pfcuimial pariianicnt lecislative asskilsly fmm ik montr rxm toe iimw t m itoclock to ih reac tion of hx j nod privalc bniiwm 0 ifmmtt- 10 tl i oclock il went i committee o- ht nltffcmpoi the sill ti feililal lb im of dehenliireslo raise ioo ibewfcr- to tmsi0dauy abrnl dunn the ritfwrl ofohe debate ad therefore re frniiifloifiiv portion ctth pwertin uhieh gnlmtalen in connect willi mc who mirfct appear ditihil th drftovkn wm tali of a cm lorrov nd personal chawler v wv ufonlne cbatvau d rt eooienrd tht the hnm hwif pjjpl v 7 of last sna a ib talab r fin in- ment the biter ha ihisduiilarily inent 1 a hiuuv whir h il oibl now i consider fr iho ratnivof j44 tlici llw abimlif rniit hi moiirv in discharge thi d u nd n one rho mfowhh from ihe dot of wni and h u by ibe piveitl hji inejr wn fplmfls 1j of that ivporvsiwiiy in uet were rpo dimim oti lit 4her fcie4 miiisim ani men fricod ortj that tbey hid not brn antiiiw ise omv ibf bonn lo raise iloooco ahsoiitey bn to j twioiiii coold obtained at 5 per iosvdnvihey lit order raswar 4 ixtled ikitq them t j srcnl dicp potntment ultimately the mci mto patted brv comawllv theevidrlionof the report of imr crn sartur on pfitte and election cvurit hj homitn otwf utility of ibf cleclion of mr wiroi for he courly of srrc and decjarf n he ad election to he eoi j in coase- qneace if ottttia inerolariiies was then lilrvw up hy th hoe mr luioaiv moeet eer fr mr eootnf- 1 1 a v 31kjl l3i lifrrcj oat o brim ihry ioyff4 ioihe ccwvc 1 iwetrfl foi iht lb 4i4 kcpore w ted in m- gitam nllll wontd bf nirtlii lhat rn is fit dyif ih feffimij hohi aitiiid bi flrioi ojon he pm1trfi ls ti jii iui bd wen meh eontnentcu tipon hrlh in ti1 au1of isc moaif 91 at lie inieii4 in itxt fca 4ftteb1rrt ly ihe rt i pi hm inrmfcer for fi1i kmin v- w vailj ny 4 ff vom to nvtnt hi sfvi thntm inronftfunl te iiueadnfil b voom bow re4 to hem tlie hon tniv- ii i i- hi lukfojdrjil nliir zftrt vrfl rtating oirfel cancmri to tio rc cl ili l i i p i bid no frao it brlieri tlinl lb elhio ut it tl utrelrj by ihe irolh unly irt ili iinin of ibo l nnj tut ti- hinon viif tbrfocf enlidfj to hojd hu sai fie entrtir ihp 4ic npliiinn row a ik 4id it 11k opinin ot tit jin if the coejlioik had come brfc the ivie t 4 nro- per tim irsthin the fotirrn tfiy alltvh by the jw for u keenio of iwiitirtiif 4iiil lb inj if iy frliiioitf hal urn pi- eerted by lt elected dl sitrof coml linin tht iby wie moww by the irhubeity ixhieh be 4dmitlf hid bfcru vlie h bare tefiff jtnother ttmft w ilt ler hid n6t ciunr foivad rithin tie tfirt s t ihtt ibor wifht be said iaiwtiii themrelfrt oulof cmiiu ii- u ca uwy tnd the lefofo ij ni ifittod w ij- hi im by ejnlimi h- wal tft 51 into le equity to j plain j1f anl eaiikt to tiew nf tht matter there teerc thre jfjt 1 qiieitionjnvrdeed in lb matter fir f 0i 4 ritce eritt ulli4 fir the ivifercncv of pjftiamritt feofiil wi are the nartir ifiieee and bly wtal mem it u in thrfort of lb hone to ai7tl t t ivr jiff enqtiiry ut vtotdaay that no ire3nce really doe mirf the ch4v of smei ij fiot ha tifancht an rl etion had bfoaj bfmj nd bf t in mnl fvf fii ajleari- liol l fijieceiib vhbtrrtdejf e llow thai a flntte vole bad been uvt in con- qejejko ob ifrefibnly mjr lk4r jjcd ji f m ot ftc pjftndtj tliiljin con- r iic crri not ro havt- 1- imd u uk rlftbl iftrrwit my ciy b4il tuftrml nronf or had in any bm placed n a feailtantaotii pmttoih had ftf been a contest and had ihe cpia eandidac tome before lb hno atlrin that in eofteitcfee of via luiijorlen knowing ibat there was an informality in tb ijauin of the warrant upon vbuk tb writ ai founded and that in eon- atnence of lurh immwtf ill foe did rot cowrie orfard in vote then indeed would titer have bretifhaao made nut to warrant lb interfence of parliament to the mtoaj oqoiry he room aojvftat no ry bad been ilpierri ro netumtd been prrw l noman btina hadvowotened all pariiec were raitbr- shall it ibcnbfuid that ihe hotm will atep in to create dtjastiifactm by unatveil fcr nj onecoma letjilation jf a fault tvii npoa tome pany that ptrty if not ihe rifcnr mfibr fle not only emppied vfilh try requirement of tbe matote bn be even wcru fartber iban the law dirccta in makinc known to the hrail of the houie by a letter from hi oen hand jiiaaccettanc of ffiee if blunder haj been eomniled no pon av peetenj lowy troteithriiiwttipmm- bokot toe etccroriof 5irce wlf lb whh h tlie fu tf fault here reteil aon rtweeitiirtrwftfieaad their dim fttrppwiaotr r th w be alil lhai te lom areka t- tike adranlaqc of lis own vt jlial mr hfthiva if mn ntiniiej meletowof inf ie iltrlwd of lri faulit in eofliineste- nol of ihril hit of te at of at jer or of 1ao opvrofthu hous that they are tn he l tim for tbeirrivn in hoi frith if fflfear ha ri cheortp aa to the imlsfta ij wbalrerecajibo asorl oil lie utitld aatbomeetv writ mihl he o4rreo tbe eojotry mlaftt be pnt to x agi- imimof a new election the porinee miui pot b lb epeoae of a aee rhoin th aitijn member miejbt b pat to te toil and rlttjafl of aoolft1 the country t arriie i s- p btilttjbtt si b cind hy iridic morality vkm tebieve y pp4rlianntaiy honk paction miy trurtitib for a momim a ttv ote mv pe- j in dpnr i lie cntiniy rv a vajee in lltr keant3ire atirnv ieh- rjnry and un mar iurji the 1hte of oqnity t i mp b efintended im- tle thai fntl voj il juiic wuch tivtl ta7a frn t- of dritonv r wfihail b tti hi mir mifter and tb pe eif sm ipja wiifamii 4 shtnw u oe ejrlm vaim pi fnl a ritvarie te at a jvt j ilo3iftim in the nr- vin frarcliwjcnl m thir county he jaoa4vv itii 19 ti ea- of the york m an whiri had been rtiied lu 6y lb mr mw o mr daldwin in tfc eoari ivf ibl u caat fl mf crwan eooteidd ttiat ee wa not naf-i- ru- to it- ptnip i bad been ve mln on the fery fitl dy oflhe sevmo tbe house wonld bvar in rt thai slatotea had been kre for tbe tital of cooiroertcj eteetion baicun ivy were familiarly know at tbogtcorilte aeta the nm nf the arm ai rod we fmrial parliament in it year 1770 it it wj min anipl sr iwtvr rj he year 125 the 0djan act wa paj m ll k il lb learned me ber for voub fork cum obwav ca i thefsritkh lloave f cmifi ijitr is im of tbeit ael or f4lbefafun paflumenl 1 iwnilollhe laaj4 vf fb 1- reavilte 1aw in nbkb iv i frmmd 4 raotioo petition or com 1 unr aovffii ttr irat of 4 member of thr m jfoot afixr kir beat forteen day from lb rfjle a mkh bi pi ii- ho wwan tavbold j nil the analogy tmt onlei i- precedent be comttd 4 taut h wai oaof feurr fi 6 cootendf aolafajvrftiein thecaaoof anelectw lowotobinore eoeamry i obterre teaal tppi 1 r wbn be eomra into court in try lafafirifniaotyf c00m pi bare h to fb trtrft f lb law to ppea to othili i pmtot amer ta were avto to lb partri irj i ibe prracot caa ibe maavol j watod i lb aloe i or of n i mmhrf if tb 1 j 4j n j w f 1 j 1 n t too or limited f by awlitiin ho an it- wt an dya to dar ptrvinc ayaorta 4 4 ewfn cemmiiue owyeajajopv lvjir wtfh ho a 6ooua au rfi ty m orin ffoath it then have been the intention of the liila- inns to alto other parliea o contest llw l f 4 member relieved from tloaeteipmihili- tie which il itnpofea on thr elector nt mi elrd i hear bear tyv it tbe tnteitti f the law to confer upon otbrrf fwtl mid ljifilra denied to the elrctor ol siwc let him tiippote 4 eae let bim tw mr robioaon elected by violent by frand hy eoritiption or aler come other titer ana imiju1iliahtc msdncr iloiv weie ihe- lsclnra of simcoe to rid lliemtelvra of a mernvr a fvl npoo them t moal tuy be knitted to a lttiilion within tbe firal fonrteen jy and ajfclrd in ihe repoftmbtliliei nf aecteiity fvt eot w bile 45 in the prcni eaae arte aar- lr are roliwed from iteh limitatimit nn i re- ffomi t 1 i if ucb a doctrine 1 to be cp hemfuhouill herealer think of aimiu in tbp lloaa by piiliof wio will h-ro- afsr tuiitk cf coinplyln wit th liw of tbe land lh frtrm and tepnibilili wrti ii ijhk if theaamr nl can be uwiuetf ty a lok roldlien f tht hone imiojitel t any period of hie exfion t ii nl 4 ilfit- trine 1 oco nimjtlid no mnrk r t eit 1 4iv- if no limr places a limit to the jn pfieaiioit a pailimenlapy majority may at nv tni et rid of a onoioi mrmher an ttie ttifttaff tor the line latin will be calr4 in biid in hit luod the leitllal of boq rner1 xs with nard to the want he viid ebf a f itrit el wa no marc than a piece y rr m iriiflrry he might comrare il in harne it was hecenart to attach th veii- clrb the aiiltnau and was rrn of lle wnrd rweiillaj but if both toe niirul 4a1 the vesicle reachei their ilcatam ton in safety and in tbe 5am time lite bar- new cead nb e7fntial part bear her a it trat witb the warrant it tva the oi- cui ootificatjon to tbe officer of the fancy a 3 to ename him to rne htj writ to nil the vacancy but tl the ofluer anpplied the va- eaner 11 a lel manner in all other repteti official to bim did not mabe void fiit a t it ha bieo said a foondation was bat tut lbs it laol so the crown vrt an i il litf inlbvf icy to ivnc the writ wat ihe ii t of the ct c mi tit officr milit rv cilfy of aettn tvilmutfiittieiettt vkfaiil and mv b liaw to rnifhmenf bill ii bin2 i a the proper oueer and having actet itmotlij valij lie bad before ivniaikod tlicl the cketof simcoe and mr ktttion wei la flftift he wotijd then ijtiat lloy traj the court iihowd in try- if iluri tle paruea ato eref to waive infor- inilitiim to proceed upon the mett mbt lie cothl hep i refuse to bear he eae tion i meriu and n- 1 uton a trial upon a mt i- emiealily alone shall it be said thai tie dish court of pailiimeni refuses majiiyjial reoit to mre eal qrtalauef tjie teamrd mnhe for qtjehec mr aylwin hadpuhhi 11 fe in lie copire of t l jrtmlr upn ib- inject hov would the elmi4c loatc y he hot tuember ihotttd tse university ft li earw y nne vole and tiit ca th rtowingfaylboi one vote should he ilfctnnnl il lie mr cnivan would remind the leainei xenllrman that even takine bej wwii ei5e it woam be le tzvof a entc virtuilly tlixilt it niibt no be technically a jhikcd to ii tfwp and lejdei it would he a vote whi1i nwo procernlnc well a ihe action of another branch eoubenre dut l- l ioa member lake the converse of hi two kopmtion t4t bim supjosr an important msue nl in coiitenirence of nftanliwf tlic rrtemor here tben would be a positive in ory injficted oti the whole rommunilv vrlueb m aoaowkfel acl could cure during the pro tent session mr gowan here entered into a eery elabo rate argument to bow that the provitior5 of the flatute tverc directory and not imptralire ii ciifmtt of which be eidrd 3 harris ijicl 6271 1 dwarrijonstalutesttsand 715 and that ihe n on compliance with a directory provision did nut in any eae nmkc void the acl doc unhi lkricajllf wbierfhrvfrd laewmj ofhtf ithkute election in 1813 10 he fnund 111 barrow r- porla wber ihe sheriff had nol htm h election until a day after tbo lime allowed in the warrant ihe warrant directed the election to he held within eigbl ctiya aid it watnol held no til lb ninth day and aba ro the colchcilrr ease wher iho cleric had on t been aworn and th poll bad only been kept open one inatcau of eight honrs the intormaliliea io thee case bad been j threat aain tba prerenttoe and yet ba tin injury or inconvenience wai allrded to have taken p1ae tb reaull of ihe election had beer held not 10 be aifccted by it both ibmr election were maintained and hi contended thit t bey were bound to decide thr present eae in a similar manner mr vvitjpfaxt raid that tb part of the statute which authorized ihe speaker lo iasuc hit warrant wajin the word the speaker shall issue bu warrant c which word he extended were merely directory and no de flation from or non compliance with them would make void an election provided that it did nol appear that tia irrexolarity had any beariu on the reult of tbe election and he eonld ahnw that if ihe officer was of opinion that the writ he was acting under was 4 cu one snd he executed it in eood faith an irre gularity would not viftfala ihe ctectinq there w44 a c4ie to be found in the com mon journal p 737 where a writ had been sent down to a certain pertan a returning fucor but which was executed br another per jo- wbo thought if was intended lo be reciited by him a petition was presented against the election and although the person was held to be an intruder an j usurper the iliut der tared the election kooj and valid brcawte the result was not artected hy the ir reiilirilr and he cehpvled that it auifi be shotvn that the rilt cf the ewtor have i interfered with before the election could he rnal void mr hsldtvik contended be caret cited jid not at all apply to the prrttwt cat the rjuetioi was net whether iheie bad beei a ao rtrrii thul whether there ha been any ix- i- an election thecjuesior t4 a net iinpartant one for lh 11mte and inviltj a eat rjiicmioa of t 1 v 1 jra teej a iu i question re j i in tilt isjun cf tfit i- pteeioiuly cited lo t- n a ec in cnin whr a number of wii byihc lril chancellor had rven s et j nit heeanxe hf injustice bad ben had one he could be relumed under the rood nnv iwcaam il wa a well ituowi laaxitn in law that where 4 ernn ku two aiildovltlc am mta under one of them ulnch proves to hi a kid ne he could jissmy uuler thouir mr vnsajw v not ftjared to avppnft ict1- j the- the amendment pwi ihe sr re those lhifn hy lb member far ued 0fjah upon wmcb he woum support it wet that there fj cueummancef cvahnp whcb wtiatvliltiwkof uril the warrant in conidcvl was itothnig tne hmm a mele hrflcjnv irregularity in winch coum nol alt the writ d w ihcr were cir- cttmtancps wbieft j1ibh be iaxiin iii warrant be brld lliat mii the hir ha british whig opltr r qtlrm ditv kingston satub july 31 is47 cvitty tctfaail rs nun ler wp d montreal m l pwilh r l- cbitte ltqajb arte udr it in od lth that lh uueil wi a ooi ol a nfiaml cimitled to lie county 4 riitcao txivitesreof the loae h he bet lint 1 tik m ue nielion ir atlwls w u ud licn 411 cmc ol liven infringed e tlaxiion wasood trm ill ml put v eii hjd il rnlerej sj pf- conl nt fter iavi he fvmitllo jriy aiw wos t sfttivt lelej lay the rjuo xi t ill- noibfaft savtif aye yr llaifon inl ivin tit ruin rresiim 1 anvdro wat z1n to be ml vrbeei m- avwin rrsj tut aid iion wa tutbe fof uy i m liveililej nun lii ii m i10m bijt but he ti aylvin ftiind himlf unjle in vie fr h ameudnfenl ii coeiw of the ft inner in ta mftidej aril he ihrvfore wa vote aain it lie bad in in beinniuof he sejlf cxinesed biaopi which jl v aurs tv pftohotiation of 1mj0jwi 1 le tb day at ivtc acia p islative cftuncit charier afootreal mtb jul v ii7 ltaltoav tendance in lhpbcc i har i der 4 ccflain cmidilssni he wo anil of ihe fjt at z aj a in j sam opinion alb he had stood aloiiv o that occasion a he wa then he there fore couriered that ihecircunstances wairanted the ianiux of thf wril a all that had been fonc uilil tle cdition umhr which uic spewk at c4j e wa legally th naii opon aanmeudh tfime was mw rellency the cnvirnir crural procr w ii 51 tto tlc cl44n1kr04trr lrjlalirodt eil inhie paliawenl u ajiblin tit bersofthe lvsliltve cvuneil being bled w eceleitcy was ila4i lo v re attcntliiice uf lb lalatift a aej that litar bein prauil a drg- o hills were ieil d to in her manofbv jfiv lrllenc the cotcft nerat sbich we hall pnih in our after which ilif excellency was pie crtite lb third vhao of the sect viucal paiparnvnl with txe following spetch howfe gnttbmtn f th zlihh caiiai- eif ttajii cenecrn n th lejss fu relieving you for te present iv a bv 3 jisrvf haveiw you faring the course of a scwioof para lively abort duration to considoiwl feci many measures wnich promise fo to the rommunity sai- inaef hly a whc r t ncj 10 i fta vour great advantage mp b el but f r the purpose of viri1aio of tvc hettiv jfe anitle1 bccji ivpriril 1 1 it it cv t v v there wa a 5 vji ivif ife inatteniion t tnere formalities svculd tot was no siliate an clectifni j but hre there vrinon a ill the ruetion wa not wlirlber tse rtiirort of simcoc had been in yjafj or their lihla irlerferoj with but v hther or not ihwo bad boon apical tiit- ta u on the piilei of the irr ah if any if i eticer ur mamblr bid been iily n ij lly isnnif a warra ivy nuit t e tstaimrl hrclwan bad said he as nillel 1mi either sone iicrr or liembe we cy an i llul tbty were liami to hi j 1 fchij and he mr baldainj conleutled that the house cautd lake up a matter like ibij at any ii n jt wa nol restricted lo the nt foysirrn days st the fjeaion which idled fw n r ttf d eirctinns and the pre sent wrs rm 4 en of vonlested election but a ui in uf privjie a r knicitair general cack pm ail that ii iltooht 1hv weie waalrhf lh- ritie vntlb itnai lhm an erl tarieb the nave rnli rf iu 11 twin hy ii- ijoim- had fong t4iired and iefil them loho him a eau since the pa tin of ihe gensilto aek wbefe any dinpule rehitivc 10 on etcctivrs haj heei t i up after lte time mvjilionej it tlie acl th- hn mrvirr for the fourth ltihi h aij tti f v wa 4 feal diptreprv tviwn a cae in wbieh there was a valid arril ond wheie there wa not he mr c conlu not are witb what hr hjil said on thai puint after uie rempirki in anawer to ilr hald- win use hon jentleman want on to ij out that tofaue in the fjritish statute the tfpetthcr vfnired a warinl from two mrrnser befura it could imii n writ her hy their law he only rrrfuiied 4 nolicop in ihe nglinb uea ieferr4 lo by mr baldwin tlr rkctiohi were declared vnjd because tbo writs were jitorrihy the cronfi without any authority bm here the warrant waa given by two mem bers af lb ijhje who i a cartjin caie had lb irfbl lo jama iho waiant and did be bar loaf 4l the lima ibey did imie thi wsirsnt lhu k h4d a rtftht lo do to n tjf the wsrraat iniird mu1 h a jasral one ani tl ur jl wm fuctad under lit put ani ratnt by the ii majoity the homo kh aojyiirntd dt ltafpasl eleven k il fnanr july c3 1817- the lmtinnot cf t tvw eo4icitice in cnriaifuf flicv wc ei lite lakcivpetioi atil nirvs udllmalim oil tie elaue sjrantin liinrleil liability in the sslarhllutde s a very loitjclwn n- ctirre f a vrv wuintetealioij nature to all but th attii on ihft rotis in amnuninl 4 jfe- prie in mke stock holloa lim in the eaaw way atorfinary arnrii- m pir nnnnrtl by mr bsinwin and mr avrwiv aepfvl on the bare grounds of jitftsc and aualory that the penvoj who mi iimhawv ilran an tinliniitrt protil from lhir undcrtkin ouil in like manner t be homtl for whoever fjrhi they incurred ad that there vj no reon w hy a lacif number of parnr ahoild hare rnee favor than two or three oo lite ik 1 1 it was said that without this elusppoon would inveat his capital in a rjin of haatd am thus the richer of lh country would remain unneetoped the aineniirnrw w4m reyxled hy an over- vhclsatny mojoiy the other ca wero tben pased with li- amr rinena and the ifmue aftcrwardj csrenrrm in the ke ot of the ccnwitlc- the hnu the- wenl ihrouh a tttn idera- bte amosnt of bjies of routine nature mio dy an kxtraoriin ry cxpresa from new uricaa we harn that the itcimrr catvotoo from era crnr brings positive inieltiftence that the mexican government bad rejected lbeverjreiof icic pcknted by mr trm a jipich frotn freilcicfcslmrb yesterday afternoon annonncd the rrieal of he cal- elon at new oilcan fmm vera oiz whucc uz ssiil nit ihe stii in and atst p w oeeaicl tv ineh in rio frio nn tne 3ih of jon and here await the dreision of tbe mexicans in relation to mr buchanan proposition a ihmpolcii from richmond aays accounts from brao o the 15th of july have been re ceived at new orleans nothini definite from the interior ft was rcprkrj thai gen urrea ihrraiened to attack seynoa and the whole of general taylora line from thr ftraans n bnena vista wa kept in aipcnsc lieut elliot and 4 large number of laclede ranershave anieed at si louis bringing account from sala fe lo the l2th june the mexican were talking of an auempt to recain their lost 4ilhority in new mcmco and colonel i had aomc apprehensions of anolhet outbreak but was naktns uo efiort to evade it ilia force were very much scatter ed and some of hjtoulposta were indifferent ly supplied wilb prormofts vovitootatafoataltrr a letter in the national era from vera cruz dated ihe first of june aays u the yellow fever amall pox and black tonue are taking llje people otf very fal oayealtriay tber were one hnndred and fifivfive buried it is now two oclock in 0 day and one of the phyakianj totd me tha oae hundred and eiht hae died since last light t cibt oclock with the jis- eass just meniionetl- kranrtixr nrorn mi cautor a eorrnnenl of ihe journal commerce states fiosii ivavhittton july 23rd that there h a letter in that tfity with the artiinjr intel ligence tbil he mormon repment and ihe motion acttler in california have risen jnl rbetleil aajni the american government as established ther trken pftsswion of he country a id ehthed an indepccdeul go- crnccntof their own cerely lrn4t that the alterations wh vj uiavc made in tb provincial tariff additional farlliliea alfotdeil to tradi extension of bondinattd warehaiatir feces will he prolnclive of beiirfil lhe colony and tend lo the prnmn7oa of i- com nicrcial rit a rinjlturat interef 1 have observed with sat action lention which you have b1owcij several pmeb which iavo been iitoi fore you for ibe etcverajun nf the v lvrmorcet of lb provinc mid imroc o miantol internal cointn unt cation flmst tliatthe rkminnl wwcb j- 13 the ppriai- j the fit be psed for t be amendment of cerl ftion of lh criminal eev for the llll ro vi ctjon the of mercanfilc interosls fur renco commmi school act of upper cana elteclive and forjdacinc the mnuicsv lft pilntion of lower canada on n im llendcdwit s fooling will te a t the prevalence nf disca nrmlatlw have arrived from km rope ibis season tf caaimied nc much concern 1 have on r tobrinc tit aiibject under lb consirleri cr her majestys secretary of slate v tl present the necciiy of adnptin- ma j place emigration lo bin colony unn c efficient reinfalnnis meamehifc nyv et acknowleiuments arc dne tn yon f f iiseril provision which you have in elieiiflj ihe indijii 411j rrcventin t fron spreadiu in the province tb table exertions of the clergy of ihe t jtiachtd lo the itriieimi communilie wno lered anv hall naa firlsp scrposco tsccxttam nw junonco doltas mwaop 0 the nias of wednesday and friday ul the 211 and ssoirl ins iwo fires occurred an tbe kinesion irad short ditance cat nf hi city y which properly of cuosiderable tatne was deltoy ort wednesday nlihi the berkeley tanne iy- beaninaj too- t small rrpaie am leased from him bf mram j wauoo k co was cnsutnefl wlb the orv on lh promt s tbolosaof the lesttc rswut down at t00 thv wf nol fnture the jieows- ar uf the tannery lr saj must have uiainel a in a about 500 tfie property we understand brin rjrtioialed at asut xwx and ibe insurance ajfrtn it ny jc3fxv thee was no ire on lh premr fil ihe fotr day precediiifc the eonflirration aul no pcoo re ided 01 the p-emi- on fridiy nihl the dwelling hni sitoa 14 witvn n hrifroilyarslaof lb tannery wxt alo rtitreyed by ftro it iva occupied hy a mr brckvit whortrthe prcmicioji xsc koriclor c c small ci there are strong amjs of suspicion tiat these fire were not accident brtl act of in rrtdiarism and mr smatl ha offrre 4 re ward of 9cj for surh informltion as will lead in ihe conviction nt the tjuiliy parly or parlict lvoflf cuonist ffr jto mr baliwis qfetrov linindiaciy afri the ivirmrattaloftjic cr rf hills vr ftbh in prei1 foj an ar er m a rpietin prevauty put hy bim vix whether any conmjnielinn had ven re ceived horn ihe cniieil vf kink ctiller rcr ihe suljeet of lh aostl ulk 1 tim beceitei fiocill replied tlxt he nas nrl aware ofaiiy iv com muni ration to ihe j that he thought w mib say tha a menhn ftf he cieriimrn in hi indtenlual cainciiv iml kctived alttir mr baldivin itoped thai no pcihi plrdiu vu be rt itj to mi the a1jht an1 that the govcmieiil ivoub frankly mute ivlicihcr or not ibe teller woo from the council of kiu ctdlese tnrl in answer to one from tbe invennnrnt tin bulfm up mr inspector jcnem coy ley who in an impelinu tone sjk llial if tin bun geutlemnn wanled futhrr axfibilhi lion he would advk bim to put hisrpirslion to mr sniicitor ieneral cameron and at special pleading answer mr bald win paid hi would take any eoorso tbe min- htf whed in wrjer to aarivo ai tbo truth of the miller he wa determined to nscerlin llie i rue mranin or hie liltcr in tbo potri sion of ihfl jsdirrdual memhor u the gov rrnment tho jlan psvdieiir gearral nol biiijp in hit n1p v mr rntdwin caiifd then iructed nv further apmfrttl fttvi z7th r k 1 irm 1 nl 1 v idnnfo amnnj- the hailj have at the baaard of their lives idoiiit to ihe riceeti1ea 0 theairb arc hev h praise which it 11 in my pnwer a vt cannot refrain cut thi occasion from tribute to their devotcdnesf and l eat gcnurxtn fiflkt xgisii- j i thank ynn in ihe name of her 5 for tbe najiieft with which yon rur- lh supplies uecesary for the pumie irj fir mainlainiiliiccvdii of ihe p iliesieval amivn th se qnkn v- 1 yon have transmitted through me have 1 n duly forwarded to be jai i at tie tui u t throne hy exetciin ti- mbaionce wj you xiseis in you rspeclive jstric iian meif vic ince carry out local imfovvclt and gtvv i rfeel to lb wise fltimi salnliry euactmenf u e the lpislatute you may reiser svrvicest ih less important ban c u voir arc aiseii cornftuniiy hanjly which ym dischar here f am confident thai these julie s nfc your attention on your return to yll homes and earnestly pray thai our exufo for the advantage of the various ht1fa p this tobl province ami fur the benefit f clarsof the inbahitants way be ancq tvilb the divine hleoalng the speaker of ihe fishliv con lhen declared that it was the pleasure oy excellency the fjovemor general fha parliament should mand prorogued lo htasj the 6h september uetl pvbltc melting a meeiine was bflu this slay at lhotiy ilalh the mayor chairman to take intoi sidcration tbe propriety of appropriating tain monies bclonjin to the lislrcfied sieh ud irish fund ami verlain mnnies lttiir- in to tbe cdaf land relief tunj tosy the relief of tbo widows rvn orphani infh ivmirant sheds whertat the fojiowine ko- ution were passed vhras hht i a hrmtumner wialm anrl orifvan ciuidrn hi loully aslitui nil lhatunssoie privirion h nvajc for urn until thoy arc 4clarvj fee from irifecm and after war- a apportianed 01 cthcwu if rvfolaf hr 4acipf thn in nieh foaiilk a raojr h disped lotakethcnv lw inuve- mift in ibe or hptil ttit a mittre be appointee in rent a suitable buiuve and to tve such other wcamirc a mave necessary for their relief and permanent re vision cenud moved by r chatinnhnue seconded nv r anelen thai the follow ercnurmen n famacoaaioilt to carr out the ojeciof thii tkciing the mayor isvv mr ii mr j r seconded by jari vicarcrinl ma fori sker with power lo add lo the tiirmbers 1- rvij riolved at tbr nonie now in bf hi ts of tit irish and seovh riif enmmitre ba ptaies- 1 it 1s0 esnnvj uf tbr rnnigltc or th relief of 1h3 destitute widuwa ajmlic- ihans carrll m mi hy j nefcni linton wheifv some lime since a credit catamly occurred by hiclt eicral prmana fact beir live whilst roin from cjar blaiial in he tiami land leaviui- maiy widow and chil im fiepcneed at the linn t t eilitecn wijnvs anl zl orphans n ilatvhiofjt to sajy tits jmi of il mh btstrtjr that uisoil the imptilo if the momvul hiof1 these allejird facb a siii- scriptiou wa set on fnat in which ihe avnta tbie of ihe pouda of kindlon were keoily tnlttrj in tlc collrflittri ftf a aitc ey than wa really reaih litter sum of by the aolajalssil pr lint lhrrc nninirnijir sab han wa rr virr au ithticai u l t i- lan dei e of that i ihle shfti 11 applieil ia the inporl of thr fliphan of ii- rnts now and lur snmo iiih7 likely t- in a wit to iiir ctmokiiijr eaolvrif 1 tial ijip nnmittrr in elm- pl lb f nil he rrpievd ii cltll a spm- mevtiiifof tw snatan faitl fvnrali r ihe nrposv f ohlisuiiij lliji inetl l naii in pprnjeiaiin of th mi pji funds si tlut ihe hixcn in wjitrp benefit l wa i uttvnlrd ne ii a le n rv rndihiii lm th llrjjraibut whose main bianco it jixvli ir thltivn iioii ihe fiuiupiily ol ttie iy nf kniinrjrrw tj 14 tihtvr 0 fii af itrif fvirhr sin i w it ein hul rlmdvi ir wiih tin lnl 1 1 mr yitoifnl nniii u nr fttiri llw tulil- uf uu ijia muub rr iho m liior at iia i inwinmili rnn rsmsi a u o ttrdei fr tmd f irnn rr luifttl i fai l rleni itnd mr yaraii itmioi in lattiau mkbw rmsrarif a israal wf ariai nw ltbr cirltiirds t wlih t emiu 4 hm a bmd f pa4 f i r vis fi iuy n il j 11 which 1 jij i ij4 wru nn n rnnnri n1 itrfiw whll s iwhlujion l llmfllh lilf iit rah rrii l irhci4 lit gitl ed straw run wsi ur 4iku utgjori jrl u cortrkronoitsscg of the british whig my diua wnrcv- j a a reader ofyoor old and vajord journal addrea you al ptraseot for the furpo- if possibly of ivnnajlkme of your thouanil- amfone orribulnn fromtbeirjieeent lelhar- cv and iltnr iinin the div v cloud which at pre ten i et to binj orel tb dvoied col limns nf ibr 1 hrtjrwnbedfr ftap- and why tins drawback t fflire it l cin- na ha h1i art1 like tte lrer frm fcs fvorlte hunt la if cnind f where i- tsore li jsbo beenxc loi laueb airbed in the ihsnol slater vhrreiskalainc hl h i im i ihe irarbof ti worljly while nni rr thr romantic one of ms red lllhteil wbw 1- fitiy pnalatv p- p- f c andalmheilirr vaiout well known 4- babeieal psiatire wbwi ereonce wonl to mak hk lvi thcerforium of rnislfi in tetliafe and novelty uve they cnijrated in fe cthciial ttjri where rnnsf qnillt and ink tv not coineatahb if not let them eom for lb anrbcd a tnatrc rn ihe bcmijbed readers of tne venerable ffartr- in the bepe thai by sis humble appeal 1 will rot draw rovft upon my tfevoten cranium the thunder tf ihosc mysterious btiagi j shall proceed to rjetcant a little upon matter connected wilb ibis portion of our wooden coinlry ttoc of your readers who bavc never visit cd toronto would be aatooished on arriving here lo nnd ibcmiclvcs in the midst of h the bustle and hronj of a europn cily the merchant trader meclumc and shrewd speculator of thef utter class there are a goodly ntjmber who by the bye hare bar their ringers protiy well scorched by tbe sod inlcttircncc brought hy the last packel nvyore all may bo seea hurrying to their various vocatioos wfiiie the ban of aw and college student may be seen striding alone with an air of indifference equivalent to tbe republican strut of an american field mar shall trnde of every description is rather brick and butwin upon 4 larjc acd mall scale are being erected upon almost every vacant tot in lb crly the gas libt is a grand acquisition to the cily together with the waterworks for theres scarcely a hop or tore aye even lh very harbor shops but is supplied with gulihtwltibt hardly ihe very poorest private dwelling is unprovided with water but what of iu public wajks the college avenue cannot he equaled on this continent lucres scarcely an cvrning passes but this deservedly popular promenade b crowded svilh all classes of ihe community the lovers brcalhin rows of efcrrwf attach ment whether for weal or woe lh more sal lookin- duped oae runinalinc on hts fulure dcsliuylhc aprin student and the more crafty man of iht world all meet lcrc and parscacli other ts if tbey were flcetin sha dow fnn nut tb bowels of fuluritv in fact ilif nhancufrlily aumime to roy an evenin- walk through theiemmlcrn ri-atlan- tie crave of ubroey uen will knp- lon beamr lo boa id of thikc aimicnns lo the enjoymeal and enmfort of it inhabitant- kcho ana is tia when f th tide nf emirraiien stili continues in ilow- westward wiuvnii nvri rn awl it pilij tokittohic ts aus ai uaiij rlaaiutlauo robiul men lounginc about the corner of our mrceis not knowin where lo turn tbir fool- steps in quest of a home every cxc1oa however is betn made by our emigrant aent to forward them to those places where a liemand exists for labor it must be admitted hough that ibey themselves are much to blame many of those emigrant who but a few monlhs nay weeks ajo would bave bvcti thankful for even a dry cms think themselves all but insulted if any sum ess than 51 or 3s 9d per day is offered them although as yet they are evidently unfit lo compete with those who have been here for one or two seasons in ihe performance of a good days work ch4ractera of this description should be informed at the lower ports that for the firat season they must ex pect a jower rale of wages than that usually given to strong healthy competent and if may use ibe tcnn atdiraqjiztd workmen- tbey should remember the old adage bc- gcrs should not be choosers i fear that i have said loo much on this suhject but i rather think there eanaol be a more important topic discuatvl than the preient ajstcai of emifratton sickness docs not continue to increase al- ihouh thete is no abatement from the last accounts which you no doubt have srn in tbe city papers there have been iwooethreo martyrs to ihe fever already the chief me dical superintendent and 4 calhuiic priest ocelher with one or in private inhabitants jt locurrcnliy nmorcj that tiae pestiience bos taken winy and its appearance is beginning lo be framed throurjhorit various parts of the ciy notwlljisbndinc the efforts of the board of health lo prevent the spadin of lite disease it is to be hoped that you are not uhind hanij in kindlon eneriy and action arc orcoaary r jj jm i typhus fl with ibe valocily of lighlninor the sea the weather doring tho pail wrek has been dolihlful sunsosnc and showera ac companied with rcfreshin breezes fire the order cf the day although ycslcrday and todat the atnophere has undergooo a do vjee of cold hardly to br equalled in october but li- welcome and more so by the far fef thi wheal crop is nearly alt fa for the sickle and the end of the present week will see a goodly number of fields laid bare by th hands of ihe reaper 1 have heard no complaints retarding ihe failure of any of tho crop in this section and from a personal visit in the counlry a week ago nothing eoutd look better than lh healthy and aonr- bhloe apparanee of the tarn fields of wheat odls barley potato peas c ev ihe fruit auo promin to be abnnant u10 very trees seen lo mueak from ihe weight of their beorsrii wbim on tiiis innr i pad a visit in that pcr cnvd miu as he very facotiouy sllrlhimlf john montgomery who finrttl mi rinsieuoaly durine ihe mackenzie leliet- linn wr raiikke en about five miles from toronto on th site of the premise vlicb wrrr burnt ifnrinsf lh rbeilion the present hnibtuij u ai and capacious and is oceu ied a a latetai mr montpmery tb n neculil ullsnf leaving th province and rnlin bis preieul dwelling he is very ronvenanl and 0 satc furfbor commenl liisrtiajilii tit person and willvnit intan lb lightest inaiilt i shall only say thai rty tcou ittvoi of your late btayor the political rumormonijers the conduct of mcmlcs is not at all mi 10 tbe conservative or the lauihreloc the reluctant ftruergfart ck soinaekorts has proved ihe poipvcfrasacssrd by tbayuldoor public a kuid of trofljrtcnflajjcy tc inno vations upon th pii jei wrnt acoplci considered to havsct in as it lias become the cehifi to inlroluce in all treaurcs of a useful obaraclrcr t al of conlrivajiesriot alau tndnrloth incfeaay t thofrosponly nf the rounlry however ihe coming elec tion will verify man v of the various pvotnesh- ratiens row in course of dicuion iiac wiilsjcak votumes txcurior arc alt tbe rag here at prctf nt io lci thai lhric having taken place during tbe pccnt month there is to be one ivcn by no 2 fixe company on mnoay ncvllo the falls for lb benefit of dlsireed crri- rants the steam r xawni is lo be given gratuitously for tb occasion by mr ecihunc tickets t hero and hackaoalf aud umt carriage proviitcu 10s each ary of flu kirgstonee who should iifcf pay a visit lo lb 1 j cataract have a good oppo- lunily of ocngso now by starting for to- ronloon satujday evening hutwhy rol get up sicollar excurn aaongit thmueue- i shall now draw this isnheacd epuptlc lo a co5c and rctnrn you tbe thanks of many of your seders for the recent cnlargemout of the lrng ay your enterprise never cease now do thro a stigbl hint to some of your correspondents remindin thena of their tfnfy and 111 promise ihcm thtn hot oflen hear ficrn yoira truly nrmrod p s my complimsjnts to paul pry and loll htm lo excuse the omission i hope he is not constgned to ihe lomv althe member for kingston mi jmving over the estimates for this year w are hajpy to observe hat our local inter ests have not been overlooked in parliament by thellon iha receiver general the worthy ulember for this city the sum nf 1900 has b en voted towards openirilt the road to the ottawa this amoont will be sufficient in lay oul the line of road along the whole route and to survey th tends which are to bo jramcd free to actual setller w hope thi preliminary work will be finished rinring1hc ensuing wuttar so a to nab the emigrants to lake up their several location next spring meanwhile they caa l enagd in cuknnz their allotment nnd add to their means of sulisistenec by nhuioin- employment in ina- kine the projected road the annual arrant for the itrcpitat nr rather for the sick and indigent has bn increased loxbw and 50 obtained for ibe kindlon mrchanies tntiiutvn we are ctad auoto r that jmtie has at last hn rfone to tho college of icjnpolis and thai institution to ralllbt lootttro- man ct fellnwsubiwrj haeed on 4 simitar fmin in lh mser college re- ginunsi and qurrjiv loth get vi hud pari v nrtit nflnwed th lnivorsiiv biili irlncfueil by thr- nrvn receiver sfh ral to hive ped th svion kingston wemm luce uoo srettly lnefited we would hiva eer a handwmc cnmmir school retod svilhii our 1ound nnd anroled hy 1 suuvient eaimmcnlnfxjtwor iltdrayear ai a trcutiri farm ufoolrl hive been rtab ii liri in the vicinity of lbs city ami above aii we would bave seen our two collegiate receiving each the annnal en ax a year from tha fjflivr 9 malin kingvtvn asereat a svilhout dispavame umj wcm- bers we think the people of kinestoir may congratulate themselvoo on tbe attention to iher iwat interests evinced by their member the pledge which ho gave on th hailing be has fulfilled and we entertain no doubt that fulure time will show in bim a continued fidelity to their particular interests this may he doomed narrow ground of praise elsewhere bufjere where we ho offaiedso much from causes especially affecting ihe interests nf this place tvehav hwiaj reason mges- lify our approbation of mr macoonads duct il would be doing him injoslice m trtfaifw did not go farther and rcallicfn lh opinion recently etpressed by hui consti tuents with an unanimity so honorable to bim that he possesses talents which have not only jahiej him rcartcct aad corrfdfncc in parliament but in that niorserviee where it ia his 6txty to adidseour sovoreigoa rnpre scot hive iu the governmenl of this coon try actrr t rut i isof m iuipotnce t what will em pean countries think ol ovr apfieuuuoil rvaour re t tlni itic ft- lirnlri4toijrsrienfnrirahato etrr uen snmuted munj riiai tad tho cro rr ibis year mil bo mei of ht ifcey c4aj rffin y inuvcd tht nui aatusy ianot iily to riic the aaaojcisat kyrop f hk itandarduf tmmuh lut thnt c roroncd item arbita wa aio to ij ivbail a jsrinr ruiniori i 1v onurio u yjrt i r rt t harjaiilce upiitiiif aji injtitutiods riiiwnicsit of 1 sii fiftj thus nwn hie m ctji1ij rrfijilmiusvirir j lianre of nm few wteh oo ihew p nu a popccl of q fair yitti nm lh nw u full iiv r fmp tnrrt which hs leen mim i psamp ai of rnt raerlvnl ej0hiv we bsfc itftd eec refrehi tt uy sieb erv mubmejed efrftttmm lokir better itbrtij scnp orijhul ciitb select o us 0- a vouapsttr ltrr wo e cecdiacs rcrel bin omjed to anrtotince the dcib of mr rolcrl lowrv one of in curcios of the midland district and pn hp 1i10 roost active of the whole body who died at napanc r- on the 3 th inst of th prt- vailln sickness mr lowry war at the head of tbe largest factory m there ptrfs and bcia vnivenratty known sesucjed aod oitcrkd his deafh h3 cast a gntra1 loon over ibe whole nihboihod no manconjd have bcn taken crhos lo vill be more sn- ctcy ult and daflorcd his funeral oa tborsctay to the burial couafl ajl wilton a distance of screral mires was attended by an imroctc concourre of people of all rank own the warden of tbe district and battber councillor lolb hunhlcst ortizao whereat the rev rurrs 1oo c4aoage to inprove the oppcrtunuy rctoned by tbe sudden taking off cf a uan ie ihe deceased in the midst of ui life wul usefulnen xydru tor jamns mcfampaaib e it tfitfa still greater regret that we auaounee the sicato of james mcfarlanc escj lon time fln and frotrictor of the kingston cftftkiirfi gaziui whose body waa brought finowcayciterdayaflemooiry lh anae- cait stctuaer cofuroef the death of ibis lamented tcnlejnarb w laaro was rcry sud den it died from ukous feve while on a visit to his wifes relation w shall not i rust ourselves jut now to soy what we think of the deceased intcudino to take an early opportunity to do justice lo bis merits and sha1 conicnl ourselves wih saying that the xtuhcn will take place this mornioj at 10 ncrccfc from his late residence in brock slrecl whereat friends and conacxions are rerpicstcd to attend c- the journal 0 crmafc july 2lffirini otiayiftof lh population of new torkarc pauper snpiorted in part or wholly br cbiat- ty thi rimaie includes ha rndoor amj onidoor poor of the ciiy almhouao and the unrricniriosof th society for amerura- lin the c ndi ion of tb poor al thiv rf eioiy four families supply a fifth gratuitously with fond cmtbe and fuel at least durinv m v jir j h- t6ir raper j n iij y t r not with out jtlie acontiuisvd inareas of ihil bur- pfflt if llw rwient4yiempunned h ii iiv 1 juaiioi will in dne time be paupara 17 frer- on iidy ortmo 4 firo brtko ml ii a40jj i04lndin siirud in st dooi inuo suceti in rcr of jfteftl4 llotol too tiij- iellieprppot7 mr j4 in lonsjanb nl ojirj ty ai iy r f i n c- r- iicm flp ur ctmeftto j whicb mr ii jad ri arsssfjrvrc tb nrcjiaioio jt on iivftkvdvtrie iw alarm s and by tb t irx t hw prevrtid frfs ssaaaodlns to iu j paioj uhiipp- jfjiileo- ferolot ftue vaiuii lh soclvues in new v k hajr rcsotiej uioo a jtwie demoeastra liv n rir fr f a ftnril procession in in uf theoavmrv of mr oconnell tho ily is not yel ftry hiots 1 new brc hhg tiv jriiiveiary ojrii wa tirij in vcral p4accsof senilis bcti nwictf monday tho of ihe uamk of iho iiual diacs re iijivuraen th vs jccouilcf sume of uw rvij iru orafcmn a 0 rvti irsrr uas a- at frvric hn hs a kvac lunch ortx drawn fnio a ajht with the liiabotsa which reauited kt w few broken heid difiiored faxeoste broken le ande sornivjht seiiofta vouadin- of st man by shis iboi into his body all odalvck there was 1 truch mom aenai is c tuc lu mimi socrctv our readers wijj observe by the adcertisement in our columns that tbe lined monthly sale of the fund 01 the society will come off at the coul house ou monday eveuin- ncal il is amusing to witness the cvcitcmcul cauet by the cornjietition at lhce meeting sery lson appearing pleased and prfeelly satis fied with be management of the ballot tho wy the money joes i not stow and w would cajj public attention to tbe fscl thai ibis atsociatioii is intended especially for the hcriefil of bareholders who wish lo borrow or rcceire their money in adr ance fht shires ivill ncscoii nlo premium therefore now is e scon at a premi ic lo uic i ifhv iu i the cbopov v thocrorminihianeisborlwadare iwkinc wdl aiwvo hie laro rio ho ati nlrh et bornin up is the f rent beat ij doce re euin 1 rich dark jrven and ur rikely ro had well ihonf h ihey mat b lnv in th itr wo aro rorry 10 bsvc to noaice ibnt tbero v sransttoms of the blil u rot 1 in ibt tvpa of jr pouu in ido mia in hie tieinllv of llm lo- the fill vbei wsrre nol injmcrj byline fly kircmrkmy wetland ni apvniieeof rasl jet if on fnorr 01 ihe a i seletj wer carcul in pnunof prvcr veed llior ovi l l feot rrnvr tel rid of itr rcjldnvnbicksuo ihe pronpcniy nf 44- cvoniv tho lly and ibe iul our roism tr mytrir 0 re ive bar boon shewn a at llamtooa im oiofed nhe dint urleit whieh hi cut on mr ricney4 fm in te vieirnle rr lie loin ksi oc- fid i nearly u iho whent io lbool- ilment nv- 0 lr dimjrdby the llj wo aro informed lh tl ivre h lro noe nf oii lb re j pvoeoril fn gcnece in ltj t1ko ljaieenvcry imv vfit wrrn wivwuiscnej a tho n iq ha one ith of il uil c or 7 ace vtuiru is fe front rust an flj od junk rnulk writ tnelnr htti been uewy emp it neaffy it ni nnd svlh tie civjpiiiii khens n f ot snrl iv4 b thunder siiwt nut up im food or- jet- on be tebote if ili ia not each n ptorpcet fhijh sncct vrfiit a wk o i trill kptrmvf t4 man and bcail local trid be luwkmffaurt cuiter p cnois tlie information respecting te erors frm ihe n c iejhbor b nol of lahe srn- coe t very saiifaetory the fall vybeat ihmiaji a tnail in quantity is considered very ood lite sjniii wheat nnd olhcr spring tros pomie well and the hay is very ahuv danl our infnimant taled that the rust had itmcked patclie nf wheat iu vaughan and iai1am nndseeucsj auehenive that ihe fale altmnations of beat and wet would jteat iy aatravace he til tvronlo patriot vrt oiv wu are reltd to lar ihnl lh- vrlieii trah tprvtes thsn tea aiolnmed k wium m lvv tnnrsni no in milh cavnn nnd ibo mher tick litientbitt is iteer ljpked belter wiihe frv eaoriuiviin it hi iho hlfto jjoj h in the t ilrftiiiij will cninmcnca in tin npjrvrhfid nest werk tho cropt of all the boainpat iii tok ipntst hay u we lure n4 svjrd of ilje puui icaa ivlinj it o m r ne tint a dmf rife ten hawrshy csfnr the iurrtt bi hit eiftntnrt i in llitniglivirhon sino of if wkni nl rli we iiee ren inlarnnnnd leeh lltuit andtiikrii hit rnerj1le il ltf an 4t- eepnunjsirt mi j h11 ihrm will bo n rntrvienh mnnj havroeonwintrriillr andjiav ton aiitm teuliooto ninth bk remiibabl fat ty i iaehitin itrhie mueit tf in ihii rm mfi a ghtwing rr- ililry h eiced il at y fjti er ihr crnuk tem- lnniritnt llaioi ta4und ivi jrvnir nlnfiira4o i hn lfy imi sii an nwiifiiit cioft 4n4 wai hvji suvnl tavii it in nil iv jiivtl bxolj ihlioynobijnditi rfint tlbo hualnrnf uiinv iv mr n e rtevirrhij pioiiiav in tifujnt rfp fhuut yivti hue rtv if ho onabom fiva ntt tfld hicir rmtkiatiiiirtfot ii ifiill iri th lasrjria no asasriuraimdiai4j ait ifhrjl oiopr fx fioon at mo4tajaltn markol ha keen very unsteady for the last few days all kinds of brnda tnmblej donn in the be ginniogof last weeh to lm and no buyers hot all at once flour recovered itself won- dcrrwllyjanoannol now be bought under cts w it was slrongly atspected when flonr wss so much depressed that it wonld be sud denly withdrawn by rich hofders sea what iho 3onfreoi tlmtd of the 7 1 says in deed during th whole fortmsbti bnl par ticularly during the last few dajrsil has teen extremely difficult 1o porejjaoe floor al ibe rates of the dayis above mentioned ow injr 0 the princiiaf holders havingio a great exlcnr withdrawn their spwd bvaods entirely from the niartet with the view of takinj iheirtmaac clfrrjaiclion lo eiejand on ibelr oeaic4otjnf vi av there ihe oransjemr n to iho yi vsoblcd anct marched irr rocessron to hate n address or scnason oa the oceasion avheiin an attack from the nibhonmen ihry praeidtj ihernselre wih crarrpj whih were ttried ready adel in a wairsco aaag with tbero on its rclun ihe rhjonrin allocked ihe procion wilb firrxs j he ovrtejcnicn immectaauly tan lo thoir wain and seizin their arms ii7ifhfd the tire with deadly effect too ihl bow heame general and was continued untis itia nilbans yilded and were diiva out of ihe tovleaeinfise dead 4ndsverl wolaaovd itttt in tic court of ecicqoer lost weeb mr baron putl remarked that in ha opinion a libel meant a composition in which a man was illeallr defamed and that noma cmiljany llial ho was illegally defamtdjby the fair and oonoc retort of prceiediorj la a eocrt of jnsticr jvhjco was open to alflha world wr baron parke yes a conrt ia open it matters not bow largo it be mast or whether its procccdinc aro mail public by publication to ihe worbl if it be fairly don we cut the above fem a london paper re- coived by last mail the principle ol its beinc a contempt of couil ft a newspaper to publish ciy proceedings afbich may havn taken place in 7ayoltencoen would there fore appear to have bco abandoned u being cipord li tic rnciples of justice to lh right of the pceplr and to the spirit cat ate ngt smuld a newspaper under ihe jtu of a report of preceding in a coorl of juilicv 01 comment- tberven pnldish a libel upon the character of any 1 jp tir a hligant oerot ihe cort or nol the pa ijrd70t beliv n himself injured indictment or other but he nrm las permi injury 10 himself into a contempt oi conrt aot ibu succeed in indictin punishment for a crime neither cntiriitej rwr con tarn pi ate al by the puliliiber sfrntrtci lhtd v piv iiijurcti or oeiict- 1 hos his lvjal rrcwroe hf eruseaxaimt tfe pnbjiabrr iv loiwitt a perooal intcoj ii uv uurtjii siwwfl ifll liir halv h ii u v uw t ihe lciialic coun 10 pwd by the uislagtte assemhy alone on one of tfhich pioceedn4 he been stayed 77 hav iveen passed by both houses or two of which proceedings hav been tuyecl 12 have received ihe royal assent 34 of the ihlts which have passed both houses are public pills of those sax bavv received tb royal an- 37 private bills or bills of local inlcrert have pissed both louses serco of thorn have been sanctioned 06 bills thrown oul withdrawn ordered for second rcadir- discharged aci 63 remain lo dispovd of whereof 31ofjj have been pascd by the fesiilaliv assm- hly ornl si have paw th hnta bat have not yet been sanctioned hontthtrokl gh toothy bm tbo staamor adoural cipc win cndjn rfnl cj n fictiro to lht fijw tti nariuoii flasiao a vtyrwsd- somenct fty op iflbj fpalrxn ds re cenlty been openeil bbi tipper edcl of prin cess street by mfvw maiden 10 the premises fqyptijly tvccnpij- dy tbe ut mr johnhcaslip lite situation of this new s- umishment is excellent and as tbe proprietor is equally knnwn and reapected we oiase no question lui his success will b propohionata a jood salooo at this end of the city baa ion been a desideratum our ingenious friend and totvnsman mr joiiy juwtot has melted another piece of lnk superior rock weighing 3loi from which be srnt 33 dw jf pire silver that is 33soth puis or5 jb troy pv cwl 0 stone ahithal its peroz is xi8 per cwlj orx360 currency for every ton of stone cntvructc kkiagar- rfwiroy lb no 2 fftcoy lasoer ivaia rift j drcoarcrvi ot monday fiinhf ocenrjoii mmlh 4 rolaatd nw cittoj iiueh flanhe ml a rmiher noioctotw nern nnrnrd ky irw- aa ve undcrsund iit nf n oipute ev in r 1 1 c- o nerthip of smo tie aftsr coositfrrtblo nlucato iho parlica ct iiijavoi irxn ktly fimtinrj oucv llankofetltne tltobrtle of him drewm knife and iinhbtd km aoiosjoi k i hollands nnd noeamllictin f fflro srnijn mrdictl 4miftnce 4f4h iaiifieifi- icly obtained and ibe ajsua irrvm toe hiind on iic 1 r irt very nm eveimj the j ctsr vein which tved not undtobtedly riarr- ihenl mtul klly gato hinrf up in ihe nn ibnrillertilien 0 narsni fjuj issued rorh is impristin ikil ami on his m lo 13 otdrr iljr rs nf cvnttauo aiquo he pmputd to drio4 04 an ihtc vihib vra ttoccdod to nnd on eonin oul nj he bifroofltliolu to hia beers and made his e- ciae gulp rwd 5 tiro unfortnnto emirnot warn drotencl in iho lt- tut nflii on thvtr waf ipwjrdt 004 n min iheoijierawonxaa it neeins that ifie poor ntn wmovlrepon brd of rdnfhiin umi 00 iter cntrdnco ntloilio bob and fiom some c4ne of which no ro ni oivnrc tnnitod ovrrlioard and in u i if ifiin aopoikd the irl nlnoa vlrtt hu 4lln liro mod nd drccntly inurcd ft ho titn rntaydin 1niyia cinnil ihe olliee it ts iinid hat left a wife nd r i uaint hi isscj nttl o nrr 22- n weni oa lotoaifbly w ol ol aeenotpoied bj oeeervlpuvi u ootonfo to ibo jill aad lbs rvjtdicsof the aftir0 od amlkryv whulc bicunrit bnih toi and ommsraavtal rrnrajt prejuor- so ptrii 00 board for tnachof which ibry were mdrbtrd to ihe nri rr-nc- mrrt of t iio c- id o iift bltftieni in cirticuntr seetaod to inv llteir riile hour of lbvhji wnej jrel erosto tlirse fmo fcltw sfrol to the awr- ietnoide od vrimhed astmavta jun br r john dulth lbtpiijay 4od sop aimihmv iu lunbcttfir od timooa of thole nctnlier who woo qtely drummjrrf th ink nr a t m vlboij hcz insetil rhc ttie- mirtffirrfin taw ecc4ndn3btched don to iho nnt not how ever wkrrot many gouciioliorartm pilriosicr jiisan ou4ho arvnoii citr nnd fnt oxo iiwtoad of auvva t qccn vicineik t hfcoa yj vo victor i ihoed folrihii tley fnprfc f vcrf oirity mod wuold bftrooreortarnocftftpitlios hnaootftar ue oono very w toofum of m- frioiiie wbel7 an si i linollv ic ii wait to rlv or n nd 01i- or fu uut in indgi lhm to tsmt be oar itaiico w-j- assovnoao- svatf4ailora tliee were tt it- rt ion ni cer iosv are r t- wjweie ft ismvumyof isebro 9laf hrrlecif t ml hr eaa in 4mie who mw acjium uttit egnmk uniwafnia nod lapota botiee or llio rvriownt fho no j 40 oiuch cfowrofers r f in um ibrsn innr i- hwawvrfrd boosrers ho woom ftinhohrof tho worfd litb tley 414 jot btneaof luurerond baroo of gnmcy 7vt 6veotfor the fnvntvins parailih fom ihe buff ah counter- tot r fi t rt i tr will be 4ccrpi4bl tea many of uatt renders ai n ibis pcov1ic tb quatter ai applied loamcasur for is hardly ever employed hny pennrnt cu nol clvfltlv comprehend term wheat 4 r ftue rvai4m are reoried to sve heett doi irr ii n it f toile bvbitr thi pfaceln nihr jr swnantt in eontaei with oiw uf 1 nit b two if rlw ptir wce airrnci d hfoiftfr- rvrfo ijih in is it pf ftona ntkt it b in llie canon nr the liik tiiof ni iui in hf itvmtnin rho folitnt wro rorsj iho ann rftf n ibtathx ti iflueli ibe m and sn if thi comparison will be 11 j an honvr or iriull 1 euro ml counter bnih in atalnro features rnarmem n ami hbjtrtfaa iljitiei me nil much bredrl al prifnf iotc that lb- recant parliamentary feud hair ison riso in innvi ffmmtyi inmnrt mjj on nrli- e nlinoaltj- hnijitd uin inen bj eoonneiictineni uf omc thonia mlfim llmnifmt ins oun ly iholiaifoit iifiiv inarenf wtntr pjalbereh n i j inor linn a r field itluln u10 iwnwni4lfwi4svtbvd inw4 than in nwmws jtt aw4vtbsr tvflllt ifjo pihlficmji in if liinlaiid kiilipd nu lw eiivtt olluio whrli iiliyiiiniteli nio lhirj lb untini riim ilir coinrrft wil warrht 1i10 nseemul itiitinfl vn r 1 r ull miau f ninhina winf t lo ireineil lit nutn itwlay hin d rllirwt winch im- iu- mj jf at will 1 uillv say iv ui rni inri vhliitpnl iho when t atijirar ucksmiai or hfiiitra- il 4piiars thn ths oltlcer jii iwa4n bit situalioii in cmiiqlftce it s tnjii1 nf tbo ntttl rediician of w salary dr jea snp has jriven nutice of bis ifllonltm to en qufrc if mi pi r tomorrow wba titer lb oftcc is to ba amiahrtl jainfifsjf puvt o tna miaraa or mitico from tbo return presented at a moating nf the sck holders of lh atijfbmealcan miniiia com- pan in jniini nn tho dth may say a writer in ibo umffton crwajli 4pienr idol llierowcro nroifuced in ifta year ihtti rrosit ibeir inmra m tho prnviner ol biuna- junto iinl zicalrrn ri hjvd ollvor bnlliois ehiiffyajuai fu the fartnamouiilnf dwt nil which watimt inily m falltntr nrffnijii prevluut yejis bill a yaln f ttjoq ihe m applied torain in lnlaod it is thin a ton is 2210 ins a quarter ot that is 560 lbs and this it fb weight of th britishot imperial quarter of wiieat th 0 s standard nllowa 60lbs the dnfisli tdlha thus 3 x 70 5g0 a bushel of wheal in ths 0 s- 11 equal to 67lhs of an english bualit nn- a diitmi quaitrr of iheai is cnuai 1 9 12 u s biuhelset t0 lbs caeb ihe prospect of the ftoiir and grain nat kels 1 ne time to emne may b nilly d need from thv foltowin vur is ftom tb taos paperi under the dale of 83d july t office uf the com advehiw nnttalo july in isitvfi vicb if the nmrunt of aaonty in loan i hi penli ful v mnitily inl thf diclin in ireadtlnfla bai induced uitiitj rritliin thi part of lb baiifcs we fanvf itrej ven o much ynyr ncan om in the ttiainrl as at hie itatat time fur vrhieh thrrc 1 no demand if pr r there is injhiujiif e-picjucic- dnin lair utmuu of ilmir nmild briuf 3 wb ttto rpiamily and possibly fl in aaathar preahjj but we hate no silea i iwtl if cltvrlond wheat in ntor haeaadtanctd lhalf vias aie mluitalloj eriajnlll ta liimu i tin nij4f4 in majsati hnwafar 110 75 and 7r nnd 4 rjni t anitr itftfd 41 h71 uh ihltbti4 pnuhai ran b fouudx t4w jwtf tbv nop of n4l 4 w 1114 it in il liynnt epecul rt ll tiihitjij rirlut piuftij lilfld tf i 1 ul r- t rii rl i 1 a 10 t44l tbu will iw a lirifsajr jisjj thv niv v lb niitbcia r alasjf m 4 i cvv