the british 1jhg qrwmi aiwrtlior ftr onnirtt wwt nm wiiml hkmiwkkkiy tart ttrlurdij iml hlunlar xorulu by kpwjju john barker bl d at tiir at1lkffum mpt jr f ri ikv rv ue 6iim iamr tkrtirt- tku w an if vod io tjtu n pip dienlioiird h till mr wtlr lhl lik rti iii htfl lumlif awarimtura si um and umur v 11 af imk an j ll iftti tiwitrmhiltri impu orrnivvit mvrrtifn kc iti imp w pr lwfur ihrlirvi iittufliuoj owl hi per tincwiaeh ouhtfnt iaavrtiioj atlvmiamitn willful jnttadv- iwliwh fright lo in in wrilin- hi lwmmd dtilh flirhi k itdriiaryrdaieicihnrlr tftmlnttmji vmvihrnttriilllmufl onuaoioil ooflubluwn rfajfnf will biillnwvd in jlaaavjiom 0 any phail whauocicr ail rnwtiuir v business directory ialoys into uufcov hotel frodtio uo sl lawivncai st- laui street mviilrcftl the british american hotel lm dalerv by j 1attkwsun kiti- alnn canndi wcpl 57 nolsoas saloon nearly op- jimito icaiv li iiyia stoco iviatva cilrccl kiopwm by w d staldks j amodqwall furrier nauor omk street kipton fitrtf made op to onfar on ibe uliortct notrc furs or ovcry joicrnlion bought orut solj 7 norailor etc opposite mr william wiuonm wellington strtfl all work in hi lii0 exocuicd with neat fttsund dispatch matthew drummond grocer win spirit mcrvliaiii wcllingion buildta next to mr w wlliov kingatonc trb kayler coacli builders wnd cartiog maker princes street jtinplon hobeil mcgormick wholesale nnd hehail dealer in wuveu spirit tea tiroanc4 prince street kinchin messrs blacdonajdgampbeu barriattrs attorney at law llincc street kiwytnn j00s a nlacponain alexander camnjtxl james fflcfflsllan tcaclicr of mune paoo forte toocd adurcdj win mcmillan auctioneer thompson carey general importing and commioii mcrcharru broad street new york a canadian card drawback law orlando ware commission merchant ami general agent no 103 water street new yortt fflacdonalds hotel late sioncv tinpoaitc the ciiy dalba king street toronto francis v- carey m d- surgeon accoucheur bit c new- burgh camilert exat tojpstylttwclioiatt lor nearly ofro uvu murcal bank kinj street kinpton john blackiston sailmaker nn 4 iuj uttiljrnifa ontario street z walter cales painicr ilzier tmd i hapr llijci street kingjon e a chowll tin smiths copper smith ami tin plato workers lriiicaa siiwt kift doctor harveys surgery ctareuee street one joor wuw the stank of urinal nirtlt amctiea- kingnon july 101817 1m t 0 bntler cabinet maker and uiiwaterer mttnlrcal stieet kingator a general aaprfraent uf tbc latett iyic cf furniture conjjarxjy on ijjhj ia fr jc onjitcrat term go b and general advertiser for canada west the athcaaraa book sinv vt ikha is lilfiw 0pif2r per orbem dicor n r kteiffi vf m 4i d4i vf 4m 44 mate tvfc job pzibtlhtf a rrtvxm awn w wtvr iv vol xvi kingston canada wednesday morning august i 1817 no g2 un it yalnabbe flnnds for sale emnging itlt bslate of tlio late aucomtu mcnrill lruire ot no 40 aoj che ot haif l hot no 33 sancmmvti a vr brukcis guit of the tnwnlti of ttrewlioauv in the yioioria district cotiiaiiune 5 10 acres f xiri the situttun of the above frmoa whiclithereisalargcimprove mmi ntiist jeaitablcuil dmlaju being on tho main koal leading frm ttnjaon to toronto on tlc tit0 f ibe bay of qutuie witliio a mite of the ohurcb on ihc mohawk tract a few jard from the steamboat landing know 03 colbcrttfona wbaf and wirliin six mile of thj nourishing vil i ago of napa nee there b oo tho premtaoi q talaflblo mill site alo 70 aere of tho ve ran of lot no ui llio xuu auccftfinf hum sorford victoria ditiict tho west half of lot nos in the 9th cooceuon of ibe townhipof ma oc victoria district contains 100 jacrea the east half or ltno 7 in the 9th conceaaiort of the toivmliip of lohoro an the mijianj diitriu cootwotuj 100 juem applyy leer prntpaid to samuel clark ftlomas downfifot sexcctttora john amacdonaldj napnjtine7 187 4gfm fresh gr0cbries at ths gitt storb corner w kirs fc pwscess streets kingston wholesale and retail i lrclai k yorfc hew spij m ftcvh tens suvarai coffees fralu atl f winch 4t r lul sic imnmulrki n ah dwptctru will wo j ryul w mbtv iui lwr m pne tho t yet tiwj m ibi k1 tlcfriiicon puttf tmf w guovaj teas 100 wr v0x hw fwi qaaliliii co tnftkjr lo 1 om iit w fine s utic uuapowiur da so cjik k fth j o b aftti sichtmir c 91 ckjjk oam umhoo2i nno fl tou r sugars johhdi bmciii prt kiev 0lhoehuomcoh4 40 yrbyw rniri 4 bbov imifoj lmtt coffees 4 it 3 mcho tobaccos 10 htfotrjcw 5 ofof 10 ji 5 o yebtwhe so da cut ihmrvfew prrvml w cbewlnf 3o jin sufrur mctbvj tfavit 2 kcpsooich molasses liquors ft uilcnffmc afllffiv n da ffcuilay sri4 2 ib llibiw- 1c kvpcf 2 do tit 2 implllmvpofl 5 cmc d wt 1 bvd tfliv ufttkirn 2 bbdwtiwiuc fruit j00 baxcmttcirt luiin jo drvaw flpi i fioowdor 60 krnwf uvj frouo s do wrttonta i do soft snu almnflt sundrlks- 4 te rice 10 buv pit 8tkr 10 baxsrarj 10 to r niue 4 cue i nd jo ctnrtcumo 3 uorxxrjnwdiicinnaitwi a ri4p jnuic 0n2i 1 ti urinaoa 4k e lcwo syrup 2 stmptilu j 4 rtilu sld oil sn itmd 90 i- cro bi 10 wltul 4 kcaftii j0 ftn ly j mil firrf mikw i ho grocery bo lw riloma 1ikndry co litrto j 111 spkxng and summeu new dry goods tllksobttowrtatortttrisux krinlo sib well fttkcud mortrocwtot british ory goods j impend raru cyr b uf n prbandc7 fjbt ft nd tftd uttik 30i3a iirlotavtwut oofiic wbjic lawn tad lufu jjrhiubc culio shccu iilmk white d collared jblnw njnnmoul frinu sfl vert- irtga nd cot uero rci jluc aid mdder bnubmi wfcf- madjcr ctiihu itcu jgtlcu urartt cd blac ii i invckot v twolngo cmijiinmonu onnpiidihf beat leaver fur land foit sale rvf acres of land for xjij sale io the towaaip of seymour newcastle dmiiici being lit rt 17 nnd 1ft in llio uilt cuncesit 0 aeroof which nrodeoml anl ha largo log iliojc and a frame hani jo feci by 30 outhouses c and well watcreil it will be void in one iuock or in lrt n to anil ottrchaaer term mojeraic for particulars ap pi at tbii office i if by letter iiol paid j h gbary kingston june 16 i8h 491wu just itkcluved dibtc fkoil mms 1 et t0bi a 5inortc fffijai bmrft wtf silk lalm leaf and leloim spring summer hats nfltw wj fincat qoaliiy and fabrics ivhichhoi authoiiacd to sell at vary low price wholc8alg akd retail q country mrchanuaic icqucted to call ami examtno llio atticka now advortuod j amcdowalu kingston hlh jouo isv7 47im john vanstone vetcriisary sargcon begs to inform tno liibahitdinsof king ston and iu neibborbool that he intends to practice iu itinion and bavin devoted a tmmerable ooriioaof bv tboe to the rfndy u ibe poreios 1lp veterinary college lotioo he flatten himself that with his oul earendluntiontobomne he will give the utmom satitaction to those who my favor him with their command application to be made at mr camion hotel winces street kingston june 15 1617 cuuat and grow uic1l this wet ih t1 inripcf oq i tif of tb nbdr ui tot n thi time h thy hvo rrcn4 ibe i jitmkj1 hf the viif merele- iilltul ny fpurorditcrtiitt hoi nr c ltvrifufi t ikkin ila ny elmum hitniftnriirmfliaitmdtteo rwr oi ri t- uc hmnw of hri ft wwn it hi4mucnu4 rlo imwfd ilbe tias at honest pricej- rhlc revobitmi ht iwn vrc tocpire lrtohnuiminwataa every vhcro iwfc ot mr 13 tftc lt we co uw fior pj iicm tea e y vd l 1 rhd lftt c frf ivbi brpvoi 5oj we le jovtfi mil f ihc mnit o i ftvthnt if irh mifl minijicc1 wllct r4 iv ibtin bj jet u tityn fftme t tc then j imtm i- cn f dr own i d 3itl w invr ftjafj piiir nn ia t evia ath uth i dbich ftnj ureeajtcwi 11pwtt nctv sjv e re wmi tbe tmdr ung j canaia and newtofls express t allen co will despatch one of tho firm new york every wee- tooting ibe trip beliccco kinjston and new york as regularly afccircomncei will permit all tarevh coinihiioioni and messages bre to iw left with the stibacribcr at greers wharf ejward harvey kinptoo june 18 167 49 3n t i edc b w h egs resp alexander ret fully tu inform lliein- iiabilivntkcrfkmioa that he jp pre- u at thdr own jwred io sup ily faiitilica tcry mmjr icsidenxeawiih iev tho albret od stia flt tmoroved l k tlitali cotbrn moesced ltd ole braces ac etc vrivji b lre uvifiment nf llcmlf afjjo titqwsers and ystixgs- a l o a cooineftt f oireet per john bull mod jt rrited here i cact ojeptf r velvet sjpied paris ano london hats oltrtlant watt kinrtoo my 31 iw7 notice mill subscriber liartog ttkw o licenieasaa auctioneer tavei lliii method et informinc fat friemu and ihc public ibaj he wui be roost happy to mun nl cnlli in that line ad ihcy miy be altered af triet attention to all order and panclaaliiy in handin- orer the proceed of solra entrusted to bia all oftfclv left the offlee ef mr hngb cabter comrr of ontario and brock stteru will be tblojgjuhy receied3od punctnajly aheodedio john r crxrr ucioefr- xinpton lstjnac i8a7 tf whiskey barrels canadian will bo fod uaoitjntwi1 be frwn li bo 20 b 31ccafebfffla5oriyillbeasilo i oo whiskey low fur cub only by william j martin jkftrirt s kingttoo ui mny 1847 watches clocks he stihserllier in returning thnnka fur the liberal eucioraemeiit l luis received since his commeneioont in bunesh bog to infurm hi frienoa ami the tuhltv ibat he lias jual received a ilcrtdid aortmcnt of gold and silver watchs conaitfiin of lcavcm iiine c which hdvffdn bv for cavb also about 40 cases of americcn clocks vlticit will uj som wholesale tuid reiail a rtclt aiamrtfflwt of jowcllry fbiet caotle pof the uiufct modern pnuru wtfv hukdle wanted an atprotitice t the wotcli mnbiu uuino w h kinton i5ih 1317 m for sale fresh tkas sugars coffke tobacco fruit and other staple groceries lbmrs goswc 5c v 4 he subscribers arc reccivn and oiter for sale 5 mi miucajo sf r to hbfu to d i libj refined lyr do 5 urihcbai molaope t blf cbeaoi ywuuj uton tea cnc and r ebon tm llpano do if lialf cliem uetir t inky oo 80 uck4a uuck tea siacbw- rooclft and ciof 01 kt 1 coffee id bbtv sjpvb nnnrjih 141 baa mau doodt hauoiv in jtfitnc 70 um tobarco apiitic ucydc ca vcodub ffaa riab loaftu naiload j jara maecob sff 6 al priocip aod uaenoa cpo 40 oulha caia aod 3 wa atke 10 dox aaawtad pickle mod ojilcea and pep per sjuect 20 bjo lfvo sutch jo spceih caadlcv 50 do cn rrutaiaa so lvie 7 t 9 ceouau shod stktoni ped flulc nnd pviri ttibkra 40 bollcv jvpn iiik 15 bbta n 1 hrrrifjaio c eoodtim manilh bed cord ritlun twine np d tver md loctfcr matcltr ucarood vomlvu hod aad auiliy utber nfuckm- atao 20 cjivvj nod vmc 30 kob monooa vito cognac 8dj jftinuu non wid nouaridi cinlj ioc ulid w r coak 0d 150 omv nner minun 60 do terft couftd rlee uaie orwrriyr svlt cuollaall on ml il m0 dox day ttie ul1piiant a- watt kinpton jur 15 14 toiv ko thl nc aw rrofv it a jv wr will xtl tv by ihc miio eayat hh chrtl ne 1tlfr box l ib price itivl wli rtlu c whcii thjbiif b liimdrcil paekra- ttj t ik tethevac crrrn olhw mnu 12 w otoit ulk tnro n tho tictf1rt vji eheai iv ill llow i t louaneo i5 lglbtfeaaibo minr 3rjn wuberchj tatkiukeiceurt kid tea j iricrf i c j ibn tbe wweaiet hovr go ve do ifai aaka ibe eoomrjrfir- abal tli iaooe aortter we e eontrot h1rt en peiwit utiicjcof j jnj a0 oer t- v wovtlc ceer wo devefvo tbe lbnke af ilv ortlry iff fbanu ftcft ufiit thi hereafter fcnu c rlieirvt i trvw 0i ihc waflmihjl p6kin tb company and ciopire pleorteilrr pet eliritcfr and vthajrv bad tea rbn t lufib rrcea it r ilietr nan 1hi an lnlih lrflihietor uretr cvmied to ot be evrj nmke inoa v h eudio bado j i xew vk utulet ti oa pd traa- w m icwvvcd lo orcrilifuvr tbn fraud advw evil uptft aceni m cvcif top iu tiro vrj siilco tocatu fvrra una boy hie ta wrt- v4hy tw itktn tea compaxv fiuftw ldcmmuea tbt if o iirvh hiey a vxlt iacv tea tlitin ibr aldrt nd urifeat imer in lltv town we wlt ic lleo oiir tea witl cbace tii i uir kx and c joam bei- oo aenriovl v tpea rf troi hmhui t ib meoae pucco of our arcnl m ane ut le uailrtl sute jlr ljrr teoacd jo rerb tea i lae r it fr m we arlrae 7c oy r rjr wo iftimljvr iv rie ftblic ijg 4up iu oust arlku cataloctje of teas atlr ar ma waanovc or rne pekin tea company 73 j fvlto sunt it k tlav tcaa naeoliwied iti lb cvuhc dar op in qjjtc rnd 1iminiad m0- e piud ak fca ca it or iiodc wrffr iv trad ir acciwil wttft ia ttnttpavit lytprfvfld ike lbt ntfle wfnpk i jrf ckinfar tic n rhr therrtainvll aoetrtd te fell tin ii hi iur j ilc nt biiunvnt tiiiet4 trvtca my wleel a rri i jcnvi cmo live ptfkia tc catnjianj 7i v 77 kulvrt sl ra frrtimm n itll hi f tr-trk- nn icph hi lew ycam bctihl oil dttgbt dwc vuibr wliiri bito wufjcj ibia ooumf f icfolhlcd rfjf0ew lb altiolo irfl f iliy nvirkci titer iaaaorl nooobotpihcaaj aafani tca and ret bh iheiu by lite aifo pnod ol lnpjy ulr fcc riimiftea aa olvtya ovrr ofwitumm qood icav ot ibi c le arrclfouve in qoibiicf tv cuit tbco iovwaicoce an at too oc pflc uuhumtcbjimij wuo battovr1 a diaj tvcattota fi ootajio nric t- tko pobm tea coouarnt 7 t 1 j kuhom iflrovt aall a dcliej usnra ot 50 ceo la pw itvud crpavntnciti if te arlva hato born rniyn i hilliitf ar pnviad forthuaiticio ori kqaaiol to eviijuro ii wiib tho aliat and ijjffo lo oienttclve wbicb i llva beatf if you cn buf a iwicf tea at four vtiilbna par pund lb in tnu bite br n jeittitj at via vkillii job wilt be obliged tu u tvt lli niice try iho yoac hyanvlj attbitgrct tea kftvblfvlnneat at 73 ccoa it ibrilce ihaci aoriiimt ul tko kinj wo imco ever la4va cln nlicio at uoo dujuf cvoaamkwpl danrr if any of our reodera deuo tn imvo gool ta llicr can 44aiu it of tbo pkin tea cootpany 75 77 futtoo tmi- jbrrava txk paia taa curict wo eery cleec- folly call ila ohotin of all voa nf pure and fraim ivoti book rtitown ao4 couolfv to tko dat lea warohouae of tw coiapony our vny accjuvinlaaee wiih tbo prnofwtra enaua oa to bcviwk ibf ibeio lloootitc coorlaonco of tho pun- he wc laore that ihoir u uth rn rjuality a price aia an that ia etotcd ef tbavn man loccr of ihlfl fatanl herb baa boon cnmfctled to cacticw tho drmtcin of tea in ooaoerocnce of ila injurina ouvct until at length l baa ucooio hfclctaof finding aniaaij oiy of tiro mnpoiuj rarutie of ten in our market a kind which hd not aoch an effect in ihi hweecr auoh par mil will be agreeably diaappointcd tito pekjo tea campany have rommenced ibe ikpoitilimi f cviico voriettca of cdeo tea rf civot dii com flitwf cii1iicatej and picked with care a inch hate hcfdotrfo otver been mtroioccd into thia ceiiulryeieept a preaenia tviioooetcra anvor thcaa they bate an om mild aa zephyr fragraot aa a tuto which wo apecuu roevonaaa lo all parapoa itaajfccr upnn many of thoaa who have tried it kaa been lo make ibem contirmrd cu diokem ladie wl jure uard it aay thjt they never before drank vcb tea out ah laatra can hero he roue wrfc thf great adeaotngct ocr ther fl gaitin- a poro oriole at whvlea1c pricv himceer amall iho comiv tho company wardiouwiaot 75 dt 77 futtaa aireol gvtdtm to tio pckio tea campany ke 75 77 fulton aired uaqncahonbly rcll h boat c iieported ioto ihia oiorbet that ihey aell iharn cbcaipcr thun any other aviablhiwent ia a fact pfotcd in a ihouaind iaataneea ainco they hao opened tbcireiore wo would adicoor frienda to colt at thia place and if they lont with to thjr at least t obtain a little parnphkt kept caa their cooulcr cntiiled lliota te fen drmkera and llkicfrom team a little uaeful mfiwinaiion on utc vubjrci the nauopmvt ia given gtattijwtwt ttj comtet we drink ureen ta and for many year bare been paying one ikiur per pound tor it li lliankt ki the ivban iea we now g ei better tea from litem at 75 cent per aovnd wo dunk one pound per wccit wo are now vovm tliirieeo dollfira icr icar and eopi1ying heller ira in llc bargain cotnmcod ua to the pekio tea company aay rr ajur voi oiaf heaue obtiioe at all luneapurc milrif umt tfry t dra jmw ullrin ufmav aftjieivm one dvy a he bjrkcd ii tbe mar of tbo afctrmy uad atrulin ult drew a wotiful form on tbe aaaita m lb lmra vvrtji uw aiem if a werpii- wiaiw iupifctvtibxkwitbtbc noble pbn a he roamed tho erge of tho feean hreathed mtbe figure and ehin- it mo i tt with bfa and with am ion a creature an gbfciooain miod and in fimo so atampd iibech rarcu buurcaaiao among them a poiia uf oontcnlion became fraeb ejjimine a light ofpa jleiamiacraaid atbkliol cave bin bia bittli nlono amlho caoao of cetin tlio materiau were jouroivhed by me anewcrcd earth 1 gave jini aaid jore aaioaaliin cjiatitiiy of ck 1 ua ll- likrnna have tl wm packed in h l tbrae traalvftm- fc paclvfrv jtaisi fmthtwi n in pawwb cy onvf n rmciot ia1 pmta4 viane reran- rer iig m any part ot bseltox rtr re ttof nn order any f ihe umtuiitftuf ihltriuajttiniitin to aoil tl hwik u i- jmk iifiiti in chinese ut anl yet tuem li ioa ft ccti ml free fw- havfifi t pvtkvll ml cnoagt tu hhf ud aheav oeeunapaajj the itrdev crrkm tea youkg hvsongnvd no 3 dn 4m tvci cargo f0 oo iw do 4 liner 00 itfj do d hrc ertn 00 73 on do nlfaj hue dd 7 j klrcrlof t 0 dak v lar- u to tlu nocbutcl fc altliaia rved in iho ocrt me lreet slrtcj jjuogiiiajffhv w fjo obaerv ddsry- orilcta left t mr- hu ecmltik priiifiotf street vjjl ji jiromruatieiiion j iv hf a ukea uiij opportunity jo form mb triead antflo pnbltca i eriauconilfiocri to innnuveturo uu celdirar ic3st0ughtom bttreds ir boca atiai3j each a alao champaorfg- dottled fmgraiurmhorarlkkahvavaoribjndj ajl8j 3d por dorcn j kiegvion 7tu may 1817 ia uamdiaic in skrtevloert next i nrid j this civjr audor paironago ofiuj ickcaaxaracv tflcoovrjiifoa cxacaai or iho ekhimtiov of ampbe6 ok rkma9tsjup by ucddcwuld iho provkico t canada duonoiica wilt togirannf uo jojr and place pniatod trfruie rocacilioti of tlo aobjoeia lnv liilfiuou ffvei mechmc jnaikafe nouiuj lmt notice all ocaon indrued to the etttr of the urc akcb1dald mcneil eq- of na pan ec will leaao aeuo ibrjiraccoonta im- ntediaielyfeitlicr vilh one of uic onilerainrd or mr michael uccabfi ofnapae and all thoae liavin clajoaajrmiomhc mir wju preterit uveal veil prenaer voucben lo tho jamc partiraf or aome una of ibem samukl clark thomas d0wnrv f eicoalaa john a- macoonald dated 20lh may 1m7 3oi incompahablk black japan ink mamuractulltij whole alk ap oxtaj1 attiieatuesevit book store kinvtston canada west rl do wf vvvt mtbarnanlrj r wcuirr of tbe rcy m prrfa mic oo ue thi u a ttj mjf t- do tt civnava clfattti ciftn i 9oowcavwtti fated m hla- eaxoitaa1lnuif itctivtviu cvuje tl4t ar4t4j an vifmih llweroireiv llni ia ibe crt green tci ci it m nf ihc airvt piebin j te ha never re iee4 htia coonlrv ainill ma jf prckiha u lspvlcfav iivsox veev oe 4i pi mttufa growth uunrowpeu m1 do h tn amaniearpuntatfaoroarili mitrialhi 7 oo brk nd otrnt do rnriaua vrvjf very npcnr tysonkinrronejr1nci7riie du except cd 7v i ou 0o7s i 00 i sb oo 7- 1 00 i 3 00 3 00 bi a 77 f 1rot atueb ricca llic lain fei tointuy um atiwct they kara prowbly tbo ii tbe ed afl awrnmed aa aolemn divan after lieiraif cndi ouintanta jxiiuov proayfonccd n dcfinile aentek un man and thui lettwd bia fataa diaaoaition m iet aflhctiwn potaeo her own cbihl lilt thawoca of bag ecvvo to wrao and d it after dath c un body e nth vtbeneo it rove and bia aplrit tobimouv bettowd it one art im length the h i r 1 pate property aa bcfei rigidly and fcviet fariciy of fine ceei and bipck lea if av eatolabloel ia tbe uiu siuie liter are in a tarjo bunnraa and u fcreat botrni to cootumeraof lo jlfoe tt rdiioro oml piibliaberv nf sowapapora in the coked stalra canada wert indie be aho will cee thoabovo tflrra in ther rao peclive journal iiieladnj ibta notice will bo pd foe the ui in any ton they may ovetat frmii ibe asove clloae at tho prkea iracnj named and bv their pikebaain- f ibe c vnpany tttfcu ile nmmt nt tbevr bill whlcb thoyareut liberty odito af u they ptcaaei jjper u lio ailvorifae inut dirret eoptn marked ro the rviao tim cvmfxtny 7 v 77 fulu tuort ktvr turbt i3i fresh teas fdr saix by lite sobecritcr at hi st wbere caaree famrty ctveeriee may bo vbaiocd at low prices pine tmpciul twanky pouclmn rjuawdr c cadil with a trkty of suaro dioji anj uutet article iv ncrable william kinfrtn juto 21 1617 amont tbe tic are- old and vounj ton souehin pbvm in cheat half cheat pod pteakv saie i thia lino tuoo- j marti captubg or all tub forhi on the canton river tb inceoaain freouency end viofeneootatueka on eumpcoo by the chioeao hod obliged tbe picntountivrysirjuhdviatorecumufihhlary eocrejoo tho rimoedfato provooairon v j tbo attack oo a porty ot engliah alio were vititmy fubaban in exmpany with wxnt americana and were my nrrocionaly oaaaited by tbe chiueao in- habitanta fulinhao n a town about twelve tu lea real ot cantno on rcceiviof rvcwaof thia oui- fi sir joho da via tcaolvcd upon a hooile niirtiniimpa we copy tbe narrative with mine curtailrneet from tbc oniao mt m on tbe lt of jiaya general datutlar ifrocc an or jar directing ihotn tucrnurl ihtncbt and ooi aril bauudi off it waatbei pai aurocack in ibe aftomoon iba entire force avaiuble aomc what under a thousand euco lojreytlrte with uieir c matcocl and vlore arcic all oo board atwrtly afur uiidninhl tho naral fbrco coovrtcd ut uio qoeenaabipivulioroand eabjh company armed atcomer huto tbe coraalra awefl mcrchani ileamertiljinf on tbc canton riter and a sorchi hired for tbo artilkr and fitted vp in the coorat nf a couple of hour by colonel oreretoo aa a f no boal neil morning between lw and thrre oclock tbo thteo vteamcra were under vroh the vyliero jcadtof and tuwirj the artiltcry torcli and two lare cbineio boata conainin iltcsvp- pcra with caiqraddcrv ecc about fiifli icock k vuliurc mlered tbo oocea ttjpvm tbo teoroao were at tbeir jna ibctronfo tdd ott joe tandioa and captain mac doujim running ba ahip aa near the bora a fil tolfhrlyl nlii ivj jft f yl ijutlm n lfio anongtoy bmk ilm fiaiuatlc foru on lu north evsoulliwanlnuf iaundi bcin wilhin faujna oo the other aide aa tlie anchor waa let co tirt boat were luweod and in vlanm ahorter time tlun il can bodeacribeda atron octaebmeni under tbc coovmand of major atdrieh waa taoded wib the general and tbe ihreoforuof anbnr hoy mouaiin ufwarda of 2c0 junr were in vur pmavvaion tbc com weo rked ant urg qusnliiicior arnmuiiiiioodcatmyed fnrbrmean arma ovaoaall b wlawaa bo bud lefl iho vnhu at the aaine tinae o the ufbor tfce perxcoded witk the teoopa under ul cvmacl n inc fonafln iho efmlh and south wntona and bavm entered litem wiihool oopottiinrtf apibod enore than 2o0 u i and deatroyed tteir moatnca tlmr in ibe cajracof a fow hour thcao fire finoidahio batleeie mounting upward or 5 brjje ton had been diaarnied audttiooafo communieaonn of tlio expedition witb llorjakoo ao tar arewrcd lu ettcctinf thcae important ohjecla the ot itol ear wijicrrfo to abiin frcpmogvrinfr pc non1 injur r to ibo cbinrioan the varjoo torts and not even the moat trifling aiticiv of rhopoiry wa car ricd nwoy or deatmved bv tho troop and the recy ot lurtlwir oounw imi en hanyedaftiowrif x fru wiihin a few foet rttam tlofiofnontbeatemcm4i0 waveaocedimly c every a frafotaw loor n of the pan luiu npr lh tf c fart and one of ber puk hjm tfce kc mtb hk em of opaajw uoarar of copper lo portii ana 54 nitbanaineh womapked uown op bj rcvcjeelod tle expoditivm then eeatued iii pvrtre- the river and the ton olko lb aaaa rou aitualcd at tbo emerxmmt ot tbo south eoaiernubniborconwaauoeked tbo ate mown ro and ihon anikaal at fiur mk p m- tho aieamert anchored in tnmt ot ibo faet riea and foot otbar fort bo hm dewie llio ciiy ami auborba of canton weru diarmed bbiu in their c aaahpj tbetr and dc4lnyn the marine making itngdher uprcard of 650 pvoceanf hoary ordnance dtucd airvce nioovclook thoprocedins aamrung a aaou aa th lflwf ir uiwvd tbo mer bkivraheacsalkrmpuckibclihchi and iovrna at n uivptof tu oleccra oen ao that ibo eniuw force waa cuuifarubu bouaed blwo riajitbll a lwr fmr4 wilij puccd at tho coo llovae at tu end nl old am sue vari-iovothrrfuaidaadeejiu- lar ctaaao or aenua mwc for the eoeurity of tbo factorica on ibe ortiral of a tt calmi aja jtfc ntrnted en keein th u wp 0 itbhmattleb4ii nvljawemiu rncaiymreanily ilioubecd the repceacutative of uvc tw0 ftauaaja thou ibo atet bat the hib imperial cmianoocr altmtcd dpi aomrrmu at okreu vvff the 4lb ibocropa wcrouflorrarmada oauvawaop ia tin- tdenoof tbu bnt rtory aftara fc auma iiaea ghwaa aalaco of thrau t wvo lieordanda barxoecn ppreavvbina but ft frmind lo contvio onfy cbaanebalioff ad wuonainy tt lh flqriooafo kuyitt a p- pnch aj lite tiocew wocoraliiucdaadaipmnd to abyrfiiig tt ti major cvoncral oroomd n lu be diirniaacdj aoibi bcn keyiof ot hfth arr fc aria rc at tho kajina puae br captain keanody wi fi kaym hiuawk w hi- oaual ctljniiy nod campoaure ihuao who bad auart ban ruv bipiiicreireufnataco su nut tai tu obaafre a roortined mjweaai beyund b power ocao ra5 3fl 01 vi 10 is mm fl 50 44 vi nod gss o csir tmo clack teas pouciiong rd full oiror df saa do very towior souchong rol b eitm fiooaa kjlum mtai- ovnr fr otvajp hliatcuaiarcieat faoorit qqjrciroat aatiafactitv o aeiy tjne uo n vne imjnd uh1 half pnndcottv eatranirtoo t sz plus rfta iml ivc ritf tffo that ten e a frrrnt vr awcet na uwpy it yhda a perfnne tbj ia truly dcigmfnt ii ivorprden fwwlb tr auperror toooy tbiujof tbo kind over avtd ia thlocfmutrv english ureakfasttrafin 00 50 d d eitra fine do g2 nowqua mixtprkaatrunand rirhmcbterewfjivor 00 r congo cnod tiu 37 i ret fino 00 5 pefcob flowers 41 00 i do do ardencromib i so reaioeu tbo avrve wo cipci diity f cilib vvcf jl 1eiil fliof ton xfitv imjmrtcdbythe pbkin tea compaxx and which wo intend to oipyricbl to ptfivat iricberr i el our areola eel ready recommendations ifcectnforo 1 haabe very didtotr indeed st poibk to atwayatilain n1 iccn and b ioj tbd now you ivo nolo to vint tlm wr tnauvvt alha prior toa comfia- flaw ii fd raw ucei tn obtain movafevua and fragrant it aaymi coad wtah furwmrify 6vo wobafotriclthoteajaiinfarted by ibo pebiu toa company t5 dt 7 full- ateod new yb and f avo bvo will try beinoften thcf am k tnf the ml dlevua u wo errr drahv and rolrl ibnu at wbueaate itrlcc j- j oar thefiwrtapccimonj ft men vnd blurk iri ever ald in thi erniri arr ifnrtcl or the vr- viatracomimnydltt fnhnn vtreet thar l want tvd teaa at leaonnalto prior can at wey cet ihem tuee76ac a wnuntwlraixa tho pobin ten c-arj- puny 75 ev 7 futtnn voc ravine maartrd 1 thai market aumo mty69 dmiam amrlh of w uacat amjdna of uroen nd orocx ton amaw in ilia retrmrvl empbn opcoji in nil the naaao aacy piokacoblbki cuaaaaj incenuity an incemi it 1 n rl lrr in buy toa at thia traut ev baaawf and a luir d a comlvai lo do there they aalt jood ima only and retail irwr at wbmcaoaa pricrov tmntry ruarchanta wuh to alwayamll crvmjiran can iraye oa itkm at ihia a reaaoiaabk kmu ava fi cwrrrizaiuc sale on viltose of wij5iwi tonsuea and unrilivooj scanllin- lumber the suicnbor obtn fur reasonable lcrm poiimoutli 20oooyvrr seasoned iumtcr asxorcj j tosiftahca thick aio a brgrjuaritftv nf oak plank hibb pine and sjhucc spra of vaioui dlincnaions and round cedar in icitgtli from 20 to 40 ftrt jame fisher pmtaoiootiijimicso 1sv7 521m sch00lb30ks jcst received at the atheneum book stofte the falhmiiig ot boams boston acdemyfmic olncyn trwphy and alloa kirkbaina cruiurnar do ejocultoo wakcv diclioimry fiiioocfcs coldaoiilu etizltnd da do rtnme do do- greece juncib ww be uy vrcra juo ceosioeot tla waa accompaaiod b dorina uwanavrtarhun ihoui in dyaco at onurt and deprivaj r bra butwo and poaoocv fauier wn noo ihem and aceni to batnhtod wilh rcpcct only inferior lo krulmatll tbo confeeno waa inviwdirjiaiy oporwd mod taated novrty tea h nr tlac cbittoau ubut lame bwee about twouvaaak apoanratly in much bane iseaaws fon touvwonuftb tn keyin the wufy foiiiasfl 0i whic wiuwvcwndlbcopatio fona ond had r ivouhim until ii octoci couic mowing trf ertnaidcratavi while iho eofercoco waa in t on nm ooc koanint that tluj mob wui ahr i tare a way nln il reiurm unm cm alfrm lo do ivvwu- late- mayw alovjeh au elianccd to w at tu dooe iaajvtdilejypnveecdedwiih rehi enffit w co ruew eat tbo emruutb in douow cuich tieae lowrda nlinqiat muoj wbent tbo rmbilo waa odbcted though apfwrontty wit y ipajajbj intent u at dp il a hat eattuy ihty ao umhodrecinoo ojniih nipv a portion o ibo wddiora tben browed uaw ojdrtb down tno narrow aircct sbnrtly fterward tbo ccuc- ral arrived 00 lot pt with a uror furce a trnn uiaforlyaccoodwaaaulrincjit thecnticof ihoufcct scadln from ibo old to rjjacw danuli rtonp and at oibt acnirie were 1 ot every o a tbo factoeico nnd ua chirwoe oieryh h aerrvnlt d lkimi or pct- nnikiinwn lotlio pnrtera were nllwcu 10 paao tho rale tv ccwco llouac it tbe top of nnrr eioied bv die twljn vv and i tvr burijhdd ln bo aluiej a vv pr c thei1yj bro awl anotsor bohr bciwaeofljo twf aimttbr arval a am- wrrd an j vbed wa not 0 eonittod aaaw taf walta fir lv bitre frervaiion at ovdav tj car the frorral ceravcn oa rrortnaal le ibo vvcvmie iloi he bvt evraeuf baaln lu iir anura of tlie ont aarucrwa ibo i prand hinerawereamj teot clrwbnum ai u uik ceoeb aa wall a eei jble buiidoc etoeied acainat die fcajdan wah and in vaimf llc rirarfront whjb tbca oparatwna were c o the g c httpaoicd by tbe cool and captain macdi afonjz wiu two mandarin ercd of cr to toeiainetbe louevetadiri tc uw cthirth artiefa of iho coneotion- faj dvy invrrda evening ordera are r to bold j 1uviwvredicaoioprfeed to fuhaoao avy tet nunina it appeared thatucboaeno rteaupiinr to evade tbe uipuaiinn for taaj py- iahrjwni u ibe aisreaaora 00 colonel craaanrr party at thai ptee m sir jl q avaail inliincdlkennr omif thomeoinrn f cair lodyfjfthewnevwrreaprodaeedvtdvj ha pinti nrooid bv deppatehcd lo fuba the purrae of aervint redrca ihere tro ricnee of tho proecedina lor uato bad no ooaat eouvicd lbcchinaaauthoritkb tbat tha ihrcat vurdnebaancaaprynjtai avtouardiaaliaitt acnaacc araarvcasvvdat tbo caaatjsalt iftctottw neutewtiary xrvenpiory e at fire oclock urrao aa warjiftb cjtwclmoandtisvhlku a w w f cnplam maavuclt at n ft p aaaflp uj i moara cucdaff vod midowa and a ou ot otatfonilfiartoribobrkaaa tbe rot w onr af er aetlier lpabooad by iho cbnanai oleora rf joilieo ad ea lanvcs ibo conann fleaja tbo mmdnnna bein ircpircd to do a rtpuiood to tbe pmpi fco euwod about ua batwravby he mm bid beaai panavbod and il wan addad lint tor a ioiw cntroeu ciaiy aubt thccdjud tab cjpeel a ltc chavtniamuot in tbo courae t the tictuj ftjaa stb 1 yar uirul orde r w aa iavued for an ascavaraaq rf ta troop fur llnk aod iba marejoaata appru- haure of ibo on ai k n a afrjrj lboj au 4 iykf4 wilvml aiilhary piuleanioc root at olck lo vie a rccnooatranco ta kir job dnn ootiejboct cafciii brauav lb adqujitca navhaviocuycnancabeniroam a nnbun reiufn rnvn the meelinw of thu aunaj of tbo ojotfhntfnvrteqediiaocbinbcjof cocaeeoa aoal atalod lajnt it fad beau rartanmood tonv tbeliit comny of tho eifhlonnlh tbo rirba oouny m atill at canton and will pru ra- uuin then nnfd the hnd v the ffonan -jj- pftfjed ibo iactory wamooeirnmva6a 6 iho retniininf nuance rertyvrcd a ad atber nin arranrcmontj completed wetu aj aatraaall of thatroopatw bo talioood iidc rrriauaauli hoevc il veaw perhapt t paricraue la aaavaii aotdrauf the merehanji whohebre rjtrfd fur 1 i ordnnncalorco wih caklnea arid irrmcrliwiui 3j0 ronnd f bl1ljrtdaa now rejolrty drflw turieo a day ah ut tharady tbe sib ibe corcvrwr and ua general vntb tbc oxova body eat tbc eaaon brnliluilicoovohucoa nnk wioiotber o4cvf l to the lovers of the tr7oed wl 11 1 m a irr 1 o r- 1 a m tarklnkiilitf uavanna ivuiripn 1- m a ut wjrvkuk or hcui pfknileu and other crott nf ibe chntceat brand vviulaj 1mi1 jfnrjdra- onwnkv animtie ciwicecijlffvrbruin- pitjojico and tatrkmh tutaccua market suiiaro i kioaioojune 1m7 fresh fruits just received ffmin prunrv iuira ivctrrrcd infr jn atuaaivui rruoil wuao filborus fia v po km curirf umn ml qronc wbokaakandrvtnd 1 matkri scujra kineaion jthjuuc 117 iam j mirtln 1 ii lite curo of tbo afternoon th ateaaaent otd cbuio streei had previooaly been uioo on wrivod ot whatonoa oa did uwu tbe epcf to iluinr tl nvfln the v drauul of warcr ptcrcotiny ber from aaeendiac 1iilioba bot- injfifflal jasn da vtl ibo cnrvl and lu taq nocd into tko wotc 00 the ncawir of tbe 3rd tbe troop arerc tranforred tn ui iwu vifiallcr vteanwa and ure boai of iih volure whirb were tnuedbytlkcn and the eipeditron eucdod tho river it brrived about hairjnv nino uvtoek at llmurricr a atnj owaf mukcaciteodinfrfroni bahklfihaok witllorfyooeneoaudc by i vfn forii sia mttirerk nf tvoejloao of iho do00 fori bod anircd at wbarupoa bo- paro the nqudfon rt jnoat have bron kaova jn cutonihoaarocnijbt and rt areatwu tberunaro eorwidered likh im thcao work would be fielded whhaarta ainfo tbo plan of afaftrav rnlhat1be two toil to the left otod tx iniultoncuual attached wi carried iufoeltect hy tho ftutn uilh ordwavkjn f the hal aa- cbarax oreaat of naper ft and a almnj naly waundeduftdcetbodreciioo ofilto cena- ral whihn tlto co4air and tbo bnal ahc waa totting dihdabarlied icr foreo under culoacl drcrctonoioofortrkareattebahwr lc i bflili fori wera bkiwn pen by tbo eojfioaera ihcir crrimnrraed by tho rear ure un were tniked tho toogniiue blown un aod tbo cxt vrilb he l column undarol bicrcton aod urdoi aamaaaj b- opaawby thealeamrm pulled aeroa tn atuck the frta on ibe flhrr bank the rirer here it wai evloarit ifitt umcbiiicau avaaalotd to baaki a tvnd and aa tbo buaa caine wiihiu rouje bath irta oncd a brak frra af ruund altat aod wbeo tbey dtw aawrur aa rape tbey wee immediately replied l be tla pluoa- cru and e artilvry ryrv-bovt- the boau with 1bc traaaju uukuf ateadily towerda the ula the firipf tuirtttd mtl u toco hoded and llicfl aociei tfcc qn ahorc ibo cnrmy ibibjtncd ibeir work4 lli near the fire of dbc clime waa tcowarlidblx well direeied and it ia ool wondcrrol how hie dcuehment kitj wjlboul amino bwa icauicru and but vreie crowded wkli men wlm udvaaruty ktaqdin rouf the round hot atrikinf catc lo ftbcntj and cral paninf betweenbe mail and hunrklauf 110 at rn tart 1 the jrapoaliaalvoutliof ibacbly around tbo buov of cubfocj jive4oo dutaton wo arc aannrad tliat il 1 rotriy tfwint to luowuratojudcpaeotcjtiduiiajuiahadomaoe thai llttm wm not a loaf tiat of caaoaliev ot ooacrvipg ihal in gun wrr in ilia act ut awoif laidforiwdiracuonea ila booia iioravjueotodu jval offioci in locr apoo tbe nog lu 0 lu fall of by a fny of iho nyl criah and the prafoat 8aaxnuar4vtukaa katwiroi- iba tin known a the fnurji fooy wa ckaaiuyed ky cnbioel plrtnywii 0 r fl ihc aimed buala ot ove- vulenrr in the frttnnri amovonltion wna aavaaal oat lo uc lreoaa adklllionol acajintadjcn woo ciinairoctcd and every preparation aado far any acmice that mi jil ba ruqaved atfack nd uie ovitiahtcaaderri rrceived a wjnr- n tobupveamtud foreurevtenincaaorif hoatllittcb kcyrn ploadeel ta an oxiaolioo f vji in orc tofonbor enoaolnikm wilb biaexaaajroea afhiofv arot rrvolrd at day brook on the gtk capuim clark ktooedy and uout ijaeraui ufl tbo engineer wer acrrt to thu titf wao arni 1cy aotcfeodcq in acalsaj in taro pa ilp hoijtlu hoinj aooot 23 frot and aaccftaiipaj mir ii wiaofiufnclnu widlb for the pnipaaod oiilitay iwawation tbey rrtomed brcaw 01 tfclork wsnn awocurotiiuoication h1 been rj- ecircd fnm keying and ihc atranonieota toe iho noaauu wore coruii an intiruliou of thairoa in ro wn liven in a fonciall oadee iaue4 by uor ceucral dacoltay ssnrllvartrruwjiadrr waa lrjra lb diatc bnuitairuaaartl lb ety uf cnvton arul a fonrfjl vacrifico or jeand poyaaarty varerie by cba raxaviin m kfjinf a nnaaaar berwiau u etjtiiinp demvndad of bnui wad rbw iwym rd nit wma imineuiitrly ntumutcaved by srf 3otfn duriain a cnrcrouacot dotifcaftio twaraau aaiv1latjr 1 fr n in nritlwi tnbjrcl nr mnraaj uhclaaitl lllrtly 1- rtvuu axrrotoi or nomcnicrtl 10 tln naircfdatfvr country wirtavoi nuaaaaultoo rnomiaa uav aaaa- datyainieqninhivt and any pcjaou indcatjn rhrm alullbo aertraiy punied 3 ttwarlrcaarrarmrtlwta utjfa ber laal and an coivova rbavwyajr vnd nlwra3 fohlun uu llio sib ffaafh afair bo foutfa oa- wiubobnnjirio cnltoj bo punam l th prraonro of rwauu 0yim4 by awafjaolju feaihmmr7 4 aoadavnatowmm tbo river ahalwpraated lauau touiiliah 1 eeisnu and otbfta fqr ibe rrvtw t ftwenujujbj nrdwareoaea aod hia caiaaaaqif will uac ii ll taanj laffsovajoiio cvnwaa 5 alajeijaaajetaraot aluladoo kaacnuikikatadu to mtviixr vine pvw rcou ttrrr a rioien faajav- it appear to be ceoeraoy boowu thai llio pncu pn nay be propufaixd ovxa abundantly and with ccitcf cuc onjr pwi tho rrvooto pewouo mor unturai aterary yiih betaw llic riund when plaitad in to qboj way tv pi at h propagation aruall awo of round will he vuceitnt ua 0o tuber may bw pucedcotnotbor uhen ro haajc frnwu uj inch or two owvo tire auifrce of the corth bw tl re r be cot ff bvlorv ok fit reeded hjliti lartnt two or tiree iticbe ju en f earth in tbennrvf a ck or tea eur ibl y orin be li i puml and puatfd aa b dkn- tarve tht routeeoni reuerajlr pivoted ariil prc- duee ucnipuf ua4ituimtl faecjonjtn 10 the ktndaj oat t that awodocaal fonn tura and whew proiiuj in lb r flt n ybnta tuay be uuuirdan fct antkaib a m hc aite cray vrzlt bo lo puco baa lobera aaaaaawaaaaancraa sttwr rtafal and bibr aboota hare rrown b tbo lrnrtb uf two me ibran tnctin vit 7 tbe olj tn take up the lu via and aenpntt if tru trotnrlioni thenn vittae aix or rnore bnulfuly nvj fnlij jrt in ordaj tor fin4 pbtcrtn rrplnco the luboraaj booiu 4ibitfl may uaaaaaajaaj at leawt fcaacnro aatarw po iutiv t iniu tmaj or 5 lubera of a mdaratn or to punt red of e h t ibe diaioclhat ojbcrv aro usually puniod lieriubaou ukam ftnm a fritrn cnj t re lad tiko coltinfa ot uthat pli n j ond arrrrwrdjtjuiunlej wiq b pro- bjoo 0 ee oflobera repal io qnoalrlo to that prod jaeii by tw parent planlwirub wljijo t-ranljrj- ik avavalaawaf cbavtjvia sttttvcriifciit aharon afha r iimcaa famvri- 1raea uwla lid tobovruit jpuriearaxt wiu acvco of uieu wiiieb had born ateiraorbael dliii1l mriih tbeir foul lure of rnck anil weralail infkr nriaptfy and hca ibiipa pre- anoujly wciftiao arero runuo1 ivockjyan 1 io what cwniily bad bcajfcottoaaaj b pcmldiyiij ii ii l whuotar tbcau baoa aaata bny and com ibry onu nod only abof and jtit untj t diy bl vj bay arerc tj vilb uov bay ly ua ail fe wo lwoi aittlnd prtv nt tarn youa lanot thwl i 6ih ainl tho mf of catotou gitaf bjiroa in a mora rnuvenieut oxulhan r aatuut cnmic reudi jiiore jiiltib thq tho utker rn a rotmed mrrand by t dnaapur a jsud laoa iu nlvajib kou ia ba by tho aid a tba vnndtj vrutwait juar uii it wiaf uace nceeav sjii arm cajrraal ivjiiiuitn varivvril tiadut riabad lo filil bl e vu aatrtl txarno- bpka uy nh oath ovier ia throw and vat on tla bjckaf rha 4ia aad auwaaavux law4aitoijftjnaa awawlanlooaaaitltoo rao all thaavwutlby kfar 7wabvaavay panned iha avocti teheet ho hid ativianl ft it wriitco lb acj jwoi acpmta baad rt f lto atorf a4 sav-ss- uajauai f to atineao lu ultariiy fvequatnt liif vrd im-1- 1 mra br jsjilid j j i iwavnbnvu aailj