibe province julowj canada ibere fore had got ihi eileoao tins oe would be prepared to give e to ffper canada he would bowlj hffwevtt laart asiriog lbu i j i csoida wu a stfaawafaafaaaatv political eorriipljon which had fa deserved to fail a time lad been fixw vwh no demand of ihi kind ja received and that t rut hem e wa issued to satisfy tbegat trngth of a legal opinio to tr a bad one an opinion l stand on but ahca aaawe tbe cotraption which in naiib a aucrnptin tocairy oeu mr mcoyau of stormooa ihe hill which he ihonhl a irl tha faith of the gverntnnt w i payoff those old u claim fgak not hr aiiva the claimant lived v arid cooj not oe caa tapirattoft of the fir oaht to apple thai of their rights vr bldwji deelaid thattbi mmirry in direct apevtiaoi to th wj in fonoer unie haea ccat ciec tflechop he did not work for some hours what litis breeze we had wa still ahead uk trawled slowly by copper harbor and we lb lis morning hy eagle harbor and are now toiiti into ragle r ahead of u wt who want to land at copper or eagle harbor will have jt pleaanre of a voyava back so far wind aul weather permitting these t rifling deijir are niven that the pub lic toy have some idea of th want of iht west in he matter of harbor die all tho laud an our shore of lake superior with the maud h ion- to the federal uovernmoirt which ha et a large price or good ih of iiandcapcb to tell it at that price but on uir whole lake thre i not a liht houe nor any biher harhor than such hul in the rock hoand cot as nature ha peifo ated nh a dollar has ceer btn spent on them nothing loue bit to prevent indivi uala impfoviojf at the sjnt the facihlie for rirelara suchas miahi be eapecled inoch a region and lhee olocir r harbors can only he entered when tie wind f i eon ouchl not the gnvernment to pend a amall part of the money which citj- lens stand teadjv t pay for these land a 1hey are ready r ale to raider lron arai- ihe not ihia tho dictate alike of policy and of doty u o eararf rem omer ifaierf stmc tut d rrkli fitfih iaiselet7 lnaaanglueneign tha cnontry from hamilton i hc beoi ennokd v eolloeismne raliahle iam- maima reapeetsoi ttw cep th fh ioi from ouoda t gu1jal waa o iijaied by ini fvthl wo jaf acrop egpected ageet deal laa been ptnjled oa tea goetph in dnmfriea waterm- wilm u and dleoheia t i eeoerally mitrh dumjed a apnta andabo radoarda of 4 emp ietba mo thai ia ecpeeied lho herman fir h i ali began in d tnudi njory nvmt giltafd in ibo ieighbobed or scan frl tkere a alro atvmt liero a a pall aa 0 wkhuaiahol ntwti1aof ibo heat yrt nlvwo lb tnnd ad cayer it io deiop and dr fo t iriymtan i mro ln aaj geoiieme- i f e in paria kfiavea win bar- ktel come i fm imoattbt olhitrtad too lfl cfhoitiaabim tlavaa wheal hiojsh oaokwatd tvo lo3 sva1 botalixrtai jls inatfavm veatlrer re ttnn geltia anil iehy ruatiat tltcoa ptniro are mmm fceyaaa uptelieaa mre thine lossem 1 irf hiobln vd and very backward tlieee bv0 bah real qatitia or pow a i in fawayil eaing hcalina anaj jnt be ginmc o6r ljiiio tawa nd trnek wfcr imealreon a tavh hrest bfaatf-d- ta cxt bk ry eanail and woamf la burl wheat in ay 9 hae tken iha place or la nduied rail wheat vho geaja ceap m nlviodaai ond ii the weatnee tjvaotd be iwr haf will bo pla- ty oi ibakrm ona my rt will bo ell wan- ld ltnocalita cn m thvmaet vea ia the ptw livharo njr0iiaeiof long oel aetvwom irnlaas cofniaa tiny agoverar ot tho sein i atroog and neahhy n a r htk or britiim noatu aicwa roa of cxxb attwoo lcb4aof 116 war xl337t2b 1- od rte oaacta amounting ay yen inrc by the u s ltxmtil g dc b- e rateiaardet l gp wo fd lut re nm a paenel of jck f 1 j lhq doto of 1m lerruired to biu thejealcf vl li od the aaacw ar dk in full current acros the ameican tide hy a jgmmh 3 3d f oir lh lhl1 thp r intimhtrf dccmbcr ual tieui- wilkius wu rw como a u s iroopa here mformrd n c that a sup qt oj spocic suofitt c briluhsernayhaevenihorur w the io hi hfiytluattvc poimosr or tka mrktrat lial avenioj mr cayloya cuatoca bill cama oa f or a aocond reading when mr balflwio read the boa sjenlicman a k vara lecture far not having oeeariously submitted ttiolulioru to a commtltea fff tha whole house accofdinf la enjlih pmcticc mr sherwood fmirht hardfor his colleague bat theim h nd the coasoiuenco is that tha whole peo- iheourse antvenajj ccdinri will have to be coninarfioc it may b recohected that mr baldwin had totei mr hobioson right on the same point a uotiple of year ao pd m meel fc s heads 4 mr skcuwd itated fiiat hrinbeen fiind oot a id tbe ttrry fik making these claim tb a cover ceived that it waabdocvdy lo rights anpsnion mr queinel c wbou admitted to be an honest n-er- 4 lawyer upon bia opinioo laavvt acfa- rjf mr mruitf was h1 any more or the pomic jand gise the w owfor iheae claim- ihe proeinoial zveavoet e lacesnt wtr ult jsorilt to common school anat o in the way ihey wvai n land rer beift literally uttlead of iha clowtt yielding a revqoe t egceipu to carry if vi mr parintao avd that it u ao the uepatttirtxl cmt larfr laol of carry it on becaose the pohtt itt ban led over t the provincial cw chargad with nnneroo debt wtt be paid before any grit baleaccji 1enedfrom tlem wtbregard lotov f corruption be id it wa emit onuded tha od wa ajven iarc hom it wu due in pursauncvf opinion r mr mcdoseauj of statmorjte the hoa member kad not beea out in did not ft land far iag out t 4 1r mvmvef well did gcaihaica think tho land we away now h- wa sopeiced iflt memberhoult ewoia a aiuy- ohera that which be waa o wr hinolf ijjj tli bill istta paased a wconiv o m- cayut marine tho of the castocn bui mr oul to tha speaker that thl been oomaenced by povinf irately in conn3iuae of thv ntlly lajf- a caoada aiid it i sitaker wbauj b coerl that br aniittvjjb1 for wajva w in wu anj