7 k 1 1 frjtt wur to ibt ofw gsrtrt aaa rawnt rrrieae j out h bain and hm aaasw aaafte iowitiiiiiitct wkh hi nve ryetiy ctaldm al le ssvauinc i catty return i could it lib w iw evnjroltv bj no apaeor ii thi and niv trj nnolimdmiflvt capl rwtt be mv prisoner ten w jfr irwhraieipl aniriafi a vi um cu riem cmdco lib ch run t coid ntj omowhmigm oi i hcw fy i fctift irtw iw iipj hrmtriifi ittcfl imil mtkffti rm cakiaod or situhtft d frond to j and real aii i iuh area i in t rural i emac nc injarli in le f l win m mccape h rscart fwihbm bsd livcts m imrfl qwrtmw and had tjvatft tlrracir aud uy to im aaiwbavo tt r rovl pkrm4rtftifouji had nut itk uicbefonv i am n old majistraie said i bnt at hrcniin difficulty im can satisfy ou at to who i am and why i am here mans wood i he seemed lo shudder l the very idea of wh ihine i then adminis tered i oalh l0 nim irfi jo nily than ever 1 hd dnoe the like uhen aclm nuiiciiuy he holding his right hand a wr irish and scolch prcahylcriao dually do whin br tijiil ascertained rny njtnr which i avwrd biw on uy vtull and mb htj fnv racket book and on my linnrn h rt r trcij fell lorroit o atrtmnt of ihe dtnr nidation in v h k i v k ir ded f n i f u lrrp ilfnc fur livrniyfoui hnur iv i ft qaedrd i itnclrd me how to get into lite nuiii md wrffeelbly ued me to ccpt hi ytiiiml fiiijince o ihc fnnii farmer wiifi bd rvore f ise f4u blood in iti ttinop lbati ceruio ilii inujte ww f hbl kd him tl once 10 ibc corflh5ion to d to liii frltoacrchttie i he would be dune by iptrtcired ftom hiiemjk ibat be hjj trvio atkiciate1 etin tnyjame ibe idea of men larger ond jtotiter man tban i am when i w4 fairly unl of danerhe lold the wholo riory lo hi ntjhbora ilwa repeated and puirtd all overbite wji too izr4 and lakta to uemiltoo anj there thrown tnlo ryuon but aficrwnd released somelimei i tentira to hvdultc a hofe that ibe iron mle i ct conlenled ain h quietly nain nrajand lhai her majcaly will one of gamt allow me ile hh rattlication of tvhkh i irhould aismredly avail myself of lako on oiber btrakfau wiib fanner ua- tprind ibakini band wlib his family w wontdnt ay word opon poliucs tiol mean nnd credy knaves roll in wealth and alflnence while wnoleonbd nobfenf nature like sjnnt- linnihe n ho ivttm ilii a iifi l firmly uvt to nil on ther weary y thmi u the jifurney f ufa t it wa ahnm eijrbt ohek on sunday nlj1al when cbandlei vd f mi lnitbvitle we turned nr hneyei had lowird rmftlcmw- ed the twenty eenlnred to i a lc a eomfouhlr iier wtth a irirm nlmt hon5e vmm ok wjv eincd the wellard canal and the chipi wa river steeiti etearof the oltieial in arm n tboe irt and m fe into cow land before ut light hv ml awnke m- c lert lnori in b pasture and he immrdf jtclv icrninpanied n ou our way lo the niaara itiver or fool on liquify be found thl nil the boat oi the run rafrpi tlme at the ferric whleh were wrli fiiardrd hid hfen eid and taken caie nf hy the olterr of cnvennnrnt there wa bul one eeentink ftjjil mcafee of hettie t ho ifaideil tii the imuic of the n i trara miiaite ihi heil of train nlim wnbeliird ftiliatc h of hit ttaxi ineccedui beaitlv hi eairlaie heilafrd not a moment in adc iiiijf mr- to tale the dtflicntlr i w lj l0 him in caie hal lira boat for almutib lie ha1 pjuj icnnwlcd of or belief nr aitieipaion in the nnhrealc yet he wa well known t be a mficlly npiiht man hem volrnt not eoveton a member a batnffo we did it would be in the opjrit of lard atorcll as displayed in hit peeeh at the puajfc dinner iren bim at ihe city hotel here in 1311 why rimim i not breathe tbe wiih tad a moie sincere one coild out uvne from my heart that ihe same loetine of nutuil amity wbicbf i feel per- aoaded iniplaaa the oau of all who make up our ueaeat concounr nboild exlend mi a vrjotr ctirzl r 0 tltc ilniart bounds of out coti i tmnfrip and prevtil onder all cirenm- to ill gmo the generous miller roipjfil hive been extended so as at include france am 4 siter wfanu wc inn hujc so 1 m- c n 1 u y 1 ha9 prored my frieudbip to peace by all sate written of late ytr i belief e it tbe sureat means of reading the id k try aud vrrtebedjiesa of the united kingdom- no rrhowjqst our came waa we nked the lot the woruby rejecting mr hnmev tod calaneered the permanency of fnritcterucdu so cnucb fenuiied m itassf but it tl difficult to repress one indina- jmhit vitncaic in endless roond of olficial wsa anj hypocrisy muj ejr corernuivnl afuyed little else era alter lie oui- mmk lord sydrnh i t h wu m amipoer cipida leedature i hare re ccifoobcr majestys commands to administer l4egrrtrnent of these prorirvte wcrwnf uttimltutvurttood iciaes ad inte iv very rea m 0 w vf his palrorif lorfl jo wta pnvdtety -i-n- j john biisclfi that whtrmr hurt it a vorsv ini faejaore fafooiorr goeernenr uojy pafsaoh 07 pom- v slss rri tnii fj4 tlfcranftlry f rwtani ihr u so uubearabie jo man of any education and the ceolfal flli s federal goeerntoeoi suelf is by jexnl among ciri tiled nations i hope that wutoiy fito lonrenoiijb to see ibis great bub- blefthe doioo toint and i do not believe v eoeuessdbo very iswjtifesi for lhal tvtaitrol pubfie mnnron tn canada ecrinin otljaai were paid by the stat lord s sniwily rtccetnestded that royat pemrons ahnnld be paid to tbe rou un citbotk cjcrr bfcialdb jl wiuisvssif utorrflerj vouuas pire m aoicf j tccdifr over tkeir no rloobt taoi edinbtrrsjh however hire itlie tlagosmt maeaolar for hfs slatjlu tojjuhc- pfhatttjwft notion tebttt would not hasten loid xlor- irtirm rvajsinjtha houeesof two men ffaywhowergellinjf ready iiwkfi ofte qiiestionaaa lo the incmaftf tho twentymtle creek fli rtsntetcd the mounfajn path imttfitthafaw where military guard was iijiertflemd while in u jbl of this piard trflacorcri rr ry siowly a f ping to t r l c bat ifterwanj n5ed the row to some rtfluxlge in the way of propeller some wmi whom i passed on the road i knew afep 1 diuvt many who a f met evidently fcewe nd well was it for me llit day jjasat i had a ood name 1 enuld have been foesrwd y time befwe i reached smith fcnir hi j the coeeinor penon or ioch bosi heeo generally respected a it wajv ssoweeer another uii5cer du ec lutked rse i behind me a tery poimtr melhojt preacher once a hb i trirnd had labeti a course of which i aceatly disapproved and i blamed him uaklnd words paasen between ut through the fre be like myklf havinjf the sontrol of a journal wtilely circntjted no doubt many of tbo readers were affected thercti and 1 thi and not the tnve of lucre i have ascribed ibe conooctof the two men who 1 had inter fnyaled as to the road- i base since teamed ibat tbey wamr 1 as arrard party who immc- oiatelylook to hoise and after me i perceived ibem wlkn a thifd of a mile a part ef mr eaatmm centre a lion ocj me 0 ibeii way home 1 thought it sifvr l endear lo put my honttmen ort the irjck and on a faue seem thta to keep on ahead of larin o i turned attort to m cathariuv when 1 ot to t sjirthvikendeernej lo have taken trul rossstwawnhitt at fnlupecd instexlnf doin an however 1 himed a crner mt my gw quickly io the stable tf a friendly f csaa whose sire was a united kmihre r ifp euureil hi h 1 m abnj be- ifk iill at church behetd my puttiers inler- 1 pjh wotman who had seen me tiss and ikeft fide furimsly oaward by the st cstha- pmwma d thru went qticlly to bed arwl nwlod fiat tome hours hj a cosaforume sup- psw with the family anl lji rlothea i rr qoired a tc cmirion was alo leadv lo mil his hetae anj aceomrany n the id mloaw burajuj iboutd that attenw proie aawtaamc r ssi u wetlcro stales but i rujw know f w was 4fl years of ae when he vol- t i w fec i ter me fe 0ptto hada wfeand ii chwren on asssmrstin cinpwa he is a native n ku- ate cavj broiu m tht canada injt when amdilltrictcnfjleeceorihe iuk iran he frtfrrrr tofcaaart lranprtatiou or to of the methodic icpiipal churc sinus and id ill he aid nr did eery sincere the brothers pe wilt nre enired for pjrjr- in- up lo char l il who had hern himself a fnciiire and la a cruel dealh three of hb fathers jsde vid tin por and callau scotch miijiirr whnm a mammoth hrih of 1 t not tempi tn betray the heir in the crnwn when a wandering mvtie in ihe native land nf hi llwettoni are hekl in honor the rih peaant who refused to icive up twti vfwir4 fiizcrald to uts coun try nppif fr c the ioor sailors who enabled an lui 1 tlaniilon kowan 0 escape ffprn imam and an iritimely tat with tw proeuimrd reward on a hjudtult in thei haal and ihe three hold enslujimen who meed the ml- of the lahedoyere haie the m- titrd applnimc of an admiring world arc lhot nohle riliaen 4f upper and lower ca nada whtm wealth cnuld nt tempt lo give np nor dauber delrr from aiding and being their fetlowmeiu thouzji many of ihcm wrr opnrsrd to them in iioliues ad at a time f iheslronr oliliel excitement are tbey les taerviijf of ilur meed of public appto bationf mr samuel me fce nnw over go rear 0 aj and t think be is of ihe new hamp shire family of that name who phyed their pait like mvn in ith our inueeineitt bad proecd a failure and he knew it he was wealthy had a isrse family and risked everything hy me yet he did not hesitate no not erc fr a moment as well a lean iaw hmaahtr it wf tlmd nine on fnidjy morning when reached hit farm which wil one of the lineal on the river an excellent hreakfat had been pre pared for 04 and i was much fatigued and also hungry but there was a rnihury patrol fn the riec ami sittincdown to repast i thought it fc lo step out and aee if the coast wa char wfll for me it was that i did so qhl col keihy the custom honfr otscrr opporftie black rnct and his trstu of mounted dragoons in their reen uniforms and with their caffeines teady weie sa close upon u ridine up hy the bank of the river that had 1 nu then observed their approach the woud have eauhl me at breakfail nine rnen out of wt in such an rmrcencv would havr hrsitatrd to assist roe and to escape by uud wi at that lime evidently imporvihle mr mcafee lol not a moment his boat was hauled accxs the road and launched into the stream with all poihle sjieedand he and chandtrr and i were scarcely afloil in it anil out a htlle way below the- bank when the nhj tory colonel and hi green coted trooof hore wilh their wovnj plume weic uatadifisj in foft of hi mr mcafees dwellin me a ihfjtrwf which f write and including satanel loum cm and my own karl liiiti father of ih culoniat secretary t lji who wisely tid forward to present a bioody rciilulion in ihilain by conceding tu knsjlihmcn whl i in this tiuur denied to lnadiao storied in the french insurrection of is30 an j sal in parliament the french can mwboml that in the t mirte nf iheit revolution there ha not been hed on rfror 11 ofoootmorr tlun was necrsary to their vwm ftcedom and liber ty id erant out il mav continue we of canada opposxd a 1s01 emoteut which sydenham ii 1 declared to have been alvortii- iuwk of which durham had ex4cl and ptoclaimeil the infum we failed and scenes euviied jii i n m ac any on rrcrd in ihr annals rf ihr frrnch etvoliltion of tvji it i inipimhle n compare with c-ma- da practice the nvehri of karl srejy ijaii llrouham sit it jvrl nrt lont dentnau nf xuveinher 1 and 3d isjtl without a frelinc of doeji rrret it ihe weakness and ineon- mloiiey of pnif human nature when ennu hloil and chthro with irresptjnimr b4wer mr mwtre it hii iiis farm in canada and purchwd a nprty at krtlefouur stevenson cumy ntiuvis where hi family now reulr i wrote hiin tat noiith innuiriuc if i iniht name itim in this narration and he had ng ohjeetion in his letter to me of the 15th utlhr huyi 11 atw iveakiajt bceun and not flnivhed in i is37 we wish you would cone lo illinois and unh we will sjivc sou chicken iiterts fsalrie chicken and iwnel otatnes several tmwt wrre vicious emjueh in those llttejtohavc uvr my life old colonel keihy took every mtvh in his power to annoy me la it nvt trane that neither hr nor any of hs lrop that wcie in plain sivht of cs saw us nr ihr boat there scens to have been something provirlential in that had it been dinvrred at the time that i took von m tl tb niwinsj l of the iiow iv e ts to sod thai oiht i slept itnilcr the ener ie loof wiiha vol- sroed hrr minel i had rrshld w hi i4 w j bai ay ivvyo vvl wa m the river against vdmrtrj f mcfj it was dhi the shore and the crhines of ihe military cnmromod by the colkctnr would hare m- oetlrd us to return or have killed os for sc bedience the colonel assuredly di j not see us that was evident he turned round at the moment to talk to mrs m and her daughters who were danding in the pit fro in front of their house full of anviety on our account rut of bis companions rwt j few mutt have feeu the whole movemenl nd yet we were allow- to sircr f the head rf uramj hland with all the rxedition in onriowcr nr was there a whisper caid about the matter for many months thereafter in an hour wc were safe on the american shore able col chapi bonital linlcer iiir the excitement which then prevailed in buffalo upavf my powers of deicriplion my opinion as to what should he done was asked by many hut was nol followed 1 was for cioisin at once lo the canadaside wilh plenty of arm out ihis was overruled by those who knew lew of the people navy island was then seltcleil as a rendt kvoil and i was oue ol twentysix who took ewinn of it after tbo waste of time there and its evacua tion i aeain comwtelcd an immediate crossing near rultato which mr van rensselaer a he ha stated sicrjfully opoieil i am heartily lad that we failed ilaein known hy painful experience whal it is tu be a fugitive and a wanderer seeking shetler from the enmity of i hose who tbiraled for my lifes blood tied fbrhitlihjtl should ever aain be a pirtv lo or the advocate of our chane that would deprive the unhappy alrican race of the 0ly city of refuse that i left them from the vcneaucu of iheir cruh puesor on tlte nortli american continent and diatuth the tranquility or the old and new worlds to extend the dominion and power of the aristocratic slaveholder under the plausi ble appearance of invrcain the area of if dom v tne so libera states and they frn thr oecrninx seclion of the uniun are alud with feudal h fmj who bold the oil ii per petuily the nalivchom liboirr and his auj happy ohprinae their slaves in riitain and ireland we find twentycvcn million- of people not one in several hunched of whom own a foot of the svil in the laoj ol his nati vity a pvif on bom in he uuij kiusdnm finds hiinrif on a rociil and poklicil equality si leail with oilier cnl- the moment hc reaches canada lie is mi hrandeil as a lorener rul unfortunately the canadian has no share in the cohtrol of national affairs he is a merecolvui4 in ihe western and nithrfn slafc luro pejpts an cat elvsst dltrfthled in rji tnd kept prnietnallv in the tmckiound birth wvw aivfi j to accprit itifi f wuo acre r und which wmom auwraarjof my vtmv cjkaohtaaa afkr asac exceed hi he oine4 the uany uken al in m waosn umi w mihel vimiraelf nd otbr iusljwaoaniaoraoni john wrro ncj lomjflrr sswo rcaped in a vankre m rosjfstl r tfj bfkj w pfwtork 0jar i 4p ota mmfviufniabufiinilt j r foiut- jffm99 mm f be ieer mr m h fc r why h tht over it would in all probability nee ruined me i afterward saved his col ks build ine from the lorcanf the incendiary and him- i from assassination a pint had been laid to burn all the buihjinf of the lories on the line i heard ofit and everted suceessfully an influence which f possessed tu prevent il licin carried into cuvct thus it was that i repaid their illwill n as far as i knn lam the only person who wan resident in upper canada when the civil dissentient broke out into acts of open violence ten years ao who may not reenter uv part of the british dominion this exception i not owing tn any act of minr unconnected with the political strife of that periwl for on the anpearanee of sir r itonnycamlcs boo f distinctly olfereil hy letter addressed lo mr secretary stanley to 50 at once orer to toronto and stand trial on any charge lhat had been made by governor head in his demand made for me upon sir marcy or that cnihl be made by any other person relative to the part 1 took in the death of colonel jmoodie c no matter who raiht be the judc or tbe jurors neither is ilowi5 to a neglect on my part or on the pait of others on my behalf tn apply for a tc versa of the oullawry that ana thus made an exception nor to any belief on the partnf the british government that i am friendly to a renewal of the troubles pcrhapiny enntinoed asseveration that ibe british and cooniil goeernmrnb were both directly h indirectly full o mura o 6fome rsose 0 us tofro rose rt opposition is a c 1 think so still and that an impartial hislon of the last twenty year troirfrf mvrc that prtvr it but there would be folly in rousing a fertinj here against england to be used bythjaenh of our southern slaveholder in aid of iheir dettahle warfare against the independence of thr republic of mexico governor durham antl sydenham were avowedly of my opinion when cnl out to infslil0 the whole matter and i hail frankly warned ihe head of thr colonial de parlmcnti bom personally and hv letter that we would rpl into confusiofl if the causes of ottcne were nolrcmnied and also that j would in that rv pursue thr course 1 did rsa mo of a want of candor and consistent sincerity when the british government had inter fered with dissensions the result of lon i- 1 f i and sad misrule in porlul very simihir to what we are admitted on all hands to have endured for a lone time in canada viscount palmcrston wrote sir hamilton sevmonr from the koteign obce april 5 idl a follows a ernerrtl and full am nest v ii the usual sequel of the termination of a civil war in which larce numbers of men of various claces have taken part because to punirh alt would in such cava be impossible ori o tal partictdor injusdfofs for aujilsainejif arotiu os savoring mor f personal vrrteonre thvn of cfcnaanfeff jvsfict bt fisrfrss as on rripl i vn meosure pfadminl- tration such an amnesty however would of coure not prevent the quten fiom re norlru to the halfnay list ueh of the csm- missioned offeers of the reirutar anny nmv serving with the junta a she miht not wish to retain on full pay nor ouhl it lo prevent ikt queen from rcroovine if she should think fit to jo so any muntcinftl or other civil frwr who have taken paitiutho revolt and who hold their offices during pleasure from the crown but there may be some persons lalline within this devcription who have rol lowed the vlream in places which they were employed without having been party leaders and whnm il uiav not be necessary or useful to remove the rccal of all perrons sent out of the kingdom u a measure of indtspen- same necessity let these rules ronpikd for the use of poitutf4 hr applied lo the rontrarv practice in the canada ince 1337 including my own cawp down lo this very hour new v01v snpt 15 lt7 w- l iff xici i ilto islfsl iifrr ar idea f imisli- tieitreen uw m l ainricn e at ihr city of i tlte nnfjmtl hpttirj r ihroe ft by momvcneral arirlrlj tiaf m nianrkrmehwf vf lln iinir of tu niteif rltao uraltrhijesetltenyij aft r ike apjucew avi m hwhww vettnc1 l itjy n for uw mel i or pree lr irefji- rll ikr efe slate nrtl ihftlo iyp- 1 m lie art 1 j annii nv i tfwir birthplaces jhovc a iirprlua1 injuri lo ihem my ihr slate aal deral i onstitu guts they jic ilei lii d lj owe a double and ifjost inciuislriit alkiciaoci and a numerous antl not unpopufar ps nnwt anxious to place ihem on a far hseri platform ihan even that whifli they now osvirjiy rcilb- lie ihey rfmber lik ihe urirafl mroff tbau threr rruttmn my vmi wni4 b lo sec 1 home provided fr thr jiiiofeau itihirant on thisnurlhem cwniit in which with- in cnt reduced let the euuivneal temporary omdlliha of a inert colom h wwm find biuvrlf placed nn an eipiaury wilh his native neighbors and aevvr lind ikv jtlae of his chimhnod and the memnry nf uu earlier ytr a bar to his ifri in life or political ii ii vtcinl njinen- lmi aave my escape to hi riidr th gallant noni1 loiiiit wa ruamd to rraeb th frolirr kut with my rrra dihiciillr a toal was iiilir iil1iimd from this siile built 1ut itlw icv ik btiplato otnlruclrd lis ljwscr ilewasssoow ieoijsd by omc ncmllrm wretrh nf iearo whf rot the ttflqq fmm mi pitfluis lrji nit gcotft arthur 100a aftr rrdlil my much injured eipforad for rriiriin al titints with apt- mamhew thirty thnand aiuaturrt tr or a mildrr pniithinnt to the venvra- wh weie a lui ourlurn tellv unile unavailing hsuftffil a uitiul a in ifoinfiitt iltjili the firl n klrjiu and lhoe wlrr comw i bii uh if lliey are fil fvmpar tltr vitrttgfll ituhttlt daetnur ft loiural 1iotrd ha with llritiifi wutm ajbidi ttvt if irrtitfut nf hunce howard island lliflrrt 1 we hnvr been almcciher in ihe rk to k 1 4aod atrire a few nnmbera uf thr ui r receivrtt eoouio cutler uhtch ha mliclitened our darkles link and by and hy we dare ny wo halt gr our eyes fairlt uftened lo tlie iroe alao 0 r n i r- xhif oiuh se have r cl im1 the ftovonm htm eampletrlv ilirown titboj ihe family con psci i bvcaiiie n friend ij itcsptwiiiutc goecfnutrnt tfm ml b a mailer ajf ovurse j up tot him a httl nf eneniea many of rlicre otnetnl whn tie iv feltrhmfi or bis not he poe r to diamta- nnd isjfrouiid bimaelf trill k tnrn on j i enjyinff the pumtc coitfidmce public ieclinsa lrjvo reoenlly iern licld in the coutiry appr try tf ltiipnfit and recrui ndintnurtralitn ol altairs and tbe orh of reencmiioa oorf rctbrm pcra iliare receded an inpcitm which will toad to ef friilr uitonanc tineeonneetf iritli tlw gvern mtnt f ihe tl nd ne ulkrd c our opinata 1 tiiit sir ii v hvnuv will br ile list uocinr tbo un ifihe mhd villi m scania wli tke j it wjii be ren by the fithowin pnra trapli isvmihe uaaioiiter lliut n lseelency tj i canada bsiwov 9 h uwcctbu central m ua fiir crrn rttiurerlc left ihi- port n uvitoevfy mvtiif umjhi htcltrn eysir iivhoiilleybenoittmafd we pjrasw mbstj tai u ktolkney pfeei1 rtirrei tit llisatssssj in ibe bl nt bo eatassskiawd tf ile tasnwistm tiroeril trd klfm aidllil lwmrel of tu itwmn fin tinc referinrc lo iniiiant ehiftpra cnfr ity ttt jrdatp 11 tlte utrtrhfhncm f ihi daud ihossiiajia iraily with chmet i ik loirodorrd into the tsweefsuraratrj til luf trr i4siim in liio it t prritr gfani ie1titibtatrtlr ofirr if bircawneya atstaru wheh wi l in in nltnut ten daye lti aveat i kfinil cwrfrunoi wh m uorer be a toiii tfiairoafy voe ei lllit ftand vrri e sam aif tie od eonn irthlblaisvevj tn lite v i vl iarcvuafvi auguti ltf tft tsileff ibrtaj a i r cjtvto tle meat jipintumry of itccielrt 11 li emnnnfifft p mi tsericn it fmadcj erin an nehww mi ikr c fatt suwisfi a rorresitondmr wiitiut from the township rf wlnlhy on i lih insr nw- thr owint of winter wheat it mwv prateiosj rapidlv liere ihnurt latr by lrly a week thin it ha been fnr several years ore atoned bv the tre- mentlnus ftlu of rain we fiad no the 3rd 5th and 5wi wjirh rendered the land utterly unfit lo receive thr need theie is some complaint that fallow auihlea tuiewhat in j wed in ppaimtft itetui- patliafly raten by ihe weevil c his kieatllemy ttir governor trnrrnl thecmnrrsanf lirs udy alien lninmon and autre left montreal fur yebrr on we it fridiy 1 vrninc a lie emtinm 1 ihe uu jio aetrif pufi mud ted klau and nw hen the fihwiiig ft hn i a a mtiv id ait i hrtiittefti liu ini mil fi f ly eemc beturen ihe mip ihe wuj stall if auierpea nid tin uunej u ir vtwiii- in ihifty leieoia tf lt- ih1ji 4 iik ulnauht a ll titibr tv llrf crrftllhiiv ioera r-j- frj ti iho uttifcd slneani ilr ctimfiim iiki fre sp- ptiird v tlm mixkmi utijuti in itootialr s ttitt urotittice riwm estntmuo a its 99 ihr cximiiiiiierstif ihe tn veniinrii m bv etj0jej irtiiitrii nrunld iltc rmjfiricr ul riihor if ilr ijiij imik hwm ce timml wilier to mc oiber of ihr eetlmn f ihf finc m tt fiijriltl ltuira ntieraiich it iter it to the meliotr neiltrr army an wtlhin lllirty leajoea of rjrai eiiv lleiloo ommenec any ucw fvrttlicalinai m mttm ly 4 otltocc ir dvkitee oc to oytln torfrge m irrnfihen any ejtiliof work o ftjtiictaiioii of utivbaacur withifj the raid pssbhf 4 neither army ahall be reinhjreed trthin the itne any reirifrcemcni in ii t lomikkr f hf war olhee than immfimeri nw 1 either mtnty skill be ttooped al te utance of itttmyrichi icaca hvan the tf or maica 5 neuhor btmy atiy cteiiehmnt frm r ahali advance bvyond uiv tinc il si reseat uc cujitca i neither army mtc nny deuehmor indi- eiduat of tilhar ritall iv the neurl imm catb lulled by the un article r under flif oflruce bearing ine c trrepndence between tlo tiic- nr 00 the bjine anlh tritest ly the netartkks ibi indie idnauof either nrmy who mj chance tnaimjk wilhio the neuiral hniiia ahu bv thr oeirvc parly he kinjty warded tlt rihback v llfci own i- j 1 rlipr of uuee 11m american army ajil ont byvrvrneo obeli uci ths patuge frvm the in eontry into ihe f ity of meiico of tiic ordinary eppliea of food nieeaaryt lle cnsimplmifl of f inhabi- i sou w the meieao arioy wiuiiii uioity i 0 aliatl the meaicaiiaothoriikaciriliif ipjjy do ny act to obstruct lite paimfe of enpjko from i ho city in ihe cvuntry needed by pjaapfsmal anij 8 all american piaoners of war resi ihehndanfiho vcucm orniyand no treiofore ccckanecil tlvatl jmrneiliathy t u s0 pc- iieabtc be rototrd to llw american aria rt 0 hbei oomber baviiif regarrf iv rank rcican prihtfiera caplued by ihe altertcati arrbm 0 all aukiiean cuiirna who ivero fiabbahed ii ihe city f mntcoprir t the c and wbuhiee sitie boenekhlvst fpiev city ahsll benllwrd in return it their rtslfwb neaaor families ihcroin wilhoot delay t- livn 0 the betler io enaldo iho hcllierrr tcirctitc tlteao arlicha and in fatorthirloh eci f peace n it funhr sered bcf he psnksi thai anr coimer with dctpaw l either army thall ilvaire lo aend ahtoj ih city of miaicuorill rtcinhy to no from hp f vera crvn ahatl reeeirc nfe cadoct eotnuanderof hc ny army j i t mflfiot t u kma aeordin lo live trtieral unr afi ttoniftndlawe by ihelalaiiinijeai tn4 ptacrtj occiipfod by hm amrrtcii fl h i bo jclod tn any manner 13 tcrceaia tni prttv rjiillbo rej n iho luivna and plucr oceimtid ly iho vwricaii fnccea- nuperaun aha it ho mntejicd iilv cioc of hi- profcaaii ror shall tim at j any line bo required vrithvut hi eonrh ln caara whrro arrvicm ae voksniarily ip joal lirieealiall bcpadand hade renl ulin0 kstrrl 13 thaw wogodvd prirortho fdv 4fhfc tn retuotir in amto mwre covrnkl pl rirwouoih ttaliwh ih i oat ilu vt m era almllhavv ttui4ae of bcinj mrd f llaeed t uvt 9i vi4loit ui ntaintoe fifinrn 14 tliie mevieao med with to allrnd the itsmhtail w tvcfr rw in omumrtv wstn flr feet unless pprnrrdby itucir ciccltencirsh tocnr uianilen reoeeiively ol ihe lka rrnii trfihrn liaetityfour brkajia rcckoniuf fmtu the s hosje uf die 23d day of auuit jj7 rvqpltuvtv lj cen iaa pgrsirktc fsmiivi itvl hriff oen a frankijx kikutr llnetien is a itsxapio he moray v1llamjl rkmto quuano a true copy of ihe onjlrnil luxf i ay u p mil pee lo iho jencral itrt hfetuqtanvvaa or tu aawv lsl taeobayo aujuh 23 ji7 considered nrfirovcd tn rniirtcd uilithoez pnh undrratindinp that the wwd i- u uved te accond time xiinjui ouahficalmr in ute aevenih artielo of ihia miliiary coneniiiim amcricm enpy ahall it taken mi hoth lite tlrituji and american arnitra ait mik inrii cji1iirf erjiiipfniiia rutiaitwo flee meo rorac nvmee and in genera al the wani of 1 1 army th 1 wnrd nfhav in ihe mejiranrvipy larrrnneowat translated titcrac uiausad of m iecuaua winkfkld kcfsir general tftf the u sannj ijri nil vivifl j ritnvil icipprcrsm uo oth irliolend er puinn ihr sth 10 ttio eitet that ihetroporary peace of this armiatirr ihlt be ottaervrl tn ihe rpitnl and firrni v ii leagues arooridit and ngrremif lhal llto wid aupphea ah til bdttalaied rrrrni nnd iht u cinfrfiictili ecrything winch 1 army may liavc need of exrit anna jnd mpiiioa antonio ixpe2 df santa tftna heaoiuarleea army u s ot amrka tacuhaya auiaal l k7 i oeeept and mlify iho foreoin oilirfitksl added by ihe prcaidcnl ccnorml of the uciican republic winheu scott a true copy of ihe original vv iay u s aft m 1 r secretary l iho general incbief jfcadqnarler army ts tacobaya august s3 le07 to ltt extumn th prrti4tnt ttutfitttrit imckitfof th i j- x sia ufjdee a fle of irraco i u seuimc of the lnitel i naev ulafh haee ho inostf loeeiiancr with auhoftjerr a aprtinicd ur the iiifrettjie ratifieufvi f the mihm covcniomlhit t f 7 enmnaaaoneia from ho amcricon ojtcskoi of fl it tf i parlicuarly iovilr lite mtnilou ft ea- eeurocy lo the lerma of tj mifieoto00 haee the honor lo rcmaio with high rftnaitrrt lft reepeetyvgrejclleocva mm nhedtmi wixktkln sc generaunchiefof ihe u- tnnr4ainn naltcssal itiltro of iw i arpast lk i htvr rte nolo of tur vfcellcnry n date io wh ich yn an atorauaralln mv that 1 oirnnrii snnin r f r t ihf auvf f ih uarted s tew will ntehunre wilh nher ntleei 1 numd ft u1i fhir- ime iluc lafftci iii f the milileiy r erntwo vlitrh wji tpfn 1 jeaferdaji rtwficiaii 1 br cidihiti one of llw m iia 11 uii j ifitlra n fla por- ttcuu allrothf n pjf leissii t ller r jjie am rarauroi piruiiaih order rtn rxwh ha any hi vtrajr rieellcncy m heo mm lajalihj ih it he nrdeta hj ntillsml the limr agreed in the arniicr and rf ss ehaet to dwel tie ttttrxiion if ytr r ir uffawiaf ipac ratitlealiifn by jnr the iirsiclrnt t have tlte hnrwr in h k l mnp jiisk aixt0 minirlcr of slate antl nf haf im v t lua cardkiiry iho ueiieralintl vnnrdlatraor awren iriimy pwi m i ivn- xlfit i qui as ixneiiu have brtn rn- uvrirrss fi 31 p ihfoami ir itvahui r aohio classih of k the m- aocivty the tabnou mn is thr m- enl lleallli is hiioulv wrtllh hi htsslocfc in ttade when ihei him thr very rasawsj of his sns dried lav ll pjial tsvni hi ifaify daily toil and unlike many win- liixhvr jmailioii in vnirly he rmwn wnrk hy i1iiiv hit inuriir il d till hi health is rimahlishrd l the rvpenfte of sirhnesa it adlrd in income and 1 no nfhu tpr hint hi plaro occunied by nrndlnr lint ituuin of ctiuuirtenc apenl in inui and toi often a fiuiltcoj svan ioyn enk dr vt rnig la- hen nf deswad r inlit ataclts u ttt is tforj by vciipv a ir hi i f il jh hv day it ion of t llv tn itfrj thr ill jus- hi env british whig oplar par orbftui dier saturdayf scptawbeh 25 m7- noiicca of jlirtha charged qm d nifinn 5a curarrav urnu sce ova ttrr h c- montreal j rcoborg r ii sry m11 iat wilh rem cm d coborj c ii oitawui akbival of the steamship britannia onc wfikk iatek mou ernope from ollt laondotcqltrkpondenr tomiv sepl 3 i17 tjie etrctiom arc now brought tu a close and ihe journal orr now in hot j ite res lading ihe streujrth of parties so feat a difference cists behveeu the calculations of the daily paper that i think it unsafe to rely implicitly on the atlcmonlc put forth by any one of them i therefore simply pve the con- elision to which scone of them have arrived on the subject leaving your readers torm their own opinion from tbe data thus fur nished the times reckons 320 liberals 19 pro ieeiioniis hi teelites and 56 doubtful takine the conservatives as one party tbey arnvnot by this calculation to 306 leaving a majority of only 12 to the fiberafs you will recollect that in my letter of the 1mb ulti 1 predicted that the ministerial majority would not exceed 15 if even that number the post gives b22 libarau 247 protection 86 pcelites and 1 nondescript the britannia make them 334 liberals and 34i conservatives and the atlas opves 337 as liberab 115 pee i- conservatives and s03 proteetionittf the motning herald divides them equally into 328 on each side this classification is made on the principle of including under the general term of conscrva- tivrs all members whose sentiment lead them t tahe their seat on the oposition rather than on the ministerial benches and giviue the liberals the benefit of whitj be- peajers radical befornaers cbartiat dla- srnten and alt who are understood to b more favorable toa russell than a stanley govern ment it is certain from the ftttoajw calcu lation that lord john kusrll will hare to depend more on the justice and compnthen- sivejtess of his measures than on a majority composed of his own immediate party the present time is favorable for a calm discussion of public affairs there is a suspension of po litical hostility and people generally who have any business art attending to it and those who neither toil or spin appear to be luxurja- by the aea i or grouse shootiu in the highlands forthose who live by the sweat of their brow there u some cause foi present rejoicing and future hope n every pail of the country the crops are of the most luxuriant description and already a very considerable breadth has been cut and housed on the other hand further disasters have oeeured in the craio trade additional gloom has been thrown over the metropolitan and provincial mrkeu by the announcement of the atu pen sion of me cr cm mil l sn co firm of old ulaudiiit and one deservedly pcm in carnation for some day the position of the honr had hern a matter of anxiety in roo etuuiooi tbe hcaiy blow loliicuu uiv rt by the failure of kraser co- nf antwerp the supension of anuthcr house that of messn v r hobinson co caused more excitement in iho public mind from the cir cumstance of the icntoe partner bciite the governor of the bank of england- the lia bilities of ihe firms which have already fallen beneath ihe pressure of he crisb are estimated at from three to live millions sterling i have reason lo believe that the following estimate will be fvund tolerably correct dtuflaa soik 3c00q tvho h aleraudcr sanm k i 6c mhvil 300xm cnvenlrr shrpptitd j50jtoo uile so a co 500000 caatrlum tfon a cn 150000 w k ftobitunscci 15c0oi sis ravore in lamoou wfloo li if 1 m 200000 stveklm mm hhimo glnnw osoooo wamrfved m00o cork and limervok lsflwo sur coooo toal liabiliiiea 3590000 the papers continue lo be filled with de tails of her majestys marine excursion to the hihtaud residence of the mamui of aber corn where the court will be assembled for iomc time to come- a usual the queen has been fortunate with the weather and every thin has concurred to make ihcicxcurtion pleasant one to her majesty and a most crall- lyins one to her northern liees the queen of the isles has been welcomed on her vatery domain alone almost every leamie of her pro- eiesj and the ocean has presented the ame jay and exulting acence as creel hrr lajes- tyi presence on shore whenever she moves amons her dutiful and attached people the novcllyofthc sprclacle may attract many and eutmiify may have a considerable effect upon others hut there is no doubt thot the prevailing feeling is one of loyalty n ihe crown and of a discriminatinc appreciation of the virtues constitutional and persona nf ihe illustrious individual who reflects so riuch lustre on het exalted position another fruitful tbrmr for the ti anil frrnch joumalitik has been the hnrrime murder penvlrated in paris upon he duchess nf pralin hy her husband the duke whn hns since ennimilted suicide ftf thii mans tfljill no moral doubt can be entertained- j lr icems lo ha to partaken of that ejenepl de moralisation which pervades parisian kpciety the alajhl brfire thr murder his wife had rrpmaehed him for an improper intimacy wilh an italian woman who wu the juvrrnr of their chililicn and the conseiuenrc was that in the dead of night he entered the unarl- mrnt ol hii aleepinej wifr and moat savigctv nturdrrcd hrr tbo freline in illc imlhlic mind is that his deith lias hern connived ul trj the authorities contradictory acmunn have her 11 given of the means hy which il was eltectret at im llaae ian damint wm did tj have hrm the jtoison naed atftwntrvf rmic and at anollirr amixlureof iftuda- nitm and anuujki the favu rrm t be hnwevrr ihit the wretched tnn look laudanum irrfnee his attfal that hr recivered frnrn th rltfct of it nnd that nliarrueivtly in- mvillnwed arsrrnc 111 hi 1 eh il uir lix- roihfxjrif ii f v tjiia anic rirrtriird f tbo cofirlnvin es that tit rsffiefftiof julier aelira npnii htfh tpllkottly nllmvrd the mmtibm ihmic lnrftirr m ilt vlritrlinu tin trial f liil munrn fnc kitting hm lmthij inla liii fjnnr lawehti in h ifii imi ifin it mn ti inltm l lha aj foilunate eireomstance occurred four years aeo hut licut munio left the country in mediately afterwards in continence or hi prolonged nwnco he lot his commission and fcraa reduced almost to poverty bather ihenfore than live in this jude-vnd- seek inannr he returned to enrrtanff and sur- rodrrrd himself there were many extenua- linjr circumstances in this duel but the duty of ihr jury was confined to the simple fact whrthrr colonel fasvcclt met his death in a duel wilh lifttl muuro and ihe facl win- etamihcd hy evidence they had no alterna tive bnt to find him guilty sentence of deuih wa thereupon recorded against him and llbv ihe extreme penalty of ihe law will uol be carried into mitxt yet tliere is every reason to believe the sentence will be a severe one i lerc then is an officer of high standing killed in a duel in cooj blood and another whose honorable conduct kindliness of deposition and military skill are attested by some of the first officers in the army and aomo of the highest civilians in the country is tried at the fetona bar ami receives a sentence that must deprive him of his liberty and bring rain upon his family for whal t because bavins mutually received ottence the injury according to the laws of aonor would 00 be wiped away without a duel strange paradox that the most select portion oftha most civilued nation cannot asljiasl quarreta without resort to a practice the most barbarous in iu character and the most lamentable in its results there is not a single arjrurncntin favor of such custom reason and common sense stand opposed to it anit a false idesvof honor is its only shield fortunately for our fair fame the practice of duelling of man kuung man in cool blood is becoming more and more rare after manv unsuccessful attempts that magnificent steamship the great asrifcvuijhas at length been floated the 27th aug- was the day fixed for the final attempt and pre paratory to that the engineer in charge of the operations bad fitted up forty pumps qoitc sufneient to keep the vessel afloat one of these throws three tons of water in a min ute as soon as the tide rose the hands on board consisting of the majority of the crew of the scovrgt steam frigate and a portion of the jhrftrnarcn abo a steam friijate com menced under ihe directions of capt claxton to weigh the vessel off the measures taken were successful a the greo liroin was first to wed into belfast and afterwards into liverpool where she is now in dock at soon as the necessary repairs ore completed she will again commence her atlantic trips one of thr most frightful steam boat explo sions that ever occurred in this conntry wok place this day week on the thames a uie crictt a steamer which run fiom lluner- ford bridge to the city at a balfpenny fare was proceeding on her voyasje wilh about 150 persons on board her boilers burl with a ter rible csplotion several person were blown into the air and fell in ihe river and ihe decks were covered with the wounded and tlicrly ine and np to the present time il has been ascer tained that five persona bavc been killed aud fifty wounded the minister has been rewarding snme or iim follower 4 after ihe approved ivuf fashion by the cheap bauble of a peerage the live nohlemen ntd enltemcn me it tinned in my iat iik oalua i brftt tvei ftfcoji the entire period of sir r peels administra tion from 1811 to ims only two peerages were conferred those of llatdingc cough for the indian victories james mot ris esq has been elected go vernor of the bank of england in the room nf mr w it robinson whose failure dis qualifies him the coasts of sutherland nnd caithness have been visited by a most awful storm a large emigrant ship is said to have been driven upon the rocks of farout tlead near dunne- and 300 unhappy persons perishedt the whole that the vessel contained swallowed up in one common lojt the conduct of austria in tbe state of the church is one of the leadinc feature of con tinental politics the a us trians have possess ed themselves of m city of fcrrara which issaid to resemble a fortress surrendered lo a foreign enemy the protests ol ihe portugal authorities are treated with disregard the pope has no means of opposine ihe aggressive acts uf arrstna but he kins of sardinia has placed his fleet and army at thr dtsposal of pius ix there are rumors that the english and french fleets have been ordered up the gulf of venice this would be the best pos sible step it would balftc austria without even a strule which if once begun would be of ihe most bloody description and allow scope to the wreaking of vindictive memories ages old in the siberian peninsula mitten are s had aa ever her spanish majesty it wilt he remembered wascajoledby louia philipne into matrimony with a halfidiotic and semi imbecile husband she has since parted from him in disgust and it is openly asserted in spain that ever means are being taken tn drive hrr lo desperation that she ma abdicate her throne in return for a divorce and then leave clear way for her swlcr and hei sisters hirt band ihe due do montpcnsirr louis phil ippes son in porluool aflaint are in a deplorable stale and government seems mjossihle there is a enmptete dearth of news fmm ireland the repeal aociation still con tinues ils meeling by the oyertion of the pricttt and ihe contribution of the converted m p is kept in funds i have lo announce the deaths of col sir ii mcleodj and major general sir j cock- burn aa before the markets for for ign strain here have brco much depressed and prices hiver than ever canadian whrit fetched in mark lane on monday last wn idstfftfjf 0 tbe sales are slow indian corn may be noted at 45 lo 31a per 0 the losses mislaiiied on ihia single artirle hare been fricjliiful tbey ate the came of many of ihe fiuliirr a fjir ihis j hern done in thu best brandrt of western canal ponr the best bringing 5 aftu ihe secondary sorts 2b lo 2si per hbh canadian itnur may he quoted at il tojjis per hjitrel at liverpool the rtonirc fr thr sarncarlicteishtorir the vtltun laorket there ia dull tl aftvrnnnn the uimknrain market cloftil wilh a firmer ts- eirancr vtt irvaret fr ftajwi tii lnrrko iksrnntlnuaure of ihe ro- lief pyateli in ireland boa not y m attend id wilh any inconveuirnce mr twillei il- assualaut poorlaw commiaawuri rma irenappumtedlo ihr hendni ihe new iriah itnonj in cnijiiiclini with hr secretary of irruid hie mam nf 0 thf d in iio jmr rule ham he n puhliahej in a mirk lil wilh a view tualmiuo them into a jirmual jmymenl jrd u ihe heiu convlltr preach and mrs french ansonjit ihe defjintlera ihim imxtic4 jne lied cnofediralioa apiears in ihrive lord walurourt and mr clmholm aniey ihe new member fur yougha bavin jut been enndled rnrmbvra al hie weekly mreiinj nf the repeal a- ociatimi on ihe tllrdnll ihe rent was xs jh whilst the amount lt mouday icreard it was said tn the vom uf i0l having bren remilted fiom lttwlon u- s accoopan- icd by a ciea of resoluiions and a communi cation frjrn juje jamrs la reference to the folort ig resolution une of ihe seris ad verted inj thai the people of ireland upon lite drme of the ilhisliioo liberator having in dicated iheir inieuiinn to aikunl a ncoe to lake ihe lead in tber national strulc fr lejfiujtivr indeljendeuce and il appearmi from satafarinry manifelations of popular opinion that an orerwhelmin majority of that people have called john oconnell to ihe vacant leadership it becomes the friends of ireland tu teconist ihis manifestation of the will of the majority in such proceeding a may be connected wiib her social and politi cal regeneration mr oconnell obmred that he felt him self nerfeclly unworthy nf the position which his kind american friends had allotted to imn hul if asaajdnty in the pubhe service aud a faithful developemeui of his father palicy entitled him to the honor which was tendered him why in that case he would no hesitate to accept the leadership henceforth he would work ardently penevennlv and with i if 1 1- z energy noulu devote bis humhle abilities to the uceef of that question to which his father bad consecrated hi life in conelu- r ibe hon enllcmsu read a cnnmn nicalion from philadelphia and handed xio lis 3d repeal rent from liverpool the accounts respecting the untalo cron diffi but from tn various siaiemcnls which reach ui il i evident thai wherever it ha reapf 1 the disease has assumed a tesa destructive form and in many instances pota toes diseased have after some interval reco vered iheir oriiual oumlntwt the reocta of the gtain crops north east soulh and wct are of ihe unit clwerin na lure and held operations are arfordinx ample employment al this moment to ihe people the amount of subscriptions fur the national monument to ocunncu amounted on ihe bli ultimo to xi39 8ralrnarvaz haf returned lo power a the request of the queen but 111 oppmition h ihe uriakta of her mother and the kin of ihe french whose intrigue he is phdj to op- pse j tie queen of spain is ejic lenc her ov- tonffimmt evpected in the winter ihr km v be cannot return to the pfilacr a t husuand until after that event her favoi- ite ihe you rcneral scinuis i still tie power behind ihr ihruue she 1 applied to ihe por fur a divorcr four nf the seeiei poltce of paris have ar rived at madrid chargrd with an intrigue to seal the family of louis phillippc on the throne of spain so sys the maiiid com m rrio tu y 1 public excitement isstill 1 u the qneen has iatimateti her mlenlivn uf calling the celebrated narvaez to tjie bead of her council tib assizes- vraterday the aswixtf fo mmiam uistrict commenced bfcmc- jussscc jones- tie calendar is not very heavy btil it con tains two caaes ft murder oiie cse iho man and woman accusant of killing iheir ow children in loiihborough and another fcat lli canadian who i aceued of ktllini l fellow laurer in ihe ununryed ian off ihe ottawa itiver yet within the limilsof ihr midland diiticl to hviu ihu privonef irjjftll 1he conslauc had to travel with him several hundred mil hy all kinds of roads and conveyances and the expense to tho country mini lie verv heavy as these sin- strvcyrd undaare hecominc populated both with settlers as well u lumlerers it i hih lime that they weto properlv surveyed and formed into another dulrict theamontof civil business is not yet ascertained but u is presumed lobe of a fair avcrasp qnanlily no failure of crops amonf ihe lawyers the grand jury 1 comuosej of the follow- v i 1 1 kri r l viz jojin covsra samtrrr ciauk jniiai atiimcra sahtkl ctnv pktrpj dirrv 1 f h i lf v lunar clicftcffj k dnnmi it llm ih- r 1 n n mai the nverlanrj mail fmm india baa been received the general iaic of the cniiutry satisfactory trade was someu hat dcprcrd at calcutta and uombay hul brltfhler jrujects cheered the merchauk inklakdthe fumitura of the lite mr ocunnetl at marion square dublin is adee w tised in be suld it is exiwcted to reahzea siderahle amount the library h not inentioli- a ed fteporl re circulated of raiae hy irve r potato rot manv of which are well jmlticnti calcd although the friiah grain crops are one fourth linger the crop of aomul potaloei il ii confidently asaerled will not exceed ibat of lest year the wreck of bark cantm of ii nil wilh the icasof 350 emigrants reported to have taken iifrr nron th- tet eoarl of petlshd 4ueiiujili ululia nave wiltnn uie li week or 10 daya been visited by a succoaian of diiaalrofis burricanesj which have caused incalculable damage to shipping not i hi laud in ibe war speech of fxird palinrrsiou on the subject of ihe snauish bonds ibere is little fear entertained in en land that an appeal will bo made o the ul timatum a smart engacrornt took place on he 5ti of june al the cae of god lloiie between a small party of british troop and an over- whrlirin- number of armed kaffirs in which the former suffered a defeat t w itooixsos ii salldukn v wiusssit l iiiijmimtrxvr cam kim iivvi wonratsx t a j p itawajslp j taiibii d iiimi n tlf wboaji john counter e is foreman the attorney general fvcjtiadaweufth hsra llrnrv sliervnol is attndju to the business on ihe part of the crown all day ytrtarday the court wa nceupird iu a ease of brurh of proinie ajnint a jat- bnl roii of fcfarjcawyj a fcajhll of the ifah rcpeh deal of eotttrsujictory cvidonpewas given and when this paperwas made up no verdict had been returned- wc need not arid that the defender of injur innocence ihe counsel for the plaintiff waa mr kenneth mackcnric we believe ihia v the first case on reeord in canada in ma a noncomioiwioncd officer of ihe british rmy hi been a defendeut in a suit of thej encourage homemanufactuiies the targe sums of money annually drawn by the united states from canada for goods and article which could be a readily made at home operate as a serious drawback upon ihe prosperity of the province and which io fact could not be supported were it not for the equally larrc sumof money expended hy the british commissariat for the support of the tioopf tho difference between consuming the manufactures of the mother country and those of the neighboring republic concilia in this great hlritflin buys of canada a sufti cicucy of lumber and breidslurt to pay for ihe manufactured goods sbr capork the united stales buys of canada positively nothing and lakes her pay for all she sell in hard dullarj the balance of trade as old ricardo would say is sadly atainat uj know ing ihe evil can wc ugest a mitigation wc think we can for the produce of other countries such as lea suar coilee french wines 5e- iv and for a few articles of native growth such as tobacco rice tar tuipcutine s c canada musl continue for many years to come to he a large custo mer of the united state but for manufac tured roods of all kind now largely imparled from yankee land i ncludibt cloevs printine paper types presses household furniture sloves colinn anil woollen iooo crh nr i aliis it is very peaibmc co du without bv manufartnrinethe various article themselves and this i i us to the suojxt of our pre cni tlteme within the lat few years the upper pro viuce was almost totally supplied with lhat very nee esaary comrnoditv a stove hy the peopte of the united stales who chared extra price to iheir canada customers at length ihe article bean to be manufactured in weilcrn canada for i slovr had reen made in lower canadn at three itivers aud other places but there olwa existed in western canada a prejudice again hctn after a very short trial it was found nut that owing lo he low price of iron atoves contd he made here cheaper and better ban in the united stales j the naterijl was stronger the stores tvere heavier and they tool ihe heal better still ihe prejudice in favor of tho american stoves erleif and large nurrbrri annually continued lotto sold thero was a little mure tsvtc jtm fashion dis played in ihe make and that war the mle advantage nut in time the prejudice wore away an exceeding ajoad msmificlurer at llaaiilton in lft drove the vinkee stoves nul of tho market in iho western portion uf thr upper province and laat year mr miller and mr dlhmj of kington aud another niamerat llrockville hy the pains they on in ihe manufaclnre nf their com m nd i lira did thnanine thins in thv raatem wiy few ameiicnn fitnves comparatively navinic were told in weatern cnnjdn ill yrnr untl what werr diajkned of wvro inrlly sneijlloeil al aiieibm whal has uii rlotio in 8ovh muy ik- duno in other ihliffa prjnlfuk isnrt for liivtaucr could wo but ithnulato men of capital lo make ihf etmy ceue jlie man ii more qcnnallv repute 15 bis arlictr to be known forwarder a small parcel ofit to his excellency lord etjein ho governor fcueral who has been pleased to minify his approbation in the following man ner con montreal sept 6 istt sir i am commands by hi exceuency ihe rvernor feneral to acltnowledre ttio re- ceiul a a ymc i bottles of voir mandarin sauce j cnc which voti srnl lib lxeelle he approve highly i am sir ynur obt servt a g russell a4 and which d c nbury evi cohurat v council and the nor mal school rae mior 0 the tirititk vlfe your liberal pref i always open bo disenssion and averse to parly or other icel- inr lending to duturh the peace of thr thriving cily jou wilt do me a favr by inserting a few lines on the subject of the witt lines on common school of the eiiv 1 am eldouvfc visitor atiiic lueetmsoft qrtt q hlhaa and really i must confess it wafamusinto to bear some of lhat worshipful body on the subject of ihe normal school and on tire means lo be taken for sendinwou turjirj lo that establiahment to be modctised for this city there were four candidates tn the field namely mr robinson mr scott mr stnllm and mr mooney thr tai tr ramon catkiijic prom ihe firvcral opiuinns of tbe council oa the snlject i must say that 1 was totally at a loss to know whal to think of the matter some were for sending none others for sending two to 6c ami or cenrlenten others recommended 12 jo each lo bo advanced for ibrir evpenses rwmswvesyfe pay any balance that mljht he rtq aired for further expense all these measure i disap prove of and so does eeery honett citian and inhabitant of kingston ii it well known there must be teachers of common schools to long as ihe school act is in brine j why not send two lo tbe normal school aa well as any olher torvn or city in the pro vince but at ihe same time scrtf them not u genfroim nor urf nr orcgors let tho council pay their way let ihxrn aj4 10 moremakin- j j7 10s ech vhrrb wilf y iheir way for three months toif nretwil t lut cry oecory ad oiso aeiad neat noi 0 ffcnrtvmcn 6u oi sftarfenfa i observed two protectant to be proposed ont of ihe four candidate and as a prolesuot i betiev lus is not dealinfair wilh our catholic nea- borsj no wonder i hen that they shoald mur- r- r at the conduct of some of oar city fathers heaiine some testimonials read and finding none to testify of mr mooney 1 senl a younc teolleman to know the reason why he had oi testimonial before the council lest it miht he a harrier o bis rsesnappoinl- ed in reply he informed the jrnltcman that he did not deem it cpdfctt a hr was wail known to every member of the council moreover thai he had the city uperipttend- onl letter before the council and thai he wa the only applicant who hid ot the same ns the others were not rtcrseniuy knuwn lo the superintendent thnt be believed the chairman thought it auaicienr to have tho sum read co the council the iiyht jiis ap- plication wa received i pros u red a copy of the lr her which j submit fo publication i would b happy to hear lhat in this ease lha council would allow thrinselees in lay naffy fitting nn4 prejudifcx side in the uc minilivn of lhe two candidates for tbt fouowing reaaon namely lhat should thrcouncil choose from amona the prnent candidates two prrteiisnt their situation would be per manent and it will not bv in ihe power of the km of ti 1 to remove them durirj pood conduct should this flnard appointed hy the iuuncil havo a mojoriiy in firw of protetanis the catholic catnmuuiiy will ho totally deprived of any rijthl i ihe education nf their chihhen ad yet ihey have to pay ihe school atacaiuicut a well as ihoaa vb3 rrap tlm benefits this would noi be enml privitc tnour fellow eitiaens hoping is uf itullkfl this imporlnnt niuller outly the council will lake the jmaml onuhthtlt r hy lht nomi miiion of ii rmtfiianl and a fjalbralh ov tftf nciinol selnml i remain mr kditor ynura nieut rrijafotfallf a kitiktmio rfvjvai paivawaan vliiplon km an tint 1 have great puasuro in cerllf inf thai t hlive inrsmne tinio humvti mr trhlt it mihinry teacher and that 1 aea man of uinlghl ehauete hlhi jully iuallhrd hy abilll ruce to uaeh an lnliih nihuul it molauah wt 0 kiuion voii ipn7 t 1 ulrsrn mth ft ah j f44m i and asss