mrribh whig inn aanitiht iot canada wh ruwiyihtdukmmvkkkiyi krrf vfilnndaf ad hnlnrliir uonilnc it toward john barker ii u at tiik atiiknacuh bfrt stf ami ft ik inwon flout thru ww iwu r awi w l itpinirt tha pumww auvtvivurv- sli ihwn and tsnnvr v cj ifo da in mh hmo 4d trlinsrtlirmonr1 i ay feo auhnurnl intern oboro ten le 4g antwlhsiviinacrlion ond hi rw nr each ailtriiicnt wihh might lo ho in writing f t y owd ajhvrsjwl i law sir a tit lurvitu wilio uib jimiful f ino iftfi ciiiiiorirt4wi ml wifl urahoned on diwtiii a v bfmmu vtelmrcn ah uli lu be pnatpnl ttikicnn invrtim- am na itimtwn iwhh m in insrfud until m and j fitottsli m the athenaraa book store itv r llmta ruj nhwow 4ttf afsrji v i p m and g e n e r a l a i v e r t 1 s e r f r c a n a d a w e s t i lb w ijhhii4h aim iohvaifi tt rumi f huiir j iii if a l l-nhilfcn- f 44 huh i4 all u4 r wvm i4 m wt i ft i mmw lllr 1 wtl hvftt job printing ifiiti fully tltrttjih uhi ar rw vol xvi kingston canada wednesday morning september s 1 s 17 no 72 pkinti so fc rli ji rrxwlu fia nanqmb llrisia rjj hm- ivd nuw ubf ici4 dim mnvofukji trrtii ri ui jmlwii mflfturtt business directory hwsnk orellly henderson btrruicr awrteti ei low c kinmo jam ivokifly ueohok b hknlfirwn fcftta junca powell ironmonger the british american hotel j brock sircctj kingston f m3k up to oroor on uie sliaficm noikc kon f wmf descriplion boigitonj sold winodentnilor c opposite mrwiiliatn wiliofl wcllifljlrth sitcct all work in his line executed with ncal- netsinj uwpnuh matthew drummond grocer wine spirit alcivhanl wellington bliiltlinp next to mr wi wilton kindlon c l y b kaylmp coach builders ind cormjc rl kindlon fltksh koclikies at thh city store corner op king 4 princess streets k1ngbton wholesale and retail incritkcrflmoftowreeciviriff from moo- new yoffc ibcit i wj tiibmi lrcl u ft tens sncavs coffees frulls r ll urn r i l i in 4flj rn inamct wll b6 f wnd rjlifll io qn tlilv fin j inwrr o pi tuan nny y offjd in tliii mfkl tim msvwirl j oirict oattof iml ikw uuod vi teas in hyo tiricui qutlitb rrt pcncess street robert hccormick wjioiesaic nd belflil dwler in wine splnu tttt gioccrtevscc prinwss street kintti bfebsrsmacdonald campbell uarnmen attorneys at law princess street kinptn john a macdonalo alexander campbell m tout ti 0 ttfunkfty 5 old llrooterj firv itoctdr i u do do j hoic goopowder oo icik rf0 oo 5 eittvii soicl pd so c idjft f r i fino flftfour sugars lojihdhiicliiplo kic lofcomurelcfiiij 10 yhvav hiiiitah 4 midi rcfioftl fyiot coffees 4 java tod accos jamea mcmillan teach mi- piano fortes tuned mtc piano fortea cp mcmillan auctioneer cr of thompson carev 9 imoning onj conimiattcm metehanlll brotj street new york rcarr canadian drawback law orlando ware commission utfttont anj general aenl no 103 water streel new york macdotiaids hotel late sioaev opposite the city bains king sireel toronto- francis v carey i- d- suigeun acoirher 6ic ic row burgh caimlen eit edward staceymurcvutvl- r nearly nnjiite iho montreal dank kwhyv w v jwm blackistodj saimki no ontario sirortz walter eales painter u lazier anaiper hmfatj bidcno street juuaton oowhj sniithsj anil tin plate workup paw street kinaion doctor harveys surgery clarence suect one joor blw ui bank of briliah north america kingston july 10 1s47 im 0 butlerj cabinet maker and uuhouterer montreal street kingston a gcaerai artroenl of the lateat tyte opivwruiro coneunily on liauj and for aalon fiberal terms 6 n boio ciccndiij m in ei r w 5tupcrof 16 o pi 5 io v i-t- k- ptf ift das cut honcrisc ph fr ebtwinf nojmnsopfririr magcabo sntiu 2 kef scotch molasses mquors 6 amaoaoaae mnnv 2 do efdnix bfpnrt h do imundt le kujpar 2 do cin 30 bbl mirtv fort llopo wliukay 2 f iiimhv port 5 cnc do do inbottko 1 im tfloiv mttdoim s eac do do in tolllo- 2 ppc- bcoroil wine 2 hhd white wjm 4 cvi nut sljuiiaii modoo fruit 100 ooicnforfillrvunn- 50 jrufti fifo fiftrncodt- 60 faocr buiarnwk 5 upkoanu rroh i du wataitaj 5 do s ii shell af i- fi sundr1es- 4 tc ric 10 hbupot birtey 10 borrsstmrck 10 d fit hive 1 caac lodiffo 1 cfatrtcftmi 0 doiacreonlcmnnaoo 4 nic pcifftr rnent 5 by jawjiiea hiotcr 1 i ici i- in syrup 2 sort taarm do lvjver socc c kafclna 4 bvt hu oil 20 jsrv li tj 20 m corn itwofii 10 wmtka 4 i a 10 baavpa rastf saaf wiih vi- or article- in lfto grocorj line tow numerous lo memwn thomas hendry co- kioor jooo 11 iw7 forwarding notice rtlhe union fr warding ctfnny hffclv j fiivc iiontc thai tlicir ncsv jd tt iailin iran steamer emerald and oregon vini n union kaifkoad art niv in operation and nlyin aianjtr steam cr emejtali capt t cvminot urtraxn fj avtmcr trfry tuttda aurrjtry tnd urvifoy nt toctocfe a m duwnwaho loav the rattroad iuittir- diaiely after the anifal of hie can from the steamer oreon auj arrircs at ayliner ai 1 oclock pm steamer oregon cat i ullllanp lrtmvij lin porlae du poti etcfjt tucy aurrjijyanj satttr4titf at liaufuiit 6 oclock a- rl ccltunine ic4vei luion village innncitel ificr the arrival of the caf fron ihe lfincr kmera1t- birth i l- toucb at au ulacc an rowc eacli way they ikn cie notice that no frcimvill be received oti board their tcmct if not property iv and waybilled and not after eleven avteck l u at aytaer on the nlit previous to saitin any coming to in after tht rime fnit remain in atorc until the comiinj u they do ihi lo pre tent property tvn lamely and careleily tlifown on bum by nivnen without bill or mark cantequfrmly nw mtered thfy will nothe rmjnniblv for any pro perty ttitliaul bcin duly entered and a receipt j-mh- thos cumns agent uion fcriturdiru cowrany aylmer uljiy 187 patent anticoinbustible solution for tho provoatloa anl exlinctiorf of fire subscriber invuntor rr ih mol liiniil licrntiy rnit pro b ultlv g 11 tliat ho la mivil bjmluvttsvdl framo luillinz mawriali with ltwlaiont aftii now itouans ill mc flim hu l after in be lm put jorr tiiil and cxpetieitce jibh rtjvcd lo he fully rjikiuulu to ih nuto for whittli i was irivcntoo the tuhnt aalicorabuitimv sor iudaii iaisum in karrc- by the galtnfi- and tat bv umi1 by ntiv pcraon who wi cive inrrnrlf the trouble to futlow thu oireetjonf of the itivontor or it will l appucil by tho subertler in mholtl all ilnmeit shod stahlcs fcncea vtrnrv it may be nueclej at the expert nf 4 j pot ijuro yard furfuitlicr paitirulara apply if l letttr puntpfiiut loilie subscriber n iho old jrewry orern liay nea iwil or at tho aheneum biha iing stun kin strait joiix montgomery july 1m7 673ii lake ontario the royal hail line of steamers whj tkavfi kingston fr toron to evkrv arrernoox sund eieepted at kivk iclck prrciahr louchmc kt colmrf lif irthcr pcfimtlrftg rnul rcivnin vilt leivo toftnia frf kiagmori ihvclitaf aliatrfmediaiie pnif every iav fsandaxcf4ed at oxb oolok p m prretvly ufklil the loih ttemvr ttd fffn the jnb seoiembcr io iho clik vf 0c rfommn ai twhva nvafli h h inwiiii na ri 1r fr fin cimilhci wiih sit iimctiu ai itvin- urc wi d on ird lite m jii lnt t mi ome ttiromo july lt oln hani for sale 300 casks superior hume mantpacturbd pale vinegar at is per gallon 3 01 for cask- vt tho warehouse of messrs oh pliuit it wott kintatnn and at the kiuiion brtktry and distillery salehattjs of clioice iiality at so per 100 lb- black walnut lumber 5090 leut of various dimensions l lint is roar jineh and 1 inch plank lls 4iieh scanrlinq nf sundry lenpta oxi 44 and 3x 3 the above lumber will be disposed nf at 25 pr m james morton kinton hrewery distillery july 17 1817- britannia life assurance company ico l prisces strekt hank wnlrus- wjjteij itv aft ff parfpaflicnfi capital 1000000 sterlg cheapest itvtlis op any office dolxfj business ih canada dr thos w robison 1hg undersigned having been ap pointed to act 3s agent tor tin company which has boen doing bunmea in canoija anj this city since tho year lo39 rcupccifully reqiwau penwna re- quiring life aurance to call at hi office pjuxcess strt kingston where prospectuses anj ait necessary in forma lino will be given alss a variely of tables lo meet the cir- cumianrs and convenience of appli cant can be sven the rates of similar tables in die of- rccj doing business in this province arc as fiotow pur an assurance nf xi 00 colloid if ahuranca aft 4 4 xiiaiifit ivmpmi4i oo 3 5 2 uliurtr l ijiu c it 3 0b these moderate rates littlo more than snltcient softly to provide for losses put it io the power or most persona lo assure and tviih reference to the present state of lit health of the inbabiiants of tbc pro- vine generally it may be thought necm aary should ibe prevailing sickness in- erv3 in decline taking any riaki h appears therefore to be a duly on those who have to provide for their families to take the timely pie caution of assuring the ir lives and thus provide against tho risk of perhaps taftving thote dependant upon their exertion or means to suffer diffi culties if not destitution thomas dricgs agent kingston au 51 1s7 67y ivellbxgui pasiiinc uuntlwolks ai kula cooa yo bcarlkoi hfy alf wan and noe roual di hi irnij kit riki tlol j theyll jrffiw cutmjnf tnd punch ond kcr too oil night theril ittokc am onruir lilt tattting folb at ocrji r tnyrnin hht the kivick don anm olj wwr n- jut to aoir lvw iiett thev tijflit- our dtojhton now nt ten yeir td moat iifo to kjal utd ftiriifn awl aludy hnkea nl qucr uodor stgiw fee faa pom tlteytl plat coneorto iinj imjui rait to ncmm nod hrrnn till ivu olnvwt irks that too ncro doif or poor l were dumb ourtonirourt jbber litia vcru oa3 ulk or the creek root 1 1 rt 1 1- ie k ft off pianofjrotp eakoimlypcfm and frail tity all have vpkndid lakota htt tho dcok or bar nootd nit each darling boj would acorn to be a low kk- chnk brute tliey tnuit bo wall bnd college joutho all of the modem linw i m hi mm i vaprifif oil llic iijirtot ini fall o luc otiti tikic iaaoiihtiinoi rtuhcvi aval of jirt oii nrtcr a ft nvikrte ta winch in iht tart ia aig of fair weather he- cautc it rodicalca lint cvapraiivft hia ceiatj uv maftcaunj iiviiil eau announce fine woailtcr dry twrth and inoitt alone announce rain h ilic ii un of a lamp crackle or tltt it nrfi eatco amv weathe tiic eac i the ntne wheo ot delnelie hctf from tho chkmrjer and falu down it ia a arnor rain ftlcn tl uot cotwcurd around poi or keftrf tube fire in tho form ol i aniahckocaaiof m non j uml th air u cold and nwbt whew the lflfir buroa i toady and md of lire j bet ovfirtt0v hiscii the farmers weatherometkk t- t rfii uii- ft r r i i j f f ri af itcf v- ij ij i pf tjft- j lirjira vital fifrmi land for sale x acres of land for fll sale n ihe township of seymour newcastle district being lots uoa 17 and is io the 9th concern j 40 acre of which are cleared and ha q 1 log house and a frame barn 0ftetbj30 outhouses c and wcl watered it will be told in one block or in lptsj lo soil purchasera irvrma moderate for pariicnlaw ap ply at this office tif by letter paafljmhl 1 j b gcary kingston june l6 117 91wtf cabab4 amictyork express t allen co will despatch one of the finn to new york every wevk makingj the trip between kingston anj new york as regularly ahcirctimstancc will permit tea fifk and afl llrrcfclitnoiifsiona and arc tn bo wharf eft with the subscriber ejward ktngatnn june 18 message a atcrccr9 harvey am 1sw 493m ice w n alexander wjegs rtapeeifolly to ofnrm the in jrj habitants of kingston thai he ia pre pared lo unpty families every mornin ai jnrlr own resirjeacea wiib ice the sintiif giirea will be from 14 lo 20 lbs ccaarge forthe season will be sixdollsrs strict punclualtiiy will be obcenxd in ihc ddicery order left al mr rotxri me- orrniclt pritlceas tftffw will mccl will tjfoenpt attention v- h a lakes ibis opponunily lo in form bit friends and llie pumicth be sd continues to manufacture hi telebra- istoughton ditlxtcs in boic aul 3d each also champagne bottled cideila upertor aniule i6j 3d per doro 4 npnon 17th may 18j7 incohparable black japan ink fjmstetfactukkfl fjul1tat axt tr if wibatheneox bookstore fc kingston canada west blanks a crcrr ocsanptiv mr u aaj ai uc alhtnejmi djca dtvro for sale fresh teas sugars coffke tobacco fruit and olfler staple groceries liquors glaxwarc f v 4 rplle subscribers are receiving and offer x far sale 5 mnacorado sujr 20 bhta oo av i uht rrfined lur ds 5 hwa ttaa h4aaafl tbakcbnttl yuon tljaon aaaukui 6 clieauow llffm 30 iifiii cheat awpertiir twanvy jo eu packet uuck1 uclwfg pouchong anil cufljft 2a baa riw coffee lan lxca mtg hunch rilaina in jime order 70 boifa tolrtreo anne u- -i- ca- kiditli s fivtk a iiimlnjaj is jra maecoboy nb 5 m prineite aoi llnn cleans 40 i 1 1 1 f od a bja alapeo 12 4ax aand pcaka and oyaura and top per satire 20 fcuieo l4on gwafc in pcmi tn so lftn cin hrvna fitt wua t 5 efrtkan sheet rlasp 200 ot pttwl fvtfraudpaxn tiblen 4i bmtk japn ink i bw no 1 urnr in e eoftdilmo manilla bed cftttja ttton twine hemp dw taper and locifer mtcue logwoud veaklian red and aondry other arits to 20 caakt enod viocfar 30 ke a mrtriot satcrato crnac bratdf jniica iturn gnby the hhd or uwier cat iso bl-i- tliilrr mjniv 60 do frtaji fioud watrr tiar ofto4aa a1t cooaunllj 00 hand 500 as hat rakeav ompiiant 4t watt etiiii r7aaiiaa jlffea kin4nn joa i r i isotilt rltiie snherihor l0 t acipiaini lii j fncndn and the public that nuhnnjv he has dipoed of in uucktunith chnp he has ni teft kington nor does liij intend to leave hm tht all orders left at tho lllackruilh shop or at his rest- dence next dnor will le punctually at tended to as uauat thomas paut klrfhwg sutgta kington tijne 1 1s17 49tf fresh for salk b irben teas iw iricch aiifeunfl lhetria er bl anted at nmlrajhikk tw inky puehnn guopivrilcr jt edtftltfj with a vnrlety uf suifin rruom finj ulhcr ariielc merobk wilua3j kingtlfijuna3 t47 stnre ajin br aie- omoml viutig lljmn ttolnaj ln cha1 birckeata d nauaaji siiae in ihi titio intni j martin mikci stjuare aai jwlt ukci 0n notick the subscriber bating license aa an auctioneer tabes thit melbod of informing bif frienda ard the puwie lhal he will be moat happy u ultrnd all calls in lhai line and tbey may be assured of strict attention is all orders and ponctoaliiy in handing oirer the preeceda of salr enlivslfdlo him all otders left at thr olnre er mr htqrk calder cornet of ontario and brock streeb willbt ihaokiuljy received and puactaady attended to john s- clute aurtioaxrr kinitot istjnne 1v7 tt bed bug poison a ccrtain ano efftual rankdy r drolroj if ltd bus ons opphoain 1 1 deirny all ihlaf eet and pesfsat aoy returoor ikcae diaaerooabfe visiinrsv prepa4 00 sujd by bodkttt barker dgst mk sireei kriv iwcla jd aodoa j iic dvilk schooljooks just received at the atheneum book store thr fojhwhrz scltnol boston acadbhtmttm0 olneys grnraphy and kirk hams cfammar boois atlas do iil walkers dictionary pin nocks goldsmith nund do d koine ev do greece june 6th 1817 to the lovers of the weed willi a m j martin wiaouaate or retail an offers tt sate aoilncolu datanna prinetpe pnalola and other clcalu of u i uaod carrndiah hnryovw o rounk a m in at tc claaice cut vebewinr prto rico antj turkiab tosaccoi market baajafao kin ts47 lands for sale the subscribers birr the fnllowin- lands inlhe midland district fcr sale south l im no i in ihe 3d con pitlsbuigh ooarres no- 10 in the 7ih con richmond 200 acre soulh lulno35 iiilbe7iliconcamdeu 100 4cre weal 5 utna 15 in ihelth con kenne bee 100 icret ut no 9 h con olden 200 acres ut no lfi 6lh con 200arres cumminc uagdokelch solicitors c ringslonj june 59lh ii7 institution bavin books in their he new novels ilkceived per eaaress fnm iiwt i ltolfc ruell a tale ut iho retea ai char new nvl b g p r i kaq thanimor fwfnoi a tale f ibe lime ihe l li cliark ccvereofnntvio rvsiiv4ir 11 ti lrml f rhmivirr i i 1 fll i 1 u vcft irttif o nmocti wk a tha ir- tuoai otliei y iv m tjfun re l i hii r n- f mm uojhnlnfl lies hrjohn err rf the lvs or charles it by r ra litfci i umlmiij aflat tn c cfralmer5 crealvlainca commercial mart pousaleox consignme three hcaot aud ver- superb toned piano furtsi made hy itic vciy test makers of new v and boston william ware hlyvs 1617 wksiitmportatiovs of wine3 liquors cmriirtir nn assortment nf fine cthnniori haines fe liquor wholesale and reta li at thf siafm nf the sahteribcr north cifl of iho mjfkcl snjrv kingatoo wines fineompoit li- x sandimin pvri batklnifn madeira u tv coa madeirst rt j m j sheme ftrtwti j u p ivwuav chtc v de reveherrlmc ctaret 4k dt ke brandy vi- -j- tory fine- ic oandy oh r v thilunrts lidan jjimhiea siiri fe pale brandy in botiks ravai o ff whiskey ratiadan wiiiskey with a variety of liquor aetubie fotbe cc4o uch na ttne oiilosymo k pvrry smfi siraberrv sfhti fnr by william j martin clarke snow itasmfjsm jone i8t i to farmers albebt 70dnqs metallucohsprixgtooth horse rake ctttatetd itself not only t farmer vh hate lev l farm 6gt to flwsi t eiliivi ill- mce hill beeao jt wttl rakecteon rn paaajh snrvett and atony vntfaee that eannit be kt t ituk i ue ilaavea ye lnngilin nt ihe mt fatiu n ubnr nxwr 4ennhy it auo tare jof tlw tw m illy fie t mrj lo raking whteh my be velin hafcmf lly ibe ordinary rifmnn nej or th aoiriehf a hwef an acre or nde ba r taecired nt is in note ft enames in v i i heir areni wiiaed ofantheruf hand m curc hay erp n nncb uaa liroe aod tnch isvtt mm raita the suwribif hasinr phaaft ilta rtwif andbeconte iheaafe ewutr re ner tv m a rrnjlhahoto raae ao rar a hatri h th midul tinee rdsrard dpmavi u navfaa tv iuleand cprcity ihe frmu oj mid ivuirjalhtt he s nowhavirn- rinas itv il hke inufeture1by mrrw krr and fmw hi napance h h wil bereh f deheeff in ne fr ihe ram hatm jvee 3tl0a nref iij iiho iih bi f rmtf4 n fc mftt ml jen and villj ltitil4tuciurircticeniitrur kmrvi notice he stibscriher having obtained from the court of chancory an j unction restraining the rcvjgnonot okill stvapjt from intorractljlint in any manner ith the real or personal kstatv of the ato nianles stvikt ksn formerly sheriff of ihr mitllanj i district either hy alo or by ike receipt of monies duo by utnd or otherwise on account of iho said estato and having been compelled to file a bill nairiat he au ucnrge okill styait anj allan arc lean csnt as rx seniors lo the will of tho said late charles muaji kn to obtain an account tho v y aj ii m llt i accent any deed irom lic aai cerrto okill vuait nor to pay him any money as they will do so at their own loss and pot tho yaid jcorgc okill stuart having hitherto refused nnd still refuses to rcvider a just and honest account of his exccotorahip ro the aaij estato but on the contrary asserts thai he is ihc huir at law thereto as tlnse persons who ore in posses sion of nr claim title to land fomtcriy boloning to the said charloa stuort under conveyances from the aaij george okilj stuart and allan mclean eaq or either of them as executors a aforesaid are also notified dint all pavtica in poaacssion will ho ejected tlicrcfrojn unless an anangcmmt be cffvctod with the subscribers aaall ucli locla arc invalid fur several reason nnc nf which js thai the power of sale in said will is given lo il the executors fivo in niirtihei and not to any oiiu or two of ll0m and therefore neither the said george okill stuart nor the aid allan mclean esl nor either of thtitn wero cvorautioiied to convey the real eatate on ooly rf iho reiruining executors havii rr renounced and op valid title can be given hy any one while the said suit in chancery imaina pending crjarles stuart kingston hii august 1s47 english stationery c tc just received at rnc atheneum book store jfacef strttt kwgtton a large assortment of egub stationery of ihc beat i iily cenit- irij- of auagmi ivm and ftan foat laid taper finite a p and qi4ft4 tm wriiifi paper smll wt amf nn nre ditto targe and snvll cartnce paprr mcrmxjniim dock nf all iitea pjay ia and yititing card tjnoo vi prmlcra jrd 1ttt h ineli by 4 ioehe in ic to the imaht car j in uc lofrrlhcr vriit acre j i ihr ariiif in the slalianary lioc jily 71747 just received at ntc athenedm book store a rainbow in tho mnminr i lha shephfja warning but a rminbovr at nibt la the o dvug hl a rainbow in imf wother denotca fjul if in foul fair 1 li will foliow- a doabk rambov injieatei much rata a itvj irvrn of the ptarp4 colo of the rain bow ii iwi wind and rain dark n4 lempeat light red winj ylfcr dry wealhc grem ram b hi a denotes that ibe air it clearing if the jiartfra -fl- appear after aererat warm dav it it generally iucee4cd bj eoldnea of the air if the avrtra boitatit haa been eon- parable either an inereaaed dagm or cow is iinmcdialdy prvductd o bodica of clmda are inimciatclr foraied if m a tery wet atoaofl thcay h tineed with a aeacrcen color near dm bottom where u oufht to be blue it ahowa that rain will aoedilj fohvtw and increaaawhen it ia or a deep dad blue it ia ovrrcharcd with vapoo and the weather wiu be how or j when oicaimappwi white a i the aollincor re down nio a bank or olouda which l in the horiion ibey indieate the approach vr continuanec of bad weather ut i it rajft tllli vn cal wind il will pweaw cjrhiinit il- twenty four linu the heovichraina when cv tort- eonlinianee renerauy begin with the wind blowing omtertj which gradually vcc round to the aoolh and ihe ram do not ccsac until tlx winj ha got to he wct or a litlu northweah while rain ia raiting if any amntl spaca uf ihe aky ia viable it it atmoat a certain tien that ihe rain will tpeedily eraac it ihc eluuilt hat movo with tho wind become latnatry whrn tlrfy arrite al that part of lh horizon which ia oppotite to iho wind and apnea f to accumulate they annonnce apoedy fall of proceed a trair opward it u a atn of fne weitbcr if he toundorbelt i hoard al a great inee b iaa atgnof wind or i a change of weather the hrtllnw aound of foreat he omramrinf roi of he wave of iho tea then foaming and creen nno btvt cijor announce a ttorm uood or bid amrlb when unotoany trmie ceenting if ihey were eondenned ate a f change j weather either hceaoe cihitalion ante and are diapered in noro abondance wbieh it a tigia o an iocrejte or el tat icily or becaute he air doea not d ape i or raite jiete iutia whkh o vui thai the convtiiolioo of tire al nvjvpsrrc it cnotinnteti lih and tvid of vhili- eiy whrn ihc tptdcra web and the learea uf tree aeaeiulc wnlvnk any ovtcotibk atawdil ia a z of wnd and pcrhapa rain beeauae it den4r that tong and per iii eihaulroot arrav r- the etnh tlke ignt aro teat eui roc al when the dry kavet and chaff are rabed iato a rorte and ctrried intn the air ow cnvnrr j ji i a supply tfwlrtg f l- or mechanics alu persons poaartjinn brlenin a the library ol ihi it hre an oppnaiomiy to eiainine inttitution are rrniitatrtl la return thcni to the rhcrofer tr tho mi iihrarian forlhwith by order of hie cnnmi i r nf mtnaewienl peter iamond krr setti ewoaiij 17th june 1617 a pjtlnclat juun u bdlmavmyiwf p s ml nrevr left with lie popiicl fl ilucvillc t v manifticdjur ia yjpjnca ygl u auiclly tttndecl tv rdft ma mkin ovi d twda tnrying ink cnwan red dv moiniei lfk do stf newfi i i r in f dlack office tnh kftgton atjfi 111641 drummond island cricke t g round the cwaai cnnvcj ctubof prtstntt will arcepl a challenge to phy a match on th iho finest caund in ihe provinee from any chib in canada at now constituted except the winning kjcrcni af montreal and tarnnia at anv time between this and the 20th provimot and fox any amoiint that may he accd iitnn by ihe secrctane of the respective club all eornmnnicalion to he addressed lo secretary plkall w rrciiard 8allard setttimy utow crxktt ctvb presc4l anzml 117 n 15- s jrm mirj ur d is four miles he tow pickett and of eay accew tw steainer a rreiiont chance or wind with on nf the etoudit denoteaa audden atorm a frenli bretac cncrally tpringa up before un- tct particularly in he summer the wcithc uvually cleart opal noon bot if it rah al midnight il seldom char up till tun act the wind which begin lo blow in ihe day lime are much tlrtnjcr nnd endure longer than those wliteh begin lo wow only in the nignl a vittow or whittling wind denotta tiri if the wind follow the court of tho tun fair wtther willlvuow weaihtr either gnod or bad which lake ptaee in the nght tirrtci israo generally of jong duration and for ihc moat pari wind it more uneomrnon in ihe night than in the day lime fine weather in the night with acatlered elood doc n late violent wind prevail nvwo ia the vicinity of mountain than in npen plaint a venetian author fay a sodden storm from ihe nortli does not 11 three day if it hurtdertin december rnvdcralo and i weather i lj be eipcdcd if it thunder at interval in ihe rnsng time before he iree have acquired kavet cold weather to be eipctcd thundering in he morning denotco wiad ol noonn the evening rain and lempeah if in wminet ihere uc no bunder tho ensuing fall and winter will be stchly if k 1ghten nn a clear atstiglil night in the rioth or south eatl rain and wind will fvlluw if il lighten if an crcniag toward i v north soulh or snuth we it indicates wind hot weather generally precedes llmadsr whieh it followed hy cold atiowery wcatlier hlaen uk wind issouuiwcal during suramot or autumn nchh lemperaturo or iho out is onoau ally eolj nr he aeaaon both to tho feehnf and the llierfnometer with alow barometer oaueh ram ai i breineete4 vt ka temperature at storms of grei rain jii a sort of crisis in the almoaphtr which produces a enntttnl kmpemture good or bad kr tome months in morning if o mist which hangs over tit lowlands draws towards tha highuads it ia ignof an approaching fine day- i f in the eseninj a wbila mwt apreadt ovrr a meadow through which o riter fluws it will be drawn hj by ha sun in ihc fauwiag mvfoing and a fine tkn day will follow whrn bo dew hca ptaniifut 4 the grssi aftf a finely anollvee fine may bi expected bu ifafleitueh ifodsyno dew fsltnorany broei belirin- indrcatfa that the vapursareoacond- i5tnd wiltsuoji boprooipiuud io lu farm ol rain it b rertsinly a surpring rertomfior to oca llooarlh ofbtr a very long aslttamdant rai to be sornelur atmoa dry ihe roads quite fur from dirt and tho lands to become quita arid and parched that is a sign that the mai bao not site- gellcr eeaacd ond denotes a tvnlmust efflum of clcire nie which hig rcnonvd canics th the plltlosophy of advefftisinc we find in our exchange a araaibte article un dr hit head taken from tbc xcwaptptr prtwj r i r- r a work recently pobuakco in londoo we cjuotc aonie poriions of i the principle and auggettioni baiag qaito at opphcabk in thu c- c- uy at in euigltnd ji r it tut oo way of obtaining ah publicily ono way of obuining pubheilyod vertiaemenu the ncwpper wthf fly wboel by which tnvtire power of cooanacrcial enterpnac ia utuined and money by which sdverttaiag ia kept gnang jfactieooatf afaaxiae whet dr johnaon wrote lha idkr he deemed life irade of adrertitingta bo so near par- fretton thai it was not caay to pnposo any im pcoreuaenl erery casn ho obverroa nw koowt a ready method ot lofocming the public all he intrndt lo buy or tell whether his armre be material or intellsciuaj whether ho molea clwtbea of icficiea ihe mathcol tliet wliothor ho boa tutor that want pepih or a paptl that wanta u tutor if ihi were iho eajo in ho krnod ooelor day htw mucb mero is k so at tho present for the mrtito through which advert ieernenla may be cir culated are greatly incroaacd and allttough thai mnwvni j nttttjit ha the trade uf adfcrtding bad attained a 1- nvmrt lit final itkcor improvemeni pkfl ha now living lr would find rcaaon i j own ibal be wa mialakrn and llul the hade which lie efcerof j 4 ao nci u pcrfeciion was then in a very crude and imperfect state indoed i i atfreniaing ia an orr nc j 4 irale it ia the irfffe of tho firnppur of nswapeft mag line or atahw ejavaaali thrnurh which ad r i i my le given lo tho puhftc it it am or nnd an art which rrt jircs svmo tkitl in if- ain tn tha band uf ihonowu hy ndrerlwi eek o recotnmcnj either m- 11 r iheir wae o he uuhlfe isiuowlau nwaar an cttabliahed imit no trade or profeaaioo gaii be foltweu adrn togeuily witlioiit some apceica or drertiain m to drcrtie i beeokne a mwttt of aboilutc neeratity in i m who htvo to lire by their rier- lifkia mental or eorporev for even tbo physcuii and the lawyer who deem it beneath he dignity of dkir praicti wi lo f- i eampw nf j cwtitj linen drapcrroe thimai umwn tail- tor hy ditfctff announcing their emco resi dcikqt and oeeupoina in he adorting eul- umns of hoir tcil yumats find moans to do the aatne imsjav mdivecrfy rvery report of an oat ic caae or a prnoeoiin ol ooarur aevioraaor a sjerh a a pfjuic meeting it on adtorutcnitni for the lawyer vhofcel annoyed if hit name ia rmi mentioned in connection with tb cans in which heiacngagoj vhiut the medical man foot an advantage in being bruughl bwfbre iho public in connection with ho public instilotiotii of hi town ad mtny when stririog to eaubliah themaef re are eager to aeo their oamos introducod into o ncwpaper in ao lojcaioaj paragrtfot wharh io ii ir i aatwer all tho purpose of a for mal adrcritaomenl there u sn4rj m writing o adroriiacat il jrjh not be rerbnac nr inltied or ciid in ru cofspuhlimi and yl ornate imphcy wiu nm daifirasueeoed the nature of tha ariiek or euhfect adreriutoj asontd he carefully cwidcred ihe pmminent p4ni connected with it or them j bearketed tot notice and pl in iho forc- gmund and as much piquancy imparled to the ajrtc aa rauue altlioot iv sfc r n b great advance njade io lae joim in the ae or our dvrtiiemrnts yet they are auseeptibu uf till further i mpmveincnl in franco the ail of adtcitiacmenl wriling isearried lo a muchhieltor uc of perkeirtn lan wiih us oor infenioua neighhmarv io ihcir inlireef annnunoement whkh wriilj bo ched with ut rassitiarlf jwlt fr eicel ui noro sober itukm in ovtloaey of in- tj nut lion and in onneealing tho objeeui ol the parngrarli till ia roadv u w ff adfanoed to throw il aaido rtuainesa advetliting sacrf no wry tho ad ertiasv took fcr notorwif cr publcity fr be neli fnwn lira cipfnaeheg lorn dtrtimf lie r- 1 therefore nm onnltna hia sdvertis- mcnit to ihoae inum time prinriptr ho himself rrofeswot hul look hat ntot likely lo pmmnio his intereau olea indeed ho arlrertie for rprlf seererron or svfiuivfa nav fomivs porpnse and even sn wo qieotroa whoihor hionu iravyr of ad- vertwomg can bo arrrodhy confining utteumo ly in tha papcra uf th rolifvui n rliuoal asinct nkai foiktkok tiik catar act of nfaoara when il it cnsojiijcrevj bai the water prcr as lkctaaetvf nsffai fr iimsisji by night to ay day nne tho ft peaetieaj purptwa ia ureal brlum as only pa4e1 on an everagv bnul rken wn per day during audayoof he week ri may uo i r li ihe iryitiro werofthe numfkllmi icata foty fbh ti all ihe wtler aud tom f- empwyod la cflt dliin and prri fjaajallo tha agcrpus nf ail tu ntiivc pr cuibed for aiechaoicol purprraespft this earth tlicnrfoceof iv f ftone al bo s3 feel above lite aaftce of like ontario and s fl above lh ot x the beaewnt of the waters or niagara r u few miloa of ditrancelrwcendlacti bosk and qoeenston it bout 11 cm etcher- uf tho cramf catarmol iiself wmng o jcci of raptda which u ome plac preacnl o eicw tsf ajjlcne apecuola nf the agitated turuct of tbc ocean in a aeoesa thfa nptdi eonntioc lo occur during lbs a jb- aquet ocaeeni of th river si uarnuco trot the level of like ontario to that tho few making in the aggretrte bovs linrewd of tbo ratetfall of ihe grang cauraet and coraaolly rm i undred and iwryfau of all ho waurfau ndeaoaengioc rtnpyrd at abore anwattli m great 6rriin ri i 1o i bl txcocmt tha screrat ho hverv l l ifumrtsj c gy st btwrence sttth anj 00 o grenlntcote am afja jfuaaory operatifma r the impuhvo uf physic in ihe cnccbtntcouf nsuava in jttcming ihe tnoacriieou of iho waurs of a in rivet esceeji- wttniud iho cnwtsatj of phytical rorec rendered available aod emptoytai wy all the inhabiltnu of earth as 0 inoti ra ifl ni hcari we learn from the arrwrkoi journal of 3i anrt arttheabova fa icttttf u u0 m power uf the niagvm bit er oaj uaa 4 ofuiofaltlhoeoam almady io 1 j 1 skb as griat niu and saw ia room enough o mh u auty i manafacwc fcr alt h cejetir utimiir e0 roesu wljsiimaat iiiwocf uw itaoffasmx walcr mite hka lira wavea f the 1 railroad to um faljswu iherc ia awn from uwkpor1 tarwu ut ansaavjasr water power in the worfd t bt ihaia in par feci control as hen ratvtr sreaau ba aaay faaj saf back waierov stack wmtar aaaw an aaamwa1amrw the new york tua runvwad lion with the soabonrd would boopaas 1 tub way in which sakta cot back to mexico ts briefly as follows info roll if not certainly tbrough mc who was that at so ontn vj itcirrd here that pareleanita io mexico was ptottin wibnace and k rar reeitabuihing the saytish authority r ucxiea m tho peraun o ofc ef the fam nf louis philhppe uviceyartd a trzl iaatireaccwvha detected with j abnaau hatad4 tat ame snbjecl the adfarttslration to pot down pared lei in saab anns with ia understanding urhith he flanxnns to fulljof uvikmg petce with the 1 it c j slates as soea s pncjiblf the object i la tnppress laa oaliliun between paredei and france sdsi h jtain and through ihc icdiom of a elvtt var ro brina the mxicinsfhe more leadiljt irare with an itavailin rny the idea was exceedinrty plamible bol the rerali hat proved the calcuutioa utterly lallaciwk- iutita anninttirndidootrreaia civil war ithatmiiied trkmexicans against n to mich an extreme that santa anna tho 1 ixctalgr is compelled to sanlinue the war while it i evident that hrdfires la terra i oat a the war without further rriaunce wehavyl it appears b bear of tbe anal cejeetm f eit hi meaica or thj overture nf mr- buchanan npremdleb by mr trial to smta anna and by htm ta conajre ind by them icfcrrcd back araio 1 sini aa- na a the authority i ibe ikstloarsv the nnttinenu of the cc there ia but litile cvanee thai he acceplrd at all we 1 next report from tbe measc it haa bee received hnt ratur with a letter to mr buchao nf the ajfeiiioin stairs and the humiliation ceptn the lermiaf peace pr we understand too that the autbariicd a requvrtioif nve jaaael of volunteers via two regirareu hm lucky two from tenae and one fao liana which latter repment we trara it aj ready made nu fro returoed tolonteem thi does rot look rnueh likeanemctattmof a speedy peace byi whether il cf ies or net the movement is judieiout for va opitis whether peace or war thsltht men avul sat wanted before the war thall have cooled fen to an unqnetllonabv pacification wtwccn tb border people of the iwa repabtca jckbk iu a taffc the new orlba xmional in an arti irajiaacr uaa wniiav y 1 rv of the mexican war saw tv expense of the meaicna war are r 1 ni 1 cviy ernt of rrrrfllir tbnl can bjw enl into ihe treasury all irdamalrjri al improvements ar 5uapcacled no priaiinni can be aaac becautse with ihe money wanted far ibe ptaafwaar the artt of peace are all nought tnectt ban any vallsp but cneints 0 elcato pj wdtr 1 tbrik anol major cenerals even the national docks so much eedc4 hy froverment arr to be opendec to hnsv band the resources of the tritajarf taearvw oet ihe war hundrtl of ovr worthy tneccusaica are to be ihmwn otji g empoymenl and left la starre because ihe maaey ibey ahaotd recetve for ihir uhor uiora workai of rl utility i wanted to be wasted noon cnvoktcar f the fiavernmenl i rchasinr olalamailj utrtjmvrm ihe war- rdfwtj are the cmtjbja nuencof war hey prey apoo nisa alike both conquered and ecoertjtv plrwhichorosoifhlloborronvoiecl we shnuld msuohaosinkrtouadvartiimeni tn paporsof oipoaiie opinion not to tbo oamo oatcnl n those which ok timdar view uuuraehcsbulocruinty we should uko com thai uu sobjeot to tthich wo wished lo flvo pvblioii should bo known no woll amoiiem ncjlics osfricnjf tna vnfbmsj mai hirw a yoon priutar ni lini iti mns hu 11 mo tn ih aftseenf iho nov ii 1 ven p jltdravn bsjjj hsaasj n fc yenf since it auhamaufnra orfnjt h k m ajuaftjwtd cpqma wiih whom ha wvl whh may odrkaulu i ppmnneenraiio hrt wftlmul avail hcetrnltf the undlord i i if hi iw f fnmntftj cooftmd fliisjtarn hit deatshwsd rcf- srsasn aajasj msnnf nvotahiitand psvssbwnsh uvfaiures whi0 fuih was uortnw oonclohr only froca i cart that ho won ihn ts earwan anon sstwa una rnurdored man 4 rrvauv jflrnal w man rninpwtiaotlus wilrt uwkioorr- vifw or rrfisktota of lm inrpedweiev not la amajaeecf a puowhiuenl which enn nevee i he rrvnlied hnwever etonr ray be iho ipmnfsof lie anuksenco 0 ova vieia twioriori had boen irpmjhd u bune ho would now bo in a wiwatioo n prcrii by va anbjyan ksat itiww td ofbaaor the evidmeo thai h wmuajuwi convktatkr 1 hhbodjcra wit you aoi onto and wot x tvosl