British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), August 18, 1847, p. 2

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terrific explosrox a terrific mfiwio iiuk ppmuif ft ibe rotai ignition of fej enema mi loti th jdfi urthmt fry xeheb kcmlittytlj in the fondn- times we bod this notice of the explosion the building the scrap of the etwi tee immediaictabutua m twine onto khwtw imm w a ii10v t44l arthckilw ipwco dpviie their itfiteiore a suadme drtnc the iairedociiwo of m wj were used fr the prre of drin tuxvdor aaa were cadel sieves iv weft imr m w- ber oai tnd i pf tbin niser with a mreudef c ppiriicj form ofnknisifeet ivw hivff exmrasithaa in thtvfnlof tn aerdent bit the enuil wih fui- f smte fell pfiioft 451ft lufr tiieiriit- cotton for ao soene in ibe eiweni ih ennientsnf o n- 4 tofea j- ftwii 11 aj e ii i ill hi j t m ill 1 0 x x id it wilh it rmi nl n vell a tin no 4 was btfvft into ill rcfib3 literally dfrten ahi upon another theirzmeate but of iron fotrnio lb tmoinery ct botand broken asif they ji ben mre twigs and the rniaiec beams of tirahrr reie rent asunder and lay scattered iiloul jq imal piece in every rlittclioo iaiioph laamop is incapabt of depicting the scene of detnuton a few mianler ther the eepeten men weenenand children nro rei hurry re- to the kpac of destruction anxinw for the ttfelt of mc rehtit engaged in lb worka and tne alarm of ell v eh vighttned ly o report thai arother efxaon was iuneri- tarily eipeelcd of a hiildinf ttove n 2 eontajoiat upward of 30u barrela of -nn- swdtx wlieh tfii only cpattcd fiom tlovo xjmoijof earth ttooceqi m oow c4cely to bo dfie ted hwndrfldj who ha fee a hjtryn to ibe r wrrr now rotricia lbiir tcw frvftl cj owwonlof beinif eifte atuw1re a tlowevet ibe clppft ht jan to airire con flrlctice ww tomewhal ftored tnd mxty ttftlofoil lb go toe to the burning mim tbf ctrvm aw btgwi oollfift in ttmomo cf wtter bil it wi a comiftabe lime be fore any riblecactwurkuc on the taidfi ofoocombiulibtia oolvie were the oateriali oaod in ue utanuftctufe- al band woe uirrckd a oon m be ftio bfctnic tojnewhit ubiiic i l o the rcrer of uiinufliren beneath tb ruin whoso crie fcr blpwer beortrendiftf in the extreme otbyooe hokr the hfklci tnd tim- wr wtro cleared awht ihey were eriete mmy of ihrm tilnoujh moch burnt and miedi wett yet alire they were imne- dutcly cooteyed to aft aajavent lildin wtifre ctety tuttfim wt td to ihrn by mr crttiafj ard srvape surfn and a oon ai conryancei cutd be otloiivtd they worocoiried lo ihci rntfective jtomet tbo oxertionj of the men avifiinr at lb ofurmea and eteahagaway ibe nmjih were pltloworlhy ia the extreme ad ii j tftrrtvoa if 0 bo atltitmttd ihc 5atc f many live search w5 aaw m in th5 rtiinhes aad ktm aiin ard lrrr the fietulaied tcmatn of icvcial w fnir4 many yard from the enf dfructiaa tbey were littraediahy hil tp ad roorcdi and though e fiv tnici we ooogaird tbolimof cliae could nat b tori they tveio out fcllui in lt to await the ioqucat oac pcv fello aahiril hiimorn who wa5 havnki n ao aljnninje 6tldwu knoeed down cv rejl dul aoooooash reenvered bmtejf h hasned totheapot 10 rondorerrry avirunir tn m power and trdrd in feriia three or fourof ihe fulteror m on iitor ituvf- low whose wotbef alo feli a eietirn died in hi arm after renderiit am flu jwlaivc a hi power toward ewtilftt h etnpliinf 4 of a aererc paiu ia tim virin iv nia le trasnvkh wo av iiry imsliftp hjmdeaib roheveo aim jsmhu auue ibio fdllinj a rictin to hi exertions in the caoe of hatunily h hai hce a married but a few nvmths workman trcre aad ht whole of wednedr- the day of uic n- pbiioa aiiithitiday in clearing the ruio andun yriday- mr toipin he warlcin fhrmil rf uie etahllhrornt w amoflf fee victimi of whom more ihin ll had lern buried on tho coroner bftaffi the ptopienr mr halu eare lb folbwm ihlimany under deep eraoiion mr wo halk the pmrioiorof ibe work exanuacd- 1 roride in lb parish of cbjtrine and bare extend re worlin called the jurh works m tfcr poris of prestan where i canyon tbeoaaoufaotureof guneotton tbo pailnen in the coneem are myself my brolhfr aod profrsio schnsein in intf n of m tnpeiintoodetee of tbe work de- tolnd upon tnyielf and mr henry topiing a chemist i ued co spend a creat portion of my time in thr faetory uh k mbccj ilrtaj day on wednesday oiornin i wen lo iha factory about ii octt-ek- ttfrc were alxat 40 persoru in the two buldin r no t and 4 on lhal momint f wa l i tbe works from 6 oclock until 8 1 jut mkuiar atention to thf hnvs i at iffurkjil i vd then bow o 611 ihr tu ivilb crtin a tbey were not dosnc it ijiur to my utifae- lion i 5ire 4inwiml w ltivjmit neearr toiojreprf 0ixvlei ciarufact nwvia szt w v of d ft at my b ml the una- tbo hmloaj nthrwi dmar n toroe n-ey- f tb itoiuf tbe mieain uhifom the oailbern ivia tarv of ibr tali lvntb firld of wheal enmr ex- tni 11iibojon ban eoihrtcitly blaated th oer a pace f about two acre acd the ra- tliv and dicloured tretenl a tenr f dclaliua in jrfect cbaraeter with tlie aljiiair tnirw the willow irer which knt llu imul f ii ttcai referred t and iftiwj e ibe tree within ahoul 50 yards f il- hkiitdin no 3 and 1 are torn np by tbe mi and 4ijlrmcd abnut in all direction thie mf iliunl arc 1 seriously injnred but th fm of all witlun a erry lac cir- etr is whollvdeilirtyed one of ihe mot ne naarkale effrd ofthe expvinn if ihe re moval as it jyjpar almo1 boilil of lb cn- ormnu tirainr of earth kiiiii the n tlorc anohir instance of il power mi shown in the rvrcibk crcton toai a atop wrilof two mivirr pum tbe kavn pipes t veh neaik jt melloi wuedawnun ihlowi loarery cnidetab dimance tjieoxnminb w4i beal al a jal dis tance fiom fevethiwi at deal and iwtiiii- ftne anj en at kom plaee mom than 30 ne un tbe scene fthr accident pailiet are describe to baee heard it diatiftcfly- it may ik increfia to italc ibni the rfrcnibv the incoion b jltb timos tbul of f unpowder in other won ten drachm of thecutlon are equal to two ounce of powder hiluci stales aid hlctuo department such i art the fact thai step la laken by ornerat sctr solely on hi own tvt poo irn lily wa kfttd and conidc- tate but nwie no doii iwd ceneral 5otr puhed on after lb annihilation of the mexican army atcerro grdhe coum lae taken the capital wirhotit tbe shedding of oe additional drop of btooj llul that i not the only mitalfe committed durini the war al it would be iiividitu to bold up one ale 1 ccnuc wbire there havo been many equally detcrviji reprehension the quistion now aftflfflti unnua1 interett what course will be aitopted in cate mexico refuse t aiak psec afier hircajtiial ahall liave yielded to arm thepiesent tiewi of the adminiufatu hohl the city of meaieo a tbe lerminu of ctenive operation no ulterior course ha been rifcd upvft yet i hare reann lo believe that i h an eeenl the capital aikl all the other iiajoilautciticp on ihe ealioard and on the fiomi aow in our posteion xeil he arii03el tlie main vtlr of tbe artiv will remoee t toni healthy and tecure pitlon and the recnuctof the eimtry will he made to defray the expense tbi armed eiuuisuncn calvien5is aaxnc to as m be awc in act iuiur u eooaiered the building fully afe for the purpose of rna iton 1 left tbe buiminz ahoji was then parfctly afe i unlock ani was within rt- n i in i ie attiicntic intelligence from mexico fro f a tl york 7crow t yo haee now prohably tomethin authen tic from th ai of war our agent at the 3orth hare detpatehed to the new york herald the following which we dem of suffi cient tnlecet to i5u- an extr herald weolbiin ndertoplaco the public in fossaior of the latest news an to ores- throw ibr numerous rumour that ate in cir culation relative to the surrender of the city ti mexico it is to be hoped that we are now on the track for eorreel ialclitnco from the war quarter telegiuphfc despatch ritnxonn aput u is47 the steamer faaioa bis arrieed at iffw orleans from vera ciue she left tho latter port on the 2nd insl lien scai was at pueua on the 30th of july whn hrc was slron probability of an ifrincrafe advaeo on the capital gen valencia arrived at the capital on monday with four thouam troops gen pierce arrived at peroe after an ac- f with tbe bcrilaj neat the national tidc ltcut stmoa of indiana and the surgeon f ponnyuania recireenl art dead hi citirie of the brtish lecacion arrived at vera crtir nn the 3lt with cortespentfencc aiovu tvcapilntof iht 2ih and friwnpuebta if tba unn mt irv4ll rrjreenli the chances of iii z upifavorme lih iis3ys0tt wil march ioitncliately on the air it al if pearcec rutrty in ths aral lit c l aujur and it is more than poha hip that the jiardei iight yet will lie at ibe cits of mtxu hie fextcans were prepared to meet him bavin all thir fortifications completed and tttriitetre thonand mnt tiio iinlub legation wa secretly exert- ie every irfltunce to keep the amenta out f tbi otpital oirv jrteff l the pjeaynne represent the chance f fac in a favorable ihl and think the triitatcc to our advance will tic almost itoninul cvivk had refened mr bucharjans lei w back i the kxecntive and ihovva on him ilie rhonstbilitic4 if the war the nace ivy vi3 fiiuispvmii the sun of anabnac ay that when the rsicrrilla- attacked pearce 600 americans approach under their lire until within 100 yards of the mexican when our force open ed a dcaiily fire facing them to immediate retreat while the mexican wore retreatinc ibe american earalry rushed upon iacco killing about one hundred the portion of lbs mexicans wa one of tho trot in die country but the ameri cans passed lb under afer a short engatjo- ment and arrived at perote in safety gen scott epakhioi gen smith brigade from puebla r meet them at perote th commercial times consider the newt a filll confirmation of the failure of mr trials mivsion and that prospccu of peace are dit- ripaicd it coaespondtnee states thai there lia ben atontest abouuhcirconiituiona1ribu between congress and santa anna each charinc the rosfoteiibility of making peace jon ih other the discussion has shown what wa tcner- ajly supposed that tbe latter personage sin- eeteh dviie tbe patching up of the dillvr cne he ween the two countri as the sole iran of seeurinie hi nd object 11 is m of the vi siji whn caeiiovci it wa done jii the with- drawatofurb a uumlvr of members as to icav ut rcouiailor below a conslitutiontl rimur santa anna heu a conncil of general otli- cen jl wlicb il wa reivcd in ertecl one nvo einnier either hv mirchin against sell puefaor re i einf the pritioi advance fj ma g btmnfit accocxt or qite victfuawcare hort in tbr heibl of the gay seamn here bul with all it raicties it ii dull and heavy in coiaparisi with the continent one of the greatest iiht here i ber little majesiy i havp seen her frequently at the opera and in the par she i about fiir feet etewn inches imrfc perhai a little higher and this i the mihly majesty of a great and rnimy em pire who holjs over a hundred million of people ua wbicfi the sun never sets the first cicniije that i saw her at the opera she wa dressed in a straw color silk drctf very simple and a wreath of dower in her hair prince albert tat on her left she addressed all her conversation to him and diil not appear to peak once with ber maid of hooor who sal opposite to her in the same box they comcrscj with each other and did not seem to raise their eve once to wards the quern fa it seems tier majesty doe not like lo be looked at by any person am those who visit the italian opera know this aud very seldom look at her an english jady with whsm t went and whose box wa nearly opposite hers said to me dont look at her becaue she will mark the box ever after and look anry at it she irfc before the ballet commenced as he generally doc for il seem she doe no wish albert moral injured by looking tho evbtioi of the dancer he is kept in very eood order sh drajj him about at an englishman said like a liiilo do iti fact poor albert seems lobe a very sutimisive and quiet boarder in buckingham palace be doe what he is desirej no matter wbal it is- her ma jetty in general isail to dress in very irvod taste the other night hc attended a bail given by i he duchess of sulipilatid and wa dressed in a simple pink lulls dress with three skirt loorted np with natural flowers for it i the fahioti now both here and tn pari to wear natural flowerc imlfflfiw artificial ones and they are arranged beiilifv without iiettnanettt i o 0 f british north ahem the owning oltu new hall of the siy of odd fellow at toronto took p wednesday evet n last it wa mot pectably attended ibe room were ccoptf- 4atniahloaixin tie muic p ticiuy vocafpaeo muchgntifjcation- miss e in tbe solo lt hear the gentle lark vts etjcortl as wai a duelt by mr gu4ooejaj mi staine the ha i which i a l e sardsorac room wa well lighted ad te- fully decorated mth paathis and ever jier and it appearance wa bimy creditat to the committee several vxrvhtnt peecltc svee maj in the cciie of the evening ard at the rre lf iun j h caiflwit made th wlvinjc speech explaiaii the benefii of ibe lcf which we coiy fioo the 0ansi rrobpr j ii camkii ssllctor eal canada lvest hm t adretin tbc ihrcsl atid friend said that in intro himseff to their notice he woud difec ei attention to the mottoes of the order tiietl ur mounted the chair occupied hy liiflf and hi brother oiricers ft would n needful for him to nlres them at any trit a the priticiic nf the inmilutim ha i eei explained lo them by hrolher campbelthc objeciioa answered by brolier kneesbs they had a like atreciion for one an i i their motto fnendtftip loe and tri wjs ever paramount while thy nevi1 ight f the ohten rule do unto oth you would they sbviilddo unto you f ship the sweetener of lif lnje the p of the soul nd truthb bv u nd love thepi t truth nee iw color a- beauty needs no pencil it ha been stated oi many occasion wo do nut recognise the sippcme brine y 0 formulary i appeal and fearlessly motto that surmounts tho chair opjoit- atij show that in all our aci we rely giver of all good m in cod we trui k and we ask it conidcit3y the me ibe we six ana we tsic it comiuenuy are lhtv ties stronger than lhoc of friendship and truth united and whrn to these i 11 vr cannot ivu lull a prevlxtion ok the plague rittctlon kith ulive01l fost a qmbrt mtrtvty an estnokinary effect of olive oil it re ported by mr baldwin the british consul at stum- who nhterved thai amontt the numerou tribe of oil porters none wrre af- leclrd with the plague led by ibis hnl he pfoppj ufivlin f ihe h i with oil i keep f tbe pljlic and the following was the fe- iult f thi iift lriil 5 in 17 w twentytwo venetian sailvrt lived ivt day with three in- kclcd irmtft all of whom died but the twenutw4mitlor who lu been repeatedly uinotiitfd with oil remained fce fiom the infection three american fainitie cnil nj ui hvenlyeten pertun occupying the otc lvir ulody attended ibe sick of the pj pf iitir hpii djih rubbed with ol were i frifl ftvjn th- infectiun the nurse in the hv of sinyvna who attended ihe tekuihl midday have by the same method been luiittiy preserved fion contagion alter this the oil wa euoyctl m the firl lacy of ihe 5tjv at sytnrua aad with the happm vjccr tie rily was rubbe all over witi lijm olive oil a wine pint was ostpoitflvd sulfieieut to elfct a cure h i a curtous coincidence that this use of oil il rnrhmfd iti the bue let tbe tick be aunmnlpj with oil and sae the caf- fret u coostanly mar the body wilh laid or oo rem in tree from the ellow fver and ihe esquimaux tribe who also rectxie on seat oil leinau ano free and when the plague british whig orirtr phrn olt kingston wednes y au 18 is17 euierst imiuwoi 001 uxr c c- andr c tod j m mvatiesl ri4 v tftto tf a belleville f ft and made to last the entire nijhl eeer fading in hort they arc a companions y touiachfi which will not rcaly allow me to write another line acw york trciu tattbc- 1 ru- x m ym- the t 1 1 nitialipsi caiilv await hi hl ii j arteal f tbcslnte pwanc frri vvr wvn no expuf tj -iirji- fi about me i was di urtlrsti- hmhr at tse time an i wl jj lt- irirnirtr from them he md me lr tyws thert mr day was reiur- mwamt tv works with me when the otsa t- jlaee i taw the materia of ibe mm into the air ani f 1 paced to and fr fr and a half until i then went un in kii a re th ofci be fep to act corernment er- 4hndtts all newspapers ex- 1 a is- i tl i m il i a rtmi r a it i i ihsrittal if t enlute in iv w imcs and lipnl i dres onder roth t ipots i thru callej all my people imiliaiy tr- it iattir tntlbe suneteit fiom is ritrn and every i ossime exertion was itse 1 exriea- them several hundred persei s kmh aew we oed oir umi cftwsiimtil thi fire roe dt away tfre ire cnrti i at n 3 about 3 or 4 minutes allel die raj n i tmlered ml my entfine uy tn tater- otusm for the town enones we got oeil hpenorj aivek- tu m and eetal uexn f wly i fied was mr trpinc i v vmaeej arid -v- the ihltoat 1 1 aitir i rn a ixy lti conjrei bad met and re sm1iii cvcitini ij anv dccimon nn tv- ptyiiiri- cf o all letes lvm the citiat accthat cin st ari talc th rily witha dtieentiy til lwl w frcsi nieiehantt of the catal ac aniu i i i il gival ltiiii whipple had arrives at the capital mi i ireaud serl end expects ou to be ca rhnnd 4 niirijoe perry has withdrawn his forces tori tbesin cnjucniv of the skkticss prrvaitin amocij them until the sickly ca- jr irt t stfi f anahuac attriliulv ibis wtth- tr ctiskse jcrrc this stranje erfl continue to attract numerou visitors tho the uftjccl oriinatd with a yankee it wai earned nnt by an kntuhman who bought in for 1000 peemium after the junk wa ready for tea ttie chinee sailor who arc on loatd comphiin of illuste they belnnj lo a province of china remote from canton and were shipped foe a coajliti voyage after bciiif hhrte week at sea suspect nt foul play they refused lo wmk and ihe junk drifted fur two days- but ibe proprietor and a few knxlisn tailois arming themselves and jajikp i0 vantage of a fcyrusblr- jnuien they riclermmed to starve themselves to death and were nearly three days without food after the junk bad been a week or ten day in new york an american gentleman who bad resided five years in the plac from which iheje men cainc went on board and finding that be spoke their ian uare which differ from that spoken in canton tbey made their complaint to him triv gentleman commu nicated the fact to some merchants who called iim the junk proprietor at- ask j bim to uy tbe cbmese sailor regular wages aud provide for their return in an american ship their proposition wa at first rrjfctcd and resented bnt on finding that hi junk would be libelled and his eculation blown up tbe gendeman complied and arrange ments are now making for the return of ibe wen tvbo were iuveilcd from their borne siftony journcl ti1k viknnoisectllldrex oncen twiee b nt ufleol lo tppreeite die eaekhntifte pi nee of thoeo ehiun wiineiin llicrf ij ih tut any of ifcrir dneee one i rcdy v belietc ihit fiiii more ehfne ch br emivd sad jx ech neve uatlpc eev vut ii ptjratnf iliueo trluch prcceled t tma fijr ttnt fur inla4ex pretetile m fridaynthi tt tlie t linw i n example in ilitk ihhc duidret- folycielu wi arbef aj k4r jlekiitifulu c4eincd hlf in led and hlf in vjufr dicc trlillv fmfirrr eieh beiriuj i 1tnileh like isu uhich odom ttie lhad ir lince ile enter upon the stijc cct ute ihe audience njhi sinkift rhscfu mtrhne ijir ttten wt puumc tjiinc to a lively ij inp tiiiic attain the doec crunmrocct- a hle j band it tvfrj air i ti 9 rlky exreote witlt the mm admiwbu barikny hie woal d ovoi jhj coirfptex ii1iun tffniti4- latw clarjmf and then y in ne i etnn fetid aujwr jj itmkim- i o and rx fie oirai2 liifii itiie i tst i4h r ni u avrojifwl rpidny nnl li lihtjml tiff aep ever inmj m prefect httn ny anh il nsio lite efftcl prihljccdvu tho udirver i indescribable in all tins too there h n eiirirrfi tin lent akvardit thai golden tule the principle of our order based on foundation uul continue ro swell our f aud overthrow the pre iudice ofateepv may not now be inclined lo recognise rrf the element of eod these arc the ground on which the lotion and we a its officers are prcfj lo yon aid although there are seerek il ha been deemed neccmry to retain f ay to thoie who are willii to join the l therhood come amen us we will v their moaning we wi i show ibe obje which they were instituted look around our hall its ranttoe ntl ciently indicate the purpose we have to visit the sick relieve ihe dj cd bury die dead protect the w educate the orphan these arcthcr1 that addresi ihemselve to ihe oult tfr they who they may we have brilliant example in the j httt oe y of individual exet tinn foe the rflfi luj we fcvriitce 1 hiahi of 5s force a howard and at oberlin an wo be blamed if we baud ourselves t- with no motive but the love of god love of man mad in hit imao lo inf ll in such an union a this that we vtrenth tobcet alrench in ihe not we have given ourselves lo do intlic union on the opposite shore l jtn- r n yther j the e u f k for work are now 100txw mer brethren of on dfpensina a revenue of not jes than dollar per annum which ispentajot nanee 01 lite ojecl of friendship t t ttuth tnd in pursuits in which selfish i round jec nd in pursuits in wnwii sellnn cannot be allowed to exerciw ay h how do we sland ix relation to bote us when sickne comes non us y vjvios oft illosifyf liitl aiv 1 y are nearest an i deare lorn ami kind vcc breathe tweet word around us and bad of love smooth the pillow tor the feveredcad and even the softest footsteps i nol herd in the darkest chamber but oh when w are alone without kindred or friend in a rstanl land then we may think of the miser hat attache lo an isolated death bed whcm is none of hocsohom affection to attedu but while the in of our order are vwn then wherever we mxy be thrown e are no ixicr strangers but whatever mat ibe clime whatever the entmtrv a hriurr isand lap a brother hand and icnd- hi and love un t supjorl an my lain u oh bit nothing lo know laj our last mortal aony we shall not he one without human sympathy an i har toht that the consolation attaching to tc fra ternal attendance of our order is rolic can we not rest with ome atifaetror l thought that wherever we may die n mystic symbol bp known there will be of bretliven lo surround our bed and t lf bute to our besl comfort and consoh tbi life whatever may be the disease the w isatteniled wilh tbeamecare hio maybe fearful to look upon he m have been struck down by the destroy pe- and deae and deaih may be in the phere around bim yelstili he i watch m unwearied tendernes and he l love fr him ceases but wilh hi life 4 we krvrw or the major ty of u b t hiiithtr who hood in this land ratfed in london tlloivmeltepc and butcher were found exempt instead of eloin up ihe ports as miht bo smpected hy some the pore become open and tbe oil produces a luluury tcrri ration oi all the remedies which have been tried t otjc tbe contagious course which le20 desolated the colony of the isle of france lue mauritius tbe folrowin- mixture wa productive of tbe most salntary effect it is composed of two dracbm of camphor di- o1vedinonc ounce of sulphuric ether and boa te into a bottle of olive oil two table powu or ihi mixture were taken every half hour accompanied by softening and mu- cilainout drink in abundance also by cly- tersof iic same nature tbii very im pie treatment not only arrob the progress of this terrisr maladv but even destroys all gvtm of it of ihmysx neroe lo whom mr cale mar administered the medicine thirtyfour were aied actuh maritime etc 160 trie ixtkelnal uc of olivc olt the external use of olive oil at a preser vative agaiasl the plaepie has heen ion- known in tbe levant it has been applied by fomentations frictions and lotion but no one ha hitherto uken it a an internal remedy by dhnkin it thi discovery was made in 1819 the fiul experiment wa made upon two hundred person mit of which number there were not ten in whom it did not prove eltica- cious at soon as the infection is caught from four to eiht ounce of oil uf olives should betaken at once accoidine to the strength iic of ihe conitiliition unit eral vwcatini- will then take place amj in such imndmce that it appear to ex pel the virtue even alone at leat this hax occurred in many instance its effrcl hovevtrasa aforiiic maybe properly se conded by lakiinr decoction of ehterbcrne i in some individuals the ot operate a an emetic in others it purce the bowels but vrat or evcesmve perspitlin is usually tbe principle aymptomt and also the most bene- ficial in a village near tangier a father of a firmly who liad jot bv the placne hi wife aod fuur children ived hi own lije and four stivi of hi cidren by uin the oil minyaifdiioaal lamilis from he interior of the coonty confirm the trial already made mitt those which at daily making lo render the reeuedy more etfjeacions the oil i used hjlh inleuially by drinking and externally by frixlions wftsthiiw 4vc scarcely an instance the recent outrage a full picclinc of kingtoa masufiitti tltended at tbe court house on monday last an a hcnuisilion from ibe mayor to iovetli- taie all ihe circumstance connected with tbe outrage on board the princess aoyoi aod deal of obloquy ha been cast upon tbe mayor and corforation of kingtlon becaute they of uirmielvrm haee not ineeiligated inlo ihi im portant matter but those person who ibu accuse tbem are perhaps not aware that the mayor and corporatioo of kingston possess no judicial jurisdiction tbe mayor h troe is j magistrate exotiicio bol he is scarcely recognised as sucb and except io eases of infringement of byelaws rarely acta in a mtjtislerial capacity it wa difcrent io the days of mr counter wbobciag a magistrate of ihe district as well as one exofficot took a leading part on the bench to term ibe mayor the chief magistrate oftbtcitytrrmt fair in speech but s not o in fact the chief magistrate it the police magistrate prowded for in the incorporation ael bul not yet ap pointed by tbe crown although tbe corpora tion have petitioned lor the necessary favor half a dozen times we have been thus ex plicit to show why tbe mayor deemed it ne cessary to summon this meeting bat we shtll leave the worthy functionary to tell bis own tale which ho did as follows when ibe magistrates were assembled kicto augiul i 1v7 a letter addressed to mo bv donald yscumoe e1 having appeared io the public print i t x duly which i owe lo my own ebai- macistrate who will no doubt patiently ln- voiigaie the affair and bind over the guilty parties to the aesizes for their trial thomas kirkpatbick- aftcr tho mayor bad read tbe principal portion of tbe abet e jocoment ibe magistrate assembled wished to commence the proceed ing when it appeared that no prosecuwr or complainant or any perteo from capt twoby or ihe proves uryai was present ur bunowei cooaci for mr bethune wa in attendance but he preferred no complaint again any person and teemed lo bo there merely for tbe purpose of watching tbe pro ceeding tho rev mr higgins aad mr garrett comcrford having been desired by tbe mayor to attend tbo meeting were prea- ent but itvt in envtody or under any personal restraint the chairman anthony manahan e finding no business before the court feel acter and to the office which i hav tbe ho nor to fill to offer a few remarks for the public information the first intimation i bad of the occurrence which gave rise lo the riot on board of iht princess fioyoj steamer on tbe 2d instant was from a member of the board of health who informed me while presiding over that body the stove myself iavcmn iv heal folate il afflij 1 hp the sngett possibe frjs k at much as pos v i lias nt aseertaia the canc of tli ei ovdertwere tbat dw h i ert 110 degrees in n 1 rl vjtl in ntv 3 which beat 1 consider perfidy ek i had there a tetfreiiurin dpnenpm nsvd in bonh atovet w tiw the be wv- i b tent aod which i neer allow d aiy n uil anyaeli to interfere wilh has ttid the ruw at diffrrcnl defer v fam it fmbaj profestftr scbenbei ha i h lhal drawil in lv nrarwbclminj foc of the riiy m tir i fan attack aitiertitas mill in ennfinement at mvjic4is aetet wax ihe rijital abvtia july and had several 1 tz intrrv vih sanra anna mr trin had txeinriiprol bui wl coat itexct at affairs in mexico wafhimtov anjt it 17 ivf pfeia- ued at i eieeelr d tvith unlet i auj i ill j nt oie then leajitv ttweca ilea whtl m ijimiil liy llic potry of inliei fr tdrjaa iaile 11 he ue cujisly apopo neielc iihmt in wkkeli ih tntl nf tie rmntml jiiifrt u ntinsm he aa to five bal htit tea tv hla initfiiifttkp an j v hltbetun rr in tiia tuiitd ihe eltayin ffnjmn w coluiiin and j ihe cxprum uf bitte frni m- am t city last evrnifi rriuifi re- iltled a lie no nbntiflri of the y feeral scott element on m nccouoo will not l- i al jm devices imytflf have tried it up ti zv aiii llr fhermooie ler uid there hi f tu rj ioit ah the it person but one ere it of no x tvid out of tie y whieh kvflpd dw par rocsss tv euneotlori i ruaiivfactiilist by tbe fi cruverssraem srjd ii i 0lli eiants in ameriet j fatve 141 three nll cmsjvaa freer oie kelili vveritgi nt r rfit- eseuofi anrf tttee pveettfej fwral bimjed riefi ii all jt hi ihe aint4iri ttav elft f tle sjjii a ihi new aenl tavaaa t baa leea alike live i- su tle esteaodisao f h plosion k l umy in lve rieilvwh ail e im cossvavm be ndalty ratum sftfaswaxy te riil i sat jv tu a til easevf i ejvavf a cawatoasely rv aat4 v evati elier y1tiwr vs s ihe fijikinx allien 1 a ti- i yu ii i ii 111 u4 ile llfi lulwttii nil j it the lellcn celled in t as ilipfifitb asti eimlaii my t oeejpihwi wf diecapiti v e ivi i army nru of any cnseethent on tjie tntrch thither knmir in hik instance a in ihe case ut lp ville of bilvna vtla nuy have int f iii tfj the ten tit there nmhin ji alt iijntali in ihe plemrnt nllinr- baa been received here as yet catruuted to lusipme the veiy ujioui uacertaintly exist mj i he anxiety for news i tnuily bvcom- tk more painful and tlotbine jie paper will eud cenerat taylor io stn luis- he will rot eo lnwever nnlet the pfwsem view and rurpnpa of ihe administre- lin iliould w changed hy fnture cirrrn- tfanctxt tfcf i ienertl in hi nt despatch ilisnnre ilie seiretaryof war from nrderine 4ii aieance irft sn luft atthonjli hi uwn mt una lion for active tervice in o milittty linl of view he deemed it uutdvibl i lad n taylor tdvirrd the tie p the secretary f war wmild have ordered an ad ranee at the hiler ha nut only given hie genrtal tho discretion aince uie coinuienceinvnl of the ivar uil has almoti invanably issued jn irrdera fvr ihe direction of that column of ihe aiy in j r with the fienerapa view and ijiiit no man in tbe country en- inlsiaa hijf rpimrn ot lien taylors feittitary fpry tiid eallautry than mr seeiesaiy m ia a stlld lht the v4jltr- mhtf fpeil ptsimi tiivn mr barnnm was in uiwfl yrtcily miking arranceninta fertile ehiliiofi of ihe createl of living curiosities the genuine tom thumb this rtcl hmiature rniin is lo hnd a serie of icvcps at mcavthur garden aad concert roam fnnivneinr un monday nxt murh ba lei v ut this vnmennn bmh in ltlojip am ihe tnitei stats- that i i aearcvlv nceesary to alewlihe any of hk lauilitid pec uti irttief j1i name i charles s stratum he wa urn in briitjerurii cojiiiecllcnl in jttnit try isa2 cansetjuendy lie i now in ihe icib year of it ae iiv l tweniyiht inrhes hih ant weighs fifteen posiifk at hi birth he weighed nine jwun and a half he rew a oilier chil dren ilo day hy day until he wa seven mrathsod when he came to a stand till where iip ha remained esei since frim ihat y in i 1 has just held hi iwn as filerihtri lutidth nd weljht bul ru ha been estantiv irrmvint handsomer mrinier and tsiarpcr unlike all other dwarf this lilili enteman i expjisilpiy profit i one d his limbs heint- symmetrically formed and hi head iteautilulfy itpvetieif in short he i a charming- fiunialure man whom every iiody muat i and wee bujftuv etjws kv wtlti- we are gispn tu under stand that th ceneral iiieods to pay a vitil t mka a tt aer wn41 v 1 frfe ihe iir vrdenca iti ir tin ilh jtiatfu fir sfla rf sflvlcf i fiom the r crtiic muhvftrs there 4ortiritn tur- for diieen trim their settlemenl ia america riri have tied in vast number to the ctli- fmitt ihe rdens ot tle pacific these altteii half civilized half tavap plaited m lht new wotld a tovernnenl of their own and have refuted to recognise tbe lawa of the uniun thus r hut tin r on the re- helliou mate ihen unnilural separation from their faiber land tlael they will be allowed lo fuund a nt empire in peace i very pro- liable for id vtn would never think of in- vadinx tnd eompicfinir country o far from ilxm tsjecitly crwisrjrihi thai tbey have in i uba and new meaid audi invilirk object nearer al haul and infiuittly mvio t4y t bo aijned one hrothcr adoption almost unknown and alon hie brethren of this order wa he a- attended in his dyii- hour aud hi- in the crave ssnoottiej by the bind thne who were knit witi him in the friendship loe and truth but thi is not all there are sea trials lhal brek down ihe slron- a make the man a a child it is letfou thai he may think he has weekly pittance on which to subsist lance tie cannot vrn and the anc tody is heightened by the aoiiy of when he feel that he de nit or that others depend on him for ll breai and hi heart faint within hi fears for ttwse he love he become frdow ilv know nosethat he has in watch over his tvlllt that he bel sxicly that will iav fr what i nee that sltnntj he sleep ibe sleep nf hi tirelhreu in the order will witch protiilc i hi wiifnw and chihlien kiriwini lat ilthnh ainur they ii 10 lu 30ivxi lo defend aud succour ticel should arise are nursbjecti evil are they any could av a word in disrt4 no are we rnl daily taught in if- 0 how our chaiu in tue by whr urrouiidnt and surely it cannot far ns to d that as an auociatcd uh di or ouh 10 d iudividuaky called a ecrl society rwit we are i elher null fur pj our ijns ti are onlv neeeais vajriurj aijain lion and fad we em maty fae t fetfuwt to ft as we are hnuesi me lte4nni our invited iisieala our hrethrvn of the manchester i linjlil be happv f we formed nip an and j hopi ttixl ihe little dirlcrence- eparate n may w early removei j enon ha been ur that onr o ameriean onm hut we aro now itnjent hriih nurtli american o ina cuni lotle wf our ouu and loyally to imr queen and country aa to oyr we 1 1 bring at any olber of ciples t lapp to thank yon for your kind and hve onlj ta orcmred rvuuvtll wherein mil dat douj e application j it isle the stale of affairs ac from bad ro what will be crosse instead of improvine at gross we i as won and god only the end the death among the soeard healthy in the tents b on the increase for the four day eidinc yesterday the deaths there num kicd 67 indeed tlvey are all more or leas tainted or sick the last rites of ihe ftotnan catholic church had been administered to net ks than 150 poor creature in these lent on i y alone the deaths on tbe itland yesterday up ta 10a m were 31 a rttutiality truly ap paninif thefollotvitif was the hospital tate yes lerday mca women chiidreq 746 551 jjoo iin the lattri number yet then there remained in be admitted htkpital from vessels in the stream into aod the lent dr fori in came up lal evpninc in ihe rowland hill eery sick the same tamer abo brouht up ihe followio number of con vajoent cl by jusly a vej of dsof and i p and tucb ity a a pit- ofbis sv1 alone i bis odj other to a lan al rvtd dies vn if b thxt nt7 writ we are wronz at we ve ae il m- yatrhob n 0 lv tsdd- ny cf i body at nnw an ob- r i of infe- hav- jeaiint cesxary r prn tenlinfi add to ipakir ii nh len children orphans 43 m 1m the ree messrs roy and pauley still enn- imu very ill and the rev mr hudon vicar ieneral who had contracted fever at ihe sution is dead lh tos will be severely fh as a kind pastor arj a man ot the highest literary and scientific attainment niac but the feature here ix the rdeamhoat maid of the mist that runs three tme a day from the rapid a mile betaw the cataract up that wild fierce whirling current lo and atun- the base of the column which rushes from the summit down tatbtv yoi are taken in crriac nearly two nite to tie steamer the toad down th tk sfirls from thnoiit on the american side which has ben fixed upon fnr the tcrmi- ml to the usjrnioa hiide a the rapit aitd svhirlpool in the former of which a boat wonld he torn to piece preparatory to tine swallowed up by the lat ter arc jnsl beluw the maid wliarf thi voyae has nervous look rut tbe precau tions aad g uardt aca accvlent are so well aid carefully provided a to inspire full eorfi- tlence the steamer has two enines o that f onif fait tje otlier ean be pal in earinjc in a minie ad a half she is found wilh uvo anchorf and chain cable she has atn a mall boat hy means of which a itromc line can be run ashore ihe moment a necessity for doing so ostitis jtbnny journal that he feared unpleasant concrucnees would entiie from the excited tatc of public feeling resulting from a muundetmandine which had ocpurred the niqht before between the rev mr hiin and capt tuohy i im mediate cnt for lb ithtr ccnthman in order to learn from him whether there wat any rmund for ihe apprehenxion ll came to the mayor ojlicc accompanied by john h greer esn and after betrine hi relation of tho occurrences of ih previous evening i wai pscasel to learn that an asphnaiion had taken place belwepn mr greer and the rev centman satisfactory to both peptic and ihat capt twoby apprehended no danger ihc board of health then proceeded to trans act its ordinary business during the course of which bishop chelan attended at the board fir il wai closed i mentioned lo him what i had heard and expressed a hop that the minor was unfounded he also assured me that no danr was to be apprehended and lhal an explanation of the difficulty of ihe preccdin evening had uken place shortly after i left the mayor office and was pro- cum- to inv own when i met a number of ppjsons runniue who stated that a riot had taken place on hoard ihe prtves aoyoj and that the military bad been ent for to protect her i immediately wert to the boat and found her at urown wharf capt twoby wtl n ihr iipper drck and sail anuircntly save me and my boat from desiructioe i re quested him lo come ashore and that i would o with bim and procore tbe somicr be did and we left tbe wharf together at ibb time there was a large collection of persons anda very aavst stale of feeling existing but no hoi or violence offered save a handful of travel thrown which i timed in common wilhcapttwohy when wereachtdthecity hall we met a party of the 46lh txegl who bad been called upon by mr greer in bis capacity as a magistrate and with tbem i returned to the boat the wharf waaquiekly cleared of everyone and ibe matt of tbe boat took ber orj and makine a detour came to mr greer wharf io which col garrett and the military also proceeded capt twoby ein joined us and shortly after bithop phclen and several roman catholie clergy men came to the jroood every exertion was then used to calm the excited ttate of public feeling and to prevent bloodshed and f rejtet to ay that v fouod several per son whose station in life ought tea hare in duced them to adopt a different course endet vorin to aggravate instead of aji ay the anjry fecline of the poiulac in ibis i a nappy to si v ihpy were disappointed like crowd dis persed bjr decree and i went on board the coat with capt twohy after he had washed ill blond from his face and had beeome some what composed i obtained from hm the par ticulars of the riot which i had not vet itatnerl- i asked him if be or any of hi men could identify the parlies who bad al- lacked the hoal to which be replied that they could nm bishop pbelan and several entlemen then came into ibe cabin and the artir wa aain dtsctmed mr hins who was alqt from tctvfi tl iine of the riol and had been sent for by the bishop then made bis appearance and tbe oceurrenresof the niehi before bavins been related by both parties before a number of rsons the ex planation ofiered bv each were deemed titis- fahory and mr higgllh and cpt twohy abook band the soldiers had been dispersed by the desire of cant twohy and on the party leaving the wharf ia coenpaoy with bim lihp thefan addressed a few wnrd lo the mall nxtinberof persons lill there exbortin- then c g home peaceably whieb they at one did xu row of any description occurred in my presence nor was any one pointed out to mt as having been on board of the boat ne wa any information lodcd wilh me against any one on ihe return of tbe steamer frnm toronto i ww called upon on my arrival in the city f in the ntonin2 by kenneth mackenzie ii who handed me an open letter from mr despatched a messenger to capt twohy lu request hit attendance in the meanwhile messtr triog sc medoneirv mr higins counsel fjrjrtinr no body presenl willing to pro- fcr any ctorje against tbeir client moved for bis format discharge u wbkh tbe chairman objected by reason of mr rijias not bein in custody or havin- any ehare preferred against him by this tiinetbe messeaxer des patched for capt twoby returned and stated that he had seen that gentleman and delivered the message of tho court but thai he declined attendance 7tbit being the ttate of tbe case tbe court broke up bavinc previously assvnl- to the following meosorandum or opinion a copy of which we lay before oor readers canada f pursnanl to notice by nlidiaso drttaicrt order of ihe chairman to wrr of tbe qoartersesmvus of ihe peace for the aid district the folow- ia magitrates attended this day in the couil house lo investiete any complaint that is to be preferred by captain twohy of the steamer fnnps ituyoi or any of the boat crew touching a riot which took place in hit city on monday the 2nd instant at about halfpast twelve oclock at noon namely his wor ship ihr mayor exoficto a mapiilrate of the said district james wiiliamon thomas askew william wilson hoble palmer henry cilderslrere matthew rourkjohn hgreer and anthony hi naban expire the court was orcanied by the appointment of anthony mananan rcrtoire a chairmtri io the absence of the chairman of tbe ses sions and his worship ihe mayor suisd ibe circumstance tbat tended to prevent a t eatlier inveatigatioo into the matter the mayer further stated that he desired the at tendance of tbe roe mr higgins and garret commeifor jbefore this bench of magistrates who be was informed by an affidavit which was prepared for captain twohy to make be fore him aod wbicb be did not make were the chief peronof whom be would complain the court being in session for some time captain twohy not appearing and no com plaint of riot having been marie by any other person police officer heron was enl on board the boat to desire captain twohvs tcadanc before it and baring remained in session aa hour and the counsel for mr hig- gmt urging the piea of detention beyond ibe hour appointed and staiinx iheir ability to jarta axio scrap original and in cv thc hesltsi or tart ctrr tha health of kinpton doe not improve seet- rat valubje itvet losldaring lb put wttk baee been added to the jt of victims o the prevailing epidrmie the hoapitaj and hos pital shed are crowded to repletion with ujifortuoalei and ihe deaths daily aeersg a dozen while tbe recoveries and cooealccrene cases arc nor iu proportion add lo which two of tbe four hospittl physiciant art seri ously unwell this td aute of tffairs we deplore bul il is all we ean co tbe govern ment both imperial and provincial bas beea culpaby nelifnt in npt haviflj foreeen tbe calaesity in not having uken pioperpvecau- tiona lo preeenta healthy province from baing eontamifltled with b ptileotial and infectious disease men my talk of political grier- aaces but what grievance is equal to that of iarodueing a pestilenee into the beart ot a country tbe isome antborilret knew and ibe provineitl auboritv should have known ibal typhns fever of ibe worsl kind ratd in ireland aod liverpool tbat if introduced inlo canada ilmusf spread and in common hu manity measures thpedcthate been acopted to prevent iu introdctdon it would have been better and murb cheaper lo base pt pled the deeit shore of the saucoay rivw with the indigent immigrants of the present year and there to hav fed and otbertrue pro vided for ihem during cbe wiour than to haeo allowed them to ascend the st lawreoce carrying disease aod death io their track tbe et il we deplore ia not alas at its height the maajtianl month of september ha to come aud pass away ho many of us will be alive at it termination i a problem that will not late longer thto six waekaits solvlnj lo what i have tii whtl our deputy frarvd sre a of the ladies tvth liive gnctdntii ia their aitettnce that ihey orbi in favor of odd kflluwatiifv that bave meant ibe uittrarjie inir own of ttrength union aral tnd llien autfutd after warlt rciiirv that lb- i slwiutdsoin our order and hecotn of tbe phaturet tnd benehl f ui abp at boni t the tasla irltknti mlow- i fr ravrnei inlilenarf lu lealiivlka r atiy iaenr0t n brneed lj lh uihabiuntt ei ih ile date old aebo nd aa id lhal uff mnv tret r hist it wtt h lf jhj tlttt aftuwid there wv aflieah i j j gaateellf mmtn i turn jiw be f ctlie condition of the emirant dti itfitnc amovl us though sense what le pamfol than al hie commencement of the sea nii is still nrnat dialresin the white rjumber landed mn the eaon of the 15th of aofttali in quebec and montreal wat to- 005 emcdirwt more than lst year of ihee 4572 had died at greatc we np in tbe 4h of lihv and on the th aueum 5ftere were is sick if the jfoipital there in montreal at this dale there ate in the emi- raiii hkphlal i 17 sick person and during the past forlnim ihe deaths at the shed have tmunted to 296 hut tint does not exhibit ihe whole lot of lift for besidet several dealht reported hy the usnal municipal author- itie it appear that itsf pprna bave been juried in tht k riirtht buritl icround aince ihe wilt of jutip whoae death have not been irprtd at all we can itierefefe hardly pil the nmrilteitdown at teat than dvpertont in ihe fommht airtno the ciliena tbe ielne hat aa ahown hy the returnt much decreaaed owin- probably to a great decrease of lernppralurc but tht roorubty amonjc ehillien i hill very great aud the weekly rate on the whole toiiilaion largely oacetd thai of jut year ih ya fail itkjfdsr tpj w auret tt ilaailen fiaidy c3eveaair p neie lt llethune the contents of which have appeared in all the naperv on perusing it j requested mr mackenzie lo accompany me to tbe court house where i would proceed with ihe tilling mamxlrate to invoiigate the naipr and take the information requested by mr liethuih on onr arrival thpre we found mr manahan ouvciating as the magistrate lor ihe week and on statinc ibe cae and pansnttini jpa the proper step tn be nunmed mr m tekenie declared that he would not peocppd anj further in tbe affair but wnutrt write t mr llethune to cme down ami at tend lo it himself nwiermtafmr bethnnen letter ehariac mr ilictria with incitinej the nmb to commit the riot i mr mc kenxic that i emild nol consent to the delay unlew be withdrew the letter which be did and i liave not wa il amce nor wal i aware at the time that mr belhuae bad piblisbed ibe letter immediately after hp wrote it ten thai day and on eaeh uceccdin arrival of the boat i informed capt twobv that i wat pre pared tv take hit information against the klies concerned in tbe outraee and on ursday last i waitpd for a length of lime at the court home bv driire of mr mckpa- rie lo wear capt twoby to an information ptffmftdhy mr brmamt in whieb thontmra of mr iligipataud garret comnierpird wore mentioned as instigators of the riot finding that uonne appeared i wont lo mr mckenaie and was told bv him that capt ttvoby would not make tho cftposition fcanne that be would tn detained from tbe dnal fvr the examination i imrhedittejy informpd him amj aubseijuont ly capt twoby thai i would tummon tho parir loaprar on mimity l 6ih t tt the court houae and desired that be would then appear to make send hit phar 1 hteo rtiuse t aod i requested the hifmen of the qoailer sttticaj to attatmmt ftll be neb of prove mr hgiiis enliie innocence of any iartieipation in tbe riot complained ofandj rurrowef esquire counsel for donald be- thune esq owner of the princxts rvtfit bavin v tbat he bad no charge to prefer against mr higgint and captain twoby de clined to attend staling to use policeman ihat he was nol prepared to appear the court unanimously resolved to adjourn tine die a wan ah an august it cairmon in addition to tbe ahove wc pubuh a letter fiwn v miniifc faap vhv tev mr higgtai couo set which wc bare reason to believe i preparatory to a statement from tbe pen of the reverend gentleman himself who now that no person can be induced to appear or com plain against bins will perhaps faor the public with a detailed account of what really did take place aod how car he was personally concerned in ihe trinsactioo we hope to be favored with this docurarnl for our aeajpob- cation and we entreat those writers who bave so gratuitously ibelied mr biggin to wait for hi vindication kiogston aug 16 icu sin tbe proceedings before tbe magis trate this morning and a statement made to me by the rev mr hijrirvs which may oe published htrealler place me in a position a ay that tht charge agaiuit that enllcman of inciting a mob to drstroy ihe princttt rotjot aod assault tbe captain contained in a letter from mr donald beibone lo tbe mayor is utterly unfounded and untroe and that ibe remarks made y many of the provincial newspapers with reference to it and sir lligint are foot gratuitou slanders i take tb opportunity of publicly thanking mr kirtrpatrick on behalf of mr hi gins for the courtesy wbicb he has all along ex tended toward bim aod of saying that while he must have the satisfaction of feeling that he did hi duty fairly and dw passionately be may rest assured tbat he has tbe theoks of tbe catholic community for the gtatttmsalike pro priety of hi bearing towards a priest of their religion while unwarrantably accused by individuals aud newspapers at a distance of tt offence agairit ibe law 1 may mention ihat at the imp of the rim mr hifgin wa distant a mile from ihe wharf miniatctmig to thetiek toibew bow falsely be has been accused your truly arch john macdonnell yr of greenfield city council momoav aue 16 irm pnrrxi hi worship the iaynr mccr pfird rourk bakpr flanaeao meaher hresl en wiley allen anglcn channonhogje crawford linton mcmabon smyth oui rteporter having entered rather latr tbe council were engaged in ditcumiog ihe merit of a communicatioa from mr wm ttunn rcvpcrtift remuneration for purcbasin- victoria engiap be was allowed 12 10 report of board of works waajcad and some of the clauses were adopted mr mid- calf claim for conpeaalon for building a fence was referred lo pjaanoe commilteo the clause recommending the ftntshincj of the pimp oppoute mr- w ii bnw wat adopted and the clause relative to tbe pe- titinn of il fiildenleero esq was lost report of police committee justifying mr shaw in bit conduct in detain a trunk from mr chile but not to at regarded the handling of any money whatever report of city surveryov ttnlia- the moo at expended in each ward foreleaniag street itc ttto recomnaendint ihat sepm tenders be token in each ward for making the different plank walk therein report ofastistant enineee titling that the hoftso in whieh tbe enginps are kept at pretnni it insecure and tbtt several articles brlnpiir tn thrm had been tlolrn it wat ordered that the claim of tbo late andrew mayne ahould be paid out of the ural raoopy received into the treasury after ibe payment raf the district claim several motion were put in during ibe eeenln- one of which was l raiee lb atsett- msnt for ommon school purpose frnm lid to 3d in the at hut aaob and all of them were an eonfmaded with the ions talked over inesllnn of w in the x nut nf the taaeasflml ttf viepjrot ctlllduh bsy an advertisement in lody whig i weit u teen ihat mr skervelt haj ecaged these celebrated children t bis new tbeatru a montreal and wishing tbat fact to be kaoxra throughout tbe length and breadth of tbo land he bas sect up an acvcrtbraent to the brtsh whig wherever thcte xnudejftvl children bave appeared ihty bave crcared trie most intense excitement and persont hac beeo known to make longer journeys to see them than from kingston to montreal they ajousin number all under 12 year of ae and are esqliisjply icsrrcctd in thesaxt hy madame wcixx 4n aitltianudy beajco tbe name vienwnse children they blend lo leave this continent on their re two to eu rope early io tbe spring and tbe pmej ia ibe last opportunity we caoadiaos map states m witness their extraordinary performances mr skerrett deserve tbe utmost endifcfbr his liberality in engaging ihcm on the a- tiavagaal terms tbey demand aad receive and we hope hi caterprij wiubeippixfcii as il deserves to be a ntws at haso we are gettlnaba- pativat for new from homo iti ofail stemerof the 41b irutb now labor mini day our aootmay possibly be at botton btft we bave so telegraph eccouat of ber nmeal itjp news will bring us lidings of the pretro- 5 pariitment the queens fmf and the after dissolution of parliament be- saecttpnr t kwrinv wra xu tomraxf bility of tbe present high prices of floor its the engsh markets iv news tay bw hourly expected ft- the following gentrcmea wre electesl directors or the gr bank for the- euacung year colin c ferric david thempaoo james t richard maitin hiram sroitb jainta p cage john davidson edward jack- oo the hon adam fergwtoo tnd jaattj p dickercnao etqs afire wnkb coer it ferrw eioj waa unanimously rrsucted prs- dent jwonirccj iwold f j jv pry wo have to announce cm aunsasl at this port of tbe brig fowler wilvlmb bars195tonsof nhway icoo ibr tbs r lawreoce aod atltjitic kaitrutid cc mht i abogt to discharge this day companys wbatf atlougoeoil tajbtho rooj vessel which btt arrived thit setnena with railway iron for ihat compaoy ib jot mvr tbe annettr gilbert brought 15i6 bars or 245 tons wc understand that the remain- in- rail to complete sixteen milt of tha road from longueuil to ibe river richelipu f60a 10a are in the tramit for montreal lb rvj- we learn that mr mcdortmld iu ot officer ui the briliili army and an infaabitaat of tbi city has bven decltrcd heir lo thn dukedom or tatentom and the proprrly t- tachpd ihcrcto the dukedotn us webefievx in luhr and was cetatfd by htpbt in avx ot of the crlebtued general mcuunatd mr mcdonald good fortune wtt aaneuaced to biua by his excellency lord elgio j- tll will be interesting to many of oftr readers to koow that the deputation trojiytiio established church of scotland to the bixtaah american provinces t now pjxsecutlgg their valuable labors ia nora scotia frioco edward island axd ffow bnuswiek ajid that their arrival in canada any toon be looked for tbe deputation coasituof tbo uev miners fowlvr of ratho maclntcob of abrrdpen and steveoion of dairy a ip daeio arreurr ar ltaaswtjtat toi i rimr a- 1- z it io anoooni of moal aiin st em rl u art 8re to the otfir of that ppr on tiiitj tbelih ultimo byplcnj lbud eoote lattttsejniniuj t 0per tfrppfd nvjli under m hsirway m tlte i5cp uhieb bad il not tippn imee dienttrd be tn inmatein an tenut etjj hmiae ottl het mei undoubtedly e lit ivuilinc onw nd numtof vf eihei c elimneil ii wattlw weak ot n i cyena alw vbv voe trretltdf i aaetefji eiininaiion bw iho janffululoa bu tv it a nrffrnir4 io tmij himself in jew od tw tuivsseeio rtuttenh i take brt wist t the heat avitae ctnef ii and thr ifkj ilreaiw iptnlj wnfrh werp fir ihe impvoment nf ihe clly that il wm uttleas tu afttro lu keep trmtk of tht t3fattetrt tvvvmmir mttasnfrihl ful arjair occurred the night before ltd la the township of york a parson named tnomat coomer wacksmilh had ome difficully wilh hi wife which ended ia hi ihooting her tbii the side with s muikct the un fortunate woman h not ifrid but littjn s veiv hirrlrw iu0 torutime ritfl or aonetreet tnceeded svith greel difficulty inarriin coomer vpsterday momtfri oh bronchi bim inlo tol loo wretchoa io nret at the cpaump lwifp bul farltftitirij mieted lum ivonfo cto6e jsur 14 itoil ttteoaon la a eomputt homblre w rnera ia 9y t lh atekrusmtpi ttpt xvirl let tht earay vnttar hist ihey tea think ri i fcoene ttn daet o our nparaiar wai ra uiri h kinftion ii i that nithaul tcneulliixf ny mt the ptrdee inlreemed here end wilh w faanielhatheeh in lha twan time ihetthopinv jmrt1jufaiirsratrftialfl nt tht ta- nattt nur tlatnu vhieb thtt it dtstulete ntrce ilieiehy makm ut ptf ihe a lata af ibu ktigt rtftitr nf onr i thetnrtaeilr lolhinbihl ihair tal at twli inipmlanto to them to tbi iit mbabiltiilt td ititf net tbs hie ttaafptpb caapaav had undertake to tntilf ut tin grjf f thij enitd fuai ihett vaaieawaxa tht- eltalr will end bv our tliarttort rasjuetjtusr dut remurel uf ttie ellmlon frvan ore louavcaxvauf 5 wttaxatwti it itstxti- wbe mrd oald ffausth in a llllaxa mram who wtt it eja iir a hwrnhu iswi i enslttyn a tcma i did mn ttu tu tmr ve- but r r uii nut tea au oaaeav t nl u kula pin mm i w bfrp 1 j i ii ar alt oniujtl tnnlthi1 ftsxusv xxufssl vtiflb lh ult staxtav tuaav

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