British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), July 10, 1847, p. 2

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mr cirfefire vajd amendment that atttfiftimitut hi thought in aiicr cncr tlwrr salary thai of on aflp ttnt fieneral in ihe antiy 100 ret mr aiwi lhcu ccooym cnoah 4uristti4ie ilr uvmiirr ijk bill gve treat dwaatisfretion id wt coonty and he woeld nolle d t cve much money tht tcietwc cf lltc cottauy could rot ajo y- imi laid the v arentfemns reaon iomehineliv ifctfamaftuboeeaii tne roach am hone net bad should ofis inrv the rfcyiri tbe aiaj was vlltaate- tli ciinm for the tvo adjuta nr lle ckrkv foul in nuwiher x535 m- farftarraiyv moved that th item be rrrhftfej i ts7 10 or two clemrt but cm h m wjtsfiii of mr cow a cociienied lo ba 11 wfor two clecfc v rent emenivd thtt wr salami 4tv he fiiil and uft t tvnc wa hew im vi go lrf t fa general raid 10 eo vcnmt mn mr cvinutmif a c piiwm onulo ncl e br rtr rote for fan tie co tve who lived in throw tnr and behf looked dort and aw f 15000 for te tervieei and wmert eatf nee j he jd think thi a rooit mitrable cbeci patior xmvonaiatifc 80 it it j twomo would vote for th hw fie heen he wanted 10 do what be would mwjttt4i wocm vote for these rtms if the gomnmtst utorod hia thry were vttlffj me urorrai airbed thai if the cor- tmmoent assured him thy were absolutely nfrrejlv ihfvoui 10 be maiftts ld ifihff wcafl dote be would wilhdnw bis mnrm mr crlcr i bdlere they are jtquirtd by itir offic m- atlc iaid bat if tkt office were mmftedwfa lhatofibe imperial goreni- nent it nth v fonod that ibr prorioce w jmt to ar rtafirflpary expece i5ov fhe tvereonly soljdsy oroplf who pot on etotorrvr once now and then re lhodht rferki in tbato0iee fboufd be well paid they ibrau roeeieo ai nveb a the drtfe miheoihr ohif where ihe lowed ay vatfo hebldpottbeaiofnd et1 oftvo fvlfilh 1 giwast arpioted of this irrajicemrrit av cpr canada the foty wj pmefly aaa oy elrtk et a time when the troomei wett on fot and xthen them wer betide xhtbe militra rcmeotf aaoy icdeoeodcrt the amendment being ot tbo refolution a earned on ae rote for ib cbjlairj and lioraria uibeleybtotjrc coinc3l remln p r yttrjn ifcovesiw word chahain b itkv ui heihoiijtitvjliwetobv djlati- fllo0te cntlnd zni fcojed it woulc be i axk our jehfkooi btarvrr tvhi they fflishl jsefw m eo h coneil cvn thr vrpi tlw for thr svr of tbe hoiueof aaerovl mr awrn tcoved to jfcdwt w nlay d iffbv lithee vtsoo fcend rirteilf l lh roo oa the vole orh bonrri aymj- d0 roip on tr caecuoar comoliinei iftat the mirnvin amahohl x4110 for eah tio while be vca irfonntd tbtthc re1 abooi xh 10a oee annum the opneo be belieedniadoa eery jocd ipectlatioo of mr atlwnradhebetereit os prooieo f 0e initiation of potneuf were wrfily rwlfitabfe rorn and weo reed of a iwj ealofprofaroos1akim vit be tboirjv ltu should tea pwrvoicial loviivition sk vorratttajd it wat a bet thit in fte coiled statea thpre were mny itia- tfoftf wheo oo moot than xjo per annum re u a hi eh ma4 eeral oihrr itemj batiflj beeij paued iforxv joly 5 p pevttom wort peesled for t r josn- e ind otbo pravine te iforaw not w a vtd 1 be built acth the wche- mjf om amfttoat bnarrl of trade opoomrof bt cuctoinv bill lacxodacd u caytrr oi loolioa of mr wjuiaut can- bit- lda reoort oo tho uvitttion of late st was reft coiiin i vtiuiaai peine amstxctt byowny injmrrin- fai morjcd cf mf- kttrrr the itoiiie toto ettntlea on the eritenty of uo ii 00vxx aot of land 0eine the le mvohiwd woto tse todiant rnce lb enjocnntof common school dowet lhate the roofieft of mk cowar ihe orcttr of ejoe day ftr dibotc the joama etf oa acejmt of the great e- raffttqanrwtlbenrr thai tbey did not intend to adopt any te doriojlbe ereent setsvoo in order ih 2i f wnd of w7fbt they efid not in- anraoproprutlori forlb smi nydmhe to xmict tn b 5j ltwt t had no official in- f whether it we tnjo that the r tl thelae wetrn ambet fc fptt o pritffier to ciot- br a ijwbich h hid wn ennnetod for sfhornpnii him for a further period ljiidahxy ftriropertjnene jmaoi howerer remark that jtraff ad hcen dwn to the f ttfvnbl satyotunomlknuht in k1 ettcnc rauon rur ftf tt nrthu artd the wl a cad s fci eaotloo of wr chiltr v powic ax- ft wa rrea toi commtt i motion of m nfna t odr for e- teor eoiiea of the jomu amrriz try wahtlm ana twoa ia djper ad loeor a wat eild tltiu wfaoiiiutjtheivwtnirorsa- nd ths bill to amnd thr public fllvis meredto b enoh- rietejvf nrlv wh on fmiv rewae r eoojrqfwl io thw fini tiitflii in fb public eli- mwm orarr tay in 71 tjr of tie tlati naued en fridar ere tyi cwer4 itr by the lir ve5 r t wmi bejnr ufpatoiw niat tone obem ohiiotha toibe rro ntmrj- dill to errcl ceriain townhipi to the i 1 of din cooimtted for w dnrtday rill to md th act i- errvaii the st lawrenc and atlato railroa4 company- ritvrred itlie ciuwilieeoo ralrol the lltli ioeforce enjcacmrnti bcierem iame nod reaoiswa hfned to elrci romnlifce tie bill lo iffiewl the law of sender mid libei wan fij cohwilwj anl wag reporlelt mr datmei oeeltd toomcpnof thi cln and bffi gowan conunilrd thai it ftt cdlraltted lo rtftrid ifliltad of 10 ewtirge the liberty of ih preo it at lat jeleriftine to read tb rill in commilfee to amoii il nd lit have imriw j aw eweotatton in oijer lhit a public wtejinn of opinion hiild ne elieiled artermitc thii through the commiluej k- houae trijoururd leclslatlvrtcodncil mommv july 6 the shaker bid on the tuf atweqejlt of iho affairs of the commercial blk a numser of peiilion veer pferntet in- crodinone from the montreal boad of trnde prarinr that the piotecfiro dotira now brled ttpon caid imported iflto tbi prcmoec be awawi hon mr flmcvtm pee nniice of hi in tention to more on toedy for an addretc to his etcelltney prayint for copies of cer tain paper relating lo kinc collet the bill to amend certain defects in regis tration of title tq the coooiyof uatinjs w3 red a bird time a bill to ihorttn the time of nroseriptioa tp certain cae and for other porpoea and auo 1 bill to preeent malic iou injuries by fire were read a third time and pased a ml to allow the cfanch- sociely at to ronto 10 tell land and purchase othr lands in moe coarenieot places eaa read a second tim- the folleirinj btqs were also read a secood time rill to change place of keeping registry office for connie of vamaka bill to difide the township of plantaenot into two township to be respectively called noth and snvthnanlacntl bill to incorporate the montreal firemen ftneolent a5ociatioo the house hen went into committee of the whole on tbi ciibject of emijation ehen the hon mr sctuvaxmordthrl an adfaaj he presemed to her founded upon the reohrion which be bad preriouily sub mitted to th hotre hon mr lame remaked lhat pefhps there waft no necessity of entering on th comideraliart of thii question at fordjohn rusell bad lately in ancwa i lod lineoln said that befcre entering into anv ffneral cbeme nf emigration h intended to apply to the colonial gorernmenu to lam ther riews upon the subject he mr i therefore thought thit a it was likely they would be calw nrcn tj etrrs their viw in answer to enquiries of the v ww parliament that ii eari umecessary and prematore for thrt to te a ters upon the iihjct hon mr fzrcio said the sohject of emigration wa one of the vety greatest im portance anlbemutav that if there wee any btn in the fmtrial he would not ay the canadian oorenment it wat to le found in tte worderaieratson how many veas have anted since charles buhver nwe hi eele- rrated speech 01 that itihjfct a speech which omainm h whole theirs nf ebiiifioaj isjy yei pi-in- iaj oeca tan toar c jr- rrine mil a plan of systematic emicratio iteeauuriac mit notice the apcm darenc vhh rkted between the ims emtsyank ajad 110 dtch and cenpan and also the difloent minnr in wheh thy rhanard lh in thf united stales f om here ho had had a con- venation lately with a gentleman heonen o new yol who informed him- of he seay ihev manard thfe the c toa him that the famiee in evhfpti enabled them tr e1t thiir breajfcltjp at a price t and 11 lliloio ihy were tocnlinu iho pub- le work they had bean and thus they wen ahe oewiptov thousand of the tmntt we got their 90 eents ad and nothinc like wetness waj toftj nud amoac them that he biame ricited nnd mak oj a baw to the ipeotato he d in a disiirct and nrna rote farewell ftreweli m i hac no more to mv he theaanoke a few word to the puest who handed hiia a glass of water wbfeh havjn eft drunk beatrpped bomiy iipii the scasout pke a few words and bid lie executioner peform his work wnco the l jp der was withdrawn and the cnfortimate vount man in the viajor and prime o mac hoj was launch into lb presence of hk makr he seetaej tj die lmot iiuuotlfi mikincaeclv aslrule afler he dtop thia is the first execution wfiich has tve taken mace n guetyb and w greatly re el ttat it has fallen t our hi 10 record such mint joctlactc in the ist nnmbttof the httdd and we msl it will b ion rr we shall be called uporv 10 chroiefe a similar irtut the circus tae vnfrvrf courier h ihe folnwirrtr mnfehanrfed hsn the cow for iho ttthrre y id condemned the jhtronaebe- iioned bv all parii o canajda on th irayaw lnnunncesciulfjai rjoce- t fir4 one or two paper 11 canada wett takin the araf side tne hamilton sptctvr h one which in forcible aniue ahew thoe vagabond strotlts in their true light the nrvytaprprea should exert the whole ol its influence in the emlravcr toiihalf tlii lowr vf moral itiaaikfl aud shnuti perseeere in he fiofld work until compete acr5 crown thriregoft the trickery kawiod to ry ihrse schemer is so palpable that we really wonder how easily the people are ftullej a fellow orecedes th fan a few week in advance oearintr with him lare highly coloresl la- ead wiih which he par the rtl cf ery tjvern and beers sho woe owtaff will allow him and thu silly joplc are eloccrl iitlo the biiyf that the roalily will equal if nt ecrd jhe 5 lowing picture o spleitdidlo dressed out in alt the gorgeous matnnenee of rrd and blue ink the ftnrs are magnificeul the oarrsaet tht larjet and thy smalleat ii ihi- vorhl the men thd mot active and the lidit of tne eahlihinent unecnjacd i ano oh yon who attend these pcfnrinacex fr what ate thoe ilauiehler of eve tnequai1ed for stanifiac half nakd nn an old horse v hac k tiaitcio fakunitoes 10 dud lurnin somoructs through i t c aul are siich earliibition a ih0rc which a chriuian fjlhrr ouhl t lead hb dairhterv to itiuesvl snly tune will answer in the alfimlive why then patromze them x why svhrn they mate ihrir appearance in town are they tcetej by aiimom crowds really in fill their rot to oyeiaiwiost why arr the samhy and threadhare jolir of the clown rrccived with such roumjr of applause t we have repeatedly aided thevequeliori the ajpjly repty wc ver recvod thai ciuld hr called rational wa f ihmil was ihe oiykinj of public ainiifement willin the reach of the mi of the priile and tbu wo admit to be a radan- choly fact canada of all placet in the world ba least to ri of in ihe shape of amusnrnu there are no myday rrtolcinj no holiday tcilheiiiies 00 dances 00 the v ffreoti nothing to enliren the ditt tedmm of a life of tiil therefoe when llio cireo present iself evey vifm is in ryqttuition nd thr whole coqnry flock with one acrom to have a days ijo td then when all is over many return distasteo and disappointed at havms- dirover d that the prairtinjc charter ihey eypetd to haye ero were n qiim m ihe f osvnolfi v nrseflrii tovl vir uiee a shewn by the uictuce had dwindled jowi to tho alteniad prnjioitioos nf one wont out njranualed paiti rn- liv harridan but still e it reejcj year fter year thy wvnt lal yeai they o this tor arvf o chey vrij nejct they hive rio otlr amuernent ami until they ait protiilrd or rnvm to pr vide ihetthves wh helter iyo 5vt isn4ch eaine hcicuf till dftnir lv p ttll it i or duty m irajbec jnqrnalist lo talt a on eaarj taadp uoation 0 were the archar were throh a eryrl melee inoeji ihins boriane known im tte ait heailel prooitlv en t10 s r pieient f the rlfat with th u s ver- the rke the m shil al aenfl the rametsi were disa n inmhi of the fjnlfajer3 lifcen iolocsa and the hoi rtlyjurj a deiachmilr fo owy cjojou njer captain ba k lequrrilly appeared on the ground an -de- va restored tssy civ i authorities bvn tlidtauch erejtt forlhi prmpttndifrt and efflciency sdh whiehtvy dkj llieitdilieton incoecnion ai1 ainofm canecjurifrs rrmih we tf4 ihe aye cotjmiltvd will he put alown by onr o ffiend n iheacvoimtof ihttwrtyram tnc- i more or uu to allconmercial e rotni lhan v the citirn of swec ieret that any tnifle should he banned calculited tc tlfrm i fjr a mornnt u r ciprncal c unjoin vt lh1 srolilic my inlereositso f people f tec by the he ot inierst ad conanuinity wr fcnosr see speak she nentinaen f oor chialn1 whn e ay the nrjwielor noi heiaie to continue tse visits of the svner to our port tho hei fetn exit e to wards the boat and captain hvr ivho ihroihont the itismr ice did eteryuns in hit raver to restore ericr qswrgo coat timtz u1utisii whig j ir-n- icr kings ton saturday july 101347 w m tftrtar qorjrrav i r lktr lst s vtvjiyctn u m j co itbc w l4 lift furhier itl1cence per stex8bip caledonia ffioji que wwf corbespqpct lowoow june is 17 dean whioo smce ihe whiteusilide holidays parhaiipt has maue compsutleely littta prosjrewith toe mas of buinest which is still hefore irm sryeramong discuniooa on interest nr spies hare taken tlcr t with the excvppn of a numher of peieafe and a few pumio unp pjflsed billt htoness remains nearly i lb mtric state a heforc the rechr lesitbe bs9 acrtaeptioi r bit wtrt ordered to be en- 7imi w4 a very different state of things from what exiiten hre whee theemieantrcre nnablo to find emplrtmenf and hundred of them yere living ataiy there wai no reasnn why things honm continue so whle they had 50 many mittons of aces of wild land upon wveh with try little instance hundreds of ihrmsands o rairaau mijht be wmsoii abfi seitlej a lansdioisrm hen lortv place nton the wording of one of the resolutions irhich re- frred to the uvea lately pavsed in the united starrs com pell ine captain of reels laodsn r emtranu to eee rcurly that they would not hvome a bnrden to the countr and which tated that canada bins in a different situa tion ficrouhatcontrythe one bcinea foreign jiower while lb othe was only a colony did not yih to adopt ch laws and therefore t misled that the imperial government woojd ahont tomo chem cr system which would prevent her fiombaiok obliged to enact imilar low the clause ww however carried in the mnner originally proposed the bory mrfcsvccsoy moved ro insert a paarapb o the follodt effect thai much misery and many deaths bad been- entailed upon ihe emigrants accompanied by t- tpenc to the country by the emtation of lam numbers of paupers who had beer up ported under the poor law at hone or whom it was for the benefit of the i ish landlords o remove the latter havint induced thce peo ple lo emirat hy promises afteryards un- fjrlled to provide for them uon their arrival in canada this amendment wa after some dtseussion withdrawn and the original resolution as pro posed by mr sullivan were uiea put ojsd eafricj the committee then rose the house having return the resolutions were rcrotted and concuned in and a select commjtiee appointed to drft ax addicts bound ed ocoa them the tloue then trt nt into c om of the irhole uprm the hill to divide the hvttem db- tict into two nw ditriru and aftr makin ome pores the coromiheo nae and tbe bill was tfrtred tna select rommitte a nnmhe- of nils were received from the lri1at awmmy 4ndiadafartitune the mouse thei adjourned for tttrm as thy have an equal riyht in the use of our e with otbrr wfcrt py xr it hot ifcey need eiir net tuiipalno pull ft rrenmioeudation ht the rinirayi al our hand if they eime o co- hare we lrkt sir cnruafion i inu to the ioral nf the pyope o hfus and although it would he iiiflr or l eal prem iture to pin- hibit their hipition thi yrar yrt wo would rernmmnd that they sjet tuvh a ain in thp hie of a cool rouud chare for ikrme as to oitoorr ihetr future visib we male the cwrier net nn v-n- fear keliiceftto nruntef thif hydra sirwhc banded co6ry fiawl nt v obnihih die kk tfw ihe enrt nt rhrcndian r- 1 1 m rvoovr ive rahiklvini inor leernl bit w are nt ncimn lht were ihey ian irmc mm rdcrnt thn lley ar ne weo all iho prt in lnn4a a ui ffaioal ihrr tnceenric alill ihe iroruco f laoda ntti ptovue them irtsw coukaoft frai an a4lprrh dejirerrd rn tcw orleans ty in r mr fr- mastj a iwuiop fw rri rtf 1 runa anasvsvi lh cjiflwirt iinmlm ven nr rira it maf wv i n l- rlrf ei laasaw he eandxrn f ihir emcl paaarsa tint 1e tv f imrerutv nt n i m ran frietvt pprutrd kro hr rlyur ow it 1 ltr u llfdflfi 41 ryl frn tite bre redtkl 4 th ygni nr w hrairaflhp fmh if4tt h prrhrty in rw nret tn k i n france nicr hi fce flh frith w nrmyff r 1 n -n- vid wht ilincuro lliemacleewin mny q brrl if t at pvtieiitarly hr bphlpj n fnnrnoy frhsw nil bnp ffial wln iftey icresw rerotififf lit linr of urcir 4f eriirpv ortny the ftetit of an enemy wtio tip hi ih4 llt atari mvrtelty ihie rptklfrl i c ylvtd imrhvvme 10 repem tiifcr rtf ihe frnfh eivjilrr tfco fenrraho mnynd f the fee arwiy n ih f nrtm wn lit i tej rhlsje tmw whom ovre tvfrjl tr rfri n tr r fnimane nver 1 k that lo ihteii the bip some of the haer ortians of ihe earn haw been thtowr hoatd the chief dlcnions in holh hir have been thoe relating toemieyation el ttinn and lrporlatiou or in other wd the hooal of the aurplm and criminal opo- lallonof the l kioxdom alarmed at the hnrdefl lilrely to by inao upon ihem by the iriah poor relief b t irish landlords have of ute been ieawly aitatirin prirate for ihe adoption of measure which would rrlirrc them of jjst a number of paupers as possible prrvrar tti their becoming charjcrohle lo theirseverjdi- triti wsihlhia virw lorl montar f f v j t rf i of the rfoue of lord a motion lo anioitt a select committee lo eflcjuirat and report lord grey yielded to appointment d committee tv- w inf rimw 0 tfr busing rntn minls of tho daheretrs err ermeh are prevalent oti the soiv than w any hopcof matrully rynchttin irelaodv il the fact is that vounury emiajaiio boweyey to far n to refrre w i by yemnyentamisunct 00 aoy raster i psniic scale aj baa breo rrcenlly propo would not lo mention ihe eapens of itj otrp tnd to leproduc a the cronies k efift which it it wished to romovo from u land the swhfeet of transportation inyolrfnr tt hathrrrt foond ruch an am unt of mchr to hr colonies with such doubtful beneiv ti convicu has neen a aotkceof uruch ant ty to succrtjve oveinmncs for many yw past the present goyrmtoenl have at ten rrolyrd 10 try the effect of aboluhine if ystem altnethrr ino to rrplaco if iy one f reformatory dficipline and hard labor in in errantry followed by a sort of compoo y exl and conditional freedom in the coloniea f this plan the ministry do uot at leat ff- the present the sanction of pirliamcnt thi mean to carry it out in the mean time yjftue of the royal premsativo until tbey ift how it operates and then with such modifiev lion as rtperiener may vi truest they will em hndy the scheme in a bill and suhoit inorjrrthat i may prytent your reader sriih the faihamcntary mallets together i will leave portuuee affairs jul now anj inmtdihecae of sir truey wilmol late livutenartt goreroorcf van oivmans lad the cae of the late sir esrjity ior the un- fortanate cenlleman j dead ha excited the treaty sympathy ih death was histonrdt ifnol eaued by n ilisima fastened on hi cruractcrbv a miniiter of siatr who had no other authority for bis condnct ihaa 6n- foondej charge aclinoon iwwttwaq in an obkure paper mr iv e- cladsionr re called sireardlry from tasmania and lhouh lheehare aainft him was admitted to rrnonjtes he had never been able to obtain any satisfaction ftocn the government for ih ijniice done him his cac was ahly and tcelinsly broucht before ihv home of coa- moiis last week by mr spooner who did ju- tice totheunmemished character of srcaj ley wirotot both in pnblic and privau lify j rd to hit launls for businrss thouhoul the ifhole disenssion but one opinion was evpees- ed that bis character was irreproachable that the charges bronht aaiflti him were moftcalomniousand unfounded thai his memo ry was free from all taint and mame sod that tbe conduct of mr claditono was a inexcu sable as it was extra ort inary tik factory bui has received th royal absent the more alrenunm supjoriers of protestant principles tn the church of lviund have enrered into anorfranizalinn for the fmr- post of aeeerlafato ky written eorrrsmidrnce riih the raiiona candidates for seat in the new parliament their views in reference to the endowment of the roman cathorrnpeiests of tretamt or the extension ef neenniary aid hy the state to the rmancithnfce school- thy nfcjecl of the protestant electors is to procure from the candidates with whom they corry- uond thetr written acquiescence in a deeiara- tisntolhe effd that they avih oppn by eyrry meana in their pnwer anykqviaasritv endow- tho unman catholic priests of inland c the two eenttcmen with whom a betfu- nlo ha been made are mr c ruwell a d lnd chelrea the present member and candi date for thr future re pees en ration of reading both the hon gentleman and the nobly l- d hntnk for some timr from committing them srlsesphiit they evenlualjysuccumbed and gave the desired ple1e asimilarcorrespoiidenrol understand urill lake place in all tbe borough of tbe kmdom tht disolufon nf parliament wilr take place about the 12th of jufy i do nefa it- cipate that the n iuv will be abfo to belter thir position by an appeal to the people but lierhaj vith the anpimrt of the petitest they may continue to carry no for some time longer lonfjohn rutiells address lo the cltvrsnl the city of loudon is anxiously inokrd for and indeed his sqat there is considered rather tin- urcted at the universiuaai of oaford caaa bridge and dublin for oxford there are two protectionists and tiro perlile n the fiehlfoi camorirtgr tvo proterii 1 prytitr am a whi d- ciitirj the editor of iho 10 nil erf oppose mr shaw fur duhtrn university mr dlraei siands for e tk ham hut ia o r lird xhley ia in ihe rum aaint u r- hck and lofd duncan sit t knrh is the lioeral candidate for liverpool ibar reprrsen jauon of which it to be divided betwern thy two jryrat potiikaj parti north avl south lincolnshire oeronporl plymouth hijartoa ter edinhrirjfh perth hasow ahemeeri bolton gitehcad ffiiil north hampshire totdleiev ourham wifan majjmttty fimhuy greenock norwicnchc r d shurficlrf nottinjcham andover amnavii chatham flintshire hereford hertfordshire lead yrk liiehneld tieerton leicesiy and poole are- amonpt those iha1 will return lihyral nrembera r the other rrnnd buekint- hamshire arlrsbury shrewsbury nvth an4 saolb norlhunbrrlan deyonhire ripnn povitefract norfolk e a at and wajja lynn ffeas kent east and we1 suoey do aln lincoln and lincolnshire aw amongst th placet whery the repretenlation if in the hand of the protect ion k thy repieaentation of bhjchtnn canlerhim ttrislol bfrminham ouildfoh cambridge twe and th city 1 f nations any previou and ddr j that it wa a war without drrlarttvon of war on a friendly nation and he concluded 3 forcimc de- itaciatirm thai il waa an arur of force which dishonored fdr ever the english rniion sir tljoma bfaiit land avr a remrkihty cool reply th effect of which was that if da ania and hi ffwnda i nut quietly pocket the attrotft and ive op their tool of war h- woold make ibeniliainc n rrferely the will hnt the power the jnnia took the mat ter very qnieilr anl the affair waayuw a quietly and effectually a a row tn st giles would haee been managed hy the new aioul35iinsnrenare proncrs in the handh of ihe enrlitn but mailer are now likely to be adjusted to the atractin ofboth parties the accounts from spain reprrayntthe kiix and qieen till opart and inecoociuhly tne queen eypourity is on the increase and ib e omits no ffirl to plea tti principal item of news from francois that thy government have onfered that that very internting ct the clerks in the puhtic orricet shall no looker lie allowed to wear moularhe and beards the order has tern received with consternation the cotton market clowd very firm at liverpool yesterday at an advanee of 81 r jh lrultan corn ba been a jood deal neglected and ban and pra go for lower rate the lop price for flour on tbe t4th s 75 per sack and low priced american barrel flour wa 45 per barrel asbessomefcwrvon l real pearls have been old at 99r out no ales are reported of montreal pots the rum market fa very heavy and rrtcte hv7ues ha been transacted in cfle cocoa amd molasaet the demand for taillow la im proved north anvricari 45 lo su a rle tn wheat market look place on the 7th ifttf but ibices mafal declined on the 11h omega ireland ureal association the first open myelin y of tht association since the death of m ctconneluwas held on the 7th instant in concitintionhaiu it was numeromly attended the chair vas oc cupied by mr amertnaei delahniy ol wale ford who said ihe men of wterfrd were determined to carry out the principle oflrterdcsed leaderunder th eidane of oneofoconnells sons an address from the rothn catholic cleerof multinnr re commended mr john 0connell as havsne more than hereditary caimt uon the vadarship m john oconnell declared thithefetl his unfitness to act as the leade of tht rrishpaonlc but that he was prepared to work with his hclored hrothe and alt hu friends around him to the lasi day of his ex- istence for leland tvrc ware similar ad dreases to m oconncll tom the dublin trade ok corporation of walerford from wexford newry clcmm c mr m 0conncll read an address of remonstrance lo the irish government relative lo certain charts advanced hy capttin notis aaint the rman caaoc ckrarvof cashcl w j oconnell staled that the committee of the xtsoctaiinn had apioinled cornelius mlouh- lin and ahfcrman keshan load as lreauics and said it was thier intentioi to add th nane of jeremiah dunne the learned cen- iteman also mentioned lhat ii waintencd to vtpoin a finance committee of 31 to mana t the fun and expend hem with the otmol economy hear hw andcotcudel a very shot speech bjf caltinc upon the irish pecole wy cjrtiutvf lowiiil ho fteath- 4 tive lo parliament who was not a true rld ireland repealer j promts naj ihm that h svoufd brin fo the repovl qujnsooii in narliamentduin ihe nrtl session if03ione morerapave rtid rsot anticitvito him iiea- heav wr stole hen came furwah anr in hi usual pany ic tvl promoted he adoption of an address tothrv dvuilev rte an of oconnell in his oainymomnja m 1 rl district md ivr each an opomunily of en- terio in this boeh with his o vn hand the n iv he is willing permanenllv to contrabnir by thr monlh any iirneven onv enny 0f e will be thankfully receired ad o aulhneily or otlirr nndue iujlrtcllce to be di rectly or indirectly ued 00 these cecaaion 4tb a panicatar diy to v named on which all the waidyn collector toetlw aflnblrd 1 fj pay into the hands of the irvaeuret ihe several sum cbllectel and see the proper en hie made in a parochial reftral ecounilsook to be fept far ihi parpmy by th vari- priost thr duty could r ot con- ny ro ed in the chapel yard after ma 01 kattvtlct after which the net day for pvnrit ittwd ke fixed upa lu farwanlitlbe v tin to ihe association tfce tmtx of the parib vail dicee to be given i do noi he sayj offer this plan as anythint approach that riffer t ion to which orcjaiiaiion miht h eatr cirvied even in these daj of wfrtehed deli- tmun but such 9t it i if steadily klvrt uirtni would lie fa tim i am suiequite cirnt to inmre real repeal runt nilhihii encroaehin on ae political feelint rrpci niary duuess of any iruhman ah depend on we itjiafa my the afmiybty reward those ssuiont ihem who will iie their pion enersties to tbe cbaiitabfe aud glorious under- hb maurice oconnell ad mr john o addressed the meettne upon the ataleof iheeminny tbe rent for tbe week annonrfled to x35 otovnpjehkaitffthc homan cm- rresicrojenr ommj ifrity wars wntin on he s9n nit say the pilrint of ih heartto iwe their own phraseology arrived mi monday and proceeded at oi lo the irish seminary with the content of liy ilveru- which i w lolav depotitrd hi hy rety rnm of th church adjacent called st r ta lel goti nf ih onth the aeociarini and reminkeemeea connected wilh ihr spot are bt no mean irishf it having been totce the lime nf thy gothic aianv den of heterndttvv indee- cynrv lite great calls it iirjtr0 r m wc lit fptfl 19 the seminary its if n far fron realizing ihe char acter of a national smum it meat up a 1 years ao hy a dr bnlce whose im- nraeliejhle lemir ii bad 10 contend with till hi removai aud tv avi- 1 r i i pre- rnt nsiu anil considerate president dr cul ten hut ii is by no means an improvement o mavnnoth tilt rwito cottftyryvwth dublin rorrespuileninf the morning cironirie wil ing av i very etraomin4y contruvrr- v is earrleil nn respecllns the tmtato croi fn onr ile allecatiou are mad ihajt ihe ti e4e of ul year has acn appred and in lance are mentioned where whole acre hve hen hlisd hut on the atberylbe motpo- sitire denials of ihe exiteneo of the disease are ruhihed almnat lyithoul exoeptro the hnvinrial journau state that the nv imlafo cwp presents a mot healthy aud lri irinoi appearance withnil the ctihiei wth t the mnchaded dieov taa ilitpote i yharar eried hy all thr vehemence of a in- nnalquir and tbe mwt ornil ivrlvoni- ailrihitrd m mne fmon especially eeikm- n and market gadrncr arhaj asel thit th tithl iceslendlny il is qnile ponhie hi 1 irn pntmi in some wnlifies j abveled lm a vet not to av eriois xeui j nid it may happen a had wn ihe cae lat ver that a hre imrlioi of the early ynn will em- rjno ahnjeihr the diee if it rit hl hare nitme thai of eatj july thr dnhlin corrrbndrnl ef the foi fvcsrs wfritc nu h f th int vc thppe i a drrm imporemnt in ihe voeial ermali- tanai nt ihe cnunlv corn fond it qtory chea- itpo bt1 spittipchilrtnnfifi tin r atafcynj me rassahtsaaafb u 1 n oailaa m m eied ran im hif it inkmt eenemt siae c l fjncer ril trnee nil a na btjrojko n 1 o ri djii t 0n if itthvo l yee liefe ttnu4 the rn firt ni psiresu nd the ir then rtf i- i k kiyv he the ljrilatmy the prisons bui srhich th pryent dicusjon ha oriajinaleif hmonothinctodft ufhaterrr with theplan s qnrmfon beyond providin for tne mnae ment ol hilhanfc pnlnnysherind parkur pnitvnliirir hut it ha been yeix upon v heiny the only oppotuuiiy nf cordrrjnf 1 s seneralo f need hardly ay i neh a difficult question tht seheme of grt vernnwnl as well a tht proposed plan of ear rvin nnt lecitnea fond deal of nop aitioi hot aa yet no atumpl hat lash oaldo to instfl its exeatiiinn thee i another athject onr tyblch govom mynl if merlimr with conaiderably oppoaition i allude tn onr armed intrryrnilon in lion with france and spain in thy interna nt a girfieon tn prrteic charryy of chura a ltt hm i auumm- boomary ie meen mortar ad emily jo nc in kotarial nousw oaendtd to hy re r na1 bt mn frvj f pwf harbor ae mrvwf itl teleruh cnswtit o jlaiiroada aod w manrirraj m p a t o 1 rvftjt 4 execrjnoa of charles cwhlw on thursday monin thi onforlunate mi man underwent the awful sentence of the law far the muder of mr jvchad oliver onthend march last as is always tht cu tn such occasiars at an earv hour in the mjxnine jar numbers of propie of both scxe rre seen ponnn into the town trom eyers direction and at a qtsartcr fast ten oclock the street ophite the p of eyecu lion on the no th eve side of the coart hoare was comnietely lh juar nt this mo ment cojhlin mnde his appearance ei the raflbd recompanied w theshetiif ilorrran catholic piel and tbc hanjn a loud momur of inditmaiion icoundcd tvoich the crowd thehanynan abxed tbe fatal iom fonrvd the neck of the unfortunate clpit vho waadrcedina white ffoan and cap havine made a low bow to ib croxd he tpfj boldly forward and addressed the pectators in a rather deiultov speech nfco del able length ecuatin viiriirf f cm the hrje of wilful murder end nrrlifyino thr act for hich he wa about to iuflef hy the elecumunes attendinc ii je vaa inter- mpied several time bv shauu fon the crowd of8v it chahev my hoy tell ihe whole ttoy and such like lie cihcd upon all youns men nnd od to take wamin by ht rrr which they v7c fcll to vjj new and wyeed hsd thev ftym 1 fay for h ooj ard that god weald nrrt mecy uron hit fniserahlt eondtion a j for him for ibr awful crime whurh ht was abmit to atrial un iho aho vurina ii whott peind hoeihilnted the mo wteeklcta irjdffeitnfai to his fale ptdiy invnisnd xarl aovtral pnrtjet eooneted with hia and convjeikm heveral urn fating has pthhoshooil to iheaptfct4ftlelov n m fnrocoo cl tnj uevixfamav tjit awful teeta nunw vm ct- difi ux r rowe iftm tknnu eawfftfi ft y ttnmmtt if ton4ftr dtttonm tositomt firry ff cyfy im nsvle ain ttnfttmwi v n iii rh r riwriti nn eamle j ter mrihil rffn dll m su fhii hi n h in- hi hee nh n lti tsjsi hh i ho 0t efo nf hi rvjnnrrfer vsm h in hirn ffnfara p ril i dtth terrd dpmi 1 hen unii co hi hde he ed it faftlt t fa riavfr flvfre wrara m 1- he rreeired iethwwmid nit wj lipping ihe nviivneaby rni r otibe le 01 rul a jiit ff fl 1 h p f vi m nr ene r i rif rim fjonelly ihe rataj nn ihe hip -i- 1 rivme iferern ipwraieffiv epl ciiineda rlnini bj ihem innh kv vd tih- f p rte awl dpetlrd v fean f ln e xv hipi vln puiih ru m hr1ne eauinm iho dmnior law ihidrpivoer aashi j4eur ufa wort him o mod to ma an ha tat inl tier otrrrro amtnit nr rccn ftrrtr thr tnnal prepieiioi and frfnalilie firihr heitice nf mir natinial annitet try vere ihi year miurrt in ku v1 m rteverthe ra fcunne- opiration y enrftlly mi- iv namalay and ihe day ueml in ly y hatinnal mfule tl tanrihf ana repeut at roon oud at su f with chn huui tsptv wi i k h harbv ani ps j n v vlu a earner quen 1 ictopa eane in a an rally rjonr crndjil w aenn and a hand of muse fr sn tmhtfu khton the ay wai aloe u f nf v9n jftcntilbe country kwybfuly ermeft y and r ryei my f rj m riu ihe frmtiea of the rxconn ere maivrd by dhatwefnl riol whuv hit caiiftdlan reamer wm eii in carry iru ni pleasure priie aatatf cintlirkanct nnk 4mm nf rv btm ftn hm h -lf- i tt w lowl 1 l hw dock for a trip tht lake realtime in nubbin wlioh n wory knncked dsvn wli q ih sfetmey wefhtantfcllad crowd pr oiaailtrs and bualman enfiryd liaih rlncl4ilfy iht atlr coojunc f mit 1 nir diapiite between the queen or rvturf anjl her people lift arjrttcd by afr k i john mnfjpayaj and othtra that wa onhrtr have lefl ihe eonirniliuat paiiea to telily hei own dispuir iniheir own way or thal if in- ryrference was really jeirahte for tht akt of the commerce and ri nf prr wt oitht nl at all errnts to hve ihrown the weiifht ftf odr influence inin tht scala ajafntl tbe popilar and ifoiiilituinnal party aud inforaref rfefpotkm to this it ia replied hy cord pal- mercon sir ftnhett ivel and urd john bu- ell we unehl iol to have interfered rahly oe wootonly hut at the rqntit of on of tbe partie and lhl auhnnh thit noriy he a depnrc one iht condition nf or inlei itjfico hai m that a full nnocry thalf cv ciren in thr inuryrnj whu ajree in enrrtn drranhihe coiulilutitn of dn ptdt o fnt which they havo hren niitii hall be re stored it ii tlstcd ii- had rr refused to interlerpf there uaa nothing to riryveitt uootia mana from at once accepting thr po- ferret aid of l uih npaln the resulf if wh ch would havtjsro ihy estdihhment 0 despotism and thai therefore nur irflujfrrxtov has brrn rather in fnprnf flherfy than tjjainl tl tfio o r v f tmt inu rfrrenci ii neceatanly ourifjed heeiiai thmh tm mimw mjy ruisipel the inaurenu tn yirld in ibtf queyn iye have rto powti to force hr mjmy to keep hwt rirteinrot ivllh ttirol piovidedshe siuum iflvrwafara think ivoftf inhieak ilgwfiicli ihey ihuilf i very jjki 1 v r will do they ttjiiic niireirt lo ibi axiifitaul fac thai ouf inurfitrrnco is repii djafrd ny li persons in wiom tjialf wo jy wr fiavo ratctcd initaefvea na wll tjt tyr iltmntd hy the oritiah rtaldf nla tl 0 ulg mr iluma irrihidjhi irrrwiid i notion eori- dtinnatury of our oiloy in poring tip hut tftrr a unto 1 111 dtbtlt tht jlotfew fciot umf london will be ivided between ihr l herau and cbrhervalivyt this it all the informa lon with respect lo election mters which t poera at the present moment the emirants tn aneriea svhff have wl liverpool dtiut the 11 four weeks amoini luahout 17955 adulit nearly tht whnly nf whom art fom ireland anont 5785 nly have rone to ihe north american culonies the rem lining tljs3 having preferred ihr slates the civerrment al tne infancy of mr sliwl have in reard the um payable tn the caihnlic mihop of jvcwfou nd land from 7s to xjoo ay tar the dokt of wellington cave a jpand hanqoet to her m jcy on monday lstwthr oiiwo rnteriains 30 waterloo offif er at apsley house ihisevenina i7ever perhaps tint the tinst tht italian stage waa first sei on foot in rvietand for thr tpeciat amrwement of catherine f bracan sa thai undertaking so well ipnnttd a i sa been since the opening of the new thea- ire alcoventgirden r 1 aarorre one f he bihtrlemaniion of bw eiiii erat jiyen lal week the hirbicrt i cenerallv considered the chef dmuvtt of this creat m ler nd it rat never belter performed ihan nf his uccai9n r and f one fsstotrj have rwn produced with zt snccesa at be ane theairi- hut jnoy l la failed in xorma and i other o ihari hi of or performinc in tbat rbaracicr iho uove realised 3c guineas tawll the immense anerirtn s p ha- int of f2000 hnrt powef arrived a soutliimptnn th other day ht is at ualy a apeimen nf steamship kuilkn as ot would wiih to see she etcited coniidrrabfa ciirieni ly ahhonxh her performances comjared with the bilnuia eviuvnily taken thr rijyofttht fvellnx with whrch tht vtyel wonld have ben viewed had a dfloroiu re sult been obitmed 1 it h uvor tht polyphemus suamiliip rbich arrived it frtsmoiiin yeiterday werk brought intrl- hgeoceihal the civil war in pomual had been brnnjht o tclost by h akiiful ffljilcfiiivr of si tdonu mailtand wih he bitib squa dron which brockaded ojsrlo wluui be prpwiiroot of thr cyernioriil wert beinx drherajed upcn by tu aulas and iht other unltiftirt maitund environtd the pimu- im 9tt j then ho aoool fja anui hfo mine lnm mirik thj h would jfjv hie f to i fie yniu ue law h d it that i oomi taauioi tht ireact pacincalor nnxreded to make hi farewell speech to th- association he ha- not h said attended lb recent meeinro ihe aocialicn heeaue he iid noi think it xpelicnt to botd thm weekly but my counlvmn exclaimed he 4t recent event have utterfv alte andubvcrtcd andexo- sizd ijnide down thatopinon however wel a7ounded il mirhl have brn befoo the ecde he youn lcund patv frict the andaciou hrazenfieed eftonterv in rorvke lhat we should diuove thi aseciation the vnrfc c ctuence tn il princwe nf the taoeendeni antf tunentton creative nftvoroconnellsmin arfdoh oorteiv tioussuhliniitvof imnudetkt eronosed to u tn annihilate it for the purpose ofe iroducuvv in another fornrnametr in coifd with them f lond cythrotith the bosyof th- ball of f nve- nevtr ye of themtrvea 1 1 1 0conn1l iht v 1 vitt l lo of the irish tbe enyish and the scotch catholics u since dead and i ak thm to tell me who were the breakers of hi hear and the caim why thai heart i now inured in rom in lhr aanelnary of lh v undc th bencd of th sawfsbaiiav fovrr rtms pontirt and evdniss and dcrry and ptopv and am th te and lamentation arrd anguish of catho chris- tndom aftr this day i shall never aain vhi1rrnive fak a part in ih toeeedine of this h 11 or of any oihe rohtical isaayablf in ireland and in pat fonf ymi mv court- teymn my wl alpi nation shall h lhat whiher il shall b th destinv of thisvo- iat to rnel th uon and re on he- nl g limea lo i eund or wvihe il iall fvf and be fuilraie1 in he efftyou ihrnild nor a a dilv in solemn reveeic to vitnst ocnnellsmemorv afler the imnj- in1 attempt ct tha speeder lo ak for sjoir ditsnhilon im only hold vout metinc a h hnd decid wevly and in no oiher wav but thni in fverythinr ete alo la v ven m of your action you noum endear- unlevialinv to adhere to whatever oa h- ieve rmd bhs with in encnence with von- if h wet alve d trn t his ahres thn ftridotoe ihn declare 1hlsonon o the ntntofrreland for renral the riehr of inland th alrar rifhi to a native nar- ik thai whteh h when cam a arllonboy m dnhpn axomaiic and cannot bfrmnrnl ditjutel vhrvwtr eco1ee h fienduh mana hy hrch that drcd of bell miseamed the ket of union wa i a yrrv modirl- laj raar i bra the quarter sessions on teday the general quarter smiena or the midland dutricty and the district court for the tame were held at ihe conrt house sf kukpaltlck eq preiline fbeciva trrjsintu eras beavyyor the court did hoi v unry y c jterjty afternoon amooj other ctsea t r ir 1 teas one in which he war ranty of a horse was at ivaac brought v mr rlward hawkr thr seller acaini mr dery pott office snryyydr ol these part ill warranty was not prove ihe jxrrse btng sinply said toby on thehnorof a ojuul on i of a certaio asnr qtitf l jcuoe assertion al the sale of horva the cast created an immeote deal of tscitemrnt and varioaia options were enletlained at t it merits bui yhvylury conjerrd the plaintiff lobe inlht right for tbey fouud a verdict for him steral crimirval inolclments were tried and thr mlowiryy were tbe conrictson mareeet mcjiia lirvro cart moth ml w bto iirrenj one noih in ftl basra nuaar burcvar nne tnnh in yvd j dm wiito jid mntat lirce av 3 vearr fenimiiet etch amti r eru and jouh ftilaoi laoaonj s yeat tnteoli4ir cetr pttrickv wran asnoll swd at3 10a and ooata or km month lo jul l ihn n i a ii bood 10s and coalavor ene nwiih in caol ud bnatn aea fiaed 1 tod onifr or net mwh ls grt- wiss tisrtwt nd srtb triiatef attauil 6od ft wimet cl snt lover this cjreal hibernian has been print hb irish evening a htmiltoc andtoxnto this week to himy delighted and overffow- ii c audiencetj and may be e pec ted tobem ftinlon accoiot to advertisement o monday evtnitvjnext at ihe court house evcy body who knew anytbinf of irejaud its literature knows samuel lover whoso national sonsand national romance have pcead hi fame far and wide over both conti nents we are folly satisfied that hia warm hearted countrymen will give mr lovyrcead ttiltc falthea more particularly x the day chances to be the eth of july vrlran fnafn he unanimity which prevaib amons tq tlasie and all oretdsof irishmen hi kins- on no betterwayof celebrating the datcajri v fmnd than in uniliar lo pve re of tre ands most favored sons a reenotoa veorthy nf sis merit hear what the toonto firrow yi of him ii affords us much fkm ura o announce thai tht celebrated mr lover that ia to aay rory 0 mot lnver the great at mm of the day as a delineator of tht humors of irish character will giro one 0 hit ehamio entertainments m friday ttrr- lof 40x114 tiroit ctty ualj to attempt to praise lovc would be like tryin to gild efiried tjold at the old adage bath it aid ihindi which wiih ihe iuc as early yereiablea ana milb has adhd mwh to the comfort of the peoples ferer ha abated in mlie theaiyh the atlttajar uscil 4w ied h h alcrrrrhej inftjl a yx rttit mmrtr nrfrnatiirey j ha r ivc l ad ai neth irtrk and ea th very pictnreof yeeii-1- health and vifor there m raow n ulk of jnral atttojjtt for no nf em- mn hj j coi i fany lhat ivhrr nrssovsd teod had been puuied a ear which aui hive retuired in viiinisloealilie setv mil have been s stems tbe frih coti meetaprivarelytndav tr arfipt an addres in the people of 1eland and rrceivk a reto mi ihe 11 mran of improvioe the condition of the uhpfindaesi o fttnvsui a rar-eeenrnc- has iak0 place bcvern mr sih obif and v maurice otonnelr which ha leer ihe himet of much convenaiitm ft wa very -i- mnoneed that it svi th of mr ocon vllt tm ht tbaj yonn irelandr honld lake th part a a tody in he puhfic fnor n he accordetf ihejr tat filher mr smthftrrien in order to lel the rumonv addreita feller tn r joh ocoonell in whieti ke inquire iyhethr il is their ths family ytviih that the wh dittiiiird rvasj the poticy adnpwd by ihe tm aoeiation during ihe last tiyelv momhs tassmu attend the funeral tne dntrof rejyint wa devolyid hy mr jt ocnnnrll tpnn hi bnlher ffr sfaotc otonnell who that w the arrauce- mnt fn firneral haviriy been entriitd tn th ftlasneyin cemettv committee aud thr- rev dr miley th- fornix leaver ft mlily n their hand mr obrien inlerpreird thi into an invmation that be ahoitld not attend rhe funeral i and it cttnia indeed pretty cood wine needa no bash and the tntro mention of lovtrt intended visit among oa it of iuelf an abundant announcement hit welnwoo fame musl riojure bim beatty welcome at toronto n h ah to announce to onr reader al mr fover i about to visit hamilton and tomato 4e calejnilal we otlieve tprx enter- fainnnts hee the evening of thasday nd fmav next the fonereeeninynt be hinr- howrrer 00 aceounl of the ocon- nl n ainounced fo that l w rtlic ft mr lnrer a most haty welcome f n lh cosrtry not oil y fom h coonfymya qtfttot all and svbo ha not wn hav vcr read hia rros wehpt h onv r tbore all hisnottry hl-iynreitefilm- nnls are comnoscij of ainrnclhe sony enrahy si ownyad hy interofinat an- tcdniey ilwt nt lith life itti idlnqors tvtfo guair 3 frui to iht con of lit ari and rii neeeiry direcilont to oownhltir m ttw j fnww fo intke v neroetatet hv eiarrh chinel aid kin f etwifoastl have ha for itvetail month and cold 0conoll 0 while hv lived vey nlem tothi whether ielanh with her want of teady iulnent in th elecllnn of leaders anlhrwnlof ejatitud to himeif isayr carahenftav rea aeftnienment hour- eve diiner ah indefeniblehe h i to i and divin and indefaiblo ihn eibl mnti iti is tetji maurice mdehn ocotn exbewd ihir reret at ih reliremeniof tb head paetfeato hut too leave to oulnn tbe mdne of his ii they thonhl the i uh nenpli ej- nenlly qualified to tavern ihemdve th ent for the tvcck was announced to be 6s 1 3d al rhemetinr nffh rwnil aneialion hmlh mr jtftl rev om tnnti the chair the only po tio of ihe proeeydina which tnpa uf considerably ineitanee wa 0 let- fmm rnmanrathtic psbipnf aa1l h 0 omlieins corerlny y remitlaef of x2 tf fmm h rn l h 1 hi rercv after rfe- imnncinx the ylie ieuawl rnealers and nrern h adbetinn r ihe coeitiacioi hall he tueeita the folrwioy mtbod of re otutlit the power of ihe nnialiin 44 j- j-ich- pvl to imp rat iitan hit p-n- me for anfnif sind4vcrii4ecnitelv be iln- inle o cmiyof maintainlnii coriehjatfonh a j mi full activiy a hin tbe oly nttnss- abe honem wifliny in eypnttr in ihe civi- liied world nur hmm- ritaneet and pro tet rir civil and religion riyhu h open nnreoinn of one rl of rnemie and lh hidden irrachjy nf libera j fnpltf bin thn duly itrepjrrl 4ii i and tlnch rntaf warnvai nf be pruh to ajaapajjua at uie parochial hine undiv by rvpflidency if the parlh pil and ivirh the a cl of ihi ccfrtet to n- inoh ma a may tern bel cafcuuted i r i i auberlpljoia in their atvtral dlatricf such mollnt e m fifnet at ibt pamebuj hnu onto in monlbi 3 i- fch prlpii n tht parishnr to vtry prrtr rr vhinip plainly 10 hear thai eonstrqeiion firm fhitcjoin or 0ciffiu the pari tttvctf qiou ihe followina letle from rnme nt the 5h instanl aatnd ffttstra teivire lor the repeiin nf ihentllnf he ret ocoonell wm eelebnitetl uvdy ii ih ancient church of s ayalh lr iy l the friti fir it is in that ehflrch hsjiptaci haabreii avrmartl tbe rilioof hyderabad eeffbeated m and ihe ahow tinn wasyiven hy carliual fran04j1 th eicpreiden of ihe trih collece delivered a funeral oraton which drew tear from lb- adiloy rot ihit u a mere family homre tendered hy ihe tih lo he memory o thi trhrnror on the 5b a public eeremnrtf i tn il place in which kom will nay i tribute of gratitude and admiration to th chimm f relrlnns liiv prnfesn orioli ha already ien evinced hefnre an aildi- tnry enmp aet of tbe mn eminent meo o the rman soeiiy hy their rank andlramir a paneryrio nf the creal ciliten of freland j i hariv he pilbliabed the r que t faihet p viuilura is preparine foueral ratinn fnt ihe eerrmouy nf lhe2vh which i lo b oelesratd inoite of the caih- dralaofhe imvcity rkunp- wnakt uclaxstothe rro tauliumbv f men rmplnyd on the raqutc worlra in ireland ditrine h wev ending o s mar 3t amniij 175570 and ibr total exrene to c7476 th- etpere fn- ib week einllot saturday the 5lh wa x51 fvi and n saumay- he slhjune to steraoc or pcanc wont a tlrnlas h 1 1- k r n in eharrynf ih- seral d in which public work have be 1 hichefcn carrird n annminelny that the lams of the trv y have eive introctin ib all ihe wnrkt whether ihev rmntw of roiti bil ibnmnh ai- 1 tc t uw ht fin if v dlscootlnuerf on nr befmt ihe l5b of anyiir wherever it mayle c 11 i imtm4mr lo comvlele ihe work kjyfail the tpeftifitd time dant and elimalea are to h prepared fnr ih onmv mrnr i a in nblain pretynimrnla in the nrdnary wnv or ihe errnrmn nf tucb unfinished wnrh from the crand in i of th countiva in which thry the emigrant hospitat to tkc olforerte flfifis h sta ive enclose a copy of a feller tfma by us tbia moioint i the beard of hcatb and be lo rerittcst the favor of a ngmtcaliofj thereof with rich an etpcniiion of tbe fact tve feel tatis6ed thai tbe public will 1iscn that in some masnc at least lb blame attached to os ty mr jho sttwat ia unmeritedi and that they wul not prcjndgo he case but suspend thtir decision ntiltbe select committte appointed for the ptfrpott have given their final approval cr disapproba tion of ur conduct thomas v7 robison m d james meaftheft itisvrgm kinpton july 8tb ibt7 may b sltna ahtnitrair 5vrriia o fleet of american ahljit laifen wiih corn and mnifte are ot the hifbnr tvaitint n wind tn run in mr murphy ha advice from the purea of nver one hundred entiudn thiol qcflttumftl to cov tor roiiwuaii pviioif fauco- mnvil t m hili 01 ahnwa that the i i it ihn h of 1 am far by hfr rra fotl qhtullly uf jr in and nt lofaiid iluriikir ihe 1 rumih mv let nmnunlej u ereillny rtruiti mrfvif nr ivhlnh thiiljfn wftml nam a rueoimiliieennd fltllfi tnamhlunr ff n itlflon riunrtna fom fltal r1rltafn7 emgrottc qfir kinpion july 8th i8f7 j gmtlxmfcn anallack bannrbcen madeln te newspaper of tuesday last upon otii profts iv character and reputation we deem it otr ditty i lay before th boa d of heath 1 plain statement f ihe facta upon which this attack founded in order tbat the boted nay if they deem it necessary institute nost search iftvctfifmtioft and alto lhat the pubfrrniifld maybe disabbscctanda cm lele exculpation which we consider doe to urtclve and fiend nudehy the board actinctipn n circular letl ftn the sec etay of the province tht boa4 of ifeath afief soma tittle delay cmacoed th central llopiul for lb use of tuch ic-il- tranlt at mm be landed here thtabojd ina wa unfunhbed with th exception of two room which were oerun hf paticu iindtr ih management of tne fmaio be- nvtenl siety and beddin hedtead- ond all the netvtaty appendaees for a larr u ablishnumtt n in tc proonrcd thtrc wtj no funds ami no tcraon knew who were lt defny the eperirs lo be incurred hi medical mm in charge yoiild not lo expected toqsumo the reionsibility nf s larcf tn nut lay a wirt renuwd and in the meantime a lanretitiber of ick wraj brought fn feoro tu inarlvr not nny frm he air m afnnt sqi a nanic oee y from ill iht k iies in the city anml ntiahbnr hool d the exienl ef icyrtl rnlfa thm a vaai nnnivrnf eh oceitmulmftdsira n days without thev hsrc eroprno1atioti fnt thrm avo thrive fto of ihe bnildine with uteaiy cf kl tiw fnr thenv lo lit iioojk thry yhr nn tilerljea no allawt 10 hoit lornrl nilhr- cnuld thev he poriio4 n mnntii indeed the ronvalesoont potitnt nf th- f it tf hoapiiol wem onr only help iw n few ttjjyt in ihlil if tvnm ii iii impnuimn id all i in ylaalfy aiul arrant ih patient wo admit lhat so n and tftv me were tyin in iht tarn watt but lh wr fnmllte md fiemlt wlttfohllewn an ihey worii fi tylny t bed umlfttwd ul m ihalr rfmhea they harlntrif em bofd ibt iiiif no nin nd wnmvn vvt rlartd jp ir dltoelhtn hi th same oort on m trry wo ia4l very rxtlnl hit wmmi aueett d prtvtasl twi tptttmlf ft yw imnotjlhle fi revent it for utlbnnl bt ii with hr tuve 1 wnivhl them lhv veaat d wa1pj hhm tiey iii i and levvi wbe r llloy liked 1i1- time iwlvaarawm f t inomln till nuht in tntivefuuf rtalhtbshs mr the fsrttt 1 hrw mm oir n ahv juratf j ataaailaaatv asf4dai i

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