British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), July 24, 1847, p. 3

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mmrl jdv ifclml ft llw aflirhiiljn m1 u anttiftj ft imuiiiirtwhiim im -uii- lw if ol el mitturnt thai in mefitthl v r 1r 4 lt nvllniitwrt iimlri in- ii1rin urn rtifsl l and lht oi if mil nf llittr jehivinlt 11 tin vei1 oy linpniui mtim isnd unimurd will m iiiiili 1j l ft itie rarluftl inlhu itmllfill i rmlfllllwl mrttttmliiloliifoti m trtla miwt h the tinvcinmanl l tie laie whli virw m im ihtaf tlounl monies i present ui bte thr rmimnanre h4 the nrrril itfl f fwwntdiins innul- illlfuhilrlilllmfaltdlmi1 lrallh slid rt rtrd ifitf qmanline lammtnrhl ai lli1 stallon nud finlber loinmncllienvlvn lion of nil immlitrpnu atnvitjc llirre in iflih vliirh aril ncknev u hnvr shown luetl until ik mcilchi amllwilio lfc slwll liaveltaronfchly oilied ibetn imi tnay he anwa dad whmi iimitfmiv u uoiiinriiif iniiiiminiur the localities lhionihj yam lis llirtf iccimlhn nriiid thai ihe iwrtenl i of the cilin hirli uiry moy liv t it i rnnndenliy alnmllhv tide of iiamiftiiii ji v quarantine stall will he arreslrd and lt for ihu fnluir iii- inn dnciiofl of lnintaswillrardrnirrilof te inrlaneuolv com nitonis which have hithnin imse the honor to he jhi nwl nhedienl rltit l dalv sectary ftria irvilsfli ilktg rf tic ijui jnh in tlii yri of ktim7 dawned bttuy on him kmci wotm tlrt mrt rose i unclouded sfdeidiv unj shed w liwnlim uaoii uhm iv iuw- tiomtnr4 canh ivrtclllgtuk ritat ltwr i nj vnhiil lati ittftwhof etmiliqiiliim and mvtvt urwlnl fchjh hin ijrnal itimie wrtmel in hi cnl by iio tune ful lay of mvritb of fcathcrcj ontcp uitti he tfm0mlic4 hi meridian ikiiiidc ihe clalgcnf f if hi f ty w h1h overpowering lhal tifji sweet vncalifu hart to seek the ibmlrvtar n tilcneu ac knowledge b ciealne f uic tan of day 1 loo like lhm w well mcliitch u ictue lo himc cool retreat ftif iodye ao hour or two in pandering mif the ample rj of tlie eerwelcomc wp- but this wu a day of the lonulkedof mwchwiklinlfor day had airivrd when th fruili of trin ranee were to be eliibitd by n numie demoiutra- tion etery pee3e of vehicle from 11m comntodiouf coverrd carriac the isaiy lixbt tveccn nd fiom ihe lipjl and pactlu bmry o the homely wathah werr in roquimuoo hay field for mik anktm ttrt deserted fanning opirjtmi mopd lill the tuny housewife loft her cbsc aid thick en dnnoed her holiday atiire and ud th jtaltaerinc dui why all this battle wiv thie micty nerparalioo t take a hort walk wiih me to vooder shady roim and heboid fof yottnhf a abort walk brine n in view of a rta- pyiv kiialim fo bww lt olr we find our bumnof tovalty etlenil blvod its mnal iiroirtion fo we ate mndin3 under the waving fold of the meteor da which n pnted a sliwvind tr itie bmle and tftc treew loval fcrnw those lhnuht we none enter here except thev walk imd thr red cnxt or si george another inrt walk by the vide of a tnxnrianl heecti rove hrineim full view of ihe eneamnm aft n l a nmoc for the painter kitl or poef faney lbc side of a doping declivity of a velvet torf well abided by fand trees ivtt selected hr ttte commihee of management for the jaee ofsvciluj we are now facing iht peaken tan a msic balform uded by everejeens lid furnished with a ipbse and half dozen chair and ocennied by amifiy raker two teioeraner bannerc bearing niopriate motoi waving their silken folds free a the wind of heaven fit einulems of the principle of tempeanee nmie benches occupied he nea on lhottand btcftcrcj of whom ihe tender sx ibnmd no incooiilera we part with ibo emal waratlh f tlu mio born of his beam by the intervening fu1iae render the scene before fuhichly hc1nrcsqne a penile brwjc is sihin srovn he lreet now and then nifflinclhe while and larfcd colored dresses of the feinaw and disarru iiwar tfrfinj mmyxxi vtwitrtt ytoitine in hnllh nnil vior free ffofn ttieconlaminatjo eleeb of niriuoti lirjun fenm the forecround and rerlainly is not ibt loant intmatine triion nf the atrinbler at the terminolinn of the tfojte is a tabic to or ah feet in length eovetrd with snow- while cloth and redolent of ihe rich of all ihe choice viomu of he coofeettoner bof e of sweet smelline roej are here and there atrewn orer ihe social cheer whose ft nniline with the rich thin pio- ttded rssnmcient lo excite and gratify the apetitc nf the moit fatiio rjirire ujmn oil ibfs the orb of day now and then c4j a fiance when the lcndin of one leafy hrtnch will allow hirr while on tin tab hi beams are gaily fliltin- and dancing like fmilea from hi imperiol bfajesty or cdcn winged attendant from bi irlcmrl finoutaafovp fat beautiful anl inercl ing but eoougbof the description taw to derail the chair was taken at one oclock and the meeting called to onler when after a few preparatory remark lb chairman in- trodncod serpeant isrowndrn dth reimeit who delivered a feclint address on ihe subject of temperance he soul that for eleven year he had not lasted jrtiiot li ihotieh ovrinc that period he had been m tome of the mostsackty climate in the world he con- ttnnvd a stirring addm hv daterline hi firm belief that too abstinence fmm all i i toxica t- intjlmttors was compatible with ierfeet ialth mr timmennan wm next inlfoduec and contributed lo giv an amiusn turn lo the subject which we would rather not have kcud jocularity upon a caute soscrovand ahsobing wo to cur idea quite out of place after fbu gentleman concluded the chairman reqotsudtll wilboul any exception to re pair to the table and partake of the n fresh- ments at thitstaeof the proceedino we noticed halfadoien yotmf gentlemen head ed by the chairman of the commihee of manaementmcpovertothe ladies benches take each a young lady and repair to ihe table this wa done without the stihteji confrtwn when we repaired lo ihe lanc the etnth which coeered the viand were rt- notedj and ihe committee watlin to render their assislancc the delicious flavor of the icpam could oot he mrpasbed it wa every thint that coold be desired and notwitb- 4laodine the large number that arlook there wa coorc than sulbcient ft was a rare and rich treat which reflect the hihei credit upon the chairman and his committee i may safely say lhat this pail of ihe country dcttr before saw web a choice meeting after an hour spent in the inlcrchano of friendly feeling ibe assemblage repaired to hk sjwaei hand toe rev mr lrrinr was iottodiicrd and delivered an address re fdete wrtb mnd enie anil intrrestior detail the rev bfr fhivn was netl inlrotluced and in an impresfuve and elreant addrexw showed ihe paramount elan the cane of temperance liad upon i lie con rideraton of the v rid refuted the idea fhat it was not con- ponani will scrijdure combated the avertion of those who call inebriating drautrbb good ercatuiesof go4 and he sal down amidol general apjifansc iv abould have remarked that offer the rneeli comme frwu ihe rcrrr bord ihe chairman called ihe chairman tf the commihee of management mr le iar- mitaije on the platform who very rcluclaotly otseyed two rcwdulionj were now mnved and e- c onrlc1 ihe finit expretrinc the thari nf hi- tneeliii for the atindanee of the speakers una second the thanks of tlir meeting to the chwmlluo of management and cecially the chairman for ibo able and satiraetory manner they perfotmed tbetr duly ttir chairirtanor the cnmniilkr canic forward anu mirf lial if he were iu coaam hlfuwrf m the reaolution iuelf h would merely return thank tr tliu marmrf it which it won lfbr- ed butfirldjiij himdl oi a teeiperaikc put- uriu ho rnuld nut u down wllhnul fflvluf h ilihr in behrtlf id in rtlhp r iiddirsaisl unnimf t llure detrlplbm tif per nn innllr h lailj i tarnn keepn- dnihlmnu nud inajn- liitn di1nkin lie pke warnilv tbient- lv i mun i faneird taiher fo mmdi mi if ht imutj n tain hi liundihtp rfllsru iljtt nl iudh iduiiln hi hml tpcch iee i im b h c created tlilll n em li mi- eluded by eordiallj llitfoltud the merlin t h v to if tiik hum i ik w o i iu ttcu- djmv ami leiitl liiitll ihil far irutrd itir ilny woald phfi itiilvr whrt tif wotitd have li rfv a vdle of ihauk fur o imill livor frun other irierici j1i mertin wi rel with benedictiim fo lb llrv mr iji who it oubt have httn rcimrked ojitit it bv alnliw and pruiyvra and to rnd alny whieb ws rvery lltin ihol roum lo deslted by lb nwl ardnt juvtr of temprrouee and we finv im it will be the haihittftrr of isut ruber iy wlii oil mul shortly orrive wmn lnhtmpcr- aiiif ihil ihr and lone qud feourr of nation hiall le mvcpl fmni oir land nml hie luotft wain of the ii of tniiroac4 mil ininuu the woild with ii rav tkupkrancb tuwniipof kiniton july 21 it disrrkski kwutakts from iht hmsvosi skmot numerous report i iae ben cirenlaled in ibu country reifi the inhutfran maoer id which the liih landlord itied thnr pat cant for america aij it ootd dwcm hv the fotlowintr letter tlial there is jod reason to believe that in more ibin one instance llic uifviunatc wtf tratnt moe like irrational pntrmrj ha1 human brn worn nut wilh dites in ifcljni tind tclucc j lu the u wel emreoiihv faaisw arfdueosr rvt hte no donm that i hey hailvj with joy ihe etfwed oijoioniy of evrhaniu a i tif misery for home with yncv and denlv so caiatri hut if the ilftl of thoe lo whom ihe fallowing irter rvfrr miv fie taken 0 3 fair sample of ibo libcnrlilt of the iiish land- ioiim it were belter hut thv uuforluuntc emi- ern had been allowed rn remain in ihu laid of their natlrily ami to hare endured iii pov erty and ifjvmiot ihin ihat ihey nhonld be cast uhoo ibe ire of a strange country in a nlata of utter deililthion und having tltc ennofa malignant disease talent in their emseiiei bodies itie hcarllem conduct of lotd darnleyn agent will admit of no pauijtioo and the de- caption which he pmcturd npoo ihe pnor i i iennliyof hi employ must render him obnmiuj lo eveiy inver of humanity the wretched victims of hi deceit were cm induced to give up to their landlord the few acie upon which they had toiw for veary lfu from ubirs alter paying their annual raekrenl they com searceh obtain sufficient food to keep them from actual starvation they wr re cajoled iio c belief that their passase pcmrs the atlantic wonlj not exceed twentyihee day and iimi forsytwo pound of oatmeal wa utltrieiit for their sustenance durinj- iat period instead of twenty i hrve however they were forty cihi dayatsoa and their scanty oek of pniviston having b enexuaushd they sitlfcred all he pangtof hunger and moil of them were prostrated by disease frd damley nut hi agent may have heco anxious lo tret rid of a number of poor fiinilie who oin to the rery small cjuaniily of land held by each were coasid- v red an eneumberanee or an ohetaelc in the way of the imjjrovcmetit of hi lordshiiv estate hit the means which they have ndo erl uh thl jiurpe are mccwhi to make the tcriet tyrnl blush and utrethin shnuld br dune lo prevent a repetition of inch heart- rcmlin- oecurreoec apart fom the inhu manity and deception practiced in ihe matter it i really too hail that canada should be ren dered a chafolhouc for the aperabundant population of irelnd aud that ifa iuhabitanl should have a malignant disease spread among ihem by the conduct of uch men as lord damley the following letter written hy the captain of the vesael in v these uufor- tonie emicranis were btmiht la canada and addressed to a friend in montreal it a mnpieuf the eitslo which thoye who have been seal to canada hy their landlords lists eaou have been suhjrced and we hope it will not eiejpe the mrticof ihe leistalurr a memorial should immediately he for wards to the home government on the mibjccl and if the irian landlord will continue lode- lne canada with their pauper tenantry they should b compelled lo contribute somethm toward their upt i t s safe ftryour informal mn that beascngers wbch came from dublin in the panuivc under my commnd were all with the ev eeption of hvo or three hie tenants of lohl damley cuunly meauaud it apcar by iheii fciiicmcnti thai ifciy were sent out by mr disney vhfl is aent for fird darulev lie mr disney lent hmuttder nbllo purchase their sen utjle and he told thrin ibal lhrc sfoflc mrjt quite sirjnviear for tk mf as the pitaagc wuld not exteed s3 days at mow thvsntarwaslbe worn that could be and for which they paid cj atso 0j fur cfoo tjtus which 1 assure ym they could not use mr disney also gave ihem a scaled letter to mr buchanan the aent at cjueheci and in formed litem that it contained an onler ihat they wre to receive from him 1 6s to 9xk each this letter wa opcsfd on hoard the mrinrr which ok thrin from cruse lle anil which turned out lo he nothing but a de- five that mr itochanrm would giro them advice c tui is the- plain statement of fjcts hnl which mr dougl inform me this is not the only case in which thce poor igno rant feode have been deeetved your obl servant hmvcv lontreal 16th july lj7 sllly cv i expinditurbs of uhjic works oi f oaie of tlio lotdiflj pipajlo rorhi nf up aert 1 en nnii out ibe fvi 14- ill rercauo dcrivvj fiutu cor aam liin aanm 47jot r cfilft 217 l j c ls r r t jaim 17011 4 30149 39cc tu74 2c232 trrnt 2 1 i wriund trailsim s t4trence titol nsrsil toroit rad ttothogvto raft n i pl iwtrkufjrlss ai nrweaue tltsi lnpr mnsanl ssws uenluo f faaif road sum tabic t s lu- r- j jijirdi 1 cnal 1iiu od wtd rd tt hnmitton and heanfixd d- kinjrjmiorwt npaoe 00 qimt- aid gmnahj ig e4hyok uoadtru4 weal do 00 tlie coreeneat almre f ihe comonrhow etueror j vjvjy he nlariftof tome of ib itadin- govemoxot ofnecr are a rolbvi s 1 l 0 dihiicl jodree roefi the l- x rvptx nf iurlimi tnetjc dilio sloee mrreared tlicadjoiaal ocncalor juj tit iw ati n dn each tito pcvfirr0 trpr lnue toe speaker of ibe buc llouae 1 he ir rn t 0awjai the adibiaiutatar tba vai jfjataoh weal law hoi tbinirtot uc f0 j- j ilci f the chief juiie qvcbce th chuf juiiee mnnlit cren poimvc jwjg k rxt each judge sirwda penaiari ia two allvroeja general each two onclon ccorral cch tlwcivd secrciair m t the provincial setrtlarf tlie rceetrf general vut lsieclrtr general tli iepi7 da w the pfreiffrnh hhoeirtnltvcc urcil 1000 tb1 chart cnaaatawasw ofll0 ltid of vtv 750 t3ie mtlitta lvonf lhom reo y tlicgeoiejoreet cxpejiica aroro ct7gc 11m cflrt tihece4inirertrfcrleyaeleetinn 1 i r r- r i t- fur fjr 1 j i wifm8 10cd q btovwitolpentt j rrm 1 1 ix t crcny rj it j the ter cam acicottufel tfocielira re reined j436 dannx iw and the upaaarcb- snckucp l 1 1 tj ixvwtjii u laeihyahiroji k bf a act f new kecialiy pu tut ln caiuda qvey unl old vh vwtoiov coal t 500 5t0 400 uo0 510 1000 1000 7777 tjm l4si tjm l9f 1000 1360 coo i lit 1111 50 1100 it i i i im1 ii 11 ins ii d iri 1 r in in 9 ijrt a r m 11 n tm n i 7 j n sr la n t4 j x iii in j mi 7 n the turn nun ri4milmt i orer fnili ei ibu mf 4l of uinf inidt wrlf1 jimmihh hir4linne4 o iaaurfn nf unur i j i tteia as fdiwf 1 innaiee a p tw t ii fi ti llihti ni 17 1 lwar ttin si t llliiuk-i- mc ii koaerdl illil ii 9 finta m fvi 11 a uuim aw 1 n 1 1 urn a jliilnii mii mxlund 4tll nisfn ima rhm ii4iaird siiviet p tf- m t- wltmi wwina wmimetoh te a oaneralvortieeejm xtfi thovijeimanf lb luljte imiui ivefe cdi i miiin ef the ifnso vt afpciumv verr inn i flipililaad njiies flnimiej jlhfaaeirarif ihe leoiletiiir v werei7l3art why lire ivlf tfftin- tvlctn iki i-l- niiyft r ipoee hmdi cz cl cmh vhirsi 0iwte cuw rand ftueii cje c0 wo hin triholjii lime lleliirsu nl tlrbvbi c xi rio nc nirinltf ireftief iie titttt wn to rnmc 1icea and fr l veo n nt dvriwn1i in ibe es 7e erinh f mncy mmnlfl mieie nlrito erimiborni ttt rl a i irlt tief idea t ptolnv hf slorlle aif i ii fart tlr m tf i nel mm umtv- in iv cnwi rvnoiiw rxv tuo ledtune l up piiiilvdn fnwiava u enquire if lliry bad v jtavit lb owlfi twirfv the upvrinhh jgljevin aimio rn liieir winf j frterltu7 nil tuannn of 7 lor met iriaticl in wili iivv bdtl fmt tlr uml ietcv ri ili ffc in jc13 eae4i 1 thn ibe otjartt fiiv- xl aoowmy fe ptchmaojt fttvl tin- fe f jwmi counsel during the year jjraaallawhljbl tue ilari nf 1 ii fwet i meol flioera at mi- trenl nmnmned l xi his thelrhoai lki caaitfa bmii xj7l7j c nada tr 3tl1 the rfltaputbai tihnenn turine lb ytr ce f l fili ji67w nfrre etkeied fooi tuc rmssajimi tr- ant ofih wcia re- ccirctl fren the toncriil gvrfnmcvt tmrnrjdrsrokrirvoicr some time ago we iricntionid with appruialioo iho facl thai more than eimy irish orphan hadhren re ceived into canadian familie tnlay a new facl has come to our knowledge which iknoer non 11 the ihy of luilliun ihe pub lic on iii uarj arauiil le first movemelsof a ccorinatsion winch may lead lo tucuhaiuful consequence a oor woman flf te fuviur st vaucr the mother of eisl children ted byawili- rnct on compassion which it is impossieje to admire loo miih tnak into her broily a yoine iiu orphan girl whom br trraled os one of her own cbildres at the end of one days the cwiffmnl fesuick of typhus icier and received frou her adopted molhcr ihe ml touching aitollhw tbankl to these the nrpian ecover- d bnl at ii moment jie re gained lir health the unfnriunate molhcr who ba1 nilrrnluced the eaoiajpttl o hf own hotne uithout kiup aware of il fell sick aid died s was yeerday interred at si roch lavinbtiind her as one may say nine orphan here i a iruly painfol fict which we report witttout comment ivv limit outsclve lo the rcmak that orplan emiiantsouhtto be placed in somccounuy bcuse from whence they may he removed by the citieus at hi enj of a year and tancbl a trade without any fear of the rnnwcjiwne- in another family of tlie si aler sih- nrh ntuornhau emigrant fell sick at the end of a few day and communiraicd lyphm to rtme canadian children who have smee been in the jieatol danger u canodirn tuy 17- fflm mnntlavotmjhlfminiof a by iiau addir- u ut aljh pjm 1uiihh ii fit iiutitiiiu ni ibe r i reiie artmmril to ljm wad alo iha u ntiialitn liw he refilnl nr pl vi i cf j bji fr prsatii ihi- env in mej only ia j mrf ii i eii ilt kui oi rj l m u pi rn iii4liitf vafrpiaf llrnh alv fads anil sump 0ri3tnil antj scud- tzr i t 1 p y our reciter iiv prtrevtitnitheuri taernblyovl mu jay nhcbl itai hp th- hm mr maatll illmiti fif in amie n ibe jlej 0 i vetniunl km ihil lb prwitl le of kuiimnl snd m i il tsqamfc aftav ibtned id a prr esiahlijnpifuil he f l mi one nl he jfuiid jttlfiw the city ihe m- rei who ijf aed llw jliii wem wi rniioiil an ve ltrrrdy lnr lka in rvmill will iiiy then f iv wdve unl hrceidtyiat ujlini ibe well h viioj viliei nf hit peojiv a frkirt puc mic thovitorin fao company la i t i smi hi lulu- 1 iioj liu 0 hi mi i ivii- tn rlmi thti hue ui tmm4tv uw 25lh irunct 1 n i una- 1 f- i dims a public meelinf was held at the court house on wednesday last to take into consideration the propriety of petitioning the lffiuktlll asimt ihe new university bill tb meeting was thinly avnvtif wctativu yt u v ii knowing the bills were abandoned by the umatij tboilght it w4m than uiclers to attend the opponent to ihe bills therefore had it all iheir own way passed their own reolulions without oppoiilion and drafted their petition ihcrcon there wasagreal deal of apathy caklbiled on both sides and hardlv one nvrson in the hundred knew or cared anything abaut the matter o- tun post orrrcv when nay thing gotal vemg with the maiklhcn tlc public are sure to bear of it ihtojh the press but when the tost ojftce duly i uictly and quickly pei formed il is loo often parsed over without notice seme months ago in con sequence ofthc tardiness of ihe english mai rio montreal we pave directions to our jon- doo coir cpnn den to prepay hi tellers and send iheia vo the united slates but as yet we have eaned nolhin by the change of route for on the three tut occasions we have received our london lcllc on the very same day thai the english mail arrived this is t rycat feather in the cap of the canadian lost 0tice authoritie considering the much prater distance the mail has to travel but it staff very clearly that when they like to beslir ihcmsoiro tbey can be as active as brother jonathan lluitn or me ctrv some little alarm stilt cilnlinoes to tsm touching the general health of kingston but with very little reaon at this season of the year ihere is always more or less sickness ahoat kington and its suburbs and we question greatly whe ther as many deaths have taken place inde- pendant of ibe emiiryani this summer a du ring any preccdine summer for many year past amoo the emigrants whether in tbe hospital or at thr sheds there ii still much sickness and many death bui not more than might be expected jakine into consideration tbeconslautlnflnvof emigrant from montreal tirc paosccta or rite wrrrav hanrcst from ibe very beat reports made to na wc are compelled to acknowledge that wheat holh itatiaf f in lnc midland district vcul prove hot a very indifferent crop in many pari it ba been winter killed in other the hy ha got inlotha oelds and in other hie weevil ha dvf much damage the reports from other districts are equally discouraging cj pic nic or rnc vicvoara fiat cosiratv this ver effective tire company iruatad to have a pic nic la oak point on tuesday net a tbe diataaco is ao short from town the doicom the steamer merged for he day will be enabled to make more than oae uip to the point thus enabling ions who cannot go in the morning to join ihe party vale in the day- cfthe next mail for england will be made up at ihe pol office here on the 27th inlaloclocv a m ati farvfj uv have the rivaoor rrnienf lhl by tclezaph crrpciied rvilb pwt jfmntlcrdar ant mw ata kni up and dvn o trtota k fra ttlr cnot 0ir fiirnd r j dm nee vdl lam with pleasure ibal diiriit un peiler ibe list lri yva bare the raroqiteu of a l in 1 i i1 birivt hern in te evj lei lii dittifi ijtl whrm i no v lienj u- lttfie ore mi c0n plaints if ettti it or the fly having elfvlvd u id i l i ly and nnautiti il n uviwr ttiaii lor mayv yrant put ilie sptin clopl aie mnsl tnn- iint iia5c ahumlanl ant bes f all e jiolalo crnp never hinketl mlel we hi reesi field upon iied in ii uooia wlier lal yor no mtaloc bloii wa eeen in is rwildwdionj tlieie ar 1 mitler of r aulaton and taken j caioirtion mn ulier rnaiur clrvcfin r local inleieul r- pit much piif ihe fnsie ttwarilj if the iiiritl of kiit tvijui ttieanre fnn laattj no tt tii amarcma are ii4ttj noi il vie cnjj ii hweimy mtrtnlif ii- we of arwfilhjr lwvaavapni nqtarsmfi tliv nti aavrail an imitd a life inrrvp liaufa noi ihe funicr tfrc hy which ly will ei the new neatly iwi dy arler ihtn i trner daaignnt r aiccul iwa wph i build e rn i tiwii iiioirv i nl l will itit lc lmi yf a pvlic c ip ny tr iltt vnts f all y nxiv rcx on vledoejay t a innfji die i lib ini n rossne pem u gnure 1nvlnn ilot in lteiiart sueei od ciied in ihe eeeelmei f i lid bla u m lcur and liia ieuvf rvtoc lio ilea i he fltyaei nunntr white 0fkin ai ihjm ntixb sjhmr wjs pmpwl sep wn itf hpieewnyi and ibo ttiictmjrllut ft ii aeota hu batj veain i lhih bow tnl iaceeteiy itrui hs ld increiailt ihale l li tn sjlorr nwnin ato htf- rcircdirxaa eii- mm r atrletty loeeamud lenifierarv habit and bit dcaih u dcrptv rcfacst by hi enidire felo atnhwaaci and all unicorn to oak point iyajirtah pruprlfer oft it bltvihr aj iiviiiriim rtit tiii ui is ajimis i ah iweew fliriii jeinenu uill tv pm hy lb- cnntiilea minajeisirnt i lfmd che a tf i id ilm of eoyn inc llivirirva in hetllhy and niei acaiiiy ainiteoinu gymnastic icxreisus ifxcrllral swiiifrs rorllrp la tlie rus ol criirhof kooi half iras crickcl jcc nn woiikh tx thr rrir the ii i j inale two liij duiin ilie lav ticm rin lliltainu m vnulh water 14 1mt larbadnl n iabnei arirhmtf hno j w biebl ohhtum fllle t hi itncs c slvnoi- and i any nf tli coismiiice kititmijuy il 1817 kl nfihton nuxldijtg oocibty to v a im k uhf thftmifldloanmgctinu wlil- are at lit lain t 4 t on flbitdiy tv nrjr s i aua 1811 ivlk f 1 111 f- mvllt vil ptmeil lfj vvtuli f t 0 0 flf rnntanl i fie society wlnvi vill ie it up li ronrelilj ohio m il mflf 0 barrack camteens jktotice horriqr civvn thai rlo l caulcons in llu mulct nemitihrtl elarack arc lo bo lowing eondirion year twm t 301 1 tcetf ijion b3 aotiih ship el point ww larxrr snrr t of abaut eleven bostrftrd ion inrtiieo inlcodcd for mr itobrrt kerri line of i packds wilt be k ia vhd t ihe vaislof messr wcslervcll macvy bat of seventh street at haifpwt ten tvclcjc hi morjiint th wct point takes ise place rx ibe virginian recently withdrwn and frill be coutnandsd by cal v 11- allm x k frnrlt movruivm mvikr tiar4evca i8k tln hmvliilt mad wareeeitcdrrtetiuymoi itif ami r toivcc rnutacl jiai tinoc been a crv i injuid halc- ivua a c dcelno inabcen aubmittd- o trie nofy ivnjclnn hreerr wnrlh elhar ara jooo ll wetland canal dclivetwe telveen i0h r pmiioai alramrinc itiiaed inferior la on u spot at 21 j cj ft rjt d pre bt itn scretal potedi orlnnp but no tint art ion aimk lre acf inecd fvniia 34 fa tad pevufttcirtniiirejfor allji led qail tirmanj for lth fe i imrionr uupai vcaacts arc uft flfcftal aarvmr rjnoaahon irajan ijiiahee smll vrarti acre unruiuch uraotd and noutj cvmiand rincr rate xatqv dell and elnwi nommat at fredcr njitnlioiia tlcro it a gowidcalriobascw lnyceti wiisrk tii kin mfis titnans instance livc the unrint bamof alii neciraoee ano fenocrsopclao fiirhictwu- ment uoai the eticaerf virjrf bitajm lcihkeemic y sc l mrseltiv rreiv lb cunirr nod eprcijifv in ihr rtitc r n vk ill 1 1 any ihhef loliioto nm leein oe unneeesiiry vet i havo dcuvc a much vtoucvfontt that i am happv in eotimunfe ihrcub jaii i iik aek anrf tifllcted whui n j iionc foe me and t colder il a privllefcatr- ovy to tlitan i have been uubkd wiih re uiji ibr rear hid a eoub oiorcor teaaefy inter 1 ftp confined to ibe itoiik all lah ivrih n sevcec eourh pain iu the lidc an4 bee rjite ujond eeicrai lime i coumtfed a pv runbot hatoncrce laken lajf mvdtcine avfif liadne ene nneh d aa wlatars balsam op wild ciieftlf 1 eunrnk c utc beat medicine in the wmtlj c- t culj and kilnioiarv eanjlinia willi am ii swarrs none mmuino unlea tiel i butlhotft yr for aale at the anlbcneum nmk si amrt doicvl emcrujr lhfqiienoitt tiio provinve on wmnetday motninj tbo wife of h tnoiua whiin son maiiried at pietoo on the isili inani sy ihe reehv tlulwrt mr- cfwaox davio ro muc lti hnihof marrtlniejh at st teress chnrcli korlco on toe- ieat hy hie llev afchdeaein stoirr mt tna ritiruao jonr nr mjryohurjh laic f kn n ui mis stasn v dniosao o maraburghk died on wedoeaday ut nflcr ion and ivverer nes patnkla ibo belyscd wifa of jaarsrs ueubcr oi wedoemsvercnlnaflor a venranal ps fol dloem sanaii lu it wife 1 antlmsny m jian if ibo iiland vf trmijad in the s4lh year o ihe f- t fur tho peiird uf h io 1st october 1847- t ijotu september 1830 no pcraon but if unoxeepl irtunmo acier nm any noiarn i nvnctlnn io caiecon ur who ill nut under lake imnafijp in leaidoin the umhrgui and cnmlticttho uiuoa llieicuf in hi riwnptrvon wim boappntveil ami itet aureiles will lo imnircdlur hw payment rtf tlio ftiiit momlily in odvonce j ind of b sum which may bccnrn bie in respect nf the attl canteon and fur iv tluo krfir mauce i iboaovciul conji lions ord acimilaltoniof llic lioaac the icrsui wirsr nioitrtsal fthall ho accepted and brsnuiclitsj must rxvcutn llic ludonturo nf ibo tcsso unit ctivcmsni relating thereto thepaiiicnlatarhoienf may he kqatva by applying lo uiitfulbcc or ic the carrack blaster tb name nfttvoicpectoblo persor wiih their chmiian name pmtetaioim ami places of abode wbn mlljnin thrj tenant in oxecutinplho inticnturr durciic must be inaertcj in ihe pro- oak and the ordnance department ilnc nor unilerutco ti v tenant n riccme scttltd proposals odlrceil n the respective officer of oulnuiico kinft- tnn wiih tbe wriln tcniler for can teen written rn ihenutaide cotnr ui bo received at this oluco until l2nvlnck nunn on tuesday ihe 31waugtiu next nftcr which bone any proposal rcceiveil eannnt br noticed by the mutiny act canteen ore not liable lo have troop billuitrj on ihem all person making tcmler for tie caniccns ari to tnkt nofivcjhatthry w lc held to tlio strict performance f ibe covcnaois of tbair leases anil foil payment if tboir renta wtlliout any remission orrcjoeiion fovtbcv than tho covenanta nf tho lease ir self set f riti the form of the temlcr to bo as fol low i bsreby offer for tho canteen in ibe barrack at fur tho pciino from fat ptowivjs to l be 30tl slllmbisr fur tho louo oa a jwviim ami tbi luttlicr rent of jer month fu ovcry ten xncommimioncil officer nint private suldicra both reo1rand militia wlm miy occitpv tho barracks iluring thai poriusl and propose mr of nnd mr of a my surttftiea tif the same rents as dwellings tele dc toot s sterling per annum kon ilcnry office of ordnanco kingston july 22 is t commercial mart sale of household furnititb5 hbnwj barae doable slelgh on wcsfaesday morning july at eleven oclock will be od without reserve a qoantity of dvtmcads and bedding a dlack walnut centre tame two crcakfasl taljcs one dareair a rvallc r lien a flair mattrasi a walnut frame mirror an eiehl day cjock a sa cane seal chain tiro cooking moves complete a day canadian house a years i warranted sound and gcnlr a double sleigh two buffalo robes lined two setts harness ant a varitly of other article william ware jolyftl notice im i ij 3tb5trllor bus cnmniorirr the rstocenv cusimksii wbeielle nuif icsiiles next lnor io mr harkia crockery store kinj street kiiinliti vrbcro ho liopos hy strict attoniion to losincmnnil mojcroio piicen ti mcttn sbare of public patntnaco john foster july 20 1347 patent anticombustible solution for tho prevention and extinction of firea the subscriber inventor of the above namotl ltrjiiij bemby noli- uea llic public thn ho is now pre circj tisatuiate all frame houses and uilillngmatirrialti with his patent ami- combustible solution vihich ofior many ytiwit dial ami cxpericrrce has been proved to bo fully aicuaio lo tbe pur- poac for which it was iavemcml tho patent aniicnmhustiblo so luiion is snbl in barruls by tho gallm no j can be tieil by any peraon who wij tfivo liimaoir ihe trouble to follow lh directions of ibe inventor or it will o apphe by tlie sulweriber in perton in nil houses iihejs stabjco fencea c where it may bo needed m the oxpenio of id per mjnaro yard for further particulars apply if by letter postf aid to tho suhscnlcr hi tho ola brewery ircen jo ner kingston or at the ahoneum book store john omntgomehy kinsatoo july 1s7 673m a wanted stronf bovj abui 10 or yvma omj to work on farm apply at tlie athcncum lloit sioro kinntonjuly rl 1s17 sale of real estate bv virtue of a p iwcr iif sole con tained in an indenture of bargain and sale by wny of mortgage ilatcj jay of january nuc thmisanil eight humlred mid puytwo ml made between biixjamin oreutt late of the city of kiuqaton diseflactl of the one part and vilijm m- hkiciimeo of the aame place nf the oiiut part th fullowin parcels nf land utile previously dinpnscd of by private aolc will be airld nt public auction on satordiy 31st dy of jy nertt at 12 oclock noon at tbo auction room of air jamlslinto auctioneer fcluqltuut vii lt no three humlrcil ami seven in tbo cily of kuigmnn fexclusivo r twuntysix fot un pnnctsasiireot extending through lhc tfrhntfl depth of ihi- lot and lot nvthrcv hundred nnd eight in lhc taid city which uu ilie mor partieulaily described in tltoaam iti- duniuro francis m hill atiormxj for ihe mttjagtc dated ai kintcttuo thrisnmav f june 147 i 4lfalcr to i jrullil f- ly im ii- rcnw t ae tbrj il aloiri lin aur oit ihu lx ihe c mef ssill kfl in atlmaike tit ait oeloektpi mtfn allw maivr ttn ar imasih 1 ollrinl al ln oucr i itin hie ify to pay mp llieir vilncittioii kfure the cfitftr i taken by oder imnf baxtrh seerhary rcenauhrt rioexontt june im7 j casks superior linvjfc hnupaf7tukiii pale vinegar at 1- pir oviol 3 01 for cttc t ti tvarrhnuse of mtira ci m plunl wail kihffston ntnl fit tlie atinsafon eretrny uni dicf f iter jf salskatusa of clwicc rnnliiy m sj pr lu3 black walnut lumber- tljmq c of various diicnon tlltl k nnnf jinrh and i inch 1lnnfc h x and 4 inch scarinit f invlrv lenthi x ixi ond3x3 tho nbivo lumber will be disposed of at 25 per m james morton kingston brewery k ffisliftrry july 17 isi7- commercial mart for sale on consignment three flant aud very sgperb tbnsd piako mus made by tlie very oejt makers of new york and boston william ware jtrtysa 147 youejot mpnivcroorii rake v vnt im i jk t ifc h flfl tktttjl t1i4 naaiel havo c i iqitial rir- lnp7 ra- y- i rtf thr 1 liirl luo mjir4tj tnri 11 m vrfrc u i is i j ftaflmktf litf rt tt a rtart nc joi tiki 4 1 njta il aldart mrrmfrcron hor3b rvrtii twit oa uir ava- 1 ifrflklilfc ifjtf iiti hrenaa it tii v mj rtil r naif i r imalla irripviiwi t4 has baasrisi my afrej f laoe ial rlrr hfit il v ft ft ill rao r in tlie iscrihr iwir notcltat tlie faienl n4 ijnmhie ilioao rf foa rirl rv iate w tvw h vr it rvay e r tt r n j ifupl aad jvrofe diivt vr la vrtiii unj an eilr r vf pcl lltarne il ijr rt mivbieinf ftaaal 4h si lnjnraiih ithr mniirtltrrlw mio i i xarnr tii- r tj wredf j fhlvia in rir rr il rntlri iai ic lll a yn fl wl j amiawd la ihe dinvoni tmm rf vjuai i1ncli bceirr ijrfvr i- l frill hiae an fpfnfniia to cxaiot and kave juiiv d fr1ncle p 5 alt voti kft wilh iv ptaoiiv nvicimwin m muficiufca la saaoaec i ailcddcc im jcstodtmla striae jtsan gw j hni1mimfahhlrh ifti iu ar f i fiifstir wllkfllivmawi ml m caledonia springs water itb ntvo rlfiraicd water mar t il7n tmtlci r pakchml mflcavjfi frtsh ly the fr lea qtiantiljf it ibe atiicvclm hok stoitc nr hy tlie hvdicari or in grcsoi of thosub mber william ware r rm r rj fie ift mlfawa pt 5 pri t klfsia ill clm f piloii mresssa tr if am rn 1 1 iranro jnata a abrptakbv o riji elieil u fiaj u jvy mtli isnqhj r ion fr irw m hayrjf bo uffiw iwreemrta rjlfe en hi wvighu i swrertake cf tbreyetf- i jvat jc0 rrten c ith jiinlri deanur 3l islc tipisrifict nmsieje iranvx f hrca nw wumji m llm ijluti uiotrkr cu mile lu a uri0lb itatr ciwcitt sepiakra rfc5rth twtmiw over idiht ilrrdle- fur fei j each open ii ri hinam c- h h alnrri nnd geminja ailwe 3ib siijn tv the kjfi and koeo f lo caltna s haate ivilkinton prflpevaftf calednn r1tmjm 1 ibiv ilflth i a found bank notfi in iv listen slreet itje owner can have it hy proving noier- ly and pating tot ibis aivwliiernikt en- qiiirc at ibe ilorr of mr s iv brady corner of kin- and brcvfc rfieete tiios maxwell july 20 1347 midmsd district to wit the following additjeiil llute for ihe re- awlation ot tavern keeier witliin lh midland district is now puilijicd fur lite information o all concerned kfxdvcij that no huikeencr shall permit or sulfcr an body of nvrson to senme on or abwut their ivetnitr wiili hannera ei- men flavor symws nrcvions lonrafier marching in any procession wliicli made illegal hy ait of ihe provincial parlia ment vie chap g enlillec an act to restrain party pioctssioni in certain caw that any inkeerer tranreftintf this itnlc hall not receive a renewal or in nr her ei- lificate for a license lo keep an inn isy otjer of the court of general quarter sessions july 14 147 jambs x1cvuls clerk vf tte peart wanted ior a retail establish- ment in town a young man who has been nccuslnmed in rim4i kerpine anl wuulj mo himself otber- a p nly b letter addrcased box 147 kingston pot oflice forwarding notice thile cnion foricofdiag company herehr rive noiice thai their hit and faat aviliav iron steamers emerald ano oregon rrn tuc union kailroad altww in operation and plying rr stamr emerald cpt t crjiivc uiwanns leaves avlmer eeery tun tnvrtthy and aifirnfay atovfnck am dotvwvanos leaver ihe railrmil immc- jiaiely after ihe arrival of the cars frm h steamer oreon and ansves at ay later at 4 oclxk pm steamer 0 b e c o n capt v iiiluano iowneeanns fraves pitrtijrc dn fort every tiiycrfoy ttturtdrty jnd 9uf uiim i s oclock a m rclannnjc eaves union village i m n n iately afler ihe arrivaloflhc cars froea the strainer emerald both lloms touch alall slopiin places en route each way tliey alsn ire notice tbat no freight ivill be received on tmard their siemeis ii not prnperly marked and waylutted id not after eleven ocleetri p m at aylmer no tin ntfrjil previous to tailing any conin to hand after tht time mint remain in store until the enauine rrip they do rhsg to pre vent property hrin loosely ann erclely thrown wi jioarh hy oxvnera vriihont dillo marveanaeqitently not cmorcd they will iolhe remiime for any pro- prjiy himit beinj dny entered and a receipt 7aitvdi twos cimixn agent vnon t company aylmct mjuty 117 tho lake on t a rio royal fflaa lino of stoaino will leave kingston sar torov to every arrervtiox fsrmrfa- rvtftet five oclock prceiaclt iiiine cm ritl tbe farei titer pctmillin n4 rhurnmjr will ynva tummo sr kmfatnn loohjft i m rwt every orvt rsondira eaeepe41 al ovb ocloa p jf preerklv onlil iho jotsscplcnik r ard from ifta lhh tfi to ihe cuak of ino scaaon ai twelve xnun n ii tain n drcv paaenrrf win be tntre ir free ffi c jiimci wlj sih km i i-r- ure alloml at vnnl the mail lioo ltyal jlil oilier t jvlf ft h7 large rooms i exhibitiona or any other to let bjt voli exhibitions lceinrea ba- 2 ziyis r any other ntlrixxsra th rrmare npposito stewart tavern ofittrin rtih apply to walter bales kington lth june s7 41tf july i 1947 m o kjdl strayed x nr about the vsth ut frrrm tse premises of tuo siabaciibrr a incj aizcd light r3d cow svith a short tail ml in r hrtrnal wtmever will brin rant 0w to ho vii- iri nr eivo information wher nber may hs fomid shall be handsomely rewarded ii a mill kingatnn julv lafih imt 3i if tothojiechtnicfl iartlsinacrf cansali lands for sale nncsrhacrrvhavthmlovrinelanov i ihe midland ditfwctorsle south t lm k 5u acres no imintv7thcoo rcchmoiitr s 1 lot so 3v ir tire 7th om cmfeo west i lot ni- 15 rr tltefth ifenne ht 100 icre ft no sth cn olden iooaerta ul o h tth coo 200 acres cvumlnfj macdongll tuicirochi rvinjston june 29h lft7 tx srrtbvirbb ntt arj b iht ctty undir a fifr aa4 r iha muliaie uro or iirs cxcuidbarr flic covenvoa accbat ftr ih- bkttimnox of damplfet or uhtkmaxsiilp ff r j i dociviiee wilt be eiven t iha dv ptaea pf tinted fj the rcerptli of i i luldtion br order macdonatd j mccliinw iftailtiife mo ureal jhiv9ij idk bed bug poison a cfrtatn andetteetcnlrtfliamjrrwdrrt vine ft4 llu applkeala adl iv all thw bnftara prereni aj rctarofot iliaa liaiiwiil prf pared and jd hy rodert darkhr drvrfitt rrorkinartkiailiii rmcc is and ct jcr unlc english stationery o c just received ax tub atheneum book stortf fagof srcef atinrjsiva iiaurk assohtucnt of english a m inimv rhl rwaa lliar fjio n tjmrt rf wriftn ijjwr rcw 3uijunery of tlie im quality cvnsisl rf im foidaeay jtit ill ini nod smn nve titi lie ja4 nnil fiuffiase 14 r miwtfjrttiftm iukar jli aitc riayn aiatl vmiif tank nrmi unnw pnouv tok rriirt fi manbei bj 4 ocv iti t h lp sihajlm cant raavftt tethcrtaiib ohf afiirlf 5stjti i r fj jd paris new york fashion3 thomaslittle merchant tailor r piixcevs trner kixgstox espdctfllly informa hu nu iu i miiurtrrs ond the piimic ihctlk that he in received fmm lnireal and now yuri a choice anj varied iniciit jf sttjoriine broad cloths caaiiaoraii white drills and summer clnih vf i lie moi tcturtf npprnved ahads and finest tjethar with i bcauiifol ass03tbeivr op vsstiwos onnsirino of satiat rtjrtw rich cut veleets while london qniliinffl nf different whitt mamailkf buff ycllia cjshmerctf c c t ia siocjt compriaeoall thota new nnd desirable in ilia line and ottera treat induremenw to gentlenlen wihin to obtain a drth article of clothing being eul and made up under his nwnimme- jiatc irspecilnn and nt auch prices 19 cannot fail inaure him a comuiuance nf rhat support which be boa hitherto rvcciveil v ladies hidinc hadit5 voroiavid hbttrg ifoijtnu lwrinybe 5 made up to order in the miast raahiunable manner and on reasonable term kington m june is m6vr fresu import atioxs of trvineis liquors cftc comprising nn ascnrtinot of fine nnrl cnmrnon itinca i liqoftrs e wholesale and retail vt rha plre nf 1 v sohener nortli t rkv vfihe maraca q ian kin wines fie oi4 pn tv a cuithiinan pi iuottvmajcw pak om s slierrioa bo j la p teneriflo cttihdltweivrvrltenarh -oraoo- ol kef rjvaftdhanip very 00 ain fie lle atraaaavi i witof rta lnino feoirh vvhtfvr car- r jo wkr wiih 4 chrtvlr ir lr j f mubw aw tb ph m pia- piir s f nip rhrrr syrup slravbrrry srnip l- j i srii c e fnesaloty wiluav j mabttf market sqoanr kmeiiton jun i ifltj 1 in the 3j con piiuoirijrj notice ihe snwni r tnfilsirrteriier heeila rta nainl hit 1 r rsanji nd ilie punlie that rji bop he has diped it ina niackomtlh he in nt left kiisfvmi nor does iser intend ro leavvj biit liiai ai itrefcm kit at the lclimib sltry or ai his rest- jvoce nr jr trill be ton jed tua uual puncitmlit at- kingson jgnc l9 ist tiiovas paul painorjr 1 kr thk tmoxiai lin assitrance c0mpanr lusaurtdomt evwmmkr att of pw capttalo0ooo stcnirrvo citalisicrronthrriaroitor crrcnii assurances on the llvfis or avsnh rciinr i ooooaf toptordf the coiworo creef a9riim aafcj vr ether ffaxs abrvvd eoiecaot ifltaanv 19 lcrfitrect aovernor ttlc rt rov erfi the rlolot ftlgt ano klxcilast tmlttlr coeorcoienii ixfae tlircapitalotlawcbaiii on ailibcuitirrarrehtiuiw al lor looipanv the rates hate ten firmrd on he a eovrert i vativm wbiitl exist h to ihe valna itfe tjib profits of ihe companr will be ertjicief 10j ditnliilatearfain mlrrals ivherieacb policy rtavinra riht lo arlicijiale io fh prtrh- will ihare n the fund to be ajjpjlaw advantages- ann- eihe idnnu b w m company to iehich ihe altentiorr of the awrt 1 eapaealty trchefted iht fcdjotfirr aa a fc l 5 v lthc ftcwira 0 o jvir iltne joovnue rae 0 prmtm mk may be jid jrarlr or hilftty7 a the okion if the forty asmting iil thc utcrotcj fietitiiet to ac dtfatrci regard rohtnce ond troonvdviht liniltt ceneralty v- eatenirc odd tiparuciiur r tjco ocio 0 jaer to sa i m rrwfiu or rvdtei carlarixs uaj atrrt fittrvavi prr orufone eumaaw yof ti ltt orarytjr anaoux ocn cfarfe the assured need hcirae onderm afftrij imsiofu of jnm- it bencfib of trtrir jmataop by ihe ornimion perhaps inidrertrotc lien part lo tve the nkce muirrf 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itnliah nth aaaerka n nbv drunswickrot 5jrjbfca aarml rkxvat ftoaaiis s c nova3cni ia haaamce rrfcar jam srarar sua c xrrttwar mm for west indfkhjafmiet triinaw rirhiov- rh iiif on lftptfc for australia- sjev tn4 adrta tor cape clunvfcrtatw for east indies attn cevloxu rjfetnii m arm m 4 ccjc juil6 lftl mechaxics institut a ll persons harin- naoca tw rawteminn hecein rorhe tbran isjsfirmlbat are recjtmted orrtorn chr- lihrarian knihtvith dy order of the cofomiltsv otwma pptc l pete 04v v ire 01 i kin slon ttth june 1 f c

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