British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), September 18, 1847, p. 3

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f mi iiikm ihti wwi tw u kf wiai lmpnirhfnl in ljttetk w ijf 1111 and mgii jv f m wriwn llwj dmim ifi wm i ll ttm4mwiitub foraotdlpitwhu b nl invuflimwtftmitamlf w to thrttni a4jau w 4fa i ifii6 vtim wi rfijs pjhuvwi la viu4rlr itur mi the milrtsli cijfc a trraytfw mfttu ot has iwrt 7 mw ttrflilvd hro urftlffl shh iwpvbm dpi hytha ikihslunbjoe he is 4t-0- soldier tha vaty pijw irham they would apyeai tor pisrteottaii he of war it tivaultod aiuj dast 1 m mid ilcsen iuc of vch lrxthr feel- lo in fuom fbi hjiiu r under eonsmntllloii limn fifty other wqh cwu h atlvaaaeiu h i apfry ifituwtoqkriliiiotwulidbiri aamiioss when h iaaa imtinmi ihwtlittilritmritiirii hew easj it iwertwrwiaet ltpafbh pmilue l olilbcuawrn from f nrpureatly well- ewttactvd 1atu jhkkthriutkcor aenttnttof mlfltamhlt lrtilwitfy la the rana vol onty r tararinf them in ihc eye emmr comradea aat pwi lnlt im j qinifi a hrliiyp iob breath of lho clim tjals tketwelrtt borf the govemanl isyay mr anrl wwrh sooner or later bcita thcmlo mtji iheir eolots bwk their oath of avasstianeo lo traosrejirh tow tham toiuffer lkc miseries owl reflcctioni wirlom on perjury an desehinn tdrte oaho no tjwrhijhuljjinb wajfunurlhe ij3apneur up hich i hor1 impuaaiil o lb p 4mtey wfcw who iroold ettmrttr har brn ml dtforfj o at inlyp flc om tidiwc oujknujvwd fihfxilly fulfilled rtrmced owinrtlo wltkli ihcy rnleirjt lbethid fft ffjnwwkt ll tnvtr iqtiom ihu witful dfntoini lotllkom wtwehiif kfcvtotfrff tbtmi- d il ut dijnct of fle mm urti b5 e frfieul ponbhweiil fctftrniatfabtjdpjftt of crime wt thott iv lnnjwrtied vilh uhb luk mcf dthft utwjrfcr bomcnl the t trtioch mifctlifiir untmtnl mix i otthrfromf clwneif jecptd fcrikr eontklk ind tftry will o d0 proctif uw dvbodeptdilioft io wblch he aoldiv riiwrkik m thu undergo hcviisthlins ptmim which ihey bure pul in rtro ttw tt- dweilo5luoblirtj to dttt iheft roaiitci vbiclitoae eader ihr ixrtiee of hcifil fow lbc crime mall rndeeeli oflcn eiifcieftl to eefiufiu the lifipf to h peviueikry or to 4y oiet ylue of hh mttd that oy be fixe upon but th honld be ikiuit ino nrbon with 6r drtd ccrtivieu for whatrt lermed ihe cri drunkmnmt eooooiiily of snjivti to belojmled io any psy he mjr- f dotfiftk u moi f iwjurh and je- ipvsp the oler in the ertifttition of bi tlflrtdrt bot fttfuat mftdoubtfdly bt ibr meanj of hftfpg k h the eyes of hi ilkfvis i home id llefyfi o lis parent fvm be i ijbamed id ftee iftrr brn- de- gttw irt tucli m ipjrrrr fo lfc mct lrih ittri iaigiajbb lf ibe jtiir be known be villeertomj be kokrd oe with aupkiou by hi woneii for tbe eerr fael lb bvioebren iriejreetitedin fntiociit fffini i of itself mscitml to iodoc them lo up- 4onnoas aiwouw hi wptrtoj oftccts would mlbv feftafemipjiwuced if jtl rloweijar no trtlni op ihemfctttr beta thir the lt hit bw jdbcirntly loi enonjrji nftn the jk to illow my pcrvoju wlw foirjiveel kiiniij eikd judlly jtafmd toward tbbtiliiksolilufli jo pvt thcubjfcl ttlcclwerfcomiirrtlretnpj to5pae yv praetke iflreijly drvtt fls eipwa alfi ftawauer toa clkj tlkal seat ocm of jcmj ronrmhon- t may take ibe qwea 3- ij ljini iimioui delay ft b one of b ininiiiarcc to ihe acrkr oae wilti wbkb the wclfaw of tu gritiab isomkr i id iawnrtliatrty emiaected ibat tt canool fail lo jaraben much yrmalhy in ihc minj of it bavposem doe stare of ihc toilk of mn kladdcas or who profrss 10 eutcwit abcatast rtst for ibe brjtoh army l- yw tailwully nsfd i froablr ion in rftfrbiftf alto wiltroa flujiul 0t tittuj mafn0n itiitffty irb liad tha nlfuonroof wllnaallun the hini ron 1fltrl auihnf luatcb wblcb hrf earn oir in klncatou day tli boaif ware iu cuttsrt ttmiffftitel end vonluut th rormr omroil hy mr onrtowea and tbo lallar tlio projieity if mr chambers jar tno llto oon to he hn ivm froai the morlclhj tonr iu fioiit o ho oikt tott loqod lht uppajhaaih en t email island ten milts ml back oejftln at fbttor had sliktly lha s4qtajttf tnkins hcroiace on tbe xreather bow of ker adversary tht ap sbwri however aon luok iho lead tjjuiy to leeward and at the oml of tbe urst plrtleb hadaained a frwhinilrdyiribt llaw sidraritaejr she tnainlamcj inrreiing iftr 4liflf3cc earli laok till when off cataraqui ljnt ht odds in ber faeee were frty cfttbidrqhto hat now the uncertainty of things nautical became iwfclufly njptircnl for te iho wo ider of tfvne muo bad witn- cd the nrevions mrl of tlic race the mimm dmvv ahead paasini her orjoiufnl to windwird fully iiir o rrffle frotr i u pofnt to the ujfpir droet the rice was exceedingly rxcitini and it vm evident that the aav renlly il itancr bot had tio tntenton t f ivmj up lht- conlctf thc sailine reiid the island was beautiful ill oal making several short lack within tmakiitj dhuuee of each other litre oein the sans soari took tho lead ad weithcrod the bland n felt seconds in ad vance the sheets were then taed rflt juj the boat liierally ilew through the water making the ruohomeleo mile in one hour m jivr minutesandlh5oivvi4rirolinjcd the msr- tcllo tower barely two tdinnte ajvauceof her opponent llolh boib were ajjkiiabl handled thioulioqt t5 tiu vicxyoib cwfks tbja i he laawcrk f ihrse zvn iifjiif wris porformin at hnilfril when we hope mi skerrmt will dirret tbtir men bilhnwards no man luttm upper canada better than tlie mtt manager nnd were he lo asmfaf tbe cbildreo lor a week at knitm fotlnietit ai torooto avid a veekal hamilton heavimhl be sere to eiowdird houses nil the time tanee at montreal i it is not imlf so whi a theatrical city a toronto with only on ibfrd or its population icihap mr ilkerrett bas already contidereiltlie maltc and hi made due r repanlions- calivanoiicinty among the many notices of death which appeared in ouj col umns of late days was that of mr george graves sen or piiuburh we arc happy to say ibul thuoldgenilemaji is olive aid hear ty never was dead 31 all anil dobot mean for many years to come we hope the deathf mr james graham a near naittboi ve rise to the mistake fc fw poar orrici- apost offce hai iwon rnolil ilir1 a mr john fjupdanlrth rrnnstnun hurler the nam- rrf cl morim jvi olldrj ferscmj whhina lo direct u tiers to itlit ir 11 j w 1 jkr ll hmir coiivrmrnl fui to ndiathv inhrmmly mm 11c jjsultii or th citvwc are to say that the rmmbcr of deejb in mrgiaat hospital nd shed now ron- laimu neaily 600 persons is diiniobtuor on wednesday thb we the report only rr cniiih rtl two deaths within ibe past isreaty- foor- honrs and on no djy bas it been more than six remittents and iutermittents are still prctiknt boib in town and coll- try but they are readily roanattble sar or fattiir goons 05r twttw rxr harinr been rrrjnested to do tbe amiable we hive much jdeasontio request ing the pubtk attenttmi to a safe or fancy goads bylftjjalon 00 tuesday oexl see ajrtrtisemrtit a ftwhl h olowiw 10 apme toca jealouste the eitabbhment of tint port orbx did not take place as promised by tbe department m v rmif the lrooaed jo 1 matotmajr be a great baapli nay the only nodical in the towosbipfnr auui we know hut if bis bouse and himseir a ibe- best adapted for pwt office purple inlhe rte4ubohnod wr see no reason why ftftborreit nlo tories ihould object lo it the wblk lililily should erer be home in snind r the weekly wloew of sick in ibe mavice aodtcniistmn ftypitsliqneoec from rbr b lo fbe htb rwber im7 b as ubwa number of pdtienu 875 qf whom 142 were dichartje am 62 jjej 1 wfkw wfrmwstfmtmmh ikeity f yum nhsepnse i47 3 ingion i5th sq4 fazio ql c011resp0ndknce of the v x- iiontseal herald ujbmi saiurday aiirjciosfipt 11 i fljpcuiife acr up lo ygstrr- tflattrrrt ikioes kaviiuprotcd fery totbttnaisjy wbdn arrival frum n niimhirof jamaaqi nv 1 1 ibe wok ai juc oprculalor w wnn a j in a my bed s ias pul binsjor tbe wowrjisia previoo to ber j areaeai there rroiaioei t300 m rhe bland ldvlarrat ja nosv fdtsuy f room for all tbt r assiyjiipe dn lit uev tbeds thoie itut nstt iwtaaseirtarand att tbe ebmebeabaee brfvascsborvtl todheheaku npasaamvaoat maria fjiaii cm dp froan lbeqitsra n litttui w tflraraaosv salrjfssf heuiaesl lbcaf sevcraj dasyu am akdraavoa baaitl i tflbeaablp aumu massn h dwclurfnher jw cjfo allk wekiiglori whatf m aiwbfwbabty iranjjbirsasjaitiitfiaj mnnlinl jbisbj papem of 4ate atk iaiaav arerr ie wix ausaatiiice ibe jkuraiortl afmbflfins froi que and ft sfc1fr benooda m 1 ssar- sstbisaii asmsttrma from clen h driven ashore in a terrasac pjf tbf t36th ull at p04i haslbiojaifajcbaiw difr mnrjpri vj1 f itet po baa been ilirwrd- omr4ifipr are eniertainrd tbat tawaawawartoat sbeiaxmucb vffposed lo jt w- ami w wind the wreck of rl panic iol jiwn ties aear the ermyea from crvsae jlc ae ap 0 yrswrdiy jiu the tents were stroek somr oepitdej last the rknrchra were emptiest jaf tnjir sick bare been u10 and lumriesled ejid no ft vert tghkdt- oltnslpqlpoarm 0 wednes- t passseitw psvmi wire vacated rthryud been evwehvfl hnpink about ibe ertbif may and lie sramber d c t re- 4ucod totwt of wbom 150 weieconeales- ccniij who have neruseol to tbe eat end ol tbe island where lhrrharc been esuhtitbed inateand female coovakactni wajda all ibe nick j re now in hospital lba owdieal and vostjuffiisve taceoefjuccd pie servi ce if to trlegrsih stuv and- jameifln bfaeeddlspeasud ssiv dfwbllace wweachuljiffwerlsrtkc reriuclio tsj mfrfjttfat esnaw ia orjrriiea and m joh wa afldsthinalantitho jeaihi rfcvu le nsevrtu pout st riitava- k nj l srplcmhcf 12 tojd dec1dofine ii v c f or brsmaa f rvu u- if ntnboe ol t n maiy avasmnvtf 13 jrio hi- 1 um c i tvrcnlfour houra u 1j 0amil fmty vcet of alt sires heavity laden with timber f at anchor at si johns n b on the 4tb m hie ksreity n aramen and the enonrhhis waes demanded atevrnffas tbeir dtfanonr ibe urs de- 16 rv the un boe t t celt cott pmesidsxt or mftwot letters from mr- svmnun of tbe pknuvne rp tbe charl rtlna cmsav say avucoit kkt been elected prestdrnt of mexico lo serve maul ihc ltb of janoaij t- the eilies or bnffjto aid albanv t11 nee vork ftate and calvestmi in texas hate bern erraud roman cjtbojic ktislomi sees by tbe pope ftlssvamiuailcibibliionaf the monlreal ttmtirulhiml society look place on the sh and was very well attended botb dnms eetlbfes and victors vexnae- r i rwl was pecstnl fltbt enejneerof ibe great western fourojadcomnant havfns coropkled bis surrey bas made hi report to the direerwi- which hi been published id tbe spxioio it enlera minufely into delajl and gives a most favorable view of thu t foe the fwv ttrntion of a lioc of rajhoad nd farrltses afhlteriris trospeci of fbe success of ihc acat poject when cosnpteitd the canada foieite ff snray nask con tains a proclamation proraa the protrdal partiaoniymurmsr jvomifet skxih of sep tcmoerto triesaxleetubctfotoberp te same csxtlc cuujoa a protlanution ostrfjns a reward of oyw htrndten pound for rbessyoretiensioe of the incendiaries who on ibe brm of july ian wilfully set gie to eanajfcfcgibiutf jit ojairjlv uasiayopetr of heriajbiyeraiu t by fniita ibe co- c dvktlotox dav iwie nn snie rviliriftu ccurafv wo olasorve that i he ciiipn 0 hamilton have wlirird lliein- arlvea in iho fbrmunu of a company fur ihr purjiofo olmve hjiluoncd and wiui eve jffkmi af n stirresfhl lanss in all ueli moveosnod oir ij bt evince aoic urtfsssss tlmn tve uf tuunto and v i 1 u v mk ia itndet- lftkni tv themltayr ito it with all their lb e 1 r elc r1s eeaiuig outy with the actum pluhment of the uhject they hr in view s ml ihijj it la faielo hctievc will be thoctae in lite pnenl inuanee a olfovat mail btsu3iesji we are revuraledrotaie that the itoyal ftliiil finv of steamer leave toioulo fi kirdai a twelve ovloeksreecuet every day sundays cscepled firrfd fvunsw f the men einpmr d in lh eanunjctton of thr liiw ol irlcjtraib uiweti jtevc ami llalifsx ate pnitfestinjt per uitrwc 11 ad a ctli v of the work ltul so m-t- ol pol were set nt the last 3lvice rr helv rlt apvenr lw a recent ettiipnie ihm thu ateamrrvnf the ohio and mississippi toa no hmu the lonnaee of which wilt noi ofslmlxk tons jnd whieb have cflsr in their enslruction albjenjuptncnl noi lea than sioooto mi n vvaehloo fair wan dinner 7b i iriosa rf ti wil j tuwtriu fltxm hereby tfivn ltit phmhsftl ti rilvih kiwllfftlsjbjhkdireciil ifmixtm u arsiltxl- iir meflf hi jueeiley iu rjh1 itn und t fce kmefnr 1 iiaa in hi c ft id mialf of mu aiirrraivimtjbor harowapii perxpumgkvi amp 1ani v athmuhv tijtllll frooi raw of vtutnj l hi urtuiti svlurkof hi j ahall altemt in 1 u the uatritnn in 1ie tnwib uf 1 uvilneidaytvlo1ir 13 yinjc u fy of the month at nine aim coiiiii m nfill fffinaoiilhen jml llieie lejei w a imilic pair or mai far the vale of all kirul of atfrieukura lomrs cattle stierj s- im alft for the bnu of ftinx jivp mrehnrse uch it to te kejii npep aanl ir and luce ihef dive i v no ule piimic piir armil imiritjinril not su ikl of tic lame ilsradd 110 loi g r thomas a corrett shtrijf mvj ihsu sitkjiirs- ottktl mmlniol ihstrscl fcd lu 1sit m arrhflimt hit diiudi inicricsm ilole paatlji 0aasj7latfefrajei hivvl lv ic uinssiruli mr rfwjr- ixlili liiamsafsitlrs lukvik briwi i hmcfwajti 1 of a new redoubt aulli coaiottrscrap ita iho north fiavrliu of inf ssvi of tebrc th w jkjle id be c44bbijassxajp an ssfttl a fbr fi lracts are signed amta bsx buabssd usdbe 31 qscejnbjrr tbrs are asm ui mmaajiblii b the exctulasjipf onjnaok sjht sininerr wprb at alilrejavfil jlro taland lonueuill aud jtajirairtr to baast eutad belvfctft lotfa of jaeat fjortmbor mt um marobj 1b50 massajam i iit 1ti1ril mr rrfrv su miuii it utoihy k i svdain rft kiiftii mitll mr clauivr mr mi uajmjjuh it a ifimaiy mra illsssain mr ntul mssmm rjoiiid svh bam l ri-nidn- new ywk a mell u tnilt xtm rlnm atjmitfl tmjil m m11 fjr a mcrl ffifctwlmi c w air nl mra eiluid jioj shw ml kwit isvpeeille mrmtd hrisiiiiiwm mr howbma fmtvv i teamr 0 m umisv new ywv j u tw r 11 firm gctb t ilue1 jhn uw th ikvitlc iii mr talmi feriwrw g hietinjra nri n- s c pefry odtirir mr mid mm ciffasvi iml ftrnfff- mi wan h t- i ll irl mr ti r- r ii kilrd xn v lho rrv s h h nr qariaja mr port rnir uib c4giojam rkeliiotstn jp tlanstj amavuslj aftiasssnvssssj hi htwih prcarai itvji a cutiut urrrcil 3lmlmil mr i uirh jrw yb it clufce t cistkt vv wdw rbtirt j kdn mr rjw motivrmtmirra1 ijiii sir fatirraaaas oaweto m- atssl was mihi t boif mr aajl mrs hivsim uawt aiadan qedcrubarh u uataassji r uwpsssjasj mniircsl lr dniaiy r nr mr llntjl sadsmbj iftoa vk mr a vuit- j cr m qv4h mr nard twet i3r u railnl owfa a b rual nhpina sir millar mkbianw w ifv ivewtaib k whvre m ci j kh javw r r 1 im v i nnuw edihthirli ihij man mr arnaw a1 imrl irntj jloudarsuikkia- imcs wtjptd mtrol 34ui 1 hailr c birnano uelleville fvrkf clarke tilir mredwt11 tr caruafmy 23id firjiecra milreil jaium kintaior j ftm- e slthaau u waiucu imdm c wm rnarnti tsassta j mm vwo faasasa t woaib- r wiii r a hi ill j binlntl seav lrttr jjnrata u e knifawi j h r- dr jaw rrorco m m i new lwn mra m w krf ftlor km new y k mvreu jr vornmrn b o uull river tiool j ytnicr lida chij hirdrtva 1 aib 8v jlit 1 v- k t ii aa vr ami rrmi li- m ylkoson ubini- sfarinr mrmahbos kiaipioo mr c iloai jaibcmi wfml a alacaviaahl ldi acil aan tw lassssc mr tftifbri wow ya a u nvhcrilb- adm ivll tci mr l maaa uhju ud alas mialrr h u juv mr vrkiatijscotbidre jr aaucadician lni evuon loir- 9 endsrw nsn hr viuct mianlrsxt a fiflvm tvlb wajtsr rjrrra cum mr sjsv lsrufi ffly 7 lm vtr utfllabttft furoiuv mr u vui llrlovitl faiim stock tbbe shibby abotiin rja modtt we df offovr ne- by jarvlis linton notice is bereliy riven hit a tuuic auctiuti will vhem at mount chatter on lot 33 io the finn concrsilon of er- ajasj ivn tun miles ftom hiualon on the million fmavaf t timt fo rr tfarm wqwint t pro idc tfuwrtvc with winter tars 11113 lais f sulrherinor rcancifully wrliea frvn to tnv llifel lio imiiiw maniimiuiirg nil kind nnd qiialuru iif winter fur clothiwq ciirimrrisirg coais caps 61 it gurai iiie ft fir ciitfcmu oapes 1 11 rid milts mamveth t ius frc muits biaya tijapvts cans and cvi fie larlieo all ottllh kisos of fcttit jtidt to qbdbb i a mcd las 11 an 1 loramtaip ny nf buttijj rushes lloar skins urey f ixahd oilier fancy kina fue ttujgh uulips rt yjo tu urdur at eoatlv re duced prices the army supplied tocrttrrcn tt shortest notici j a mcdowaau kington 1st7 lishifaril iu lifialsilo oi tiitmltttj xrivmvr 2 a sjiral tflitelj of fancy 00018 jsjl irtilvnl er uavk i 1 coinjriiii mm t fin niuui table and tea si r triluina mtflnl do jo uennaii silver ustafd lhaiur- and csilav -v- ilattd and eanmelleittliimmei kotitfi1d huts sitl fine raory knae til jaioiler wjm uui f j- llalr tooih sjad hhiivlpje blssbe us rslion- chuu vvaggner eelatvlm lirv schmiliind iunfk stales an excellent oortment of steel pen r be vt rnker a variety rf the best london sealing wai endtvafe cedar lvueifj cafafiateis d cut swhiiim lullei iid salts kpaistsj fine toilet sioji anj mcer- pnck firi fmika rillirr vp r itm f wiiii siune wcddins dinasj mai tiruociie coral rsi tkljtes ngtijf0ce bcids in ejest varieiy an asortinevl o uciy and dietsing comtn caljlnies ur ihettoud nay be had al ut hootns llirti dnyi ufore the sale tik4lidir xts cash over x5 three month a credit for approved notct sale to commence at 10 oelock precisely j lalltmh kingston sept 15 1817 tiaimnsfl and saddlery warehouse tnk vnbsrrihrr lass this npyrieiti uiiy t ultif hia inrssi rrotnful irtmik ilanssi viml friinu and tiiiiiuyn whosvi aiiis niiit kim lu ruitiivn hia taocnls ami furuiuiu st tin tte fii hit iiuinkea itlvantorrif this mruin of anpmiitint bis ttivri nml tuinify cuntiininiws thatb ip ht removeil inn 1iikxkss su shiulr mlmfllmkv torac vrmttftrtlegtm4jvtlma wrerff ijueellr iimiic mratta wm wflssara at co winhi jiu brijiea til uu favorud with a coutiimdfiou f fmblu prjimfhq wm wilkinw augustlotll 19l7 70 in just received 4 few col4esof hie kihialii rf tiiynnr by lever the sreret uninai v of jlavrii by fo ltitell by g- f tt jjit jlit lusnarcdp ivy ldy c kniy the j 11 hi n i a nee by mi fernet fii aaasia by en- scuue llw lluko the coajaiii by mrs grey 0sumivniia love by wo uiaam jlie yuuot vr tisy a ul 16 an old salt mmutasr of stramv us- 1 t notioh- th undersigned having iteerxsuly upponicd adurtnietrttur tn tliriaie tirththk jamcs mmil k o ill- city of kington deceased rcaeat t11 persons indebted g the lsiaiv to make iumic vsayment tr taaanai rnarrp eq whn iauiliorired toant receipts ajml ivlio has iho ruiints iu ids possesainn iuvnr htihrrtjn ihe estate 10 urctcni them duly auiliiilicatcd otamui in adjustment l frangjsm lllttu raawv atlmimiftmtr bonks a all etons are rcoarsred to let thk rtrcmises lately ocmn rtie w laoibtoii hout tlolrl tlie barntfim which oir oc lrjuvertrm inlo to cxeellenl slwp isat if required tn lei curate llio nressises arc well ihpiel fur a laro boaiiing lichue ouvcrv quarteru ic imtsssstp frakcis m- hiill set 16 it3i7 tsif jtinptnn ids commercial mart samtof salbeu8 coun stripe ticking manufactured furs ac afkn fkioat sklratoaooclock will be sold 1 cae salinetia 5 hides cotton stripes uw coiion tick a riiantity of fur caps j00 tasebjars asso ted teas 60 boxes jjotieydcw and cftrendssb to- baccov muscovado sugars liqun c lc william ware sept 15 1847 strayed strayed from cow lot no 24 at- ten days nro a yellow cow iih willie face- one nf her eyes has a yel- lowiah spot over it her two hind tegs jr while tt hoever has her in keeping or can inform her owner where shs ls to be fouiidj will be rewarded handocneiy t dovle 743i sept 141347 city of kingston notice is hercby given that applrcations wit be received at this offiec nnlil mon day next the 20th irutant from persons who are uesiroui of beint educated in the normal school toronto as scbi teachen for this citr liy order of the city council xl flanagan cify carrft city cletks office city hall kimci sr l 11 vl a ass liufrttoj at llie residence qslt esquare the u-uler- siock nod jw4cineula of i 1 lpngicyg milch covso hath rood bj of the late w monlioncd fariri huijaandry via ltiig6year ha- aiwa 6 mihcows3 oeifers i steer 3 amic 1 uuiham ball toins 3 years 4 39 ks 1 1 r r p n ceosses of south dwon and loiee1er 5 slorr fis 2ftw with hltofb of yount ones mnnin- sjftev 2 lnmher tyattui 1 hafroar 1 dosrtde btt tf llanfrssi 1 lnaiher suia nouhs fj i m si ill iveujeiaji dquasjlity of wheal rye oals itoahtjmid ftalqes thetlfipejieaji la ttueiany time he- fortlieday of sate iies the sale to eotnarrcncemeiscly ad u celftek am- a- teffnsjisrff ssata jab iintont atktbttttr k tpv asvp- first fiu3rii artuval of bafaasassii a 1shaw wcvtorvtlftittnhhtlmd have received tbeeal of their imforlatioos otttts ti ihe coauvti cosssvaa and rwonltpbatnt woatreal eueuftcaina a ardvaadoseji aekeud slock of r brirsh ftr goods frtxtnkeijt furrnssvmvochfi- nd gala flftda taiuaniveiveti shasvls llaodker- chjcri- afjaml oiieerv carnery ajid otb or goods fcr fajj dreaaes with a laijce selection of staple amiusgynhyeoqfls hosiery haberdashery small wares stc lr bvy will nbo baareceiviaacily forilier ad dittonslo tbeir slock gjukc following sjiiis note ivifit althe ports of montreal and qm tec pmtj from london floron and sir n jeskion frhtn llverpnol and bcihna sitiult aod carofrrv gtaajcow 1 klltfai seid 18 1s47 iw bankruptcy to let oa baildtng leai f lltlat cjftitsjl nnd rliiihle prtrty jl mi lliv situ of the rccvtit lira inie 1iiivipin i feci frpnl un u shvvliini vtvc hhasawl anaj fisru- tveiivvnr uu vu en 1 e isiofl is h cjuurry ut stuue mi the premise fur further par- iicu1us aptdy tu francis m hill kinjm sept jg st7 75 if iisbston bnitmsc society not ce t a speccal mertinqofihe linctro if ihia society held on rli ji ijisinu it was reonlvfil thct a li omimn nf 24 par cout or 2 i os per hvf 30u ie imprad on all new tmck ia uib scioy jo bo auljacribed fiaf ir ufur lif- lii monday in otv mlit-i- next and bo iucruaiscd ihoroafter fm limu ru tinio as uio board have iletoituiund- gforge baxtrr stcrctory 4 trrorurer september 18j7 look at this keautifully situated lot of land for sale within ft hw l yards nf tlio kingston tull gate toims itosouoblo for gush apply to tho subsciilei at ihc toll gat charts ward kingston sept 11 17 7alm in bankruptcy on sale ptjr whole of ihevaluaille stock i rr th tate firm of 00n0gi1ue vi ajviz printers eoaiiatina of j fxeablc detny colqmbiau printina presij 1 demy colombian do 1 fooucait prince of wm do i vu sctew stryjn press ivituijtahret and jfcrs banks horses a juj- c l cojufaw in iff c c c a stock oftwe rarrly equalled for fariey rtnaring ill the modern fancy founis ifiv in tine aod tvfry thing rrcnc f frarvlroa roqr jobbing and newwaver bbslklistle tw pffjic hiic selected with tho creates care from tho beat fostodries in loo don snd near vork fur further asuticulars apply tn thomas seeo aiceintqti 83 uitlesljaaaes street montreal sept- h 1817 7561 inlhemtiittofallxasdek rose nnd tuqma3 cohbettjhkrttpt meeting of the rrejiiufs ff tfac f pucojafftuf auditinj the areouius ot tjus asswnoo end declaring a nal djvl drtjdvill ue held at the juvgeacharih mmtirafl corwirr says sve aehy in sdvertismweuf of lha coiffiaiasajrai pepari eniimlndrnareosm fortis fojsin iiexrii tlmccortilowae city ui kingsiun on saturday ihe i81i1 sruieinurjiaioibt 4bakovrpf nvvccln by the ctmrt dl s mwiaids cto c clllssfi kiugiton ept 11 187 im 25 t wa ugdmband tln ibr hatk ctgm basanired in port froat london havluiroii board the great bell foejoofrtoch cthe- drsjm rteltt b i htm ie ajar na rjas f aski tural retnrocd to acafsome to tinsmiths wanted imrardiauly on- or muf c sura jy workmen to vvbuiu gruid vessea ainl corbsot ordphiyrnii ttfwftatpiiwlohiinsubicrltr cyjar- twsj rjhown prnaas suoet liiugaloii bar is lfttf 75 ti vvt goveunmkwt sale v uiefuut of september by public auction at one d point pat ed crick a klnatllr ojt log and frame buildings within and seirioot the wain of tho dck kari ioundhxptchasejrscansee thesame ilvwiiji belieeen taal jrorkinrr hours v nsllirur at toe sutrkenftaea oiuce dock vwrd tue terms and tiwi allowed for jh- awirrcf made icnoton aho dy of sale naeal yrinstoo sept ib 1847 g- nessv at to stone cutters wanted tmmodtttcly by the sulrscribflr on tbo guvorumont viukaai kingston au stone cnllers 13 mftsoiis s wliom irbcral wieei will bo fttvm isaac hope- kingston sopt ii 1347 sheriffs sale on saturday the 4lfri1ay of de cember is17 will bo sold at the uiin ilmse in the city ofkiugaton i undermentioned lands and tenements seized hy virtue of a writ of fitri ffittins isottcd out of tho court ufthe mid nnd district ond to mo directed viz william simpson pkiutlf n john oruiveiitoif l the right title and interest of the vfuniiiit in iot no 101 in ihc village lhi laid n in the westhalf of east hilfnoqs ivtconkicigstun sale 12 oclock noon t a corhettt sbriff m d sheiits otlice ihoalon jtsejl 1847 i notice iuotice r andv thk atfleneum uooii store- bagqt street he suucrteiw rospesnrully cifurm ijin tibawliftgrcintnton ai vicinity that lraviuxouuoudcom ebtrfnt wuhksmentlmy oeoimw pecpareil u otocuio all kind- nf work in ina ovj riuding liuo witli ncatnrpm auj ileaiatch alljacilptiona of blank ouuksmiale to on w edward joiw barklr l son utad distrkt iuotice is hereby 7b uk j l piven that the 6urt of asaize and nii pritis and oyer mi terntintr and general gso delivery ntinj for the aaid district wilt be holden at lie court hntrse in th city of kington or irridy the 24th dsy of septemhernttant it up hour of ten oclock of tho forenoon of hic all coroners justices olthe peace ibntable- all others in anywise concern- ulexc required to ukn notice tjios a- corbktt- shrriff mid jxtt sboriftaofnce liniston sept 1 1847 sheriffs sale erf lands oon saturday the 25th day g sepremublc instant will lao il at tin cuuit huuso in tbe city of igiurmoii the undciinoutioncj lauds old rcucrnents hy virtue nf a writ of vvemliti mi expnua tssuod nut ofhor vaijfitya cuurt of quoous bench and o mo dircclfd vaj ross w wood and alexander a kant tiuiifs john shaw dftnimi 4ll therirjhmilloami interest in part of fre s e tjuartorflit kg 9ut cu nin kingston known aa village lot ffn i on tho kast sidu of mainstrmtt rvl between prnit ond ijay streets u tlve vilho of pirrst mouth contiin wj 22 sciaoro hods of laud mor or ss sale at igichick noon thomas a cohbett sheriff m d sltoriipa ttffico kingston latseptls47 wanted an appfftmrm toloftru ibo confec tionary and paatrycuok buoiooos jiio lined apply without good relsh fetco cull altho uuascribos tekoow em terrps john belanger kingston sot2 j847 i notice he royal mail steam em hictltjisbuti and cixj11yi wifl carry r rtltcil j from lurckinrj nj kitiinn and deiver ii iliorc in 2d houri arid when ilctirjfd for lfri above will ho alnped iiniuedutefy tin ikur ihi lalte onliiii gteaniurais mr wm cunn anl at lavluno will iiinj to luf receivius and shipjiin nf iiikmk aiimi27 lfi7 removal fffllle silscriler reiieclfullj infnrms lb kiienjs and cuatoners inn be has re moved liiv boot and shod hirofoctory noilhem corner of ihe city buiminstt to iff jjincjfon street dirertly opposite hiltiain wilson l co l ulies mis ij childrena booia jte made in the wosl fadiionahte style iatent leather french and engtuh calf rasmurc anoun kinpion aiu47 1317 4mai removal rarihe subsrhher hegs love to return pumic thahks tn whuso timmpt and wil the lato fire wjihogt much oil thne oraons iajtf assiaianco ot enabled him to remove inss hia stock in trade and household furniture ho ukca advantage- uf lire preaenr op portunity lo infnrm his friends and cus- louieri that lie has removed his boot and shoe maot4ctdry to king rrbri to the house threo door from the miniei uare formerly occupied by mr dtclc- son as a china and earthenware estab lishment where he hopes stilt to receive ihccncouragcoijol and patronage of the public john george sept 1 187 70lm notice ll peraona are forhiddnn to pur- chase from lewis fkaljck or any other person the w eathalf nf lot no two in tho 5th concearion of ih tnwnahip of ernestown coutaiuiiig one hundred acros i for a deed of which land i hold the uoud of ilia father lwji fualtok deceased who con veyed m him without conaideration and tviih full knowledge of my claim and i am aliom filing a bill iu chatcety recover ilie same dated trent port 23rd august 1847 thomas kilmer niom buffalo to montreal 1347 j 1847 lkr ontario and river st lawrence steam boat line the sfecadia new and elefantlv furobhed united states mail line of steamers cataract capi j van clcvc rochester capl ii n thronp lady of the lake capl t ii lljag niagara c p r f chim in connfriion its ihe new l- i cabin bnrllaa steamers british quern capl chamberlain bmplrft cap hawkin y li4i fim lbwisttix ojty of cilytiawa n wrsy rsffasa rfauoriivs vwj n drti iihj i uiretavar tara u f ijaj h i- il alcfla bmarswsw jlftf f ill l tm ttftc ihe h lira it tain ovrvk a- hl threaovloek p il en rf lawfulataa laamceo ibe jay 9 this dale aftd okas thirrteth jygf hertasmur prkimo isc ninrr raiipi h iuq asovtf rurii afrv hairifti hi 4v nitrons irul vw lrsr hvf ucn naij wa atr willmm anclim ravsaas s government notice- ealkd tendbr5 will lie cewcj at this oqiccoh thursday september 16 1817 until one oclock p ftl frwqany per- on or persons jesirous of entering into a contract agkrably to certain conjiiions ivhich may lie seen at this ojsw for sup plying the commissariat at this alatiun with 1600 baiirgls of fine fixur of 196 lbs nctl weight each the flour to be frcah sreeet eounj whcaien flints of ihe first quality termcj fine io bf put up in proper nno wvll con ditioned lianas md warranted to keep stvooi and good fin aix months oficrvdo livery into flgr majys store in or near ili tcie lo punt ooirackv tube subject to approval niitl lo tw iusicctfd at ihe expense of the cuntractor by a otvnrn fnsricctorclinscn by the commisasrist the deliveries to be maje at the fol- lotving periojs and in the iruportiona un- dermeatinnad viz l el delivery bli ot trrostli nrtrwubcr i8s7 ifoj so 200 bma dt 5th jarurare lr4l 3rd lu 430 lj- ill tjut lj lsl- 4th do 400 rws 4o 12ih aajoaf 184ft flour im from the uuitad states purposely and directly for this contract will be exempted from the payment of the imperial duty of s sterling per barrel on certificates of the senior cnrnmlssariat officer the colonial duty if 6d currency er bmr- rel will be pad in the fiost instanca by the contractor but refunded to him on production of tho custom uottae permits printed forms of tender will be given on application si tins orfico no nthor will be nocicodto oxptean iu words i length ihe rato in cuteuy fur each barrel and pay mom wallbe made by hill on tho treasury at par the real etcuatures cf iwo respouav ble persons subject to tlio approval of tbescniorcomrntssariat officer willing to enter into a uond with the principal to tlie amount of 100 currency for tbe faithful performance of the con- tiact must uo 5 in the tendor otherwise tbo tender will be rejeclasd ceiiifsaaijat kinlenjtih august 1s17 chronicle aid n u tc sreeh fofi sale b7 the 8ubsmiberft no 1 scotch pir 200 k tons irnn maclhersov a cran i r r j jul auhut 187 x british fonvixn uhtio sckkt ltrlltr klnofon uuotkvillkanduudknsnuitgllri liaeicf l i ol vn lj jo rl tii t utii lf- ii -irj- rr ihe itirei st lawrenec lr 10 i44pi lngsautl rnufiu vu r ceaalajosjal bsssua the bta fuvniitf ih i liie arc tir1r near fillrrl up 1 ia the n iikxicro 1 rtegiot iiaanravr with male rwtm puks nl rieiaure snd ftihera rhinc ia ihe cuka nt lotrjt and qdec whh i mine mta-ii- v s idili near yrk aad h ton will fiaas ihia m uf t1e mo iale eaiiin huj pie ir ml rimies in aihicj rkunwariwlwekm hw 8itrrkes4lp47 dkkwstcr geiatraj a valuadlab real bstats puft salii hat hffai ami valoalile farm i i ij jaiska ruarll e4uire koiwo fuiiw shill faros recibly mlnafvd on the ouumi riaiil osily ilinv miles fiocn tbia cky c jjlilil it z j i 540 acres of which 0 ire now iodcr cultivaiios ihc remainder baring well wxrajsal there in als penhmm to tbe fenaa mm rxtoiivivvllarsil from wliicti an iits- mcuac j iciy nf goj fddrr aur homed cattle may he annually cur rcnfe iiiij tin m9t desirable farm for an extensive 1a1ky being cimpneid nf what vraa orlgi- nally iliree distiucr ibuqju cuiriuos farms viz na of j u cxx one caf k an oir ofwi aciea h 5- r 1 1 so sab dividodi with cxcdlcn fenree aa to admit teach buiug ccupied aaspawarely and will be ao ssahl if desired tbe srectioiib are four dwelling houses two bu wiib stables c there aro now upon tlie fatto aboui 200 tos of hay and 50 aera ander crop of wiasttfa lcse corn oafs plilicsand tiruim willi aspao of hums a yokaj of oaxa and tfcai uih- implemeuip maybe had at valirmiinn payable in c and 2 memha for furihur iuftrrojlioo reurdiuff terms wlnck will bo vory liooralj and otler paniculars sppy to tfte pro- piicuiroriu olirhanle watt yccaaifrrrja sinotsoi 4ih au1817 hafea summer autumn princess street opposite tir chequered stos i rphesabscriber sjwctfully aeudataftt i 1dhlic that he is novr manorscne summer snd autumn hats of the lbiril and finest fabrics which he effers far sale en termt as lew as thcycaji besod in england he is manufaciiiruig a french silk hat of peculiar fashion and eletoae for which he respectfully seficits tbe inspection of lha pub- lie previous to pqrcbaiins ebewhere alt descrijitiuns of sjimir cais rjdl on hand august f 1s47 thomas bradley 76at hardware sheffield goal and ironmongery tjlhe subscriber respectfully infurma j his towo anj country cirstnerera thai he has juu finished rtrccivin hijsijrri mer supply of goods in his line consiit- of an esirellfni aasurlmeot or hard mrc ho muusebuld and duiidlas purpo scs herletd and birminfsain plated goods shelf and fancy gods plain japaucd and black tin ware jnj nil kinds of agricultural implements of the very beat qialiiy and manufacture the subscriber also respectfully re quests the attention of tho public to hia e xiensive isa nimcnt of paiute oils and dye mufiv aiidlndign he solicits the pur tc patnmage irtsstingthat in- prire an quality irf his jaaad iv 2 iwain hioi more fully thin any self reeommendatiun james rowell g- plough of various pattcrni aid plough pooil th iiiilieat prioe paiu in cesi fur uld drupe copper peivtrfir and kingsion princess sheet august ls c6 2 isk urnerfhasiryrjeerj m- inincf fi act aj acent for jms goverxmext notice salbof old isoit aav stoflbb tftats at lht latk vaf lj en tsv iolnu caaal tenders will bereetfldat tbe office of orjuanco at bjjawn jpjp tfe30k day of septeubbr m7 at li oclnck ronn fr the parcliaap nf old cast and wrought iron luaftr- vicoabhs stores timber c now lyftg at the various lock stattona aongibe line oftherijfi cfjaah m tho rate jor uiomiiu to beetaied at percwiof itbjbsl thenther enicleaiby the lump tu be been on oppficacien u the l n k in ifetmv and a list with a des cription tbcreuco be suen at the sufu- keeper offce al thjs place tbe in juuv tu bo paid to the lock matnrarn chargw previous to the re moval uf the articles oflve ofonlaances bytoivn augusts 1847 s 6 for sil- by the subscribcra so feet sawed vvni- tint luntlici f ditfcreutitea 1000 du do in l9 macpherson k crane- kingalon3lat august 1817 70tf notice npks subscriber baa enmmoneed t-h- iv businkjjit where h now ilitilv uoxt door in mr haikea crockery store king street kingaion where ho impos by sifict auontioo to business aod moderate orices to meet a share uf publicpalronaje john foster july 20 1347 just receiveo fiqtf s7 ffv 7 9 ib is 4 rfl fo t sale lay thesubscriber v t his store in prtocoss iiot s choice aaaortiuent of orotfehes ac coosisriugin part of 50 iihda bright porto iticosumr 300 lsaiovm muscatel rjstaiua 200 t aaaurtod tea ao jo do tubaocoi 100 jx corn uronis 500 rama ivrappiiic paper s9 ubl koei 10 d turpciulne 10 do tar 20 attutfs tuhs j 10 doz grass maiu 50 jrini matches 2 f u aidrs spanish solo leather york tannage with various other articles not hcxe eumcralod matthew 10cibk- k titou august 147 6if britanmia life assmtome gompmt ko i princes ttt bank 121008 fapoiserei 6y ait ef poriimmamu capital 1000000 yt chgapest rtsjf doing business lv cjwltdk- t a 3wircf rtfi res for epfien or thj v robistilt the puiiiliut h act aj ae cofiipintj which has boco dniajrbissi in canada and thia city aiocc ibe yassr 1s39 respectfully requests persense rtr quirine tife assurance o eaii et hfs office pkincesa street kintiio where proepectoses and all necctseary information will be givtm j p earieiy of tables tu mcei ibecir- cusasianrsss saw oonveniosce or appli cants can he srerr the kales of similar tahiti in the ot fice doing buaiatcss in this province sob as follows ftr an assurance of 100 viry inm 4 4 hauohi lnn fq o 1 1 2 uruanaia aaisaiec cn cu ff 0 these mnlcrne rale jittleijitsrajlhaa uotoeiiafttj 10 prpsue losaes pl it in the power inmost perstjns to aaaare and with reference lo ihe present suia of the healih f ihe iahajifiabjiaj d xhifro- vince rffttrjvy saoy b lhoihlrws rj sbnum itut rreiiirj srckaeas in crarase deckn tajfing any rika ly appears therefore lo j a doty on lhossi who jvc to provide fur their emilias to lake uk tiuel precauiiun of jssuriirthoir lives and thus pfovide agiini the risk of perhaps leavj fi w dependant upoii mvmamisish or mean t suffer ji rulttes if not destitution tii0ua5 briccsj kinptrm 1svj cf7 y notice subscriber hatifl coatt rf tfjjincor injonetimi rest reihirsv the hawtl oacolt stuakt fam imosmidkbaiai mf manner with ike resri svr periaai kstate uf tlte ute css4jar3jaasj arosawr csoj firjmrrly nnejiffdqikb widunj district aitlicr by sklamsaf the receipt of moiiienduja by boolspthemisc on account of ijgi sjul estate and liaviirg been ctunmaf t 6gjl bill aaiita the said lm oluil styjr and allsn 5iltiu tlie will of tlujii1 cbarfss stuart sttomhmaffii accoaaaalksr public aitl berebsr caiottoxed nelllnirtrs aempt auy ixjods fiism the aird goorgsi qivlll tuart norto pay him auj my as they will do so atlhcir owu loaa aod peril the said georookill stujtssaliu uihurto rrfueo aad atiu satfuwtfi rcuder a just oal bonut acoosiojt of ri executurabip to the arid kstajav but on ih cjjuirary aaserta tbat m ia the heir at law thereto i ah those peaons who arc in poaaee siiabciit clarmtwa aft land cujtnerrf brjiuogiiig to ihe said flbarlea sfnart under eonvteyeneea irom the slid gstorass omll srart ami allan ucleansav or either afuieiaidrf sariiee in erefrim effected vm one i i p for sale 4 hotlal hialf of lono 13 inllio cor of pr land appw o charlesstuabt kiojtony 27 1817 of them as execujor aa a jjjtk nrsseal thasl all poascaiuu will he ejected unless ah arrnngortatfnt be h the bacriberjasanaucb heeds are invsjid u aeveaj reasons one f which is iliv tho powej of sele in aau fill is given lo all the exeiors 4vs in unniboifld rint toeny one or rtafs nf them and iheiaforfi rrtrurev ibe as id gcoage oarih stuart u hftisud allan afcleanj emj oor flisiieofto wssrss evsuthoritocoftveyirroreail esta one nuly of the retrairyrt eeuteisj g htnruicjjj iriil qo tjjj tides bejivenby any one wbilar tbe said suit n cbanoeryveinajrit mwfjajasl chahces 9tp ast xinfaton azi mills mavflava mi stir laucc axeaanroa naaauaja ptji k azaeaaa y a sou ol hi jt stuff atu ji ia- f

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