f jmm u w 117 v ffctfrrt tv with rvfrrnicr lib ihf tuimuni mm mr kliaiaatiirit mmw f hmtioi in li uuarpnmtthrd in inr 11 mtmhri u lbs jhifia h at i hava in npif r iimi i traa muil hy mi xikihek lwhp iheu mr wierr ami vhhri iihwntitil tkn in kuuloh to fttivut that t irtl i was ppr- aonaily rnnomrj tin wind iiltoir f ihe fht on vnard iho limnui 1miic rnyid shouldnc craaijfhrd ihllrv slill 1 shook tuml willi lha rev mi hijiim to shew lhal 1 rimet- tatnrd hm tvxtit in fine towards llll lcfmcl m ll1 lotllholf c afar having tettlril the matter wiih mr injrm i id int cniuirfrr that i homl vn unuiily move in tlrii affair oiiujc fty one of iw prii guilty of riot to piitieml and upon rtrcsini hat oflfjlwi m mr b- litiiiki nrral ihc steamer h futrd that he j not wmlcr im circninsunci a uli m intake any met lopanijt hie partietwkfl tutl saullrd ml hftl me bill thai o far a tho imwic peace va concerned ne wlhcd roe to make- o s mi on oaih before the mayor of kindlon of the tabid cirrum- stance of ihc cane and tint audi of th crew at v new any of llir parllm concerned in hie viol rtwuld 4l miomi and make their drrw- titinna before the mayor mh llelhiine cm- ployed mr kenneth mackenzie a m cnin- al lo attend 10 the wader kfrr the mayor and i was directed lo put myeu in commuui- ceueatwilh ml mackcnxh i stnl for mr ftlitkcittio and handed him n letter from mr tvlhine and tie wailed on mr ktikpntrick wlio drtlioej lit uke iho ittpowtioot uil pioeeedeh lo the conn houe tnd eoosnllril with mr monobon lo the conrvo t1it nhtntm se mrnel in the nailer they bolti ncrcitl llml ooihiiit honhj be 1on lhon hl ibml if mr rvftm wwiod pl eeetlintto be taken ko sboum ue to it on my iflnro to toronto md infiirmin mr betbiine of wlnt lioo token ploee lie wnerrrchniiy inrtnyh it tie dmetioitioft or mr kirkpttfick to proceed io the mutr and iofrfefrent forllterofcjeelioohv tvt ntu muvneot of what f knew repeii tbe nit and the cootet ibt w to uno rmrfm ar lo cll iin mr kitkinck ad iiilc otlb to iia cpv of that halemeiil in ike ohape of a depoviiioa j aoorid beteio a auuneoi tm uo drown op for o of the pertoo rl board of the atfamet having oxmioseto mcmektvzio tofel iho depoi cion takers 1 wt infomiej ibit il would pro- bably be atirnded wilh coauorrble ineonee- ptierct to rftytelf and ibo crevr ii the mayor had stated to him as he had abo maled to nyiflf in iry own cblo lll he ihonlj pro- bonj detain us at kinjilon a day or ltn more lo jive evidence wheo aoy ol ihe nolera wer orreried ft was writ understood hat te major rim not deaifo to proceed with the flui- iw and lhal it wai tbr with of ihe oolhori- tietof kinntoo generally so far a 1 could uodersland it that the offiir should irop on my mentioning lo mr bethtine that noihin undone towanf bnnioe llic olterdcfs i mdethmeok be expressed nimjclf in no me nmd ttrmi respecting ihe apathy of the ma- gnlrete of kington and on his receiving a note from mr nickahs tb clertt of the peace advising him of the iotentioti of he magistrate lo meet on monday ut lo ioves- tijale the iftirmr belhooe directed me and cverol of the oificem aod crew of tu earner to ptocer to ihr court limine at kmctoo aftdaaafce bssj depositioof before lh map trate on my meotiooio- mr belhnne s wiibes lo mr crrer he expressed bi mf in mtfitm tosiieh a proceeding ai 4vht d ibit should nol appear and afterward btougbt mr burrowes mr kjrkpalriekv partrve uhr- il appears he retained at conn- seffcfw brltiftoe bot witboot mr dcthuoes iimiority or knowledge to talk over the whole mailer when we agreed that i was nrrf desirable lhal i should o before the mwa- wwij and when i afterrsarov sent for i sksjliaed iaur uswe ixem o it was sfttud that neither i nor any of ihe olceer or crew should give our ewcee before the ma-s- t rates jo mnfequeneect mr belhooe strong oplntoa aiairuit lhafc deciifrti and kr cemurc of my conduct incm domf at he rerfotstej me rodo make ihw aletemont it roay bo pmper to tfdj that other persoru of the item r who were prejared to make depoiitiotv could acale focf connected wiih the re mr ifieino which i did not observe oxjmtijh i ws tsporant hot whether ihey would amoonl to procf of goili on his part i cii jtiyo no opinion t vnay thibet stale that one of the officers of tbeftaonier waa preiarcd o atale o oalh that bt caghl one of the riotera nd wa diwoud by mr kkkmrtrfok to releaat him yourobcoieqlarrrant 1 hehbytwohy pacvivctj or cavada j pemonally appeared midland district i heforo rae lhomaa cilyof kingston otwf v kirknatrtck earj mayor nt the city of kindlon henry tvroby of the cilv of toronto mooter or the steamer jvtmtess ftoycl and ocina duly swom opnn the holy tangeiistt deposctb and thai oo sunday oterung last lb first day of aumut insuat about halfpast eleven oclock opponent was in bad in bis berth on board the sajd steamer aod was aroused by a noise upon the wharf to which the said 8tftaaewaa moored br ine the wharf cstftlr david john smith in kington harbor and hearing a porjjr calling o iht j would have satisuciion deponent cot np and in orsw the person pn ihc whaif that he de- ponefit was the capialn of the said steamer and demanded what he wanted j xhc person oq ihe wharf who had been catting out said he bad been insulted by a man on board ihe host lieponcnt isked mm if heknwthe man and nc replied that ho did not but he was on board the steamer deponent said it was a late hoar of the niejt but if the person on ihe wharf woojd come down it the mom- snp he deponenl wonld moslcr ihe crew and be could then identify ihc man if he were one of ihe crew and coom have what mlnfaction deponent could evehim the saidpeesoo on the wharf rephed he wnutrt have it toniht that was the tiovc and that tc wotild not allow il to pass that ho waa a calhilic priest that a calholit pnest was never insulted in kineslon and should not v insohed wiikirrrmmitv and that he would mort the lloat tnat deponent ufad hm ivnal he perkoed to do and he reified he lmiu send for the police thai ihe ald ncnon mnvwrharf whoso name deponent diil not lmore astawrt time went up the wharf towards 4 fomre avstf depnnr nt heard him in violent ajictrafkin with some persons there and hearing 3 rokc that lposatnt thought was aai of one of her rcw he calkd to him in aload voice to came on boai he lienor cajlins caaie fscsn bu bed below in the steamy to theopaex deck where deponent was and aakoil what deponent wanted with him and dcnot dismissed him on arer- taininoihe man waa not mil of the boat that deponeot ihr sclired to his bed and after he had been in bed a jaort time he heard the same person who had been before on ihe wharf matringa erea clamor and calling alio ret the captain thai deponent me from his bed arjain aodaawlhe penon who ratted himstlf a pciest rcntio after another roan on the wharf lhat mwnmsl tailed to jna to come ba44oat the said friesi whoso name oeoneot has averlauicd wai mr jlimprisj retitmod u tho boat rd repealed wfnrrnrr aulerueast jboi be larl btien insult by one of ihe mcp on hard tlurbna1 and evonld ttave satiafmti an that he c taancsst inforoc hc fival fc had be1taa iowa in the irkiworard that he wotjd ihen tnnstef the rew for himal the sspd pricm said he would have safiftortmi larslitt and woold send for the poliee and hut fjtponeot rennemed brm to doso ajvd hate ihc matter settled datf sight and ajot have iteiiimar roolinned thai the said net vm w and ibatlht jdowienl ibcn oevcd ihc w artv efthrheimtlo t cvsc and ihc cs tawa jk dnwa to prevent ay ttrrninicaljcl between ihe crew and the aercrat men on the wharf with the priol wio aeemed ditswscd to ctato a fipbt md dtponeat thta weal to od nain lhat ty defooeai ivtaid uat v of tha pil aau onlhowhatt ami that anon nurrwonli nil waaqhlelt thalmi the follow inf momlnst lh- wrand day of aum jnataut iho vieworsl f ihnsfrhmer lnrirrhed dejnenl that twrr wasotfjrat eoinmotion in the tuwntliot ihoio woj a rvjmrt thai the 1ticil had been ibiiao4 by the captain mtd crew ond lhal thoy ha- attemiitoil todruwlh iictbat uflerworda leionaiit look the uh sleamet in mi ireora whf ttd wa cnl fir by tli prinl and dcyoni nl imiudialelv went upon ihn whorf in aeo him and okediim what he wanted mrmh him tsji theaald piieatwhjiae name i hirln tufonrred deponenl that tienoflliecrowof the steamer had iiteiiund him nn the feviotia ovenine whon dimwiit ashed him if ho knew ihe men to which lh- nd mr ihns replied he hud the name of one mi j ft soon da iho police came down ik could identify iho other that deponent in formed him that soon a iho police name he could jtrocvej lhat ihe anid hfr hik then said lhjl he eionrni had also iised him ill lost hi ht uy ulfiiir in the boacda aud piitlint down iho eitrtaina of ota sicamcr and thai uon dtoneiits denying tbe- rirht of mr iliexiri tn c0 ihe steamer al that lime of nicht without brine sent for ho said he was a catholic priest and had a riht i n any where aid that the aaid mr hijntthen jeft deponent thai deponent alterward went lo mr urownn wharf with the said sleaoier and saw several persons asoniucd iherc and usine ihreatnint un- towards the crew of thn antd steamer out a man of the name of comerford vaid that tbo crew woild item et over it and desired the captain to jo aud drown himself that wmtnflt renoncd wilb them and mated the facts of the cost which produced nn ef fect upon thciu that ibey called ont the cin- 1n was a damned rascals aod told him to fo nd drown himwlf that deponent wljar mr greer who came oti board and while diosins the bestf means to adout to prevent divtitrbance ahd had come lo ihe conclusion to jo l o ihc catholic nishop the chief wtosiu- bh iiiformed deponent that the mayor wssbad lo see him the deuouent immediately ru- paitcd to ihe town hall with mr iroer ami sarw the mayor sitting with the board of hctlth thai the mayor said he had under stood i uii i mr jackson that there wa dan- gcr of a riot occurring in the town in conse quence of a calhotic pricsl having ben in sulted on board of the steamer princess royal and that in onfer that the inhabitants of the toam nartjht have a tn statement of thu facta he had sent for deponent to stale them before ive oard of health that deponent theo detailed the said circumstances which iho itvmbersvof the said board made jiht of that deponent an j mr crccr then went to the residence of the bhhop for the purpose or accjnainlinc him with the circumstances also but he did not find him at boms the depnnent renaircd to ha steamer then l v in it at mr sniiihs wharf and foond a nuioher of person on the wharf usina threat ening language find thai the purser and ea fjneer or ibc hoat lold deponent it was neeetsary to sed for the military as the person v i the wharf were thmlemu to des- iroethcbjat lial deponent then attempt ed to reason with them but was told by the moh amonjc wrvm was the m comcrford who told deponent to go and drown himself lhat he and the crew should go down noon their knees to them that dcjwhent loin toot tlte steamcf once more ro mr greet wbirf alongside the steamer unkora that the crew were then seal fo dinner and depo nent went np the wharf lo request that ihe military might bcr sent for when a person met deponent and told him to return oa board immediately as the mob were coming down to murder bis crew that deponent on rooking up saw a crowd of peopte tnnniu down to ihe whaifandhe immediately re- temed to the boat and called to ihe mate to anuster tbe crew and let eo the lines that he attempted loback the boat but before it could be done a crowd oi persons rushed on board in spite of ihe exerlinn of mr cieer to prevent it and look i0 n of the steam er they seized ihe man at the engine and brat him and prevented hit working ihe en- tine threw all die tools they coold find over- boards brlre the window and some of them jusind totjcuppcfsucsiwiuse il l callins out to jtiack the captain that they iulled deponent down ihe hatchway struct im and threw him nnnfl the deck 11sit ihe bvt drifted away at which they seemed tube alarmed- that the boat drifted down to browns wharf and the mob ran out of her that deponent went aaaaj the upper deck of tbe steamer end called out for ihe authorities if any were on the wbarf thai the mayor caltvd out to deponent and deponent request ed lo knoir if he bad sent for iha military when ihe mayor asked if he wanted them deionnt rcpivd how can you sale such a question when the boat was in tbe poascsviuu of the rioter that tbe mayor said if de ponent wanted tbe military ho must come rlown and authorise him tosettd for them depo nent asked what iroteclion he would have if he went down iuto the crowd f and the mayor replied be woold protect blm tint deponent then came upon the wharf and walked to wards the town hal with tbe mayor and cbief constable that he saw the military coming ai officer and six men that the mayor had previously left him and that the military dispersed the mob and deponent went on board of the steamer that on tbe return of the steamer to kings ton on thursday lasi the 5ib in the de- pvneat was warned by a constable and by several patties to be on his guard as he would be attacked 0511 and that frmn the appear ance of parties at kingston deponent is ap prehensive thai injury is slid medilated against deponent his crew and the steamer and deponent father ilh that in consequence thereof he ss comelted to arm his crew and is prevented doro alleidinx to bis lawful busi ness while in lb port of kingston am could not take in the freight that was offered loltim as he was uncertain when an attack mht be made upon him and he therefore requests that protection from the authorities of kingt- 1 1 h which 1 necessary may be alurdcd lo him and bis vessej pjtom mcxica tlvlrlaja fatftfl of the 8th jnat fa cnia awau nniap r iriilara fntii mflica lbt wo liaa wo iransloi led a contains some psr- unt nsel altdlowii mis arrived enpluh with tdtawherf tin miilitf iho hereon iho 4k ull hriiujou i i ce fion 110 cnpilnl up to ihe 2nih tlie hiucat iji- formmion brought by irivdte letter omoiihta to the fojinwine lu tho tatul lliero of collected 2au0d men ttmmavfat whom are regular uonia the rent notional militia thi incwas of ttie rovees has hnai caused by the arrival of fiim valneia fom san i-iii- poloni with iitjj men and3g piece of various calibre ivftcl ihcrc ore now 117 pieces of practicahe atil- leryin iho fjnjiiul tiie comninnilliichief nf the army ia held by dt fadier t jdombatdiui who is destitute of mo ril of every kind without ever having fieen in eircucn- stance to prove wa value cither of hu bra- very or inlnttienre he has been lerrred an thii past oir twelve or four lien cemenloof divusoa whoaro reidiii in mexico as ix siiy rum this arutoinlincut oriimtoi with santa anna of whose commanih ms a nirv attontqton will be the blind in- stniment through the english commercial houte of manuine t macintosh the coverrnoiit 15 now reeeif in a000 oer ity until the 4w- 000 are comiinted which that bouse was to airnish roe the consolidation of the eneiwh debt beside a forced contributing of k- oon000 has tieen imposed on the capital divided according lo ihe property of the cili- aerti hot it ia irelty certain that owine to the batl apportionment of the lcvy the third part nfil will not be realized another letter in the same paper aaya siiita anita hns appealed ready to enter into nccoiiminnt for peace but the nrnval of general valencia lost week with 4501 of thn heat irooju 0 san lola seems to haetj rhaned his views these troo enicred ihe city thontine death to the yankees war without end still later tile orm or rcac uvrjaaco to tub caccuiivc 1 richmond aupist ik lftf7 we are indebted to mr harris mail ann tor a sight or the picayune of iho i2lh there hove been no later arrivals but ihe picayune toouini the translation of a lon report of a majority of nre committee on foretw rtfaliook in the mexican conetess to which mr boebanao ktur had been re ferred the ivfiort tajr lna t tneir constitrittonal law ae amofre other clvilixed nations the direetiofietf foreiess amsrrs iaantrwalell x- rlisively lo th executive bin without eon- fcrrinc any power lo conclude anything defi nitely without the consent of the uaaawra bodv the committee arrived at the conclusion thst congress possesses no power toentertnin thccommnnjcaiion of our government and ncfllnmcndcd the return of the svne to iho evecutive branch because in the prcscut sitoalion of the affair it cornea within cotii- ancc with the restrictions established by a fundameniol code of the rcpnblic the report wast submitted for congress to diseuss a voe taken and an approval given the same day yeas 52 uaya 55 names iven the intermvnls at new orleans from yel low fever duriue si hours ending at nine oehclc o ihe morning of ihe ihh num bered 30 the deaths occurred at ihe chari ty hovpitaj subsequently on ihe same day of thesamc disease lmore were buried montufcalftaceat rcri oav 1 ossstevdy eu bardly mi la t lliiu fwri llrj naefcnr tle aanvt u i if il ati li hi ev aftbaspi i kf sweasaa rl tr t in 1i1 air tlto ssm iihi waa ii11l u ih vildtj lf n serttliw miwoji esrsf edassf lue llil pf id iin4 uiwn ti sfsss ufniiil iteil i daf i svi a oil a jiv-n- r it- iiitn rchf fli hati suitflu- ind it tne vsitio the vnwrt i u r ryaavj all ktjlde rii pi 11 tmn e hm isvi rflll-l- 1 cwil4llllviiivji irei dilirish outbace on american s01l the terrible collision at sea- t1ie total loss of the swbfcv dish bark i dun a and nevrly two hundred lives from the mie lo erow we published in yesterdays herald the paricntarsas jar as we had them by lele- f jphof one of ihe movt awful accidents that we have ever been called upon to record we mean the collision between the thip sba- ihc mik jliinj found from hainhurj lo iln city which remilled in the instantaneous loss of the lalter vessel one hundred and sevenlylwo poison were by llm jiciofu catamily ushered into ihe presence of their eternal jade without a momnd waminf n their warm berths men women and children of all acet were eagulphcd never again to tie till ihe last trumpet hau hvc sounded the final alarm we annex all tbe additional particulars that have come to hand unfnrtunilely the com- municalioo hy the telegraph was intermitted before the operator had fmihed sending the whole of our despatch on monday usslii or we should liave bad a complete list of the survivor the besion advertiser of yesterday says ship shjuunga at this port lit evening from liverpool reports that on monday rooruhist ihe 5ih insl at one ocloclr in lot 44 24 ion h 30 ihe weather bcin nwjx she came incontaiji with ihe swedih baik idnna from hamburg for new tor with iwo hundred and sit persons on board the idavaa sank in abont h1f an hour i m me diately after ihe collision the sbauunjca boats were put ou and wild one boat ffom the bark picked up ihirtyfeur persons only one hundred and twentytwo persons includ ing the master capl ernest andres mobcrg were lost we have seen the lo book of the shauuv 5a and converted vrith ber olncers who av a most henrtrendindccriplion of the awful calamity by which 172 human bcnff were drowned the fatal collision took plate at midnight when all the passengers were in their nerths below and there was not time fur them to cet on dcek before the vessel sunk thecaplatn it i said had some 5l500in ipldahotit his person and of course the weight of it was anfocient lo sink hm all tbe boats of the boats of the shaminra were inboard at the lime of the collision and it was not unlit asoat bad came alouapide from the bark that they wore aware that she was in a sinking conditio ftrr i niliifil fr laaraoa t ne aswassaj seere ifa4yaarst aod v i year jn b htklilni sbffsrieow aeil ilprttv rvints ihinf iher itimjiiee till tiirhre i lite wmi mi i the eo w m eieruense miile hie pomniods oio lirl itens t j mingle ifid f2 me ami ihe rcennd ia i initiiite fnj 50we tuiuiln ir wim the winnlie bio nn lite v nrt aeaia f eaw rvnevrir k sioikeeaw h ihsrd svmi i aa r an acvn luit imlcltticbf1l rane too dj ihe tlttti n hmc tle re in inn e ik irw xx adued 10 ieesotrea rr a aaah licirva ihfl ipeity f ltierj if llto on v md ayy tn fr jfrd eh h sntf uw lieutenant vaun9 cli b ivtliy were a iti dic najo wi a v iiriid oaot rt nioatl the eourtc at nn rcencni pee tty hjd tjihef uic kn ur use atari lai mu adtaalo ct she did isoi inn retain p sn znsehnlty tr ip tfc nd at l t so tit the wummj r ctordcrhfy aheil of his opoeot tlie dwm aaalcfe fee the govrnvir get plto hte irv ifticntia nc ofihe y w rnr 2 z enlmirec xv 10 for on hot of twi mite with turf cb irritntr and i0lbal- iswvd in hves tired in ihe p ivrntftriffcest folmr mr tenbov- eh hsttithm 5 ytt m- pttau u m imia lsaosiasafsl and mr w ci- aeevesvr ni4itmaii4iniridnjleey duii mi 1 li fiil rfhr be nswed uaiu intm mite jrjif i j spinkf and guvc the winner hf hnrd run lv the piw pic first limomwndvo brautifottr p the hraea otfigeltfer noo ainelitnca n titlta fcheid and then ntywr nd ill bfpea f the betteri bac proporiiwitrly csitterj fe jiawaasali on comln- tu iheew inje ihl ltt time routd hwvar it nskr lal mia 1 id the nnri f iuc raoe suobam and 4jimehvc tfere hist liav tmwl hrt io im uiu nmnncr they cntiitnoed till witae 0 fa yiidi tt the etara siaod jaot aao tiitdcfvtcvc with ibree or fur nritkj weal j 1 the whnj friii h s1 noe 1x 1 jii if bia ntaeiias fown lk timer tiri uiled eolirel in ber slunapt lo rogun bernsoi- 1mn 1 unil the rwce u cotiiclv botveen soaoani ndcitderatosto h seemed tbaiunsi whtntiof aim ciil in f until tlrsyo p ihe uat quarter vft nuaboam swaataal gained tbo tod and veotuhy eamo m not fmr tcntba ahead nf gildcrlccvc tbcooi- lance arcttintiad in 3 min 50 ace ttlrlf were the sail piite contorted yosiesdv- the atakc were a each with half irnk jtew- ficoi nit hicse finuaiacft nnd m- 1 as hka ti be iidjco by ftccra f lite rbiriaon or rerri- bcrad ibcthfh ceh reihta and ho fltocr tnbe euiaied f- r xvi the ul conditio aa e si liter u0 otiircd iho vjiiidrawat vf sir prjneii wbicli hd been cntrred swtbiaact on hu olnce w euphcd by creerrfaft kite hif aral ht the isnraes enmc in n tba fl- odrrt creeping kate miai beftibtf pel- hua ismaaaj emsha mond thelaiwar ler iviifi vcy wide sweep aod of cvurse binf much aound tlso aeend beat was decided oa fo heave- iteocat miw rorttnad creeping kate aojhc toifd beat in the aaroe manner rniao co- ycaicrdiy bcin ihednyfned cor lb tirdla ftkcea tliera ril lie f a n0f nuncmfii aieo- daitca lho the peecdine daev noitrtliwnd uif ll rvl d ihrcstcniif a rain tne fct it tlst in t of ihc euarr of ihuapedea vt 1 oerlmp era esoolj m on cfom f illiteeri ia aoreat aa tu lender it ihe ioshi pnptshr evscriptiiui cfic- lf y coiorastj l3 tli vqturrrr limn thslfan leh for eny other aasaa no le ihn aavejj hrvea bt iiiff entered ti i r 3caeh voteh ik- liafv added i i wo m ilea utci ihl htrdr wih 13 ilvne tro horses were mr cktiektojjyiflhcli mr dutheiviya h ir m fmiici- the hun mr ascelles a tyiidtvw 1 b j ji kerri br mdmin mr jaitiiachh c4iah mr- tkaclabji deetter nnd mr mitevfa h h ftk frsnia ah ihc an r sir fiasstai lr1 hash ren ha rvdeiijniio seas ie f ine fiw tn u and waa nf i iho aroajad in n r iimi two fviao iirf lj 1 1 t1 jrf rentounied lvt oie f lom fibin pasa itif lisaeiba iwathaail we reached ihe astewtn mmd il tm thai iho race hyennwlbo ihrei cftiib nd s francir uaifcxen thewo thoinitcli ws eilldntir entcodad cotiabssiaj rtculy iha fanen horse ouraa o a m rirfmcdi hkr ui rcfuro a icap unlsn to r a leader at ihelast hordw therefore hecrm csuteja ilileetsvfhi ponrntand wa jh- tiipcco u rm ir the distnco washovvor ii ilmrt frr the marovei ftd he came no 4 lcilbbvuidsu kmoc jiodrsinine fad l every aiido the rce wen ltady appld hy ih mfltiiilc c fier each tuccive lejp itteteed tw phrefi of ihc tartc a- l adyeii nf iheir ridcis- too haalaealooas asaa the neat peiiri med iyi sxecrjmiivc of g each turob avifki iw mle hel the hiww were mr j i tttkinsona br i lcie 6 yeata nd mr ten bwecwa 5 i wont x y as 1 bcrc was tntfc inlcre eae in ihiv rer tboih ihe pace ncfd 5lkf im first 1 fclied thattho ey maro w the vaihre herdiininutivo rkler esaiattf he nslli einf j elucs cojtj with dtffitu lyhej bee kinlisttln maickkt imick satswtrav aagull ih17 rvr vr 9mb cttrkif r mtrhrt nravrr 113 lb ultrvt tut t ikiahul hi- uladj iv it- 11 mni r vrl r4mlim nr isassj lhvf7ttal- m tr tb iih tr lilt im lb veal or n mlllii if lb tttiio jo uatkri in 141 ihk s cboear sr ft ria y direr tttihey tt couple kavrksb chickens dut lliek 1i0 lirra eneh ilayatia fsiwoi tvaat v trt commercial mart sake of rxkm paper his morning wednesday an inforinatiimi wanted ov fflkouur john woods fif jlhi friimiv antrim imland tin lattvr lft lit apul laat iho fiifiiwr iii j ia y- ifvoh tluv an gupjh l lo ire in or aliol kiiisttiun cunodi weal any infrmtliiui sf then will iw lliaaa fully riatfvl by tliiiv t n t a kth i ml wtkjjsj nit i2 ssviavvcil slrcci now yuri auetaat ii 1817 ccji m tims v s5 at elevenovrovk will bi sold on account of the manufjcturer 2s00 floces room paper avyortcd patterns and ha poz com braoias 12 imk uriajht majscovado bngtf wimjam ware kinstan augusl25 isv7 auction sale of houseliod furniture bdvtiging to captain cofiron 0 fte 4gfa isvyraienf aj fumcrhj rir will pnfitlively take place on tr- morrow tliursday aug 2c at his residence wcllineloit street oear arthur street sale at 10 oclock a m w mcmillan ducfionccr kingston august 25 1s47 for sale by the subscribers 200 tons no 1 scotch pi i irrtrif macpherson h crane kingston 23rd aaqnat la7 if 100 crates and hogsheads oa earthenware will hcaoldhy auction acemal of lhe mumlicturer on thuraiay tha 26th lostut ci messrs sttiilli caph wharf ofptlt mr ir tfaul cussisiivc or flliit and svjjiow ptaiea cstpa and ssavae dak dihs jus mus taitel sxtts charauvi srvv s4inaxd ltovh oc hz of the neivot alvlc and patterns sle at 1 ovtxk term lihcril onr xi5 three months over m fur months credit hy furnishing eood bofidmnen jamf3 linton kmgstoa auguji 13 tst7 utf f i s ltd iieis the lim ludle iiwi itlie ihi fiiy ihreoof ihaaa ere imc f retirtph flioae rtcrc si foncietiihjji i fon thf sl otll ltiokcon aug ii vhlc at st tetcrs 01 the upper miij sippi afewdaysoey we teamed the follow ing fads from a ccntlcrnan conversant with thcoi and whose authority b heyood question in ins cilv where he i well bwws pierre chotean jr and co thesucces- vsrsof tne americao fur company have a trcdifi establishment in the sioux country on ihc head walersof tbe red riroroflbe north several miles within the american territory aad frost the line dividing us from ihe british colonic for some time past in tact ever since the apprehended difieutties between the two countries concerning the ojesjon boundary thr briiih government have kept stationed trs the vicinity of scl- kirvs settlemenl a body of rcrjubr troops who it is now well understood wr intended if hostilities hid occurred totals fort shel ling and other poifs and propertyon the upper missstappi- a short time since some of these troops as isalki- 1- disel and came across inln the amciican territory ard wo believe some of them eoiercd into the employ of american trade subseourrtly a brilioi officer wih a force of regular soldiers came over lo the american uradinslalioo and aneslcd tikse seen asattn tiat they were drscrtrrs against hi act of invasion of our soil and inul to our national auliority h nenl at ihc station remonlraieit lie had neither ihc apihtrity nor the means oi atsunei nor sea he disposed to protect the men aainm a lawful aeirfikc but lie camestty protemrd against the hniivi covernment eaerciaiae thishiejh peroialive upon oar soil and this loo without invest icalioo or rte shadow of authority from uie united state his re- monraoce and protests were unheeded the men were sciied bound and carried nick into ihe british possessions the fate of the parties is not knowo cy patarsmnasjiijf ranajft taaxt- rmhtavian the hnme government seem drtvrmined lo ive an nmde trial tu the plan vf endeavoring to re criminal in prni tentiaiics ant u instead of i- litem lo penjl colonies four crsnd tirjia are lo he establishrl n ireland where convicta are to he placed under slriet control employ ed on public works and tauiit various lrsw an nqnrl was held on tuesday i7lh insl before or clatkooeof the coroner for thii district over tbe hjjy nf patrick smc- carlney who only anieed in this country a stsort litfie since jte was killed hy a man named john mccartney who threw him across a bed and dislocated his neck tlie jsny brought 10 a verdict of mantfavghtfr afaiusl john mc c vaj has since absconded and a warrant for his apprehrnsion was issued hy the coroner the parties ahhouh of the same name were not related to each other since writing tbe above we learn lhal john mccitney has been arrested and jodgao io the tiorlph gaol- gixlph jjrrau rj lamrnalc cajoamv we regret to atu that during the heavy thunder storm on tuesday lau a honrf occupied hy mr daviil darhy tailor was struck by jibtnins and a fine tittle girl a3vd ekven rears was killed almost instantly qadpti eeau fatal accintr john rnkcr in who formrrly kept the commercial hotel in montreal was killed in the townshipof dun ham on ihe l2thinslbylheaocidrnlaloeer- larnins of the vehicle ia which he was riding rn the latest acconnta fsn crosse lte arelo the i7th the total number of aide in hosjiitalatthatdtewa2i6l the deaths during the week were t23u in hospital and 63 in the tents 3roprimcj for ihc healthy arnon this utter number are three of the nones si- the lospedorof the hoaid of hcavlli iehec reports the number f townspeople laboring onderlypliua fcrer to he 171 r numhrr of emijranm arrived at ic port of toronto up to the 2fhh tasl 56700 prthe drafu on the united slater treas ury for wn eipense are now a million a week jt the roman catholic priest of 51 an drews on the ottawa near carrulen died of infections fever canhthy attending cm grants a few days since fy 01 the completion nf the double lint of steamer carryingfier majciyiasil a meaoi- a ivr r nl ery sjituruy alter- nalely for boston vin halifax and new york this is the arrangement ae it now alaash be tween tbu jovernmeni aud the cnlacloi in nnd hrin taken ihc leau at atjrtioi also held it ihimigool bvh heats and a r 1 t lis h v jn advance of dnb tlie tiinieh 1 the iroprictcva poise fetnved 36 added ii sivcepsukcsoflcach fnroraca bred in ivier cnadu torfclub wichtrfnxn ihe co giles ince round uie vitninjj ot ifcit mi priv j trind 3 icm o mr mitel c li seuther c yti were eicd tlaota pefafinanee u tuesday mdo or the ftwie teirfff and hcavyodda wcfcivco 11 iver te flrt heat sutmad ihe cfciclcr slo hsdernd alihouffs scfilor as 1 hr at imihi lha winntn poal still liifconf denco fci in her vi tint o much eliake bot tlte odrl wore slill urtcred uxn her bj hi lime ho 1 t to live three pmcr 01 hcf thj fjril levau to fail and scurruv oresnily osti e i- iivrall y fl lujrj h mfc ivivir ii of treat fttijuc of course ibta fuiuod 1i10 met the cuv purse coneloded the cnrrlanicnla fr the mettincol4 the arse wa- xso ttddrd li sweepstake f each lt mde hvira w all homos wlh club weifh- mr rjij- eh rn mari pryta yrs no mr ten ifmeek eh m nanny riiodc 5 ju irere ihe t i- ti t i ii d the iliiil n her on ruy frnm the ft si tnkift the root tndc han in r however far bcnd in ennin in hut wasu etitcntty ditrfsd 11 her oweeralhsarcdnaonylo walkoforior loeeood beat- t stnmner antumn hats princess street opposite the chequered store the subscriber respectfully acqualnli tbe public that ha is now manufactitrinc summer and autumn hats of the lightest and finest fabries which he ofters for sale on terms as low as they can be sold in england he is manufacturing a french silk hat of peculiar fashion and elegance for vbich be respectfully solicits tbe inspection of the pub lic previous to purchasing elsewhere all descriptions of summer caps kept on band thomas bradley august 00 im7 ct6w britannia lite assubance company so 1 prices street bank london fmooiffroi by act 0 fparlioaenf capital 1000000 sterlg cheapest rates of any office dotot1 rusfivess w canada alcditat tvcrec for king tan dr thos- w robison- he unjcraigned having been tp pointtsd to act as afent or this compane which has boon doing business in canada and city i r is39 respectfully requests perauns ro- quiring lifo aaaumnce to call at hie office princess streety kingston where prospoctuaei and oil neccasary information will be given- 1 a varioiy of tablea to meet iho cif rumstaneea and convcnicnco of appli cants con be seen the rates of similar tahles in th of fice doing buaineaa id thia province are as follows fir an assurance of 100 cobhsiallilo arswrsvocaco 4 4 naloiil lnan fund do 0 5 2 ontannia aoraiice co do 3 0 8 these moderate rates littlo more titan sufficient tafdy to provide foe losses put it in the power of most peraoru to asouro and with reference to iho preoent state of iho health of iho inhabitants of use pro vince generally it y ho thought ncces sary should the prevailing sicknesa in crease lo decline taking any risks it appears therefore to be a duly on those who have to provide for their familiea to take the timely precaution of osouringtbeir lives and thus provide ogainst the riok of perhaps leaving those dependant upon their exertions or means toauffcr ditn cutties if not destitution thomas brrggsja agtrtl kingston aug si1847 67y mills mandarin sauce government notice sale of old eion and stores at the lxk sfationt on the kvua ciriof rmenpers will ba reccivod at the x jhictf of ordnance it byiotvri on tuexfh day of septeuijer ib17 at 2 oclock rrson fur ilio purchase u old cast and wrought iroo unser viceable storea timijer 4re now lying at the various lock siationa along the line of iho rtjcrau caoal the rate for the iron to be staled at per ewtof 12 lbs theotlter anicvesby the lump to br en or appticaiion u tho lkkmastsra and a list with a rloe- criptiorr thereof to be seen at tbe store keepers ofco a this place the money to be paid to the lock- niiitfr 1 1 charge premoua to iho re movat of the articles office of ordnance 7 by town aunm 5 lft7 s 6i notice 11 siiltirfimt irii tij riliiainerl lrir the cint1 f chawrairjf an liiioiiiii rm riiim 1 the i 1 f oklltl jti tm frni suiirrnedihiii in any iiiisnrir with the rtral rf prvual khiattr sf tlie lute tfarirka srirtu ta- fimrrly sisorilt of the midland 1 i 1 1 1 l trilliei hy sale n hy tin receipt of rtsuiitcjn duo hy liil or oilier wiac in account of tho naid lmatv and linvi if l lieon rompc1ki l file 0 bill aiainl ihi nnid ovrgc okill sluou ami alliit mclean kaij a txceuiomi ihu will uf tins naid laic charlie stuuil em lr ouuin an accourit lh puliliuaru livreby cauhivdl nohhorlo accept any dccdts from thu sad gccrjc okill rmuirt nor to my him any money as they will do t at ihcir own loss am iumu iho aiil revirtre okill stuart having liitlirilo riyucd nnd mill rcfusvs to rcailcr a just aud hnict account if liis hxrcntoiship to use ij ksitf inst on thu contrary asserts tbu liv 14 ihc lli at law thcrvto al lliosc pciona who are in posses- aion of nf claim litle to land foimcrly holoninc to umlc okill stuart and allan mclean eft rir cilalarr of lliem as executors aa afircsaid nro alo notified that all parltis in possession wall be ejected therefrom vmlcst an arrangement be ffcclcd with the subaciibcr as all audi deeds are invalid fur several reasons one of whivli ithat llic lver of sale in said will is given lo all llic executor five in numhoi and not to any one or iwo of ilcm ond therefore neither iheraaid gwrga okill stuart ror the said allan mclrfin einor citlrtr ofthntn were uvevaotlsoiircd to convoy lie lual estate one ouly if the reinaioing executors notice t 1hk kulsaciilasjr the ossrraar ivaisre 11- w ritla inrat jf t mf orldiy kire krr miriah vh ro lis hrsm4 by ariatt kuina aild moderate iricaw to hare f public ptrtnt6 john foste july 20 iso nsrrtaa w t to tbo said charles stuart i conveyances from the said george 1 patent anttcomhuatim solution for tie frevenuon and rillimilaim of plre nplig sulrecrilfarr inventor of t jl lattw named liiid licioby iiei- ho 1ulilic lhat bo ia now pr7 havi liiounccj and no valid title fie ino rtitriic pnril ti viuoit all frame houaoaawl huil ling maurils with jsio pa let aod conilojilerdiiim m liitli afir mamrjr yer tiiai and experiersctt baa basaas proved in bo fully adcpiaie to uie paur- 1- utr whrcb it was invejrslocl flta patent anticiimlsuaiiue scsla- lotion ia old in barrels by tba gajlob- and can w od ly any person who avill tivo hirraflf llic iroublo to folloar lb direction of invsfntor or it will ber applied by tho solnriter in peaod ia all j i l- shds stalftea fence- site wtola ti may he needed at the tixptaaf of 4d por aqajavjuj yard forfortbor pauiculara apply if by letter poetpairj to iho baeribor at the old firewcry green bay tar kingston 1 or at the atbcoeum book eftoffv john munaxotfebt kingston july i5m7 67jiai valuable rbal estate for sale that largo and voidable farm belonging 10 jamm ruaaxt eaquirt known as tuitloa hill farm acjrccuwy situated on tbo vontroal road only three miles from this city containing about 546 acres of which 250 aro not under cultivation the remainder being wll svooded there ia also pertaining to the farm an nxicnsivo marsh from which an im mense quantity of good foddar for horned cattle may be annually cui renderine it a moot desirable farm for an extensive dairy being composed of what waa origr- nallc thnjo distinct ehotiqh ecmctatioiio svaraia via oaoo 06 mvh one or 200 and one of 236 acre it ia wtill 00 tub- divtdodf with excollent fences aa to admit of each being oecupiod separately anil will bo aa sold if desired the erections aro four dwelling itabaa two bona tliore are now upon tho fertanrcii 200 tons of hay aod 50 acnw under crops of wheat pease corn oat potatoes and turnips which with a span of horses a yoko of oxen and the forming implements may be had ot a valuation payable io c and 10 moniha for further information regarding terras which will be vory liberal and other particulars apply to the pro prictoriorto olipffant watt afk cam ibrthus kintston 4fh aoqsi 1s47 drummonu island cricketjroun d- the aria cpdut cuaf pratm will accept a coallenge to play a match on this the finest around irt tbe praviace any club in canada as now constitated except the winning elevani of moolreal and toronto at any time beiweest this and the 201b proximo and for any aaioont mat may 00 ajrrecd opon by tbe secretaries of taa respective clubs au comrminications to bo addressed to tbe secretary prcaeeitc w richard ballard secretary fniost cricaet ctvb prttcott aogust 17 n b- drummond island is four miles below prescotl and of easy ce to steamers cun hcgivva by any oo white the eatd suit in chancerv rtrtaiita pending charles stuart kingston th august 1347 just received a nu fok saije by ihcaubseribcr j at lus store in princes street 0 choice assoilment of groceries c consisting in part of 50 hhda bright porto rio sugar 30 buxca museatel raiarns 200 do asoried teas 60 do do tobacco 100 jos cum brooma 500 r nma wrapping paper 23 ju room 10 do turpentine 10 do tar 20 ncsna tuba 10 dor grus malta 60 ro matehea 1200 aides spanish sole leather new york tonnage with various other article not enme rated matthew rourco k nrton august 1s47 62if notice for sa ie by the snbacriber at bin sale rooma comer of oourio ond brock street twenty barrel pitch a tuacitiiy of hay fork teas tobaccos iugar c ale a t o s tho lease of the premise htely oeeu pied by thomaa greer as an auction and commission store onrsvrio street next door to john patterson the premises are in food order andpoaaesa- ion given immediately term liberal for cash or approved endorsed notes at 00 days john s clots auct iosscrr tf coeiutissson juetcaon wla luly 9 1847 sscairaavs orrtcc montreal 21st augosf 17 ilia nteelteoev the coerrrior gcner been pf ipti ti in ike llr fatowine appoinltnent r i- l 1 i eriire jcjirj kir mi jand tr v j rrf j gnseitw w mereberr the hidy crptme krrwa bj oimeef fi of ilo it ii r i- under tlie btolssma f on aciaskd duinjr ilso jt sotarjnr hie fcfaure intitnltdi ao actio fftcifrpttjig uic trustee of die tafastfa 1 1 atsaanter mcmun of ldrdburr u to i- i 1 1 r cm iii at ihe pm el lvit- vi 1 it toltaai the uitaj lupa il- i- sadli brai reercned il vtfii arthur llarsstri mknh mason jetrpti milifd nlcift 8rir to cnnttitula asoarsl fuiu mlihevilur of 1 1 i 1 r m iue tiwip of iifr mi mihutid ffkific gattrea plvloo to be coroocr at hn daslijat mnntrpalmarkets avava o fix iiinc w i 1 tflft is rar iaa heen doll nd urtiltd and cove p u lha i h put aooim tf 1 cf hovrile the cmuii mrht j nii repvil arelot soo hrla- r tsitr- pill eatrj frviu sp r h wheal jasper j 11 ftasst assk- w prfofr- tiicst saocr sxtaarr voa fisujcamcj ia or soup sold of the atkvmm book stare rj- h m bunbuhy coburj agent for canada august 21 1s17 hardware sheffield goods and ironmongery the subscriber respectfully informs ins town and country cneomer that he has jusl finished receiving bissum mer supply of good in his line consist ing of an excellent assortment of hard- ware for household nnd building pnrpo sen sheffield and birrninnham plated good shelf and fancy good plain jopancd and black tinware and all kind of agricultural implements of the very beat quality and manufacture tho subscriber also respectfully re quests tho attention of tho public lo hi extensive assirtmcm of paint oiu and dve stud and indigo he solicit the public patronage trusting that his price and quality of his goods will sustain him more folly than any self recommendation james powell ploughs of variou patterns and plough points tho highest price paid in cash for old brass copper pettier and lead kingston princoss street august is 1sv7 662m iter i rlfj i d i e al aiwuuton on i ltimiviu vuoet tf if i 1 iiiil 0 mmli tu lm ciitvn tli imi anjhi llitf zlrd iusl vl a tarr tiij von tt ii vwi li lie i3ihint- f y j it jntt iwsfto uiklt mav ila jweiwert hasty news for sale o a a a lbs- ot ham and bacon uugooo bushels of oiu 100 tons of bran 500 bushels pease a large supply of ftoar and indian mtal a qnantity of split pease and other grain salt water salmon herriogs and other fish a smalt assortmeal of teas tobaccos ice of good quality and most all articles connected tvitb the granary and provision business store in wellington street in ene of mr roorks buildings nearly opposite the glascetv warehouse a few more customers wanted none need apply hut such as pay cash kiflgstonjuty 30th 1847 rolf just received at tjtr ath2neum bode store a supply of eleimrkin ink h vmv ds 4a tualata orjlt ink ctvana rod manic dk dr stchen blue artdasopcriorgitvof black offlce xiofalo ar 1 117 the new irsr rtxeiveo verti- novel8 r ertt f vim ruaaell taletf the batfa owwlliu r r t stoi bj o- rml jrr eaj the nif hi ctf crrnor talaeiiaa tlte uoies 07 onrlea lcver- 0svuvna laeea ivrtidot rdi ihe tluior of cmasfioemmj ijukim nancy h wn carva sli4kp e arsd aivfrwo j he lie of mn ooojiin hj jo kflrp jt oivttier at iv of vaitm ix sssasa e4hertlea hfv gav h- h c chalmi 8 greaisi montreal atsfgat ihl for sale ffhe north hairoffut no larjap 9ib cororportland apntjfryv charles stffabt- klnpton july 27 itu7 map english stationery just received a tua atheneum book stbrf iteaf strut jcasyaass alakce a50rtm2ft af sutsoaery of k beat tsoastyv iaw of meam dr ait fib iw ijui keioaan4qwries wrsrisai aaat smill iv4 nad stn fw daas larfoaad evnfl crtnirv pkaaarw mcmfmniiwn uook ot awe tuyine and vijjer c varvaaai prlnlav cacu fraasr 6 i so 1 4ie oi i teat card in i r r il v 1 1 n jate7 b3uuoaalido- qt tx sfiiemoererr jyv iftv i4i citp taaekf tha patronage of iiis cxcrllkt rnc cartolssoi pertka exhtrttion of mufus wofckmansiiip a itesbakmiaaaa f canada due notea wilt bo aieeo of use dar sptwnuo te she raceptioo af tba d order c wacponaitx tersrm meehsnit inatilore morel joltgih iff f ink the 46th regiment a liprsnna having clnim against l lnc rt of the 4th rcgimcnr or the mesman of tho aatno nro hereby tfqucstrsil tn se thom immediately dressed lo capi vcaoy or the meatman f ikjurien august ts 1317 bg3if wanted vstronq boy about 16 or 18 yoara old to work on a farm apply 01 the athenum rook store kingston july si st7 incomparable black japan ink tiaxuractuneo wiiolksamc ako acraim tt tub athene ou book stobe kingston gamijm vfest barrack canteens totice is hereby given that the xi contcona tn the undormemionesl danachs arc to be let upon the fot hivhj condition fur the period of 3 years from the 1st otiobor 1s47 tu 30th september 1850 no peroon but of unoxceptionablr charactor nor any pcraon for more than one canteen or who vrill not onder take biioa fide to rcaido in the canteen and conduct the business thereof in hu ownpemon wilt be approved and ivm auretiea will bt required fur the payment of the rent rrionthy in odvonco and of all sums which may becnrrjo due in respect of iho said canteen and for the duo performance of ihe several condi lions and stipulations of the lease the peraun whose proposal shall be accepted aod his sureties must execute the indenture of tho lease aod covenant relating thereto theparticuaraihoronr may be known by applying to this office onr the barrack master tin namea of two respectable peraoo withtbvir ohrjatian naotee profeaaiona and places of abode who will join tho tenant in oxecutinp tho indenture as his auretiea must bis inserted in the pro posals and the ordnance department does not undertake to procure the tenant a mceno seated praposau addressed to the respective officers of ocdneucc kinc- ton witti the word tender for cait- leon written on the outaid cover will be received at this office until i2ovlock noon on tuesday the 31st august next after wbicti hour any propeets received cannot bo noticed jly the mutiny aci canteens arc not liable to have troops billottod on thorn all person making tenders for tbo canteens are ir take natic thai they will bo held to the strict performance of he covenant of their loose and roll payment of their rent without aw remission or wductton further titan tho cuvenanta of tho lease itself sot forth the form of tho lender to bo aa fol lows i hereby offer for the canteen in the dermrkaat for tho period from isi0ctoher1317 1350 ihe rntof per annum for the houe aa a dwelling end tho further rent of per month for overy ten noncommiairvned officer and piivalosoldiera boih rejrularand militia who may occupy iho itarracks j u rnitf lhat puriod nml propuac mr of and mr of aa my aurutics frr the same reals as dwellings tetedephaip 15 stating perannuirj foit itornv- otteo n ordnance 1 jaingaluit july 23 is7 j on hand for sale 30 casks superior ome manufactured p alt tineg at is- per galltj for a3rri5 lite knigsfvn brewery salkrattj of choice csualuy at t8 parr i black walnut lumber 20000 feci of varwui awmnj that iv lloaftla iineh and i inch 1 j plank 142253 and tmk a scantiioc of efvndrv lemepijrt 4x4 and 3x3 f tlie ab ivo lurtier will be disposed of 31 25 per m james mortckw kineton hrevrrry irrvrrry 5t dislrurrj- commercial mart for sale on consignmbpit three klejrant a very seperb toned f1avd nbxet made hy ihe very best makers of new yatiq and qosien william waul jtily 20 leu7 m rv paris new york fashiont th0maslittlea merchant tailor princess street klngstoitv respectfully informs his nn- morons customers and tho public vucratly that he has raceivfd froaa alnniroal and now york a chcoj and varied awrufiew of suporlie broad clath obmtinmm while dilla nd summer clotr a ihe mot approved ahadea and asicaat textures together with buttift a ssurrieient of vbstwiafl consisting f rich oil volvtta war satins london quiluna of dihbroat eiylea whiio maraale buff yelvcrw cnhmcrca c ice 8tr t- l stocvcomprismatlthbtadfw nrnl d0srahtc in ui line and offiera graat inditromcnla to gentlemen wishina ta obtain a lrcs article of clnthin beinf cnl and rnado up under hia ownirocass- dioto lrection and at atieh pricasa ao cannot fail to inaur hiiq a contiouaarsj nf that siipport wbich bo faajo kitito received ladies riding habits xoraiand ujltary ivtw ucmm ac ajr mtdc up to order- iotho anoat faihiooabjaa manner and on veaiooalo tofaris citiftoii 1647 iu6w