nmuniritt ait f w umtrt ihmtu aamfit fumtliilkii iai5- wa f thr imitfilil l a ona cirflti iht ael iilthti in mr huchaninjho pmvf kniltfanl ajfimttvriuyyif aettliiaij ii eft van im by lupwiwi and itf hin are w it- 103 b tad b lad day til or tlio follnwlii ntnttdit of atl cm latflrtjwlllml nn iii ill tavoattle la rqtially apbhrami- lo foa1 imi to uilliili m 11 u i le rhhirj in in united kingdom hv the liiroliein nilitcratrf ivlr aaetslanftt kit at pelt wlicie there mfrib nfflcm then ty uuguliwi lliise twtlcfni see lth rvernph 11 omiih hrmefiire iflmri by th 3wb aeeinui nf hie laawrifrr act lo h1tj4 caryin omit th 10 wimn i iww in rcnram and intw rife substituted winch vvct rni ibnnrovurtjrtaof both ac iheae wnb esiljs vhlcheeitte amalrer itef f na than h predion ef te vj 1 of tha ablj rrr itarer lennafe the same arc- vklfot i hra ilcfcd hi hie firat act itreby hfun brake iwl tflict fpf iwti kmhl with kmijrnl pjprptbw in cmbarka- boe jtcre in away cm tmefral lo evate lb penallte of tha act y the tata which cmm rarely be dirrw thai bc a leaser md nvercdt or w thoiit lo nracrrl in i aliii exempt from lb ofciatiim uf ike r act jaw ml b nlc w iinavadiiis feul the atirihen of proving that the ship ia ex swurv tjiroun ihi til cnsc on hie pty elafmm thr knell of the ecmnto s athc celanhil ul eoj bmiicu- tbn conimtwtwwfv ae clwrod tvilli ibe- etmefl of lb scervlry ef slalc to mlhli ft tele fjtbtr article of fim iwu f iboe mnhoned in iht oriiotil aet src 3 ii can no lonjt fce toppowop- steil lor hie wliea eerrai i hip lo pntmc the leat supptic of ftwl fof hn nytft oretu todiuio them ffon the pa tnjpjr it w now tcctj iliat in every s cte ibey amtl be fninubej at he ine of jim ttwnar 0 chirlfrtr j mitit br of udily jo be mfmte by rte emtialioo ohi- cv4pojtabe ibere if one 4 gfflr tateiofj uad oieen fpjwsvnfji eanp- 6- very itnpnrttiit addition yon will jml bil toobetve have been made lo in aijtbts of natoenyers thyar nw to br en- ejufldlothcfreeuieor caclflijiway aitoa- trt ovrr ihr art of the to jjhejtqhital if rtj bavrbwlrie iw or ihc im fiilcbway or if he xntral supply of sbj- nd w lroiiiil i he in any nminvr odulyimpededjihceewtniloiomccr wtinc 4to koee or in his abience ihc ciltom xjan officer mj 1icci suclielher ptovi- idaiaee oade for nitordin- hht and air aj he cueobuuaecs of the cs ny le ml ing- jjjr 0 c appear to reooire iec6 bylheorixiaailawpaenerbipa xaereto be aarvryd only in tt whcic abb mijjht bavt irisei to ibepf aeawoilhi but now il b impcralife on edi ship fuled 9i eboet to ciny pstftngers lo ik mc- ered it ow eipeme uf flw ownct or char tr by iwoeewore cotnpelenl ierfyor lo ljiinedy 4be colomil land and tmi- gratio coaamsieoem or the commlvsfoncn ml cuttonra as ibe cae irfiy be see7 no pajfteflper gow to proee d to mm wxtboet rvinn manned with a full eowiptt enit ol men- but the act does not atale whkt it m full complenwnl the cemmii- vionera have ufcen alcpt to eeqoire in the trtoper aarter whether th it defined by any fjeitrral woviin of taw ando ihe ittean- hjlo mrc dm 1 in oflke nht unitfa j85fijp3oafl iiave bmo instructed not oiiitefet pmhflie exiitrnecqilo3 and practice at ihcu tvcvbtd porta see el jso aaip can now clear out without first obtaining frotn the keiirint ojfircr or in bis atecnce ftoei the oficcr of ri a ercsneae that all the rrniremenu before saitinr of both aria bate been duty com plied with -see- 9 10 any ship with mote rcnen- fera in proportton aan 1 to every 25 ton mtut cvpienvtb ber hock of provrtinni wjvenerer be rwstj iaki or toedwa at any port in the jfn trd inrdoo and if from ibipwrectc or my otber caae the pttsener ere not carried louiairearidaioejerihet rn theaarne or aome elber suitable eraecl ihey are not obliged ai tiereloioceto retort to tfie ordinary tribunal ear a breach of contract bp i can recover by oiacomaryprocec betceelw maturate from jkmgmmn ciartererer maatev the anoaiit mi ihmif wmmnjgr aveuy aria coaopenaaiioft for oe low f paasake sec ix with m fiew c pnltinc an end to ibe objectionable practice wrnch in aomr placeha been foood to prevail the new act inflict a peoatly oi o m any person who ibell irvdoce pw le eire up or render etclesa tnelcootmct ticket which conititote ltje cvitfrocr fo oofofcinr tbeir sec- u- henceforth the coeerapeerrt emu rralion a 10 the unito kingdom are to be aletcd u emiirratit office faat me uttus amurte cwut9tr 11 rifirveal icmr ivewrly firlrj md alimili hi winwt whel trnpn hiva nmveft a ptil lallnre hi fnnle aealpbuobf ibe wovie atil irto averefi flahl huvugthmt ihe mltc wti hi vlawm la phibohl nrl aa hna itntii fit eaee ar mnnf yia- ogr ae in hie ture im11h haa wlri vrfe aivfiibta oeimi t iba ene rvd in mi itivuuee hut oamn unvr li imtirr 11 f4t mi ihra hmt iwemyj aoie f wbral wtiwli rlluvit tan ut avetjg 11 30 liaptah rf nm kiailrto uhifui per aarir fmhi 10 l 5tl bilhit nf lurih full and apiinjr uiil per nw will u 4iim1jbohtobvwfitthi uiobriaultiiiurfrni4 in v m ojnttu hi piewm won ivie no miihy 1v nfip tit nvciae virtd uf iatiiei 3i rimt 93 unji la pe aere nj u iw1 w pjml fo t erif o it entiru wliral ern f cia n j vl al id invited pr bote whtra ibe llcwuo fir imo e0iaifil 0 ilarrr ifconief- e ill nmrieerdlwikvbimrfuptieic tof iwt t ih esp4int f cvety ilio cijh lba vrcfttbirflv nwikf tilted and eaiiiafrd vriil ifco crah f lnj tevi tly tivclied well sod ifta nrj ro b4l and wipe in rvty rrffel t mi mtplea of pt mee jrns lhtcnm wrf f ttt nii ut venr rfcivd ntb ijer f and invfd iltfrt wrc rtt is id 1105 i w awo ihni wena feel laiterd tao nettii year iha enijw weaiem ponifi of ilvo rrvne mh lal nf foe neeei en h 1 nniy tuo hi ihe0 llto vcftifo ln oir irtttl i f1l utiol nf 13 rwitfieu tl will ihi yenr rim vu lwrmjileo bosvl pwr arrc wlien th fuel b tolcc into efloemlf in enrotn witjt li fiet liidih nf und lhl wna miwo ih lai rnp it nriff be prrliy t iftfv infri tbit uealetn cnoata srliara aaurro nhhiiy f rtbmi t rrpfil aa i cifvlrd 11 jee 11io oilwt atawj aeoctj epcaalihtp iitc eoaia in well mid alibtieh m ttnj eeeiinim f ibo pnviv ikii firw fttid fpf nr wlirnl hiopfired tiwi iinj iba dfoulli mitt vttc ise innit h 14 been well eilhealoii nn4 a tifceral ihniiie f mfinue iniiiitrrrrf w ibe wil llw ypam b pveil no iwrcejomly tfje id idrc rrn n may be cnwdcred fnlly t pnmljrio ov nlinl tin been ilia nw in fcfliai yc tfca pabn or- p 1 hm prrwnl lima ajlica avilcnco t4 a pafliil flln rr pafth 01 ulo pfvirtflt wltathot the diec i eaatied ty utr laerfc of an infect urubt nifivipiliciteiiifliieee iajhfeanal- tcr uf diltiutiy ti aetan ail tl rn it p- cejraawdy rvcl nod hirecu eirrv prubbiliiy e r iilllnrmlifflrmllulnhl lu tlitre jro raftjpvo oaafe nf pmtnr laikcrjoteelna whlnt lr t nmerijln r ovi t fiiaca1eoiiie befrntajf eveeited wna- uvy come to larieet ihtm i nn neii wit wck will detrrmine wheikef ibcao viow arcottict or nn and o noutj advuw ltwhft pvloti cipa njvpf miifhud or in ny wy dumacd bn keep a rhp tov out old if poflbto aiccfuin ike cnu0 fr lliu dwa there cn b no two opinion nboui hw ico beinp fifw einjmunicnwd 10 the tanit innuf jutcmml tuc pntpet evajfbf in purtua lo i vi nir isc uwv 1 pull up ho laea vxto ttailiryncoifficcfiouly dmiidj pml ihuv rot aft nil cwnnjnnif lin between llic ih1ci nd the anurao baa which tbo itncibte anxild anajajale hi titne tor doe hi mou be reguutcd n 2 eel by circomaunee but lne at ihe uv p- ptjerkeaufi ll i ftlttimw ifint lltctc nerd be hut liu hnjce ppmtcnilcil fm uny di0ho ttut may becninmnnkod fmm uie ttn fenween the tnpa becnew vcf y omeh damaged by 1 r ollkf ewaaanj it inoftbioon pjaat ibo looner they re putted or ettie nitti a murp itehk at aeithc thobeatee by kavinf- the lubctt in lire fftaoftd utit ittc proper perud fie dijf inc uk nnef tain will firmly dberc to ibam d ihey m ill beep at nwdil aa if ibo inphad not been puikd additional pafiticlilahs of the lossoftheswedisbshipiduna u the pamaprt of the swednh hark jdu- wo wrecked by eellkion wilh the shtnvpgo wilhoof 172 lieea on her pia from hamburgh to new vorfc ir lat 44 w ion 58 30 were indittlrioh swedet coming to hi country with conjnjeeable aom of money in htbeir jioeeesion for the punpoae of purchasing firms and tcttiing al the west the collision tea ro audden end nneapeled and the tea el aonk ao soon hrw ardi that raom uf the rr ii rrr hal not time to clothe themselves inii of thcm however apcuied their money wiith was chiefly infold about thrtr prnom t which accourux for ihe scrionj toxs of life those who were aaved bad bece in the water hearty half an hour when they were picked up during which tra tbofe who bad gold fttoul their persona had u r it ra smppnsed that caplain molr r matter of the baik had 1 400 in gold aboet tueperpoa these who wereaved were entirety dea titute of cnoru and mostly clad in their riiglcfolhcs when taken aboard the shentm- go every foenbje ajitnlion waa however prco to their wants anoaxj thb ship the warmliearled tars no hoard foniisbed them wiib all their parectolhinf reserving notbin for thorn rleri vol sthat ihey atood in shcri bin tine and every thinjj wflieb coutd wmin- ufactored into rlothina were preased into aer- ice for4bat porpoie and every thing which conld be devisee to adminuter to their cotn- tort sva cticcffully performed so far as we can aacerlafn a jrnod watch was kept on board the kruno htit at the time of ihe colbvinnlbe fo was so dense tliat i fie how of ibe ahin cnuld ot be arn from ine onarterdcek tatbejmhese vessels had had loftrernt hornine brilliantly ol ihtir totra thii dreadful accijeul anifbi not have oc carted 4 u fl i ntirnnjeitlbal aometfainr like 50 ooooreren s100j600io aprcse belonine to t ihe immirantsj wnt devrri io the veel or on the bodiraof fhe toat orit individoal lost 14000 tlielmm of the vrwl vras fnl of cafeo destined frrtcew yetk and perhaps insored hfre 7netttel va pobably in aurcd if at all iancop boston ovmel tna potto dnxut tarry io tern i i the diro ajood the poutnca haa afai moc iuaptnhneiehbwlbjftd f i waa kreewcd on tf tvlji mltog tee trrr of peter iu6mappeancivlno iho 30tl ond litt jrfr nn i sllfcjjrtjt moo wfm r v y elj d tnbtevdwe6ucnnt ipci mhavepmc aikojjiootcredaurp idly aa h ci laai jeer yet iirrfay powimv heowio to the eutd and rinj wealbae wo hovo had tinc ojion oavminaiei ii m fafed tbt tvne of tne wneer levea afeibinted nrftile n every lop yet li v ii hil fnioed bfvek o ntpidty bb hey did um year but the knror port tff the vtcma w najen mora ettvcied ttun thee ant u aevrr day after tire leader itevee trad all turned bhek t r l y c i r 1 lo fw-tn- are hrrt and el a batter qnnlii thno rfbenthcy were attaeke fwj 1 jai t ajrj noancority l die crpplw n itmt in ih45 ily rrerr in mny ptea t ihir iiruarw jveo ibo firt wlonjyod- somefifrtmstaff jhe back acauemeobj who cnw in yeaieriay aod ldar rioaaioitarvtaionicniortbfwearlycropa ms thii wontottivon and oa so tee mttr kmrla ft ucrtiowtthalhdunepp nuaco thom bofcwo iam uqaa jeafca tn prntwv n patca jaenvr bsrrr thachnmurof pe diuunaffl on llareeea peiilioci of jfotw d jiir exkijf of weal phfttiai wlvo avmariicd ihe nbrontion as far mm rcardn1 tiiinaelf of iht law bamahinc ttio fmily f napraoan mr chtrtca dupina fcooft on uia petutoo eaa the hihrt reanect aad avau alhy for iho prince but concluded by nsuvuir itrai it be referred to lto board ni jnfinvotion the prince da la movknwn rnay neit nno t n i ill prayer f thn petilner tlta hivlnty he mic r ttnt of cor c i y ii i roveraet one by a banujimoftlnf hiirtvynarv habaamptv oapiated vhc crime of tcin ihe brnlirr of ho emperor fflnnoral birun polcl who fjtjfrcdbrcteaiimony to ihe mitilary tafenf bravery and ptrtntiim af jei r etir nv hael nf cfic enontberaof ihta fmo fl llo wtar cj rleiif i n i itc ir jil- ul aw tiim id ihe plnini of waterloo diapiayihe mnb- mimk and bnltaal courage and i aeeilla een llemea on my onwaeaeaee ibat if erery command ee tvad m sde r rl v ta nrch aa 1mc nf pmnoe jam mo the victor would have bton gained early aad ovjock- p- t prctkt i r trr rftn of t iviiv anna m yiotor qereobaervcdtbal it rvootd be preferable to to alaa petitioo lo biaokt companinn in arme manriia ull preisoenlof ikocouncij m jjnpneraclain himwr ijie chmpi m of aa- ileaaod ulrered im ho waaaerviea ihn pern- man thy tetomrnendtn it to ho magnanimoua end intcuifcefm jtfqonaon mimitkrof pmaoe aaid ihiiricoewaaaeet fir traeeelinaanta of m v phr be caied arith aetay for tvrepoao of the country nnd uio ajabttit ofalie ihrenr the marqiisne 8oiay fabaieteoo pemeity aod tho princede ra motwawera afserararvti k rd end iho de- badevmonoejoeatf by iho fohenlh appeal f mm orrioml court- nl contletnen today ihe anniveraanca of the i aitjeaof marcnj and fri- aduod i appeal io yo atl my nfd cti v- crwrrtli- aflfimrnlt fli- it ivfmh tol anuvrlbo ieipaeval tve nrnent vill you rmil inaetf in any itw cham vr of tear baa gsmf braeed aueh gkafwue annivcrvrlee by fjru to throrder of llae cev on the noifn of iho brnlfbor lhai he riorvaeiaaea ill u- cemmenra r v r i llwes awaiwwae lha tea law anaated in in b iba saaityof the smperor eouu nol t abmeatrd hlli aetaty for tkrepoae af iho cmjni oflha emparor of thn b rrance trv mrl fothero him who wtstie loroeke prance the hrt of nalkear after a feweipjanauoo froco h cliirlea csqioi tlieron ctaavaaa of bia reputl cere adoiad by i afk- up jnov lsnrrata the vi nrh jrovftnment ha aofhuriaad prinoa jeiomo i- lptne to ilarn v franca aad acot hie paaervta onr bilevicoa ftr orohnjala of gaajieey bjatj inform evlhct hie rtiic nf aftiira there hi om al ok hmpmvfd ainon oir tal pqbticatimi thnprcaeni cmbarraainc pnatimi lauvtinf to lite rectal arm of ibo foilveinf wuh aiekly wretcned paajeneonro a par with those thahy efooarkco from lvereoo artitmu mt ctreaae eie aaee saturday ikln weafc wjlkw from lierpr4 to plekera co 305 pi went era 2dolha50aae1t dark cnckrane liverpnnj io w jc cenaon 42 paaooprvfi7 rwlha 60 asc3u bari nhfotown witn ijvrrev1 ocabmandi 71 ateeraee pw s2h v sehr emma tfoad lirneriek lemeouicr ot c lid paaaoeif era 2 otlia3 rb thalloaprtet ataseoe seeday faaatj mito j at fiiflom bta- u- fst wiiroce rtt fss children 502 tnsal j46 the daatha for the week ending teetvooctosi nn jan aama day werel jo hnapitil a tu tcnta- ttut t- 64 or vjtyanbai hi aaei op veey ill of ever dr wallace haa had a relanae and ta now m bad acver or daaevaata locoaipuinin dr me crath ba retfmed 0 mwn nnwe il but not wilh fever he bcttrarvlijame to go about dkkpooe baa laucoedeeiee dr saiy qaeae mttcmy jtawreef a lae paawaxera tau rceraed ey 7 it carr jearee bmigrtm keeaete oaittd fnm bfilm eed riaa iv eersceee 9raarodff7ae litad suea fi ptsst dale si jotfso s4e wwawaewliivem iypeotiotnaiiu sopetior 201lihtand nary iaucu where frnoi f ife do n doodarry kolifc laaa 210 45 us too 37- total aeoltv 203d x c dociuntahf chief af ool emiaratinn oee gvafrtrneni qncbce imrrt auteat jeu7 woaati t2eicc tv potato karaae we regret lo learn haa made it appearance in ihii neifflthorliood aa well mjn niher parla of the province and ilr effrcls already in ipmc 6rldj nrar ihc city are very alarming we trust however now that clear weather haa aucceeded the heavy rain and dense fogi of the iait six or eirhl dayp thai the diaeaae will not prove ao evf- lructive lo this valmble crop u present ap pearances would indicate we jcim from dlfftre at parti of this cou n thai wheat oa and loree projeuw bori- dantcropa una that more than uloal land has beroevotcd co their calture thli aeuon ow inyio ihe faijore of ihe fouioeyfor sevetal ytait jvjjk st oeji courimrw oroaufor ynult asf vituktahfke tlaweanvaa brltai and ehirteaet orem um patanrof all appwaa1t7 uhlruui etnf i luipnif mili vratilnanfl katlv br nibtidln ila qnnhlv ims napmved andihetjmililireof ihtae laneranrrd oparua inraiaej nieeredaof tntaun anita ore inne itwety l- pnvliaaa py- j auia lwn eiejined weuij-eutiv- tmti in auovaoa mhjvmyui rjtluy- 110 leaetitoriainjlly o piiwiniw asmnnrl lia oely huv araea iheil hard uvo rr-iw- and it ci hh pi tiirulmeed sale pa4 ilia tniiwtiiii 4 colfivjum iivevr latri uily reihord h i jhmoiei04m cjumea bul pomluced die del nihia iimii wa mow ev hi nmuiinn rn apricot amneluralhylmuu limia umh ttta pecb and plun tliecbiiy haa originally a kerryjiko fruil -n- iiiivitifi lma aeeii each bctiy a evliiiia mem ami hwamed iirrpuhiy law ceaaawnn away lit ia the original if irvwt uf ibo preacnt kawatiif nheireft i he erfhmf wit pear itriii inferior tit ik ehive pear htt atitl hy enliivautn it hav ein t- n mpaieio oif fiocal froila 11m c bb wv wia- irinjiy evuiu from otirmnn eil ra mlit- nvw- ihan eiirnimvi ivm hiln fta idlivhthi im n ihreil the pteaeiit eliue anl ita dirfml itcht iintihfa iho hirtrtcfil hiea vrliik iia hbrihilm eimttafptanwrw produced ibu cantli birce tho cottiry aiawear or cahtnao tawwb ia a liywidilinn hainen thaenbhae ued turnip nl tiltikty uecrt pnfrrmtuecj rilo america jv 7tf fttpt tlwmti rvajava hettatm rvi re oitdtatifr ainiiur veeetatka huva barn wv- dtieed hv r rrkru cilery atitnoli an lenlcr and fine itvmed i live aohw punt mi iha aih cekry oaj ihc pnrdcte of hie rlrcea emhyt hate the ctbeaipeahe itay and t hie riaiotul foud uf haa canvta baclc and tdirh dochff tlwjjinal imatne whkh u nnl on edible vcerttmeua nativo of contrat ameriri and require thrro jvca ciiliiviirin befo it fit bfl ne vt iiiiivduccd mlo lnund by 5r walw huceeb x a cororjtinfi ha been described as m a body without a soul the corporation of the city of knijrvion if nol with on t a saul or even tacking a caput may very justly be styled a boly without a near otherwise ibe diain frees the old emigrant sheds tna ihe west end of kinj street would unt have been surtcrcd so tontosltnlc in ihe nos trils of her majestys lionet unfortunately obliged lo pass them digitus c a jtoaoeit caooht yesterday cvon- ina a nun nartiad samuel lemon wasdvlecled atcatin seme articjef from the albino hotel a search warrant was issued and in the lioure of his fatherin tow nnc rurn- tailor an iqioicnily of ptuntjercd penoda etefl found which itives a clue to evcal darin but hith erto nmleiecteil mhbenet which have jalely luppucd a tnnu he booty di covered wa the rev mr b1ackir caonouieats lately stolen with other aittcle from the knjlrsh flathvdrjil some silver furk helonina to mr wilson stolen from the toan mtrnn ff mr- itutaeh crit4l n coal troxrsent and a lot of iicnact sten from tlio albion hotel omcthui from mr payne hotel mr c e levey j tsl led teapota damask enrtain and a cose of fancv arttclea iuhin wiiii old mvrurd hcreu avg2l e biifan i r fi tcu i the ameri can have nobly snpptied food for the irish we shall took at their lls with increase re- yr their stripe shall be lo us significant of a gridiron end their stare of sugarded bum ctad are we to find that lhf american snhrcriptions have been so nohly acknnwl edjred io the hecate of common these thank for bread will en far to keep hullctc out of fashion the hvtidn mtot rook i to nnr mind a mrreh mere dctihtful eolnme than any lihtoru of tht american war and the directions therein written for the cnnpn- silion of hominy cakes aid slapjuck far hctler than any talk of redcoat tactics bombs have had their day let o hvitceroitti try buns and wherever america have bat tered our ships let her foe alt time to come baiter or trying- pacta to paraphntse ihe pieman bown johonveahcjt i- in con reverockts ta oqt- puodt halifax paper of ihc mth iwslj jive the result of the laie general election which had terminated in favor of he liberal or re form party from the acadian aeconfer we learn that of tho 52 mrmbers of the late hotwej the gcnemt eeectiert fees effected ihe removal of 23 by retirement ami 15 by dvfeat in the eentfjat the tssl or defeatrd members of the former aieiebly eiuhaca idtortcsands liberal g- oacanir rcvaixs we were present ed a few days ae0 by a ijfkoorcr who it employed in ecuv from he foundation of the new cank of rritish noth america about to be erected in this city a eortioit of a lusk kcloijinc to some larcn animal ft matt have seen at leiileieht inches in diom- eterat the bte and is in the inner part ex eeediny white and of an ivory tevlure- it i in fact very similar lo the fwsil tutks of the elephant which wc havo seen preserved iaa difterent museum we urhi that portioii5onthavc been taken with the intcn- i m of presentin- the soe to the british blrscum in london hamilton gaz frt drowned nn thunhov lost from a i baueeilt at 51 thomas wm forsyth a pnn ter welt jr own to tho confraternity in qiibcr flflfbr mar v years connected wilh some oj ivieadinrprrtinj establisbnwnu it an car that he w sitting carelessly upon the at in roiteh wher and thes accidentally pircbed overboanl wc remt to learn that pc leaves a wife aw iaiiy who were en lirety dependent upoo aw exerijonj for rp- prl aftrcurtf ft- joriselatr tlie aventor cenrral ef canada his been invited by the committer to attend the aerieultutat fair w ch is to br held at saratoga n y ne xt rontb h asm he will come if hi public akafiac will admit of ilful giizcltr tt said thai hrtcerrett rs m in an rtneeoenl with the cctcbraied english dpc- alie troope beaded by scevin to ncrfore1 t- montreal c the mortality tf new york ia decccae- iir -hj- whole number oi deaths laitweek teina394 0the leeeipie at the united sutes cna- tom dqqm in vent cnu tap p aueiat tst axounttul to oood t- it is said that the niajara sutrcnion fsridsevjube ready in tluasprief ofl8i9 v r appear that h demand for the qoehec railroad is rusdrv increeeine and the lopcrceat called its ii bciet pttotplly naid i c- tea citxua which wee handled so aaverejv in harailtoq ome tiint v cn rnobbed in revenna ohio aad ix or seven persons are sua to be killed frt at a meetinp in hamilton on the21at the lion adam feraacon in thcait wa tesolvewio eslabtish a canadian li a u- ftnee company withe capital ef 9 in sbareaof jcioo each watarv bcrvajr of j k io the msriae nrrd tn mnt hoapflal qocbee fmm ta isth to she fflvt aofuat 1r47 inrfruirr nunv- of deaibi njnombweiamaijtwif m lpu f kv durinf tiiaavaek jjirae cot lrama cw fever have bei admit lad from toeo two amjrvita died of fever on ihrfr arif lo the hoipital wikiv irir oftholnlemwcrhinthocitv or mrwtmar frvn jjrh to 21al aof at sttr30 men 24 woman 40 bora 40 girla t 143 of vrbom tvem bmivnntattj chifdren 0 aduff- 3t ckiieee it othe official caelte of saturday ap point ibe first meeting of the medical corpo- raiion eonstilated under ee act ef the tett session of the provincial farliaasent to be held at the court house ii montreal on the ffiih september or ammi senr is np- ryinlej hylbr governor tencral as ihc ant prrsideni or the corporation cjf it ia aaid that bleeding a partially blind horse at the note will restore him to iehl much for thr honw to open a saovf you m hlvj hiinhn the pocket j three ermranta arrived in baltimore a f dijj since from cermany who deposited liaty ibousand dollar in gold with use baf- lidore bankjao houraacr aniva thequintlrfpef ufljeltbtd aemr lmnorf4 fntolhe united klndrm leal ywv from vm drllidi ht lisa reel avfetrf amove- i to 211371 j mnlaava 5041 ea of fumjftt ewnuena avid sf ceav vr 51 lira mbhxt muntkal vwead fiii0 niwkrt afill ram auje steal ond fcv immt niiiiiiil in fibt ark0 uilt lajl 1401 rhw kt ami tipid a t4n i4i fin wth rerewine 1 kir lt- ntf pirer k s1 06 fe brtliaa h afltvt mid n luif 97ajj mne mtmmtt aeo twirl i- j oiuaaieitvn 2j laolftftd iatlfl t4utlnj jvmpra to rvalii iu- uvihjiid arein ti le ehiefty fe eooaomp and t i tlp nvrr n aeriiatiin- pimiur vr-vj- jtmi it tlttly aenk ll i p j raiea akcd an 5v 0 si 3j i hi- ffrui bo to kidim livcpi aen the cmflvl sari irrf hi wee v rereot mtr vriih theaeeioj f ptccj cf vkt at w- pcf qtiatifr 11 l aits iw vo asar rt u per flfc r n nw li m al cj j fja9d at avhioh i j arvnot brarh pitr its mber hand hkfl odvatir- fiasea me 2tjia53a9dm ihih thejp c seerei nd m rammed la ihr ivapcrla the niorket is auaninal m fitincr noilatihia ittrmt4 ceuutr for bale by tht bu0soribeks jr lllnfdmheeelootar ufa beat ftfr1t 11 tu iho phmic generally for i ha fljvfstfine rendared hlisa nt the lireol votnaalny ovin- lnjct jmiticulerly m lt cd wlf- rati 4hlh fnnl ami tht ohicera and n under hi cfwrnand ivltnae timely elaf raved krw voittc mftrtrtvai fivi tio ia a fair iletihotl fa lvhr esitioaic ir mirbtrnn ad gakjv tjfvcjuud imteaaal qsats w tjencaee a uvl ia alrajv vviir 5la of cane at sjijtl 9 8 1 gd frd 8mtete l to 15oee bu3etv llatiaj taqinrt at 71 0 3cl fw rniiedi u hi i iijutf rva anren and trantod ovna trf j uvetami w ic aupplv paovhtox ilutl wiwit aale uf so bbta at 29c ta cifttvk heavy buffalo makketsaoa25 krrjt mrketfinn nd ateadr tni3m anh ilh tilth diapfoiliu tirnvct eittirrn lie firt nf htivcv l aelhrv w bblv n r- anld t l r 7 wt msriet dell- no espveef any ov- tvee taldrn aak in iwiowa rvteav ciaifimft alkrhninjaaleaiodaj at sax ritealftxlhoatktktc rereia tojay taero 750 ilk tsour and9p bneaessi arritnliai lie wllifc americao ul aecsmit auatincuiliirr morheal rfl- nil miueefpnojj cfiw guelps mrcpavi dnskvilio i j u fettle kingtwin 2u mofrir 0httfc kcsjt brigand h mrtaaaomnelltaht hsnart hwht ro ufa ntcew ii tevanj montreal j tv upymfd vsnvsiji tvabxprcaa b llarrellhr iroal jach v natrfa and avn new york f cmpo n 11 1 wailiit- no mr glcnvitle aritilrery fnurd a p parmertoo monit- kvfrr montreal j mitchell do jo npjrt bcliviuo mr- ooerfeh dundav cv johnaum hnkvtl1e i mr- c- kane mom4a jumea watwm coderifh mr jaahae cuoimvs itivee trent j oreilly delteviltc krvel jui gotviff mrchrealnpiaon montreal c vvif lhlo flw foneiha mnntecj 0 seiantitan tehetr j h gdmn n jtwh ii ii whiioey do j f- itanneyjijh aad iwv rhildren si cauiaiinrv mia ltve d j s mv- virpci r juma b seivtt toeanlnr vssepy f- rok vav lierathure mr kioto mofmrcal vv tsoylehv- ine ur rurtia peyanona mirrnl mn wjj eaasawl kow yae mr a memioa tjvucv wsowtr w mitcjhi montrral ji6 swl boueve mroctsld ceidaa copt jrta umekvrije c kant montreal jaa wauw goderich r m ii larvi mne e ii jarai ftva h h jirvia por- land conn w p liorke aart falus rp win near york j jhnav pcaaemt henry willi kitlev mr suse4r mmiireal a diviovm oetmii mr j rjod now yrrk mr bovle s catnefin u c peach mis ii u beoab harttwd cimnaty rictiirda hnckviltv capt l k vvcller pctcrtm wlfltars balaam of will cherry fvflm ii jiftfr fafaanatoataa jaura je- 113 ivee an ei uanj cwlaiu ctaree for eoen eehla aad even eouaimpikrta that we are aaae- tiaaca diatnacd u epieaaioe the etbcaej of anwl incuv air s w fo dfoit nf uiobrtr eat rrpuution at 13d waahinetoii st hartto acne of an art if to vcd uiuam of wild cen ry ehieh aeemi ta hvo voo for uaair 1- putatlaa wherever ii bae been introduced 1 aeve aeen kltee fton viiq pan of near ka land rfn parema of iho hiescal itaouinj i t r i ic in iv icrc ike reaidv beann tcetiotony talib ltoefit lunuelvceur frienda had reccitfad frano nif ita prvparuea bftmrt frm a htttf eafeaf ptur weael va s tils let a rtelemoif unrtneitionabo ereilv mtvnw oa um iia bntlcrmi beeoeivi6ned tohiabcd in veka with mr apeeeor cooh that baffled be akill f ecvfal emirrcul ptivaicraor and by ttrej aeof tv bettlreef vlstafls balsam of wild cherry he kaabein reatred to prrltct tioallb and ho 1 now a fjtafidfieaty aun yeora reapocifuw jikj j andersoxdraritt nrr vouuie ualoe airoed l 8u11 on tao wrapper r fcr ii tho athcncum book clorc ait street kitttin died yeatcruy mnrninfi n kinejatnn mr tuna ifneashmtiytaanol um uto mr mlchaci mora aaji9je tlio rneridaiind onamtaacoa of ilto fatntf are reu to attantl ho vjooral ibt mcraiiq i ion e iqedar cseluy heldersja barriaecra attomcya at law c isc kingston jamk 0ftfllv geurtgk e iikndcflsox sdsrh th1vmi fv fj rj jo lunk piirniima foia destruction olticik huiknf vnvti canada ktriplowarj aejtltmt i a card t ii k subscriber take thi opportunll of i rctamlnsr hi moil sincere bank in tlte in habit inla of thi city coj garrett and rte torn under hi cotnaiiml ihc royal arliljery ml ihn ilittvrent fire dcpartmeul fur thei in- valunhle exertiom in savins hi property l- iteiny deatrnved hv the ewlol firo on tlio afici- noon ef the vth insiaitt dennis kane corosr of wcllinjjtoit s queen street kington afut 27 1617 atclsm rs taliki t oitra her warmest thank lo the fare companies the mikliy xna the public rieaerelly for the aiiticc rendered hy them to ber 01 the frc in wvl liuton aud princes streets en wcdiicrfjay last king 27th aurjirat 1817 removal- r subscriber rctpectfoljy inform bis fimds and cuslomers that ho ha re moved hi boot and shoo eltiftctory northern comer ef the city buildine to ifmngion irott directly opposite william wilson co ladiei misscj nd chiljren bnol e made in the owl faihionahte style patnt leather french and enguiu calf samueilaifjlt 200 r no 1 deotcb pig ajacjmikr50n cranb if summer autumn hats iuijtcftss srituet opposite tlio ciruerett sture rpllksmrmcnher reaiclfully irqauinta the t iliblic lhj he ii uov ljhufecturiaa suurrter nd autumn hal of ihe lihiet and 6net fihric ulucli he iitfra for ale on term 1 low a ihey can beaem 1st knljud lie i maniifacifrin a french silk hal nf peculiar liuneft and eliuace tb which he re- wet felly sohcils the inectiou of the mh hcj pievioti lo iiiichjjiii etwli4ru all decriitiui of sirnmcr cap kci en laud thomas beadiev august aiai7 s76v britannia life assurance compaq ko i rmm street bask mm erajtatfitrcd by ah oriovteitf kinlbft aezual 127 1317 49-io- govaznmeixt notice sealed tenders will be re ceived nt this office on thursday september is ttw7 until one o p m from ony pcr- rwn or person desirous of entering info a contract ngrccabiy to certain conditions which may ho seen ot thij offtw fiiraup plyinj the commiasttriat et tliii itatiua with 1o0obahreis of fine flour of 196 ibe neu weight cab tho flnur to bo frcah sneet aound whcateri flour of the first quality tormetl fine to bo put up in proper end nlloiv tlitinned burrcfs and warranted to keep ivttct and good fureic monthe after de livery into her majpjiytf sioeeis in oe near the tete tie pont kwracke to be truhject 10 appruvol art to be trwpected at the expense of tho contractor by a ftrorr inspector chosen by iho commisaariat the deliveries to be made al the fol lowing pcrjouv atttl in the pioportions un- uertrtentiorcil viz 1st dtctverj 0 bbtav on ihe 5lh nnvemhce lu7 2nd do tboobbla d 5th january 14s 3rd du 0o bma do 12th hay 1s4e 4th do 400rbja do 12tbaoaoai itfap- floor imported from tha united states purposely and directly for chti contract will be exempted from the payment of the imperial dnty of 2 sterling per barrel on certificates of tho senior commissariat officer tho colonial duty of fid currency per bar rel will bo paid in the fii instance y the contractor but refunded to biro on protluctiun of tbo cuelom house pormite printed forma of tender will ho givi itmitott it ttw tiltttit litfi pruor will ve not ecu to cxptem ii krordd nt length tho rato in currency fiireach barrel and payraoot will be mado by bills on tho trcejury at par tho real aiffootttres of two responai- s persons subject to the approval of he senior comtnissariat officer willug o enter into a bond with the principal o ihe amuont of 400 correoj for ho faithful performance of the on- tiaci mrat bo given in tho tendefrr cherwtse tho tender will bo rcjeie coaiutsgavliat i kin gaton 27th anet is j chronicle and new tar koa tveck j city of kingston cilytwasnrer office- city hall august 26th 1s47 j notice is heroby given that copiee of tho assessment boll m hie respective wards in this city fr llio euirctit year art nowtyled in my of fice and all persons ratted therein are katquirod to trail at this office between iho hours of ten oclock a m nad threjc oclock p m on all lawful dy between jhe jay pfr this date and tho chirtictb jay of september proximo nj tho names of those persons will not bo fllaud on the voters list wbnst texm shall not have been he above mottinned date wjluam anglin 8av9tv ctft treasurer paid bclorc crcial mart iqctenslve sale op teas sugars liquors tobaccos c an friday morning september 3 at eleven octc will be sold at the commrrcijl mart the follow injc 5taole croceriee direct from now york selected exrely for the canada trade 59 hf cbcasts voanar ryaoo ta ex probtl 25 ate do ex a camden do uipcrior sjc hottqg eaacthav do efuq ex 1 do 91 do fine twankay 47 da do li ehate suprrlor hy 3kin adams 20 ctdrfte tonna ifyson each 131b loca 10 do insferral do ex ackhar 10 do gpnoowdr tloejt charleston 10 hsi jirbt mucrvdosjar 5 bar reeayra coffee ffll nr caaita bwidycm anl nam 3- fee pine tolvcc collin jp do z tayloi 54eoitcafendulj tooacco 16 so do do h sinclair 30 half boaet do 82 taylor 10 do hooeydew hmtba 32 bova honrvdcwxbwijffcpletaant 25 oeeeixbib boxes very aapenor 3 boxes and 7 kexa trsbacoe 100 bnxr iloscetet fuuioa 10 bot leaven syrup willi a variety uf other article ten- approved endorsed note at three and four aootiaj william ware- kinrstoo auiut b leh7- notice all persons flre forbidden to pur chase ftoxn lams fhaljck or nny nther person ihe wcsthnlf of um so two in tlvesut cnncossion ofthe towiehip rf texestowri eottnitirta tno hundred actpir for a deed of which laanj i imld ihebnoti of his father hawia paalrck leceaaedi whn csr weyerl tn him iffithnutcnnsr juration ssntl tvitb fol knrttvlerjgn nf my claim end tarn abnut filing a gill id chancery o cover the same dated trout port s3rl august is- v thomas kilmer harimare shsseii goli and bmrnttghj the subscriber twteeifiilljr inform hie towrjentl country ctasrytrtrr ht he has jut gniaheh rexcivitjfhisstjm- mer tupply ef gooda in his lioe coasiw i of an excellent assortment of harj- vre fur hnnerrrld and buifjingpurw re sheffieil and blrminesafn potcd totisv 3bclf and fancy trxjs plain nparvou and blick tinvare and all tarurvf acrtcultural implements of ihe very beet qnalityand mantifflcluftr th subaeriher alsn respectfully i- rvieets the attention of the public to fci- rtcvivc nss riment of taifllr oils god oyo slod anj itidigo he eolieitn rbo rvohlic pairenag trusting that hit priuf nd quality nfhi goods veifl anatain him rrrnrv fully thin any aolf reeorpmemlstion james powblli patterni jflj price paid ml cah for old braa copmr pevter sw uaj kinestna prlncoss street 1 6sftt ptoagha of varinua pat rnufch point tlio highrsl aujuai 181s47 capital efilodoooo sterlg ciieapkst rates of any office doing business in canada mtdirat rvyiree for kingston dr thos w ros1son the untlerajgncd having been np viiiilfd ttt n aimit tvr ihi ttompanv wlalfi has been doing htiiiiis in canntjj and ihi city since iho year 1839 respectfully request pcrtns re quiring life amirenee to eell at his office prtxcess street kiistn where pioitpcrciuacs nnil nil necessary infiinnniinii wilt be pvon alaon variety of tabic to meet ihccir- curritanccs ant convcuicncu of ppnlt cams cin be seen the raic of similar tables in the of fice hung business in this province are es follows fur en assurance nf xloo cmbl lite awranco co nee 30 2 4 4 niiiotmt lsan knd ee fl untiniiid anurancc co evi fl 0 0 these mof crate rates litc more thun stillicicot firmy in provide fo- itrswl ptil it in ihc power of most person to assure ami with reference lo the present state of the health of ihe ii-hauilonti- f the pro vince generally it satny ho tlinught ww sare fhoulj the peovailina sicknees in- crasise in decline taking any riks- it appear therefore to be a duly on those who hatfc to provioe for their families lo like cir timely ptccjulion of nsnangiucir lives ami thus provttfn against the risk of perhaps leaving those depcmlsnt tiron their exertions or means to nflfef diffi culties if not dcstitiitioru thomas briggdj- apnl notioe vtlr sufiaciiber hevie rrhtetmd jl fnm tin cfitt of fheoeory an rjurictioii restraininj lite vl tltkottoik ukiir esrujaatt from iniermrrlil ifj lit ety alatifhir iui ihe real r perannel kautc of tllc lato jlmh f nrtms k fomrly l4 iff of iuo milln irjmticienlicr ly salcr by tho rcr4ipt of monies ilu by doml or orherseine on account tf tlo aail tcnttatc eol imvijitj irvtit comiolkd to frt n kill etnimt llw urrje okill sluari ami allan alefcan kiccufoialo thu will of tltu nitl laic chnrlc stuatt ej t obttin an account the public aru horohy caittoncn neitbor to nctr- any doetla from tins iiil gccrtgo okill ainuit not to pay him any money as hicy svill jii at their own lss ami ptiil tho satrl george okill muarl haeinji hihcih rrfucil and still rcfumra l nrmlcr a jut and hniosi account of hi lxicutoiabip to the said kststr but i tho oitrary ascrt that hv is the hail at law thereto ah llitscj pcsoni4 who arc in possca stun of or llmn title ui fanj fnmcrlv bnlongin to iho aaifl chorui stunrt midvr coiivnyattccs frrntt the ml george okill siiiui end allan mclmiib4m or aithur of thcm aa executors e aforesaid aro also notified that el partitas in prscseion tvill he ejected llieiefiom urdcir an arrangement he c ik clod vtilh ihc snwcuhcr as all such deed arc insaitl for several rcions one of r inch lethal tlio powitof sale in said will i ivcn lo ah the gxccutors fivo io numbei and nit to any om or lern nf tticm ol therefore neither the said grnrge okill stuart ror the said allan mclicrm k n tritlrcr of thm were cvcrauttorcil ro convey ihc real estate one only of the remaining executors liuvirg lvtinunccd and no valid title- can he given hy any one while the sii dtiit in llianoery remain pending charles stuart kiiigjion sli augiisc is17 just received i w m has staa folt alat f 2 4 aa aar f lh ozf m kinmon aug 21 1s7 t7 government notice- sale of old iron and stores at tht lock sfatioai en me fiiosat canil tenders will be receiver ot the office of ofdaaoc at svlowri on t30n day of september 1s47 at 12 oclock ioon for tho purchase of old cast and wrought iron unser viceable stores timber ccc now tying at the various lock stations along the line of tho rideau canal the rate for tho iron to be atarpd tlio lurnp to isc itrti on apuueahon the lock ma tors and a iii with atlcs- ciiptinn thereof to be seen at the socc- keepers office at this piece the money to be paid to the lock roastnrsin ehergo proyioue to tho re moval of tho atiicfcs- officeof ordnanco by town aurokt 5 187 t 61 vjrv valuable real estate for sale rlhat large and vetoable farm jl belonging to jamvf kuir ernire known aj tuitlo9 hill rvarm nrcculily situated on the montreal rood only three mites from this city containing about 540 acres of which 2o0u n now under cuutvation the remainder beint well wrtsu there is also pertain iticj t the farm an tttteosivo marsh from winch ao im mense ouaetily of good fdduiv fur horned caulo rnny lo annually cot renderioe tta mnat ksirable tarm fc an extensive ial y liiiiht comioscd of what was onji nally three tltstincr though codttguous farms viz ono of 0gacrca one of 200 andoncof23s acres it i tttl so sub divided with excellent foisrce as u admit ofoacti hoing occopierl aopafat elv antl cvil be oosold if desired tbe elections ro four dehiii3 honsea two bains with stables c there are noiv upon the farm auoot 800 tons of haj ond 50 acres undor crops of wheat pease corn oars potatocaand turnips which with apan rf horses a yofco of oxen and the frmitij implements may ro had at a valuation payable in c and 12 months for further infurmaiinn regarding terms which will be very liberal and tslfccr particular apply to rjt prp- piietororto 2 oliphant 4 watt ltfsi- cohl attrdius ttinton 4th ausu 1847 drummorvd island crick et qroun d ac thi e lrt cnrkrt chtbof prnortt vml ecept a challenge to plav e metcrm the finest ajreaad n fcpa tvincr free any clan in canada aa aetr cpnjlilqtet esreeft the winnina bterens ef morvtreaj anal toronto al any time besstren ihfs anj the alh preimo and fur ant aeinunt that may be agreed noon by ibe secretaries ef the respect ee cjnh mi communicitiom to ho adilreascd to ibe secretary pceti w richard ballard sotrttartf uaixi crukt tnafr prwrneou aoiistiz 1817 k b oraeiraond tatsnt isfairrmilca wloiv prcrcott ami of t sty access to srcainrrs- itvr ta of fwp vr balirli pa a anitajfrf vjr rj a meuiy v li4i pea m6 o sail wslrr sauii uanoins fiaava a jtjioflapit f tea t6eavaay ef assea apaajjiy meat all aifirlra connected es f tnty ni liftf nnaan stork le weflieglsbi street ft mr loxirk iwriwnxs iesrly eefeata otmsjtrav wavtkafi a fvtv thrre cattmir wjnlcj nj aftily hut ch j- jay cash a no fo i sale hy llrailitijieriber oc in more in prtnci street a cjioico assortment vf groceries c consisting in part of 5f hhr bright porrn rito sugar 300 hokanl muscatel raiains 200 do asenrtaaj teas m do do tobacco 160 dat ctt bnioms 50j rcsros wrappiitg paper 25 labia kosio 10 do turpentine 10 do tar 20 ncats tbe odoz grass fatta d 50 grow mntchea 1200 sides spanish sole leather new york taonagt with various other articles not here enmcratcd rlattbwjtourk k rvtort afni 1347 p3tf notice for sa t e by the suhscrihor at hi sile rrms comer of outari afd brock specie s twenty barrels pitch a quantity of hay forks tetta tirbaccos sugaira fke tc also tho lenc of the promisee lately occtt ptd by thomas greer as an amffm and commission stort ontario screer next tloor to joho pattetaona the premues are in ootl order awpoeees jtos ical aw7fh or appraj endorsed notes at 90 days john s clutb a hctionetr fr comrsiirion merchant kingston july 0 lst7 incompl black ekupite ink afareractiveivo vraofjt im aaraj it the athesekmwjqk store kixgsnxit canada wtsst ba3rack canteens notice ia hereby given that tht- canioo i tho under men i ion rt nacks are f1 ho lct upon the fid lowini coniiltons for tho period of 3 years from tho 1t october 1847 u 30th september 1850 no person but of unoxceprtnnawr character nor any person fur mro thaj onn canteen or who wll not under take bona file to reside in the canteen and conduct tho hutiie3 thereof irl hi ownpeson will ho approved and tvfi so ro ties tvill bo required for ihe psymem of thg kent monthly iti advance an of nl uma which mjy bccomei due eta respect of the 9j canteen and fur tin- diicpcicfrrnence of theeevcra condi toi and stipulations of the f esse the pertort whoso proprrta ran in- ncccpled antl huenrcties mat cxecuie tho in junioio ot tho lee a and covenant reloing thereto thcparticijlorallierrtir may btswiavo ty pptyingtothistirbrt oruthc birrack mas-arr- the name nftvvonspecablmtdaavona with their chrietian ntrree profrssriieie ond dacoa of abode who wilt jirj tin tonent in exectirig the indenture af rtis sureties must be inaertctl ire the prl puaala antl tlio ordnance department tloos mt undertake b procure the tonnnt a ficne sttfd prtposnu arlitrnsecl to the rescciivcopcerenf oidnatic4 fcin- ton with the vvorde tciidor tor can teen wiitet rn thortnadncovtjrseili bo received st this oitice until 12 oclock noon on tuesday the slsiaufcuar neateftnr which hour any proposal received cement bta auticed hy tho slutittj act anteen are nnr liable tu have troop biltettod riii them all persona makine teodera par die canteens are to ttditnotict that they wa tie nulj lo tlio stiiit perfotmarico of tfte covenants nf thoir loasoe and full psymctrfeof ihuir rnts vaiibiiasfr arj retotssion orrvtliiotioai further llsajixhht corenaotaof tho loaassjiself act brth the form of ihc tender to bn a fol- tows i heroby nffor for tho canteen in the rtarrrtirk at for iho porn from 1st orfnlier is7 totbesoth septeoiher isjd the rontof pcrennwm for the ioue s a dwelling uu iro- further rent of per month for savory ten non cirtaal oflsiern and plicate srldicra both reenter and militia whrirtany occupy ihe uyracka ihiriiigtjwi miitnlt and pruposvlfr of and mr of as my suftiee fur thtsajiia rentj aa dtnlungi teiwi ctsstanw pcraflnum fca otfo rtf ordnence kingston july 22 187 w kilea vi is17 7u4 at tu athesevb3d0k sftftlf a ffvpply ok trkitaav t1il trtfrrifts n w it- t btor at a vnj aiiprioraialilr af tssack oassm lei kn4n aaj ii l7 i arjt isicl tetthana wantea a stronf b0t abut t6 or w l year nld to work o a fario apply attlie athenum isoott sttsre kington july 21 1347 notice 11iie subscrilrer be cornncct 9 the gaoceev business where ha now resitle next tiior to mr haarfcess crockery siore king street kinzelpru where ho hopem hy strict aiienuorj ir iufincssnnd moderate prices to miast d shareof public pntrmsgc v john foster july 20sa7 paleai aaiicoinbiirartdble solution pax tie prevontloa and elttjlrkuasat of finn t rwk subscrilwr ferentor ot th jl ahovt nnmed liqnid hetebf noit- sea rho pnhlic that ho is now pre pared to saturate rail frame ftoumn iiilin with hupeieni aott- combustible solution nhicb aicr messy yesrs trial and experience bats tfrw proved to bo folly adequate to the ptuta i4is fur which it was invarnteal rj t the patent auni fjmrf lution is sold in barrel by tbflgallorav andean be used by any pemoo who ajfl iv btmsolf ihe trouble to fchoir directions of tbo inventor orit apphtsl by tbo subscriber in raawap all loose sheds stable fence f wliero it may be needed at the of 4d per square yard for further particular apply if p letttr post peid tothe suabw at tho om brewery greorj bf j m kingston or at tho attaepeoaaaeoj cilure john montgojlefit kingston july 187 674rsj the new novels just htceived per esrrw frsan nv httaar u a tato cf thr itelffts f csarta it us tkwhrb frjaasea las 1 nifhlsf otvenra tat u tee usee ef too uiuaa hy ct levsr eosv-pwa- uulliori lr- t m ii f nf majjaaaim aajj the lltaaerr ef 1 i w cr aas b ta shav wl wrvrfci f ik-jj- arc in4 uia incoda i i or mr iv- fc jon evtjre trkcnuler nf th- y nf cft h ruj etber talaa by mis tifttc kfc c cllalmeui maeireafa aeut 147 for sale jyihg north hxlf nflot no 13 in tho sdt cor of pthml apply to 4 charles 3tlalt kinpton july 27 is7 iosv english stationery c a just heceirbd at tlic athenum book storf m aeref stmt alrcev i lrib assortment ef sutjie y of the tet quajityj r fui ioerv micef m- leuea isaayni4 f-w- ltwsjl hnal tjnm pi v s at ill r i satin nle tlili- lift sewfl cartlasm fpev lrn tripidnm fwjfcaftf all aiteau piyr aa1 v- cr6 ra rmewcatres r b 4 iariea i hi- ixnnvaf rrrd rn or tnrhher vott oisr ro lin luesi r m v liar jtyt 7qeigctnatc3arttfinqofn a pi r wq ia jajjoss ix arrgslhgr nkxt x ar4t u ria cry enjca imajsae rr jif excrltcxctr thk eevoosssj aasruafc tv tbe bxhibittfsm op simpfs op worscslansiilp ly cmmi o h rovieee if 1 n i if imriinpa avslt bo givrr f ulsiuv attaa j ajvitrj ilr rccipton tjf iaiwbjcta clt imbtion b oritfr mrri r liatilnv mriftroakj4 fi macdonalb strrtury i 1 oin hani fott sale 3s1 casks superior home manufacfurco pale vweflah at i per gahctn 3 sri tor tkc starehoose of mrases otav t the wareho tihmm watt kinesrloa inat tbo kingston ureters anj bmmsmwg rf satxhhatus of choke rjuality at 85 per 100 iba- blacr walnut lumber 311000 feet of various dimtfoaoo ih tt is hoard jneh and i inch plank 11231 3 and e inch scontting of ttndrv junrttisw j 4x end 3 3 thr nbve lumber will be lepo at s3 j per n j jambs mort knpentrevery a distillery j jy i7 117 commercial mart for sale ox consignment tnr ktccant atr vrr- snprtflw3dphs0rahtk made hy tli vtry bert mjken of nee yfc anj float w y isit wllllxm vfabt