to dutdft wirt kmnwkkklyt 17 mil mflntaj lornlnr mnuunkior attll athknum ftlcsmbl vsmid rsa alhplii v p diind vttl rreragi iiflmitavil lhofrfirwinr lw piuwrer ltmm w w 9 rtnd ixwrit ewbevriwnl nrtki ii 4dfllirrmiimil aiaei insen- a l hh p ini tnemioft and id prrbnefrteracn liurtufl- admitaarnenta willowi intact im mmibtm tbein 5 rrtrd umii nrw ed harrd aneurduafly ltajhltihwiiwwnriijpinrfie jttrtt flpmjmcittuuiw- jri ii hrittwij iiasalismnu on n prairu lelr jolin uvt fmnth ic finite vi m the atbenaraa book store atfa ier pllmi rtur eoael as and general advertlsei imhl canada west opifeh per orbem dicor fi fia t l- bkf pow it tart if has aiwfihix iv tita loglw wat safviaew4 4tmm i nid wkt end 1it4li aarnf aj ija wejjt le 1 p t u k iimcil rojoij d-hlli- iff o iwj kl i te job friprtiwo sll lknittpjj4il piitivf tvlrimimfllllti anc puitus vol xvi kingston canada saturday morning september js 1817 no llift with rl- l fw lf i tsaajlaiai 1 ffn j fee 70 prirftnp fn cviwri irify ro rj iv 11 lf i f ihi hlmiwtfi mmlhljfth tvt rili r- business directory tyftt fc hanrlareon barpatera uorticyolxw c c kington jmfcs qrf1lly i geoucreiikndebsos x- jkojoa powell ironmonger vv tw wr munufociurer 1riiccw sited kingrto fhesh gkocbkibs at th8 city stoab cobserof king 4 princess streets the british american hotel fuw dleyx ly j 1attbmok kb- rt canada wart iamcd0waufurncrhntler bmok sliwt kindlon fur p otjbt on the ibortei whim fh er7 dseriplion bwiglil a w hodoti tailor bc oppnric all wt in hi lino ewemed wuh m m nml diipatrfe grocer wellinpon wiuon halthew drommoad wine fc writ mcnlnnl baiuiafi to mf w kington c k1nghtun wholesaleand retail bwfffc rcciint tinm itoo ml d k- vrk luir syf upvj tl ten r b kavler conch buiwers kinph aobert mcconnick wholesale tz ifouil dwlcr in wimi spirit t giocerie ice- pr si ughn htetdvfflacdonajdcampbell fornme atwmfi i uw lr sve j albxandkh camphbll mcmillan teacher of 101 pino fut tuned- ajjre nemrtun a 4bnmlf caiot general lm brad street new yort rcard canadian drawback law qriando ware commission merclwnl d general afnl no i0 wier slreel hew vorfc macdonaida hotel siohcv oppole ihe ciy bih kin sireei tnmnto fiflneis v carey fee cuniltn ct swwr ft reliant x 8hfhl ft itft sugars coftec fruilj alt v trliich r llti sprint inwfnlihl n4 lawt ia w tl if y tiffed nw mmlrt lc ftblrkc oopiict pari of ihttf ocw uvod- teas 1 00 brtic ytofrff uyon t itpmi onlitwf 5 old llvon etj fin 3uetlirirpfali do 4o 0idft knfth ilo 4o 30 cjjjhi oufcr sotclooj tin ntivw sugars 101ili4 hifihi pirto r iortfbrfirivd 0 m yhww mivtnm 4 mi j lirl ijr coffees 4 ji i 3 mch tobaccos io h ha yriiownir sn d cot 1wtn pf1 ft tfhowinf jtisinr moccabuj snifl molasses ukmtcvfb 1jquors- 2 do bnfdcimv rrnrlr 5 huid uo kopor 9 4o gin 20 bwfcsniartvphlilop tthwkcj 2 lhj ikiftiv port 5 fwvm m aboni 1 i j t imdiro s in 2 pjpm ih ojf c wla 2 hhdl whilo winf fruit so hruift kii iajiwidct so fief frufo ttoik s ba- kiith-n- fro s l j wri s do soft -m-r-i-l- sundries- 4 tirt r rk 10 iihl 10 di k moo i choc ldigi i cbem fi forwarding notice- the tfrtioa fb cofjionfty hrreby klt r le lht the ikw and ufcl vljin iron stvamcfi emerald and oregon win vhi union hailroad art ivr in ifrtltflwij nd plymtf j steamer emerald capt t hmim- uwaao br avlmcr trtry tifsday 7i wif j y uiid sijtutittivi ot 7 oclvck a m ixwxwmi l- the railrvd hhinr- dimew ftrr the arrival of he crt frnm the llemfl ottrmip aod arivrl at ayfmrrat4 ocjock pm steamer oregon capt m- iuujaui dowswavd lcarc pm- du fvirt fvcry lauriiiy and ufurjcry at i r 6ivcrock a it muffalc fewm union vij ii ifu- aftrr th atiiviltl the c-i- i ii trainer kmetrill hothboju rih i4 ill tf plate tn roufr each way tlry au clc nmic lhal no eicril will b rrctftrcd on hoard thrir sifmctr if not roiwily maikcd and wnybilkj ami aflrr tkven ockck p kl at aylmef on hf ii prcviftn to railing any coming to luiil after that lime mnu rrtnain in store until tho fffmlm lip they do dm to pre- rent itoieiiy hring loosely wnd careukly tlmtwn nrt bajtii by owner without mirk consequently not entered tury will not he remoibk fr any pro rwtty iuiit beinf duly entered nd receipt eranted thos cumisn agtnt union fontttrdiu coiwany aylmer ucjlljp 1l7 patent anticombustibt s l v tl o n for iho ptvenuon and extlncud of fires rile saboeriberi invajutftr f ftr uliur mftkvll nrti ik- thu iulilic lli a an ikish king vf canmhals tlw hfcwriroj- in ffn ilie vt4f uf siur- lie july sli hi hi mlkpf k uklj p itlietmiilkj alvluiro ih- wcticen f il suuilt ahierifn and hid mutw n colifaff tjy j c l j eeiuiiit aimlkui jt teuftii l find ii ifiitimion m lk fiiivi f or jiid liuiiltv iii i llow i j a iii til uixtimrait nil finmts hoirm builihug mntorinl tili uu ioitmit aiti crjtilnimiule si il ui 3uii n liicri afitr o u yotii triul ami vxmrifiictft hon iiiih jmvcj to do fully nikfjutttu to iho pi jmm kir which il wnn ifivtilcil tlit ati iu aiiticnmtiijiible seiu kiriuu ia slid in iuitcn by the gntiit am can iw uij ly any pcrain ivlij tu ptfvo hiinielf tin- trouulo to fidluw ho uiicciona nf llie luvtiitur nr il willlje applictl by iho sutrtrnlicr in pcrnnu all ltoue shpjf stibltrip fvncca wliori it mny lc nucdcj at the l- i ofjd jr xiiihiu yard furfutthcr panirular aply if ky lotti r immfaiil tn tho subacritioi ui ho old hicweiy trcn uay nr kingston or at tho ajieneuin ibvk john montu0merv kinrinn j 1s47 a74m on hand for salk 300 casks superir home manufactured pale vinegar l n wr gsllon 3 ol for caks thu warehouse uf mcasf hi it k wait kinalurt aoil nl ic kingitvn re terry and dmfuiffk v th lake royal kail ontario line of steauwa xiivj street rttjn sailmakcr z nan jmiirtfr aai 0 s eslea painter glitzier paper htg rijcou sireet fcftown lin smilbs rtd tin plmle wortort scimt kimjbton 4 n 2 dbif jthic uinrer bavves snrgeiy strct otic dour beluif uw rof brilh nhth am- lied jliifpton july msw i cnbidirt maker tidii t -apjjjm- strcd kipnli 1 anflfiinrrit of ih latel alylea aihurt ctfiitanily od bafid and fnr uecwl terota 2 dbl 1 iw connnon do 15 brire lovm syrup 3 s -n- do prpf haoco 6 rourb 4 0akhn aval oil 90 j- ii m i- 20 0 wlibka 4 ket05olrtmo 10 few faany af will finr of orlteue i lo niiilrtum mumta homa iibndry kjnxhojono ii iw1- iln ecere linr sas 60 -il- laho for sale iw acres of land for jtjj site in lb tinviwltip of ewour ncwcaaita diairicti bting lota t7 aril 18 io concciii i vmanf umbfc tfb clearr j and ft imp for hooaet on n frame ifarn fflftiitryb ootlooaca be and well lakjaoed it trill be aommone btoc4 i lotav luaul nurcbaac n scnoa caoderate for narticolar ap- office t bj ker mvljid for sale fresh teas sugars coffke tobacco fruit and 01 her staple groceries litno glassware fjr a- 4 he iiibscribera ate receiving and offer for ak 5 mid muowveado siear s0 bvb do i lihd ftefioed ut do i ii cufca mmmhv 73 liii ivm yj hj will fnavr kinxstox for to evcky aftkkion rjrtaplcd rt kivi cnlmwj prl rrf u if inpr v ffuchinc sffllldnl cltch 4reiv1 tictfliiiif l lloc fneiucr prtmrdhwrlj und will ciwo tfmlo frtf kic iauninfian pi kvriev day satbratus of clmiice quolity at 8j per 100 bs black walnut lumber ioooo foci of vatlfhi il iiiciisu that is ivor- jinrh and i inrh plank i422j 3 nnd i inrh scantsnt nf imdrv length 55 4x4 tha alivr at 625 per m james mortos- kl 1 lit vfl fc ditljkry july 17 lm7 and 3x 3 lumber will be diiiooaoj of oxe afataa raakf j it it j fnn lli- ismnd eirwt nl mvikooml ihc jqchsottt twrt92n n il cotino oili rivffiftrra will beerttiff if frr- flini ntniicl with stele kioiraiit ituiti rr illtmrd ihi lwrd lite auil lino- rjl mitl oaice tuirtrtlb jjy 6 llmt fresh teas for ham wltn ca cktrr t gm and lie sohrnwr ot hi buhi v cf anj hi iu ic at h rr atntheit ike te nfc ifrat itopciul oldub vihioc non twmiktv siiij rvrl pl pek gufimitvd4 3te i ckat klf choli n ejddf j with o eirirty nf avp ftckl loiiee fl f nd iler artkhoi in uiii ime iiiii iite ruble william j- martin mtiikii sjyit kmfttno jrr ifl it the new irsr ickcbivbo f novels iim il i tk of tlie rn of cwk nw neil by i iv lb jdinei hq i new s3 ihc tkv ni n ihvnrk to lerf hi- linr f ii m l a 1 grin kv ha try ff iudle r uny and li wtft xmek h will tut- ii mmltki re ind lii fii fidtf tlifi af mri tio 1 i p i r ke jtn eeelyn tawcioji iir nrf ihe y of ulwtf ka it wti atlki j ii mia time r fc c llarmrrs 9 tliil ol jdaica slreel uontnbil f aoul2 i j b lone 16 1w7 geary 49jvtf ttallen co- vvtimf jeayaiicli one of the firm to new york eery veek making jbdtrip betareami atinpion ami new york afauaajiriy aactrcumalaaxeaayill orrmil ausipfki coroiuiaiooa aad meaiged ydpi ip bei left vv ith ibe subscriber atgrtera e 1wabd 9b kgviofi june lb 1847 harvey ffenf 49 3in cc saeckfii at tup afhenfurr book storf aofot sirctt a7mafo a lah0e assortment of earjiih t siatiorito baat quit eoaiim tpae hm1 rhu yimaj hjaon te middliiic 5 eat old hfww 30 hlf hcu mjetir twankj do 80 packe buck tei cbwrtf roeaar nd i jn 0 bf ftiw coltee 10 bhk fro rrt4rd do i til uxa mug utch fcmfwa m rfnr 70 tuufo a llaanavar iv mwdidi ix d stiimj is jn miaaabij hrac s m princir rj mvatm ti 0 tnu cwu f 3 at aaaafee 12 ara td pcke d ujwr od peji- i cr kaooe 0 bt 1 ri s rr h i spcno cdk so dot ca brttofl- 30 fcttt 7 a j lan ihh raaajb mo dnpem haaaaal aaaiai tumlikeaj 40 lrn jftn ink s ml n i illfriiaajayibj gmd eooditinn muciuu be ford vman t- tee and uenw mateliee lwouo vtwcun red and taaaavj vthet aniclrct io m carrk ffrol vmeear 30 krynrtaitasaleraltaj cawaaa ptiafa jiuiita rom and ilolhnda giobt hal mid or tak aa im bhk fuater mimtra 60 do hxa f inud wavr lme onundfta n h euffvtantly on bnd kjrinnju is i17 schoolbooksa just received at the atheneum book store 7v ftmwiri fhttjal books boston academymiic oir y irortly and atlas ttwmr commercial mart por sale ox consignment three ulegjnl aud eery tdper3 tonsd piano fortes made by the reiy vol mkera of new york ud b- william ware ju 20 1817 reiiihy ktrkhauj ifamina ilo eloeulion wilkrrn tviciuinarj pinnncka gold nith england do do hitj du do greece jantfth 1817 to the lovers of the weed jwillumt martin kftlrs frr sik wboleaalc oe retail ui o bueotr lltiirj priwripe fanatda cmmf tle elkricavt lrf4 at4u caeeodiidi ifjmdew it i l i h a rrii 4t ic clarice cm frveheviifte vutaabiao aodtarktwituaac maivrt sqoare 9 id uiher lands for sale the suoeriwn hve the fnltnwinr lamu in the midland district for sale south ui no 1 in the 3d con pitubuth fltksh lmroktatiovs of wines liqnors c iwimpruin n aorliisunt l firie ond chiiinn wines vfe ltiiinrs ic wholesale and retail vt ui klea f ih sakaoravti kaftli cor on vf iho market s nf kmilvu- w in ert titie om ivat hunt- a sanditaan pifl naektnrn mudeirn iirla xv coh madeini pair cikl sherne u a 1 p troreifle qmlrwajala ucjejieftillecuref ijrpe a- krg urandyuliampdo eery ii at ii r r- pale randj i sclteidiu jamta siiia km- lmeoundv inbotlka- reaii ilewraar bcatcti whukey calmdian wt willi a eiticlr o liaora toitablo for ti h ml pn nilesjiop r iioerry srroa sim l- sjp 1 ii i i f j- fc sk by william j martin maifcei sqilire raajivjba juoo ih4 richmonij 200 aeren tbc7ih f cinjcn dimj bfio lvin fa laid aod qcmrt poat wrrtiaf paper itaad 6 i i nato diiio and bianfl cartridr paoee urn noraaof all iaea md vjlr card furioni kdcv fifclaia ru fi i t ky4uelo mvaaftl l aa la saaaueat card in aae cafellter wtlh aveeral l uhsuiioary lint jlr 7 1b47 notice- thk subscriber htving licenk aa an takon oat 1 eitbxaxliflji4c4 aiusanfi of oanada xflrrtbber nbxvr kao- nh fc ajli i tii c ondcr lur liuncdialc ffivniro w tm tscatticecv trirt oovcrikoa nrxaaij bfrai bhfnitom xf tfampiw of crtlhm anttlm r i reoidanu iu protaoo flaj natioa will be rro of tu dav and phe anrlaud ftha raocplkai of iha aunjeoia 6arx- criar ft macdonacp a nctlonecp takei ihis meikoj of informintc hi fiietad irtd the public that bt will be moat happy to atland all call in that line and ihey may be jrj of alrict attention lo all order and panttaality in liandinc orcr the proceed f baki entrusted lo him all oijet bjfi at ihc office of mr ihgk ower corner pt ontario and brock street will be thankfully irccived aud punctually tie to jouaactctb kinptoa hi june 147 tl sttwf ed bug poison acetftaln aodeflveial reioedy for dctro i lad ouj on apdicatioii will dtetim alltbav eft and peoeam aoy ralwia ns lbce r diaaraaablo tiaitora froparad aad bold by rojjebt barker dpzt broaa m i k rncal3daud2a6j tci pimla 5u acre no 10 intii7lhcn souih lot no 39 ia 100 acre wcil j lot no 15 in uic4tb coflkennc bee 100 acre lot no 5th t i olden 200 acre lot n is 6th con m m0 acre cummino macdonrll wico kinplon june 39th 1617 hicfefoitoor ihoftiriceifiheaornow rjuia i tribe of actual ean nihil t flwiiijj extract from iiic wufkauoo nnmj w ih lha reekwc anmtnii oi j them will therafor be road artlp eonndvrable inieiil 41 tvchnilen forward ri the a0at taafjf iftl eveni io llioto eqljmf ih di of an iiiali man oeinf aa kiif of one of lha hvrrafnrai nibc 1 lie ahvle atoiy raid hke a fiction hut there i internal rvidcnr of il truth tb horrairaa arc j i 10 dr r a i l faco fruii papuina irtrriar frjm ihritl einplrlety in cab lhe jtcoratinna af their pcriofli their habilationf aavr i j h former inhabil chirflr lha intrriuf tooiliweit f jh r ilfrf it ii ttrane iayi our aullr thai ifjtc i hi racea i etiit on hie it if- in thrir wild tlalo they arc only aiifiilar in otw pftrtcu1rthnl it that papuan and horrafora liva m pep rait tribai frequently ipeak injf a different language and rm onfreifuenily one tribo vf each wdl bo at war with ana i here lit own racc had no peovf he continue that the fa- pun ara cbnnibl but i hid neeukr j rii- trmlion i tell me tha linrrafarai are men wonen and children the latter hate a horrible ouetftm i beligve peculrtr to ihenweleea a young man tofre be cno j- s i l bride m- pfcieo ik with a bunian head which inuat not bo molilaled bat on earrful eaminalfn of il by herfarnily bear i tae mark and ornamcnle of ono of cwrny for ihnpuipouo two ce ihrc younj roan who wb lo hai a wife will itart oftio the ftirccimn if an cftemj- tribe nd bo ool pefhap two mvntha akulbinf nbuul before they can or jifioc oo of tke enemy and poaoeia ihcrnbcw or the dcaired hea d w hie h when obtained lacarcfatfj cnvetloped in damp learca then a dep coeerioj of jraaa nd rolled oeer and oeer wuh twin or cord mada of cocoa nai fibre amnei ao lhal it taka like a large ball in the march home it fre niknily dipf in water to pevcil decompoaitkoo a much aa pnaatble until rhe preacnlatan of it io lhe family of the intended bride i happened lo aec two young men who had been nearly i h maniha away reioin afiet an eipadiiion of thia kind they certainly mum hare been great mi taelkd ta iheir awegthearta for their aultvrinfa ceat j pntehe of ibcir akin were turn aat by lha l porlpcni of it raiaed in large bulc by bemp obtifrcd lo lie houra in the graaa afljcr a i aon leat they inietit ba ten sundry biua of annkea abuul lhe lea in fact ihey tio offered much and trarfficd a diatanco of nearly three hundred mika nol en a railrradf or wuh lirn hut on tl iri j naked feel over a rouh tiardliitsvtrlv i aw rlur tv the niaonrch of llin proimaing tribo wa one trreneo conacl hrn i the ounty of kerry in early fife he hrd been a idwdeaee led been itrflcd tried found guilty uanitbed to aiftralia fr lfc- caeaping fruui srdney ho will ufc 4heia wlb blown by a imrfi on uio nonhubrf und irbndi atd at length made the landofnuw liuinca here hia parly waa attacked by tb hor- oilojiaajiiti ijuitun and terence cennc being uie only o escaped from death they were inkcrt eaiirea bound hand and foot and carried mi lhe inti r here they eaesped qgainto b- agaja captureal rut thii lime ihey weie welt irrard ihc aaaagea believing they wcr aome- ihinf ftupernalurah aa there were jto ahlpa ct by in vthich they could come th r j m wan of ihc tribe a ltd jim iiulio naa kutd in bqtik tcrrcec cvnoel aurvivedto perfitrta the kaiadcacribed by i r coulter il it an undoubted fact that when awhile man be i i an ooteuat hvea wilh the native ldopli trieir niimerof ii i ri ikimlaiuih a aute uf b atb tlutt he bee- mr tut renter i uvaof the tuo and in any tranaaelirwa t aoeh nliee viaitora eannoi be too much on their guan fir inalanece have occurred at the fejee iund vmiji and iiiir iflandi where while inn turned lavage ha thrvwn even hiaown c-jh- irymen and kji fl n r goird tuvlei a l- of 0icodhip and kft litem eiporxd to lhe murdet- aaj aliacka a tltc infuiialtd native we wen uteeefore cuutt in piecing unlnmted eonfiljenee m terrenee connel at firu tltuugh hia frierdahip ind eooduel afterrvard woved to ua ihiigh an and nnwa waa one thae ianltird eacv wurre irue cnuragd alrict integrity nd chivabooa fficfvilthip fint al the time tf ur cnullera eieil conneva tiibc wat at war with arieiuice on tlte oppvtc d l of lhe riter i trauie oaatared connel that aa mir chanec i viait w the omit- v inducing ibe other liiic to attack 3i penjilc and hi luwn wc were bnd lo aftlttt nn urll for our aakea aa f hi nd would aa au in a mtn cortnrl intlrinllr grape linn warmly with bolh ind rrcljaftc1 oel thea captain yiyi all ml ai aapurly a tenmntae- aeerr yo looked a arftlang ieied aiihehalh face paiued mack and body whit all ver thie litjibl hiking ernef cun nf rj ua an iftfernil beiig in human fim rdneif lliamual mllwafvaej ajd eaaiktiaiic pitenviiy ll ud m u a bamial dale of trutl av aad many fiie rnio vo if he wt dplcbed at onee urruvmen wehvotddamfihlclii lndtiyand if yeed nnly ahol llivl curod mu ditr it ud be half lb bat lie cplain iwcl nwa yetr time to ave ot who ii the beat tbel in year parly trainer referred connel io my almt ool had really n wiali io pul a trigger afainat one of ihcm if i could at all amid it ll mat my iiileiitinn to allow tbu irtair lo para over wiihout auch an aet eaeept io caae of actual aelfdt fence trainer told me alonea our uvea were nnw at lawr and to go on oraawl aid ii ha no lime lo be tnlkinj now if ynu let tliel fel low inaida hia tinea again wcel have hard warb of it will ye lire f ucmg ihui ured by cuajwal ne of the party reeled hia gun on llie lowrr branch uf a iree txb dahberato aim and fired tberel bein- no wind to blow off ihc ftu we bad lei dnck under it to ucere the effect of llic ahoi thia fiue k by all account formidable leader uf our oppooanta ecaaed yelling and juming ill hithoflo upcaiaod aima ad fallen prerlca by hi aide and he ataod filed end ujitighi hke a daubed ttatuo he waaabut reeeivm anothei atiol when ha fell heavily forward and lay r twn leaa that a an act of mercv aaid coooel ayandableomuilbe whole counlhry for ahun drcd inilr rood iberc could be no pace aa long aa thit divil lired great number nf white painted warrior ran out in advance to where their falten chief by tbie movement brought them itilliija lhe range of even the ahipa ahort muahet tho acamen had now gioilemen lbeia nut near enough yet ft our arrowa to work aiib dead aartanty but do ycca all blate away and tbin their numbera and terry cooncla blcaam on ye trainer told the eager seamen now lo goon but fire singly let they might ivan a oaclcaaa ahot al the an rue so are allael tu a in reatearoeat to lire po amall admirataon of the warrioro who vera watching tho effect of the aritaoec we were rendering them but indeed aa much for oof own aerclv a theira each abnt from our party told lhe aim waa aieady and our hock of am munition bemg limited we aetad deliberately it appeared to be perfect gratification to our jour aeamen lo be popping off the caooibala ai itiey termed nearly all the aarage tho enure maaaof the eneanv before oa now adraoeed ao aa to bring their dead chief and un real thil had fallen by our almt within their tine gate loud defying ycue and threatening gcsluce our firing continued ac now with inerceved effect aa they were all in a deuw body cnnnd omeied twn or if tec arrowa tn bo diacharged to try the distance and found it loeuit hia purpoeea h had dieppcrd for a few minulea end on h return appeared an altered man it eamd he waa in the habit of carrying hia paint wiib him iiwwj toi 4irltnnvnn tf fxrali m- tb arrived he waa nuw r n head hi aairror in pcraon againat the enemy in the plain before ui ond bad painted hia fuco red and eheai ytoawi wiih ocbm in one hand ho held a email uir with a ihtcc feet handle in it in the oilier a i mg btitst rpror which ha aaid rai aa good aa any iriah pike any daccnl manerer handled cunncl lold uc to lake up a new poaiiion a little furtlier in lhe rijtt on u top of a high mound which waa partlv covered with buahea and in 1 peppe away until he eloaed with hia oppinenia then reserve our fire erccpt onlf at a white piint mind lha white giniilmin nd be aurr therell be no mistake ycll all havo fine viearnf iha fun off tliat mauad and yll ace a nurly a r i- fight as ivcr waa in tlie oold coun- ihry 1 1 1 i i foe ireland and my tribe of kwltaferaa with tliat thiastranga daring mn aent s mewengcr to tell lha party in ambuah neii lhe river to come on in tho rear nf ibe euemj and eoapeiale in the altack then placed himself al lhe baas uf aboot jqb men when a fearful yell burst 1- c entire of hia rilo we aim be eaineatmitt mndly cacited by lie scene before oa hnd cnninuad to bmd und fit fst aa ae cuuld acrompanym alattnat every ahot or valley wiih a hnrrrah nearly as wild as the aassge jelv we hlve cited enou to j ji if nature of lhe omtrm nnd wilt pire tho reader ftilucr jcuila cunntha tribe ihua aauited waa of eourao vieio riov tjiey rwraued tho whit rainla into their own town and tork of iu our adven lufons iradeia jginel in mk amuaemr- of lhe lime nd place and lien relumed i tafely i lier vcmci at cape vuik they pvrlcd compa ny in doe eo irae trainer and dr conltun th rived again at tbili and ik the latter founil nimaeir once mote on word hi uld ahip the strat ford alterc laa leeened a happy greeting for town 1y the eipreea una the command r i i at lhe m lima embarked piinee avet in hi huge m which he aralstfajstdlretlh kiijs stiwi uf ihe d ckyird whero hr w leeeiroo by the lyirtlt uf ta adm islty end ihe authwities f ihrt pri at die entranee to ihe stairs oi the und sir xutd itf hw nf the uttabon under lio cjiiiiid of itaftl vizier and cnpt rko wae iiottd and pre tented atim aa tho ponv nrersaibtsl uw band f the erpa playing iho natirma i anthem mia royal higher ibon k uiety walked along ul entire line followed by lhe lrda of ihe admiralty and lha mhat eebcr- and alaft inmiiiely imining ibeir aupearanee and cinmentiag aipmi ilia fact of ao powerful an array of fine rtout men being befrrc him in inili arydirajandniion who bad buteo ssnm a time tme before rngiged al llieir rartaia uceoptt4i in sn teialle a j-jf- rri aoherc or aclien il ap peared io hit ifnyyl htghneu tlmovt ineiedibv tlil le rough wetrkingiuno in ins urry and uttered r j n m one iur u j have apr4arcd tlte nrat the well ordered and unprmring suldter twl prince relumed amone tke tear of ihr lme and after aicenaining all lhe part-cular- rcrpectmg lha force ii orgamtitiaa i appficabitiiyoxe highly coutpliatented lwuicn- ant covnel fmehnoi upon the rapidly rving atstc of lhe baltelion and hi indefailgabk eier- lion to render it effveienf tio pnncs having hraired cnlonct finchjrn and cfionel tvian who biit brigane arrayed in admirable service order in the chamber war the tvat otyc to at- tract hit ilighrcat atteotton after landing to be formally presented look kave of lb utt who had accuwpankd him in in inspection and emltarked in ibe fairya barge with the lord e ile ajinirahv lo crosa the harbor and inapect ihr battalion of tbc clsreneeyard at the landing pjare tlw prince and ineir ltrdthipe were receiv ed by sir edward parry colonel of the batiatkp and csptaio super in ten dent of ihc establishment and a briliant afj who oondaoted ha boyaj highneaa tutba parade ground where the uvuajti was drawn up in admirabwordar cofonoi sir e parry commanded tbe whnk mayw grant store keeper comroanded the artillery companies and major davis meatcrallendeol the boat brigade after the ryalaiul and ihe naltonaj antbem which was admiablr plaved bv lhe band tb prioca minuialy inepeeled the batlatioa whch then went through the osoal maneaovrea nf a aeld day arilh lha moat peefeet order and auexeas to iko aatoniahment of eeveeal amoog the military men present who could acarcelf believe that iheee men had been barely ihra roontha under arms prince albert waa particularly struck with the admirable precision of lb artillery companies under mtjr granl the toea went through lhe field bauery eierciae with mounted y j- jv the regular only have s- pounder much lighter lo hind ia aeurpriaikgly ateady and ptoeiac mbaner thst boat brigade under major deris wen tbeo pot thrrxigb the sword eierciae by their sergeant an i wuler wjirfv ji viin s puuaa tlas prioce atfenttun waa then dirorted to a victualling hoy fitted aa a gtinraial with a b htehry this forma a moil formidable and effiejcnlgun hoal wilhunt any expense and would do edroirabu acrrieei in proteclinp our eoasu and ereaka from rxedaloey ineuramn the gat was worked in the prince preaenee with the greateet facility tnn may be shipped aql unahipptd in throe tointtles the prince was himy gratifled with ihenccjjpeeimenia and on leaviog desired ir edward parry uj ei rreashraauur tbe praeiarhi wiib which ihe wivme corps lied ciecuted ihe varaa ajaajsja area incidental to actual warfare nd evpceially of ihc draiinguiahed pficieuc atnined by the aftilwy and boat biigadea- an efficiency which coulo only have been attamed b tlie meat ontinng and peiseverance cumbieed wiib lhe n ample uf their n al lulfpaat t oclock the prince reteroed in oaborua aaluled aa before by tho sfcipa abme ntmed and by the dragon and lhe roxrao aqudmn which had arrived during hia infraction bnusj now let uii ef tin caat temporarily il afiidf maay astiauta of the alrtu intcrnline in a jaiawical pinl f view and nodiacull preeuu iuelf lo vccshion any delay in thr e- eavioai of the ud m iho eamidttirm of tb embankalcnnj at leal if aufrcient lime la summer be altuxved for io winter the cliar ing away of ice and inw for wotk adrjj visllylolhc labnr aid cxprnae thaonlj dhliciiltyit iiilliecmnp1tionoftbc barbora at each terminus vere mtlc ha been dona his itaaon at the mnniital r below lha jail jock which ha for one time ucco completed in conaecjtcncc of the uiojoal height of lhe river which hia continued far two month ultt than hat bam know bar many year ao a lo make the connlmction c the ittcfsary embankment and coffr ifiraa impraettcame except al a a realty increaaed cktenc tbe principal work is however at the upjer end here oppntiie lachlae aa embankment of atone paijdlcal in ihe inte rior or what io another aiuattoa would ba called a mole or seawall b been run oat into the lake not lets thin 1600 feet il ura only veiy lately that ibe river fell below tba level to which it watprcjonicd lobe neexvaerr lo raiae the wall and even now lhe pvuee of ih water from tbe ootaide cause much and ffrhmeoine leakage thia whrn completed wilt form a noble harbor andcoiter iaajjj arc inn acior from it to ibe short ao aa to keep the ci rj 1 1 i of lue workmen ctearof water the rivrr here ia very rapid td ihallowiha hottotn hein limeiiotii strewed wiib huga hnutderaof granite and other trarwpoettd ixlra and lb preaeat objeel iaoevtarate or rather to qoany r thia bed for tha breadth of a fcet or more inside tb tine of wall rouj ajive vcaaeu a ekaichannel into deap and a haiin for atnatl craft and raf tbii it a oioji laborious and t ape jsj pattkutar coaiidcrutc hat vrraj irniti lj thai between tha iprin uia9 riti- it avaitrible for it ia tot bla io winter no temporarj ayj wwaj capable of reibtinz easier urovert1owias4bfm the avwfajft ins avilb all poasiblc acrivilj pad wwstkv tbe present cjief commraaieaaecaf th iiaik of work n indefarjjfablt ia hi peraoasj at leniion lo il and it lealoaejy aided by tfia rtfident enioeen meair ourrfit in j 0j donatd it mutt be inapeeted lo fotin aoajupi of the difficulliea it preaenla both fw irr ejctenl and stnbbofo nature of tbe aatajrigh fo be removed there ia eaary reaaori hopa mi 7 ihe navijration will ihla year be rapn- ed on the 6nt of october and cmtpletad alio aether before that data tn lth3 but to taoch a ceaiiiagfait on the aaieof the ritfiir u latjfrosn lhe fuuantle with awsaaj dl alacle that it i impouihle to predict tvfck any aiirance of cr ruinty on ftl rjew ever ia very clear lo m that cmainiior tma importanc of thu navifation jn that thit it now the fonrth aeaaon it h been leraotitllj inumyrted a week or two delay iq ilatt nnnin ri ittajjaaj fimmmi ajaj fcg projfrcaa of lha work thia fall will ba axell spent if necetsary to enann it rmplftem tn tbe neat the iecwvrriaene of atab delay wosild be fat ten to all nieitcittti pr tractinj the completioa to ajacnher yamr ff bate bowever every rvuac to bje imaviil a i not be repaired neir montreal ia that lachine rami froai i to farmers mrchanicev institution all persons bavin itook in thrir nosaeaaion helorginjr lo tbc library ol thia lrr1itulionar requested to return then lo ihc librarian furthwitll by order of the committee of management plteh lamond ec cveev kingatoit 17th june i8s7 just received r in- athesebm book stobet a tfupply ok rms marking ink lrin i- d tdda craaying ink riwana red d moiaicfe do do- etirph- drue ami eaupeiiorvetityof knatuii aau 111813 albert yoongs metaiiccouspulngtootjl horse rake ckiinehda useir onl only t fa naif re ai leave letrl farm but in uoae alio vuliivalr tjsj mggelhhibcehuao it wilt mke elraae niii iinrven and atnny hirfev iimi ci i u r y i i ii ik iteke in uar it fuvev a gu iiot atiumg i4v4 ii lv aavca rhnl the tu taking which may ba ui kui fir the tlrraftta a hen jtf drov i inivriiig pjirfttcl dutk 0te i ic prfteaiiet ot i lie cm arcanif hsy llyovtniodl lly ibe ktlinery nertii uaid et ii 4 a alnwer an err nf iivate bay y bersreunil in 15 in nulea it etmnle ihamwi their ceuincd number usnd li a cure lh b iv erfp in mueb has tiauc and anuch mure ot u fnai raiis llir suwivr bavin puirliard hie pji t aid uenrv he safe rfr of tm f tv ai ae rf ilm euvo rabea mi ur nlalv udlitij innl iruice frmwjrd ikmrwla bw- inriilhv toblto and sprcihy ihe feswarra bid imihstslhulic a rnrrw bavaaaj w iotluratidlcakea niniifictirfd ty utaavjh kr and lletw at napunee wwh will le ejdj dehvev in tnaie fr ihe aamj hejfvisi jvre 8i0 a saaiaplv t aiid rien w k be t- widrd t lac ilirtc rui r h villi blh i before lhe rid f my whci parin ayalljaatc en aprbrloiiily to iaamnc aij ui tlatr order m tlo aaai john u- prinfjll dallawlu july 1947 p s all crfdvri lelt wiib uic prnjirrct rillvmo r the matia neawc j lit bliauy tflvwam ho arc llie rtivel to il tlie fm eame nn in unnpeetro rirrje cotinej niar deatebed a huodrrd men long undr crver of the aftrt nf iho llnckh a ilc nnngnvc bualee on tle bankn of ilo river and eonarqneally in the rear uf iho bdamf ism dc n hud tu keep close unt it tuthrr mriers a few uf lhe enemys aenuu were ihrwi forward towards our prwition lu feel ill way for ll0 jnain body thm were biut a iloten of them ah entered wii ia in l isidnn tn various mrimi ihey cume nn running and uul am alui ilmilthev entered lh edjre of ibe wod ami ell pierced wrtli wltoens as ihey hu j entered ibeir enrer thiir fir nji imi n n by ihc main hnajf an j another diistn of icnute wrre tenl nflar uiem i 1 ac had udvanctd fhhes mj a free furelvc from the thick t il m ai wuai aa ihey csn rver nasfa a dcd imii ifm aemg u lliey were abmn to retrsi bek inln tlie phm pfeni but dry h wrtvinerd l and ihey alao nkl tli i the num udymi perceiving tbo lata af irwli i aejsreriai ate mo n at a ruak cnnci r 4 ibw bimugltt lna wkilc faie r nid at ihc auod 1 tolb ver tle euvrr wi that cteiy iiianeniahl uu- in- iinv and arrow at aeon as the enemy rnmetowilnn eboul four lnjndrl yards of w i ihey ifesmkwl pnorr to hu and tbo kaaati nr bead chief advanced clear of his inbo tu yell aj lalie uafroan hi cover by end by my hiny t cwmel musing vreet be with ye trie euiaf taat a unt cl a lrej ban siv brd p royal revikw op the dock and vfctlallngyard battalions innlsmoulh satwtsby this naoming the work of ihe laborer in the dockyard waa otpctded al 1u ucloek in order lhal the men eimwtng the bnlllon fboiil sot inghi havi hmjile lime te go rvune and aeevirr llrreinaelto in time iu bodilkd prior to lhe re lien- of ui vaole furcc by hie royal ifiguc prince albert j men were eccordingly drawn i in two line- eiendmg from ibe entrance nf lhedekyaik to ihc kiragvateiit nd ibrnce a ihe master shiwrigbt oltico mr fineham ian maiicr shipwright is the seoiue jieutcnam clnet eoniinandin tlie irifnnlry mr drown llio master auendnl hie lieutcianitotreve1 ni ibaatw service inops and cmimanding iho boa brigade 1 mr- raoiylhe asiln master at kiulnnl fimrnvndiiif lhesrllkrv clps aa mi- yr and mr vnicr rlftiv reeeivet msior f uu infantry te grenadier and ponrer eomuanie ot 1iu iminrnae hatlalmsi are mat stklwiwih ihbtwvi not oriu a them being under 5 feet 11 mara it stature and many of ibint rehin- 6 ft i inch a adtigrllier the army eanivh pro duce a fiorf riy of abtoeud iiuiwurtly men ala joarlrr itefore ii the princa conrrvil al trndrd tv lif hon captain ttrdan nd coksiil ihc iffasa 0 it p fnerne ad acenmw- nrrd hv tt i t i i ruaia nod the r- i ij dub of nnvj ltended hy tunr trspfcliv uies embarked r osbtnepirr ne fsiy pesj thooh spit head el 2j ininutea nist j i tahncd by lhe amhrion odm and iveif with tleir yard niann and eowrad r thia hrborar hilf pat 11 nacet salula front lhe pivirorm snd victory ehsnnel to diirmba ba auj tke regi iann u neer aalu tl ik theg ing fgk uf naarau the lachiave canal from ac 5iirrtai goztiu ira the prcfenl dull aeaaon one of the most i nte re at iit exc u raro nf along the bank of lit the st g lixfal farm to ibe upper work at tbe ountj foot ot lak st louis tha object of ini beautiful and cosily work is we need scarce ly explain to our reader ift ea4e the lacbine itapide and to unite hy canal and lockat the lake above and the harbor below tbe total rise ia about 46 feet and the work are carried atone a continaooa natorat allnvial hentom over which in former times no mbt hi main flood of the st lawrence flowcj ll presents eeery mntiy of cbaneter never rry mnch varying in level but iomelimr conaittins of deep clay and marl jocnetiate of elcvatinnaof the limestone and field f alttte which io two instances in the course of tbe nine miles ate broken up by vertical wbimttorae dykei from oite lo two fori thick bui in pen rat the strata as is hiual in ifab country lie wiih a horizontatity tiouaual to the eye accuttomed to the pbyvieal features of the weil nf europe the excavation aud embankment are as usual in anch work f hi v etialjy divided the general principle to cut onl as much froai lhe bills aa shall em bank the hollows being particularly jy of stjiytieailon in nn case is it necessaiy to have aacendiii a well as descending lock a tpaciout harbor is in process of formation at laebine from whence for nearly a mile there is deep cutting through the coiupicl limestone which forma the boundary of lake si louii on this side after which tho canal gradual- jncenji lo lhe level of lb water at munlreal ah the lock and heides are rr- iriukrtwr for solidity and eterfancc and in btrarilh ami depth vrc hvlicre the canal is not race jed fnr lis length by any in the world the lock will admit sailing veaaets of from x to eight hundred torn burthen ao as lo al- j low any amount of harbor accommodation above and jlcstnen of larger class than any now in aw on ihe st lawrence my go i through and pss each other at any portion of the line with the exception of a few hundred yards where the excavation of the rocks lo arrest of mrs resteuz this woman has v leeiglb fait ra hactds of the law nd it tbojv evidence ra xuficient to ensnre ht sboul j ibe ever be tried tha enquirer has the folio wiog parti there can he lilrje doubt ara frcaji tic tooree tboagb fmbliahed wc tfi tuiely soene weeks since tbt mayue leuerfrewn arespecubta pfaysiaiaa conrty iuforminjt ainoluaej emale patient diader whose eomlitetiorj was erti rely rcuaed connection with mr rruhlpd o lajsaw ed that iaqoirietmiebt ba aoaliiatad tfci mayor eccordioty afor cnniajliae witb tha chief of police despaubed ocbccr bowytr u oianee coonly where be bad aa uoemew teitbthe aafurtunuegtrt whose aujcj bora the ci r ifmjirenim of trtstb tttejost- senlin site wa brjajbt la lb ekjrft bat been kept secralcd at the ernai atntil the meeting of lhe ran j jnry oa ja r the district attorney j rh nxrtiatoitlhad nreturej the itanera laid ibcaa hrjnafiawf liody ami be ftssjll waa tbo ftt1r ol three bills one aeinst mrs sjtjlftr rasa- stasjjlajsji in ih second dcttjer ono skgaijiac the ducer of tbe unfartaaaleprt a weartby mauufielurer in ofmoja coaftly wbo atfalssar to mn kertellv and one aejedoal toierrtaj who aecompsi lie i lhe prj ia the dan ftah two laltec art nat arrestcd tl aigjaijrit u after ibe principal wo ababv ffskwst to oarne him omotrow as ieoa aa tke bill wajfouuda bench warrant was iasaej for the arrest of mrs- 11 wbicb wa flftq ta bowycr who served it aa he awajwal fa alighting from hrrcarria ia wbicb ahe had been laking her mvnln rija sbr taken to the tombs when bjj waa deoaandad in the tuna c l0 filling to pemn which she is still in crtttoejy tne tribuoc addaal laie insor hat nthi the bail offered being refuaaj atydima rettrll was eo omitted lo fitxi bul thtrpv- scl mr- brady took i mmtia to atop to tart her released on a aoocea ertfpsw yehtinpsydinmidl thai breadth has been thought needlessly ea- rand duke cnnetan- frsl ihotiyh il may at any futtfie lime if nbokfi ranghl derawe be completed the wate y- driicrl tavloe il eraaia baa reived pvsitite orrtcn to send a urt et tba force tinder hia conamaad to ceidbeaa otnaral scoit ami is aow certain tbal taylor will remain in nreacnt doitioa and nst atarcb towards the capital aj was al first poipeaajd fteneraj scott doe not appear lo wiib geaenj tavor to bavo any ehir in tba ivvata u tas halls of the montaiicfli and it ia aajfflwm ihc jjker will resji hi comoaand dhd rsuua