imwrtant from mexico aeeeeoinr in lr piroynne of the all inst lit txtlaiqs airif td nl new client on he 7tfjrm vrrn crux she brint trie mucin ti4fel ansiomly expected intelligence ifcmcfii scot- tne two bailies hie americans and krxtesfi vieloriou it- fames weie revu4t it cfutlmcottmllt churu loeto so called frtarn the ricjdwork jf ue iwffi the rmsrehicn for 0 armistice m made by ge scott aid i xnnunatd to have been at the instance of ihr british kmuoy tbe trfwil hiilielaafivcn ibt the city of mr ro nrt f ihf ttmttt of ifje american anjiysrtca to be irnloun ded and ahould tae e not nhfl from thr nerotpatioitj ufa seudiu anotbsr battle wouij bavt to be fvagiit aecerdinr in a idler ftom mr kendall mmbv aflfr 2 iht atcblfelrv ic of that jdcr wu occupied bt crn oitatul ft iiltoii ol tbt american armv ohcs defeating the enemy in two of thchaid mi fought hmtrs ol ta war annexed ate hie particular of ikr minr- wiki brilliant fcms lojtrlhei wilh an iu- ccsmpkle jirt o the american officers kilted am wounded oo the llth auu a jeeoamvanrt madt if oilmicl dnneao luting afifcd itn soil that a fwd for artilleixt j c frotncbkea lo san auffiislint on wottv dtuicn muv fj in tttt d ijtc li m on tbt j ni feuowedby generals quitman pillow and tjstnf by tbi mfffmim a row line of itnticmt war taken on tjc southern and srftwtsternsidei of the city of mexico ad at itienc workx of el pcnon ami mtxi- cjjujio on which sauls ann had hexlowr1 askhimmense idnpvvif completely turned oo the 16th gftrjl ivoith nachtd xs fj alftf pitkoja of sjm crera when hak miff orjrrd by gn ncoit v urn twi hid me i m urgt force cf thr enemy ntt cbnjt gio tieifo fu4mply mlrtf 1 bc uiy irinfccri4uwytofeuniioibpwf li jul frfc- ivil tbt mrry utlc jsjwqicj od a to of mx jiaadrrd vn iw mbfcfai woitbrcfttmro hi mateh wcfilembly bad ion tint bysovvocv in tflomrtijf be w in tijjlit of lit iwnti am rmpj oyfcd ber rotted on tn road ilpjuitclm j rvidrxily jlio i that gen xu ji sj r vm a march fi sinu anna 0 melitng lhi hii howt frr 0 kalltr- wffrr imojictird on ihli brad of hicotumit j ibtttitmy ftttmnied tn an aivanuua aoution vvkieb w n piltoccd by cok j 4in jri tiiilioacf ilic 2nd arlilltiy yndtr olnjot cilb atioiner atuck wh shortly aflrr made bjt ajin hc inrtny set were driven in wttiotit lo i7eock0n tin 18th ctn smi arrived tlan auvtiinr atl0oclocb on worih mrwji h lttfu fuf ihc cilj of hoieo h abraowmjoisiftih nj tumbol ljmaon and otbet en inter otutt weft to advatnre wppeirttrl by cnr ibkr r i t o rctonuoilft vviien a miniuwd battery onentd npha tiirrn 4mj killed l tlwmton of ihe jnd draour bnlmda jpipitxjy noondn a cutt cot gailand briid iv then odetd tn twopy a oitioei on the iuin in ubl uf the wfssltft mlltririt at smi autidint while col surk biiadt and duncan batltry loot tbtir tftauoo in the rear cloit by a luily vja ihr it v hi nil to recotinoitie 1o acr uw 4bt nrsticabtiy of indin a road by uhicl nt ribfl of st anl could btftchrd jrad ibt alranibom of san aniotna tarred tow party nad a kirirtikli with the fmmj 1 isiiji- five or tit and tikinr as many ik 1011- ertwithcut tost or a man tbt recoil of toil rtcnnoitinee was fivnf- ittltood it ww ajtriaintd thai a rod told wiatflf tht mexican writ ltnly ieen jpaaoire nw bicmtrrat jl a council hjjd tht ftiffa it stm deuimiiicd w atuck llutn in the it on sthat ontt tfdtrtii gen worth io nil imtk on san antanw in kim and eaihnrt that wni and thn phlli n inward iht capj- ll hy tbe rnaio road while the main im4y of twaumy ittoicj on toward an anjrtj and colmyrjn fn iviflp hd utaicely nymnl half a mijc u- yo id lilt j ill rrill ivlnn 1 ratlhn fire nf irthsic iry nfiimfmlrfd ibjt itwatajc iivtty enjrfd uith 1h ijnmtof ibo tneny am ihr tirat y sontin fl cannnn now vt token iut tht linttd scrom oiviaim had fatten on mmiiii utm work a lew minut- more inj frnntor fifm- frorn the sm made it iiideij thai on lnh dinm was active ly rnaxed hi had enlttety tnmtd hit lrunwtifkf nf san antnnio tut while rifltr3 n tht cillv had rtlndnkit 0 hlontf line of place wild the in tf lr nad fallen back on a ktuj wok it wai nn rrftf ftetoek iii tit aftctnton and ikml i einmnttinrn1 of ththitile anj nrj uitiiiiof lire ami hh tvfilnn or ittw tni fie it 4 on the ciniliimii oi america cni t ivfrji sneh b intnin of arlillrry and lhi wacjfttinhrd nrr twn honi whtn tin tuem hajn rotnhty tvhlltd fiom rtty foml not i tftrtt uin were ni kilted or taken prisoner wrt in fnlt fliht for tht city the mitnjiunf tlitfwny at ihl place tvat kioi i 1 jrnr utnaijam 15 ufk and inane ay 201 ht i jiei ojps and a niiion of imcnmuitrt ln h lh jpntd 1o lhfm were amu1 l0jtl ameuean jadrd anj innken 1own hv inntliinctntcimatcinj and in- cemtani mi at clmm anna comui earfjri rbr yrma n innrh na out fuin a ictn tt mivieans ay santa mded in etvni tut bt fttirtd irn of itv dihlal from whom rctd neaily all fled with jlit low m iir site hjd fallen mt heavily npon the smih fjioluia and nw vtnk vnt rlrimh wttj fill irfnrv anj smith baila- tion and tht bamiietn capt marndtrand tylot tht snih camtina icment waa nearly rot t nircti jhirircn mexican general vrttl killrd and wounded morr aniinntiilinn w tliied lhn on stol had otd mute be hj been in the cona ley yir armtftlcf- tht ftdlftwift art hh term of tb rmi- lict ntn iiimii hle ihv emnittioiitrt of the two ttovtinimitlk tliatl ntzinijle term of peace neither aimy u to he rtinfoced nor build new dtfrncch tlnriii ibe armiaiittt ink jo be yond iu pifhtnl line in horl ihc iwn aimm ate in no way in snitifrrt with each other without fort tuhlhmirv notice wbi lit this reconnoioncc wai mlhj on fylbwmtfr llaaal mu- i it- hieoeolf ai urn jjmfltnla of llufiery ftoan tlio wrndi- ol which counlc nunicrs of the tnccoy contd nt irn at work upon iht lotteries of sou an- toliff aboot noon they opened opon the bicienda with both round slot ind shell ktvlj eeery shot took effect butmbd 00 jajaie txul lo the bnildijaj id uat trenin tbty wt again open- f btrl were ailtnl during iht mjftt fifls llm ibrjfirt been tctpt up tht hacienda might iarr brtn torn to pircm and hie entire ccuv i ttnpelted to rciert locrock on ihe mornjnp of the 19lh son apto opened on gen uvrtba so bot waa ibt fire lhal tbe troops nrnpeltrj to galu ahriler behind the not did not tire ui their position s oclock toe drvmiorwof gtramh unt puin aitrocnc3cf 1 d to mrcti in cpjppi patoiuid fry ewe in ike liq wll of tbe t aetnvl or the heavier w smith was the tneurya gbl ati y enortd toward 14bt ngbaud thna cut orf jnfwbjmib vliirj ojibt j cn to vildii- aitinecaniut fire wm 0tned 00 colonel tfcrtcrhrtmniitrand toon iht rifle were i with tbrpickeu of the enemy diiv- twelvepooler galleries of cajtain craod the mountain uouiuer isalttr- aw commanded ly kieul callander of in f dpatlmrntj were preved for- tnd opened on tht tnrmy ntil wtre raj efloxitrexmtd to firt from henivr ni that jajn loofr liltfmfivd lieuteiwnta john- 1 aytd callander wei crihity xvoondcd ibmoch cen cadwaliaderwa ordered to nippon col uiley reinfoicinenta ren fln thrir way eni frtnn the city ftgtn i w aeutlo xostain gen cotsnilb tlae firinfiom the enemies u4teiic5 wad about 4 oclkk gen scnlt ritj and win the iimcm titnjlh iht ivmcati at wiet nrdered ctctral miittd insiqde to upuari hilry ard rra and jntttn1 f imaitdf a yinetion the force coanin tnl froaa the tth ihve l valencia but etaaf tle aaovvnunt 01 i v toy could ttertjhituvtry tlon of the ee wt toecrfjer of hktltcrf vntaieii eras mn lufcuutnfc ne mtinuy wen utjfq di a wn ttji opport the batltrie wlnje lwt lino of tov ajhnn catahy tfvit alationed in tti- tear snf iitnjc tbe iliffcakuf the bailie lurci aepatt charge vi lh latter wero rjuvjafsv en to be ivpuucd by cat jtilry uuit mslit bid fairly clwd in tnt hetnc iroin ofcfumdy wmew lad not slackened it furtj1ck raltltclalts from the skat of wail tlie sin iar ytttrday in n kxtra hit futlowiu whieh it ptnfrmiil to bate- received by an eprt fiihii lo njlh lhal icachvd walinjti in tmamriy with the goerrn- ment courier ivt vr it fr what it worth though 1 it mteihtu nnijt ftjioeryidij by what gdavtniwt did ihi diai h reach ntw orlei itie tirph repoit nn neiuj ar- 1 1 v a i frmi veii crn aud mirrly thi cuild no cmt brill fauon it i n ajol nlnrh miht be mainfactuiej in the cdilniij sanc tum vera cnj- anat s7 1817 a invrnf r bat jgtl come rn hy ihe 0ixlj toad who hfifi anoihe mexican eivn of ihc bjittt al tjie ctfital tjie oblafietif hithtvl i a f how on sott faugh the tnerny two diy diituf iht m iitfirt him vwtie distance j1m wtrp rtinforeed iwke duiinf the pnarmnit with ieh iroo and rallied h uvrr cnmidrtejy routed at every mult and at lat fled iitu iht cilv aid litc4tj for qiirli tfie tecuiya roal fa hlrially tilled with meifaii taell riik being avebttattd by the nrt aim of rue trranh lhty left hndirif of ihrir rltd and dyii n ihe fna u ovuih hlnmk liajflf nudi 4 fchjft l drad from iveula to ihe city nf alevico three mile dilaul tlieir ltr ia mated al between five and hx ihinmnd our im ia put down at about iwlvc hndrrd the mexican knlked behind ihrnrcht- of tbe aqueduct an fttr tt battle lhot- aaitd of lire dead and dyiiiaj yrrrc found iliert gen scott ordtfed au immediate ur- render of atw and eavc the aotdicry vtrmi- ion to retire from tlte city the road leadm- from ihe eily to quadaioope and other towrw imrurtantanoixtbrkstinxslavr case canadians fafwkot for nit masstkvlril from tht vonmro cljx fittirillai atpi a tlat ruiocd a few riawn k-lottcinf- to mr somenillt of mary vrn murdered bv fail maater some bcntlf vn ffiufdertd i unl wa 11 time afitr tht m lum anl j brother of ih l mufdeied jatt wa lalrn up and tried for ihc vftaue not the smaliw etidenca entihl u made mil aaimi hioif ami he vi iuttcd an aenuiital l a coaoied man in am h a itci of the vtwm a 1 ml be held a a atil cnetemcint rfo0f of hit innocence rut tht relativ nf ih rlt cffmtja wdil lliou n inlo tht ovidatin 1 1 1 ll- of smlh he mad- n tcapt fim xw 0fmu and reached thifadftphii uhere hj rxpecled lo lix in af l yu he mtealtr wa on hi iraek urown hod a wile aiil vtn children in maryland itlinm he w11 riivu nf rcrninc fren bondage he had iiuniauh tlie name f hnwiljml a rirfrypnfifriicr xva commenced ftom phita- drljhia in li real oame the itlltr raolwd ihe 1 4 nt t and ihtv deter of inirl in r rcvnfd lill fjmlirr the lhitvenf man- rand had no innetr any control or hi laaly 1 their prvertyi lr tnev had made itnvcr i lite thiovca rf ntw mean but two of them appeared al philadelphia itrovn av a run merer tui i a fjvrite and hacknicd nmdttf ein a victim the aprdicdnt knew wtlt ibal thy had o rierhl to cuim tlie pecgted inau a a mordervr for ik hail k tntjauj ajcnua e j and could not w tried aan imt if twv had ikm one more in their pnthrtnn hy could tatily uni nrivatety what they cmiht not r- judicially and at jtat they could punijt him severely ir tuumnc way aud restore liiui tochai iu and bondc- twohlondhound ared j lift maitraies office in fhu hiaelltmin their victim he naclap4 into inruonbut iht ahottinnils wtre at their pent the warrant wa iofocmal and on thai ground he wa reltavtd stt2in die favor able moment bcloic tht informality could le remedied rmwn made track for canada pain through new veufc the rv mr young the minuter of a corrrxatieri in ibat city kindly aittd lo actiimnjny ihc persecuted wan to canada wiikm ihe lo of a nmuitnl tbey preceded to monltral aud laid le eae hfrt ld ekirt eaimin that proetion u hith it if the of dritih lawiniee in the innocent i oof of the lfii1 ami acuittal which with other parii- culr had been published in pamjihlel form wefe laid liefihe the cuvornor cicacftl nvc hi nofjuauficd auranct that the hunted roan would not be mii rendered to hi pere- cuton the appeal wa- not too soon next day ihe two itioodaccker pre minted them- h befbit ihe ioveiiaor general demand ing ihe mitrtnder of uioivn and it i almost uflqmceaait to ay thry met with a pointed refusal and now ihi injured nan with hi wife and seven children who had a no ecapd ore in canada afe from iht hand of ihr oiantcalf r some magistrate front inofancn of ibe fael may poibly iet him up on a chvgc f murder iilihoujh ihi i not liketv hnvetver in prevent it we lll e lt icnueat our cottmporatie a an act of julicc and humanity lo hanj round this note of aiio jet it never be vjid that there i a sinlt iriaflatt in llc lenclh and breadth nf lliiiifth north aincriea pa ignorant oroin- different a to miieoder a fcttowman into iht hand nf the rekntlcm slaveholder euxrnictfaitfgrapil from i fax to quebec we wtrt called upon ihi week k t kriruion of stofk mi ihe purport tj j tht eltcirie telegraph r jiif 1 g bee the company al jnebc ha mjp airanctinnti to lay it from ibakrly ujioiht eli of txv lemnawick vituvunt varnie l been anl i ie in no t- l at v were crowdtu with men wrmtnonchilditn relirine to the mountain the rjeale eon- fosmn and aiilrt prevailed amon them hen scon i aaid to bavt ufceu iht cily and placed pianu around the cathedral ami ehorche in protect them from robbery and to pre ret hwrr talaame patt furniture c tim mexican btxan rotmior and plundering tach olfaer and all the dwellin aoppojtd lo contain taluahle properly in ibt ejiy aaaoon a ihe battte eommeneoii altbonh santa anna hoaaled of having 60000 anned men on dulf lo prenerve order yc ihc ffmttat co- fuun and duofder prevaired cen scott mtd evtry effort lo awe tin rmwie pronetty and protecl the inhahiwm from iht border nf robber and aanvio who bad gathrrcd ia ibt city a remnant of tht mexican army fled lo iht mountain which u i aad wotitj organise into ruer rilla band to ajpnjt wherever a chaiicr occur for ciiui apdic or 10u- bin tbe population laitmtavr aetrrtr cottnrrinrmctt lilt arital of n amion counttifeiter in l tuti named trutmm f youu ha led to ihr detection of a pary wh liavt been tnym rm an emtnive biimie in that way for some timcnal in ihi ily on friday officer tkv airivtd here frmn rnion andaaitd hy cjftttjl rtid u van iiatr arreted rmt erehlu itonnry in a lmnt fttar the frry rr u whom they found altering and manufacturing ihw oh the ptmie weft fomd a lare amount of hilu fhett tncihr with thiretatlala riarunrknely c graced and a ilanl of inti ready for pa5in atnnunlin j in alt lo near eibi ihouianil dot jam tht mluwin pcta wtrt uwequtnlly aneated on up en of heinc aecomiiiice of rminty5ldnit ryaidbiokr bl wall- lieet and hi anil thoma f v nard llan- nilnt llomey hnftpr lokt and uenrce aim wot kail l m vttl enmmitled hy major ufady ui a luilhet hearing vi v minor electricity and the potato uiscase n a letter addreved bv sir r mayncw lo the jhffuij twaa ttt find he following la leretir 4attmtni a valuable piece of informal on w communicated to me verier- day by the dtan it wolaiinvtrr fie had been a day or iwo before informed of iht following inleretinc fact on mv maiioe lay awaniai ia laa injuiy havin been ertvet rj iiy j lly ht ad that 1 wa rihl and the cnieuioii coint to bv the various corrjmilttt rff11 ihf vnbrty about tie mailer and thai il inurt tncieioe have been caused by the peculiar ute of tht almoipb ere thi axertion induced 1 tcien- iltc cenllcmaa living at kcnioclou lo enqutte what had occasioned any auch ule in the air on cvamininjthc meteoiolocal libit he found that durinr tht lat two year ihtrt had beta a much greater quantity of hflitninr lhaa previously then came the question would that injure the aatalo plant lightning lieini- electricity lo ascer tain tht point he enelotd some atumipherie air in a rtccieer and bavine inubted it applied the electrify ia machine jbe potato plant being then inlroduced into the receiver wa immediately affected in the amc way a thoe diracd one of laat wason the potato wa removed and corn of variou kinds mangold vnirt zc i and such like vege table n uluecltd lo imiar irtal ami they were unsullied a frcah potato plant was then put in and the effect wa the amt as twfjre ihua wa ttabtihtd ihc fact that tht potato disease wa occasioned by lithtniiij now to prevent it tht urt ihin necessary was to ascertain how the lightning acted mr adam found thai it separated ihc air into il compo nent part oxvejen hydron and nitio ten ttit iiit so requisite tor animal life and the last for that of reflation hut ihi was not all foe il did the injury to the potato by converting ihc nilroea into nitrous acid j mr adam knew that quick lime was an antidote lo uiltous acid ut therefore too3c a fresh pnlato plant spriuttbrd il ottr wt nuick lime and inlrmlncetl it into atmospheric air cleeliitied a bciurv hhe potato plant re mained uninjured boundary lint work undrt a contiacr d ftf at m a mile it i iu 1 ed oet lo hetj m pelret nut fr ii and the s aie iw imimcuil tin nlocit reunited lo eomplht our pif ihe line wilt no he ijskj it will rtd a ar t the pliairi are apneii x5 raeh an offer wa lately mau company in llnfftfttl to lay tht line fj- i tity to t tali fax if iunn on wtrt o tuem ti do m ibe line from mouiral tv new votk i now iu woikiof- urdee in lirrf about to be made from mv- tjmhre from tin bri information ve can btam iht trcle iii he complete eiure of jtet ytar the irenl an mintrd with tht snljrci havt 10 iloulii ibt tfivrpti- will pay beeame a lh i the first int nf tmitfim and ihe rvu oldrature t llir mait sttamet paane f rom tht old v tj 1 tht new oir trjreiapb mut contf the mot uiioi nation between ihi coninvnt and iturop every man iu tht diy migh- o take a share iv kc not only uheve liai tht iock will he pioiiuut but thallhr iuirtvf advantage flowing from il will lull jud4ty the on i lay tbt above extract i from iht av10 swinn tve are pleatd lo find that our neicmuf in tbt lower provinces are belininilieamjvt wt arree with our colemjrary in latin iht iht line will bt a irvine voe kren thould it not itvt a richly ttmuntraloo in setmeiii i not the enterprise desevmuf poii and emitted to iht aid of rorll iud tidual who would see the ltilih nmll ame rican pro on a par with the lnited slate as reapd intercommunication the ninsjecls of tht tint of ivltfltqli be- iwten qnrbec and halifax are of duiy in ertait importance the change n tht iranspojl ot iht enrojan ma i nf iht early etabtihrrknt of itailway lctwetn the cities jir1 namtij and hit flallerinte assuuuct of iimoil tmu the lmerijl iovtrnmcnl lakro in coiuecliou wilh iht liberal and haiwuotnt donalim maid of ihe woik made by iht new bruiiwiek lcihirtrc promise a sitccesj vi uch me than wanant tht apjteal made iu tht murrnf from which the extract heading tin ailjc is lakrn j1ie quebec commny hat honorsriy and c mi fide nli a lly dichatd its portion f ihe lak assnmtd by panic in the three norlh american erovince new binniwie- yet dilatory but will net lone remain o rove jirartary fjanf ibtrrneei the hlmatei chances ix the post oflce arrncemenix fintm tht utalnd mri it w ax slated some time since that o dersiandint had arism lietwetn the fojftwiee authoiitie in great utilain and those the united plaits rttpeclint xtrtain aicts madt by the former on letter enl v he american new lint of steamers frofr wesv york lo liverpool at thai time sevtrtli the ameiican paper urtd tht adoption rftlali- alnry mtasme on tht pari of tht tilled slate covtrntntnti partientarly wwh eard in the english mail brcuhl to boston v the cimard lint and eonvejfed to canadi wmh the american territory in chxtd boveh certain rate agreed 0 by both part ten vrbich arttmenl however wa lo terminate jl ln option of either of ihe parties on givirt ee month notice t tlial rftetl it wao- quenlly nndentood thai an amicable r mrnt wa ahont bein elteeled belw wo covtinmtnl but we have aincc reived an advtrlicmirmt iued by mr 5 e deputy pbrst master ienerat l j charge for polate on na v 1 vr x ti has ute laiaed tuouc 1 a halfptimy a beret i on pews i v- wnv uitta itnny taeh imrad 01 fort in coneruenct nxjnll vrilhin a mpuniiy f vn administration of justice there ia in fael cimatcted with ihe admin- ielrationof jtttlier ia lira various twnhips winch xse ai newhat surprised ha ihi n- iaxed ihe attention ol snme of oar tatrr mm- temporal es wlm plume ibemstlvei o much tprn ihu antuiiy and thai ip that aiitet lilt eaatotatleadaet upon it havr birnpid our ihf ibr revenue arising fmro a dty imf et njtm tbt aiauufactnit nf jintmi hqur tad f from ibe district fnmu a fmeily it i xi diifirull fvl hit country rimsluc t id their pay and they hase httl a length of time i w ail lor thnr montv thi in ahiot every tov nh i p th ty iefnr l acleven wb- insitiav place paei in ilttit ha u fr exrenlin o thl ihe pimcabt ant vtrdl- dix0ed mbaaianl of ihe townliijs 1 lfl cinidetely al tht mercy of ihe thief hit dfperado aiif the manil ler jiil larne are tteimeliairhave fw milt of tin city wilh perfect w will iniane unt toxrilshilb ltal sttllrd aid licul in canada wittr tjvoip u uvriroy now iht pouulou lostrt hip cntai ins a fnqtitroaj of abnit 7te0 una fiutr fanlaffietsp ha heen in un ili0- clnizd rate ff the jal two year i it uhii any uondrr that wc slioald be jtfarithtiw oerujj in ih country t we hme ine lvrrnoitnl will look iil0 thai mat- ter and not suffer uch a stale of fhm to cxir cotmlabtca irvutd not he eomttlled to wait fur ihtir triffin fee unlit uli time a ttltir account board of audit and afler- watlx o brfre an exculive council wbeh sometime oecupies frnm nine to twelve mohih ltn ihty very frequently havt in advance money from tlieir oa aclcets for brioiii- pfoiier from ihe country lo ht ik- a wt think ihe estrallixmict trtavnrer inihl be empowtrrd t mv ibeir fee upon hi production of au affidavit lafctn liefure ibe masirait by whort authoiity the duly had been perfoeed or if the pceiout cumttioos machinery be allowed to remaini a law should be pated ctnptlhn corwiam to act the people mnfcl not be left tiupo- -ii- torourto sfawkrj lion had decreased mjt0 wtlteh 0 produced by the decrcaseof ll57i british whig l v l opiuff ftf orbtre dtfloe ivbdnesdav sbptemdifreii w nnieea ed itinlw ehbrcd 2a cd muntaecs cotm ixrraaa aixer it j il nnaaiu opi r 7jar rt laschine mi reta3 i ft au nr- j j l r m stiecisvilr arrival of steamship the union 1 been a ooliuuou ioai lv near n vutettj scoll leliied lo an vljusliil aviit 8 fifi in ih midl of a lu am aod uttt kifirsaadccn pillow came in aoot eleven tftascompmely ehauiteil not anticipahn fojg great irenjlh of the svotkai of the eaemj flaraattioabt lhat ill- uaiwnea cuatd be uken it a iuti and that git llonjf would alt be coeaortawy qunitej l st aoel for the ni tht instead vt ihi a lare wlisi ol ibtm trerccomt oiled lo bivouac without idmltl ia tht tniai of a ratiteu f oa tht tb worth wa ofbrvd to move wrtk a part of bu disiaion uibihda bfigaov toaidia ihe attack 011 vaayltetj m litkic 4aafliilion was drtmed infv avtp at lofloeia fw cfiscvbarjei el taimo wee beard a rattljnof moltrv ad taisjo even aat j taal in the drxtsact hafita ol ibe vjueiny taafuw lto lvtaxarlhccit aaal1k0tvt batteties b id ben rtaimej tarr-l- jet ivup tenlkoiijlirpjnied wirftb aad suxitd tw the weft 01 r bo tbf sverc met by j m oi ojitoj she iftuiliruae ll vslrtn 1 a ht tsatas eaaaptelrly vaud after a i ftiak ru ftt lmiutk ataeaiwkwasadniwa wcm d inuiuii iu tfaecapiiift of i of aaiwoijaudaoie iw prison- mbfjofnwnwmiaa l-la- cfacia men- apvjariawhm he aweap itmautolfri td ramp eaipar imir v xuw mb vmjd nth muaatls i- tain l 1 u lb tuamff aaoat otf-a-r- 01 11 4 tavn aau taw rwmi a ami4il afajnaj0la oatl il- vmai ioatei aoas- 1 ij hist aopetiaiy iurp i imw rttint jnc- nloit wayttirdjy mutrttiimlim in his hr arm chair rtmie nvet tht waich livnt mibjed willi all the ditoriy ittonm in iriricil rmentr when in in an hli sidut ia brtpuih iastr and requevd iu- l-iio- lftiruv hiipedally and liehirii- rltaml a biir ir w in iv ttn conb iupm hal wbe 1 me juilice in list trxai ol llf liie loxer hud ih- paetpl ami i vanl m ike i inlli lki t v said the set gasped it2mnouf nt a me ii 1 taanjlll lo lost hejuliee win wa wil- lin 10 till a jei n t ufa taptut int rait hi i him tin if h ctl n- u lm tiieir nsmrsnd ae lt4xnt won faelilte mat let ehnideiahy whit yian name l clicsttf vairmviir ed is yers- trijt uulc tane i ttwejuttjimiaui birr lw cralchrl in heal and lieini ani ixed ami horriqle traglidv a womax muatfmifd axn avrrnwaan beaxiro to aim av iikil srtr davctirra an atd lady nmed mary mnrnson wife of samuel morrion reidin- in milton town hip in tjrauy county about three milts from mcktcfi irt wa inurdtrej on friday last and afterwards burned to ahcx by tier step daujmer the fact a far a we base been able to learn are these ti friday mnrnin mr monion started lo tht cily wilh product fur ibe mark ravin hes wife and daubtr at home 1he djuch- itr 1 a woman about ss years of ajo utber a simple creaturcf and considered hv tlie nciibbot inant mrs mnrrnn has fem litr childhood been ihjet to spasmodic plr on ihe afierrmon in rlittinn he wa taken with one f these pell 40d tteon the floor under thr iilwnce of the lit htr supdauch ttrsatafa alosoit heron the head with a fire shovel until il i supposed she killed her and lbn threw her into tin fir and kept piling on the fuel until ht hurnd her almost to allies there not btiu lhntx euoneh tft of the body to lih a nuait measure j ht sttp luubteff ahei cmiummatin tlie hwrible and tragic act of imroi- ie mother carefully scrubbed ihr floor to umiterate the iiace of blood h iajc her escape lo the iroocls mr whitaker a brivlher of mr monum visil4 the honw mi ninrdav m ruin and found il dtseiled iitt thrit litmj a veiy di jrttade meneh hi aie1ed lint all was noi rijht end numediatejy commenced a starch of lite uttratsts- o 1 eaamiuiu hh lirt place wheace ihr sotll plocttdte be dhoseied a as it i atatcd of ihe l american govenmeot bavin- raided the transit rale of pdtaee iad the lo1towjii maltmtnt irom lire fuoer xfjvirrii of tuesday last rf well fainded would stem to icavt no dotibt lhal lie ktco- liltiow which weir said to be pendricr have failed lo brinr about a u adjustment of ht dfli- cultict referred 10 a erim i al hand of all ollrtfs hf mot favorable to tbt immedialt coinmeneoent of tht imt of railway between quobc and halifax ami in connection wilh the costiitc- liou of that work tlie lais of a chaeft des tined 10 accompli ji results of the lutlrst m purlarct lo the future prosperity of thcufrtish north american province we allude 10 ihe rupture bttwea iht english aiul amercaa covemmtau 4 rtla- tkm to postal iutercommunicatior w have ibis day received information from jnoarter entitled tn confidence iofonninx s thaim and after the 4lh kovemher next the tranwiasion of the mail to and irom the olafccotintyruill ht made via halifax and quebec tlihrom a peiod in the same month not vol nj wpon no account wilh the united stale pel office will be kept and lastly that il isvfy ttoe- rallv rumored and as universally ahted that hit htpnnin- of operatinnson inline of railway above mentioned will bomiuwith a klllc delay a povsimt in tddiirto this we have head in oufirmation ottheoniia ami momentous change lhat an tarlv will he made 0 the quebec post olicef ome of the cfeiks now engaged in ibt drf at mmilttal itlnm to ihe former route m conveyance of ihe mails between clffend liicat uiiain will provt of some eift meat at the oulsel 10 hie wralera df theconulrv but not lo such an mich al ihe fnl slaisct bt mppov m the united slate post oktee will mill ht jiailie who choose that channel nf cation peihap mt willi such facilitit urial knl hit fnlure prospect to thjjnliah province more than counttihalanct t tem porary incoavenienee and should in ftltnwcohnil to aid thtir rtaajdtauossf lhat cotisuinmatrou which the unit- s govtrnmtnt ha unwittingly helped effect jt is vnurceaiy at piestnt in the many adinultttl beneliu which j from ibt tonsirueimn of iht hat ard qiebre railmad thty are fully we may howwr rxnres an opinio tnanr a luatltiial to that lor several ytar jjjj to ihe ntubrkiiii fwtinmeni b mheii in the making and inaiutenanct of l sviy between the termini named f wl he tittle icamm lo reasel tht eomin with proiier arrangement on ihe p v post ojic amlood road iht enr m cinbecmnvd t- and from i lalifa ajj and montreal in a stsace of time ww excediirx thai nov taken m ptlfupj smnt strvit via hnmnn montreal iee in ummer wt presumt a ivamer will arain run between i v an from ciierdocrg franck clrvcn dayslvtgr from furofb tktlin ia fat corn mariettnort jeaey fuitn among tht cora mtcurt the steam ship union capl heberl ar rived al new york on thursday from cher- bouc france whence she sailed at three olock on the mornin of wednesday the 11 i nst she ha thus made a tery good btagajt thf fallowing i tacn from ihe vear york htrm w financial intwijcrnce from tht ijwivn tim jvuif 7 thi ha been xttllin day in ihe sfoclc kxchancf and conmdershle lucluatiou haer taken place in cntpatttion with it condv njned al a liht decline from yeterday pree the hrsl nuotatinn for niuny ben e lu j from thi ihcy rtccilcd lotfi whence they rallied until thev touehed hi linally vloia howtvtr at ihe openin ptet of 8b to j for tht account after lmvi leen o low ax 7 they left njfk7io j a friia fvf montvi of e vai i ihrosj flroai the us and s uuclfaailoui 0 i07pct crni wa jpven lor shorl loans upon lock t amount advanced hv tht bank both upon stock and exchequer bill was very con idtrabh bank stock left off 195 to 19 reduccn three per cents 87j to i tbrte- andaquartcr per cents 85 lo89j india stock lo 211 india bonds 7 lo 3- dicouul long anouilie 9 lo aud ev- ebeeiict bills par toj premium duriue tht day many parlies entertained a stfon cxpeclalion that a redaction would bt made in the rale ol discount by ihe bank but this did not uka place it wa however understood that advauces are contemplated to be made within a short lime oon bills ao- ecuriic at five per cent with tlie exception of mevifan stock which owing to otnt purchase left off l iftj to 19 tht operalioiw ia ihc foreifji xecurities were confined tbix aurtioori to ihe miowlaf transaction portu four per cents al 25 spanish three per cants at 29j dutch twoand ahalf per cent fr the account at 56 and tht four per cents cettitat at 8sj the failure of messrs lyon and finnfy general merchant at liverpool was su nonnced tht caornine this cvtnl ha been caused hy transaction in cn and the tiabi- lilies are beliescd lobe larc- the losses iu connection wilh it will cbjchy fall in new oleaa and in london accgst w on ihe cornexehange today ibt re was attain further ileptsoo and the failure of messrs alexander dckon co of bella bel near iselfast increaxed in a fcrty sirring derree the general rloom mr dit soji was a large distilkr and has latterly been a miller and dealer in crain and ihe liahilititx of the firm are stated at 20000 snnt of the mot prudent of the 1ondon corn factor are crtjilos to a mnmtnl a art also several ol the raonscs in liverpool this failure moreover has already brought down three or four s nailer hooves in irelaml by tin retntii of tht casf of thi even n ihr mnreufnl of ibt hank of enrfaud fm thi week emhnaoa the 211 int pves the folbwsinr hant compared with the htth eiiditxcasi tbe ltthinucr in tht department of issue itse note in lureul badb nf pild ei or gold bnllicn and of 1907 of ilier iriillinn tin the del iile of ihthikm- department tht tt tiat incread x the public ileposita had increased jhmfith tht private or ether deposit bid irtciatd 1 vy25 and ib evtn day and other bilti bad mcltaed rio mabiiij tin total of the liiblili thr5 on iie r il lde the ootemment atcn- lilits txhnnlrlnualttratioii lb other rcu lilies had deted x365uul ihe nott had increaku x49st73 and hi- gitd and sitni coin had decreased a3699 which roared thr ji count tbe bullkm in lotbdfpamrnnh nf lb iunk haddcreatdfioxev2 hcillj a difference of nj0 hrsnr m actual circutalion inctudin tlietveor4v andntlierpftthluhajdrcrtaved fnms xttl4bi 10 cl30ia beinje a i ce of x5ts9jl it has been currently repmled in the ciiy today hypaitie who usiially kftow one of tlie ccreti of tbe bank pailor that an imme- dato reduction in tht rait of discount will uktmabh the reaoos tor ibis ccmbdent utwrtrre not i re 001 it hirjeneraltj uer- mmi that the of tin naitka altair warraut the alleralior- referred to under ihr old iytcm of bank management tht pub lie bad snflt mean of knowing the prouahle cooasc of action of ihe dirttor but iact tht teslrictionx joj inxpcdimtnl introduced by the uank cliartr act ibe eomuercit public are only able to form a eery indefinite amnion of what may probably he the decision of tbe court iimltr ce1aiu fcivtn circumstance ilit bank rtlun of thi evcoine hows the actual condition of the tslablishmenl sad the public will be able 10 form their own opi- mou ou tht ohcy of the direeton in inaiuiain- n o hiih a rait of interest under tht ptco- liar circunstanee rn which 11 trade of the ht country i at prtstnt plated tht direct ors must bt await thai ihe appearance ot liaeralily ou their pari m njllt con fide net in mbcrs and that the present ditatter iu one branch of trade result stinost entirely from the want of confidence which ore lai stances baet recently created the slatt of the com trade becomes a mai ler of impoiisncc lu many beside those w ho art 1 f j in il tbt cootiuoed rsiloro of iiuvr of ihe tiesl rtsutctatnlily i cr tatioje a feeling of ditroi which unless luuptly checked at once will soou exttad and increase ihe mischief lhat lias already oc curred the stoppage of a firm like lint messrs woodley or of several of those al ready announced creates a feeling of anxiety fr ihe arm which may be npoed to lxve and it not uufreouently lead lo unrounded rumors which destroys ihc credit of ihe w bo wnnld otherwise be able to withstand tht prexnie during ihe jay various un- founded statements have itached us which prove that not only ramor i y iu dttny- oe charaltr hut tht tbt public art hecoui- m txeeediiily anxnms with regard lo the effect of ihe several failures thai have taken daet we tiuil that the worst ha now oc curred and that wilh a rtdnrtrofl in iht lalt of inltrtl wt may have a decline of i bos rfnus fail ire which we brlieee have been eh- occasioned by the want of lexitiraale banking accowtinofatiou uch as would have hiei readly alfuidvd hy tbe hank of fu- land aud hankers generally but for tbt re xlriclioa placed upoa their credit by the uank charter act from a tixtond lttttr a everyday within the lastforluiht veeu have arrived at si0 from iran- atlantic iirt ami froin tht aledilenaiieii with beadlurfi for tbe extensive vocal lirm of itfi svsg f xbccirtenv failed lot xi0oxxro 4ul upwaids the mlragl alone is ecjual to the value of the cargoes present tat ijfc fi ra romotm of having bctn ip ortt thfii oy fae jimarioiu promimqftht prtmirrvs to isoniafcrertuct itith prtroe frorfimr- thttiorvtat slito are now crammed with breaiist tiffs fine1 hoar is diiosed of aftts a cwt oalmtsti ha indian meat si to 10s fkictvi of grain- arc orj t wirtst 6la j suit m jd oaos s- 9d- kc3jjj lkn lv m air on iht lolh of tptember envallon accuatdof perjury aiul thr oilier tim ca of 6 ha not yet been decided tbe number of bankruptcies in paris durio the past year 1 1139 spain tlie q ietn of kmiit and htr hinhmd are on wors ltrin it jrsi3tle iban eeet he refuses it is saad to e he for four months which wt should thin- so much train in villi partita unlet they r au uict iu belter temper ronrucal ntwclo hit 19th auut had been received the q4rfl ha out half obeved iht order- ol the minsters of ibe thitt confederated powtrx her cindiitnns for ibr formation of a new cabsnet were of sueh a character ji at ftrsi iifht 11 fnelfd their aceeplauee the tajhah flet bad one totht mediterranean leaving oslv rn ihe tatus the campus the america and iwotitsmcr imdia a ehanjt of ruler ha i btu eftvetej peacfnlly iu tbe nesaul that is a far a the news yet tae ktn havjot fleo ur oexisiotj of arroti of hix troops indneed by his priaxt minuter who had learnt thai ins master drafted his death in lahore thouch irancjntlily rtieed still col lawrence the bntuh tttaadent wa not without feat of an outbreak mr ore om t y jtr xinlsler trylbfaata rttverirsarh fntrlanjtn arrittd in biprjand on trtaed the curacoa frislt the jofh mipister m deffaudla waa dily tspeotmsc ortst tbe prince 6 join vile had aroat ta st chml to rfstimh his health prtnerpti iamuria wife of cearvle dacraiia f and il r to pi met joint lie has betu de- hveteduf a hoy wlio is to be oarjical bfler his grandfather louis lhilliprje matit a terrible sttsintmatekplosiooiiokplarfja the 7ih of alauol 00 the trurne the boiltr of iht cricket a rives boat esrodtd- aitoul 150 fsstnsy were on botrd ria wtrt kiltrrl and many wosanded the fuchej ofkeni quem tirtrariav mottirr ha been vivitin lljiutujur tiielooj n cailte tht cth ancxmk toaiaio a tnaiy aade between great ml aud jnvmh china a copy of thectvinn cotmoo tiiort tt- ra was josted up in the under wi iters mms at lirerpool o tnrsdjy rrom which tlie following estrict ia taken a ccdsoioo 77ars elraof ihe 15th ol july isle of ceylouj contains a ey alaro- rumoc wilh regard to the relations of tin country with china tht rtpoil j thai tlw attack on lbs boue foils bad roued a des- itratt spiiit of lmtility aiiist all foreii ul especially ihe cnxlish am had led to a general riinr of ibt peoide of canton agaimt them tht report furtucr talt thai the enn- aauliad been compiled to lease canton and lhal the european werc p purine to follow ihe in the ahner next i mid to have been brought to cobiuibohy the haddington rteamer whieh received it from tht esplain of a vessel wbo had been depatched to calcutta for loops to reinforce the garrison of liotgkvtt rome bme aaj 29 1817 iv fjixajsfpaf tne lbnlprbcy mkh oueijieetedy ailnofrd bj in iv a s- n- be ae cesmonrd pio ix ih been aeeebiricd in n exlra4ediqry nsftfiatf by ceenl vmce tbe dale snf ih 0wtjtcle wobavcsbende molffmrit itmt deteeirm asjd deseai nf ib tdot f loly 17 a rmiderl nutiiber tt penn of varxu rank metinlme etrator rleriiedpi mtm rviv impeuiunid 1 in 1- tu rtr k x al cmhinineliineeiirfftr f rtnr eh ird with blwsls cmnle fin need lle pb4 h tkd mpb auillaibnct ksddi and ali nf ihytteuhpriatst vim wtatfai bve aeu irtse utlkkimtm in il air m st l car- diihsl keetslli iltt tfoariimy nf slaie fhewibi pv trnud t he liberal tie a 0 ibe b ay father pnblt lj plr4e0 itiirrst l ilrs ibo trial if cnr r nlurs hill be eairico 00 iu tar tace vf ibe kni u lasnilf it has trananited that lire ntiyes if ibia thl pbit wlueb waa esakelrtf bs hr cattniau aitlrj by ibe ocrrl vf aiuuiia j 1 to ur 1 le tdinaarl bira to the noapiluan liseiler lelmie bo ta be detained isalaey 1 n raiewe iilni otattmi lilpp- rted torn ibt jnhand a eimin 1 lartwern uvo and tio prulaeo prstbed ttiia distm bnoce cotdslotvn fiare uei aeiaxd a thspnkai fnr atmnan mirrienttki tlio pope wnud hive been comp it aecepl ibe eief s ibt irian f ni nnd tneaqrrv tx rearm uoavi liaw vesn rtend to aneinre half culvy all lb lite hiettie barttr h prored almftive bf lle elj pthtciftn f ibe jml the ncmcy afapum auelr in tbe nftair od by vmliaacltv 1 ul ibe asjasfth fmilh- 1 il tvnrjf mmis fo ijjit lren ealenro wsh on tudrfablu turn in amtfian out uitvo llivir pei li r u lt ikfiand lotir and the jim spoiled jit l 1 woul tit ifto is ally sanl he i d il tnv a tier i h jr name but if youll j 11 1tod ns nunule will ru 1 and tia ftiji atiff away h went l l 11 4 let hi u name ail cmniux buk in alt bate je l a jvjto llyv ol beal3mf anj roilbith ibe jnmire pniiuiunersl ltltol miri sti4 wile hi i act i thai uniin hj a leaat on- 1isy iv tx luad aje litr mrrffflfr ccjftitr srsrxthe iiurr ti f jd him- self ha maiwfl wut hie impukta ibe hauls the cuiracttr of ibe two ivies man ha zr wmai leiiiieuat man u reason irx ittesilljr ratal devrrtojiesl si an thr jtrr- uujrw lhiif at icaxt uch xtould be lh kiau w cepint ri iai ihe oriurtr nf slti 11 man 1 1 rarriau e nt- wamia rarely pen- inre ol ralculalnuo id iiantba miin i capalde of dey ietb bi piered a wly and tinilivuily m4- every dis- laifte and cupfiif rii ad bis hiotn j wnjf bfetoda aoaa flll j fe tybr jritrt url prom it lim iht fiov fti jrrs i in br i ttlrft path erro rvs rrii ajway m mmber of ntah civti wilh tdood stvcral of the neihhne wert called in and rlirtrd jn pursuit nf the lep daujiitr vrllu wli arrested a few milt fiuai the ceiie of tbe iraedv she confessed he atioeiou inuiifi r and aiiied as her rea- t 1ir ilii ai lb il her falhrrtepmrtiie and heixelf could not aif and he tliourcht the lel thme mic could was to hum her up snc alo eonfrej so mauuer iu which h cmiumnated vn acl otoiur uichatdvm km sent to hold an ia- itet on the remain oiwl the jury after bfarinc the italiamy a a number of veil fiests ittume 1 lor verdict lhat deceased miaaj to lur death from violence at the hinds ol her top daughter iarah miriou ami aulborlsnt th orour tn take ihe inirdere in custody he brought her to this cily ami lodged br in jail on sunday msirnin alra mriiun iht dtetaard waa a sialti ttl or tviitufctf of allegany rity aii is said in have ipeen a sxmuan of imbj and eiili- li ikkilion wltera not under thr influencr of 11m asinipibe ihli in ubieh be wa- anicli jlr unlunelv and iiau al heib i rejriellnl lid tnaiiine by alhre euelt of fslatitas a rrnis r tvh latjiufj sctcrt lti ccniaed eeord it to ih p5- srtmni oinari- a sopse jf tbe ctllh rtici wn soamilted lo rmt 3jv- e ih v rharerf haviuc wuuuiw c the far wihi a wod at the n f u rarl oi wedluwiav afternoon kill w as a vrvant in ihe iuailer ma l ltti il is said lhat the miwncr h j t 1 l t- in ner iranicurar aileutttn but he uit and inuitfaiid b jluty he upn manumc il tit kilin her inn he pmirtcd a w and ss quatuviusieron ihr prnenre of j if he wail tmrnr lbe cil ha cunw to uic noot aaineied liiiiclioni n live when he intmediatel draw m ami with k debate mow at iter t j a wound lhat laid one of her chef u i she ran away fmm him erex bleedinr and he ptrutsl but ktfo trl aa omortunitv of inllivlini fih on ihe olijeet of h tsse uit y when he wa apptlhuded he ir letter deeriimii liia hntiers sad for ihr malieioux deed mihf lie fo t bis ebuliin nut it ms lanenit itclidp in ilnlriter u- art in w i fiuth that in uvdvvd iiiivu dii iirl in ieieite fr tie titlit vi him and deeply devtea ihe lash-r- svoubl mi nslnn in- f fiieniu tbe ptiiptir 1 ipiitt s hx jrrtx nd eifiiraiiim v fon th iojw civromefe ug 9 there ha been no great animttion in any branch of lv trade today in the eily the failure announced in the con trade that of mfvo wuodly a boose of very old stand- in and the tfiief partner of whnh was re ported to havt realised a laee fortune has thrown a tooan over the roarkl tli jiabili- tie ait to be near ssx0m this occurrence together wilh tht forcicn arrival of crain and the irrurt for money have had aa unfavorable erfect upon price- and in some instance a constderasic reduction from last mivay uotal 003 ha been auhmilttd o tlie transaction loseever havt not beeji ex tensive and werechieflv conlintd lo the k- tail dealers had sales neenpresed no doubt the decline would have been more serious than that wniehoecuritd- thtnominal quotation na atmut 3 kwcrthan on monday the additional failure in the corn lesde tmplrd with ihe fact of the a ztnis of prime ward e co- of new york bavin declines to increase thtir liabilities on aciccptarjcth until iht artieal of tht wm mail has lurnisv ed iht idler about iht stock with a very ex citing lopk for converts lion aod the snnst ahurd and unfminded tuoios have been frfely circulated we need scarcely add lhat llmrc is no foundation whatever for thrse xlattmcnu n injurious lo eomntctcial c edit and aotaoch to be condemned at a jietiosl of anxiety lilct the presenl- ttm praclice of civinrj ctir rrnev to atfij foolish slattmerit of impcndint diiiter i mot rcfuehensrhlt intlsmneh as ihmih no harm occur to old and wealthy lirioh feat iniehief follows bv loss of credit to smaller establishments which by inference mav w cou l- i- lakely to uiler the ijank nf kurlflud 9tt understood to have bttn liberal in thtir advances ditrmt ihr last few days and il i listed on ood jutlmriiy that a ieluclixw in the tattn at which paper ha been actually discounted by them may be txptelrd on ihc mock kj- champ as much as ten pr cent ha ik en paid for temporary acenmmodation al ibt nltflasje lail thi of rottrxe is n criterion of the rrac- qnera1 nonty rrf far lvfon vctts yfsiff w the npnri frmu marklane bfine list re rnulril nf amrthrr hitjhy rtpieiahte hwrrst in the corn imte iravmi been obliged iii xsass yavmenl this bilherwilh lasje ativavpii binaarjiow u uhealjmd the elteel ih prie rfmin fully currenrv frvm o dublin lttttr aug 21 it is beyond all question lhat the potalot disease has reaptieaeed and simutt in county in various coontits and in diaiiicls tar dutanl from tch othtr the bticil a yet is les ktneial thaa in the two preceding years and hs exhibited itself iq a fna much more virulenl up to this lime the mtatocx at market have been very fine in quality but a eofiidcrabe iortion of those coutumed in uudio have been imported fiom k inland tht price ranges fiom ten pene to tifletn ptnet tier vlonc of fourteen poom bul at ibis rate they arc hyoad the reach of the working classes who lind an excellent itbsti- tutc iu indian meal and oatmeal both in abundant supuly at very moderate prices u sjcctiii5 ih politoc bliem the fottow jng appears in ihe dmn ecniog potf s accuuntsbavt beo itctieed from stico mayo ami wiclilow 10 the eftvct that the bim ha uccquivoeall howo ibclf in lhot places inc anrt cu- iy wioklow the c- late of mr- nlaboay the potatoes have pe ewit lainlcd and suddenly tos 1 tie satay calamity his occurred much about th same lime in a distant part of lhal ounlv and ihe authority of mr coop of iciie cas tit has been quoted to us as a teaiimoriv of the failure in a part of hi countv pim no inconsailcable potion of our stiy limit ed poutoe emp has already been conminwd o thai even if ihe blight should become gene ral no vet dtatioucrmmqucncccosjld ta vut- tlierc xvnitld to bt sure be a serious to of food hut potatoes have ultoihe ccavd to h the fojj of the laboring clashes and the jioor who constitute our or live mil lions of our opulation with reaid to tht grain crop nothing could le more saiisiaclory tba ihe account from all quarter a to the inantily and the yield toe poco ercps e00 are teline no uell wuli the exception of vtty partial in jury to turnip but the breadth sown is cnor- mousp all softs of provision are rapidly fallint in price in ireland trie hbnrrkk chronutt slates that cargoes of indian coin base been otterf i for the freight and wilh no aionih- mctit when new wheal is ottered at i3j per stone and nn purchaser and potatoe are llin- at 5rl per stone according it ihe ktrry iri we arc all in belter heart rc- joicintf in lite preent sad iiolktui nf ihc lu tutc altltaugh tbe ovtectm of the plot his pmbabt aeed ibe idperal eauoa in iltly the vovtrei ptmtictiaiubel ik esfficurtie tlioimr visti iif aiuliia mod fraaoo thnw etesy diner racetneiil nj nlvltuelioo in tmfwjy and u lonatcly great tjotaiu t only crrat kuri li slate vrhieh tut il- purer nd iho wiff aa we the errjl inlereai i- povotite ihe aafsaoi of odibtened and titwral pifiey in tinly hs lydd tplmaalioreprexeftutivtal bcovoe tbn j n sphicbihe caney of tiie tseiffoei m cavstea ii i ixipiwbk to enneey an adeooile id4 o 1 esitisnem ijud aiere we lb jvi crnr corscit rrescnlmessr cosmtcr paver nrtdea fiaoacan ford aoen allen claarsoo house harvey union crawford muaw wi ley alderman counter ia iht chair v- miovttof preriom mertin read c a letter was read from mr cotioler ataliof that h- was not apooe entitled to the bofaat which had beta conferred upon bim at tber ustmcetoi of lb council as j a waci- donald lasq m p for kiotma paid a raitfeb money towards iht jrebat of tbe cily crock as he bad done a letter was read fom j 0veitl ottermj jtlofr iht iron att which were formerty al the entrance to the shambltsno aciicm rutitrons of j mowat ac sm sjatiii lhal tfmy ba4 betu otcrcbared in ihe amsaracnl of ihfir prcinise and isasi prayed fur a reatccliosi of the arnount wilhin the proper lioie but u such reduction had lurcn maur av of tho ovtrend stjtinit tual dutiaa 4hm time of the erection of the market suildo be had cailiactrd a debt 00 account of said building with a montreal fat rupttattx ri78 for which be bad esveo corjmtm lrhcnturt to that amount but whieh laaflktm protested npon which the fiitn hatl rtfledaja judment ainst him and ersuiaerl aa csreutirm and prayins that the crurtt1 pa him at least half of the de ben lure rsferccl lo finance committee of j- a pmelkivaall and olber rsrayiaf to le extmpttal frorn pxyin froatae foe a draia ihiouh brock street jtef erred to board o worfc of john mektnaie praying for redsetitus of taxes rvfened lo comcniuce 00 ast0 menl of huhmckcioa prayios- a lieertse no action of waa hawkins prayuxa for cat la of ivoip crait praying for remuntraliaaa rurploihmc and crapin certain sarotrs tteferrcd to board of wotls of jos milncr for leave to leml xlcmtamt slreel fur whieh peivileje lm trhlastais for ia iir krrred td poart ft woraa twcrltrter wtrt read from persona wjjjiuj- to be recommended to ihe eaapal 2crmqi ffon j rojiwn and one fftaa j scott ti apiwintinral of the candidate was pm tpond until after use proposed vtiil of toe chief stprintrthni rf frafiinn srilwih import pjwtetnif policeman ruab was under trst intntenct lessor on be oibt of tbe firt athjin sirin the conduej or flderirrvr tzjflit n this mailer mr cok ift hj aot think the report sboald he aatopttet aa xewrtl mxhapmuamtia4 tho neport xrxl4oil tsarinj tht trherscv and thai it was an injustice both to aottian pmcaherand rjlictijinjlam jbe noon tw ore adoption of thr report tjs th iriotion for tbt re hfffirm 0 tttj n irf hit bcctiimlitn tf fcrrara by lb anlmrv nfrfhiu- eoijd haetjrjrert1hr rrmirsffrepit j 1 1 pcsile n ihc naini but tieprei it the k wiihea nf w mrrresn positilf mj b uf moi r i l 11 rexiiludeand lirruncranf invpue 111 ieteruiinitia xt rnkiitaiu a teimiitu p ahich in rapidity h nue fcprmt utle ttn npen eintcime eanifirmej wtieo il lfni v 1 h no erofiviflf tto iniliijfrsiet it lliia acerra- vino bmlftkcpahi ircadmaef aiaibdimaastafiibdsib wdiantiou be purled uilmvoexeianetl wtacftrwsee b 1 will io i- tit v i iflffl hh ir it i 1 41 j 1 m- 1 rrr ii- n- f if 4a ntt audsct eiti i will jnusteti ifie laiioerv axouhniai rta i i uuufel ilr rto it lbs do nl pner itj 10 t ip-ijl-lrp- n frnr uv j hit m w and ii pesvtn nwsnl brae nd ihnr mtnstav f hnsrun will toin hrr t ryi r r- uiaiu a mew ares havt lirly item lalttu ibdeoos i pi mt hu reaia ace nn hierp evrtval wsiiiamls tf kwa tlmtu liase il kme fr jrtni j lutf htsnitil ol til ihe ln hy 11- l l- hu l imv i least a r vjikt hae u mard ioi rnuaui i i- i and ise emild f injury cttc4 r that a icmlflm lamonrc s he di- aied he j i irrsjc tti- d i sen iis his uly and uc and j a itefrrrinliutf irani lf4 lr i- mruidl france an oulrae e of a dsntesiic character is cx- ctin ouite a senatiou in franct wc allude to the murder of tlie duchess of lralin by her husband and his nuwcjueni suicide in nsison the fact a far a wt know ih m in relation to the alfair are aiinjdy thct the tike anil ducbtm of lwlin held a hith pnxitiou in aneial life tliouifli he wa ia no vry distinguished iu iht ublic altairl of hit country lie entered the chamber of hi lceplng wife in the dead hour of ibe nihl and with a deadly weapon and under eir- cuiaslance ea peculiar ciiielly ut her to death the only caut of ibis horilde crime lhal wc can gather from paprr i that hie uuchcs had on ihe uiht of the murder reproached him in a violent manner lor an iinpioiier intimacy ht had earned an with a lady who bad been govcrne of ihcir nine childien some of the lluclish pae contend that iht french tioeeinuicnt cvuuivol 01 the sui tide nf hie juke 4 fieneli msiiiler have finally xitmed to ihr nevtvity of ihe c ma reversed iht derision of tbe niiihnrilies of hit city of pan with icgatd lo hlie deposit of flour held in iraritjo in the iublic ilorelnoists tod have decided lhat i hey ahll be deliftttd to the ukers hn lbecoisumpiiunuf tbt city mslf the uwivt was lu it delivered immedlatolj 1mi5ccllan1uls items v kctios fium the fojloveiuemattmeiii of the itrtojth of narlits ift the- new lloue of conmsin it will he en lhat tht ptriihs hold the balance of tower ivel ha nsoet iban a cornoral iirtrd hi fitmk bein in number earcnlysixp they should st incorpo rated into a company and atvted ptd ovop tht foition jikf rivr ihc following a- the re ativ slrtntb of parties rrturw rrsceruiafsf ijrh eel ioists 237 fihrjls 319 ivrlilr ew aoudcscrijit d dallam 157 itetirnw not yet rnadt kilkenny t smulyftj orkney i ojs sudburt disfanelwxcl i 553 thr fierman mrn of a prnjcl of au txchant of teniluv between ilaiioier otttvacaatc and denmark which is rulerrii dtiraolt for list is a mi sh men i of a railway from lheclc lo tlamburi- the toauil imke of ohlenbur- woald lave to ctslt kolin pt the prioeipality of luheck lo denmark re- etiviu a poniou of eastern frist from llauo- vtr and flantver would rtctivc laotnburjr fmm dtsiinarki hie diflertncv in ihe value of ibe respective crmcexriou would be made up in money otnniar l it is sai j it rmt quite favorable in the prjcl a letter from turin of iht 2m whih liowevsr doe itt guwaiitte the corrtcintss of ihe slatemenu say a iuorlant piece of new ha just become eurrtnl in nttf ciiy it is said lhat kin charles albeit lias formal ly protested against tht occupation of fetrara by the austrian and lhat the protest lias been sent to ail the power reside lhat il is slid that the kin j ha written to the lont to place hi aimy and uary at hi dupnsilioci in rnr ihe indtiitndtnce of tht footiiical sialic should be almcbrd by auliia it iinin riblt to form an idea of the ciilhaxsan wilh this intelligence ha created tlie coixrfinfioori aa it ha alrradj htea announced lhat tbt kins of naples had felt hit necessity of tntrrinri nn hit path of reform that ha had ciminished ihr ptict nl aall und aboliuieil hit duly on itrindlnif corn el ia now added thai he has ntrmitlcj the in trsatuetiiui of soruo of ihe jounsl nf itoum which wrro pitrmufly uohibiltd of late even tlit ivtorio rfi rntttn had been iultidieled ihe maiuis ho n aaidininu aubjtol bid been laltlv refuted the visa of hi tsas pnii to prncctn 10 saute i it bos tmwtnren dieted 10 lte tho lone entiemdoied atttmid io ntl of the celebrattd stcntntr reii urtiaincflino ot rm iht ltt alt mna prnviul io lm a total fall lire nllbiiuith aldtil by a ajnvsiturjitat itt4retr of 4a buudiud horse uwar hn rvnpo imnaltii to reasut it aj i ami no other ttko eltstt will pt fled agalii uiiireiuulus was also lost r port of finance commitv iraint inj the payment of several sums iaexoia mentioned adopted itrirrt ccropmitfr ori 5eaujfea3 boss oravrtd to male a complainl avimt tht vessel whrch cfasnaed ih- litboaae beareelipcfidiajy maprttatt ft 6raco7 tht the courieji efo meet at a ovfork instead of scrcn as fonkottv i mr union brouetil tto a 1 rjaiomls financial ntluttil which altera littjeeapla- nation fo the cturk protcsc to brifi pcav in vntgar parlance a mares fttst ret to he extra number of fine wli eh ant the new shirts ate fasmi ffod f sejpjjn larger t foe the purpose of aceojiir via ihe coua- ctl as it bad lo bt piutcd a jain in paaih eet tem jx the 0ilielala05lovieaajurjffoci read tiie council arljoiir-ied- tj forth thwvkwkf toob to tiii west k i i i- i sop iii korval tliiexeliny yvqfg r charm- inlvliiaivd on a beautiful hat atone of ibe heart of tacntvc stteviltatia toiw iite of the stream overlooked by majtslit pines u hiehiroodly lift thtir slalwait beads n i lea eta alike in detiancc nf vmajtf sswilt ox winter frown on the other fidrfa neat and comrnrnlious plaen of worsdiif sflpl mounted by a elisttiiia spire rnoka dowlrvofv the village like a guardian nm whhe trat beautiful river pvt a stream of molfea iitrrr cacefo11y flow over a ayavehy btjl thiouth the centre of the villne the foiilenseassvi form- n rfcct scene if oital ftlitily the village contains 500 mli fcihsnla a post onict otic fift milt wclb two rmrf itnor one saw mill one distillery an oat meal mill two linnet one chnreh of england one istfthytrrtan church and insl though by nn mean least four oranje totals m4b rsi was astonished to find so much coallbttp tnipmvcmnnt and taste so faf in the frirjc woodt i waaijuife omflitd al jimimrcfi t fiiens of ornneitn ceoterod rtrie t amtest myself then and since what objeel thart could lie in keepinic alivo uth wsetess ma- men toe i tm salisfitd ihert can we nooa which will in the remotest dearc hjojt- live of any amod either tooraaaieassnof thair adoird country i it ni tn be tsmrulcd that any tiresome frinintccrcti she ittil ruj it jjaj tveou frttoweeimlrjmau au b n uaa that deailiilraliona of mr ajaattlfaii which lend lo anrmao rollftasso tathvialaam tt ohiolelo btprotry ihould eeii iht af au tit b nllvvc ivarhraa man can u tt jaw a mluylou ono la tht most unit uiwl and anjuikflnblss in p manner in tblt rmtntty wmit in diaiktman may hava lojas mottaaff j for marttslat in mllltaty risostatj natmh tbiv iheit mtssd aitl lib atu talaim olw