British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), September 18, 1847, p. 2

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l4 jews fubtrkr a dctals bkiktrfft taltrfrcanftk v cm m 7tb atffiw sttft rasfttenusndrnrj lih donbllct i fwrrwysmlbar gn oit reached lb city pslltfaajsetcr iw 1 bit net the ate it fy worth went ironed the city and cut iw1tr hlffcrii alanee force vsftffiad out or iht oity reel urn scotland stotfuta wl wltil and then vsitioirti into ikfcftt- sn ansa ihcn brought nil a mt and fcufm fom hi lit lime bulrr treat j into the city m pttttrfiiotdr consoled tl con tress 1 for csstatfon of hos- tnlirs tr villi trwt- hush vsasussfini f city f tvee u no doubt far aymriaa g bsl iaarirsajiosi some ttiii k ate will oon he established out nolody ttofar tn cm mjjot lally wi hiiri nm beyond pctote 00 bisvay u put- mt not jvpfmm tae following trem our reclr vera crna tojt waaaszribmrd ujt very hastily f a lb f ahion iu about itvteavt awost 27 157 tte btt an most authentic inforsnsiljnn i sutra reveiied s that thf armies of both vivmu and sama anna taft isttjj dis hirrwcir wi 1 1 i n to treat s i iris eeaaed scoti ht vn4 that the city t tn ft matt of confusor4 tend paak and conereat h it been thifntd locelber to lake into totjjeralion the jsrort- miiadj of our government fur nrroottoo fhr tame prnrbiliij ol mr- trisl ft s- 1 hve jrri time to inform you that tioprlonfttiuk faun welhv train lieu jtaderpoa hihum bcn accord in r 7n a mrtican wte arrived twe tbi morning captain ai he y w saw thorn shot v hairilvr nf dlft loukan rulionj rfioj tw momitj rfof 1 omrftcted itrt jic uill bebyrw14ftift nflfcnoow whitcromnany ualill oatirqpco ttiefortiftcftuoajit ftj naticnat dnjrirt m1prarjnft1aaundr baawoomg the tnprrinwomt of lbfliountd uoeillu 1hmtf ca iwrvl lijl jrmiilatvlwrf n wla ad bkfirfttauqjiftt 1 bftort xorrl jttu hr w3r ftrrach thif hibrn midt 5shffei j tbw fellow nowhiut ro ffifftjpflictptltiliba qhftaperontebain- -jrgto- u 40u0 gvnillft tbe m- fffthrr ptom ihit tbe aivk on allyi tand lhf tfln fort eneaii oeni after bin thj amftmpa jaraola atft ibfm santa ft ajcb mvmeftft idaorlhlf a- tajjuot mr ay t st up pn ba tvin received from santa f mr is ffwn chlrtih and fmm cjftr roftopany and ir4in nf mlynva itpn haepabo airircd dated ai jalv ai iirtof jntj r lrtaar contain the detatu of lb murder of rnny amertcana by ihe mcxicana tba peraonp and and ironeity of cr ame- rieina were enelly respected at cbibuihna fntrr ajajht eiceot neu1iw were permitted tbe ctty and ortv dai ol ij j p with ajijaft of the armit it thj amerttftn hoi whtts affair iri c nattnud on in the buffalo coin at tbtf on salohay laau tnutnonvin tha mtdhnfnan whoe name k m pollock and h tboot 23 or 28 ytr old met mr svm ihe v known niopfielor of the jdmthcr in the puhlic room of a book toe and fred a ilol at mm onvtl undiii near two balb ma7- adin vr j wallet which wn n hi bjuloati fpcktl hu life being ih aavcti wiiitin the let thtf omwin flrd into ttiefbl rtifl down and earlnred by tnttmied he in taol atid ia now befor the grand jury which com dnjd a nnl tie me need neocd th ri pwll rrn wit- ecl are mf t prtftonnt on oary day thr attack hi t uroitcu are fjir for a i ihcmba c faiivi rnr patji van ft ktvc tb tomnln ftrfriofof se ptaftatv 14 ia writ uanitci nv prorlnfeh friday he tho ajinotinernienl ihal tbe jlauijobdc ox prime wtari i kin in none york had topjhd jvidc v to ttu moment r tho anrtml tbc leiit tden of mich an event wia en1rrtiinc1 and the rawi t upper canada had taken a dwfi on iherl for alaeaommint notfnrtrotftttnnunprreedrdch with llw intinatino tal uftt eney 300 jrji lv 1l i rcqniie4 uji it waa rwl al poaat 5o we arelnrjmtci tlisa firm heavy crortements in london ami ihe payments arre refuted daring bom ciihoe i ifn l ot look them on fo ihe honor of frfaw ward fc cfta who wcra their aenu in sew yurk the following circu lar wai i5aied on c 5lh init j ww oftk sept 9 wo remtrt inform i 0n owing to the rtcnt faltiirec of r o nf oiw orreponilenu fn rlrrnpewi whom we have l larte amount of hill mnninr we foci st incumbent on u both from norue of jintf nd a an an act of very rejctfuily roora paimc w i co ftvic frvcit stcawta naw yona- eiffel of th nia cnrr who caune oree in the accood cabin of tha sleampr published in the conner fitonttvof yierday r itry lronc tatemrnt revrjing imc tjre and trctfncnl ihejr wejirfftrftl mi hnanl the following ift he lobatanc of their comulftjhlv u i n i e n i of cood and ample axcomodalions arilh pkniv of ftnlotcaoeie vivr l at we vera jromed w were aji atowed in oae ftorrij with nftoim in alrep on but a sort of bjjhmbu orbed cal on the ftoor onr table conrotefttor two pfanka with oorlruakt losil oei wt had neither hntre nor fork nor dwlcaftmet hut each one hid a plat and ipoon- onr food wa a port of on p nade from beau boiled with nil kind of filtheach one had a daily allowance of bread and water which v3 altogether inadequate o satisfy bemger ano ttiieat mir rorni and plank table were no tl i of ibem tccnwol or cieortrd witt tbc paisar and tho whojo cabin oi hole which wc jay and au wa a conbiniion of ik fiuh and stench the ladic were locked nfvit niht ii a cvrifr bole into which the ofocarsof ihe ship had a private entrance and wot than one inlance of invntt was offered iailbeirvdnrina tie t- jr when complatnt de to the officer we were inatiltcd aiwl inch iu or laborer e allowed southern the li for tbe ilivm- ol o doio koartieet of merchandise jwwm im new ileaico by tbe ok tr rhwlo were t take place fcaltfahwij in aoret j tbe taujtfcters of brown bad seen aajbriclad f ub of col witlocki batlatiod htvhg eapired it srai atdered n leaeo taos t m ty of iho olireiii bowrrrr bad jetermioed so rem am and fortify the fact aa iruiitfejctron broke out ot taa a abort time peeeiona to the lent advices bn it wa nipped in the bod and tbe leader com- tlw lo liyprttipjuiely to the oonntains of jrslwalr was at saitta he l iwetloi- wi r ft r iu were permitted to wotaity treared and were lold when we otbey wrreeomprlled i ioplainej of short allowance ihst we miit r ctt on ihtn pr per- ielor a hoes witbin a dys sailin of ibrcv vor k we l oat of coal and lay out at maaofac oay almost in a sliteof alarfalion tbe whole ship wat in a hiate of filth and dis order tha bra never bern pen on board a densjy crowjcd emigrant ship tbi itattment perham owe something lo the excited feetins of be parties bnt what produced this excitement h ii remarkblr too thai trvery iteasnr of the french line bas been ihe antject of pimtlar feeunra on the sul ot the jiassenjcers in ibe second cabin e tnanl thrre will tirterotm in ilic tnanazc ment of tkis linen y trjfrwic pnniibed in any dafricl in which be ii he found and the oavnce stall be dervned lo he combined in och jn- whether such ttict he or hernl that in whirh hi employer resides or in which tbe contract of set vice wa entered into viii and he it enaclod that il shall and will be lawful for any one or more tlees upon oj i of aiiyeh rrvavt agaiiwt hm niater vt eniplnyr eonccrninj any itiisnsntes refuat ol necessary ptoth alnn crnelty iimreatitnnt or noiiiaymcii nf wajeef ftf mwnmn piieh maslfr or employer to i it bfoie him o thcoi al a rea time lo br otatrrl in snob sommons and he r they or some othr lislice or juitkes sltalli nmn rof on oath of the pergonal service ot soeb arjmmon tximint into ihe matter of neh cohplakiiif whether mch mailer or em doyersha1l appear ot nclaniiipon doe proof of the canse nf complaint he or they may m ki r nuch rervant or laborer fnxn hi stt victor tmpwyment 0 direct the payment lo him of any wati found to he dtk nol e eeedinj h min nf ten pouulf ano the aairj justice or jimtue sbftil and iriay make tlj ordei for payment of the aij wie n lo lnh nt ihem shall seem lid and rlsajsuaui with cot nonnymrnt of the omf loieether with the coal for the spare of iwen- lyone days after mch order hall hava beeti made it tliall aj may he hwful for sucn jntict or justice tossc his or their warrant of diitres far the levying of pm fttifet to gether with the eot of tonviclionandnf uch dastress ix and be it enncled tliat sny twrson n- ho ahall think himself ajrieved by an ich conviction or ordr r the pymenl f vaes or order for the dumitsal from service oi employment may appeal to the nel ooin nf qihfaj waltci session whteh shall be holden not less than twelve days after the dale of such conviction or order for the diftlritt wherem the conviction ofurder shall he had prorided that such perwn shall pita lo the complainant a nolict in wriun of inch ap peal and of the cayse acd mailer thereof within three days sflrr such conviction and sotto clear day at least before mich srsonj and ih1l alo in cast of snch conviction either remain in custody un ihe sessions or enter into a reconitaiice with two sureties before a justice of the peace and in the ce ofaoch order shall enter inlo a like reconl- auev conditioned personally lo aptear at the said sessions and to try such appeal ami to abijr the judgment of the court thereupon and to pay inch costs as ihall be by the cotirt awanled and upon rucb notice bolng peen and mkh recosmi7no bein entered into slull liberate ftucb rwrson if in custody aod the costrt alsuch scsi4ss shall bear and de termine ihe matter of pptftl and shall make ucli order thewin with or without cost to either party an to the court shall cm mrtt and in case of tbe dismissal or the appeal or the affirmance of tbe convlcuru or order shall otder and adjudge tha offender to be pnniibed accvordinj in the conviction or enforce the order for payment of wages or of difniial from sortie and to pay such costs as shall be awarded and all all if necessary bsue pro cess for carry ina uch jwdemtnt iolo cffeeu x and be it enacted tbot tbe word u par- s wherever it occurs in thia act shall ji- ndt any person or persons boily or bodies otilic or corporate and that all word im- purlins the sinrnrar number or ihe masculine cjendcr only shall mcloir several persons mat ter or ihinjff of the saine kind as weu u tne person matter or thine and females as well majes onless ihcre bv pomethin ia the sib- je or context inconsistent with snch interpre- uuarn xl and beitenaclrd that this act ah apply to lint pari of the jrovjnce which tor- mvity constituted ihe 1rovlace of upper ca nada equally far from new votk if u u ttiat a route by lnd l9t the advanta 0fr hie roile bv pea it will be found agai f4l t railwpy inluhl k made ihrnuehoiil tin liolc ditiaiice except the ivnn da bodift over cauiunr eirher di ci ilitc1 rl nr ji frs iitider ciil itu if cnsili nt the foitfi i ma ft prommr the bl means of he iliu iliitiw even h d r rue will ftlil hiettmrti rnttrs mill elcr 4 iumthie vtstngt over btkl w not m am every elul i lcin made und fully majelolllrlei1 it iloweve lr wtitfd i notyclsubdmaej and there j room for j of n f tain- n rule i -iaaa1l- nv hmami s i nvr lal e ret fc creatwkstrilnrviiiloxt the chief kionre of ibis ktaax- b rfrfstrl to the cnoafrttt as w of wiii r iuc an act jo rcffvie faedafki ofi jfttftr ond otrawfj r nnjjor vhfr purfhjtei farrtn rnfltiwd fneeajtu ttu meti art rtpreaenled to i whereas no statofeis m force to regulate the wncledtbealem ft mariner befa- 1 dutin itttvftsrii maslerrand servants or la- ty discracefot to tht name of americana kfcsaa in that luirt of the prvsnnce formerly thtre ts said to bt nodbkipliae whsteveiatoppcr cftnada4 aodvrbernt c would tend aanena the troops tnrj tico in in worst form m prtiiiif d by both men and officers wbollt aratcnitd by col prict ss nc col is said to have kwererl himself in tbe ehanctrr of ftn officer by de jnjr that be will haul down lbs americio band evacuate th town if oot reinforced i cbe joih of am ttbnrftt of col price bad caused naoyof j afsteraficioi to pork up their aejll for teavintht coo airy at limy tbl all tb amexicansv ia well ta kj mexicaiv would crrtainlj be rfercd upon the viihdrasval of the aal- wt turf hoen permitted to tfeimim a lelfcr fraa a c brown of capc morion tjtsipany of nfujalrj volunteers to ijls father jiftjlaifti fts i ftftntit brown nf ibis county and mwwlav yogas july 8 im7 it coolativj an laser swmatkan mr mccarty bnj bast oanbrms ibt same with sliffct tmml ons bjbji spveoalift of mol of the wooniedf in at fruxinepbrly 18 miles east of tcamt nfftiiuidreulion to tbe battle snya i lmse just heard sad news from our com pany tiabteen miles east of taoa aboeri of our meo were ibertpoiing their borsel thtj were fttuckeo on the rnornin of the txbj about an hoar before dav hy a body of sssssssj 300 or 3ffj irdjana they kilkd five of osn tneo and wounded nine others taw loa of ihe enemy is not kctovra tbey drove off all lb bovses and look uc camp equipage of onr party tbey beat tbe boya back about 100 yards into a hollow where tbey would bate killed lbeaa all in abort timt if they hd not received einfotemcptioi col willock left in pursuit of lb in with 100 mrn on the tb it is in be that be ttitl overtake tbeps mr brown fioes on to say in conctusion ibat tbe mrxk4o tt1l pee our troops another fiebt thia be has leatned from the priwner taken at lu vegaa mr 8 fniiher say ibat tbey were then iryinje tbe pimrstsju who would oitbcr br huos or sbo seven met- caia wart kiej aad sixty taken prisoners at tht aiorming of las vers on the 6 july s k vo afpa vt uas6acbbin yucatan fvh impjtk the i t s y f vfaa cftso av- 57 rs47- on suadf urt ll iv wv wilh lba auarrz f yuemaa that lndiu oifouuiiwo of in f 1 uto wbiin and in lirfrjctj wlelnj i ji r mi hi k finj i willi ifir of th vomeo bim tiy tatj prd or fato pul arorac usan l ih dci received rwe by i frcoch a asssaajftsmvantsou from ik peacbcun- ataacamcmaelir anj ilie trc i wht f j auaiiftction beioe eia ncept be- pftsftssftsau b ill in run 0 t r tul h t jj j i- j ri tl srantufcom ftfasnoa soco i ua 2jpvm ibcar ftrnl be tme w uvfond ouuj ibr r f at cam j 3 o asuvmioii r an liiianwilr sj rilai nv nnfi h s stored t caosussoay tfit dm as a report ut tw ravry pi aftubl ufdennf down ooe oj u rtwela of ar e tw rs porhapp tort ei ta eieot af ib ivimc but of the feraj umtcm do diu 1h loduoa in u bttrvkaoa monwwr4 oio m any pm m uriio brcaoae ine unomifllacr uenrr readme ra kn ond sjafful oi gtassi mealea m rnvftx ssssrt uww v inrrrr v lh ratj barbaoaot anrad bcraon toead frm al- ffkr ivmaivo ibat ihf mwaatetlteaaoatbaki bot atd isra nt ukai uaa rturndlscarpioo wreiaomeji lo lemlcaao i 0 m tw a koiroft ai buf- 111 n atj eiftrtepftfdbyiurnpl to t sun ti4 ia a book store in irj apaitmml- x p pity tiiaekd to ibt uk erw ias- tw days ftautt 9ff to promote tbc eeocraj usceresti of society if suchdolivavere better define dan j understood fle it tbereforeenacfed by the queens mct flittlltnlmefjesty by and witrltpftdvircand conatuttf the leassuuveooistiraudof tht lftyllfjy asiemblyt of tbeipruttoce of cu- nsda cxuutuuled aad asseoibled by virtue of and under ube authority of an jet passed in tht psrtfajdflvfbt iheumtel kingdom of great britain and ireland and intituled anaci to renillbeprotiikeoof upper and iwer caswmd fur ibeatovem wv cf tvud aiiuil il ereby vijaclc bj the aulboriiy of tha ftane thai from and after iitr passing of this acwlit atttemcats or oaraiu between iterprrl srrvints ot lalmrers for ptrfor- mtnet of any duties r ertctf usharsotver dsunrt whether such rertnibe tcrbil or rillcd aboil upon due proof be bintline on eati prtv foe the due fnlfelment thereof providusl afwaa fhasoch verbal agreement snail ant caeeed fbe term uf one year jl arujbetteuaeled th after any on- easement s too tempi ted by h act snail baye btto tnterad into any person having thereby bayvaspjpsl to peiform rjiy service or work and who shall durinx ihe period of such ennfttnentyund nflnr the commencement tf such rmroy rrfli refusetoen to wnrk who sbalrwitbomt permisonorejicbare leave the employ of artj wlinm he ha enjcd to serve or who haj refuse to ohev the law ful commauds of lit person uujer whose atireetion auch evees are lo be pcrformcd or who ftbftjj fatrjeci ve service or injure the joptrtt of suck employer shall ujpp ihe complaint of sucb tmpoyeror any jierson in char undtr win be liable lo punbh- owava evtry sch ottncc in lbc uianuer ereinaaer provided ut and v il enacted that tf any tavern keeper bo nlinj- notice kerfier or other pr- aon shall induce nr persuade any servants or laborers to eonfrderale for demanding extra- taeant or high wages ud prevent their hir- iu then uton due iroof nf ibe ottence such tavernkeeper shall forfeit his licenseiu addi tion to any fine and such mlfthaaji ketptror other p- hall subject in fioe or impriionmcnt as hereinafter provided iv ajid bt it cnaclrd that the wearin- ap- paiel of any servant or lboref shall not bt kept by aay tavtn kctpce or boardinbotite keepei n pledge for any expense incurred lu any rteateramounllhanona pound ten shil lings currency n the paymmt or leoder oi uch sum or of any ese sum due snch wearing apparel thaj be immediately fjlta up wbattver he the anou i by such servant or laborer piovilufd aiurays that it shall not pppiy to oiher pfovity of such acr- vant orlihorrr v and be it enacted that it shall be the duly of any one wwwc of jur mjlyv justices of the peace for thst f province which formerly fftajjlhmiii the pro vince of upper canda t receive the eom- plainta uiiou oath of the parties coinlaniina or any coitravculion of the piecedin proii- sionsrf thsacl and to cause parties con- cemed in antraji before him ar litem and lo htftr and iletermine ihe mme in a nummary and espedilimi mannei and in pinih parties found truiliy of the orfenct alleged by fine or imprisonment auowin such ctrsts as may he legal and just and all fines imputed nodfi lhs act shall be imd j the iwusssret of the uht- irict town or city in wliib ttk conviction may be had to he applied l ik eeneral e or such district town or city itpclively provided always hut no janice or juatictj sball impost n ftue nom 6ve pounu and no implissonaiejil shall caceed oie month nor he less than nna jay v aitd be it enact- thl in every cac of a sammftry cansvion under this ael where tbt m whieh ahatl bt furfeited nr which shall be imposed aa a penalty by the justice aballriol lc paid either immedutetv si lr i tbe conviction or withjnsiicb period aa the jottice shall al ihe i tf conviction appoint il shall be lawful for uie convictinx l to commit tha oitn4rr to hit common tail f tht district truer sucb conviction sbsjl lha been hadlhrt to be imisoned for rba ii limtttd by such eouvietftn vii and ball tnacud that any ptraoo ojancjns actinai tht pieco prvliiaua of tint m may bt pivseeuur courickd and orison ra1udad the hon mr pratt has recently published an jihlrcsa tn the people nf tha united slates on the subject of tht oregon railway the ideas it con tains are not very novel but the arguments in favor of this route over ever other are given in a cootfc fined form t and wa wbteiw hfomlgkp fiwi tv to show the small utigty of a canal across the iitbmus of panama lbc world iugeneratgind to the unllfd stales in particular central turella he lells os has estimated the cot 0 construction of snch a work hy three diftvrtnt linet and has come to the eontmiiou that they would cost rcsneciivtly 118000000 1j 40000 and m96e francs but in addition lo the expense and mr 1 thinks thit would greatly exceed the estimate r i account or the difficulty of procuring workmen and matenau in a country sosterile and with so bad a climate be nrre that distance weed by aiici a canal would le icr- ftctly iittismiucant and fattberlhal the ame rican government cotdd not eilher coniifi- tionally or prudently enter inn ta partnership wilh any other jovetnmcnl to carry out men a design to show the small advahlage which would be ned on a voyage from an atlantic port hy means of ship canal across he isthmus of panama he quotes a table of stances hytach route to some of the most imnohant pujinuinthe pacific aoi given by prof wit- tichu tht london univrrsity thce ax variaso i n r nearer hy tht- canal tbau by cape horn sydney 000 miles nearer hy cape hnm l r hy the canal nearer ajrain v ita cae of good hrrpf canton 618 miles nearer by the cape of uoori hope than by tbc canftl antpstngaimirc 2fi28 hiles nearer by tbe cnte of good llopc thjn v the canal the dutanees beine in each ease computed from plymonlh in england under thete cireuniuiiee mr pratt prces a duty to the oiv he addiesses to relin quish hie idej of such a canat which he sells ihem we know not why woub he entirely under european control and to hcjrin at ouee a line of railroad from laketmicuj- m h oreeyn that siklt j road will be built in theporen of eeenl we imasne nu one can doubt and mr whilneys plan which nj warmly rifoi d by btr pratt appears ex tremely well calculated to effect it speedily we ex tract so muclt of ihe letter as ts rsccea- sry totsiive our readers a clear idea of lhi lart of the subject mr whitney ask conres in appropriate 4ttf miles wide uf the public lands from like michigan lo tbe pacific for this csperia ptir- poc and ft he buiuj the road lie takvf the land to reimburse himself for evafhl bnndrcil rniles the onehalf at the overnmenl peine il s estimated will build the road the ohcr half creates a fund for where the lands ure poor when completed the road i- be fret to all the world evcept fie repairs and operations n be fixrd by congress the diiauce fru thr lake lo lbc ocean ts iwttyfour imndred mite the estimate cost when r for use 70 0n the number of a rrruired n w tm0 watc land ifloo miles tvithojt tiuiber or navijeable stream and of mna valul stuart epaji in bu ami ijirrct lite the futwtv bable llevenue thereof llttw bil oe oturart ile aenlrtup eevr n wrfk ehi iic tsrswl wesftevu lushvnytu iberc w nmhtajf ansatf fns itt list iimow la liupnsvrniftiirs ak ihi sstlnslsl it tamftmrfwwsuissoc n hie ridw in itu- state srim usssafy lasl anssst n petssata jii iiw inter i mti snay ajf rimsstatesl i j r by amfnimt ibpasussttm dftasaanselitx- paswwf hi adjiccni o lussttj vvfj cfp v ii iriiiituli where at one n tbo pmduets of handed of rhrnda of woro mike t ounipelled by ntuv to con etoemte al ft tintta i at ilic joad r lbo krir and at ibe prrsilo taifcmiy hie avrreluia di n other objceia of transrftatinn 1st fwrml loconvert by mimemu natural nd n -s- l channels in anotlve ftsmiftir rmnt the betjd f lake untario hero qaanllts of iraa and travel unenu tied rtsen liec when i m crjncooira tel ntaaf dnrin nnc hilf of the r thia lne tt other ciianncls being elot hj fot and nriht the rckqiuir vhxc bttsveeti ih fe cheap atd ojrcci jl- yuur aad the danerroia nnr csfieosier and virtuitinf pasaare over l k o erio- it will ba remaqibcrcd thai the roouy kadmr frm albaatu xncarakatk so j omti earned toperceai oo ilssjr capital oitwvbaieans tlie restrictions of ibstfa tjsftelff voile ibt miehie uoidfoo tha lbce end of your line aufptdlsjer t o l im lis ct- it wul3bor tin 25lfll par vus tartearpeakd detoit lo psewantmi omor llto reason if navicaifou and that urinr the period ufotsj vat raparted from phe west nf t rsitwy 310000 bjrresif qvar tad over sotoqflo biahrui c wbent and corn tlwre cai be n dfiubt then that ww and iluver lie uindance of frrbl an t ti tfi it hail been ilready shown i ibmk 1lul yoor roli- l tir rcskateconeam will and nvnf iiaeosna trarcioeo ly impmlanl v into tliacapaeily great wtajftfth twdway tar tlie accrfmrtui li f i bvsia i have already there ia no aarondinf inide on the liara smm the wceicm reff road lo the hcd of lwo ontario tkpf ivetprr mile ontradeof ihuiinetinftvnjf euesoeanf theuti now eenornlty u a cnjsa load of 4thj iokp or trains gm lihs of mcrctiondbo al a speed of ari wika aer hoti if taeh ft train irrre slarrrd from ei the line nee a dy they mirhl pam s c t and carry joq lona thnrif h 1 ceuiraleut io ifaw lona taiw erafre anaoany jj rf w if ftavab would be r il 10 fits rn i j i ttx imin were ftartrd runi each end iww hoars uwro aos t required bol thk f nf sneotinv and uso anaual tmsuspon 365000 mi- it ts not neeeamry in porane this at rmmy rranpvtd by two soch voohl bt nearvy pvur itika aa rea oved by the wtjtern ralwy io wfff in 1846 ttioncb an vavijatimllv cctr pay of tijndya space or rfi miles ihe rojdi are inkiah ood on both sides of ihe rive during ihe summer the fotr iiration uy w iter f nm tbe lake in st jam is easy i iinnt iiilrrsjdesl by the itlhe and erel tall at the farmer i- a inriwp nf about tmt et ehile thulfti the ui atvnf a 1iter a suit- a taki itoat crease ihe imi nf tick ioni t i j r- i i frnnilntnee wlltrab 0dilancerf ik miiwtlht raad u pretty cnml ami travellers e n find loletvmr eoinrarlamr- mme hi drnee n the ji jdicl ftllbtl hq r rviru quthc to temiseitn pofljft liriilft fasbfllif iffkrenevsrklnlvirjtf faum pritrsrsrldwn m st johi flsl prom si jow l halifax ilo miln in all ufif iih ttu ttttt xv h ttt jtorxelncmoij ptsmsuppfyrnsiuacflev tqjai f i y iv i x i vu jz tftifr the binotr orst which sup fauditaibait in afiy dtftftt ftvusw telieily has to be imporlrd ofiftr aer osm olcar saturdvv septkslllkr 1 1317 coiviar ii l siv ah that hie canada f4nner hi nw to look for a rvnuiieratiniricc fur bis produce is a filr if the pnlain ernp free trade having as cliciptekty clvd ibe liverokmarkel against hifri in ordinary peltjsjij fffm ifc pnial pftliinirnt had pted an act of pfolti inline li is lltrrefiirc nf some imisoilance htai te iv sbosild tteide errecily reipeel- ln the btejsct oe msiiiienee of all ftal disease both in kurope and america sceeralornurcvronlerntrarirt have made i point of pnblisulnt rnmonj cakulud to favnr the belief lht no ditaiecjjj ep- unt ihe ennntry ppert ont bun iborfe the number ivavt uiiardrnoilyi arrived at the conclusion iba there ae jjnylom of au- cutrenee of the poiatn hrtrrt which pfe serious reaon to fear that at least one hall thai crop will foil our fore bod utasjt eausrd ml so much by wh we ourdkc have ee by ihe reporl of the former from alt part of the u strict with whom have conversed thev with scarce an t- criaiorsareloudiniheircoaiplainls irvelftiy that the potato already exhibits ojoubtfi nymptomvj of lisetst and of a mncb snore virulent description than that of lat year bui ev salpposins the whole crop lo fail in casus snen fartnrts would tai the price crvr viff bisshel it ii to great brilaiu and urope tbnt wtmnst turn if we would come to a just conclusion ai lo bow far it is calculated to ajpct lbc prico of our pro duce the lonrfon economise live ftrt paper on such matters in rrttafn perhaps in the world 10 far back a june icive currency to the jjsieitedictionsrnrsie tirnv flat- ins that tbe disease so far is much more de- tlrnclivc than at any former period lit says moreover that only about onethird of the jaotl jdanttd list year has been tilled for thr potato this year itenee be argues that a much smaller quantity of food will he the revolt aud that the eoneqiie will tot fail loheeerely fell during the comint winter this heirje the opinion of the ecnomisf we ale driven much asaiasl our inclination jo say that famine prices will prohahty again rule between this date and march nccl and raise our wheat market from 3s the ptesent price in bamilton m cntlrariaes bultaband the west to 4s and 4yud per bushel if our farmers can nowschut tha jatttf price we would ajtvrsv them to do o without delay and thus jrcsvrtrometbinlikca remuneration for their labors coonrg 4or niiee of ihrtli chic s g mciafea i tbemvn from mvaico confirms what v have ion j aiiliciiialed the american army ihhv ocrujjii the halu of ihe montvsumas andtbcllexmiin relallk iwajc oflhinsj that havt been tffie is rfbt ihe day wfcl brute physical force can wilhlnd eictee ikit and discipline ahjlmiveeer rmicu fexicam may have retarded the occupation of their capital still it haaoccirrcdj asevcrj person of common senie foresaw mo dumatchtj have y el b ac n mcwletd from k- general scott at least none have reached thtpublic eye t k truth of the ne1v cannot be doubted nntess il bt that por tion of it almftat incredible vi thai gen scott has 1 1 r chosen president of mexico pro frm if confirmed it will prove that the americans ran imitate ciwpeans ia their warfare sued lien scott take pattern by the conqueror of italy who founded republic anrl becasat himself uicir bend plied as il was in a few hours would give satisfaction lo tbe daintiest tht wines weie of excellent quality and were freely distuned wieral toasts were proposed and drunk with enthusiasm such as the kingston and cotaire clubs alter sttting tome time over ihe wine ihey returned to their tftme which was flayed with fftfl ejcatcr spirit than before uheskat jivefiftlockm lit kinstarians unvwcnsivn atofioii tie pnrty returned to the town where they retrtoot of tea sup plied by mr stnctair of tlie fimt after wluch the kindlon club returned home nm0l ihe shout and cbeerinc of their co burg oi rids ir velae british whiff misiimkty arfloat irkttel so i m fttafltea there 9 mn with aonl an dead v xu thia il toy owr aiy native iand a mad m ihli 1honeli varijaumlly coat fair dir d foe tha tmipetathjn of safaonpe like yvuri ihcfc can aearccty bo a lift iu pac ny f llavinr endeaeceed to eilnbil braw lhc profnineni sourcea or busineaon wt r1 way n ua ovfand for tu auppott i sa t naceaaary to enter mln uo imftsuw tstuw tr if the quantuira which will ounuiv pfo6ia i il will yield bnt it el3 deolly aaerttd that ihcre b ao ttn ua buvineaa revuka baaed upo nd or the ho ennfi ij ela rf9 fcweaine nf tnies q tbi ch steps wr hit eanerioneo nf oilier wvik improvement which wili nvt joalifj bo rlaiptnrl h 11 isjtaiwrhciatdvewfrffatrju eacitc uribi i of sain p but it nay buurttrr be whit to avorlnin the nmnbae of paswitesi and ihe mucmiof freiftii it hviid rvojc t juvoorate cjursfv a awmil railway if then there sttnuld o of liirmictt rewrwger of ihe f r r- ivwkffl nuniher iff ifstj oel way dsitv 2 r mile and rtonst of thmuh p hif ihi riumwrtauty at i cent per mile the yvrf iavtuj waum be 9ll6 if tbe wy riiji per day eaeh sray al 2 tftwjl h mile hlf tnay nvt ee4i fnam ibt aiuree wtod bo fr lite tnimna arvaivd enad 300 per slay foriolulf i he year al surealvi ur each frwui jk untarsa to le ice or rwi samia the nccipis vruotdaatiwini to shcivld sooatoo brvetnf rmk nnlf l carried frvru detrvil lo mnul- lon at 20 ceats t bhl it wouhj add lo the cjif and if tbe th oigh and way rreiht renoltednnlyaooo tiafne klf full iraio cr uayl vcddy rccaipt wwm br at 2 nntper i d per mio saf fur insilp and no 101000 3su0q 1x 22 a eriis is at hand nf all ethtrs the mod facnrable to the immediate cnmmencemnt uf ihe line of railway between quebec and hal ifax and in conneciinn with the corniroetiois of thai worv the basis ot a change destined to acconiplish results of ihe htehetl imporiance in the future prosperity of the british north american colooic we allude to the rupture between ihe eng lish anil american governments in relation lo postal intercommunication we have this day received information frm a ryiartcr en- rilled to conndenee informing us lhit on and afler the 4th november tiext ihe lranmiwion of ihe mail to and from the om country wilj be made tia halifax j quebec thai fmm a perioat in the ame mouth nol yel iix- rd upn no accounu will the united state pmi office will be kept and lazily that it t very canerahy rumored nd as uuirerslly brhrrej that the beeinnuijr nf 0rraiiim on ihe lioay raihey tvve eneatjonad wtl be made vih as srlrre delay as possible w s ditioii to thi we have heard fin roriftrmalinn of thes comiuxand reomcutou changes that an eaily transfer will he v to the quebec pl oifire of some or ihe tlerks now cogg ed i the deruirlmeiit at montreal the return to ihe former route for the con veyance of the malts between canada and great rritain will prove of tome crnbarrass- menl at i lie outlet lo the rrealern aectioti nt the country but nuttutich an extent n tnihl at the n elauce be supposed as the united stite pnsl ojfice win atill he open purtita who prefer that channel of communi cation perhaps not ivjjb sikh facililir a istnt exist rut the fatuse prospect of the british jirorinces more lhti coonteib liner this tciftpoary inennvenience and should in duce our fellow colonists to aid hy their rtpre- rntalion that coisummsjton which the united stale government jus unwittingly helped to effect ii is unnecessary at prevent ft terel to the many admitted benefit which must flon from the construction of the halifax and quebec railroad they are mlv liown we mav uov ever ts mb ran 343qgn and wctilain i deduct from rhis aisuul 5d p- cent the avertstt xpensr nf iho railaavi fftii atlriiy in durtih uat eis and wuaro n lraeia a nil re tcnoo wiojo rt llqft ettiv4knt o itn perfpu on last eslimilrd rt rf the web and nrt t p cent uei uio cpiul ooo uf sia 4 j laffvri i 1- r rihiitred a lrietly aa ple ihe pssfxtfl fnm which hiefjrejt urarernilway is in dcrivn it autnati iho ehrjelerptteior 1 1 it hoc of utaline and the niotlmd vf cori r cirrikendedaid bivioean i i i wirlf ic andejintiin i lit prvbauo eau nf lbeifa i now icive ttso ailufctiimsi in repottwl ibe e- curacy of my raliumiea h been fulixpnfirmril by use jwt nf esprienred nnt fcspuiibk omucm for th5ch ssarajftj wlai kive rmucl for ihfualwn od snnvistry nf iho enrt kasiem liiob laricea lrwrr uan hie ralmnato with rnvit lo tube tnetitihiripvcatiiof ihcamvr cn use esstnsat will swrta in lite eftssllav lu sunsanbiuiia wild n ahaqut r ot yur tsard i i ade use h ivt- us eaicudin fiiwu lmdm in wnj lin mikv and the fifi sarin branch rf lo be jaimlbelmif otobr i ovun that all this wuek svstllie thmon trvini eutf tdvasrta- wills tlitbbess cnnfilonrt in lwr nf an entrritriae wlsieh t rsasslssaw my jiif i die eveely and with full hnrucc k a incut will be iftjp bsfhsil f a arrtxt euj tn ihrcdiom of thn trtiu and travel of h iinnsehre iasaartajmm to i invioee wff loth- rtdjiceni slate i tamies bsjthi lucdijtc aitd is i v lit popestotarl his road snmewhe e nn iake nlichiau where he cau itml he lands ftmwipied and theiicejirros the miwiim i fj of trip to canaa kast trar riaht dn chien jn the nxratirl of aumii w and thence over to the misaoun he ttveeu council bluin and the ui sirsiix thence to the pass on the parallel of arul uii thriicc to the hvil point on hie ifteific u kraneiscoor lb fjolumhix river 5uch an achivtinent we cannot coutemnlate in canada without hoit for should any wans tadwied to make the ports of lake michigan the depot of oiienul i we cannot d tht that a large part of tbe stream ajin llovin eitivard would pass lhmujh our own border the oreal wesle n riij- msd is ri leltnbe the route for all thr travel foui michien and the weat it the 1 1 states we shosild also have a laree triltic ihiouich the entire length of hs prnviii- ces to r letmiiius at llaliav we confess however tiolwillhtihdinoar faith in hit ul timate coapjcliotiof this road that we do not f i ii il as etllailajv capable of cur pfse the whole trade of asia it admit we think of creal dotiht whether the litnili of a railway afford sufficient facilities for a trade which is ol unlimited client hut even if we suppose that any njussiiiily of business might be tianaactrd upon il there would till lw the rival toitaa of buropt to cnotend ajralnsl it al least so far a enntems it own cvrnrntrct if w take tbt mctiltn tf ffretnwitb nt tht wrslvrn tatioiniiy of iprin j- l frn a tyrt tepqwunl rf ihe rf tlsey are bm hee in psitlitte uji nelie telegraph hmrs lasl aiirjlp whih is aoon to connect flphtc aud a distance of 6i7sniltst tv- o or ihrcc facts reptrdm wile fvesfii jluicheltr mav nut f unac the ndiirt portegfi ifts ipitherei ceplamr in hjfl mile belnw queltre u for the lift lirn in im bv kenm wand thotsth mmt eranti ihoueio many obstacle aud thiricultic svv in th svay as lo render a mplaw raasatji- p asb time hnwevr hi pioven u iran hie mail from the st lawr l0 lale a distance sf3t mues inehr o h kat and tor ja mile u1 route otr r itii mipunlmiif thai must hpf d fttmiddhlc nlfstiiclfa to tbose itw r at the cv tcmiitcd a pas frmn lnuie fitf vciler etifov nn ireealdn ami vvrf ltke tersuvnuftu whicft w mite in lem and iblw mkwhf nuimlttl ituropt which it is williiu oboul hoaaji wa find i ha i shani the eaaternimial of chiuft is but v2fj desa from hfwhilu 111 mile in hreadht i surro with kfly iiiounlains d mt fft lets all th wtut mtty inountainv cuvwteit w- p woods down to the vers water tm thi lo the tjtet falu on the liitrl st jftli a slistanei f ri miles ihe route l t adeeptud fttoomy forosl- wlus t and solitude mmt lit dreadful lo hwcarv travlur tabuttfvw indian and hi ibt nest tkmenu mturveiit rtesaju hftllin ploce kiom thli lo s jita in fn ress an opinion that tl a sum tpial to lhat for several yeaispat aid to the hfishhorins sjoeernmenl bf expended in ibe makimsjund i iko of che hih- way between ihe termini named there vitl he iiftiv reason to regret ihf enmine ehane wilh proper atrnfenrnf the iart of our posl orf and eoosj road the cnelisb mii can he conveyed to and from halifax quebec aud montreal in a fpace of lime but liiihily exceetljns that now taken in performing the amc service via remon montreal and que bec we allude mainly to the w inter trswtnli in summer we presume at first a steamer will atuin run between ficiou aud quebec al least snch should be tbc 4rianrinisls evfkc arrcsirti ctiik isiminaattoit- 0ir fejlotv isils- jec in thr home ivminion will ec by the newspaper of nil the uriluh provinee on this sde of ill c ti ii hi a enrilinued account of the mtflvrinc and death of hie emigrants more than a hundred thousand of them have left their nalive land their relation riciti- 10 and friends tn coin amon slraner in a strang land ihicy were nidi i believe that thry were goiu lo a country of plenty where vork wa eaaily to he had at win tvhere land in liundtnce could ta hvl fnr hie me e occupation w here the friends ard rciatious thl bad one before them were nnsinut to receive thm they have niel uepealal1e hmresi and iffefina been jt- pendeni upon alma and prnliably btaily onew nf them have alteadv iseen ron- fttftsstd to the deeper lo their enves the laic of iill that remain in not less deplou bit they lure already spread eontiton amn- their kind hearted relations and ffirn l who rreeited them amnn the iuhahitint- of the provinces ifom cape flrcton to iakr hnrtm filling the towns and cnuntrv tarb with sickness consternation ftrnl ijeaih even their relations and fritivu will hardly eenlnre to leeeive ihem into their house those lhat are still able to work can find no inploymriit and they have neither the mean nor are they fit to o upon wild lands and render it productive nftcr the expiration rsl another year those that may survive lilt the winter tf this climate rwr a new trial in lls foe which they are lll and lssjehavity of the inhtjitanls must fail pjriivularly should the harvest a is no threatocil prove scanty fjueocc gozttc t a melancholy aeculenl nccurrid abour ft frcfntk trderday aficfnon on tstsnl nf thr hip albion of grern whilst the men were moated unmi a aia suspended hy blocks tackling from ihe masts ii tandins the esto cmisistihe of hatea f itiy oods the hrcket of the idoek hoke the rtaji way ihe men fell nlt mie inlo the mrf arid sitc upon the deck the bslea ruining tijifihlini after hn moat iubll4iale li tilt bale frit upuu t yinin mn one of list heamen tminvd jamca wiuuu nephew nf mt wihou niiia ftriwlfit moittnak lie was picktd up iiiaeitssble the scissliiiijc fioii hmtsesrttsd tntssts mrdiral aid wt speedily pi curd but was of nn avail rvt dajttvtnt bairpsl live rmftidy nn a corvoeta irauel will hrld th moiuins m- cnronatsv xi has lonsr pin srnown that inncwttfk and c4j itge ijmrir f ur vr it a confederalionj or society foe mutual pruttxtioo of the mthchanu and sellerttjf sjomls mgawlftll needy and dishonest clomrs thb society hat its agents in most places in the western stales mdxafcdaj vfttr whom it commuuicalet now jtr wajpcctic tote- stoph when any of itsmemben wishes for enquiry relalivt to tbt sundjnoe honesty of in ten dine purchasers wo arvi nbl join 5 in quarrel wilh this ttciery for many reasons one of which if lhat vh- waaiterjuhi atprjit affect it buturc intend to allude too recent circumstaoct expected witb ib kings ton aftncy toshowttiatitiscapaucofdsine ah infinity of mischief a svnlon merchant had occasion lately to visit new york one of the parties of whom iw urubed to buy beioj amembtvof tbi in- wujence srcielynude erirsuiry of the kings ton aejencv the answer returned was that the inltatdint ssrrchaser tesw what be reprrsentaa himself lo be but that he had uken another gentleman into copartnership fur wrrosshtavn debt- he was liable of course the negofration was auspended but the kingston merchant tmotvin that he had taken no man into partnership and therefore was responsible for no mans dcblswaaasmuch aelonished as cnnfoinded at the statement and could not be made to believe that ajj i antwtr had been returned uuti hy some means or manatretnt be obtained sjcht nf the letter and look a copy then convince of the fad ho save references to parties of unques lion able respectability and wilh some i rouble aij delay removed the scandal ard made his purchases parlicvvhooccein the affrnev of a serrel intelligence society of ihe ftllin tsrj allude in should he ctrcmvly emutloua in their rnn duel they have it in their power to inflict erimrs injury on their fellow owrtsmcji with rait in one case nut of ten asrordisuithe ik jitred persons the mean of explanation in the cae which h a come under nnr nnlice iberc vxested no teason whatever sot ihe in formation ijiven il wan trattii tons and it was ineorreet and knovrne snmclhins of all thr in- a -v- ynvr 11 j ori sccru socicltcs are not much influenced by rtewpapor rclcji y a mj we greatly fear we have thcosvn one labor away bn the prestut wcjaor cricket match at cobubc we have been ahte to icive a brief aceouni of a recent cricket match which came off si cobstr on friday last throufit the kind ness of mr while one of the scorers tbe j iy at ffis yai cf jle j rat was unusually fine init in oosttcqaatnctnf undcrlandint arising with rtsjard n the 1 friday few were in lttehdjucc in witness the sport tlicjrotjdd one of the ftpst in canada was in fjooj order and aauftftj a m ihcplaeefs wore svtns by one towards the ftebl of battle iillall had areived at a quarter 10 clcvetr play was cailtsj tbe cohiirt jtlaytrt taking ihe bat when they scored vi we may here remark that althtr the cuhur club va unsoccesstfut ihtirhal tin w iisdced cood and orvin lo the thorl notice fitenr ttceiy tai ewrt hefcrcl one of ihrir bit babuieh ttad not ucial time to arrive there wliirh no douu made a ma terial dl ite re isceirr tlwir pmc htr kiivrron club on the other hand tens frreafl aider by thr valuable ussiataucc of nfr piper aflhc will hct and one or two of ihe mcnthc ciiviliaiis woic rattier succefnl that other wise mo distinguished theussolves in the field rather than nt the bai partlcijiuly before the sharp bowling of mr u hhttan however we do not forest lhat lheir club was only fonned last season and there are many yoainptaytns in it s lie- lid fj to bvcosftr valuahlc members in th second innings the coburt peofile who bejan to feel sensihle nf ihthr silrouioii eemed inspired with freh eourar sftid were at their bats nearly twice a lonx lheir first innings however il was easily seen h 1 ys sochbuitartoj of a etadtatjmrticre in the nrirish 1vlftljf tv 11 ih inslanl and of an ettracf ftwei fvooi tht loeidtn b of lb elb of aufiual my a l ten lion was called to it fi aftsyl aaine of ireland tut btfovtd horueof my fasbers 1 have caiefully perused lnet5frari tsfrbi pneroiis rtrdirkp tnftde thereon and though much as 1 mm inclined to srfve tbe wbit credit for it ftntnlyhonet andsiraiehlfonvajd remarks yet t regrei that it sitiesed na one iota of iht foul caloinoy evinced ihe extract without a more fiih ad certain lugvrledcc of tbc subject the whig sajs thn censure however ill- natured must pass current as matter of fact out so far as ny knowledge of ieland ex- cfto and my pen is able to falsify impolitic il ami malignant aceuaattort will l txtit ooh to cve lbc direct lie lo the asper siona of the times it ii well krown ibat tbe timri nevirr was favorable to ireland or irishmen thai it has on all occasions attacked it people- vkii vir ulence and stodtoendy avoiiw ciiiri snetil to any of her hardy sons tsstit in t stood and field under lbc mojt disheartening dif ficulties and m jht naost tryiiise situation the prudence br loyally and genius of erin have been tested in every inslaskcba the truth 1ccn fully realised that the ehiralric hood of ireland ancient kiue has notdc tcrioratcd lint neecssswhis to be rarored nose nhen ttfttj hjiarter grobe bfts lout iuct acknowledged il are we yel lo be told that irishmen make hrare soldiers ot loyal uhjccb entietened diilosophcrj or aga- ci ilsstalesmtnj profound scholara judtcloiia historians or talented rocts or thai burnine vivid and thrilling elcltience is indigenous in her sons in fine that any or all the qualifica tion rcqnivit to make a great wist and in dependent nation helon5 lo her i say need these be proved noser if they wore titer what is recorded i should not be able as 1 am to holtt up my bead and proudly tell lite doubter of the genius of my race lorn on but this tf acfcnowledjred aw regards u lrir- men abroad flat what of irishmen tl aome these men ho far away from their own green isle can sascccffsfnlly compete with thr citizens or subjects of any batiooonthc ptole are imbecile and inactive while inhalinc the id hc jijrjrtililtisarairfrtiiiri or osrarinufered in their emcrom some a itrauo anomaly this but inaf instan ces uonesip stranec than trte there must be a cause for this tbi thall be my en deavor h i i- xsut ia tht mnn rii ir i shall ive a key to the solution of tbetijjcct in the closing words of ibt ktsice in ihexvhjr- british mi redo p ol before ejo tosilrect raoofsui my asserllun let me naakta four gesitral rt- inarks upon the retract itself the times sayjf pwer bopte ton tsserj rsa province u- here ihe bcrlemiusa and ni capacity of mtivepnwtr make the flw de mands usonirnporlcd acuvnywhereihe n- hfthilaucs have all be injjpf clximisiyiesa wilbout hit hiimfno tt3lnliiy jftvc olijf il of the writer nibij aam if sssjsfliy hecouldj nohat chosen rnort apicriafe lst out lei tht injttje of aoetsiou go ccpse wo to the irftifct- that actually to make otfiof lliidooehildrpinejs after fvctyseven ytarsof 6srassh jtai u one ihotuarxd tisssta worse thatn 1113m iidn irish rule thia provra thnt either tjlrtillj 1 in lh governed or ihttvtirmnv f tciat it v in ihe former the liiatory of ifwwnen abroad will altord a snificitot refutation thai it moi b in the ultop iht prestoi ihi4tny shelaud will leslify toil berae the cue none will fcnf that it is nol trnt duty of ote true tovrr of his coirntry to llvcnt 1t thestijma which is east u it afldafbr rjce fit every irulnnan no matter what liisrltr of the mbc ise may he in must feta iinjr in- bysoeb remaihs bui aone one may y bas entfand uoot nothine fie ireland losf or t yts so far ajaj a ccwswillsm ijoes but ara you to arsrut fiom this lhat it is ssvtils connesion which anpris ireland no ttifc was a feat national calamity which no hutnaotorniieht could etaril ainst il became the sfuy of all nation to asil their brethren irrdiitrest rf e- 1 1 etairrs the right of gratitude lo be ion istu large v a tent then sa he base indeed but what wuold ireland do in suth a crisb wart it not fos capital hall amwtr by suiting auother what aail would knlanjs butlioa he if a like dunutor fell upon her when in 1812 and 14 she u at war with the tyreater i of europe and lbs unstrd slates none whatever the times aavi a magistrates tssidmisuom bad to v sent to a military qfnerr wheow intuitive knowledge of lanr was thus lisjs- pensate the shortcomings of an irfsh prn- vioco- wonder whether ibis selflaughr ttwytr was an irishman li it inhtuire 1 1 a le- i j- woa b atrunerst re commendation and the iirmnent criau re- quired jum that description f fjualificatton it say also lhat in cnooaohi therpaadopua duties of magistrate landlord collector and oversetr devolved upon the oitkers of the army the times speaks first of tbe whole of conning but can specify orjly tmteawa- ty tdturilih anyihinc tike a cassis thiss county no dvubt bordered on the sea shorty and thr partieutar locality over which the inlsriiive iff was toevercist hssmaps- o permanently to her beeastse of a- a part of he own knre to such a trial awav was the drcj of wretched location of joroehun- ifr ajir in fiuih a jpnassff instead ofi vme doen and this peotioeef rytrrsj ih sftrch close contijuiiy with the enlrgttjsinh isyinol of britain rejoin j uudr lbc rery sjaajfovr ol her outstretched wint s yro- icclcd hy ber 0 qjiglay fohbij sjwclrrjcd hy her wise and impaitial taw he seat of vieereesl power and sprttidov jtemaioj iflcr forlyiqven yrara of ormesovt irftrr id fovernment in a heiress un that lheir mateh was inst ihe kingston ibjv havin cored 63 in their lirl innitie the score of the cobure club in the second r 1 11 amounted lo s6 leavint for the kineton club to win 37 which was aecom nlished with ciht wickcu in go fttowfth ro l ui ccu- lar isvirioa ii j ltinas 10 rrril bnusiafn ft ltiiwj b hudson n u r 1- c iiderfieyf 3 rrearardf not ttiirhltjni kf b wt itrosvn b tii itnth b riper- vvtswi ujn tnwtaiftsi do cakauli iteea widt balb i b 20 jjimmc etlbthfuink b t1isdius cl reeve h tfadnn ranststs 9 3 1 43 el flijir ei wejt b rnvrr c bw mptv jat assi byet yhlo li ii tout 1st ismtsmfts piper cl ismwis m rilderteesc clcmrifal lliwi t ii ilnla lvise b r ituitan ifavtff el wtiler 1uho i otetfliw klrntiob lludfctu kutrlamls il 3iaall b fl kuitasu klncron cum bq ismaosv ftldmh 1 et f-eriffal- bt itulun ftjd j- l bva siuu dt hi 4 i t u cj 14 s 4 m hi a tfujauaiu 3 tal in rffstat lie ahtrl notice tht cobutg fssojit criiel asj the mtlch t givt thfm crcdi cvuie tractable imheeitt slato jhetrjinki the very reflection vf so svvcn greatness ahd oia jeslv would nn a rrrinrajiiij inlp around ueh tntsery phlroxopber tell us man if ai mimetic animal hut ihis gotsf ft rta dis prove suoh a theory we likewlso tajk of pjnrr but sieak of it in the fjee of iiltal lite times 3srrls a truth and jott utter a lie speak of ihe infttrencc of british princi ples and you speak a ire talk of any of the happy chmce whack tlrilish ssstneiion hrins in il wain and yosi uttfr a tve nlv- me and direct- what pik in daaty ejo msnnnlc ation with ihe isfatf briiaju inliearinsjof the booming of her thnnneemr 1 rii i i ry and i had almost said within hear- int of ihe i v imiuusionedaitpiraiinns of her legislative liv and xyhose 4cry fortress and donjon keep bristles wih her guns and is crowned wilh the ij meteor fla- of a thousand ytmssj this proriref of all other of 4he numerous dependencies of freal llritain is mfc in ignorance afnsjfa hy imbecilily and fit inly to be elassed olon with the savage tribes of llindcssunl the times ihe leading unarrine mirnal of kn- me asserta this then dvesstvrr the unholy bonda wbioh bind ireland aad dhtain pluck the sjcecu sluinmek which iwiiism its dclievte reudribftcud the httnn 0r fnvn the arm of the empire tearftotu out the rliiurlft diadem wbieh ercirclei tht brows or the fairrlaiirttef tf he llnsase nf hems- itit klh vvohhlts snt vhlth fttillie il p isline hewtv fiive bteb ojrtitud her indtiendencewllhii tf tot bttr sht eaii he n ww iftfcij is tho iftnguasjn of iht wtjf the lop- simatof tha pnop le of engltnd t if so 0hy ralain thif c mirou aipanatft a dead weight eitbh eiilhtprtst tud eentiamy jusvww fcftf siira a province iiftoriscratfiphor vail oai4rt 1 i it just to iteltjid iiiif t wataiot which tnltilft 01 bta ftaauwah wrelelieititefts 1 mas mwirt irhr 100 far wfrt comltj vmilwl itwannlluonlilj tatnftlln starving and diseased fstbemen who t h us ti n c on c i ousj cojrjhfllejrl to the elevation 6t iht son crffsn lsit that the unfortunate sons of rrfft are rankeil below the hindoo not io physkj but atorof cjualircatioos they have llimlniehildhne il is in meral rnerries ihey art tf r rr ut aye heres the rub not iraciaue this mttysa not paltry paodcfcr or criitpna sycopharihi but why mystify falsehood i let ifin times speak jjain irishcnen are tsvasjet uiilitlervd intralablewvues- sptriuofthtr ancient kinsof itihvrnia can you repose 10 your graves while this calumny is uubtihed to iim woild spirils of gnltan flbtet lufki- aud oconnell rise from your stssssav chreari j denoui re such falehoodi sfsa of the mighty dead i natji have abed yosir warm blond in defence of british lisbsaod liberty can you remain strent t mutal duke t ulimiin are ou a dastard to your cminttv or have y exhibited iltssslpw raudsiaj irrfaouf jfi fmruwiry t ijjiirtfainit to of kindlon 81 t5t wtt fqi tht flritia ffs t ia tlfe brjrish soldied a bw pknitntarv- nfv dun wine it i soy iriteofion in fj qfll fffffj- ine the rrnitentiary more tban i cca4ty in treating of it as a pla of punfihmtnf foe ihe iliiiui soldier it rridrr my srfbb no my inlenliofi lo add q the durneitttrl uiors tt hich have been so freely circulated ur ssunc time paa1frcpeclint that canismesjt of thtm i know oolbinsr save from mac they may be but or they may not tttiue ihe ivtss are ptifeclly lirht in keeyfnrup ffce errenbuiiiil an inveirr place it isdf trw the warden tfbs sairtw niucb smdavmld have insisted on an enquiry brine made mto the chares lhat he coighl be enabled to satisfy tht pic ltt w r faisily but with these jave naflo do i have tnereiy alluded it tbeea in trtvr to remove whatever douljta may haw antaajn in th mind of any of vnnr rtvdtr aa torssry real iril m fn drrecrine t1retmtfjrt jaiblit 10 ihe penitenlianurply as t plaet ralirdjr insuiied to iht purpose tobkh tbe n rtiir aiithoiitiea hae apilicd v i ijihi that it is wtett nay more that it is trifliur loo niuh with hplbthtjy nor and the inter of tljt british aay jo i store soldier in the pemitenfftiy foe nth pelly crimes 0 drunkchneat tr ibn fskt ctimesf peihapsof some liltle maenitndc in iht army hut not atich a should consign a omietto the disgrace eorerurnl urlim brufi imprisoned wilh the enm of villainy it iniy w artsed that the somjer csjrtfftciy little ahtut the place where hjs mjhwjb his punishmenl inc brilith ohlter f sups ir t endowed with th fctlimcktommtn fb hminanity although he i taas in withnot even a show of rer tayirrfftorany sentence wbieh may be tsassred oat hfief f y he tfoes feel and feel keenly frev thr i he set his font unt bin f the peiiilenliary hna dnrstett u ierhij and considers himself no iiau the veriest monster in the eslawishmenl ft is on enormous and 11 very fctjful ouuplftka into which the prrmdrnls of militasy cihirtj uartial bayi fala thtftttf- diers ta the penitentiary t to ptippete tfltl tnv onj ean result fom the mehsr at present trrx fnrevd to insure a ptoper male of disiplina in ihe atmyi canada when pmisjilflc ts inllieled it is ilruie with the inteution i ttij rmtiumrntat in producint same ifa iufht criminal aetintt whom it istttittt tilt marines to suppose that pnv lefotmalrnsioao be areomplihed by diraciii a aoldlaur a petty failt such a connuinr hhn amaa penitentiary for nite luo or ripre wlj ftf heiiu tuilty if drunk eiints if tvrj tli- ha svlm rhasi in partako rothtr rrvelv af at inrbhalenif ditum wtrt p trt ftijirjd nway in thr ponltenlisiv for out w 1wo woika they uould mji btvt jftast siscithrnsv in that calthuthowtit pwuryt er ie motter if little renctin waidni how many of aj ssrslxtfjil ifjitiihrj ilwie for this drttdtucml us lie tettlved fea ia the cast lu evftrwt 1 m iridieiit suit of tianoa ptr ditpa ret ar islwiiii wi i a ta ia emit mill eseij snr iletil who eonltuy in ihe ivrrlfnp diulho mutihew jhe penittniltrt wtslnvj aa t pltrt b vlnh r irrpju tit sustafd t u sculi t up nf r

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