British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), August 21, 1847, p. 4

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i for salb iboiiging to he of 0 nj h 6n hif w n39 cncion a or brdto frni of- towolip of tjndinrbin ibc vicfcru uincl ennning 30 aero- nf l the iluilion of the bo fmrm wfcictuhoraina urgoimrovc mmim advamorcm beuon uib main road ifioii ika boyo churc jbitjj wlllii f vqeau wnal ano qrttnviltf route th fc perth caifmn fbntvlck ofioj iha tbn beuars d kigrion i i ii mi ics verse sb fellow downwards vviluaro kinfaton ctvytft4wji st a uew k cap itlsjf auj uttvi 1 ur ufml fc m p m ami olivers cvsiuy oftservvvsvrt daokett bent allfl j and erfiveinkjlam upwards pen faluv mi h v r indnf 2 a 14 pw ml sr ii a i bee a hi lajirfmr barriusi meiiaoavua sanirve f1t ctcty shovdj trlimvfcvrj rrivr jievkall upper qitwci dmhi rritt ri s 1 h 9 i ft 9 r i r- o t m fmm toronto on tho siioro of evitbio a mil- of l l f crfc tract ifaw the sfcambnat in4fj colbeiiseiis whirf ijd sof iho flourishing vil tiiera u roth nfttok km vfcrfih west port ofw wo hi in tho 14th cmecsaioo of hun- h vicwria brwricu i ww half of lot no 2 i r9lh concession nf the ttltwff r htj docyticsvvi district containing 100 acres tbc east half of lntno 7 in ibe 9th ccrtokibien of the twmhip of loboro ifbj truer poiid to el clark cfwas downey or j executors john a macdonatv caledonia springs the canada house b sttbcober in exotftk hit tbuption for ho very liberal patron- je received during ile preceding sum k bop lo liiw ihc tuwic ihil xh canadahouse toifrii opened vjf him fx ihoetcepuoo f vhiiom and ue mo r4pecifuhy tolicils a rjnfjnutnce of their palrvntp he satweeihcm that ho will ipere no pain to trjij to iheir coiiifot jctlth and re ctsftn l fiuco the close oc the lut teoson miy imnonanl allemliffn an r improve- g lttjjjtw- lliii fc awl tha aaava bo4l rinflrtoction wrtfc rrjour mulii4rfaao waaun tawattera 0 jf lo tfvbditfoopfto ihamartorootoaj cftaw new importations tta 07 robbrt alilbva the sitocrfter respectftrfly bep icaveto inforoi biatocnlcpjtoincra wih add to tho of vtaitorj considerably iotpon ita which it ia hoped rocnfin and convenience tpi a ir room haa be nrffjf aii1 lie but fcota xiesobscriber iappylo slate that ms morixay whoaattonlion to viailora aaojargh knowo vrill remain at the springs the cajejonia springa present fhc st advbouge of a variety nf medicinal flk-r- acvnowltflgod by tho most emi- fntoflhe fatuity to he eich otoiair tiftd dim railed in their ecncact for the vweof diaeaaeajandinvigofalingqoalitiea 4 the sail and sulphur batha ana in full ptraiion from the httjf which the moat pjnorji bcneuu havo bcaoderived xhe slagej will loavo montreal over skfotnin sandayosctplcd and arrive m t springs in ihc evening tfceciiarjfflof the caiuda houaeivill wthe aaync as last jtsat najnely bfimmooib 0 0 -a- l 3 0 0 7 c h clifton 27- 187 bji 1 at napanee tkb tmsteoa of ibe ml re serve at ihe viluifo ha naujlfcdlaihi dfatfictare niviv oscoito applations fur leaaiog tno watkk fowxa and iho mill strta on thacaoal teceoily cinsiructod oouifc fcbetrve period not toexcera afforded by tho canal winch af iw foot long 2 foot wdanjtocpoujn foat mtero is eiumalodaa oqaalic tmny nina of atnuee or 1600 inchea of water which will bo divided ioto laiandsnd uaa privileges the height of fall from ffci aarfaco of iho canl to ihfi rw to l faajl and the length of lh lola bo- itartco tho canal igd the wver win hvermrr aboot 150 tow the napraeo river u mviolo from the bay of quinto for voaaola drawing ax feet water up to iho lowor onj of the caal end the dianro of the vilbajo from kingaton 24 milesi iravoiled over tho bal wacadamizod road in uiper ca- aala m ajtbpticalionswilulsoleioctvedfroaa kin williog to lose ih building of now mill anj nre house fnow atnetiagat the fi f tlic canal and tin ttio uciitikmy tiio bviwinp aroof the mt tutititldeacription od era loantier 45 x 10 feet and 7 ttories high iutfeu cn lj carpos alogidi ttio smrvlmuao the huildinjt ate io aiiihil by iho wtt of september bt niajy f hc m- hinffy t 0of further pauiculaia apply i y altr posipaid thv undersigned at kiiieattfu- h fltacl m- 1i1li teasoroceries wines aflbits refnlly tltej hy penonil ispeclionin la montrflind new york matket uccn consiucrauij hl t com priits among others removed from the ttefduidt article v l i f teas goapowavr llfan yotipp hvaaiitwankaji hanrsain prko irjiii ali hjid sugars moientido supenx motit ni tadia da dodk jlricd mouaaas coffee crn ric4 nj cnd plant stioot cmxlat dcaisoaab prcpacd wines w wooooa oorrta ex madeira lpoaihsftv brown i- f- tenaiiffcs rlany ivji andsberrf doaccarfo ctarel milga auocnor ou port mm spirits ofjjaacstniuundciaf draadv bftu bfacdjjtotkmt cin common cii ctnado vlt j scotth v7bukaj baaawaauawltl aa taaaa chfry prppcfmtnl in6mi roataoopakajaia ajotfta slouioat llii 1 1 r uarmtbino lua da va 4a djuixxc curaco and bsi0cjeffes- g nawii i 1 y tngatoawqmm donkganas hotfil is tme praaiarof this x may tiow rsmtiahasent anmel u ra ao rival no tbt ka lo rttom w bianu bs aatd cntiotntaf aincnca mcmji firtada and raiar tii nwai ngcij maaabjaf toawrt aeamcvvaalf areotded brf ml aavat rnmst paul suott lo ibe picaeal enbiili mc ii ia motbb dam8 3tregt ths bouse fbrmoitf lu pfopvny nf w bo- uw fiaa tad aricads ibe viccltat rca- danca of jjord dviimw ami siotmui s- r i tho pm year the wluc ox 0ms immense establishment n lompkttd in the frt alylc f decora- than and aflui avers pafvaa for m avasshit 01 vpjm ttw fornitllue i- of the i j detlasa al upl proviakai tof alun- ajaoaor aacti a defipiaa a nft u ee i the atancoaaais mv- and fa n0l tub situation jtntair and wihm an cav djuanea of ho chioaa k mala ll0 uilnrjtil bihya ciiicl aajtilaca ihe daoka ic cvernmcftl oqwaj t vi rrtfimrnts and n iba v iri n ttf a ttiaa lit uaualty met nun tff with in lae me ilassko f tu different itrgmifaia aw office of ihc diueroal altliurv ocptiimenta tbe c5lyhallxulhnoaaandohefpolucboirdin tlii on ancleralcd ailo arilh bondneeof air apvjtsuand liasfroai ii front splendid view orer iha macnifiecnl of the mighty st lawrencc whilaihoevt is relieved br ihe deep dhwand woodod hai f ibe bemmlftil lalaad nj d flaltna aad tbo divuat uuotina of ue kasum toarikihipa a- ue oaavenianeca will be foond 611 jih1c boqu- j j aao i wluarur0oh7 vi tba tadk ifiufcorbejarjlhewty de vcj a tlta icavio ad velito the ptnjirietar will par no crehc o sjivft r i o all rtw rmt tuna srith their pronat iho torfe rmmwf which iv cateai of his eatowxab merit atalaj bjaj to accowintidrtu wtll adasit of bis baff being tcry reaurxawe carrfaces will be alststa in attsndsnee to convey parties tsssrdrrorn u staaoibaat wbarresand the uf tca sacnfirf h i f s xrcaasdannoiber 3ura oficea and lla i t a o n u bc ii i co p gitn5ajment cntjnoe w1hj of the libetsl talfociaf arhkb he rtceirr4aa lasve of ravcoa j m donegaxx moniroslmiyu is47 sliseaa matauraetura almndiand cvtnts of printing ink irctrs job and book near tho clobe and troy mido troy n troykevuajy i is47 j ftttlifr above ink tor tale attba alhcncuoi dvk sloro- lfcl kinxstonfeb3 if y 3n summer ahrangement vbr0t canada express fojilh tiansnortaaiosi af specie pmni nutes and small package tvitb cars and l- klj and the transact of grocol btfasnassj ituruiiruj vtttctcn t mqstreal kiaustoxf tottotfft hamilton and buffalo lravlng haalreal every triday moft nikfv ami toronto- every tuesdaf mokningp 183 s pjui otr mentrqf il rkekmans ivrioi sttt toronto w- wlrbf cheese tfjst received and for solo by snfcacriberj o tynslhy of ptalis crtcbratnt imitation chcshirfi thomas hendry co may 23 13v7 tivtrdinc 18 jjsi4 7 the undersigned havinp entered intojo paitcersliip for ibe pbrnoeoi eanylns on u forwardivc msiba between kingston as mostreai ao vict vtftsa viati ridetru cannl and river tik latortnce will be prepared on the opcirrhgof tbe naw- gatioi wltb a new stock of steamers bargq capable of carrying 20000 barrel af flour per lonin to send fonvari any properly wbleb mayhv consigned to them from their experience and knowledrvof be business tfjej trust to be able to gte pnerat salisfacsorv and solicit a share of public patronage thehosinew will be carried on in montrqil at ibe stores occopied last season hy ri- iuao walicea under the name and ftro of sijitit guttrom intl at km ffitrtfi undcrthe name ana finn of gisroli f1n silltrt james aglassfond geokge smith kindlon 8th march 1817 t 20tr rowland unique preparations crclal tatftorlsue o unpaariirj iisftsujastv tb quatw iua st v niimt ainent me nnvat famitv amd sfrmitttv op ottcat brit all at wf u aa ma sbvcaal sovyjnrtoajs a0 coorts op efcropk ahposftvaasatlv yaesaato awd titcfute robert barker chemist st orticif ist boc a j sj x how lands is eavrum llimu nd mtunthirib li itproduors aad reatoe rntar infants cv a a- cat macassar oil fnai he vrarll tot iuceftui bay ofquinte new arrangement 1347 the yr rim- axd conmodiods stcaam queen victoria capt john d a r r y sip wcadao casij a sth ua a t- oasnw warticlpliaajda aaaqb- utoaaaaa liveepool ftfa and baalat refined and paaio lqwiee 1 bmato wbita and eaal jnda sofai cafidj purrr oranrta ani ifaaona bcaljordmaant snalbiutd aod but alsaoocj bareewm bmbt wainot and fttct ffifcaj nastf tuaay valencia ans hrfamwiina ia2fitecfarrtnlplaraa beat turkey fiabamffert wassva ia jaia fvaaaataa faarrs cvuxiapofsocaand lejtabeej aailtrdi gioissw ftttjio tottv timastja downwards willlcavo bduviiutor krngswn ovcrjf mnnday wcddoadaymnej rijayacornboiiaulillpaat3 ocwcw touching at tho intormediate poits lcavea e brosvno fc coa wharf attngrtoii fir beltevillc every tuesday f f humilny and saturday artornoonb at 5 aabwic vr virtfrwfiu s r of tho montreal hub op ftiomef thereby fonninaj ildiivici linaof com rouniewion botvvcartbat city od the bay of quiotc i fly tbo above steamer is fitted up iti a superior manner witbsute rooma and every allootion paid to the comfort aril ieconunodatiovrof paaaeogens belleville 2lat june 1s47 i chains canvass ito- for sals b the subscriber aa e bolts uf canvaaa rroni no ijm a20vj 95 tatent chain 3c ancafa biosnie pine and coat tr pitch oatiira p resin rvhaiki bella sail tnine vfk v-fimm- u- rnj t rjr lotfi kafta shaallonr and braxwcepot imported maoclla and tarfad rupc bolt rope c 12 mooring anchors from is ti0 cwl francis hulltk jsswrc mvnlreat march j 4 1847 n il ordanlaasrilh mctara e baowyi fv k fln aarill aptnctsjauj attended ih compound pectoral balsam vs h0heho0hd and honly 1847 jflg 1847 bay 61 qu iiiie the steamboat fttablaf uavaalrisit ruul cukina caflosrerai tied cabba jp sfcccaamoshfoonvktchupwstnull jtn y upkvcesai kine on- o inaja soy i readme reef atck eaoeco ancnnviea salad oilcaswavohsoa aochai ies aod i aosjea surah rloe cine chalk w6itiof dihd and pte dlacktnc t jne wrvra vfnpintfsd ttlqlina papr h00 thread nitti hafettaaw aaj tpea cwoj pn qjuncf pjntat wtnaw guas oori4a fiahmff lines beer and winccaaa hir and cwrn beoamt inpovrcwiunso sahpatft epaoaandgoberturreanj j taoar s j j brtrnitoric rwo hata ah i k the sohscrioer ssshtss tha public that ihc ivhale of the shove articles are of the very ursl quality aad arili ha aejj foe cash oc utqffiot v oo the lsvaal possible terms r robert aixkn will comrnevfc hevjlcpilar trijn on moeblrw hay lobriweea kings ton and theseailrff tbf bay of quite vtitl icavcbrotvneywbatf ktnrston every j monday wejneijiranafridayal 9oclok mjomhauvtb idtermtdiateiforu her way up- dovvnwiards jiiortiej of vic aamo rr- coua cous catdrrttf c- inilr 7 f pfltiif in f ag cir djjsruf v y v and tickling in the throaty yivujcnfsi 4c- r this balsam it composed or tho asoat valisik egmediea for ihe abo coknpaint it eperaltptjj hfolvinp llc oasmaled mdeuaor phlegm irib i r thereby cauiinr a free cspee toes lion jasa cliertnj otr 3iot ohaimate cooch prepared and sold by robebt babsxbv dauctstkintton phttto 6flndls3d- per bottk a 6 ihe fafnan far re r- it from ftping ii frry w rs fr i fmra car sod auaarv and renders it of efv ad jtutn tr cikaaa il ii espocjjlv ronarrj mcrvl haaraaaajl tkbwaofa davxirtil kaat na haia aojrenderiup tiicosof iha5aaomb unncersaarr pnc bsm pamlly battles feeoal to 4 tmatlj 10v 6d aad doubts ibst aisa 3lapefb-llte- to measra rawund and sonaoliattoai uarilcnlotidnn- gfctlhiwi i cohndetit almm ao r c avlr lo tta tho tnjccy nt tour excellent ftueuirita oiu for the lut fineen veara i ihrssj been bald neciaxmcdbr a dreafut fever vhajlh india i lve ukd almteterr means tobro ure a head nr hir sain iml all my effort tum rruiltas until necmsntaur a friend advwd the uss of ynar ialohlo hair lin- v i can kra no bsitar naass avid efttf uains a3a6d tile eeerr avmaion r a new bead irf hair baraa to jr whf in liio aorpfipo bn4h of mjaelf nd familr- i resnteed o haeinf vaolhcr and obtain- cvj a t bntllc before iho wjwitc of arhieh wn uaadi i hid and havaaow ji handsome a head of hai evera man enured and i earnestly rc cacamewd thai all srlw haw no tried hi bsm ojeoltnt oil will nnl rarl to da sa i am sinjyoor hjnat oharlient vnrrinl jlvaukcr uonl wltiuly lndsvs near taunion oa laa wrapper of each v qqwlwd botooorthooauimaailicu uiriir sff oiheao od in l li acabbar oil ap all athera ara som t t rowlands kalyuor fia oricittal balsamic prsvi a nf unfaitinc efficaev in thoeonetilr purifemfi tfso fauf uoru all ftiifu sfovi rloti blotckss frri i tas and dltcoloaattass hcmin ivifi n rr0i nr lrctf and prodocini a avawyvwt rrva dotvacy cmipm eiflf and drtite of the prico4e w and g 6d per bottle rowlands odonto i ofi iab dehtlpblcey k worn poarosa roa vns taane camirpnondod of tbo rjnccfl nd mmi feeaercvc jrrt urmt f iht qritxtat htfbul r it oradicitas 4artar tmo tha teeth remove tpuls of incipient acar polivaca afcj prrscfves iho adsmei imparl lie rijii pure ana prltiltt ieittnt9 aod ruvr i r f je areafa pfkc per l i mportayt7tff0ftmatt0tf unprinejpted lumtiduiu fnr tlw atue f ffnin- tst n trifts mora r v u mnt spurious compounds onher ihe naasoa of makas sar oil kalvdor- and odonto mm ondcr tha lmajjro oincliao of royaltv aad the jovenjcnl ueprlrrknl leitli timiur al- itmpiart deceptton they ssv the rari itpe- rrseraenuaad uu ubtiuhn jittitiiu ir i aftd addrrnca frr iho rent of the iwinal prepmtiona it vi tlrei highly nceeanry tn m tltt tho ward rowlands is un the wnpoerotcach allele trtefoamaaartveasrc with bowl vds rhvaitorerruukry soaps nitusri es eko ac imported oay by messrs roxit s brothers oc cnltorimu c n i case i nuc fot cue- and peffmncrs 01 pi ilc j w pf frmjiutt imi oc a j a i r b reapeeifony inform his curiomcsp snd iho pwc eaneealt that h ha raoao hviottuu stortsia brock strkbt i the pramiara formerly ocenph by mr u mrv vahsra ukm may detnd upoo boiaj suapivod with ccouins drufsend aledieinoj phtsicinnt prtcrpliont and family recipes dtrefuthj prepared horse ad cattle meotcines gncu6iiand fr6nch fkfu4jrv bouka axo statioxbby ifioplaat mare i84l fall importations fresh groceries whqlkale ind retail rivos corner of jkns md brock streets marktl sowxre kbhr c w i eos in rotam hia thanks to his friamdv and o iho public tat the rcry liberal psieoa 01 tended to him difrine tho pat tara yearv on1 irooldftiaiirersecifolly inform them that baj haa pat raecifsd a lijce aod varied atookar groceries wines and liquors comprising as follow llonlvand sandimanv putt madeiraa gawvass marsctlav curet ii jmaiea spirits msrtaffv conc brandy 0tarda cosng db ualc ornndy qaajasssa seotcu lwfcoy 1 1 l ir j cm sched4na peppcmint rum caoadtsn whisksj wi j m l inij r aucfllion r the above stock of r ii- l- i mmt nrthen navine been imported direct frvm britain he hsi ennfidfneo in rcnommendin them ai being free fmm adulteration tho gaoccaiaa tm paunsi dtcihaainyj been encfutlv scascted by himaclf in tho new york boaton and mwiirut mrketa can bo recommenr aa benof the bcatualitks teas teas eilra imperial old llyron youn haga gunpovdcr tnkj rwcsasajj imperial pek vaehon coicou andnttifr tcsa co mn green routed and ground rvt jn- l crmale4 aod mjoofjiio treacle fruits rajtiaa camilla filbaria fifs atmondf asssj sndbitlar cindied oraofeo ltmtn and cilrur sperm ohe nd urd oita seeaof every dcacri plum pickfe sioee- mi- roni vormichli inehsier lqo trice srdioe tseented caatile bmwn sfap starch ttlue ladiao rirvin sfmsiift unsattas y spoace waaltint bask plyray crdi piu blackin black ud dec pish seasalnvm loehfiic uerrlna nmh fr tleerinf dby 41k lubock lumufi wbitetiab ji k r tf cio frt princjpea hftvana rcilias jajmajals panathii puinution stcmbmil wovdsille lanonma occ io 14 soj tbwsea tobaccos cnveadiah kskaa llnncylo cat ifonoj- dev and arotniiochcarinjr pluond fiiea twiat scarfathui and caniter turkisji and gctimn ttibaeeos maceibnj rtppt nd sotehsnuftaiijia variety of nthee utnl loo ikkiijtixikiuofl auuf which will o rad hkrftr ruul al lhalniscsl remuikratint nrtcea hii millft beinf m j ya adoiki li tneetn kerpertuppliednn good tcrtna k i fi f 1b4c general ag enc y 4kb commission oppic 6 barjjo yarrj buckleebury london br u mojasson oiass ts merchsata camsnaroul rt booox pumie liwartcs ariricultyrat soetettes oflkeraaf the army ah ps avv printers pubtishera af nasra- paper and cvl niii eencrmllr simonds as vab0 cewroienii ana cojmtuiq acreaaafjj hbturn ihsir irstsfst thenke tot phfron to chair prisnda and ilia coionial pubtiain ggtrsl and bef n dcuiint thrm that u are rajlris caecutv order for jpfhes of any kind and quaotuy of and goods of orer desv r riiin of grsltae otitlitf at tbo tcrv lovreit market peices uf the day and transact daunts ijn the most iji ml 1ttt pronl 1 t f- r y x r r fire- n ouaty furotsh ed wilh kunda or dfu at cuat lan orshofl dasfs ara refcrcncctoaame loodvn rtt ltaepool hrmpe cor payment simmonu5 fwvitniiirn- menia of any dsacriptiaa of aiebcmadize to be sold on asyaoiiion and accept bill at ninev day for tvofhirdi vf the anmvnt oa re ceipt of the bill of ldior cooaijrnmnts ea- tuatfd to their csro will mcot with every possible dipofeh io tlieir ditpial and salea be conducted with tbe remtest aucotion to the interestsof tbs r in vi an estensifo kncwlcdtaof geaeral ci i i i i f ip accoutred dorinc a i u rev avdence in jniis and the other ucst indict fvupd and aabaccjent ertenaiea roursc of ausl net with all tho brituh colniea the csperieaec af several years in isjils bfl chvnial arent cnnplcd witn peomplitudc attention and jdrwent will thev travt enable them to giss sstiaraclajii to thoac wio euy honor them with their cm asud a jfeiaton may ia 1547j kiopon miy ww will leave believilla erftiy tuesdaj thuri- day and saturday at 7 oclock a m far kingston toncbiha at ab uie tntennediite ports on her way dcva j hewiltajsa cauinalplatts wharf every tuesday on her way down abet every wednesday osfher tray n j0selfi pl att fit sons hay 1s47 queens college school k rgemovale kingston tin ware manufactory ssfi fc a cliowns ifltffjnueekl op 111 meet ibm is coppefi wibess rft iti uikiiruul olher slovck g leave m r rsjapsjtfsilly to re irtiihanhaft tllr nmnorua town fc ooauy ootntm fr pst eamffsy jjrcathtfmltat thoy 1ave romtve bsaairltsmrcraht to those ciijibio h blhcbsb street sjbjac caxusaitori of ur j btnett tppoiue tht cktqvrrtii jouse ssasy bnpebybtoajy stlomton to i l eonttuue to ourit a sharo of an j from the ci a- and many conveniences of svtjmtaw ivel crfiiant of ssatlnn to tnoao who may ihwm with thsjir ordera for sale or to let fc a alar0e7itambh0ustsituald smtm in thevidnilyof thetovrn near the jfllss- artillery barracks an the montreal rord the house 1 a very canveuicnlone containing bh asssssssvt pcaweasioo jivea immediately apply silbisoffic orto mrs gornall suiunglon street kinpton jane b 4tvtt m a chown keep conmantiy ens osjwi m fall aaaorrmnnl of tim n r ssssi ic cosfc a ussssi avajdubto pa ft w si and box tovs asasasti txany ofev tor aaso at prices to eoir aawtlaaoa and retjiactfuliy a4icit n laifpavtjn of ihrir btocv before pur- aslasjsssia staeschero crtlao tiiohmi pric pij in cash cwcnoda rou grass cupper pewter tojumtn uxrhong print ttiract v ixcahpabablk 9mcu japan ink wntir sua acrifi jtmejh dooxmtogt t a a us wearr orrrce ovthstcitv distilest i kfngslbn april 20 1b17 the suhscribcr witl fnr tho future receive all orders and transact ii busineaa connec led with tho distilleryrfit hisofficcinextdooriomrsbarlt dorr l enierin orf mr rrmmv wharf jorm hose n p a vpp wsniktr alvrty on hand and cash paid for coarse grain during tho entire aaason j ft if to let c a shop ob office tha shop nest door to the iffaeneum book store lately oteopifd ss a drsf store to be boli avhr a strenf aorvicoable loss r asasx coantvyponbvarrbiited pp etiist to drivo and woold bs genarauy itsofisl r form pr prioo ond further parttcotara rt tvis ohtco 6th 187 37t notice tce uadersianed forbid all persona ircjitirs any one on iheir acconot wioiont wtwm ordera signed by onoot ihe firm orby mrjsmta j i black h fcb jones kinjflon april gpih lfl7 33 incompabablh blade japan irk sanofasrjffabsv sitssii ahdmxt book mr w a ross wiil reopen qorens cotl scrw nn monday s3rd moy and it isresirriestly itqisesled fhal parents and guardians fvi loose no titno in en rolling pupils u in thla institution alihoogh originally founded chiefly for the puqioso of pro paring candidates for ndmisaion intb queona collego iosiniction will be given tball who desire it inthe ustntbraoehes of tn enghsh cornmerrial and mathemati cal as well as classical edocatinn a riasa will bo forrned at the opening of the scstisn for tho itudimenta of tho latin language terms maybcloornod from the rftvd mr maehar principal of lhccnllcge or from tho ravd prof romanes or hie kovd prof- wiiiamson ibi mr floss baa been amnloyed in the work of toaobing for some years and aoosooftliemosi diatinguished 3tudcnupi queens college owe to him that provioua trailing which has enabled them to prose cute their studies at the university with such soceoee both from our knowledge of ilia talenta ard scholarship bodfroni tho proof we havo had of his eminent abilities oa a teacher sn iho young men whom be haa tent to college w ore enabled wilh tho fullest confidence tore commend him to such parents aedesieo lo secure tho advantage of a thorough isdu cation fur their children john machar a m george romanes a m j- williamson a m kinptnn april i5tli i8i7 mill creek clotk factory- thlhe subscriber respectfully reitnoa thanks to bis frittnda and uin public generally for ibe suppotchc has received sinco hia pulling mill and carding machiia havo been in operation and betri to inform them that encouraged by the buatuoafiht tcansactcd to tho uuv- line he a now prepared to connrwc the inanfiiciur- nf all kinds of country cloths sattlnett blakgtseo and hopeoby ihepains he intenijbto take toensurotha coulinued patrfftefic of tbo public joshua booth woolcf purcliased orlakcn in oxcliang for clmb mill croak jnuar 1 1s7 1 important information caution a yowland sbs 20- motion gardsn ffoniosij beg tocaotiao the nobility and gentry spainst beifif misled hy ihe alfempw or so nc stj- keepers who fc conipoood af their awn msnfl- bctore t99 tlio litleai of mcssas uk lmv0aa and ooujrro some uiitcr the tmstird asnclion of rrfally and tbo govtrn- im i i i- r attempt at o- ccmm wliile tht cepv tho ni bills a i syniaemoai and tessimnnials taubstilstinjr fctitim njmca and ajdreaacsabr the real or she original rcpiraiioo 1 only gtnir ma- 0ss4i oil kat anj l ra rowlands tho wrapper or sack djoots the nsmcnr row lan 0 posdiac thai of tho article vith bsvitasaj oaitwa at tha tbot ui red lk ihua a kqtvtvwdof bon jimv oajtaoa w for sale loo00 sawed lumber to doliverodin juno next apply to william j- martin market square ktagttonluh may 1b47 lo to let mthb house atpt piod by thosubserlb swn gtvta oaths first day o tjfomas a c kidfatomitrcb 19 1847 it ooen pos sos- la dy hunt1n gdojvs female pills araeawpv thf aiaiscst fsmijf ledieinvy ondox strel pkxs jwv ftficws i th rxtheneum book store a large ateertoient of steal pens by t vaiujua mkerst- inxludidrgiuolu irateri msfrnum bonams the waw cete york iidif i peru 4nd several other new articles v a liberal allowance to the trade octowr 2 to tub reading public of canada nhaittacf rat paljc ptraflagev aad aws aeaenlvfive tears that they hats been ftaai osiarcwei1 kaawa m hsva rcseued manvtp aaodaof rounc persons froen sn early evaod aoverraikdawtofuuitalefgjlnen tba jifiw oao vihn occasioaalj took tbia medicina tber will ba u- j paiticulatr efficacjna is caataof fjerieral debtlilj of the constitur9 ceatinf appetita by atrcoxthairka the qhh bsavein octtiroctwa v n relief to tlioae fw with fafntinf fita nereooa giddiness pdrn head ac and psculifily bwfivisi in w m cohe and snaring 0 jrcajt by elreriwp uioorsran r the stamaeu and cortvcrfr nq rd digestions givifte a lively conaplrv tho ooat pale aad sickly coanlonanw l ixiiv in iu natural itandard lhloceulisr jbfj sneo so intimately- connected mthlha tfm lionaistirafor laa female scx i smdilyhy roocrt daftksr tffzit brock sliest kiaiioo c w pries asv a ffte zy sir astley coopers antbbiiionsliil- for bite endtgettron mol rjswotwv a direeuu of the stomach end digestive tfe tuvsz tills harstn stl esses nmvrfl aope- rw in every other medicine ia the fw ii-mrhjrnirrkni- 4ri4ion g vr mwmtin of fallnoea pd op ii- i r r rnrmof vcath siesncdt j rsmrali v sflcr any caeca at ilic tawe a they ceatly ck tho bosraw alrsoplll the toinaoh zri rt z tac the consliuilrna pefstiaoraphfcilkari hshil whi are hbjast tohssdache aiddintaa dimness of airhi p 1 alunded wj nmtolio aymalocnj srojlj teke ihem rroqteritlv prepawl rnm ftnchijrtnt roept hy ffpewt basac tmiu umew sireh ffrosalsrl price la aii ji ci p do rgnfaton maifh n jfjt bilaink dbgds for 9u atheneum bookstrgfte jpd ffcm ail sskforn ottal a dssdaof jlarsjn anrl sals wjlu natoftfsm morljrae uofltja willmut liar ef dowov 1 13 m do w uar of dower maosrala wji lh uowar do vrithom b ft dower alaarjsvd nf quaana fuooh sad psnstrist caaifiarl ljii4aii cvms lusak rsrsaav maja- 14 rowlands m cassar oil the ic miica f this eueecssrul intenivm tor resfann i oi4 tae ilsiiai kar are tov well known aod apptccuted to need oommeat the vary fietof ita hsia iood thelevl oroearlyhitraccntarvprribtton snctobuined the avpoeut patronaeeof her m aaaw sseqooon uilu pinca albert lhobosar asernyalfarauyof crsit bnlaio aod of ceoiy court of the oiulucd world and lbs high esteem m which it ia qniveraany held loyvthts with ssassswaa testknoeiista emvaiatitly reeeieed ofvta snjcacy ffrd th beat and dret pnofanf its cnetitt rsice it cj and 7 r family iajuce equal to 4 acoalt at los and doiuo that aiieota caotorf on tho wrap- pefof each bottle of ttio i nowlffrs oemjm artkle ro lasaas f macasoa oil fsstifi in t m 9 liners j rowlands kalydor an oriental balsamic rrepara- ttonof alont jr clhey intehwriixrilv jwrifv in tbo 6sis tmm all pimples sfot blotches redness freckles tan anu decolorations irsjcuisr 0 aeeffay frtihtxtt and tfttntptrfney of com- 1 h et pexion ondan aiftnifed siaf nd ft- ts ieteyoftkottano arms and neck it ia invaluame as a rcohjtatin aod rcfrewurk waah to trtllfr and reaiafeaf in warm chmates bod in casca i rl jn slirkl nf n l- or ineideolat xotaasauon its airtoes have toof and juiv it j been acknnwlsdfod ita funyia and reresaiajr praarrfi ootalned ino rlnnc fmronaceorihcqokes uo court ari the royal family of gret rrilam a well aa ihc ptsneipal courts of europe sn ihe moat diatiooaatkdnoctiltty aaduntky of all cwfticod o ion a tt rswarodrspe7fl iovs kalyoors couliiini mineral aatriaceots uttefly nsfnooa to the compleiion tnd which hw thslr repellent ch hmi nf tho actton eodaogcr heatth cae frasaaensstnswtirda rowlands kaly dorc rowland is eocavoday oo tho wrapper and a bon 20 uattox uabos aeatre uf ihe if ciruv nei i ment si imp arljxcd un each trice iv pj n 66dper bottk rowlands odonto or pkarl dentifrice a wii1tk powder for the teeth eirnpounnsd of tire ohniot and mki rvcefs ht igftdtctf tuoifnltd fftrmot mostims me valoe ft s and hentiittg iho ti and srrvsjrfsvoibe tlio goirt i t- rilkckii aitd froffjol tmttiilie orcpperiica hsaoaw tajned ii- bv he queen iho court ft royal pamily of great nftltan tnd lh sovereigns and norjijty throuohout etrote whits the cc demand at ones artnvwnoca tha faaor ir which it ia tinivorejily jjcld fritt sa 3d par lo car t f a- f i f government sump asatho kalydoitis eftlicd im ctmwii rowlands 5 ac am ar oil hkaly dor oliontnsic are wild tliaif firiha abes fbkfumfuy hoam brujinb4 te a ion- j 4a by meaar rtn rttotirersotctaron wk n- cara r i illc cir ckomiats p famera on relmof elaswltorv seavare s ftmdmltnt curfth owla rs4ajl by rasyaotauo claioiisu said tsr fgmarf vt tho advortiarr ia prcpired to transmit the fol lowing valuable mii iatefeatin pjnka by mail toaoy part of uipcr or lower gsnada st tke prioes ahiscd viovrsaod resiowain ameriean hiatory lateraturo nod fictioa by w u mm 0 0 tho foopio from the french of m michelct wilson o geoiua of hum leibifo aericolttrrst chcrnaitry coanboa phaiolofy illaatrafcd 320 p vctaan vi mphttiiwikhtm h- of th wnter csibbwm chiidaith ii ji pali i h o1yatercaf tendon i7 d of onrlin 10 steel phtea sjowof thsdekwooda byt nlvjqvc trtotlviory and ptjilosopfty of mania ba ufa of gen tylar famtiaiirs meilw t facts for the pcnle in whitfh ecry tbaat is of practical taao to ctcry body 0 1s a trcsiaae on mikh cowa ansasaaji iho quality aid jantity of nilk which iy asj will i miy a accurately aacer- uisjcd nncrji ri7ainga 0 grcon oo ullinff immnmuhu 0 voenan in ihc nincfxntli conl wry 0 cebvacihirftof rcpoiftv 0 fileliasii luurcsoc n orders ue flny of lb uie dsth ann port calucwtnc yoek for bilious complaints patnafaeeo dicehoiusoifrtfcficms rvaorjual confinement of the hofeels v 11 d a rkeels laxative pills p the immcrousjiscises to which tlio human fi ami in liable there ia scarcely one tho symptoms of which are not seriouslyqggravaeetl by a confinou state of the uuivola to tin alone rrianyowo tcir origin and cunttuuance tho preserving the alimentary canal free from ubit ruction is a point of such primary importance that every degree of neglect ia followed by more or less of incofivootfooe rr aurtfring when habitunlcostjvaiieasprsvsilst he cheerful vigorof health ia soon imparetlaome- tiinrfa by alow degrees- aod at erhcr timca more vapidly diseases mkc their inroads on the constitution and in numberlessi nstsnees particularly where the habits are aedntsryor where fro living inttijocd permahent ill lieakb ia the painful result it must beobviou to tho most ujiurlm il obsciver that when tho ruitctinns of nature now al luded to are not performed with due re gularity assistance must be obtained fromart aperient medicines then be come in jiapensahly neccssnry except where the use of fruits or chance in the fflotlo of living mny suffice for rc- movingthc evil and must bo lied re- course to until tbo necessity for such aidceies unlit isaqeestion ofconaiderableim- uortnnce what laxative shall bo em ployed the list of aperient mcdt- ciues ts numerous but their ettecke on tho system varv constderabry sortie ox- ertthcir itiflucnce chiefly oothe oxba- lent vcssclaoronsome part of the bow els only whilst thaactioo of others ex tends movvjor leaato the whole of the intosttnalcanal thelatterclasjaofipe riouts ia evidently rjic beat adapted lo 6bvratc rh hahittialeonfirienlrtfvrf vre uoweleas trw appfy uiai jijiciodftl excitement ivhich nafuorff ctrciuire to aaaaihqrin tepeiraiavicot her accustomedfuncttonsv aru itta pveciaelyon tsislatter priviciple that the pills now ottorec to the public are formed aod as their activity canbe increased or lessened merely by ukiog a larger o smaller fuarirtpk ihey tiof only furnish nnaperient m6o pro per for oticral use in a family but axe also well calculated to answer rjtos1to arcanum trbttl this majeint haa aciplrid sn sxfjntift and astatilisted rtlebriiy lhtbvvhdun rnnht which 1j vtlal 1p if ft sittuc aodefficscyalonefss a irpttiy rat 5ck0fulaer kiobi svlhwb 4 ulceuatfd soue throat j f laslrstsndinv rueu1utjc arftcmfllffi dlsessssof tha skin wwasatslinsts diseases of tos hones all tevrsfaaf cssap go apteedoimforthb lvvor ayspspuswfi c0st1veness all chbonlc in4 nbrviou cooiplsinuj occurring- ses- dtateilarid cmharircanitilnltarv vviajflt dttovetctuk by sn imfurtalaf a be blood if the aruamjttkathactrs plctc anlidolt to the luiaus rvi la pro datsl by thv injujicioas veol meficokv aa s spring 4nd pall pubifieltit essp 00 br sorpsiscd working in j ttrtrtj ihe rystem itn ssilont badeffscttsc jaibssj cleiofingthe blood neroflvinpospkptlc inflltemrs soothing the nritvss rsmovina- intkknal obatrvctraaaj disearea that would olhtrajisc csust t psraons whotc corislitnljons are rtobea j by tjw oie of mercory n rsrwre orquitnr aosranyonc arfta srv aiiftrrinv fco n diskabed livjir or bb iojodierssas treatment sfsnyol the shovrdiftaa abosdsf u the adcaftum extract vritwrie delay in numerous instances stfoj avhrufcrrs- tionbtd lj narc both lifttteni and boaa and whereto suippcirsnaa nohumaneesna hut amputation could havesaaertl eatieata hmvebensnsiebrd from the grav b iva- torcd tobealllip the devoukngdispa tenj ccaipletely ersdiealsdby tb oav ortbis inss- uajhsw eitiaat- tnc propdelois of ibe abcamjm ex tract have hsl his rnerficine yic4ia all the auovc gisrsirs saiw im asmlsj ntiffltsl ttulist in usingth nrffdkraa nentrtr bttvi- l nor pltsuiv need be intvrropteck ta iiinirj the uiuslraatrsint of modcratus indiel ana is equally applicable and effica cious to tkt infant as well as tha adult v vtpmrl xivtn a detctiptiosf for what the arcanum extract applies i urilhohservstiopf en lascnajme perspirs lion and a treatise on disease in ernersl accompany each bottle agents sre ajapplird withthe above psmpntts for grsajtioas dr- culalien price ii pes bottle prepared sod folds j winer hamilton caoaafs west aed john wiocroc co 83 maiden lane nt for tile st che athennm poott store if palmer and c heaths ihcapton anrf t i the respectable iff orrortroaehtnai nods i23s o 374 o 50 0 55 0 75 0 s 0 d r 00 0 75 0 50 0 50 0 35 d 23 j yvlveivs pectoral sysnp of horehoood and elecampane- w tjor tbe spaady and eaeetaal eare of cunshsfcotdsstbnapaiiisgordlpo whooping court creep or hives coi- emption pteurrfiy hosrsveea pjids bbsi serenes of the rteast sedtanp rjroacfaitnvi a disease that is sweeping be deeds to a pro matarc glove undvt tbefictiliosa nacneof consumption can he cared by ihii msdiciasf the qiusi symptomsli this disease p chilis als cooap sorrets et tbslai throat hoarscae difticujty eft bt aatbrnsj hectic fever aettuos ue tlaeja or reatlesedsomeilffiesbtoov hsnolhir more ihho an inrlamation of the fins afcta which lines the inaide of iw whole ef ihs wind lubes or air vessels vefaich ran thrsegk every part ol the lunga the peculiar sirlees of thlt coratoand have for felesu lene llracttd the sltenflba of tha mtjicjl ptofession bmim a interest hs recently fen dltexledl erast ia1 mmlflk c qolirje r pippiciota era lively uutmorari now aide logratrfy and nrrsjenrtbrrnedirini ii the poblic witbfa ilslrelnf the fnotfeaceaad vajqauestneuy -everdif- covered jrij adapted to all diseases of tha i wj qf thsfcnttions do eat petravemkit dturs err heatrnj- ittinti it i unitrjtslls betaavajmrsi gail in hi providcece huwuffieudlrtcbil4reeafjtb jjseare avilfceel aths same jisaa sjs sn avi them jomelhiae in the gvden of natpra that will no only mesjcate bol in many esml entirely raliovs then with ihrse tscw thepurpweafor whichpurgatiyerenie lypt yia in so 50 bovo iclosint pid ddrccj is ti c ilbo r iljr aucndel tn reference in kitistondr j darker no vork fcbg ltu7 l eight hundred thousand acrks of lan las tiir huron tract d km i- t r for sal k- lotmov4ijntheth cen hip orklagaion ico liberal iern amlyto cstft town- area tn notice to old settlers grants and others he canada company have again thrnwn npon nllthnir lands hi tho huron tract for disposst by wsyof lease for ten vears no money berno reqtired down the kent payable on the 1st frebruary in each year ia net much monsthan the iotereet upon the upset price of trie land tho right to pur chase the freehold at any trme within th ten year t a flxej price natned in lease is secured to the settler who onultl thossavo all further paymects of rents tlie htron district is known in be one ofthe mat httallhy and fertile treble nf lanil in canada if has rnore thaa ilmiulej its population within nutr yaars the huron tract in the year 1842 eon- lamed 71 ol souls in june last yenr tho huron diltrictnumherod 14383 soula accordingto the official returns tlioabuve tjandsorc in blocks there fnrnaltortlin fncilily for tho umlivtded aottlctncnt of familitft of old settlor and their rrienda maps printed perticuforsj and ovory roquisite inforroation upon the htirou hal tlio canada companys other land in the province will bo furniahod vbcfi nvchutoc by application by letter postpaid to the canada compooyf oiren ot toronto and ondorich and straltrrd in the horon district castath cnarparavoertcb prederick st toronto u jhiy utft 6tt superior r japan mx wwdiiis watlrrctlttth amo sold bv robert barker r ffpflto ciaxada wl dies erenckeaflry the pills aro not howeven recom mended u a specific for tho cure of altr diss see such preposterous state ments arct worso than ridiculous and are only put forth for deception but they will prove a valuable kemedy for that confined state ofthe boivols whtch lays the foundation of much suttering fnrthoseoejcasionalnbstruetiotisto which all are liable and for all those disorders which arise from an overloaded state ot the stomach and alimentary cnal con- aoquently decided benefit will be deriv- ed from thoir use iotiiddiness and pains tnthe hed accompanied with naosea or sickness in all headacheb where coativenesa prevails to flatulencies uilioos attacks tho commencement or chullc the early atages of jaundice and in promoting tho cxpuuiuti of worma they reuirono confinement or change in tlio il iet moderate exercise will aa- biatthftirnperotion endoxporicneehaa proved that asan aperient tl cy are safe and e1icarious may he taken by adults and children and aho in tsvory stage of pregnancy to children ocfvve years of age and upwards they niay be readily given in pulp of apple orange or jlly and thus disguise they are much more easy ofcxhihitiotj than tow dersor other jiaagrceahle mediciiiaa ntatcttonb roa taktmo tffk pill in cac of flijioua complaints foul stonaea c three pillato betaken nt dodttme and repeated next niqlit if naceaaary feochcae tickuss ofiat stomaea twoptllstobe taken atoightsnd one to the mnrning obstinaucosttvtness three pills to be taken at any time needod and r- pesuerleveryaix hours until relief is ob tained the usual dose for ovdinarj o arsons isthreepillsbut four pills may betaken by a person of t rang habit of bdy dud two pillimay bu given to dedicate a- men and children pakpankd axd solp by dr paikcr at tho atbuncum xsook stoio kingston abeatdfeet s treat deaitc tyinrrsligitfa c ihe etmoyt of nts poer ifte rreat atesaot uatere bal ft draw trnrf inst scarra pit iomraclion vvhreh the cwiaatcn oftnan tnrs failealtoaliaia vta in prihentihf imcirlicifcjfi ihe pnmie propnelors were inflcientvdwry rli r hops iciat a mrlclnf prepared vrttprricieh elrstsvjal aliictresidto tbeebebbioalproperltss ol isa several t of thousands of irresponsible mmtuir- of tha dty with wbtet the eoortry is deluded ttha osa of one boute of the syren witl be cudjcicol to convinee ibe moai sces- cal of ilf beneficial effect prepared and sotd hy j- wier hamiltoru canada west and john wimar ft coib alaidea urn rysvssi t the m- inrkk heaths ktnestor sodby all respectable draggtsu thcti9ul caritist cuke for worms w winers canadian vermifuge aftrantedinulimes the beire- itedy everyeldisegvered for warns it ooionly deslroyalbetn btrt inviegrsts the bolrtssiernmesiinsoff the soretsben- dant sljeja er atucos so preoileat in the stosnaeh sad beavala especi4ly eflnjebev nad he illh it i harsatessin it rrteecsvea tha system aad the haajlt of urs palbfjalaj ii- s i r i- ivin by iia efsf seen ivbanaa vlorms ir jofprei tite ciierlicijir bsing pahtibfs no chihl witlfefore to tabs t not even the most deticalc plata and prae- licalohervations uponitisfases fcauuipgfroas w6ms sccoennanj esch bottle prepared andaoldby wioar hamilton caatada west and john winer it co 8 meuer laneny- forsblet the atheoeem hook sioren palmei healths knra ion and by all tha reapeciabte dmejeisls itirouhnut canada 25ffa winers celebrated m rjqimnt rrltk rohaetne msdioiaes an ajf l tjajaj n on at tbs tx atkncnra tej asffsvb kmsssnvut vungusajtcanum tilarti i pcfdri- nuikjit oursej i d asshas l iijiutr t4maafiaebloa4 sold in fioxua rid- each at7d adanrlfa the last supper by leonardo ua vinci vaoh tlfeckfrbaatkd ikqbav1mo dy raphael mohen this mmlerpieceid its vary tuin hna boon revived aw seems desnuetj to enjoy a wide hmlhumotis exialerwe in the tvellknotvn admirable engraving of raphael morchen long after tho wall upon which it was ntnnlej baa crumbled into dnst- sir bevid wtiku a frw copies of mr dteve homillfiil bnajraf ing of tha abovo crjehrsted pie- loreaiusirsoelven and for eats nrka kite dollars sseb tut sals at tba atktmv uv 8trt march 11 aaaifjtuiraam bad isaslli a rot aaia at ike avaal wisekpmitjaalsykuporiwtb hounudt cllcampanckarr tlaavsuuvssf lmhcvda ailnconuiftplies w winbuy canadian vtbmtmp tltcbeairedlcityevrfvet dacivrrd fur ivofpv winkirstoutfl ache drops a jet i i cue lv thetojtth a0it winbttramfltottatednbrwaw bont slmmini a ovrtaia mfjlil la h in w sciatic and chttnia fthwaaiaas wintftj family ulamtenu poraf cntoofsecvfula whits isa1lirs hjiuiditibs i- ri cancer t iteht ao vvinuhciikuicalpilroihtm aar aafe oud elttotuat lenafajs tuva iiy withaa ciirriiwauilsiff ml for sale by thb sdbecejieaa- hakuui4 ritlob usaam oku aujerior ejuihrj list tlirfto tkiroia lalllj milks fatjtqvsoksj kitigsinnjaibdajtiuvyibit issasv 4 emtisaj bind anieiiettti patent medisint ns c l4rk 45 go f f l v a ft n i h atthatnutt klu pevlor 0lal 1rf nu dnmn or alnglb bu10 tiutiify raxssajt jicr aalk nitha attansuii jjlt 1 stofvja aitmfltir cql tdw sh in tint aad urti 4l tfcfs inssjnor tlpjl aftl riutitr ml

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