t- 1 s47 i3wu canal and grenville route lis ita kibflm 9 a a- m p m- am- m ia p i 5 j i 5 a 7 m a m p m perth captain ww oi6iikrfvreevra pounwalids adjkau kwfwj tirwr j w kalis iium ahvrrvfvrv kiiivflwavf j mcrtkvfiuo vcfl tund aodarivoinl upwards lint iweurn undine flvma jtltfftofiilc smuha fl every saluru vc1 fetrj lifernvsa rf flb tjrttr ute refrre in mnoo every slvid i t p tv ate bunt nml nrcl with tersur dailv avnere llvtuvrn nd grenji hj uum and fftiu i woiet travetkra ibc wrt m to ux qmm -j- ftwwmof pj r fern- swo- wactherson tobakfj the canada house tub 3deribec in repressing his tfjtipiicii fnrabe very lilrtral patron age he weivctl during the preceding aum wrer ivf to iftfocen the public that thb canapa house isnjjin opened by bun fur lhe rcrcphon nf visitor and lie rurati respectfully twlieite a cajuinuince of their ivalmnago lie aasoreeluem iht be will spare no pains la id j lo their eorafuri health and re creation since the close of ibc la i season j t e iknssc end grournl have unjergooe man imrwrunt altera i inn an improve- itcnf which it is hoped will ajj tnlhe eotoori anj convenience rf vidhkft the dining room his been evwinjcrauy ntsrgcj ibe bur removed fiom the huiae the subscriber u happy in able that miss mcreat whose attention in vmiidn to well known will still icmaiu it the spnnj tte ccjonia sfhrg- promt the freit 4vaduge nf variety rrf mttlieftl witers acvnowlejgetl be ibc mort emi- matcitihe ficoliyi u each of their iind onrivallcj in i eflctey ftiftbe cm of diseoie and u- r- m qualities ttesau mod sulpbttr lt 3rc a full jcrtn uftf which the moji iftlnonliurt benefit save been derived the stage will leave montreal every moming suadyexcepled arrive at t chartrf ti cftji hc will jji ibe lime lal je mwj x6 0 0 3tywmk donkfi anas ilotiil tre prfctr or ti drtablitfcmflt mm mv iw bo mid to hire rl im continent f aioeika btt lo mvfl o ll i nitratii fixn4i eftd m hit nil puch lifcnvftr hmfwori offtn1 rrwwj to ml rtril r st laulmfccti lo thtprctenl felftft notftk daub street thr invok drnicil lh ptpnof wn hixrt- uvht enj fi the vttelwgai rcu denceof hsrdlffx j breuj dtfrinjiupwiycattbo whuuof thi immense establishment lift keen cftmpmed id aw fr wylr tf decera- titttad pthtv pmvklm fo mcihwltel vmiwp the furniture h ef 0p nwi c dfcwrijuiois tnd llrt movitafcl ailcft- dnceof 4 dcferifiin w u mrmtla fuf auvkfitwfpu in the mwtt rf maor nuilliwi fvrlon tho iho wualt owl wiihm ihtdf a the srriiation jcri nm jhiu an wy duiftec rtlc chma di ma cilmwk di jv tnl a4puec ue bibkii tu gorcf ntficoi otfim ibe mew ifaim ot ihedirtcfcnlrctnieoand uftieof ihedtnvcm mtiiiar 0p iflnti tne ciiy hall toutt iio and ler vum mmm ilia ee to derated iv with abwftdwccofatr and imood kaafm fewila aphodd rew tr l mariiliffli eipnt tha laifhtf m faweiv rtilfl a ci rcltewd be bt deep dclhtatid imoded aliadea of uio benij mnd of st tleeit and ujc dimant inoonuuift vf tle batter tiwftatiipa arnif the twveicee will v slal bathing fl 00 ii 8 o a thlmard room tv tablk win wopledwuiecery m caerof tbo aeaat and trhlfc pwjtfialntlttrm pparo av cxpeoio to k tifacton l ollwbt nn lioaor kim wih leu paironare ui mffe demvf irbich tlc efln afbta bawuwi jlr him lo aecomnwdlc will odinilof lit pkamo bcir- e err rtaofiawr carriages wlltbe altrayi attendance i eonvey nirfra loandfnvn ihe sieaaiboat wham and oie up per caoida and oiur slae officer and the fn3pctnrillpare nocilon lo vnawlnncn- ll nr f f is u nflhy f t llvfll paifaettge hh he reecied aa lcae of kkoj j mdonbcana moeitmlt may u 147 new importations teas groceries robert aliieb drock streetp klnstox the sutecfibcr rtapeetfully be leave iu infatm bis v- vi and country cumomcrs that b is now receiving his spring slack of teascroceftlewtxessnriiric carefully ftltcted by penonil imection in ibc montreal and new york market llif pment stock comprises atnoi othcts ibe ful lowing articles teas 4unpowder 1tton laau llfaontwankay lljannskin pcloe caprt setvft svocjiong cvnoti anj ba sugars mainawak sipenr muni kt idi do dooue rfioedcr4ikcd muw coffee ciccn roaated and w havana and mocht ccot cocvuvc oeatspaniali plain 6v prepared wines fi waodoi aorno tfaavwal povsnertyfti mvwfi all kind and cjtms rf p it inting ink ngttsi jon axd hook kawlte jlnu and tv mjb trny n- v tti7f4naarylj4 tjahorelw fr al at ib atitcmtw queen victoria c a pt- john be rry s now rvrflf nvng her daily uintc bctvcn kiofinafio anj ott heail f tlio biv of jummc ging up one iliy an1 retumibgihe nexl an j icavea llic ivjiarvo kinistui upivard every tueajny tluiratlay nil salur jiy a9 ovck a m precisely doivvwauns will leave bfikriitt fur kingtm anil every mriilay wed- irttcrmejiate plscc ncstluvdnil rvidi y ai oclock a tho prnpritors desirous of oltjrinfj lo the public fvery aecm vviilnu llieir iwtr bet to infirm the public pimicriilly lltat ih will at the iugftitiub nf llif bnaiiteaa men of iho buy ofquintc nin their battoowo- c n her arrival at kingftott every prat nigit she will return an saivjnljy a li not tn inccifere with her regular tris- vtheabnve sieamhoatia fitted with cxcelleah aceonimntlaium for pasogers and every attention wtll he paid to lc re- ccfilimi and delivery nf freight kinpton april 30 is47 bay of qninte the steamboat wllf rnmrniiee lirt rir titii on mono iv mav 10 hrtwmii kini- lm and ilie jtcari of ibe ltiy of quint upwards will barp ttiownc whtf riiptii summer arrangement canada kxprbss for thr cra nutss noif4iiwn urspfxtk ink a kilall packaiks with can afttj danpttek ami hie trarwnon ofgirral bvrimi aaummg lfirvn tonvsph small fttek an i raummg uqstubalf kisostost hamilton and hltfalo rearing montreil every friday kink avl mokninti toronto every riltfall co isa5v pi sfrcw j it bkkkman awtth ffrf tatfawtf w wark oitfdrio sfrcrf kingston aj j c ii e e s k rccvc and for sale by the m touching al all the irttenncdiale poi on her way tij i o v nwards will leave tlvherille ev-fj- titffjiy i st intocrihera a qnaniily f aj ctlcbralrj iitittilion chcxiirt cawm thomas hendry u ma 28 187 fctr warding the undenijjned liariag entereil inli co partecrshlp for hie purpose ot carryljw fottwardixg iiijsixsss bbtwebv kingston moxtrfal and vice ycota twiae rutea cnnnt and rivm st liwraicc willheprepatedo the owning of the ration with a new stock of steamsrs a batots capable of carry u wn ciocv a m r the uil day ami sitvm y al iw kiajtor touclio at all 101 on her way down si will alto call hi alllatts wharf ii a v bati errrj 1 j o hcrway don and every wcduepjay on her way wp josel plait sons may 117 queevs comkge school fl cllftoin mays7 1s47 gga utecs or the mill be- servb it iho village of kpt- not mijlati diatric1fe mvr propared to recoiva applteationa for leading tho watch powca and iho mill sttt on iho canal rectitttly eonatroclod oo tho jtciorto for any hlm rtoi to exceed tvrcoiy one yoira the iower io lo oflrjedby iho canal which is 1100 aatlloag 2ft oet wide and to cruain ft toot watoruoatimateclaarcioii to thirty r aaf axooea or 1500 incbes of water aawtfi will b divided into lataodsnd ataaa pmilecjtt the height of fall from liciarrace of ihr canal lo the hivor ia jl foot and llic length of itio lui lir- aaeo th canal and the river will nye about 50 fool the napanco river i aavijable from the day of qntdooj for voiaola deawiti aix feet vatcr up totha lower oad flf tho canal affncctof the vilbgo from i m miw travelled over tbo jamtieiroad in upper g ej maalriral vd- ll- mj brovrn i r taaaailafi ilutta port arwl rr fj ivavc glamaj maaa aaoayhtf rv spirits old jamaica vttt faland cognac llrandvt bordoam brandy uojtandgia common gin canada rtuafea v scotch lvbiatay scbciilant gia a 1 dor- caaca chrrj pmanriali ln j portct aad pak alo in qairta siaattaa elilir marachino eado via da dafttac curaro ani w hkulekies pin bay of quaale fyrillitig lo lease llto huilding of mill and store houe imw hog at the foot of the canal and ti ilio machinery tne btsildinga v the m4t anbtanlial doacrpuon j tt ingcthcr 45 x 130 feet and 7 aioricfl higll vessels ean luad llieir argoea alongside tnc storhou5o tlia builjlngs arv ic he fiiiid ly the lmli srvmxt oext toad for the ioa- chine ry ifoc further particulars apply if h latror poilpoid llc ondorigned at franci5 m iiili kingston maj11 si7 h bemovako kingston ware manufactory la chowk iwsctlilessop tiv suectisonmss ctrrcb wiees dealcra in cuklus ami other stove beg leave mm eepcetfuhy i ro tlrav thanks to their noinoroui trwn coatrycstioor furpau favors aattlottrn ihcro that thov have removed their esubuahment lo ilntao eligihl premasw id fstffcbss tnkht rrhorethoy lvpe hy steady attontion to saaaa to eoatiuuo to mrir a slafo of p i fi thecapa waaasa and many matfiaicncoi of vr mow prftmiaca fl coffijeni f waj aatiafaciion lo thoto wlio may f lhaia trlth thtfir orders chown keop conataotly aaaaafallaaorirnent of tw mlmt oosig pa1tr avo fkjx htmvi hich hoy dfcrr for al at prieea ei suit wvjlma i avul respectfully solicit an tfa1ft of itnir hfick mfto uur- htwawi bijtfioat prito paid in caah fcrotd uraaa copirivwirr f ia frhft n a m cirnjav- jeffcraoo cviinly dairy prcsli batter fjnaand superfine fluuiard o ilrh ptaia crackers put aad paul baiter bsai carolina rk piarca av vcitojceti maoatwiisjo arrow ruoitpaicot barlojand itilaaa sliro uij lb aftd lbbouk durham mjaia sn r wiadaor caatile aahito aod t1kw csolu waa sperm wa wiea mul oil sperm ind fina olitf saw oaaadaa tivemool fine artd baaket svd aod paal fooariee braaro wkite tad aai hit soar caody beat jordan aolt imltd bard ahdled and killer almeda barcelona braiil walnai n laaol nov malaga torket vaioocia aad mink iicl ruins fteat 2inle corranta pluma best torui fijs u m fieafa ploma in jars paeacarvo favrra citron oranjro and leowi pre cxt lodw gmccr bmaa faifrradaoaajna and rcv- pklc mired onions ivaloota incoalitla c n i caul i float era rod cabbage cwcombcrt llx pepoea sjccca muftjjroom kcieboa walnot do harcrj unitcraaf king onde india ay readme j 1 eiacnee a salad odcpcra olivea a ir coc fvwder barxmiavflnrvaaaj rttoe clot chalk whttin l 1 if aad blaeiifif tine warofa ttmam and wrtinc paper shoe trrd im lithtf itx brick tvoacco aod l caavir oil in quart and pitiu window guaa cofdje fahig i beer and rine corks jim and corn brama i w r lndi aon slipeifc i n and gtakerstiha r of tjrur mator boinatooe ftoae mala all aiiee the sahseiafi aisores the public that the whole of ibe ahove aitielrs are of i verv ot5l tiality and will be sold fr ji 0 hioavpt wj on the lowest possible tenn iiobert aubn kindlon may 1i7 mr- w a ross i1l reopen qiwrv cfaflege ffcalool on mondav and it iacarncaily rcjvietcj that parents anl goardiaos will ltoo no time in en in tliis institution alihotigh onginouy toiinjco eliicfly for lie jmtrpno of pre paring camtijalea tor admission into queens collego instruction will hegiven to all who dcaireitj in tlie usual branches of an english commcrrial and mathemati cat as well as caasical ejucation a das will be fi rpi e j nj t i t c o tkiiiiti tfjhj language foooo bacrela of flowr pvr memh tosentj foneard any property wliicli aw cortsignfa to tliem fiom tltclr experience and knnwleb the buinew lliey trut lobe able toftte general satisfaction and solicit a siitf of iuhlij pstronajfc the hroitiess will be carried on in mrftjreal at the stores occupied last seam by malta u walkcitt muter the name anl ra of smith ft cussraao and at kmi ondrrlhc name and firm of guitrfc james aciassfctp ceoiwe smith kingston 8tli ma is 17 nvttiok the pttjscrilkrs bersby give that from and afler thisjau theh earryonthobumfteascifwarehoo men apart from ihitorforwauomvs and will not receive into their warcrij here any produce olher than tint af contracted for excritmg in the i capacity fr which the mlowing hoti5c dues shall be chared for eve days ibatsuch prodoco may reroain they further pvo notice lliat shntjd ihe owners of such property be desirr covering the same by insurance nt fire while warehoused here the subec wilt on being requested in writing 1 their agents for suclt purpose au fa can be effected net un how lands ique preparations kobkrt barkbbt chemist bvi-uit- u it o c k i king t it is 13 ihjxi fatitamitttc or ivvprn tiir urfteia mru smjbstv tllftqcn uih n fmixct alnkrt til moval rmmh av6 rrnimtv o7 gnht nit it in ai itcia a tuk sfjvtinvl sovtantcn axd courts op mrll uevean 1 un ihi a jjkj ivoh how lands macassar oil seelpbiiud thmwjhl le artdj fnr ut ernai nt writbinjojitua ft tue ivaif n- lucre and teatjwaiv masar raaajaffwe fraj cf rjaf flrc frrr it r h oodi rit fr thr vie in ctrifl iimi ih in urwtvti hiellrf snhtrla iiruuk kt ur rriiifa finryoceimel by wlirf tn fhtlf itrii enuin -f- ptifxkiflm ltcseriptini and fmihf iteclpst cmfullt prtp trct morse au cat fu mcoirixra english and fufttfcii kkitkumkrv ihoks and statiosbuv kinatfo macfit ii7 it ayi lir r er a nit nn1 t iir crlfttt it la eioeeianr re mkd a forming tlaavof a uvnrvn ilt pm a4iif eahri tuntfufi anj rtaak flat mei v nf 1ht anjnndcfieihaiicor the finerom nnicfeaare pnt3i paaiuy dllea reoal 4 aoiall l0 gj and doaata that 2uarr bottle to mcasra roirlanj and son 20 hatvin fjamcn bindoo cctleur iconndaiit almost ao impewlire 4atf in slots thr efficacy nf your ciectl uaeatm oir fottlas been whoceaaonedbr tadla i tiaeo used aim cure a firad of hiir aj l drenful at every ir lk fever wliiutia moaot tnjro- all m cpwrta aecoicd fruit at until noeidemally a friend ad n 0 the oa of eut rajoii llaif pehcr can ive no belter naoo and ticr uasn bottle every armptoo of a neiv head uf hair wir lo almw itflfti the supnao both of myarir ad family i oaolred oi havin anoukr ad nwaio e a f kvltlo befave lbs arhnlo of trbteji vaae i ibid andbjveoow head of haavaaatata aa enjred aod i arntly re w eainrncod that all arrnj mve not trivd thiaiooat leetkat 01 wili nca fail to do ax lam sira your rolohcdirnincrvaal j walker coloael wliittly lodge near tjuiioa icihck or if lines s acatjsaroil am others aro sivaa iatiroffoae ti rowlands kalydor tv oribwtal bxfsamfc prroxfatioo it of unfii ii ti in utoroumy p f the siciv from all piarxfsrr rkoycm rust fatcclsj j atd 1ijm heli fall lup03tat10ns fresh groceries whqlhsile tub retail wm k martin coirr o king nrti firxvft slrttt mart sfmryg xhfaliia c ir befwto the m pipeia it rf rrtun hia thmka toliia vriend and tic frtuc very liber 1 xtrmxeex- lender in liitvi doriii lue put lj vwa o would niitrepectroy inform ihant lhat tu ml ot received a larje and varied atk r groceries winks and liquors cottprmn a follows tluatvand anhinnv pyl aladeiraa storriea maraellaa ctaret chmine jmiir f v malema brandy otarjv canac do pkall rirandy oaamseatok whuacy if hi schridim pinner ntivil ramlj canadian whukey wj 3fi ilicila pirriiur attention ioveslitkof ivinrann lly ml taring been iapwied direct frun hllatn cnfijcace in rcrtinnendiij trem at i free frm dheftion tltc cuoceaitf fticc will ton m llc j ilitn lie h iv tein tcaa ratiir iclnviu bcn cartftflty acleuj by g k n kit a l agbnc y asd commission office t bargo yanl bticklcvbury ivjmlijn nwrthc munwn owac t mcreunt tiniierf iil nea rrm rittitic ubrtrir aneiiltfal scwiit thfierrn f ibe aroi an i njry print ivjimirt tf navra nd camhln cracvjlly sntmonds av warp gtacral bcafi onl c jlfrriaelafaj fcfukv then grateful lliana aval favora lher knenda and the cvimmmi ivldieia dtierj and brj lo ncnvjmnt thetii hi it lly ire 1 i itc oder fr stliltksnf any kii d onrrtity of an t uolf ls of ere dt eriaiwi ol firaifjte muity at the very ii market pircvf the day aad rattaad nn aon the invl lilieral tera por lied wy are pre moavj furatafied vrilh fond or lhafi at clliei ions or eo1 d itea or a refcreneeio aitne looditn or liverpool tlotio tor paynkut sfhtuonuj ut1 wwirrnvecontav memaof any daaxripumt of mkitchamrlzb io be ald oi ejinninn and aew pi rtlla al nutety daya for iwoilnmavf lite aahrtnt n re ceipt of the hill of lidmjj cwnainnienr m foiled lo rtriroarc mil ftx1 wilh every paji1c dirpieh io ihrir dinvil and salra be ciidnctcd itii the ftceateu attention lo hie interemanf he cfiainer an eitentive knmlvdcof oeiieral co rinuion lluiincav hciiired during a it re aidcmce in jamaica and the oihcr weal l tttanda and aibaeqofnl eatenaive eoaajaof fcial- aeas villi all llro briiiali colric theetjierieacc of aeverat yeara lo lndfi aa rln il a coupled vriln prompt to alttntwn and jd willlliey trurt cnjwo them to jure totbiio wko my haovr them with oiin 1p cnia il1i l i4lifaclim their emu new yok 0 4ton aaj llaaalnml he rccitnnaenirej as bciaj of ike as a tfc terms mr mac from the rcvjpiof roma oca or ihc lie vd prof wiiamson may be learncil frnm the rovd ir principal of ihc college or oyrit or xnc citv diitiucay 1 kington april 20 isi7 he subscriber will far tltc future receive all ordcre and rranaact al hifintfj connected with ihe distillcrvt am cttace hmoncc orchard emcriia on mr brovna wharf joiix roe n- c a supply of wtirsifv always nti hand and cali pan fvr coarae grain 4uritat the entire season j it tf i mr ross has been employed in the work of teaching for some year and some of the most distinguished students ai queens college owe to him that previous iraitiing which has enabled them to prose cole their studies at lha university with such success both from our knowledge of bis talcnb and scholarship and from the proof we have had of his eminent abilities as a teacher in the young men whom he has sent to collegci we are enabled with the fullest confidence tore commend him to such parents asdccrc to secure the advantage of a thorough edu cation fur their children john machaiu a m george romanes a m j williamson a h kingston april ifrih 1s47 for sale lofl lasoo fset s doliveicil in juiyj next apply to william j- martin market square kingston j ltd may is47 to let mthe house at piesont occu- kted by tho subscriber poses siod given on the first day of may next thomas kingston march is farm for sale 1thin fnii milfi of kikoa- to on tho maeadamized road one hundred acres of land near no 2 toll gain with a stnno framo tarn frame house and corriago house 40 or a comjfcrr 187 3 w do aercs cjcareil terms onothitd i he ptemihta to cash apply on wu ross 3m to let iop or ofplcklh the athnuu aaob lately orcoird at a dru store for a next door lo shop city hall saloon t oppouu fht ah0 fiottrry bv george cane rrfreatcala finrka d lo be m al ms baifcal ratrtka ovstriu at all hours april 20 is7 sir astjky cooixivs nt e bilions bills fur bk iwlipnhqny ktb hrakfsaaaei awtaa ow f the stmkntodigtuvfi organ i1s iiavo tn all caacaoroved a ope every mirtt ffhtflirino in lit euic or iflrlimtta w or oppcuu io to jie solo a srronjr aervifcaule lower j coumry rongvwarratej rjultft to drjvo ond wuuhl ho useful on a farm co and fui titer particular jia offic ay gdi i17 j7if 43 gonerolly fir pri ppy at tf j aiomich jn3 uvcr oittlhjn ptoi ornajlian of ru virfi ono op j career fraraiivc ahrr anf racraa a tlie tabic aa tbvj gently clcnat ihc bi i- lrciieriicn tuv mv4nci arid tnvifafjte tht eihtiirv jfnjf a pwtiiojtc lubu hi arc aottjcei cfiifi ff of hl ilwiri- oraa ancttdcd tih aktic fvintvnv aliadj utir ijacol rricoiu rrrprcd fr satlrmpj rtctiai li raaaai irr riojjhh iasa pr0 kiran nm rjrm la doludl jhtdilil a klrrrl pr id kinj ft twt lh7 blank dj3eos rojl8ale at t it re atheneum book store peraoni account notick ftllle undcraigncd forlrid alt crediting any one cm iheir vmhottl wriiujn rdcra agncrj hv incirf rh 1irjia m ly mrjama j l hiaik ii k k jonk0 kinjafcn april 2mh ih17 h i dbriirlarilafnia tifr if hi anili ihtasl of 11m gain arvj sla will dff of o mrjfr ptrjt wium ot hcr iro ibi i4it1ilhir of hutcr mfo witli hiifcf kt i o ii ihit tl ir f f hjf r alsavjyirl of fjwitj lunrfi om j i it viio ui iflntiv r hafrj h vfrcr tfirc i nor id i id 4 floor f afa mmrw vbwvrv grant ur baahrt aodouter propyl in proportion hookbr uendkrsoncvfn uaophbrson st cranii tamawwahtaaa ft to hi at s- jones ga kinploa 2ij april is47- zt tho matinaa papara trh alesss epi svvava noi or jvarcia anj pratfaapc t i v 1 v aad ao 1 m arid attitatf of ii rrt ii and ncki price 4a 6d and 3 cd pcrbiitk rowlands odonto oil pt dentifrice a wurrt powoea roa ti temi conipiooded of the eliecal nd moat rttktrtkt itgrtditat far otinut htrm it rradieitra tartar front the tel removes tpria of inipicoi savaaf pofulia mi proactvta the tiwmftitaptlh p pmrmtta and 1 j cj rrfumt u laeorroliv price 2- 3j per box impontantlnfonmation uopririciptcd linliaiduali fe lite like of n inff alriflofrvrcprofiiteflijlheoioai spurious compounds aavvrtha aaiaosof maa sar oil- kalydor aad ouovtor aome ooder lite fairweirktiorief itovuyaqd ihe govcraflveal departnwita vrlts aimiljr al- 1emp4a at deetiio s tr ef j llo mi dcr- tarmrauaadrjrraaofttofr iubhtutin jiti name sad addrcaaca fir uc rcatj of utc oripo prcptrairta it it tlterrifo iiemy rtrrraaarto tco thai ihc word uowlaxd ia liar wrafjmf of rich artkte te gtiiitn arttrva are wtli row1 t fiwcrnrfumkrysuvp brttfsu- rs ac it imparud rrf by mrva homiv gr0tuer3 sl co toronto caaajdaia iin inhablc cr cnemitu and pcrfattnca on pordiairk euttffberc 6imrr f jru4u iaar- fliaav oid retail by raspeclablo chcrubta and pc- dmrti as trias old lljn voapj ujioa rwankar pocttnj bltftck in the mirkctv can beat lyjthli- tl hxlr fiaprrat oaapawavs t imprrial pcknc souchong tvo0 aiid oilier tcaa corrccifrcco itnatd and grutind coltoers soa hetf croihcd and muteovado tcaclo fruits radinv cikfaais filbert fija almocic aweot aid sitter caadm oronjca lflaaa aad citron sperm olirr and lurd oita imacooi every doariioo picvt rftaattfi maeca roi vnnacdli aitrlinvjca iiria srdinea scenicd cjli1 aiil iwu soai utarclt hlaf indigo niottiv scrubhmj jtruita paiu sicie ivaalelaiftidii plajiij crda pyas 1 uuckiii- ulck tad jtr tc pish sea sijnvin telife ucrrin hkalioro tlrrin ifiby ami lobcck hcrnoj wnsloauh andidrh chiu- fine rrineipra elrivanaa rituv dlwfkl tatnmia riintittno siraovat uovdiilsr la nonnia c m m and l3ualta tobaccos naivadhlii nilrnal lffajicydear cut honr drr ail aomiicliewnc tli and ljk tii 5carirl tilt an4 caeter tallrah aitd caviaaaa trca mareaboy ujkc an varifiy of ljir lfoula tt autff wkb ivll bo add tvaowalrar kcia al ibmmeu rrmnwrjlhii pnwa tjniaatla uring lt profit jyukk trem kpeaiplennjoad trrrna kimjavtr wfvvkavr ltii important information schi no 11 li antlt hi 1 or it i al nt laatla bvm roihoo journal and ear- tw and london tm chainaj canvass c for sale by the subscribe oor bolts of canvawfrom h 3j talent oi ira alrt coal tar raaai 11 i i 1 spikes rae and soap itci n polialkd jiri r sail tvriao deck vamiah donim fut made to avaw rafta sad socauiini aad bmxtra copfr iroportcd alaaafaaa aad tarred rupc l2 from 12 fc at mnoring anchors cwl francis hduilkh mhsilrcbi monlrtal march 14 imt n bordarsleft with meatr b baow co kindlon 1 ba peactaauy auenood fa compouxd pectoral balsamvk horehound and honly f i r ieerfv ond efcovtou rtmtiftsr diiorctertofthe chttf and luxg asthma hftooping coaa gtib ti i c i kt i ntuoaeo pnivu m fa carsf difieutiy of rrtathinr huskincss qmtiddmgin tht txwof hwru nts4 ajc thti dattam 1 composed ofilw moat till remediea or lite above complaint it opera fi diaaouing tho concealed mucos or phlagen thorai thereby caoaing a freo eipoctoratiori clievinc hie rooal ohfinale c prepared and 80i by roatftt badfi daccnitp klnjoo frist j 6 and jr per jtorf mill ceek cloth factory ihc id pglhe uhscnbar respectfully rot llianks ttt hi frioriila and public generally for tie sflpporl h ina iho a avej ihc miva roccivo j aineo ins fulling mill and cawlihr mncham havo beon inejpcralion nnrl becs its inform them thai encouragcj builmsaliej iras transacted in tho a line he a now proparerl tu comm llic inanuficturi f alutnjsof country clotiih sattinct blaykckafccplba anj hopes by tsopains ho into a j ifttn ir cimtto the continued liatro oftlto public joshua boot lwooiia purditicj orlskcn in ovcliqncc ci1i mill crook jafuiorv ii 1317- v m for caution o n don s t e k i josr received at atheneum book 7t a- r son- 77itiminntfl 11 tt 0 111 on beg tocqinn too nu beia rvtuled br tlao frdity ard c y z v r aitcmpia of aa keeper who i compounda of lhair on rriana faetore give ilia titlea of mactaaia kirooa aod oootoorrta andfr tlie impitd i mlm of royally t and iho kajh af al dttrtmeat trjtn aimilar attcinola nt ceptiofi whilo tkey eoay tho lacfa hi ad- vertiaeaarnu aad teatirooaub aubaiotin nacaoa aod addrcaiea for ibe ml of te original prep nationa- te aafy genutitt ka ciama oiu kilrooa and oooto are rowlands aid the wrapper of ec aoatihonacntof nowlhfw preedine i of the artie trila their sinsioro ai the foot in avd at tbu a bowlnd son rowlands mxcassar oil tbeatnfaur viriacaorihil aaceevarut torentivn cw rerrana mjftroat aad oraoriyrajt aaaa frr arc too veil knovn and apareeialrd to need eoramenv tho very tat of jta bvinj aiood the lett of nearly half a cemorr l o and obtained ilieepetnl ttironafeof her mjtr lliequeeft imc fl piiaee albert km atmaof theroyat fjratly of groat bitiin aod of ever coiri of ttie civitiud wvlj and ihc liijlt eateem la wiiioli it r nnivenuliy held ljeihef wth nuroeroue teatimoniaia eonaiamlv reecived of it excaeyartrd the bot antt aarm pnoff iti merilt pajct 3 61 and 7a nr ramd cttkt cqval to a iloauj at icgd aad dodbu llit iieaia catirrn bewm1 perof each ootllc ot iho f rovtlanats ri ir article are theae f maca5sor oil vrurdt ia laro lirca j rowlands kalydor an oriextal balsamic prepaaa- tf on of inotar effiiev irtihomtihlr olrifv me ilia scij fmn all fimples spots blotches redness fgbcklks tax and disgolqratfons majiniat o v rajie aj tf4tptfru of coyt plsxion and ao admired jf and dff eyofitietiand arusand neji il ia thvatuive oa a renvitlnr and r r i i wailt i j j and rraijala in ivran cliites and io cavca of sonborn siiftja of 1uki or ncfdcoial indaiviatioa it fiiiucv lure z catrnvirelf beevi arknoffteed flv ptffy nd rtfrtinp prptrtitt oyained tlie ratftvcl pairoaacrf iheyuees lite court aad ihc royal pamilv of great firifain uimla trkakneial courts of eitropn and the most dfoujicdno0rl1tv andgentr of atl civilized attiooa ctpcvfareofptrfirjiykalvnors conttiiiiio itineraj ntinhenia oiicly ruiorm tii the camrioii and vrloch tty ilivr rcjklliot aciinn endjoet hratth barfc bilo rt the frnkiariaumvrordi rowlands kalv- 1 lornnllic vvrair and a uowlanj son 01 httttiu tlm undo corjyed uy t deairo of ihe itn cvmnajietonrfa r the uavcmi i varioia maker inc1udirkgillotccle braird maejnitm 13 the nvr york lajlalxc aad several other nrnv articles a liberal allovrancc to the trade for bilious complaints f tc vrt f ivrr y o6irrurftoaj itavitiwt confintwthl ofiht otrraejr oh ilwkilts laxative pills of tto numcrousthsoases tr ivfaicli the human fro mi t iijmc there is scarcely one tho symptoms of which arc not seriously jjjrrnvotrd hy a cotifnicd state of tlio buiolsanrj tutuis aloxc rtianyowo their origin anj ountimtanct tho preserving the alimentary caial free from obstructicnis a point of such primary importance that ever j degree of neglect is followed ity moie or les of inconvcnioncc or suffering when hahiiualcostivunessprevailbtiteehceitut vigor of health is um imparedtmmo- llom bj amw degrees and at oihet times more rapidly diseases make their iiirouls on the coiutilutioti and an numberless natanccaparticularly where tle liahits arc sedentary where free living id tnilulged petmoiionc illlicaltli is tho painful result it must beobvious to tho most superficial ousetvcr that ivhon tho functions of nature now al ludcd to are not pcrfiirmed with duo ro etilarity assistance munt bo obtained fromart aperient modtciuoa then bo come iiiilispcnsanty necessary except where the use of fiiiils or a change in the mode of living may suffice for re- movingthe evil ami must be had re course to until the necessity for such aid ceases uutit isarjuostion ofeonsidorablclm- ponancc what laiatlvc shall bo em ployed 1 tho tut of aperient modi- eincsis numeruust but their efloets on the system vary considerably some ex ert their influence chiefly onlho oha- laut vessels oron somo part of the how- els only whilst thcaciion of others ex tends more or loaio the whole of the intast in nl canal the latin claofnr rtafuta la evidently the beat adapted tu obviate the habitual confinement of the uuwolaas thoy opply that additional excitement wliicli naturethon tecjuiies 1 uann llaffnr j 0tohr3 to the re ding publico canada trc adveiifarr ia prepared in tfammilllic 14- lotviri vjimwc and inlereatin demi by mail to any ptrt nf v or l v cavaha at ihc priers atllaai s rrricnain american ilinorv inj kieiiio of r i- the french v c if x j 3x1 p 0 50 50 35 i iorpc c 0 0 i 0 0 0 o 5o 00 7o 50 m 0 121 lrafra sawm tiie pmjtle hiebelcl mn ocasva f 0rn lciiii araoasuaral chcmtr comlica riyaiuloy aoufi rl4n oftlic wabtcam ckitd mih vrvuaaal pain hymartaiai liridan d efutin itrsicci plates do tltc qtcktvodbyt u ttie miti rnijoyiy wf mania jt lvfc uf gen ljylr firnjiaiiva mttteo kie la fat thi lcurile so vvltich every tiling ia nf priclical ne li evary hflf a treat ic o milch cnvri tvurrcuy 0j naltf y and njnmiiy or mil itmim my tw wtu ivr iravy lr ncciiuvlvnfcer liiifd nioritit jfirjvjtt gtten vi rj mimm vtftun in the nmcichlli cnlurj ftai ciiiiea of a urputiue fttchasii beetarti in i milium nt inn ordera u ov 4 lie alc uua ipje cah tj prtl piid aimeaad ci t4cv sear yra ah lie rwwnf lly nnded u rffc nee i kinmn dr u j fjkcr haymi fa i5it ir llgkt hundreo th0u3ano acres ok land ln tiic el id rose tracta 0 w 0 51 0 0 0 5ft 0 enct inint la 1 gh nil t lady huntingd ok femaie pills are eaicerncd t diotieal fnf urlial ntbwiitud fur acveow fire c ite urc tj tii pailic pitroae aad daria eara ural ifaay anva been in wi ui have rvacacd jinny nilinr y4ji pvnm r a rrly c never fa htl m cvrily tatatgiti has hrot onn trlib orcminonl innk lliui matliciiir tucy wll b riuntl nirtieularlr a1ati tatraof ittarrl debility of tho cotiptiian crcnnnganirlil by 4rcnlintiin ajlr aiamrmaaatraclauiiv t rm to ihna tri vriri mtuhfl lila iiarvnim cidiltitraa uu brad ite and prcatjity brnrflnal in r colin and klinf nj bttmtk by atre lltr0ani f in sn h 1 mtrtrhn pairrd difraina fitvin a iwly eunpua ino rrtual lnnt achty t uvvaaaanj and rm atnnrard lhat nrciliai vcr j ihr and 11 imrd i f dag jhe i an niifnmly eoitcctrj avjb um aw tvatiai nnu itnkh rtlrral km la 1 1 m ikia airaraur um kannla aalyfcy luimkiir irtnkkr ll w vurti n dm i r i d -ir- rjr ment jimp atfxed in cjch lj kr ltlv rowlands or a white rovydcr for c nv at j of iho rhnd h trditat4qf tht of untvt be value tr arjiffslijj and traru and rirrajaaiirg tbt elhcicnl uind ifs price li 6d ond odonto iftttv dentifrice tire teeth d ial ttbitt frvrlita of iavtiina gcji jla truly i ira oh friuitr d trafrarit anma1ie prnfvfhc ctrciivn by lhqukr lh aaltaral family of uhratiirrmlv nnd ba wverkifl asd ntlltittv tltkougilout iropis ivbilvilw sacaaac atoaco bnomeea 1e fivor in which 1 ia onivcnilly hid priec 3 id irf le caveiv to proiecttha 1umic frorti fraobc cttarnoxnlstinip 41 tio kalvutht aal nfltfd anearli loj imwmvlw macassar oimhllyi dohotiintx 1m0 nitrumruy nuaim jiitifiis cvc a imputed fy by mr- itllhiv ljulrtiisrsaamwaaik cannli iitmill tk aantalli br ithrmita aad p-r- rlnvr ou pkranraiac itewliee araurr a ftuvdrtunt itaalcwciftfvi hauhabil akawa i7 raauhlochennl nod per for sam f otndiintiierincoj iii in nil of i mi tlwit- ac ran- tin offatmiif j00 ajijiijio chthah iiri3tin jamiait 117 noticr to old skttrert r vnts and others he canada company hare ajain thrown oncn all tticir lanu inllic ullioy tiaftrir iliaposalj by bvayof lkasiv for tlin vkahs no money 11 hi no kbkilkgd down tin item payable on tltc lat piebruary in oarh ar ia not mticli amrolban tlio imcrtt ujon tlie njwet pi ice ftf tld lanl trio ritii to imr- ihasc ln frctilmlil at nny timo within tb ten yora at a iwol iio mmcj in lnao is accniv to tlie settlor iva aull thusfavo alt further payments of ronn tlie huron district is known to lie nneuftfis hrvi rcrttlcttuci of lnnl in canajn it a rnoio than i iinnbiciltt ionilailon witliin lunr yeara i tlio huron tract in tlio ycir 182 can- loinorl 7101 aultin junn lair year the huron dimiirnnumlicreil 11933 anula accorilingin tlie odicial rotor in tliaobiva luiili are in flock t there- firoaff inline furiliiy for tlio uiuliviiluj aettlemoni f milil of old sculf9 ami uicir kriciitl map piintcil partiemfarv an every rcrtuivitf iuftrmmiuii nirm tle huron ami tli ctinaila l umpinya mhor lauili inilio pruviiire wil lm fnniialirrj fke opcmmiii ly ftlieatin if uy umuv ioatiaid 11 thy canada company oflin nt turnnto ami lleiioii ond struitiril inlhullurnn pialrict c4kan comimsvaoinri ftfdprirkntitiiiuilii uunv s7 1 twpbhivr japan h powders iltt t im a sin aor uimivirr hkkiii hiviji rri hi i 11 h li 1 1 ip v cciifttomcd functioos itts precisely on thislatcr principle tttat the pilla now nftorct to the puldic arefurmcj and as iheir activity can be increased or lossonexl merely by taking a larger or smaller rjuantity thoy not o dy furnili an aporicnt medicine pro p ir rorfloncral uaein a faroily but are alaottvll calculated to answer moat o die purposes fur wbteh purgative remc dies are neceiary the pillaarc not however recom mended usasl tlio cure o alldisoanessucli proposterous state ments aro worse than ridiculous and arc only pat furth for deception hut they will prove a valuable remedy for that confined stale of the uuwels which lays the fiundaiiun of much suffering fortltoic occasional obit ruclioua to whick all arc liable and for all those disorder which arise from an uveiiuaded state ol the stomach and alimentary canal con serpienlly diehlod bonefit will be tlortv edframtlioiriiseingiddinessandpairia in the head accompanied with nausea or scknc in all hnadachoa wbero omtivodgu provoila in flatuloucics bilions attacks tlio commencement o cliolie the early stages of jaundiccjand in promoting im cxjulsion of worms they o 11 11 1 no confinement or change in the diet rnodoi ate exercise will as- tal their operation and exporicttfti has provrd that asan aperient t cy ore safe and o lieatnus may be taken by adults and ehildien and also in every stageofjirenancy toclnldrennfavo years of and upwards they may be readily given in pulp of apple orange or jelly and thus dlsolitscd tbry are mnclimoioeay ofexhibiiionthan puw dors or other disagreeable medicines nirtrcrioxs ron takcvc thr rilta in case of bilious cmpuit9ful slomnth tbiecpilkto be taken at bed lime and repeated next aialit if accessary ceurwac tlccm slomttrft twolillsin i taken atnighr one in the mioning ojtlifiatccoittvtness thrco pilla to he taken al anytime iiccdctf anrl re- pcftlodd very six hours until relief ia ob tained the usual dosefnr ordinary norsons iallircopillajiut four pills may betaken by n ponton of strong 1julii ofbodv and two pillsmiy be given to delicate wo men and children ry di ilaikcuat tho atln iicum pook stoie kingston sold in boxes at 1 3d ami s ihk each tflfi last supper jkonuuio da vinci winbus arcanum kxtract rimls medicine has acquired aa extrnded anj esiad4iej evlebtity tliroitxaaiiltu country which haf ern aastaiicd if ml virtne amlpilicaey alone as a remedy lar cltokul kiai eil tacklutkl souk throat lonataailtn- itmkumatic fifivctiom uiscdhtsal tkcsklin while swrlliugit oiitawa of hit uonts all ulcerated caatf arlvrtiuafof the liver dyspepsia costivenkss all chitunic aad neltviuus coaaplaint aceurriag iajetn- lilatej am catbeliccausiitmiotis dseari caatej by an tmpuue state of the ulood the a rca ml m hxfftact is a com- plrte antidote la the sersit evils tfthtocatl ay lha- irinueiaas use al mercury as a flmums and fall pukieier it caa- aat a sarpaseh woikin its wy tmiaxb urc vsteia wilh a silent aid effective feiee driving lb blood etemovint dyspeptic influences shilling the nerves rtaiavi intern l oaauaclions aad 4imk that wcmii atlcrtviic cause injury 10 i it liver aad lungs ii hboe canst iiiiians ate rrovert joi by the 5c of mercury arsenic orulunk ami any ant uhr are stificriax fro 11 diseased liver or an injudicious irralrm ril r any nl tltc abivlisasi s yhoahl nee the arcanum extract witltoal jjlay jn niiticroaa instances alae uberralccra lion hail loi hate bath ligament aaj boif ami where 10 aluppeaiaacc no baraan means bnl amnatatiort eovlit have aa veil life patients liave an jaaiehc itoia the jtrave and res tortj to fit all ti the dcvamia disease beiag caaaplelely erajiealcdby ihc use of this taes- tun able exdacl the prnpiiriars of the arcanum ex tract have bail this medicine asedia all the above disease with ibe most jrtalifyiag rrfarflf la using the mejicine neither basi- aes nnr altatatc aeed he interiapted re- r i fi only the usual restraint of roojeratioa tatliet aad is rqnslly applteable aad effica cioos ia the infant as well as the acall paraphuis zwnz a description for what the arcanum extract is applica ble with ohfarvaiionsen insensible tenpira- lioa treaiise on diseases ia grattat aeeotvipany each battle agents are supplied with the above pamphlets far rstuitoo cir- calaitca price l per bottle prepared aad sold by j wist hamilton canada west aad lishn winer fit co 83 maiden lane ky tnr sale at ihe aihcmnm book star c n patintin and c hcatbs kingaioa and by all the respectable drusu iftroughom cs nail 1356a j winers pectoral syrup of llorehonnd a ni elecampane oll the speedy and effectual care of icoiiisdhwaptuiiijof dtood whonpirig couh creep or hires can kurupiien plemiy hoaiseaess pains aad sdrencsollheuieast audlungt uraachttis a disease that is sieeeping hu dreds to a pre mature ftiate under the fictitious name of consumption can be cured br tbismediciae thtuaal symptoms of this disease broa chilis arc cauxhf soienesa af the lanvs or tatml baarseaeit 4r1seuly of bieaibinsr alsmi hecic fever spilling np phtrgm or matter and sometime bland it it nothing mote than an inbamalion of ihc fiae skin uhdi linn tlieiiisita of the whole or tla wind tuhrs nrair tesselt which run thtoub evfiypail of the langs tne peculiar virtues of this command havefaralang m attraclej the alleatlaa rt iif nrrj j iim tul atitir mm a lively littticii has recently been directed the dcvelopemcnlof iheir active powers and uulmonaric qualities which the pioptitiats aia now ame lo gratify and pimnt this medietas 10 the public vvilifullcon0 iukfiflg inaistienid flllbble rtaadf to all diseases of the the functions jo not f tatrntrsistiesnj vai covered and adapted t when any of perform their natuial at healthy action it is universally believed thai gad it his providence hi not afflicted his childrea wiljl pain and disease without at the same lima -iein- thrm aomctbinf- in ibc gat dan nf nataia that will not only medicate but ia many eases entirely relieve iheea willi these fltata simagly impressed on oar minds ereij oae should feel a great desiie lo investigate lo the utmost of his power ihe great arena of uilurr and to diaw ft oca that scarce that mslrociicn which ihe wisdom of man has failed loaeia in preserving thtsariiele to ibe pablielha proprietors were influenced by the bone that a medicine prepared teiih much care aad sliiei regard fo the chemical preperliesej its sereral inrtdientsshoold uketbr place of ihonftajs of irtesponshte nosltums ol the da with which the country is deluged the usr of one bottle of the syrup will he sajtficicnl to convince be most scepti cal of its beneficial effect prepared and sold by j itiatr hamilton canada west j and john wimer u co 63 maiden lane k y fur sale al the alc- neum rook store n palmer and c heath kingston and fry all respectable druggists hroveliout csraus cuke for worms miners canadian vermifvge warranted in all cam the best n- uedy ever yet discovered for worms it ool only destroys them but ineiogiates tba xhnle system aad cairiesoff the supenbun- dant slime or mneos so prevalent in the itemach and howels especially of those ia had health it harmussin its effects ob ihe tyslriaand ihe health of i ha patient is altlays imploring by lis ase even when ro orns are docorrfed the tnerlieinr brinj pafalam no child will refuse to take it not even the not delicate f lain and prac ticalokt virions upon diseases resullingfroai woms accompany each battle irparrd and sold by j- winrr hamlllon fraiajj ntal and john wimee co m maiivn lmen v for laical ihe alheaemm loolcoren palm eic eathsklnrs ion an by all the respectable dtunista utftidfltaat caauda 256m by by raom rrik kieaaatka i a v ii a b l m inaavino t rr 11 1 n this mastcrpivee n iia very ruin ha been revived and secinstlihied iniy a widi pithinu exilenee 1 1 llir wefllcimhii admirable knravimt nf ifplurt mutfim lon after tin wall upon wlttrlt it wna 1 iuj hj cnuahtetl iulu dual air ffarm ifiiiv a fkwopiks nf mr una kufmvinxuf hie ahnvv tvh lull- jdt irvriiitd ami f imdm etr sf mioeh i- uh il at 1 nlr te ath a liimifnl hrafrit iir- ptir tin raifilt rk sauces ano i lilt ik and sim ite a ttiimnt re il ilm faa pickles 0 ir 1 inn i ih vn v miref celebrated medicines- r r medicines ore kept cnatnuil j- an ama al lo alccum oook st4 llatrat ajrrrel kiasinnvia m uixkiraakcanujkl f xtactfortrta pjirrdy aitdsasraaaaeeh cure of alldirsectaniu liutu imviv rtate of the tvd vistitsrt-ronlsvktjpofiiaiiai- nouxbavklwamranbpw the euro of j rttihlf aaihrna iaoiplimc winkirs caxaiin vtitiitnr nrlteiepkdy etei rr1 ilicvcred far warma vjkut4otfl aunuouopsacrt lain espre fr ibatirhti aette vtlxrjksralirijoitatcdxvekveami ikixk uximknta enuio euro for the u it mi 1 nt j r sialic and chmnie ithuruaiiiin wimrlkk family olm alknt fmalit twfiv laf scnyuu unite uellina rhasnal m mhini tanr r tieh ar vinkifsriikuiralnuoitm knt tfttfj4 aai nnd etuviul rvnvjv 1 1vf tji iiw trthrr irilli an ealenaive aaiir lvltti and aim nran tikiil mtdi xi c i4l r f t cima ohi no idr sale by the subscriber nvkijkls rijimk mkvs uk miimcttur minlily tml u iaim miiks ihhlilson 11 ihiiiiihibi- 1s17 t 45 ihion liui hiit it i i copal 1011 saii hnr stiiriii ti pint gl ltd finish athviinum iw ctllai van and tjuglla j ira i tilth outiniry mrr- v a i tin t i nisll il 1 t hnnia mipidiiil rii riannalile km kihat aatilt it