t british whig urn lniliw ftr oandd wttlt uhumuh nimiwkkkiti lff weiuiniuj oml silumsy mortilnr htrdwmid john barker pi d at tin aniknum 844 shitty nt j 1 fo iv tiwhw fjriptft tkltm oflft livu am if iwd in ji a 1 nn ih iti i- 11 11 j aro paid itf gnlaaa al th oflit of im pauiher anvaattaora sli liiw and undw 3t- on 6h krflin iil lt t ach nittriri iertrm- eip hvtm 10 wrt lro 3 j j ami h ni and 1w twili uhnik iutium l obmo lew line 11 1- llno aroijirwnion nan id rwhwlvrarji auweuwnt lapatliwll adtrtiporfiiw wufanh euevih iherlino iwfceh ouhi to by m vftj ar inomlrd notil tumil nod ehted arcniliitly th luitwi whw brine jai 1 i ihe i irjfiftl cpwwtjaltl cwmb iw aw awaaw will lulwed u i 1- nai ii i any rklvil wwocter all 411am i irapaid sritiel ttwjifl the athenarn book ahete if pi j a and g e n e r a l a 1 v e ii t i s 13 ii f 11 i a x a 1 a w e s t mdoi f an 4 wotfj vvvw ih f il li opiper per oi3em dicos 1 vol xvi kingston canada saturday morning august 21 isj7 no 07 ii mfc4 i r dam u i i i ik iiil lrii job frlrmno ix jjvitif jib rtintlxfii a iwhp r tiifltj i ihv ann if pn ii4w iflij ujm4fmi r i i ftn ii business directory jamoa powell ironmonger tin wirt mjnuraciofcr wuefw sued kinplttfi daleys into uascovs hotel kmmin a st tawrcnw sk nwl direct mitiirei the british american eotel uto dilcyyijir j iattcuws ion canilo wert king 57 nelsons saloon nearly op- poiie hfilh0 drvjgii store mon 6 j w b maldbn xamcdowaufurrierhnher suk 9ntf icivcifon- for ntilc i to cytry decripiit dihtit j srij jlllwork in buhtic executed tfild m isssewdrumraond j 1 wnf i spirit morloi1 wthiau btriljlnp i03ti to mr w kinntonc w wil on fbreaylerconch builders bturon riftert hccomick wholesale nd iteuii lacf in wnesulnj tew cfoccriei c prinrcj kingston messrswadonald campbeu uarrirtcrkatirntai law 1 rifted a mcdonald j fitesil ijhoceiubs at ths city stohb corner of king ft princess streets kin ohtok wholesale and retail the stftkiibcn ro wctth fim mm ten snnrti coffees fruits blaf whci nv if tin spfnr ihlwtttt on hpevty will b f 1 in qimlitr mf i ifl oi ji mff jt he1 in ibu mwkf r tli wwigicwnjificniftf tktit nw gvo teas 00ittyne hio ttr r iiiie 40 tmkm do 6 oi4 tlfwhittrj fin 2bdjicstktili oo du 00edfr gcib oo c udr flflt jltt slgaus 10 hui imtm rt in i 0 fcrru ul i 4 iiiiji rrntwl ct covfees tub rtonil ufb as5dh4kce company jtrutrf4 nii ktapuwft4 vtjf tl f pur caritatcsooooy stiiilino ftavumikoroi rim rviirc ctvatuc as5uhancgs on tub 1lvfcs isr cts of 0vaf ittttutrtm indui rmukuiii h 1 fffff slfct littwit ms vmcoti fbet m-v- l 1jcrvmcil j4ltalti governor the fttlicniim5tfl kiiof elgin an 11 kincardine goraqrcttfnt uf ciojd tiir capital of thr company 00u all the difecwu ju sdttfbiurfl tr the coirpany the rates lsc km rnrmrj on iv inil correct olier rauoni ivliti xil a to t value of life- me profits of lh comor wtl l vmrttmi nj james mcmillan teacher of kttfle rw fortes tou addrr wm mcmillan awfiww tbempson cai7 laitw liu nj cgtqmion jftffllymj broj swcungyfcr j v axibd canadiandrawback law orlando w commtojm mtrrchtint ni general agent no 10r wter street hfcw york moiialdflhoteljlatcsionc nppwtte the ctj tl3thkin slrti fiflioib v carey tc new- edward stacey merchant trii- lcf noohv oppoatte the montreal bftnk kinsfol kintyn john blacjdaton saiimnker no4unifbuiwinpontorn street z tfaltet jales painter glazier hd paper hftnger rijenu stnti tl4 a chowui tin smiilis s smilto nj fin plc workers viiuow sno kmijat ispc harves surgery ltrtuqc iitfc onv joor bemw llw nuroi amcttci in utv ro ist7 x h si i r 4 rf jm 5 maciw tobaccos 10 llancyikw v it v ilo 5yenr 5 jtt col llnntii prnftd r i ir mifbv i j i och molasses hhulfccibi liquors e upp rfmm mrthiv s do mr n km i gin 3 wij hvnlv 1glt 5 aki do 4n in untk 1 mitl ttfloiv mdeir 5 cvi it do in boiluf 2 imswhtitwi 4 ksi b msiafr fruit- ldo vlfll- a-ihi- dmmi fi fine enter j so fncy iwrrpntcr 6 baj fitbem irum wmnotf 5 do n shrh al- sun0r1ks- 4 tirrtc rfeti 10 bxcsrrcn 10 i fie v 1 f r indio 1 ckcbfl 2 rnicmiml cinnamon 4 utt lirl 9 m is 3 nwjmnic cinjor 1 jtx common do 19 buff lroon srtur 2 sirtaporili de 6 m pepper socc pkvlr 4 oifrkrt sud oil jilt mirturit uov com lttiim 10 wliwka a kef stlcratm io biwvwtrvtp t nrvrjr f article in the gtoctj line loo ntjttcfvooto ntoh thoma3 hendry sc co- j- h 111517 dtd at certain inlcrrau whencach toliey llie frrfu llvcilt a rthkk nv f lb- i and chow rich i n hi lcfd pffmihlo rf iv ml vfnlfle kiten n txplj liy hnva pricii4 ite hm j nn on hi ivmit atvrdniii rfdrutton icui w en it irmut jnrf lti tklvls tka itni ijtr timhif ff i inlrnrlnvtmrtii i mi i jifc- llj njn nr uf lirf nm t irttcttcd lc punpfi wj s at honest pimciis luiin ims svn llic eirne f tn ercry hliflrc iml i l rfl llt lull f 1 ri i i m tj ltt j p i tort ij it pjbtn tcrtftc tvini iut if on nnvtt a rtj n linod ittiirtieet utlei erf v vri rvir tvi lnifrf i r of m tv mlfur tlnitmn um and i- i 4 j en find be kvur fy he itwronucj luring a rihl in pulicipu tiill fhjttt in the fmitl isp oirimvn m9ix ttic ameii advantacks arimiy mhif lvjtttie lrll oil lv ni company to which ihe stlflinn of tne ntili y epecihy rcqit lfl fjlloun ioy miiciiu toil t i tlu il theparefrrajeo ftiiiwi iriitrh may be paid yearly dr li4lfyifly at the olio of the yty k5ftriajf ihtlic irrojj micilififf o ftl etmitd rcrjrj afamm rtil tiitrtie v limits ihinir fcnertly vtit evcnmc and in particular the ured brvxit liberty to i u i v lfstfj oriiiifiif itatketi bituixt vny svrth m put tiuf 4iiy tiiroan oor f of thr ymr vdhout extrn chargt the lisiircd need thus be antler no appre- henritturf l0im the benenu of their liciri by iim wmuiion wrliajii lidvemcnl nit their pan in give the notice lefuital liynlhtfr company of their inleiuion to cio thr atlantic v tlie prompt jiwtci in ih t iupnf the uojiii if dirtciofs at monlrraf being ineeited with ml lower iftejliallw inlo and reet of pfojoh nnutnx company on the mi jl oucc wilhvwt cotn- mnmcating with the patent coaid vif 11w bstmthnfiom stamp duh jeav r- jhy utter ittic im tgttfimg vi the fact of ihe inpany bein t v awarnnee olfice ihrmamccm with eilber fife pa marine iiunrance i itii n irtr tmp tlttit v t t timi vr wre ttr 44 ftlilru it ii icue tl ptitapwie ut frimfi 1l wi wi i i k siad w h pvi int if tt- ivhntimn uv in ft- b r r h re r cillilh nilc fre tr htii1 jfti v- titl ril i 1 fc li eiftjl vwii igmttrton hi 3m vvwif tc fnrt j irr ttnt ihr itltfil- l oeii llw can we dv il oliatiif tit nir rmtor we ire ejnlrnt v flftiai plm t- vmtm 4 w ip iyi iiks tic l til lili 14 f thev j i ictud ilietii e tiiili ii c aivh i llim mffti led iv iliiit env nlfe ant i it id til l i ini 0 dilnvs-eoilli- u eituy up 1 r iph ml ttift- 11 ffrttl v fllc ullij iu jl it wlmli jrttrafrotitmmpnj whv i tl i e ti v in i lie iiiii e xir r i n vim if icn or r ho misc y y sit 4y j afwf j it rrfv jd vvmi -f- niivrr fii4pmi mr forbnri nivd un pliin fe in rm itic iiiimur c ivrtdf- d mr mjmmi kinrfmo frr the civd mt ud mr tik dtci huliml mnird um the p iititilt it vjt irt int ufmrtiil ndlwh i r ane nrv ii l l vtu l tor ih i m witi i hfffj pckw te i tn rkbcmr ud cvftiutrpei h fltitlin re i tincr nr t m n lpo bve md t fvi hemrelre wvcli trta 11 fij cn tiy twtipf lea ai ftntr 31 pel pojii j tlwn ij hive bxn jciiis till yrtu will lie wmiqed i ui lin il 1 r- piid itiv nv 4 r if r fating j rm tir tllcelivn v ttrh tm 1 1 lrte if il nj uc llc rt ulfldliivg un tiksi oy ifl aj nfin dr licjru when we e tyt f ur p will thai r ieol wrdsiek laimim to pcrftffl it l ukfiiriud paw ii ii if it it nul iff oiti vltc 1 tri ilo viiin r v ii l i i cm e nd rice mr hum is p m j n tes die w iicniihrfjff ihctflidrhd ct j w fcum ino efcvjjr nd re rridr kl d i iv o- ihe vnlo ehe half ni ide kline jric ljti whrtk- imimitcni wln the buyhui 13 i at 15 m vie grneen alw only i llo hciet itlow in inl ntjncet pinm y undertake tcli ereiv kind nf aiki ihe country mcf i nf- il r th rmpanx prrptcrie tablet of kate fur avnratev wini rni- vits wilhotit preme on single iiw joint five nutl sirrurropr llie tvhnle utm of life of for i limited nerlaijuxetirl wiih eeerv olser infoitnitimi mf pc ou- uinrj onipplcation t the oihce of uk companvi by order of the dircetor a davidson parker 4 canada branch in caxaim head ofrtcimostrkak no 19 unml si luacrsuexl wurrtleti cftbinel maker ond wrattfctw mmtreal stitrct kinptofc wfcifieral awsortroenl of 4nc myle shetlng and sum1meu hew dry goods ffteeawtibeftrootllmby pnolos1eo fciirfected oojotlfntftt of ltish drygoodst idfrqrdleefpovlper cwur jr un lif bnd grcj nrfnkeetvet pranei andtwted u 30 w6 i otey twin onnieieo wriolioomftnd rejtu sliirtmjig cwtujn acef r bck wiiile nd rownred itli kj and two clua pnnta ett2u tjs cuek satin veat- tttjt and vert rtwnt bsnral strips bl0ind mldei onltnnj hdfcf m jder chinu red ttcd oruflfl tod dine soon pocaet dn tfiduisilacormko primlir nd bu soiin uof aibtrltodsoiin jtoif imnreil it cwre cttaf wbrrte ed irrf other brooe ac c- birn nirrji of kcadijdo tsqwsbbs and vest1xg8 ma s also aewapmfmni lnd- ditcol ptr jtrbn buji lfrived here 15 cmaeo aopcriof veleel wapped paris and london hats qtlpulnf fc wait vjpmnt may 3 i84t w n alexander begs fctpectfully to frra iho in- habitnu of kindlon that he i pre rtrd id uipy fomiew every morning prtelfir n ictijencc with ire the tawte git ffi to fmm u ta 50 h thvcjrjef tvill ic primfmutn ariciliuririliuuity will be obecrved io ihe riillfwey orikrn left ol mr ralicrl mc- cormicky pri0cts cet wi meet wiib mpt attention w h a lrm oppwtmiijp to in- form hu friendi nnil the public thl he rthi continue l manxmcturc hti wlebrn- tedstoughton bit peks in bottles achxmpagnb bottled clwr vpk artcleorytonhorj cflfc3dv per down cakb of tec eoeripliorj may bo bid t ten ii and n iirjnr 5 for sale ebgsu teas sugars coffee tobacco fftult and olfler staple groceries hymff gtiuswt r fc the 5brifxr arc reeeirin and offer forsak 5 idvdr- miwoorodo stifar i m refined tr do 5 wwk ciilin mouare 75 klf elieot ywjo- jlyoon 5 chert old hywn 30 imlf ehort fupr tanlv fci 83 jravk0 bfc tt- such touebonj hil cfl 2ft bt r wwswj 10 ow fferj raotdn a ho bi mur duncu lutmi 7tj bovrv tewe aitifl niwjeyav vendifli lvutd is j- mneevr snd 5 m rfinelpr ond llwnnn wjanti 40 nwtto ci nd 3 of atre ii do attcd pickle otd oyrtew oad lep- 00 bajeo ivoo stfph 10 soer cnndteo so d drn lin 5n bien 7 i 0 ckrmnn sliee t 2w ttmreed flmrnnd ptn nmitoterw 40 tkmlk- jpn lw if ha hllt nnd endttjn mrmrhlm cncd 44m twiw ijp taper nd ueirer motels upeood voortin rrj sitj lundry tthc ftilirka- l0 eoenikirootl vincr 10 kec rrianslertojfj tnnric ndy jmiwl m ifotwnd cin the hhd or quarter cat iso ow- puate mriu co do fwah eid wnier lnv ononrlrifa 51t eontlontiy on ond vnmiantfcwatt jloefiow rf p m john vanstone vetcrinnry snrkcon begs to inform tne tnhawtanu of kinc ston and its ncihnoihoofl that he intend in ptaeiiceln kindlon and hnriny deeoted a considerable portion of hi liaae to ihe atudy of iho piofeuion al the vtteinar college lenjon he flatten hlmfeir lhat with hip ntual eare and attention lobiitiuei he will rjif a the nlmost eitwlaefiwi fo those who may fteor him with their command applielioi to he made at mr bamfoid a hotel prince street kingston jnnc 15 1847 notice all perron indebted to the etae of ihe late archibald meneil btq of nantnea tcdialely either with one of ihe undcrened or mr michael mccb of napanee and iii those haeinr claim artntlthe eatale will preant tfctm with proper vooebert lotbe aame partteti oraome one of item samuel clark thomas downey t j eikutoff john a macdonald dited 29th may 1847 3 diaktrron jlo pbtkit lllf cljiinnft david uvtltsin t ailixk slurhon k- hkw tcauslv k- cltnlbtr 0unkix 1 ceo- camflill kfo m o wm e rni ris iiirdelil 2jftd 50 per eeni 1 r wr otrr w io lv hhowft rtf the arawmy mr iln ftoa yin ihem hereifirf fnrti ber rt 11 iiri ttti 1 lic narthfloaea f ihe pbkiv tea company nd fampie ianr ltw ftu ttiry ri dewhere aaif ihey bo i 1 te 1 1 hi hijh iri it i- ihtir nun null an vlnrti ttprttf ijlele batel tn gihi se eiij nte i oq mner hv leodinp bd tea t- new ymw iniribai thmn ta pid noa we fc leiidvvtt in ormkrow lit it faod nd nw etl um jj ii crery vwn in 1b0 uoiled siit ojentr- rrwrd and owe ihe te import h t tli pi t ojii m enidcuin unult wild fe xiiruji atii ivlirn frelaij iv fifhp or mrryit rn dec odjnt i- hie dirvml tn muu mirty her hitt uf nut in f r ftj nn1 ihe dtfcftnrf4fil iiatl nvlcc idtrrvf jifil wi re njsrrdrp mrry htrbut jofcfwnd tu d and ittat ij ftahiirr lirf lvif cifidn the lm fen botihri tr im tl iter ftrtj dr m ikrr the ii- fcnrunt pkjlrd ittmhe didw4prnampe iw tbe fitivtillr did aol arrive in jrlad wiii i jcwtv 1 lite lime ift 1 nukio iik proni- thul ik htl n h irw notice i pe jitd if ircl lnl ilr i j p ifl 4invl tu a wilij uinimr ill trr rhrtnc erry cheer- lvnt 1m of pure 0 i p wo rieady mifty h j 11 lf kth mtrwii and ewunlrr t ie t tf knn hod not rnpny 0j ti l u ilnfl lrii ntini2ci y jmnwwiinknt l ti rtnu h it betttr ihm fln vf llo kind welioeerf iibt tfrt- hh i ol ono dljr ovutfrf iv f i l i ry of rior reirf ocfife lo huvo c t rj e ttbiiin it nf ilir pvlin ica company tvt7 fulvxi liccu vfiv- tk piki frf cnll alt r pm 2 iva virclituie ir iltn i utfjifjbuka wiih ihe rruit enme g ij tel lf iltftn llic entire eonlidence nf lhj jitiii lr waii4ieihlilietrie mii eajajuobiy j pf e ll diart i- rlnted f ibeaa man nv uf ihiw rfarnt hirb lian iien eimellej to ttfieit tic imkin te in eonqtience j h t itr j f fit i i ii ri tea if lyllcn 1 ill mill i citp flexet r luho hai be-efn- y of lio iftrffniled until nt li oniafl svif mrvcl a kind winch in tii4 bnwowf 04 ii y 1 j- i flfti t pkii tea company i and we iifvurj ihi if in fikuvjffith they do not rj ti i ilinn the nlot od lnrr dok in the lowp we will jjirc tlieui ur tet wtthoul eliafj thi wpljin rnits ond ctit be mij uirtlnd l ofpnil fr tctimonj i the im ntrtflk pree f ov afcnip in any prl of he clouid stiles v it mjei in rrrry ttrn in iir irrif- rj rvtovedjw fnl ik e arr tfiaiiy vtlra ry do mtwfte nnf ttt tfmrjit vpoa tst tutc tf tu putt ttrttcu catalogue of teas n iml t nit wvaetiociri o till pbkin tea company k 7 fpjah srreer a v tbd tih mriliorwj in ilii crj4l0fwa ore dii j in jiter pnind hvfpfrimdj and ono lund rkiethrj finl or inid wrpr i nier e ihe ftnt or inid yt the evmidrpet if wtirrf niprpnd ile kd r olie wnpper frf chinr rieo iplm ihu hmi iittitil ip nwl tnwiolrt dtuiei pin yovjeet tiii mil imy he and l iiri tfefw tvirifilif c m poci irf iwej ooawanil rat hihifvl wl pvubiespe tpffufp ir1iir in ny pa of the landed miifai w ciuitji rn oider botof the to in pjnrliiaii leliefinqineiiiiea io ui ihei ruk4 vh ieh litem inthince bii and ivrrimiittlie fiifiennhnc tlcfchni frc fn ittf w pirkifii und errnce tho rone nfchia- pal ni t til it ihtftit pfmwfl m lhini cvuitty li l ri of eaeli o llion packed in our no hi fiyb povwd cu rtty coovenv- nutd leji youst llsl do wo rtn id jecom4ov the orate irrr tb llvwxtooji do piftl e do d do ftno enro una htt tciecvuv iitappoifjied the lekm v ikdvc r i rnicfl he r r 1 n rielte f liriten tea f ml dtli- f1ivit cullvtated jnl ickrd uilhcire hich hereiofvio nccr iwrn itiroiliej int4 ihi fvttry or rr- lt m f r- aintntr le my have an rjp mshl n icphyr and fnjnm rone which we tjkeeiiille rcenme loll pew il jfer npin innnv of thni whn hrs ted it nl hren io nke thctn confirnrj rjii0ker ltr wiri hto oed it y tlul oi rev bflfofv diiiik mffc te uol ml u1f en iiere be rutted a ah ihe fcfltacvnipr- uver nmyi i grtim o pure arhek at nhotete pfee i r inull the quinitly the coirtin tmfvhuuteif ot tj 4t 7 raltofi im vv tc the tevin tea company no tj 77 tilon mreet i- itrpulii kfi ih- brtl tei iljti into thti ntirket thai they aell them crnpef ihun aoy filter cftitilirjirnenr i a fjel nived in u tluotnd nwfjmeef lince ihey have ine1 tieir iore we would ntlvito our friend nctjjl 9 th lee rind if they dwl wuh lo buy atjeatv obtain a hltle pronphlet krpl on their tfioirr entitled hints to ten drinker and itzvfjrti leoiri iitir u- infifinarton on pin tujret the pmimntn jiveo o i i jtttmtl t comrueeci wo drink green te and for many years hare ecn paying one ilir per pound for it rti i lo the l tea v wo now gel a otter tei i ii i at 7i cent r pound we link one pond tej wvek w n inch we in now ivn tviticen ouhur per year and tuplir etier trn in lite barmn ttonrnenj u lu un tn tbi dijro per in llie bargain tomrnend i finer fcr bee do i d am very j a reiy jisimritou john uo bin havactcrt aikai davuwon parksit bfi hibneh oive with dwale wl m lawfomwl have t heen ei ii- 1 at the r i- i l r hi itiii i i new lirt nswk kmrijuqc stmna agent uuxcam kvoifiitfom bfa nova won a heajil older luuux aarmt jhk4 frwaht ec jrcwaae nq a iv for wet ivnksaijnihea teh f ruiif i nbrt j for austradlalft sydney and adeuide- forcapt colomv incapotorrrt for kast indics and cbvws cilrivitfc mdrje mid colnrjii jmcg 14 hanf for sabst a cc acite 0f and or jj stile itt the tvimaip of seymour newcnatle diatrici beirg loh no 17 nnl 18 in the 9ili nneinn m acrrt f which ore clearest nrt hai loryi lm ilnu5c ami a praum ram 50 feet hy 30 otrtawttwei c uml well waierej it will he hl mono ulwfcor in lutn to auil purchasers terms mnjeraie frr particular dp- 11 v at tiiia office t ir hy eiter pw4paij j ii- geary kindlon june 1c i8r7 wlwtf tailanetork express t allen co wilt jepaitli one nf ilic firm to new yirrk every tvftk rnnking the trip between kingston onj tiew york jaa rerotarly aa circmrulancea will permit ah pa reel i cnmrntainnp nnl mc5aga are to ho left with the subscriber al greer wharf elward harvey kingaton juno 1s 1347 93m n ot i c k rtltle sudscrider having lakto ct liecnc a an anctioneer ukeft thia method of informing hif prien4 and ihr public that h will be mwi happy to aileq4all eat in that line j anrl they rnay be aainird f jlrict atuntion in all outer and punctuality in banjinr over the flttctjtwl ef sales rntruateij lo hira ah otderp left at ike office nf mr hnh calmer comer of onurio and hroev slntu will be thankfully receircri and punctually atianrjed to john cmjtk ittener- kington 1st june 1s17 if 00 h mi j i do enllne w 37 i silver lef j fx jj svar n d cten by urje deaenij par nf llrt very snimll pnfui made on i1 ill j a reiy fmoemtr 3 i i 4j j ruppunutpvtf chtrncrjoth 1 0 i 7bro cajt ttut the rem freote evlii meij in ilitnj ji of llw firi pehui ann rfrealtader cxtc1ttr tclicaey fltvti nrnin onj trrnlli uirctucre thi trihn never rctvl ural eohtry cicepl m tn4 im in ircin tj imlara riyox w j am all um1 tjjrowth runmvofu r l awwiiat t ftm lllrf iunution enivtn impitrial r- j ii lirikn4 fmranl ai rifiiua leaf rery eji- iiy80s skis ixw fine ftaixw ilo j extra fine clack tba iuucrnong nti full flavor il soe iln vie opcrior omnrxti eij tl et1f ftnc tn l flivor ftne ovnnt tea r farwiic ulnccal aituact inn a rry fiae cvi in one paond and h ronrjcmya tatrafiio nc rtus txtra 1 ift a xfiu uit thia tea it framil a pwrei nwixf it yelda a perfomc ihil lalntly tjeihlm it ia nf gaj4ew rrowlh ami airirmf in ny lua4 of tbo kifld cer ald ir iurimirr bnuf jtfll liceakfastteannc 00 ft it l uo extr fin 00 cji movflms mixture- and rlthmica laee flavor 00 congo cil nw4 a rrr fir 00 rkorfiov ooi uo do pardeneroilh l f iir tin akive we expect diy fftnv crmiq irrat nleiiirl efcnp nf tea rarefcartrfa ni bvrfcft pkkis tea compasv and wlneh nc intend to enpyrtfht proerrt tiickarf jl rvjr areola ec reajy h hcom m fn mtfoxs ikrifikie it hibven very olneotl indeej un prjfjaup- i elwiy nblatn cl ecn aed wi lof hut ajfiw jo have only tf vul tli-w- fhjhmli rf 1k ten tea tarnpane 7j t7 r nfj itreet in mt up deticij unj frjerinl tfa- yurutd iil fnr jry sijit uvl by pwtv teoinfnnvt5 fulinn rtreet wewyoa and ifwc live wll ry hen flen they irtu- line iho iih1 ilelcnwteaa wc rer ilranv haf retail hn baarji tea vnu oiaf 0 ai- ii t4r4nthlirbj i ktiurtiv prie if ihv jvktn t tiliwiiwity i 77 futin airrel they havo probably the larceit hock acd reatert iiriety f line ifreen irvd baatik irarf my eplawrnhment in lhv united stale- twty aw ihinjr n latge ujne and a rcat ooehi to cniumoof tcojfee t7 hditnn and fnblitticn of newrpapera in lino tnird stua canida wrm indies at hiiai will aire itie awvo til inarriioo in lir rei lceiivo jouiljl ihcludinp thii notiec will le hid for tlio n any tea lliey mny ctwuc lo elect frmn the asoc cialooe al the pricea there ntinel and by their purcruainc of llw si v i ilio mo4nt nf ihrir bill which thev rc at hicrty to dilute of aa tltey pleaae riper v ho pdvrrliar rtl direet cpic frrverf to tlw rto r4t cmrway ts or 77 fnlmn ttrrt xvw york fresh teas sale 6r the subaehbpr rrc gkrt ftiimty grim 00 75 1 00 00 75 i no 1 23 00 75 j 00 1 25 00 3 do cj c0 3 oa su j j ti 00 ffl io oo y and gire d0 03 if 00 75 vbtaircd ol low fficcp kine ifnpeili treanvuy puaeltonif gonptiji ac cadd with a variety of sjv oriom and vllier fttttajcpg ii me rable w1luah kinittoo june 93 17 at in sinre r mav be amungil thetcaft aic old and vounr hywn srtuchnnr ivkne in chcalf hilfchceiff and ctl wlicn ho wj rivjtnrri i rjy and tlui the djmhl jbvcj him from wnrn p mr cvtkborn in ilolin- the ce lv ihe joey i ij llw pniftliff ernijihd or tlic keiiitint j ind bfhi lln eitftj to reeorrr eetaiprnfation in oatnijea for llie wjcii on ma pnl nf otic of the tniai miftoriant and feirin enj itfemmt hiai htty hijnidualcoulo enter into it hud been mid with iiutli thai im waa oo of a doiv t eira which rrijht if iftvr in ihe nvl extiemc age vrlpieli tntn be of the mniijrerjvitcciiieccf und enbraeo eircuifitianeea of crrsil nntifitttn mijil iil tcnt in durhnii the wfimr f wlicii the iiariy comoldinei1 aod ilio rejrea lo which the pjity waa entitled he fell 01 at he vaa jiiftjlwd in aiatinj lhat tliii eae wiim uf rlic niil ajravaird niiure in lur whole cjne 4 lui eipanencc lo hid narrr he nd of a cate of hp avvltcd a ehreter and nheu i led ihe facia he waa aorc lly movld aancticn hif huii ni tje plainlilt war a yorjnx lady kibwol 30 year of age tlio durrev of a highly mocctjbtc fanner rcifdinjr in thennrlliof i the defendant wjpa tawewi in ihe nary at the prercn rnvment ctin- on baard her majcwya hip soirian now cm foreign icviec ho wiu alio a iiativo of i in so far luck aa is30 the innther of hit ilarvry w tlten ill uf a frterof which je citd tlic defendant wj nfft in the neilisirhrnwl he waa connected iy marriage with llie pi lintitt and frori llut cite ummancc jciuiintjnce eiialcd betweon them the citfrnd nut eonoeived a paiama and atuehment for mam harvey who waa the eldeal of the dmifhrvt and paid hi adtrerpei lo her thia went on tin 1941 he then manfraicd neiic falhng off in liia alien- liori and piid ibcm lj anolhct joon woman lil in ikio h icnwed hi attention anil a enc ii fritlf 4arif in a e ijry vrarmffd riu jury ihjt lie iwitiiilawtliiif f uti it the ai kinjjntn tvt mvro worm than lo be fouj in pervna living 11 iki ecualry th learned counsel then read an immenw nnhrr of iiuifl wmlen by the dcfcadvt ti the puint f- vf which we have nnly nn frr aome rairaeia am i traill ipow lcnmiic my hiffiinera i inynwn twm jranieo bol i fcriouy fecmbv want of ray nn wh i aco ollcrcoyinj ik weft of ihcir better iuivcp o jeanie it wa my chief slere ceen dn hafre iho bathing fa- annorii to hare tlvo pteeaure uf your aticicty here a few weea or tome auch puce i fiaii a jteam concerning yuu laat mivcrabw tommy i tim hit imka aro broken which bound me to ihcf ni nn and uie wofl ihoii liaat apoben hare rendered me fnv that lfia ence m kateadmf on olhera cnar hinc tx thoeyt vni led unhecdior when tcara burat no jcji dot u her tiry uirrfi tuvry f tiler blrnc marriej arn and mfh- nrrcvrd tltpff wjld be a dlfi hatty ii corrtt ihe mv of iik dfrrjanr frciil liie oapleh am hiring n hrflwe levidinf itl t tonto ta cnidt ao atnl hrr aier o-ii- ihl ihey alfiiul ctjluh iikhimkc in tfw tien dlrinied to jc to fainu and ibry aid owile i thi j irll il tte afctaauaw en linued fi fcrp up ihe crrravuoence and the ful avwiit arepimxrf ihr e ttract franhialute jpfco im oilrrcd alhoh ytu arc nw in fr dtiatit knj phtl i hjte ihe alino litfjrr ihmt ju may ittj be mmc ajparl 45 urwibwd f h0firtc my jinn in fn aro iaaurcm mlif a iptj ehaoec m jiraw tommya of- feeliti oh eene emie and jw wilt ar fal w il ftr be dijpouirlcd enmc and oma tor bewken hrarn tomnty j dreamed iutmduen ipaam i me yir and nnnlej a rfcawa yrnir aftcet ruby lif- nritlwr dij my jcnnie rr fue me t am aware beloved yoo hve eijert- cnerd ith dinger f ue ot hot i cold liae uw eoifiwjnec you mjui fanderpi iwkc aa marhdao fjcr f i he ake tommy i n h j inf of joor faithfutneaa in ctwr toromtj c lo ii j o are in i u l luff- vk vnj i r4iryrii f tlwrrcaeo4 ii yo iadchftlmnnvja bjirattfawam to fllttl yvr nciieia- il by me i miav harrey tik- tiiiaena ncii ftw unj y wh cl li i p ld yvv wilt oara ay rn- ml r f iij nto ik mr sprova lcra yov j be vbticd tokmany one bul yw tommy saturday sept 0 i i r rj m i iii i i i- lo day rcnawnif yoor der initial wiih a 1 seit i 1 dreamed yoor late wothrr rlk tooacd brb ter thnn eeei t aw hr she appeared to be io a pervi ration aod held an infuil at her heait do- lntci kl me krviw if tj ar perfectly j tj come hvne lo yoortjramy oh twamealrl be a comfort to yoor own tommy belorcdj i am aflcnncift il ihe wawj udiea of tbia puec tor my jcnitct aalc iklovcd plcaoc lo wnlo lo roc efton uo oi conaidrr liio iu tipcnao come lo ne como lo me and yoo aball ba mine december 31 tcuaab bebred howuicloarr ran down ronr tommya cheekp when ha fpicd the tea thinja in a drawer which jcannia waa wont to hrindlctt adroitly in company wih he tiniimy tho lord in nxrey pardon oj in in lua idoliilia each other- my mamma krvoata of my cn4inf roo thia and haa mi j i l my wrilmr i yoo many a i haa eacaped from 1 i v h ictr ffra h dee orfauaa which t aihriotow- kfliid1 jure jme vbjt fwb e wracorcr vt fii on ihr eataerii t m fiiewew i i y h earcfiily pialrjcf ibi taaeetwal imtur ind t nvc hear from yow law s john hates ilrvnjrtm loyalo eoneeivo whairaf nt ada fence in loanwd fnendt 1 roaktf- aa aisn io tlio ercdani find ihe puintirt tear nmij to marry hnn b nebcd op hif jnod nd left tha cmamryi fjrhe htrf fercral fettera written lo bird otrmrry iter hut ihe defendant hadnotcondr acvadid if notke iheaa hocowhi rot coneeiea lfperrery perfidy cr cowardko ftljawl to ihiat ijnc amuld i mponacd thai iho nvxt hardened rdlitfj oiji it iraavl hare had amna faegng of compaarwa fur the onfrtonala tictirn whoaa e1itne tt bappints lw wa ttii i and would have taken amo rwtkcof ber btl oo tao niiacrable coward f bulked away frn tha coon ty i i 1cnj eoewroenceo f bit coodiatl wril twacbad hioa al muz ba anip cura s3i 1 b oin inee yow left one dy 1 rraa airhing leceple e atid n if wa bad known you had loved hrao deadly it avaa a hardahip lolei her no bclneed i ihiink ihey had the ide that it waayoi ihat wt after rrn and thai 1 did not care lomoeh about jno 1 wkle on all tho corcra of ncapa- 4 alao nnatty cm ihcrf blank raafa isj my dwiybaioadjconnraafaall i it cvw bchmtl bwiarmiitivipe n my hithefto diaoonaotate bafowl i ptbo iat if there be aorow io th nijiht roy ihe mirniojf ceriinly oft arha have on hand prrv n mkv 7 mie i ihe lrd 1 1 cmif 111 h fnda jo pickle- sauce i thia line innu j martin market suafc school books just received at the atheneum book store th followiuz fkhool books ioston acdemvmsic ieys genraphy and aujj lilm tinmar do ewitinn walker dictionary pinnocic coaairiilll england ej dn home do do crecee- itthtsuli is17 that errnripoee id prtic thee no ml ifiinv on ihee fem mine if my ioe wleirird bttlrea hive wtncijcj ihe cvldicj mfft lh i bavcnnl intrij tihtly wi fvea yer 1 and iiriyfrf llic nightly till lifoa run ia art true tract i hope tnmmy hcin lima nvenrhlmcl wilh ce anil mnw thai jranic hja thyrenstraned hcraclf frinf him fdic peak tomnty pa tvhiwr when mv bin hnc the ib when the oeri wa1 hnce vc ui ancvl ic 1 bo kir to the lovers of the weed willi a m ule j v n m a r t i x kak or rrlail av offkrs cie s aaaorlnknlof havanm prinne rnmel wd other rjicaiafl of lie chutccal brand cavendh llineydftr jnnnk amnatic clioicocot fn chewinj lto ittco and 1 wrtjaai t 1 1 coav makcl srjnafe knemoiijnie lj17- lark ir l whideaalonieo- cifoi tlte ft rnirn of frren and oyer ankl in ihiaeuniro aro imrtcd bf li i- ft fram aireel- tjiw v want z te io al ieatwiiwc pici caji al w jye del tbcin lherctionar a vni tn oainwfiaa- the fcain tea c nine 77 ftfvn itrr baring irnpnrielin- svatwiwl rr fcsfkl0ffl nnlun wnrlh of tk nerltf tra iwwj m llto relrl kminre ovineuiiin intwwrpw fine pkaeaihm hineeinceniaity can infect n prjef lbuy lei at ibr fteal kub lihmeni j luaorr ando commt o rirn lhen tliry att sood trip nly and retail thru i whwe- p coonty mrrchanta al viab to alwayiell crwdleaacpn otfjr oton mirwl at thia daer nn rraonawc tclom aa ytti coivrironrf fugsii fftllts just rec eived rami arnina rrnnervinjir- rrnt nut ricrereerl c mree in fthwla 1- lvtlmt f iv nt mathl sti kincalopp latujune l47 land for sale itirienhr hwr llif fir i he iaeitwie mrr ih- rniinwifj in iv midland district o timle 0 rilrrlief and calm thy fiidav bawcfaw when obvnt from the 3j cn putahutgh south i lit no i in fi aere no ifj in tv tin con nirhmond1h aerc south m xi llic tlli con camden 1011 act waial j irftl nc i5 in the 1th con kenne- hee io0 icre- lot no 9 h on older 200 acre lot no ih gth cn vml aerei cvmmingft macdoxeil wiciftic- kihgsln jitriccoili ifttt chcvr uty i ie can it jcanie oh my jeanr 1 did nnt are ynu lha morn- i- aft j i i i ciuc of your nwiipeafance dii jk inn hr vhi an little confidence yotir wd twaawj uh ihm we were united thai ilicc mnt w an rno l ynor ntfritf ond feai oh my jeannte dnm doom lhelneonly of my pilfictiftn for indred and in tli 1 pr my beaoe rd jennie aus ill tie votld oh avl dooot nn love oli it it nntf lou tca1t it n nifl i it ptronfjer thn death romhe to hi erir nrviren iraxxrc i pme rei in ill- hrnni my own plrickcn dear tho ihv frnj fn0 fled frum ire lajy hvinc i aiillv ftre til raphe mlr tha nn rod can ovreafl and my he ii and my hind i thy to the iai wlara oh what waa invfj made fnr if linnl ih thro jy and ihro ltrraciila thro fiery and al a it ie know riot 1 aak not if j uilta in that liean oh iio 1 bul vntw hai 1 love thee whatever thou an ii u trnty tho hal ejl d mr thy acl fcfl m wi inlananrrl lbenid ihr lirrora f thjv tnrnih iho fijrnjce ttntkirtikinp thy iirpa tc r i i and ahafttd ihe and arrve ihee o porith here lo qh my craved jeannie how ew f part ft otfi my hrlud jeannie my jwrerriy lore my hive and ovagfct i i i ipjr ilaiil lhat my heart yeofn to b willi rny heart a deiht oh my waived beloved jeannie what si bcrnmc of ymir inn tointny 7 al pone iwmyl hia h rl wu cerlaiotv hreai oh jranie do noi ttnv frinj ny if yoo go my love my dove my lwed tiirdv 7 afirrrn snw my nly loa cd jrannie im crei afry enr lore loco aa i do aajriy rol oh my jeanne i fr we moil bo 4cureud i behove uirra ia oolhme c for it nn never aim i break ihe protnia i have rnnia mi keep it thvjah1h wuetd may frown and rnnny wil njiofbid i aliall be faiiliful unl death- tke titd saa feo lhat w jiaih ftd wnralp each vther and nccvcicdhiin thoreloreit eccmrto ba hia witl or yoo have nothing lo fcjr on joor arrival wa witl have our unmn consummated aapecdily p n aftei your ar iital vu will r- ry dearly have i i juf tommy prawn jnu ei him on 1h3fl may 4 iho defendant wrote ihe 1 1 wi letter lochia harvey in rrntk diwt a newtiaaer which wlen held lij luc fic hcaroe jefible- rclived my fiicndi ordd ia rmw rcd for her if vou oanrolhec without her nnw eannol oatimy live wilhnot yno and be happy oh no i mint have poo now orhned m lo me yaj tlnu not be d ipr tinted no daiayon yoor airivdl tl will be done a tn aa tj nolhincprrvtnlyu my ffs urjr tho wy of yoor ikapnineaa aoy kxijer therefore i nut fcr diaapfviiiitmcnt il verily vhofl n you limit nnwl rerthiirly be mine on v a vo ivkived in yur tatt iciier of hif ih f atitil loupromited income home if i i it right yitj plriold loac iho rent of the htoar via 3 now befoved keen gnnd rngr s and etf- ii t vuor tomm7 doea not heaiiale one nvmrni tony tovwr cawac hmeand be hit what eiriiiuet tfio in of x3 f the how of my jen r thro will be no uhtlack in ihe way on y vt arrivalfc ukc or tonmy a word ffirtr i not fear lawji wilt be provided fi we laill not axchcrdetitiitow want of a hne aic ahlhare a thanr of fiii till we ate wliat can he doo foe her niw hctrtvej eomc lo your tommy v if oa have any re rd foe hip happineav add njay the iyd put it intn yoor head to cumc gw brer fnu and aend yu raf ywi alone hate yniie poor tommy heifl w 1 t lo conic m 4 no iiiv v- j hiill oajrhv be mine anylhirir lliatyoohovo ihol pa ihtnk will pat crrjt andhciwcfol loofbrin it wtttl yoanhaa l l- kww in glr nama do nti d pnini y tonr- adti upivi tha receipt nr iho newtnaper taring lhat hia frienda eonarted tn ihe nninn miaa ifareey packed up hm all left canada and arrive fro- hod on the oil f srcmher and m ihatlow in day mow harvey a hroiher wmlc in ibfravi fendnt and raked him mviait her hot the man who had been wrttina hea imui whn had in rfuredlhiaymnf wnrrun a jrive up every thing lorjmlhnjiirllnen tnerneaiho tea and to re turn lo irrund opnn the aacred pfimv thnl he wtiih make her hia wife never after thia lawkalm lijthtlniiee of he mt ilatea a friem rf the puinliitanimiy nn thecslhof pternb- js tvrote ihr fctlw tr hcf ta 1n dawndaol thcrtutiteaf miwaharroy ha vo laid bfoo me a ihrir prnfraamal friend ihr eiretim unce cnnnreiind with ytjr recent emwlael vwnrda liit udy 1 hare read your leltera nd award ihe detiitaof the enaa with treat pain fimn a tincere dfaife lo indoec yoa even jet tn act will honnor hwarda mioa ifaivpy and n prop er regard to ymir ovrvi chracier i make tho pre arnl crnmoniealuon yon havo rntcjoed a eery fwof atiaeknl in miaa harvryond in hie mewt ofet teema rtttcd her lo reiorn t ire land lo be ynot wife shehaa gireo yoi credit fn aincerily and hornv and complird with ymar rrriocat vno lavo dooa all in yoor power in aav cure heraltecinftr fawjprrriooinjhar to fita up buianeaa and reeor lo ireland yow hate placed her tn a rw painfol pvfltn bero ihe world she haa done naihinf to merit thia eondoet at yor hanco yaw hnoft her nharacter otanda nnm pesrhbifceaeephoiheeatnlii wilt ha injured fa you irraineni of her but thi too eon rrpar- you latff made a pfrlrjp enrarfment wiih maw fortunately fvrtanout 1 1 aa he irv cekbarn axhmiltcj ihey would plamli entitled to tlie latgeradamafaa the wlltwfb tu the ti nui waa prraat to be thdtof the defendftoc a wiinraa j lhal iho ptaiolifta a armati nrrpcctabte pawaof ilmuh lie look a iiltk wbiawj- tlrc p1aiift herlf kept a rocava ood wlaa jiop yrc lived with her utr baicev rawaraaaf lo canada every one in ireland tiu b arril way of i- 1- r love- mist lilly hrvrr i aaa tho raaiae vf tho pb lot tit tho defcodaot viaitad al oor botata when my moiber waa io la 1833 be pajj ticotar alleouua in my tattar tha defendaat hved with hta ajmhtav ha orktrapodowd frt- oorotly with my ataiar dorio tha 6m id rrmord the contoptindcnco waa then broken off andtat piid attentinn to aaolbcr udy- ha called avoid aw ua in 12 month and ihetj he got very cold reception we wera foiofto mrcttnr and hm dvendaat walked bf my aiacra aide aod tha in limacywaa then rcnawed ho waa iwmvod aw my aiitora autior i knew bui fkeomp witad e had a brother aclued io toralo in acneriac myauurand myaolf wcotoallbera and tnj v i took lotaorta aa a mj and than oorotrmqeaci burioaoa ihona it properd eery moch aod wo fjpjfl doirw well sho recaited tetlera from qptj hnl at uat ahe aotd off allhee thtnpa ot a very sreal kaaaod we tailed for ireland on tha ddthofjuly lanitodm inlm on ia j uf rocemher the defcdiot oavpr came to aro coy twaci allef her arriral she armpj ttvy crrooli do- taood in her oaind in conwtjocma o tha dtjcaay laviu eoerdva be arlk 1 ffvft rrow r ft i r i at h 1 i aod bakera my aiaur abovf 33 and lbedtlndant about 40 croaweumincdil pectruirjiat the 6ntq waavrry fiekle it vn merely to break oet tb corrcarnodenee with ibe defendant thai ror ajaaa nent america becaute aba did oot u nn lit it wqum coane to a marriar hia mnrh ruj fered and did nat approteof ihe roalch jfy aia ter waa very food of the dofendant i went out to acentpany my oc i hava aeetj qv1p tfoimj int i i i i prad iho d- ijnlv leitera and thought ihey were pleating of ovtrw they rauacd a aml- wh0 ray k codcrtioud fmm tha defendant that alt v 4 rr- mnved le did not hetilale w tearc ameft i coutd rm awear tn my araiera trriliiif i fcirw alwavr livd with my an ter nd aeen tn i avi not wanwt ibi tetter to be in hef trriuof iyr murphy at toronto hrwaaacar prnter ifc uaed ti help rna to wath the uwr of eiirat i httiidtuvr pfefarrad atay- ij there whjt it in the letter tt vary trjp bui i aapjaml aavraw it ia nay awaoro writtn upon aa f nalh i ii i abelwf aatothavpniint i ajfj na certin of my wwn atw but i undaaiand 1 arj iwiiit v4 i think i recofarct my aiataj tcqlatt methatatk had written lo ibe dfidaft lwj tic would a4 leavo auwrica a boid aj cjievik after we relamed lo ireland rmy tirae roc aived w latter from tha ofendanl which htdbaaaaatat la tomntn mwaof her not u enme reeiaaaiord mr murphy paid me auatraav a wttr from the defeodanlf the lovu of atif uat j atiied irut aa ih plain rj if bad j atap wntthl niterrfdcbe had written to tell hat noi t emr homo mrsrrjnmt kinuha rvwaiitiedlhai tha o lartion dd not actoot oaroor rvintderiuwv- the declaration allowed fiat th- ptnetiff waa aota and onmiried and retided at trronto and lhat in enndervn of her leaving and ounlaj to irw land for ihe purpowj of marryina him he promiaad iry llebtrarrajrvahejatj ihallhai plaiotilthideeiureal laaothoeotraec mr cuckbum applied to amend tbo awoawwa itap the ctiks jintico aaid lo wiotd atoar at ameeidrncnl riirifftba ekfndmt laava to moto inacoorl loroaantuit if ll crt ahoald ba of that irdoeuration waa m wl that ho iioffct not in have aawvred il ba awar lad mr- seiewnl kingtite then addrcoatd ihejory foritio defendant ha rcrrattod vary atech 1u1 ibavlriihcauae hid nnl boan iritd on oxhm ridoof lha water thay had woo iraatad anl mtera which 10 an emhahman waa tha aaoat riaajfwawol thai any man nur ijij inlahtalf eve- wrutefcfnr hedceured that if a riaorpur nf lonaey had been lakan out atainat tha deanati ant he bdievrd thnto vattrra reootd haee fiurcad or rharactrd u 1 1 offieient hodoc yv inpronoonea him maana mil l 0 eac of lha af f raraled acrtbed by hia friaodt it waa only f ahrllarara pen- thavkarotd ar- r opnn iho atttanx andewn- leded lhal jl waa clear tbr dfrnoont bd wrrtatv 10 ihe pkitalitt deoirinf her not lo citwk 04 hw friendawoold not fit their rrwaal hi iaaw urerd thai bo arrelwnood owy woold fiawa tctdtetflhafeod bat if cw iboy roual fite the eery ratwlkaat avna chumotako witdioaofuirjaatji4 hia opinion the plafotwt waa erilrtw an thajr toja id and tho iv n would bo tha aawawl eac rfamafoa ihey arouw flf tthajory rrnrua verdict fee tbo prapp dtrrwra f40 souito fer tha plamlilt meoar- bctoj goodavir fti iba deca4daal matom sota t l and co