thai wtavr than to pay one dollar rwr for w ur 40c ft ssbeat to another uaswkl hlitmr lie idle he need not do tin he ran fwv rmoyr tb- nw york mute irl 4 1 r wbeagfwa to fcal fflret market that wawftt tort to mcmrwl io kvw york rate uj frvfartt to it bj the lt ataajmrr qaotaiiwus floor was 4ial to 750 ta uerpoip nrwtork maikrlfctl to6 buffalo lo 4 chicago loamji now here k i n of j between cluca tftj liv- erpool pneea 330 bctwrr n buffalo and liv erpool io4 fto between new york and tiverroo ianjr of oj would ilk i load 4 vei1 for hair ihii ifiirjift tatal nt york wit ld tj t on r flour and place it kit j in liv- wtjj en mllbon dollars wrlh of sliip- jdrofi thelakr eomiellj to lie ijfe nee nonlfr in tbryrir only fnr toe reason that vr cannmjrt aronan ihii rrent channel to rfjr ocean ao while ihewesl hi to submit twjfttij she ihttii round and employ the al- larnrt ihiprnnu ni enormous rah to carry irr ssmrftj to foreign markets we let atsjaslicm cjjiirtl lie mill it n interest insurance and rjciirvci alien of 25 tr cent per brwjmd rfpw nqoat m30m on thr sjecan at last winter rates of freight at uver oiie bnndraj per cent probt at lhr rt of inrisjbi ihroujrji new yok canals it now siicar we shjil br hnl up frott a for- ttin market but with such rate wc couid tfjojd loeans il unrhnhrinf winter ffr may flw 1 eery fairrultkrt england will buy lr7rly of us si 6 jer bbl fu flour or 5 60 twt will ttiake wheal wonb sco like mchipn if kft irr pfrmilld 1o frriht jt in own rrh bj way of the si lw- ttnc in ihe wlolt wbilf rlhrririit our vei- ittbmiol opbj lb firmed will rwl ijm cprnioiciaj interrtu in ctrjy iotm irtd rifvon i tie whci wtcr wake up to the pnlijct iiti tlkr nrh n rtnrci a will unj faih iltiinmcm of the ojkf7 la7eb rhqmmulcd tie ftoce fonjmioer t 0wuoai o ttwdlhrm per wbieh retched kich- novid yrretdy eeliiit fwrther inleltieoee rrltif lo the lutt of ptliira in tbc wlt muiler the picoyuaelcinroai urtfr cnlillfu lo crrdit thai gn fierce lid io leave vrra tmion lbef7lliot jut bill vjj cxoeclrd o enweh frem ibit pjace on the erening of tit beilitj of ibt cilj of yi cre bid bmarntabitiwd thv goterrpd ef veti orvt h ii1 to have rrceived inform lion that an ilte1t woum be eailmit puce iwmrjwicly ktivt the d- 4 of gf- plofce f hn i cfjy pce- tfer u effectual uefeoee bad pm bfe by the girmor tjw ronespolencr of thr pircyvnt mafcr tjo mention ot ifae force evllectto at tbe na- lrmen from ottienic wuter bave been received al vef ctov from tbe ciiy of mel- ifjok trbkb poitieljr ute tbat xifu ana u in fitr of pcr mi ii olj litin- timil the peace fiy tbatl vyk wtnjtej eeiflocy bcme pablicly dcelari bit eoti- mrnu it waa oftkrwwn at vera croz ttbelber sarrta anna or ut mexiean couto hail ar- irclcd ibe cotbatpiooer lo confer witb mr tnl weed il wa not jwilirrly iuowa that lhecoflere bad eten aaanhkd at all but t waa adrtood that the ptc comtftb- bioeten were aasembted o ibe tib of july bj order of the cong tutorial bo1y the ibrwrt i panizan pper ijtitrin to tbe canat of ftxede denonncri tlitnz i ibe anoderolor itad baranja as lh crcaturpi of i hllflllllbtthiti r ii ti a thorvomrbtrrpidor ih fwnlu tauuut aarr m arrfeer cstata whoma4e war rfi ctnabi m ihe tjrta o ccbeef a and afteuf4 irn ioirtci5lo meiioo lwr bo warttiit pat h tbailia wirbtlaotf ha tp ef rovof butbaidatbtmhte hufeiihtionmcei lloomeo lort allsfoowda inika wfmintfis il con tod rtf turtii 60 aailar doanl nj turn tbe span- h ahipo of mt hcb arccbotco fftun liiho lo lioe before vera crwt and wfrm jinu edmed from ibo we vice it it nid tho anef icons bvo fied a pne f 810000 itfibitiirtd but i donr bvure no etl u rcy tavitv tlc rac ftllewa prea this vnanavoww i bat on a cannot go a toaieof a nxjaroo i vitbot dott of be tc ilklt wii scoldidftot ck hinirir mcure in pocbu ilo tnercforo hao encamped outitoa ii rty hittytaitisovitooonwu it h 3000 mor under en codalude who it beo jvaid mm atfettlk uat proviooa 4ate tbatoq eemvitb hi dition waaat caomo tho er- ilu mioeat pgebu ao drool tlat tvtty dov tbef fir1gportbjhk tftilleey genor altrea i only mi tnilroff rrtvn lrm with i2 men fmm iio suli- llt poaitton it f ttroof cf4 valencia tt aatd to be el r pri with 12 naitilliunv end fiittiitadr in miiromih 1j- 000 men here ibo poo off ceo seort it fcedwrym aa muat crilical fat lbarar aaitjr bavatht upper hnd errnnlelflfr and ibo wbote coonire hi rainrd lo few dart fro ku know on what lorelr it aceroa eertoin at on rale kat ibo eapilil will make a ligorooa reaimanco the orboto pty- uuliti aairnalcd wahnnorpip md pnpar aaaaj fat ovcrnto koro been nwdo not tjtm4c f the eit but wmuaj ilic birncaoea an raiwtf io every atea- it naartovc been decided isai i ihn approach of tlia americana umi women and rhitdcn ahallbaaent vot of the cilj to kmc pugiff rr tuf bo ia ft leave l u il lbcrtt q vieor t n defenee tifce ampricaoa hava behaved adm ibtr cxif tai nm prtrcflt thair beinj dclrtrd and i ha i in ucfi a ovf ire ikii 1 am afraid of wwlenee aannn a ibc diriaioo iro rnemmpfd witloil tl thc kall hove matejwd ont ths tfiopa cjmnpaiinp lhtt diion blonj in ihe icn newrfjaroent fney rofoo4 looklaff but hniw noihoff of oanoeirrerin aa lo tbe eaaatry when ibe am ff vn a rtojooiif iho vdunipera looetheit worripa thr hfht artillery hfikck rhirb u hero oooa nmeiihr ewkopto thobibrqmuloi tkkicnhbranwo ikd anteri- enri eervree enta ilafdlv do tnc 4annneeet anmr hnw io taid their 0 0id lr 4ih oi jutjfreof theia arcjo wounded m6 mr ti voinjtomkea great eaaaira nrryitilie anjffanr ravreullj uhnajh nmptni hwc tlioir ahaie of t tho anoeatiiy moe tbofrincr ratkf adae and moa ike taller qm tumeof thfaf deaihauiobc pui totlie aeeonttff feece nd dticilerir h aofatc take no ear of btmarjre tbey n drraaed in cbind aw tnaybarenmreuedeitaeeft feelwo 0oluivy ra badlv fed in nqvadon ofcrtrajanndnrc terrf eompnard of rigm reaaelaaanrt thocilr fcnar wiinnw fori tcaaela of war orb freneb ajdpn bjg a itmaa uua gad hyfatwdtwtw ibg fxncjuiioi tbal the utter b dftciletlla to jjijwr of tbe rc-ealabltjh- roentnrvrtte mfrren ow two gove n men ts thfkotriqt ubafbtb aeri tbit the catcra hj tfcxrjtrd of uieir appcnnt- t gd takvfi umjt departara lor ibe por- of d1cbipni iba daiirt tnlnistrd to yaarwj ww corvnf chtftref tht iri it ip- inaffel of by a larcrj fjra7ril of the mnl irltenkaf cnao in thr rejyilif ind wboe amilaooa a agrtal jejieecontriliulcd etkii tdoa tden ippolmed on cataoe corlim and sera inmalntd in pocr and no it s5 cakrtel mad ocenrred a ma rntintrwflwaaw id he in fnror 1 tirtcwtdi aieajjiaatjr rot of ibe oiftentiie iraja maalij ahdtbe uailed forth- vrrfred il poeua on ibe sih of tar peiec wen under pen- is thr i nh ii c to erhich time had 00 toovtd toward the 9raa04em cowmeiev tnei ititei ihit a frchgenuenin at tnplcn who eaihewitilrji the 5lh of july declare bat tretweaiiari ctinrj waa not in season rtitfne wa kwirwa re icailir maioiiitmrnt of cotmiionen tttehtaorlearj bu ftpeefenu ibe ac nyiiforrj mexico a conilicting but ibjte sen the rao4 aoihenlit torce indicate a litinn to ftarocratr 11c lerni t orcedfj united suir lowerer mut be vej kfotroecriuini the ontin of ccn iwm andiherevef cen tavteralteie l the nceation oi hie eetc bcuioa oi tk 4ui of july likewise tbe nornpfj lui rfefed ni the aaoie day at manterer toayocr xt the tprech of cent siyw cawbirt- and ct witchli on tbe oc- caaamiot the eomijimenlary dinner lo ow eoub an headv- laeol fitee of lie maachoetu rex- ajiewt jice ttc fottowni tcnltmenr- get tatioh we hail htm aa ibe ftel prrwteoi may uu cieil be m brilliant at bit military career to ihe bnrfcft tjilr araaeaml htiefle rrrianaled in 1 1ve nee bad the ranily taavpiretooe trk for lue mevated atatiml which tim m u alnaavd tn if my fel low ennntiymen think proper to elrvate mt in no diltfftvwd an4 hnarame a pntilion 1 ibalt wkart eeilairjy d my wi to faithfully diacharee ltc remnmme jliea i4pi npon hf svom anjoihrrcansil4lebe ptferm lad offr red who mav itr twin- emnpeleiit thin aaeiff i meal wot ey lhai i wisl iiewt cheer- yarejoieace thv tvcimtifw awdaall re- faeihatlhrre f one roe iltv to repre- frnl the icone m the uiflun olfice in tbk cfk sconv rornnn uuonan wliw aaar t- lx irurea wttkn haahocd iwe of any aailvn- itcarcwunurfn ifx arif rl ftoorram tmw nwae of prcparali guu u ihrt arlb rwl tew reary pan w- rm lo im- n ivwtnl u utmtl1tmt jrtifli fm lb pwtfrr whiktb aofral f r u 1 frinfftfini law wetf i aal iu r4 ikrt a war with it of tbaa iotr d wenvfwh hir fm vc r aios waihi innn in ihe kmu f- tanoij aad wtneh w as in 1k1 r n po r w lii rsikh braja ajpeoov 3t irt uii trlvh4r ocean hak packet service wabioion july 291647 the briluh cn baa ehibiled a vptiil of mean ami disreputable jaloiliy in reairl to oor nete line of mail steamer al i well known the postage on letters carried fry ibe cmard ateamers acrost the atlantic wrai fixed at one hulling sterling or iwenty- fuiir eerily our i government fixed the postage hy the new american steam line a bo al twentyfour cent coruequcnlly ihe mail by the waabincton were carried at the rale of twenlyfonr cenlt a letter these mail when ftfwacd from hitlt a tipton lo loniton were charged twentyfair cents per leibr extra thus makin ibe nsuzp across the atlantic forty eigh 1 cents thi piece of sordid nir- irdlmeaa it tbe more discreditable from ihe feci that the canada maib arriving at boalon hribecunajd luaoaers are earned by oor joremment from thai city to montreal at the hwest rate atlcneed by law at it haa always been the cviee of oor goeemmenl in ptore the f eittecce of the most eordta wlin towards icatp batfemu wftil 14 mailefa ojinrafpr at in tranamiilinfj herenaib acrosa or counlry lo her colonies with ibe least possible expense to her her retum for this kind office it a virtual embargo owoar enterprise and a petu lant attempt lo fown down our efforts at a cinpelilion wilh herself rrv steam ravicalion how dare america attempt to rival aw her own domain tbe empress of tbe seat this s her language and with the ill humor of a cross old exclusive of ihe aretenl irgirkshe bridle up if one venture between the wind and her monopoly we cannot al hretenl retaliate cnnpess bat fixed lire rate of postage by the cunird line at lwenlyfour cents and until next de wfaajber there is no way my lo meet ihb eroas imposition of ibe britisugnveininenl tlie proident has no power lo alter tbe law or to beyond it the british government will therefore continue the pitiful exaction jinlil we ihall be in a joiition to retaliate wwjfn it will lower its rates with a jlootwb of irumpeu about liberaity and the earnest desire of ihe british government lo calli tate the most fricadtv feelings with u uiied slates thi is a mean and paltry advantage laven hy england il it the intention of our cor rnmenl lo reuliate by ibe only mean poasi- wc wore ihe mtlinr of conretliai hy raisin the rate of potate on the mails tamed between ftveton and montreal these will now b ratseo to ibe hisjhest iiandard al lowed by ihe lae ami concert al ib next es5inn will be treommeattei to enact aacb retaliatory 1awa will compel the uritish go vernment tj shandoii ii overcharge on mill carried uy our reamers thi affiir ha formed the strct ol a corretsnonderce be tween our minifies at the court of st james and lurd patmmin jt hat aio been dts- cursed at an extraordinary meeting of the cabinet ibis mor cur- jft y htrxm sanatory measures for tlle immigrants a ajtaeaiinn f evecdo- rrvmenl a far a cf n dj to mtricl ih diaawao lo u pecutiar u ete an evrrm in 4tbninatpon orrr tha rj tii ari moviiaba eonenivroco vf tho api iron ii lp lia m cnor of the iinmijragu aa the arit a mvibvd of mtnaeetjwnt haaed on toti iffooroiace of ibe aaturo and tflccta of m ae elimanw cbaofce which tho iowienio nrcaa- aaritt unoaip- mitfml htdim jm tacxtmtmt or iraiirimr sick at new york the number of immigrants at belle- vue hotpilal new york last week it quoted at 937 of which number 30 died the pro srtion it but 3 per cent on the whole from ay 8 lo june 4th the proportion was g per cent weekly the n y commercim ad- vcrtiste speaks of the improved mode of treat menu aa leading to ihitchane it says- tbe change the result of observiui eleart- tineas cecurinc ventilation lubititnlinj ice and iced water for brandy ihe latter bein strictly limited lo medical porpet and the ose of cordial and nutrition drink such a oat meat cruel beef tea arrow root and milk c ih lieu of dmc very rpeat advantage have been rendered to ihe patients by the employment of tenu pitched upon the ercen in frotii of the hospital especially in fever ease several hundred cases have been cured during the ut ven weeks m those tenlx whnhave nevr entered the hospital building by sprinkling the lent with cold water do rin e the heat of the day hey are kept cool within t and no inconvenience has resulted from the heavy ahowert which have occurred none of them being found to leak after wine well stretched this plan of using tent for hospital nuiposcs having been lirst adopted by the resident physician al heuevuc ha since been in trod need all over ihe country with similar rood result atomy jtios u1m or thb paciklc akdtftc at- lvic a new eotnpny for uniting the iwo oceaoj by the lake of nicaragua it perhaps on the eve of bein definitely coastituted m belgium the beun chirac de affair has recently lefl guatemala fr belpum bearing a project of agreement in virtue of whieb rf it is approved the beleie government will 3nderuke the opening of a road of comrnonica- tion by the naisjatior of the montague a far as gialan and a railway as far as guatemala which will commence o be opened at both ex- trrmiiifi at thr lame limrinj when conclu ded a toll will be recovered for the indemni fication of tbe capital rvhich may be invesied rrhichas bat been calculated will not be lea than two mhioni of dollarst pm british whig 0 par ortaoa diar kingston saturday aug 1817- j ireol eovtar verteoamc ova la r t-o- j v milked c c 1 wt d wt peeatt mj- nwff pit iv accirae o u- riitni ootw fiw wiv f i t u away hj io hr trn ajmpali n tnidtl of ahich w w baveotjct4 r hajli cft 4 iff vrafcjja bra avpktrbk cnttnn no imv raflfib anc hpoqa wn atir4 iil0 lhif ftfftrr eiit tna mrr 0iwf nlafo kh ainrrifan tt nn faow4lavwat wbn bait ben fafvwtllt in anjm gin pnt btra fcaeo fiita toet1 their aoav a a ro a lb ir t m r ihe tn w aaawarv far al iptwfpfl hs in intar ety cot tta aivawn pinuiaaar ova jwt tr wir iha gfl and p nawo tjaoo 7 av ko0 kur tpa taaanoaitf are iwaaraywaaiaw a vfh flit with aia or iraagg wot a neo rk aaf at ntajaab oafl avpat ad ta acl a tioan 4 lit waaaaa wat aaaw i f m it teija orof v inaifwrrfff tiaaac w iv mn lhiirw and ihe ivpe panvmera ere concerned haaorwn aninr the eoocmilaniaof immtfrotvvi t rear il ia m10 cwohjisoi nf mnotoe ovpnr thcwibetftw thiceitj white wo admr ike rmeea t as jrreit anafflc paaaaatt 1 iivoifmn into thia pitrinee il i ot the waae itmeoor dotsoae that ihe afruiio ayn alland 4 atih drrtticiito eooarcjuenre o tbe porila tmorthe fmlfjcca nnvriiivnntnrivua that ihta rear on hk roulo uiuatly bv iho iuniranut diauaao and death have fortnorrj euarlr on their aroarerv and ihia diaea io the maywity of intlaocco aa for at ihe rcaulcal ppu i on itie route arc ennenrd w t ahip nr ly fee o sajwrtu t ike adnlt naai atfbibwww artie in ibworaaratrf iratofwa pro- ceta of aec hmauvnent 1 of wbieli tcwumallvni a traid lype onflc of ihe parcrynnena but which llth jear laaonea wnavmtd in m rjtabci vauat doe waqwa4afjy lo the dtairrowa ioeideat litiieir proiraeud oyjtr and uatii jwnbaatj enftehrd entnitnia anterior emhittotinn 1 iii we kn wttlrrul m tli leam aitcmpti laowiirovertooollaeeriaiiied fact lastl aoch a type of fever liao v choired it rxcuw jahwaaaway itn ihecoifiwuom1d ventilnon ate mci dent lo ibeir vjifa aa fir aa our ir eitendaond i a fro tnve b4 omnripri- eace ia the i r tlae caievf fever moat ovoalty dec lule brnaeuea io o ipjjwiio of atancc- vithwt iheprtiod f a n weak afl rrivjl in ihia coniy it wojld brneo stww that lo perrtit ii spread t cnueua dieaae in ilrf ptvinr o oarorujno of kaat iheo wrea r o roonth ahould be inaialcd upon bj the f f tr urn ihare w o q eviaasarw at graaat fate and lliia w1d bcaufticeo i tne cnj did hi iemhalur attain ia otthuda of lhal of lha rauntrr in whuh the baianijfranla intend in aelilr ooliiatcwtraeratoroia frtj wttjay utow ihal uf u0 micro of ibi eiovnce a ecamatanee duo enoily lo n rvfraphicol ntta the okott lenaperatc be ihe c4v nf qocbee for tbo mtmih of hay june a eatraeied liwn tlio reatta of u year a ci3 while that fr hawtaawt kt lboaomo montiit over amtiur mtttfaal h fr2ax tliat of c laic muat bo lowcv aiij iii cbnewenee of tt puaiiwm and tie dinnor aaooi 3i or 3a o lh cay tbe roecu of acclimation eanao then uao place in locality o moel utow that of tbo counirj which it may be aopouocd to rprraani ad the iriu whtcb u hoi one of the phr a- ioviu will fferraly manfh it if uoikr lha rn coatkirvaotxti to tbe llheral pmestant how eoold vou expert voik leiicr to bo mtbliihcd wth everv aeovd word in it a lbel the ms- baa bean fvjwordcd aa directed arrival of the steamship hiberjfla- the hibernia arrived al boston al 9 oclock on blond ay morning makine tbe passage in 13 day from our wndtcoimswsdext loro july 19 lfm7 the proceeding in parliament during the pasi fortnight scarcely afford material for a pasaint observation the wholesale with- rvwp 1x jnjilfrkn ha commenced with a view of terminating a sevsion the moat worthies on record this practice hat now become an annua one threefourths of th time which the house of commons consumes is expended in mere useless dialler interspersed with altercations and pcrtonaltlie a disgraceful as they are nurnerout and the result it that the period which temains foe absolute work 1 utterly instttneient to produce and carry through a single excellent or mnch required measure and lord john rusxell teems lo hate bad no iwtajujt in ihe matter for no sooner does he permit a mailer to be introduced with his oscial sanction than be boan without a mur mur lothe very first indicatioo of diuentad sends it where scores have sone before to tbe family vault of the captilet since my last communication ministers have with drawn several measure and among others the health of towns bill parliament will be prorogued by her ma jesty in person on thursday neat july 22d and a dissolution will immediately follow the conservatives have succeeded in bring ing forward four candidate for the city of london mr masterman alderman jobnton mr bevan and mr freshfield the liberal candidates arc lord john russell mr patli- on sir george larpent and baion roths child the premiers election is considered very uncertain but that of mr pattison mr maatcrroan and mr alderman johnson is considered a secure al liverpool where it was anticipated that mailers would off quietly a contest is inevitable sir tbomas birch is supported hy the whole of the liberal electors mr cadwtll by the peelites and a portion of the liberal lord jhn manner hy the protectionist and sir difby maeworth by ihe high chqreh party the election will probably result in the return of sir thomas birth and lord john manners sir robert peel has issued a tolaminou address to the elector of tamwoilh in which of course he praket highly the various mea sures of the administration sir robert ha evidently an eye to the rein of state and if t at arft wtaijas ihtdtfoad r wtiphodvr a 4e wsa jtrop oif a kit mah fatoorios cjcomitnce of tootfvalore e- awna lvcaltt ahntd bo clacle4 io ut inieir of oh ooonty ibj rteh the chanjc ana ialto ptar rvj u ua j jiwr tytttlj that of ihia pear a aouiov ono iko ineajily vujtu m praorm or ttf pamc obaiaau to oniahfd inrajouorai w lib lha trtuutit stoma nauler pvtlfn ba kiw ilna eiy wovlafrno ea 1md an end to taa awsaaoojnre of vf wql4 ba aiparnord i i fv j yroinwmiiotd randrrvat ma the elector do not mrtngihen lord john cabinet will ponibly rcalisebi desire at ualthe metropolitan boroughs will return whiejtand radicals and the coiiniic pro- tcctionisu but to tec ihc state of parties in the new houc of common wo must be content to wait a few weet an uncvpecledly favorable aspect is pre sented by ihe revenue returns for the yea and quarter ending 5th july there haa been an increase of income in the year and quarter upon the former of something more than a million itcrling and upon the quarter which ba been a period of unprecedented preure upon trade and commerce of 41157 thi icsult ahold a hh1y gratifying evidence of he vast resource of the country which en able it to bear op aevmst such a tremendous accumulation of pecuniary embarrassment on every one of the eight head of ordinary revenue there is an increase on the custom the incre llfl3837 excise stmfcv ftm slamr 212857 tate 3jbr properly tac 30fltrit post olnce wr 000 crown unds l2000 miceuaneou 114384 it it now decided thai mr lahouchcre will enler upon the ofice of president oi ihe board of trade immediately after the dissolution puliament and thu ihe right hon genlle- rnan will be sneeeeded by sir w somerville a secretary fir ireland the govern meat of greenwich hospital ba baen oflvred in sir r codrington the gal- lanl admiral however hj refund the aji- pointment coutrary lo txfaximimg to w one could the firl offer of the highest naval reliromant hav been more appropriately er- rdin tv ft instance than f an nffirer f such bgh and distingtiubcd service lieutenant of tbe 1st of june the cap of nelson he commanderinchief at varioo the galbut veteran however fcrred lo retain hi present honorable pott4n and employment even to the highest ret menl in hi profession sir charles m the senior naval lord of the admiralty to be ihe governor of greenwich hopilu- tiic salary is 1500 tyear with a maftifi cent houcc stores c in all equaj to j wi per annnm besido tbe admiral halfpay sir htreulc pabenbam is likely to uc lieutenant fjeneral sir patrick stuart a governor of malta- the revienalion 01 sir patrick is from ton continued ill health mr macdonnell the chief justice i b v the newfuvernorof cnibia and sir htiv voiiug will succeed lieut col robe aco- verrvor nf south australia rear admiral sir charles xapier ha re sumed the command of the channel fret which va contpcrved of th following ahip- st vincent flofsirc napier i20 hove captain sir j sterling 120 calednia captain dixon iio queen captain sitii seek 1io vengeance captain lusaag ton 81 and ihe follow in teasners oimcapt lln dpcilaai ico bara pw dfaaascapt halt 540 do aecrercaptsc dacrca 550 do fury ownanjcr oatbd 515 dn vism commander rdcr 2 tv there are now nineteen colonial see jod dioceses v anlipia barbadoe cibrlur guiana jamaica montreal newfoumitnd new zcasnd nova scotia quebec tama- nia toronto sidney newcastle adelwle melboitrne cape town colombo amfrve- dericton there are alo in the east i diet the bihoptic of bombay calcutta ami ma dras thi is a goodly array buitihe forerunner only of a far larger distribute of spiritual aid to our vast colonial empie the east india company have grant an annuity of 1000 to sir george pollock and it t expected ihat a similar grant will shrtlj be made in favor of sir harry smith te hero of aliwal lord john russell has riered mr sheridan knowles the dramatic m from the royal bounty 100 per amv which orlcr has been iudigoantly tefsed the insullation of prince albert as chucl- lor of the university of cambridge haft off with great eclat the proceeding eing of a character well calculated toitrea ihe bond of affection between her mv and her loyal uhccl the que al family are at the hie of wight wh believed they will sojourn until the jfoja- tion of parliament the reduction i be 1omto caronifie in price to 44 consequent controversy on the suhjerwilb the leases has excited more general aw than might he supposed the carwchas been dubbed ihe intermcdiale bilgbe- tweeri the time and the deity kewx it higher than the latter and lower lit lh former ii i to be hoped for the horof the liberal party lht they will n their able ind consistent organ to bee dc funet for want of proper support the government have olfrrcd the at the board of admiralty vacant by reto0 captain chad of the ejbcit gunnery tp and superintendent of the naval colrgc but he has declined it the hon- c p- vil- iters m p- lor wolverhampton it is affirucd will be the new minister of the poor law de partment the queen in been pie 10 appoint the earls of stair and elgin 0 be knights of the most ancient and most mmc order of the thistle mauice poiwrlaaaj ha been returned for the county of cok in the rocnn of daniel oconnetl eqncewed captain sir william syoiondt k- c bwho who ba enjoyed ihr olfice of survey of the navy for so many years lias resirjud it is reported that in eonscqaence of the avowed good intentions on the part 01 the queen of madagascar toward great titain and her interest viscount palmertoe ha determined on reciprocating ihe pacific po sition of the sovereign of that island ud b abont to despatch an accredited agent tnma dagacar lo restore friendly relau lieut munro lale of the royal horse fajds blue presenlcd himself before the magnate mr long at the marylcbone police rt and voluntarily made the following ataffiaert 4i i am here u give myself up to inlaws of ihe country having understood that asaw- rant is cast against me for killing cnel fawcett in a duel and i have come fdrtajej volurriarily from dresden to utrenov take my trial the duel eas feitght fint of july 18m lieut munio h affixed hi signature to the above arjm0v was conveyed to newgale acabinetcouncilwasheldalthe feig olliceon saturday when ibe royal yeoh an ihe prorogation of parliament vsv con sidered previous to ubmittrng il to he ma jely approbation there is no foreign news of any pam interet it will be noticed that oj notv recovered from the junta which hi solved itself ther are reports of cart montemolinisu risings in spain but runiors we are to inured that wc have raed to regard them x worthy of notice france the trial of general cubior i his coaccued forcornjplion ha occupiiattl attention various witnesses sorm ri bem otttcials connected with public dcparlh have already been examined hut tk dence is not of suo1i a nature as to i your reader the trial took a rcrnwkable tui on tuesday when disclosures were 1 bich completely fixed hie guilt of rorp on m teste a peer of france and pr of ihe court of cessation who un n scuk of disgrace attempted suicide in the sentence are u mlow it t be miprisoned for three years and n k dc prveaof hi civil irhl and lo i 91u0o francs leeetied at a brit when he was minister of public work- eaeral cubiaresand m parmentier to be rved of high price is neil lo mpiible the folv lowing were tbe prices current at mark lane tbh day week flour american 36s lo 38s canadian 3fr lo 37s there were no iransv acton in indian corn holders refusing to take lower rales foreign wheat mceu with a ready demand at an advance from 2 to 3s r on the rate of ihe previous market day this afternoon the demand for foreign wheat wat sluggish and the rate the tarut a the ptoviou monday barreled flour commanded little alien lion neither did in dian corn it is now stated ihat the whigs will gain so seat in the coming election omega froai fie v v following era ihe iferou liverpool quota- of their civil rights and each to pay a fit of 10000 franc the nearer we approach the enminh the wsore certain and encouraging bee- anticipations of pwty the most tros account are received of hie progress a c- tlionand with acareely one eaeepts be whole of live crou not even eseluds ibe lhlato through kuglaud ireland anj scot- und and i may idd kurnpe are reprinted a beinir in the mot healthy and hinial mate indeed ibe wealher for tb r f weeks haa been ihe most apteudid th ctttm be described and tho anticullutal llwiiaus fenerally prea nt nt one a uudacape tdm- dant encouraging to ihe hope of ih- in ihr manufacturing tliatrieu loo p ate far more prominins ikan thny ffl a fw week ago an improving tnuo pere- markets and with ibo iprga urriril fw klifoa1 ulld nur aun riervej tne 71e tion ftcnn31a to 35onr flnr 27 to 99 wnvstltcd 9i 4d to9i 8j white 9 i0d lo 10 w bsirv prime meu6culo6t per tietcc lo got k bbl pona new me 76 lo 8rt ol4 mess 68s to 72a new rime 6 to 69 the hiwrnia left halifax at 6j ciclock p mon ibe30tb ult a liverpool paper latet that during ibe paat ten day the weather has been almost uninterruptedly fine and the previous dale strengthen ihe expectation entertained of an ahundsnt harvest threuhout the british ilanri and all europe the heavy decline in corn which took place al the hepnninp of d- month wat checked by the i2tb themarket ha apain given way the prospect of re- ceiein stilt larger suptet from the united state aiid by way of tbe mediteranean s4 tn tbe fine weather which prevail in all quae lers united to the depress in ibe market which presented every aspect of a downward move ment the potato crop i rcifsmled lo be free from danger and contributes not a little to aflvct prices during the at week how ever thf rnarhet has been much firmer the prices of the 13th instant became current and were maintained throughout the week arid yrstenlay it mark lane further ailtance of i took place the trade in indian cora was howtver quite paralyaedt and sour in barreb quite nrirlected the cotton market has been teadj in the 10th sale pretty lar and a consider able portioa taken on speculation aad ex- io r la cured provisions a limited business butter hat receded the sale of hicon are limited the price has receded s to 4 pork it in limited demand hams are neglected and price if anything fewer the report from manufacturing dbtrscl are of a satisfactory and encouraging character some few uilures in he manchester icpru but ibey are nnt to any geat extent the woollen trade in yorkshire i resuming a heal thy position ltttmiovl july 18 the transaction eiij forward in this mar ket since our previmts report are limited and there waa a fair demand tor wheat al the ad vanced rajesof the 9th in coin meal there was very mue doin in the openinc 6t the market the advanced prices of ibe 9th w enerally demarded for flour but the sale wa uow jncj efore the close rather less money was taken 36 6d was euabliihed fnt west ern canal flour bcin is per bbl above the curreocy of that day week on the ictb theru was a good attendance ftom country millers directing their enquiry fur good quali ties ol knavish and foreign wheat and hold ers submitting to a dcclin of 71 per bbl from the rate of the uth a tolerable amount ol business va traneled floor 0 ibe eon traryw4sin more limited demand although faum wa ottenrj at 2 pee bbl beloiv hi tndar fates t welrf n brands scarrelr caevwft it ib on wutf nt h deduction since the llth little buincv hat been transacted and the lop prices of best western canal flour is quoted alol indian corn finrst qualities t not worth more thin 30i per 4s0 thf t indian meat is 19s to 13 6d per bbl at which price taka are very dull the navigation laws the second rcadinnf tbe navigation bill having been cousentedio in ihe house of commou without a dincion ihe navigation laws my be considered virtually upemed a we have already uted until march l8 tbe prtsu announce that tbe emperu of kussia latt determined to ennttruct forthwith a vast line of railroad to connect the three capitals of st peteribursh moscow and warsaw the quarterly revenue returns are highly aatiutactory with the exception of a slight decrease in tbe custom of 3272 on the quarter there 1 a comparative increase on the loti 1 revenue for the year of no lest than l0ft ah the permanent aoukes of revenue exhibit a favorable increase the amount amine from thr reduced aojrar dutic furnuhes rte mui atisfaelory prnofs of the nscaf advacitace of low duties indeed it is mainly from this source that the increase on ihr year it derived the sum expended on railways which amount 10 nearly 200000 during the last ruontha and the vast amounts of money which ba been advanced to the ititb people a late orlion of which ha been expended on eomasodstiet which bein tubject to custom or excise duties re tum lo the coflcrs of the stale fully account for the generally favorable appearance of ibe revenue we teejet lo stale ihat fever to an abrming icjrrcc tlill prevails in liverpool in addition to ihe death already recorded the fiev wrn dale of st mary edmund strel died on the eeninj of saturday week he i the eighth victim to the iitence anori t tbe catholic clergy of liverpool the authori- lie have resolved to tke instant steps now that the new poorlaw i corning into opera- tioti but firmly to remove the nunxber ol paupers which bava so ions besierd the town of liverpool typlius fever i increas mautminlvarnone the navvieaeru ploy ed on the caledoman railway litempcrance want of vegetable fooj and the dnp hut which these laborers inhabit have contributed to increase the prevailmgdisease in loudon although omc iiisuacr of typooid have oc- curresl ihe metropolis i generally exempt from malignant fever ixttallaviox or pmxcc a in cut at cam- aarnci i he installation of the princ clian- cellvf at cambridrjr attracted in that emi nent eat of learning not only her majesty but almort all her ministers and the members of the court iv duke of wellington lord john russcl sir bobert peel and a jrieat many brshop and other personage of distinc tion were present dflcadyul flrv r v c v i r 1 1 hot- eirat ctirsrn av liciitmno tiiintcci utrnikci etataovcu on the morning of ihe th jnsli during the raema of the terrific trsr which parted oyer ihe metropolis be- isveen one and two oclock the electric fluid struck the leafing of ibe private dwetliiis in ihe occupation t mr wiseman situate in brewer lne ireehwich near to the hos pital and act lne to i and several othor dwel ling the ronflafiiatiou was not extinguish ed until thirteen buildings were desltoyes tnr potato disk a en the londrj stand ard publishes a letter from charles roberts said to be a gentleman of high conidv ration and livin in a ncihhorhnod which is exten- ivc1y devoted lo th cultivation vt tt pota- toe it is dated biclunton batnttahlc july 10 aiul ay within the list three day ihe polatot di- ease has hown itcf ibtosiah hundred of acre of that runt 1 generally attack the early anris and those eiot which are jut eome to iifeclinn and extremely hue emf cotoorc july 10 in the valley of the rhine harvest ha berun with collina barley and lye an abundant erep of holh is confi dently expected they are now placed be yond reach of hail ilonoi or olher injury o privatr letters from cocnxa in cali- briaof the tu nil stale that serious dis turbance had oeorred in thai province armed bands wer incotinrferable fore hm out ihe eountrv and crval apprehension waa entertained of a general rising of the inhabi- lawic tfanp have teen tcn f naple and fletarcio jo lestnre order butsleon doubt were entertain rd of iheiraueesj tcaaivv the wfrias ooruryiwhliahei a letter from constantinople of ihe i6tb nil staling that the porte had received new of ihe treaty of peace between turkey and pcr- i havinc been signed at erteroum by the respective plenipotentiaries on the 7th the 4turtovr coeffe coifirms thr insur rection of general crivas an hi eiure of the two fortified place of pafocharaa and plaeea ha had drawn toeiher the malcon tent roaming about the turkish frontier and had estahushd a recruiting depot in the turk hh town of preeisa poavrjcatw the war in portueuil virtually ha been brought to a conclucirtu the span ish mops advanced fron the front ten uaw oporto and the junta after an tneflectnal re sistance against the overwinding land force of spain and those of the implacable sxldanhs supported on the seaboard by the immense naval foece of great bfiain were compelled relncunlly to submit it radounil to their hich honor tbat at ihe peril nf iheir live they claimed for count das aulas and gene- mi sa da bsndeira the right of being included in the arnnety which it formally guaranteed by the allied norrrs y are tlii is rsn exteiuive agricultural rlitr ihr paruh i have jut heard that it ha nn made ita appearance in a larc uidy dilrit lllbl the e ahaul 5 mile from tere and which dirtrict 11 year auflvred iriflmtly til people are tailing up ihe cropand potting lhsn in dff eaith fnr hie toa before ihe tuber it atrctedothor ate strewing stacked liriie over tha in nm and leave thi may attest it progress but al present lite aymploms are very numlnp treasurlirship of tlfe midland district alhnugh ihe judges of the court nf queens bench have settled the vcxe question of this disputed ire sure roiio yet the envious news papers still heap tbe subject open several of them and aruong others the carontctei cor- efe have taken tbe trouble h give wlnt they call ihe judge opinion and in doing o have carefully omitted tbe judment of tht court they pretend to have no iltwtlj towards mr ferguson th present incumbent and yet they prejudice hiri before the puhtic by omillin- to slate what they know lo be fact and which would set the matter at rest it i very irue the judge have expressed thrirornion that a district councillor cannot rein hsvofficc but this opinion h not had lhealrl rlfrc upon ihe judsnent of ibe court the application to them wat for an order to compel mr d j smith to hind over to mr was ferguson the newly appulnled trvaurer tho money and hooks belonging to his fate office this ap plication mr smith resisted because said he mr ferguson is not lsjally treasurer now let us ee how the court ha acted a hund red different version may be told of what the judges said j let u see whit they have writ- lea the order of the court ha come down lo kingston and has been served upon mr smith a copy of this ortr we have kcu and which wc u re present 10 our readers un der the belief that its publicity will put a stop to lliose envious and illnatured remark to gratuitously made by certain poitions of the pre curr homc disxatct victoria hy the grace to wtr j of cod ol ibe united ls hinjdosr of great briii and ireland qut defender of the fuilh to david john ssttrii enirr tatatlv nrr nf the mhtod district gjeetinr- wc comm4nj you that you jjivcr to lb auditor of the midland uistrict an ccoun of all inouiea received ani expended by sou as treasurer of the midlaw district during the ut qitartn of a year ending ibe thirty- ftrsl dj of december in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and forty- six and that you pay over 1 iviitum iy tson esquire trtutr of tk sad al i f fkjr the balance uf ch monies and all other rnoujc of the midland district which on tbe saitj thirtyfirat day of december were remaining in your hands and ihat you sic- itvcf to hie said william fergmon all ibe account bookf aceoiib papers wrilinn vouchers securities ewrh chattels and an purtcnances belongin- lo and connected with the business and office of treasurer of the midlankl district witness the honorable jalin beverly robin- sun chief jurtice at tironto ibi tweiiiy aixlh day of july in tbe eleventh year of nor reign signed chas c small laasss august isct g c g outrage on board the princess boval wo did not make mention of this sad out rage in our lat because wc isopcd hie matter micht bir allowed 0 blow over but it has been the pleasure of the prcu to bruit it loudly abroad this wc refret because it was one of those unhappy occurrences the know ledge of which only spread rliscnon amon the fanatical and bigoted no persons can regret the outrage more than ihe member of ihe catholic community rne rally whether clergy or laity tbe act was the act of an ignorant mob and should be so regarded we agree in opinion with he resl of our brethren ibattheruilty rrtiesshould be pun ished ihat is if ihey can be discovered but if they have hitherto escaped detection and cannot be found it is not wise to make a great outcry wc have alluded to the matter to day for the purnose of introducing mr be tbunes letter to the mayor of kingston which we have been requested to publish tonorrro august 3 1847 sircaptain henry twohy of the steamer princes royal having informed me that a most outraireou attack was made upon that steamer yesterday at kinjiton by a mob ineited by the rv mr licin i have lo request ihat you will be pleased lo lake ihe information of capt twohy against the parties guilty of the outrage or who in any way encouraged il that you issue vour warrant for their apprehension and that they may be bound over to tke their trial at the next asues for ihe onvnce a i am deter mined that the majesty of ihe law shatlso far a 1 can contribute 10 it b upheld and lhal the rwlty narlies shall be punished what would bo thonrht of me if under th pretence of some insult havinc been offered to me by one laborer u thr vmaoy of the roman caibolic bishop of kindlon i were to incita a mob lo take possession of hi palace and beai persons they misht haopen to find in it destroy hi ftnnilure and threaten destruction by hre to hiv premises now ueh ha been exactly the conduct pursued by the moh towards my steamer tina the persons emplnyed on board m iter and if such conduct it lo be tolerated the oonar we arc made aware g4 it ibe better i humbly maintain that in this country tlwre i no man either so hlfh or tn low that he can violate the law with impunity if however the law of the land will not peotccl my properly and people from injury then it will be necessary in report lo die first law of nature and take into nur own hatidn that which the authorities deny u- 1 have the honor i he sir your most obaji humblo ervi dokalu tii f totnomaskirkpalrick y mayor of ih- cily of kinobn j the writer i mttfamod a in iba fact i co wifju kpatanoono wa perceive bv our contemporary ihe pcer torovfb getttt lhal mr milhril tbe ac- tivonnd clever vcf1ry of the port hope and pttarboroujch railroad com p ay out on a tour of inapeelion end lhal so fare lws funnd ihinp highly to hi ttifatioo address ttj john verngr esq- when mr verrerrre very activt collrciorof cujtoms at mlitlaod on the st lawrcnce was removed toport milton south bajt1tere to esiawlah a nea port of eniry an address was presented tabim by ihe iiibaitanls of the ftrsl named viduuy in token of their high upionion of his uncearinr endearors to jiro- tect ibe revenue in that hitherto den of amu- lert tlte adore was fciven to tbe jtrvck viiu rstordtr to publish but it is evident the publisher ct that dexsrpaprr did not partici pate in the expressed opinion of the ivners fae the addrc ha lain neglected amonj ihe vkrr paen until now when some kind friend to mr vemtrha rescued it from the destined oblivion and sent it tour we cheerfully give it light bavins every confi- dence in the troth of ib allegations iwm 20th june 1s17 mv dcau stat- enclosed i transmit yon a short address fiom some of the leadin men of this place and i am happy to astnre vou that the number of statures tcmm have been doublrd had il been deemed necessary in any reply you may think proper to make you will be hind enough to direct the same to the sheriff of the district or the president and boirj of police 1 am sir yoirobcdicnl servant d mair aooacss roouh vfinxc tsoojut slti we the underttned inbabiunr m thcjolm- towo district tahetv ppottuuky f yur ap- proaehrof departs l onfivey u jou ur p ivoy1 of ihe antlj abisiy aod eankuay ruauifcased bv fuu in tin ductvee of yowr diut aa ctlrclr of cuiton and we tnsrt you will meet with tii al onearee lh covtmmenl and ibe pubc which iadodl yoe aervicoa wo are sir fours fee w r al eusn ally wm huiiirrifsv j rhyiiu wm ltna se iac3 ant straps crrtjittol a 1fatu i i ifcl iwi t shociio hjuarjic jar iaowdsssy qua of the most fearful murcknuvsar -jutv- triicd in anycounlry has taken irfasr in thi vicinity a man and his wife squrjremi graalj were brought inlo town from 1- rourh on thursday night hi custody fot bav in t murdered thrir two children a boy of four and a spvl of two yean of age ta vof forte of ihe caae kc do not know correctly j but il would appear that these children pre vented tivir parent obtaining work so iea4t- ly is coul il be wnhrd so they determined lc gel rid of ihcm the boy waa found in the woods covered with atone and the liul girl was left wholly exposed in another place and found in a dying slate the etnel parent were arrested going up to town to auakc con- fnrion of their crime having repented a ibey 4id we give bji a lame account of ibe sad affair became we cannot believe that oarenu are extant who could murder ibeir children so wantonly when ihe woman vsa cwn- sqitted she was o ill thai the sheriff scot her to the hospital under charge of a consrame adol slienro sfcorut j d j aacon lereb s rcvow- p b tc j p ps utfocjj p l1iskkeaatiaf d cwafiw orotbera eratrji oiatbosu j p levi wiwou r fm airatna mtfchu was wj s rcidjp w g 1uu merchl g sandcvaoo xlerclt t g lcaviti g donbaus m d f dcaphh stit itottvt a gianicoronev kii itsknirtoo f k usihrr jcvwiiee mcenl j wcithcraead h p itctunite hrihuxtur ii jne p- m os niond jonea j itlcl jraaisp t p t majieeu m 1 t uvyld- mi a ueloe mtrchi j ucdirkjn mcrch jnhnlwra john s fiaaei aosaci or fouca g crawford pfeadcut wm kiii lin idswip david atoir j b powell mi mad u y afuhjp jja cawfd l cut phflwm it ii eavibeeb el p jpbgrtjp jhiyt oiotntiwwt j f j k llanwein u ft heclai tuaw webster frd mcl reply ft is with ieflinfsfsinecruaiitolisnlhal i ftrxikkwirdtv your oatfrn adinese and with rtjoal ainecritv 60 i reepeociie your hind wiahea jt had atwata afpearcd me ifcsl the urs- iileismt d tit ica devolving on au officeeofcursfr ipriim bo pntikdj to gam fr hin such a maik tpuwie oppoblitn and i cnnnot eapres ro riu liw piramfcablo are mt fechng al twin thus prroathv qadeceived wbilo i ruiarn ynu my than and atow my apprciion vf ih hoikr etfotrcd enow mo lo- aassre y uaal i- ts1t alwaya ba my iwat en itfufuf to nvtrt 10 ldtoi of jour rdod itt which run have arrded ne i an scmhuuhi viu ui john mot r vernete trfuili gaiiecier to tlie sheirt prei sw of l distrkt if j-snatown- gaktt vim ran isoaraby ihem- lowing notice from ihe engineer of this road it will be seen that the company intend laiin notirac in thr conmercemmt of this ihe firt of our rreat provincial railroads srirc paopofau vih be received until the irrsl day of next october at the office ol ibe great western railway company for th crodtftg end osonry of the western divi sion eatending from loudon lo windsor a dsslance uf oue hundrrd and ten miles also for the kranch to prt aruia fottyfivt miles in length plan and specification of the work can be examined at the engineer oikce in han ilton and londcnj 00 amaaef the 15lh sep tetnber c b svuaat exiksn hamilton july 30 1847 tticsv axosutvva axu quaaxc ratuwav tc lasiwiwi railway recwd of ibe 3d inaioni any v are t h of tlw oucerafil rxosceurinn of thi nvot intporrant uoderaknn taan which wo behave i it ultimate ecia pnaciof thedoy ie luore wotiby of public a ijvcinnicnl upnil uc vtiy impofimt and iifijcntial narweefvin protntdy bs added 10 the lacukwj board beioe dallycosrsp4eud at prtwcai the board sa to bi made op tio rt hon tho citl fiiiwiniajd pmit 2fvecfarari hon the tsn6 rtthittoojohn i iiiijo ii the lion gfofjr pcmbeln fo icety of queecwiu d puect heorja ljwrc eaqwil power hi add tothcir oucober id aaliuirtun beinr apntied to to take slot us tbooanpanrenadelbe mntawf reply- sltin reply inyournot i hef toosyibat i will ua wiihplcawo a imitj in iciest of five ho vred podi thcsl andresra and wedtjk railrosvd ctrupsuy i am fniinc ow roe assy ritcnaivo advontsieea of ih 1 ot aa mii ie baasl but i m watroflcr inirrrolcd i tkcwatllrar of par noe colony that 1 am letufietntahathi trifjia inveatirkat in a uacmtdrrtiikvn enivetrd wib it i congratulate you on basin lnrd fitfw liam lw place hia nnmo al lha bead of your ln jihssxiucritcia yi cuuld ui paihty appear bofora tbe pcbuo ruoeo aavofiaeoafy than yin yourvcvtelaervt 4eh0urton j aasvraiauw esu r j- 1 hi caof ou a careful perxual of tur provincial and united stales exchanji wc have rciiccd with pleasure h flierinft accounts which they contain of tbe cowinjr crop in tbe western portion of ibe province the wheal with the exception of a very few localitie wbkh have suffered slightly from ihe spring frosts aad the visitation of the weevill peomi from the fact that there ba been a prater quantity ot than on former years to be a full average yield whilst oau barley rye indian corn c never looked belter tbe pot aloe has uoi been very extensively planted ibu year hut aa yet we have heard of but few indication of tbe rot sbowin- itself fa it hay ha been an abundant yield throughout the province these remark art equally applicable to tha midland district lespeciins pio and wa bave not heard of one iralanev whrre the rut ha maajfcfled iuclf amonr tbe potato from ibe eastern part of the province ww have no less ejalifvinr intcilirruce and froen the united suits u theft ha been a rycalcr quantity ol grain sown eo esprcjally than for some years hack not the appearence uf the fly in wr jucalitie there i not the 1 t douu of an ibiodaat harvest taking these thiols into considera tion con pled with the saluting account of ihe varioo crop in europe it ia not unrea sonable to suppose that a furthfrt decline ia ihe value of biadlui will uke place not so mjcb however but thai our fatmera arill realize remuneratiag prices for their rwiace 4 mostraiarv ih mokraaut the uun- ber of deaths iu montreal from the ssthlolher 311 july i set down at 214f wbani 65 were emigrant 63 maokctic trtactavsr taa htr- ne lie telegraph line between montreal aud totonto iirowcoiifeled andcomooicafiou we ochinrrd between bolb place on tues day the wire are now being tajd betweets montreal and quebec and it b said tbe kna will be inopcraiiou in a few wek t4t the lulvel oerhhut frvn ihe qiiarart- tine olatson al 6roae aay tbe qwajwet gactteiivc an unfavorable account of ihe mortality and tirknrss in the veaaef femautf arrived three in one as many as 7ft deal ha occurred datinj the paare aud in all ruany deaths od a treat nmnbor of akk fry- tofsoaru boauo or hcalnrtbsr toronto board of hcajlh have bevn eraired in providing accociroodatiorj and untance for ihe epaijriit stjll coovtanuy amvioe thoagh jnarnajkr numbeni in a more healthy eon di hon than heretofore laab number of etnicrant lo 2d ini wa 20386 lemainine in hoapilal at sarne clale g40 number of dcalhs durine ihe cck endiar lit inst 36 and 38 dichargtrf durinr toe amc period twelve iheca in have been erect ed for hoslal accommodation drs hasniu ton deny and dlsje have becu apfsointed medical attendant and several meoicaj stu dent asmtanta the bouse belonajina to tbe hon john henry dunn on the comer of front and batburst elrectf ha beets rented for the teccption of convalescent patient al the rate of 100 per anotuntortvifo cto6c cfinain quceiistost afarmine and destructive flee occurred in qocemtou rm sou- day mornin the safferen were cwde- worth frame bnildinj otcs tc43 about ioc0 p doric frsrih buudiif sou about s1vq o wadvortbcjothioe famltnn kc joss about s200 the post office made artarrow escape but wt saved rvifh al the rurm ftc one of wfrmsrtwsj hard znpxnet waa found mnt useful cclnt tr the viihncc 0 tbo people in prrveniinr lha spread of ibu fire and lubdoinr lhc flame avcfft fftiw on t werftadav ni last a disastrous contlaayation took place in this town which for ibe extent of ib range ami the number of bldinjs dmruyetl eaceeded any calamity of the kind with which peter borough ha been afflicted for many year past frosji the building in which it look place large volume of avre ntj smoke instantly issued commiinicattns with tho adjacoct huiidinfs throwing doolaiiou and rain aiouad ntwithitandins the calmness of the aright the adjacency of the otonbee and ihe esvr- tiuns of lire numerous crowd the nery element lolled onward as if in defiance of every ob stacle in fact every effort of those who ren dered iheir assistance on the occasion ojy appeared to add fuel to lite fire a boildine near wa razccho ihe rjmuiid after which ihe danceroui element spent ilself and it onward march ceased ii is supposed to have been ibe work of 40 ineendiary durtni the whole time ihat lilt asro was raeint the utmost eieltement prevailed iu fact almnvi every eoinuaanee beamed wiih jea- not on account of ibe mehod used to destroy ihe buildinr for ihat war despuvd but liecaue of freeing the marktt square of uch hovd unutunately the only family oeeupyin ihra tenement hj a portion of iheir gej dcatroyed referooro tvaj ar4iubrt a lamenlaw occurrence fcsh giee last week nt iho mi of alouau wright j on tho oulineau river on uf the wotfc- men in uitendanco on the circular wa ausst for slobbins the plonk overbalanced hmrf whilt trimming nue of the lumju ut nicht unit his left arm cninr in vonlfoet with lire elicnlar saw whereby the wrist waa nearly severed from ihe wly or hill waa quickly in allriuliuee but iho injury being an severe na tu remlnr amputation necnsory ihr unforiu- nate man woa remnvad to utown when the arm wm amputated on tbo foltowliig day by iiut bv di mnraon thr man m u feeily wv ffyfewi i erf ft fr fiat ihorlly aoer tgro oclock fht momini the rctiwns in euade stmt raccu- pird hy mr bore a a knaeery storr and jdjoirfpg hii office were discovered to be in fjame tbe alarm was at once given at the police station when the chif o police and hi men wers quickly on tbe spot and at ouce tendeed their service to the inspector nf tho fire depsrlmenland mrh of h aa by that time ha j been warned and to tbe few citizen who obeyed ihe first sumoronx tf alarm the fin- however had already ohtilnri loofearfoi a mastery ad in an incredibly short space of time the entire premiae from the street lo the earret were enveloped in flame the hit waa ultimately etlinguuhrd about six oclock the damage bcltia confined to th dpiinictin of mr bogus- premises which with hia aock in trade were insured and lha rtmovaljil a jiortion of tht rf of messrs cary inrl co buiblina from which no thins but tbe fartu- lurc wa rerriovedqweoec ifrrcur errsdtrroono of meev caauajb av greece rfptliho ffrwarfe capt tijw prr foripcd her tripltcnee t msviirtat ind back wih enfo both ways in esfbl ovva thi a jali fa be tbe btuti ptrtod in which tro aasno atuaaaesi and wok hato been done iha mtxj ahd maaoeiil iho arsloaian 4 a to mar lasha aas riva navitf4uartot uaafulolaaaoflraifbt vaaela ceeoiff k and rpeaka wpclt saa it of cv4 auytsraad hr tho fotuirvf ia oomfwralivf atatamews fot ibmgaad icutof a few auwka wbwh iuih li v1im1 canal r iu sulsluwfsf nuriratw to thas0ih of juno daof aid fwh ik17 itah barrel img an w rwrlxw eiaair lh4t 9lle97 barret imta lko urn 1tu7 icmnja turi uotuaw iem iraaacv corn 117 4j5fic4j buwjala hitifu amotml to tot t3mw 14gx3b5 6 pgaativvlko iwtamutow ociawf lumberer will bc uwhjrua jjrtiflcsi to nfl ilerataud ihat the ciown uaurfri dtiiartmaal has rracitied ihe regiilalii cpjalhna th holder of limit to manufaciurf on atuaaul teal er mlr ihe iiauqw 1 ultaral ije lhprecnwnahditrfirw fhtw enquiry at the oown nmot qlia- hsf are hiloimrd lhal the deiuwlti on application nro not ryihlf befoni lb niaftlh of ilihiea ur neat rotktu lli rrvrf mr nlaamlafli imimwa thuih qiwafbi oanajoaia u1 ii iin4if iii esnawtlnp pall weak j- lrvtipah or tta fnnawvrsujuuuativai onirlaid fill ha tan lpt dftaillan lha rumrtajsalw7wv iw