i nlutti l knllljuxnts ft awrw r fa flrifata ittt i pk ikf hntmv of hlllftf shrntlml afft yttf ujspemlimt nututil a uw iliya a t lb 1 twuityruily uf un1iii4 gnuimu en mr d j mw mw wharf i th iimi r t htm tlitvtt and 1 then hnjieit my ctfimuuiviiliit wssuhl havt ml iki vitrei or induct j ihv rornllnn to neuvr ihi jirnrtiv in h iluom liuutil lint ii ha hud no inch thin ihsikh on would unasw that that humane body jttdint froan iwr ymriflttm during nn tlee- linn wouhl lh- ihe vers lat men in the world whownff frfid yol whu alto ihcifown jvot fellow countrymen lo behuimletl togeth er on ilvl up chiuvoaj likt lurf laid onl to dry oa a toes if n snteellon were o be mauv df an most nnnitimc poi in kiti jiton br unoiii emigrant on this wharf voild ho it wl whoever will take the trouble of goine to witness ho male ol t1icc unfortunate- ttrtn core while there will readily admit lhs the whaif being fjetwratly covered with tcanboat firewood ro in y rnittiicanls already feverish are oblicd to be all day on lh- ivvsod under 0 biffltnt w ihmfi of ihem llmwiu um la cliinbhavolocfrc alone vi the very tdgc of lb dock at 1i1 risk of sauin over ami drowning they are more- over under ihc necessity of rcmaiuin encased in the filth in which they arc coaled rt ihey arrive an i the cxpasiarn of the persons rof such of them as attempt to get free of hi erusl is sometime very indecen by drink ing the stagnant water in ihc slip there being none else to which thy can bare ac cms in the neighborhood they are compelled to consume tbeit own and other xostier with which this water if impregnated and sir i us is not the corporation cnl- jiaulfi for a great deal of this misery when by iakinj reasonable precautions instead of wasting their tun in framing laws for the comfort of pjg they might hare if not alto gether prevented at least greatly alleviated it it is not jet too late to beiu the ood they have so ion neglected and t would ad to them very resieciful1y so ic bcjln bj ordering hit no mxe iip mi grants be laaded on mr smiths wharf which 1 believe would taave never been selected but for the conve nience of steamboats at the expense of the cotnfort of human beln already too unhappy if however the members of the corporation should consider it beneath thir dignity to in a in this made xhs sooner thry resign hcireals the bettor 1 am sifj your most oledt servant an observer p s since wriiins the above a sickly woman fell over the wharf and wa saved by t o one of its subparts until taken op qgain by means of ioc and some time after a boy fell over and wa saved in a similar manner these thing are a disgrace to us j a ewiliacd and christian p midlandv district colonization and emicbation socieiy the wardenof the midland district j b mark j htrritt cnllrd a puwlc meeting of the inhabitant of ibi dltricljfof ihepir se of orcaniiin the society a very irec- lable meeting ev ptace accordingly when ihc warden itm fiuiv to the chair ami mr cull was apintel secielay mr kiikpatrick openfl uc tisincss of the meetips bv slating ihut be 1itfl 4btillime vince received a letter fron the hon jnbn a smacdonald reeommeodin the mrtnaiion of uch a society which he ihrlit would be l tt i i lv fefc rae4rffrr and that he believed it would receive gtl hr eticsmvaement tvhicli hi excellency the governor general as will as the government had it in heir poner love itspimaiyoh wt would he 10 icjtle he waste lafid in the thttseryteheli were wll known to he of e rslkf5 is ha tttqwlf of emiitrant that were coatatty atfinety ttifm dccmiyisyi ipsirtsohtir province hecoiindenoly inhabi ted thm if such lands wereoffered by govern tnent as they had wen iiioialed on lh new owrns sound yoad to absolute ellleis and file common roads leading to hern were open ed the country would immediately be fiuel amoihtrohjecl of siteb a focjcly was to sopply ibe bck ewnoi with servanls and laborers who would be ttinck wanted a ibc ftr anjwtjeshharfeyiecee radtyapproact ir mr kitlctatrlck thought that a well wfsau ihllufa embratio- these nhjeel could not fail 1o be highly beneficial hi tne district and be ihonqhi it itir best plan to gilt rsder the care of the warden and lie d oo doubt hot ihat he would do all tht was bueotf jo njtke ugtefnl be conchded by inilglbidolfosvlog molipn i 5wjrf by mr kirkpauick seconded by tnal a society be cow orearniej tj be rllrdlhe midland ditrlct colonization and eigrmum society mofed by sheriff corbetl seconded by a rhaljbttfoilovtnjreincoiem be rrqursled iict sa directors wbu ahaji wilhotit iw af imedrasvupa mcmofjitor liid before bis excellency the governor staling tieobjeli of ihe society reciuelin that he be pleased lo afford his support to the measure fiy yeoeamrndine pecuniary iici vi1 t atho- rate the appropjyiiqrt of jucli vi1d hndi aj may be requirrd to crry the objects- ot the socirty i rbvcj and b fnvrv a cundtu- ejon of ihe society to he laid before luc mem bers at the nrxt meeting di hectors j b mates eiq warden trowr kiactmtftick exjj mayor jofim cousctca eq johk r foasvtii eq win ffcftcvsos ko treasurer basics nicntaics eq town clerk t a cokintr eq sheiilt jbllair esq akcos cuek esq moved by mr marls seconded by tlot kifkairick eq s that the asrcul for crown land in the midland oulrict hercqujted 0 furnish the mamjcin committee with the number ol acres of land now oisabe in ihe uiktricl moved by mr anglin seconded by j b fonylb q that branch colonization and emigrant socieilra be formed fortnwith ti every town- phip of tbc dblrict and thl the medium nt coanmamcaton with the townships be ihrouh ike township cleik aad that for ihe pieel the branci ajrjicullural socitie vr reqieted taacl is emigrant societies in tbeir u- c mc townniin the meelinr hen adjourned to friday at jovock pm james cvlu fractoryp wednesday july 7 address to eictlunty lk- wgt ihtarm jo ns arf of eigin oo kmrjine e ajv the memorial of the undersigned th war dn of the midland district an chairman of a public meelinr eallej forth purree of organising a colonization an4 emigration socirty in the midland dutrict ifcstatv shcwcth ttut ihe midland district at present con- iitsof fourteen townships vhicharcaswd indabwiteishi others which are surveyed sui not inhabited and in these townships it it elievetl there is nearly half a million of acres f witd land that beyod the rane nf the oreswing townships there is a tract of land ttie part of the iiiricl estlendins ftorti to hie ottawa hrver and which contains a vu raelut laud manv mile in eitenl tui pail if which ha boon nrvryvd ahhouh il i arlly neeuplrj by tqiuiirt wlw fjom iheir seijues lured live are detllliileuf all velltinuwrnl n lesl mlvaiiiiijc ami in euuiesiunee in nuu reset aio in a slati uf eminarlaiim thai a lar- pnilwn eflhossid tract nf ian i nf ewellenl ruutily and is as wll adjptrd lr aeieiillnial and liuvbainlry pnr- mvs as imy land in canada tb h whihl xreal rfflnl have been made by iv gnvrrmnrnt to rflecl ftonijimi in thv llone lhtiirl lne sound am by the cannda rnnijy in he llurni trael no ef- f 11 have ben nnv in the mitlland dixtrici nnrhivc any of he lands been surveyed be- ymj ihe ranges of lownhip before inenlion rnl ktilionh the laud greatly improves hi tputily in that direction t that jihuiiih the ditanc from the st ijlvrrensa m th ottawa river in a line from svh to nmth u wtieved not in etcrcd iuo mihs mid k vat eiianlily of lumhrr i bein annually ep4rted in that dirrctiuli the sup plies of pravimiins c for lite lare popula tion employed for the want of road is now carried down ihe svawrencc r the rideau caral and fiom thence uplhe ottawa a dis- lincenf me hundreds hf miles vhicvt aitendrd with great delay and unnecessary jnve riut your memorialist ts informed that a very coi1erame revenue would aria 0 the fjorernnietit if the sid tract of land wa sur veyed fipin ihe umber whrch i siaurfiug thereon larc quaniilies aie annually stjen and carried away for the benefit of private individual and at the eapensc of iho pro vince that kinsstnn beiu at ihe foot of ihe lake aviation ami at the head of th river st lvwience and liidrau cinl maviation all emi aits necessarily stopfer a longer or a shorter lime at kinhm and il is confidently believed that if die waste land of the crown in ihe surveyed townships wefeplaced utihe n of the ohi7ation society on sucti terms as would induce emigrants tosetue and if a portion of lie nnsnrveyed lands jn tfcb ditrict were also allotted in quantities not exceeding tooacre for each actual settler has been done al owen sound ami proper encouragement iftirded for a yearor ttvo till they were nblo to provide ftr heinelve ihe entire line from the si lawrence lo he otta wa would b eum lled add dl no distant period by a rpccume class of settlors whose excrtrous would add lo the wealth and general prosperity of the district as well as vf the province that your memorialist further bee leave to remark bat threat as thee advantages mnxt he whether locally or ornvincially couriered hey canrot he carried ilo elfect without the pecuniary aid of the governmvnt as well a the appropriation of he witd land that a secretary rr aent with an asilanl ahsl be paid and thj evpeuses of an office defrayed and hat a thej road mut be made which cannot bedoue by subveihion rr any other means except hat recommended as above which yon memorialist oeliere may be in ihc lirslrflvckdat x 10 per mile and that a small advance of munry muit he made provision for the settlers for pail of the firir tear before they can raise provisions for tbvm- jejee vour memorialifl further hcjjs lo a that no dutlm is ftlr that if these news can be enteruined by your etcclcacy ant carried iv 1 by ifio uuvernrnej that it will afford immediate occnpilmn and permanent and adantafenili settlement for a gioat nnmher of emigrants and litftr aid in accomplishing ne objects contemplated by ihe british coeern- nienl iusendin thcor to our shores whim the immediate employment it will pc will be surelo lesson ihe depcivatlnoi which from ihc crowded state of the testern districts from so great and snddem an influ of emi- rara mul of necessity exist signed j b marks warden midland dutrkt anil chairman of the meeting kingston july 8 icvit hurled wiui twenty pr cent nccordia t mr cayley propiiwn t tliia llm ut7 tu call a fair mnderale re venue duly then why ml place ihc earn irii cailmi ivnrlln ami clm manurnclrrrea t we bejievv ihe uiziut fa jifflculi 10 omuvi rfti vr t jrndata prvmintv iifvl the following gentlemen cherville with the on tuesday last vitited ihe island of bouc ohjeet of judin- of its capabiliti as a m i t j i emigrants daily arriving at our port thi lion a feme president of the emigrant committee the ffoo jamet ferrier hon coj bruce as a eucst and a visitor j george hobon john mbttojj it orr wm wors- man john rcdpath h valoit j- court w 1 y bvauticn gibb r-jnjfi- brewslet it fiothmthatn ctqrs and jtaljcolcucy on their return lo the city on board ihe steamer fits hon j ferrier was called lo the chair ami a vcty inttttriftig discussion took place on the sucjeel of ihe mission to de uviehervtlle island when ac a general ex pression of their views the annexed resolution was proposed and unanimously adopted jeofrfthat in view of the appsjiblc mortality amonz he cmiaranu and tht spiaad of ihe disease into the cilv this mcclinz composed chiefly of individuals connected with the montreal boif of health and the emferant committee after a personal ineu tion of deboucherville island recommend that the same be selected i a sile for bni- grant sheds hospital tf kt for the port of monfrea if a better cannot he found and t appoint wm workman dr hall and mr john dougtlt a committee to draw hp on address to ihc proper authorities selling forth the reaionsforlhiwecoavneudation the following we believe loo laic stale of matter we find in yetierday pilot while wrifin we have this moment re ceived additional melancholv intelligence from a gentleman of respectability and hth stmdin convevin the following lartfinr fact derived frott one conversant with ihe regular rtataiuof the place and an eyc-wil- dcsi of the scenes described there aztfai the nresent moment 43 nuns sick from exposure fatigue and ht attacks of dieae ati iho grey nuns in attendance 2vc the sisters of charity 5 physician and s students now lie sick to which gloomy and fickenrn record we must add lh num ber of ip966 nersom of all oes and sexes linrering on bods of wrechcdne and cor ruption in many case without an attendant to afford afchop of watc oe even lo attend to those decent formalities which the sad solemnities of death require tlic-iittclli- cence further add that the living arid the dead were mingled in groups together and presented a spectacle where death reigned in bis most terrible inflictions and where np prctacd humanity had asscrpbled 6 pay him tribute- the gashtt defends mr cay icy propo- tin to place a doty on paper of d per is ao4 denies that thiswill ac any inoreaw tai ilr further lay it itown si a principle pite ficor that ir differential dnleare to he tone avay with lhat can only he done by unlesa there is to be an uncompensated sacrifice of reveoiie taurine 4alui to the nox ivuat viol foeermromroaeiuiniflihsirne the ga zette totally in the italic both as to vivsrifld and to ws his principle certainty i nol qviu eunr and we are hanpy in beinc able lo adduce mrcayltyhimselfososiottnoriy tt is not necessary thei ln6tbenrw julie at the old maximum or minimum rale there may be a rtne muvu tn the case of fcwof len cotton linen and haidware msnuclurca ihe old duties were precisely the same a on paper via on british jfeeper cent on for eign ftrrfve all thee have been ftxtt ianj we think properly al7j we want to br in- firmed why pjper mannfaclnres are to be protected more than others can the gazette iufwm us why is not ihe duly on other articles raised to the maximum but then we in nft that the duly on paper is fixeil at much more than the maximum price and we bal1 adduce fact tihlpence pel lb i too hich a rate fur printing paper the best con be bought at about sixpence halfpen ny per lb and of course every one knows thj a mauniaclurer will not enter for an oo valorem duly at the actual tellinx price an american piper manufacturer would probably enter bis paper at viatht or nine cents per iv 10 lhat one penfty itt in would he ernl ij about twenty percent theaaperon which llie puot iat pretriil prinleg was manufac- turcd in the united su and sold iu montreal at sixpence per lb we have no mm il was c t rtvepeiicc it ilierufwe wotd be truittnvctmot cinuaea uunlissal qib july 10it thi dv at huh fim linm vwk p s4- hi ritctlnrfr 1 ik thinm cenrrnl pvtoaa irsl 11 fciv ia wikiiaee u il llaireciuirir itie irnavienl uuiu tits mutnoera i4 ibe lesiulivc cuneil bciiu nmeuiwvd mi txeel letiey w4 ifenrco t- cnmnvuml ibr 4 vf ibo lcitlaiive anomuf and tbt llii t miwi iho frdluwiiiz i e nicied ti it ijr ujety nio by llii cicejlcney thogiivctuof crcnciat ao ti toauiltorinilie cnrt tt qikco llcnh iilllio iliticcufl ot tlianeavy in lber di- cceiivai tn ndttiif triiiwick i cirrubu u iridic u 04 alrh9 olid stkeilw llwof ttox lively- aii art rlaltc it j y j ice of uh iv no m tbe mod ilen rjamlt iu lb j iult st- lonec ami lidinitoaictpccl3llieti uiili uk pr pei y oofchtje jtim by law iruoirrd t jushcca of ili ivice in hber p4ttaof ibr l moe ao act m it and iend ao anf inilutcd an aettrnsnrlyeeruif1 ilefret in twrei4ra 1111 of rulctinibccoumy vriuvitq liuper anacifur urcvenlms alalicinu hyttit 1 10 t hwa and prperlv by fic cu by tip uikin vt d- triciito mw nv an acl iihvnenni- ujr rime uf riccriiliau i eerutiu enset and fur olhvr pjfpri uicreii menlhinvd m an t- h pftfiilc fe llie kmivnlsf iteiatry of fice in the cusmtj ft yam from la uie u si fmieirf dn le an at lo die dd ihe townitili tf punlacc- nel in 1i10 ottiwa ilrict iiit tntnvrnjiti an rt fnr goinpctimtuui tko unnlica ttt peer ni kitkd h aceidrni and fur utber porpuse iberein amlmul an act to ineofpofale ihc montreal kirenicn snnevocne a issslkttnsfi an aei to diode he wettcrn dietrid of iho tr vmcoof canida anu for othor poipisea uiefclo rucntintco an acl to eowrgc the potecri of the trinity lfc yr anireal iu certain cea nhero the public lie ub of the city msy bo eohlifcoeej an acl to ovfie itd eatabfia uio lvunday be iween ttw- fnurtb coaoc auo irfaltuuo and nnb klmkt an act lu faeiluile ihe jatuo of debemare and frotlhr puiitaes ravrctn mentioned arrival of the french mail steamship unicouxa three oavs later from pari the ion rpcted french mail stenouhip unicorn ilertieity arrived at an erfy hour yesterday friday eveniuj from cher bourg from whence she sailed on ihe june 10a ki tie llie passage in sixteen days shi came up ihe harbor in fine style and when off cimlc uijiiam commenced firing a salute which wa promptly reiurned as he passed up the catrivershe wajchaered from the shore am the new additjcn to our commercial business was welcome very cor dially the n ship in the line is ihe philadelphia j which was at cherbonrs et- for sea when ihe piuaeership left was delayed ten days at cher- t n cea i h sh bars waiting for he mailfom paris fmrn which the laet dales are to the 20th sheleiuv 130 passengers sixteen in ihe first ctbin twentyseven in the second and ninetysix in the slceracce the kin 5 of the belgians was to leave fir ensand on lha 22j or 23d of june and be absent eight or ten days a disease which appears to have ihe double character of typhus and scoibul has appeared tn jival ardennes the french paper cie a full deserlntion of the u s steamer wauiinjzlon m rousselin 00c of the original proprie tor of ihe coiifliiutioaa died on thel5ih june the lattst accounts from m humhomi report an improvement hirsnecdyrcsloral fxtortss hopes of monday 13tli and 14h june at tonres the burgomaster tf quellinf- he rjislurfcirkc came near bcins hilled hrin pai the srmirry or one of iberjqpufsee the ciamber of deputies have extended o ihe lt of february the law pennitrine the free imporlation of food into france olv jpth june a irene f crtmrneree wn tiiicu ueivveeu lwncc and inv hitkn of naples by vilue of w3iich ihe vruels of both nation will pass free ol annate duly the neapolitan ciivomcneul allows all kindi of oil destine for france tobe vvomed free 01 duly portugal the peninsular steamier madrid had ar rived be inline new from lisbon to the dth and oporto to iho iii from portugal we have acconnla of ihe arranjccmepl entered into between the junta and he british commander euaranlcein a libetal vernnwnt to the ponugueiv nation tie junta deprived of its chief of its squadron of lis best iroojn finally consented to accept the armilice and the lour articles of the tveaty ptoe j ljf colonel wilde nu emditiiinlhat a minour should be formed which should be a guarantee against despotism ami sets ofcmcliy a ntfivaslty having at its hcadthe count lavradic wa considered the best lo snlietytkis demand the enjftkn consul has ordered that the blockade shouwbe enforced with lea vioe proviuonally aiithiired- vxcrptiuo i ftvor of the enlib spaniih and french flasrt gen saluauha despite hie armistice con tinued to advance with hi aim y sntamed by corps of spanish tronpahdjbejuns as a measuie of peccxrvtion t reinforce its positions 01 sierra convent and villa nova admiral parker has presented hlqrself to the queen to invite her to put into immodiate execution he engagement into which svetiid entered wilh her people and cntvavprine to convince her lhat this woid be ihe reediest means of conciliating her subjects but his exhortation were wiiboutefteel sa handeira lo whom admiral parker has made new proposals to turreu1tr himef a prisoner of war to ihe equii forces has formally declared thai he will not give up without a contest and will not sisi a eau- inlatiun unless compelled to do so by force in order that it might be said lhat ihe portu- euesc people armed in defence of their hherly yielded only to violence and op lresio4u finally the revolution did not appear to bc suiprcsstd rnmwithtandti the ex- ettions of iho junta tlie province of beira occupied by the forces of ijanha rose en mass as wett as those in other parts of rhe fciifcjim hitherto neutral th qlcen declared lhat the execution of her promises should he subordinate to the re duction of the rebels that she would not nominate a new ministry nor reesiahlrsh public li beity until the whole insurrection had hen suppressed further instead of con ciliating decrees athica ssreiw tjuaeclnd the gaitte of june 7th mihjsji lotal ordi nance procogiiinst trft usperiion of indivi dual liberty- ami the prei and pf ak out the reactive tlrspiition whkh mrnices porlneal we learn from madiid on the l2ui june that the division of the army under qen lavalellc haj entered portnsil this divi sion and lhat under gen concha wore lo rendezvous a 8faanaa bdya svurtmis- iooerrwere to accomjiany both dlvjsiutia of iho ausilliaty nvnvy tbexmg and qareentsf france and madam arlafaye hvesiied the marriage contract of m bouleani author of tba infants bouquri and madlle texlor madlle textorwasa ipil cf ibe royal school of st denis and as taken 12 medals and 135 prizes tjy rich eicoam wo aro sorry estmd oc- cipufinl jiittficc f inptsiro i t ihr uirrfynicoi 41 pmclitcd an li fmilj uti lhcpigc frtin kioitii by il 6rerj was i vcv i2ccd and fibby iimi the cpfui instated oailieif beiu wilted wmle mitrr- mnij ibis procesaa bed a nbarred nund llie bay oflhc ttticr of hie fjnde vkie n ijuh inipuivaalimodluertuin w sveic ivar tmrirraucm uarcjtitit t ndil emirnl ic- ceivin t jiion and free f ae si tee cape asn f ibe terumeil 0ft vwosv once mde 1ttc1t pj for tbeir ptnasto and renoitod the caao ti the liiirant age i merriva in tcron vobnttl isitjuuoko anh limlt ah i mvvrolrrbt roaehea tar ipe f f4iir 1 j- rsriukjf i iiwim lf nice i it ni u liiipi jfiil in- m f y ira ni nny cape wpti w irn dia fl tbejkii1 f t ftf ttt4i v rwmluf i be flir llireciif itlliea in i ru uw dlernu ftivc fdalrasitrfiiftempisa ibe vur rr- fful rnihilllaier id a hrh hu u- ith h- vtll er m itjhn wffru w 1 mthrlliemnt rdv te ib rieh rtafst 1 nivtli ami ua f r- eae nnl etjmfa im itlaltiifl uf tlin i rji 3 niileaaiulaeihltrnisoalnfartiny mtj nitnite ia nm itr bo rud in il wk ui eatw m tt i 111 nt ptaiie ofrirc tb in t feel rr i fuv ur awn pift ivc ar aaiud il tt tkr pre jit il lily ur m lkmg a cinl tit ebn ip it iif k id nnstntr mt and eineally fape ii11i icvua nj jtiudcffu wicbc ifusfoaansffll ode maeciu- phafi 11 we cannoc io niajcli etunmeiul hie ddijfeaeoaidearonr mr f till in ikcmhy i lb if vt n jmt of ibe tcjr i lo lia allttvril ooilun to dnunl itim and wo ro i will eixitincu iho fmoulrlovcj f jm ftihjfufrta ir tbtsr iuicciu fvrt ttpe altertiter lumiluuthadf c11 ottawa ief frtnii e kapidi the the nft ffttfo ippr leniifrriea m ne nrrivirir beic in tffeal nomltrr iha the inouib nf the guitlneat in lh duh present tvitdi1ap4rneeirbiillevntenv iy 11 l nfas ejvt a nmnbor f krd pine nil iretnliuj mtrati bntn kit ft qeboe and ntiv mhnvtfstoi band if co bercrclld lhi prtees nutl pn ihjiiafc m utter at qic1ec wltil pio i 1 eofcrv lumih his year ami hvd tine atiboi dull tbu ac iamt in nfpcevaim eun ol vec iroie o year i om v imponiij a ioeetlneihif labrtf and cpiul at wbltv inj trwy ttbf r vni- rf limber j aaod rlia jreraiuj ruiy feel can be dupierd4tf4t int neneo pef rvor voj inferior mrta aa a mttlterof eymtao lln mticli lnrrr l m dceai lobo dp1remha ny hacolmn ahmil exist in the mapu cimmeeef caoadi for aueh n result cie itra a ccoccj derncmiai io ea cry branrfe nf irtmrtcas uio fiimce fvca it lite ibetchni feels 11 4 it mechanic teeu it and in fact it ceil arc experienced bv nu cuaacs of society tlie land eause in cooneaion with tbe isjtt- rinoe coippe4iliuu of ibo dauic and nuny ulticra of minor me appeota m be hut fitr loo many are cnjid in tlrettaffic and iho eootocticc is en urceatocxed oivihtt oid dcptoked prices so uo- as the primiry ofii nf ibis course eaif ee neeo not cxpeet 10 aeo the timber t ratio of cnnafth so a yuy onarwbio condiinn okj njiut fnwn in ujo eflcct l prtnt frit lander he etitnc sytcoi ihcinnviiceufa siicabuodnt nuotie itfiuing factixe win be tftptricuccd i 0 foturc iwrto pom iik fuel irani acji neica of mcrcbjoia bl limber are n tie eat dotco nod vubl at dad lu to ue m ixejh and tuc wjucb if left atioh- in unlit a moo drtnuout peiid it fviibl pnusably cinitiand lib pticea kiouicriive lt tbo niinufaewcr aid ineavbanla andaeaiublo tvardfudu tho pzrro aud pseity r hie eouiryl a cntnpleto re4irtim muit utc pue- in ihc inaiewent of iho fide bctvo il can ir virq twm uotcjuinld nrilh it aitj itt tide acoierly n carry il ai m levr it lo ober ireoquil toltc usa and turn their mw otinn to hrfneimint elae in ibe pmevtinii of wiici ittcy inay bavo an tprluiuy of aetiiinxa r icice ihey can neear bnpo ftr ivliilo cnsaecl the detriment of ihemcleca and llto fomnji tberu in a besinest ihey knou nhhint o biqtcn ocxef fads aiii simps orijtital and select t dcvanitiii trr nil dlilh niuih is ttlbaincriu ieret we jvam lhit hie will ltel in itarrimu ia uixler uedera lo it useful halifax lobe sttccreded by one the 1 illatlnn f the mu hr noiv in thai city ii m s jlbilke nahheea sent otil irons in i in halifax m f th hallation if uie ihli litx aiud1 and lu uho backtlie ifilh and bm kei a oiiiihemany llei- iems which have um at kington few have tinrd the god opinion of the iuhabitants lenerally inure than ihc fglh tet whom il amtd appear ivc are imi to inm jfleraj ao jiniutarev vf few a uhiim udy thfhalf uttititm f lie rlt lyinp at furl henry will se succeeded jiy rjic left wins rf the 77lh uet the same utinj may be aid of thb lull btllalion as ha keen lard uf ihe islh uejl jt has been vcy orderly and well cn- lilcted cjf roaitotiiioivaiva mf symour ht tneiuwr of lenox vldiutvn lately ak il fiisquesrintiil cu ministry iarliur the v- rerunenl inlendl to iriak lh- lnf prom- 1 j ottawa horn kitvii t ed road lu lh iiicii he received the renty tint it wa the lleulieu rf the uoverumeut ftthwiib o jwiaemre ihe ttvad e tin vvcttjirn i fearfully hm bolter nan it iras ever been in kindlon within the nemrvy of man the tbcrmooieter iu the iade uid at 91 in tie heat of tht day ct rviwcta te toattlo sinrc reereit 1 1 tiimil uy u k cooter intliecuv buildioys iferl was bfanrtx ert mnd w monin l- lt it ituij ihim 2 ocltcit and fndt ti 40 value tf xi05 c renvtred thcwc admitqice ittheyard theaaih the lw 0 h privy and by b-objnf- m the witrf wy obtained an cniraneo iito the cellar d eoeo into ibo ale by a irar arif in ihe hoo- limtao was cearched on mdt afiernnon im no truce of ibe ej baa el been foajnc tne laabery must hive been eniniired by one vrvll ticquainted wilbih premurtkrvrfrrv the qioeo bulit uo tul 61 psesiera fom ibo statioo cerday wlw wero uve on lireel in montreal when ekfi ve uoacielnd ttero teero but isfetvo erels at anchor llktet nwoe lliem ihe po cten jane lein unicom fsanamck admiral curate waeneld huron bvoiitia llie pacnra if lb mlrv were ah ctlihy and rotdy t ha lavi ott mr fiyincv wht n coovreeenr bet miwsfeue rmn hia aliach f fever will return lo lite duties i ihn 148041 imrrotr with vrriv we hive lo add orto tnnro nroe a ho lial of inomakiy ainonj lto eureeneii wbse vcrou aiieniifi to ibe rttluil tent of ibe tit ifomtirails hta be 1 ibe canae of iheir enn- frvn ibe deadly maltdv now uetakiine the ier mr mmimine nf s cavai who bs flcl bul a brief ilncas rrrrell erairediy hieoibtr rcverernl 5eitenen f borh dcfiomi- mtniaut avtsv dwo witk feeei ore dinj ved qjtiee jjrrrurb cnj titc coieocution we art quite aware that the present is no proper time to barfjer ibo corporation fcnowioe that the members thereof individually and collective- ponotsaon bllffrecftwfc reyorder ly are doioj tbeir ulmau lo alleviate the existing misery and diitress still complaint uother cierfeman arc continually reachin ur and we cannot do otherwise than reiterate them the corpora tion a few years ao very properly passed a halation compelltn- the carters iu summer f lime to procure ihit water for llie citys con- nmntion at slips beyond the limits of the wharves tn order tbal it mihl be sweet and rjood b in coacruence of the erection v crt cnmitiic jtusrttwv oirraict the vimer wheat frj eheh rut cal uaotlv a twtiin llita eiiiti of the couitry c eooiicer ide waiter killed that which remain fcok eu boi we hate some complaints nf the an- mraneeof ihe inrect which haa heretofore dooe t much tojuiy the spring yvhtol of which a feit brcadih ia nwo ceneralty hok well on 4td the lowunls hco laren somewhat tjurcd by the raino in june but miy in a t leaavrc recover if iho wealberbe notion drf oc hich there ajreat v iy y nuw if rain commercial mart smkif teaa irtf sutar imliipi rtltn jamaica tmrr tlrrjiiudj arrow kovf ltrox tul ctvrvare java cahe aid a varwly t other arljeua on kuidav imh july at onecckkiv ash cae oaret william wart jury ri ihi7 commercial mart sauk of cdtleryi tim ware bdilm oil turrntlna c c xjf at m paris new york yifhtimj fhbsh tba i llth july iv i thou t re- vxksdvy morning vcluck will lie som kctp vfw vut 1ljtd panel uluc hjck avt miiimjw table kwfeeand krrks carvar si- tn- svthe while iaiuls a iii liniedoil k ul tumenline spirit s it uitsiiptirk varnish 15 bk imiioiicialtar 5 uateslsot 1 cjiivaaf a x o a quantity of tirt ware tool fe william ware k7n 1siz doren bottl ea or les qiui athgixm hook sronc hocoioail or in ciiss ac iibcr william july 1 1847 calodotua springs water iiib nhup ftclelirntoj water rrty hrj irncureik wiroys feh hy ihct nrjty at lh or ley tlie of ttitfdub- ware liti jut received fa the lxst hlall at the athensurn book store london punch june 5th and 19th notorial times do do 00 illustrated news do 1i0 do free masons quarterly review rwmftifh iw7 juty 10th 1817 bed bng poison a certain andrlftctoil remedy iv destroy in iuj ilujone ppbc4ti ll dcmr- ici e thomas lirire 1vjbrohant tahsor pftrncehm htkkirr kinr0 rkspectfullv irfm h h moroa tjuatonier ami so iumic incrally lh it he ha receivrl um minutn sjnj new yirt a cliufcf varied usmi1inent rf soprftjie hroid clolh caaaliuei whit dlllltb nna summer cloths rf iho mn approved uhads and finest textures trutber wilh a licauiiful absokthent op tcstotos consisting of rich cut velvets white sntru london quilting of dccnnt stylej kvliirsj muraailles itutt fellow cushiorrcs arc fee fitc t l slock cvrnpriicj all ihai new and dcudhv in hia line und oltera great inducement to cntlcmcn wishing in obtain a uicsa atlicje of clothing being cut and made up under him own imme diatc in pcerjori and a uitthl priceu aa csnnol fait lo injure hio a couliiuancc nf that eipnoi wliicli he has ltlcrto rctcircii ladies riding habits xftgianj military uniforms jc made up toomcr in the not favluonabe manner and 011 teaconahle terms kmrjsuto jt juno 1817 prevent moj ictum d tkete l liicn cr artd iltifccave viitora trepjrcd a4 sid by robert barkrr r bkk sireet koevivi4 fsiccuand2a 6j ir bttte cmril km too taken jiilim ikii rutas oideretl tobe taken has heconcfouj rc vrvy and filthy and ihc inhabitant complaint tlut tct wo am eeeptf concerned to rlno hat of inc church of eflt he hoc jhn tnfranee miasioeary at puot sevi aufltefinx from ivllir cover contracted in ok ercorinanco if ntioutrrisi dutic at llie quarao- ne siatifto crosae i c wo reeret a1s lo karn ni ihe rcr r uatldl miniatr of si paura i jwpcl jott returned fnrfn the quarantine sta- nn ia undalo fro inopntion 10 ponorn no ccuuvnicdduiksw th rev eg ploo mi onary at vatcartirf lof tinsn veaterday foi rnia1t tutschio turn of labor io miniaien 1 ise aiek prvtettaritt ive loiffct l mff hit ue taasjat i t iiviuch 10 uq same to fjo lartner a ttesuu aasv ieocure locirvawr at murrays point or some adjacent slip another comptasrit u that some police regula- iiofis are not mvtc in treterve decency at the continually exhibited thero shockin to hn inanity wc feel fully penuaded that hot llie evil here pointed out will he remedied a soon as the attention of the corporation ca bediawn thcrelo fj- tub srcamn qvttx ivhcn a jonr naliat in main a tatcmenl touching an vocal occurrence falls into error on some u important matter he is sure to b on if he had made some wilful misstate ment capl john berry of the stcame tt ducsii elccus tic i f atfi yo wo can krn lhu ccntlrgotn wd 0 ufbosalinn to the peratnt arfni iiiiv a nkodruto man and it it said tint bl tor ei- iait i trly nceorrrd ti e4c oifhl onl he t f r t r kflvi ihe vi d 0trti nf nun and nut fcdfr h miuu ua s a irigmpftatt onp ihdaum bo flillariac 10 liins retf it bavioa bee occoinvliaaed by ins rinds without iho iflllwanco of has iieraoraal atiendaoccv qvehco jkfrrcwry iixstiie tret author of a turc prntidcd 11 villi no remedy for on- sowiptlnnaol the diaoaaea loading thereto which are frroly oamuvai inur enentyt h te ln u in find rthor from lhat fatal stouigo f fanotliie atltvf immlat no ilia not the nucown remedy ia ready at our jisud pounced up trio wild cherry ond the pine fnrniili us wdh n n iu a oure ir j- dt wiatars bar- aam of wild cherry for wed by chemical chcla rrnru wild cherry haik and ur rclievcv all cjes oes the syrocufc journal and other paper broadly asrert that ihey were allied dowr but are silent to ihe tranptinz under foe this may be a istinctioo though not a diflv enot hear whai thatpapcrsays- tluwi were about 300 engatd ia the fight thi british steamer queen rrforiawis taken an her crew were badly flojed afttrwhielibf aocjiots were droifod and her cokms putlci dowai the riot lasted about three horrs m was it quelled until the riot acl was read am the troops called out wilh loaded muskcu in one opinion every rperson agrees wilh us bat all british subject who go to yanke fan to cerebrate the 4th july queen co itradicu ihc assertion that the ov of cenau motion aiiddteetuaiy cures it whens wego mob lore down the british colors o board that vessel and trampled them uodc foot as copt john berry says so we uk it for granted lhat the honored fla wai no trampled on still it was over where so sfa ted and every where so believed and cap john berry might have been a little more p lite in bis contradiction especially as the ae count in the british tth was otherwise ot incorrect as to the polling down of ihe crd na nm pmsrced so far as lo be beyond cure- sub dues ibe most inveterate case nj auhmi even of 30 and 40 yearv rmdisjcotops ittfiux of ihe bod alwrothcf tensodieacailfid rerunvesrrv ainalif alleet ofitho luns and liver which our cfensto indu cs tnercmirkabto efficacy of lliis trnodcrffll modicinc if mint diseases liitnarto deemed incurabte iiaa rscrted- mon hvtieiana ffrat curiosity as ir ibeproerts naluo of its in i redienta let purchascra bcarar of imltffw jrd rorharfchl nona ceiuiac ooiosa sned t butt3 on iho wrapper for sale ot iho athencum rstoh oeeanj 7 orocea ceneralty llirou clmst the rovince arrlrafial lit british american haiti july 8tty b p fiwen and daofblery onsw m rii roe hamilton mr and mr g u wood new yrk j freeenttiiniuer alhmt mr rvoih hamiiln kg- loawiit vonf o m j franciamullhmooue tbo fosrkr racb osier j f acfharte albany 9h od beckwortb and tervaot ri0e twi tfado quebec lha hoa austin cuvillier men- ireal u s spiiiicv and lady rihesier b perrycobnors ilr anuvraoo peietboro mr and mro u mntrral cll wiuuma wo doo en u4 c h jacb xctv yorlc 10lh m tyre master tver motreai t j kirwiih bnlirvd j 8 parker and h o nitii motrcsl j ividlcil h jert cfcolh vviu cravmi ge- kednond wm m maltreated and all wejegretia that evsysajmetv bivertrcni mr nummier tuudo deserve bk mothers son on board the qua did not 15c hb bones broke i2th jvlv monday was the 12th 0 july and the day was duly celebrated if miseiablc procession ihrough the streets 0 kingston and iu suburb be deemed a celebra tion we axe happy tosay that few or none of ibe inhabitant of kingston mad part ot this party ptoceesion nay we are inlbrrnc- by a gentleman wboouht to know thalcnh ooe member of any kingston orange todce was seen tn the farexession which wa com- poscd cnitraly trfconnlry people aod people tiding on lot no 24 of these lttcr folks we cannot hrlp saying tbal if ihey pride ihcov selves on not being united with kingston in murucir it is a great pity they did not confine their walk on the 12th july tolhe limitsof iheir own locality u was not uing kingston well o make srangir believe lhat its inhabitant had art or part in this tosjy ihu toast utclesjpmcccding thc dav passed over quietly enough there wcr omc feeble attempts al rioting toward nigsl hut ihc mayor and the autboritie wcr ou th qui vive ind all thing considered here w hide o complain of mi 3 v cflsapnuo barji j kjcket troflto iter mr orvan napnetj evan jr borton mr wd4iot tvonto a crawford mooireal john mijier pic too mr uiym port llitpe jjr flmilfl mnnlicbl jnbu itiiejiinan lnd v ff mr price tont w massnn few york samuel iywer ireland i uth sleriftjrvi me crook treonbi mr l new york k k- horke ljadrayun af ifrw mnnireal ft munfrd cncuwl j fiiaiwn belleville dsmirli fictnriimr mlir4 iloiirealjmranj lr ftirhem iwsl rmroc mowiwn torimio ii qisstfom nef tfk j a t- rtoner motre l j uf reetr and hj tutofilolw t itsand ldy mirea kingston market imtlces sawariav july 10 is17 6y vr j vfe clerk f tht mifket j7 civ t xrtsi wc lean fanillu tttmj pil jlteolelhal ure nnd nlluiii ntciin 1 isf iltc rrforiers of otaratiirviltr fid- dni tnwuarnd hive ihvo hilv hed in iipwiinl dekelr v a cuny cneoiri 10 b hrltlfir irav laprjcbrf sevtstiaf ill and r peron on i ttefcnn lolreot to rcpirorni nfjk iniboneaipaihient at law oatc mohiiis ih dokcotes rjvoasn aco tceuertid ut viapjiill 11 nisds0iiin rf the rfi h s c-jv- rur y nfi lb wheat none lltsrlry ntno rye prrbuali oat abusl iv 1 0i meat ey ewl pout i tf 1 new mitota per rmck ffcii- i ik 9 pkstrwt ikty vk voilsy lh y i tb tuan do uhr in fi iu its ml ioaey d iia v tcn tror collet kwhadn clickcii dr ilchs ill nay rlvsa sirow 1 vvd rrrti id 0 0 t j 2 3 18 a j- 0 n t 0 r- 0 0 i 0 0 t 1 0 tj it n g 0 0 o ft 6 c j n it 0 5 c3 o 5 a 0 s 0 l is u 0 0 0 0 u 0 0 1 0 i 0 3j s3 0 ol 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 6 0 o 0 ti 0 0 u r a 0 0 0 strayed on or abftur rle 28th ult froro the premises of tbo subscriber a middling szcd light red cow wiih a short tail tiul inrgo horns whoever will bring said cow to ho subscriber or sivo information where she may be found shall bo handsomely rewarded ff a mitfcs kingston july 10th t47 55ir english statioaoiy c c st recsivbd a at tllc atheneum book storf itaot street khgttom large assortment af enjuh j safi th oast oualitr cgoajijg flcslumrssmy antroh w lsid fsfm iwirv juariv pvat wftlingpopcr smrll fuat and satw nolo ditto life and smtl can- taper memandum bolcavf ok atco pitf j vfiff ra4a vaiwa hu tfroicia cords from 6 irfaw b 4 tiolara in aso co ifvo amalleal rard in uk lunhor irflji acrtfal other aructe in ibe suirooary lane jidy7ls4 caledonia spring races 1847 he regular annual meetint rsotict t ttluesuhscrivr hejito acrjuainthia x frienjj anil t pohlic lhat olihoogh lie has disposed of it blacksmith hop lie hoa imt left kington nr joca he intend u leave hut thu oil orders left at iho blaokatqitli shop or si hia resi dence next door will be punctually at- tended to as usual thomas paul fafriiory sursjcors kingston june 19 187 49tf tub colonial ufe assuhftnce cotopany registered onvl emprmd urpjtr aft of par- afawai 7 q u i itt chef i to ca pit ali 503000 stccltno raolisnctroa tin n j irncnnc assurances on the lives of pcrtoh resident i orctott to proceed fo tktcobwcf great britain nib or vfvr pkvt abrrd eaususwen icw liw 4 a svitatausy v st vsoeetkt ptice itkvntcll fr jj j governor thert iicvbletmeekftlofelcls and klxcaroint gtwcrnorgentrctof canada rpuz capital of the company us09 i 000 all the directors are shareholders of the comnany the rates have keen fornved on the mor correct objer- vatiun uhich exist as lo the value of iif the profits of ihe company will he ascertained and divided at certain intervals when each policy tiavioja riht to participate in the prohu til ihare in ihe fund lo he allocated for divimua amon the assured advantages amonjr other advantages hem out by this company lo which the allenlion of ihe public cjyeculy r the fnloiviob may bcpaficularrftej ii ii j i ilt hfitm im frrwraw a lamatfssssv i rritra f ru famdf ffwte asssav a vdaif l r44- ri rwxsssssessy v wesssr tasssssr ffyfuss jr wtsss ryrl a i clmnsfioovr w aaau lasaxtssjaoaf tw iui a 4y atm tb nin fjrvt aaai vu arc4e m faaailassn ossssyy willi m t mmtlav r ku iiwn jrra 9asr1wt luosfjsi3h iiie sulncriktr onfere for 4tie earn reasonable urrowiu vjjlaap rrtsoaoulh aou500eef seamtntd uirxfrr eumrfd toc mch4 thiefcalaop tflateiisjimiiv f oak tlank waggon tongue ao4 houax ptsse and hardwood siaioignsx siruce spfrrs of various dimension aad round ccur in knpbi ttom2qi feer i jamepbbhl kinbstfw blttujim fflnefl the second loan mcetfnlj 117 ill take place at the diiticf cossrl vt house t 0 fouday the fifth rf of juy tan at seven oclock p m when tb director vrill proceed tolenj cr adrmnu of the fund of the socielr which will frl put pp u comietitwn in jirgje ooi of x 10k and in manner provided for ry the djrretorit fne fourtb fnsulfiienl beins due oo lbat cfiy clock lfoano hrrksert who n ouabain attend at lis office durinr the rh t4 sutrscriptiona before lw ct3 isuifn i a n brthoaemerriinirtar reipectfulfy reenested to pay up thejooiax eneob due on or before the irfdayoful by order george baxter ttr t tit over iliia course will commence orr tlesday tint 3nl of xvgust iwben uiotaiowiiig purses cups trill bo run fur viz the caledonia cup 100 biv trance 10 open to all horsos two milt heats tho ottawa purse jc50 eo- mms open tp ajl uosvoa amilo heats l a j i aswebp3takej200eaclv875 forfoit closed with five subscriber july 25th 1846 to bo run for the s nij day of he moeiing tlireomite hfaltsf a swlvepstakbs for threyessr olds 10 forfeit closed wills seven subscribers december 31 18g tha district purse en trance fv horaea now owno in tbe otawa district catch weights milo heats a hurdle race 19 aomcj toa sweepstakes of xieacli two miles igftr ei3b four cot liigb each- open to all isornes tooasry llsjone marea and geldings allowed 316 t subject lo the rules and keaiila ttons of the cfltilnnia sprinc itacc cniv j l wilkinson proprietor caledonia springs tune ia 1847 or on iho premises ot stolen diut the 2th of jiino from the subocribijr ju puriland a three rcaaroy dark hay house middliisgaizetocetlier with a saddle lit idle and martingale any poiaon giving inlrrmation lhat will lead to the recovery of said morae will bo handsornelv rewarded john charlton portland july 5ih 187 sl3i i lands for sale t me subscribers have the following la udi iu the midland district for sale south lot no 1j4 the 3d con pitueuieh acxes no 10 in uic th con richmond 900 sere south llotno39rttot7uacougasnded 100 4crea weal lot no 15 ia the4rb cos kenne bec 100 seres lot no 5th cn oloen 200 acres lot no 18 cih con sodaewv cvmmincei macdonellv rooeiforfcye kinslo june 29lh 1817 to the lavera of the weed willi a m tvfkbrs f s art in retail an j m e wbolcsrlc or aasuruuentot llavann fonoiee rnatele ano aher ciciat rif the choicest braaoaa atarie c rn jiih f ti i jew oeiitfc ai clsncccut6ehewine rvmorice and turk na tor ceva market snatfo r fnryn ju 11 if the afodwate rate of premium which may be paid yearly or halfyearly at the epnon of tbe party assuring iii the increased rrififies to the assured aa nvaidi resusnce and 7vinfvinilhi hiiiiu twjng generally very extensive and in particular lae ossuvd orns rf tifrto to pass hy steotn vessels or tailing packet orrvtrt any twi american prt oniony european ptrt time of the uear tejaouf trtrr ehurgtm tne afsurel need thu be under no apprt hcniiotts of losing ihe benefits of iher policies by the omrfsioii perhaps inadvertent- on ihrir jiart lo give the notice required by other compsnio of tbeir intention to cros the atlantic 1 v ttte prompt jisfaieh in the djpotal af 4unrtbe board of directors at montreal being invested with full lowers to examine into and accept of pronosab netting iht company on the risk at eerce without com- rnnnicarjog wrtr the parent board v the rempfion from stamp dutu en itaif jt or ony other sjfoisc in efietting jitsut antes vl ttie fact of the company bein vhmua life assurance oflsce uncoonectcd with either fire ot marine fusorarke copies of the company prospectus ivhlesof kate for assurance wax o- rirsrivitbont profits on sinle lives jort lives and survivorjlips for lie whole term of lsfe for s liositcd period together witb every other information ziay be ob tained on applicalioo at the oices of the companv by ordor of the directors a davidson parker manager for canada branch in canada head office mostreal no id great si jtumsimt ot a cc tors hoi peter m cjllchirtsvan david davidson l-a- sliuxr mmfson scu kw ramsay kse chrlstrf dunkin eso mcorcsi aovisfk geo campbell m d soiictroft i 4 john rose esq siaacaa alexr- davidson parker eoa branch ojlvces with daarda of mansfenteni have alo bero esiablohed al l h- fvllotib paees in t j i v ni america new brrnswickheaduace sfjrri acmt dtfaa uusaatvr erj nov ascii tla llcootiwe tfatifax asealr si td f r j srcwaav eaq for wrtlx1ttkuajtissmvamt trioidad warrneva bimnta gtuam for aistualia in nvduov and aisejasaas foitraprl colosvn capo town for bast indies and ceylon clooia madras tkitabay and cvfuo jlnaelt- lm7 fresh importations of winea liqoors i comprising nnortmenr of ftna ud chnmon wirier i liquor fcc wiiolcsalb and eetall it the tjnm of ure svaaenur fonh caeam at tne sttiket are kinfs wines nar old pert llunfaft ssidiinsna poet braekburna madeira lia 4r co maoirt a hcrrfca l k tenerne t uitiuderererkrcuraiv ov kra ii w wy 6ne v aijsnj omcntmc tavc tomatf bltanoasekeidsns jirnia s r la snc fml- tix j r in bouisa jn occvine suh avhtaajj canadian whlakarj wuii a trhely of luaest acbsdo auchstj ltne apple sjftjp rtapbcrrysyrop strawberry syrup lnnsfn srre cae eask fus sato by f w ivtlliajf j aurtvt mattel square krnetton jury 1847 j school books b tufauemimg school j3gcjv 03t0n academy 0eys genzraphy aad atlas kiiahams narrimivt do elocution walkers dictionary piunocki goldsmith j2ng1sad do do jtoeae do do crtsa juoar 8tb 1 mechanics institutjom all persons bavin ftssoklfr ihssx possession helonsjintothe liorary slssui rnslimuare reouevted fti retnra ibemls tasss 4 librarian furrtuvilb j by order of the cotnmiiet of mansnanl petzh lamon0 klnpten 17th june 1s47 v ti tarn i54 the two stow house iolvmcessj posiic ihescata chi enquire on iho ortrmraey bvtakcffrtdct ersprire bmeeissu kin june i5th 184x 48- fresh frijix just rueived raisi prtine injarv rrvarrrrd cini tn cajkd tern syiwbnfitf retail bv william j leiin june llm almohtuk brtll nvla ftbof welntft pes xut ord orangr martin fresh teas suoabs coffom tobtcco fruit and otateb staple grooektct liquors glttssicare jx tjc sfa 1 rfllje subscribers art mtiriu ui aay x ton y j ilv muscovado sirsr wn to 1 mid reaedlaw do 5 isj cuk moussest jv 75 half ehevta yuaox hyson isss east ssj niiomlioct at lf sf 6 cbest o llvson 4o f 30 fasiriketu snpvrtur tsranbv da 63 ptcwe fluok tt flouljivnf psssst ami cne j l m r w twffs rsaf cosstsv 10 tola- fresh rueated dp uq bxe suui biiueb uusm ulmrums order bsvi 70 baaea tobaeeev amiuatle llaoeydcar ctv vhtjdh avsviestllmd naibsseb 15 7r maccobof smtft 3 m ivmrpe and mian cinrssa 40 mais cams and 3 basri fapiaay u 4ot an rted cvt r i onltn tad pijil per saue w oflir undoi srarcfa 10 csndka s 50 doi ru bem jul 7 nae wj cl- a b hrntnrtil ond oosublissm brj cnrdfc clvn twin hassnf d r nj lucfcr matetrea lctraxjd v ej and tundrf vihcr srikkr aiaxs t 20 cstlis food vinaftr a 30 aexa monii stkmtoa i cfmc 0dy jabaiet rum and baiasars isa tela flatter 60 d freab t r mi onvthugt salt 500 do- hay raktsl 9lfphatyt t watt eefaat ttaiixtttw wrrjra kmpvafjtnt 16 iht n ones large rooms to let lt1 f enliibttion tscunc ba- tbl ut or any other purpoma lh rooms nro ipirosira stewarts tavern ontario street apply in waltbit rales johv a macdobulo k- rr 1h jtir ictr f llpernn nd6jt4 lo iht ealar oft 1atr arrhlbato mcnell east jvajaee uritt vleaso f elite tbeir accoautt hpsu jr tribes vtiih one of the nnoen r mr nflchgl mcclck or ivi and all ihrwe havini clarmvaanatlhi mil r ihem uith proper vouehtei t3 same partir rr vue in of them s4mltl clark esl h